PRICE S IX PE N CE :... '· TX 715 .C59 MODERN · COOKERY BOOK ODERN method s of cooking are far in advance of tho se used in M our forefath ers' tim e, or even 20 years ago. One of th e greatest advances of all is the introducti on of P YREX TR ANS PARENT OVEN WARE . No household is complete without it and the more modern and up-to-dat e it is th e more piece s of *PYREX will be found in it. And w hy ? Because it bas been pro ved that all food s actually bake better in PYREX . Many of th e m ost popula r everyday recipes for home ba king have been tested in the differe nt wares women most frequ en tly use. Prepare d with the same skill, baked at the same time und er identical conditions, th e va rious dishes were then examined and jud ge d on the basis of appearance, text ure and flavour. J n the se tests the PYREX-baked foods outrank ed all others. For there is so mething in the way PYREX utili ses heat that actually bakes food better. Scient ists give a ve ry learned explanation of why it is so ; but, put simpl y, it means that heat acts th ro ugh PYREX O VEN WARE more effectively than through metal ut ensils. This more effective heat, distrib utin g itself th ro ugh every part of the food, bakes bottom, sides and centre as even ly and perfectly as the top. Foo d may not on ly be coo ked in PYREX, but served in it as well. A ny hou sewife will appreciate what a saving of labour this means. o dishi ng up, only one set of uten sils to be cleaned afterwards, and the food lo okin g exqui site ly appetizing in the tran sparent glass. Numberless kitch ens already po ssess many pieces of PYREX , so me possess on ly a few. The object of this book is to show how there is one for almost every use, and also to be of help to the housewife. One shape could not be snit able for all things; but being made in every variety and size, a whole kitchen may be almo st entire ly equipp ed with PYREX an<l nothin g else. No ne,\· recipes are needed except in so far as they lend var iety. Stew s, tarts, vege tables, cake s, may all be cooked in it and serve d in th e same dishes in which they ha,·e been cooke d. \X'hen old ut ensils are ·worn out, let them be replac ed by PYR EX O VEN \'{! ARE. Coo king w hich before was a toi l will become a plea sure. No t only that, but the app eara nce of the table will be imp roved. The experienced hou sekeeper, or the yo un g wife, ha ve only to become acquaint ed with the possib iliti es of PYREX to refuse to return to the drudgery of old-fa shi oned methods. It is hope d that the dishes and recipes contain ed in th e following pages will prove of serv ice to all English hou sewives and isters across th e sea. • Registered Trade J\fark. The Juliette K. and Leonard S. Rakow Research Library I ~ ODERN methc M our forefather : advances of all OVEN WARE. No modern and up-to-date it is the more pieces of *PYREX will be found in it. And why ? Because it has been proved that all foods actually bake better in PYREX. Many of the most popular everyday recipes for home baking have been tested in the different wares women most frequently use. Prepared with the same skill, baked at the same time under identical conditions, the various dishes were then examined and judged on the basis of appearance, texture and flavour. ln these tests the PYREX-baked foods outranked all others. For there is something in the way PYREX utilises heat that actually bake s food bett er. Scientists give a very learned explanation of why it is so; but, put simpl y, it means that heat acts through PYREX OVEN WARE more effectively than through metal utensils. Thi s more effective heat, distributin g itself through every part of the food, bakes bottom, sides and centre as evenly and perfectly as the top. Food may not on ly be cooked in PYREX, but served in it as well. Any housewife will apprec iate what a saving of lab our this means. No dishing up, only one set of utensil s to be cleaned afterwards, and the food looking exquisite ly appetizin g in the transparent glass. Numberless kitchens already possess many pieces of PYREX, some posse ss on ly a few. The object of thi s book is to show how there is one for almost every use, and also to be of help to the housewife. One shape could not be suitab le for all things; but bein g made in every variety and size, a whole kitchen may be almost entirely equipp ed with PYREX an<l nothing else. No ne" · recipes are needed except in so far as they lend variety. Stews, tarts, vegetables, cakes, mar all be cooked in it and served in the same dishes in which they have been cooked . \"X1hen old uten sils are worn out, let them be replaced by PYREX OVEN WARE . Cooking which before was a toil will become a plea sure . Not on ly that, but the appearance of the table wi ll be improved. The experienced hou sekeeper, or the young wife, have only to become acquainted with the possibilities of PYREX to refuse to return to the drudger y of old-fashioned methods. It is hoped that the dishes and recipes contained in the fo llowing page s ·will prove of serv ice to all English housewives and sisters aero s th e sea. * Registered Trade i\fark. :k ·ed or :ut ·ice !tly ew up . ve all 'been s1r, th 1S 'book ha. 1 Tbe :rec 1.pes n a suppl i ed 1n eomo oas o ed aJld tested QJ\4 thU College. prepa T Tee.cheTe 1n t>y the o,.?f':rt cookery pYRil. d.1sha B bav o been ln eve ry c:iee 1.sf actorY · . ve p-rove d cnt 1r£l1Y se.i . u sed a.nd ha f a.1 thfullY, 0 . LQll you.r e ~"'<.. -t~ t on prtnoipal. rnch ra m and Recipes prepared by E . GLADYS CLARKE, Principal, ationa l School of Cookery, London. Licensees and Sole Manufact urers for Great Britain and Ireland, Austra lia, New Zealand, South Africa, India and Egypt. PYREX DEPT. James A. Jobling & Co., Limited WEA R FLI NT GLASS WORKS SUNDERLAN D, ENG LAN D PRINTED IN ENGLAND. COPYRIGHT. ENTERED AT STATIONERS' HALL SPECIMEN OF COMPLETE MEAL COOKED IN PYREX Menu MACARONI Soup HAM AND PoTATO HoT-PoT BRAI SED CELERY WINTER FRUIT PUDDING SAVOURY CU STARD COFFEE HI S is only one of the many complete meals that may be cooked in PYREX-meals which will please the most critica l guest, not only in Tthe eating, but in the appearance on the table. There is no washing up of two sets of pot s and dishes afterwar ds, just those which have appeared-the same as the meal was cooked in, and that is all. By careful planning menus may be so arra nged that all the dishes may be put in the oven at once and baked in the same temperature together. This is especia lly easy where there is a gas or electric oven, so that the heat can be definite ly regulated. Dinner is the time when PYREX may be regarded as most useful-and not merely a few " set " dinner s may be cooked in it, but hundreds of different ones ; enough to give every possible variety. Breakfa sts and lunches are just as easily cooked and served in it. For breakfast bacon and eggs, mu sh­ rooms or tomatoes, sausage s, etc ., all gain in flavour by it s use and remain hot for the late arrival. Scraps and odds and ends may be used up for luncheons and delici ously served up in PYREX. 2 SOUPS Artichoke Soup Cabba,ge Soup Ingredients : Ingredients : 2 lbs. Jeru salem 1 quart white stoc k 1 cabbage Salt and pepper artichokes Yz pint cream 3 oz. rice Crusts of bread 2 oz. butter Pepper and salt 1 oz. butt er 1 onion 2 oz. gra ted cheese 6 pint s wa ter or stock Method: Method: Was h, peel and slice the vegetab les in lemon juice and water. Melt the butter in a stew­ Wash the cabbage in severa l wa ters. Shred pan, put in the veg etable s, and cook carefu lly very finely. Boi l the vegeta ble stock, or for abo ut five minute s, bein g careful the water, and put in the cabbage and onion cut vege table s do not br ow n. Add the stock, sma ll, salt, pepp er and butter. Wash th e rice and boil until the artichoke s are tender , then and add to other ingredient s. Cook gently rub them throu g h a hair sieve. Return the fo r about o/.it o 1 hour . Put in tureen a few soup to the saucepan, wa rm it up , add the pieces of crust of bread and pour over soup.
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