For Reference

Not to be taken from this room


Entered at the Post Office, Sewanee, Term., as second- class matter under the Act of Congress, July 16, 1894.

Vol. 42 1948 No.

Annual Catalogue 1947-48

Announcements for Session of 1948-49

The Bulletin Is published quarterly, in February, May, August, and November, by The University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn.


Entered at the Post Office, Sewanee, Term., as second- class matter under the Act of Congress, July 16, 1894.

Vol. 42 1948 No. 4

Annual Catalogue 1947-48

Announcements for Session of 19+8-49

The Bulletin is published quarterly, in February, May, August, and November, by The University of the South, Sewanee, Tenn. . . .1

Calendar for 1948


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Calendar for 1949


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Calendar 4

Hoard of Regents ' 5

Officers of Instruction 6-IO

Officers of Administration 1 1-13

The University—General Information 16-46

College of Arts and Sciences 47-108

Register of Students 109-132

School of Theology 133-160

Commencement, 1947-48 161-166

Associated Alumni 165

Board of Trustees 166-167

Index 168 CALENDAR—Scholastic Year 1948-49

College of Arts and Sciences Summer Term 1948 June 28, Monday Registration and Matriculation.

June 29, Tuesday Classes meet at 8:00 a.m.

September 1, Wednesday End of Summer Term.

First Semester

September 20, Monday Registration and Matriculation of New Students. September 21, Tuesday Registration and Matriculation of Old Students. September 22, Wednesday Classes meet at 8:00 a.m. Opening Chapel Service at Noon.

October 10, Sunday Founders' Day, Commemorative Service.

December 17, Friday Christmas Holidays begin at Noon.


January 4, Tuesday Christmas Holidays end. Classes meet at 8:00 a.m.

January 24, Monday First Semester Examinations begin. January 29, Saturday 'First Semester ends.

Second Semester

January 31, Monday . .Registration and Matriculation.

February 1, Tuesday Classes meet at 8:00 a.m.

March 2, Wednesday Ash Wednesday, Chapel Service.

April 1, Friday Spring Recess begins at Noon. April 11, Monday .Spring Recess ends. Classes meet at 8:00 a.m.

April 15, Friday Good Friday.

April 17, Sunday Easter Day.

June 2, Thursday Second Semester Examinations begin.

June 8, Wednesday Second Semester Examinations end.

June 9, Thursday Commencement Exercises begin. June 13, Monday Commencement Day.

School of Theology

The calendar of the School of Theology is printed on page 133. BOARD OF REGENTS

Frank M. Gillespie, B.A., Chairman, San Antonio, Texas. Rt. Rev. Frank A. Juhan, D.D., Chancellor, Jacksonville, Florida. Alexander Guerry, D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Chancellor, Sewa- nee, Tennessee. Rt. Rev. R. Bland Mitchell, D.D., Little Rock, Arkan-

sas. Rt. Rev. Thomas N. Carruthers, M.A., D.D., Charleston, South Carolina. Rt. Rev. John L. Jackson, D.D., New Orleans, Louisiana. Rev. Girault M. Jones, B.D., Secretary, New Orleans, Louisiana. Rev. James McD. Dick, B.D., Raleigh, North Carolina. Very Rev. John B. Walthour, B.D., Atlanta, Georgia.

J. A. Setze, Augusta, Georgia.

J. Albert Woods, Jacksonville, Florida. W. Dudley Gale, B.A., Nashville, Tennessee. Edmund Orgill, B.A., Memphis, Tennessee. James T. MacKenzie, M.A., D.Sc, Birmingham, Alabama.



ALEXANDER GUERRY, BA., D.C.L, LL£>. Vice-Chancellor,

GEORGE MERRICK BAKER, B.A., PhJD., Yale, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Germanic Languages.

The Rev. ROBERT FISHER GIBSON, JR., A.B., Trinity; M.A., Virginia; B.D., Virginia Theological Seminary,

Dean of the School of Theology.

ROY BENTON DAVIS, B.A., Earlham College; M.A., Missouri,

F. B. Williams Professor of Chemistry.

WILLIAM WATERS LEWIS, C.E., University of the South,

Professor of Spanish.

HENRY MARKLEY GASS, B.A., M.A., University of the South, M.A., (Oxon),

Professor of Greek and Acting Professor of Latin.

The Rev. GEORGE BOGGAN MYERS, LL.B., University of Mississippi; B.D., University of the South, D.D., Philadelphia Divinity School,

Professor of Philosophy of Religion, Ethics and Sociology.

EUGENE MARK KAYDEN, B.A., University of Colorado; M.A., Harvard University, Professor of Economics.

JOHN MAXWELL STOWELL McDONALD, B.A., Harvard; M.A., Ph.D., Columbia, Professor of Philosophy. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION 7

ROBERT LOWELL PETRY, BA, Earlham; Ph.D., Princeton,

Professor of Physics,

DAVID ETHAN FRIERSON, B. A., M.A., South Carolina; Ph.D., North Carolina, Professor of French,

EDWARD McCRADY, JR., B.A., College of Charleston; M.S., University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania,

Professor of Biology.

The Rev. BAYARD HALE JONES, B.A., M.A., M.L., University of California; B.D., General Theological Seminary; D.D., Church Divinity School of the Pacific, Professor of Ecclesiastical History.


Jesse Spalding Professor of English Literature.

. GASTON SWINDELL BRUTON, B.A., M.A., University of North Carolina; Ph.D., Wisconsin,

Professor of Mathematics.

The Rev. EARLY WHITTEN POINDEXTER, JR., B.A., B.D., The University of the South, Chaplain and Professor of English Bible.

JOHN SEDBERRY MARSHALL, B.A., Pomona College; Ph.D., Boston University, Professor of Philosophy.

PAUL SCOFIELD McCONNELL, AAGO, B.A., University of Southern California; M.A., Princeton, Professor of Music and Spanish.

ARTHUR BUTLER DUGAN, A.B., A.M., Princeton; B.Litt., Oxford; Diploma in Economics and Political Science, Oxford,

Professor of Political Science. b THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

CHARLES TRAWICK HARRISON, A.B., Alabama; A.M., Harvard, Ph.D., Harvard, Professor of English.

The Rev. DANIEL ARTHUR McGREGOR, B.A., M.A., McMaster University; Ph.D., Chicago, S.T.D., Western Theological Seminary,

Visiting Professor of Theology.

STRATTON BUCK, A.B., University of Michigan; A.M., Columbia; Ph.D., University of Chicago,

Associate Professor of French.

ABBOTT COTTEN MARTIN, B.A., M.A., University of Mississippi,

Associate Professor of English.

MAURICE AUGUSTUS MOORE, JR., B.S., University of the South; M.A., North Carolina, Associate Professor of English.

JAMES EDWARD THOROGOOD, B.A., MA., University of the South,

Associate Professor of Economics.

CHARLES EDWARD CHESTON, B.S., Syracuse University; M.F., Yale School of Forestry,

Associate Professor of Forestry.

ROBERT McQUEEN grant, A.B., Northwestern University; B.D., Union Theological Seminary; S.T.M., and Th.D., Harvard,

Associate Professor of New Testament Language and Interpretation.

ROBERT HOOKE, B.A., M.A., North Carolina; Ph.D., Princeton, Associate Professor of Mathematics. THOMAS PAYNE GOVAN,

B.S., Georgia School of Technology; M.A., Emory; Ph.D., Vanderbilt, Francis S. Houghteling Associate Professor of History. OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION 9

Miss GERTRUDE VAN ZANDT, B.S., Texas Christian; M.S., Tulane, Associate Professor of Chemistry.

JAMES MILLER GRIMES, A.B., M.A., Ph.D., North Carolina, Assistant Professor of History.

JOHN GIBBS MAHAN, B.A., Lynchburg; M.A., Ph.D., Virginia, Assistant Professor of Biology.

BEVERLY TURPIN MOSS, A.B., University of Missouri; M.A., Ph.D., North Carolina, Assistant Professor of Latin.

JOHN JAMES ELLIS PALMER, B.A., Louisiana Polytechnic Institute; A.B., Louisiana State; B.Litt., Oxford University,

Assistant Professor of English and Editor of the Sezvanee Review.

JOHN MAURICE WEBB, B.A., Duke; M.A., Yale, Assistant Professor of History.

PAUL HAMILTON WARING WEBB, B.S., South Carolina; M.A., George Washington University,

Assistant Professor of Biology.

ROBERT WAYNE KOZA, A.B., Duke; M.S., Georgia School of Technology, Assistant Professor of Physics.

The Rev. ERLE HOMER MERRIMAN, B.D., General Theological Seminary; S.T.M., Western Theological Seminary; D.D., University of the South, Lecturer in Old Testament Language and Interpretation. WALTER LEWIS McGOLDRICK, B.A., University of the South; M.A., Peabody, Instructor in Public Speaking. 10 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

WINFRED PLEASANTS MINTER, B.S., M.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Instructor in Political Science.


Instructor in English and Editorial Assistant of the Sezvanee Review.

The Rev. HENRI MANNING, B.A., Tulane; B.D., University of the South, Assistant Chaplain and Instructor in Bible.

CHARLES EDWARD THOMAS, B.A., B.A., University of the South, Instructor in English.

HORACE WALTON FAIRBROTHER, JR., B.S., Rice; M.S., M.I.T., Instructor in Chemistry.

Miss LETHEA KAYS, B.S., University of Chattanooga, Assistant Instructor in Chemistry.

EMMETT MOORE WAITS, A.B., Transylvania, Assistant in English.

HOWARD KELLY SEIBELS, B.S., University of the South, Assistant in Mathematics.

WILLIAM BELLINGRATH ELMORE, B.S., University of the South, Assistant in Mathematics. OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION II


ALEXANDER GUERRY, B.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Chancellor and President of the Corporation.

GEORGE MERRICK BAKER, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

HENRY MARKLEY GASS, B.A., M.A., Dean of Men.

The Rev. ROBERT FISHER GIBSON, JR., A.B., M.A., B.D. Dean of the Theological School.



IREL HALL HODGES, M.A., B.S. in L.S, Librarian.


GASTON SWINDELL BRUTON, Ph.D., Vice-President for Agencies.

CHARLES EDWARD THOMAS, B.A., Director of Admissions. WALTER RICHARD BEYER, Business Manager.

ARTHUR BENJAMIN CHITTY, B.A., Director of Public Relations and Alumni Secretary.

GORDON MORRIS CLARK, B.S., Director of Athletics.


JOHN DIXON BRIDGERS, B.S, Instructor in Athletics.

ALBIN CLIFFORD THOMPSON, Director of the University Press.


Health Officer.

ELIZABETH W. KIRBY-SMITH, M.D., OSCAR N. TORIAN, M.D., ROBERT R. GATLING, M.D., HARROLD RAE FLINTOFF, Superintendent, Staff of the Emerald-Hodgson Hospital.

CHARLES WALTON UNDERWOOD, Commissioner of Buildings and Lands.

DOUGLAS LOUGHMILLER VAUGHAN, Jr., B.S. Manager of the University Supply Store.

W. CECIL MYERS, Manager of the University Laundry.


Manager of Magnolia Dining Hall.

STANLEY GRESLEY, Manager of Tuckaway Inn.

HENRY BELL SCOTT, M.S., Manager of the Sewanee Union. WILLIAM PORTER WARE, Campaign Director.

Miss LULA MARION TALIAFERRO, Assistant Treasurer.

Mrs. WALTER R. BEYER, Secretary to the Vice-Chancellor. 3


Miss CORINNE BURG, B.A., B.S. in L.S., Cataloguer.

Miss ANN MARY CLEVELAND, B.A, Library Assistant.

Mrs. GEORGE LAZENBY REYNOLDS, A.B., Library Assistant.

BLACKBURN HUGHES, Jr., Head Proctor at Johnson Hall. LAVAN B. DAVIS, Proctor at Barnwell Hall. JOHN GUERRY, Proctor at Bartonia Halls. I. ARMISTEAD NELSON, Proctor at Bartonia Halls. GEORGE Y. CAMPBELL, Proctor at Cannon Hall. CHARLES V. FLOWERS, Proctor at Hoffman Hall. ROBERT S. SNELL, Proctor at Powhatan Hall.

STIRLING A. LIPSCOMB, Jr., Proctor at Selden Hall.

HARRY B. DOUGLAS, Jr., Proctor at Sewanee Inn. MARTIN R. TILSON, Proctor at St. Luke's Hall. ANTHONY G. DIFFENBAUGH, Proctor at Van Ness Hall.

DAVID M. CLEVELAND, Jr., Proctor at Woodland Apartments.

MATRONS Mrs. KATIE WILLIAMS, Cannon Hall. Mrs. EPHRAIM KIRBY-SMITH, Hoffman Hall. Miss KATHERINE SMITH, Johnson Hall Mrs. S. S. DOWLING, Barnwell and Selden Halls. Mrs. LAURA NEBLETT, St. Luke's Hall.

Mrs. I. G. WESSON, Sewanee Inn. Mrs. W. F. BOLMER, Sr., Dietitian, Sewanee Inn. M THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH HEBDOMADAL BOARD

Constituted by the Board of Regents to act as a council of advice to

the Vice-Chancellor in the government of the University


Vice-Chancellor, Chairman ex officio.

GEORGE M. BAKER, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

ROBERT F. GIBSON, JR., Dean of the School of Theology.



Athletic Board of Control—Dr. Guerry, Professors Bruton, Frierson and Poindexter, Mr. Gordon Clark, Mr. C. V. Flowers, and Mr. William M. Cravens.

Faculty Chairman of Athletics—Professor Gaston S. Bruton.

Catalogue—Dean Baker, Dean Gibson, Professor Kayden and the Registrar.

Fire Protection—Mr. W. R. Beyer, Professors Bruton and Cheston.

Library—Professors Long, Davis, Kayden, Bruton, Buck, and Dugan.

Publications Board—Professors Palmer, Long and Cheston and Stu- dents M. S. Hammond and R. F. Howell. 5


With powers and duties defined in the Ordinances of the University. Composed of the Vice-Chancellor and Chaplain and

all Full Professors.

ALEXANDER GUERRY, Vice-Chancellor, Chairman. GEORGE M. BAKER,



john m. s. Mcdonald,











UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH is a Christian TEinstitution, with a clearly-discerned philosophy of Christian education, owned by twenty-two dioceses of the Protestant Episcopal Church. It has no religious restrictions but presumes the disposition of all members of its community to live within the creative provisions of its controlling concepts. Young men of all denominations are enrolled in the student-body. The idea of The University of the South was born in a manifesto signed and published by nine Southern bishops attending the National Convention of the Episcopal Church in Philadelphia in 1856. The leader in the movement was Bishop Leonidas Polk of Louisiana. This declaration was an invitation and an appeal to the Church in the South to take steps to found an institution of higher learning, because, in the thought of the bishops' letter, "the establishing of a

Christian University by our Church is a compelling neces- sity, for intelligence and moral sentiment are the support of government".

In response to the call of the Philadelphia message, the bishops and the duly elected clergy and laymen of their several dioceses assembled on Lookout Mountain in Tennes- see on July 4th, 1857, the date of the foundation of The University of the South as recorded in its history. This HISTORY assembly, which was actually a meeting of trustees, deter- mined by formal resolution to establish a University. The trustees launched plans for the great undertaking, appointed committees to carry on the preliminary work, and ad- journed to gather again in the fall.

According to agreement, the trustees met in Montgomery, Alabama, on November 25th, 1857. Here they named the institution which they were to build "The University of the South", and selected Sewanee, Tennessee, on a plateau in the Cumberland Mountains, as the site and home of the proposed University. And since that time The University of the South has been popularly known as "Sewanee".

At historic Beersheba Springs, thirty miles north of Sewa- nee, the Trustees assembled for the third time on July 3rd, 1858. The charter of the University, granted by the Legis- lature of Tennessee on January 6th of the same year, was presented to the Board of Trustees. Further plans were made to open the University as soon as possible.

The corner-stone of The University of the South was laid on October 10th, 1S60. A great concourse of people gathered in the forest on the Mountain top for the impres- sive and significant ceremony. The whole scene was the ro- mantic reality of a magnificent vision come true. Bishop

Elliott of Georgia placed first in the cornerstone a copy of the Bible and then a copy of the Book of Common Prayer.

Bishop Leonidas Polk of Louisiana formally laid the stone, speaking these words, "I, Leonidas Polk, D.D., Bishop of

Louisiana, on this tenth day of October, in the year of grace one thousand eight hundred and sixty, do lay this corner- stone of an edifice to be here erected as the principal build- ing of The University of the South, an institution es- tablished for the cultivation of true religion, learning and l8 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH virtue, that thereby God may be glorified and the happiness of man may be advanced". The Honorable John S. Preston of South Carolina delivered the oration. Among the many fine statements in his splendid address this sentence chal- lenges the attention of men today as it did at that time— "Unless we are taught to use them in the right way, civil and religious liberties are worthless and dangerous boons". Then came the Civil War. The conflict which raged for

four years put an end temporarily to all plans to build the University. And after the War came reconstruction. It ap- peared that the concept of a great Christian University might be lost in the struggle of contending armies and in the chaos and uncertainty that followed upon the heels of bat- tle. But the dream lived on in the hearts and minds of men.

After the strife was over and as the South began its valiant effort to rebuild itself, men's thoughts turned again to the undertaking which had fired their imagination. With hero- ism and renewed confidence, the Church, under the leader- ship of Bishop Quintard of Tennessee, picked up the threads that had been broken by the clash of arms and knit them together again.

And in 1868 on September 18th The University of the South was opened, with an enrollment of nine students for its first session. There were only three frame buildings, St. Augustine's Chapel, Otey Hall and Cobbs Hall. But that was enough. Courage had triumphed. The University en- visioned by the bishops in Philadelphia had been established.

Since that time eighty years have passed, years of toil and sacrifice on the part of a host of men and women loyal and devoted to Sewanee and her mission, years of victory and defeat, of hope and disappointment, years of an abiding and steadfast faith not to be denied. The handful of students EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES 19 has grown. Buildings have been erected one by one. The

University of the South is now composed of a College of Liberal Arts accommodating approximately five hundred students, and a Theological School of forty students. Apart from and near to the University campus and under the same

Board of Trustees is the Sewanee Military Academy, an excellent preparatory school of two hundred and fifty boys.

The first frame buildings and others like it of the early periods have gone. Beautiful stone buildings of artistic design have taken their place, twenty-seven in all, and all constructed of stone from the mountain on which they rest.

The campus of the University is one of the loveliest in

America, with its winding walks, green grass, and majestic oaks. Close by is the mountain's edge with enchanting views of the valley below.

Here conditions are almost ideal for the pursuit of learn- ing, for growth of mind and spirit, for enrichment of per- sonality, for development of nobility of character.

Just as the establishing of a great Christian University in 1856 was a compelling necessity, the strength and per- manence of The University of the South for the present and the future are also a compelling necessity. In this day, as in that of the inception of Sewanee, intelligence and moral sentiment are the support of government and society. Among a society of free people there must be intelligence, the disciplined mind endowed with wisdom and understanding, in order that the people may rule themselves wisely and justly. Among such a society there must be moral senti- ment, a moral tone, the reality of spiritual ideals in order that the people may possess that righteousness which exalteth a nation. Both intelligence and morality are necessary because the mind without the control and motivation of spiritual ideals 20 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

is a negative or a destructive agency, and because spiritual idealism without intelligence is weak and futile. The aim and purpose of the University are clearly set forth in the following statement formulated by the University Senate:

"We are definitely committed at Sewanee to the College of Liberal Arts as a distinct unit in the educational system of our country, with a contribution to make that can be made by no other agency. In an age when the demand for the immediately practical is so insistent, when the in- tegrity of the College of Liberal Arts is imperilled by the demands of vocational training, we adhere to the basic function of the College of Liberal Arts: the training of youth in Christian virtue, in personal initiative, in self- mastery, in social consciousness, in aesthetic appreciation, in intellectual integrity and scientific methods of inquiry.

"This function can best be performed in a small college through the medium of a faculty of character and distinc- tion maintaining intimate personal contact with a carefully selected group of students.

"As a further means, the curriculum of the College of Liberal Arts should not only be of a definite character but seek consistently and positively the correlation of the vari- ous branches of knowledge by referring them to a funda- mental principle in the light of which can be seen mathe- matics and physics reaching up through philosophy, to the knowledge of God; biology, chemistry and geology as a progressive revelation of the creative, force in the universe; and economics, sociology, and political science looking for- ward to the realization of the Christian ideal of human society founded on the Brotherhood of Man and the Father- hood of God. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES 21

"The well-rounded curriculum recognizes the importance of ancient languages and literature and conserves thereby the best that there is in the past of the race; it gives a posi- tion of emphasis to the study of the English language and literature, together with a training in oratory and debate, as necessary to a proper appreciation of our Anglo-Saxon tradi- tions; it gives due recognition to Pure Science, the Social Sciences, and History as indispensable instruments for main- taining an intelligent contact with contemporary life and civilization; it includes modern languages and literature as the surest means to a true understanding of the manners and institutions of those nations who share with us the bur- dens of human progress; it looks to the study of philosophy as the agency which synthesizes and unifies all departments of human endeavor. The educational program of the Col- lege of Liberal Arts requires the recognition of the sanctity of the human body and the necessity for its development in wholesome and well-regulated athletics.

"Furthermore, inasmuch as religious faith is the essential basis of right conduct and as that faith is best cultivated through the aid of Divine Revelation, The University of the South regards as indispensable to the realization of its ideals of cultured and useful manhood, systematic courses of instruction in the Bible. Finally, as there is no true progress without a goal, The University of the South states this to be the end and objective of its effort in any and all of its departments: the realization of the Kingdom of God, which is the kingdom of love, as interpreted in the life and teaching of Jesus Christ". <



EWANEE, the site of The University of the

South, is located on the Cumberland Plateau about midway between Nashville and Chattanooga, Ten- nessee, on the Nashville, Chattanooga, and St. Louis Rail- road. The U. S. Highway No. 64 from Memphis and the West to Chattanooga and the South and East passes through Sewanee. The U. S. Highway No. 41 from Chicago to Flori- da connects with Highway No. 64 about five miles north of Sewanee.

Railroad tickets may be bought direct to Sewanee or to< Cowan, Tennessee, six miles from Sewanee. Taxi transporta- tion from Cowan to the University's campus is available. Sewanee has long-distance telephone and telegraph ser- vice, express and money order facilities, a local bank, the Bank of Sewanee, and stores in the village as well as the University's store on the campus. The domain of The University of the South comprises ten thousand acres of land in the Cumberland Mountains at Sewanee, Tennessee, two thousand feet above sea level. Such an extensive domain, completely under the ownership- and control of the University, provides a rare location for a University campus and affords unusual facilities for recrea- tion and athletic sport of all sorts. The climate is healthful and invigorating. The inhabitants are particularly exempt from malaria and pulmonary troubles.

The domain is beautiful in itself and, reaching in many places to the mountain's edge, presents beautiful scenes of mountains, hills and valleys. All permanent buildings of the University are built of sandstone found upon the University's domain. The beauty THE UNIVERSITY DOMAIN AND BUILDINGS 23

of the domain and campus is matched by the beauty of the University's buildings. For the information of those who read its pages, this book gives in the following paragraphs a brief description of each building. The Emerald-Hodgson Hospital.—The Hodgson Me- morial Infirmary, the first stone building for University uses, was erected in 1877. This building, the gift of the Rev. Telfair Hodgson, D.D., and Mrs. Hodgson, in memory of a daughter, was intended for a library, but, owing to changes in the general plan for University buildings, was found to be too far from the central group. In 1899 this beautiful structure was enlarged and converted into a hospital, with wards for both free and pay patients. In 1908 another addi- tion was built, containing a well-equipped operating room.

On February 10, 191 1, this hospital, with the exception of the 1908 addition, was destroyed by fire. Liberal contribu- tions made it possible to rebuild on a larger scale in 1912, the proceeds of the fire insurance policy being set aside as part of a permanent endowment. The new building, which

is equipped in conformity with modern requirements, is known as the Emerald-Hodgson Hospital. St. Luke's Memorial Hall, the gift of Mrs. Charlotte Morris Manigault, of South Carolina, was built in 1878 for the use of the School of Theology. It contains a library, three lecture-rooms, and eighteen studies, each study opening into a pair of bedrooms, thus affording accommodations for thirty-six students. The hall, attractive in itself as a speci- men of architecture, faces the pleasing grounds of Manigault Park. St. Luke's Memorial Chapel, the gift of the late Mrs. Telfair Hodgson, as a memorial to her husband, the Rev. Telfair Hodgson, D.D., at one time Vice-Chancellor of the University and Dean of the Theological School, stands a short distance to the south of St. Luke's Hall. 24 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

Thompson Hall, named for the Hon. Jacob Thompson, of Mississippi, was erected in 1883 and enlarged in 1901. Mrs. James L. Houghteling of Chicago generously provided for the remodeling of this building as a memorial to her late husband. Mr. James L. Houghteling. Known as the Sewanee Union, Thompson Hall contains students' club rooms, a sandwich shop, an auditorium for lectures and dramatic club plays, and a theatre with the latest sound-reproducing equip- ment for motion pictures. Much of the community life is centered in this building.

The Library Building, formerly known as Convocation

Hall, is one of the most substantial and beautiful buildings of the University. Its corner-stone was laid in the year 1886. Through the generosity of an alumnus, this building was furnished and equipped as a library in 1901. The tower that forms the entrance to the building is called Breslin Tower, the funds for its erection having been donated by Thomas and Elizabeth Breslin in memory of their daughter Lucy.

It is modeled after the tower of Magdalen College Chapel,

Oxford, is twenty-nine by thirty feet at the base, and rises to the height of a hundred feet.

In 1935, the General Education Board generously con- tributed #25,000 for the renovation of the Library. The Reading Room has been remodeled, the basement has been converted into a modern fire-proof stackroom, and con- ference rooms have been provided for in the tower. In 1900 the Rev. George William Douglas, D.D., of Tux- edo, , placed in the tower a clock and West- minster Chimes in memory of his mother, Mrs. Charlotte Ferris Douglas.

Walsh Memorial Hall contains administrative offices, classrooms of the College of Arts and Sciences, and the University Art Gallery. This building, the gift of the late UNIVERSITY DOMAIN AND BUILDINGS 2$

Vincent D. Walsh, of Louisiana, was erected in 1890, as a memorial to his daughter Susan Jessie.

Magnolia Hall, a building of frame construction, pro- vides a central Dining Hall accommodating 325 students.

Dormitories. Students of the University are housed in modern fire-proof dormitories. There are five of these build- ings for the convenience of the students of the College of Arts and Sciences. They are centrally located and contain ma- tron's quarters, students' common room and dormitory ac- commodations for 40 to 60 students in each building: Hoff- man Hall (built 1921), Sewanee Inn (built 1922), Can- non Hall (built 1925), Johnson Hall (built 1926), and Tuck- away Inn (built 1930). This last named building has guest rooms for visitors and transients.

The University has recently purchased the Ambler resi- dence, the Van Ness residence and the Kirby-Smith resi- dence, frame buildings which have been renovated and equipped as dormitories for students. They will be known respectively as Gregg Hall, Van Ness Hall and Powhatan

Hall. Gregg Hall is now a dormitory for the Sewanee Mili- tary Academy. The University has recently erected temporary frame buildings to provide dormitory space for its increased en- rollment. These buildings are known as Bartonia, Barn- well, and Selden Halls and Woodland Apartments.

Palmetto, a new temporary structure, provides addi- tional space for class-rooms and faculty and administrative offices.

Quintard Memorial Hall was erected in 1901, in mem- ory of the late Bishop of Tennessee, by Mr. George Quintard, of New York, and Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, of the same city, the former donating $40,000 and the latter $15,000. 26 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

This superb stone structure, the main building of the Se- wanee Military Academy, was destroyed by fire October 28, 1919. It has been rebuilt with fire-proof construction.

The OrmOnd Simkins Field House. Built 1927. This is a steel and concrete structure having accommodations for basketball, handball, indoor tennis, squash. It contains shower baths, locker rooms, and equipment room.

All Saints' Chapel. Used as the devotional center of the University. It was designed by Cram, Goodhue, and Fergu- son, and when the complete plans of the architects are car- ried out, All Saints' Chapel will be a magnificent church in collegiate Gothic style.

The Carnegie Science Hall, the gift of Mr. Andrew

Carnegie, is a handsome, spacious sand-stone building pro- viding ample accommodations for the departments of Biology, Chemistry, Forestry, and Physics. The Chapin Physical Laboratory was equipped through the generosity of Mr. Charles M. Chapin of . The Howard Chemi- cal Laboratory was the gift of Mrs. Mary Giles Howard of Chattanooga.

In April of 1940, upon the successful completion of the campaign for a Sustaining Fund of $500,000.00, the General Education Board of New York made a grant of $25,000.00 lor the renovation of the interior of Science Hall, for furni- ture for the building, and for the purchase of laboratory apparatus and material. The expenditure of this sum has given the University of the South exceptionally fine accom- modations and equipment for instruction and study in the field of the natural sciences.

The six-inch telescope given to the University in 19 13 by

Mrs. J. L. Harris of New Orleans has been installed in a well constructed and handsome observatory, the erection of UNIVERSITY DOMAIN AND BUILDINGS 2/ which was made possible by the generosity of the General Education Board.

In addition to these public buildings, the University also. owns a number of residences for accommodation of its of- ficers and faculty.


The University has an adequate water supply which is furnished by springs and deep bored wells. Periodic bac- teriological examinations show purity and freedom from any- harmful bacteria. 28 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

EXPENSES, 1948-1949

College of Arts and Sciences Each Semester Tuition $175.00 University Fee 55-00 *Student Activity Fee 10.00 Hospitalization 8.00 Room 55-00 Board 158.00 Laundry 22.00

Total $483-00

Students taking work in the Science Department pay also the following

fees: In Chemistry, a general fee of $6.00 per semester and a contingent fee of $3.00 per semester; in Biology, a general fee of $6.00 per semester; in Physics, Forestry, Engineering, Botany, a general fee of $4.50 per semester for laboratory courses.

The cost of the Summer Term from June 28 to September 1 will be: Tuition $ 90.00 University Fee 20.00 Hospitalization 5.00 Room 30.00 Board 100.00 Laundry 14.00

Total $259.00

School of Theology Each Semesteb Tuition University Fee 55-00 *Student Activity Fee 10.00 Hospitalization 8.00 Room 55-00 Board 158.00 Laundry 22.00

Total $308.00

The University of the South accepts a student only for

*$i.oo for subscription to "Sewanee Purple." expenses j 1 948- 1 949 (Continued) 29

an entire semester or for the entire period of the semester following his admission. The full charges for the semester are due and payable in advance upon entrance, and payment of all charges is an integral part of the student's registration.

The University offers, however, the plan of payment of semester charges in two installments with an additional fee of #3.00, or in four installments with an additional fee of $5.00, provided application for the privilege of bi-semester or quarterly payments, properly presented, is approved five days before registration for the semester. If the plan of bi-

semester or quarterly installments is followed, all payments for the semester must be completed five days before semester

examinations begin. It is a regulation of the University that any student whose charges and fees, regular or special, are not paid in full will not be allowed to take his semester ex- aminations.

If a student, after registration, is dismissed from the Uni-

versity or withdraws for any cause except for illness, he is not entitled to any refund of the sum paid to the University or to cancellation of any sum due and payable to the Uni- versity. In the event of a student's withdrawal from the University by reason of illness and with the advice and per- mission of the Health Officer, he shall receive a refund of

one-half of all charges for the period of time from his with-

drawal to the end of the semester. A student is officially enrolled in the University for a semester immediately upon completion of his registration.

If a student exercises the privilege of a charge account with one of the University's agencies, such as the University Supply Store or the Hospital, this account must be paid five

days before semester examinations begin. It is customary for the student to present written authority of his parent for a charge account at the University Supply Store. 30 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

The University does not charge a contingent fee. Any student responsible for damage to property shall pay the cost of repairs or replacement. If it is not possible to ascertain the names of parties responsible for damage to property, then the proportionate cost of damages shall be charged against each student in a dormitory or in the University, as the case may be. All charges for damage to property be- come part of the student's account for the semester and must be paid before the semester examinations begin. A student is requested to report damage of property immediately to the Business Manager and to assume responsibility for the cost of repairs if he is the responsible party.

The charge for room includes, of course, cost of light, and this is interpreted by the University as the reasonable use of electric current in lamps or globes of customary size, which provide the necessary degree or amount of light ac- cording to test and check by the Health Officer. The charge for room does not include current used in over-sized lamps, globes, electric cooking and heating appliances. The Uni- versity charges, therefore, a fee of $2.50 a semester for each electric cooking or heating appliance.

A room-reservation fee of $25.00 is required of all stu- dents. This is not an extra charge, for this fee is credited to the student's semester room-charge. A room will not be reserved without payment of fee. Each room is reserved in order of receipt of reservation fee.

A late registration fee of $5.00 is charged for registration after the opening date of each semester.

The student activity fee covers admission to all local athletic events, subscriptions to student publications, and the support of student activities in general.

The University fee covers general items not included in other charges. expenses, 1948-1949 (Continued) 31

All students are required to live in the University halls or in halls licensed by the University. All students are required to take their meals in the University dining halls. This provision does not apply of course to young men who live at home with their families in the vicinity of the Uni- versity and who attend the College as day students.

Every student is expected to provide himself with the fol- lowing articles: 4 sheets, 2 double blankets, 2 spreads for single beds, 4 pillow cases, 12 towels.

A graduation fee of #10.00 is charged.

The hospitalization fee of #8.00 a semester covers the general cost of hospitalization and the general services of the University Health Officer but does not cover cost of operations or such special costs as X-ray plates and the like.

The laundry fee covers laundry service for the following number of articles each week: 4 Shirts, 4 Suits Underwear, 4 Pairs Socks, 1 Pajama Suit, 5 Handkerchiefs, 5 Towels,

2 Sheets, 2 Pillowslips, 1 Bed-spread, 2 Wash-rags, 2 Col- lars. For laundry in excess of this total the University charges according to the cost of each article.

Students in the School of Theology should provide them- selves with a cassock and cotta. Academic gowns may be purchased after arrival at the University. 32 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH SCHOLARSHIPS AND OTHER AID

The following scholarships are available to students of the College, but involve no remission of tuition fees:

The Rosa C. Allen Scholarship

I he income from a fund of £14.000. For the benefit of Christian education. Recipients shall be nominated by the Rector of Christ Church, Houston, Texas, and must be resident in the Diocese of Texas.

The Philo Sherman Bennett Fund A fund of $500 presented by the Hon. William Jennings Bryan, Trustee, the income to be applied in aid of poor and deserving boys in obtaining an education.

The George Nexsen Brady Scholarship The income from $6,000, the gift of R. McClelland Brady and Mary A. Berry, of Detroit, Mich., as a memorial to their father, George Nexsen Brady, toward the expenses of a worthy student in the University, prefer- ably a postulant or a candidate for Holy Orders, the beneficiary to be nominated by the Rev. Frank Hale Touret, Bishop of Idaho, during his lifetime, and thereafter by the Bishop of the Diocese of Michigan; or by the Vice-Chancellor of the University in the event of no nomination being made by either of them prior to thirty days before the opening of the school term.

The Margaret E. Bridgers Scholarship The income from $6,000, to educate one or more deserving young men

<>( promise in need of financial aid, said beneficiary to be selected and nominated by the rector of St. James' Church, Wilmington, N. C.

The Annie Wingfield Claybrooke Scholarship

The income from $8,000, established 1926, by Misses Elvina, Eliza, and

Virginia Claybrooke, of Nashville, Tennessee, in memory of their sister Annie Wingfield Claybrooke. To assist in the education of a worthy Southern boy of American birth, preferably a postulant or candidate for Holy Orders; the beneficiary to be designated by the V ice-Chancellor of the University.

The Columbus, Ga., Scholarship The income from a fund of $5,000, the gift of Mrs. George Foster Pea- body, of New York. Originally this was a graduate scholarship, but in SCHOLARSHIPS AND OTHER AID 33

1936, by letter td the Vice-Chancellor. Mr. Peabody transferred it from a graduate scholarship to an undergraduate scholarship in the College. The beneficiary to be named by the Vice-Chancellor.

The Myra Adelia Craigmiles Cross Scholarship The income from $70,811.08, the bequest of Mrs. Myra Adelia Craig- miles Cross, to assist in the education of needy and worthy students to be selected by the proper officers of the University. Established 193 1.

The Byrd Douglas Fund The income from approximately $5,800, bequeathed to the University by Miss Mary Miller to aid in the education of deserving Tennessee boys, the beneficiaries to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor.

The Bishop Dudley Memorial Scholarship The income from $5,000, the gift of Mrs. Herman Aldrich of New York City, in memory of the Rt. Rev. Thomas Underwood Dudley, D.D., LL.D., D.C.L., Bishop of Kentucky and Chancellor of this University. The beneficiaries are appointed by the Faculty.

The Rosalie Quitman Duncan Memorial Scholarship The income from $3,000 bequeathed to the University by Misses Eva C. and Alice Quitman Lovell, of Natchez, Miss., to be used in the payment of the expenses of some student at the University of the South, and to be awarded under rules and regulations promulgated by said University.

The Florida Scholarship The income of property, valued at $10,000, bequeathed to the Uni- versity by Mrs. Anastasia Howard. The beneficiary is appointed by the Bishop of Florida.

The William A. and Harriet Goodwyn Endowment Fund The income from $11,000, the gift of the late Judge William A. Good- wyn, of Memphis, Tenn., and his wife, Harriet Goodwyn, for the purpose of educating one or more worthy students who could not otherwise defray their college expenses.

The James Hill Scholarships The James Hill Scholarships are provided by the income from a bequest of $39,000, made by Mr. James Hill, of Mississippi, for educating promis- ing young men of marked ability who are in need of financial assistance to defray their college expenses. 34 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

The Humphrey Scholarship The income from a fund of $5,100 bequeathed under the will of Mrs. Laura Hoadley Humphrey, of La Grange, Troup County, Georgia. A fund to be held in trust an4 to be known as the Humphrey Scholarship; the income thereof to be used for the support, at the University of the South, of a postulant or postulants or candidate for the ministry from the Diocese of Atlanta, the beneficiary to be nominated by the Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta; and said beneficiary to be morally bound to serve said Diocese after his ordination to the Diaconate for a time equivalent to that in which he was a beneficiary of the scholarship.

The W. Lloyd Hunt Memorial Scholarship The income from $5,000, established 1929, by Mrs. Laura G. Hunt, of Raleigh, N. C, in memory of her husband. For postulants or candidates for Holy Orders; the beneficiary to be designated by the Rector of Trinity Church, Asheville, N. C, or by the Vice-Chancellor of the University in

case the designation is not made on or before September 1st.

The George Shall Kausler Scholarship The income from a fund of approximately $7,500, established in 1938 by Mrs. George S. Kausler, of New Orleans, La., in memory of her hus- band. To assist in the education of a needy boy. When possible, a New Orleans or Louisiana youth to be favored. The recipient to know in whose name the scholarship functions.

The Minna Retchum Memorial Fund Scholarship The income from $1,000, to be used as a scholarship for Mountain boys.

Established in 193 1 by the Convocation of Scranton of the Diocese of Bethlehem.

The Overton Lea, Jr., Memorial Scholarship The income from $5,000, the bequest of the late Overton Lea, of Nash-

ville, as a memorial to his son, Overton Lea, Jr., an alumnus of this University.

The Lewis C. Nelson Scholarship Established 1932 The income from a trust fund of $5,000 to be used in paying the

tuition and if necessary the support of young men when in actual at- tendance as students in preparation for the ministry, or for assisting a young man in his preliminary education upon written statement of hu intention to prepare himself for the ministry. 5


The applicants for the proceeds of this fund must present a state- ment in writing that it is their intention to secure an education for the ministry and submit same to the Vice-Chancellor.

The Northern Students' Fund The income from a fund (#3.331.66) originated by the Sigma Phi Fra- ternity to assist worthy students from the North. Beneficiaries to be ap- pointed by the Vice-Chancellor from residents of Northern States.

The Thomas O'Connor Scholarship

The income from $10,000, established 1924, bequeathed to the University by Mrs. Fannie Renshaw O'Connor in memory of her husband; to be awarded on the basis of scholastic attainment, the beneficiary to be nominated annually by the Faculty to the Vice-Chancellor.

Burr James Ramage Fund Under the will of Mrs. Harriet Page Ramage there was bequeathed the sum of $8,568.31 for the purpose of establishing a scholarship in the Academic course for such students and under such conditions, limitations, rules and regulations as the faculty of the University may from time to time adopt. The said scholarship shall be known as the Burr James Ramage Scholarship as a permanent memorial to her late husband.

The Benjamin Strother Memorial Scholarship

The income from #5,000, established 1926, by Mrs. Lucy R. Strother, of Columbia, S. C, in memory of her son. Nominations to be made by the ecclesiastical authority of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina from among worthy boys resident in said Diocese, preference being given to boys of Edgefield County.

The Laurence Moore Williams Fund

The income from $15,000, established 1934, by the wife, son, and daugh- ter of Laurence Moore Williams, a devoted alumnus of the University; to be used for furthering the interests of the University, preference being given to its use as a partial scholarship for one or more worthy, needy students; the beneficiaries to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.

Major Benjamin H. Frayser Scholarship Fund A fund of $2,000, established 1939 by Mrs. Anne R. F. Frayser in memory of her son, Dr. Benjamin H. Frayser, a former student in the Medical School of this University. The income from this fund to assist in defraying the expenses of some deserving student appointed by the $6 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

Vice-Chancellor. The recipient of the scholarship shall agree to read a monograph on Major Frayser's life as a part of the requirements to be fulfilled in receiving this award.

The David Rose Scholarship The income from a fund of $1,750, established by Mr. Albert P. Rose of Nashville, Tennessee. The beneficiary to be designated by the Rev. David Rose. If he does not appoint a beneficiary, Mr. Albert P. Rose may do so.

The Morgan W. Walker Scholarship The income from a fund of $2,500, established by Mr. Morgan W. Walker of Alexandria, Louisiana. To be used for the aid of students from the Diocese of Louisiana at the University of the South. The beneficiary to be designated by the Bishop of Louisiana.

The Fred G. Yerkes, Jr., Scholarship The income from $5,000, the gift of Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Yerkes,

Senior, in devotion to their son, the Reverend Fred G. Yerkes, Jr., to be used in the payment of the expenses of a postulant or candidate for Holy Orders from the Diocese of Florida, preparing for the Sacred Ministry at the University of the South, and to be awarded by the Bishop of the Diocese of Florida or by the Vice-Chancellor of the Uni- versity of the South.

The Dr. Abel Seymour Baldwin Scholarship A fund of $20,000, established by the Executors and Trustees under the will of Eliza Scott Baldwin, late of Duval County, Florida. The in- come is to be used for scholarships for boys who are residents of the City of Jacksonville, Florida. Beneficiaries to be nominated by the Rt. Rev. Frank A. Juhan, D.D., Bishop of Florida.

The Eliza Scott Baldwin Scholarship A fund of $20,000, established by the Executors and Trustees under the will of Eliza Scott Baldwin, late of Duval County, Florida. The in- come is to be used for scholarships for boys who are residents of the City of Jacksonville, Florida. Beneficiaries to be nominated by the Rt. Rev. Frank A. Juhan, D.D., Bishop of Florida.

The George William Gillespie Memorial Scholarship A fund of $10,000, contributed by the members of St. Mark's Church, San Antonio, Texas, as a memorial to George William Gillespie, a former student in this University. Beneficiary to be nominated by the Rector of SCHOLARSHIPS AND OTHER AID $J

St. Mark's Church, San Antonio, Texas. In the event that St. Mark's does not make a recommendation, the nomination is to be made by the Vice-Chancellor of the University.

The Leila E. Werlein Scholarship

A fund of #2,000, bequeathed to the University under the will of Leila E. Werlein, of Houston, Texas, for helping poor boys who wish to study for the ministry.

The Juhan Memorial Scholarship

A fund of $20,000, the gift from Mrs. Alfred I. DuPont, as a memorial to Lieutenant Charles James Juhan, son of the Bishop of Florida and a former student of the University. The income to be used as a scholarship through the years for a friend or friends of Charles or their descendants, perchance some of his comrades in arms.

The Ernst Rust, Jr. Scholarship

A fund of $1,740, the gift of Antoinette and Ernst Rust, of Colum- bus, Georgia, for a scholarship as a living memorial to their son, a for- mer student of this University. The income from the same is to be used for the benefit of an upper classman in this University.

The Atlee Henkel Hoff Memorial Scholarship

A fund of $3,000, established 1945, by Mr. and Mrs. Atlee H. Hoff of Decatur, Alabama, as a living memorial to their son, Lieutenant Atlee Henkel Hoff, USNR, an alumnus of this University, who died in the service of his Country in World War II. The income from this fund is to be applied to the senior year University expenses of a worthy student in Economics and Business Administration of scholastic attainment who has completed three years in this subject at the Uni- versity of the South. The beneficiary to be designated by the Vice- Chancellor and the head of the Department of Economics. The avail- ability of this scholarship shall be announced to those majoring in the above subjects at the beginning of each term.

The Vernon Southall Tupper Scholarship

A fund of $15,000, established in 1945 by the friends of Mr. Vernon

S. Tupper of Nashville, Tennessee, an alumnus of this University, in recognition of his many contributions to civic, religious, educational, and welfare activities, the income from which is to be awarded as scholarships by the Vice-Chancellor to young men of character and intellectual promise. 38 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

The Cecil Sims, Jr., Memorial Scholarship

The Cecil Sims, Jr., Scholarship is a scholarship fund established by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sims of Nashville, Tennessee, in memory of their son

Cecil Sims, Jr., a former student of The University of the South, who was killed in action in France in World War II. These funds are to aid worthy students to pay their way through the University to such an ex- tent and in such a manner as may be determined by the Vice-Chancellor.

The Louis George Hoff Memorial Scholarship A fund of $3,000, established 1947, by Mr. and Mrs. Atlee H. Hoff, of Decatur, Alabama, as a living memorial to their son, Louis George

Hoff, an alumnus of this University, who lost his life in the Texas City,

Texas disaster of April 16, 1947. The income from this fund is to be applied to the senior year University expenses of a worthy student in Chemistry of scholastic attainment who has completed three years in this subject at the University of the South. The beneficiary to be designated by the Vice-Chancellor and the head of the Department of Chemistry. The availability of this scholarship shall be announced to those majoring in the above subject at the beginning of each term.

The John Potter Torian Student Loan Fund A fund of $1,394, established in 1940, by friends to honor the mem- ory of a beloved Sewanee Alumnus, John Potter Torian. This fund to be a loan fund to assist worthy students, needing assistance.

The John G. and Fannie F. Ruge Scholarships Three scholarships of $500 each to be awarded annually for twenty years, beginning in 1947, established by Mr. John G. Ruge and his wife, Mrs. Fannie F. Ruge of Apalachicola, Florida. To be awarded to students at the University who have achieved the highest rating in scholarship and general activities in the Freshman, Sophomore and Junior classes of the College, during the preceding year, the winner of said awards to be determined by the Faculty of the College.

Other Sources of Aid

A reduction of tuition fees is also granted to the sons of persons resi- dent at Sewanee, or in the County of Franklin, Tennesssee, at the dis- cretion of the Vice-Chancellor.

Every effort is made to procure remunerative work for those who re- quire such assistance. Worthy students who wish special help in their university course should state their cases in advance as fully as possible to the Director of Admissions. MEDALS AND PRIZES 39 MEDALS AND PRIZES The following medals and prizes are awarded annually, subject to the conditions noted under the respective subjects:

1. The Ruggles-Wright Medal (for French), founded by Mrs. Ruggles-Wright, of New Jersey.

2. The Isaac Marion Dwight Medal (for Philosophical and Biblical Greek), founded by H. N. Spencer, M.D., of St. Louis, Mo., awarded annually, and open to all students of the University.

3. The E. G. Richmond Prize (for Social Science), founded by the late E. G. Richmond, of Chattanooga, Tenn., consists of books, to the value of twenty-five dollars, and is awarded annually to that student

who has made the best record for two years' work in political, sociological and economic studies.

4. The Buchel Medal (for Spanish), founded by Mrs. Otto Buchel, of Texas.

5. The Jemison Medal (for Debate), founded by Robert Jernison,

Jr., of Alabama.

6. The Washington Medal (for the best essay written by a student of the University on the Constitution of the ), founded by Mrs. George Washington, of Tennessee.

7. The South Carolina Medal (for Latin), founded by Walter Guerry Green, of Charleston, S. C.

8. The Guerry Medal (for English), founded by Alexander Guerry, of Sewanee, Tenn.

9. The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Medallion (for character), es- tablished by The New York Southern Society, New York City. 40 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH ADMISSION

The University of the South embraces the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Theology. The require- ments for admission will be found under the head of each de- partment.

The student seeking admission to the University should communicate with the Director of Admissions, before com- ing to Sewanee. On his arrival he should present himself to the Dean. The entrance requirements having been met, he should conclude his financial arrangements with the Treasurer. When the Treasurer's approval has been ob- tained, the student registers in the office of the Registrar, and may then report to his classes. The $25.00 room reservation fee should accompany the application for admission to the University.


The University of the South awards, on due examination, the degrees of Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Master of Arts, Bachelor of Divinity and Master of Sacred Theology. The honorary degrees of Doctor of Civil Law, Doctor of Letters, and Doctor of Divinity are conferred by the Board of Regents.


The University of the South is a member of the South- ern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools; of the Association of American Colleges, the Tennessee College Association, and the Southern University Conference. It is on the approved list of The Association of American Uni- versities. The credits of The University of the South are accepted by all institutions of higher learning in this country and abroad. :


The first permanent stone structure erected in Sewanee, built by the Rev. Telfair Hodgson, D.D., was specifically for a library—a significant fact, emphasizing the conception of a library as the center of the intellectual life of the University. This was in 1877, nine years after the Univer- sity opened. This building was found, however, to be some- what remote from the center of the University activities, and when, at the beginning of the 90's, the Walsh Memorial Hall was completed as the chief building for academic pur- poses, the most frequently used books were transferred to a large room in this building so as to be more accessible.

Ten years later, in 1901, this working library and all col- lections of books belonging to the University were removed from the cramped quarters in Walsh Hall to the adjoining Convocation Building, which through the generosity of an alumnus was furnished and equipped for library purposes. This was a fortunate change, for the present home of the

library is not only the most attractive architecturally of the University's stone structures, but also the physical center of

the University group, thus affording a natural focus of all academic activities. Apart from the regular annual appropriations by the Uni- versity for the support of the Library, there may be notea The Esther Elliott Shoup Book Fund—the income from #2,000 to be used for the purchase of books. The Polk Library Fund—$15,000, the gift of Mr. Frank L. Polk in memory of his grandfather and father, Bish/.-p

Leonidas Polk and Dr. William M. Polk. The income is used for the purchase of books. Other funds which contribute to the income of the Library at present are the Prescott Fund for books and periodicals;

the Francis Fund for books in the field of historv; and 42 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH the recently established William Alexander Percy Memorial Fund for the purchase of books by American authors. In addition to these endowments the Library has received many special gifts of books and money. Notable among the fine collections are the Fairbanks Collection of early Florida history; the Manigault Collection of folios containing the works of famous medieval churchmen; and the Houghtel- ing Collection of American History. In 1938 the General Education Board contributed #15,000 for the purchase of books, and more recently made another and larger grant which will enable the Library to increase the shelving facilities, completely reorganize and recatalog the existing collections and then add approximately #30,000 worth of new books. This program will cover several years and will result in a very fine library. At present the Library contains approximately 58,000 volumes. There is still a large amount of uncatalogued material in books and in unbound periodicals which is beiny assimilated into the working collection as rapidly as pos- sible. The library is a designated depository of United States Government publications, and also subscribes to the leading periodicals of both general and academic value.

The reading-room is spacious, well-lighted and attractive in appearance. The Library is open from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Mondays through Fri- days; from 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturdays; and from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. and from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays. RELIGIOUS INFLUENCES 43 RELIGIOUS INFLUENCES

The Chapel is the centre of the University's life, and it exercises a real influence upon the hearts and minds of the students. The Chaplain lives in close contact with them and is accessible to them at all times. Freshmen and Sophomores in the College are required to attend daily chapel four times a week; Gownsmen, three times a week. All students are required to attend Sunday service two times a month. They are welcomed at all other services, especially the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock every Sunday morning and 7:00 Wednesday mornings, the program of Lenten Services, the Twilight Service Thursday evenings and, in St. Luke's Chapel, early Communion and daily Evening Prayer.

The Student Vestry is a council of advice to the Chaplain and works in close cooperation with him in furthering the spiritual life of the students. There are numerous visitors throughout the year who speak or preach in Chapel and

hold conferences with groups of students at the Chaplain's house. The Choir, ably directed by the Head of the Department

of Music, and the group of Acolytes and Crucifers afford unusual opportunities for spiritual growth. Credit towards

the degree is granted for participation in the Choir. THE GOWNSMEN

Graduate students, theological students, and students of the College of Arts and Sciences who have met certain prescribed scholastic requirements are formed by the Facul- ties of the University into an Order of Gownsmen. They are distinguished by the academic dress (the Oxford cap and gown) and enjoy certain privileges and immunities. 44 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH STUDENT CONDUCT

It is expected that students matriculating in the Univer- sity will conduct themselves as gentlemen in their relations with their fellow students, give due consideration to the rights of others, and in all their activities manifest a proper appreciation of self-discipline and individual responsibility as the indispensable foundation for a happy existence in a democratic community.

Supervision of student conduct is entrusted to a board of Student Proctors, who reside in the dormitories and are un- der the direction of the student Head Proctor. The Proctors in the College dormitories are directly respon- sible to the Dean of the College; the Proctor in St. Luke's, to the Dean of the School of Theology. THE HONOR CODE Students in the University subscribe, upon entrance, to an Honor Code, which assumes that any adequate conception of honor demands that a man shall not lie, steal or cheat. All examinations are conducted under this code, and violations of the code are referred for judgment to a Student Honor Council, consisting of representatives from each class.


Sopherim, a student society for practice in writing, is the

Mother Chapter of Sigma Upsilon, a national literary society.

The Debate Council, consisting of students interested in public speaking, fosters both local and intercollegiate activ-

ity in debating and oratory.

PHI BETA KAPPA The University was granted a Phi Beta Kappa Charter by the Triennial Convention, which met in New York Sep FRATERNITIES 45 tember, 1925. The Sewanee Chapter, known as Beta of Tennessee, was installed March, 1926. FRATERNITIES Eight Fraternities, or Greek Letter Societies, have chap- ters at Sewanee: the A T Q, the 2 A E, the K 2, the $AB ; the ATA, the K A, the $ F A, and the 2 N. Each of these fraternities has a chapter house. They are controlled by the laws of the University and by a Pan-Hellenic Council of their own representatives. Students who present fifteen units for entrance to the University are eligible for election to membership in a fraternity. The following Honor Fraternities are represented: Omi- cron Delta Kappa, Blue Key, Pi Gamma Mu, Alpha Psi Omega, Sigma Upsilon. ATHLETIC SPORTS The University of the South offers the most extensive and attractive facilities possible for athletic sports and re- creation for all students. These facilities include two play- ing fields for football and baseball, a quarter-mile cinder track, two gymnasiums completely equipped, a nine-hole golf course, and all-weather tennis courts. The domain and adjacent area afford an unusual opportunity for hiking and camping.

The University of the South maintains an intercol- legiate athletic schedule and an intra-mural program in

all sports. The University is, of course, not responsible for any injuries from participation in athletic sports.

An Athletic Director, a professor of Physical Education and trained coaches direct the athletic sports.

The control of Athletics is in the hands of the Athletic Board of Control, composed of the Vice-Chancellor and Faculty, Alumni, and Student representatives. 46 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH VACCINATION All students are required to present upon entrance a phy- sician's certificate showing that they have been vaccinated against typhoid within three years and against small pox within seven years. AUTOMOBILES Students in the three upper classes of the College and students of the School of Theology are allowed to own and operate automobiles, provided they have the written consent of their parents and comply with the regulations established by the Faculty Discipline Committee. THE UNIVERSITY PRESS

This department is equipped with excellent facilities for the printing of ecclesiastical and scholarly books, church year- books, diocesan journals, school catalogues, etc. It occupies a commodious building, of the local buff-colored sandstone, erected on the University Reservation. The University Press prints The Sewanee Review, which is edited by Mr. John J. E. Palmer, Assistant Professor of English, under the auspices of the University. STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The Sewanee Purple, a weekly paper, The Cap and Gown, the Sewanee annual, and Helikon, a literary mag- azine, are edited and published by students. . ,



ALEXANDER GUERRY, B.A., D.C.L., LL.D Vice-Chancellor

GEORGE MERRICK BAKER, Ph.D., Dean, and Professor of Germanic Languages.

HENRY MARKLEY GASS, M.A., Professor of Greek and Acting Professor of Latin,

Dean of Men


Professor of Chemistry.

WILLIAM WATERS LEWIS, C.E., Professor of Spanish.

EUGENE MARK KAYDEN, M.A., Professor of Economics.

IOHN MAXWELL STOWELL McDONALD, Ph.D Professor of Philosophy.

ROBERT L. PETRY, Ph.D., Professor of Physics.

DAVID ETHAN FRIERSON, Ph.D., Professor of French.

EDWARD McCRADY, JR., Ph.D., Professor of Biology.


GASTON SWINDELL BRUTON, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematics.

PARLY WHITTEN POINDEXTER, B.A., B.D., Chaplain, and Professor of English Bible.

JOHN SEDBERRY MARSHALL, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy.

PAUL SCOFIELD McCONNELL, M.A., A.A.G.O, Professor of Music and Spanish.

ARTHUR BUTLER DUGAN, A.B., A.M., B. Lm, Professor of Political Science.

CHARLES TRAWICK HARRISON, Ph.D., Professor of English.

STRATTON BUCK, Ph.D., Associate Professor of French.


Associate Professor of English.


Associate Professor of English.

JAMES EDWARD THOROGOOD, B.A., MA, Associate Professor of Economics.

CHARLES EDWARD CHESTON, B.S., M V., Associate Professor of Forestry.

ROBERT HOOKE, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Mathematics.

THOMAS PAYNE GOVAN, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History.

Miss GERTRUDE VAN ZANDT, M.S., Associate Professor of Chemistry.

JAMES MILLER GRIMES, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History. FACULTY 49

JOHN GIBBS MAHAN, B.A., M.A, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Biology.

BEVERLY TURPIN MOSS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Latin.

JOHN JAMES ELLIS PALMER, A.B, B.Lirr, Assistant Professor of English and Editor of the Sewanee Review.

JOHN MAURICE WEBB, B.A, M.A., Assistant Professor of History.

PAUL HAMILTON WARING WEBB, B.S., M.A, Assistant Professor of Biology.

ROBERT WAYNE KOZA, A.B, M.S., Assistant Professor of Physics.

WALTER LEWIS McGOLDRICK, B.A, M.A, Instructor in Public Speaking.

WINFRED PLEASANTS MINTER, B.S, M.A, Instructor in Political Science.

BRINLEY JOHN RHYS, B.A, Instructor in English and Editorial Assistant of the Sewanee Review.

The Rev. HENRI MANNING, B.A, B.D., Instructor in Bible.

CHARLES EDWARD THOMAS, B.A, Instructor in English and Director of Admissions.

HORACE WALTON FAIRBROTHER, Jr., B.S, M.S., Instructor in Chemistry.

Miss LETHEA KAYS, B.S, Assistant Instructor in Chemistry.

EMMETT MOORE WAITS, A.B, Assistant in English.


WILLIAM BELLINGRATH ELMORE, B.S. Assistant in Mathematics.

THE COLLEGE STANDING COMMITTEES Entrance and Classification.—The Dean, Professors Buck, Gass, Bruton, and Mr. Thomas. Discipline.—The Dean, Professors Gass, Lewis, and Thorogood. Schedule.—The Dean, Professors Davis, Gass, Bruton, Long, Buck and Dugan. Student Organizations.—The Dean, Professor McCrady and Mr. Poindexter. ADMISSIONS 5J


^Applicants for admission to the College of Arts and Sci- ences must be at least sixteen years of age. They are admit- ted in either of two ways: on examination, or on presenting a certificate from an approved school.

The "unit" system is adopted in estimating the prepara- tion of the candidate for admission to the College. A unit represents the equivalent of one full year of high-school work in one subject. Thirty-six weeks with five forty-min- ute periods each week, or the equivalent thereof, constitute a full year's work in the subject.

A student applying for entrance to the College must present fifteen acceptable units as follows : Four units in English, two units in Mathe- matics (1 in Algebra and 1 in Plane Geometry, or 2 in Algebra), and nine elective units. In the nine elective units, not more than three units in History and not more than two vocational units will be accepted.

The above represents the minimum requirements for ad- mission. It is expected that the applicant will more than ful- fill these minimum requirements. The transcript of credits of an applicant who does not have at least three units in Mathematics (Algebra and Geometry) and who does not have at least two units in a Language will be carefully scrutinized by the Entrance Committee. Failing to present three units in Mathematics or two units in a Language, the applicant must compensate this deficiency by a higher gen- eral average or by presenting other acceptable non-voca- tional units. For example, an applicant without a Language to his credit should have three or four units in Mathematics. In general, the applicant will be expected to make the col- lege recommendation grade required by the school from which he graduates.

*See page 6i for Admission of Veterans. 52 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

The nine elective units will normally be chosen from the following list of subjects: (a) Latin, Greek, German, French, and Spanish. (At least two units in any Language must be presented in order to receive credit.) (b) Algebra (two units), Plane Geometry, Solid Geome- try, Trigonometry. (Two units in Mathematics are required units.) (c) General Science, Biology, Physiology, Chemistry, Physics. (d) Civics and American, English, Ancient, and Modern History. (Only three units in History will be accepted.)

The Committee on Entrance may at its discretion accept proper equivalents for units above listed. Certain vocational units such as Mechanical Drawing, Shop Work, Typing, etc., may be accepted, although not over two. units of this type will be accepted for entrance.

Students entering the College directly from secondary schools are required to take placement tests in English, For- eign Language and Mathematics at Sewanee before their registration.


Students coming from other standard colleges should show detailed evidence of the work done there. On this evidence, or on the evidence of examination, Quantity and Quality credits will be given at the discretion of the Dean and the heads of the departments concerned. Students transferring from other institutions must meet, upon entrance, the re- quirements demanded of our own students. No degree will be conferred upon a transfer student who has not spent the last year before graduation in residence. ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS 53

Certificates : Certificates are accepted from the College Entrance Board of New York; from all schools on the approved list of the Commission on Accredited Schools of the Southern Associa- tion of Colleges and Secondary Schools, from schools on the accredited list of other recognized college associations and of State universities outside the territory embraced in the Southern Association; also from schools not on these lists whose work is known and approved by the Entrance Com- mittee. Certificates, however, are not accepted unless at least 15 units conform to our requirements. All students who wish to present certificates in lieu of ex- amination should write to the Director of Admissions for blank forms to be filled in by the Principal of the school attended. This certificate, signed by the Principal of the school, should be mailed by him with a letter of recommendation to the Director of Admissions at as early a date as possible before the opening of the session. Students applying for admission at the opening of the session who have not previously had an acceptable certifi- cate sent to the Director of Admissions may be deprived temporarily of college privileges by the necessity of cor- respondence to correct possible errors or omissions.

Certificates from private tutors can in no case be accepted; students thus prepared must take the entrance examinations.

Entrance Examinations: Entrance examinations will be held for those who desire to enter by examination during the week previous to registra- tion for the First Semester. Candidates for such examina- tions must notify the Registrar or the Director of Admissions of their intention at least two weeks before the date of the examinations. 54 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH THE SCHOLASTIC YEAR

The regular session of the College of Arts and Sciences is divided into two semesters. The first semester for the session of 1948-49 will begin on September 20 and end on January 29. The second semester will begin on January 31 and end on June 13. MATRICULATION AND REGISTRATION All students will be required to register on the opening day of each semester. A student who registers later than the day indicated will be required to pay a special fee of #5.00. In addition, a student who has arrived at Sewanee and does not present himself for registration will be charged $2.00 for each day he fails to register. A student who withdraws from the College without notify- ing the Vice-Chancellor, Dean or Registrar will not be en- titled to honorable dismissal. SUMMER TERM The University of the South will conduct a Summer Term as an integral part of the academic year of the College of Arts and Sciences. The length of the Summer Term for the session 1948 will be ten weeks, opening on Monday, June 28, and end- ing on Wednesday, September 1. There will be five clock hours in each class, each week. Three semester hours of credit will be granted in each course successfully com- pleted. The average shedule for a student will be three classes, granting nine (9) or ten (10) semester hour credits for the Summer Term. Students of proven ability may carry a schedule of four classes. ADVISING SYSTEM

Upon registration, each student is assigned to a Faculty adviser who has general supervision of his college course and to whom the student may refer any scholastic or per- sonal problems. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 55 GRADING SYSTEM The Faculty of the University of the South uses the per- centage system in giving grades, 70 per cent being required for passing. In addition to Quantity credits, which are given upon completing the courses with a grade of 70 per cent or more, Quality credits are allowed according to the quality of the work done. A grade of 75 to 84 gives the student one Quality credit for each Quantity credit; a grade of 85 to 94 gives him two Quality credits for each Quantity credit; and a grade of 95 to 100 gives him three Quality credits for each Quantity credit. Quality credits are awarded on the basis of semester grades. Quantity credits are expressed in terms of Semester Hours.

The "Semester Hour" is the work of one hour a week of recitation or lecture throughout the Semester. Two hours of laboratory count as one hour of recitation or lecture. STATUS AND CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS A Freshman Student is a student who has fewer than 24 Quantity credits and fewer than 18 Quality credits.

A Sophomore Student, is a student who has at least 24 Quantity credits and 18 Quality credits and fewer than 60 Quantity credits and 54 Quality credits.

A Junior Student is a student who has at least 60 Quantity credits and 54 Quality credits and fewer than 92 Quantity credits and 86 Quality credits.

A Senior Student is a student who has at least 92 Quantity credits and 86 Quality credits.

A Special Student is one who by permission of the Faculty is admitted to certain classes without being required to pre- sent the full entrance requirements or to carry the number of courses prescribed for regular students. Only students of mature age (not less than 21 years of age) are permitted to take work in the College as special students. 56 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH SCHOLASTIC REQUIREMENTS Students who have resided in the College for one semester, or transfer students with advanced standing, will be required to pass three three-hour or four-hour courses each semester and twenty-four semester hours for the year in order to

remain in College. If they fail to meet this requirement they may apply for readmission after one semester's sus- pension. Freshmen students entering directly from secondary schools, and returning Veterans will be required to pass three three-hour or four-hour courses in the second semester of their college course, and eighteen semester hours for the

year. If they fail to meet this requirement at the end of the second semester, they will be suspended for the period of one semester. Freshmen students may, however, be

suspended at the end of the first semester if, in the opinion

of the faculty, their failure is due to a lack of interest and application rather than to difficulties of adjustment to the college program. Transfer students who are classified as Freshmen because of failure in the institution from which they transfer will be required to pass three three-hour or four-hour courses for

the first semester of their residence in the College. If they

fail to meet this requirement, they will be suspended for the duration of one semester. CONDITIONS A student receiving a grade below 70 and above 54 in any

course is considered conditioned in that course; and such condition must be removed by a special examination on the date set for this purpose. Unless this is done the condition automatically becomes a failure, and the course must be re- peated for credit. Students desiring to take a special examination must give at least one week's notice to the professor under whom the

examination is to be taken, and must present at that time the Treasurer's receipt showing that he has paid the special fee of $5.00. No grade will be recorded in the Registrar's Of-

fice unless the fee has been paid. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 57 DEGREES

The degrees conferred in the College department are Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), Bachelor of Science (B.S.), and *Master of Arts (M.A.). Students who have maintained an average of 85 over a period of four years are awarded the B.A. and B.S. degree with the distinction of "optime merens".

Candidates for Degrees

All candidates for degrees must announce their candidacy to the Dean when they register for their seventh semester. With this announcement the candidate must present a de- tailed statement certified by the Registrar of all credits re- ceived and of all courses taken. No student who fails to make this application and statement by the time specified will be recommended for a degree.

THE B.A. AND B.S. DEGREES Group Electives A—English; Latin; Greek; French; Spanish; German. B—Economics; Politics; History; Philosophy. G—Mathematics; Physics; Chemistry; Biology; Civil Engineering; Forestry.

The choice of Majors and Minors as prescribed on pages 58-61 is to be made in accordance with the above grouping of subjects. For example, a student majoring in English will normally select his minor subjects in Ancient or Modern Languages. However, in exceptional cases

a student may, upon the recommendation of his major Professor, elect his minor subjects in another group. The determining factors in making such an exception will be consideration for the student's special intellectual interests and the feasibility of integrating closely the minor subjects with the student's major sequence.

•Discontinued until further notice. 58 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

•THE B.A. DEGREE The full entrance requirements having been satisfied, the

degree of Bachelor of Arts is given on the successful com- pletion of a minimum of 128 Semester Hours and 120 Quality Credits, which must be obtained as follows:

I. Prescribed Courses.

The following courses are prescribed for all candidates:

1 English 1-2 and 3-4. One year of Bible or Philosophy. 'Foreign Languages 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 in one language; or 1-2 and 3-4 in each of two languages. Two courses or their equivalent in the Social Science group (Eco- nomics, Political Science, and History). Any two courses in the Pure Science group (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics). Physical Education) (two years.)

II. Field of Concentration.

(a) Major Subject.

At or before the end of the Sophomore year, the student must choose a Field of Concentration formed about one of the following subjects as a major: English, Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish, Economics, Political Science, History, Philosophy. In this major subject, the student must take a minimum of three or four year-courses, or their equivalent, chosen under the direction of his major professor.

*See page 61 for modification of degree requirements for Veterans. 1 Students properly qualified may, in the judgment of the department head, omit English 1-2 and Mathematics 1-2 by taking examinations in ihese subjects for advanced standing. In such cases no degree credit is given for either course. 2 Students presenting two entrance units in foreign language may count these units, provided they are followed by an advanced college course, as the equivalent of Foreign Language 1-2, in I above. In such cases, no hour credit is given toward the degree. Elementary courses in Foreign Language do not count toward a de- gree until the next higher course has been passed. However, if the student fulfills the language requirement in I above, an elementary course in an extra foreign language may be counted as a free elective, with hour credit toward the degree. fl


The student may elect additional courses in the major subject. How- ever, in the interest of a bread liberal arts education, the total number of semester hours in the major subject should not exceed 42 of the 12& semester hours required for the degree.

(b) Minor Subjects.

In addition to his major sequence the student must choose, under the

direction of the professor of his major subject, sufficient courses in either one or two minor subjects, with not fewer than two courses in each sub-

ject, to make the total number of courses in the Field of Concentration amount to seven or eight.

(c) Foreign Language.

Unless the student has taken among the prescribed courses listed in

I above that foreign language deemed by his major professor the tool necessary in the Field of Concentration, he must take in that language two courses in advance of an elementary course.

(d) Duplication.

Courses listed in I above may, with the exception of English 1-2, Mathe- matics 1-2 and elementary courses in modern languages, be counted a&

courses in the Field of Concentration.

(e) Comprehensive Examination. Candidates for the degree must take at the end of the Senior year a comprehensive examination in the Field of Concentration.

(f) Gownsmen who have maintained an average of 90 in their Freshman and Sophomore years may, upon recommendation of their major profes- sor and the course professor, undertake, with the consent of the faculty.

specified projects of work in the nature of reading or honors courses, in lieu of the regular routine of class work.

III. Free Electives.

The remaining courses necessary to complete the 128 Semester Hours

may be chosen by the student, subject to the approval of the Faculty- Schedule Committee. 60 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

*THE B.S. DEGREE The full entrance requirements having been satisfied, the degree of Bachelor of Science is given on the successful com- pletion of 128 Semester Hours and 120 Quality Credits, which must be obtained as follows:

I. Prescribed Courses.

The following courses are prescribed for all candidates:

English 1-2 and 3-4. One year of Bible or Philosophy. 2 Foreign Language 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6 in one language; or 1-2 and 3-4 in each of two languages. Two courses or their equivalent in the Social Science group (Eco- nomics, Political Science, and History). Any two courses in the Pure Science group (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics). Physical Education (two years.)

II. Field of Concentration.

(a) Major Subject. At or before the end of the Sophomore year, the student must choose a Field of Concentration formed about one of the following subjects as a major: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Forestry. In this major subject the student must take a minimum of three or four year-courses, or their equivalent, chosen under the direction of his major professor. The student may elect additional courses in the major subject. How-

*See page 61 for modification of degree requirements for Veterans. .Students properly qualified may, in the judgment of the department head, omit English 1-2 and Mathematics 1-2 by taking examinations in these subjects for advanced standing. In such cases no degree credit is given for either course. a Students presenting two entrance units in foreign language may count these units, provided they are followed by an advanced college course, as the equivalent of Foreign Language 1-2, in I above. In such cases, no hour credit is given toward the degree. Elementary courses in Foreign Language do not count toward a degree until the next higher course has been passed. However, if the student fulfills the language requirement in I above, an elementary course in an extra foreign language may be counted as a free elective, with hour credit toward the degree. 1


ever, in the interest of a broad liberal arts education, the total number of semester hours in the major subject should not exceed 42 of the 128 semester hours required for the degree.

(b) Minor Subjects. In addition to his major sequence the student must choose, under the direction of the professor of his major subject, sufficient courses in either one or two related minor subjects to make the total number of courses in the Field of Concentration amount to six. At least two of these six courses should be in the minor subject or subjects.

(c) Foreign Languace. Unless the student has taken among the prescribed courses listed in

I above that foreign language deemed by his major professor the tool necessary in the Field of Concentration, he must take in that language two courses in advance of an elementary course.

(d) Duplication. Courses in Pure Science and Mathematics listed in I above may, with the exception of Mathematics 1-2, be counted in the Field of Concentra- tion.

(e) Comprehensive Examination. Candidates for the degree must take at the end of the Senior year a comprehensive examination in the Field of Concentration.

(f) Gownsmen who have maintained an average of 90 in their Fresbman and Sophomore years may, upon recommendation of their major profes- sor and the course professor, undertake, with the consent of the faculty, specified projects of work in the nature of reading or honors courses, in lieu of the regular routine of class work.

III. Free Electives. The remaining courses necessaiy to complete the 128 Semester Hours may be chosen by the student, subject to the approval of the Faculty Schedule Committee. VETERANS The University of the South has made the following

modifications and adjustments of its entrance requirements and liberal arts curriculum to meet the needs of men dis- charged from the Army and Navy whose college work has been either postponed or interrupted by their service in the Armed Forces. 62 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH ENTRANCE Secondary School students who entered the Armed Forces before the completion of their High School course will be admitted to the College, provided, in the opinion of the Faculty Entrance Committee, they are qualified to do col- lege work as may be determined by study of the students High School record and his experience in military service or by examination. MODIFICATION OF DEGREE REQUIREMENTS The B.A. and the B.S. degree will be conferred upon the completion of 128 semester hours and 120 quality credits. In the case of returning Sewanee students who entered the Armed Forces during the first semester of their Senior year or during their Junior year, and in the case of Navy V-12 students who have completed three or four semesters in the V-12 Program in this or another institution and return to Sewanee for the purpose of completing their college course, the Schedule Committee of the Faculty, in consultation with

the students' major professor, is authorized to set up an in- dividual program of study to meet the needs and satisfy the demands of each student and waive the general requirements and the field of concentration requirements to the extent of

making it possible for him to receive his degree at the end of the equivalent of eight (8) semesters of college work. CREDIT FOR MILITARY EXPERIENCE (1) Students who have been drafted into or volunteered for the Armed Forces will receive credit toward their degree, for a maximum of one semester's work (not to exceed eighteen (18) semester hours) for advanced or special train- ing, provided in the opinion of the Schedule Committee the

educational value of such training is, in a measure, com- parable in mental discipline, intellectual achievement, and development of personality to that normally acquired in the COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 63

college. It is understood that such credit cannot in all cases be expressed in terms of semester hours and quality credits.

(2) Students who have pursued, in connection with their military training, liberal arts courses in accredited institu- tions may transfer credit for their courses as in normal times.

(3) In granting such credit the evaluation of military training by the Armed Forces Institute and the American Council on Education will serve as a guide.

(4) A maximum of one-half semester not to exceed nine (9) hours will be granted to a student who presents evidence of having completed successfully the basic training course in the Armed Forces, this credit being assigned to military science, physical education, or appropriate electives. CREDIT FOR CORRESPONDENCE COURSES The University will grant a reasonable amount of credit toward the degree for correspondence courses taken under the auspices of the Armed Forces Institute. However, the Faculty reserves the right of approving the courses selected by the student and of designating the University in which they are taken. CREDIT FOR EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE GAINED IN CIVILIAN LIFE

Individuals who, through experience in war industries, have achieved educational competence worthy of recognition by the college shall have opportunities, similar to those ac- corded to a member of the Armed Forces, to demonstrate their competence. Such civilians applying for college credit will be required to demonstrate their achievement through the Armed Forces Institute examinations, which are available through the American Council on Education. 64 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH THE GRANTING OF OTHER CREDITS The granting of credit in cases which do not come under the foregoing provisions will be given careful consideration by the Schedule Committee and the College Faculty.


Within the framework of the requirements for the B.A. and the B.S. degrees, the student may pursue a course which will prepare him for specialization in Law, Business, and Medicine as follows:


The program of study outlined below is recommended by the departments of History, Economics, and Political Science to candidates for the B.A. degree who are planning their field of concentration in social science. It is further recommended to those who are preparing to enter schools of law, business, journalism, and government service, and to those who wish to continue the study of the social sciences in graduate schools.

Freshman Year Sophomore Year English 1-2 6 English 3-4 6

Mathematics or Science . . . 6-8 Economics 1-2 6 Foreign Language 1-2 6 Political Science 1-2 6 History 1-2 6 Foreign Language 6 Physical Education 2 Physical Education 2 Elective 6 Elective 8

Total 34 Total 34

At the close of the Sophomore year every candidate will consult with his major professor regarding the schedule of courses during the Junior and Senior years. Normally, on the completion of the above courses, the student will stilt have to achieve 60 additional credit-hours. The field of concentration in History, Economics, Philoso- COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 65 phy, and Political Science consists of seven year-courses or their equivalent in semester courses. The student is advised to take three year-courses in the major subject and two courses in each of the two minor subjects; however, it is permissible to have four courses in the major and three in one minor subject. In the distribution of the elective credit-hours, students are advised to elect a sequence of courses related to the so- cial sciences, such as literature and philosophy, in the in- terest of greater maturity of thought and expression and in- tellectual discipline. Students intending to take up graduate work in the so- cial sciences are advised to acquire a reading knowledge of

French and German, the two foreign languages required for higher degrees.

A Freshman who, on the basis of his record in school, stands at entrance in the highest third of the Freshman class, may elect Economics 1-2 or Political Science 1-2, provided he L-an be excused from English 1-2 or Mathematics 1-2 on tak- ing the departmental examination for advanced standing.


A student who majors in Chemistry is required to com- plete the following courses as a Field of Concentration:

Chemistry 1-2 Chemistry 7-8 Chemistry 3-4 Mathematics 3-4 Chemistry 5-6 Physics 1-2 or Biology 1-2 and at least one additional science course more advanced than those listed above. A student who plans to enter a graduate school as a candidate for the degree of Master of Arts or Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry should take a :


third course in Mathematics and one or more advanced courses in Chemistry during his Junior and Senior years. A student who expects to enter a medical school should take Biology 1-2, during his Junior year and a second course in Biology during the Senior year.

It is recommended that the foreign language requirement of the University for the bachelor's degree be satisfied by completing two courses in French and two courses in Ger-

man. A third course in German or French is strongly recommended. A student who plans to major in Chemistry should take the following courses during his first two years

Freshman Year Sophomori Year Chemistry 1-2 Chemistry 3-4 English 1-2 English 3-4 Mathematics 1-2 Mathematics 3-4 French 1-2 French 3-4 or French 3-4 or French 5-6 or German 1-2 or German 3-4 or German 3-4 or German 5-6 Philosophy 1-2 Physics 1-2 or English Bible 1-2 Physical Education Physical Education

The schedule of courses for the Junior and Senior years is

made out near the end of the Sophomore year and is based on the interests of the individual student.

Note:—A student who expects to enter a medical school which does not require a college idegree for entrance may complete within a three- year period Chemistry 1-2, Chemistry 3-4, Chemistry 5-6, Physics 1-2, Biology 1-2, and sufficient courses in other subjects to make the total number of hours completed each semester total fifteen to eighteen.

A student may complete within a two-year period the requirements for entrance to a medical school which requires only two years of college work for entrance by taking Chemistry 1-2, Chemistry 3-4, Biology 1-2. Physics 1-2, and sufficient courses in other subjects to make the total number of hours completed each semester total fifteen to eighteen. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 6j

Because the courses which students take in preparatory schools and the entrance requirements of medical schools vary considerably, a student who expects to enter a medical school should consult with the Professor of Chemistry before he begins his pre-medical course. There will then be arranged a schedule of courses which when satisfactorily completed will admit him to the medical school of his choice.

BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE All students majoring in Biology are required to take

Mathematics 1-2 and 3-4, Chemistry 1-2, and Physics 1-2. The Chemistry and Physics courses are counted as minors in the Field of Concentration. The major field should include at least three full years of Biology, and preferably four. Or- ganic Chemistry is prerequisite for most graduate work in

Biology. It is therefore recommended as part of the under- graduate course, though it may usually be taken (without graduate credit) after entering the graduate school. Two modern languages (French and German) are also strongly recommended.

A major in Biology in preparation for medical school should include Zoology (Bio. 1-2), Embryology (Bio. 3-4), Anatomy (Bio. 5-6), Physics 1-2, and Inorganic and Or- ganic Chemistry. FORESTRY AND CONSERVATION The four-year course of study leading to the degree of

Bachelor of Science with a major in Forestry is designed to provide the student with a thorough background in general education. It is based upon the ideals and principles of an education as established in the College of Liberal Arts.

Sufficient Forestry training is given the student to enable him to enter into the field of Forestry or to do graduate work. Generous amounts of field and laboratory work are included in the curriculum. This Forestry curriculum is unique in that it thoroughly provides fundamental studies :

68 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH in the great fields of knowledge with enough Forestry train- ing to prepare the student to carry on with understanding the specialized duties of a forester. A student who plans to major in Forestry should take the following courses during his first two years: Freshman Year Sophomore Year Botany 1-2 Zoology 1-2 English 1-2 English 3-4 Mathematics 1-2 Mathematics 3-4

Elective either Mechanical Drawing & Mapping 1

Bible or Philosophy 1-2 Plane Surveying 1 Elective Language Language 3-4 French or German 1-2

The field of concentration consists of the following sub- jects: Forestry 1-10, Economics 1-2, Chemistry 1-2. The course of study for the Junior and Senior years is as follows

Junior Year Senior Year

Forestry 1 Forestry 5 (Dendrology) (Forest Pathology)

Forestry 2 Forestry 6 (Plant and Wood Anatomy) (Entomology) Forestry 3-4 ^UtLrio (Forestry Management) * ' ' . Forestry 9-10 Economics 1-2 /c -, • N (Silviculture)u Language 5-6 Chemistry 1-2 Elective Elective

Each student is required to spend ten weeks at the end of his Junior year in residence during the summer months at Sewanee doing practical forestry work on the Domain of The University of the South. Students during this period will receive no formal instruction. Practical work will be given in surveying, design and construction of forest structures, silvicultural practices, forest measurement, forest fire control, forest utilization, operation of a small sawmill, timber cutting and all other forest duties likely to be en- countered on graduation. Forestry students during other summer vacations will be required to work in so far as is possible on forestry projects. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 69


The degree of Master of Arts is conferred only upon those who hold a Bachelor's degree in Arts, Letters, Philosophy, or Science from this University or from some other institution of the same standing, upon the completion in residence of at least one regular session devoted to graduate study exclu- sively. The work shall consist of not less than five courses or their equivalent, to be distributed as follows: For the major subject, three courses; for the minor subject, two :ourses. A thesis embodying the result of special investigation must be submitted to the major professor and the Committee on Graduate Studies not later than the ist of May of the year in which the candidate presents himself for graduation. Two typewritten copies of the thesis must be deposited in the University Library. The undergraduate requirement for graduate work shall be a minimum of three undergraduate courses in the major subject and a general average of 80 per cent in all under- graduate courses taken by the candidate. The candidate for the M.A. degree must satisfy the Com- mittee on Graduate Studies at the beginning of the year that he has a reading knowledge of either French or German.

Note: Graduate work will not be offered in the College of Arts and Sciences until further ^otice. JO THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH


The BIBLE and RELIGIOUS LITERATURE Chaplain Poindexter Professor Marshall Associate Professor Grant Assistant Chaplain Manning

*l-2. English Bible.

A survey course of the whole Bible in historical outline, showing the

development of the life and religion of the Hebrew people and of the

early Christian Church, with especial emphasis on the Life of Christ, including also a general introduction to the origin and transmission, back-

ground and nature of Biblical literature. First Semester, Personalities of

Old Testament; Second Semester, Life of Christ, Life of St. Paul from

the Acts and selected Epistles. Three hours a week throughout the year.

(Three hours credit for each semester.)

3. Comparative Religion and Christian Philosophy.

An introduction to the founders and literature of great living religions. The second half of the Semester will be an attempt to work out a Chris-

tian Philosophy in the light of the literature and history studied in this department. First Semester. (Credit, three hours.)

4. Church History.

A survey course in church history from the first century to the present time, with special reference to biography and to the origin and genius of

the principal churches in Europe and America. Second Semester. (Credit,

three hours.)

Courses 3 and 4 are electives; and one can be taken without the other.

*Double numerals indicate a course which normally runs throughout the year. Single numerals indicate a course which runs for one semester.

Credit in all courses is given by the semester. Note: Various courses in this catalogue have been renumbered. The new numbers are to take effect with the session of 1948-49 and do not apply to the session of 1947-48. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES J\ BIOLOGY Professor McCrady Assistant Professor Mahan Assistant Professor Webb

1-2. General Zoology.

Special emphasis is placed upon the classification and comparative anatomy of representatives of all the Phyla and most of the Classes of animals. In addition to this, for the sake of students not intending to take further courses in this department, an elementary survey of Physi- ology, Embryology, Genetics, and the History and Philosophy of Zo- ology is included. This course is prerequisite to all other zoological courses. Lectures, three hours; laboratory, five hours. (Credit, eight hours.)

3-4. Vertebrate Embryology.

The lectures cover the descriptive embryology of all the Vertebrate Classes and an introduction to the methods and results of experimental embryology. Laboratory work consists of the preparation of microscopi- cal slides, the study of serial sections of frog, chick, and pig or opossum embryos, and simple exercises in experimental techniques. Lectures, three hours; laboratory, five hours. (Credit, eight hours.)

5-6. Vertebrate Anatomy.

Laboratory work consists of the study of microscopical sections and whole mounts of Amphioxus and Ammocoetes, the dissection of a Hemi- chordate, an Urochordate, a Cyclostome, an Elasmobranch, and a Mam- mal. The Amphibian will already have been dissected thoroughly in

the Zoology course; and dissection of Reptiles and Birds is offered in the Honors Course (Biology 15-16). The entire second semester is devoted to the dissection of the cat. In addition to the morphological data the lectures include a discussion of their bearing upon questions concerning the origin and history of the Chordates. Lectures, three hours; laboratory, five hours. (Credit, eight hours.)

7. History of Biology.

The origin and development of Taxonomy, Anatomy, Embryology, Physiology, Medicine, Genetics, Paleontology, and the Theory of Evo- lution are traced from the Greek period to modern) times. This course 72 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

is given only in the first semester. An introduction is provided for the philosophical questions considered in the following course. (Credit, three hours.)

8. Philosophy of Biology.

This Course is open only to especially qualified students, and courses 1-2 and 7 are prerequisite. The major epistemological, ontological, and ethical problems with which biological methodology and theory have to deal, as unearthed in the History course, are critically examined, and an attempt is made to interpret their bearing on modern sociological and religious questions. (Credit, three hours.)

9. Genetics.

The course is concerned with both plants and animals, and begins with a detailed exposition of the breeding data which form the basis of the conceptions of segregation, assortment, interaction, linkage, crossover, interference, translocation, and deletion. An attempt is made to codify these data into a small number of definitions and laws. Then follows a consideration of the relation of Genetics to Embryology. Finally, brief attention is given to practical application in plant and animal breeding and Eugenics. Those applying for this course who have not had the

Calculus are required to take it simultaneously; lectures, three hours; laboratory, three hours. (Credit, four hours.)

10. Animal Physiology.

Chemistry 1-2 is prerequisite, and Physics 1-2 is strongly recommended as a background for this course The functions of blood, lungs, excretory, digestive, endocrine, nervous, and muscular systems, special sensory or- gans, and reproductive organs are considered in this order. The course

is designed to emphasize the comparative point of view, but human

physiology is given considerable attention. (Credit, three hours.)

11-12. Graduate Research.

Students qualified for graduate work will be assigned problems for original investigation in descriptive and experimental embryology, anat- omy, or physiology, with a view to publication of results in standard scientific journals in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Mas- ter's degree. Hours and credits will be arranged by consultation with the professor.

13. Histology and Microscopical Technique.

This is a one or two semester laboratory course in which the student COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 73

is required to prepare his own microscopical sections of all the principal tissues of vertebrates, and of a few tissues of invertebrates selected to illustrate particular points. The student will be graded upon the qual- ity of the slides prepared, his ability to identify tissues in test slides not prepared by himself, and to describe the distinguishing features upon which his identification is based. Six hours of laboratory. (Credit, three hours for each semester.)

15-16. Honors Course.

This course is open to graduates, or to undergraduates who have an average of 85 or better and show special aptitude for independent work.

It may be either a reading course or a laboratory course, and its subject, hours, and credits will be determined by consultation with the professor; but the credits will not exceed three for each semester.

17. General Entomology.

The lectures cover the embryology and anatomy of insects, a con- sideration of the characteristics of the larger and more economically important orders, and a survey of those insects harmful to man, do- mestic animals, and plants. In the laboratory the fundamentals of in- sect anatomy are stressed, field trips are made and specimens brought back to be classified. Experience is gained in catching, preserving and mounting insects. Lectures, three hours; laboratory, three hours. (Credit, four hours.)

18. Parasitology.

This course is an introduction to animal parasites in those inverte- brate phyla in which parasitic forms occur. Lectures cover morphology, distribution, and extent of parasitism with particular emphasis on the host-parasite relationship in each case. Laboratory work consists of examination of representative parasites in each phylum and collection and identification of parasites where feasible. Lectures, three hours; laboratory, four hours. (Credit, four hours.)

21-22. General Botany.

This is a general introduction to plant science and is prerequisite to all other botanical courses. It includes a survey of the classification, struc-

ture, and physiology of all the Divisions of the Plant Kingdom, and an introduction to botanical history and theory. Lectures, three hours; laboratory, three hours. (Credit, eight hours.)

23. General Bacteriology. The study of the nature and activities of bacteria which affect the 74 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH health and welfare of mankind. No prerequisite. Lectures, two hours; laboratory, five hours. (Credit, four hours.)

24. Plant Anatomy. The anatomy and histology of vascular plants. The classification, development, and structure of cells, tissues, and organs, including the microscopic anatomy of wood. Lectures, two hours; laboratory, five hours. (Credit, four hours.)

25. Plant Pathology. The study of the bacterial and fungous diseases of plants. Lectures, three hours; laboratory, three hours. (Credit, four hours.)

26. Systematic Botany.

The classification and identification of the vascular plants. Lectures ; two hours; laboratory, five hours. (Credit, four hours.) CHEMISTRY Professor Davis Associate Professor Van Zandt Mr. Fairbrother Miss Kays The courses given by the Department of Chemistry are arranged to meet the needs of three types of students: name-

ly, those who are interested in the science, but not to the

extent of wishing to make its study their life-work; those who plan to enter a medical school, or other professional school that requires one or more courses in chemistry for entrance; and those who plan to enter a graduate school as candidates for the degree of Master of Arts or Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry.

1-2. General Chemistry.

This is an introductory course, and no previous knowledge of chemistry is necessary for entrance. It is an elementary study of the fundamental facts and theories of chemistry and of the more common metals and non- metals and their compounds. The course is prerequisite for additional work in chemistry. Lectures, three hours; laboratory, three hours. (Credit, eight hours). COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 75

3-4. Analytical Chemistry. A more advanced study of metals and non-metals and their com- pounds than Chemistry 1-2. Emphasis is placed on the theory and prac-

tice of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, including the appli- cations of the various solution phenomena. Semimicro procedures are

followed in qualitative analysis. Chemistry 1-2 is prerequisite. First semester, lectures, three hours; laboratory, three hours; second semester, lectures, two hours; laboratory, six hours. (Credit, eight hours).

5-6. Organic Chemistry.

A study of the fundamental principles of organic chemistry. The course

is arranged to meet the needs of students who wish to take only three courses in chemistry, as weU as of those who plan to do graduate work

in chemistry or enter a medical school. Chemistry 3-4 is prerequisite. Lectures, three hours; laboratory, three hours. (Credit, eight hours).

7-8. Physical Chemistry.

A study of the applications of the fundamental physical laws and the-

ories to the phenomena of chemistry. It is prerequisite for departmental recommendation to graduate schools. Mathematics 3-4 and Chemistry 5-6 are prerequisites, but Chemistry 5-6 may be taken concurrently. Lectures, three hours; laboratory, three hours. (Credit, eight hours),

9-10. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry. The more difficult topics of General, Analytical and Physical Chem- istry are further studied, and the rare elements are taken up in consider-

able detail. Course 7-8 is prerequisite. Lectures, two hours. (Credit, four hours).

11-12. Advanced Organic Chemistry. The course begins with a study of the development of chemistry up to 1870. During the remainder of the year the more complex reactions of

organic chemistry are studied. The course is planned to give the student some idea about research problems and the methods of interpreting the results of research.

Lectures, three hours. (Credit, six hours).

13-14. Advanced Organic Chemistry Laboratory. A study of organic analyses, advanced organic syntheses and structual formula determinations. Laboratory, six hours. (Credit, four hours). 76 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

15-16. Advanced Analytical Chemistry. A course in which the more difficult separations are made qualitatively and quantitatively. Laboratory,, six hours. (Credit, four hours).

17-18. Problems in Organic Chemistry. A library course. It should be taken with Chemistry 11-12 or Chem- istry 13-14. (Credit, two hours).

19-20. Research. The course consists of conferences with the instructor and an original investigation on the part of the student. The number of credit hours

granted is determined by the instructor at the close of the year.

CIVIL ENGINEERING Associate Professor Cheston

1. Plane Surveying. The use, care and adjustment of surveying instruments; plane table surveying including the preparation of a plane table map of part of the campus; theory and use of the level and actual practice in running lines d levels; use of the telescopic alidade; transit surveying and its appli- cation in surveying lands and highways; mapping from a transit survey; and general topographic mapping.

Lectures, two hours; laboratory and field work, six hours. (Credit, four hours). Prerequisite: Mathematics 1-2.

2. Engineering Drawing. Two laboratory periods of three hours each per week.

The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to engineer- ing drawing. Students will be familiarized with the use of drafting instruments, and be given introductory work in freehand lettering; the fundamental principles of orthographic projection (plan, elevation, view, sections, and auxiliary views), of dimensioning, of isometric projection, of oblique projections, and of perspective. Considerable work in freehand sketching covering orthographic, isometric, and pictorial views will be assigned. Emphasis will be placed on the making of working drawings, stressing accuracy and neatness; most work will be done in pencil with enough tracing practice to familiarize the student with the technique of producing pencil tracings on Vellum and ink tracings on tracing cloth; COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES JJ

study of standard symbols and conventions will be included. (Credit, two hours).

3. Descriptive Geometry. Two laboratory periods of three hours each per week. Prerequisite: Engineering Drawing.

The objective of this course is to develop in the student's mind a more complete grasp of the principles of projection covered in the prerequisite course in Engineering Drawing, and to give further training in visuali- zation. The course will include the representation, notation, and visuali- zation of points, lines, and planes, traces, and revolutions, and true lengths of lines and values of angles. Emphasis will be placed on the

general problem involving points, lines, and planes. Curved surfaces, sur- faces of revolution, and intersections of surfaces will be included. (Credit, two hours).

ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY Professor Kayden Associate Professor Thorogood Mr. Minter

Course 1-2 is prerequisite to all further work in economics. Gownsmen may elect an advanced course concurrently with Course 1-2, with the consent of the instructor. Course 9-10

is required of all students taking economics as a major sub-

ject. Course 1-2 in the Elements of Economics is open to qualified Freshmen. The work in economics and sociology has regard primarily to the cultural and public aspects of our economic system and

social institutions. In all courses the aim is to train the mind in habits of clear and discriminating thought, and to nurture the spirit, in ways helpful to the understanding and interpretation of modern economic phenomena, for better citizenship and for advanced work in the fields of economics, government, law, business, and journalism.

1-2. Elements of Economics. (1) A general survey of man's economic activities and institutions in their evolution from simple beginnings to the capitalistic forms of today, 78 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH particularly such features of industrial society as machine technology, specialization, competition, property, exchange, social control. (2) The fundamental principles involved in the organization of our present-day economic system in the fields of production, exchange, and distribution of wealth and income. Particular attention is given to the bearing of these principles upon our leading economic problems—money and credit, inter- national trade, labor, industrial combinations, waste and conservation, social welfare, government control. ( Credit, six hours.)

3. Industry and Labor. A study of selected contemporary problems of industry in the United States, with special attention to distribution of the national income, and the problems of wages, interest, and business profit. The social and cul- tural aspects of modern industrialism and the power age. Problems of economic insecurity; unemployment, wages, trade unionism and collective bargaining. The labor movement in the United States. Industrial crises and social security legislation. The business cycle; causes and effects of prosperity and depression. Human relations in industry; scientific man- agement. (Credit, three hours.)

4. International Economic Relations. The backgrounds of world economy: Natural resources; economic and political factors; economic nationalism and imperialism. Recent develop- ments in the economic organization of England, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, China, Japan, and the United States. Problems of international finance, foreign loans and investments, and war debts. Economic policies

of government: Commercial treaties, principles and methods of tariff bar- gaining, protection and preference, control of raw materials, competition and combination in foreign trade, and, in particular, the commercial policy of the United States. (Credit, three hours.)

5. Money and Banking.

A study of the principles and functions -of money, credit, and banking; systems of coinage, paper currency, the gold standard. The organization, work, and policies of commercial banks. Domestic and foreign exchange. Investment banking, savings banking, and agricultural credit institutions. The history of currency and banking in the United States. The central banks of the principal countries. The Federal Reserve system. The de- termination of the value of money, and problems of monetary policy (Credit, three hours.') COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 79

6. Public Finance and Taxation. The historical development of public finance. Public expenditure: classification; scope of federal, state, and local expenditures, and their

economic effects. Public revenues, commercial and administrative. Prac-

tical problems of taxation in the United States: property tax, income tax, customs taxes, special taxation of corporations, etc. Principles of equity in the distribution of tax burdens; the shifting and incidence of taxation. Public credit, public debt policies, and budget-making. (Credit, three hours.)

7. Fundamentals of Acounting.

Theory and practice in the handling of real and nominal accounts, to- gether with the use of various types of journals, books of original entry,

the trial balance, capital and revenue expenditures, adjustments and

closing of books, statements of profit and loss, and balance sheets. In- ventories, accruals and deferred items; depreciation, obsolescence, deple- tion; general and subsidiary ledgers. Use of accounting elements in the individual enterprise, the partnership and the corporation; also their use

in various economic processes and institutions. Accounting as an instru- ment of social control in business and government. (Credit, three hours.)

8. Corporation Finance. A study of the modern business corporation from the points of view of the management, the investor, and the public. Financial statements and their interpretation: capital stock, assets, depreciation, reserve funds, the balance sheet, etc. The promotion, organization, underwriting, and marketing of corporate securities. Financial problems of current operation and income; expansion and consolidation; receiverships and reorganiza- tions. Selected topics of the law of contracts, agency, commercial paper, and business associations. (Credit, three hours.)

9. Economic Thought and Reform.

Ancient and medieval social thought relating to economic life. The commercial revolution and mercantilism. Social and philosophical back- grounds of classical economics. The founders of modern economics in France and England. Economic Liberalism. Marxian socialism. The various programs of economic reform advanced by the different schools of liberal and socialist thought in Europe and America, with special ref- erence to economic democracy, syndicalism, state socialism, and the con- sumers' cooperative movement. (Credit, three hours.) 80 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

10. Modern Economic Systems. A critical study of contemporary systems of social economic organiza- tion based on capitalism, communism, fascism, and national socialism. The causes and character of social change in England and America; an appraisal of democratic capitalism; the principles and programs of the New Deal. A critical examination of the capitalistic system, for the promotion of individual and social interests, in comparison with alterna- tive economic types. Principles and methods of Soviet economic plan- ning. (Credit, three hours.)

11. Economic History of the United States. Colonial agriculture, industry, and commerce. The struggle for com- mercial and economic independence. Public lands and internal improve- ments. Early financial history and commercial policies. Special attention

is given to economic development since the Civil War: the growth of manufactures; industrial combinations and the struggles between private and government control in economic affairs; financial history, commerce,

tariff controversies; labor and social legislation; agrarian discontent and agricultcral policies; natural resources and conservation. (Credit, three hours.)

12-13. Advanced Economic Thought. A study of specially selected books and essays that have had the greatest influence on the development of contemporary economic thought and social policies, both in Europe and America. The work will be closely coordinated with the student's program of concentration in Economics. Open to Seniors with a high scholastic average in economics. (Credit, three to six hours.)

21. Principles of Sociology.

Factors of social life shaping groups: physical, economic, biologic, and cultural. Population growth and pressure. Genesis of social insti- tutions and the role of custom, property, family, religion, and government in civilization. The nature of group life; the significance of communi- cation, association, exploitation, domination. The role of competition and cooperation between classes and nations. The methods and agencies of social control: public opinion, law, belief, art, ideals, leadership. Social products and institutions. Theories of social progress in Western civiliza- tion. (Credit, three hours.) 1


ENGLISH Professor Long Professor Harrison Associate Professor Martin Associate Professor Moore Assistant Professor Palmer Mr. Rhys

The aims of the Department of English are to inculcate a discriminating appreciation of what is good in literature and to develop powers of clear, definite, and honest expres- sion.

Courses 1-2 and 3-4 are required of all candidates for the degrees of B.A. and B.S. Courses beyond 3-4 are arranged primarily for students concentrating in English. Students not concentrating in English may elect these courses provided that they can satisfy the instructor that they can accomplish a liberal amount of collateral reading.

Students electing English as a field of concentration will be assigned lists of books for reading in their summer vaca- tions. They will be prepared to take examinations on this reading in the Autumn. Students failing to attain an average of at least 75% in the sophomore year will not be accepted as candidates for concentration in English.

Students majoring in English will choose their minors from the departments of Foreign Languages, History and Philoso- phy.

1-2. Introductory.

Attention is given to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and idiom. Written exercises are required once a week.

In the first semester the student is required to study and report on serious articles by English writers from the Renaissance to the present. 82 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

The work of the second semester will be lyric poetry and dramatic poetry as represented by Romeo and Juliet and / Henry IV. (Credit, six hours.)

3-4. Representative Masterpieces.

Studies in the structure, thought, and significance of selected European classics, illustrative of western civilization. The course will include: The

Iliad, The Book of Job, three Greek tragedies, Lucretius' De Rerum Natura, Dante's Divina Commedia, Goethe's Faust, Tolstoy's War and

Peace. (Credit, six hours.) >

5. Shakespeare.

Seven plays will be intensively studied in class; others will be assigned for outside reading. Shakespeare's life will be studied in connection with the development of the English drama. (First semester: credit, three hours.) [Mr. Long.]

6. Milton.

A study of the life and works of Milton. Emphasis will be given to the Paradise Lost. Selections from his prose will be read to illustrate and explain his poetry. (Second semester: credit, three hours.) [Mr. Long.]

7-8. The English Romantic Movement.

First semester: Wordsworth, Coleridge, and the rise of English Peri- odical Literature. Second semester: A study of the Romantic essayists, Hazlitt, Lamb, DeQuincey, and Leigh Hunt; and the poets, Byron, Shelley, and Keats. (Credit, six hours.) [Mr. Martin.]

9-10. Victorian Literature.

First Semester: Victorian critical prose. Second Semester: Victorian Poetry. (Credit, six hours.) [Mr. Martin.]

11-12. History of Literary Criticism.

A study of representative treatises on the theory of style: Classical, rennaissance, and modern. For seniors. Required of students whose

major subject is English. (Credit, six hours.) [Mr. Long.]

13-14. English Restoration and Eighteenth Century.

Prose, poetry, and drama in England from 1660 to 1800, with special COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 83 emphasis on Congreve, Addison and Steele, Dryden, Pope, Swift, Gray, Sheridan, Walpole, Johnson and his Circle. (Credit, six hours.) [Mr. Mocre.]

15-16. American Literature. A study of the chief American writers from the seventeenth century to 1900. (Credit, six hours.) [Mr. Moore.]

17-18. Contemporary American and British Poets. First semester, contemporary American poetry. Second semester, con- temporary British poetry. (Credit, six hours. Either semester may be taken for credit, three hours each semester.) [Mr. Martin.]

19. The English Novel. A study of the deveopment of the English Novel through the reading of ten representative novels. Lectures and class reports. (Second semester: credit, three hours.) [Mr. Moore.]

20-21. English Literature of the Renaissance. First Semester: A study of the dramatic and non-dramatic writers in the Tudor period. Second Semester: a study of the dramatic and non-dramatic writers in the period from 1603 to 1660. (Credit, three hours each semester.) [Mr. Harrison.]

22. Chaucer.

A comprehensive study of Geoffrey Chaucer, his times, his life, and his chief works. The course is open only to English Majors. (First se- mester: credit, three hours.) [Mr. Harrison.]

23. History of the English Language. An outline of the chief periods of English. (Second semester: credit, three hours.)

24. Advanced Composition.

The aim of the course is exactness in diction and economy of expres- sion. (First semester: credit, three hours.) [Mr. Moore.]

English 25. Poetic Analysis. The analytical study of poetic method as a basis of understanding, ap- praisal, and critical enjoyment, based upon the close reading of specific poems arranged in ascending order of complexity. (Credit, three hours.) [Mr. Palmer.] 84 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

26. Modern American Literature. (Second semester: credit, three hours.)

27. Survey of English Literature to 1700. (Credit, three hours.)

FORESTRY Associate Professor Cheston

1. Dendrology. A detailed study of the principal commercial forest trees of the United States including tree ranges, principal uses, silvical requirements and major identifying features. Identification of the trees and native shrubs in the vicinity of the campus. The structural characteristics of trees, twig identification, winter identification. Lectures, two hours; laboratory, three hours. (Credit, three hours.) Prerequisite: Botany 1-2.

2. Plant and Wood Anatomy. Structural characteristics of plant materials, identification of the more important commercial woods, properties of woods, physical, chemical and mechanical. The objective is to train the student in the anatomy of plants and enable him to identify the more important commercial woods. Lectures, two hours; laboratory, three hours. (Credit, three hours.)

Prerequisite: Botany 1-2 and Dendrology I.

3-4. Forest Management. Forest Management under the various heads of mensuration, finance, organization and working plans, administration and improvements, wild-

life and recreational management and fire control will be thoroughly sur- veyed. Determinations of volume of timber products, studies of growth and yield of trees and stands of timber, valuation of standing timber, sale and purchase and exchange of stumpage, and the knowledge of amount, location and value of material involved will be studied in the field and in the classroom. Lectures three hours; laboratory, three hours.

(Credit, eight hours.) Prerequisite: Mathematics 3-4.

5. Forest Pathology.

A survey of the pathological diseases affecting plant life with special reference to forest tree diseases with prevention and control. Lectures, two hours; laboratory, three hours. (Credit, three hours.) Prerequisite:

Botany 1-2 and Dendrology 1. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 85

6. Entomology. See description under Biology.

7-8. Utilization. Utilization of wood in the manufacture of pulp, paper and other cellu- lose products, methods of logging and manufacturing of lumber. Dry kilning and wood preservation; air drying, naval stores practice and management of forests for naval stores products. Small sawmill operation, and practice in its use. Field work consists of trips to various local forest industries and reports of operation; work on the University saw-

mill, sawing of lumber, piling and stacking; sawfiling and timber cutting. Lectures, two hours; laboratory, three hours. (Credit, six hours.) Pre- requisite: Junior standing in the College.

9-10. Silviculture. The student will be taught the art of producing and tending a forest. He will obtain a knowledge of soil surveys as well as the use of chemical,

mechanical and biological studies of the soils. Simple determinations of

soil reaction, loss on ignition and mechanical analysis will be made. The seeding and planting of a forest, the ecological relations of the plant to the forest, treatment of woodlands and regional silviculture are incorporated into the course. A basic knowledge of establishing and reproducing a forest, technique of seed germination, nursery practice, various operations designed to improve the growth and quality of forest stands and the skillful cutting of timber will be taught. Thorough grasp of the principles of improving the character, composition, growth and yield of forest stands by various thinnings, cuttings of mature tim- ber and a study of the silvicultural practices in various regions of the country will be made. Two hours lecture; three hours laboratory. (Credit,

six hours.) Prerequisite: Botany 1-2.

FRENCH Professor Frierson Associate Professor Buck Students majoring in French will select their minors from the departments of English, Foreign Language, History and Philosophy.

1-2. Beginning French.

The work of the first year is continuous, being devoted to a thorough 86 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

grounding in the fundamentals of French pronunciation and of grammar.

Reading is done in the last half of the year, covering generally 300 pages, but the main effort is directed towards laying a foundation for oral French.

Special stress is laid on the acquisition of a vocabulary. Weekly com- position from dictation. Written and oral examinations. Three hours a week throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.)

3-4. Intermediate French.

The grammar work of 1-2 is completed, and the reading continued, with

weekly composition from dictation. The course is conducted as far as feasible in French, and the ability to read at sight and to carry on a

simple conversation is necessary for completion. Thiree hours a week throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.)

5-6. An Introduction to French Literature. A survey of French Literature from the Chanson de Roland to the end of the nineteenth century. Lectures on the main currents of French Lit- erature and reading of representative masterpieces. Three hours a week throughout the year. (Credit, six hours). Note: The following advanced courses are not offered every year. French 7-8 and 9-10 are usually offered in alternate years and those with

higher numbers only when there is sufficient demand for them.

7-8. Seventeenth Century French Literature. A comprehensive study of the representative masterpieces of France's Golden Age, with special emphasis on the esprit classique that pervaded French letters trom Richelieu to the death of Louis XIV. Open only to advanced students; prerequisite, French 5-6. Three hours a week, through- out the year. (Credit, six hours.)

9-10. Nineteenth Century French Literature. The first semester will be devoted to the Romantic Movement; the second, to the theatre and the novel after 1840. Open only to advanced students: prerequisite, French 5-6. Three hours a week, throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.)

11-12. Conversation and Vocabulary Building.

IntensiVe practice in conversation and comprehension will form the major portion of the class-room work. The outside work will consist largely of advanced composition, exercises in phonetics, and word study. Three hours a week, throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.) COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 87

13-14. Eighteenth Century French Literature. A study of the writing of the Enlightenment with emphasis on the thought of Montesquieu, Voltaire, Diderot and Rousseau. Prerequisite: French 5-6. Open only to students who read French fluently. (Credit six hours.)

25. French Syntax. An intensive study of the more mature aspects of French grammar, usage, and style. Open only to advanced students. Three hours a week, second semester. (Credit, three hours.)

26. Old French. An elementary survey of the history of the French language. The laws of phonology and morphology that explain how French evolved from Vul- gar Latin. Reading from selected texts of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Three hours a week, second semester. (Credit, three hours.)

GERMAN Professor Baker Assistant Professor Moss

German 1-2 is equivalent to two years of preparatory-

work and is open to both Freshmen and Sophomores. Ger- man 3-4 may be elected by students who have passed the entrance requirements or have completed German 1-2. Students majoring in German will select their minors from the departments of Foreign Language, English and History.

1-2. Beginning German.

The course aims to give the student the ability to read German of ordi-

nary difficulty, to understand the language when it is spoken to him, and to have some command of the conversational idiom. A combination of the

direct -and the grammatical method is employed. Three hours a week throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.)

3-4. Intermediate German.

The First Semester is devoted to a general review of the fundamental

principles of grammar and composition and to the translation of short

stories. In the Second Semester the time is equally divided between con- 8b the university of the south

versation in German and the translation of plays. Three hours a week throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.)

5-6. German Drama. Historical survey of the German drama, with readings from Lessing,

Goethe, Schiller, Kleist, Hebbel, and Grillparzer. (Credit, six hours.)

7-8. Goethe's Faust.

The life and works of Goethe with Faust as the central theme.

(Credit, six hours.)

9-10 Nineteenth Century.

An intensive study of German Romanticism and Realism. (Credit, six hours.)

GREEK Professor Gass To encourage the study of Greek on the part of those who have had no preparatory school training in the subject, a course for beginners is offered. In Greek 1-2 the chief emphasis is upon forms, grammar, the acquisition of a vo- cabulary, and translation. In the higher courses the em- phasis shifts to literary criticism, philosophy, and the tracing of Greek influence on the literature and the thought of the ages. Greek 5-6, 7-8, and 9-10 are not offered every year, the choice of course depending on the demand; for any of these courses Greek 1-2 and 3-4 are prerequisite.

For a major in Greek three courses in advance of Greek 1-2 are required. A minor in Latin, preferred but not re- quired, will include three courses in that department. Other minors will normally be in a modern language, French or German preferred, or in English, three courses being re- quired in advance of elementary courses in one language or three courses in advance of English 1-2. Minors may also be in two languages or in one language and English, in which case the requirements are two courses in two languages in advance of elementary courses, or two courses in one Ian- COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 89 guage in advance of the elementary course with two courses in English in advance of English 1-2. A minor in philosophy may be elected, in which case the requirements are three courses in philosophy including Philosophy 5, 7 and 8, the History of Ancient and Mediaeval Philosophy. Elective courses should in all cases include Greek 11, Greek Civiliza- tion, and Philosophy 5, 7 and 8. Recommended courses in

English, either as a minor or as electives, are English 5, Shakespeare; English 11-12, History of Literary Criticism;

English 3-4, Representative Masterpieces of European Lit- erature; English 23, History of the English Language.

1-2. Beginning Greek: The forms, grammar, and syntax of Attic Greek. Selected readings. Crosby and Schaeffer, An Introduction to Greek. Three hours weekly throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.)

3-4. The Socratic Dialogues:

The central idea in the course is the life and person of Socrates and his contribution to Philosophy.

3. Plato: The Apology of Socrates. Grammar, Composition, Ety- mology.

4. Plato: Crito. Selections from the Phaedo and the Symposium. Grammar, Composition, Etymology. Three hours weekly throughout the year. (Credit, three hours, each semester.)

5-6. The Greek Epic:

5. Homer: The Iliad.

6. Homer: The Odyssey.

Three hours weekly throughout the year. (Credit, three hours, each semester.)

7-8. Greek Philosophy:

A general study of the philosophical systems of Plato and Aristotle. with special emphasis on Metaphysics and Moral Philosophy.

7. Plato: Republic. 90 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

8. Aristotle: Ethics. Three hours weekly throughout the year. (Credit, three hours, each semester.)

9-10. Greek Drama:

A general study of the origin and development of the drama, with special emphasis on the Poetics of Aristotle.

9. Aeschylus: Prometheus Bound, Agamemnon. Sophocles: Anti- gone.

10. Sophocles: Oedipus Rex. Euripides: Medea. Aristophanes: Frogs.

Three hours weekly throughout the year. (Credit, three hours, each semester.)

11. Greek Civilization:

The history, the political institutions, the public and private

life of the Greek people; their art, their philosophy, and their legacy to western civilization.

This course is open to all students, no knowledge of the Greek language being required.

Three hours per week for one semester. (Credit, three hours.)

13. New Testament Greek:

St. John's Gospel, with other selected readings from the New Testament.

Three hours per week for one semester. (Credit, three hours.)

HISTORY Associate Professor Govan Assistant Professor Grimes Assistant Professor Webb

History 1-2 is normally expected to be completed in freshman year by any student planning to major in the de-

partment, but it will not be counted as a course toward ful-

filling the major requirement. Students of higher than freshman standing who have not taken History 1-2 may substitute History 20-21 in fulfillment of this requirement. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 91

Entering students planning to major in History are ur- gently advised to take such courses as will satisfy the col- lege requirement of four semester courses in English, two semester courses in Bible or Philosophy, and four semester courses in the Pure Science group, during the freshman and sophomore years. They should also begin the satis- faction of the language requirement in these two years, and are further advised to take two semester courses in Political Science or Economics in their sophomore year. Students planning to continue their work in history in graduate school are advised to select French or German for their language. The minimum requirement for any student majoring in the department is:

1. Two two-semester sequences selected from History 5-6, History 7-8, History 13-14, History 15-16, History 17- 18-19, History 20-21.

2. Two semesters of problem courses. (If sufficient pro- blem courses are not offered during the junior and senior year, an additional two-semester sequence may be substi- tuted.)

3. The senior two-semester reading course.

The comprehensive examination is both written and oral, and each student majoring in the department will be prepared to take an examination in four of the following fields; the first being required and the individual student choosing three others:

1. Basic Historiography and Historical Geography. 2. Ancient History—Prehistoric to the Third Century A.D.

3. Medieval and Renaissance History, Third to Sixteenth Centuries.

4. Expansion of Europe, Fifteenth to Twentieth Cen- turies. 92 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

5. Internal History and Constitutional Development since 1600 of one of the following:

1. United States

2. Great Britain

3. Germany

4. France

5. Russia 6. Recent and Contemporary European and World His- tory.

1-2. An Introductory History of Europe.

This course is designed to introduce underclassmen to the problems of modern civilization and culture in the period since the Renaissance, and to provide a background for courses in Economics and Political

Science as well as History. The purpose is to aid the student in ac- quiring an understanding of social forces, a social and historical per- spective, a critical attitude toward sources of information, and a prac- tical technique for the study of the social sciences. Freshman course, closed to members of the Junior and Senior classes. Three hours weekly throughout the year. (Credit, three hours each semester.) Members of the Department.

5. History of the United States to the Civil War.

6. History of the United States since the Civil War. A general survey of the history of the United States. Sophomore course. Three hours weekly, each semester. (Credit, three hours each semester.) [Professors Govan and Webb.]

7-8. History of England. A general survey of the political, constitutional, economic, and social history of England and the British Empire since the Norman Conquest. (Credit, three hours each semester.) [Professor Webb.]

13. The Ancient Near East and Greece. This course consists of a survey of the history of civilization in the ancient Near East and the history of Greece to the death of Alexander

the Great. Particular emphasis is placed on the history of Greece dur- ing the classical period. Three hours weekly, one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Grimes.] COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 93

14. Hellenistic Greece and Rome. A survey of the history of the Greek world during the Hellenistic period and the history of Rome during the Republic and Early Empire. Three hours weekly, one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor

Grimes.] (Note. History 13-14 is given in alternate years with His- tory 15-16.)

15-16. Medieval History 300-1300. The history of medieval Europe from the fourth to the fourteenth century with special emphasis on social, economic, and religious de- velopments. Three hours weekly, each semester. (Credit, three hours each semester.) [Professor Grimes.]

17. The Renaissance and Reformation. The history of Europe during the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, with special emphasis on the Renaissance in Italy and in northern Europe, the Protestant Revolt, and the Catholic Reform. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Grimes.]

18. Europe in the Seventeenth Century.

The history of Europe in the seventeenth century centering in a study of the rise of absolutism, the emergence of the European States System, the changes in scientific and mathematical thought, and the development of the modern political, social, and economic institutions. Three hours weekly, one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professors Grimes and Webb.]

19. The Era of the French Revolution and Napoleon. A study of the history of Europe and of France under the Old Re- gime with special attention to the intellectual background of the rev- olutionary era, followed by the study of the French Revolution and the Napoleonic period. Three hours weekly, one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professors Grimes and Webb.]

20. Modern Europe from the Congress of Vienna to the Franco- German War. A study of the reconstruction of Europe by the Congress of Vienna, and the impact on reconstructed Europe of the forces of liberalism and

nationalism. Special attention is given to the development of Russia during this period. Three hours weekly, one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professors Grimes and Webb.] 94 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

21. Recent and Contemporary European History.

This course is concerned with modern European History from the Franco-German War to the present day. It deals with the internal development of the principal European powers; with the social, economic, and political problems arising from the development of nationalism, imperialism, the industrial revolution, the growth and expansion of the European peoples, and with the international background and origins of World War I and World War II. Three hours weekly, one se- mester. (Credit, three hours.)

22, 23, 24, 25. Problems in History. Advanced courses in History, given one each semester to students of not lower than junior standing, properly qualified by previous work in history, political science, economics, or other subjects. Emphasis will be placed upon individual work by the students in consultation with the instructor, and the subject matter will vary from course to course over the field of modern history in the West. Attention will be given to training in the methods of historical research and composition. (Credit, three hours each semester.)

31-32. Tutorial Course for Majors.

A required course for all majors in History. It is designed to ac- quaint the student with the major historians and historical literature through individual reading under the direction of the instructor. (Credit, thre hours each semester.) [Professor Govan and Members of the De- partment.]

LATIN Professor Gass Assistant Professor Moss The aims of the Department of Latin are: (i) to develop an ability to read Latin with accuracy and ease; (2) to offer as wide a range of reading as possible in the important au- thors and to give the student a practical knowledge of Latin vocabulary and idiom; (3) to make a systematic study of the Roman people, their history, politics, religion, philosophy, or- atory, and literature. Geography, mythology, metres, and other auxiliary subjects will be studied. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 95

For a major in Latin three courses in advance of Latin 1-2 are required. A minor in Greek, preferred but not re- quired, will include three courses in that department. Other minors will normally be in a modern language or in Eng- lish, three courses being required in advance of elementary courses in one language or three courses in advance of Eng- lish 1-2. Minors may also be in two languages or in one language and English, in which case the requirements are two courses in two languages in advance of elementary courses, or two courses in one language in advance of the elementray course with two courses in English in advance of English 1-2. A minor in philosophy may be elected, in which case the requirements are three courses in philosophy

including Philosophy 5, 7 and 8, the History of Ancient and Mediaeval Philosophy. Elective courses should include Latin

11, Roman Civilization, and Philosophy 5, 7 and 8. Recom- mended courses in English, either as a minor or as electives, are English 5, Shakespeare; English 11-12, History of Liter- ary Criticism; English 3-4 Representative Masterpieces of Enropean Literature; English 23, History of the English Language.

1-2. Cicero and Virgil. A study of the life and work of these two most significant figures in Roman literature. Requirement for admission: two years of High School Latin.

1. Cicero: Selections. Grammar and Composition.

2. Virgil: Aeneid, Books l-Vl. Grammar and Composition. Three hours weekly throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.)

3-4. The Lyric Poets: a general study of Roman Lyric poetry, the material chosen for reading varying from year to year. Require- ment for admission: Latin 1-2, or four years of High School Latin.

3. Horace: Odes and Epodes. Grammar and Composition.

4. Catullus : Selected Poems. Grammar and Composition. Three hours weekly throughout the year. (Credit, three hours, each semester.) 96 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

5-6. Roman Drama: a general study of Roman Drama, its origins, its heritage from the Greek Drama, its influence on later Drama, spe-

cial attention being given to the Ars Poetica of Horace.

5. Plautus and Terence r Selected Comedies.

6. Seneca: Selected Tragedies. Three hours weekly throughout the year. (Credit, three hour& each semester.)

7-8. Roman Satire: a study of the Roman Satirists and the life, the manners, and the institutions of their respective ages as they see them.

7. Horace: Selected Satires and Epistles.

8. Juvenal: Selected Satires. Three hours weekly throughout the year. (Credit, three hours, each semester.)

9-10 Epicureanism and Stoicism: Greek Philosophy at Rome, with a general study of the four great schools of thought, and especially of

Epicureanism and Stoicism as seen through their Roman inter-


9. Lucretius: De Rerum Natura.

10. Cicero: De Officiis. Three hours weekly throughout the year. (Credit, three hours, each semester.)

1.1. Roman Civilization: The history, political institutions, the public

and private life of the Roman people; Roman statesmen, thinkers, men of letters and their gift to the world. Three hours per week for one semester. (Credit, three hours.)

MATHEMATICS Professor Bruton Associate Professor Hooke The aim of the Department of Mathematics for those

students who select Mathematics as their major subject is to train them in the more familiar branches and to prepare them for graduate study. Since the primary purpose of the COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 97 department is to produce liberally educated men, consider-

able latitude is allowed in the choice of minor subjects. All courses meet three hours a week and give three hours credit each semester. Courses 20 to 24 are open to all stu- dents but do not give credit toward a mathematics major. Courses numbered 30 or above are given if demand war- rants.

1. Trigonometry. Brief review of elementary algebra; the trigonometric functions, logarithms, and the solution of triangles. This course may be omitted by properly qualified students.

2. Analytic Geometry. The graphs, equations, and properties of the straight line and conic sections.

3-4. Differential and Integral Calculus. A thorough course in the calculus including maxima and minima, cur- vature, centroids, series, envelopes, partial differentiation, and multiple integration.

5. Theory of Equations. Complex numbers, cubic and quartic equations, Horner's and Newton's Methods, determinants.

6. Differential Equations. General and singular solutions of ordinary differential equations with applications to the physical sciences.

7-8. Advanced Calculus.

A continuation of Mathematics 3-4, and an introduction to the theory of functions.

9-10. Theoretical Mechanics.

Statics, kinematics, and dynamics. The first semester may be taken for cerdit separately.

11. College Geometry.

Advanced plane geometry. This course is particularly beneficial for those who expect to teach in the secondary schools. 98 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

12. Solid Analytic Geometry. An introduction to determinants and quadric surfaces

13. Vector Analysis. The algebra and calculus of vectors, with application*.

14. Projective Geometry.

Synthetic geometry, cross ratio, pencils of lines.

15. Theory of Numbers. Theory of congruences and algebraic integers.

20. History of Mathematics.

21. College Algebra.

22. Mathematics of Finance.

23. Mathematics of Statistics.

24. Descriptive Astronomy.

30. Seminar.

31-32. Differential Geometry.

33-34. Advanced Algebra.

35-36. Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable.

MUSIC Associate Professor McConnell

1 2 Appreciation of Music.

Designed to assist the student to listen appreciatively and intelli- gently to music, and to familiarize him with the works of the great composers. The College Music Set, containing nearly a thousand

records, is used in this course. One hour a week. (Credit, two hours.)

3 4. History of Music. A systematic survey of the course of musical history from the days of plainsong, through the rise of the polyphonic, classic and romantic schools, to the present day. Two hours a week. (Credit, four hours.) COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 99

5-6. Harmony. Open to students who have a practical knowledge of a keyboard instrument. Three hours a week. (Credit, six hours.)

Note: Practical training in singing is afforded by the University Choir. Private instruction in voice, organ, and piano is available. Choir partici- pation and training gives two semester hour credits per year. Maximum credit, four semester hours.

PHILOSOPHY Professor McDonald Professor Marshall

Courses I, 2, 3, and 4 are open to beginners in philosophy. Any two of these four courses will fulfill the requirement in philosophy for the B.A. or B.S. degree.

1. Methodology. Introduction to reflective thinking. Credit, three hours. (Professor McDonald.)

2. Man and the Cosmos. Credit, three hours. (Professor McDonald.)

3. Ethics. Credit, three hours. (Professor Marshall.)

4. Philosophy of Theism. Credit, three hours. (Professor Marshall.)

5. History of Philosophy from Thales to Socrates. Credit, three hours. (Professor McDonald.)

6a. Plato. Credit, three hours. (Professor McDonald.)

6b. Aristotle. Credit, three hours. (Professor Marshall.)

7. History of Philosophy from the Stoics to the Renaissance. Credit, three hours. (Professor McDonald.) 100 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

8. History of Philosophy in the 16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries. Credit, three hours. (Professor McDonald.)

9. History of Philosophy in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Credit, three hours. (Professor McDonald.)

10. Epistemology. Credit, three hours. (Professor McDonald.)

11. Philosophy of Law. Credit, three hours. (Professor Marshall.)

12. Formal Logic. Credit, three hours. (Professor Marshall.)

13. History and Exposition of Ethical Principles. Credit, three hours. (Professor McDonald.)

15-16. Psychology. A whole year's introductory course in general psychology. There are no prerequisites to this course. Credit, three hours for each semester.

No credit is given for a single semester separately.

17. Aesthetics. Credit, three hours. (Professor Marshall.)

18. Contemporary Philosophy. Credit, three hours. (Professor Marshall.)

19-20. History of Modern Philosophy. Credit, three hours for each semester. (Professor Marshall.)

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Mr. Gordon M. Clark Mr. W. C. White

Mr. J. D. Bridgers All students must receive credit for four (4) semesters of satisfactory work in Physical Education. Exceptions: (1) students who are excused from physical activity by a phy- sician, (2) students who are Veterans of World War II, (3) students having Forestry scholarships. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES IOI

Until completing this requirement, each student is required to attend three (3) scheduled periods each week of one hour in length. (Academic credit of one hour per semester is given for satisfactory work; maximum credit, four hours.)

Among the objectives of this program are:

1. To develop an enthusiasm for playing some game well so that it may be enjoyed both in college and in after life.

2. To develop agility, coordination of mind, eye, and body.

3. To develop confidence and the ability to swim.

4. To develop and toughen the body.

Instruction is given in swimming, gymnastics, boxing, wrestling, track, hiking, team and individual sports.

PHYSICS Professor Petry Assistant Professor Koza

1-2. General Physics.

Physics 1. This course will consider mechanics, heat, wave motion, and sound: motions of translation; forces; rotation; statics; work, power, energy; molecular forces; friction; liquids; gases; elasticity and periodic motion; sound; kinetic theory; temperature scales; expansion; heat quan-

tity; change of state; gas laws; vapor; heat transfer; heat and work. Lectures, three hours. Laboratory, three hours. (Credit, four hours.)

Physics 2. This course will consider electricity, magnetism, and op-

tics; electrostatic phenomena; magnetic phenomena; the electric current;

resistance; chemical effects of an electric current; electromagnetism; elec-

trical measurements; induced electromotive force; capacitance; inductance; alternating currents; thermionics; nature of light; photometry; reflection and refraction; lenses; optical instruments; spectra and color; interference and diffraction; plane polarization. Lectures, three hours. Laboratoiy, three hours. (Credit, four hours.)

3-4. Electricity and Magnetism.

A course designed to give a more thorough knowledge of the subjects oi 102 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

electricity and magnetism than that given by General Physics. Mathe-

matics 3-4 is a prerequisite. Lectures, recitations, and laboratory. (Credit, eight hours.)

5-6. Optics.

A study of the fundamental principles of geometrical and physical optics Lectures, recitations, and problems. (Credit, six hours.)

7. Atomic Physics.

A course correlating and extending earlier courses by the study of more recent work. (Credit, three hours.)

8. Thermodynamics and Heat Power. Principles of elementary thermodynamics, with applications to modern power production. Lectures, three hours. Laboratory, three hours. (Credit, four hours.)

9. Advanced Laboratory Practice.

This course affords an opportunity for further training and experimental

study in Physics in special cases. Either semester, three hours a week.

Laboratory fee, $5.00. (Credit, one hour each semester.)

10. Special Topics in Physics.

A supplementary course dealing with subjects of special interest, in- cluding many modern applications. Prerequisite, Physics 1-2 and Cal- culus. (Credit, three hours.)

11. Sophomore Mechanics. (Credit, three hours.)

12. Fundamentals of Electronics. (Credit, three hours.)

13. Advanced Thermodynamics. Required for majors: (Credit, three hours.)

14. Theoretical Mechanics.

See Mathematics 9; required for majors; (Credit, three hours.)

15-16. Senior Laboratory. Supplementary training for majors. (Credit, one hour each semester.) COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES IO3

POLITICAL SCIENCE Professor Dugan Associate Professor Govan Assistant Professor Webb Mr. Minter Students who wish to major in the department should complete Political Science 1-2 by the end of sophomore year. There are two programs for majors in junior and senior years. Both programs include on the comprehen- sive examination papers in Political Theory and Political Institutions. Program A includes a third paper on Public Law and Program B a third paper on International Rela- tions. All students majoring in the department should in- clude among their courses Comparative Government, Po- litical Theory, and Constitutional Law. Beyond these courses, the number and selection of courses is determined by the comprehensive examination which the student ex- pects to take and by whether his Field of Concentration involves one or two minors. The statement on page 59 of the catalogue that enough minor courses must be taken "to make the total number of courses in the Field of Con- centration amount to seven or eight" is interpreted to mean seven courses exclusive of History 1-2 and eight courses inclusive of History 1-2.

1. American Government and Politics. A study of federal, state, and local government in the United States, and of the American party system. Sophomore course, certain sections of which are open to freshmen on certain conditions. Three hours weekly, one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professors Dugan, Govan, Minter, and Webb.]

2. European Governments and Politics. A study of political institutions, political forces, and the current po- litical scene in the major European countries, with special reference to England, France, Germany, and Russia. Sophomore course, open to 104 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

especially qualified freshmen with a good record in Political Science I. Three hours weekly, one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Dugan and others.]

3. Comparative Government. An analysis of the nature and function and method of operation of the state with emphasis on the differences between parliamentary, presidential, and totalitarian systems of government. Prerequisite: Po- litical Science 1-2, or permission. Three hours weekly, one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Dugan.]

4. Principles of Political Science. A study of the fundamental principles of Political Science from both traditional and current points of view, with the reading of selected passages from such classics as Hobbes's Leviathan, Locke's Second

Treatise on Civil Government, Montesquieu's Spirit of the Laws, Rous- seau's Sctcial Contract, and certain works representative of the different schools of jurisprudence. Prerequisite: Political Science 3, or permission. Three hours weekly, one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Dugan.]

6. The Constitution of the United States.

A study of the framing of the constitution, and of its development by amendment, statutory elaboration, judicial interpretation, and change

in usage; the constitution and the New Deal; the constitution as it is today. Junior course, open to sophomores who have completed Po-

litical Science 1 with a creditable record. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Govan.]

9-10. The Foundations of International Politics. A study of the national and imperial strengths, interests, and pol- icies of the Great Powers in Europe, the Mediterranean area, the Near and Middle East, the Far East, and the Western Hemisphere, with special emphasis on the geographical, strategic, economic, historical, psychological, and cultural background of the conflict between Eng- land and the successively strongest continental European power. Attention

is also given to the development and function of such internatidhal institutions as diplomacy, sea power, the administrative unions, and international law. Junior course, open to sophomores who have com- pleted Politics 2 or History 2 with a creditable record. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours each semester.) [Professor Dugan.] COLLEGE OF ATS AND SCIENCES I OS

11. International Law.

A course based mainly on cases and documents illustrative of the sources, subjects, and major principles of international law. The course includes a limited amount of reading in the classics of inter- national law. Junior course. Three hours weekly, one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Dugan.]

12. International Organization.

A survey of the development of international thought; a study of the

League of Nations, the ideas underlying it, and the reasons for its failure; the United Nations Organization, the ideas underlying it, its structure, functions, and limitations. Junior course. Three hours weekly. one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Dugan.]

Note: Political Science 12 is normally given alternately with Political Science 10.

14. American Foreign Relations: Conduct and Policies.

A study of the historic development of American foreign policies and an analysis of the main lines of contemporary American foreign policy with special refeience to the Western Hemisphere. Attention is also given to the principles of American diplomacy and to the control of foreign relations under the American constitutional system. Junior course. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Webb.]

15. Political Parties and Public Opinion.

A study of the history, organization, and functions of political parties in the United States and abroad; the activities and importance of pres- sure groups and propaganda; the relationship between economic power and politics; the basic principles that determine political behaviour. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Govan.]

17. Public Administration.

A course including the following topics: (1) problems of departmental organization in government, and the hierarchical structure vs. the in- dependent commission; (2) personnel problems in government, such as recruitment, training, promotion; (3) fiscal and financial administration; (4) a comparison of the constitutional position of administrative de- partments in the U. S. and abroad. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Minter.] 106 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

18. Administrative Law.

The development of the practice of administrative legislation' and adjudication in the United States and abroad; practice and procedure

of administrative tribunals; the relationship between administrative tri- bunals and the judicial branch of the government; the law governing the powers of administrative bodies. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Dugan and others.]

20. Jurisprudence.

A historical and comparative analysis of the world's legal systems, and a study of the principles of the analytical, historical, philosophical, comparative, and sociological schools of jurisprudence; the judicial pro- cess and its function; the question of the reform of judicial procedure. Junior course. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Dugan.]

22. State and Local Government. An introductory course in the problems and policies of state and lo- cal units of government. Three hours weekly, one semester. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Minter.]

Note: Political Science 22 is open to freshmen who have successfully completed Political Science I during the first semester.

41. History of Political Theory. A study of the development of political thought in the West, with the reading of selected classics not included in Political Science 4. Senior course. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Dugan.]

42. Recent Political Theory. Political thought in the 19th and 20th centuries; theories of consti- tutionalism, democracy, communism, and fascism: the relationship be- tween sociology and politics and between ethics and politics. Senio* course. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Dugan.]

44. American Political Thought. The development of constitutional and democratic ideas in America, with emphasis on the eighteenth century and the political ideas of the American Revolution. Senior course. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours.) [Professor Govan.] Note: Political Science 42 and 44 are given alternately, each being a continuation of Political Science 41. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES IO7

51-52. Tutorial Course for Majors. A course designed to meet the needs of individual students in con- nection with preparation for the comprehensive examination. Open only to seniors by permission. (Credit, three hours each semester.) [Profes- sor Dugan.]

PUBLIC SPEAKING Mr. McGoldrick 1-2. The Fundamentals of Vocal Expression. Theory of Voice and Speech. Analysis of Speech Sounds. Voice Pro- duction. Inflection. Timing. Three hours weekly, First Semester. Second Semester: the Application of Principles. Platform Speaking. Speech Organization. Three hours weekly. (Credit for both semesters,

six hours.)

3. Thinking in Practice.

This course is intended to be preliminary to the study and practice

of Argumentation. One semester is devoted to a consideration of the nature and categories of Evidence, and of the elements of logical reason-

ing as they may be applied in ordinary life. One semester. (Credit, three hours.)

4. Argumentation and Debate. The study of Argumentative Forms and Processes. Briefs. Composi- tion and delivery of original discourse. The conduct of Debate. Parlia- mentary Law. One semester. (Credit, three hours.)

5. Interpretive Reading. The interpretation of Content. Intensive study of words and word relations. Apprehension—Comprehension. Connotation. Word Groups. Reading Aloud. One semester. (Credit, three hours.)

7. Dramatic Expression. The history of the Drama, Contemporary Drama, Writing a Play. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours.)

8. Dramatic Expression. The fundamentals of acting, characterizations, preparing a prompt book, scenery, lighting, costuming and make-up. Three hours weekly. (Credit, three hours.)

9. Liturgical Reading.

This course is intended for those who wish to prepare themselves for 108 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH reading the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer in the services of the Church. Prerequisite, 5 above. One semester. (Credit, three hours.) Prizes are awarded annually in declamation and debate. On recom- mendation by the Professor of Public Speaking, credit toward the degree

is given for exemplary work in oratory, debate and dramatics.

SPANISH Professor Lewis Professor Frierson Professor McConnell Students majoring in Spanish will select their minors from the departments of Foreign Language, English, History and Philosophy.

1-2. Beginning Spanish.

The work of the year is devoted to the fundamentals of Spanish pro- nunciation, grammar, and composition, together with the reading of about 200 pages of text. Three hours a week throughout the year. (Credit,

six hours.)

3-4. Intermediate Spanish. A general view of phonetics and grammar. Increasing emphasis on

syntax, verb drill, modern idioms, and the understanding of spoken Span-

ish. Free composition and the reading of some difficult matter. Three hours a week throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.)

5-6. Advanced Spanish. Reading of about 500 pages of prose and verse. Increased practice in oral translation, dictation, free composition and the use of Spanish in the

class room. Attention is given to the main facts of the literature, his-

tory, geography and trade of Spain and Spanish America. Three hours a week throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.)

7-8. Spanish Literature. A survey of Spanish Literature from the Poema del Cid to the present day. Reading of a manual of the literature and selections from represen- tative authors, translation and interpretation. Themes in Spanish on the

parallel reading. Three hours a week throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.)

11-12. Practical Spanish. A course in Spanish conversation and composition, aiming to give the student the ability to speak and write Spanish. Three times a week

throughout the year. (Credit, six hours.) REGISTER OF STUDENTS IOO,



*Adamz, Alfonso Constantine, Jr Sewanee, Tenn. Arnold, George Dewey, Jr Montgomery, Ala. Atkinson, Sydney James (Brother Sydney) St. Andrew's, Tenn. *Averett, Ray Hert, Jr Birmingham, Ala. *Ayres, Robert Moss, Jr San Antonio, Tex. •Ball, John Coming, Jr Summerville, S. C. •Barclay, Julius Preston Falls Church, Va. •Barnes, Glenn Dickson Birmingham, Ala. •Barrett, Harold Elliott Charleston, S. C. •Bascom, Roy Clark Birmingham, Ala. Beauregard, Miss Joan Toutant Washington, D. C. Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant Webster Groves, Mo.

•Beavers, James Thomas Shelby ville, Tenn. •Bell, William Reed Pensacola, Fla. •Belser, William Warren, Jr Montgomery, Ala.

Betty, Charles Jones .' . Montgomery, Ala. •Bishop, Mitchell Charles, Jr College Park, Ga. •Blackburn, William Hodge Tuscumbia, Ala. Blake, Wyatt Heflin, III Sheffield, Ala. •Blakeslee, Charles Hugh, Jr Oak Park, 111 •Blankenship, John Frank Murfreesboro, Tenn. •Bridges, Albert Peyton Jackson, Tenn. •Brumby, James Remley, III Clearwater, Fla.

•Bryant, Walter David, Jr : . . Birmingham, Ala. •Campbell, George Yerger Memphis, Tenn. •Campbell, Wade Cothran Rome, Ga. •Cantelou, Lamar Black Tuscumbia, Ala. •Carden, James Robert Columbia, Tenn. •Carroll, Thomas Elaine, Ark. Catherwood, Winbourn Stockton Sewanee, Tenn., (Temp.) •Cherry, Robert Fulton Nashville, Tenn. •Clark, James Pollard Sheffield, Ala. •Clarke, George Gunther Memphis, Tenn. •Cleveland, David Martin, Jr Sweetwater, Tenn. •Cobey, William Gray Louisburg, N. C. •Collins, David Browning Hot Springs, Ark. Collins, Mrs. Maryon Virginia Sewanee, Tenn., (Temp.) •Cooper, William Porter, Jr Nashville, Tenn. HO THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

Corey, David Hamilton Lookout Mountain, Tenn. *Crook, Angus M. G Jackson, Tenn. *Currie, Francis Crittenden Sardis, Miss. *Davis, Christopher Wheelwright Washington, D. C. *Davis, Joe Hart Winchester, Tenn. Davis, Ronald Lee, Jr Monroe, La. *Davis, Walter Ray Whitzuell, Tenn. *Dawkins, Thomas Cannon Nashville, Tenn. *Dean, Henry Ewing, Jr Atlanta, Ga. Dimon, Joseph Homer, III Columbus, Ga. Dobbins, Charles Joseph Temple, Tex. Doing, Charles Halleck, III Washington, D. C. Esslinger, Samuel Wesley Florence, Ala. *Estes, George Colquitt, Jr Waco, Tex. *Evans, George Kimmons Sezuanee, Tenn., (Temp.)

Filkins, Dwaine Wiley Chicago, III. Fisler, John Fletcher Ivanhoe, N. C. Flintoff, Miss Patty Sezuanee, Tenn. Forman, George Thomas Chattanooga, Tenn. Fourmy, James McCardell, Jr Hammond, La. Gaddis, John Jackson, Miss. Garland, Miss Mary Ann Sezuanee, Tenn. *Gass, John Sezuanee, Tenn. Gott, Allan Dale Chattanooga, Tenn. Gott, Mrs. Kathleen R Chattanooga, Tenn. Guerry, John Patten Sezuanee, Tenn. Guerry William Moultrie Norfolk, Fa. Hail, William Darden Columbia, Tenn. Hall, Harry Frank South Pittsburg, Tenn. Hammond, Mac Sawyer Atlanta, Ga. Hardman, Samuel Robinson Perry, Fla. Harris, Joseph Daniel, Jr Cookeville, Tenn. Harrison, Burwell Connor Tallahassee, Fla. Hawkins, Richard Vernon Sezuanee, Tenn. Haynie, Hiram Garwood, Jr Abilene, Tex. Henry James Robert, III Dallas, Tex. Hill, James Otto Sezuanee, Tenn. Hill, Lewis Hamilton, III Tampa, Fla. Hines, Miss Ida Jane Decherd, Tenn. Hinshelwood, Alan Clydfe Sezuanee, Tenn. (Temp.) Hoback, Miss Dorothy Ray Cozuan, Tenn. REGISTER OF STUDENTS III

*Huddleston, Brannon Nashville, Tenn. Hunt, Charles William Nashville, Tenn.

*Jervis, Wayne Talmage, Jr Chicago Heights, III. *Johnson, William Rice Pensacola, Fla.

*Karr, Guy Atchison, Jr Ottawa, III. *Kennedy, Harold C. R St. Andrew's, Tenn. King, Gerald McCulloh Sewanee, Tenn. Kirby-Smith, Miss Ellen Clair Sewanee, Tenn. *Langstaff, George Quigley, Jr Paducah, Ky. Laws, Beverly Rhea Huntland, Tenn. Lear, Thomas Andrew Coshocton, Ohio Lewis, Nicholas Alda Asheville, N. C. *Lipscomb, Stirling Allan, Jr Joplin, Mo. Little, Jack Wesley College Grove, Tenn.

Long, John Kirksey Mayfield, Ky.

*Martin, Samuel Morreli St. Andrew s, Tenn.

*Matthews, Carl Luke Ottawa, III. *McGee, Ben Humphreys Sewanee, Tenn. *McLeod, Lamar Young Mobile, Ala. McMurry, Frank Edward Nashville, Tenn. *Mellon, Robert Shackleford Tampa, Fla.

*Miller, Harris William Chicago, III. *Minor, Lucian Weld Kirkwood, Mo. *Moore, George Ruskin, Jr , Md. *Morgan, Clifton Hall Clinton, Miss. *Morgan, William Cosby Birmingham, Ala.

.' Morris, Martin Eugene . . Portsmouth, Ohio *Naff, Alfred Marriner Birmingham, Ala. *Nelson, Innes Armistead Birmingham, Ala. *Ogden, Archibald P Sewanee, Tenn. Osier, Miss Eve Janet Montreal, Quebec, Canada *Otway, Frank Sawford, III Wilton, Conn. Parker, Walter Burr New Orleans, La. *Parr, Samuel E., Jr Ottawa, III. Peebles, Edward McCrady Greenwood, Miss. *Percy, Billups Phinizy Greenwood, Miss. Pettey, James Reeder Florence, Ala. Pinson, Ellis Rex, Jr Tulsa, Okla. Powell, Miss Rebekah Megee Decherd, Tenn. Pride, Harvey, Jr Nashville, Tenn. *Putman, Eddie D., Jr Houston, Tex. I 1 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

Ragland, Wynne Birmingham, Ala. *Rand, Daniel Curtiss, Jr Atlanta, Ga. *Rawlings, Benjamin Moore, Jr Lookout Mountain, Tenn.

*Rice, Thomas Brown Medora, III. Risbeck, Earl Cavell Crescent City, Fla. *Rogers, James Amonell McMinnville, Tenn. *Rogers, Robert Preston South Pittsburg, Tenn. *Rogers, William Firstbrook New Orleans, La. *Rowland, William Monroe, La. *Runyon, Bryce Freeman, Jr Clarksville, Tenn. *Rush, William Bland Louisville, Ky. Ruth, James Hardwick Montgomery, Ala. Scott, Dan Dryden Petersburg, Tenn. Scott, Eugene Dyer Selma, Ala. Scott, Kenneth Briley Nashville, Tenn, Selcer, William Henry Marshall, Tex. *Shell, Charles James, Jr Washington College, Tenn. Silver, Edgar Oscar Birmingham, Ala. *Sly, Norman Ralph San Francisco, Calif. *Smiles, Homer Lyman Birmingham, Ala. *Smith, Edward Leon Greenville, S. C. *Smith, George Faison Greenwood, Miss. *Smith, William Dorsett Poplarville, Miss. *Smitherman, Roy Lynn Centerville, Ala. Stratton, Miss Josephine Eggleston Greenwood, Miss. *Strowd, William Spencer Nashville, Tenn. *Swanson, Donald Clarence Anoka, Minn. *Swenson, Kenneth Speir Flushing, N. Y. *Tator, Donald Walter St. Louis, Mo.

*Taylor, Cecil . Morton Shelbyville, Tenn. *Thweatt, Robert Catchings, Jr Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.

*Tucker, Augustine Washington Charles Town, W . Va.

*Tucker, John Randolph Charles Town, W . Va. Uhrig, Paul Keil Chillicothe, Ohio *Uihlein, Paul Jerome Cincinnati, Ohio *Vollmer, Myles Leroy St. Paul, Minn. *Walker, Raleigh Washington, Jr Bennettsville, S. C.

*Wallens, Richard Louis Chicago, III. *Watson, Ben Edward Miles Birmingham, Ala. *Watson, William Breese Buechel, Ky. Watts, Miss Mary Elizabeth Houston, Tex. REGISTER OF STUDENTS II3

*Westfeldt, Wallace Ogden, Jr New Orleans, La. Williamson, William Taylor Winchester, Tenn.

Winstead, Emerson Clarence, Jr \ Wilson, N. C. Winters, Matthew, Jr Indianapolis, Ind. *Wiseman, David Greene, Jr Winchester, Tenn. *Woods, Granville Cecil, Jr Lookout Mountain, Tenn. *Veteran students. SUMMARY Veterans 122

Civilians 33 Co-eds 12

Total 167


SESSION 1947-48

Classification at end of first semester 1947-48

GRADUATING February 3, 1948

Coombs, Edwin Seeger, Jr St. Louis, Mo. Elmore, William Bellingrath Montgomery, Ala. *Guffey, James Carroll Athens, Tenn. *Haynie, Hiram Garwood, Jr Abilene, Tex. *Langstaff, George Quigley, Jr Nashville, Tenn. Minor, Lucian Weld Glendale, Mo. Moon, Harold Pollard Winchester, Tenn. Scott, Eugene Dyer Thomasville, Ga. Seibels, Howard Kelly Birmingham, Ala.

SENIORS *Barclay, Julius Preston Falls Church, Va. *Beavers, James Thomas Shelbyville, Tenn. *Blackburn, William Hodge Tuscumbia, Ala. Brumby, James Remley, III Clearwater, Fla. Campbell, Charles Hugh, Jr Hartsville, S. C. Campbell, George Yerger Memphis, Tenn. Carden, James Robert Columbia, Tenn. Carroll, Thomas Elaine, Ark. •Cawthorne, Walter Wallace Warrenton, N. C. Clarke, George Gunther Memphis, Tenn.


Cobey, William Gray Louisburg, N. C. *Davis, Christopher Wheelwright Alexandria, Va. Dicks, John Barber, Jr Natchez, Miss. *Doing, Charles Halleck, III Washington, D. C. *Douglas, Harry Bell, Jr Atlantic Beach, Fla. Estes,. George Colquitt, Jr Waco, Tex. Eustice, Robert James Birmingham, Ala.

*Filkins, Dwaine Wiley Chicago, III. Fisher, Jett Miller Newnan, Ga. Flowers, Charles Vernon Knoxville, Tenn. Fourmy, James McCardell, Jr Hammond, La. *Gass, John Sezvanee, Tenn. *Gott, Allan Dale Chattanooga, Tenn. *Govan, James Fauntleroy Chattanooga, Tenn. *tGray, Charles McGehee St. Petersburg, Fla. Gregorie, Henry Baker, Jr Bennettsville, S. C. Hail, William Darden Columbia, Tenn. Hall, Harry Frank South Pittsburg, Tenn. Hammond, Mac Sawyer Atlanta, Ga. Hargis, James Clay Camden, Tenn. Harris, Joseph Daniel, Jr Cookeville, Tenn. Howell, Ronald Floyd Birmingham, Ala. Huddleston, Brannon Nashville, Tenn. Hughes, Blackburn, Jr Charleston, S. C. Johnson, Donald Miles Bunkie, La. Leonard, Oliver Charles Pensacola, Fla. Lindsay, Robert Franklin Greenville, S. C. Lipscomb, Stirling Allan, Jr Joplin, Mo. Lockhart, Arthur John Houston, Tex. McAneney, Thomas Patrick Brooklyn, N. Y. McKenzie, Frank Erwin Gastonia, N. C. McWhorter, Clifford Eldred Birmingham, Ala.

Mende, George Robert, Jr Atlanta, Ga. (Georgia School of Technology) Michaux, Larche Harris, Jr Greenwood, Miss.

Miller, Harris William Chicago, III. Mitchell, Fred Neal Charlotte, N. C. Morgan, William Cosby Tallahassee, Fla. Myers, Theron Lawrence Sezvanee, Tenn. Nelson, Innes Armistead Birmingham, Ala. Ogden, Archibald P Sezvanee, Tenn. REGISTER OF STUDENTS II5

Ostertag, Edward Frederick El Paso, Tex. Padfield, James Harold, Jr Springfield, Tenn. *Palmer, Stephen Donald Birmingham, Ala. Pettey, James Reeder Florence, Ala. *Pinson, Ellis Rex, Jr Tulsa, Okla. *Ribe, Joseph James Birmingham, Ala.

*Rice, Thomas Brown Medora, III.

*Runyon, Bryce Freeman, Jr *. Clarksville, Tenn. Schramm, Herman Peter Jacob, Jr Forest Hills, L. L, N. Y. Selcer, William Henry Marshall, Tex. Shaw, Charles Carpenter Cartersville, Ga. *Sly, Norman Ralph Petaluma, Calif. Snell, Robert Sidney Warrington, Fla. •Snipes, Wilson Currin Savannah, Ga. tSutton, Fred Walter, Jr Beaumont, Tex. *Talley, Thomas Julian Gainesville, Tex. *Towart, Sanford Knapp Norwalk, Conn. *Warner, Robert Jay, Jr Nashville, Tenn. Wartman, Alvin Nicholls Boulder City, Nev. *Watkins, Warner Sutphen, Jr Birmingham, Ala. •Watson, Ben Edward Miles Birmingham, Ala. *White, Charles Alfred St. Louis, Mo. Widney, Charles Leonidas, Jr Germantown, Tenn. •Winton, Calhoun Nashville, Tenn. *Wright, Thomas Edwin Monroe, La.

JUNIORS Adams, Thomas Edward Beau-wort, Tex. Alexander, Raymond Jackson, Jr Atlanta, Ga. *Allison, Christopher Fitzsimmons Columbia, S. C. (University of South Carolina) •Arnold, George Dewey, Jr Montgomery, Ala. ^Atkins, Joe Foster, Jr Texarkana, Tex. Barrett, Harold Elliott Charleston, S. C. Barrett, Kenneth Montier Fort Pierce, Fla. •Bascom, Roy Clark Birmingham, Ala.

•Bell, William Reed . . Pensacola, Fla. Binnicker, Charles Mathews, Jr Tallahassee, Fla. (University of Florida)

Blake, Wyatt Heflin, III Sheffield, Ala. •Blankenship, John Frank Sewanee, Tenn., (Temp.) Il6 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

Bogle, John Edwards Marietta, Ga. *Boyd, William Orgill Brownsville, Tenn. *Bragg, John Alden McMinnville, Tenn. *Bryant, Walter David, Jr Birmingham, Ala. *Bunnell, James Leighton Atlanta, Ga. Burden, Henry Schulz, Jr Summerville, S. C.

*Caldwell, John Waldrop \ . Miami, Fla. *Cantelou, Lamar Black Tuscumbia, Ala. *Cantrell, Lawrence Everett, Jr El Paso, Tex. *Clark, James Pollard Sheffield, Ala. *Cleveland, David Martin, Jr Sweetwater, Tenn. Conger, Ledlie William, Jr Atlanta, Ga. Corey, John Norman, Jr Birmingham, Ala. *Crook, Angus McDonald Green Jackson, Tenn. *Cushman, Joseph David, Jr Titusville, Fla. *Davis, Joe Hart Winchester, Tenn. *Davis, Lavan Baltzell Fernandina, Fla. *Davis, Walter Ray Whitwell, Tenn. Dickman, John Frederick Winter Haven, Fla. Diggans, Roy Charles Delray Beach, Fla. (University of Florida) Dimon, Joseph Homer, III Columbus, Ga. Dobbins, Charles Joseph Temple, Tex. *Dodson, Thomas Albert Memphis, Tenn. (Southwestern) *Eells, Edward Louis Port St. Joe, Fla. *Enwright, Parker Francis Orlando, Fla.

*Evans", Robert Lloyd Streator, III.

*Ezechel, Joseph Donald, Jr Ramsey, N. J. *Foster, Thomas James Memphis, Tenn. *Galleher, Thomas Kane Redwood City, Calif. (University of Santa Clara) *Gilchrist, Gilbert Frank Charleston, S. C. *Guerry, John Patten Sewanee, Tenn. *tHaley, Robert Boyd Manchester, Tenn. (Wayne University) Hamler, George Hoover Jacksonville, Fla. *Hanley, Byrd Wells Memphis, Tenn.

*Harn, Maurice Lester, Jr Clearwater, Fla. *Harrison, Burwell Connor Tallahassee, Fla. *Hawkins, Richard Vernon Decherd, Tenn.

*Helms, James Reding, Jr Huntington Park, Calif. .


*Henry, Charles Leonard Anniston, Ala. *Hicks, William Lawrence Goldsboro, N. C. *Hine, Edward West, Jr Rome, Ga. *Holloway, Lewis Jefferson, Jr Louisville, Ky. *tHorsley, Thomas Alonzo, Jr Birmingham, Ala. *Howell, Samuel Harwell Nashville, Tenn. *Irvin, Harland MacMillan, Jr Laredo, Tex. *Jones, John Rison, Jr Huntsville, Ala. Karsten, John Delancey Dobbs Ferry, N. Y *Keim, Richard Joseph Toledo, Ohio Kennedy, Walter Wallace, Jr Montgomery, Ala. *Leatherbury, Douglas Bagwell, Jr Jacksonville, Fla. Lee, David Gilbert Jacksonville, Fla. *^Lodge, John Richard South Pittsburg, Tenn. (United States Coast Guard Academy) *Logan, William Lindsey, Jr Shelbyville, Ky. *Martin, Samuel Morrell St. Andrew's, Tenn. *McGee, Ben Humphreys Sewanee, Tenn. (Temp.) McKeithen, Walter Shands, Jr Jacksonville, Fla. McPherson, Harry Cummings, Jr Tyler, Tex. (Tyler Junior College) *Moore, William Baldwin Moultrie, Ga. *Morgan, Morris Hartley, Jr Dallas, Tex. Morris, Martin Eugene Portsmouth, Ohio *Norden, William Gernannt Tappan, N. Y.

*Parr, Lester Strawn Ottawa, III.

*Parr, Samuel E., Jr Ottawa, III. *Parsons, John Wilson Palmerton, Pa. (Ursinus College) *Peebles, Edward McCrady Greenwood, Miss. *Phinizy, John Augusta, Ga. *Prowse, Harold Marquette Tela, Honduras *Puckette, Stephen Elliott Lookout Mountain, Tenn. *Putman, Eddie D., Jr Houston, Tex. *fRawlings, Benjamin Moore, Jr Lookout Mountain, Tenn. *Reynolds, George Lazenby, Jr Sewanee, Tenn. Rice, Robert Lyle Johnson City, Tenn. (Milligan College) *Richter, William Thompson Greenwood, Miss. *Rogers, James Amonell McMinnville, Tenn. *Rogers, William Firstbrook New Orleans, La. *Rowland, William Monroe, La. Il8 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

*Rush, William Bland Louisville, Ky. Rust, Bryan Milner Columbus, Ga. Scott, Dan Dryden Petersburg, Tenn. Sherman, John Hayes, Jr Augusta, Ga. *Simons, Sedgwick Lewis Charleston, S. C. *Smith, Edward Leon Greenville, S. C. *Smith, Howard Morgan, III Lookout Mountain, Tenn. Smith, Lester Leigh, Jr Taylors, S. C. *Stephenson, Jack Lyndon Atlanta, Ga. *Taylor, Frederick Elwood Roanoke, Va. *Thomas, Robert Reece South Pittsburg, Tenn. (Middle Tennessee State Teachers College) *Thweatt, Robert Catchings, Jr Fort Lauderdale, Fla.

*Tucker, John Randolph, Jr Charles Town, W . Va. *Vollmer, Myles Leroy St. Paul, Minn. *Watkins, Morgan, Jr Athens, Tenn. (Georgia School of Technology)

Wetherill, Lynn . New York City *Winstead, Emerson Clarence, Jr Wilson, N. C. *Wolfe, William Richard Franklin, Ind.

*Wysong, Samuel Wright, Jr Charles Town, W . Va. York, Charles Cordra, Jr Germantown, Tenn.

*Young, George Dibrell, Jr . St. Augustine, Fla.


*Abernathy, John Matthews, Jr Pulaski, Tenn. *Alfred, Charles Richard Corry, Pa. *Alves, James Thomason Guntersville, Ala. *Arnold, Charles, Jr Grantville, Ga. *Ashby, Clarence Garnett, Jr Jacksonville, Fla. *Averett, Ray Hert, Jr Birmingham, Ala. Axleroad, Donald Morris Winchester, Tenn. *Ayres, Robert Moss, Jr San Antonio, Tex. *Bailey, Ferriss Clay, Jr Nashville, Tenn. Ball, Edward Robbins Summerville, S. C. *Barker, John Perin Concord, N. H. *Barnes, Glenn Dickson Birmingham, Ala. Bedell, George Chester, II Jacksonville, Fla. Bell, James Burt, Jr Birmingham, Ala. *Belser, William Warren, Jr Montgomery, Ala. Bennett, Jack Marion Winston-Salem, N. C. REGISTER OF STUDENTS I IQ.

*Bennett, Willard Hall Titusville, Fla. Betty, Charles Jones Montgomery, Ala. Bird, William Trump, Jr Jackson, Tenn. *tBishop, Mitchell Charles, Jr College Park, Ga. ^Boult, Richard Dorsey, Jr Belzoni, Miss. *^Bourie, Richard Forest Hills, N. Y. *Boykin, Elmer Monroe Laurel, Miss.

*Bricker, Joseph Ambrose Wheaton, III. (University of Wisconsin) *Brooks, Edward Herbert North East, Pa. *^Brownlow, Girard Polk, Jr Columbia, Tenn. (Washington University) Burton, Perry Cooper Oklahoma City, Okla. *Campbell, Wade Cothran Rome, Ga. *Cardwell, Leonard Ray Sewanee, Tenn. Catherwood, Winbourn Stockton Sewanee, Tenn., (Temp.) Charlet, Elbert Pete, Jr Nashville, Tenn. *Cheeseman, Owen McPherson Coffeyville, Kans. (Coffeyville Junior College) *Cherry, Robert Fulton Nashville, Tenn. tChilds, Stuart Row Charlotte, N. C. Clark, George Thomas, Jr Wilmington, N. C. Clayton, Hansel Creason Nashville, Tenn. +Cocke, William Tomphson, III Athens, Ala. ^Coggins, John Kimble Atlanta, Ga. (University of Georgia)

*Colhoun, Edward Dudley, Jr Roanoke, Fa. Collier, Benjamin Raye Shreveport, La. tCooke, Robert Henry Sarasota, Fla ^Corey, David Hamilton Honolulu, T. H. *Crews, John David Ficksburg, Miss. *Cubbedge, Cooper Myers, Jr Jacksonville, Fla. *Darrach, Edward Harris, Jr Jackson, Miss. Daves, Joel Thomas, III West Palm Beach, Fla. *Dearborn, Alexander Rhodolphus Houston, Tex. (Texas Christian University) *Denn, John W Philadelphia, Pa. *^Denny, John Lawrence New York City (New York University)

*^Donnelly, Clarence Eugene Kingstree, S. C. (Brevard College) *Doss, Richard Burke Scarsdale, N. Y. 120 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

*Duff, William Eugene Signal Mt., Tenn. (University of Chattanooga) Dunbar, Donal Steuben Troy, Ala. (Marion Institute)

Elliott, Richard Edwin Oak Park, III.

Ellis, Leroy Johnston, III Leonia, N. J. *tFarquhar, John Vance Quakerstreet, N. Y. *Flavin, Chester Edwin Springfield, Mass. *Fort, David Acrill Gaffney, S. C. tGardner, John Twyman Beaumont, Tex. Garland, Clarence James, Jr Eagle Pass, Tex. Garrison, Charles Pendleton Tampa, Fla. *^Gathings, Richard Earl Fort Worth, Tex. (North Texas Agricultural College) Gentry, James Walter, Jr Chattanooga, Tenn. (University of Chattanooga) Golbach, John Bernard, Jr Beaumont, Tex.

*tGrainger, William Garrett Montclair, N. J. *Haggard, William David, III Nashville, Tenn. *tHamilton, Edward Henry, Jr Knoxville, Tenn. *tHanley, Daniel McKinley, Jr Memphis, Tenn. *Hannah, Howard Malcolm Winchester, Tenn. Hartford, Thomas James, Jr Washington, D. C. *Hay, William Richard Huntsville, Ala. *Helmbrecht, Thomas Charles Mayville, Wis. Hempstone, Smith, Jr Bethesda, Md. (George Washington University) *Henry, James Robert, III Dallas, Tex. *Hill, James Otto Sewanee, Tenn. Hill, Lewis Hamilton, III Tampa, Fla. *Hoover, Dave Ramsey Viola, Tenn. *Hopkins, Homer Pettie, Jr Winchester, Tenn. *1*Hoyt, Bob Sewanee, Tenn. (Temp.) Huffman, Robert James Hickory, N. C. Hunt, Charles William Nashville, Tenn. *Hutcherson, William Harrison, Jr Washington, D. C. *Hutson, Henry Critchfield Charleston, S. C. (The Citadel) *Jackson, Frank Tourtelotte, Jr Cartersville, Ga. *Jarrell, John Eben Springfield, Tenn. (Morningside College)

*Jervis, Wayne Talmage, Jr Chicago Heights, III. *Johnson, William Rice Pensacola, Fla. REGISTER OF STUDENTS 121

Jones, Egbert Malone Crawfordsville, Ark.

*Karr, Guy Atchison, Jr Ottawa, III. *Kieswetter, Edgar Otto Winchester, Tenn. *Kuhnert, George Jesse Bristol, Tenn. Lattimore, Malcolm Stockton, Jr Webster Groves, Mo. Laws, Beverly Rhea Huntland, Tenn. Lear, Thomas Andrew Coshocton, Ohio Leche, Richard Webster, Jr Lacombe, La. Lee, John Trumbull, Jr Delray Beach, Fla. *Lembcke, John Henry, Jr Springfield, Mo. (Drury College) *Lewis, Edwin Gilliland Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. *Little, William Gray, Jr Kosciusko, Miss. Logan, Howard Harbison Shelbyville, Ky. Long, John Kirksey Mayfield, Ky.

Marchand, John Harold, Jr . Greenwood, Miss. Marshall, Edward Clark Cincinnati, Ohio

*Mayham, Robert Terrill Westfield, N. J.

*McAlister, Ivo Burns, Jr ! Nashville, Tenn. McConnell, Lyle Thornton Sewanee, Tenn. *McCullough, David Walker Greenville, S. C. (The Citadel) McDonald, Robertson Nashville, Tenn. McGill, Wallace Cleveland, Jr Tullahoma, Tenn. (Clark Memorial College) McMurry, Frank Edward, Jr Nashville, Tenn. McNutt, Charles Harrison Memphis, Tenn. *Mellon, Robert Shackleford Tampa, Fla. *Menz, Frederick Blue Ridge Summitt, Pa. *Metevia, Neil Robert Schenectady, N. Y. (Sampson College) Minor, Alcorn Ferguson, Jr Newport, Ark. Moon, Jacob Robert Columbus, Ga. *Moore, James Rutland Donelson, Tenn. *Moore, Lester Leamon Huntland, Tenn. *Morder, Thomas Allen St. Paul, Minn. Morehouse, Lynn Crawford Miami, Fla. Morgan, Clifton Hall Clinton, Miss. Morris, John Cartwright Birmingham, Ala. Mount, Anson Adams White Bluff, Tenn. Mullins, Robert Chapman Birmingham, Aia. (Birmingham-Southern College) 122 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

*Nejdl, Robert Joseph Berwyn, lh. (Morton Junior College)

*Nichols, John Harmon Griffin, Ga.

Nichols, William Clyde Griffin, Ga. Or, Alfred Killebrew, Jr Columbia, Tenn. Parker, Walter Burr New Orleans, La. *fPerry, Alex Somervell, Jr Hollywood, Miss. *Perry, Coleman Robert Nashville, Tenn. *tPorta, William Rector Hopkinsville, Ky. Powell, Edgar Lay San Angelo, Tex. Powell, Fitzhugh Knox Jacksonville, Fla. *Rhorer, Horace Lisle, Jr Atlanta, Ga. *Rice, Louis Wood, Jr Johnson City, Tenn. (Milligan College) Roberts, Albert, III St. Petersburg, Fla. Rogers, Harvey Allen, Jr Paris, Ky.

*Roscher, Herbert Paul Wheaton, 111.

*Roscher, Ralph Mehlman, Jr Wheaton, 111. *tRutland, Edward Cumpston Houston, Tex. *Shell, Charles James, Jr Washington College, Tenn. *Shober, John Bedford, Jr New Orleans, La. Simmons, Richard Earl, Jr Birmingham, Ala. (University of Alabama) *Smiles, Homer Lyman Birmingham, Ala. Smith, Francis Hopkinson, III Fountain City, Tenn. (University of Oklahoma) *Smith, George Faison Greenwood, Miss. Smith, Richard Clendinen Greenwood, Miss. (Virginia Military Institute) $Smith, Robert Irvin Nashville, Tenn. (Vanderbilt University) *Smith, William Dorsett Poplarville, Miss. *Smitherman, Roy Lynn Centreville, Ala. Spangler, John David Memphis, Tenn. •Speake, Daniel Webster Decatur, Ala. Speake, Neal McCalla, Jr Decatur, Ala. *Sperry, Joseph Austin, III Tampa, Fla. (University of Tampa) *Stephenson, Lindsay Harris Corinth, Miss. *Stevens, Gladstone Hudson, Jr Brockport, N. Y. Stoney, William Shannon, Jr Anniston, Ala. *Strowd, William Spencer Nashville, Tenn. Stuart, Gray Williams Newport News, Fa. REGISTER OF STUDENTS 1 23

•Swanson, Stanley Runyon Marietta, Ga. •Tator, Donald Walter St. Louis, Mo. *Taylor, Cecil Morton Shelbyville, Tenn. Thul, James Riley Mobile, Ala. (Spring Hill College) Trelease, Murray Lincoln Kansas City, Mo.

Truesdell, William Harriott Park Ridge, III.

*Tucker, Augustine Washington Charles Town, W . Va. Tyler, Gordon Robert Honolulu, T. H. Uhrig, Paul Keil Chillicothe, Ohio *Usrey, Richard Foley Washington, D. C. (George Washington University) *Vaughan, James Herbert, Jr Norfolk, Va. Wakefield, Francis Bryan, III Mobile, Ala. •Walker, John Patrick Richmond, Va. Walker, Paul Shields Newport, Tenn. Wall, John Newton, Jr Fort Lauderdale, Fla. (University of Miami) Ward, Robert Wallis, Jr Georgetown, Ky. *Watson, William Breese Buechel, Ky. *Webb, William Gatewood Charleston, S. C. White, Fred Myerle, Jr Memphis, Tenn. (Southwestern) *Whiteside, Thomas Alden Lookout Mountain, Tenn. (University of Tennessee) •fWilliamson, William Taylor Winchester, Tenn. *Winters, Matthew, Jr Indianapolis, Ind. *tWinters, Roy Chester Szvitz City, Ind. •Wiseman, David Greene, Jr Winchester, Tenn. *'Worrell, William Leavitt Savannah, Ga. (Armstrong Junior College) Wright, Douglas Massey, Jr Nashville, Tenn. Wright, Douglas Oliver Atlanta, Ga. (Emory University) *Wynn, Miles Pratt New Orleans, La. (Tulane University)

Young, Richard Jamestown, R. I.

FRESHMEN WITH PREVIOUS COLLEGE EXPERIENCE *£Apperson, Edmund Minitree Greenville, S. C. (Georgia School of Technology) •Baker, James McDowell, Jr Tryon, N. C. (United States Naval Academy) •Bell, William F Nashville, Tenn. (University of the South) 124 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH fBlack, Charles Eugene Miami, Fla. (University of the South) *fBrown, Robert Edward Winchester, Tenn. (University of the South) *Cooper, William Porter, Jr Nashville, Tenn. (University of the South) *Currie, Francis Crittenden Sardis, Miss. (University of the South) Davis, Ronald Lee, Jr Monroe, La. (University of the South) Davis, Theodore Wilson, Jr Nashville, Tenn. (University of the South) *DeRosset, William Green Sewanee, Tenn. (University of the South) Farrar, Moulton, III Nashville, Tenn. (University of the South) ^Ford, William Johnstone Lucas, Jr Hilo, Hawaii (Canterbury College) *Grizzell, Basil Manley, Jr Cowan, Tenn. (University of Southern California) *^Head, Dixon Robinson Atlanta, Ga. (Vanderbilt University) *Helton, James Caton Waynesboro, Tenn. (University of the South) ^Hopkins, Case Dickson, Jr Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. (University of Missouri) *^:Knox, George Kenneth Murfreesboro, Tenn. (University of Tennessee) ^Lachman, Arthur Gustave San Francisco, Calif. (University of the South) *Lawson, Max Wendell Ripley, W. Fa. (University of the South) Lewis, Nicholas Alda Asheville, N. C. (University of the South) Little, Jack Wesley College Grove,, Tenn. (University of the South) Murray, Charles Edward Decherd, Tenn. (University of the South) *tNewton, James Arrington Guilford College, N. C. (University of the South) *tOtway, Frank Sawford, III Wilton, Conn. (University of the South) Patton, Elbert Branch Nacogdoches, Tex. (Stephen F. Austin State College)

*Pickard, Thomas Francis Beverly Hills, Calif. (Wright Junior College)

Ragland, Wynne Birmingham, • Ala. (University of the South)

*Rand, Daniel Curtiss, Jr Atlanta, Ga. (University of the South) REGISTER OF STUDENTS 125 tRuth, James Hardwick Montgomery, Ala. (University of the South) Scott, Kenneth Briley Nashville, Tenn. (University of the South) Silver, Edgar Oscar Birmingham, Ala. (University of the South)

*tSwift, Lee Wilson, Jr Little Silver, N. J. (Sampson College, Sampson, N. Y.) ^Taylor, David Patterson, Jr New Orleans, La. (University of the South) Varino, Francis Harmon L Monroe, La. (Northeast Junior College of L. S. U.) *Williamson, John Russell Piqua, Ohio (Baylor Military School)

FRESHMEN WITH NO COLLEGE EXPERIENCE Adams, William Baylor The Plains, Va. (Tazewell High School) ^Apperson, George Patterson, Jr Greenville, S. C. (Sewanee Military Academy) Babcock, Roy Huston Sanford, Fla. (Seminole High School) Bailey, Charles Bacon, Jr Livingston, Ala. (Livingston High School) *fBailey, William Earney Cullman, Ala. (Holly Pond) Bartlett, Allen Lyman, Jr Birmingham, Ala. (Ramsay Tech High) tBelshaw, George Phelps MelHck New Haven, Conn. (St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H.) Benners, Frederick Hagaman Dallas, Tex. (Highland Park High School) Beresford, William Thompson Birmingham, Mich. (Cranbrook School) Bethea, Barron Birmingham, Ala. (Shades Cahaba High School)

Bradham, Laurence Stobo Anderson, S. C. (Anderson High School)

Bradham, William Simons Anderson, S. C. (Anderson High School) Brain, Irving Halsey, Jr Springfield, Ohio (Sewanee Military Academy) Bratton, John Gass Sewanee, Tenn. (Sewanee Military Academy)

Briggs, Robert Earl, Jr Memphis, Tenn. (Christian Brothers High School) Brown, Lefay Frank, Jr Birmingham, Ala. (Marion Military Institute) 126 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

Bull, Henry Desaussure, Jr Georgetown, S. C. (Porter Military Academy) Burch, Bruce Lamar Fort McPherson, Ga. (Christ School, Arden, N. C.) *Cardwell, William Harold Sewanee, Tenn. (Central High, Winchester, Tenn.) Carroll, Robert Marshall Winchester, Tenn. (Ensley High School, Birmingham, Ala.) Chandler, Stephen Sanders, III Oklahoma City, Okla. (Culver Military Academy) *+Clift, William Edgar, Jr Huntsville, Ala. (Huntsville High) Colon, Cecil Kermit, Jr Lake Charles, La. (Lake Charles High School) Connelly, Robert Bailey Jackson Heights, N. Y. (Brooklyn Technical High School) Cox, Walter Robison Monroe, Ga. (Sewanee Military Academy) fDavis, Aubrey Allen Miami, Fla. (St. Andrew's School) Davis, Paul Whitman, Jr Lexington, Ky. (University Training School) DePatie, David Hudson Pasadena, Calif. (Glendale High School, Glendale, Calif.) Donald, Robert Glenn Birmingham, Ala. (Sewanee Military Academy) Doney, Fred Decherd, Tenn. (Franklin County High School) Doss, John Leslie, Jr Decatur, Ala. (Riverside High School) Dotson, George Allen Sewanee, Tenn. (Franklin County High School, Decherd, Tenn.) Dykes, James Foster Shreveport, La. (Sewanee Military Academy) Elliott, George Bondurant Birmingham, Ala. (Woodberry Forest) ^Engram, Thomas Wesley Roxbury, Mass. (Boston Cen, Evening School, Boston, Mass.) ^Eyster, John Charles Decatur, Ala. (Fountain Valley School) Finley, Robert Elmer, Jr Nashville, Tenn. (Hillsboro High) Fowler, Robert Dobbs Marietta, Ga. (Sewanee Military Academy) Frierson, Bewley Douglass Anderson, S. C. (Anderson Boys' High) Gaiennie, Escalon Joseph Valery Shreveport, La. (C. E. Byrd High School) George, Sothoron Burke Eagle Pass, Tex. (Eagle Pass High School) REGISTER OF STUDENTS llj

Glass, Franklin Elmore Dayton, Tenn. (Rhea Central High School)

*^Gorton, Adelos, Jr '. Lakeland, Fla. (Walton High School) Graham, Angus Woodward, Jr Miami, Fla. (Miami Edison High School) Graham, Harold Grove, Jr Birmingham, Ala. (Ramsay High School) Gray, George Mitchell San Antonio, Tex. (Thomas Jefferson High) Green, Robert Duff Culpepper, Fa. (Woodberry Forest School) Guitar, Earl Beal, Jr Abilene, Tex. (Abilene High School) *Hainlin, Marion Wendell Miami, Fla. (Miami Edison High School) Hall, Arthur Raymond, Jr Sewanee, Tenn. (Sewanee Military Academy) Hall, Charles Washington Dallas, Tex. (Highland Park High School) Hall, Wallace Howard, Jr Montgomery, Ala. (Hurt Military School) Harmon, Lee Scott Clearwater, Fla. (San Marcos High School, San Marcos, Tex.) Harris, Rogers Sanders Anderson, S. C. (McCallie School, Chattanooga, Tenn.) Harwell, Lacy Rankin Florence, S. C. (McClenaghan High School) Heartfield, Maurice Kingsley, Jr Washington, D. C. (St. Albans School for Boys) Holmes, James Howell Mobile, Ala. (Murphy High School) Holt, Thad, Jr Birmingham, Ala. (Ramsay High School) ^Hopper, George William Henderson, Ky. (Sewanee Military Academy) Hume, Foster, III Atlanta, Ga. (Sewanee Military Academy) Inge, Robert Paul Dallas, Tex. (Highland Park High School) Irwin, James Duckworth Fort Thomas, Ky. (Highlands' High) Janney, John Thomson Wauwatosa, Wis. (Sewanee Military Academy) Jeffries, John Livingston Selma, Ala. (Parrish High School) *Johnson, George Laurie Montgomery, Ala. (Sidney Lanier High School) Jones, Robert ap Catesby Selma, Ala. (Parrish High School) 128 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

Jones, Theodore Bliss Florence, Ala. (Coffee High School) Keller, Oswald Lewin, Jr Atlanta, Ga. (Boys' High School) Keyser, Charles Lovett Pensacola, Fla. (Pensacola High School) ^King, Allan Carlisle Houston, Tex. (Lamar Senior High School) King, James Arthur Norfolk, Va. (Maury High. School) Lamb, Thomas Kelsey, Jr Beaumont, Tex. (Beaumont High School) Landry, Thomas Wilson New Orleans, La. (Sewanee Military Academy) Law, Tom Carlton Linden, Ala. (Linden High School) *Leonard, Floyd Willard Oxford, N. C. (Oxford High School) Ligon, Miller Woodson Ada, Okla. (The Webb School, Bell Buckle, Tenn.)

Long, John Stanley Los Gatos, Calif. (Los Gatos High School) Luther, Oliver Perry, Jr El Paso, Tex. (El Paso High School) ^Maginnis, Gordon Hobson New Orleans, La. (Brooks School) tMarshall, Robert Irving Beaumont, Tex. (Beaumont High School) McBride, Douglas Culpepper, Jr Memphis, Tenn. (Webb School, Bell Buckle, Tenn.) McKee, Richard Fort Worth, Tex. (Polytechnic High School) McKeithen, Thomas Mott Jacksonville, Fla. (Robert E. Lee High School) McKey, Robert Milroy, Jr Miami, Fla. (Miami Senior High) ^McQuiddy, David Lipscomb, Jr Nashville, Tenn. (Peabody Demonstration School) Mead, Loren Benjamin Florence, S. C. (McClenaghan High School) Melton, Edward Cabiness, Jr Plaquemine, La. (Plaquemine High) fMiller, Connie, Jr Brunswick, Ga. (Glynn Academy) Miller, Merrill Cushing, Jr Raleigh, N. C. (McCallie School, Chattanooga, Tenn.)

Minor, Albert Neely Griffin, Ga. (Griffin High School) *Myers, Henry Lee Hobart Sewanee, Tenn. (Sewanee Military Academy) REGISTER OF STUDENTS 120,

Nickey, William McMahan,. Jr Memphis, Tenn. (Christian Brothers College High School) Osborn, David Randolph Evansville, Ind. (Baylor School, Chattanooga, Tenn.) Pace, Jack Peyton Greeneville, Tenn. (Greeneville High School) Poole, Rufus Edward Greenville, Ala. (Greenville High School) :}:Ragland, Robert Allen Nashville, Tenn. (Duncan School) Ralston, William Henry, Jr Middlesboro, Ky. (Middlesboro High School) Reed, Ralph Wilson Albertville, Ala. (Albertville High) Robida, James Anthony Jacksonville, Fla. (The Bolles School) Roland, William Robert Andalusia, Ala. (Andalusia High School) *Rosser, Walter Averett, Jr Trustville, Ala. (Ramsay High, Birmingham, Ala.) *Ruffner, Richard Laidley Alexandria, Fa. (Episcopal High School) Russ, James Dexter, III Pensacola, Fla. (Sewanee Military Academy) Scarborough, Claude Mood, Jr Columbia, S. C. (Dreher High School) *±Scott, Charles Russell Charlotte, N. C. (Thomasville High School) *Searson, Richmond Moore Mt. Pleasant, Tenn. (Hay Long High School) Seymour, Morton Stephen Houston, Tex. (Kinkaid High School) Smith, Charles Carter, Jr Springhill, Ala. (Murphy High School) *Smith, James Burns Nashville, Tenn. (Duncan College Prep School) :j:Smith, Richard Aiken Rockville Centre, N. Y. (South Side High School) Smith, William Louis Crowley, La. (Jefferson Military College)

Smythe, Cyrus Field, Jr Caldwell, N. J. (Montclair High School) tStafTord, James Dale Seminole, Okla. (Seminole High School)

Stewart, John Charles Tenafly, N. J. (Tenafly High School) *tStough, Furman Charles Montgomery, Ala. (Sidney Lanier High School) Suttle-Kavanagh, Joseph Marvin Waco, Tex. (Waco High School) I30 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

Thompson, Henry Jackson Albertville, Ala. (Albertville High School) ^Trebor-MacConnell, Barrie King Flushing, N. Y. (McBurney School, N. Y. C.)

'. Tynes, Bayard Shields . Birmingham, Ala. (Ramsay High School) Von Miller, Richard Andrew Plaquemine, La. (Plaquemine High School) Warden, Gordon Edward Huntsville, Ala. (Huntsville High School) Watkins, Frank Gettys Athens, Tenn. (McMinn County High School) Watkins, William Tomlinson Norlina, N. C. (Norlina High School) Webb, Lyman Watson San Antonio, Tex. (Texas Military Institute) Wesley, John Harold Greenville, Ala. (Greenville High School) West, Arthur Alexander Tallahassee, Fla. (Leon High School) Wharton, George Franklin, III Lake Charles, La. (Lake Charles High) Wheeler, Russell Hubbell, Jr Sarasota, Fla. (Sarasota High School) White, James Macintosh Jacksonville, Fla. (Landon High School) Whitmire, John Stedman Jacksonville, Fla. (Robert E. Lee Senior High School) Wilder, George Talbott -Paris, Ky. (Paris High School) Wilkinson, Leelan Gordon De Funiak Springs, Fla. (Walton High School) , Woltersdorf, Karl Augustus, Jr Huntsville, Ala. (Huntsville High School) Wylie, George Monroe Hammond, La. (Sewanee Military Academy) REGISTER OF STUDENTS I3I


Percy, Billups Phinizy Sewanee, Tenn. (Temp.)


*fDeForest, John Theophilus, Jr Boston, Mass. *tHardman, Samuel Robinson Quincy, Fla. *£Nash, James S Sewanee, Tenn. (Temp.)


tCollins, Maryon Virginia (Mrs. David B.) . . Sewanee, Tenn. (Temp.)

Tucker, Virginia Wyatt (Mrs. J. R.) Sewanee, Tenn. (Temp.)

*Veteran students.

tEnrolled in first semester only. ^Enrolled in second semester only.

SUMMARY Vet Non-Vet Total

Graduated in February 1948 8 1 9 Seniors 61 14 75

Juniors . 82 27 109 y Sophomores 109 80 189 Freshmen, with previous college experience .... 18 17 35

Freshmen, without previous college experience. . 14 120 134

Post Graduates 1 o I

Special students 3 o 3 Veterans' Wives o o 2

Total enrollment for year 1947-48 296 259 557 1 .



1 Alabama 74 20 New Hampshire I 2 Arkansas 3 21 New Jersey 7 3 California 7 22 New York 14 4 Connecticut 3 23 North Carolina 17 5 District of Columbia .... 5 24 Ohio 7 6 Florida 60 25 Oklahoma 5 7 Georgia 39 26 Pennsylvania 5 8 Illinois 14 27 Rhode Island 1 9 Indiana 5 28 South Carolina 26 10 Kansas I 29 Tennessee 131 1 Kentucky 14 (Franklin County 35) 12 Louisiana 24 30 Texas 38 13 I 31 Virginia 11

14 Massachusetts 3 32 West Virginia 4 15 Michigan I 33 Wisconsin 2 16 Minnesota 2 Honolulu, T. H 3

17 Mississippi -. . . . 18 Honduras I 18 Missouri 9 19 Nevada I Total 557


Baptist 39 Lutheran 2 Methodist Christian 5 59 Presbyterian 60 Church of Christ 9 Protestant 11 Church of Christ, Scientist 2 Roman Catholic 14 Congregational 4 United Brethren 1 Dutch Reformed 1 No religious affiliation listed. . 11 Episcopal 338

Evangelical and Reformed . 1 Total 557 —

CALENDAR School of Theology


First Semester


September 21, Tuesday Registration and Matriculation. September 22, Wednesday Classes meet at 8:00 a.m. Opening Chapel Service at Noon. October 10, Sunday Founders' Day, Commemorative Serv-


October 18, Monday St. Luke's Day.

December 17, Friday Christmas Holidays begin at Noon.


January 4, Tuesday Christmas Holidays end. Classes meet at 8:00 a.m.

January 24, Monday First Semester Examinations begin.

January 29, Saturday First Semester ends.

Second Semester

January 31, Monday Registration and Matriculation.

February 1, Tuesday . Classes meet at 8:00 a.m.

March 2, Wednesday Ash Wednesday, Retreat.

April 1, Friday Spring Recess begins at Noon.

April 11, Monday Spring Recess ends.

April 15, Friday Good Friday.

April 17, Sunday Easter Day.

June 2, Thursday Second Semester Examinations begin.

June 8, Wednesday Second Semester Examinations end.

June 9, Thursday Commencement Exercises begin.

June 13, Monday Commencement Day. .



ALEXANDER GUERRY, D.C.L., LL.D., Vice-Chancellor

The Rev. ROBERT FISHER GIBSON, Jr., M.A., ; B.D., D.D., Virginia Theological Seminary, Dean.

The Rev. GEORGE BOGGAN MYERS, B.D., University of the South; LL.B., University of Mississippi, D.D., Philadelphia Divinity School, Professor of Philosophy of Religion, Ethics, Sociology and Practical Theology.

The Rev. BAYARD HALE JONES, M.A., University of California; B.D., General Theological Seminary; D.D., Church Divinity School of the Pacific,

Benedict Professor of Ecclesiastical History; Secretary of the Faculty.

The Rev. ROBERT McQUEEN GRANT, B.D., Union Theological Seminary; S.T.M., Th.D., Harvard University,

Associate Professor of New Testament Language and Interpretation; Librarian.

The Rev. ERLE HOMER MERRIMAN, B.D., General Theological Seminary; S.T.M., Western Theological Semi- nary; D.D., University of the South.

Assistant Professor of Old Testament Language and Interpretation.

The Rev. DANIEL ARTHUR McGREGOR, Ph.D., University of Chicago; S.T.B., S.T.M., S.T.D., Western The- ological Seminary,

Visiting Professor of Theology. THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 135

The Rev. HOWARD ALBERT JOHNSON, B.D., Virginia Theological Seminary,

Assistant Professor of Theology*


WILLIAM JORDON FITZHUGH, Assistant to the Librarian.




JAMES RAYFORD McLEAN, Manager of St. Luke's Book Store

•On Leave of Absence, 1948-49. I36 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH REGISTER OF STUDENTS July, 1947—June, 1948

Graduating June, 1948

Benton, John Albert, Jr., B.A., (U. of Fla.), S. Fla., St. Petersburg, Fla. Collins, David Browning, B.A. (U. of So.), Ark Hot Springs, Ark. *Coughlin, David Joseph, B.A. (U. of So.), Fla Sewanee, Tenn. Fitzhugh, William Jordan, Ark Marianna, Ark. Johnson, William Charles, B.A. (Hendrix), Ark McGehee, Ark.

*McKee, Hugh Crockett, Jr., Ky Sewanee, Tenn.

*Tilson, Martin Robert, B.A. (Clemson), Upper S. C. . .Savannah, Ga.

Graduating February, 1949

Diffenbaugh, Anthony Good, B.A. (U. of So.), Fla. . .Sewanee, Tenn.

*Pace, Johnson Hagood, Jr., B.A. (U. of Fla.), S. Fla Miami, Fla.

Graduating June, 1949

Bolton, William Norton, B.A. (Lenoir Rhyne College) . . Marion, N. C.

*DeForest, John Theophilus, Jr. (U. of So.), W. Mass., Sewanee, Tenn.

*Fairbrother, Horace Walton, Jr., B.S. (Rice Institute, M.S. (M.I.T.), Texas Monteagle, Tenn. Fraser, Alexander, B.A. (U. of Kans. City), Miss., Kansas City, Mo. *Hall, Robert Benjamin, (U. of Ark.), Ark Sewanee, Tenn. Hardman, Samuel Robinson (U. of So.), Fla Atlanta, Ga. *Harrison, John Townsend, B.S., B.A. (U. of Fla.), Fla Sewanee, Tenn. *Haynsworth, George Edward, B.A. (The Citadel), S. C, Sumter, S. C. *Hobart, Roderick James, B.S. (U. of Penn.), S. C Cheraw, S. C. *Hosea, Addison, B.A. (Atlantic Christian Coll.), E. C., Sewanee, Tenn. McLean, James Rayford, B.S. (Northwestern La.), La Natchitoches, La. Martin, John Sargent, B.S. in Comm. (U. of N. C), N. C Mt. Airy, N. C. Oliveros, Robert Lovell, B.A. (The Citadel), S. C. ..Sewanee, Tenn. *Parks, Robert Fay, BA. (U. of Fla.), Fla Jacksonville, Fla. Pons, Albert Erskine, BA. (U. of So.), La New Orleans, La. Pope, Frederick Alexander, Jr., B.S. (U. of 111.), Upper S. C, Sewanee, Tenn. Speaks, John Thomas, B.A. (Emory U.), Ala Dadesville, Ala. THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY I37

Stewart, John Rufus, B.A. (U. of Fla.), Fla Milton, Fla. Strang, John Sharp, B.A. (U. of Va.), Tenn Chattanooga, Tenn. *Waits, Emmett Moore, B.A. (Transylvania C), Lexington Cynthiana, Ky. Williamson, James Philson, B.S. (L. S. U.), La Sewanee, Tenn.

*Wyatt-Brown, Hunter, Jr. Md Sewanee, Tenn.

Graduating June, 1950

Adams, Albert Cone, B.A. (Baylor Univ), Dallas .... Sezvanee, Tenn.

*Bush, Frederick Judson, B.A. (Millsaps Coll.), Miss. . .Sewanee, Tenn.

Chambers, Charles Thomas, Jr., B.A. (U. of So.), Ark Little Rock, Ark. fConner, George C, A.B. (Univ. of Chattanooga), Chattanooga, Tenn. Cowling, Robert Finley, B.S. (Georgia Tech.), Fla Jacksonville, Fla. Damron, Max Wright, B.A. (Vanderbilt Univ.), Tenn., Louisville, Ky. Elebash, Hunley Agee, B.S. (U. of So.), Fla Sewanee, Tenn. fGresley, John Stanley, B.A. (U. of So.) Sewanee, Tenn. tHale, Edward S. T., B.S. (East Tenn. State Teachers College) Memphis, Tenn.

Kneipp, Fred William, Jr., B.A. (Centenary Coll.), La Shreveport, La.

Monk, Samuel Smith, Jr., B.A. (Univ. of Tenn.), Tenn Sewanee, Tenn. Stevens, Merrill A., B.A. (Univ. of Fla.), Fla Sewanee, Tenn. Strickland, Harold Somerset, B.A. (U. of Kansas City),

W . Mo Independence, Mo.

Turner, Baker Jones, Jr., B.A. (Tulane Univ.), La Plaquemine, La.

Willcox, William Arthur, Jr., B.A. (Centenary C.) La Sewanee, Tenn.

Special Students

Winslow, John Everett, (Denver Univ.), Ark Barnard, Mo. ^Roberts, James W., The Rev Tracy City, Tenn.

Students who have served in the Armed Forces.

tEnrolled in first semester only. Minister of another Communion. I38 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH GENERAL INFORMATION

The School of Theology is a seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church. It was established in 1878 as a con- stituent college of The University of the South with the status of a professional school.

St. Luke's Hall, the gift of Mrs. Charlotte Manigault of South Carolina, faces Manigault Park and contains the lecture rooms, the Library, the common-room and accom- modations for thirty students. Woodland Apartments, temporary building erected by the Government for the housing of married veterans, and Van Ness Hall are used for the accommodation of mar- ried students of both the College and the School of The- ology.

St. Luke's Chapel was erected in memory of the Rev. Telfair Hodgson, D.D., a former Vice-Chancellor of the University and Dean of the School of Theology, and was the gift of his family. Services of the School are conducted in the Chapel as follows:

Holy Communion 7:30 a.m., Tuesdays, Fridays and Holy Days. Morning Prayer 8:30 a.m., Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Evening Prayer 5:30 p.m., Tuesdays, Fridays and Holy Days.

Services on Sundays, Mondays and special occasions are held with the College in All Saints' Chapel.


I. Regular Students are those who pursue the pre- scribed course of the School, as outlined on page 146.

a. Those regular students who have a B.A. degree, or an THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY I39 equivalent bachelor's degree, and pursue the course in Greek, may become candidates for the B.D. degree.

b. Those regular students who have a B.A. degree or an equivalent bachelor's degree, and are dispensed by their Bishop from the study of the Greek language, may become candidates for the Certificate of Graduate in Divinity.

c. Those regular students who have not a previous bache- lor's degree may become candidates for the Certificate of Graduate in Divinity by pursuing either the Greek or Eng- lish course.

2. Special students are those who, under the direction of the Dean, pursue selected studies not directed toward graduation.

3. Students in the School of Theology are permitted to take not more than two courses in any semester in the College of the University without further payment of fees; if more than two courses are taken, the University tuition fee becomes payable.

ADMISSION AND REGISTRATION Applicants for admission to the School of Theology must be graduates of an accredited college, or they must satisfy the Faculty that they are adequately equipped to pursue the School's standard of studies. All applicants must also present satisfactory testimony as to their character and fit- ness for the Ministry.

A blank form of application for admission will be fur- nished upon request to the Dean. The applicant should return this, accompanied by the following credentials:

1. The recommendation of his Bishop.

2. The recommendation of his Rector.

3. A transcript of his college record. 140 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

4. If transferring from another Seminary, a letter of recommendation from that Seminary, with a trans- cript of his record there.

5. Letters from former employers attesting his char- acter and ability.

Personal interviews with all applicants for admission are encouraged and, in some cases, may be required before admission.

After an application is accepted by tre Admission Com- mittee, a remittance of $25.00 should be made to the Treasurer of The University of the South as a room- reservation fee, which will be credited upon the following Semester's expenses.


The cost of University fees and Student Activity fees, room, board, laundry and hospitalization is $308.00 per se- mester. For further information concerning these charges and manner of payment see pages 28-31 of this catalogue. THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY I4I


Certain scholarships are available to assist in the ex penses of students in the School of Theology. Except in the case of diocesan funds for which nominations are made directly by the Bishop, applications for aid should be made to the Dean, accompanied by a full statement of the finan- cial situation of the applicant.

Barnwell Scholarship The income from #6.045, tne bequest of Mrs. Isabella C. Barnwell, given 10 a student in the School of Theology nominated by the Bishop of Ten- nessee.

The Agnes Z. Carpenter Memorial Fund Established 1934. The income from a fund of #51,200. to be used in assisting young men from the Episcopal Diocese of Mississippi who may be theological students at the University of the South, preference being eiven to students from Trinitv Parish, Natchez. Miss.

Caro Zimmerman Cleveland Fund

In 1904 the Misses Zimmerman of Eutaw Springs, S. C. gave to St. Luke's Brotherhood for the Increase of the Ministry the sum of $3,000, for the purpose of establishing a scholarship in the School of Theology.

Beneficiaries are nominated by St. Luke's Brotherhood. The investment of this fund is in the hands of St. Luke's Brotherhood.

The Edmund D. Cooper Scholarship

The income from $5,000, to be paid annually to a student in the School of Theology who shall be nominated by the rector of the Church of the Redeemer, Astoria, Long Island, N. Y., or in case of his failure to nomi- nate, then by the Chancellor or Vice-Chancellor of the University of the South.

The Alice M. Hall Scholarship The fund for this scholarship in memory of Alice Mary Hall, Matron, was raised as the result of a movement among the faculty, students and alumni of the School of Theology, begun immediately after the death of

Miss Hall on May 13th, 191 3. The income from the fund of $5,926.85 applies on the University charges of a theological student. 142 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

The Henry C. Hall Scholarships Two* scholarships, the income from $10,060, the bequest of Miss Alice M. Hall, late matron of St. Luke's Hall, as a memorial to her brother, Henry C. Hall. The holders of these scholarships, under the provisions of the will of Miss Hall, are to be "candidates for Holy Orders, pursuing the full course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Divinity in the School of Theology, the beneficiaries to be Bachelors of Arts from some college or university approved by the University of the South."

The Robert Andrew Hargrove Memorial Scholarship

The gift of Mrs. Louise B. Hargrove; $3,000, the income to be paid tc a student in the School of Theology, to be appointed by the Bishop of Mississippi.

The Humphrey Scholarship The income from a fund of $5,ico, bequeathed under the will of Mrs. Laura Hoadley Humphrey, of LaGrange, Georgia. A fund to be held in trust and to be known as the Humphrey Scholarship; the income thereof to be used for the support, at the University of the South, of a postulant or postulants or candidate for the ministry from the Diocese of Atlanta, the beneficiary to be nominated by the Bishop of the Diocese of Atlanta; and said beneficiary is morally bound to serve said Diocese after his ordina- tion to the Diaconate for a time equivalent to that in which he was a beneficiary of the scholarship.

The W. Lloyd Hunt Memorial Scholarship The income from a fund of $5,000, established in 1929 by Mrs. Laura G. Hunt, of Raleigh, N. C, in memory of her husband, for postulants or candidates for Holy Orders; the beneficiary to be designated by the Rector of Trinity Church, Asheville, N. C, or by the Vice-Chancellor of the

University in case the designation is not made on or before September 1st.

Kentucky Memorial Scholarship The gift of Mrs. T. U. Dudley, in memory of Bishop Dudley, formerly Chancellor of the University, the income from $5,000, the beneficiary, a student in the School of Theology, to be appointed by the Bishop of Kentucky.

The Leonidas Ledbetter Little Scholarship The income from $5,000, for the benefit of students in the School of Theology, the beneficiary to be appointed by the Bishop of North Caro- lina. Established, in 1921, by Mrs. L. L. Little of Ansonville, N .C, in memory of her husband. THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY I43

The Lewis C. Nelson Scholarship The income from a trust fund of $5,000 (established 1932) to be used in paying the tuition and, if necessary, the support of young men when in actual attendance as students in preparation for the ministry, or for assisting a young man in his preliminary education, upon written state- ment of his intention to prepare himself for the ministry. The applicants for the proceeds of this fund must present a statement in writing that it is their intention to secure an education for the ministry and submit same to the Vice-Chancellor.

Richard Peters Scholarship

The income from $5,000, the bequest of Mrs. Mary J. Peters, the bene- ficiary, a student in the School of Theology, to be appointed by the Vice- Chancellor.

The Augustus Hammond Robinson Scholarship Fund The income from $io,ooo, established 1933, by Mrs. Delia B. Robinson, }f Nashville, Tennessee, in memory of her husband. To educate or as- sist in the education of some deserving young man, studying or prepar- ing to study for the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church; the beneficiary to be designated by the Bishop-Coadjutor of the Diocese of Tennessee.

St. Andrew's Scholarships Two scholarships provided by the income from $10,000, the bequest of Mrs. C. M. Manigault, given to students in the School of Theology, one nominated by the Bishop of South Carolina, the other by the Bishop of Upper South Carolina.

Waldburg Scholarship Fund The income from $15,000, the bequest of Mrs. E. L. W. Clinch, given to students nominated by the Bishop of Georgia.

The Mary Rawlinson Myers Scholarship The income from a fund of $500, bequeathed by the late Mrs. Mary Rawlinson Myers of Charlotte, N. C. to be used for the training of young men for the Ministry of the Episcopal Church.

The Hail Memorial Fund

This fund of $5,075 was established in 1944 by Mr. J. Conway Hail, Miss Betty Hail and Mr. J. Conway Hail, Jr., of Batesville, Arkansas. The principal of the fund is subject to loans to assist students primarily 144 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH from the Diocese of Arkansas in their education for the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal Church at the University, upon the recommen- dation or approval of the Bishop of Arkansas. The income received from investments of this fund (as distinct from student loans) is, upon requisition, to be paid over to the St. Luke's Brotherhood for the Increase of the Ministry for the general scholarship purposes of the Brotherhood.

St. Luke's Brotherhood for the Increase of the Ministry

Organized in November, 1892, by alumni and students of the School

of Theology, its object is to increase and to improve the supply of candi- dates for Holy Orders, and in case of need to assist and encourage any who are pursuing studies toward that end in the University.

Any student receiving financial aid during his course is expected to

attain a grade of at least 85% each year, if the aid is to be continued.

The Reverend Robert South Barrett Scholarship The income from a fund of $5,000, the gift of Dr. Robert S. Barrett of Alexandria, Virginia, to establish a scholarship in the Theological School of the University of the South, in memory of his father, the Reverend Robert South Barrett, D.D. The award of this scholarship

is in the hands of the Bishop of Virginia.

The John G. and Fannie F. Ruge Scholarships Two scholarships of $500 each to be awarded annually for twenty years, beginning in 1947, established by Mr. John G. Ruge and his wife, Mrs. Fannie F. Ruge, of Apalachicola, Florida. To be awarded to needy Theological students of exemplary moral character on their application therefor and on the recommendation of the Portestant Epis- copal Bishop of Florida and the Dean of the Theological Department of the University of the South. THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY I45


A limited amount of employment is available for credit against University charges. Students needing such help should present their cases to the Vice-Chancellor. There are no opportunities for earning money outside the Uni- versity.


1. The George Thomas Shettle Prize, founded by the Rev. George Thomas Shettle, of Hunsingore House, Weatherby, England. A prize of $75 is offered every three years for the best essay on a subject appointed by the Faculty. Open to all students of the School of Theology. Next offered in 1948-49.

2. The Isaac Marion Dwight Medal (for Philosophical and Biblical Greek) founded by H. N. Spencer, M.D., of St. Louis, Mo., awarded an- nually, and open to all students of the University.


The unit of quantitative description of courses is the semester-hour. By a semester-hour is meant attendance at class one hour per week for one semester.

Courses are of three kinds:

1. Required courses are designed in accord with the the required examinations prescribed by the Canons of the General Convention for admission to Holy Orders. All these courses must be taken by every regular student.

2. Elective courses permit additional study in the academic disciplines of the student's own choice.

3. Practical courses are offered during the summer months which afford Clinical and Field Training in ap- proved centers under seminary supervision. These are considered as seminary courses and academic credit is given for them.

10 .



HOURS HOURS PER PER First Semester week Second Semester wee£

1 NT —Introduction 3 Gr 2—Reading 2 1 2 CH —General 3 OT —Israel bef. Prophets .... 3 2 Th Introduction 3 NT —Introduction 3 1 PT —Homiletics 1 CH 2—General 3 1 Lit —Liturgies 2 Th 2—Introduction 3 Gr 1 —Elementary 5 PT 2—Homiletics 1 or Elective 2


Middle Year

OT 3 —Prophetic Lit 3 NT 4—Earlier Epistles 3

NT 3—Synoptic Gospels 3 CH 4—American 2 6 CH 3—English 2 CH —Polity & Canon Law . 2

CH 5—Missions 2 Th 4—Dogmatic 3 2 Th 3 —Dogmatic 3 RP —Ethics 3 PT 3—Homiletics 1 PT 4—Homiletics I Electives 2 Electives 2

16 16

Senior Year

OT s—Post-Exilic Lit 3 Th 6—Christian Life 3 6 NT 5—Johannine Lit 2 NT —Romans 3 PT 5—Homiletics 1 PT 6—Homiletics 1 Lit 3 —Liturgies 2 Lit 4—Liturgies 2

PT 7—Pastoral Care 3 PT 8—Administration 2 PT 9—Religious Education ... 2 CH 8—Christian Thought .... 2 CH 7—Christian Thought 2 Electives 2

15 15

*See page 147 for explanation of optional courses. the school of theology i47

Greek In accordance with Canon 29 on the normal standard of laming of Candidates for Holy Orders, it is expected that the student will study the required New Testament courses with the use of the Greek language. Applicants for ad- mission to the School of Theology are therefore encouraged to prepare themselves in New Testament Greek. Beginning students who can give evidence by examina- tion of their ability to read the New Testament in Greek will take a two-hour Elective course in the first semester. Otherwise, they will be required to take the course in Elementary Greek which meets five hours per week for

the first semester and for which a two-hour credit is given. Those students who are not candidates for the B.D. de- gree and are canonically dispensed by their Bishop from the use and study of the Greek language will take a two- hour Elective course in lieu of Elementary Greek.

Examination in the Content of Holy Scripture During the Middle Year, a written examination in the contents of the English Bible will be given. All students are required to pass this examination before their gradu- ation. Graduation Requirements

A passing grade of at least 75 per cent in all prescribed courses is required of all candidates for graduation. Stu-

dents whose average for all prescribed courses is 90 per cent or more are eligible for the Certificate of Graduate in Divinity or the degree of Bachelor of Divinity with the distinction of "optime merens".

Certificate of Graduate in Divinity

Regular students who pass all prescribed work in either the Greek or English course are eligible for the award of the Certificate of Graduate in Divinity. i48 the university of the south

Degree of Bachelor of Divinity Regular students who pass all prescribed work and meet the following conditions are eligible for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Divinity:

1. He must hold a previous bachelor's degree from an approved college.

2. He must have studied the New Testament courses with the use of the Greek language.

3. With the permission of the faculty he may present a thesis to be written under the direction of the professor whose field is chosen. This thesis must be presented one month before graduation. Credit for two elective hours will be given, if accepted by the faculty. The hoods of the degrees conferred on the recommenda- tion of the Faculty of The School of Theology are of Ox- ford shape, with purple cord cutting the colors. The hood of the Graduate in Divinity is black, lined with white and slashed with purple band. The hood of the Bachelor of

Divinity is black, lined with scarlet.

Special Courses for Student Wives

Student Wives Training Courses were instituted in the Fall of 1947 because the student body included a large percentage of married men who were in residence with their wives.

A tentative, special curriculum, running in three year rotation, has been started. Two lecture hours per week with classes meeting in the evening have been established. Teachers are the regular seminary faculty, faculty wives who are experienced in the role of minister's wife and other outsiders who are periodically invited to lecture on special aspects of the Church's life and work.

The curriculum is basically a miniature of that normally THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY I49

given candidates for the Ministry of the Church. It is di- vided into six major topics covering the six semesters of the three year curriculum. Students will take these courses in different order of progression depending on the year of their coming into residence at the School of Theology.

Courses are as follows:

1. Church History.

2. The Old Testament.

3. The New Testament.

4. Theology.



J. Elementary Greek.

Five hours, one semester. Required of Juniors'. See page 147.

2. Greek Reading. Reading of selected passages from the New Testament. Prerequisite:

Greek 1 or its equivalent. Two hours, one semester. Required of Juniors.


1. Elementary Hebrew. *Five hours, one semester. Elective.

2. Hebrew Reading. Reading of selected passages from the Old Testament. Prerequisite:

Hebrew 1. Two hours ^throughout the year. Elective.


2. Israel Before the Writing Prophets. A study of the historical books to the time of the writing prophets, with special attention to the personalities portrayed in them. Three hours, one semester. Required of Juniors.

3. The Prophetic Literature. A study of the outstanding prophets of Israel from Amos to Second Isaiah. Three hours, one semester. Required of Middlers.

5. Israel after the Exile. A study of the Wisdom Literature and other Post-exilic writings of the

*This course may be divided between two semesters. THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 151

Jewish Canon and of the Apocrypha, with a brief survey of the Pseud- epigrapha and the Mishnah. Three hours, one semester. Required of Seniors.

NEW TESTAMENT Dr. Grant 1-2. Introduction to the New Testament. A study of the social and religious background of early Christianity; the life and teaching of Jesus; the development of the early church. Three hours, two semesters. Required of Juniors.

3. The Synoptic Gospels.

One gospel will be read entire, in Greek; by using a synopsis its re- lation to the other two will be examined. Three hours, one semester. Required of Middlers.

4. Earlier Epistles of St. Paul.

First Corinthians and either Galatians or the Thessalonian epistles will be read in Greek. Three hours, one semester. Required of Middlers.

5. The Johannine Literature. The writings traditionally ascribed to the apostle John will be read, the Gospel and Epistles in Greek, the Revelation in English. Special em- phasis will be laid on authorship, sources, contents, religious ideas, and later influence. Two hours, one semester. Required of Seniors.

6. Biblical Theology. A study will be made of the Theology of the New Testament and of its influence upon the life of the Church. Special emphasis and attention will be given to the Epistle to the Romans in this course.

11. The History and Theory of Biblical Interpretation.

12. Christianity in the Second Century.

13. The Graeco-Roman Background of Early Christianity. 152 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

CHURCH HISTORY, POLITY, AND CANON LAW The Dean and Professor Jones 1-2. General Church History.

The life and growth of the Church Universal to the present day. Three hours, two semesters. Required of Juniors.

3. English Church History.

The distinctive development of the Church of England from its begin- ning until now. Two hours, one semester. Required of Middlers.

4. American Church History. The founding and growth of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Two hours, one semester. Required of Middlers.

5. The History of Missions. A review of the expansion of Christianity from the beginning; the motives, methods, and present opportunities of the Church's Mission. Two hours, one semester. Required of Middlers.

6. Ecclesiastical Polity and Canon Law. Two hours, one semester. Required of Middlers.

7-8. The History of Christian Thought. A review of the development of Church doctrine and of the work of great Christian thinkers and schools of thought. Two hours, two semes- ters. Required of Seniors.

14. The Oxford Movement. The rise of the "Catholic Revival" since 1833. Two hours, one se- mester. Elective.


Professor McGregor 1-2. Introduction to the Study of Theology. A presentation of the primary factors in the Christian view of life; the contrast between this view and other current views in our day; the emphases in teaching which are stressed in the Prayer Book. Three hours, two semesters. Required of Juniors. THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY I53

3-4. Dogmatic Theology. The systematic study of the dogmatic teachings of the Christian Church. Three hours, two semesters. Required of Middlers.

6. Theology o^ the Christian Life. A study of the Christian Sacraments to discover the bearing of the teaching and practice of the Church on individual and social life. Three hours, one semester. Required of Seniors.


2. Ethics. A brief review of the Greek systems, Epicureanism, Stoicism, Aristo- telianism and Platonism, followed by a study of Christianity and Ethics with the Syllabus of Theological Studies for Candidates for Holy Orders in mind. Three hours, one semester. Required of Middlers.

11. Seminar in Ethics.

An elective continuation of Religious Philosophy 1, with application* to contemporary problems of individual and social morality, such as the relation between the sexes; marriage and the family; civil society in national and international relations; crime and the criminal; nature and the animal world; and the relation of all to a Christian ethic. Two hours, one semester. Elective.

12. Philosophy of Religion. The Philosophy of Religion in general. Designed to show the validity of the philosophical basis of theism in the light of theological, philosophi- cal, and scientific thought. Two hours, one semester. Elective.

13. DuBose's Philosophy of Christianity. The systematic religious philosophy of Dr. William Porcher Du Bose. Two hours, one semester. Elective.

14. DuBose's Christology.

The Philosophy of Christianity based upon the study of the doctrine of the Logos, according to Dr. Du Bose. Two hours, one semester. Elective.

15. The Psychology of Religion. A psychological study of religious phenomena, including Mysticism and the psychology of worship. Two hours, one semester. Elective. 154 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH PRACTICAL THEOLOGY Professors Myers, Jones and McGregor

1-2. Sermon Construction. First semester, reading and analysis of selected sermons; sermon con- struction. One hour, two semesters. Required of Juniors.

3-4. Sermon Structure and Delivery. The preparation and delivery of sermons; the analysis by the class of representative sermons; the writing of sermon-outlines; the preaching of sermons before the class. One hour, two semesters. Required of Middlers.

5-6. Preaching.

One student will preach in chapel every week, with subsequent discus-, sion of the sermon in class. Extempore sermons and addresses before the class. One hour, two semesters. Required of Seniors.

7. Pastoral Care. Lectures and conferences on the pastoral work of the clergy, and the pastoral use of the Offices of Instruction and other offices in the Book of Common Prayer. Three hours, one semester. Required of Seniors.

8. Parish Administration. Two hours, one semester. Required of Seniors.

9. Religious Education. The principles and methods of Religious Education. The place of worship, work and study in the Church's educational program. Two hours, one semester. Required of Seniors.

11. Teaching of the Catechism and Offices of Instruction. The pastoral and homiletical use of the Catechism and Offices of In- struction with the view to preparation of candidates for baptism and confirmation. Two hours, one semester. Elective.

12. Expository Preaching according to the Christian Year. Two hours, one semester. Elective.

16. Christianity in Literature. A study of the religious meaning of the world's great literature. Two hours, one semester. Elective. THE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 1 55

Practical Work.

Students in their Middle year will be assigned for Practical work to Missions and Churches of the Sewanee neighborhood under the super- vision of faculty members and other resident clergy. Practical as- signments during the academic year are not required of Juniors and Seniors.

Practical work and field study during the two summers preceding the

Middle and Senior years is considered a required part of the seminary course. Assignments are made with the advice and consent of the student's Bishop. Those assignments made to the STUDENT RURAL FIELD SERVICE of the Protestant Episcopal Church and to the COUNCIL FOR CLINICAL TRAINING or THE INSTITUTE FOR PASTORAL CARE are considered a regular part of the curriculum of this school and the work done will receive credits in proportion to the number of weeks of training.

LITURGICS Professor Jones

I . Ministration.

The rationale and use of the offices of the Book of Common Prayei. Two hours, one semester. Required of Juniorr.

Additional training in ministration is afforded throughout the theo- logical course by means of the services in the Chapel, at which the stu

dents assist.

3-4. Christian Worship. The history of Christian Worship and the development of liturguai forms. Two hours, two semesters. Required of Seniors.

II. Studies in the Prayer Book. Two hours, one semester. Elective. I56 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY

The Rev. M. Bowyer Stewart, S.T.D., D.D., Director

The University of the South established its Graduate of Theology in 1937 to afford to clergymen an opportunitp for post-ordination study, in close personal contact with rec- ognized leaders of theological knowledge and interpretation. The sessions of the School are held for five weeks every summer, usually in July and August. Because of this fact,

it is possible to invite scholars from other institutions to be members of its faculty; and the personnel of the faculty changes considerably from year to year. Thus the School

is a rendezvous of teachers and scholars, as well as a com- munity of men who wish to continue and enrich their edu-

cation but could not otherwise do so. It is the only insti-

tution of its kind in our Church. Two classes of students attend the School:

1. Regular Students take the courses for academic credit.

The average students finds it impossible to take more than three courses for credit at one session of the School.

2. Auditors are permitted to attend all lectures, but re- ceive no academic credit. Regular students may audit the lectures in courses for which they are not receiving aca- demic credit. A course in the School describes approximately the equi- valent of two semester-hours. Including lectures and re-

search work it will entail about ninety hours of work dur- ing the five weeks.

Requirements for graduate degrees are as follows:

I. The Degree of Bachelor of Divinity

1. A candidate for this degree must be a priest of the Protestant Episcopal Church.

2. If he has either not been admitted a Bachelor in Arts or in Science by a recognized college, or has not completed three years of study at THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 1 57

a recognized theological seminary, he must satisfy the Faculty of the

Graduate School of Theology that he is qualified to pursue graduate theological study. This qualification shall be determined by the char-

acter of the work of the student in the first two courses taken at this School. Such a student may not be admitted to candidacy for the bachelor's degree until he has satisfactorily completed these two courses.

3. The recipient of this degree must satisfactorily complete a total of not less than eight courses in this School and must present a satis- factory dissertation upon a subject directly connected with one of the courses pursued.

4. The courses of study must be completed within a period of five years, unless the time be extended by the Faculty.

II. The Degree of Master of Sacred Theology

1. A candidate for this degree must be a priest of the Protestant Episcopal Church and must possess the degree of Bachelor of Theology (Th.B., or S.T.B., or B.D.), He must have satisfactorily completed at least two courses in this School.

2. The recipient of this degree must have completed not less than

ten courses of graduate work in addition to any work done in fulfill- ment of requirements for the bachelor's degree.

3. These courses must be completed within a period of not less than four years and not more than seven years, unless the time be extended by th Faculty.

4. At least five courses must be in the same department of study and shall constitute a "major group of studies." At least two courses must be taken in a different department from the major.

5. The applicant must present a satisfactory dissertation upon a sub- ject directly connected with his major group of studies.

6. In addition to course examinations he shall pass satisfactorily a general examination in the subject of his major group of studies. The scope of this general examination shall be prescribed at the time of ac- ceptance as a candidate for the master's degree.

7. The Master's degree shall never be conferred causa honoris. I58 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH

The 1948 session of the School will be held from July 26 to August 28, inclusive.

The faculty will consist of:

The Rev. M. BOWYER STEWART, S.T.D., D.D., Director Professor of Theology in the General Theological Seminary of New York

The Rev. ROBERT C. DENTAN, Ph.D. Professor of the Literature and Interpretation of the Old Testament in Berkeley Divinity School, New Haven, Conn.

The Rev. HOWARD H. HASSINGER, S.T.D. Professor of Ethics and Moral Theology in Seabury-Westem Theological

Seminary, Evanston, 111.

These courses will be offered:

Modern Ideas on the Nature of God Dr. Stewart The Psalms Dr. Dentan

Philosophical and Theological Foundations of Moral and Ascetical Theology Dr. Hassinger

Conflict in Christology in Modern England and America Dr. Stewart

The 1948 faculty and courses were not complete at the time of the printing of this catalogue. Additions will be announced later.

Fees: The fees for the summer session are as follows:

Registration and tuition $ 50.00 Board and room, including linens 75-00

Total $125.00

All communications should be addressed to the Dean's Office, School of Theology, Sewanee, Tennessee. THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 1 59


Regular Students

The Rev. George M. Alexander Gainesville, Fla. The Rev. Scott F. Bailey Nacogdoches, Tex.

The Rev. E. Dargan Butt Evanston, III. The Rev. Miller M. Cragon New Orleans, La. The Rev. N. Chaffee Croft Augusta, Ga. The Rev. Edward B. Guerry Charleston, S. C. The Rev. Alfred Hardman Atlanta, Ga. The Rev. William T. Holt, Jr South Pittsburg, Tenn. The Rev. William L. Jacobs Newport, Ark. The Rev. William W. Lumpkin Charleston, S. C. The Rev. John D. Maurer Tallulah, La. The Rev. Conrad W. Myrick Birmingham, Ala. The Rev. Roddey Reid Anderson, S. C. The Rev. Paul L. C. Schwartz Meadville, Pa. The Rev. James Stirling Nashville, Tenn.

The Rev. Guy S. Usher Memphis, Tenn. The Rev. Leslie E. Wilson Holdenville, Okla. l60 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH PRE-THEOLOGICAL COURSE

The School of Theology of the University of the South recommends the following as a p re-theological course for students now in college:

Fields Semesters Semester Hours Electives English 4 12 Composition and Literature Philosophy 4 12 History of Philosophy Ethics Logic For Logic may be substituted Mathematics 2 6 Bible (content) 2 6 History 6 18 Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern European History (including English History) American History

Psychology I 3 Languages Greek (4 semesters recommended) 2 6 Latin (4 semesters recommended) 2 6 Natural Sciences Chemistry or Physics 2 6

Biology 1 3 Social Sciences Economics 2 6

Sociology I 3 Electives should for the most part be limited to subjects in fields listed above. To these may be added modern foreign languages, or Hebrew.

Concentration or "Majoring"

It is recommended that the field of the major be Greek, or Philosophy, or History.

The above outline of p re-theological studies is regarded by this School as following in principle the recommendation of the American Associa- tion of Theological Schools in its Statement on Pre-Seminary Studies (published 1940). COMMENCEMENT DAY l6l COMMENCEMENT DAY

June 9, 1947

Latin Salutatory

Peter O'Donnell, Jr Dallas, Texas

University Oration

The Honorable Ellis Gibbs Arnall, former Governor of Georgia Neztman, Georgia

Valedictory Oration William Ralph Nummy Brooklyn, New York

AWARD OF MEDALS AND PRIZES The Jemison Medal for Debate Christopher Wheelwright Davis Washington, D. C.

The Ruggles-Wright Medal for French

James Neely Grant, Jr Mem-phis, Tennessee

The E. G. Richmond Prize for Social Science

James Hargraves Pillow, Jr Helena, Arkansas

The Atlee Henkel Hoff Award for Scholastic Attainment in Economics

Robert Smith Burgins, Jr Birmingham, Alabama

The Algernon Sydney Sullivan Medallion for Character

Willie Joe Shaw, Jr Birmingham, Alabama

AWARD OF SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 1947-48 The Thomas O'Connor Scholarship

Ellis Rex Pinson, Jr Tulsa, Oklahoma



Gus Layfette Baker Peter O'Donnell, Jr.

John Coming Ball, Jr. Stephen Donald Palmer William Bellingrath Elmore Jesse Martin Phillips

Leonidas Polk Bills Emerson James Hargraves Pillow, Jr.

Kenneth Arbuthnot MacGowan, Jr. Ellis Rex Pinson, Jr. Richard Bland Mitchell George Ellis Stokes, Jr.

William Ralph Nummy John Francis Waymouth, Jr.


College of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Arts

Gus Layfette Baker (Optime Merens) Tennessee O'Neal Bardin Kentucky

Bogardus Snowden Boyle, Jr. {Optime Merens) Tennessee William Cullen Bryant, Jr Tennessee Robert Smith Burgins, Jr Alabama William Leland Carpenter, II Florida

James Gus Cate, Jr. {Optime Merens) : . . . . Tennessee Charles Thomas Chambers, Jr Arkansas John Stuart Collier Tennessee Matlack Cheesman Crane Connecticut Joseph Bryan Cumming, Jr Georgia Richard Menning Deimel New York Albert Neal Fitts {Optime Merens) Florida Harrold Rae Flintoff, Jr Tennessee Jonathan Bullock Flynn Alabama Thomas Poindexter Frith, III Louisiana

James Neely Grant, Jr. {Optime Merens) Tennessee Shelby Thomas Harbison, Jr Ohio

Paul Minor Hawkins, Jr. {Optime Merens) West Virginia Jerome B. Johnson South Carolina Lenoir Valentine Lee, Jr Florida Moultrie Hutchinson Mcintosh South Carolina Allison Bayard McNeill Tennessee

Richard Bland McQuiston Mitchell {Optime Merens) . . . . Arkansas Richard Joseph Ovington Nebraska Frank Darrow Peebles, Jr Alabama Jesse Martin Phillips {Optime Merens) Tennessee DEGREES CONFERRED 1 63

James Hargraves Pillow, Jr. {Optime Merens) Arkansas John Shedrick Pitts {Optime Merens) Tennessee James Keith Roberts Georgia Maurice Joseph Shahady Texas

Willie Joe Shaw, Jr , Alabama

George Ellis Stokes, Jr. (Optime Merens) Virginia Sidney Johnston Stubbs, Jr Florida James Brown Vaught Georgia Irl Raymond Walker, Jr Alabama George Robinson Wallace Florida Wallace Ogden Westfeldt, Jr Louisiana

Porter Williams, Jr. (Optime Merens) South Carolina

Bachelor of Science

Leonidas Polk Bills Emerson (Optime Merens) Tennessee Roy Fite Francis (Optime Merens) Tennessee Carl Aubrey Hudson (Optime Merens) Tennessee G. W. Leach, Jr Alabama

Kenneth Arbuthnot MacGowan, Jr. (Optime Merens) Florida John Clement Marshall Tennessee William Ralph Nummy (Optime Merens) New York

Peter O'Donnell, Jr. (Optime Merens) Texas Charles Fontaine Pierce (Optime Merens) Mississippi

William Gadsden Vardell, Jr. (Optime Merens) South Carolina

John Francis Waymouth, Jr. (Optime Merens) Louisiana

Grover Cleveland White, Jr. (Optime Merens) Tennessee


Bachelor of Divinity

Walter Robert Belford, B.A Tennessee


Master of Sacred Theology The Rev. James William Kennedy, B.D Kentucky The Rev. Edgar Legare Pennington, BX> Alabama 164 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH


Doctor of Civil Law

The Honorable Ellis Gibbs Arnall, BA, B.S., LL.B Nezvnan, Ga. The Honorable Harry Pulliam Cain, B.A Washington, D. C. Mr. William Robert Webb, B.A., LL.D Bell Buckle, Tenn.

Doctor of Science

Dr. Charles Snowden Piggot, B.A., B.S., Ph.D Washington, D. C. Dr. Oscar Noel Torian, B.A., M.D Sewanee, Tenn.

Doctor of Divinity The Rt. Rev. George Henry Quarterman, B.A Canyon, Tex. The Rev. Lenoir Valentine Lee, B.A., M.A Jacksonville, Fla. The Rev. Willis P. Gerhart, B.A., B.D Abilene, Tex.


September 1, 1947

Bachelor of Arts

Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant (Optime Merens) .... Missouri Blakeslee, Charles Hugh, Jr Illinob Evans, George Kimmons Tennessee McLeod, Lamar Young (Optime Merens) Alabama Naff, Alfred Marriner (Optime Merens) Alabama Swanson, Donald Clarence Minnesota Wallens, Richard Louis Illinois

Bachelor of Science

Ball, John Coming, Jr. (Optime Merens) South Carolina

Banks, Frazer, Jr. (Optime Merens) Alabama Bridges, Albert Peyton (Optime Merens) Tennessee Walker, Raleigh Washington, Jr South Carolina THE ASSOCIATED ALUMNI 1 65


February 3, 1948

Bachelor of Arts Coombs, Edwin Seeger, Jr Missouri

Haynie, Hiram Garwood, Jr. (Optime Merens) Texas

Langstaff, George Quigley, Jr. (Optime Merens) Kentucky Minor, Lucian Weld Missouri Moon, Harold Pollard Tennessee Scott, Eugene Dyer (Optime Merens) Georgia

Bachelor of Science Elmore, William Bellingrath (Optime Merens) Alabama Guffey, James Carroll Tennessee Seibels, Howard Kelly (Optime Merens) Alabama

Bachelor of Divinity

Butt, Edmund Dargan Illinois

THE ASSOCIATED ALUMNI the university of the south

Officers, 1947-48

J. Albert Woods, '18, President Jacksonville, Fla. W. Dudley Gale, '20, First Vice-President Nashville, Tenn. R. C. Williamson, '22, Second Vice-President Greenwood, Miss. John G. Dearborn, '20, Third Vice-President Birmingham, Ala.

Gordon S. Rather, '23, Recording Secretary Little Rock, Ark. W. W. Lewis, '04, Treasurer Sewanee, Tenn.

Arthur Ben Chitty, '35, Alumni Secretary Sewanee, Tenn. l66 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH


The Rt. Rev. Frank A. Juhan, D.D., Bishop of Florida, Chancellor and President of the Board.

The Rt. Rev. Thomas C. Darst, D.D., Retired Bishop of East Carolina.

The Rt. Rev. Harry T. Moore, D.D., Retired Bishop of Dallas.

The Rt. Rev. Clinton S. Quin, D.D., Bishop of Texas.

The Rt. Rev. Edwin A. Penick, D.D., Bishop of North Carolina.

The Rt. Rev. James M. Maxon, D.D., Retired Bishop of Tennessee.

The Rt. Rev. E. Cecil Seaman, D.D., Retired Bishop of North Texas.

The Rt. Rev. John D. Wing, D.D., Bishop of South Florida.

The Rt. Rev. Albert S. Thomas, D.D., Retired Bishop of South Carolina.

The Rt. Rev. William Scarlett, D.D., Bishop of Missouri.

The Rt. Rev. Robert E. Gribbin, D.D., Bishop of Western North Carolina

The Rt. Rev. Middleton S. Barnwell, D.D., Bishop of Georgia.

The Rt. Rev. Charles Clingman, D.D., Bishop of Kentucky. The Rt. Rev. Edmund P. Dandridge, D.D., Bishop of Tennessee.

The Rt. Rev. Charles C. J. Carpenter, D.D., Bishop of Alabama. The Rt. Rev. R. Bland Mitchell, D.D., Bishop of Arkansas.

The Rt. Rev. John J. Gravatt, D.D., Bishop of Upper South Carolina The Rt. Rev. John L. Jackson, D.D., Bishop of Louisiana. The Rt. Rev. John Moore Walker, D.D., Bishop of Atlanta. The Rt. Rev. Duncan M. Gray,'D.D., Bishop of Mississippi. The Rt. Rev. Everett H. Jones, D.D., Bishop of West Texas. The Rt. Rev. Thomas N. Carruthers, D.D., Bishop of South Carolina.

The Rt. Rev. C. Avery Mason, S.T.D., Bishop of Dallas.

The Rt. Rev. Thomas H. Wright, D.D., Bishop of East Carolina.

The Rt. Rev. John E. Hines, D.D., Bishop Coadjutor of Texas.

The Rt. Rev. William R. Moody, D.D., Bishop of Lexington.

The Rt. Rev. William McClelland, D.D., Bishop of Easton.

The Rt. Rev. George H. Quarterman, Bishop of North Texas.

Note:—Retired Bishops are Honorary Members of the Board of Trustees. CLERICAL AND LAY TRUSTEES 1 67


Alabama—Rev. W. S. Stoney, Herbert E. Smith, John H. Cobbs. Arkansas—Very Rev. Cotesworth P. Lewis, George K. Cracraft, Gor- don S. Rather.

Atlanta—Rev. Fred T. Kyle, Jr., H. Ewing Dean, Emmett H. Baker.

Dallas—-Rev. Claude A. Beesley, D.D., J. Howell Shelton, Jack R. Swain.

East Carolina—Rev. J. F. Ferneyhough, J. Q. Beckwith, David T. Oates. Easton—Rev. Durrie B. Hardin, Dr. Gilbert W. Mead, Henry Lay Philips.

Florida—Rev. Charles F. Schilling, R. M. Hare, Alfred Airth.

Georgia—Rev. Allen B. Clarkson, Ford P. Fuller, J. A. Setze. Kentucky—Rev. Robert C. Board, John C. Bennett, Cartledge Wil- liams. Lexington—Rev. Allen Person, Henry T. Soaper, Wade Henton.

Louisiana—Rev. J. Hodge Alves, Quinten T. Hardtner, L. Kemper Williams, D.C.L.

Mississippi—Rev. Olin G. Beall, Ben F. Cameron, John S. Kirk.

Missouri—Rev. Charles D. Kean, Jesse F. Donnell, L. F. Jones, Jr. North Carolina—Rev. C. Alfred Cole, Godfrey Cheshire, Theodore C.

Heyward, Jr. North Texas—Rev. Willis P. Gerhart, D.D., Joe Earnest, Joe Scott. South Carolina—Rev. H. D. Bull, B. Allston Moore, Thomas P. Stoney. South Florida—Rev. John H. Soper, Charles M. Gray, Sidney H. Taylor.

Tennessee—Rev. Prentice A. Pugh, D.D., J. Kennedy Craig, W. Dudley Gale.

Texas—Rev. J. Lawrence Plumley, Ashford Jones, A. S. Cleveland. Upper South Carolina—Rev. A. G. Branwell Bennett, Joseph E. Hart. West Texas—Rev. Walter R. Belford, Frank M. Gillespie, W. Hollis Fitch. Western North Carolina—Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, Dr. W. E. Wilmer- ding. Associated Alumni—J. Albert Woods, Niles Trammell, Rev. Frank E. Walters, Very Rev. John B. Walthour, Charles McD. Puckette, Dr. James T. MacKenzie. 1



Administration, Officers of II Admission, to the University 40

Requirements for the College 5 Requirements for the School of Theology 139 Advanced Standing 52 Advisers, for Freshmen 54 For Upperclassmen 58-61 All Saints' Chapel 26 Associated Alumni, Officers of 165 Associations, Educational 40 Athletics 45 Automobiles 46

Biblical Literature, Instruction in 70 Biology, Instruction in 71-74 Biology and Medicine, Preparation for 67

Board of Regents 5 Board of Trustees 166-167 Botany, Instruction in 73

Calendar, of the College 4 Of the School of Theology 133 Chemistry, Instruction in 74-76 Chemistry and Medicine, Preparation for 65-67 Classification of Students 55 Commencement, 1947-48 161-165 Committees, of the University 14 Of the College 50 Comprehensive Examinations, in the College 59 and 61 Concentration Field 58 and 60 Conditions 56 Courses, Required in the College 58 and 60 Courses of Study, in the College 70-108 In the School of Theology 150-155 :


Degrees: page Awarded in 1947-48 161-165 Conferred by the University 40 Requirement for B.A. and B.S 58-61 Requirement for M.A 69 Requirement for B.D H5-H9 Requirements for Veterans 61-63 Discipline 44 Domain and Buildings 22-27 Dormitories 25 Drawing, Engineering 76

Economics, Instruction in 77-8o Engineering, Instruction in 76 English, Instruction in 81-83

Entrance Certificates 53 Entrance Examinations 53 Entrance Requirements: For the College 51-53 For the School of Theology 139

Expenses: In the College 28-31 In the School of Theology 28 and 140

Faculty: Of the University 6-IO Of the College 47-50 Of the School of Theology 134-135

Fees In the College 28-31 In the School of Theology 28 and 140 Forestry, Instruction in 84-85 Forestry and Conservation 67-68 Fraternities 45 French, Instruction in 85-87

German, Instruction in 87-88 Government. Instruction in 103-107 Gownsmen, Order of 43 :


PAGE Grading System 55 Graduate School of Theology 156-159 Graduate Schools, Preparation for 64-68 Graduate Students: Admission and Requirements 69 Graduation Requirements 58-61

Greek: Instruction in the College 88-90 Instruction in the School of Theology 150 Gymnasium 2$

Hebdomadal Board 14 Hebrew, Instruction in 150 History, Instruction in 90^94 History, Polity and Canon Law, Instruction in 152 History of the University 16-19 Honor Code 44 Honors, Awarded in 1947-48 161-162 Hospital 23

Laboratory Fees 28 Late Registration 54 Latin, Instruction in 94-96 Laundry 31 Law and Businss, Preparation for 64-65 Library 41-42 Literary Societies 44 Liturgies, Instruction in 155

Major Requirements 58-61 Mathematics, Instruction in 96-98 Matriculation 54 Matrons 13

Medals Awarded in 1947-48 161 In the College 49 In the School of Theology 145 Minor Requirements 58-61

Music, Instruction , in 98-99 INDEX 171


National Affiliations ' 40 New Testament, Instruction in 151

Objectives, Educational 2021 Old Testament, Instruction in 150-151

Pan-Hellenic Council 45 Phi Beta Kappa 44-45 Philosophy, Instruction in 99-100 Philosophy: Religious, Instruction in 153 Psychology 99 Physical Education, Instruction in 100-101 Physics, Instruction in 101-102

Political Science, Instruction in 103-107 Press, University 46

Prizes: In the College 39 In the School of Theology 145 Proctors, Student 13 Professional Schools, Preparation for 64-68 Publications, Student 46 Public Speaking, Instruction in 107-108

Quality Credits 55 Quantity Credits 55

Re-admission 56 Register of Students: In the College 109-131 In the School of Theology 136-137

Registration 54 Religious Influences 43 Required Courses 58 and 60

Scholarships: In the College 32-38 In the School of Theology 141-144 Scholastic Requirements 56 Scholastic Year, 1948-49 54 School of Theology, Description of 138 172 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH


Senate, University 15 Sewanee Review 46 Sewanee Union 24 Spanish, Instruction in 108 Special Students 55 Student Aid 32-38 Summary of the Enrollment 131

Theology, Instruction in 152-153

Theology, Practical, Instruction in 1 54-155 Transfer Credits 52 Tuition 28

Vaccination 46

Veterans 61-64

Water Supply 27