The Works of Horace

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The Works of Horace The Works of Horace 1 2 Table of contents ODES I. ODE I. TO MAECENAS ODES I. ODE II. TO AUGUSTUS CAESAR ODES I. ODE III. TO THE SHIP, IN WHICH VIRGIL WAS ABOUT TO SAIL TO ATHENS ODES I. ODE IV. TO SEXTIUS ODES I. ODE V. TO PYRRHA ODES I. ODE VI. TO AGRIPPA ODES I. ODE VII. TO MUNATIUS PLANCUS ODES I. ODE VIII. TO LYDIA ODES I. ODE IX. TO THALIARCHUS ODES I. ODE X. TO MERCURY ODES I. ODE XI. TO LEUCONOE ODES I. ODE XII. TO AUGUSTUS ODES I. ODE XIII. TO LYDIA ODES I. ODE XIV. TO THE ROMAN STATE ODES I. ODE XV. TO PARIS ODES I. ODE XVI. TO A YOUNG LADY HORACE HAD OFFENDED ODES I. ODE XVII. TO TYNDARIS ODES I. ODE XVIII. TO VARUS ODES I. ODE XIX. TO GLYCERA ODES I. ODE XX. TO MAECENAS ODES I. ODE XXI. ON DIANA AND APOLLO ODES I. ODE XXII. TO ARISTIUS FUSCUS ODES I. ODE XXIII. TO CHLOE ODES I. ODE XXIV. TO VIRGIL 3 ODES I. ODE XXV. TO LYDIA ODES I. ODE XXVI. TO AELIUS LAMIA ODES I. ODE XXVII. TO HIS COMPANIONS ODES I. ODE XXVIII. ARCHYTAS ODES I. ODE XXIX. TO ICCIUS ODES I. ODE XXX. TO VENUS ODES I. ODE XXXI. TO APOLLO ODES I. ODE XXXII. TO HIS LYRE ODES I. ODE XXXIII. TO ALBIUS TIBULLUS ODES I. ODE XXXIV. AGAINST THE EPICURIANS ODES I. ODE XXXV. TO FORTUNE ODES I. ODE XXXVI. [NO TITLE] ODES I. ODE XXXVII. TO HIS COMPANIONS ODES I. ODE XXXVIII. TO HIS SERVANT ODES II. ODE I. TO ASINIUS POLLIO ODES II. ODE II. TO CRISPUS SALLUSTIUS ODES II. ODE III. TO QUINTUS DELLIUS ODES II. ODE IV. TO XANTHIAS PHOCEUS ODES II. ODE V. [NO TITLE] ODES II. ODE VI. TO SEPTIMUS ODES II. ODE VII. TO POMPEIUS VARUS ODES II. ODE VIII. TO BARINE ODES II. ODE IX. TO TITUS VALGIUS ODES II. ODE X. TO LICINIUS MURENA ODES II. ODE XI. TO QUINTIUS HIRPINUS ODES II. ODE XII. TO MAECENAS 4 ODES II. ODE XIII. TO A TREE ODES II. ODE XIV. TO POSTUMUS ODES II. ODE XV. AGAINST THE LUXURY OF THE ROMANS ODES II. ODE XVI. TO GROSPHUS ODES II. ODE XVII. TO MAECENAS ODES II. ODE XVIII. AGAINST AVARICE AND LUXURY ODES II. ODE XIX. ON BACCHUS; A DITHYRAMBIC, OR DRINKING SONG ODES II. ODE XX. TO MAECENAS ODES III. ODE I. ON CONTENTMENT ODES III. ODE II. AGAINST THE DEGENERACY OF THE ROMAN YOUTH ODES III. ODE III. ON STEADINESS AND INTEGRITY ODES III. ODE IV. TO CALLIOPE ODES III. ODE V. ON THE RECOVERY OF THE STANDARDS FROM PHRAATES ODES III. ODE VI. TO THE ROMANS ODES III. ODE VII. TO ASTERIE ODES III. ODE VIII. TO MAECENAS ODES III. ODE IX. TO LYDIA ODES III. ODE X. TO LYCE ODES III. ODE XI. TO MERCURY ODES III. ODE XII. TO NEOBULE ODES III. ODE XIII. TO THE BANDUSIAN FOUNTAIN ODES III. ODE XIV. TO THE ROMANS ODES III. ODE XV. TO CHLORIS. ODES III. ODE XVI. TO MAECENAS ODES III. ODE XVII. TO AELIUS LAMIA ODES III. ODE XVIII. TO FAUNUS; A HYMN 5 ODES III. ODE XIX. TO TELEPHUS ODES III. ODE XX. TO PYRRHUS ODES III. ODE XXI. TO HIS JAR ODES III. ODE XXII. TO DIANA ODES III. ODE XXIII. TO PHIDYLE ODES III. ODE XXIV. TO THE COVETOUS ODES III. ODE XXV. TO BACCHUS; A DITHYRAMBIC ODES III. ODE XXVI. TO VENUS ODES III. ODE XXVII. TO GALATEA, UPON HER GOING TO SEA ODES III. ODE XXVIII. TO LYDE ODES III. ODE XXIX. TO MAECENAS ODES III. ODE XXX. ON HIS OWN WORKS ODES IV. ODE I. TO VENUS ODES IV. ODE II. TO ANTONIUS IULUS ODES IV. ODE III. TO MELPOMENE ODES IV. ODE IV. THE PRAISE OF DRUSUS ODES IV. ODE V. TO AUGUSTUS ODES IV. ODE VI. HYMN TO APOLLO ODES IV. ODE VII. TO TORQUATUS ODES IV. ODE VIII. TO MARCIUS CENSORINUS ODES IV. ODE IX. TO MARCUS LOLLIUS ODES IV. ODE X. TO LIGURINUS ODES IV. ODE XI. TO PHYLLIS ODES IV. ODE XII. TO VIRGIL ODES IV. ODE XIII. TO LYCE ODES IV. ODE XIV. TO AUGUSTUS 6 ODES IV. ODE XV. TO AUGUSTUS, ON THE RESTORATION OF PEACE EPODES. ODE I. TO MAECENAS EPODES. ODE II. THE PRAISES OF A COUNTRY LIFE EPODES. ODE III. TO MAECENAS EPODES. ODE IV. TO MENAS EPODES. ODE V. THE WITCHES MANGLING A BOY EPODES. ODE VI. AGAINST CASSIUS SEVERUS EPODES. ODE VII. TO THE ROMAN PEOPLE EPODES. ODE VIII. UPON A WANTON OLD WOMAN EPODES. ODE IX. TO MAECENAS EPODES. ODE X. AGAINST MAEVIUS EPODES. ODE XI. TO PECTIUS EPODES. ODE XII. TO A WOMAN WHOSE CHARMS WERE OVER EPODES. ODE XIII. TO A FRIEND EPODES. ODE XIV. TO MAECENAS EPODES. ODE XV. TO NEAERA EPODES. ODE XVI. TO THE ROMAN PEOPLE EPODES. ODE XVII. DIALOGUE BETWEEN HORACE AND CANIDIA SECULAR POEM. TO APOLLO AND DIANA SATIRES I. SATIRE I SATIRES I. SATIRE II SATIRES I. SATIRE III SATIRES I. SATIRE IV SATIRES I. SATIRE V SATIRES I. SATIRE VI. Of true nobility SATIRES I. SATIRE VII 7 SATIRES I. SATIRE VIII SATIRES I. SATIRE IX SATIRES I. SATIRE X SATIRES II. SATIRE I SATIRES II. SATIRE II. On Frugality SATIRES II. SATIRE III SATIRES II. SATIRE IV SATIRES II. SATIRE V SATIRES II. SATIRE VI SATIRES II. SATIRE VII SATIRES II. SATIRE VIII. A smart description of a miser ridiculously acting the extravagant EPISTLES I. EPISTLE I. TO MAECENAS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE II. TO LOLLIUS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE III. TO JULIUS FLORUS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE IV. TO ALBIUS TIBULLUS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE V. TO TORQUATUS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE VI. TO NUMICIUS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE VII. TO MAECENAS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE VIII. TO CELSUS ALBINOVANUS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE IX. TO CLAUDIUS TIBERIUS NERO; He recommends Septimius to him. EPISTLES I. EPISTLE X. TO ARISTIUS FUSCUS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE XI. TO BULLATIUS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE XII. TO ICCIUS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE XIII. TO VINNIUS ASINA EPISTLES I. EPISTLE XIV. TO HIS STEWARD 8 EPISTLES I. EPISTLE XV. TO C. NEUMONIUS VALA EPISTLES I. EPISTLE XVI. TO QUINCTIUS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE XVII. TO SCAEVA EPISTLES I. EPISTLE XVIII. TO LOLLIUS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE XIX. TO MAECENAS EPISTLES I. EPISTLE XX. TO HIS BOOK EPISTLES II. EPISTLE I. TO AUGUSTUS EPISTLES II. EPISTLE II. TO JULIUS FLORUS UPON THE ART OF POETRY 9 10 ODES I. ODE I. TO MAECENAS Maecenas, descended from royal ancestors, O both my protection and my darling honor! There are those whom it delights to have collected Olympic dust in the chariot race; and[ whom] the goal nicely avoided by the glowing wheels, and the noble palm, exalts, lords of the earth, to the gods. This man, if a crowd of the capricious Quirites strive to raise him to the highest dignities; another, if he has stored up in his own granary whatsoever is swept from the Libyan thrashing floors: him who delights to cut with the hoe his patrimonial fields, you could never tempt, for all the wealth of Attalus,[ to become] a timorous sailor and cross the Myrtoan sea in a Cyprian bark. The merchant, dreading the south- west wind contending with the Icarian waves, commends tranquility and the rural retirement of his village; but soon after, incapable of being taught to bear poverty, he refits his shattered vessel. There is another, who despises not cups of old Massic, taking a part from the entire day, one while stretched under the green arbute, another at the placid head of some sacred stream. The camp, and the sound of the trumpet mingled with that of the clarion, and wars detested by mothers, rejoice many. The huntsman, unmindful of his tender spouse, remains in the cold air, whether a hart is held in view by his faithful hounds, or a Marsian boar has broken the fine- wrought toils. Ivy, the reward of learned brows, equals me with the gods above: the cool grove, and the light dances of nymphs and satyrs, distinguish me from the crowd; if neither Euterpe withholds her pipe, nor Polyhymnia disdains to tune the Lesbian lyre. But, if you rank me among the lyric poets, I shall tower to the stars with my exalted head. 11 12 ODES I. ODE II. TO AUGUSTUS CAESAR Enough of snow and dreadful hail has the Sire now sent upon the earth, and having hurled[ his thunderbolts] with his red right hand against the sacred towers, he has terrified the city; he has terrified the nations, lest the grievous age of Pyrrha, complaining of prodigies till then unheard of, should return, when Proteus drove all his[ marine] herd to visit the lofty mountains; and the fishy race were entangled in the elm top, which before was the frequented seat of doves; and the timorous deer swam in the overwhelming flood. We have seen the yellow Tiber, with his waves forced back with violence from the Tuscan shore, proceed to demolish the monuments of king[ Numa], and the temples of Vesta; while he vaunts himself the avenger of the too disconsolate Ilia, and the uxorious river, leaving his channel, overflows his left bank, notwithstanding the disapprobation of Jupiter. Our youth, less numerous by the vices of their fathers, shall hear of the citizens having whetted that sword[ against themselves], with which it had been better that the formidable Persians had fallen; they shall hear of[ actual] engagements. Whom of the gods shall the people invoke to the affairs of the sinking empire? With what prayer shall the sacred virgins importune Vesta, who is now inattentive to their hymns? To whom shall Jupiter assign the task of expiating our wickedness? Do thou at length, prophetic Apollo,( we pray thee!) come, vailing thy radiant shoulders with a cloud: or thou, if it be more agreeable to thee, smiling Venus, about whom hover the gods of mirth and love: or thou, if thou regard thy neglected race and descendants, our founder Mars, whom clamor and polished helmets, and the terrible aspect of the Moorish infantry against their bloody enemy, delight, satiated at length with thy sport, alas! of too long continuance: or if thou, the winged son of gentle Maia, by changing thy figure, personate a youth upon earth, submitting to be called the avenger of Caesar; late mayest thou return to the skies, and long mayest thou joyously be present to the Roman people; nor may an untimely blast transport thee from us, offended at our crimes.
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    Introduction Steve Worboys and I began this calendar in 1980 or 1981 when we discovered that the exact dates of many events survive from Roman antiquity, the most famous being the ides of March murder of Caesar. Flipping through a few books on Roman history revealed a handful of dates, and we believed that to fill every day of the year would certainly be impossible. From 1981 until 1989 I kept the calendar, adding dates as I ran across them. In 1989 I typed the list into the computer and we began again to plunder books and journals for dates, this time recording sources. Since then I have worked and reworked the Calendar, revising old entries and adding many, many more. The Roman Calendar The calendar was reformed twice, once by Caesar in 46 BC and later by Augustus in 8 BC. Each of these reforms is described in A. K. Michels’ book The Calendar of the Roman Republic. In an ordinary pre-Julian year, the number of days in each month was as follows: 29 January 31 May 29 September 28 February 29 June 31 October 31 March 31 Quintilis (July) 29 November 29 April 29 Sextilis (August) 29 December. The Romans did not number the days of the months consecutively. They reckoned backwards from three fixed points: The kalends, the nones, and the ides. The kalends is the first day of the month. For months with 31 days the nones fall on the 7th and the ides the 15th. For other months the nones fall on the 5th and the ides on the 13th.
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