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Tour Old Radio PHILCO BRUNNER's SHIRTS T H R-Fik Lu U COURT CHANGE FOES MAY TRY HLIBUSTER to POSTPONE ACTION Tho bitannadlata Lnthar Loagua 'Doe 8chnaldar*s Tbamna, a radio AVKBAGB DAILW OUCULATIOM win meet tonight at T o'clock at the ABOOnOWN band which bos bean antertalning tar the oasmh a f J a«m ry, tWgl Ooneordiai Latheran <church. la this section fbr tha past few nJWSNEVPLANT Ohmtojr, Jr., for amity ysua ebatr- ROASTS OF BEEF WON lag hi which Irish music will teMtha, wUl give a program and “ M « tha dtetrietond tha NcKATWORCHESTRA P“ yaA Tha orchostm will t M w u tf CMaOwtB. WM b o n TMmds la town b a n racetn d fttmlah tha nmale for donciag, to­ f f l * * itepartniant, and F. •ugatented for the occastoo. 5,854 l i q r at tko B u tftin h o ^ ta l to aawB that Mrs. Tnutem M. A n o tt night ia the Masonic haU from 7:18 n MARKET DRAWING HIRED BY HDERNUNS . aod Mn. Omyo Stllw a t Ban- of Charter Oak streat. who la spend* to midnight under tha auspices of FOR CHlORINAnON ‘ -'■ b o o t ing the wiatar aa la bar custom Manchester Teat, Kalghte of the Xd the weekly ___ ^ __ St. Pstaraburg, flocido, underwent Maccabees. drawtng at tha lUrfcM laat night the fol- W ill Give Goncort and Play for MANCHESTER— A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM I A o k r Oholr o f 8 t U u T m on operation Wednesday In St. An* F HARLOWE m u s lowtng aach won a Sve-pound roast Dancing at 8L Patrick's Edith Hamerlin wUl booo thamr's hoopital there. She is mak* Man from TaleottvUlo and Ver­ Mandiester Water Comptqr ^ b a e fi Mrs. Susan Demko, 88 Ridge v o L L V L , N a m _____lo tho fO (M i hooM tonight l I A l ing OBOenant prngreae and expects non went to Taylor street. Just over awhat; Mrs. Anns Hennecniln, 26 Night; To Ba Augmented. MANCHESTER, CONN., 8ATUBOAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1937 (TWELVE PACKS) PBKm.THBBB r « m to lean the ho^ltal in about two the Maachester-Vemoa town line in Hopes to Correct i Bad PRAMS FnEMEN tottage street; Joseph MltcfaeU, 186 PETERSEN weekA It Is reportod. Vernon, yesterday Mtemoon to ex* ffioseU street; Mike Habetera, 185 Teacher o f post eWef Uaguteh a forest Urs on Cook prop­ BlaseU street; Alfred Hennequln, 82 'Hw oommittaa arranging te r tbs hi ‘ ‘ ' The, committee from Royal Black erty that for a time threatened to Thinks Members of Company Orttage etreet. A s required by the annual Bt Potrlek'a night danca to TOWirS TAX AND Add, Gas and Missiles Fly In Strike I o f tho food solo Preceptory Mo. U ia charge of the get into a pine grove and do con* 2 for Fine Work st B ee^e lulee o f the drawlnga, all were pres­ ba held by Dlviaton, No. 1, A . O. H., PIANOFORTE SPAIN EMBARGO t*IU oaednet tomorrow sale of tickets for the free trip to aiderabla damage. T h e Ore was ex* Last W eek. ent In the market at drawing time has obtoinad McKay's orchaotra to at • o’clock la tho boi any European country, or its equln* tingulahed without serious loss. The Manchester Water eompany to claim their awards. Studio: tho J. W . Hate compoay'a Honagar Tom Wise today an* fumlah muaic for a obnoert that MASDRY AUDIT tent ia cash of $260, remind pros* Is to have erected at its tower leser- 54 Chestnut Street BEGINS TONIGIfr; COURT CHANGE FOES _ Ih addiUea to tho NgulM' pectin purdmoern that only f in esUaf Hatlowa WilUs, of tha Jian- nouncad that the Popular Market will proceed the emi also I o f bokad foodi at aneb sates, Griswold Chappell la chairman of votr, off Lake etreet. a chtorinating will be closed all day Monday, Wash. for tha, dancing. Thera will ba a more weeks renuUn to do ao. Tickets the Booster club's chicken pie sup­ « t e « e r firs department attended tne . TeL 8114 Soottlsb spedoltlea will ba plant. The buUding win be of brick, oweting of Company 2 In Sre bead- IngtMi'a Birthday. half bow ooncart before tha danc-i '3 v S .l . Tba regular neetlng of the may be had from any of the follow* per, jto ba served Wednesday eve­ NOW COMPLETEBLOCKADE SOC one story high and wUI be ueed to fluarUra last night and thanked the ia adieduted for . tonight at Ing committee; William Henderson, ning at the North Mothodlst church. • - ■ I / Frank UcOeown, Bhnest Vennard, Ml. CbappeU is arranging for sp^- house recording end chlorinating uembers of the company, as he will tai Tlaker ball and . a good at* instruments. The building w ill be later thank the menftiers of No. L MAY TRY HLIBUSTER James McCollum, Thomas Leemon, ial m usii^ numbers to be presented la hoped for. for ^ manner in which they work- Tbomoa Conn, David DIelmon, during the supper hour. Others on started next month and when com. F U f Ho Apparent AttempI Portigil Not Yet m M pleted with equipment InotaUed it to ^ M the fire which did considerRble ^^hwottUng to lira. J. Seymour Joseph Blnko, Joseph Weir. Their the committee are Mrs. C. Homer Ginns, Mrs. Thomas D. Smith, Mark expected that much of the trouble d u n ^ at the Beehive last week. Hancbester Olri Scout com* advertisement elsewhere In this The firemen were on duty from Made b j CoDector to Ad- mk issue will give deUlte aa to price. HolmeA Harold Beebe and Charles that has been experienced with the Acemrd Bit Britidi C , tickets for the Olrl Scout Fields. taste of the watCT provided by the U:S0 p. m. uiiDl after. 2 oVdock hi and Daughter banquet at The drawing will take place March tta morning and the night was cold. TO POSTPONE ACTION 26. Mahcheeter W ater company wUl kero to State U w i; T reu - I South Ifetbodist church, Thura- be overcome. The b u lld l^ will be way they worked was appre- trol b Expecteik S. N m l ' orsBlng, ban been sold to the The South Manchester library ciatsd by the chief, he told them. and the West Side branch will be erected by men In the employ of dty at the dining ban and The Manchester Trust company the company. Following the m eetlw a lignt ver^s Books Conmeiided. Zones to Be Estiklitked. Leaden of Botk Siles m Di^ ’ who would like to attend will and the Savings bonk of Manchester eloaed all day Monday, Washing- lunch was aenred. STATE HHHIIIS I unabla to do ao. Urs. Brown ap* win be cloo^ all day Mtmday, tea's Birthday. to any who have purchased Washington's Birthday. ADVERTTBBMENT— l^ ^ m i^ ^ F C to m p le te d yesterday, bound eop- pate Agree T k ^ A if but win be unable to be Miss Matilda Kapp of Bronx, N. FRE COMPANY HEADS Ha d London. Feb. 2b.— (A P )— Tha no­ Porpoise Off Bridgeport, Sap I of H. N. Alaxander and com­ HOUIEirSDEATII; to telephone her, 6417. S t Margaret’s Ctrcte, Daughters T., will spend the week-end and Old Company Lehigh Coal has tions of Buropa rJampad down an Running In New Hartford, of Isabella, wUl meet Tuesday eve* holiday with her cousin, Mrs. Bar­ TO PLAN ANNIVERSARY been burned by some of our cus­ pany's report of Its audit of tho ac­ embargo on fighting men for Spain Panaiea Picked In CUntoo. Enoigh Senate OppoMtti nlng In the K. of CL clubrooma. A t bara Russell of 169 Maple street. tomers for SO years. There’s a rea­ counts ot George H. Waddell aa today to halt tha manaca of *nhe 8:80 there arlU be card playing, son. call G. E3. W illis and Son, Inc. New Silk Frocks town toeasurer and of George K NOTE^RYER Little World War" of dvU Meet Sunday Afternoon With Phone 6120. New Haven, Feb. 20— (A P )— to Block Adnonstratiai For Service and with prises and refreshments. The Mra H. W. Robb, regent ot Orford Saturday we are featuring smart new prints with Howe os tax ooUeetor for tha seven converting tba continent into Its Three occurrences Interpreted committee includao Mrs. Ruth Parish Chapter, d A j i . h u received Chief Albert Foy to Arrange navy and black backgrounds, battlefield. B vo i while they Umad aa slgna ot early spring ware Quality a communication from Mrs. Harry Latest styles are em- yoars from October 1. 1928, to Oe- Griinn, chairman; Mrs. Ro;«nuuy 30th Celebration. bodied in theae new dresaes. tiatar 7, 1988, wUI ba submitted to th dr atringent measures— term Heart Attack in New York reponad today from widely Move; Today’s Develepi^ Daugherty, national chairman of Some have long sleeves aeparated parte of OonnecUcuL >9ioe RepairiniTt See WUllams, Mrs. Sarah Healey and and others short sleeves. tba Board Of Selectmen Monday Jail sentaaoaa In some cases—to Mrs. Anna Leclerc. radio for the organisation, stating Chief Albert Foy of tba South taka affect at mldnl^t tonight, 27 Oo-Cteptain Russell Sherman that the U. S. Army band will dedi­ night S A M Y U L Y E S hancbester Fire depan.ment has Both high and low neck­ ’■ Last week Mr. Alexander and hte nations were pledged to Impose a Hotel Ends Career of of tbe tiqi “Ruth Macdonald" meats m tke G oatrever^ T il Mate Street cate its program to the Daughters called a meeting of the officers ot lines are also a feature of workable w ar Modcatje by land and sighted a school ot 80 purpotas Mrs.
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