2021-04-22 Edition
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HAMILTON COUNTY Hamilton County’s Hometown Newspaper www.ReadTheReporter.com REPORTER Facebook.com/HamiltonCountyReporter TodAy’S Weather Thursday, April 22, 2021 Today: Mostly sunny. Freeze Warning until 10 a.m. Arcadia | Atlanta | Cicero | Sheridan Tonight: Mostly clear, with patchy frost. Carmel | Fishers | Noblesville | Westfield NEWS GATHERING Like & PARTNER Follow us! HIGH: 54 LOW: 34 Historic group of Noblesville Lions give back Carmel projects total $335 million Adding up the COLUMNIST to city by picking up trash costs of the Carmel community's current public building proj- ects, the total is enor- mously impressive and probably historic. These local gov- ernment projects have all been reported pre- FRED SWIFT viously, but generally The County Line one by one from of- ficials of the various entities undertaking their own building programs, namely Car- mel Clay Schools, Clay Township, the City of Carmel and the Carmel Public Library. These include the first of the school Photo provided system's $105 million facilities improve- This past Saturday, Noblesville Lions Club members picked up trash along assigned city streets. They covered ment plan. This year nearly half of that Field Drive from 16th Street to Cumberland Road, and Cumberland from Monument Street to Conner Street. amount will go into high school upgrades (new boilers, roofing, etc.), planetarium improvements, baseball and soccer field renovations and parking expansion. Next year a new $43 million natatorium has been approved. Westfield High School National Honor The Clay Township administration has a $65 million Community Impact program underway, which features a new fire depart- Society goes to war with invasive species ment administration building and fire buffs' museum, a Dad's Club fieldhouse, a histor- ical society museum and major improve- ments in several local parks. The city recently approved a $125 mil- lion bond issue to finance numerous street improvements and additional roundabouts plus the new water tower feature that will allow huge video displays. The Carmel Clay Public Library is in the midst of a $40 million renovation and expansion of the main library and construc- tion of a parking garage. All told, these building programs have a total cost of about $335 million. Little to no property tax increase is promised in these Photo provided massive programs. How do they do it? Volunteers from the Westfield High School National Honor Society recently helped at Cool Creek Park. It's done by a combination of making The group worked to improve the environmental health of the park by removing invasive species, which will use of existing debt retirement rates when help native plants thrive. current bonds mature, a rapidly increasing tax base, proceeds from existing building funds and, in some cases, refinancing some debt at current lower interest rates. All the building is certain to bring more Carmel ‘Show Up for Racial Justice’ rally change to the public face of the community, as if change was not already almost a daily Gathering at the Gazebo next to City Hall occurrence in Carmel. will address violence towards Asian Americans Jocelyn Vare The REPORTER “I am appalled allow discriminatory the Indianapolis Chinese Com- In acknowledgement of re- by the recent acts of or violent behavior munity Center; Hai Soo Woo, pens open letter cent acts of violence directed violence against peo- towards anyone.” president of the Korean Amer- toward Asian Americans around ple of Asian descent Speakers and ican Association of Indiana; to new Democrat the country, Carmel Mayor Jim around the country,” guests will include Evan Kreutzer, president of the Brainard, members of the May- Brainard said. “It is emcee Kelvin Oka- Carmel-Kawachinagano Sister or’s Advisory Commission on imperative that we moto of the Mayor’s City Committee; Ming Ye, pres- on Fishers City Human Relations, Carmel In- stand by all members Commission on Hu- ident of the Carmel-Xiangyang terfaith Alliance and Commu- of our community; man Relations; Rupal Sister City Committee; and Eli- Council, criticizes nities Allied for Racial Equity that we make sure Thanawala, president jah Choi from the Advancement (CARE) will hold a gathering at that every single per- Brainard of the Asian Ameri- of Asian Americans in Arts and GOP members 6 p.m. on Wednesday, April 28 son who lives in or is a visitor to can Alliance; Quanbo By LARRY LANNAN at the Gazebo next to City Hall. Carmel feels safe. We will not Xiong, president of See Racial Justice . Page 2 LarryInFishers.com Editor’s note: Vare’s letter can be read in full on Page 4 in today’s edition and on- Carmel Education Foundation streaming this line at ReadTheReporter.com. Democrat Jocelyn Vare, an at-large year’s Musical Showcase on Facebook, YouTube member of the Fishers City Council, has The REPORTER packages for each Carmel Clay issued an open letter to the new Democrat The 35th annual Carmel Schools (CCS) elementary and who will soon take office on the council, education Foundation Mu- middle school’s music depart- and in the letter is sharply critical of her Re- sical Showcase, presented by ment. Music teachers used this publican colleagues. CEF, will be streamed via Face- equipment to record student North Central Dis- book and YouTube during the choir and ensemble perfor- trict Councilor Sa- weekend of April 23-25. mances at their schools. The mantha DeLong, also For the past 34 years, the Carmel High School technical a Democrat, is mov- Showcase has been an oppor- theater department has woven ing out of Indiana and tunity for elementary and mid- these performances, along with resigning from the dle school choral and ensemble videos from guests including council. Democratic groups to perform on stage in Carmel City Council President precinct officials will the Dale E. Graham Auditorium Sue Finkam and CCS Superin- Photo provided caucus in a few days to at Carmel High School. How- tendent Dr. Michael Beresford Carmel High School students at emcee taping: (from select DeLong's suc- Vare ever, due to the COVID-19 pan- into a streamed production. left) Elsa Bray, Hallie Reeves and Max Kim. cessor. demic the Showcase has shifted Students from Carmel High ming and operations. While the architects, are supporting the "Unfortunately, I routinely experience to a virtual format for 2021. School’s TV Station, CHTV, CEF Telethon no longer exists 2021 CEF Musical Showcase reluctance from our City Council Repub- CEF was fortunate to receive serve as emcees throughout due to access and data security, by generously matching dona- lican colleagues to address important, a City of Carmel Performing the show. this year’s Showcase offers a tions to CEF received through non-partisan city issues," Vare writes in Arts Grant to support the Show- In past years, the Showcase unique opportunity for support April 25. her letter. "For example, I’ve seen firsthand case, and used funding from the was coupled with the CEF Tele- of the Foundation. grant to purchase microphone thon to raise funds for program- Fanning Howey, school See Musical . Page 2 See Vare . Page 2 Hairbangers Ball to headline Noblesville Fourth of July festival The REPORTER taking place on Sunday, July 4 impacted our plans last year, we are not charged) and entries must be sub- Editor’s note: An article published by beginning at 4:30 p.m. with the were still able to enjoy the holi- mitted by June 30. Forms are available at the Reporter on Tuesday, April 21 con- Stars & Stripes Forever Parade day safely. I know more families NoblesvilleFireworksFestival.com. tained incorrect information concerning through Downtown Noblesville. and residents are eager to get out The free Fireworks Festival will take the City of Noblesville’s upcoming July The Noblesville Fourth of this summer and our plans pro- place at Forest Park from 6 to 10 p.m. The 4th celebration. The incorrect information July parade, festival, and fire- vide fun activities for all ages. I event will include traditional park ame- published by the Reporter was obtained works display is the longest know the Noblesville communi- nities such as playgrounds, shelters and directly from the City of Noblesville’s web- continuously running celebra- ty will enjoy the festivities we shade; along with festival items like a mo- site. Noblesville has since corrected the in- tion in Central Indiana and an have planned as we honor our bile zipline, an axe throwing trailer, fly- formation and issued the following release. annual tradition in Noblesville nation’s independence.” ing trapeze, inflatables, trackless train and The City of Noblesville is actively since 1997. Jensen The day kicks off with the a kids’ area. An adult area will include a preparing for a spectacular 2021 Nobles- “We are planning a great community annual Stars & Stripes Forever Fourth of beer garden and games. Hairbangers Ball ville Fireworks Festival, and city officials celebration for the Fourth of July,” May- July Parade at 4:30 p.m. Registration to have announced details for the free events or Chris Jensen said. “While COVID-19 participate in the parade is $25 (nonprofits See Noblesville July 4th . Page 2 2 News & Views Life Insurance Extravaganza! Affordable and Flexible Life Insurance to fit YOUR budget! Visit our website at BraggInsurance.com 317-758-5828 Home Auto Business Life Your Friends in the Insurance Business Racial Justice Musical from Page 1 from Page 1 Athletics at Carmel High all civic and other activities nation in Carmel, you may CEF Executive Direc- We are thrilled to have been The Showcase will be School. taking place within Carm- contact the Commission at tor Jennifer Penix said, able to adapt and present streamed on CEF’s Face- Everyone who attends is el’s corporate boundaries.