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* HILLARY'S SECRET WAR THE CLINTON CONSPIRACY to MUZZLE INTERNET JOURNALISTS. RICHARD POE Copyright (c) 2004 by Richard Poe. All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other - except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Published in Nashville, Tennessee, by WND Books. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Poe, Richard, 1958-. Hillary's Secret War : The Clinton Conspiracy To Muzzle Internet Journalism / Richard Poe. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-7852-6013-7 Printed in the United States of America 04 05 06 07 08 QW 5432. To my wife Marie. CONTENTS. Foreword. Preface. Introduction. 1. Through the Looking Glass. 2. Hillary's Shadow Team. 3. Why Hillary Fears the Internet. 4. Hillary's Power. 5. Web Underground. 6. The Clinton Body Count. 7. Hillary's Enemy List. 8. The Drudge Factor. 9. The Chinagate Horror. 10. SlapHillary.com. 11. The Drudge Wars. 12. Angel in the Whirlwind. Epilogue A Time for Heroes. In Memory of Barbara Olson. FOREWORD. BY JIM ROBINSON. HILLARY'S SECRET WAR by Richard Poe is the first book I've read that really pulls together the story of the Internet underground during the Clinton years. I was thrilled to read it. This story has never been told before, and I'm proud to say that I was part of it, in my own small way. We poured a lot of blood, sweat, and tears into building FreeRepublic.com and organizing a cyber- community of tens of thousands of Freeper activists all over the United States. We didn't do that job to win medals or accolades. We did it because it had to be done, just like we went to Vietnam - those of us who went - because that job had to be done, too. To tell the truth, I was ready to go to my grave knowing that everything we accomplished at FreeRepublic might be forgotten. That was okay with me. What mattered was doing the job, not getting credit for it. Still, when I read Richard's book for the first time, it kind of choked me up a little bit, because I saw that somebody had been paying attention; somebody recognized what we were doing. Somebody knew that the Freepers were fighting for liberty on the Internet, just as we veterans fought for freedom in Vietnam. That made me feel pretty good. For me, it was fascinating to read about the lives and struggles of others involved in this movement that Richard calls the New Underground - people like Chris Ruddy, Joe Farah, Matt Drudge, David Horowitz, J. J. Johnson, and all the rest. Believe it or not, I don't really know any of those people. T met Drudge once and J. J. Johnson once. But as for Ruddy and Farah, it's been an e-mail here, a phone call there. And I don't think I ever communicated with David Horowitz at all. Hillary says that we're a vast right-wing conspiracy, but if there's a conspiracy going on, they sure never let me in on it. I hear Richard Mellon Scaife has given money to a lot of fine causes and organizations, and good for him, but he sure hasn't thrown any my way. When it comes to networking and conspiring, I'm not much good at it. It's hard enough just trying to get Freepers to work together. How do you get tens of thousands of individualists to cooperate on something, each with his or her own opinion and agenda? Trying to keep the Freepers pulling in the same direction is like trying to herd cats. I love all the details in Richard's book about the other Web sites and their owners. Reading their stories was eye-opening for me. I was so busy fighting my own skirmishes, I didn't have much time to survey the battlefield as a whole. Hillary's Secret War showed me that the persecution we endured at Free Republic was part of a bigger picture. Of course, I knew about Hillary and her secret police. We all knew that. Way back in the early '90s on the Prodigy message board, we were already talking about how it seemed that Hillary was pulling all the strings. But her war on media dissidents, both on and off the Internet, really was a secret war, just as Richard says. Most people in America had no idea it was going on. They didn't know what kinds of pressures and harassment people faced when they tried to speak out and tell the truth about Clinton corruption. Even many of us who were directly involved in the dissident media didn't always have the perspective to fit the pieces together - the threats and intimidation, the IRS audits, burglaries, lawsuits, surveillance, infiltration, the smear campaigns, false arrests, journalists getting knocked upside the head in hotels, even a lot of folks mysteriously ending up dead. Now, I want to make one thing clear. I'm not really big on conspiracy theory. If I'm going to believe something, there's got to be some meat and potatoes to it. I sincerely doubt that Hillary ever personally ordered anyone killed. I just don't want to believe that Hillary is that rotten. And I don't think Richard Poe jumps to that conclusion either. But there were definitely forces at work in America that killed to protect the Clintons and their secrets. Richard doesn't pull any punches in writing about that. Whether those forces were Chinese intelligence or Dixie Mafia, or whatever they were, I can only guess. But they were out there. And if Hillary ever said to her subordinates, "Gee, I wish such-and-such person would just go away and disappear," I don't doubt there were people in the kind of circles she moved in who might take a statement like that seriously and do something about it. Hillary is the godmother of the Clinton crime family. There is no question about it. That's why she said we need gatekeepers and editors on the Internet. Hillary has a lot to hide and she knows she can't control the Internet the way she controls Dan Rather. The invention of the printing press freed the masses from the gatekeepers of old. Now anyone with a computer and Internet connection wields the equivalent of his own printing press, along with a worldwide distribution network. Web sites such as the Drudge Report, WorldNetDaily.com, NewsMax, FrontPage Magazine, Lucianne.com, Free Republic, and countless others have given voice to millions of liberty-minded individuals. Underground pamphleteers ignited the flames of revolution in 1776. Now the Internet is fanning those flames all over again. And that's bad news for Hillary. She knows she can't get back in the White House unless she shuts us down first. The secret war Richard writes about is still going on. It died down a little bit when Bush took office, but it's just the lull before the storm. We know the storm is coming, and we're getting ready for it. PREFACE. BY JOSEPH FARAH, WND BOOKS CO-FOUNDER. THERE WERE MANY SCANDALS in the Clinton White House. They were almost too numerous to be chronicled in one book. This book is not an attempt to rehash those familiar to the American public, but rather to expose an agenda behind the most insidious of the scandals, those most threatening to a free republic. This book is about a secret war on political adversaries waged by the most powerful people in the world. It's a war I have characterized as the most sensational and least understood of the Clinton administration scandals. I know something about this war, because I was one of the many prime targets. Some might suggest that disqualifies me from publishing this work. Some might argue that it taints the credibility of the book. Some might accuse me of promoting the book out of some kind of personal vendetta. It is in the interest of full disclosure that I reveal here that this title was not originally a WND Books project. In fact, I would have preferred that another company publish it. The book was originally commissioned by Random House - more specifically by an imprint of Random House called Prima Forum, now reincarnated as Crown Forum. When the manuscript was completed, this major book publisher, for whatever reason, declined to publish it. In the media world, we say the project was "spiked." At that point, the author brought his predicament to my attention. And we at WND Books agreed that the manuscript was worthy of publication. This type of story illustrates why I helped found WND Books two years ago. Though many books are published every year in America, there are many worthy projects that still never see the light of day because of "political correctness," because of fears of political reprisals, because they are simply "too hot to handle." Had it not been for the creation of WND Books and my own experiences with the Clinton regime, which made me intimately familiar with the painful truths exposed in Hillary's Secret War, this title may well have suffered the same fate. Since WND Books was founded, the rest of the publishing industry has been infused with a little more courage and derring-do than it previously had.