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IEKŠZEMES VILCIENU ATIEŠANAS SARAKSTS No Rīgas Pasažieru Stacijas TRAIN DEPARTURE SCHEDULE Spēkā No / from 13.12.2020 IEKŠZEMES VILCIENU ATIEŠANAS SARAKSTS no Rīgas pasažieru stacijas TRAIN DEPARTURE SCHEDULE Spēkā no / From 13.12.2020. uz Dubultiem (Jūrmala), Sloku, Ķemeriem, Tukumu uz Carnikavu, Saulkrastiem, Skulti Vilciena Nr. 6401 6501 6403 6405 6407 6503 6409 6409 6411 6301 6505 6413 6415 6507 6417 6509 6419 6511 6421 6423 6513 6425 6515 6427 6427 6517 6429 6431 6431 6519 6351 6433 6521 6523 6525 6527 6529 Vilciena Nr. 6102 6104 6106 6108 6114 6120 6124 6130 6134 6138 6140 6142 6144 6146 6148 6150 6154 Ceļa Nr. 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 Ceļa Nr. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 DARBD. DARBD. DARBD. DARBD. BRĪVD. DARBD. R R DARBD. BRĪVD. DARBD. DARBD. BRĪVD. DARBD. DARBD. R DARBD. DARBD. DARBD. Piezīmes Piezīmes Rīga 5.31 5.44 6.11 6.56 7.19 7.36 8.04 8.04 8.34 9.05 9.23 10.03 10.57 11.28 12.16 13.04 13.35 14.17 14.53 15.24 15.56 16.33 17.07 17.32 17.32 17.55 18.00 18.35 18.35 19.01 19.24 19.53 20.31 21.05 21.42 22.40 23.36 Rīga 5.47 6.14 7.20 8.12 10.20 11.22 12.21 13.42 14.45 15.58 16.38 17.09 17.39 18.36 19.32 20.37 22.40 Torņakalns 5.37 5.50 6.17 7.01 7.24 7.41 8.09 8.09 8.39 9.10 9.28 10.08 11.02 11.33 12.21 13.09 13.40 14.22 14.58 15.29 16.01 16.38 17.12 17.37 17.37 - 18.05 18.40 18.40 19.06 19.29 19.58 20.36 21.10 21.47 22.45 23.41 Zemitāni 5.55 6.21 7.27 8.19 10.27 11.29 12.28 13.49 14.52 16.05 16.45 17.16 17.46 18.43 19.39 20.44 22.47 Zasulauks 5.41 5.54 6.21 7.05 7.28 7.45 8.13 8.13 8.43 9.14 9.32 10.12 11.06 11.37 12.25 13.13 13.44 14.26 15.02 15.33 16.05 16.42 17.16 17.41 17.41 18.02 18.09 18.44 18.44 19.10 19.33 20.02 20.40 21.14 21.51 22.49 23.45 Brasa 5.57 6.23 7.29 8.21 10.29 11.31 12.30 13.51 14.54 16.07 16.47 17.18 17.48 18.45 19.41 20.46 22.49 Depo - - 6.23 7.07 7.30 7.47 8.15 8.15 8.45 - 9.34 10.14 11.08 11.39 12.27 13.15 13.46 - 15.04 15.35 16.07 16.44 17.18 17.43 17.43 - 18.11 18.46 18.46 19.12 - 20.04 20.42 21.16 - - 23.47 Sarkandaugava 6.00 6.26 7.32 8.24 10.32 11.34 12.33 13.54 14.57 16.10 16.50 17.21 17.51 18.48 19.44 20.49 22.52 Zolitūde - 5.57 6.25 7.09 7.32 7.49 8.17 8.17 8.47 9.17 9.36 10.16 11.10 11.41 12.29 13.17 13.48 14.29 15.06 15.37 16.09 16.46 17.21 17.46 17.46 - 18.14 18.49 18.49 19.14 19.36 20.06 20.44 21.18 21.54 22.52 23.49 Mangaļi 6.04 6.30 7.36 8.28 10.36 11.38 12.37 13.58 15.01 16.14 16.54 17.25 17.55 18.52 19.48 20.53 22.56 Imanta 5.46 6.00 6.28 7.12 7.35 7.52 8.20 8.20 8.50 9.20 9.39 10.19 11.13 11.44 12.32 13.20 13.51 14.32 15.09 15.40 16.12 16.49 17.23 17.48 17.48 18.07 18.16 18.51 18.51 19.17 19.39 20.09 20.47 21.21 21.57 22.55 23.52 Ziemeļblāzma 6.08 6.34 7.40 8.32 10.40 11.42 12.41 14.02 15.05 16.18 16.58 17.29 17.59 18.56 19.52 20.57 23.00 Babīte - 6.02 6.30 7.14 7.37 7.54 8.22 8.22 8.52 9.22 9.41 10.21 11.15 11.46 12.34 13.22 13.53 14.34 15.11 15.42 16.14 16.51 17.26 17.51 17.51 - 18.19 18.54 18.54 19.19 19.41 20.11 20.49 21.23 21.59 22.57 23.54 Vecdaugava - 6.37 7.43 8.35 10.43 11.45 12.44 14.05 15.08 16.21 17.01 17.32 18.02 18.59 19.55 21.00 23.03 Priedaine - 6.06 6.34 7.18 7.41 7.58 8.26 8.26 8.56 9.26 9.45 10.25 11.19 11.50 12.38 13.26 13.57 14.38 15.15 15.46 16.18 16.55 17.30 17.55 17.55 - 18.23 18.58 18.58 19.23 19.45 20.15 20.53 21.27 22.03 23.01 23.58 Vecāķi 6.12 6.39 7.45 8.37 10.45 11.47 12.46 14.07 15.10 16.23 17.03 17.34 18.04 19.01 19.57 21.02 23.05 Lielupe - 6.09 6.37 7.21 7.44 8.01 8.29 8.29 8.59 9.29 9.48 10.28 11.22 11.53 12.41 13.29 14.00 14.41 15.18 15.49 16.21 16.58 17.32 17.57 17.57 - 18.25 19.00 19.00 19.26 19.48 20.18 20.56 21.30 22.06 23.04 0.01 Kalngale 6.15 6.42 7.48 8.40 10.48 11.50 12.49 14.10 15.13 16.26 17.06 17.37 18.07 19.04 20.00 21.05 23.08 Bulduri 5.53 6.11 6.39 7.23 7.46 8.03 8.31 8.31 9.01 9.31 9.50 10.30 11.24 11.55 12.43 13.31 14.02 14.43 15.20 15.51 16.23 17.00 17.35 18.00 18.00 18.14 18.28 19.03 19.03 19.28 19.50 20.20 20.58 21.32 22.08 23.06 0.03 Garciems 6.19 6.46 7.52 8.44 10.52 11.54 12.53 14.14 15.17 16.30 17.10 17.41 18.11 19.08 20.04 21.09 23.12 Garupe - 6.49 7.55 8.47 10.55 11.57 12.56 14.17 15.20 16.33 17.13 17.44 18.14 19.11 20.07 21.12 23.15 Dzintari - 6.13 6.41 7.25 7.48 8.05 8.33 8.33 9.03 9.34 9.52 10.32 11.26 11.57 12.45 13.33 14.04 14.45 15.22 15.53 16.25 17.02 17.37 18.02 18.02 - 18.30 19.05 19.05 19.30 19.53 20.22 21.00 21.34 22.10 23.08 0.05 Carnikava 6.24 6.52 7.58 8.50 10.58 11.59 12.59 14.19 15.23 16.36 17.16 17.46 18.17 19.14 20.10 21.15 23.18 Majori 5.57 6.16 6.44 7.28 7.51 8.08 8.36 8.36 9.06 9.37 9.55 10.35 11.29 12.00 12.48 13.36 14.07 14.48 15.25 15.56 16.28 17.05 17.40 18.05 18.05 18.18 18.33 19.08 19.08 19.33 19.56 20.25 21.03 21.37 22.13 23.11 0.08 Gauja 6.27 6.55 8.01 8.53 11.01 13.02 15.26 16.39 17.19 18.20 19.17 20.13 21.18 23.21 Dubulti 6.00 6.19 6.47 7.31 7.54 8.11 8.39 8.38 9.09 9.39 9.58 10.38 11.32 12.03 12.51 13.39 14.10 14.51 15.28 15.59 16.31 17.08 17.43 18.08 18.07 18.21 18.36 19.11 19.10 19.36 19.58 20.28 21.06 21.40 22.16 23.14 0.11 Lilaste 6.32 7.00 8.06 8.58 11.06 13.07 15.31 16.44 17.24 18.25 19.22 20.18 21.23 23.26 Jaundubulti - 6.22 6.50 7.34 7.57 8.14 8.42 9.12 10.01 10.41 11.35 12.06 12.54 13.42 14.13 14.54 15.31 16.02 16.34 17.11 17.46 18.11 - 18.39 19.14 19.39 20.31 21.09 21.43 22.19 23.17 0.14 Inčupe - 7.06 8.12 - 11.12 13.13 15.37 16.50 - 18.31 - 20.24 - - Pumpuri - 6.24 6.52 7.36 7.59 8.16 8.44 9.14 10.03 10.43 11.37 12.08 12.56 13.44 14.15 14.56 15.33 16.04 16.36 17.13 17.48 18.13 - 18.41 19.16 19.41 20.33 21.11 21.45 22.21 23.19 0.16 Pabaži 6.39 7.09 8.15 9.05 11.15 13.16 15.40 16.53 17.31 18.34 19.29 20.27 21.30 23.33 Melluži - 6.26 6.54 7.38 8.01 8.18 8.46 9.16 10.05 10.45 11.39 12.10 12.58 13.46 14.17 14.58 15.35 16.06 16.38 17.15 17.50 18.15 - 18.43 19.18 19.43 20.35 21.13 21.47 22.23 23.21 0.18 Saulkrasti 6.43 7.13 8.19 9.10 11.19 13.20 15.44 16.57 17.36 18.38 19.33 20.31 21.35 23.38 Asari - 6.28 6.56 7.40 8.03 8.20 8.48 9.18 10.07 10.47 11.41 12.12 13.00 13.48 14.19 15.00 15.37 16.08 16.40 17.17 17.52 18.17 - 18.45 19.20 19.45 20.37 21.15 21.49 22.25 23.23 0.20 Ķīšupe 7.16 - 11.22 13.23 15.47 - 18.41 20.34 - 23.40 Vaivari - 6.30 6.58 7.42 8.05 8.22 8.50 9.20 10.09 10.49 11.43 12.14 13.02 13.50 14.21 15.02 15.39 16.10 16.42 17.19 17.54 18.19 - 18.47 19.22 19.47 20.39 21.17 21.51 22.27 23.25 0.22 Zvejniekciems 7.18 9.14 11.24 13.25 15.49 17.40 18.43 20.36 21.39 23.43 Sloka 6.10 6.35 7.02 7.46 8.09 8.27 8.54 9.24 10.14 10.53 11.47 12.19 13.06 13.55 14.25 15.07 15.43 16.14 16.47 17.23 17.59 18.23 18.32 18.51 19.26 19.52 20.43 21.22 21.56 22.32 23.30 0.27 Skulte 7.22 9.17 11.28 13.29 15.53 17.43 18.47 20.40 21.42 23.46 Kūdra 6.39 8.31 - 12.23 - 15.11 - 18.03 - 19.56 - 22.00 - - 0.31 Ķemeri 6.44 8.36 10.21 12.27 14.03 15.17 16.56 18.08 18.39 20.01 21.29 22.04 22.39 23.37 0.35 Smārde 6.51 8.43 10.28 12.34 14.10 15.24 17.03 18.15 18.46 20.08 21.36 22.46 23.44 0.42 uz Jelgavu, Dobeli, Liepāju Milzkalne 6.56 8.48 - 12.40 - 15.29 - 18.20 18.51 20.13 21.42 22.51 - 0.48 Liepāja Dobele Liepāja Tukums I 7.01 8.53 10.36 12.44 14.18 15.34 17.11 18.25 18.55 20.18 21.46 22.56 23.52 0.52 Vilciena Nr.
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    a VII 10.00–15.00 VII 27. Rainis and Aspazija summer cottage. Jūrmala is VI 10.00–17.00 VI [email protected] the town of inspiration of Latvia’s greatest poets Ranis and Aspa- II – V 9.00–17.00 V – II Gulf of Riga zija. They acquired the summer cottage in Majori in 1926 and I 9.00–18.00 I visitjurmala 01.10. – 30.04. – 01.10. spent there summers from 1927 to 1929. The museum consists Ķemeri Lielupe F. +371 67147901 +371 F. of a complex of buildings that is a typical example of Jūrma- VII 10.00–15.00 VII T. +371 67147900, 67147900, +371 T. VI 10.00–17.00 VI la wooden architecture and is of a national importance. There I–V 9.00–19.00 I–V LV-2015 LV-2015 are memorial rooms of the poets with an original interior and 01.05. – 30.09. – 01.05. Majori, Jūrmala Jūrmala Majori, 16. remembrance objects, personal library and exhibitions. Muse- 9. 14 . 15. Opening hours: Opening Lienes iela 5, 5, iela Lienes um’s exhibition “Me and You” is devoted to the life and creative “Baltic Beach Hotel” “Light House Jurmala” Pilsoņu Tirgoņu “Shell work of Rainis and Aspazija. Exposition brings to the meeting of Kaiju iela Kaiju Gulbenes 13. Apartment” 30. Drustu information centre information Gončarova Dzintaru two poets and concludes with a death of Rainis. After an exten- koncertzāle Baznīcas Baznīcas “Zvaigzne” “Wooden Villa” sive large scale reconstruction of the museum in 2015, it literally Jūrmala tourism Jūrmala 12.
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