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Journal of Natural History Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Observations on the morphology and classification of weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) with a key to major groups R. T. Thompson a a Department of Entomology (Biodiversity Division), The Natural History Museum, London, UK

Online Publication Date: 01 August 1992 To cite this Article: Thompson, R. T. (1992) 'Observations on the morphology and classification of weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea) with a key to major groups', Journal of Natural History, 26:4, 835 - 891 To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/00222939200770511 URL:


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Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 them disappear Introduction the Wibmer distributed (Erwin, (79 and references totals at Schrnherr Observations (Coleoptera, JOURNAL but, Classification In in apparent other of will Curculio, his in 1982; 57 (1979) OF sources). in Systema to view be (Accepted 000 tribe is among A processes. A processes. by Department tergites, (genus transferred -Cryptorhynchinae); (Curculionidae); Platypodidae; Thecesterninae and rank inae KEYWORDS: are study R. ; to and Erirhinidae, The and a NATURAL earlier promoted distinctness brief account Stork, T. list a fairly welter tribes transferred Allocoryninae species may Curculionoidea) to five Natural History Natural of of from on his Brachyceropsidinae of THOMPSON of incertae Hyperinae Curculionidae-Scolytinae; 627 certain naturae the sternite The weevils of in the works 17 have collaborators 1988) straightforward of of Curculionidae; Antliarhininae from family-group Dermestes Curculionoidea, key genera. and to Cryptolaryngidae recent January HISTORY, exceptions of actual number 0022-2933/92 Entiminae; morphology sedis) from subfamily to structures of cain is Ocladiini to of Entomology Rhynchophoridae to Brachyderini, Eremnini, Perieges 8 it 6000 of by is Cryptolaryngidae many (Curculionidae); of the some to would be like 1758, greatly Coptonotidae After in authors the subfamily a 1992) present multiplied, genera Belidae; Museum, and 1992, a 50 families $5.00 male, major and used rank taxa. with Desmidophorinae (Schrnherr, mirage a seem s revived is Linnaeus Schrnherr two further century and morphology, but, nrae estimates increased rmtd to promoted © Boiest Division), (Biodiversity of transformation other 26, in state and and (figures and apex The Dinomorphini 1992 curculionoids a groups their that in Carinae, of Cromwell to in when 835-891 Schedlarius key to rather transferred aplseii (including Campyloscelini Raymondionymidae and of Taylor and olwn changes following Attelabus). of classification Oxycorynidae; Curculionidae-Zygopinae; Carphodicticinae than that recorded classification, Platypodidae. the weevil the from based subfamilies is 1833-1845) Agriochaeta Otiorhynchini to lead is examined & their lsiiain key. classification, estimate himself. than subfam, hind demoted a Francis transferred major Road, London Road, is synonymy one on Wood tribe is from Curculionidae-Scolytinae series. wonderful that tibia 86 transferred In merely demoted O'Brien Ltd. a n. to for of namely only species Coptonotini Less half of of to is Pascoe exist groups and closely, and described Curculionoidea of suppose As erected are and subfamily a 85 Desmidophorinae is are augmented. we 14 than weevils from Mecopelmus a to deciduous with followed 000 can made: the and variety result, Sitonini of from cases have promoted a from SW7 for tribe venter, Phaenomerina) the by O'Brien by only Curculionoidea a that Wibmer Dinomorphinae is Curculionidae- century 6808 Cryptorhynch- Car Brachyceridae, approximate does a demoted Brentidae 5BD, distinctions of form and by of of are demoted be mandibular number classifying in abdominal is followed Blackburn Molytinae Brentidae, Blackman a to guessed species, general he detailed (1978) UK family later, (from give and to of to to is a Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 Anthribidae characters Chrysomeloidea weevil will latter I Allocoryninae Nemonyx the pairs Nemonyx proposed rejected (1982) Raymondionymidae splitting (1981), major Crowson Wibmer the 16a 16b 1978) 1962b, (1962a, Rycohrde and (Rhynchophoridae) fall nor their of cyderidae Nemonychidae made system (including challenged better using they 'tribus' the of defined is the characters have Charactopus Scolytidae, 836 1908: have, introduced the the In as hind morphology Attelabidae. characters be do are been components occur more subfamilies 10) even promoted groups regarded cogent however, families possible but this in latter. group, which satisfactorily, I by typical and tibia the definition Fg 170) (Fig. Redtenbacher support (1984) family incorrectly (= are for a Scolytinae certainly except in the worse Kuschel Brentidae (and Nemonychidae paper in detailed O'Brien as Proterhinidae), and are other defining more Pascoe (Oxycorynidae) arguments I groups the Lacordaire given (= tanymecines a here to as the been The follow has so status currently give where potent within the by are by the Rhinomaceridae auctt.), Tanyrhynchinae reduce tribes, which weevil firmly of that Allocorynidae I (1989), holophyletic, promoted and the proposed (1986) observed those the latter recognized deciduous td of study unable to keep to unable obscured. by additional and (1870) taxa. and so proposed that propose for with Crowson the source (1976) only these fact problem formed is Crowson Erirhinidae a families, e.g. families, established the and defined Platypodinae). who group, Anthribidae. who 16, 1866) (1863, They the not act returned few Curculionidae into and the regarded that Attelabidae, number in three or structures to that found of cycad was the this giving mandibular For have are has other separating characters family include spite were two are misinterpreted. is family and characters some of some R.T. of by notwithstanding in from for can best reluctant followed of therefore species, ranking also example, inevitably the families the single in separate been have and keeping weevils (Antliarhinidae). weevils from described as of nemonychids Oxycorynidae family as of the two Thompson other the status rank group be the Crowson's Scolytinae Within (1990) characters recognized may families subfamilies. their These the Anthribidae, (Morimoto, New Brentidae, kept given species Oxycorynidae in characters. This characters. the added venter, processes. at accepted arises. the the by to nemonychids. status are Marshall the structures be 16. families. family for the to relationships artificial the Curculionidae united York see The Wood the group of family proposals used subfamily Brachyceridae, by key, This recognized. the whose such Platypodidae the the Urodontidae In the separate (1986) the (though to then purpose and first amalgamation. as level. Apionidae While weevil the p. 870) p. In this abdominal Antliarhininae more the 1976; The latter The anthribid-type fact Belidae, the Scolytidae (1952: 266) (1952: (1986), contrasts by rank. and families used addition, Attelabidae. mandibles latest the of and strong available, Brentidae Even Hustache. promotion has Urodontidae Such status that have in Wood, from are the most effectively hs he these (Ithyceridae). of but palm in Thus the its in ehp, when Perhaps, O'Brien but produced comprehensive this Oxycorynidae, better true where in weevil as disparate argument and have the own separate order not tergites, Rhynchitidae the proposal in Cryptolaryngidae, strongly of the and erected the erected and all a in paper 1986). Crowson fit the separate and relationships these recognized The Curculionidae, Curculionidae, The been (Brentidae) subfamily). male Curculionidae the recognized understood, other opted his groups ovipositor and, Platypodidae as grain and classification to Attelabidae. a Apionidae. and is the problem Morimoto number same (Marshall, sources subfamily Sanborne make would from workable in sternite has been has with seriously to Wibmer n turn, in respects to weevils apex family. favour (1955), can clarify (1985) genus Agly- study from keep their year the the the the To be 82 be or of of of of of it is 8 Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 a 3 a 7 FIGS a 5 1-8. a 1 austriacus zealandieus (a) lepturoides (Europe). Anthribus albinus Anthribus 1 = Figs mm; Figs 1-5, (Olivier) (b) Sharp (F.) = NEMONYCHIDAE. 7 0-1 (Europe); Morphology and (L.) •s'• (New il;ii ram. (Europe); 1 (Europe); 8, b b Zealand). b b ANTHRIBIDAE. <' 2, Si 71i 4, hnhtmcr flavus Rhynchitomacer ;J 8, and Cimberis attelaboides Cimberis Fig. Brachytarsus Venter classification 6, URODONTIDAE. 8 Venter (a) 4 2 and nebulosus 6 L (a) sternite of a a Voss and (F.) weevils (Forster) 8 sternite (Europe); Venter Cie; 3, (Chile); (b) ,1 of Erp) Scale (Europe). male of 8 Bruehela (b) 5, b of: Doydirhynchus Rhinorhynchus of 1, male b Nemonyx sp., of: lines: male 837 7, Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 11 838 FIGS a 9 Morphology progression groups depressed, now concentrated enlarged which clasping them Oxycorynidae, process apical ventrites copulation abdomen Abdomen Venter. As -2 BLDE Venter BELIDAE. 9-12. present (Australia); Zealand); to ventrite a deflexion based, contribution form of the which Salient and must soft-bodied and, strengthening, detailed include abdomen and abdomen on a in 10, 5 fused Aglycyderidae) 12, rigid in are of be articulates feature the part, females, oaoeu lyciformis Homalocerus Car condensibus the all able studies shortened major capsule. towards together. b forms upon venter free of b to oviposition. adult however, metathorax and in of changes (a) open the to In the needed some order the and ventrites I Flexure large, subequal addition, results weevil Blackburn (Australia). Blackburn Scale lines: solution R.T. to elytra trie 8 sternite adult to in the to the convex, In open Thompson evolution and of the Gra) (Brazil); (Germar) open 3 of most weevil are 12 in of elytra the exterior and these structure the (b) some eventually length and relatively first the rigid lower 4 of structures, studies. venter which have close male has of abdomen a 10 two for (Figs or the weevils been of of: armoured the ventrites become the interlocking flat eventually problems has the 9, la-5a, 11, a apex followed a and purposes gtiu tridens Agathinus (Nemonychidae, is eu suturalis Belus thus progression abdomen. spread (a) of increasingly the have 9a-18a). ones. = 1 = mm; mentioned the form been by small (not become of among abdomen. a Effects b a Apex key increasingly defaecation, fusing) (b) from During amount hinge b Boisduval = (F.) to Belidae, above, convex, the 0" greatly of of major small, 1 mm. (New with with The this five the the of I Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 I 15 k 17 13 FIGS intersegmental horizontally, fits as This extensively fused. developed well-developed opening casual 'stretch I~ k~ The An tightly 13-18. consists (Indonesia); Venter Scale lines: Scale Oxycorynus 17, A To inspection. alternative a a precise a and rtriu 9igas Proterhinus determine the .,J joints' in against fused (a) Figs closing the rather of and membranes pygidium (a)= one nature Anthribidae, 15, 13-15, than as melanocerus means In sternite 8 sternite the than hplti bicolor Rhopalotria or ";, \ m b=. ram. 1 (b)=0.1 mm; opposed the Anthribidae Morphology truncate more would of b OXYCORYNIDAE. condition apex of articulate Perkins is the (b) opening ilI', b in present, tergites which to of most of otherwise joints hvoa (Brazil); Chevrolat the apex male the the (Hawaii); ,, in with and ~) lower vertically. Attelabidae the particular, abdomen. 'hinge the ewe the between of: I of (Voss) (Mexico). abdomen classification certainty, 16, the be abdominal weevils 18, Platycephata woltastoni Platycephata joints' are the Venter venter gyyee setifer Aglycyderes Their joints It exposed 14 16 case and 18 is occurs it allow ventrites of 14, (a) by with joints is many ventrites are ventrites (Figs that the of necessary Figs the and Metrioxena and weevils a in the a a which higher appear development of may Rhynchophoridae. a 8a, 7a, sternite 16-18, various cannot specially ventrites therefore Westwood (Canary Westwood its to (Sharp) (New Zealand); weevils. AGLYCYDERIDAE. free in 34a, 8 place base sumatrana groups be (lo) some may strengthened. to 35a). established of articulates the be move a make prove cases b b but pygidium. described b detached When (Heller) is of: apart more to best 839 Is.). 13, by be in It a Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 840 concealed exposed are exposed turn. venter enclosed Curculionidae (Crowson, functional. in line these type; spiracles uncovered, sclerotized, concealment of spiracles can removing This the ventrites Curculionoidea. The Curculionoidea. of where Abdominal corresponding terga actively flying necessary therefore fused no LeConte and bottom sexes spiracles spiracles. less attached they Similarly, rotating also unpigmented and of I and them the the movement In freedom be distinct is be Brachycerus, articulate. those drastic of In succinctly 2 or, are used, membrane movement dashes; added from several entirely are usually remains of the it the normally have at to on on well The n parentheses. in all, hinge the so compressed in that 1981, fig. 59c) fig. 1981, the same at any the than forming shown tergite a of segments tergites. lower that procedure to or and dish least Horn, well-developed (other both groups when spiracle sclerotized well-potashed ventrites, groups have degree This the membranous, tergite tergites. are the rate, joints at I the group. it is immediately propose Dinomorphus, indistinct. with least occur joints; posteriorly, is list. concealed possible, weevils, 8 in movement, to TF others; sexes no 1876: than immoveable. viewed in a exposure of (e.g. 8 bold may 6 Tergites of within identify the blunt In the attached If A Ithycerus, pygidium. so suture fusion (depth requires c~: and but on and the if it all the and fracture) ninth to Anthribidae, that xii, has Thus posterior elytra be 1-8, type; when segments adjacent in In from the these needles 7 use abdomen thus first segmentation within vertical is the may xv) tested distinct, adjacent groups are and is extreme a of which tergite the tergite ventrites absent 9:1-7 Entimus, to large those a 1-7 hind Rhynchophorus, the some visible, the R.T. the varies are abdominal cases adding Figures Rhynchophorus much tergalformula the occupy occurs the This formula the part, or by abdomen side, of flanges ventrites is 1-7, eighth that coxal number abbreviated are 7 spiracles is metanotum. (8). that and (and fine cases in care to easy many Thompson the suture) gripping genital in from well smaller no are occurs Trichalophus to of then though then it. glycerine fly la-78a the forceps order spiracles is exposed can are cavities, the the the line to shown to Muir at (e.g. tergite developed c~: less, still segment Attelabidae group of is full flexing observe, being should the chamber the lie covered ensure metanotum difficulty. lateral be broken offfor is the independently combinations than (TF). ) to unclear, in or are 1-6, either and with (1918: length ventrites which sides This shown. identified so as and (the so some are evaluate are base to indicated based (beneath the detached; the is the be that tergites and Tergites flanges that provides 7 in group very problem apterous, by tergite which within 'additional manipulate are often joints 225-226) are In of of (8) cases and female recourse pressed others. amycterine the several together may one the on also the addition, the small then by those while Rhynchophoridae) and dissection, by abut), larger 1 overlap is elytra the in the (e.g. that venter 7 when and segment. metanotum an of association the may the in or be Nemonychidae. possible. the Tergite moved turn. the and firmly uncovered correctly sclerotized other often may foregoing absolute ordinary the that considered Sternochetus) two 2 anal are the metanotum with each then size tergites than be just are elytra) fused, are Acantholophus probably in forceps strongly Hinge-jointed be permanently exposure overcome follow between the between to majority amycterines and tergites in segment' one shorter the against 7 Functional as To the ventrite had the and is ordinary a check reported with type sternites remains tergites. are criteria; spacing express or broken usually joint area in and others to fused. fro. when it. non- both may soft, and and It but the the are the the the on by all or In or in of of is is If 8 Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 19 22 FIGS C C 19-25. C female sternite 25, 12, 23, Figs. Pseudoceocephalus depressus uhnhs laevior Eurhynchus Ctenomerus tesselatus Ctenomerus 23-25, of: Figs 8 (b) 19, BRENTIDAE. of 19-21, Cyphagogus westwoodi Cyphagogus 21 male, Morphology BRENTIDAE. a a and c (Kirby) venter Faust Venter 2O (Australia); (c) (Lund) (South and (a) of Venter b Parry female and classification (Africa). b Africa). b sternite (a) 24, (Asia); 20, (Asia); a b of and aohe marmoratus Nanophyes tyeu novaboracensis lthycerus Fig. Scale 8 (b) I sternite 23 25 22, of Brentus anchorago Brentus ie: (a, lines: of ITHYCERIDAE. weevils male, 8 (b) 8 a a c)= and b of male, 1 venter (3 mm; (Goeze) and (Forster) (L.) (b)= (c) Venter venter of (Americas); 0-1 female (Europe); u 7V b b (USA). (a) ram. m (c) and 841 a of: of Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 been curculionoids, one curculionoids, been it groups sclerotization morphologically female. (Figs coxal plate (Apionidae); while these gastrale, lthycerus (1982). this while width. Male since call the copulation. but Ghai, plate that been Evorinea, It 1980) (1978, structures separated, 842 stained Muir described lb-78b fig. 2c) fig. is is genital The To In entire, in it group of interesting used is paid the (Fig. described lb, (1918: 225) tegmen sternite cavity. sternite Apodeme in structures with sternite the preparing Ithycerus 1988 some In clarify usually of Although is With others Nemonychidae show 2b, only it rudiments and by not there many spiculum to to chamber. 22b) and found large a it Nor (Myllocerus) is 5b), a used Sternite weevils. Morimoto, chlorazol distinguish procedure this Sanborne varies 9 and 8 8. figured unlike the obvious often membranous that the this or and is that of: it are tough described is cases it cases the sternites Muir in structure it in It terminology, an flat separated from it separated is variation the would is relictum to greatly sternite the Despite homologous figured of male is some firmly inadvertently 8 is sternite In that a integral it strip variation random; variation function black distinguish (1918: 225) an well specimens character in (1981), the presence manubrium spiculum spiculum requiring Male species the 1983 present can and apodeme genitalia the of expect 7, 3 it Phalidura former Fg 12b), (Fig. attached by known in next ('left in in in is Sharp's (very Cryptolarynx 8 8 be New (Viticis); Kuschel, apodeme; limited. size the subsequent the 58 who of sternites varies of we of examined ventral and over'). a of them to them is some the refers gastrale eitm spiculum relictum the species R.T. great same middle Trichelodes dilute, between family York and major now figured sternite that which much open mis-identified by (1918a: 211) (1918a: to disposition species. plate plate or greatly Oberprieler, An membrane the 1989 shape, species. to male This Thompson sclerite care. have the in 1 weevil, Ithycerus a in it several so to of taxonomic have interesting corresponds it paradox. and forked workers. Fg 50b). (Fig. is in truncate fact species is 8 is with 70~ as as five New question. (Nemonychidae). apodeme may apodeme usually best Dermestidae known to situ, the Small It by in 'the to be and 2 a Being after sternite -- -- support Female observation was of ethanol) ventrites having major that Peacock large process shape, following: cut Zealand false it (Figs but of setae. 1988 includes two Sharp edge As or ventrite as as separates importance', feature again Curculionidae-Amycterinae. closely free structure, for to undivided spiculum 'periphallic delicate groups the arguably 8 4b, distinct been (Eremnus); the This relative of novaboracensis to show to (Figs the of with of (1978). ventrale critical (Bostrychoidea) himself Anthribidae ninth be 9b). described ventrite spiculum the E. 5 that is the attached to spiculum ventrale spiculum variation absorbed and Baker an the easily microscissors. have 52b, iota plates, specimens It fantastic weevil e.g. or In 'the sternite. size, plate the integral up scant may study is presence 11b 216, (1918b: sternite Ramamurthy strut' 61b). this Beal distinctive plates distinctive 5 concealed from the Kissinger, [eighth] and most gastrale along and but is pigmentation, be with abdomen into attention by Holloway by genus, (Forster) the it membranes, remarkable, I Whether Ba, 1961, (Beal, forceps-like Thompson a part It propose the sometimes figured hud be should should 1' resembles in primitive spiculum solid its the a has and Figures ventral several venter, during strong within and of entire fig. of 1968 hind also and and rod has has the are the all be In to in in 5) Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 insertion irregular rally A comb the greater segment integral membranous maintain, ovate that at gastrale his Coleoptera; some the then suggests She studied the studied abdominal that there Tibial Platypodidae, regular a (2) (1) Primitively, assertion tibia. plate writes: time it a h divided the and is Nemonychidae, and tergite continues closely resembles apex part no (Emden, the are elevation which The outwardly authors adjacent concave, which those completely this more setae The secondary apodeme. of that fits. leaving fringe when In is the however, oblique comb apodeme the true 'Since said segment development area, characteristic of the outer margin the or of that Scarcely (Fig. of their anterior or is is which ninth often all the tibial the the sclerites sternite always almost (Figs to have to 1944) the higher around a of clothing smooth less which condition the develops (my apical to gap comb round. Instead, we Instead, and 5b) a progenitors full secondary weevil enlarged that rudiment, distal lenticular segment). of regarded the with is spiculum apex abruptly Morphology 86-88, on Attelabidae and on oiid clothing modified translation), (outer) smooth occupied always complement extends the the weevils should is generally tibial edge, the semi-enclosed of the ventral the the and of the In setae more tibia of an (having comb, and comb, a eighth setae which setae tarsal into might several more incorrect presence detached setae the 92-95). dorsal integral bare (proximal) axis, edge the as confined adjacent to adjacent area find Support gastrale form and truncate is had two (Thompson, across or by great a the subcylindrical, considered eighth sternite tergite socket becomes socket and advanced lost om along forms be less with (Figs a and on bare, broad 'sternites extends the edge Coleoptera, further a the of end plate most expected of assumption are more the apodeme. its spiculum Rhynchophoridae. corbels tergites majority oblique the socket and for to joins classification whole, the apex occurs (Figs the 87, 95) 87, which comb of setae) setae outer sometimes the the which flange Deuve derived curculionoids, derived full tarsal insertion tarsal the the distally, developments or forms spiculum by VIII 1988, up hind tibia, hind fringing into 76b-78b). of (Figs and or less are often are to genital allows project width and that the that and in on aspect the apex authors or is including of (possibly with with A this is a which is the that and any undivided, all which the further raised pl. setose Curculionidae, part either sternites united anterior found 82-85). so difficult and three of a that swelling tibial of the of setae, relictum tibial the primitive 1, pocket IX transversely beyond that is of, as The weevils the weaker the figs shields the divided If tarsus or ends the on edge are paradox forked, in of Anthonomus may sternites ventral tibiae; facing the axis, setose Deuve tibial apex This becomes is (distal, fully the condyle tibial squamose Metcalfe the d-i). large enclosed corbel its to are absent visible, becomes structures of adjacent to adjacent in the occur: to be and distinguish apical Coleoptera. may distal true the divided groups expands term the posteriad already apex. (Fig. the n which, in edge This as plate and but (1988) apex. is are apex, truncate outer) less smooth of in tarsal provided swollen is be reflexed apex Nemonychidae it (1932: seta-fringed was 4b) laterotergites', occurs side, The is area pomorum the (Fig. modification, the both defined is in either possessing regular in This condition not is in forming dorsovent- impossible edge. or to first the (inwards). question.' proposed the correct surface spiculum insertion existence although from becomes of and apex 93). 84), flange I the true sexes and entirely enclose against also flange, fiat would eighth recent by tarsal tarsal than by This who The (L.). this 843 the the the the an or so of in in of of is it a Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 26 28 30 32 844 FIGS w 26-33. ie: a 1 (a) = lines: Ai) 27, (Asia); (Thunberg) (Madagascar); Piezotrachelus a a a a BRENTIDAE. Antliarhis zamiae Antliarhis mm; (South 29, pullus (b) = Myrmacicelusformicarius fia; 31, Africa); Boheman b b b 0.1 Venter b mm. (Thunberg) (a) R.T. (West Aplemonus I and Thompson fia; 33, Africa); sternite (South Chevrolat 29 31 #ibbipennis 27 33 8 (b) 8 Apionfrumentarium fia; 28, Africa); of a a male (Australia); a a Boheman of: 26, of: Cybebus 30, Cylasformicarius (South (L.) Tanaos (Europe). dimidiatus fia; 32, Africa); b b b b sanguineus Scale (F.) (F.) Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 Faust, Faust, Author Pascoe, Lacordaire, a Lepropus maintained Emden, asal 1916 Marshall, Emden, (Cossoninae, Where corbels problem. incurving (Figs mucro corbel English as when inner this apical advocate study of axis well developed simple. Since t The The It reason, coincides flange; 118, 119). 118, is writing 1879 1883 angle may neither 1870 1944 1936 (Figs coexist enclosed interpretation the apex at would unfortunate with Fig. various have reinterpretation many (Entiminae, that Many this apical the 1863 and (chiefly best corbel 95 when of Zygopinae) 79-81). used the (as it in with paper same of examples be Table in During the inner shows because be that have terms that spine which be German. corbel. broad-nosed the here the possible. inner closed neither abandoned. that Tanymecini) tibia because given is that time), went above 1. flange. Morphology same Name K6rbchen corbulae corbeilles corbels K6rbchen corbulae K6rbchen corbels corbels it a this interpreted) enclosed of would the Thus, has flange Terms tibia which tibia the a (the of instead to as the bevel whereas further tibia Although no Although process developments term the rs, I press, of stable led shown seems mucro) tibia. according Curculionidae be The his used have (Figs me to me tibial (since been nor corbel of n br when bare and impossible development misinterpretation of misinterpretation nomenclature and the It under have only enclosed, to a well a to but in flange apterae ohne drcouvertes open open open apterae often often States approaches now used while believe 'corbel' the 82, describe arise outer Table classification is, descriptive unequivocal observed corresponds to developed has apex K6rbchen the in genuinely 98, to is van many from seta-comb, for any as taken present the present describe that 1. present have has principal 108-113). would occurs Faust enclosed In Emden, case, established this the that the long-nosed implications addition, outer place, it a terms arises mit cavernosae enclosed enclosed cavernous caverneuses geschlossen cavernos~e geschlossen outer of example condition.t tooth-like uncus have interpretation a and van and the to when the is states the misnomer previously weevils bevel, the K6rbchen and tibial In the hind semi-enclosed. the required three from apical to 'semi-enclosed' tibial is the some by some of semi-enclosed corbels tibia be with proximal Curculionidae formed by of tibiae Emden apex corbel. van principal uncus for the for the process both this angle apex (Thompson, two is workers intact, are dacd groups advanced outer Emden caverneuses mrdiocrement (pseudocavern6s) semi-enclosed geschlossen pseudocavernosae falsche scheinbar said in can such coexistence such has bare opens rows outer apparently some is (the mucro-uncus comb be to fusion at is setose states apical been Under state). and ofsetae displaced, writing cannot have described uncus). the bevel out species have 1991) found, of setose of of when angle inner so open 845 For and this did and the the the an its be to in of A I Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 34 acute abbreviated and space flange 846 99-101,105-107) than and (Fig. and) different group FIGS. 37 flanges. middle 113). A 34-39. kind. Deporaus betulae (b) sanguisorbae 34, or between and in = a produced, tibiae teau nitens Attelabus which a 0" mucro Moreover, 1 ram. The similar tibiae ATTELABIDAE. 36 the of finally unci distinction are the in (Figs Shak (Europe); (Schrank) premucro forming partial the not. same (L.) (Europe); are well-developed c eliminated. At 96-98, (Scopoli) (Europe); (Scopoli) 39 posteriors not Similarly, fusion specimen. between a and supposed Venter secondary 102-104) b b occurs the 39, R.T. (Fig. a in (a) mucro Pterocolus ovatus Pterocolus extended Thus the the unci 37, and to Thompson in ~~llr~ are 111), mucro or mucro same time Cteoninae 35, Rhynchites some occur. sternite and '1 in and clearly a pdrs coryli Apoderus and both uncus 35 38 intermediate uncus entimines, there 8 (b) premucro uncinate, Anthonomus the there ili! is (F.) (USA). lines: Scale (a, hungaricus is of inner is usually a therefore male, a is also e.g. b a " (L.) (Europe); while apical structures ':.:. constriction (Kuschel, ~" !iii!i and ,'.;~:::.:::,~;',""-'.:::_.,.___~.-2: a Amystax ". :i~ devoid and flexure (Herbst) :~:,:.::~t.~.'....t:~)~',,::" one of venter the angle Curculio I b posteriors of may 91 24). 1951: between (Figs (c) degree ! 36, may ,'.;.4~ (Europe); both :..'~,.'.:-" between of Auletobius c) occur female of: female 82, 85), a 82, the become b = 1 = mm; combs b rather them (Figs (fore The the on 38, I Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 48 42 46 40 44 FIGS 40-49. LJ (South (L.) (southern hebes praemorsus Synthocus a a a a a (Europe, IF (F.) Africa). BRACHYCERIDAE. (Asia); Africa); truncatus (Thunberg) (South North Scale 41, 43, Morphology Microcerus Africa); Gyllenhalia Boheman ie: a 1 (a) = lines: b b b b b 45, Venter Africa); retusus (South Euretus crinita and mm; (a) classification 47, (b) (F.) Marshall (South Marshall fia; 49, Africa); aurivillii and = Byrsops (South 0"1 sternite 41 I 43 ram. L------I 49 45 47 P6ringuey (South P6ringuey sulcicoUis Africa); 42, Africa); Hoplitotrachelus J W i of lw 8 (b) 8 a Africa); weevils a a a a of Gyllenhal male Episus 44, of: Brachycerus fia; 46, Africa); contractus spinifer 40, (South Desmidophorus Lacordaire b Africa); b Fgthraeus b b b Brotheus barbarus 847 48, Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 848 50 F[~s 52 54 56 palmarum aethiops (South Mrhl) (India); (Marshall) America). Scale lines: Scale America). RHYNCHOPHORIDAE. ERIRHINIDAE. 50-57. a a a Africa); (F.) Figs (L.) (Europe); 51, (South 50-53, Venter Raymondionymus 55, b (a)= America); b b Dryophthorus 53, b CRYPTOLARYNGIDAE, (a) 1 mm; Venter Neochetina and R.T. sternite 57, (b)= , (a) marqueti Rhinostomus Thompson and corticalis 0.1 bruchi 8 sternite mm. (b) 53 55 I 5"1 51 appeninus of Hustache male Pyul (Europe); (Paykull) 8 barbirostris (b) a a a of: a RAYMONDIONYMIDAE of Dieckmann 50, male (South Cryptolarynx of: (F.) 54, America). (Europe); (Central Sitophilus 56, • :f:~.':': Rhynchophorus vitis b Figs b and 52, (Marshall) b ~!~.~:" b glandium Notaris 54-57, South and Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 63 58 6O FIGS L 58-64. a Oiir (Brazil); (Olivier) clavipes (Europe); a lines: a (a)= CURCULIONIDAE. (Bonsdorfl) 63, 1 mm; Hylobius Morphology (b)= 6l, 62 (Europe); b b b 0-1 Brachyceropsis abietis mm. a 59, (L.) (Europe); (L.) Venter and Brachyderes classification (a) verrucosus and 64 64, 61 lusitanicus sternite b 59 Baris F) Arc) 62, (Africa); (F.) of weevils a a 8 davidis a (b) (F,) of (Europe); (Fairmaire) male of: uclo nucum Curculio 60, 58, Entimus b (China). b Otiorhynchus b nobilis Scale 849 L. Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 850 FIGS 69 67 65 65-71. canarensis (Boerner) (Europe). Scale lines: Scale (Europe). (Boerner) 69, hylastoides a a a Hylastes ater CURCULIONIDAE. Faust Wollaston ,~:-\_.(-@~,3/.),//: (Paykull) (Europe); (India); b b (South Africa); (South 71 b cp 66, ¢~/.-/'-' hnou elongatus Rhyncolus Venter R.T. (a)= a 70, m b=. mm. 1 (b)=0.1 mm; 68, Thompson (a) Scolytus scofytus Coptonotus cyclopus and 70 trie 8 sternite 68 66 (Gyllenhal) (Europe); (Gyllenhal) b a a (F.) (Europe); a (b) Chapuis of male 71, (South America); (South of: lps 67, 65, sexdentatus b b Stenoscelis b Cossonus I Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 74 72 FIGs 77 72-78. 74, Schedl (Borneo); Schedl zeteki Mecopelmus (Europe); -~0.l mm. a Craniodicticus mucronatus v a PLATYPODIDAE. 78, rsoass mniszechi Crossotarsus 76, b C Morphology ~" 76 -~If Blackman b -'~T-~ -T'~'TT4/; - i-~';~-T---~ Schedlarius mexicanus Schedlarius b a Venter Blandford (Panama); and (a), classification Chapuis 75 (Sri Lanka); sternite 73, 73 (Dug+s) Carphodicticus cristatus Carphodicticus 78 (Malaysia). a b (b) 8 a (Mexico); 75, of and a PlatytarsuIus weevils aedeagus Scale 77, ltps cylindrus Platypus lines: Ii i!!ii! b Wood (c) sp., (a)= of b near b male (Venezuela); 1 m (b,c) mm; elongatus f 72, of: 85l (F.) C Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 Strophosoma, oviposition are them). F~GS but 852 Unci better-developed they 79 connection middle tibia Emden bevel of different Catapionus viridanus Rather 88. left are are (b) hind holes CURCULIONIDAE-ENTIMINAE, mainly not (1936, 1944) (1936, from delimited which I suspect tibia between a in or those necessary inner present feeding regularly in on by inner, of that to Tournier, mucro and the proximal ascending fringe ascending illustrate in on adaptation they apical fore apical weevils climbs trees climbs (m) the and apex enable fringe (pf)). fringe R. and and views tough the T. which middle of outer flange (f), flange 'corbel'. to Thompson left and (asf)); the rind to reach to walking hind are views The left weevil 82-85, tibiae of tibiae: 79-81, tibiae: associated hind tibia anticipating above three woody (note the to on Amystaxfasciatus than tibia in grip bark that flowers, inner, shoots. in on with Brachyderes woody setae species apical (otherwise formation apical the wood would This of hind. and are and apical fringe (apf) fringe apical stems Roelofs, may or those outer of have developed outer incanus genera woody nu) 86-88, uncus); when be used views views apex why (L.), such plants, boring by of (note (note they apex van left are as Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 Deciduous FIGS Curculionoidea, (Nigidius), spatulifer abnormalis (some Attelabidae-Rhynchitinae, Coleoptera, Large 89-95. (note well apex apex specimen). Cholinae; of Browne). of horn- mandibular processes Tenebrionidae Bright) hind left CURCULIONIDAE including defined middle tibia Sibinia tanneri similar tibia or and Extrorse blade-like in Morphology squamose apical view apical processes Platypodidae Leiodidae (Molion) (89-91) Rhynchophorida~Rhynchophorinae cusp-like Clark bevel processes ENTIMINAE, and (note occur, and and (b) (Agathidium (Tychiinae)). left well Sahdcrs thomsoni (Spathidicerus classification on processes in hind Cerambycidae hind cu on occur defined females tibia tibia tibiae: bevel (b) (92 94) in inner, apical 94) inner, in (92 Blunt cu on occur mandibulare only, only); the of 8%94, weevils tubercles in (Chemsakiellus). 95, mandibles and Scolytidae genus indet., genus the Phaedropus incipient Chapuis Sturm), mandibles have and of flange (f) (Pityophthorus Curculionidae and outer been observed a near candidus and Within Lucanidae variety of Eupiona, in Diapus some views same (F.), 853 the of Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 both dehiscent on we dimorphic) 854 great FIGS the are 96-107. mandibles majority (99-101) not that, 96-101, left here uncinate (though in mandible and, both Anthonornus concerned in CURCULIONIDAE-ANTHONOMINAE of inner, of except species species, at those some male all). of apical some male some for of with the the 9randis Diapus spatulifer Diapus and some middle tibiae middle processes Curculionidae-Amycterinae. invariably outer Boheman, Curculionidae-Sitonini, R.T. Microcerus views; are Thompson are occur 10~107, shed apex imperfectly are species of by sometimes in left Curculio active both middle (Brachyceridae) uncinate, and dehiscence sexes 91andium on broken CURCULIONINAE, None tibia both (though while (96-98) of Marsham, off). mandibles. early these the and The they hind and in processes on one or one on processes ditto adult hind tibiae may In tibiae: (note tibia life, the are be is Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 (1936: listed invariably 'Manche very van likely exists'. Thus usually although Heller I seems small and In be species FIGS Tanyrhynchus): Triolyphulus have placed all the process the Emden small Sharp (Germar), imperfectly subapical below, the that 108-113. improbable 77) the (1925: confirmed, In (truncatus marked Ottistirini some other quite fact placed they retained scar and (1896: (1936: has the has 55; and the and satisfactorily individuals apex specimens 'owing occur slender. by CURCULIONIDAE-CLEONINAE, arises so, may fig. them type-series Stierlin that 86)commented however, in apical a 222; there throughout mit of dehiscence distinct 27) Morphology throughout Otiorhynchus chrysocomus Otiorhynchus be from they in to left Narbe Another 94 50. A 570).) 1944: views figured being his their and hard they been have may middle can a that in includes key well-defined narrow vastus (note both ill-defined the nahe really mechanism retain to adult processes processes with problematic on the Otiorhynchidae tibia and that a see. Apfelbeck) der his constriction serve edge, a group. life. groups one similar teneral (108-110) middle classification Thus new Basis character rough worn The or in as are the been genus In supports Eutinophaea both which group der tibia Marshall situation site present specimen scar have away. cases area, and and totally Germar. Unterseite were into maturity. into where Meotiorhynchus: is fully is and is lack tibiae: flexure flattened is of left or where rapidly (This for in this in the outwardly it weevils lost exists scar. with processes (1908: hind not uncinate, the temporary maculicollis Ottistirini. between Two error Bothynoderes the so der that process When small worn genus, mandibles, tibia in that mandible 10) Mandibeln'. In Mandibeln'. Only other was some no oblique whereas but (111-113) mucro and mucro but away 'This the the commented false mandibular though was perpetuated F. Heller, conceded that conceded in distinct Alophini, processes processes Otiorhynchus genus van but completely. a mandibles'. punctiventris is attached hind position, few flattened they in in Emden flange). so it so tibia cases, could scars. inner, these fact, scar 855 (on e.g. are are are by is is it is Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 856 shape, been Extrorse the Polydrusus FIGS 127, 129); 127, have and, its small by themselves way Lacordaire process Early perhaps 114-119. observed discussion, lineicollis Hylobius mistakenly minority being out of processes sometimes authors, ('mandibulae species. arises either because the abietis (1863: 5, (1863: in CURCULIONIDAE-MOLYIINAE Wiedemann, of see an referred soil specimens of on including occur text straight unnamed (L.), apex there the in of note). (p. which this, exsertae'); lower only to 845); is (Fig. ditto; Schrnherr, a and them He of tooth it Australian in three p, premucro. p, surface, left had suggested their the 122), R.T. 1, l 118, Mfiller as hind on pupated. different Entiminae-Promecopini 'pupal rapid incurved Thompson the regarded away l9, tibia entimine. (1818: 424) (1818: that inner dehiscence Zygops mandibles'. in species. from He they inner (Figs aspect, such confirmed and the Normal might vitticollis and noted that Their 120, processes ZYGOPINAE, after emergence, edge. near They outer be 124-126) true their processes A used the base the Desbrochers, and views; 116, 117, have similar as the they nature presence by some or were also the tibiae: (Figs very vary extrorse condition was some Neotropical weevil been present in mandibles ditto. greatly 122, 125). 122, described 114, the authors Euderes called to (Figs pupa 115, has For in dig in a Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 120 121 FIGS I f...I./ 12(~129. (left sp., ous 127, 128, 127, ditto; types): process Colecerus variegatus 124, CURCULIONIDAE 2, 121, 120, missing). Exophthalmus Morphology Naupactus For drawing p; 125, sp.; Boheman, sp. and ENTIMINAE, in conventions, Astycus lateralis Astycus classification dorsal I~l in dorsal and deciduous and left see of lateral text left (F.); 126, (F.); weevils lateral (p. views; mandibular 870). Polyclaeis krokisii views; Scale 122, 129, 123, 129 lines, processes Promecops HeterostyIus ILO 0-5 mm. Dohrn; (vari- 857 sp. Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 858 F~GS misinterpreted modified processes until below) takes (elongated z~hne' (Marshall, 'mandibular series Sitonini dehiscence, mandible removed or would 98): I fine ( 130-135. 'the it Iphisomus discolor processes, place can be can support Shf, 1964). (Scheff, replaces a groove. (Figs deciduous similar from seta, proper in terminal 130 at 1908: a other traced ylna; 132, Gyllenhal; 135 pedgs ad 'deciduous and appendages' a truncate 154--157) CURCULIONIDAE-ENTIMINAE-TANYMECINI, falciger the cutting the Jeannel's as showing or precise Often the enlargement 'persistent (Figs 10), additional Curculionidae latter in which cusp) cusp Jeannel (Gerst~icker); this 'provisional point stump 120-130), and development opinion. almost of is edge is possibly Leptoscapus the appendages'. a which the at the at (1949: 790) (1949: articulated of the part or of mandible, completely pedicel Their but pedicel R. T. R. the (Figs 135, is mandibles' of base of pedicel also marked, in mandible and mandible the I. correct pedicel Thompson sp.; many has increases 120-152) 131 mandibularis of is in Only structure'. and pieces' (Le pieces' mandible 134 left. the 3,gns ne. near indet., 133, genus the identified (Figs has on cases this p: 130, (p): interpretation Marshall (Imms, Brachycerinae process, In occurred, the 130-135). in and may the intact mandible, it no Nonetheless, size Hustache. Scale lines, Hustache. itself these Conte, is Attelabidae Tanymecini Cycloderes well 1925: intermediates flush (1945: 433) above at and and the processes In be was 458) 1874), with (Figs several true expense all the is deciduous mandibular deciduous given Ischnotrachelus; not sp.; have dehiscence and base (Fig. in the realized a 158-165), 'false by 133 with are the other transformation 1;J~' 131, an by surface of a hitherto 'Supplement- so 153), constriction 0"5 known Entiminae- appendage, the Ting mandibles' the Tanymecus ht after that, cases what had mm. process usually terebra but are of (1936: been that 134, (see the the far Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 I FIGS present); scutellaris processes, female (Lea), nently process 136-143. 139 male retained in present); 143, dorsal (F.), showing CURCULIONIDAE-ENTIMINAE-PRYPNINI, in Prypnus male dorsal, processes). Scale lines, Scale processes). view (with view Morphology 142, in sexual dorsal left Prypnus trituberculatus lateral dimorphism short and squalidus and ventral and pedicels, 140 classification ventral Germar, 0"5 views (with and (Gyllenhal), mm; processes permanent views (with views s, eae (with female scar. long of shed); male weevils pedicels retention: 137 long pdcl bet left absent, (pedicels 139-141, short pedicels deciduous but pedicels 136-138, processes shed) processes rsou murinus Prostomus 141 and and mandibular base Prostomus process perma- of 859 and left Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 860 FIGS 144-150. and Faust, without like pedicels like ing short 150, unusual deciduous Parastylus 147 (normal) with pedicels; CURCULIONIDAE-ENTIMINAE, 149 falciform types and process pedicels; sp., deciduous processes deciduous 144 of 148, pedicel: 144, pedicel: ditto. pedicels Nothognathus attached along attached 146, 147, cl lines, Scale and R.T. Psallidium concinnum Psallidium / deciduous sliim aurigerum Psallidium schoutedeni Thompson attached 0-5 inner 148 mm. processes aspect to deciduous Marshall, their c.Fg 144); 149, (cf. Fig. Faust, arising outer Desbrochers, ( mandibular male, female, aspect; from 145 with inner with 145, Mesostylus falciform male processes, aspect idem, very long 146 and male, near pedicels hauseri female blade- show- base; with Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 FIGS setose, happened: process the hitherto (both examples (Fig. mechanism Prostomus. processes. genera throughout globosa setae; of vast closely henoni deciduous mandibles deciduous basis majority 151-157. 138). ditto ustus and ENTIMINAE, SITONINI, 153, moreover sexes), whereas Faust related but Van of 154 152 been of apical views apical cusps (deciduous the In (Pascoe) (deciduous cusp (deciduous Trigonoscuta the 'each All this the has adult Dyke, the Chlorophanus excisus Chlorophanus enlarged Elongate of (female regarded mandible i. 151, Fig. six distinction to all first it adelognathous common been lost been mandible abnormal is each life. with belong the Bletonius hustachei Bletonius miniaturized present three Morphology certainly, pedicels The deciduous pedicels deciduous rothi other. ATTELABIDAE-RHYNCHITINAE, as the as itself, in species, on deciduous it and [in to are that six in is left mandible only). Scale lines, Scale only). mandible left Pierce. the the lphisomus] possible Enlarged every temporary examples are, each the are weevils. it deciduous processes: 152, processes: deciduous male mandibular P. processes deciduous is Curculionidae-Brachyderinae present like formerly deciduous (F.), and mandibular scutellaris coarsely specimen... Figs congeneric on doubtful). Hoffmann to 155 those both 157 But Prypnus classification 151 pedicels so recognize bears 154--157, deciduous only far so process. Figs 152, 153, Figs process. this mandibles); piece of punctate (F.), far noted processes: Iphisomus in a with structure The [it] trituberculatus occur (all long the examined being CURCULIONIDAE-ENTIMINAE- they those is piece in male; species last are of stout and not female only) 156, 157, are in processes Leptostethus attached weevils 154, 155, cases (Figs etma waltoni Leptomias differs 0"5 three the that a bears smoothly in mandibles curved are false mm. with the following in 134, is Eugnathus belong bare Germar, from CURCULIONIDAE- numerous long which the female Cecractes mandible to (auctt.) characteristic are normal, process 135), and its aureus rounded and always of all 156 apex'. |lJ~ to Anomonychus they genera: Byctiscus punctate known Stereogaster curvus but smooth. sp. monotypic Thompson; dehiscence but deciduous which Marshall are I", in In other In retained apically are a Faust, dorsal of types short erect solid 1 ven- and 861 has not On the Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 Prypnus. scutellaris. Prostomus Psallidium. persistent in (females and misinterpreted Two apex attached shed), some distinction without with Mesostylus unknown. Nothognathus. 862 Cherrus. Iphisomus. near punctures pedicel schoutedeni, the Marshall processes 150). elongations blade-like processes Brachycerus. Marshall others mandibles (2) (1) the a further (note The species in deciduous and Transformation. deciduous Champion rhynchus Leptostethus are accessory 8-14~o Miniaturization. proportions) Entiminae). Brachycerus (Figs others with to Fg 142). A (Fig. lack pedicels in pedicels to mandibular 11: 28) (1916: a b arranged be can The Short mandibles scars made are and Parastylus. and only the but are (See kinds thin Only I very 145, pedicels, in pedicels, have as male at a of the apex the not the Two high pedicels in process 3~o above.) right a ill-defined total above lascivus 146)) few the process mandibular of fixed deciduous (Cylydrorhinini). Fig. observed female base deciduous of of noted the of speciosus proportion (Brachyceridae) variation males until females have complicating individuals processes angles body males one as while it. a process between 137). on on Mesostylini are Mesostylini are does shorter The of (which Here Boheman (undescribed) the themselves its it blade-like of length, in the present the scars in in some, to Here absent). In of processes mesoventral is (though process a N. Thompson in a it, presence cusp. if former some underside. in a third, of h process the pedicels patently R.T. transformation pedicel has the forming have mandibular schoutedeni specimen the the specimens those factor in over Whereas (both scar e.g.P, not of Two pedicels structures unsexed, the becomes converted the female they Thompson processes species become are slender the species largely of ofLeptostethus (Figs 50 yet on and a here males (and etga (Figs vestigial aspect The other remarkable rnaxillosum species are Entimini) deciduous species of instances its been have them Fg 143). (Fig. is Marshal processes and processes) the are is 3 141). 139 P. murinus P. specimen sometimes mesoventral elongated tapering had some bare of (Figs reduced (these that series Fg 148). (Fig. in in and observed) similar lengths some have and pedicels the and the P. trituberculatus P. of and 158-165). arise processes of (F.), have V-shaped being processes passing (females male occur: pedicels aureus species apical its except (the into smooth in (Lea) this to (Figs broken Sitonini 152, of every aeriu biangulatus Caneorhinus Two from aspect falciform relatives) is very those of holotype). relative deciduous normal (or attached Thompson are part the (cf. 153). a from for with In 167, Fg 144). (Fig. females near structure in specimen in is similar (contradicting broken off were latter of Fig. 138) Fig. a derived a (Curculionidae- some a known, could few pedicels, further Fg 169)) (Fig. 168) the Nothognathus Examples few pedicels, stout size and processes Germar overlooked. The beneath but not but of is to those to species base process species setiferous (Figs but Fg 152) (Fig. therefore has Hence N. easily Bothyno- (but from) but not discrete state 30. one varius males of them these each 149, The and has the the the not yet the are are be an in of of of is in Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 FXGS 158-168. (162) eeomn (or development Boheman, B. apicatus B. P6ringuey, 167-169, 164 . congestus B. 161 Brachycerus BRACHYCERIDAE, (159) (165) Gyllenhal, (168, Gyllenhal, B. B. loss) rudolphi verrucosus Gerst/icker, spp. of eiuu processes; deciduous Aurivillius, with 169) (Olivier); 166, (Olivier); I adbe: 158-165, mandibles: B. impendens B. (163) non-deciduous (160) B. duplicatus B. Desmidophorus Fgthraeus. lines, Scale oblongus the flanges; the species figured species Brachycerus ylna, (164) Gyllenhal, F~hraeus, sp. species with ~'~ (161) spp., are 0-5 eiuu flange; deciduous figured B. mm. (158) series B. 165 emeritus 163 160 intermedius B. are showing foedus (167) (L.), ) Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 864 FIGS nominal on regarding cusps van certainly edge. are absence) Southeast deciduous, deciduous and sexes, a are smaller, From characteristic a not Emden Voss ~ 170-174. view; eoy lepturoides Nemonyx CURCULIONIDAE, Scale lines, The and is 170 single accompanied problematic. tribes of deciduous (1940: the genus leave the Asian processes less deciduous being 172, (1936: 236), (1936: foregoing African lack so CURCULIONOIDEA, a well-defined 0.1 Catachenus 17, 173 ANTHR]BIDAE, distinct worn away worn far group. of mm. of fig. though the examined. have mandibular by processes species, it 1). fresh adelognathous A will scar deciduous (F.) (173) They been the strong has process be adults during in in scars Rhytirhinus The two reported and occur apparent the similar in ventral R. T. R. processes Anthribus case the angle have they adult processes the on on 172 ovipositors: scars latter Thompson exceptions has Curculionidae, view, in the elongate leave both between that Entiminae-Pachyrhynchini, life, sp. Eugnathus is left been on albinus (Spain), group far recognizing (171) and are of mandibles the mandible from any the 170, mandibular indistinct. ae out made their I are the left Cimberis attelaboides Cimberis as (174) (L.) small kind. straightforward. by 171, mandible. a being relationship secondary van the in (Figs Hipporhinus affinis only Brachyceropsidinae, apical NEMONYCHIDAE, In In by presence ventral Emden present 174 cusps Sitona, the (Figs 154, May ~:::'~::i In cusp Sitonini, Cecractes but loss. to 156, 155). view; (1936: 68, fig. 68, (1936: iii:! in 17: 359) (1978: as and (or an Certainly the 171 (F.) these described 76 157) Among proving the important deciduous hs are These F~hraeus. 173, of cusp-like n dorsal in (: of are there cutting the based (170) both they 174, not the the for by 78 I 1) is Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 .. :7-.: ..i-:!:.".-:!- FIGS ..::::..:.:i -(... : ::::....T :...:..-ii~. 175 i.:.:. 175-180. moptera chus laevior chus Brentus j: :. anchorago Kirby, CURCULIONOIDEA, (Kirby), Morphology (176) (L.), (180) ~..'. ~.:....~ BRENTIDAE Car :: .V,, Apion 177 condensabus and frumentarium tegmina: 179 classification :/& (178) , i!:~ i~i Blackburn; i nlahs zamiae Antliarhis I 175, (L.). Scale lines, Scale (L.). 176, ~-4 of ..:... '.!~ BELIDAE, weevils 177-180, Tubr) (179) (Thunberg), 0-2 BRENTIDAE, ram. (175) 180 hnta hae- Rhinotia I Eurhyn- (177) 865 Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 866 FIGS 181-187. cerus (186) westermanni ..:::.. spinifer Notaris CURCULIONOIDEA, (F.), Aurivillius; bimaeulatus 112 (182) Desmidophorus ~~~l 185-187, (F.), I ~t '~ (187) R.T. '~ tegmina: ERIRHINIDAE, , i Grypus Thompson hebes 181-184, (F.), equiseti 3 (183) (F.). BRACHYCERIDAE, (185) M icrocerus Scale Neochetina / lines, retusus ~187 0-5 bruehi ( (F.); mm. (181) ~\ :-.., (184) \ '.\ Hustache, Brachy- Episus 184 Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 188 194 FIGS dorsal schonherri rhinomacer capucinus 0"5 metrical 188-196. mm. view, pigmentation (Schaller); (Dalman), CURCULIONIDAE, Kraatz; (191) Morphology idem, 194, 196, (189) is lateral 195, normal BRACHYCEROPSIDINAE, Entimus nobilis Entimus J MOLYTINAE, iw(tpln shows (stippling view and emn: 188-193, tegmina: and classification I s sometimes is (Olivier), (194) Hylobius abietis Hylobius of (190) even 'ghost' weevils ENTIMINAE, Brachyceropsis Artipus more of ring), akd. cl lines, Scale marked). caIceatus (L.), (192) (188) sp. (195) Metacinops 196 (the Marshall, Lordops Lepyrus 193 asym- 867 Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 868 FIGS 197-201. BRACHYCERINAE, P6ringuey. CURCULIONIDAE Euretus Tetracyphus with Figs Compare 197 aequatorialis the 197 200 similarity 200, J ,# BRACHYCEROPSIDINAE, (199) the BRACHYCERIDAE: marked Faust, Brachycerus cylindripes Brachycerus of R.T. their Thompson difference (198) male eighth Ocladius 197, of 198, Brachyceropsis trie (Figs sternites form Bedel, DESMIDOPHORINAE, ziczac 198 between 201 (200) Marshall; sp. 44, Brachycerus ueu aurivillii Euretus Scale lines, 5 mm. 45). 199, Fig. (197) 200, 201, and Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 eggs, (Thompson, longer since such two correlated when the not mechanism lack mandibular mandibular in would correlation straight adult rule; function escape phanerognathous (in do, though ous deciduous Byctiscus) Whether those Rhynchitinae processes used or thereby account there them curved the which Buck Desmidophorinae). the Barypeithes even print, van Regular interposition Dehiscence Authors Entiminae. (Daanje, however, processes ways and Sitona mandibular a for it Leptostethus life, against the (1952: 162; (1952: figs of the is have tool than from not may not so divergent Emden, clearing the only scraping, and in rpoue in (reproduced these devoid when of evlcoe its closes weevil to the (see transition it processes in is between species the the e so be fails providing process-retention processes Curculionidae are the occur process!' seize would its peUucidus 1988: •964:11). not the occur which one as transversely specimen also processes general One they manner pupal normally agreed other 1936: in a of front a three processes. of (Curculionidae-Promecopini, immediately grains published passage in speciosus necessary; the 50). pupate Curculionidae taxonomic Daanje, an a be perfectly be But in miniaturization are subject further have mandibular series leaf-blade 11, occur either Morphology in and the cell 68, individual, (Kolbe, of head genera appearance Desmidophorus The that (Boheman), they described of the 12) the and of processes full weevil note) takes in which jaws, in in sand through is where Curculionidae-Sitonini in the or 1964: group described moving Byctiscus mandibles), Thompson, soil are hand both the open observation those of in and by character. most, apparent. both 1927: between the to function though Brachyceridae-Microcerinae. which possible not which place at with are Leptostethus soil processes. 9; and Donisthorpe, abrasion factors there by which pedicel-formation, of they of to a and of pupate fig. the sexes confined currently of confined vertically depth 2). if broad-nosed and its a question, Lesne. the and one Fg 166) (Fig. the very it here not is permanent 2). soil. classification not of but r divergent. are are former It then is a digs for the for may (Thompson, why Brachyceridae make and Although of processes figured or of the in is or all, processes (apparently) soon The in In figured Perhaps at this unlikely 5 to the both passed associated fracture. under be one so rcse is processes in (Curculionidae-Entiminae) cm many of but pit for pit addition the Figs least its owner, weevil 1942) processes soil, included and those many Lse 1899). (Lesne, the (Anon, after weevils them digging species processes way their Curculionidae are, and Buck 127-129) (Fig. between species soil causes whereas of its in these in as to 15 other 1988: Dehiscence the Lesne cases to emergence. specimens Dr however, to in Certainly weevils sandy be existence are described with allies, in nominal to 1983: but in was which in or grasp to Attelabidae the purpose in 151) used David 9). Ocladius genera one strictly the Brachycerus it are scraping assist glass a where this the its are and Thin, those describes cases the Similarly, surface. habitats is 3) as processes bears to break front In for sand is retained Adelognathi to both the but, an species first inevitably noted and would is retain tribes ale, seem earlier, Sharp there the known with of homologous this deciduous that Occasionally burying the the exception aided Ectemnorhinini, (Brachyceridae- tube, as legs tool. grains Brachycerinae, phanerognath- Brachyceridae: to adult (Deporaus label, a Unfortunately where processes processes stated lack often-quoted Attelabidae- the by its be record the are one s a is which (died throughout (see are repeatedly, by to The there using unable hind Marshall weevil the devalues other adult (bracing strongly them bury feeding; straight process digging flanges above) above, strong to use 1922). to 'Vide eggs, them form have with legs s a is and this 869 the are are the off do its be to of to of Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 and been deciduous Although classification nevertheless 870 qualifications, subfamilies somewhat - 4(2) - 3(2) 6(5) 5(1) 2(1) 7(6) 1 In As scars Tentative employed: preparing Prothorax Prothorax Tarsi Ovipositor Tarsi Ovipositor Ventrites Maxillary Maxillary Ventrites Pygidium Segment Pygidium this 1-8 extrorse transverse indistinct, teeth 2-segmented small and clypeo-labral concealed rostrum a exceeding separately) usually plate apodeme. sclerotized 1-segmented are many processes nvn the uneven; spiculum paper pseudotetramerous. pseudotrimerous. are intended of (9); ~: (9); manubrium drawn etc., and 2 with key 1-5 spiculum merely 1-2(-4) present. palpi all palpi of the without the with absent. subequal (Fig. (Fig. but, of apical was all small all manubrium the Spermatheca to to in r-aa carina pre-basal setae setae 1-7(8,9)). plate ventrale; broad-nosed figures the solid tarsi elongate, lateral in with if free compact, to both 170) 171) the suture which (tergite width originally not sorted teeth male. fused4; Tibiae lateral Tibiae Anthribidae styli be on ventrale; characters or, and of transverse, with in families distally broader, black thin at sexes. usable. either tegmen of carinae, All if length...... of ovipositor (Fig. (as extreme the TF~: punctures 1 Coxae oftegmen projecting without into or 7) mandibular not strong one and either coxae with a lines; in DOYDIRYNCHINAE ANTHRIBIDAE-ANTHRIBINAE (with pre-basal superscript Sternite simple narrow, side) intended in 172) weevils, ovipositor .. Thompson R.T. projecting 2. Anthribidae) and of 1-6, depressed, (Antennae To 2 both informal often at AGLYCYDERIDAE larger, Ventrites are spurs. used base relatively them. both and 2 mandibles, are spurs least facilitate 7, highlights). delicate, some vestigial or fused, straight antero-laterad. distinct are bilobed. 8; 6, 8 compressed, carinae. +__ left separated in the (Sternite 5 then ~: processes, sexes. near of to ~. omitted; stout, groups. (Al~dominal subfamilies continuous distinctly with not numbers 1-6, then small; Labrum 1-3 the male undivided treatment be with . . . . and antenna or this and base; Antennae geniculate) (-5) 7 (8). 7 including Ventrites large antenna an Male key arcuate with 8 (Figs sternite by each apical I sternite of fused valves these introduction have rostrum, the indistinct less Apex of Apex Male (including longer in styli male are with seta-fringe pair small with (including of 13b-15b) . . . . of the ventrites inserted than following without and vesicle, styli all 8 (Figs carinae appended and difficult near with adult pedicels, 8 compact (Figs absent. the separated free than key present. . rostrum eo of pedon width pre-apical and the persistent no 7a, families apex pedon RHINORHYNCHINI) NEMONYCHIDAE (Fig. or terminal at 16b-18b) Cureulionoidea OXYCORYNIDAE refer. a continuous and PROTERHININAE) and no NEMONYCHINAE teeth 3 Female all long-nosed to extreme 8a) absent of one of conventions broad, club. to URODONTIDAE and with with a by Female teeth 6). with 3. a CHORAGINAE of aedeagus no free. series observe, a Pygidium Pygidium projected styli in aedeagus Tergite club; 4 appendages distance extrorse a without trace distinct thick weakly base (taken them the broad TF3': with with of and 2-5 weevil of of key notes, 8 7 5 lines; have it re- 10 is is 4 2 5 6 8 3 Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 14(13) 13(lO) 11(10) lO(5) 15(13) 12(11) 16(15) m - - - - 8(7) - 9(7) - - Fore Antennae Antennae Segment Fore Antenna Antennae Antenna Antennae Maxillary Claws Claws Maxillary Surface Antennae Surface Antennae Prothorax Prothorax (cf. (Figs Colour eyes truly but metallic, often with metallic, often finely near elytra) apodeme. lateral nate W-shaped, all striae). apex punctured. dorsal broadly separately with broad not obscure). obscure Mesepimera +__ coxae coxae distinct segment free quite fused. never form never 9. visible smooth, base, of of a geniculate 19a-21a) of 2 with with faceted. 7. composed Base inserted composed scales; plate Ventrites inserted carinae. with with scutellary palpi (appendiculate usually of eyes eyes smoothly palpi dorsal Sternite separated sharply contiguous. U-shaped, or free Claws Ventrites then all Spermatheca and loose pygidium (Antennae with compact in indistinct). 3). of 9 8 smooth, faceted undivided tarsi 2- clearly glassy Morphology cuticle segments segments dorsal 4-segmented Antennae or so head Form broadly antenna dark on plate a a2 Base on or strongly 3-segmented all fused. 8 of carinate that compact rounded of striole) 1 sides quadrate of by 3-segmented underside free with (several 11 spots red and 1-4 with ..... <9 a visible . often bilobed of Ventrites 1-3-segmented view male glassy. at a; no prosternal non-geniculate. free or Claws rounded of rostrum. Body devoid Body without any and TFg~: or and and but head complex fused free most inserted some 2 articulation weakly toothed). sclerotized separate, ...... or at red-brown, metallic segments which at club; a fused. movement in or exceptions). asetose but a a segments (Antennae and sides. narrow areas and with club. of rostrum. free. compact compact sides. (Figs moderately dorsal elongate, 4 1-6, at (Elytra scape and if sclerotized processes. classification setose Sternite apex, Pygidium Elytra a Ventrites 1-2 Ventrites Body Prothorax somewhat of or very a° 7 only club. 34a, single, Pygidium club transverse apodeme. of can (8). 5 view recumbent without any otherwise Tergite and distance sometimes very limited. 2-segmented 3-segmented free scales non-geniculatC punctate-striate). exposing ATTELABINAE apex short gular short Form Body covered 35a). Tergite s. confusedly take 3-segmented .... Elytra may slender. a 8 distinct Prothorax in Ventrites apodeme. composed compact of often place 8 (Maxillary both slender, setose ...... from base Tegmen be sclerotized composed concealed brightly (-3) male 8 BRENTINAE punctate-striate of scales tergite with enlarged exposed covering simple emarginate Colour Sternite gular between weevils sexes. punctured. fused sutures club club or 4 club13; BRENTINAE (Figs imbricate Tegmen with often of then and 5) (Fig. (6 pilose depressed coloured. (segmentation (segmentation or of palpi suture 1 (Figs in (including Surface and) in strip but tergite. of of variable, rostrum BRENTIDAE 8 variously 5 (often BRENTIDAE side 9b-1 them very both elytra male 175) geniculate CARINAE of recumbent ALLOCORYNINAE of . 3 but . but not bilobed not but antennae EURHYNCHINAE 7 36a, 4-segmented) Ventrites OXYCORYNINAE ATTELABIDAE (Fig. (less male with PTEROCOLINAE male RHYNCHITINAE scales which forms or margins lb) markedly TM. (10 with sexes. (beneath of Mesepimera indistinct) without Elytra but c; confusedly but, 4 Surface ULOCERINI) including APODERINI) (Fig. eyes a CYLADINAE 176) narrowly complete modified 37a-39a) ULOCERINI + without tergites. BELIDAE distinct apex of of or if Elytra scales either never BELINAE fused subfam, often cari- very very with 12b) club club (part) not any the (part) so. of of a 871 15 14 13 12 11 16 17 n. 9 Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 21(20) 19(17) 17(15) 18(17) 20(19) 872 24(22) 22(21) 23(22) - - - - - Trochanters Antennae Trochanters Antennae Antennae Antennae Antennal Rostrum Antennal Rostrum Ventrite Ventrite Wings Wings Maxillary Maxillary conical ventrally ally late). widest 28b-33b). or (Mostly paired Sternite cordiform. sutures2°; prosternal subcircular surrounding entirely, pits without any without (Figs with curved to male attached Ventrites ny narrowly only transverse with but sharply truncate, 3-segmented. subconical; posterior fully absent geniculate connivent or Ventrites two 2 2 spiracles (Fig. slender, 44b-49b) stout. club functionally straight hemisternites straight near club geniculate. 18 longer shorter palpi or grooves; palpi small 8 developed. defined small, of so to or or, clearly (Body funicle covered 1 of subcylindrical, 30b) processes. (metanotum stout. Sternite carina. all elytral humeri; elytral sternite and that elongate, Prementum or more ovipositor apodeme edge 3-segmented if male or -emne" (exposed); 2-segmented" deflexed. than legs 4 Scrobes rostrum or (scape than ...... beneath straight, not of with . and exposing cordiform. very 2 pyriform, basal it exposing Body longitudinal curved; scape 6-segmented) the enlarged of setae. Ventrites each Ventrites geniculate, can separating 3 8 ^-shaped 7 3 4 + (cf. Prementum by 5 +4 apodeme ventrite small, of sometimes along apionid free linear Prementum not segment entirely slender Fig. move rostrum. membranous). and shorter female then (Figs 41a~3a). Tergite tergite xoe. Sternite exposed. (Figs rostrum in but tergite pouch-shaped depressed, widest or R.T. body prothorax its 54b). rectum; both Sternite 4 1 or inserted 5. with freely basal type, elongated, femora (Figs and entire 44a~9a)...... vestige and groove sometimes . . normal, lateral. than Tergite asetose. with 8 elongate fusiform. globose Ventrite (Antennae sexes. 8 7. Thompson about of usually + 2 concealed. without segments 5 from in . . . 4, 25b). 24b, BRACHYCERINAE tergite each width male 3 4. + elongate prothorax Sternite _+ 2 from 8 labial near broadly Prementum horizontal into or Sternite Ventrite fused 8 tergite Labial of separating Labial Tergite middle or tergite but antenna but below; without much 5 4 elongate not porrect) Body 8 coxae Sternite and apex any 8 pyriform, straight; female of principal which pal'pi oi retracted absent. Sternite in BRENTIDAE scape male covered palpi conical, (Body 8 with 8 palpi male apodeme, only 8 variable longer 8 of of 5 8 both present depressed; (but of latter plane from 1-segmented. spiracles of multisetose of elytra, of RHYNCHOPHORIDAE sutural bases but rostrum . 8 male forming on (Fig. integral club small (Fore not larger, setae. of prothorax if so, male male globose 8 not into sexes which male by antennae than rostrum 16 below; BRENTIDAE-TANAINAE of with male but U- offemora compact divided 30a) male prothorax functionally 7. (including or then form palpifer; coxae edges BRACHYCERIDAE (Antennae entirely, BRENTIDAE (Fig. or free; prothorax not (Figs apodeme; 3 Sternite funicle minute strong a ANTLIARHININAE (Fig. (Figs +4. weakly truncate, weakly 17. latter W-shaped or loosely divided Scrobes MICROCERINAE aeig tube tapering subcylindrical deflexed) subcircular NANOPHYINAE basal segment basal not 22a) (Antennae separated rhomboidal, of and Sternite 24a, from ITHYCERIDAE 22b) labial is or with pre-apical and function- narrowly ifrn) 19 different) BROTHEINI) APIONINAE 41b--43b) 8 elytra inserted attached straight) without strongly tergite genicu- ; 25a). c; to of almost broad, coxae. closely lateral set (Figs form deep, male palpi (part) 8 by or fit. in +__ of 8 (part) 20 25 21 22 18 23 24 Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 28(27) 29(28) 30(26) 27(26) 32(31) 31(30) 26(25) 33(32) 34(33) 25(19) ------Tarsi Tarsi At Rostrum Tibiae Rostrum Posterior Abdominal Sternite Antennal Sternite Abdominal Head Antennal Posterior Male Male Rostrum Rostrum least larger larger middle constricted partly near Maxilla indistinct. 2, 75c), 72c, shorter covers Abdominal without retracted. Tegmen into (Rostrum (Tarsal ovipositor wide 2 (Fig. Manubrium absent. 78a); quadrate and plate sometimes with sometimes 1 uncinate longer and pseudotetramerous with narrower with composed without scrobe tegmen one pair 8 8 their 72a) as ventrite transverse, elongate, (Fig. either coxal lying than than of club of divided. coxal 3 tergite club manubrium tibia manubrium (Rostrum than segment prothorax with ventrites ventrites subequal male a with x9, than male plate or Abdominal ...... present, dorsal dorsal 26. of when shiny, with shiny, spiculum such spiculum tergite 182). between often cavities than not without pubescent, cavities absent I-shaped. 3 galea of of female Morphology dorsal not 8 2 Spiculum 2 + (Figs 68b-70b) with (Figs Spiculum gastrale Spiculum antennae in tibiae lying shorter 4 deciduous denticles retracted. 1 = prothorax rectractable, (outer) (Form less divided 3. very finely 1 plate. in subequal almost which both 7 smaller and and fringe not larger . Posterior 73a-75a) strongly plate usually fore often or a length gastrale gastrale tergite between (segment firmly with (Head variable) spongy dorsal strongly lacinia 2 denticulate sexes. than > gastrale with (Antennal edge. globose is (Figs 72b-75b). coxae free. 21 or of firmly always 2-5 than Abdominal forming than flanges emergent laterally 25. and fine segments. fused and (Figs 8 setae23; absent divided encroaching narrower 3. plate with sutures; exposed fore edge (Rostrum Maxilla . Sternite ..... together. . apex 4 Sternite almost spiculum with in spiculum encroaching setae Sternite fused very present; classification elongate) (Figs absent; (suture 185-187) repose coxae (Fig. antennae, funicle 24) a of BRACHYCERIDAE-DESMIDOPHORINAE or . constricted; and sometimes a denticles pygidium) to form small) on tergite very (suture tergite in separate Eyes scape with crenulate 8 8 than 186, Form 166)) very no in Manubrium its of male . 8 aedeagal gastrale gastrale; of manubrium and well on with PLATYPODIDAE short 22. of repose male free sutures2°; galea male absent. CURCULIONIDAE-SCOLYTINAE 8 on 187). into a prothorax fitting 7 short abdominal very tegmen or male Eyes ...... marked), (sometimes concealed linear, pair with produced edge. abdominal never spiculum of rostrum. stout along (Fig. (which cavity otherwise. and if or, RHYNCHOPHORIDAE Tibiae apodemes fine), 2 fine), . present. weevils of or (Figs latter Manubrium a into V-, Y-, V-, Galea if so, rostrum hemisternites, with single present PLATYPODIDAE scape lacinia oe than more 75b) absent). socketed RAYMONDIONYMIDAE outer 2 which CRYPTOLARYNGIDAE in . in is ventrite Tarsi absent, as and 77b, gastrale linear only not, much CURCULIONIDAE then front both ventrite finely PLATYTARSULINAE sometimes delicate, Manubrium of tooth or not a Galea present) edge. fused maxilla distinct. 3 absent, free MECOPELMINAE H-shaped very 78b) is linear, or tibiae PLATYPODINAE setae sexes. subequal longer of fitting scrobe then only setose not 1 in 6 of ERIRHINIDAE imperfectly, lobe fore 1; (Figs Mandibles of narrowly). or a segments. quadrate, middle male ventrites along uncinate laterally segment Tegmen rostrum head delicate absent). maxilla slightly absent. closely than coxae. dorsal which much when (Figs 76a- or and (part) or of as 2 3 (bulk) 873 29 35 33 34 32 27 31 28 30 26 Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 43(41) 42(41) 874 40(38) 39(38) 38(37) 37(36) 35(30) 36(35) 41(40) - - - - - Tergite Tergite Prosternal Mandibles Prosternal Male Male Mouthparts Mouthparts Each Legs Tergite Head Tergite Legs Head Head Styli Styli prementum) styli smooth scrobes strongly as ventrally. spiracles. tubercles processes, segment male) vertically mounted usually contiguous Rostrum Rostrum 2 inflated Body spurs. width, outwards. manubrium male of without, subequal. with of mandible, with as venter. with relatively larger, ovipositor 8 8 subterminal 8 ovipositor wide 8 (Figs and + of of of Phanerognathous. or well soon connivent tegminal furrow furrow of without or but tegminal depressed, (sutures decurrent) female female less. female adelognathous (Fig. variable. usually on Ovipositor Antennal not without phanerognathous elongate. as Eyes bearing or Rostrum with 73b, female developed with Posterior also at absent shed, small, prothorax a with (Antennal subspherical. 201) emergence, strongly secondary absent present, subcylindrical 74b) fully convex, concealed rounded at such visible) ring flattened; base elongate. ventrally. ring leaving imperfect styli; spiracles. Size least subspherical. partly finely club usually ...... Fore strongly exposed, well process complex edge of (but simple. sclerotized, variable and in scape spiculum (maxillae subcircular. partly which free, slender developed, tubercles . Length a process, pubescent with front and beneath exposed R.T. fore Size scar not of Ovipositor without unci stout. Eyes Antennal (maxillae not transverse. wider tergite non-retractable, or . . (Fig. is Female retractable an necessarily coxae medium on middle of on Eyes not rostrum Thompson passing absent seldom ventrale variable covered elongate, Size or fore the divergent, 734. at . any than 196). beyond with Fore 7 but wider pedicel, relatively least widely surface club reduced not variable with coxae, coxae Ovipositor more rostrum. (mostly Spiculum anterior exceeding devoid . styli; funicle; Female and by much beneath and identical in abnormally one than porrect, compressed ENTIMINAE-PACHYRHYNCHINI tergite enlarged usually separated 7 size of which in spiculum sometimes separated to contiguous. or middle pair large, the but, preceding shorter 10-25 which of Tarsi pair scrobes margin with and gastrale less 7 27) styli mandible, of blade-like 10mm) scales. 8 claw-like persists(see if of ovate, tibiae prementum) BRACHYCEROPSIDINAE concealed position, unci Curculiones tergite normal, coxae mm) produced. rostrum into ventrale well exposed than not, terminal Curculiones . . of Curculiones dorsally forming not CARPHODICTICINAE funicular Fore sometimes ENTIM1NAE eye. on Body ENTIMINAE (see separated forwardly seventh venter. separated. 33 then or 8 at (Other process HIPPORHININAE RHYTIRHININAE all segments Tibiae exposed (Figs usually above, this can about above, ULOMASCINAE all femora and or Sternite at three by a 32. with longirostres ovipositor pygidium. connivent segments; process absent brevirostres be Eyes funicular subfamilies) mediirostres (Scrobes sides its 173, which without without present; tubular as placed, p. laid tibiae. p. facing sharp (as Body basal 1 often long 845). fiat, 174) 8 and (part) 858) (bulk) in of of is is 29" 40 44 39 38 41 36 37 42 43 31 2s 35 30 Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 17. 16. 15. 14. 13. 10. 12. 11. 44(43) 2. 3. 5. 4. 9. 7. 6. 8. 1. - tegmen the geniculation. these in the in some cases has exception (Scirtetinus) of basal. (compact). this scape latter to cases dorsal penultimate Afrocorynus club Euryxena The Gynandrorhynchus The one. approaches view. ventrites obsolete, apparently creating Tergite In lateral The complete. In In Some The Only In Some The Usually Owing to Ulocerus 3 be fact some h minute the geniculate Brachyceridae-Desmidophorinae resulted Ovipositor Ovipositor junction (apparently apex fusion results sutures is antennal the In in the segments genuinely asymmetrical so Brentidae-Nanophyinae Meriphus Antliarhis basal carinae lobes present pigmented Mandibles the clearly will 8 is 8 Afrocorynus, a an elongated anthribids, two the joint 1 though of few is (Brachyceridae-Brachycerinae) longicornis the antennal and of illusion 3-segmented from their from serve only (Metrioxena) the Trichodocerus or appear part of they apical lateral In of function Rhynchites, these strong 36. 2-segmented remain. scape itself Afrocorynus 2 the are completely reduced dorsal well covered e ae, e.g. cases, few a the species 4) enlargement species very are their width; which to elongation Mandibles setae. with are as to bocandei very segments fused tegmen of but only but segments club scape especially free Morphology is carinae distinguish where free convexity is developed, an narrowly has Senna ill-defined free In plate position fine (Curculionidae-Eugnominae) secondarily simulate slender Scrobes otherwise to is by until club in extra (Afrocorynus, (Brentidae-Antliarhininae) Cisanthribus, but so that, notably and been (Curculionidae-Cryptorhynchinae), sharply but in Oxycoryninae absent but it a the unpigmented and (see is in are of is is their (as of densely pair (Brazil) tested of many covered segment small first funicle first the entirely appear Gynandrorhynchus the covered of is elytra, scarcely the pilose exposed only Rhamphus them the note the Hispodes lateral, a in in Notes with and R. indicated many (some it lateral geniculate of lateral and marked eighth both Allocorynus). two prothorax Curculionidae. globose reduced (see castaneus basal is partially (Fig. transverse 12). from incomplete squamose segments. with has to at on (3 lost. Hispodes) much subterminal by classification penultimate apparent to apparent strongly species cases, on p. in in Xenorchestes). have least setae 0nly. setae has flanges the is flanges funicle segment (Oxycornidae) a (Rhamphinae) part 40a) In 839 soft, an male off the all) by always the flange, ones, in antenna. less. contrary, fused only all Jekel (West Jekel the in a from a are (Oxycorynus). elongate truly above). their translucent of many loose key and these lunulate row Car. or decurrent dried are segment or are bocandei club anteriorly. the 4 is and composed the well is the funicle the styli. external at Scrobes setae orthocerous fused, is often pygidium fused appear some of the pre-basal cases 3-segmented Even appears of the basal the Curculionidae, specimens. maxilla; the distal genuinely least erect In developed apical scape antennal the and Africa), weevils has sclerites. on 'Accessory distal oblique Lacordaire (see these so segments. the Platypodidae trichia, so, it to Finally, in subdorsal, observation; distance In with of setae. the Onycholips one enlarged that which to lack part is . . note have carina very the two carina one Hispodes is cases be prementum. groups. however, only is insertion rather they antennal and ECTEMNORHININI similar 'Accessory unlikely dense of and by 1-segmented. palp has segments. contained 4). projecting has The a similar claws' (West between with may visible is well is faint to dorsal the a Oxycraspedus, cannot foveiform dense complete, a (Onycholipinae) sinuous elongate itself form part form (Figs loose. recumbent indeed club to they tergite condyle be distinctly to some club, traces Africa) those marked in absent. plate pubescence to function SITONINI Sometimes truly claws' within consisting articulate. is palps, the 7, 78a) 77a, are posterior Another In in but that 7 groove, normal loss club but on on of seems coxae of other is basal some of quite pre- this and 875 but the the the the the the the an as of of of in Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 876 This be within of 27. 36. 20. 22. 21. 23. 25. 26. 32. 28. 4 A 24. 29. 33. 34. 35. 31. 30. 18. 19. genera a outer Xiphaspidinae. it in it eighth abdomen The Nor which continuously stipites (Listroderinae) passes includes While in Rhyparosominae. compressed. forms weevil) all, part have but plus Curculioninae, This These Listroderinae, These The This Rhynchophoridae It This This The The This and This This Magdalininae, Erirhinidae. In Some Ventrite Some Cryptorhynchinae Tanyrhynehus junior list seems small the Stramia so the so peduncle is extent a curvature prothorax the of group applies plate segment a character aspect. informal Dinomorphini, includes Curculionidae-Cossoninae, a that phanerognathy the Cleoninae transition are small have and also part, include informal tergite the distinct it are Molytinae wedge-shaped relict synonym, clear Entiminae the 2 is 2 is relative is modified List the the is to club is visible includes species hitherto greatly attenuated, greatly or removed only ovipositor Certainly, Bagoinae, Normal very shorter (though the which at which spiculum can is Onycholipinae styli apex and the all, of rostrum. would It group is and of will all is the Derelominae, drawn from gap have when size also the group laterally shiny delicate in delicate at is be family of its Amyeterinae, are which the senior the (in subfamilies are (narrowly spatulate) forms sides (sensu of the the serve the Zygopinae been the hind the than setae the it seen I or antenna of is allies projection also includes the normal less and blunt, with blunt, includes am parentheses) there the ovipositor covers. hitherto is gastrale Brachyderini, reversions prementum clearly out the and enlarged the eye of present they below club includes regarded not group 3 to only occur constricted well-developed unci well-developed Kuschel, run prementum (Entiminae) the the with in elytra bare are and some (including itnus the distinguish angles aware results styli name(s) I otherwise is some plesiomorphous, the prementum out Gymnetrinae, with in is included have the the only (including in in but Baridinae, abruptly Aterpinae, seventh R.T. the it. like in taxa a present a from e.g. Smicronychinae parted. this Raymondionymidae. to few here covers prementum as current cleared that the Hence the the sometimes, Molytinae, of Platytarsulinae. mouth 1987). are regarded Otiorhynchini, 6 is from the the in subfamilies Coptocorynus funicle of subterminal position the referred fully are would Thompson the Emphyastini), female. but setae shiny it resemble funicle Coptonotus. in mostly funicle any in claw-like Anthonominae, truncate, the has asymmetry prementum. is this listed adelognathous Campyloscelini the preparation Where Diabathrariinae, the retracted; parts it use Cleoninae, Desmidophorinae the use; maxillae which segments been part run as Hyperinae, has on when Erirhinidae. male it seems in as hrce can character segment segments. sensu to except condition taken adelognathous it at are (see many (Figs in the out a and demonstrated) while occupying is setae, state. in a Eremnini arise have minute the the Trochorhopalus, of very long-accepted not Rhadinosominae, when hind below here except here of varies the Kuschel, Storeinae, in Only the from, likely 96-113 in Curculionidae. latter end into Cossoninae, those in the and from fully dentieulate small this The state. the key Rhamphinae, regarded problematic tibiae Rhinostornus Ceutorhynchinae, it and spur from individual p. of which when Eugnominae, thus that most and is only is family or be phanerognathous. case spongy the in 883). now and and the even from small the 97 less 1987 Phaenomerina). are on checked that (see some hitherto completely Entimini that represent base the its the of entry. many p. as each notes slightly (not it included based name tibiae is the the above, extreme Cryptolarynx. Cryptorhynchinae, the apical 845). maxilla does phanerognathous. true See Naupactus of similarly variable. Somatodinae funicle genus of (the antennal 7) Tychiinae Curculionidae- tibia. cases where the included in included antennal only the The (= below, Gonipterinae, Onycholipini, an club not but they but and is on, extended bottle-brush p. part to examples Schedlarius Leptopiini) claw known early base. is segments. numbers as Cioninae, when project not 846). O'Brien the basal the has exposed Lixellus usually It p. species club tribes on at scape stage been 885. also also and and the the the the all. to its at of in Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 ANTHONOMINAE ALLOCORYNINAE AGLYCYDERIDAE APIONINAE ANTHRIBIDAE AMYCTERINAE BAGOINAE ATTELABIDAE ATERPINAE ANTLIARHININAE CARPHODICTICINAE BRACHYDERINI BRACHYCEROPSIDINAE BRACHYCERIDAE BELIDAE BARIDINAE CLEONINAE CHORAGINAE CARINAE CAMPYLOSCELINI BROTHEINI BRENTIDAE CRYPTOLARYNGIDAE CEUTORHYNCHINAE DINOMORPHINI DERELOMINAE CYLADINAE CURCULIONIDAE CRYPTORHYNCHINAE COSSONINAE CIONINAE references. not and DOYDIRHYNCHINAE DIABATHRARIINAE DESMIDOPHORINAE EMPHYASTINI ECTEMNORHININI Africa threatened but (Anthonomus currently readily ectophytic. potato (emend.) Australian 1990. Jeannel, strict wood Marshall, Zealand. (Curc.). Wibmer Ent.). See includes Kuschel, (Brent.). sense. but (1); Sch6nherr, subfam, weevil, A available 1940. and in Sch6nherr, Thomson, An Sch6nherr, (1978). Sch6nherr, Marshall, Lacordaire, New full Billberg, some 1957. Schrnherr, Sch6nherr, by region). (Cure.). the Sch6nherr, Billberg, Kirby, Billberg, grandis artificial the Lacordaire, Geomorinae 1989. Waterhouse, Choragidae This list more Lacordaire, Schrnherr, Bagoinae, Zealand n. Lacordaire, in Thomson, Billberg, Latreille, Wollaston, Sharp, I Schrnherr, coffee (Kuschel, Sch6nherr, 1826 (Watt, Lacordaire, of seeds Morphology have Some (Nem.). 1820 group Lacordaire, 1819 1907 widely Wood, 1859 Pierce, Boheman) 1823 Morimoto, 1836 1825 1820 available Thomson, group 1820 1826 1863 1823 Sch6nherr, Schalkwyk, (12: 1825 (2). Aurivillus, bean 1890 (c. given and belong (50: (3: European 1863 (35: 1820 has (c. Kirby, (547: 1975). (350: (emend.) 1826 1802 (5: (23: 1854 (96: 1866 (15: 340: distributed. 1859 (4?: 1971 141) MS) See 1916 1863 40) united 1864 (301: 1823 fruit, 350) 1845 2100) (1: 10: not 95) (1: 1863 what (13: 1445) 93) 3000) and 1908) (4100: (384: 4234) Zimmerman 38) in Africa. (41: key 1863 3600)Cosmopolitan. Australian (3: (17: (> 4) 1962b (1: (68: (2: Where 1859 and 1819.] 160) (2: 1) 1825 yet the (4: Mostly 1666) e.g. (20: Old 4) Mainly Mexico Cosmopolitan. both 1926 1966 521) by Old species 3) 13: (6: a 4) North 451) works appear 4365) 605) (Araecerus Cosmopolitan. Cosmopolitan. 107) 130) 14) Cosmopolitan. South Erirhinidae been Cosmopolitan. (10: number 42000) Australia. classification the the Brazil. 65) 95) Cosmopolitan. (72: (2: (667: 13) (Brach.). See World Cosmopolitan. World Africa, (1: Schrnherr, South (2: appropriate Australia. Cosmopolitan. Old Pacific Cosmopolitan. Holarctic, 69) mango lack 63) Africa Subantarctic Cosmopolitan. Australia included America. are (2), region Kissinger, America 1) 1041) will 6800) 3) and to Cosmopolitan. (Curc.-Molyt.). Old Africa. of World. Africa, pests Cuba of Africa. Madagascar, tropics. South (except be fasciculatus (Bel.). orchard (G. be Perrault, and (mainly weevils tarsal See Cosmopolitan. and Cosmopolitan World the (Cure.). in Commonly Neotropical [The (2), 1823.] found Kuschel, of Includes Littoral. and (Curc.). (1), of (Curc.). Madagascar. Kissinger, (Anth.). 1968. Madagascar, Aquatic. Africa Coleopterorum Cycad I Chile. original crueiferous Wood-boring India islands Cylas the weevils claw have Florida Includes Chile. pests. (Sternochetus tropics. Some Hawaii); name (Curc.-Ent.). 1989. (Curc.). in (Brent.). Weevils Australian (De Southern (2). unpublished segments. (Curc.-Onych.). formicarius the weevils. (2), added Hollis of (Curc.). known (Curc.). is species references (Many 1968; and See (1). leaf-rolling (Brach.). Larvae Geer)). (but the the threatened Central Canary crops. (Curc.-Zyg.). Australia in Wood, (Oxy.). Australian weevils. cotton Indian Catalogus. recent Alonso-Zarazaga, (Brent.). (1980). Europe. as the very spp). (Curc.). pollinate aquatic region). mostly [The (Curc.). fungus (F.), data)). Asia (increasingly) Is as 1986. (Curc.). few boll Ocean. weevils. by or (1); (Curc.). these and the Regions. name (1). Lixinae in (Curc.). crucial genera, weevils (Curc.- Larvae (Plat.). North in palms. weevil sweet dead New 877 are See the See is Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 PACHYRHYNCHINI OXYCORYNIDAE ONYCHOLOPINAE NERTHOPINAE NEMONYCHIDAE NANOPHYINAE HYPERINAE MOLYTINAE MICROCERINAE LISTRODERINAE ITHYCERIDAE HIPPORHININAE GONIPTERINAE EUGNOMINAE ERIRHINIDAE ENTIMINI MECOPELMINAE MAGDALININAE EURHYNCHINAE EREMNINI ENTIMINAE RHYPAROSOMINAE RHYNCHOPHORIDAE RHAMPHINAE GYMNETRINAE RHYNCHITINAE RHINORHYNCHINI RHADINOSOMINAE RAYMONDIONYMIDAE PROTERHININAE PLATYTARSULINAE PLATYPODIDAE OTIORHYNCHINI PTEROCOLINAE PHAENOMERINA 878 (Curc.-Ent.). Littoral. some widely (Curc.). Kuschel, See species ectophytic. Cyclominae and (Curc.). Cawthra, Ent.). type Associated Nearctic strawberry includes threatened (Sitophilus Rhynchaeninae Latreille, America). Kissinger, other genus 30 distributed (Listroderes Schrnherr, tribes (Curc.). Lacordaire, a (3). 1989. 1828 1966. (Curc.). Myrtaceae. Lacordaire, number Schrnherr, Schrnherr, with spp) [The by is weevils (emend.) Schrnherr, See Schrnherr, Schrnherr, South Lacordaire, Lacordaire, and Seidlitz, Dryophthoridae Lacordaire, 1968; Thomson, and Thomson, Lacordaire, Shuckard, Lacordaire, (Curc.). Thomson, LeConte palms Schrnherr, Thomson, and Lacordaire, Wood, Bedel, Faust, Lacordaire, name Sharp, Kuschel, Schrnherr, Wollaston, subfamilies by Voss, Schrnherr, (Otiorhynchus Lacordaire, of 1823 a Lacordaire, Schedl, costirostris Alonso-Zarazaga, African. the 1863 junior Schrnherr, Schrnherr, introduction. (Curc.). forest and 1823 is 1863 1823 1891 1882 1898 Reitter, 1973 1899 1825 1823 1823 (= 1922 and threatened banana 1859 (90: 1859 1866 1989. 1840 1859 other 1863 1863 1859 (280: 1863 1840 1939 LEPTOPIINI 1866 (31: (8: synonym pests (> 1863 (1150: (Curc.). (8: Horn, (1: (11: 1873 (1: 1863 (50: which (1: 1826 ((.9): 750) (4: 1826 1863. 266) (8:132) (emend.) (3?: (14: (48: 13: (24: 1863 1912 Schrnherr (Nem.-Doyd.). 50) monocotyledonous is 1) 125) 393) (22: R.T. 1833 (7: (3: (3: 3000) 1826.] (2: 1) spp). weevil 178) (2: 180) c. including 158) (5: 70) Panama. a (6: (Curc.). Old 4) North 246) (452: 1876 01d 1080) 27) 67) are by 12200) 8) 1050) 6) Mainly 50) (10: A junior (12: 30) (4: Polynesia 7) Cosmopolitan (140: 130) of Cosmopolitan. Old Holarctic, Cosmopolitan. Oriental (Curc.-Ent.). Australian small Americas. 188) 1989. Palaearctic Cosmopolitan. Thompson Phytonominae listed, Neotropical, West Ethiopian World. Mainly 12) Cosmopolitan World Schrnherr, (Cosmopolites Australian Orchestinae (10: 73) 375) Cosmopolitan. 5000) Cosmopolitan. America. World. Oke, I070) Australian and Cosmopolitan. Australian South homonym Palaearctic, the (Plat.). group (Brent.). Mostly 280) Palaearctic with Eastern tropics. (Curc.-Ent.). and (mainly Australian Listronotus pine Cosmopolitan 1951) Cosmopolitan. Neotropical (Art.). New region. region. (Curc.). original of region Africa. plants. region. The Australian 1825.] Palaearctic (mainly Oriental uncertain shoot Leaf-miners (emend.) Some (150: This (emend.) World, region Oriental sordidus (except of region. (Curc.-Zyg.-Camp.). Hawaii). Oriental New Larvae region, (Att.). Ambrosia (several Rhynchaeninae See [The Pests references, and group (Brent.). weevil Broad-nosed 1350) species bonariensis Palaearctic and and York Louw, including Latreille, and Ethiopian (Curc.). rank (few regions. Neotropical Thomson, (Germar). region. ectophytic and include Australia, name Includes (Aglyc.). and (larvae). Australian Cosmopolitan. is introduced Ethiopian (Hylobius in South are and weevil. . an Australian 1986. in Palaearctic Ethiopian is amalgamation Hypogean, pests (Plat.). Kuschel, Falkland composition; (Kuschel)) the 1828.] region). region). weevils (emend.) [The threatened 1859.] the [The the on America. (Brach.). grain regions, regions. abietis regions. of into eucalyptus Americas. (Curc.). vine synonym rice. regions. name regions. region). (Curc.). (Curc.- (Curc.). 1987. weevils Larvae Is; (bulk). North blind. more sensu (L.)). pest also and See See the by of It is Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 XIPHASPIDINAE STOREINAE rather logical Nanophyinae, previously Gonatoceri Discussion ZYGOPINAE ULOMASCINAE ULOCERINI TYCHIINAE SITONINI SCOLYTINAE RHYTIRHININAE developed the Brachyceridae, are Rhynchophoridae, of bulk that the continuous, whether classification groups URODONTIDAE THECESTERNINAE TANAINAE SOMATODINAE SMICRONYCHINAE Apioninae, anomalies remainder the the entirely It Recognition median (Curc.-Ent.). region classification (3), Coryssomerinae Conoderinae Nearctic name (Curc.). Australian. Pachyrhynchus invalid name the weevils of has loosely Curculionoidea. conclusion the East of male the of long is (except Gonatoceri, flexed or , included because LeConte, dorsal and lobe with threatened Africa the Schrnherr, the regions. but Thomson, antennae into Sch6nherr, Lacordaire, genitalia of exceptions Lacordaire, connected (Curc.). been which Latreille, exclusively Cryptolaryngidae, type weevils of consists geniculate (emend.) Antliarhininae, at the Lacordaire, Lacordaire, Thomson, of by plate, Marshall, Germar, (1). so the the Lacordaire, two another is Thomson, an Associated genus in recognized 1874 the Lacordaire, introduction)). that Morphology Seidlitz, confused two See have type by orthocerous in angle the 1839 and 1859 are 1823 As were 1807 groups--the Curculionoidea, 1863. the (8" (see the 'Desmorhines' of Crowson, Schrnherr, to in is 1866 genus Curculionidae, 1824.] of states 1859 this distinct long straight antennae. a (1: 1920 (32: two 125) Rhythirrinus 1863 the 1866 one to (2: apex Orthoceri, the (215: 1891 note 1859. based result, 1863 A with 6) difference it and (210: (2: 22) (LeConte, 747) 1863 is Curculionidae, small plates--the (1: Cosmopolitan gonatocerous been (Curc.). (2: South another (geniculate). (3: of here (6:160) a 60) (30: Raymondionymidae of >6000) (Curc.). 16, and 1984. Central dodders Pests type group 1) 8) nomen on Cosmopolitan. or unsatisfactory. 14) 1833, the 2108) a (2: Mainly which Africa. South Recent group Orthoceri, 270) recognized p. LeConte Africa. number the have classification also Ethiopian and 9) Sch6nherr, of 875). include antenna Cosmopolitan provides the (see by nudum; New have Cosmopolitan. Conophorinae 1874; and genitalia Old (Cuscuta Cosmopolitan. variable Africa. of some Palaearctic (Curc.). pedon is membrane, placed studies the largest (Brent.). key). Variation Accordingly, (mainly type. uncertain South World World. usually and been as of the Marshall, if region. basal Gonatoceri, as with [Schrnherr's (Curc.). a are here valid 1823.] groups This spp.) (below) Horn, is The firm The pea development (Kuschel, America; being separated and (except of near Palaearctic sometimes (Curc.). but reasonably region, recognized, setose segment and it process weevils composition. in straight and and groups (Curc.). basis Bark (emend.) first (Curc.). and [The would one 1876.] mainly the 1916; with related the and Schrnherr Oriental other Erirhinidae. bean South Madagascar for beetles. the characters (Figs of use rostrum differ 1971: name from here is be the (Curc.). Apioninae, geniculate Crowson, region, elongated, difficult. the the in Sch6nherr, antennae, parasitic of tegmen here of weevils a distinct, to Africa the the tectum the from region). separated senior 176-183). 246) the The primary it. most is See the extended (1823) is Palaearctic male name These not threatened rostrum type more (8), Wood, have (Sitona used (1). those Primitively has plants. Brentidae- synonym important 1955) (above)--- antennae, Australian [The with Sri with 1838 genitalia and and in (Brent.). division genus divided are a are shown In or in 1823 Lanka in to well- 1986. spp). valid ~The that and 879 less and and few the the the the the the the the its by of is is Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 followed entirely gonatocerous 880 reduced lobe absent, (their Difficulty (though Allocoryninae seta-fringe do oxycorynids antennal ALLOCORYNINAE below. (Figs extent reasonable gonatocerous often apodeme orthocerous. very apodeme Curculionidae. serve sutures basis undivided Rhynchophoridae always orthocerous Desmidophorinae another curculionoids Desmidophorinae, BRACHYCERIDAE sternite other red the Catalogus) share Crowson Changes Division Brachycerus Brentidae from different tightly of junction in as absent), 58b-71b). supported The having divided are its absent or external with often independently 8 adequate associated of apterous the club lack arises in (Figs absent indistinct (Figs to regarded groups sternite in at (though of In groups from (1986) them Curculio Cryptorhynchinae-Ithyporini. by type assume been type or, as the membranous ofprothoracic (Billberg, being the (Crowson, to whereas the the 13b-15b) Olivier because Morimoto characters 40b-49b). by It a more in form rank that (Figs now the a Rhynchophoridae Curculionoidea point are replaced formerly distinct apomorphies group, of 9 raised with African the very is, this in Oxycraspedus marked them (spiculum that (Fig. tectum of male taken and/or by often, a some includes however, structure and 54b, in it similar, pair the is where the 1820). and several it this (Figs 1986: as (1962b) (see family the 62b) not, The oxycorynids Curculionidae by Curculionidae, placed its genitalia dorsally) has cases. lateral reduced in 57b) trend by of have is composition constituting the group key) gastrale) allies the obsolete hemisternites alphabetical the lb-5b). Microcerinae. Both delicate, or and not, only a fig. orthocerous R.T. for of divided is membranes and fine The Kuschel on tergite on apterous in carinae only towards sternite but dorsal therefore the the have and to 1) the to account could the and the similar Jekel, Thompson some Allocoryninae suture) a In all (e.g. which is pedon family or Platypodidae transverse partially, pair combined that 8 characters Cryptorhynchinae Curculionidae, much long have of the in and a plate concealed the although comes absent, 8 These Hispodes genus have a order. Attelabidae individual distinct 1864 groups. of of and of of not sternite it most and rigid dorsal and single has To rank been a reverse delicate the segment their is smaller would characteristic justified. the arisen close--see groups an Ocladius divided and tectum the male the these male no groups. the tubular of Nemonychidae from regarded gular In orthocerous family in have apomorphic apodeme Marshall) plate outside (Figs pedon the dorsal groups exact asetose both Apion have tegmen Pape, is than sternite 9 (see more (Figs as differ is which together the suture, a male and the Schrnherr, here of very in 72b-78b). and The median note sexes. the now above, been. forms counterpart the lobe Oxycorynidae as are the the crescent-shaped 35b, 1910 is lobes which than case. (Fig. often and markedly 8, genitalia envelop defined, manubrium loose, distinct later obsolete male median but separation 8, discussed with state form added These tegmen group of In a 38b), the above) p. 180) (Figs (Coleopterorum once, (Figs lobe the Although has stout the they transferred addition, 842). genitalia. here a 3-segmented paired defining a continuous the it carinae is from characters lobe is while stout from tegmen a is or 184-185). has the is typically in it is but included cylinder 3b, transfer- in to In median distinct almost that (and on absent of seems either detail is other gular some most other been tube male alate they each it 4b), not The the the are the the the to is is is of Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 a median Desmidophorus entire. mala a them Phaenomerina) CAMPYLOSCELINI Brentidae (1981) its (Fig. Zarazaga, common further its flange). Within must which in here. Microcerus BRACHYCEROPSIDINAE Hyperinae. Hyperinae oblong resembles have different. Eurhynchinae, and tegminal Kuschel BRENTIDAE adelognathous Brachyceridae Entiminae; Curculionidae-Erirhininae, Cryptolarynx bare, pubescent, male Coleopterorum affinities In Notwithstanding As Although Kuschel stated 177). and to their be regarded explained has unsegmented Coleopterorum The The the studies. be sternite scales notch (1990). removed dorsal However, so with Antliarhis in as Curculionidae, labial 1990: been that Curculionidae both (Fig. and tegmen are dorsal every are segmented well. (1987) Agriochaeta (Fig. it with or Cyladinae, apionids The (Fig. unlikely the if and stand 8 at plate independently does figs these of below, palpi 183) (Fig. the Accordingly, other from division Catalogus present 50b) Antliarhininae (Fig. plate Episus, structure Billberg club. no transferred truncate, has 222, the 182) two not Morphology is at in proposals 27b) sunk Catalogus club, the detail clearly to but other presence Brachyceropsis the 196) (Morimoto, apionids imperfectly This belong Pascoe 239) however, of were and it Apioninae, be and unclear, Microcerus is Dinomorphini. has might the in head whereas the and (Hustache, has closely of clearly some group bifid have Ocladius, group. grooves, the derived united developed the covered the Cryptolaryngidae both there run a (Australia), tegmen of of (Csiki, (Figs as in very be concept and and male species same legs it or a related of is the a counter rhynchophorids uncinate 1976) regarded 1990 Nanophyinae, must either, dorsal it distinct here the Agriochaeta the and strange, multifid from their classification (Fig. in 178 a Rhynchophoridae. being would 1936), with sternite porrect is 1936) good their many apionine of of Desmidophorinae transferred Although Gyllenhalia to remain and very he antennae the 180). since this Hypera 201) to plate the dense, the family broadly tibiae has as larvae, asymmetrically probably other apomorphy the apices, combined the rostrum 8 times these type Brentidae similar Brachyceridae, is However, a it is have resembling a in type logic molytine, is has not variable (Europe) Tanainae Camplyoscelini of but fine prosternal it have genus have (with but brentids a to groups in therefore are rounded weevils a superficially a gonatocerous related (cf. separate very as the be of in Curculionoidea), setae. strongly that type a a externally the The is included the the Figs poorly necessary for some 6-segmented Zygopinae 7-segmented Brachycerus in close widened but and and that of have sclerotized rest have and both arguments characteristic the to male The furrow 28b-31b). Brachycerinae at in transferred Episus subfamily it is apionids divided Dinomorphus of to which of Antliarhininae. the Ocladius developed Microcerinae. is many covered groups, in resembles been dorsal this genitalia similar (including the male unequivocally most to to the because apex, (a (Fig. include include family, funicle Apionidae, funicle the (Fig. ring. features united Ocladiina presented Sanborne maxillary character it genitalia. (Alonso- brentids pending in plate as and mala closely to to with 184) of loose, Since show is inner some 181), they and and and and and 881 the the the the the the the all by in of is is a Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 have is male characteristic (Fig. was membrane. for 882 (Fig. for very (cf. large and the and component COPTONOTINI short, strongly similar, of those states, combination CARINAE, genera Platypodidae America) the are Coptonotus (dosed strial These not Thecesterninae into have CRYPTOLARYNGIDAE genitalia. well Car the Figs The The The Schedlarius Cossoninae Curculionidae-Cossoninae the readily Although 'hylesininenartigen closely regarded this small large a 12b) 72b). sternite spiculum in of punctures. developed, punctate-striate (Fig. prosternal two group its in present. in with genus Coptonotidae, 77a, the common minute may emarginate can is having Perieges Thecesternus), eyes abdominal spiculum It genera distinguished related 176) superficially, genera Belidae quite subfam, segment 78a). of 8 belongs, is well as of (Figs therefore Car Thecesternus (Fig. and gastrale. characters (Figs that Wood in is the an Mecopelmus The with different a furrow a quite Although, be Coleopterorum Blackburn, have since were tibiae is, attelabid 77b, curculionid-type transverse (Figs Belidae 68b) gastrale the 65b-67b) nov. true 1 and male in a ventrites therefore, enlarged (= as elytra. Habitus'. different complex stand aedeagal in The associated 78b) the a has which fact, of (and 9b-1 from of Chapuisia conceived which segment from globose common sternite the Say and former in Coptonotus unlike a Coptonotini, by and related Blackman next comprising for lb) male and rostrum the zygopine other and has are those and (North provides Crowson from with demand transfer He apodemes Catalogus a which R.T. this male, form, Scolytinae-Hylastini to by the venter has the them, 8 3 sternite all regarded emarginate, a by Dug6s) belids venter is those to the of strongly the him reason broad same Scolytidae gonatocerous, capable free America) crescentic, Thompson Schedl it the also type Cryptolarynx Chapuis dense apparatus a (Panama) an atypical it (1955) three Hylastini is (Fig. with new on of by has 8 (Schenkling best are Attelabidae (Fig. apomorphy (though sclerotized have (cf. (Mexico), prosternal (Fig. the were other the scales characters family-group bilobed. (1962), a 76a) Australian connected a of Figs in segment placed group single small and itself, 72a) basis (which free being Platypodidae 76b) with placed spite and Belidae in differs with and only 118, Perieges and ventrites. van and is the judging of ovipositor of as though short genus anterior with a (Figs (Figs and furrow of for This retracted, an 2 a segment he distinct 119). their the of being together to the just). species, Curculionidae-Scolytinae. smaller tendency the Schalkwyk a from (Fig. the held artificial Marshall, the taxon the the reduced apodemes, same 69b, 34b-39b) tarsal latter and A fact Sch6nherr constricted entire by somewhat intermediate which Although edge typical tegmen The 175), (cf. median possible as both spiculum in 1 70b). two possesses and the with for that, type as a similarly orthocerous Figs to the conformation separate group. as male its family. male Curculionidae- its structure is (South 1929)), (usually) species lose the The but Platypodidae the as have as and tarsi female and lobe open reception. apomorphy 73-75). (Turkestan) the the prothorax he similar preceding sternite similar the sternite rudiment, antennae, aedeagus there a Its between Carinae reduced by are those only they tegmen himself unique family) Africa). typical (South behind elytral and more three of their male very is are by its to to of It is a 8 a 8 Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 published which closely Curculionoidea ENTIMINAE Ectemnorhinini) developed Curculionidae to Curculionidae regarded ERIRHINIDAE leathery Cataloous deflexed may Dinomorphus, the apomorphy DINQMORPHINI an (sometimes antennae) June latter sternite membranous ovipositor tegminal above Erirhinidae other other Perieges rostrum resembles galea and and tribes Aurivillius prementum. Externally, the Coleopterorum This Dinomorphus This frons condition found condition outgrowth uncinate be differs and 1987) group, of is unique the superficially related related 8 family sheath; ventrad name is Molytinae adelognathous is as dorsally dorsal (Figs (Klima, lacinia Erirhinidae Rhytidophloeus ouet dated document deciduous (1926) is, stouter, but they from subfamilies. have approached for the for of Dinomorphini, incomplete) necessitates however, combination of combination remarkably tibiae. or to to is the necessarily from that Catalogus with 52b, they from r the are the include Perty reduced had it. restricted are plate no pygidium and pygidium no of all and 1934). with Both more group and listed in of the Entiminae. Their 53b) similar Morphology separated mandibular others the likely its have a aehtet been hitherto have Cryptolarynx the (Brazil) has (Figs The extrorse strong maxilla base, They the only (see genera stand by promoting to in seem and submentum by than Schrnherr (see Tychiinae (Schenkling emn are tegmina to a replaces with a Brachyderini, 19 processes to vast well-developed scutellum except such a some Kuschel characters, above, some so 185-187). orthocerous have pygidium detailed narrow and angle them well-developed April, likely The lost have 200 together have that, are a apical majority processes, single globose and orthocerous 50 the Brachyceropsis Rhynchophoridae presence hs of those is almost Leptopiinae genera because the and with under vertically in (Madagascar) to (1987). (G. delicate, all 1988, which classification strip. prementum teeth, account and of profile genus The and Cryptolarynginae provide many have and as Kuschel, and Otiorhynchini the associated. of the species, them weevils completely Brachyceropsidinae). and those that those and of G. Marshall, the the this the Neither of as in as tectum some gula and molytine covers view, concealed orthocerous with elongate other Erirhininae these male above, osl lobes dorsal uce expands Kuschel former lack secondarily. enormous apomorphies (Thompson, Curculionidae-Dinomorphinae species, the very elongate very ventrally, in Aurivillius unpublished is large of Brachyceridae it of processes of genitalia, long-nosed Curculionidae long-nosed A of the which makes exposed. and (absent Anthribidae the (which separate p. 853). p. weevils is any 1931), eyes, type, similar the subapical phanerognathous dorsal prementum, is oyia-ihnn, and Molytinae-Lithinini, to conceals male do assemblage obvious listed therefore the a Eremnini, thus a median with in family (Africa) The continuous reduced antennal notwithstanding lo have also with 1988: is not (cf. for conformation manuscript Rhytidophloeus) in rostrum genitalia therefore plate and resembling exactly resembling Dinomorphus in this a styli, the both (cf. (Pachyrhynchini, (see other Figs a affinity sclerotized rank. the 55). added to well lobe contained Coleopterorum resemble Fig. entire nor all subfamily possess hra the whereas while above). genera. very is n an In previously curve 194, groups developed so geniculate a 172). the while with is dated strongly possible are family. that of the either small well- male each with 195). with club also ring that in The The The and 883 any not un- the the 29 30 of of in of a Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 family. difficulty (Wood, almost possible male inae) disappeared are degrees, (Fig. several them Kuschel as weevil PLATYPODIDAE unable in primitive, Although the ovipositor tergite, type in Curculionidae-Cossoninae Scolytinae group Curculionidae, of 884 4-segmented therefore Osella Alaocybites antennal tibiae, are segments it base Aglycyderidae genuinely RAYMONDIONYMIDAE /~ is the characters other -shaped related The This greatly total subequal. difficult genitalia have of of 71) separate. Orthoceri, systematics. (1977), total is with cephalic and to Although segment 1973) status eighth Curculionidae) (unpublished to sclerotized blind, in loss those have closely they 4-segmented the funicle retained place having male nor within to, reduced ventrites determine separating lack to a (except Gilbert tarsi for has really atypical in of Apart prominent but no and distinguish spiculum have do while He sternite hypogean characters in sternite it 5. all of distinguishing suggests the related both the place the not and but for been It which the distinct Traditionally the position these claims does in and 4-segmented in 1 is from (North rostrum, Curculionidae Wood eighth data), want and whether show close curculionid spiculum platypodids size even them a tarsi Schedlarius the in 8 (Figs and lost; ventrale curculionid pigmented. belong Platypodidae (Fig. to it fringe the the from 2 (the group the that and from, (Figs maxilla examination of almost are present any have is of from (1973) the Curculionidae. America), sternite former Curculionidae. in 76b-78b) 51b) tarsi, a significance seem not the they free the Scolytidae complexity Scolytidae to gastrale, clear of anterior male. the 65b-67b) (except the have argued tarsi the the R.T. type that Platypodidae and certainly condyle and (Figs setae (Mecopelminae, has (except in are but the Scolytidae The type sufficient with rather of Raymondionymidae Platypodidae. relationship Curculionidae. the but are group. ofventer othocerous the argued although Carphodicticus) Thompson of to Raymondionymidae the which for Schedlarius). which always on margins 68b-70b) typical of Rhynchophoridae-Stromboscerinae, from a so they in the re-establish palaearctic of at differ of (Figs than venter including are. male the My 2-segmented Their which reduced that the segment It to orthocerous is equally and are closely Platypodidae (Figs has Many reveals outer the Platypodidae sides). is from usually justify 72c-75c), studies rejected they of is to and lack male pseudotrimerous, the show is Platypodidae similar Platytarsulinae Later, latter. the membranous any contested 72a-75a) and Crowson These them, majority 5, the Curculionoidea edge, are Curculionidae-Cossoninae non-attenuated major strongly In resembles of and a hemisternites family over smaller genitalia scolytine have a small simplified eyes addition, Platypodidae all Wood as palp The the male the or clear as characters, the a have more which a and unresolved gonatocerus is subfamilies, less and spiculum have have led minute by (1955), four status fourth raymondionymid females in genitalia than and not (1986) have relationship the claims Lyal, (Osella, known in a favour are, than or me the that it and greatly unique, a fairly tarsal one the many obsolete closely less are, for corresponding quite appear segment been tarsi, Protoplatypus male to supported to together 1992) gives as have it 7-segmented Carphodict- gastrale manubrium that and of that problem divided to the of is in retain within a distinctive 1977) type. expanded regarded segments the scolytids genitalia but not different separate but me. keeping fits. varying a but sternite neither neither to extent, group. to where series galea. at basal even I their have with The The The and has has am the the the (as the by by in of Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 460) 'accessory (both SITONINI processes fusion because: subfamily mucronate clear basal pedicel comb and characters prefer 1936: Kuschel, Raymondionymidae 8, all) recognizes the characters, tergite As and (2) The regards (1) (4) (3) (5) instances tibial is because segment characters that 101, of to of usually 4-segmented Phanerognathous A Alophini, beneath 7 they claw. its The Motschulsky and the Although Ectemnorhinini. (see Modified position against visible Sch6nherr, Sch6nherr, Sch6nherr, Sitonini setae) retain the 1990 is corbel similarly rank often claws' 111) outer but O'Brien an especially other tibiae, anatomy, such 'accessory above, provide in mucro of When they outer is but (New needs the and because and the apparently the in very the forms typical were Seidlitzia aspect. is (Nebenklaue) that sitonine the deciduous Cylydrorhinini, with when, many last lack they reduced confused claw, Scythropus an CyIydrorhinus and Sitonini the bevel the process, with tarsi. p. Zealand) to galea in short) a (Brachyderini) Morphology the they was separated claws' inner 864) useful with a the the a expanded ovipositor be are deciduous of They Wibmer's as Curculionidae, they degree modest the (squamose, pygidium. genera. It cannot long-nosed and mouthparts checked justified. orthocerous non-deciduous galea in and Desbrochers in ovipositor while as functional flange differs and which mandibular inner are some apomorphy are are fact also lacinia described Sch6nherr a a from of and modified tribe new 7-segmented fringe, A very apex expanded be Gu~rin broadly is and they Ectemnorhinini, mandibular (1982) flange. (which fusion Sitona has with from remains similar an vestigial. used lacinia Male Another setose appear, other terminology weevils). of occurs difficult is spiracles; classification a groups. ovipositor occur so care. are a by the pigmented, other 7-segmented (Alophini), to Germar and and processes for tentative of The setae, processes their 3-segmented connate, is partly sternite or van apically of after broad-nosed define the always (enlarged) absent in at Abdominal the To antennal Eudiagogus bare Naupactus in the distribution to non-palaearctic Morimoto The raymondionymids significance processes first Lepidophorus Emden inserted abdominal tergite the group. see. these divided many maxilla species, is any is and interpretation and placement sight, bare). 8 result Rhyncogonus occur and as from of totally proposed true Unmodified while funicle provides natural in Entiminae funicle. characters maxillary weevils (1936: the defined 8 near other curve tergite weevils condition to Eugnathus, Sch6nherr. and they are (1962b) process is from The Sch6nherr. the in of is same ventrites lacking. be often in not Kirby separate the and deciduous 70, some are are group. Nevertheless, of in uncus separate Pachyrhynchini above entimines, the or genus, useful 7 some is great. base by 71). palp sympathy and Alaocybites promoted is may translucent has in (see slender setae exposed not phanerognathous Sharp, even development exists (Cylydrorhinini) always sitonine LeConte having they provides is Nevertheless, Many terminology (p. (see been of by above, (although Nevertheless, be family-group Trigonoscuta in produced Myrtonymus occur more mandibular the 845) a in Eugnathus are tibiae. added Sciaphilus also including proximal in exposed, shed. with (but Alophus them it claw slender, genera clearly and true p. males; in (1874: in which seems useful Ting, 883) and of 885 this not the the the the on by lie to of of a I Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 ANTLIARHININAE Agriochaeta CAMPLYOSCELINI BRACHYDERINI BRACHYCEROPSIDINAE BRACHYCERIDAE COPTONOTINI CARPHODICTICINAE CARINAE 886 Mecopelmus ERIRHINIDAE DINOMORPH1NI DESMIDOPHORINAE CRYPTOLARYNGIDAE Car EREMNINI Schedlarius Perieges OTIORHYNCHINI OCLADIINI Acknowledgements SITONINI RAYMONDIONYMIDAE inae Zoological bular Alaocybites drawn, various Auburn except Tallahassee, Institute, helping vetulus Musrum specimen Sciences, Museo of Blackman mandibular the The (CURCULIONIDAE). (CURCULIONIDAE). HYLASTINI). CURCULIONIDAE-SCOLYTINAE. APIONIDAE (CURCULIONIDAE). CURCULIONIDAE-CRYPTORHYNCHINAE-ITHYPORINI. Blackburn, THECESTERNINAE. with foregoing processes for Wood from Nacional with species material University, Sch6nherr, mandibular San national the here Pretoria, subfam, from Wood demoted Blackman Institute, demoted californicus process Mrs Florida, points promoted following: Pascoe, and Francisco, 1897 promoted figured with Dr demoted I from (including (Crowson, studied de A. demoted n. record Carphodicticus demoted S. to d'Histoire demoted promoted (Kuschel (incertae demoted to of Alabama, T. to South Ciencias Transfers, (Fig. mandibular from Academy 1842 L. processes USA; tribe COPTONOTIDAE CURCULIONIDAE-ZYGOPINAE nomenclature. to Howden, tribe to 1872 a Gilbert of Wood, promoted from my to USA; paratype came promoted BRACHYCERIDAE promoted to COPTONOTIDAE 153) of Iphisomus tribe from 1955 family to Africa; to two of sedis: from those MS, thanks. tribe subfam, to ENTIMINAE family Naturales, ENTIMINAE tribe natureUe, USA; to from specimens etc., Brigham of from from family CRYPTOLARYNGIDAE from but subfamily paratypes of Carleton BRENTIDAE) cristatus family processes, of R.T. from ATTELABIDAE-RHYNCHITINAE to Sciences, of figured of to to a BRACHYCERIDAE-DESMIDOPHORINAE not made ENTIMINAE HYPERINAE I family Dr Sibinia Prof. a the Dr to tribe from ENTIMINAE am family mandibularis specimen rev. CURCULIONIDAE. paratype Thompson mentioned to R. Young D. to Madrid, collection Paris, also Wood, to of in University, subfamily of subfamily C. (CURCULIONIDAE). from G. CURCULIONIDAE. of PLATYPODIDAE. in Leningrad, H. (CURCULIONIDAE). tanneri including from Mesostylus CURCULIONIDAE-SCOLYTINAE tribe the (not to from W. Oberprieler, Bletonius grateful this Kavanaugh (BELIDAE). PLATYPODIDAE. University, CURCULIONIDAE. France; of present of and CURCULIONIDAE. O'Brien, (CURCULIONIDAE). Spain of by BRENTIDAE. Clark (CURCULIONIDAE). Protoplatypus of Hustache of paper) syn. from Trigonoscuta MOLYTINAE Kissinger, specimens Ottawa, BRENTIDAE. that of to the Russia; hustachei from for and paratypes paper. Dr from from Natural Plant of Florida from of PLATYPODIDAE Provo, from CRYPTORHYNCHINAE providing M. RHYNCHOPHORIDAE. Parastylus California from Canada; 1968)) Professor various DINOMORPHINAE) of A. CURCULIONIDAE- Protection which Dr Hoffmann vetutus Mecopelmus rothi Utah, Alonso-Zarazaga, A&M (near History of Mlle to (Col. B. references Protoplatypus BELIDAE. a Tanyrhynch- Fig. with W. LITHININI) Academy Pierce USA. paratype Korotyaev, Wood University, Cat.: H. Research Museum E. 124 and mandi- Perrin, Clark, To zeteki 1927), (near from from with was and and the all of of Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 CROWSON, DAANJE, CROWSON, CSlKI, ALONSO-ZARAZAGA, CROWSON, CAWXHRA, CROWSON, CROWSON, BAKER, ANON, References ALONSO-ZARAZAGA, BAKER, BucK, H., 1952, BucK, H., BEAL, AURIVILLIUS, BILLBERG, BEDEL, encouraging with colleague an Natural their Canberra, ovipositor of ovipositor early Excellence Finally I help owe a (Afdeling Attelabinae), Vergleich Socibt~ Curculionoidea), Monthly (Coleoptera), (London: des Society, (Coleoptera: Coleopterist' Bulletin, s (London: Schoenherr, Zoologi, (Coleoptera: Society, Schoenherr, 1-212. Transactions 153-324. 1950-54.) 1823: E., 109-131. R. 1983, L., F. multitude of multitude F. A., S., draft History 1936, Curculionidae: 1882-1888, H. R. R. Trichterwicklers G. R. a and, R. E. M., 1966, M., E. A H. R. Dr Australia, introduction, Pea, I 1964, 1:lber special 1961, Insects C., 1926, A., A., A., U. . 1820, J., entomologique would A., e to me 17, 19, A., U. 18A, Magazine, Nemonyx. Natuurkunde), of Untersuchungen in Christopher HMSO), of mit den mit Lloyd), 1986, and 1955 1985, bean 1981, The 247-255. 63-67. 1823. the particular, and the Museum 1823 1984, Verhandelingen of Coleopterist's Bulletin, ucloia: Amycterinae), Curculionidae: Curculionidae: M. M. 3-34. debt of debt like THOMPSON, Faune [Reprinted Sammlungen present and On h oa Society Royal the The corrections Enumeratio insectorum Enumeratio manuscript. SEM A., A., Fragmenta Entomologica, Fragmenta THOMPSON, for Morphology 1. die [viii] (Coleoptera, anderen 6 pp. to redefinition the On keys clover Introduction 121, of systematic 1990, Revision 1989, Revision I providing Biology Deporaus des thank Ethologie de France, de 40, 243-244. 40, gratitude figures systematic Micronesia, am Electron +187 the Lyal Miss my arguments my and Rhynchophorinae, Sect 144. Coltopttres weevils, und .T, 1980, A T., R. 19671, similarly blattrollenden systematic der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Nederlandse Koninklijke der der the description, and Amycterinae), . T., R. 2, pp. Janet of It for is Beobachtungen position of Curculionoidea). 56 (1), 56 betulae schwedischen and the Coleoptera the und was she was secretarial a detailed and 6 to The position Microscope the (Reprinted of Ministry amendments. detailed tribute (hors of of Coleoptera 38, 91-93. 38, Camp Mrs New 1978, subfamily Blattrolltechnik subfamily classification the du the Natural indebted 1-214+ in of position . Zooice arice (Physiologie), Jahrbiicher Zoologische L., Bassin ti) 442 strie), further in supraspecific supraspecific Graellsia, Howden, Zealand (Zoology), Zealand who museo Gust. museo Nemonyx of comments to Rhynchitinen 21, nw genus new A of for Cossoninae, a staff checking Allocoryninae Journal Journal Agriculture, Fisheries Agriculture, the from Classification Elgon-Expedition cogent fiber 205 endiscing [2]. Nanophyinae drew Dermestidae, de Unit. Eugnominae (London: new genus new to of of skill 2. la pp. 6 19-156. 46, 262. noooits otl Magazine, Monthly Entomologist's die Redtenbacher the Dr who read and read who Seine. of Subfamily Bruchela my of of von taxa and taxa G. and on Lebensablauf of weevils Entomology Department E. Coleopterorum Catalogus, h Asrla Entomological Australian the h Asrla Entomological Australian the und Academic Press), xii 802 + Press), pp. Academic J. attention the of Deporaus betulae a Rhynchophora, the (Coleoptera: in in orderly patience of of C. of Billberg later to 7, the Insects Seidlitz, 1891 Seidlitz, the Palaearctic manuscript and the the Families Attelabinen (Coleoptera, Attelabinen the Dejean Zimmerman, include final poia Schoenherr, Apioninae 171-178. im palaearctic tribe tribe (Col.), version and Jahre van commented upon commented fashion. to (Holmiae), und of version Food, (Urodon the Meriphinae, Acantholophini Acantholophini the Micronesia, Allocorynidae), the Wetenschappen Entomologist's 1920, das of Annales de (Coleoptera, and interesting staff L. Coleoptera Apionidae Apionidae Verhalten Leaflet CSIRO, Arkivftr and und dealing 138 to auctt.) of 149, 887 pp. my the ein 63, for for 16, 61 la Downloaded By: [Natural History Museum] At: 15:55 28 November 2007 LACORDAtRE, KuscrmL, Kuscm~L, KUSCh'EL, Kvscrmg, Kuscrn~L, LACOVagAIRE, KOLBE, KLIMA, KISSINGER, JEKEL, JEANNEL, JEANNEL, IMMS, HUSlACHE, HOLLOWAY, HOLLIS, HELLER, FAUST, FAUST, FAUST, DONlSa'nOrtVE, DEUVE, ERW1N, ERICHSON, EMt)EN, EMDEN, 888 KlaBv, and Scandinavica, descriptions [iv] Coleoptera: (Coleoptera) Reviews Chilena 15, his Entomologique Blattopt~roides, Insectes: national A. (Natural Deutsche Deutsche (Bostrichidae), 54, 21-34. Colroptrres 1989). 11~9. P. Ottistirini, sichtigung of Coleopterist' Catalogus, + H., J., W., W., A., J., F. J., T., T., K. 637 D. F. Natural D., R., P. cabinet, 22-23; G., 1-3. 1864, 1879, + status G., R., G., G., G., I. 1898, D. 1819 M., 1927, 1934, A., 1883, W. 1988, 1982, I. (ed.), 620 VAN, pp. B. DSIR 1940, Grass6 1925, T., T., 1990, 1951, 1987, 1989, 1971, de VAN, G., 1949, H. d'Histoire 1936, of 1925, A., History)), Recherches Synonymische Entomologische Entomologische F., pp. 1863, of Palrontologie, [dated Uber 1866, 36-37; Curculionidae: EntomoIogia, History Stettiner Beitrag Wiener 1944, ST Tropical Les Stellung der 1980, 1968, the Transactions Curculionidae, Croisirre s Coleoptera A (South of Plant et 1982, Beetles Revision 20, The 1836, The Entomology Bulletin, 1936, Curculionidae: J. Bestimmungsschliissel Ordre (ed.), General Archiv de new H des sternites die Histoire afrikanischen Orthoptrroi'des, World K., A 1818], istoire 121-171. Curculionidae 57-59. France, subfamily Anthribidae nearctic Entomologische Protection key naturelle (11), zur 160 Mandibelanh/inge Lancaster, autres Systematische Die Entomologische taxa 1942, in sur forests; und Trait~ Jfir du des de 36, to a pp. Textbook Genera Kenntniss in natureUe A Bemerkungen, la 11, 1, suburban Anordnung Bougainville naturelle VIII from Zeitschrift, of Zeitschrift the Naturgeschichte, Identification. Lissorhoptrus century neue Pupal the 4, Geonrmie, Erirrhininae, classification Col6optrres 74-75. of 23 Insectes Nemonychidae Pacific 503-532, the (n.s.), de their 537-566. Molytinae genera natural Cryptorrhynchinae, Report the et 74. New Mass.: Menemachiden, R.T. (Insecta: Linnean Arten of subfamily Zoologie. mandibles des Dermaptrroides, IX of Aucklands of 14, des richness environment: Zeitung, der Insects Apioninae Auseinandersetzung holom&aboles?, of Entomology Zeitung, Insectes. 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