A Guide to the of Surrey

Dingy Grizzled Skipper Silver-spotted Skipper Large Skipper Erynnis tages Pyrgus malvae Thymelicus lineola Thymelicus sylvestris sylvanus

Wood White Orange Tip Large White Small White Leptidea sinapis Anthocharis cardamines Pieris brassicae Pieris rapae

Green-veined White Clouded Yellow Brimstone Pieris napi Colias croceus Gonepteryx rhamni

Speckled Wood Small Heath Ringlet Meadow Brown Pararge aegeria Coenonympha pamphilus Aphantopus hyperantus Maniola jurtina

Gatekeeper Marbled White Grayling Pyronia tithonus Melanargia galathea Hipparchia semele

Silver-washed Fritillary Dark Green Fritillary Argynnis paphia Speyeria aglaja

Purple Emperor Apatura iris

White Admiral Red Admiral Limenitis camilla Vanessa atalanta

Painted Lady Peacock Small Tortoiseshell Comma Vanessa cardui Aglais io Aglais urticae Polygonia c-album

Small Copper Green Hairstreak Lycaena phlaeas Brown Hairstreak Purple Hairstreak Callophrys rubi Thecla betulae Favonius quercus

Black Hairstreak White-letter Hairstreak Satyrium pruni Satyrium w-album

Small Blue Holly Blue Silver-studded Blue Brown Argus Cupido minimus Celastrina argiolus Plebejus argus agestis

Common Blue icarus Polyommatus bellargus Polyommatus coridon

These butterfly illustrations show the patterns on the upperwings on the left and the underwings on the right. Where there is an obvious difference between the two sexes the female is illustrated on the far right.

The Big Nature Centre

Original photography by Dan Danahar of specimens held in the Booth Museum Collection Image treatment and poster design by Bob Foreman © Danahar & Foreman 2020