On the Revolutionary “Three-In-One” Combination
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{'&. T H $ffiffiVOIUTIONAR *& H EE-[l\.ONE" ffiffi BINATIOT{ ri:Sfl'u ": . fi" ,;'l irl.lrr rr ,lli,li llai ,) r!:lllil:ll il: 4i r: ( rr! I qli.rl r alu Ufri1tr ) :1 l l 1l 'l:,1 ON TIIE REYOTUTIONAR,Y .OTHR,EE.IN.ONE" COMBII{ATION FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS PEKING 1968 CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG points out that in those places and organizations where power needs to be seized, the policy of the revolutionary "three-in- one" combination must be carried out in establishing a provisional organ of power that is revolutionary and representative and has proletarian authority. This organ of power should preferably be called a revolu- tionary committee. Printed in the people,s Republic of China CONTENTS ON THE REVOLUTIONARY "THREE.IN-ONE" COMBINATION -Editorial of Hongqi, (Red, Flag), No. 5, 1967_ CADRES MUST BE TREATED CORRECTLY Editorial of Hongqi, - No. 4, 196Z - FIRMLY CARRY OUT AND DEFEND THE POLICY OF REV- OLUTIONARY "THREE-IN-ONE" COMBINATION Editorial of Jiefangjun Bao (Liberation ArnxA Dailg), March - 23, 1,967 - 25 THERE IS NO DIF'FERENCE BETWEEN EARLY AND LATE- COMERS IN MAKING REVOLUTION -Editorial of Wenhui Bao, February 18, 196?_ ON THE REVOLUTIONARY ..THREE-IN.ONE" COMBINATION - Editorial oI Hongqi (Red Flag), No. y, 1967 - Chairman Mao has pointed out that in those places and organizations where power needs to be seized, the policy of the revolutionary "three-in-one', combination rnust be carried out in establishing a provisional organ of power that is revolution- ary and representative and has proletarian authority. This or- gan of Xlower should preferably be called a revolutionary com- rnittee. This policy is the political and organizational guarantee for the victory of the proletarian revolutionaries in their struggle to seize power. The proletarian revolutionaries should under- stand this policy correctly and implement it correctly. The revolutionary "three-in-one,, provisional organ of pow- er should be formed by leaders of revolutionary mass organi- zations that truly represent the broad masses, the representa- tives of the People's Liberation Army units stationed in the area and revolutionary leading cadres. None of these three bodies can be excluded. It is wrong to overlook or under- estimate the role of any one of them. As a result of the vigorous mass movement of the great pro- Ietarian cultural revolution during the past half year and more, the masses have been fully mobilized, and large numbers of representatives of the revolutionary masses have emerged as a new force. The broad revolutionary masses serve the pro- letarian revolutionaries as the base for seizure of power from the handful of Party persons in authority taking the capitalist road. They are the base of the revolutionary ,,three-in-one,, proper method. It should al,so be noted that many revolutionary provisional organ of power. mass organizations have th.emselves pointed out the wrong True proletarian revolutionaries and new-emerging the rep- tendencies existing in their own organizations and have pro- resentatives of the revolutionary masses have performed im- posed ways of correcting them as a result of their creative mortal exploits in the great proletarian cultural revolution. study and application of Chairman Mao,,s works. This is rev_ They are the new rising forces nurtured Mao by Tse-tung,s oiutionary consciousness and initiative, a quality of true worth. thought and they embody general the orientation of the rev- It is precisetry the revolutionary masses themselves olution. who have rest in their own thinking while The present struggle to seize power from the handful of ul of Party persons in authority Party persons in a,nthority taking the capitalist road is a mass movement fro,m below under the leadership of the Central In the final analysis, the question of one,s attitude towards Committee of the Chinese Communist Party headed by Chair- leaders of revolutionary mass organizations man Mao. ,,three-in-one,' that truly represent In the revolutionary provisional the broad masses taking part in the ,,three-in-one,, provisional organ of power, it is imperative to give fuII play to the role organ of power is a question of one,s attitude towards the of leaders of the revolutionary mass organizations and to take masses, towards the mass full account of their opinions, and never regard them simply as tant indication of whethe secondary for they represent the broad revolutionary masses. line represented by Chair If their role is denied or underrated, the revolutionary masses at all times remember Chairman Mao,s teachings: o.The masses as well as the great proletarian .othe cultural revol.ution are in fact are the real heroes,"1 rnasses have boundless creative pow- negated. If they are excluded or regarded as secondary, is it er,"z "the people, and the Xleople alone, are the motive lorce impossible establish provisional to a organ of power that is in the making of world history.,,B Any organization or indi- revolutionary, representative and has proletarian authority; viduai, once alienated from the revolutionary masses, will it is impossibie to effect a revolutionary "three-in-one', com- certainly not be able to carry out the proletarian revolutionary bination. line represented by Chairman Mao. In a1I great revoiutionary mass movements, is to it difficult The vigorous mass movement of the great proletarian cul_ avoid shortcomings and mistakes. is necessary It to see clear- tural revolution over the last period of more than six months ly the essence, the mainstream and the general orientation of has been a severe test for the ranks of our cadres. The hand_ the revolution. In this great proletarian cultural revolution, ful of Party persons in authority taking the capitalist road has the shortcomings and errors of the leaders revolutionary of been exposed. At the same time, the majority of our caclres mass organizations who truly represent masses are ques- the a have proved to be good or comparatively good. The concept tion of one finger among ten, and the sort of problem that arises in the course of progress. As proletarian revolution- aries, we should recognize that their general orientation is correct, that they have many strong points and that we should Iearn from them modestly. As for their shortcomings and errors, we should help them warm-heartedly, patiently ind by 2 CORRECTTON ]' Page 3, Note 1: "Vol. III, p. 118" should read "VoI. III, p. 12,'. of excluding and overthrowing all cadres is absolutely wrong. imposed on the masses and squeezed into the ,,three-in-one', ft is necessary point to out that the masses are not to blame provisional organ of power. Otherwise, this would not be a revolutionary "three-in-one" combination, to say nothing of the seizure of power from the handful of Farty persons in authority taking the capitalist road. Then a new reversal would occur and those in authority taking the capitalist road who had been overthrown might even regain power. We must be vigilant against those who distort the principle of the revolutionary "three-in-one" combination and, on the In every place, department, enterprise and unit there are pretext of forming a "three-in-one,, combination, carry out great numbers of revolutionary cadres. This is also true even eciecticism, conciliation and the combining of two into one, for some places or ose i and further, in a hundred and one ways, puil in the party the capitaiist road , but persons in authority taking the capitalist road. This is trying cadres there have We to fish in troubled waters, usurp the harvest of the great pro- this. letarian cuitural revolution and carry out counter-revolution- The role of t cadres in participating in the ary restoration. All revolutionary masses "three-in-one" and all revolutionary of power rnust be given full cadres must resolutely resist, oppose and smash the conspiracy consideration. can play the role of nucleus of the class enemy. and backbone of the organ. Of cor.lrse, they can do this only The great People's Liberation Army is the mainstay of the by integrating themselves (? with the rnasses and by following dictatorship of the proletar,iat. Chairman Mao,s call on the the mass line work. in People's Liberation Army to actively support the broad masses Provided those cadres who made mistakes criticize their of revolutionary Left is a matter of great strategic significance. own mistakes and correct them, draw a clear-cut demarcation Experience proves that participation by representatives of line between themselves party and the handful of persons in the local units of the People's Liberation Army in the revolu- authority taking the capitalist road, between thernselves and tionary "three-in-one" provisional organ of power has played the bourgeois reactionary line, and really uphold the prole_ a rnost important role in successfully accomplishing the tarian task revolutionary line represented by Chairman Mao, ther,e in the struggie to seize power. With the participation of cadres of the People,s Liberation Army in the "three-in-one" provisional organ of power and with the support of the P.L.A., the local proletarian revolu- tionaries will become stilI stronger. The class enemy fears the People's Liberation Army the most and fears the most the However, those who persist in their rnistakes, and who do inclusion of the P.L.A. cadres in the revolutionary ,,three-in- not draw a clear-cut demarcation line kretween themselves and one" combination. They try by every means to manufacture those in authority taking the capitalist road, between thern- rurnours and fabricate stories in a vain attempt to sow dissen- selves and the bourgeois reactionary line must not be sion between the revolutionary masses and the People,s Libera- tion Army, and to incite those among the masses who do not gle.