The Solano Avenue Association and Solano Stroll 510-527-5358 For Immediate release: Please forward to all lists. The Solano Avenue Association and Stroll: Albany and Berkeley, California - USA 46th Annual Solano Avenue Stroll in Albany and Berkeley Cancelled Event Date was: September 13 2020 (Sunday) from 10 am – 5 pm Where: Solano Avenue in Berkeley & Albany, California - USA Contact: Allen Cain at 510-527-5358 /
[email protected] We are sad to announce that we must cancel the 2020 Solano Avenue Stroll. This is a joint decision made by the City of Albany and the City of Berkeley in consultation with the Alameda County Health Department. We take this step for the safety of everyone who enjoys and participates in the Stroll: our festival guests, the performers, and off-Solano vendors, the on-Solano Avenue businesses, their staff, the staff of the cities of Albany and Berkeley, the staff of the Police and Fire Departments that are crucial to the event; and many, many more people involved in the production of the Solano Avenue Stroll. The worldwide pandemic has proven to be a perfect storm of calamity that makes it impossible to safely hold large events while devastating the businesses our event is designed to help. We recognize the loss of human life that has resulted from this pandemic and are trying to do everything we can to avoid contributing to the spread of this infectious disease. We are hopeful for a 2021 Solano Avenue Stroll (September 12th) We would like to use this opportunity to remind you that Solano Avenue is mostly open and ready to serve you.