Cover Letter 03

INTRODUCTION, SUPPORT, COC MEMBERS & PCO 05 Introduction 06 Letters of support 07 Scientific Endorsement of the Candidacy 14 Proposed Conference Organizing Comittee (COC) 15 Proposed dates, 5-8 september 2027 16

AREA & TIME 17 Why ? 18 Basic Facts About Madrid 19 Location for the Conference 20 Relevant Information 24 Green and Environmentally Sustainable City

THE CONFERENCE 25 Recinto Ferial IFEMA Madrid 26 To the Venue 38 Accommodation 39

THE CITY 40 Accommodation 41 Transporation 48 Visa and TAX Information 55 VAT and TAXES Information 56 Dinner & Reception Venues 57 Leisure & Culture 60 Madrid Tour 62 Gastronomy 63 Excursions & Tours 65 Introducing : Pre-post Conference Tours 68



Madrid, May 31st 2021

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As President of the Spanish Society for Immunology (SEI) it is a great honor and responsibility to present our candidacy to organize the 8ª European Congress of Immunology (ECI) in Madrid, Spain, 2027.

The Spanish Society of Immunology was established in 1975 by immunologists working at academic hospitals in Spain and has been committed ever since with the mission to promote Immunology through educational activities, annual meetings, monographic symposia and career training courses to basic, clinical and academic professionals. For nearly half a century, SEI has organized annual workshops for standardization of diagnostic immunology tests for immunochemistry, allergy, autoimmunity and cellular immunology. Besides, SEI runs the External Quality Assurance for Diagnostic Immunology Laboratories program (GECLID) that monitors immunology interlaboratory quality data. In addition, SEI hosts the online journal “Inmunologia” for the dissemination of articles, reviews, meeting reports, journal clubs and other educational activities.

Over the past year, Spain has been one of the countries most impacted by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Since the first confirmed case was reported on January 31, 2020, there have been over 3,600,000 cases and 80,000 deaths in Spain, resulting in an unprecedent economic and social impact. However, the number of COVID-19 recovered individuals is over 3,400,000 thanks to the excellence of the Spanish Health Service, which is fully supported by immunologists all over the country. SEI has actively served as advisory board to the Spanish Ministry of Health and regional health authorities on epidemics, vaccines and health policies on COVID-19 related issues. As part of the support to the Spanish National Health System, SEI also developed a free-app (SEICOV) to distinguish common symptoms of common cold, flu and COVID-19. Consequently, we can proudly say that the storm was strong, but we were stronger and resilience led to the vaccine we already have.

Spain is the perfect destination to host important scientific activities in the near future. Our country is well known for welcoming visitors from Algeciras to Istanbul through the Mediterranean Sea, Europe, Asia, and both Americas. We have especially focused on the attraction of Latin American countries to the current ECI and we are promoting close interaction with sister Immunological Societies, some of which have already provided us with supporting letters.

Within Spain, the choice to hold this congress is Madrid. Our capital city is well-known for its warm capacity to welcome all those who visit it. Madrid offers excellent infrastructures with very good transportation that connects the city by subway, bus and highways together with an internationally recognized airport (Madrid-), and the modern high speed train (AVE). Accommodation and other service infrastructures will offer competitive prices according to the necessities of the congress to obtain reduced rates and additional discounts by the main accommodation suppliers. Along with the full support from the local authorities to our initiative together additional Scientific Spanish Institutions and the private sector, we are in the position to guarantee the scientific and financial success of ECI 2027.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 3 COVER LETTER COVER LETTER I ensure you that our organizing committee is determined to guarantee excellence in immunological educational workshops of the highest scientific content and great social experiences wrapped in a welcoming and safe environment such, making the experience of the European Congress of Immunology in Madrid unforgettable. The ECI is to be held in Madrid on September 5th-8th, 2027 and will include satellite courses and symposia the weekend before, in which many will have the opportunity to visit other cities around our wonderful country.

On behalf of the Spanish Society of Immunology (SEI) we are delighted accept this challenge with great honor and responsibility and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who support the 8ª European Congress of Immunology (ECI) in Madrid, Spain, 2027.

Marcos López Hoyos PhD, MD President of the Spanish Society of Immunology

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 4 INTRODUCTION, SUPPORT & COC MEMBERS

Introduction Letters of Support Scientific Endorsement of the Candidacy Proposed Conference Organizing Comittee (COC) Proposed Dates

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 5 INTRODUCTION

THE SECRET OF SUCCESS INTRODUCTION As Local Organising Commitee we are really enthusiastic about planning and scheduling the most appealing European immunology conference. Everyone’s expectative will be completely satisfied and ECI Madrid 2027 will be remembered for a long time. Immunology will shine its brightest.

The exchange of plans and memories by young and senior scientists, clinicians and professors will be the seed of a vigorous immunology. Communication, collaboration and challenges will be the three columns supporting European immunology growth. Our aim is to settle a forum to ease both knowledge and experience sharing, a think tank, a place to promote immunology networking.

We will accomplish it all with the invaluable help of our local worldwide known experts in each of the fields. We can grant highest scientific value lectures, oral presentations and workshops and a pleasant social program. Madrid will do the rest with its charm and the singular way of life that makes it unique.

We’re ready and willing to work and help, because we know it’s worth it. We hope that every single one from the 4,000 attendees we expect to welcome will go back home aware of the outstanding result of ECI 2027. We would like as well that you’d take home a bag full of

Madrid has its own way of life that makes it truly unique and special.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 6 LETTERS OF SUPPORT LETTERS OF SUPPORT

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 7 LETTERS OF SUPPORT LETTERS OF SUPPORT

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 8 LETTERS OF SUPPORT LETTERS OF SUPPORT

Bogota, May 07 2021

European Federation of Immunological Societies EFIS

Dear Sirs: This letter is written to support the request of the Spanish Society for Immunology (SEI) that the European Congress of Immunology programed for September of 2027 be held in Madrid Spain. As a Latin American society of immunologist we support this request as this will permit us to more actively participate in the meeting.

Best regards,

Manuel Franco MD PhD President ACOI

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 9 LETTERS OF SUPPORT LETTERS OF SUPPORT

São Paulo, 18 de mayo de 2021.

Profesor Dr. Marcos Lopez Hoyos

Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Inmunologia

Estimado colega,

Representando la Associação Brasileira de Alergia e Imunologia – ASBAI - es com gran placer que expresamos nuestro apoyo a la candidatura de Madrid para acoger el European Congress of Immunology en 2027.

Estamos seguros de que, tanto SEI como la ciudad de Madrid, cuentan con condiciones y estructura adecuadas para recibir un evento de tal magnitud.

Además, estamos muy interesados en fortalecer la relación de ASBAI con otras sociedades de nuestra especialidad con el fin de delinear proyectos conjuntos. La propuesta de colaborar con el programa de este Congreso nos parece tener un gran potencial de aproximación y, de concretarse, deseamos colaborar activamente.

Esperamos que este deseado proyecto de la SEI alcance su objetivo y estaremos disponibles para futuros contactos.

Saludos cordiales,

Emanuel Sarinho Presidente ASBAI

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 10 LETTERS OF SUPPORT LETTERS OF SUPPORT

2021-Año de Homenaje al Dr. César Milstein

Córdoba, 20 de mayo, 2021

European Federation of Immunological Societies

PRESIDENTA Dear Friends: Dra. Mariana Maccioni

VICEPRESIDENTE On behalf of the Argentinean Society of Immunology, we are happy to Dr. Emilio L. Malchiodi support the initiative of the Spanish Society for Immunology for organizing

the European Congress of Immunological Societies in Madrid 2027. SECRETARIA Dra. Silvia G. Correa Our support is based on our strong conviction that our Spanish colleagues

PRO-SECRETARIA will certainly organize a meeting with all the quality standards that the Dra. Mariana Salatino scientific community demands in a friendly atmosphere that will promote

the scientific discussion and collaboration. TESORERA Dra. Mercedes Fuertes Please, if you have any doubts, don´t hesitate to contact us.

PRO-TESORERA Sincerely yours Dra. Marisa Castro

VOCALES Dra. Mercedes Borge Dra. Karina Canziani Dr. Esteban Grasso Dra. M. Carolina Maldonado

Dr. Gerardo Mirkin Bqca. Verónica Natoli Dra. María Silvia Ventimiglia Dr. Mariana Maccioni Dr. Silvia G Correa Dra. Silvina Villar President SAI Secretary SAI

e-mail secretaría: [email protected] e-mail tesorería: [email protected] página web:

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 11 LETTERS OF SUPPORT LETTERS OF SUPPORT

Ciudad de México a 19 de Mayo de 2021


CONSEJO DIRECTIVO Dr. Marcos Lopez Hoyos (2011-2023) President of the Spanish Society of Immunology DR. JOSE ANTONIO ENCISO MORENO PRESIDENTE Dear Dr. López Hoyos [email protected]

We sent a cordial salute from the members of the board of directors of the Mexican SECRETARIO DR. JULIO ENRIQUE CASTAÑEDA Society of Immunology, SMI. In addition, let me inform you we very much welcome DELGADO SECRETARIO your request for support from the SMI to your proposal for the organization of the [email protected] “European Congress of Immunology in September 2027”.

DRA. YVONNE ROSENSTEIN VICE-PRESIDENTE We are sure that the Spanish Society of Immunology, SEI, has sufficient experience [email protected] and capacity to hold scientific meetings of high academic quality, always with

excellent organization and commitment. We also recognize the academic and

scientific dissemination activities that the Spanish Immunology Society promotes in PROSECRETARIO DRA. DIANA PATRICIA PORTALES Latin American Scientific Societies. PÉREZ PROSECRETARIO [email protected] Thus and without a doubt, the board of directors of the Mexican Society of Immunology, belonging to the IUIS, enthusiastically supports your candidacy Página Web: proposal for the organization of the "European Congress of Immunology" to be held PRESIDENTE DR. CONSTANTINO LOPEZ-MACIAS in September 2027 ", in the city of Madrid Spain. [email protected]

VICE-PRESIDENTE DR. EDUARDO A GARCIA-ZEPEDA We want you to achieve the SEI purpose and consider that the SMI will provide the [email protected] necessary support within our reach, to carry out the activities that you have planned

SECRETARIA TESORERA for the successful development of the aforementioned congress. DRA LAURA BONIFAZ [email protected]


Dr. José Antonio Enciso Moreno President of SMI, A.C.


8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 12 LETTERS OF SUPPORT LETTERS OF SUPPORT

CNPJ 47.310.016/0001-64 Inscrição Estadual: Isento Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 2415 – ICB III CEP 05508-000 São Paulo, SP Fone/Fax: +55 11 3034-2632 Skype: sbimuno [email protected]

May 26th, 2021.

Dear Dr. Marcos Lopez Hoyos President of Spanish Society for Immunology

The Brazilian Society for Immunology (SBI) supports the application of Madrid as host of the European Congress of Immunology to be held on 2027.

Sincerely yours,

Karina R. Bortoluci Vice-President Brazilian Society for Immunology

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 13


David Sancho (Spain) Marisa Toribio (Spain) Pablo Pelegrin (Spain) Valentin Fuster (Spain) Andres Hidalgo (Spain) Estela Paz Artal (Spain) JR Regueiro (Spain) Xose Bustelo (Spain) Luisa Martinez-Pomares (UK) Paloma Sanchez-Mateos (Spain) Ana Sesma (USA) Virginia Pascual (USA) Sebastian Amigorena (Francia) Alberto Sanchez-Fueyo (Londres) JA Villadangos (Australia) Pere Santamaria (Canada) Gabriel Rabinovich (Argentina) Santiago Gonzalez (Suiza)


Andrea Cerutti (Spain) Nuria Montserrat (Spain) Pablo Engel (Spain) Ignacio Melero (Spain) Yolanda Carrasco (Spain) May Villar (Spain) Almudena Ramiro (Spain) Manel Juan (Spain) Francisco Sanchez-Madrid (Spain) Africa Gonzalez (Spain) Maria Mittenbrunn (Spain) Christian Brander (Spain) Balbino Alarcon (Spain) Antonio Ribas (USA) Gloria Soldevila (Mexico) Adolfo García Sastre (USA). Iñaki Sanz (USA) Carmen Molina Paris (USA) Eva Tolosa (Hamburgo)

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 14 PROPOSED CONFERENCE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (COC)


Marcos López Hoyos


Eva Martínez Cáceres


Carmen Cámara Hijón


Jordi Cano Ochando


Francisco Manuel Marco de la Calle Yvelise Barrios del Pino

Jorge Carrillo Molina Manuel Hernández González

María Montoya González Francisco Boix Giner

Mª Carmen Martín Alonso

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 15 PROPOSED DATES PROPOSED DATES



1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 16 AREA & TIME

Why Madrid? Basic Facts About Madrid Location for the Conference Relevant Information Green and Environmentally Sustainable City

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 17 WHY MADRID?

Accessible: Located at the crossroads WHY MADRID? between Europe , America and Africa, Madrid has excellent connections by air with all the main cities of the world.

Specialized: Madrid has two Conference Centers, a new 100,000 m² complex for fairs and exhibitions and facilities for 80,000 people at other centers.

Welcoming: Madrid’s hotel capacity is among the best in Europe, with 45,000 quality beds, about half of which ar in 5 and 4 stars hotels , as well as a wide range of other hotel accommodation with all prices, such as boutique hotels, high quality low cost hotels or youth hostals.

Surprising: Centuries of art and culture have endowed Madrid with museums, palaces and castles that can also be used as venues for special events.

Advanced: In addition to quality ser vice, Madrid boasts modern technology in communications and in audio-visual facilities.

Passionate: The open and welcoming nature of Madrid makes hospitality a feature of the city. It offers a unique choice of entertainment through which the visitor can experience the vitality of the city.

Cultured: Madrid has the greatest art collection in the world, with the Prado, Reina Sofía and Thyssen Museums, as well as 70 other museums, innumerable monuments, and a wide and varied programme of concerts, ballet and opera.

Historic: Few places in the world have such varied artistic and historical wealth so close by: Toledo, El Escorial, Aranjuez and Ávila are just a few examples.

Tempting: In Madrid, shopping is fun, eating is a pleasure and the night is sheer enjoyment.

Magical: Madrid has managed to preserve not only its special places and the friendly nature of its people, but also the old traditions, which give the city its very own identity.

Come and experiment it!

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 18 BASIC FACTS ABOUT MADRID BASIC FACTS ABOUT MADRID

Madrid is a lively cosmopolitan and friendly city where everyone feels at home. A place for business and new trends, the capital of Spain offers a safe, comfortable setting where taking time out and doing business are equally enjoyable. Its rich artistic and natural heritage, cutting-edge transport network, quality accommodation, fine cuisine and the passion locals show when enjoying their city's day and night life make it one of the most attractive cities in the world

3.273.049 Friendly people (of whom 21,15% 15.654 taxis are foreigners) 8.300.000 tourists in the city 135 museums (83 in Madrid and 52 in Madrid 27 golf courses Region) 5.077 restaurants 7 public universities 1.531 cafes 8 private universities 9.332 bars 6 World Heritage Sites within 1 hour drive (Alcalá de , Aranjuez, Ávila, El Escorial, 157 discos Segovia and Toledo) 25.445 meetings in 2019 271.225 trees 4 major convention, congress and trade fair 655 metres altitude centres 2760 hours of sunshine per year 211 members of the Madrid Convention Bureau 30 5* Hotels 200 direct flight destinations 148 4* Hotels 300 metro stations 76 3* Hotels 293 km underground transport network No Tourism Tax

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 19 LOCATION FOR THE CONFERENCE LOCATION FOR THE CONFERENCE Madrid, the perfect place to suit all your meeting requirements.

Modern Prosperous infrastructure lifestyle


Extraordinary cultural wealth Avant-garde and green spaces facilities

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 20 RELEVANT INFORMATION RELEVANT INFORMATION


Madrid will surprise you with its intense and enveloping blue sky. It has a dry climate with little rainfall, resulting in hot summers and cold winters, but no matter what time of the year you choose to come, you are very likely to see with your own eyes the famous blue sky Velázquez loved to paint.

Summers are dry and can be very hot, with an average temperature of 25ºC (77ºF) in July and August. During these months, it gets dark late and the city really starts to come alive in the evening. In August, the city is much quieter since a large number of Madrileños tend to go away on holiday. At the end of the month, and during September, temperatures cool down significantly.


January 6.57 68 923 82 41.08 2 8.73

February 7.43 61 915 116 85.61 2 14.36

March 10.20 56 924 170 43.23 2 18.58

April 15.56 55 924 229 33.04 2 31.33

May 17.27 46 923 276 17.46 2 42.30

June 22.30 48 923 273 38.49 1 44.02

July 28.63 35 927 305 10.58 1 52.18

August 27.03 38 927 265 1.46 1 44.21

September 22.17 48 924 210 16.88 1 29.96

October 15.41 55 922 153 44.58 1 16.72

November 9.64 65 920 102 29.99 1 9.33

December 7.43 70 919 79 71.31 1 6.01


Madrid offers a very intense cultural life all year long: Opera, Ballet, Concerts, Theatres, Festivals, Expositions, Museums...

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 21 RELEVANT INFORMATION RELEVANT INFORMATION


A coffee in a typical café 1,50 €

A ham sandwich 4,00 €

A 0.50 cl bottle of mineral water 1,50 €

A lunch menu, 3 courses incl. drink 12,00 to 18,00 €

A beer in a tapas bar 1,50 €

A cinema ticket 9,00 €

A bus/metro ticket 1,50 €

A ticket for a musical in Gran Vía from 40,00 €

A ticket museum 13,00 € (Prado, Reina Sofia, Thyssen)

16 Michelin starred restaurants over 100,00 €

10% on hotels, restaurants food & VAT in Spain beverage, transportation, coaches 21% on all other


1ST MICE TOURISM DESTINATION IN SPAIN Number 1 tourism destination for meetings in Spain 5th place in the ICCA rankings 2019 154 international congresses in 2019 - in the ICCA rankings 25,445 meetings 1,438,480 participants in 2019 2,915 congresses in 2019 9,247 conventions in 2019 13,283 forums 211 member of the Madrid Convention Bureau



8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 22 RELEVANT INFORMATION RELEVANT INFORMATION

COMPANIES OVER 2,000 MULTINATIONAL COMPANIES 72% of the 2,200 biggest Spanish companies are headquartered in Madrid 18% of the 5,000 biggest Spanish companies are headquartered in Madrid Ninth city in the world for presence of multinational companies 4% of Latin America’s GDP corresponds to Madrid-based companies 2,000 multinational companies





8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 23 GREEN AND ENVIRONMENTALLY SUSTAINABLE CITY

The 188 parks and gardens, 240.980 trees, and 18m2 of green

space per inhabitant embellish the city and contribute to GREEN CITY 189 creating a healthy, pleasant atmosphere, making it, at the same time, the greenest city in Europe and the 2nd. greenest city in Parks & Gardens the world.

Madrid Río, the new park on the banks of the Manzanares River, offers a wide variety of areas for sports and recreation along its six-mile stretch. The park’s design and construction have 290 km positioned Madrid in second place in the world ranking of cities with the highest ratio of green areas per inhabitant. Cycle lines The Park, where Spanish monarchs once took their leisure, is located walking distance from the historical area, and remains Madrid’s most popular park, especially on weekends. However, history is also palpable in other parks which are true gems, such as the Sabatini Gardens or Campo del Moro Park around 240,980 the Royal Palace, the Royal Botanical Gardens in the middle of Trees the Art Walk, the , which is 5 times bigger than Central Park and once served as the Kings’ favourite hunting reserve, and El Capricho, one of Madrid’s best-kept secrets.

The city and its citizens are seriously committed to working hand in hand to reduce pollution every day and to respecting 2,028 the environment. Having a strong, renewed public transport Electric bikes network has also an important role in the development of a green city, including electric vehicles (1.480 cars), public bicycle services (290 km. of cycle lanes, 2.028 electric bicycles) that cover the entire city and, of course, green buses with perfect connections. The city council is very focused on this commitment, offering many facilities in order to raise awareness 6.249 ha among citizens, from educational projects in schools, to waste collection facilities and public-awareness campaigns aimed at Green spaces promoting a greater understanding of environmental concerns, and more sustainable every-day habits.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 24 THE CONFERENCE

The Proposed Venue: Recinto Ferial IFEMA Madrid To the Venue Accommodation


8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 26 THE PROPOSED VENUE: RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID Recinto Ferial IFEMA MADRID is the best venue for ECI 2027:

The situation is excellent, close to Madrid airport and Madrid downtown. This exhibition and conference complex is characterized by excellent functionality, modern design, and multi-purpose, well-equipped and versatile installations. The poster sessions, exhibition, lunch and coffees will be organized in the same floor.

IFEMA MADRID: A hyperconnected fair organization.

Founded in 1980, IFEMA MADRID is a consortium formed by the , the Madrid City Council, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Montemadrid Foundation. Our activity has an economic impact on the territory of 4.374 billion euros and generates more than 26,000 jobs.

At IFEMA MADRID we have a very clear objective, to be a place to connect. To connect interests, challenges, concerns, knowledge, hobbies, and passions. To do this, we have been designing environments for 40 years in which people, companies and society meet and share interests and challenges. In 2018, more than 700 fairs, congresses and leisure events were organized.

We manage two venues; Recinto Ferial and Municipal..

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 27 THE PROPOSED VENUE: RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID RECINTO FERIAL Digitalization and Transformation of IFEMA MADRID IFEMA MADRID

While the pandemic has turned trade fairs and events into a more digitalized sector in just a few months, at IFEMA MADRID this digital transformation has been taking place for quite some time now. The end of 2018 saw the creation of its Transformation Office, a body that promotes and implements a culture and methodology that is leading IFEMA MADRID in renewing its processes, tools, and work methods and that is now working with multidisciplinary teams to implement projects related to the digitalization of the business in all its aspects. Various functional areas within the organization are working to design and adapt these services to take this leap into the digital world, incorporating new functionalities that provide significant added value to the traditional offering.

It is possible to view all the spaces in 360º, through Google Street View. This is a tool that offers great possibilities to external clients and organizers, in an environment limited in terms of presence and geographical mobility. Furthermore, in terms of connectivity and internet access speed, the IFEMA exhibition venue has been a pioneer in offering5G coverage in several of its halls, following an agreement signed with Vodafone in 2018. It is a system that, linked to the large Wi-Fi network in both venues, allows fluid browsing and connection by multiple devices simultaneously and it has been tested at large international events including COP25 and FITUR. IFEMA’s network infrastructure is one of the venue’s main assets and differentiating values. It is an up-to-date and well-structured network, but above all, it has a highly specialized and committed human team that is capable of managing this infrastructure intelligently and making the most of its technical capabilities.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 28 THE PROPOSED VENUE: RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID Location: IFEMA MADRID T1 - T2 - T3 Aeropuerto T4 Aeropuerto Nuevos Nuevos Ministerios

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 29 THE PROPOSED VENUE: RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID RECINTO FERIAL Venue Floorplan and ECI Congress Layout IFEMA MADRID


North Convention Centre

ECI 2027 will take place at the North Convention Centre & Hall 10 St. Ariadna Sq. de A/C M-11 7 Edimburgo M-40 5 A/C 21,600 m 9 ECI Plenary21,600 Session, m2 2 Exhibition,CYTO2021 Exhibition,Poster &Poster Catering & Catering Area Area BC Sq. 10 Sintra WEST ACCESS 7 8 5 EAST ACCESS 7 minutes Walk 6

St. Ribera del Sena 3 14 4 1 2

12 St. Vía de Dublín

Sq. de Luxemburgo

M-40 6

St. Ribera del Sena SOUTH ACCESS

M-40 + A-2 7

SOUTH ENTRANCE Sq. de South Convention Centre

Hamburgo Ref.: 082017

M-40 + A-2 7 GPS: 40º 27’ 51” N / 3º 37’ 0” W

INFOIFEMA CAR PARKS OTHER CAR PARKS BC BUSINESS CENTRE ORANGE, GREEN, BROWN AND RED Club Feria Gold Meeting point Visitors and passholding exhibitors Coaches Exhibitor assistance BLUE Lorries Trade visitor registration Passholding exhibitors Press Accreditatons Club Feria Press

YELLOW Office visitors Exhibitor access to exhibition halls Visitors and office visitors

Tickets for general public PURPLE Pay here for your parking Permanent pass holders Visitors and passholding exhibitors Bicycles Area BusFeria stop Medical centre GREEN People with disabilities Police Public transport

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 30 THE PROPOSED VENUE: RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID RECINTO FERIAL Venue suitability and layout proposal IFEMA MADRID

For ECI 2027 we propose Recinto Ferial IFEMA MADRID, (Fairgrounds). The spaces that we are tentatively holding are:

North Convention Centre 1st Floor rooms N101 to N118; symposia and workshops. Hall 10 with a partial use of 9520 sqm; the plenary room for 2,500 pax, exhibition and poster area. We have not included any specific catering areas in Hall 10 since there were no specific F&B needs on the RFP. Nevertheless, Hall 10 has a total surface area of 21,600 sqm and therefore there is enough space for additional catering areas to be included at a later stage. A draft floorplan is provided in Annex 1. Hall 10 small rooms on mezzanine level.

For large congresses o more than 1500 pax we combine the use of the existing meeting rooms in the North Convention Centre with our exhibition halls.

The NCC does not have enough capacity for accommodating the whole congress and specifically the Plenary room for 2500 pax, the exhibition and the poster area. Therefore, for ECI 2027 we propose the combined use of the North Convention Centre rooms with Hall 10. The Plenary room for 2500 pax would be a temporary room constructed in Hall 10.

The North Convention Centre is located next to halls 9 and 10 in the North access, it has an area of 10,000 m2 and has a total of 20 rooms, 18 of which are located on the first floor. It is accessed via a large hall with natural light. The North Auditorium (N103 + N104 + stage) has capacity for 1,100 people. Rooms N101 + N102 and N105 + N106 are multifunctional. Separating panels allow events from 100 to 480 people to be hosted. The remaining 12 rooms (N107 to N118), with capacities of 70 to 200 people, can be combined in sets of two, allowing better adaptation to the needs of the event. On the second floor, the Colón and Neptuno rooms are also equipped with large outdoor terraces.

Hall 9 & Hall 10 small rooms on mezzanine level. These are small spaces of 25 to 100 m2 located in the mezzanine of the Halls. Twenty-six of these rooms are located in Halls 9 and 10 next to the North Convention Centre and can be used for small meeting rooms and offices.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 31 THE PROPOSED VENUE: RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID RECINTO FERIAL North Convention Centre: IFEMA MADRID




8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 32 THE PROPOSED VENUE: RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID RECINTO FERIAL Direct Access from the Ground Floor of the IFEMA MADRID North Convention Centre to Hall 10 (2 minutes walk)


North Convention Centre







1st Floor: ECI Symposia and Workshops

Break-out Break-out Break-out Break-out Break-out Room Break-out Room Break-out Room Room Room Room Room Break-out Room 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (200 pax) (150pax) (158 pax) (70 pax) (70 pax) (70 pax) (70 pax) (200 pax) WEST CATERING OFFICE CATERING WEST OFFICE CATERING EAST


WEST ENTRANCE HALL EAST ENTRANCE HALL Break-out Break-out Break-out Break-out Room Room Room Room 06 05 04 03 02 01 (219 pax) (206 pax) Plenary Meeting Room (206 pax) (219 pax) Auditorium for 1,100 pax




Access to Hall 10

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 34 THE PROPOSED VENUE: RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID RECINTO FERIAL ECI 2027: Proposed room asingment grid IFEMA MADRID

EFIS European Federation of Immunological Societies 8th European Congress of Immunology - ECI (Madrid Convention Bureau & IFEMA) 5-8 SEPT 2027 (3000-5000 pax)


based on Amsterdam 2018 HALL 10 - 3,485 m2 of 21,600 m2 total available Exhibition + Catering Hall 10 S S S S am + E pm E E E am + D pm D am exhibition floorplan @ Exhibition Rate

HALL 10 - 3,285 m2 of 21,600 m2 total available Adjacent Posters 489 poster panels portrait Hall 10 S S S S am + E pm E E E am + D pm D am @ NonExhibition Rate to NCC

HALL 10 - 2,750 m2 of 21,600 m2 total available Plenary Room 2500 pax Hall 10 S S S S am + E pm E E E am + D pm D am @ NonExhibition Rate - ROOM TO BE BUILT

Breakout Room 1 TBA N101 219 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U N101+102 504 Theatre Breakout Room 2 TBA N102 206 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

North Breakout Room 3 TBA N103 480 Auditorium N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U Auditorium 1100 Auditorium (N103+104 N/U N/U Breakout Room 4 TBA N104 480 Auditorium +stage) S S S am + E pm E E E + D

Breakout Room 5 TBA N105 206 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U N105+106 504 Theatre Breakout Room 6 TBA N106 216 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Breakout Room 7 TBA N107 89 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U N107+108 220 Theatre Breakout Room 8 TBA N108 96 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Breakout Room 9 TBA N109 67 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U N109+110 220 Theatre Breakout Room 10 TBA N110 69 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Breakout Room 11 TBA N111 67 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

N111+112 158 Theatre EXCLUSIVEUSE 1st FLOOR Breakout Room 12 TBA N112 75 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Breakout Room 13 TBA N113 75 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U NORTH CONVENTION CENTRE MEETING ROOMS MEETING CENTRE CONVENTION NORTH N113+114 158 Theatre Breakout Room 14 TBA N114 67 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Breakout Room 15 TBA N115 69 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U N115+116 158 Theatre Breakout Room 16 TBA N116 67 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Breakout Room 17 TBA N117 96 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U N117+118 220 Theatre Breakout Room 18 TBA N118 87 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.01 46 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

18 boardroom Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.02 N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U (fixed set up) 28 boardroom Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.03 N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U (fixed set up) 9 boardroom Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.04 N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U (fixed set up)

Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.05 46 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.06 43 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U HALL 10 Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.07 46 Theatre Mezzanine N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U Level Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.08 66 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.09 13 Theatre Exclusive N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U Use Hall 10 Rooms Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.10 13 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.11 13 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.12 46 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.13 48 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

6 boardroom Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.14 N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U (fixed set up)

Hospitality Suites/ Offices TBA A10.15 48 Theatre N/U S S S am + E pm E E E + D N/U

Registration Counters of North 36 counters in total; assigment of counters to be Registration TBA Convention Centre Ground Level split between all coinciding in-house S S E E E E E + D N/U Lobby events.

This grid is an estimation of the meeting space and times required based on the specs received. Please note that additional setup or takedown times may required for rooms depending on the schedules these are to be used and the AV, etc. equipment to be setup in each room and that the corresponding cost estimate may change.

IFEMA standard hours of operation are 8:30 - 21:30. For use of the meeting space beyond this schedule, extra hours will be charged at 10% of the daily rate.


8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 35 THE PROPOSED VENUE: RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID RECINTO FERIAL Hall 10 IFEMA MADRID 21,600 m2 for the Plenary Session, Exhibition, Poster & Catering Area

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 36 THE PROPOSED VENUE: RECINTO FERIAL IFEMA MADRID RECINTO FERIAL General budget IFEMA MADRID

We are providing two main costs; one for the space rental and another one for the Plenary room for 2,500 pax in Hall 10.

Recinto Ferial IFEMA MADRID | Space Rental: the estimated cost is € 294.599. The reverse charge VAT will be applied on estimates for congresses as follows: 10% for companies established in or with a Spanish VAT, 0% for companies established in foreign countries. Space rental rates correspond to year 2021. Rates may suffer additional increases in successive years. ECI 2027 negotiated hours of operation are 8:00-21:00. For the use of the spaces beyond that timeframe, a 10% per hour surcharge of the daily rate will be charged.

Hall 10 | Plenary Room for 2,500 pax: the estimated cost is € 89.959.

General contractor services are not provided by IFEMA on an exclusive basis and Organisers are free to work with their own standard suppliers without penalty. Nevertheless, IFEMA MADRID is accustomed to providing these services to large international Organisers at competitive rates. As IFEMA MDRID’s partner for these types of proposals is Servis Ferial, we believe this would be doubly advantageous for the Organizer: competitive rates and working with long-term local partners. Servis Ferial has prepared a draft floorplan of Hall 10 including the posters and exhibition area based on ECI 2018 Amsterdam exhibition floorplan:

For built Rooms, the cost indicated on the space rental quote corresponds only to the estimated surface required in Hall 10 for the room construction. But it does not include the costs of building the room itself. Halls are rented completely empty. The costs for built rooms are among others; enclosure of the room, furniture, audio-visuals, lighting, electricity, security, air conditioning, carpeting, cleaning etc.

The above budget, does not include a series of obligatory and optional services such as electricity, rigging, telecommunicatiosn etc that organizers should bear in mind.

Generallly speaking we dig into these services costs at a later stage.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 37 TO THE VENUE (IFEMA Madrid) TO THE VENUE


Madrid Barajas airport is located only 10 minutes from the exhibition complex, and just 15 kilometres from the city centre, with which it is connected by Metro (Airport station T-1, T-2 and T-3). Now a top international airport, boasting a new fourth terminal airport station T-4, it guarantees daily connections from Feria de Madrid to all Spanish cities and to those throughout the world.


Access to Feria de Madrid is possible from anywhere in the city by means of Feria de Madrid station on Line 8, whose exit is at the South Entrance of the complex. Line 8 also connects the exhibition complexes with the different terminals of Barajas International Airport.


A wide bus network provides access to Feria de Madrid from different points in the city: Route 112 - Mar de Cristal-Feria de Madrid-Bº Aeropuerto. Route 122 - Avda. de América-Campo de las Naciones-Feria de Madrid. Route 828 - Autónoma-Alcobendas--Feria de Madrid.


With ranks at each entrance to the exhibition complex, more than 15,000 taxis are available to visitors to Feria de Madrid.


Feria de Madrid is linked by road to Madrid’s major access routes and ring roads: the M11 (Exits 5 and 7), the M40 (Exits 5, 6 and 7) and the A2 (Exit 7). The South, North and East Entrances to the exhibition complex provide direct access to the various parking areas.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 38 ACCOMMODATION FOR PARTICIPANTS

Total Number of hotels & sleeping rooms available in the city ACCOMMODATION

Due to the Candidacy for the Olympics 2020 Madrid has a very modern hotel infrastructure. There is a huge range of accommodation, 841 establishments offering 45.048 rooms. The city offers a wide variety to suit every budget from hostels to 5 stars properties. The quality of accommodation in Madrid has received national and international recognition. There are 24 hotels in a radius of 10 km from IFEMA offering a total of 6.700 rooms. There are also, over 200 hotels in a range of 5 to 15 minutes from IFEMA, offering a total of 25.730 rooms.

Nº of rooms Nº of rooms Number of within 0-5 km less than 10km DSU Average Hotel Capacity Hotel Category properties in distance to km distance rate in 2021 (Rooms) Madrid City IFEMA to congress (B&B) center

5 30 5894 0 980 250-500 4 148 22169 2100 2600 130-240 3 76 6574 200 400 90-190 2 34 2212 0 100 70-120 Hostels 553 8199 0 600 70-90

TOTAL 841 45048 2300 4680

* All prices are based on real examples of room-blocks for congresses in Madrid in 2021. There are not set prices available for 2027 yet.

New Openings 2020

In the recent past year, the city of Madrid has been the main focus of tourist accommodation investment in Spain, mainly in four and five-star establishments, we can confirm a total of 1.570 new rooms opening during this year.

Budget-conscious facilities

With regard to hostels and low budget accommodation facilities, in Madrid there are over 500 hostels with more than 8.000 rooms. You are sure to find a suitable accommodation offering excellent value for money. Most of the Madrid’s hostels are located in the historical area.

Hotel’s accessibility

Due to Madrid fully commitment with accessibility, the MCB in close coordination with the Spanish Hemophilia Federation, has published the Madrid Accessible City Guide to provide detailed information about each establishment, from hostels to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 star hotels in Madrid. In all, there are 155 hotels with a total of 510 especially adapted rooms.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 39 THE CITY

Accommodation Transportation Visa and TAX Information VAT and TAXES Information Dinner & Reception Venues Leisure & Culture Madrid Tour Gastronomy Excursions & Tours Introducing Spain: Pre-post Conference Tour

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 40 ACCOMMODATION FOR PARTICIPANTS

Some Hotels in City Centre, well connected to IFEMA ACCOMMODATION



1 7

3 5

6 8


1 Hotel Hesperia Madrid

2 Meliá

3 Intercontinental Madrid

4 Hotel NH Collection Madrid Eurobuilding

5 Meliá Galgos

6 Meliá Madrid Princesa

7 Hotel NH Collection Madrid Abascal

8 Hotel NH Collection Madrid Colón

9 Novotel Madrid Center

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 41 ACCOMMODATION FOR PARTICIPANTS

Hotels Within Walking Distance ACCOMMODATION


Avd. Capital de España,10, Campo de las Naciones, 28042 Madrid

The Pullman Madrid Airport & Feria hotel has 179 rooms. It is located next to Palacio Municipal de Congresos Convention Center.

100 m away from Campo de las Naciones Metro Station, you can reach Madrid city centre in 15 minutes. Guests have free access to the on-site gym. All soundproofed rooms have a minibar and come with a bathrobe and slippers. The private bathrooms include a hairdryer and a bathtub or hydromassage shower. Rooms feature free WiFi and a 32-inch plasma TV and Airport shuttle.

From Pullman Madrid Aeropuerto & Feria Hotel walk about 5 minutes to IFEMA.


C/ Amsterdam, n°3 Campo de las Naciones, 28042 Madrid

This hotel has 246 bedrroms and is set right next to the Palacio Municipal de Congresos Convention Center. It offers free Wi- Fi and a free transfer service to Barajas Airport. The Novotel Campo de Naciones has an outdoor swimming pool and terrace. All guests also receive free access to a nearby gym. The rooms are spacious and soundproofed, with a safe and tea/coffee facilities. Novotel Campo de Naciones offers easy access to the airport and city centre. Campo de Naciones Metro Station is 100 metres away and the M-11 and M-40 Motorways are both nearby.

From Novotel Madrid Campo de las Naciones Hotel walk about 5 minutes to IFEMA.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 42 ACCOMMODATION FOR PARTICIPANTS

Hotels City Centre ACCOMMODATION


Capitan Haya, 43, 28020 Madrid Tel: 915 67 50 00

Close to Real Madrid stadium, Santiago Bernabéu, a few meters from the Paseo de la and the strategic city center, the location provides the Meliá Castilla is surrounded by shopping streets, places for leisure and better communications to get the perfect combination of his time in Madrid.

Distance to the airport: 12.5 Km Distance to venue: 10 Km

How to arrive by metro: it takes 45 min, closest metro station Cuzco, take line 10 to Nuevos Ministerios and then Line 8 to Campo de las Naciones


Paseo de la Castellana, 57, 28046 Madrid Tel: 912 10 88 00

Ideally located, the sophisticated and chic Hesperia Madrid Hotel is one of the city’s leading contemporary luxury showcases. High-profile Spanish designer Pascua Ortega designed the hotel’s stunningly modern interiors, spaces that elegantly blend with the classic style of the rooms. The top floor features rooftop suites with terraced Jacuzzis.

Distance to the airport: 11.00 Km Distance to venue: 12.1 Km

How to arrive by metro: Follow signs at Baraja airport towards Metro line 8 (Nuevos Ministerios direction). Transfer to line 10 (Puerta del direction) and get off at the “Gregorio marañon” station. Find the Castellena exit, the hotel is located at number 57 Paseo de la Castellana.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 43 ACCOMMODATION FOR PARTICIPANTS


Paseo de la Castellana, 49, Madrid, 28046, ES Tel: 917 00 73 00

An 18th-century palace was the inspiration for this emblematic hotel in Madrid, situated on one of the city’s most famed thoroughfares at the upscale area of Castellana Boulevard. Ideally located in the cultural and business district, the hotel is minutes from the Prado Museum, Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum, Real Madrid Museum and elegant Serrano shopping district. Culinary delights include El Jardin with a beautiful terrace and an exquisite menu overseen by renowned head Chef José Luque.

Distance to the airport: 11.8 Km Distance to venue: 12.5 Km

How to arrive by metro: It takes 31 min, closest metro station Gregorio Marañon. Take any train/metro that stops in Nuevos Ministerios and then Line 10 to Gregorio Marañon (direction Puerta del Sur). Once in Gregorio Marañon you will see the hotels Facade from within the roundabout


Padre Damian, 23 28036 Madrid Tel: 913 53 73 00

Located in the neuralgic center of Madrid, the hotel NH Eurobuilding is surrounded with the most emblematic business buildings of the city, Tower Europe, Tower Picasso, Towers Kio and Center Azca, beside being closely together of the Stadium Bernabéu, close to the commercial districts and a varied offer of restoration and night life. A hotel with style of forefront, cosmopolitan, comfortable and functional.

Distance to the airport: 12 Km Distance to venue: 6.2 Km


Calle De O’donnell 53, 28009 MADRID SPAIN Tel. 91/2214060

The fully renovated NOVOTEL MADRID CENTER, which is the largest Novotel in the World, has one of the largest capacities for meetings and events in Madrid. Located in the heart of the city, just 5 minutes’ walk from the El Retiro Park, it has a privileged location.

Distance to the airport: 11Km Distance to venue: 13 Km

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 44 ACCOMMODATION FOR PARTICIPANTS


Claudio Coello, 139, 28006 Madrid Tel: 915 62 66 00

The Hotel Meliá Galgos is the perfect choice for business and leisure travel, thanks to its excellent location in the center of the city, its complete and comfortable facilities and the quality of their services. The impressive facilities, the hotel has a full gym exclusive for our customers, a sauna, a Whirlpool…

Distance to the airport: 12 Km Distance to venue: 10 Km

How to arrive by metro: it takes 45 min, take one of the following buses 27,40 or 147 to Nuevos Ministerios and then Line 8 to Campo de las Naciones.


Princesa, 27, 28008 Madrid Tel: 915 41 82 00

Completely renovated in 2008 and located a few meters from the Plaza of Spain, this modern hotel offers spectacular views of Royal Palace and Casa de Campo, and is located just minutes from Gran Via, Plaza Mayor, Puerta del Sol and the main museums (Prado, Thyssen and Reina Sofia ...). Moreover, the hotel has a subway stop at the door, allowing you to reach in just a few minutes from Barajas Airport to any other destination in the city. We provide you with 274 spacious and bright rooms, all exterior and contemporary style this addition to our prestigious restaurant “UNO” by Melia Madrid Princesa, gym, spa, indoor pool or the service “The Level”, which will allow access to our exclusive “The Level Lounge” and enjoy breakfast, open bar and spa for free.

Distance to the airport: 15 Km Distance to venue: 13 Km

How to arrive by metro: it takes 45 min, closest metro station Argüelles, take to Nuevos Ministerios and then Line 8 to Campo de las Naciones

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 45 ACCOMMODATION FOR PARTICIPANTS


José Abascal, 47 28023 Madrid Tel: 914 41 00 15

You will find the hotel NH Abascal in the central business district of Madrid, near the bustling Paseo de la Castellana. Metro stations Gregorio Marañón and Alonso Cano are conveniently located a few minutes walk, on a short trip and get to the main attractions of the historic center , the airport, the IFEMA complex and many other places. After a quick bus ride you can enjoy the art museums of the famous Art Triangle.

Distance to the airport: 13 Km Distance to venue: 11 Km

How to arrive by metro: it takes 35 min, closest metro station Gregorio Marañon, take line 10 to Nuevos Ministerios and then Line 8 to Campo de las Naciones


Goya, 3 28001 Madrid Tel: 902 57 03 68

With a prime location in the heart of this capital city, in the District, “The Gold Mile”, you will find yourself just minutes from the city’s prized shopping, business and cultural areas, including the Plaza Colón, Paseo de las Castellana, Prado Museum, Thyssen Bornemitza and Reina Sofia.

Distance to the airport: 14 Km Distance to venue: 12 Km

How to arrive by metro: it takes 35 min, closest metro station , take any train/metro that stops in Nuevos Ministerios and then Line 8 to Campo de las Naciones

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 46 ACCOMMODATION FOR PARTICIPANTS


Paseo de la Habana, 73 28036 Madrid Tel: 914 43 07 20

Located close to the Santiago Bernabeu football stadium and the Paseo de la Castellana with easy access to the Juan Carlos I business fair grounds. La Habana:With a team of young professionals, as many in the restaurant as in the kitchen, the Havana Hotel´s kitchen is based around the traditions and products of the season.

Distance to the airport: 12 Km Distance to venue: 6.5 Km


Zurbano, 79-81, 28003 Madrid Tel: 914 41 45 00

NH Zurbano is just a four-minute stroll from the Paseo de la Castellana and close to the Nuevos Ministerios financial district and the Azca business center. It is also near Madrid’s most prestigious shopping area (Serrano Street) and some of its best restaurants. The city center (Puerta del Sol and Gran Via) can be reached in less than 15 minutes by metro and the station is located right in front of the hotel. There is a direct connection by metro to the airport, with a baggage check-in service provided, as well as to the Juan Carlos 1 Trade Fair Center. The Santiago Bernabeu Stadium is a 10-minute walk away.

Distance to the airport: 12 Km Distance to venue: 10.5 Km

How to arrive by metro: it takes 35 min, closest metro station Gregorio Marañon, take line 10 to Nuevos Ministerios and then Line 8 to Campo de las Naciones

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 47 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS


Madrid has three airports, the main one being Madrid-Barajas Airport. In terms of infrastructures, equipment, resources and air traffic, it is the most important air hub in Spain.

It is just 13 km from the city, and access to it via public transport is one of quickest and easiest to use in the world: besides bus or taxi, travellers may take the Metro, where every five minutes a train to Madrid-Barajas Airport leaves from the Nuevos Ministerios Station in the City Centre.

Madrid-Barajas International Airport handles around 1300 national and international flights daily from over 170 destinations, and is the main air hub for Latin America, natrual gateway of the America Continent to Europe.

With flights from 27 Spanish cities and over 176 cities world-wide arriving every week, Madrid-Barajas is shaping up to be one of the airports with the most air-links in the world. To a great extent, this is due to the fact that 25% of all European flights to Latin America pass through here.


Cohopenagen Moscow

Dublin London Frankfurt

Paris Budapest Zurich

Chicago Milan Bucharest New York Tashkent Istambul Beijing MADRID Rome Seoul Washington Lisbon Tokio Atlanta

Los Angeles Tunis Dallas Tel Aviv

Cairo Miami Marrakech Doha Delhi Dubai Jeddah México City

Bangkok Dakar

San José Caracas

Lagos Bogotá

Lima da Bahía

Santa Cruz

Rio de Janeiro Johannesburgh


Santiago Buenos Aires Sydney


Austria Germany Luxemburg Sweden Viena (2 h 55’) Hamburg (2 h 55’) Luxemburg (2 h 15’) Stockholm (3 h 55’) Düsseldorf (2 h 35’) Malmo (2 h 35’) Belgium Berlin (3 h) Moldova Gothenburg (3 h 25’) Brussels (2 h 15’) Stuttgart (2 h 30’) Chisinau (4 h) Switzerland Munich (2 h 40’) Bulgaria Netherlands Geneva (1 h 50’) Frankfurt (2 h 40’) Sofia (3 h 30’) Eindhoven (2 h 25’) Basel-Mulhouse (2 h 5’) Croatia Greece Amsterdam (2 h 35’) Zurich (2 h 15’) Athens (3 h 30’) Dubrovnik (2 h 25’) Norway Turkey Czech Republic Hungary Oslo (3 h 50’) Istanbul (3 h 50’) Budapest (3 h 10’) Prague (2 h 35’) Poland Ukraine Denmark Ireland Warsaw (3 h 35’) Kiev (5 h 55’) Lvov (5 h 15’) Billund (5 h 10’) Dublin (2 h 45’) Portugal Cork (2 h 45’) Copenhagen (3 h) Lisbon (1 h 10’) United Kingdom Shannon (2 h 45’) Finland Madeira (3 h 35’) Birmingham (5 h 40’) Helsinki (4 h 25’) Italy Faro (3 h) Bristol (5 h 20’) Alghero (Sardinia) (1h Porto (1 h 5’) Edinburgh (5 h 50’) France Manchester (5 h 20’) 55’) Republic of Malta Bordeaux (2 h 15’) Nottingham (5 h 55’) Milan (2 h 10’) Malta (2 h 50’) Basel-Mulhouse (2 h 10’) Bologna (2 h 10’) London (2 h 25’) Paris (2 h) Bari (2 h 15’) Romania Liverpool (1 h 35’) Clermont-Ferrand (1 h Cagliari (Sardinia) (4 h Bucharest (3 h 45’) 40’) 50’) Cluj (3 h 40’) Lyon (1 h 40’) Rome (2 h 20’) Montpellier (1 h 35’) Florence (2 h 10’) Russian Federation Marseille (1 h 35’) Genoa (2 h 5’) Moscow (4 h 50’) Nice (1 h 50’) Palermo (4 h 30’) Saint Petersburg (4 h 30’) Nantes (1 h 30’) Naples (2 h 35’) Rennes (1 h 45’) Turin (2 h 5’) Strasbourg (2 h 10’) Venice (2 h 15’) Toulouse (1 h 15’) Verona (2 h 25’)

Besides European flights, Madrid has daily non-stop flights with main US cities such as New York, Boston, Miami, Washington D.C. and Chicago. It also has direct flights with Asian cities such as Shanghai, and is the main hub to South American countries, such as Argentina, Brasil, Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 49 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS TRANSPORTATION

176 direct international connections - 27 national direct destinations 175.000 daily passengers 366.605 annual operations 62 million yearly passengers 70 million maximum capacity

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 50 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS


Renfe, the Spanish national railway, runs an extensive and efficient local network in Madrid. It also offers comfortable train service to nearby cities such as Avila, Segovia or Toledo.

For longer distances, Talgo and Intercity trains services are a speedy and convenient way to travel from Madrid to the capital cities of any province in mainland Spain. One of the most prominent new service is the modern and comfortable Alaris train, which rushes travellers between Madrid and Valencia in just three hours and 30 minutes.

The company’s international service to Lisbon, Paris, Zurich, Milan or Geneva features comfortable sleeper cars.

Of all the train services, the speediest and most comfortable is the AVE high speed train that takes just 2 hours and 15 minutes to whisk passengers over the 471 kilometres between Madrid and Seville; 1 hour and 40 minutes to Valencia; 2 hours and 10 minutes to Alicante; and 2 hours and 30 minutes to Malaga.

This train combines high technology with quality on-board services (restaurant, video, press). In colourful contrast to the high speed train, the steam locomotive of the “Strawberry Train”’ chugs out of station at scheduled times during the summer months, pulling its wooden cars behind it. During the ride, traditionally-donned stewardesses offer passengers fresh strawberries from the orchards at Aranjuez.

The High Speed Train links Madrid to all Regions Moreover coach lines are soon to be connected with train lines as they will share the same station which will enhance still more the condition of the city as a valuable communication knot.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 51 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS


Madrid has primarily expressways and motorways that provides for speedy communications both within the region and to other Spanish cities. This non-toll network is routinely modernized.

The towns in the region are inter-connected by public road transportation. There is also regular bus service from the capital to other Spanish and foreign cities. Madrid’s three central bus terminals handle all these services.

Public Transportation


The Madrid underground is the fastest and most efficient and affordable way of moving around Madrid. The second largest network in Europe, covering most of the city and much of the suburbs.

There are currently twelve metro lines and three metro ligero (tramway) lines. Of these, line 8 (Nuevos Ministerios – Airport T4) is particularly useful for visitors to the city. Metro line 8 runs from all the airport terminals to Nuevos Ministerios station in central Madrid in an estimated travel time of 12-15 minutes. Ticket price= 4.5€. This service is included in the Congress Transport Card.

Almost 300 km total network

301 stations, 220 accessible to disabled

2 million daily passengers

690.000.000 yearly passengers

1.50€ single ticket price

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 52 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS

Underground Map TRANSPORTATION RED DE METRO Y METRO LIGERO Metro and Light Rail Network Hospital Infanta Sofía SIMBOLOGÍA - Key Reyes Católicos Baunatal Pinar de Chamartín Transbordo corto Estación accesible / Valdecarros Metro interchange ascensor Manuel de Falla Las Step-free access / lift Transbordo largo Marqués de la Valdavia Alto Metro interchange Suplemento Aeropuerto with long walking distance Airport extra charge La Moraleja ZONA Argüelles Zone Cambio de tren Oficina de gestión La Granja B1 Pinar de Chamartín Change of trains Public Transport Card Office Las Tablas Ronda de la Comunicación ZONA Casa de Campo Horario restringido Zone A Restricted opening times de Información Circular Travel Information Centre Montecarmelo Palas de Rey Metro Ligero Aparcamiento disuasorio Light Rail Hospital del Henares gratuito Paco de Lucía María Tudor Pitis Cercanías Renfe Free Park and Ride Nuevos Ministerios Tres Olivos Blasco Ibáñez Aeropuerto Suburban railway Aparcamiento disuasorio Aeropuerto Álvarez de Villaamil de pago Antonio Saura Paco de Lucía Grandes Intercambiadores Paid Park and Ride Fuencarral Transfer Terminal Virgen del Cortijo Arganda del Rey Aeropuerto T4 Productos Oficiales Fuente de la Mora Hospital Infanta Sofía Autobuses interurbanos Herrera Oria de Metro Begoña Puerta del Sur Suburban buses Manoteras Barajas Official Metro Avda. de la Barrio del Pilar Plaza Elíptica Ilustración Merchandising Chamartín Aeropuerto T1-T2-T3 La Fortuna Autobuses largo recorrido Pinar de Parque de Santa María Chamartín Interegional bus station Ventilla Bambú Peñagrande San Lorenzo MetroSur Duque de Autobuses nocturnos Mar de Campo de ZONA Pastrana Night bus line Zone Cristal las Naciones Ópera B1 Antonio Machado Plaza Tetuán Pío XII Príncipe Pío Estación de tren de Castilla Cuzco Railway station Colombia ZONA IFEMA Zone Esperanza Aeropuerto / Airport A Alvarado Santiago Parque Pinar de Chamartín Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Bernabéu Juan Carlos I Francos Rodríguez Concha Espina Arturo Soria Las Tablas Cuatro Caminos Nuevos Zonas tarifarias Ministerios Colonia Jardín Fare zones Avda. de Alameda de Osuna Estación de República Cruz del El Capricho Guzmán el Argentina Alfonso XIII Colonia Jardín Metropolitano Rayo Bueno Ríos Canillejas Puerta de Boadilla Estación de Aravaca Rosas Ciudad Parque de Torre Arias Universitaria Gregorio Islas Marañón las Avenidas Barrio de la Suanzes Berna Filipinas Concepción Alonso Avda. de Cano América Diego de Avenida de Europa Moncloa Quevedo León El Carmen Campus Somosaguas Argüelles Río Manzanares San Bernardo Rubén Núñez Dario de Balboa Manuel Dos Castillas Ventura Becerra García Estadio Olímpico Rodríguez Colón Serrano Noblejas La Elipa Barrio del Puerto Bélgica Las Musas Alonso Velázquez Coslada Central Noviciado Martínez Príncipe Pío La Almudena Avda. de Santo Chueca Príncipe de Pozuelo Oeste Gran Vía Guadalajara Casa de Campo Domingo Vergara O’Donnell San Fernando Somosaguas Centro Lago Retiro Alsacia Puerta de Las Rosas Siglo Boadilla Somosaguas Sur Henares Boadilla Batán Callao Sevilla Banco de XXI Centro Ferial de Prado del Rey España Boadilla Casa de Puerta Ópera Parque Infante Nuevo del Retiro Colonia de los Ángeles Campo Tirso de Molina Hospital del Prado del del Ángel La Don Luis Mundo Sainz de Baranda Henares Cantabria Espino Prado de la Vega Alto de Río Madrid Puerta Antón Martín Extremadura de Toledo Lavapiés Ventorro del Cano José Atocha Cocheras Isbert Atocha Renfe ZONA Montepríncipe Acacias Zone A Conde Retamares Ciudad Ciudad de Colonia Jardín Pirámides Menéndez de Casal Artilleros del Cine la Imagen Pelayo Marqués Palos de de Vadillo Madrid Río la Frontera ZONA Aviación Española Pacífico Valdebernardo Zone Empalme Carpetana B1 Urgel Delicias Vicálvaro Méndez Nueva ZONA San Cipriano Zone Álvaro B2 Eugenia de Vista Plaza Elíptica - Puerta de Arganda ZONA ZONA Montijo Buenos Aires Alegre Planetario Zone Zone ZONA B2 B1 Opañel Alto del Arenal Rivas-Urbanizaciones Zone Rivas Futura B3 Miguel Hernández La Fortuna Pan Bendito Joaquín Sierra de Guadalupe Rivas Vaciamadrid Vilumbrales La Peseta San Francisco Hospital 12 de Octubre Río Manzanares La Poveda Parque Carabanchel Alto San Fermín- Alcorcón Central Lisboa Puerta del Sur Ciudad de los Ángeles Arganda del Rey San Nicasio Parque Oeste Villaverde Bajo-Cruce Las Suertes Universidad Valdecarros El Carrascal San Cristóbal Rey Juan Carlos Leganés Central Casa del Reloj ZONA Hospital Severo Ochoa El Bercial Zone A Móstoles Central Julián Besteiro Los Espartales El Casar Pradillo ZONA Juan de la Cierva Zone B1 ZONA Hospital de Móstoles Zone Getafe Central

B1 Marzo 2016 ZONA Alonso de Mendoza Manuela Malasaña Zone B2 Conservatorio ZONA Zone B2 Loranca Arroyo Culebro Parque Fuenlabrada

Hospital de Europa Central PW-000-00-1601 Fuenlabrada Parque de los Estados Depósito Legal M - 18034 - 2013 © Metro de Madrid, S.A.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 53 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS TRANSPORTATION BUSES

Madrid has an extensive public bus network with 209 lines, which covers the entire city area. All the vehicles, 2.022 in total, are air-conditioned, and almost 50% are electric. Single ticket price = 1.50€. Special Airport Express line runs from the airport to central Madrid and returns, 24hrs/365days. It runs every 15-20 minutes during the day and every 35 at night. Estimated travel time: 40 minutes from Atocha - Renfe (head of line) Single ticket price = 5.00€ including luggage


A modern suburban train line connects Terminal T4 with several key locations in Madrid: Chamartin, Nuevos Ministerios, Atocha, Principe Pío and SOL (Sol is the heart of the historical downtown Madrid and km 0 of all the Spanish roads). Estimated travel time: 25 minutes from Sol station. It runs every day from 5:30 AM to 11:50 PM. Single ticket price = 2.50€

TAXI All airport terminals have clearly signed taxi ranks outside the arrivals area. There are more than 15,600 taxis in Madrid, so it is not usually difficult to find one available in the city’s main avenues. Just make a sign and they will be keen to stop! Prices are quite reasonable, considering that a one-way trip from anywhere in the city central quarters to the airport or vice versa has a fixed travel cost of 30€. No supplements can be added to this flat fare.

Apart from taxis Madrid also offers visitors the possibility to use the services of alternative transportation companies, such as Uber or Cabify, both operating via their online platforms.


It is the most affordable and practical way to move around Madrid. It can be used on all public transport in the city (Metro, buses and night buses, light rail) as many times as necessary within its validity period. There are six types of passes valid for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 7 days, while the format is always the same, resembling a credit card. It also includes the supplement for travelling from/to the Madrid-Barajas airport, currently at 3.00€ per trip. The official public prices, inclusive of all applicable taxes, can be found in the table below.

Zone 1 day 2 days 3 days 4 days 5 days 7 days A 8.40 € 14.20 € 18.40 € 22.60 € 26.80 € 35.40 €


Afghanistan (1) (2*) Gabon Niger Albania Gambia Nigeria (1) (2*) Algeria (1) Ghana (2*) North Korea (1) Angola (2) Guinea (2) Oman Armenia Guinea-Bissau (2) Pakistan (1) (2*) Azerbaijan Guyana Palestine (1) Bahrain Haiti (2) Papua New Guinea Bangladesh (1) (2*) Hong Kong (when it is not Philippines (1) Belarus (1) SAR) Qatar Belize India (2) Refugee Travel Documents (1) Benin Indonesia Russia Bhutan Iran (1) (2*) Rwanda (1) Bolivia Iraq (1) (2*) Sao Tome Bosnia & Herzegovina Ivory Coast (2) Saudi Arabia (1) Botswana Jamaica Senegal (2) Burkina Faso Jordan (1) Sierra Leone (2) Burundi Kazakhstan Somalia (1) (2*) Cambodia Kenya South Africa Cameroon Kyrgyzstan South Sudan (1) Cape Verde Kuwait Sri Lanka (1) (2*) Central Africa Republic Laos Sudan (1) (2) Chad Lebanon (1) Suriname (1) China Lesotho Swaziland Comoros Liberia (2) Syria (1) Congo Libya (1) Tajikistan Cuba (2) Madagascar Tanzania Democratic Republic of Congo (1) (2*) Malawi Thailand Djibouti (2*) Maldives Togo (2) Dominican Republic Mali (1) (2) Tunisia (1) East Timor Mauritania (1) Turkey Ecuador Mongolia Turkmenistan Equatorial Guinea (1) Morocco (1) Uganda Egypt (1) Mozambique Uzbekistan (1) Eritrea (2*) Myanmar Vietnam (1) Ethiopia (2*) Namibia Yemen (1) Fiji Nauru Zambia Frandesspass documents (1) Nepal Zimbabwe

The visa will take at least 2 weeks to be issued.

(1) This visa will take at least 4 weeks to process. Included in this category are: Palestinians, Refugees and Stateless Persons. Please note that certain documents are not recognised by the Spanish Authorities and are therefore not valid to travel to Spain. These include Certificates of Identity issued by the Home Office, which are not covered by the Geneva or New York Conventions. (2) An Airport Transit visa is required if the person is not a permanent resident in: Canada, European Union, USA. (2*) An Airport Transit visa is not required if resident in: Andorra, Canada, European Union, Japan, Monaco, San Marino, Switzerland, USA, Holders of Diplomatic and Service passports. The Airport Transit visa will only allow the holder into the International Lounge and will not permit the passenger entry into Spain.

Children of any age holding a valid passport will require a visa.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 55 VAT & TAXES INFORMATION INFORMATION LOCAL TAXES VISA AND TAX

In Spain, the VAT rate applied to restaurant, hotel and transport services is 10%. The general VAT rate of 21% is applied to venue hire, audiovisual equipment, performances, catering, hospitality staff and stand construction. The reduced VAT rate of 4% is applied to basic foods, books and pharmaceutical products.

Spanish VAT Tax Laws Improve for Meetings & Corporate Events

Spain in general, and Madrid particularly, is much more attractive to international congresses. As of early 2015, the Spanish VAT Tax Law changed relating to meetings and congresses event services.

If certain conditions are satisfied when organizing meetings and events,clients will no longer be VAT charged.

To be applicable, the following conditions must be met:

The event activity is engaged by a business corporation or business client in a single service (local partner). Such a service is 100% fully dedicated to working and business purposes for the client (association, corporate, etc.).

As long as the program qualifies as a business meeting, congress or convention, the VAT Tax will not apply. Incentive’s meetings do not qualify.


VISA regulations inside the European Union are very similar and they depend on the Schengen Borders.

Passport and visa requirements are liable to change at short notice. Travellers are advised to check their entry requirements with their embassy or consulate.

For journeys undertaken for the purposes of tourism or for private reasons: 1. Supporting documents as regards lodging: - An invitation letter from the host if staying with one. - A supporting document from the establishment providing lodging or any other appropriate document indicating the accommodation envisaged. 2. Confirmation of the booking of a tour trip or any other appropriate document indicating the envisaged travel plans. 3. A return or round-trip ticket.

For business, political, scientific, cultural, sport or religious trips: 1. An invitation from a firm or an authority to attend meetings, conferences or events connected with trade, industry or work. 2. Other documents which show the existence of trade relations or business relations. 3. Entry tickets for fairs and congresses if attending one. 4. Invitations, entry tickets, enrolments or programmes stating wherever possible the name of the host organisation and the length of stay or any other appropriate document indicating the purpose of the visit. Schengen Area visa lists: Schengen member states Other EU members outside Schengen Area but bound by same visa policy and special territories of the EU and Schengen member states Parts of the EU with an independent visa policy Visa-free access to the Schengen states for 90 days in any 180-day period Visa required to enter the Schengen states Visa required for transit via the Schengen states Visa status unknown

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 56 DINNER & RECEPTION VENUES DINNER & RECEPTION DINNER & RECEPTION



The Madrid Stock Exchange building, the Palacio de la Bolsa offers companies and institutions the opportunity to host corporate events in a unique venue of great financial and artistic heritage. The Palacio de la Bolsa features emblematic spaces such as the trading hall, the heart of the exchange building and the stock market; the Salón de los Pasos Perdidos (Hall of Silent Footsteps), and the Listing Hall. The building has many other function rooms, all equipped with cutting edge audiovisual facilities making them suitable for any event.

Cocktail SQM Banquet 550 2.000 284


The Círculo de Bellas Artes of Madrid (CBA) is one of Europe’s most important cultural centers. Founded in 1880 by a small group of artists, it is characterized for its support of the most innovative artistic trends, covering plastic arts, literature, science, philosophy and performing arts.

The best part of the Círculo de Bellas Artes is its trendy and very popular rooftop with stunning views of the city centre, especially Gran Vía and la plaza Cibeles. In spring, summer and autumn you can order relatively cheap drinks while enjoying the beautiful views.

Cocktail SQM Banquet 450 2.000 320


Casa de América offers you the chance to hold all kinds of events and corporate meetings in its magnificent headquarters, the historic Palacio de Linares, built in the late 19th century and based in the emblematic Plaza de Cibeles.

The palace can provide a series of elegant period rooms or its versatile garden and terrace area.

Cocktail SQM Banquet 300 2.000 600


The Palacio Neptuno originates from the turn of the 20th VENUES century and is an architectural jewel of the Madrid de los Austrias. The building is part of the old palace and gardens of the Duke of Medinaceli. The Palacio Neptuno has been recently restored preserving the essence of its old splendour in order to host Madrid’s major events and acts.

Currently the Palacio Neptuno is considered to be one of the most important and exclusive venues for events in the capital. Its extraordinary location, a few meters from the Plaza de Neptuno and the Prado Museum, along with its modern design and infrastructure, make it one of the most avant garde venues of the city.

The facilities include three main lounges, an auditorium, open terrace, entrance hall and a VIP room. It has the capacity to accommodate up to 900 guests comfortably or to use a single floor for cocktails, dinner and presentations for groups as small as 70 guests.

Cocktail SQM Banquet 500 2.500 400


The Royal Tapestry Factory is an institution founded in 1720, and devoted to the handmade production of tapestries, rugs, and wall rugs. Tapestries and rugs from the Royal Factory can be seen in every palace of the Spanish Crown: Royal Palace, Palace of , Palace of la Granja de San Ildefonso, Aranjuez Palace, Riofrío Palace, Reales Alcázares, Pedralbes Palace, and many other national and international institutions which have opted to decorate with tapestries or rugs made at the Royal Tapestry Factory.

Cocktail SQM Banquet 600 1.600 500


Located on the site of the former Boetticher lift factory, in VENUES Villaverde, this large building is new a public facility that encompasses numerous activities geared towards innovation, the dissemination of new technologies, and collaboration between social agents as a driver for growth in the city.

La N@ve, an industrial building built in the 40s by the company Boetticher y Navarro, designed by engineer Eduardo Torroja, operated as a factory until 1992. It is now a space dedicated to entrepreneurialism and innovation, hosting meetings between entrepreneurs, training courses, talks, and various initiatives related with new technologies.

Cocktail SQM Banquet 3000 5880 2000


The Palacio Del Negralejo is a spectacular complex with 30.000 m2 of facilities with all the services you may need to organize your event. The facilities are presided by the Palacio del Negralejo, giving name to the property, a 18th century palace was built for summer leisure of the nobility of Madrid on the Vega de Henares.

Today, it is a complex of 11 spaces allowing to host up to 3500 guests, during separate events simultaneously, with total privacy for each of the celebrations.

Cocktail SQM Banquet 3500 1964 1500

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 59 LEISURE & CULTURE LEISURE & CULTURE PRADO MUSEUM The Prado Museum is one of the most prestigious art museums in the world. Alongside Velázquez’s Las Meninas and Goya’s The 3rd of May 1808 in Madrid: The Executions on Principe Pío Hill, the galleries are packed with masterpieces from the Spanish, Italian and Flemish schools. Storing over 8,000 artworks, the Prado Museum offers an expansive survey of Western painting, from the Middle Ages to the 19th century. We recommend you read a guidebook to prepare for your visit. Make sure you spend at least a full morning or afternoon at the museum, but don’t try to see the whole permanent collection in one day.


Artworks by Dalí, Miró and Juan Gris hang alongside Picasso’s Guernica in a riveting survey of Spanish Art History. The museum aims to promote contemporary art with its collection, public library and a vast programme of shows, conferences, performances, projections and concerts. As a continuation of the Prado Museum, the MNCARS picks up where the former leaves off, displaying artworks from the late 19thcentury to nowadays. The Museum’s programme features all types of artistic disciplines, set out in three collections.


With a collection of over 1,000 works of art, the Thyssen-Bornemisza is a key stop on one of the world’s most singular cultural and artistic touring routes. Just metres from the Prado and the Reina Sofía, the Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum allows visitors to embark on an exceptional journey through seven centuries of painting or to contemplate each one of the 50 paintings it holds that are considered to be universal masterpieces.


CaixaForum Madrid is a live space opening its doors to old, modern and contemporary art, to music and poetry festivals, to multimedia art, to debates on current affairs, to social symposiums and family and educational workshops. Located in a spectacular building on Paseo del Prado which was once the Mediodía Electric Power Station, it is one of the landmarks in our city.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 60 LEISURE & CULTURE LEISURE & CULTURE SOROLLA MUSEUM It is housed in what was Sorolla’s home and studio, and features numerous paintings by the artist. The museum will provide an insight into Joaquín Sorolla’s evolution as a painter. Visitors can see the artist’s different stylistic and thematic periods, such as his paintings on social criticism, family portraits, works depicting typical local customs, and self-portraits. The Impressionist landscapes are the key works in the artist’s colourist period. Besides these, there are other items on display, including sculpture, ceramics, jewellery, old photographs and an important archive containing his private correspondence. There are also important works by other artists such as Benlliure, Rodin and Bloy.

NATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM Created by Queen Isabella II, it is located next to the National Library. The museum came into being at the end of the 19th century, and was designed to bring together and exhibit items related to archaeology, ethnography, decorative arts and coins from a range of different institutions. The permanent collection offers a journey through the history of Spain from prehistoric times to the 19th century. Its collection includes excellent pieces from all periods and styles, including Egyptian sarcophagi and mummies, Hispano-Roman decorative art, Arab archaeology and Mudéjar stonework and ceramics. It has a library specialising in scientific publications on art, history, archaeology and museology. One of its most highly-prized treasures is the bust of the Lady of Elche.

MADRID ROYAL PALACE Madrid’s Royal Palace was built in the 18th century by order of Philip V on the site of the old Alcázar fortress, a former Moorish castle. Sachetti began the works in 1738, and the building was completed in 1764. Sabatini designed the southeast wing and the great staircase, or staircase of honour. It has a square floor plan with a large central courtyard. The Puerta del Príncipe gateway on the east side gives access to the central courtyard. The Sabatini and Campo del Moro Gardens are among the Palace’s other attractions, as well as its several different façades. There is some debate as to its artistic style; it is thought by some experts to belong more to the Baroque, and by others to the Neo-classical style. Of particular note among its numerous rooms are the Royal Guards’ Room, the Columns Room, the Hall of Mirrors and King Charles III’s room. It also contains paintings by Velázquez, Goya, Rubens, El Greco and Caravaggio.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 61 l l ón e le Carolina r .

L T n s G PARQUE DE e C e a a ó A d m J I o h C. Alfonso Rodríguez Castelao C s b d c e u l a r o z la LA VAGUADA d u C. M l n Plaza de la o PARQUE DEL NORTE a o C d i o j r r á o P a e P C Calle Alicú ca r . . r d s ll l C

e a A C Vanguardia de n d o C C. Albert C a S e C TORRE ESPACIO n C A T ja . V v de e 0 Z e a rn 3 L a la Democracia ic a E l a e Calle Calle Golfo de Salóni e L L l N A l L Insúa A n l / t n v A e d o C. Doctor Reinosa a e g A C E n B el o r / r C. Gabriela Mistral . e a it o N Avenida e C ia e a s IÓ de Mon A f va o d o C. Dionisio Ridruejo C a l n rte . AVENIDA DE C de C a a G Lemo V Dalia s C c ó a n

B C RA TORRE DE CRISTAL A E n d T F a n I o o a LA ILUSTRACIÓN S N N l la i n i L o U n e n a m L A C B

I Z L I r i D u M o S A v s . a O E z t s L A e . C. Rosalía de Castr . C. Leopoldo Alas “Clarín” r e t e I n í E C o g l e C d e r o C A D i é i r s e r a V b . o la A r e u e ro Is ID e 3 . e B d R N l a C l u . l D c C ro N D CUATRO TORRES 0 C z e n a R C le E e CENTRO DE TURISMO E-1a 0 PASEO DEL ARTE G-11 E e l V E l a a t MUSEOS PARQUES Y JARDINES u AEROPUERTO MADRID é PARQUE DE C io l b A MADRID a OTROS C INFORMACIÓN TURÍSTICA A r l BUSINESS AREA L V a e a n M C C PLAZA MAYOR le de Plaza z e l h Santa Isabel S BARAJAS TERMINAL 1al Y 4 MANOTERAS lle a n

C. San Laur a í o e C I d A

N IMPRESCINDIBLE s LUGARES DE INTERÉL S A C l m • Jardines del Campo del Moro s u eano l l r

a del Puerto I • Museo Nacional del PradoC G-10 C-10 v OFICINAS DE TUNRISMO DE LA e . e M Melc Plaza Mayoro , 27 eano hor h l n esquina con Plaza del Emperador LLEGADAS C. Islas Chafarinas Laur F Fern Mapa C

C á San nde d e . z a ll b Ca Alm FOR MA CI Ó

A de la Cruz I agro TORRE SACYR I e a d • Real Jardín Botánico a COMUNIDAD DE MADRID a R I C • Gran Vía A • Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza G-10 G-11 L r M s F-09 • G-04 O l e Carlos V (Atocha) U o SOL P l

f BAMBÚ B l e I z A a . . S n ER • Casa de Campo u k de lunes a sábado deMAN 08:00OTERA aS 20:00 h. a • • Museo Nacional Centro de C C

C. Cuéllar R I Parque de El Retiro H-11 • Torre BBVA G-04 G-11 C-10 r R s T m

rde f ATOCHA g 902 100 007 l Ve E d b

bo n

Ca H l a BARRIO DEL PILAR SERVICIOS: A e o d a las í Is e Domingos y festivos de 09:00 a 14.00 h.

Calle L b e r • s A s • Plaza Mayor E-10 • Torre Europa G-04 Arte Reina Sofía Parque del Capricho Mapa C d N a E o a s D r r idas Z B g R c a • Atención Presencial AEROPUERTO DE MADRID a A Calle Islas Hébr lm M TORRE CAJAMADRID f AEROPUERTO T1-T2-T3 / v a a a A • Parque Juan Carlos I DUQUE DE MEDINACELI e C • Palacio Real . • Real Academia de Bellas Artes F-10 Mapa C Calle Bambú G-10 C D-10 • Puerta de Europa F H-01 u Plaza de EL n h or C a h D z a elc • Atención no Presencial BARAJAS (TERMINAL 4) Mapa C e l la Cruz Latina A í m AEROPUERTO T4 l l M l D b s • Catedral de la Almudena . de San Fernae ndo • Jardines de Sabatini e D-09 NI D-10 • Palacio de DCeportes J-09 d a E a a h Duque de Medinaceli,2 C V Llegadas salas 10 y 11 C r • A Jorge Alarcón s HOSPITAL CARLOS lll Atención Especializada Calle Joaquín A • Monasterio de las Descalzas E-10 • Palacio de Santa Cruz E-10 • Museo Arlaqueológico H-09 .


s V • C Autoconsulta e

C a

a a

l • • Museo de Cera r t

l a Plaza de Cibeles G-08 l

a G-09 (Ministerio de AA.EE.) a ATRACCIONES


a l e l s

e s a Lun-Sab de 08:00 a 20:00 h.

e l l venida de Monforte de Lemo k o l A e Lun - Dom de 09:00 a 20:00 h. l l • Madrid Vivo k E m a n e z l n i I e a s C ñ • o

a • Templo de Debod D-09 • Fuente de Cibeles G-09 Museo Lázaro Galdiano H-06 a I g Glorieta de Mariano C. Sarr TÚNEL DE PÍO XII


a l s e C Mapa B Domingos y festivos de 09:00 MADRID ESPACIOS á I a • Parque de Atracciones

l o y Delag L A

n • r Visitas guiadas “Descubre Madrid” m B G a

a Salvador Maella i C. Pablo Gar L u Calle Oter I e d l C DE

i l AEROPUERTO DE MADRID o L L b s • Museo Sorolla G

s a • Fuente de Neptuno G-06 a J C G-10 • Palacio de Cibeles G-10 E ADO C. Masteler a u e B l O r a c a I l Y CONGRESOS o gallo l a S • Zoo Aquarium de Madrid Mapa B v a 14.00 h. e l m e e i E i s • G Tienda marca ¡Madrid!

S a d N t k SI t i A ia BARAJAS (TERMINAL 2) Mapa C

n il l rac • c V • PARQUE Museo del Traje s A Puerta del Sol B-06 i e n i a Miguel F-10 • Teatro Real D-10 n n

l alle r

c C u h

e e H-14

e r p i z • CALLE AR r l o Planetario de Madrid


o i e

i e M u e c o P PARQUE DE a i r G-12 A t á h l Vestíbulo de llegadas ESTACIÓN DE ATOCHA PEÑAGRANDE EL FERROL Calle Mesena d t • San Francisco el Grande D-11 • Estadio Santiago Bernabéerro u H-03 • Museo Nacional H-06 CENTRO DE TURISMO G-08 a d C

u F V o V n i c n c El CASA DE CAMPO

a Av. de I-14 r n e • Imax Mad.riVdía E . C ó K o F C Lím s q LA VENTILLA ite n C. César Manrique á A N

e COLÓN entre salas 5 y 6 VENIDA DE PÍO XII é

C D u a a CHAMARTÍN e s S m G• El Rastro E-11 • Colegiata de E-11 de Ciencias Naturales Plaza ID t

u Calle r Joaquín Lor l e 0

a s ATOCHA RENFE / ATOCHA a n l C-08 f e l n e • Teleférico de Madrid A 3 a a a u q . s del Norte MADRID s R r á u n f AEROPUEr RTO T1 - T2 - T3 q I a J • • Museo de los Orígenes h Plaza dee Colón (paso subterráneo • Palacio de Cristal C Puerta de Alcalá .

n E D-11 n a . H-09 • Monumento Alfonso XII H-10 r d D . C a i s B L C k Lun - Sab de 08:00 a 20:00 h. E r d p d e C l C enzo L á • Faunia s i T a

C M SEO DE LA CASTELLANA CHAMARTÍN C e A . a n S n o s entre las calles de Génova y Goya) k Lun - Dom. de 09:00 a 20:00 h. . t H T • A

C • Plaza de la Villa • Museo de Historia A Pabellón La Pipa C C z n F-08 . N

d E-10 • Palacio de Velázquez I-10 C o e B . n Domingos y festivos de 09:00 URO SORIA ila C i e i P v P g n

C / d (Paarque biológico de Madrid) u Da L s l . C U m P e . io

o A e C f COLÓN / RECOLETOS g •Jul . I • Plaza de Toros de las Ventas • Museo de Arte Público . . . Pabellón de ConvencionB es S H-07 r L C. Cantalej C K-07 • Palacio de Cristal I-10 VENIDA DE ASTURIAS ra l G C a C B

o all N C o r SERVICIO DE ATENCIÓN E-09 a 14.00 h. e e da a a n u M IÓ Chanta r l. rl an . Calle d A v a u C r el G J a r he • n A • • Museo de Arte Contemporáneo a i c Pabellón XII g

a Madrid actual • D-08 G o a g r o M G-(01-06) Filmoteca Nacional F-11 n AL TURISTAl lv r i id R d l Ga a o T a . Betanzos N . a PLAZA DE CIBELES G-09 a o o S q INFORMACIÓN TURÍSTICA c n s d

U u a v C i a an L ín Calle Cedr r r m e ia e d

I t • Iglesia de los JerónimoAs • • M F-03. EXTRANJERO (SATE) ESTACIÓN er C Mapa A • PabezllóHn de Autoridades e G-10 Teatro Español F-10 u e D L S m e

Glorieta de o C . ó A o C L re Calle Ribadav C h Plazaa de Cibeles (bulevar del . C. G u n C. Álvar C B O e Gta. Nueva z s C . M DE CHAMARTÍN C o M • Leganitos,19 (Comisaría gos de Centro) Francisco DE • Biblioteca Nacional G-09 • Congreso de los Diputados F-10 • Museo Naval G-10 .OFICINAS Dá E TURISMO DEL h a Teatro Casa de Campo r C . P s o V PARQUE a rt r C i u . a Call d re Paseo del Prado) m a D Zelanda lle e C Calle Emilia re s u oc Bayeu y Subias d d . R de s m AYUNTAMIENTO DE MADRID B to A e e • Casa de América • Museo de América u l e f SANTO DOMINGO á • Madrid Arena a C-06 b l r ID G-09 • Torre España (Pirulí) K-09 ez a la LOS PINOS Y C R N M i l CHAMARTÍN ra i am AVE e o V f ed n e C e f BANCO DE ESPAÑA e v ó n a n a a n C a br ro ti . A Sa o as era lla d o A Plaza de España / Callao t rov • Barrio de las Letras • CaixaForum Madrisd G-11 C V ie F-10 b (+ 34) 91 588 16 36 . Alons j Lun - Sab de 08:00 a 20:00 h. t d o l k E v FOR MA CI Ó s b PALACC. IO MUNICIPAL e N Mapa C e

C e n C o PLAZA DE CALLAO De 09:00 a 24:00 h. . t E-09 C k o Ca • Librerías Cuesta de Moyano G-11 • La Casa Enceo ndida F-12 k Lun - Dom de 09:30 a 20:30 h. r ID

l a t DE CONGRESOS l . b Domingos y festivos de 09:00 m N

a n . C n o a ill ld i a r A a J as r R a d a P d b DENUNCIAS 24 HORAS: L A C u e h Plaza de Callao l C • La Encarnación • Museo del cReal Madrid e L C l D-09 H-03 [email protected] e l a a i . a a v

e e a 14.00 h. . Sie r l . D u r PARQUE RODRÍGUEZ ec a P

n r a r c v V C. V a i i a H E le e D ón r ñ f CALLAO / SOL 902 102 112 l o

alle de Mena e a a B e AUDITORIO JUAN CARLOS I Mapa C r a • • Museo del Atlético de Madrid o R d San Antonio de la Florida B-08 C C-13 www.esMAa C N C c d r

n r n H l SAHAGÚN . . . o e a

d . e C a a C e L l A t

r [email protected] STÍN DE FOXÁ C a

o d e

e r C G . l A

A r r . t y o P r . Calle San Aquilino a r C t C

I e

r y C P . o n e o i C í one o P n g J m

F o a a o s d d s s P R m o VENTILLA .

e Pl. de u é C. o n r s A G C e

é á B i o l Z Calle Añastr

. z e Donoso . s n C

a s C e

d A n


. r e s o u

e l C. AGU / t

t d e s .

E J a e l n l u C t t a a a Calle Magnolias n a C a . d

n d s M V r é A a i e a e a C r M FINCA PINAR

C C. V C . t a q n

C P r r L

n E a all nd C r d u a a o o c C L e e . H

A o a l A s ll E P e e H. CAÍ J G E


e m e l p l PARQUE v el l in D o C

l Calle Plátan ie L O e e d i r a

S i S r n n b a B

n il a D ro t D enc P E 3 t o HUERTA DEL G PUERTA r IA as a

ANTONIO MACHADO R a o i . r R L Añ d o e U 0 . A l

A l C e N C i I o c o d a l e a C a D n e s

t . a I s o C OBISPO Ca DE EUROPA O V z l e p I r t a itá C TE DUQUE DE PASTRANA S a o C n A I l o o Ó l i M ón n e N z d h B Calle Pinos Baja ora J C l o n A C igo i o e a Calle Alfalfa . Delfín . do m u . o d n C Z a A O la r e c o C U agr ez. a d r o t L l S Gl il C . n e D V il la de C S lo D A n esta CALLE AR A i ir r . Cu C M A a M Zur ll e gi C J n a b PLAZA DE G .

o G c ay . . l P i G a a c i r i

s L P C Calle Cañaveral . a q

a e m i o c d ó Calle Divino Redento u L d C é r E r i CASTILLA i

f g n e a h a n . l D i e r ó r o r n l o P P a

d o s p r C b

d a . z C. Piquer l e e VALDEZARZA i V C o e

g L S e s Pl. de e d o z A s c A a a a u ó . z d n l c . e t n n p n a Castilla S r e C a P é a . Comandante Franco A z i e r m Av n . i a TURO SORIA o n C Z e o z IO e e S b C S r . x e p E C t z E s IN C a . S s i ó m a L . C u O f M S . L r H e L V C s ib A I E a g . de lo IL r s a l i Voluntar a . PÍO XII l U s l i T C I C e d l os R ue b U n e g C. Francisco Su n a l E A C C C M PLAZA DE C a M R . a L . a . a . . C o c t C L h ta C a e a a L a T C A em la pit O O l . r d ir C ne r án V l u C e a s r B A árez H a C e . l lan ay R CASTILLA M a b e 01 r V l e i 01 S co Arg B é d n E C e a a N a S d a re g e E C. e d D l J

l a n er r n a C P Calle Almortas L e

l e a i a z a

e seo L í c ix s A l

o e Í y d l a a C l n v C e o A á o s A

C . r . V

o C e r

o a S l Pl. de la a Calleñ Mesena . C

o A a a M n .

n e s s a

a a Calle Azucenas F g D R R LLANA t

n e to Mercedes h u e

stitu D p a G e l s í a s t

e c e a t Remonta . r

l i r t E n

r a a e u n P g C

t i d e C C

o h o r a l a o

e u t T e de Dios d a C

d e r c B

c .

n n a

a J S r

c Calle Muller a m

e C l i C l


o e i

O fa o

j i u i

rcin c

ieg . A C A a ó r

alle C. y C. Apo e n J

lo r

n In nio Morales . a Isla VALDEACEDERAS s o e V T a

d u e t a C t

Oz . r . C a r e i e a

l c l Calle Mar C n S C a F C. Félix Boi d

A x n e m

a C. Madr a a R C u a E

. C i r . S l J m . a a o Calle Madr r

a G m a e C o . o l . n

T C n t l í m z M g i a e 2 A C s l l ó b qués de Viana . o C n

C a H CHAMARTÍN 5 F e é ó u e L C e r n C u re r d PÍO XII R n . a r u P o d . z l Pío XII f C y I

C a e s A A a . v a C B o L . l . n i

l S i s u il er M a P C ó a e e C

C . ucumán a n . u e . v e r M m C n a s z N c p s a a F a t d re a n t g o e s a A n o a C a E a s C r . s e n

r i C r . J y e r r Á ú s o Rosario Pino . o

l d o T e g a A sé o z C f

igal l o . n e M n C. Panizo a i C R l de e u V C o s A . g . r t . Carlos Maurrás n dr C y t s i o íg p M e e l u o a r l P c e enida de la rti l C a S z P o i n a r n v s A á H u I a M d a illa e . l i h r n . e a C A

g C i v a

s a t A . C. Enriqu N z g e Jardiel Poncela c o orpeder

n l ú a C e e n D t n a C. General C r r i G a s o a i n

v r d . C. T e é C


e C

e . F a

c r l e a S a r n C n M m l . c a l c r is i e

r a G c Pl. d a o G d e er i vá J d A

s g

a . ne i Av. Alfonso XIII s ó r itán Haya s a a

c l o XIII Perú u

n ns h n P fo

TETUÁN M p Av. Al l r

a a n

C r a a d ó C g a d a

a á t

ll Dunan z d

e ll o i enri o i a e C. H


l m e V

m d ense

a m d e z

P o o o a p c


u R n e i

º a C d b o C S r C. Gua s T D é s tem

ta al C A P Hondura ala p

a L n . a

s G l C a e e a i e Pl. José r s d L n i ó a O a b E l P

M D c l a

A l C. Or

s r r a e L

ire G c u S . L a

árt E m d O a u María Soler D e a a R C

M l

J M e s r REAL CLUB PUERTA . r lo e C Á r n

de n N . de Lujá O A . .

I P C ra 02 S 02 . TETUÁN G a. S Av ES C. E d C. Ntr IN . L C a P C S C A a DE HIERRO a e C. Pedr l C ns DE Plaza z Calle Ofelia Nieto l a LA P A g a e C m CRU LE . A i Z Doctor Flemin venida de Aster e CALLE COSTA RICA

L l e A a n on n e C ll C so to de Cuzco AVENID l h

A DE l

la r ó e Ca ALBE

R l d i a TO ALCOCER i c J a a o Salinas

V í c l u s

a n l tri C C e e c a á ll l lisan l

d o . R e Calle n e e

V C. Víctor Andr

a S r e B a ll B m i i a o ll l s a a .

. C o D a d C. Nicaragua C C m e l C l i


a i


s R i C a

d i C. Huesca M s C C. P A c . M Plaza de intor Juan Gris C. Cañas

a o arq L C a r u Calle Colombia é San Germán L

g s C

s de í

d s a

a e o E e t L .

C r ei Po C l l h s o i . Á

a C e t C C a e m e al s a .

le a d R l n 3 i ela n P s o i o l C D r o F r e g 0 ranco Ha s m

s u C ar e

Ro e d e C d r n d r e o ró és Belaúnde V í V g d i a

d a G a l

u A e a a e C í ill e . Pan r d

a l p e má c

V l

l t

l z o M v e

a l L c l l t a e a e a e e r o e A e l r COLOMBIA

D d l e n a D

al r ehesa d v

C e

e a i


ral Y b i M ag P n üe e

ra D d C m d . P a a

e e ro t fes g e or b

re P Wa u r k r sman a e l

a . h

C i o c e

j C z . G o

C F Sa

e n E a s

a nri C q r

l C u t n e . l


e R d

o . C t a l a

n r . á d l



e r e

s e i

DEHESA H C. o a l Uruguay

e f l


F . l m

r m

n a d d

i r Calle La Coruña o e

I a r e c a

P a ru á C A

e C R o



n a

R ñ


D . n l

i r e

l u a

r C i

a c a T .

f c

a i

R C. Pintor Ribera

e M o n l d e

s o n e

l e N

. o l

e r

l r a j

e s C. l n e u C Pedr

o Teixeira a

a C b b g

A C d A

o a

s b a R C. Condes del V

a d V n V

L a r a


s . Á

l o L

P C c

i o L i l H a I .


e s d

I o A

a C P S

i s d i C

V t m d a . o r i l ense

n a y e o Calle Agastia a s p í r n É

i g l e L X j C a AVENIDA S

c L l u ESTRECHO é MUSEO C. Infan r s a o ta a M A G aría v Teres r O

a I J e n r n e L

L n e e I s a ñ a z A I a e S E e d e C. Rafael Salgado d . DELA PAZ LL u E C. Or l m TIFLOLÓGICO n A D i r r PALACIO DE C B C o C C . A o . Gral. e ES p u e Orgaz o FRATERNIDAD-MUPRESPA. H l C E s l e


03 . 03

. m s R C

C . L a CONGRESOS a e a a i r . HOSPITAL CENTRAL o l C r P

C l C T e i . d ente C o r Nav o a C r í arra ESTADIO e g SANTIAGO l m R G C. l Ro u Juan de PARQUE e co á e Olías BERNABEU SANTIAGO is b z za ÓN Y T C e M CAJAL a A o C c i ra lle l R FÉLIX RODRÍGUEZ n d Cas l . a A d tilla BERNABEU DE r a e a V r P A r al n F v Call ID e l a C e DE LA FUENTE e á . í Á C r ónima Llor VO MURILLO vila N l de r e a VE a A t PARQUE M A g n d . Avenida del General Per CONCHA ESPINA . a e C Pl. Virgen u ón L ir DE OFELIA Pl. de n m Calle Santa Juliana de Guadalupe C . a M l CALLE DE CONCHA ESPINA o de A P Lima eñ . . a l NIETO A vi C . a r a Av. Do Calle Jer C Cl G C b R C e . ct . C u H l or Tu r Pl. de . o A r s E

F TORRE ia n o o

as e o C í ta r C r G m y e C Arriba r d al o I le SANTIAGO . C. Segr v

M g a o e Calle San Raimund R o i T A a C s s l e EUROPA s o nz li

a e r r España i l u M

Calle T E a o . r F i e é r c

l a c l


C d l r e V

o s

R i C . e i o C. Car l i u M L o L r e d a linas C a . a

n o . Reina n S C n a d CIUDAD Me . u e s rced

J n es e z . A PARQUE a

C l R a V C á

s R M r c e r

v d o ALVARADO l e n i o i

o .

l .

E t o s n u

. del Paraninfo i d R TORRE u

i a T CIUDAD o a


b r D

m R e g D a Call o e A a C í a lva

o o rado l z

. i f r

r o

C o Calle Jaén PICASSO a r a P ener m B

d d C

ri tro m e P Calle Serrano lo e e t l a

s . o r a C e i e . l t a a E LINEAL

o l

C t o í d y b g s C. Cinca C i Z j A R

. a l R i an P r u .

I . ife u

ó C B D P


o b e

O C . I e . d

I G A y I C a C C n e X all a e e r o r l X Q l

P z g e ale C. San a n E a r n ci H a C rnes C a r a to t a

a N g .

r u Í S o l e c J o a i c

C n a s a e C. Martín Machi e p R C. Mar L h m Are d a V o o o n ita c P o e a í z ense i T t C e D n P a r l n M e C . í . l se i .L C. Pradillo

a m d u a Pl. de las a is Calle Vinar P m c ALFONSO XIII t n C . M C C l P a l ur a a

l i a o le e e u l C E cenado n i Ciencias v . C a o z R A r . t lma r e Plaza de nsa e L L o b a a L D í 04 04 ns e h a a C j lm e s i a c A o TORRE a a za L n le e r Menéndez u all n r á l zt C s á . r ae P n A S M e a e E d HOSPITAL DE Calle Her C. Or V U Pelayo nani C C o CUATRO e r G BBVA C i PARQUE u m a l . l C. Nier C a l o R s . g a oz LA CRUZ ROJA e e . T C all c CAMINOS a i e C ALMANSA C m o n . n C C s b C re a M i . e o ember

U c .

NUEVOS D r r a

e o S a i

Jos A Pl. de C l A S n . a s . C. Comandante Zor n

C t O r u o . r a A n

GUZMÁN rtistas ia t y

la Ciudad le de s MINISTERIOS o e u g lo e

n l t l e

a C r a


i C a o o z R r

de Viena EL BUENO o n a Glorieta D a un o

C. l d o r L MINISTERIOS l VICTO N H R a et N A IA e CRUZ DEL RAYO e cí IN de Cuatro er d ar C. e E C v Pl. de G o R i . Q . d A ón v C v

lvo LA . Caminos

venida Complutense u a A Aunós S a

a t M PARQUE n E t

o D i a

C. Senda del Rey i ñ A M a a n

s A n r

D A a o n I CA a a N v LLE JO C ta a u v r A .


BOTÁNICO J . Q G q A V . de Pablo Iglesias S t ó v. lle A U m e


u Hor

a a G e d n

C Í z s

r e N é

la e O o


. d C

M s p

C a r A u .

t a tensi e e v o r l M . Gr f e m l C

n l a e a . v c . g r a

egorio del Amo d o c r l A a

METROPOLITANO o C Pl. de la ín a l b tí a

a GUZMÁN I a n L r a


e C. Mar e b

g NUEVOS C C a a C z a o C M a

a . AUDITORIO Pl. Marqués á s u República l . z n

l Ca M M S

L lle Ma o is ñ e EL BUENO udes L . o y u a s n MINISTERIOS ó ª L de e t C. C e CUATRO arbonero Argentina C o . y Sol Calle Padr C t r F C

o z i m s C í g NACIONAL z n e a ra H

. e

o P cenado G

d a CAMINOS u n e

r C G d

Í . C g c

a de b d u e o í is DE MÚSICA o r Pl. de a C O u C C. Corazón de Marí

a s

n C e

d P lle d c z E ll G z S a


r e e r M o PALACIO DE e a C A

. º Ramón l m . A o T p C.

A C s nillas r o R C e a Bet L

ns ab l A . ó a . o C a n V i . illas C. Albacete Jua á A L L y Cajal C. SANT a LA MONCLOA l A . C HOSPITAL C n . C . z Calle María de Guzmán

C R . E

n D a . n C R . F C M d


o e a C

l li a z p r 0 L d A c d X . e

A n o e


i . Jor C LA CIUDAD u u ge M n . an ro g rique i a

e u r l s a P t e A ENGRACIA l

o t m a C a l I U O l e 05 05 e SANTANDER p S E z n o CRUZ DEL RAYO PROSPERIDAD ár il e ano e A R A o s a t i p v. del Valle C RÍOS r t c C r n e I T ó . Calle Cristóbal REPÚBLICA le e o A L Bordiú e a u R . B P É A C S ROSAS S b ra D . y M C. a S a ARGENTINA iel Lobo a e vie PARQUE DE E r . E n e Calle Cartagena Z C A C. Julián Romea l a t R L l B o ta . H A a l . l I n C v BREOGÁN

I o s S e A

E a d Calle Vitruvio C d m

C e

R a r C. Gabr . c E R é C. Pablo A ra a

O i D C.Serrano randa re r E


A tt ó C. RÍOS ROSAS o b l D

a venida de Brasilia

r P la ig ed C ría q a

C r O r C M

e V a de UNIVERSITARIA o a zón

u C C. Constancia a elázquez c r

s r c n MUSEO e s e o s

i S a i l í a t a l V

o S I R u C. C

e l . C Ju Pl. C. n C. L a c a D O l e . C N . RÍOS ROSAS GEOMINERO q l

. u l C A

t C San Juan en P o C A d D

o a I C R e la N F de la Cruz C HOSPITAL t MUSEO DE o E

. INAS Glorieta de V

n e L d

E C. Corazón de María A e o ó d N a López de l l CIENCIAS SAN JOSÉ



G C. Es a p e r e S onceda ó Hoyos PARQUE




s P C L a O C .

é d

O L C A .

t VENIDA D r e I


d B S R L S r o o C n n

o A E t n a





Pl. del C. r

y B

retón a v

de i e v e lo e s M He v n

. rrer i a

l os . Ped a TEATROS C r d . o l o l Cardenal Cisneros r d a C b

d V . Pe e dro d r d a LA CONCEPCIÓN C e Va l r a divia a e a o

r C r F o

e Pl. de CARTAGENA C r H C


DEL CANAL o e M r r

d a a o . C. CEA BERMÚDEZ e ir A J Cristo Rey GREGORIO MARAÑÓN . Galileo Calle Alonso Cano m m

v n m A o e A i N


R V e d


l C i r



S . t o o I c i C s n i

S i c n Pl. de AVENIDA C O C P ra b Calle Ir F C . ISLAS FILIPINAS o . C . I . MUSEO DE C C c J

CANAL O Basilea

L m a C M A


l d a Pl. C Ó l

a n t

a o

s l a T . AMÉRICA l s a

. A z O CALLE MARÍA DE MOLINA n é o Jardín d e Dr. Marañón iarte B a l 06

06 V C



I . Bruselas


C G a r

S s A . C e de Sala v

Calle Joaquín María López e I C i a

C. Agustín Durán a l L a C

. .

E . l C A

r R V C

e A g

a L t Y C allehermoso


E n í C B l a

n E c l V a u d l

a L e C

C e Antigua Carr R a C. Gar e

l r i

l A C

a . l é s l

v C. M l

a cía de Par a s ejo e


V a

a V

F l C. l

l l . T C C


P l na d C. Azco A Zurbano e

i e P a i

s C C a e l a

m i e A i c


C l r MONCLOA o a

r E l a t l

a C r r . García de P h

l aredes a r v r a




a a o l y i d e e

a e g o

g l

l o u

e l e

s m

l s e

C s u r C Z C


a a

c n

C e a

e o o

Calle Obispo T G Calle General Oráa n

r . a etera de El Par a

C s l s a

c l a e


u g V

Calle Donoso Cortés s ó a


n s i

r l o

Á G it z

l i r d

n z

ó E o l e E

i l m a r e a

Calle Vir n a MUSEO e a

r iato r

C l C t a L j s

l g e f n e a á é r l MUSEO

Calle Vir . L

a a

e H i

r a iato e

n B a a LÁZARO

F g l l n

A n

r o l A

H e v. Donostiarr

Glorieta e ó l a c

a . s

l c d SOROLLA c C n o

l i a C a a GALDIANO e M Emilio o l P . Calle Gta.

venida de Sénec Fe C Campos A r V nán z A E do dez de neral Martíne Calle Diego de León é C e los C. Ge Castelar .

l Río e s l l s Pintor Sorolla í l . t z

p MONCLOA P C o io l i e

P a o F a á m l J Calle Azcona a z

h a R l r e a C

z l l a

o P E C r . a i

i e Pl. San do

q d DIEGO DE LEÓN r n r r A to l C C o

r l a d H d

Puente de e C c a u p i . PLAZA DE a

u ñ r i s Cayetano l o R s

e e c G º C C a r

Castilla P z r C / o

Fe s e e lle rnando El a . IGLESIA HOSPITAL DE TOROS DE . M a C C atólic y F o alvo d MONCLOA- C í r C. Rafael eros a R r d MONCLOA a C. Eloy Gonzalo . o p l T - J S a r Calle s

B e Mald LAS VENTAS h on LA PRINCESA C a 3 a u do n o C a a l n 0 f

u QUEVEDO a e e o n t HOSPIT C. Martínez Izquie a a r G AL n d

e e Calle Eraso g Gta. de t ARAVACA e p l . r o

u n i v R HOSPIT l AL s e

o SAN CAMILO V e Quevedo e d B A C d C d e e º d . RUBÉN DARÍO o . l Puente de i Gta. . P l s RUBER R n n a C i o

s i Rubén Darío C b e los Franceses le A Calle Juan Bravo l C. Meléndez V c C i Calle Fuencarral to l e a a

p r D C o a u d C. Roberto Doming aldés s Pl. de ar r ASEO DE MORET ra o Pl. de e Edu

a s d l a A º. . O s

R P ANDÉN P MUSEO DE l l Calle Juan Bravo

C t e

alle Olavide z C d A r í D a DIEGO DE LEÓN o B i Chamberí o e


. s e n a b c d e c f ero d r

P R CERO o d ARTE PÚBLICO T l i s s M a c e lo n

a l 07

M l A


e C l l de C s á s re a C. SANT g v. d e a n C. Santa Pola a t a N C e A Lo MUSEO n e NÚÑEZ o P . n a a C

r n l r l C R . o º


r e r L EL CARMEN z z e


T C. de Jenner a


rrando a a eral A a F en d r C. G

d r n a

n a lid a rad n B g r LEYENDA / KEY s e e a e c e . O f o va l a

a r t N a a e é a C i Calle C l alle Padilla co P n r Ro s r d n i rígu N z c VERGARA

r ez l n n e A C C San P g BILBAO a ra e a M edr F d o C á . n alle i

A A ENGRACI Padil a C i la ñ s V a a a s s MeTRO C n E c o Robledo a Calle Luchana e m l l u E l o l S r r l e A Calle Roma N q D t A n o VENTAS

allehermoso a C í z e n s e u e I e r V E q

r C D

n P r a e E u r rq C C. Romer T C. u C ié L Alb s t o e


l u u l .

l L C. Loeches e C. Caracas a G C C. FERRAZ t C P D . o a d o A l

e C. Santa Fe it ReGIONaL TRaIN C Pl. del l e G E PARQUE n r a . JARDINES DE a e d C Calle José Ortega y Gasset ó e t l a Pl. de la C e C l ll r l l . o M e a r b B e l a Calle e n A n it V . a C Marqués de U P a r l f a z i A y i s Cancillería A DEL OESTE lle a a o A MARÍA EVA C o u n

a m ARGÜELLES ov o C R . n S SAN BERNARDO n LISTA Montesa z . a C d L C x t C C. ALBER Salamanca C t n N

v M l a e o y e a u

INfORMacIÓN TURÍSTIca / u L A S Porlier

a t

n TO AGUILERA s . A DUARTE e r n A e . Plaza de C C l m

d l r

l Ca t a L o l i

a O r o o

D e TOURIST INfORMaTION C úñez de Balboa ó r o a C IJ u l s

l U F L g l

e O DE PERÓN la Meseta b e G

N Q l z l P

a l E ó R l C l d i . Zur b a a L U rán e Gta. de a .

o í i g m T e E C. PRINCESA le a r A al l r I D io G s Paseo del Mar D a l 01 s E a D n S ic A S C. Don Ramón de la Cru C D edia C. CARRANZA N e É cOMISaRÍa (SaTe) / Ruiz Jiménez . e C l i l c l l U H z P NÚÑEZ DE . a R S e l A C. Sancho Dávila C e Q l I á a

R e l a t e l i C R a o A POLIce STaTION (SaTe) l a C o Her y M r a Gta. de v C C BALBOA l o C l . C i e C s c e C. Don Ramón de la Cru c l N s C

Í M FUENTE DE Bilbao l a A C. a r z dillera Manue é . a la M r C. Juan Álvar al r Pl. de C. Pedr a R s e a A r e ña CALLE SAGAS d BILBAO S i eL ReY LeÓN / d n JUAN DE VILLANUEVA L v P R d l o n C. Cor a a Manuel a n a i s s PALACIO n b n

a A C THe LION KINGt o qués de Monistr o T ñ e e ó A in C Becerra o r C

n C. F r e a e u rn E i n a e n a s d do el San l to E t . e Q a

DE LIRIA r ALONSO l a a O c r P m

C C l C s e

M u b e e Pl. de D á l O t S . C r a r S l lle

a Ay

. a i la C . e S e u n t l l d n MadRIl d cITY TOUR . e MARTÍNEZ M u e i e a T Alonso Martínez í o

c z e o r a u . m F j e C r C Z u í l B i C a qués de Mondéjar

. u a l

C. Doctor Casal A A d n d C l . t e . M

l e

o O G C. Santa Comba o D e C D C l alle m iv Ayala i no A C C. S r . n E

M . P Le e e as n

o to C. GÉNOV C C. Mar a r c g e

C a l C Sta. S n TURAL S TELEFÉRICO c C. CUL d C. Apodaca q u MANUEL

n s e n a ez Mendizábal . d

a SeGWaY TOURSi u i e o

. t A z c u r Pl. r

ol i C. D Pl. del er a Calle General l r n a D e a n e oiz r r

l g P e a BECERRA n a i CONDE DUQUE C C. a i Bárbara l o

r ca e C

r O Pº. del Mar a l .

Dos de Mayo C l C 08 08 F M . V V r el A C e arde ló C B iz

. c e C

o a o o s c l r n Glorieta de cHOcOLaTeRÍa - cHURRS eRÍa CALLE C d C.

. de a Ca s

m y la lle l Pa H T e C . n lma B ermo b silla qués de Zafra

C e . t P d

a a v . MUSEO DEL e O e m A n Los aRrtesanos 1902E ó a C a e

i C M d San Antonio C. La Rosaleda a i d C c l a

n L . . P COLÓN l

a de R t o n s Pl. de r a L m la ó m VENTURA i P .

n le C alm e ROMANTICISMO d d a e o a e E t l a ic l

e L TRIBUNAL t a de la Florida C S

a alle f i

- ñ Colón V S ñ 3 d an e E a C Vicente C n C. H l F . Ferr n a ermosill e e a

d 0 HaRd ROcK cafe Madn RIRODRÍGUEZd r a e o e . a t e S

z a C. Conde DuquC ateo C. Campoamo l d B F s a r s o CALLE SAN BERNARD u te n z TORRE DE . e o Pl. de la Q M a n a r C C r F Paseo del Rey e . Calle Espíritu a n s CALLE ALCALÁ C.

S t N anto U e ov a iciado l a n C Villa de C u CALLE GOYA . . F C C. San M n e l d D HaMMaM aL aNdaLUS g MADRID . a A MUSEO d E ieg C o í a

g e a n París C B o l

r S r r BIBLIOTECA R a s a A a MUSEO GOYA ham r n o

baños Árabes / arabi baths d . V A . o a e G C. GOY D nd S l I T


ERMITA DE u o B C. Tesoro t l . A C 0 . . C C


L e d DE CERA C 3 R r V a

. e C c o a

TEMPLO n NOVICIADO l e l l Glorieta de d i

r DE MADRID s V Calle a a e l


C r s u r r n d é d a VELÁZQUEZ


u d i u r o E Puerta de Morera DE DEBOD t n s Calle Hortaleza n g

q e a ida é t o

o r ú C t Pl. de i g L DE LA FLORIDA 02 C. FERRAZ n e an rí C el a

a s d u . S B . B I. DE LAS PALACIO DE n

e C L

e E a L M

C. d J q las Salesas A e V . l

n l

. v



e R e ge Juan i

C l r

c o C s z rma . C C C. Fa l

i B C elázquez

P a á a

a r b e

.º DE LA FLORIDA ESPAÑA an C. Colón S. Gregorio ara a o l C. l Calle Jor C o de ge Juan

PL. DE S l B C l MUSEO b ra TEMPLO DE DEBOD . a gan GOYA Calle Jorge Juan

e z Camino de los Romer CERRALBO ESPAÑA C P a d P . MUSEO PARQUE DE a Pl. S C. Piamonte o s C e in e R Mostenses d ARQUEOLÓGICO Calle LA FUENTE o . e PRÍNCIPE Duque d í o e Sesto O’DONNELL os o a d m L j o a d u r y RECOLETOS DEL BERRO M n a c DE VERGARA e GRAN VÍA e a CHUECA C a PLAZA DE a B r l C. Gravina C. Almirante Calle HOSPITAL MONUMENTO v Villan a e ueva C. P l E n C ra C MUSEO duardo Aunó a s i z C. B P ñ ESPAÑA e a l . C SANTA a . t A l . . ESCUELAS Paseo de loso Chopos I C A CERVANTES I. S. ANTONIO d V a u R n r s r g CASA DE s e . del Mar Leganitos e . u e n a ú . r r C s c n C C r e t v d o l o

e o F

a igu C. C C r l ero l onde CRISTINA O’DONNELL A C a d r o C. e e Arand AGUIRRE e a C Prim a r . ALEMANES . c é t

o d C a o LA MONEDA s e ncip F . s rí e a n .

P s r C m CALLE l B O'D Calle Bar O rs o B L NNEL e e L C L

b a . o

d o i z m l C u a lv a

. o PRÍNCIPE PÍO L i e da C o n z a PALACIO r r

F C a

n e t . Calle Serrano B S b . C á L . i A Colume

n r la e 09 C.

09 . C F

e . e é v

C l a i i C d r u m t e l b

o C Calle Hortaleza . r

a r DEL o CALLE O’DONNEL a B r S L q

a i e

i C i . a onzález

. l Pl. de la

ASEO DE RECOLETOS o m O Plaza del C r RETIRO N a z t l

o C. Infantas S P p SENADO quillo MATERNIDAD INFANTIL z PRÍNCIPE PÍO a z a e PALACIO DE Independencia a n

. M e Calle Doctor Castelo i d g

Casón EDIFICIO n a á C EDIFICIO rija z


C d

e e

r SATE l

e l CARRIÓN e p la E


T R L r IC MONASTERIO Jacome C e d a trezo l l l V G

e CUESTA D S N DOMINGO l E u o d A C. Reina DE ALCALÁ a Pl. de HOSPITAL GENERAL eo JARDINES DE AMÉRICA a o ñ Pas Glorieta de DE LA Bola o EDIFICIO e c CALLE O’DONNELL g e l e C. Cibeles d C t n C GRAN VÍA C A s DE SABATINI i CALLAO . Meno

r a c i San Vicente a GREGORIO MARAÑÓN a ENCARNACIÓN m . METRÓPOLIS A u o C. A A C n M D s s ab v. V R b a á e C. Arrieta . e GRAN VÍA ll d . l l le MONASTERIO a ero e E l o d n t n d e FUENTE a C e e G bi N a

P 03 a ra M m

d S a d ci lo g s a é o I C a . C u j C

n DESCALZAS l ic D o º o a m BANCO DE CIBELES o P a

s t . a r

n Á N o dines A y e C. Jar i C d S Pl. del

p g i o



PALACIO REAL m o a l Carmen Calle Ibiza i e a C L r C o


e ro s c Preciados r . i e m r C. Alcalá º á

S. Martín i e ad o i m d rc V e C. Aduana BANCO C ALFONSO XII na

a C. Alfonso XI a C. Fer d n b Oriente C V P l . n e m . d a E . d a l o CÍRCULO DE Pº l de r DE ESPAÑA R e s º C t REAL ACADEMIA p P C. Montera l HOSPITAL é u

P TEATRO s s s C C. Ar MUSEO u i


u enal M z E P E . DE BELLAS ARTES q

e o Glorieta de b BEATA MARÍA ANA . s r

e PLAZA DE r º D n F d REAL v

r C u NAVAL t a o SEVILLA a a e

años t los Patines LA ARMERÍA u s e E C. Alcalde Sáinz de Baranda Pa ast d TEATRO C M u se C a ÓPERA n o de los C

a l a e y D la SOL A

r a q o . J

C. Alcalá e z nt . e d n u o C .

JARDINES DEL l PUERTA l tina u L a r ZARZUELA d d i o gen Pl. de r q C S A e

e o º C. Mar e r P qu e s MUSEO és d H u

cón s s l Pl. de B . a . DEL SOL ur las Flores CAMPO a e é nio M C A C . Anto e C Ca u THYSSEN . n Santiago C rrera de S Zorrilla C C . C r an Jer Plaza de y g . ónim a q

S i o a DEL MORO C F r a r

e a s t F C a s l n C g c CALLE BAILÉ a i CONGRESO l e A t r

a ti . PLAZA C. Mayor la Lealtad l é C. Pilar Millán

a ó e C. Doce de Octubr . e m LAGO . r c go A



10 Ronda del Lago o DE LOS a á

a t

s r

s oz MAYOR ta a e M l u

p C n r l l


Pl. de h f DE ROMA TUGAL e


o R a


e E


. arterre e del P T DIPUTADOS Pº

r n

C. Arr S. Miguel o t N BARANDA


C N R s

e z DE NEPTUNO Pl. del Dr. Laguna l .



E a u ú r


o a ñ N e a

U Principe C. X


s y C. Prado e


uda I d t C z

v de Plasencia . C. Mo g n

a E eda

ves e C I. STA. l a ia a PLAZA u c adem Z i CASA C. La Cru Ac C. Pez Austral r d MUSEO C. RETIRO C. Las A . Fe d C. P C C VENIDA DE PO L Pl. de ez r TEATRO Vo

A e lado

C. Jesús r h


i Sta. Ana



RA u s Ángel PALACIO r DU F CALLE SEGOVIA s STA. CRUZ s Calle Huertas o las EMA C. S to e C. L A TR a o X e o p d a E N g e NIÑO JESÚS C lle e Pº ov n de Vega S JERÓNIMOS a d j ia o z DE CRISTAL l a Pl. de E Calle Atocha o C. Colegiata n E C i cep. Jerónima e o r n t C C. Caramuel Pl. de c o a V d r O G n

. C la Puerta u . n Sam . N o aría C o C . Pez

M . m P R RECINTO FERIAL C ó . M I PARQUE DE la Paja o C C. Sta. María del Angel e Calle Huerta E C a a

. a V c C PARQUE ra R r r L L

U z s CASA DE CAMPO a. n ñ N D er . a lt D LAS VISTILLAS C Espa

. a e D C. A MADRID C ANTÓN u l . E

C. Antillón r d C .

l Y




a P a e MARTÍN



o Murillo M a . l d


a e l a z A

o C. Moratín a l C Z d S ANDRÉS a P

n u e e Pl. Tirso C. Magdalena s o M l i l MUSEO . r E

a c a

on rden E a R RETIRO ÁNGEL CAÍDO o a C h t C Cava Baja C m

C n D de Molina n C. O A g Av. de J TIRSO N L s A aza a

r o . e . er . ORÍGENES a t a e a rn D REAL i i C o D d

T C. Cabeza c n

Cava Alta FILMOTECA d n i i n P M

a o m E DE MOLINA O u T v J n

a Apr Jesús C. a

o C b O l r a . o

e D A Calle Gober P all Plaza e o Pl. Puerta Calle Atocha JARDÍN

e n L e C

C Pe s b dro d s E C r NACIONAL nador a o ue A r

L .º EXTREMADURA uq . C e n l J Gta. . D D

P . e S C ó Lucena o C. C. Olmo y rgen Marí Cami f de Moros M e . C. Almadén BOTÁNICO Vi a no de a c los E S Humillader u V CALLE BAILÉ e . i r A

r V s Ángel Caído ROSALEDA nateros

a ú i a C q e R e l R B Pl. de P n C . s l án

s a n

u t C r r a Juanelo C M y a e .

a ó . F e Cerro s PARQUE DE LA LATINA I C n M s S e C

I r a a u d a q T u a

. a b

Bermejo l R nillas d n D N C l

A r C e e LA CORNISA I e

C. La Milagr D C. San Francisco e í C n CAIXAFORUM ú . o

C. Ramir e l l C. Grandeza Española O a d el ñ A t P

. e D e d o .


a N Encomienda O t o a ñ G

PUENTE L i d a E aber l 11 a l 11 o d r n o C. Estre C n T s e o b

a D C a l

r u s i

L R L o a

u i C z

s j e P a C . v N ita A a I. SAN v e Z


a . a a ñ u R a .

S l r s v . n le e l v

e o N A A p r C o a o

J e i C. ClementeC. NavasFe del Rey o de Molina t A s REAL n

s a b CAYETANO m i Claudio Moyano a

n e t é María ve . REAL C b N o S SAN FRANCISCO o l LATINA n Paseo an e E C rá V

c S m p s er e

r osa e a d . e l e T r CONSERVATORIO l í

u Í e C a Oso a t ld

d a l n A b i Librerías Cuesta OBSERVATORIO a

F O EL GRANDE C Pl. de r l z a r

t D . a o e t A C. a

Calatrava ol l d a o C a V C e u . a T A j S DE MÚSICA Moyano C. Conde de Cartagena . Á í o s E D e a a a m C Río Cascorro d c . REAL DE MADRID ng D g s E l a C el ie C

P ericle ra R e o v s Gani Calle La Lira C. P 05 M ira r ra steban Villega vet D u

a í M e a C. Poeta E . o D .

s e . o MONASTERIO C a C c C i uet

ALTO DE C S ll C r s . LAVAPIÉS t io . t

r C o q Gta. Emperador

Plaza de M a i C

í r n

m . do C. Jaime T . a Ar r C C P STA. ISABEL o CONDE DE

EXTREMADURA er a S F nández Plaza de cero a Pl. de i l Carlos V t r C E g

Ordoño G R ganzuela . n n O r s a a A t


C la Corrala i Sisenando z V A a . Four A 0 R A

a I s d p . v a A ete . N a r 3 M


d e e . o n A r

e C r R TEATRO rgum o at C a l C a a . o C l v I o C sa H Pl. Mariano C. Perseo az

C. Genserico C. l l C. Dr E Fidi r S CARAMUEL s as . s Sombr .

C. La Cruz del Su ú e L C e VALLE-INCLÁN ATOCHA J

a t C de Cavia p s ería Plaza del t A le u L i e d O u t er C s r b l A u C S e PUERTA DE i e i AV . n r á ENID s C o T v Sombr A Patriarca . a s C m i . e r quet n e h c A p Glorieta C n e V DEL ill t e TOLEDO J o ll h l io . Four g Pl. Conde Eijo Garay m o S r ME A a S s Dr DIT e l i alencia a ER º C N Puerta de a e v l C. MUSEO NACIONAL e t RÁNEO s p . ir o e de Casal PARQUE P ie M r u MONUMENTO b ie é Toledo e C v all . P g n b l C i CENTRO DE ARTE PANTEÓN e r i PUENTE a C G t d DAR M TOCHA VÍCTIMAS 11-M u U



v VERDE EN Y º C. del Casino i V l a . e

O P s C TEATRO C. V os d . d l e r

Santa Teresita E C

a n RONDA DE T RONDAC DE A r alderribas

C. Carballid e o e ATOCHA ILUSTRES C s CASA e

N o d s t

n PARQUE . n . C. El Bosc o Pl. de o A e C e o l EMBAJADORES J CIRCO V

as I P o EN a a D

a o OLEDO o v iv P ID


O e O lv b C le ú e S C s . I

p d e A U .

l . s Crespo D DE TAPICES A e d o m PELAYO C r A . I C


D e o n S Murc D a F ia

e l e s A a a o ra a r C i m E P d r

a I D C. Granada v r e r s l s m E e r y a l L e L E l e Paseo de Perales d C a ó o C. Vizcaya C r l Pl. de B a l EMBAJADORES E . C. Faustino Osorio m C e C o n A r P a d no L R r l P 12 o a a s C u 12 M D a s l í r Francisco e c u E e C. J i C. San Benigno a C l L i uliá M a d r E C . i o n . t n s O t del S t n C C A r S e C e a á S i r s r n i C ti NA o o a Morano l d r a C s C . e I a e N s t A d A . a l A r i b C o do o a e G j l o m a . s r S e T o L L a Z r S l . C. a a a m A C De T r M d l lic o e e CI e L ra ias é cáiztegui ib P C C. Sepúlveda A Paseo de los Pontones e L ll S s r E a d A C E r e C u e Vía Carpetana e v C d e e z y C. N il A H G e 06 Paseo Imperial l . C. Dr. e a D ÉNDEZ Á a l e n ó o L a P iá C. oz r l t Pe o A dr n o U . a ganta C e M s nanúe g i . n n a y l e E o l b º a Calle Abtao R l e e c C c . ñ M S i c r

a a . P

u t ES ó r C a R E a PIRÁMIDES t B r Ca e

l A C í L ANDÉN CERO d r i l n a a n c S A r e

m l A . a s te ome ia n e L n l a d o s d J C. Pa l

C. Riocabad L ro los de la i ó M


i j ronter C d

/ F a a l C. Gotarr c t ACACIAS

s a se a e A a a i c a l C. r e

n o s n a E u e D e C. Áncora S l D V d V a t C d r C e C. Sánchez Bar a o s a a r e a O o f l a ieta o r l f l d C. Baltasar Santos

n o . a n C. er l a T

í d A l r P n

e s a t g A MARÍA DE LA CABEZA a r T

COCHERAS METRO r Pl. Ortega E R C. e ib I a e d L as D a . e S C. Moratine r E R


l c s A C d z L u C . y Munilla S PALOS DE . L e i . C. V n m l V . a

E o l . r D C é a C A t

endura o C j r

S a C r c C


J s r P o . . A e


a ez l é . u f s n d o n u n o 3 a T s

iñegra a o J O r C r P . é S

. t r Pº. SANT Cana X

C s rias a II C E a 0 l I o b le j . . S V e a z t A A al i C S

l o L d i

P ejo . C. Tarrago J C C. erra u n e a . M M e C l

N y l l o ágera a G n doño i

a a R t DELICIAS n s

C. Or PIRÁMIDES d rg v. de Peña Pr en ESTADIO e e a y C

PARQUE DE LA C. Ar Glorieta de n u A y

C M t lilla . Ferrocarril a is g CEMENTERIO VICENTE l Santa María e CUÑA VERDE DE LATINA e a Calle Bustamante a d PACÍFICO u r

quitectura r e L r M de la Cabeza t A DE SAN ISIDRO CALDERÓN Pº DE YESERÍAS. í C. Catalina Suár n o C j C. Juan Julio Amor C E lo e . . s C. Batalla del Salado s ll e PARQUE s C PUENTE DE VALLECAS P p a JARDINES AV A s M e as ENID EL MANZANA e e C Plaza e A D RES r r l C. Ciudad on o g PEÑUELAS a ja Real te M COLEGIO de ganda a n a s Alcotán Vía Carpetana l C n z rv MUSEO DE 15 AL d a a s MERINA d LE a . C DELICIAS o e 3 C CIENCIA L M 0 C. Ar C. C. Ramírez . ayo Gral. Palanca de Prado 13 PUENTE Y TECNOLOGÍA C 13 DE TOLEDO C. á C 07A d Já . v. Emperatriz Isabel PARQUE DE n to tiv G PARQUE DE a e a an

C. Carlos Dabán r f dí CEMENTERIO C LA ARGANZUELA a a a

SAN ISIDRO c o C . j a e .


C. Gallur i n . i Is C C err C. Isabel Méndez C. Juan José Bautista t C . M a C. V o d an Glorieta del o on e l enancio Martín n t os S e Fil s C. V i C. Tomás Br o O ab s e o Marqués de Vadillo etón C. Leganés liv res MARQUÉS C. Luis Peid et a icente Quesada d V PARQUE DE ti r V C. C. Párr o Negr i icenta Parra C. Acanto Pl. de G o c DE VADILLO j e o PUENTE DE t Plaza Plaza e ARGANZUELA i i

h Puerto C. Zaida V a

d c Almunia Julio Cortázar ngot bra ARGANZUELA l Pl. Casar C. Cerr o C. Car rme nla oco Eusebio Cuenca ez A e e Rubio in onte C. u C. Meneses C. Soldado José María Rey m F R B de Cáceres r a . C. Divino V PARQUE óp C Camino Alto de San Isidr ío o o C. Peña Gorbea C. allés t Plaza C Ma e Enr L n iq n d u z C. Juan de V i e C. Mochuelo o C. Iglesia an C.T PUENTE V Ricla a era c e C. Ariza C. Gorrión daguer r a la Camino de V ceta e o l s er s n C. T Antonio López sn l C. Plomo . co omás Br e ejar e a TRES OJOS es r i C Plaza C. Cabo Nicolás Mu F t MÉNDEZ ÁLVARO C. Ombú Paseo de B C. Witiza C. Jacinto V l a de C. Santa JuliaC Tauste Puente B C. Salvador Alonso C. Alcaudón C. Gar PASEO DE LA CHOPERAa s . C. Picos de Eur e . C. José María Pemán de Praga ld C. Kentia e C. Puerto del Monasterio C. Recesvinto C C C. A etón Puente de los d A . 35€ a r C. José del Río C Font PARQUE CALLE MÉNDEZ ÁL o ante an omás Borras í r manC d és C. T o C. T C. Alejandro Ferrant u y opa C. Alción . n omás Meabe C. Antonio V 90 min. Tres ojos o C. Sanz Raso q C. ChindasvintC. Leovigildo DEL MATADERO l Plaza olillo I C n . ez Escrich CEMENTERIO INGLÉS e R d g Sástago r C. Amalarico o C. Pér C. OmbúC. Retama am LEYENto De A olgu M ó l l Plaza José n l F a dad A C. Far C. Rascón C. Irlanda Plaza Beata O . Ca t icent I lab O io e er u l INVERNADERO Villarreal Plaza C. Alicante AR C ig li e r T C. Acanto v g Plaza r María Ana E ESTACIÓN SUR- o a Pl. de Sierra o

a t r C. Joaquín Martí C. Balear Rutilio N C. Monte Per METr RO R C. Alarico a DE ARGANZUELA Plaza del LA e C. C Roger de Flor C. T PUENTE DEL de Jesús . del Plomo P AUTOBUSES u Ministra Pl. del . D 08 SACRAMENTAL DE Gacis rav L P o S C. Pico Cebollera C. Fragata C. La V Concepción General T 10%E 14 lo 14 C. Castel orite dido r eodor D C. Convenio HOSPITALe Gobernador e SAN LORENZO Y A INVERNADERO C C. Hierr V . r s C. El T C. La Inmaculada Z Maroto Dto.A ARO r F ajo C er E AL ID obledo e cio C. PaulinaC. PeñaelOdiag SAN JOSÉ C. Emilio Raboso C i Carlos Ruiz N a es Plaza de la B PLANETARIO . edo gel E b r l A L ARGANZUELA-PLANETARIO V illarr 30 T CERCANu ÍAS C. Peña T C. Santiago Estéve C. Navahonda - e e C. Ervigio Plaza C E A C. Ur General Ricardos Inmaculada o C. V M re lc n CARPETANA C. Blasa Pér C. San Félix o s o Cantoria LA C. Br a A A C. Zaida Concepción C CINE IMAX Z C b


oboso D MB P u ro d a C. Toboso güeso C. María Guerr l An PUENTE DEL (+34) 608 419 513 | [email protected] er to . nández t A to C r a ÍA o once a evinca e n L d COMr ISARÍA (SATE) C C. Sierra del Cadí

AJ T Parque de Comillas R i MATADERO PARQUE DE e r Pl. de a . oya R o r A PLAZA SANTA MARIA SOLEDAD TORRES ACOSTA, 2 CALLAO A e C. San Gracian C. Bolívar DE lm ie r A C. Sallaberry a C. Prímula a e n C. Algaba ez r M L AD C. Monte Igueldo n Martínez e rr A S i o C. Parador del Sol A ó TIERNO GALVÁN s i u a y e C. Algorta C. Fer C. Belmonte de T T p S o er J D C. Uceda e nando González e O C/ ESCALINATA, 10 ÓPERA, 10 MTRS. FROM I . n N Pº. DE LAS DELICIA de la Riva C. Or o e A z d cedes Arteaga MATADERO LEGAZPI N C. Hacher C . e t quesa de Ar d S R E l e PARQUE C Oliv venida Pedro Díez és E E V ar z A C. Ánade u D Plaza de A o Pl. de JARDINES DEL rq º. C. Mariblanca S C. Manuel Aleixandr DEL BRONCE C. Matilde Her a P C. Hermanos del Mora . M Legazpi Sierra Carbonera PORTAZGO C. Algodr C. Acehuchal A B C. Mar C. Mer C a D C b E c F d G e H f I J K

MADRID SIGHTSEEING TOUR + MADRID DE LOS AUSTRIAS This tour will take you on an extensive panoramic tour of this rapidly expanding city of approximately 5 million, spreading over an area of 200 square miles.

Diffrent styles of architecture are to be seen in its buildings and monuments: Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Neoclassic, Romantic and Modern, and different socio-economic districts. A panoramic visit of main Madrid sights: Paseo de la Castellana, Cibeles, Neptuno & Carlos V Squares, Flea Market area, Oriente Square, Plaza de España, Gran Vía, Puerta del Sol.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 62 GASTRONOMY

In this city, gastronomy is culture, leisure and business. There is a vast range of culinary variety on GASTRONOMY offer: in Madrid you can find everything, from traditional homemade dishes to the most innovative and creative cuisine. We are lucky enough to enjoy international food from all over the globe, made with the best fresh ingredients, and the stoves of the city offer some of the most surprising dishes of modern cuisine.

TAPAS & WINES Going out for tapas is one of the most enjoyable traditions of our city.

MADRID’S GASTRONOMY Discover the most typical dishes from Madrid, cocido, besugo and callos, but also traditionnal pastries such as torrijas, barquillos and huesos de santo. Don’t forget to taste on your culinary tour the well-known tapas and wines from the Madrid Community region. When you are in our city enjoy the local cuisine and try typical dishes from other parts of Spain. There are a high number of eateries serving a myriad dishes from across the country - visit them and you’ll soon understand why Spaniards are so proud of their cuisine!

CENTURY-OLD RESTAURANTS Gastronomy has always played an important part in the life of Madrid, as can be seen from the number of restaurants in the city that have been serving traditional local dishes and the region’s wine for over 100 years. Don’t leave the capital without having dined in one of them.

STAR-STUDDED RESTAURANTS Madrid is home to around 3,100 eateries of which several have Michelin stars: DiverXo with 3, Santceloni, La Terraza del Casino, Sergi Arola, Ramón Freixa Madrid and El Club Allard with 2, and Zalacaín, Kabuki Wellington and Kabuki with 1.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 63 GASTRONOMY

MERCADO DE SAN MIGUEL GASTRONOMY Built in 1916, this market is the finest example of cast-iron architecture in Madrid. Today it is a temple to gastronomy, home to 33 stalls selling mouth-watering products and select ingredients, offering food to take home or to consume right there on the premises.

MERCADO DE SAN ANTÓN A box of surprises is what you’ll find in Chueca’s Mercado de San Ant’on, one of the oldest markets in Madrid: three floors lined with traditional shops, show cooking and takeaway stalls, an art gallery and a restaurant with a stunning rooftop terrace.

REGIONAL CUISINE IN SPAIN As capital of the country, Madrid offers a wide range of typical Spanish cuisine from the different regions. Spain’s very varied cuisine includes delicious game dishes and fish to be tasted right by the sea. Traditional inland dishes are complemented by products from vegetable gardens in the south and the excellent simplicity of cuisine from the north. The Mediterranean diet, listed by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage, is a fine illustration of how delicious and healthy food is in Spain. Renowned olive oil and prestigious wines. The flavours of the sea in the Basque Country; the delicious food that you can find in iconic places such as the coast of Andalusia or the Region of Valencia; “divine” cakes made in convents and monasteries all over the country; the taste of the seafood in Galicia or Rioja Designation of Origin wine; the smell of Iberian ham from Extremadura; the texture of Manchego cheese from Castile-La Mancha; feeling satisfied after eating a good plate of “fabada” (bean casserole); and much more that can be found and tasted in Madrid.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 64 EXCURSIONS & TOURS EXCURSIONS & TOURS EL ESCORIAL

The Monastery of El Escorial, located some 30 miles northwest of Madrid in the foothills of the Sierra de Guadarrama, was built as a monument to commemorate the Spanish victory over the French in the battle of Saint Quentin on 10 August 1557 (feast day of St. Lawrence).

Felipe II himself selected the site for the monastery, 1,028 meters (3,372 feet) above sea level, and personally oversaw the progress of the project.

The monastery was initially designed by architect Juan Bautista de Toledo, but after his death in 1567, his assistant Juan de Herrera continued the work. Construction lasted 21 years fro m 1563 to 1584, and for many years after its completion, El Escorial Monastery was the largest building in the world. Its unique character was declared Monument of Worldwide Interest by the UNESCO in 1984.


The city of Alcalá de Henares (population 180,000) is located 30 kilometers (18 miles) north east of Madrid.

The city has animportant historical tradition: Romans called it “Complutum,” and its current name is of Arab origin. The city’s many monuments and buildings form part of Spain’s national heritage. Alcalá de Henares was the first planned university city in the world, founded by Cardinal Ximénez de Cisneros in the early 16th century.

It was the original model for the Civitas Dei (City of God), the ideal urban community which Spanish missionaries took to the Americas, and also for universities in Europe and beyond. The University of Alcalá dates back seven centuries and has an historical heritage with which few classical universities of Europe can compare.

The university moved to Madrid in 1836. In 1977 a new University of Alcalá was founded, using the old college buildings in the historic city centre and a new campus outside of town. Alcalá de Henares is best known as the birthplace of Miguel de Cervantes, author of Don Quixote, and some rare editions of the book can be seen in the casa consistorial (town hall). The city was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1998.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 65 EXCURSIONS & TOURS EXCURSIONS & TOURS ARANJUEZ

The old quarter of Aranjuez is an Historic- Artistic Site. Royal palaces and gardens on the banks of the Tagus form the layout of the town. The ideas of the enlightenment, applied to the urban development of cities, are embodied here in a balance between nature and man, with watercourses and well- designed gardens lying a mong the woods and palace architecture. Aranjuez was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2001.

The Strawberry Train and the festival to commemorate the Revolt of Aranjuez, of National Tourist Interest, are some of the cultural musts awaiting the visitor to this town in the Madrid region.

The first thing the visitor can enjoy when approaching Aranjuez is its lush greenery, which forms a sharp contrast to the surrounding arid landscape. The principal points of interest are the 18th century “Palacio Real” (Royal Palace), the “Casa del Labrador” (the farm worker’s cottage) and some exceptionally fine gardens, especially the “Jardin del Príncipe” (Gardens of the Prince).


Salamanca is in the inner part of the country, 200 kilometers west of Madrid.

It is probably the most outstanding industry of the city, thanks to its historical heritage and to the charm of the city itself, since Salamanca can be considered one of the most beautiful Spanish cities. It is also in Salamanca, where the purest Spanish (or “Castellano”) is spoken, which makes the city a popular destination for students wanting to learn Spanish.


The famous walls are the symbol of the city, but Ávila is also a city of contrasts: the hustle and bustle of the Mercado (market) contrasting with the peace of the religious buildings and their cloisters. With its churches and convents, beautiful palaces and impressive cathedral, Ávila has a distinctive character and identity in which the spirit of Santa Teresa of Jesus and of Saint John of the Cross still vibrate.

The house where Santa Teresa de Jesus’ was born is now a wellknown Church containing the garden and playground where the Saint spent many hours. The church itself has a neoclassic and baroque façade, and there is also a Carmelite Convent. Personal objects, relics, and images related to the life of the Saint can be seen.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 66 EXCURSIONS & TOURS EXCURSIONS & TOURS TOLEDO

The imperial city of Toledo, a beautiful, perfectly preserved medieval city, declared a nacional monument, is Superbly situated on a high hill and surrounded on three sides by the Tagus river. The city in itself is the most characteristic example of Spanish civilization. This ancient town remains much the same of all periods, mainly from the 15th and early 16th centuries, rightly described as a “museum city”.

It is like an inmense museum containing some of the most oustanding artistic treasures in Spain. Its old Gothic and Renaissance buildings and its narrow streets provide a vivid portrait of the city and its splendid past. At its heart one may find the works of a painter who epitomises the spirit of the city - El Greco. Today, Toledo is still the spiritual capital of Spain and has officially been declared a National Heritage Site.



Segovia is Spain and Castile at its best - twisting alleyways, the highest concentration of Romanesque churches in all Europe, pedestrian streets where no cars are allowed, all surrounded by the city’s medieval wall which itself is bordered by two rivers and an extensive green-belt park with miles of shaded walks.

On the north-west end of the wall is the famous Alcázar castle (the most dramatically sited of all spanish royal fortress-palaces, residence of the Christian Kings in the Medieval times which has the shape of a ship and inspired Walt Disney´s fairy tales castles, and where Queen Isabel promised Columbus the financial backing he needed to discover America. To the southeast is the world-renowned Roman Aqueduct, the largest and best preserved of its kind anywhere, built 2.000 years ago whose structure is entirely of granite blocks without mortar or clamps, which served as the mintmark on all coins struck in the city from 1455 to 1864. The tallest building in Segovia is still the 16th-century Cathedral, a prominent landmark that can be seen on all approaches to the city.


The Royal Seat of La Granja is on the northern side of the Guadarrama Mountains, some 90 kilometres from Madrid.

King Philip V retired to La Granja in 1724, and during the following twenty years enlarged the gardens and the Palace, which was used as a Summer Residence by all his successors down to King Alfonso XIII.

Restoration work has recently been carried out on the buildings, and the collections in the State Rooms have been restored and rearranged, with the aim of recreating the atmosphere of the time of Philip V.













It is culture and scenery, history and life; it is a region whose very name and wines are fused into one, to form a personal and unrepeatable symbiosis.

The wines of this area come under the oldest Designation of Origin in Spain, and was the first zone to boast the superior category of Qualified Designation of Origin. The Wine ControlBo ard exercises strict control over both vines and wines in order to provide a permanent guarantee of the fine work of our grape growers and bodegas, and the fine quality of the wine itself.



The singular location of the city allowed it to continue growing. The maritime business developed rapidly, whilst the original population spread out on both sides of the river.

Designed by the North American architect Frank O. Gehry, this unique Museum built on a 32,500 square meter site in the center of Bilbao represents an amazing construction feat.

On one side it runs down to the waterside of the Nervión River, 16 meters below the level of the rest of the city of Bilbao.



Cordoba and its Mosque, unique in the world tell the history of one fascinating period. It was started in 780, where the Visigoth church of San Vicente was first placed. It was extended several times until 987, when it reached the size it has nowadays. Alter the Reconquest, when Christians had the power again in Cordoba, they built a Gothic Cathedral on it. The Mosque is a master piece of the Muslim art.

Another monument, the Synagogue of Cordoba is placed in the core of the city. It was built in 1315 (5075 in the Jewish Calendar) in mudejar style..



Granada is one of the pearls of Spain, most visited by tourists from all the world. The long-time capital of Moorish Andalusia has to offer the most important reminds of this epoch in Spanish history, with the world-famous “Alhambra” at the top of the list.

Walk through beautiful gardens, charming narrow streets filled with flowers, sit down in one of those typical taverns to have some of that famous “Trevélez” ham and local wine, and breath the centuries of history around you anywhere. There are gypsies singing “Flamenco”, and don’t miss to visit their famous “Cuevas” - caves - in the mountain of the monastery of Sacromonte where some of them really live still nowadays making magnificent artisany. Granada’s popular festivals, based as well on Moorish as Christian tradition, are most attractive.

The city is located at the foot of the “Sierra Nevada”, the Iberian Peninsula’s highest mountain-massif with great posssibilities for winter-sports. The highest peak is the “Mulhacén” at 3478 meters. On the other hand it is not far from the Mediterranean sea, so Granada is a great place to visit in any season.



Spain’s fourth-largest city and the capital of Andalusia, Seville nevertheless maintains the warmth and intimacy of a small town. To say that Seville possesses a rich history would be an understatement: it has seen the glory of the Roman Empire, the luxurious sophistication of the Moors, and the Christian Reconquista, which eventually gave the city what is now the largest cathedral in the world. We can visit the Torre de Oro, visit the old Jewish quarter, the Barrio Santa Cruz, with its winding cobblestone streets and white-washed buildings, and revel in the Alcázar, an enchanting Islamic palace. Deeply rooted traditions such as the convivial Holy Week processions and flamenco ferias make Seville a stimulating place to visit. Sumptuous cuisine, a vibrant tapas culture, ubiquitous terraces, a lively nightlife, the most authentic flamenco.



Santiago de Compostela is a monumental city, centred on the tomb of St. James the Greater, which has been shaped through the centuries. The result is an extraordinary, harmonious architectural site that has been declared a World Heritage City by UNESCO. Considered one of Christendom’s three spiritual centres, along with Rome and Jerusalem, the city has been a religious pilgrimage destination since the Middle Ages. This phenomenon gave rise to the Way of St. James and, according to many experts, the idea of Europe.



Each of these four islands, floating serenely in the glittering Mediterranean, could be said to have a theme. Mallorca is the senior island, combining a little of everything, from spectacular mountain scenery and hiking through to the standard sea ‘n’ sun seaside tourism. Ibiza is synonymous with clubbing, the island that gave Europe the rave. Menorca is a haven of tranquillity – splendid isolated beaches and coves, and prehistoric monuments standing as taciturn reminders of how small we are in the grand scheme of things. And tiny Formentera, a chill-out island, where some people lose themselves for the entire summer, needing little more to keep them happy than white beaches and sunset parties.



Visit to the old city centre, including the Gothic Quarter, the Cathedral, a panoramic view of the city and the port from Montjuïc and the possibility of visiting the “Pueblo Español” and strolling through its streets and stores which are replicas of many other cities and towns in other parts of Spain. Lunch. In the afternoon visit to the Olympic installations and Modernist Barcelona. Visit to Gaudi’s unfinished masterpiece, the Sagrada Familia, the fascinating Güell Park and the Picasso Museum where we can see works from the artists’ different periods and styles. On the Paseo de Gracia we will see several modernist houses such as the Casa Batlló, Lleó Morera and Casa Milá, also known as the Pedrera.

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 72 MADRID CONVENTION SUPPORT

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 73 MADRID CONVENTION SUPPORT NEGOTIATIONS & DISCOUNTS

It is a pleasure for Madrid to endorse the bidding putted forward by the Spanish National Society of Immunology (Sociedad Española de Inmulonogía). To do so, we are delighted to present a detailed description of the in kind support that the Madrid Convention Bureau can offer to the EFIS, as follow:

At your best convenience, organization, coordination and subsidy for site inspection or technical visit purpose, up to 3 days and 2 attendees: (closing agenda, accommodation 4* hotel, meals and ground transport included).

Throughout its own management, full support in securing an ample and cost-effective room- block in collaboration with our partner hotels, according to the international society requirements. Madrid CB agrees to confidentially negotiate it and keep it until it is transferred to the official PCO in due time.

Within the promotional support package, the Madrid Convention Bureau offers a variety of solutions at cost-free for EFIS. Some of the items are oriented to inform the delegates about the city, others will help to promote your event, and other will brand the meeting within the city. - Welcome and information facilities at the congress venue with brochures and qualified multilingual staff. - Branding of the Congress via official Madrid Convention Bureau media channels. - City branding such as street flags or marquees to welcome the delegates and raise awareness of the Congress (production + set up + rental spaces). - Support the promotion of the 2027 edition during previous congresses or related meetings to highlight the attractiveness of Madrid and therefore increase the participation numbers for the 8th European Congress of Immunology.

Facilitating the use of the public transport system at privileged rates. EFIS delegates will have the opportunity to enjoy the Madrid Travel Pass at a special 30% discount. In case of purchasing the 4 days type, the cost will be 15,82€ per ticket instead of 22.60€ tax included. (Minimum purchase required).

Societie’s Presidents Dinner, offered complimentary for up to 70 delegates at Special Municipal Venue (tbd).

Advice and collaboration in the development of a Legacy Project in accordance with the Legacy Programme of the Madrid Convention Bureau, fully-aligned with EFIS mission and aimed to developing academic, sustainable and social impacts in Madrid as well as to EFIS organization.

All operations associated with MCB support will be managed and guided by the procedures and norms stablished in the Madrid Convention Bureau by laws

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 74 MADRID CONVENTION BUREAU SUPPORT NEGOTIATIONS & DISCOUNTS

Cuantificación del valor de los apoyos in kind Madrid Convention Bureau

Concept Cost Gratuity Net cost

Technical or Inspection visit 2.750 € 2.750 € -

Information facilities 2.000 € 2.000 € -

Branding the congress media channels 1.500 € 1.500 € -

City Branding (i.e. street flag, marquees) 5.000 € 5.000 € -

Promotion on previous congress 3.000 € 3.000 € -

Public transport discount (minimum purchase of 67.800 € 20.340 € 47.460 € 3000 tickets)

President dinner up to 70 pax 8.400 € 8.400 € -

Based on EFIS Legacy Project Up to 3.000 € requirements

Total Support MCB 45.990 €

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 75 ANNEX I: BUDGET

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 76 ANNEX I: BUDGET

We have carried out a simulation, using the information of Amsterdam 2018 (amounts in Euro, taxes ANNEX I: BUDGET excluded):

4,000 participants (optimistic)



Delegates: Main Conference: 3.850 Guests: 160

INCOMES without VAT EXPENSES without VAT 1. Registrations 1.538.555€ 1. Venue 545.358 € * registrations fees based on Amsterdam 2018 2. Sponsorship 450.000 € 2. Audiovisual Equipment 215.225 € 3. GrantsTo be determinated 3. Hostesses 18.304 € 4. Printing 48.750 € 5. IT & Web 11.600 € 6. Decoration and Signaling 25.000 € 7. Bag, Notepad and Pen 16.000 € 8. Transfers & Excursion To be determined 9. Catering (Food & Beverage) 361.800 € 10. Guests & Grants 270.000 € 11. Miscellaneous 18.000 € 12. PCO To be determined 13. ECI Fees To be determined TOTAL INCOMES 1.988.555 € TOTAL EXPENSES 1.530.037 € * EXPENSES AS PER YEAR 2021. SOME AMOUNTS MAY INCREASE ABOUT +/- 3% PER YEAR

FINAL BALANCE (without VAT) Income without VAT 1.988.555 € (-) Expenses without VAT 1.530.027 € Profit 458.518 €

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 77 ANNEX I: BUDGET ANNEX I: BUDGET INCOMES


REGISTRATION FEES Nº Fee 1 Nº Fee 2 Nº Fee 3 Total Fee Full Registration Members 740 450 € 525 515 € 305 580 € 780.275 € Non Members 550 610 € 390 680 € 185 745 € 738.525 € Student 505 225 € 290 255 € 110 290 € 219.475 € * Technician / Research Nurse 250 350 € 0 410 € 0 470 € 87.500 € * Fais-Member 250 280 € 0 300 € 0 320 € 70.000 €

Students - Grants Guests and speakers 150 * Based on Amsterdam 2018 1.895.775 € * Special Fee - Limited to the first 250 registrations!

TOTAL fee 1.895.775 € Bank expenses / Credit cards 34.124 €

Total REGISTRATIONS 21% VAT Incl. 1.861.651 €

without 21% VAT 1.538.555 €

SPONSORSHIP & EXHIBITION * Estimation based on Amsterdam 2018-tentative Nº Price Total Sponsorship Platimun 1 Silver 1 200.000 € 200.000 € Bronze 1 EFIS Official Journals 2

Exhibition (73 Booths) 1 250.000 € 250.000 € Total SPONSORS without VAT 450.000 €

GRANTS Nº Price Total Institutional Support To be determined Total GRANTS without VAT 0 €

Total Incomes 1.988.555 €

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 78 ANNEX I: BUDGET ANNEX I: BUDGET RATES


1. Registration´s fees based on 2018 ECI Edition in Amsterdam (Holland) 2. Sponsors number, based on 2018 ECI Edition in Amsterdam (Holland) -Conservative Estimation 3. Sponsors- Estimation based on 2018 ECI Edition in Amsterdam (Holland)


1. Welcome Cocktail 2. Daily Coffee Breaks (morning and afternoon) 3. Poster Reception 4. Note book and pen, and congress proceedings including USB

8th European Congress of Inmunology ECI · Madrid 2027 79