Dear Youth Leaders, This time last year, we prepared to meet at Eagle Eyrie for our middle school retreat. How could we have known what the past year would bring? We are looking at a different world in many ways, and yet, we know that despite the many changes we have experienced, one thing remains true. We still worship a living God, who is moving and working in our world. As youth leaders, whether we are meeting in person or online, we have a group of youth who are looking to us for guidance and connection in this unprecedented time. We may not be able to gather in October at Eagle Eyrie, but we would like to give you resources to bring the youth retreat to you! In this packet, you will find Bible studies, devotionals, and other materials that explore our theme: Reimagined. We will look at Ephesians 5:1-2 and think about what it means to be made in the image of God and how to walk in love in our world. We invite you to create an opportunity for your youth to connect with God, and we would love to see what you do! These materials can be used with both middle and high school youth. The Bible studies and activities can be completed in one weekend or stretched over a longer period of time. Whether in person or online, we want to see how you are exploring what it means to be image bearers in our world. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #BGAVREIMAGINED in your pictures and videos!



THEME: Reimagined Our world has been turned upside down in 2020. We have had to reorient life in a pandemic. School is different. Church is different. Work is different. In light of this change, how do we reimagine what it looks like to be the Church? Things are different in so many ways, but God has not changed. These two studies will look at what it means to be made in the image of God and how we, as image bearers, can reflect that love. SCRIPTURAL FOCUS: Ephesians 5:1-2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION TO SCRIPTURE PASSAGE: Chapter five of this letter discusses what it means to live as children of God. In chapter four of Ephesians we find a call for believers to imitate the forgiveness of God (4:32). Our specific passage in chapter five continues with that thought. Though we are called to forgive as God forgives, we are also called to be imitators in all parts of our lives. We are called to imitate “the life of Christ as a whole, summed up in his going to the cross, that represents his unselfish sacrifice for others” (The People’s New Testament Commentary, 608). This behavior toward others reflects God’s love. As believers, we are to act with love in all that we do. SOURCE: The People’s New Testament Commentary by M. Eugene Boring and Fred B. Craddock. Westminster John Knox Press, 2009. BIBLE STUDY SETUP: Whether you meet in person or online, you can still enhance learning. Consider playing the suggested play list before your study and during activity times. If you are not meeting in person, create the playlist on Spotify or another format and share it with your students. Make sure that you have the needed materials or let them know what they will need for each study. You know your students best. Feel free to add or alter activities to best suit the needs of your students. 3 BIBLE STUDY ONE: WHO AM I?

NEEDED MATERIALS: paper, markers OPENING ACTIVITY: Have youth create a self-portrait. It can be their whole body or face. At the end of the study, they will write words on this portrait, so make sure that they keep that in mind during the creation process. (If you are online for this study, you could have students create this portrait ahead of time. During the opener, students could show their picture or talk about what it was like to create the picture.) READ: Ephesians 5:1-2 (Print off two or three different translations of this verse and have three volunteers read them. Some suggestions are NIV, NRSV, and the Message [a helpful paraphrase]) DISCUSS: What are some words or phrases that stood out to you in this passage? HIGH SCHOOL: What do you think it means to imitate God? Can you think of a time when you saw someone imitate God in their actions? What did that look like? LEADER: This is a time to add information about the passage that you found when preparing or any other teaching points that are applicable for your group. It could be helpful to add the definition of image as youth think about what it means to represent Christ. An image is a visual representation of something. Remind the youth that our faith is part of all parts of our life, not just our time in church with other believers. We should be reflecting God every day in all situations. You can give an example of times when you saw your youth imitate God. This may help them in the next activity. ACTIVITY: There are seven categories below. Give youth one category at a time. Have them brainstorm ways to imitate or glorify God in these situations. For example, in school, they can be honest with their work. They can reach out to those on the margins or who are bullied. This can be a large group activity or a small group activity depending on your Bible Study format. You can write their ideas all in one place or have youth write it down on their own sheet of paper. After the study, post one category each week on social media with their ideas as a challenge for youth to live out their faith. CATEGORIES: School, Our Bodies, Friendships, Creation, Our Minds, Church/Youth Group, Our Community READ: Matthew 22: 36-38 DISCUSS: We have been created to imitate and reflect God. Is it difficult to remember this when we are outside of church? If so, why? What should we do if we mess up and aren’t a reflection of God in a situation? What are some ways to remember who we have been created to be? RESPONSE: Have youth hold their self-portraits. Play music or have a quiet time of reflection. Have youth think about how God has created them. Ask youth to write positive traits and gifts that they have which could be used to glorify and imitate God around their pictures. Encourage youth to put these portraits somewhere in their rooms as a reminder of being an image bearer. PRAY: End the session in prayer for your youth so that they would reflect God in all they do.


NEEDED MATERIALS: index cards, pens OPENING ACTIVITY: Have each youth think of a favorite spot in the community that surrounds your church. Remind them to keep this spot in mind, but don’t say it out loud! Ask each youth to describe this place in two sentences on an index card without saying the name of the spot. Perhaps it’s a favorite restaurant or park. Maybe it’s the playground by your church. Example: Dairy Queen: This place is a great spot for a sweet treat. It’s located beside the library. Your youth can be a cryptic or descriptive as possible, as long as they keep it to two sentences and don’t say the name. Read each card out loud and have youth try to guess the neighborhood spot! READ: Ephesians 5:1-2 (Ask for a volunteer to read the theme passage again.) LEADER: Review the previous Bible study topic. Now that we have thought about who we are created to be, it’s important to think about our neighbor. God has created all of humanity, not just those in the church. It’s important that we live out God’s example and love in our interactions with others. DISCUSS: How does Christ’s love for us serve as our example of how we love others? Who in your community may feel unseen or unloved? (example: those in a nursing home, the homeless, children being bullied in school) ACTIVITY: This game can be played in person or online. Pick a youth to begin, and have them say, “I love my neighbors who….” At the end of the sentence, have them pick a talent or preference that they do NOT have. When they say the statement, anyone who can relate to it gets to stand up and say, “I’m that neighbor!” If you are online, they can wave instead of standing. Pick someone else or go in order so that everyone gets a chance. Examples: I love my neighbors who are seniors! I love my neighbors who play sports! I love my neighbors who can speak Spanish! DISCUSS: It’s pretty easy for you to love each other, even if you all have differences. You are around the same age and in the same youth group. When might it be uncomfortable for you to love a neighbor? How do we respond to those who aren’t easy to get along with or who are not like us? READ: Luke 10:29-37 LEADER: This is a place for the leader to add their thoughts and teaching points about this passage. This story is a familiar one for many. A man is hurting and in need of help. Those whom we assume should help, don’t. The one who does help is one who Jesus’ audience would find very different from themselves. One interesting thing in this story is that the Samaritan doesn’t just do the bare minimum for the person in need. His love is over the top. He goes above and beyond to save this person’s life. DISCUSS: Are there times when we ignore people who need to see God’s love? Are there times when we do the bare minimum? Perhaps we are nice to someone who is bullied, but we don’t stand up for them or get them help. God is extravagant in showing us love. How can we go above and beyond to love our neighbor? CLOSING ACTIVITY: As a group, think of one way this month that you can go above and beyond in your community. 5 DEVOTIONALS



READ: Genesis 1:27 THINK: An image is the visual representation of something. If I took a picture of my house, you could look at it and understand where I live. This image would just represent the place in which I live. You can see it, but that doesn’t mean that you can reach into the picture and knock on the door. In Christianity, we use the term Imago Dei, which means image of God. We are images, so we are not equal to God. That doesn’t mean that we haven’t been created with care. We are loved and important to our Creator. If we are honest, we don’t always live up to that. We can treat ourselves badly. We can compare ourselves to others. We can choose to do other things instead of worshipping God. Take the first steps to see yourself as an important creation. You matter! PRAY: God, Thank you for creating me in your image. Help me reflect you in all that I say and do. Amen DO: Take a selfie. Make sure that you take the picture without a filter or crazy face. Just be completely who you are, not who you show the world in your social media profiles. Don’t post this picture. Instead, save it as a reminder of who God created you to be. Whenever you lose sight of that, go back to this picture and ask God to help you to be a reflection of the Creator.


READ: Psalm 24 THINK: God is our Creator. God also created our world. We sometimes get so busy and distracted that we forget how awesome God’s creation can be. We tune out the natural world. We stare at a screen and forget that there is more. As God’s creations, it is important to spend time with God and slow down. It’s not easy to sit still and be quiet, but we all need that time with God on a regular basis. This time doesn’t have to be extremely long or complicated. It literally can be sitting in your favorite spot in the yard or going for a walk. You can sit still on your porch or in front of a window. We are surrounded by God’s creation—people, animals, plants, and the earth. Take time to be with God. Take time to thank God. Take time to remember that we aren’t alone in this world. PRAY: God, thank you for creating me and the world. Help me to slow down and remember to spend time with you. Amen DO: Take a walk outside. Sit on your porch or sit by a window. Be silent and observe your surroundings. What do you see around you? What is reflecting God? Take time to thank God for creation.


READ: Ephesians 2:10 THINK: Sometimes, we think about faith as only something we believe. That’s definitely part of it, but it’s not just about that. Being a Christian is also about putting our faith into action. Through the example of Jesus we see that as Christians, we are also supposed to do something. Jesus was a person of action. He was busy teaching, healing, and caring for the needs of others. We have been created to imitate Christ. That doesn’t mean only through our words. It also means that we need “to do good works.” Our actions aren’t a way to try to earn points to heaven. It’s about us being so full of God’s love that we can’t help but have it spill over into all we do. We can share our faith through our interactions with others. We are called to be in our communities and to love those whom we meet with the same love that Christ has shown us. PRAY: God, help me to see others as your creation. Show me places where I can make a difference and share your love. Amen DO: Think about your neighborhood. Who do you come into contact with regularly (even if it’s more than six feet apart)? It may be a teacher, neighbor, or classmate. This week, do one thing to show them that you care. Perhaps it’s a letter of encouragement. It may be dropping off a care package at their doorstep. Maybe it’s paying them a compliment. Now more than ever, we need connection. So, take time to connect to someone else this week and reflect God’s love.


HERE ARE SOME ACTIVITY SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR GROUP THAT CAN BE DONE IN PERSON OR ONLINE, DEPENDING ON YOUR GROUP’S NEED. If you are doing a weekend retreat, you could use some of these activities for your time together. You can also use these fun activities throughout the year as a way to be together. We would love to see pictures of you completing these activities! Tag us with the hashtag #BGAVREIMAGINED or email pictures to [email protected].


PRAYER WALK: Gather at a spot in town and go on a prayer walk. This can be done while maintaining social distance. Have youth look around as they walk and pray for those whom they pass and your town. Also remind them to pray for those who are on the margins in your community. If you aren’t able to gather, you can have youth and their families go on individual prayer walks in their neighborhoods and community. YARD BLITZ: Have youth travel to the homes of the elderly or sick and rake their leaves. Try to see how many yards you can rake in one afternoon. If you can’t gather as a group, have individual families adopt a yard. You could make some fun yard signs with positive messages, such as, “You are loved!” to place in the yard after the work has been completed.

8 KINDNESS ROCKS: Paint rocks with positive messages. Hide the rocks around the church property. Have the youth hunt for the rocks during the week and send you a picture when they find one. You can send prizes in the mail for those who found rocks. Encourage youth to take the rock they found and hide it in your community. PARK MEETUP: Have youth bring a lunch and meetup at a local park for a picnic and social distancing games. If your youth don’t like games, find a nearby trail and go for a hike. STORYTELLERS: Create a bonfire. Have some adult volunteers prepare stories to share with youth. They can be stories about faith, challenges, or life as a young adult. Create a time for youth to hear stories, sing songs, and reflect upon their own faith journey. Don’t forget the s’mores!


TALENT SHOW: Let the youth show how unique they are! Have them come up with a talent to showcase in a zoom call with your youth group. Take notes of what they do, and then surprise them by sending them an “award” in the mail that reflects an observation and an encouragement. VIRTUAL ART GALLERY: Have youth create a piece of art that reflects something about themselves. It can be a self-portrait. Perhaps they are a macaroni and cheese fan and want to make jewelry out of the pasta. It may be a photo of a favorite spot. Creativity is key! Get them to send in pictures of their art. Create a digital album to post on your youth Instagram page, website, or Facebook group. Share it with your church so they know how proud you are of them! TRIVIA: Have youth submit a few facts about themselves that others may not know. Have a trivia night on zoom. Include a few facts about yourself, other youth leaders, and the church. You can also mix in other trivia to make the event longer. Have youth keep track of their score and mail in a prize to the winner! CHRISTMAS PLAY: Search church archives or online to find a short children’s Christmas play. Give out copies and parts ahead of time. Meet on Zoom and perform the play. Youth can dress up in costume. You can create a background for them to use in Zoom. Those who aren’t speaking can dress up in tacky Christmas sweaters and provide music or sound effects. Record the play and share it with your church members! COOKING CLASS: Have an adult or youth volunteer to teach participants an easy recipe. Send it out ahead of time so that everyone has the ingredients. Meet on Zoom and cook together.


• Who You Say I Am by Hillsong Worship • Love by We Are Messengers • Love God Love People by Danny Gokey • Keep Me In The Moment by Jeremy Camp • You Get The Glory by Jonathan Traylor • Let Love Lead by Terrian • Rise Up (Lazarus) by CAIN • Into the Sea (It’s Going to be Ok) by Tasha Layton • From Whom All Blessings Flow (Doxology) by Hillsong Worship • Heart of Worship by David Leonard • Good & Loved by Travis Greene (featuring Steffany Gretzinger) • Known by Tauren Wells • Joy of the Lord by Rend Collective • Alive by • Set a Fire by VaShawn Mitchell • Revolutionary by Josh Wilson • Set Me Free by Lecrae and YK Osiris • Abundant Life by Deitrick Haddon • Moments Like This by The Afters • Wake Up Sleeper by Austin French • Together by For King and Country • The Greatest Commandment by The Porter’s Gate and Paul Zach • God So Loved by We The Kingdom • The Blessing by Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes • You Keep Hope Alive by Mandisa and Jon Reddick 10 WORSHIP SERVICE

If you want to have a weekend retreat, this service could be a youth led service at your church. It could also be used as a service to end your time together. Even if you aren’t able to physically be together, these resources could be used to pre-record or do a FB/YouTube live worship service with just the youth or as an intergenerational worship service. VISUAL ELEMENTS: Consider placing mirrors of varying sizes and shapes on the stage or images on the screen that represent the theme. WORSHIP AIDS: If this is a virtual time of worship, you could post the order of worship ahead of time, with song lyrics and readings, on your church or youth website or Facebook page.


CALL TO WORSHIP: (FROM PSALM 96) Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth. Sing to the Lord, praise his name; proclaim his salvation day after day. Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples.

11 WORSHIP IN SONG: Some song suggestions can be found in the Reimagined playlist (page 10). The following are traditional hymn suggestions: All Creatures Of Our God and King (Francis of Assisi), This Is My Father’s World (Maltbie D. Babcock), Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Thomas O. Chisholm) WORSHIP WITH STORY: Ask a leader or youth to tell about a time where they witnessed someone reflect God’s love. PRAYER: Creator of the universe, you made the world in beauty, and restore all things in glory through the victory of Jesus Christ. We pray that, wherever your image is still disfigured by poverty, sickness, selfishness, war, and greed, the new creation in Jesus Christ may appear in justice, love, and peace, to the glory of your name. Amen. (Revised Common Lectionary) SCRIPTURE: Ephesians 5:1-2 SERMON: This is the space in which you (or a youth) explore what it means to be made in the image of God and how we, as believers, are to walk in love. PRAYER RESPONSE IN SONG: Song suggestions can be found in the Reimagined playlist (page 10). The following are traditional hymn suggestions: I Have Decided To Follow Jesus (John Clark), Will You Come And Follow Me ( The Summons) (John L. Bell), Take My Life And Let It Be (Francis Ridley Havergal) SENDING: (Suggested benediction from 2 Corinthians 13:14)- [May] The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.


HERE ARE SOME MISSION PROJECT SUGGESTIONS FOR YOUR GROUP. If you are doing a weekend retreat, you could use some of these ideas for your time together. You can also use these mission ideas throughout the year as a way to be together. We would love to see pictures of you completing these mission projects! Tag us with the hashtag #BGAVREIMAGINED or email pictures to [email protected]. For more information about mission ideas, contact Glenn Maddox at [email protected].

YARD CARE: Groups can provide lawn care, remove leaves, and do other types of yard work for members who need help or for community members the church has a relationship with. Coordinating with local government is a great way to identify people with that need. FOOD BUCKETS: Your group can create food buckets with enough food to feed a family for a few days if a disaster (large or small) strikes. After a few months, if the buckets aren’t used, donate them to your church food pantry or a local food bank and restock. Get more information on how here: Find a local food bank here: your-local-foodbank. CREATE A FEEDING SITE AT YOUR CHURCH: Your group can prepare to feed people if a disaster strikes out of your own church kitchen. You can learn more at training/ and contact Virginia Baptist Disaster Response if you’d like to create a feeding team at your church (

13 SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Collect school supplies for schools that have returned to the classroom or for individuals learning virtually. The typical school supply drives have been somewhat interrupted this year, and supplies will be running out more frequently. HYGIENE KITS: Create Hygiene Kits for people in disaster affected areas or local ministries to people who are homeless. Just place the following items (travel size) in a gallon Ziploc bag. Feminine hygiene products or diapers are typically packaged separately: • Soap • Shampoo • Deodorant • Washcloth • Comb/brush • Facial tissue • Shaving cream/razor • Toothbrush/toothpaste


VISIT BGAV.ORG/IGNITE TO DOWNLOAD THESE GRAPHIC FILES. Several graphic options are available for church use, such as creating additional documents with the Reimagined or Ignite logos, or having “Reimagined” shirts made for your group. All of these graphic files are available for download .

1-Color Artwork 2-Color Artwork (PMS 306U) (PMS 306U + Blue 072U) BGAV Advancing the Kingdom Together Ignite Logo BGAV Logo 15