
• State Secretary's Report - John Oliver ...... 2

• State President's Report - Steve Bunney ...... 5 The United Union of • Junior Vice President - Ron Raverty ...... 8 Queensland Branch Ground Floor • Allan Young - Life Member UFUQ ...... 10 286 Montague Road West End Qld 4101 • This Ones For Groove ...... 12 Phone: 07 3844 0366 • A Brief Summary of the Nerang Fire Brigade's Fax: 07 3844 0367 History as overviewed in the Gold Coast Email: Bulletin 24th April 1973 ...... 16 [email protected] Website: • UFUQ Merchandise Shop ...... 19 www.ufuq.asn.au Editors: • New Union Merchandise ...... 20 Steve Bunney & Leanne Nolte • Auxiliary Agreement Consulation ...... 27

• Workers Compensation ...... 30

Publisher and Advertising: • The Old South Coast Brigade - Dowd Publications Pty Ltd By Allan Burrows-Part 3 ...... 32 Suite 9 Dominion House 34 Dominions Road Ashmore Qld 4214 Phone: 1800 621 533 Fax: 1800 066 787 Email: [email protected] Front Cover: A blaze extensively damaged Woolloongabba's Historic Broadway Hotel. Photographs courtesy of Matt Hayes.

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State Secretary's Report John Oliver


Part of the role of State Secretary is to meet with other Union leaders that have a similar membership profile. The Union that represents Ambulance employees (LHMU), Queensland Police Union and the QPSU fall into this category. I have now contacted the State Secretaries that present these Union's and have asked that we meet to discuss issues that affect our members as a group. The response has been enthusiastic and I will do everything that I can to strengthen our collective relationship over the coming years.

Firefighters, Paramedics and Police can add a considerable amount of weight to any disagreement!

The Rural Fire Brigade Association, which represents Rural Volunteers across Queensland is another important body. We have already formed a working relationship with their Executive and we now look forward to progressing issues that have an impact on the Rural and Urban landscape. One of their concerns which has already been discussed, is Rural employees and volunteers being paraded around in Urban uniforms which makes it almost impossible to distinguish between our roles and the special skills that each service has.

I believe that by forming these partnerships, we can achieve more results for our membership base.

Communications Centre

I wish to thank those who participated in the teleconference for our first ever Firecom telephone conference between our Communication Centres. Communications Centre Delegate Bear Amos, State President Steve Bunney and Industrial Officer Paula Newman did a wonderful job getting everyone together for this event. The most important thing now is to transfer members input into tangible results. I have asked Steve Bunney to ensure that this happens and I am confident of a good result.

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From time-to-time our Branches need additional support and resources. Our SCM elected Officials have given a commitment to ensure that support from the State Office is forthcoming when needed. This support can come in many forms such as: Union Delegate training, WHS support, or Industrial Relations support. If you have issues that you need help with, please give me a call so we can discuss your needs.


Once again elections are about to occur across Queensland for Local and State Committee of Management positions. Being part of the UFU is more than rewarding, it is input into your own future. For those who think they have what it takes, please fill in a nomination form and become involved in YOUR Union. Nominations for the unfilled Local and State Committee of Management positions will open in early January. If you are unsure of what the position entails, please contact the Head Office and myself or other staff members will be more than happy to help answer any questions you may have.


I wish to thank Chris Robinson for his dedication and hard work over the recent months. Chris is on a number of Committee’s dealing with and looking after our best int erests. Next year will see a UFU agenda that will audit our Fire Stations and make sure that they comply with WHS legislation. Some Auxiliary stations don’t have running hot and cold water, showers or the like. These Stations will need to be identified before we can move forward with this issue.

If you believe your station does not comply with WHS legislation, please email the Union office on [email protected] and we will help deal with your compliance issues.


I hope that you and your families have a happy and safe Christmas break and I look forward to representing your interests in 2011.

John Oliver State Secretary

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State President's Report Steve Bunney

What is the value of a local UFU branch?

Everyone understands that the state office receives lots of phone calls and emails on a daily basis over industrial issues and after taking numerous calls, I began to wonder why some of the issues raised hadn’t been resolved by the local UFU branch.

Now don’t get me wrong, I have no problem talking to and with members, in fact the State Secretary thinks sometimes I probably talk too much, period. However what I was to discover was our members were either unaware they had a local branch or the branch had lapsed due to no elected delegates? I began asking regional delegates as to why we “the union” were in this position. The reoccurring main reasons began to surface, 1/ No Support from the union, 2/ no one knows all the awards and agreements. 3/ no one knows how to run a branch or what’s expected from the executives of a local branch.

I firmly believe that without all our local UFU Branches in place, fully supported, resourced and ready to represent our members, our Union will have had lost or weakened its foundations on which to build. It goes to reason that without sound, solid foundations there will be no super UFU fortress built. An unrepresented workplace allows QFRS management free reign to implement decisions or procedures that are just plain unsafe and may go against certified agreements or award conditions, without dispute or questioning. We all know that once there has been one dodgy decision made, it gives rise to more and more and sooner rather then later, there’s a whole torrent of policies and localised procedures floating your way and we all know they smell all the while completely unquestioned by any representative body!!!!!!!!

I have made a promise to the State Secretary to get UFU Branches across the state up and running and to this date, I have started making some inroads. Some of our Branches across the State have seen first hand my promise and commitment to them and I have whole heartedly pledged my support, the support of the State office and it resources to assist them in there duties. Lets be very clear, we are the union, us the rank and file of the fire service. If there’s another profession more suited to being a union delegate, you best let me know. Everyone knows that firies work best under pressure, we learn quickly, can tell when someone’s lying to us and we don’t sell our mates out, above all when the chips are down, there’s no one better to have standing right beside you than a firefighter. Firefighters exude

UFU - Queensland Journal page 5 Queensland Firefighter naturally what Unions around the world build there strength on …….”SOLIDARITY”.

So are you ready for a challenge, willing to stand up for your mates? Do you want the opportunity to challenge decisions that impact on your work life? Well give me call and I will be only too eager to assist you and your branch to go forward in its efforts of representing UFU members. I challenge you, put me to the test. I will not waiver in my efforts to assist our members and branches.

Recently I attended the fallen firefighter memorials on the Gold Coast and visited our members in Rockhampton, Gladstone, Yeppoon. To Dain Johnson and Bruce Lawrie and team at Rocky, thanks for your hospitality, it was an honour to attend a UFU branch meeting at the birthplace of our union. A side note, it was great to see the passion still alive and well in Rocky. To Kristal Johnston and Gavin Thomas and team in Gladstone, things are only just beginning for your Branch and your members are right behind you, so keep at it. You have my total support and I look forward to celebrating many achievements with you all next time I’m in t own, so “go get em”.

And finally, recently there was a line in the sand drawn in the North Coast region and I stood proudly, shoulder-to-shoulder beside our Sunshine Coast branch executives in their fight to be taken seriously by QFRS management and there subsequent industrial action. To the Sunshine Coast UFU branch executive, Shane Pasterfield, Bevan McPherson, Cameron Herbet and of course the reliable as ever “Thommo” a well done is in order. The result that was achieved is a reflection of the effort by your team and the resolve displayed, which was reverberated by your members that night, will ensure that on the Sunshine Coast, firefighters concerns WILL be heard and taken seriously and firefighters WILL be consulted with on all issues that may impact on there work life. A very special experience and in the true sense of the words, brothers and sisters, I’m proud to be Union.

Well it’s that time of year again, when the festive season comes around and the stresses of being an emergency service worker hits home. We have all witnessed it and now the newest members to our profession will be experiencing first hand the pains of watching friends and family gather for celebrations knowing they have to return to shift later that day or in the morning. As Fire and Rescue professionals we have sworn an oath to protect and serve our communities, seven days a week, fifty-two weeks a year. It’s usually at these times when we start to curse our job. As Emergency Service workers, due to its impediments on our home life, we start to resent that it restricts our ability to fully relax and enjoy the Christmas hospitality when it seems like everyone else is letting there hair down and getting into the spirit of Christmas.

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As Christmas time serves to remind us that our role is unique and the responsibility that we have to our community and ourselves is omnipotent. Our skills, professionalism and dedication will be called on by someone in our community during this festive period, lets be at our best to deliver the service in which we are the professionals and ensure the level of service we're expected to deliver is of the highest standard but all done safely. I ask you please, please, please be careful out there, when doing your job, wherever it may be. Share in the Christmas spirit and not become one. Let’s keep a watchful eye on all our brothers and sisters safety.

Merry Christmas to all our members and your family’s.


Steve Bunney State President

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Junior Vice President Ron Raverty

I joined the Metropolitan Fire Brigade back in January 1979 working at Roma Street and Kemp Place most of the first 15 years as an all car driver. Then to most of the stations on the north side of Brisbane, until I was asked to go to Safety Equipment in 2002 to learn the job there and do the holiday reliefs. Here it is 2010 and i am still at Safety Equipment.

I was always a union man even before I was elected, trying to uphold our conditions and rights as Fire Officers.

I was asked to become a Firefighter Delegate for Brisbane North in those days, I thought if I could make a difference to my workplace and conditions it would help not only me, but every firefighter in Queensland, that was 1997. I held that position of Brisbane Firefighter Delegate (to SCM) and Branch Delegate till September 2010.

I have worked with many great Union Delegate's past and present over the years, all with great respect and knowledge of our Union.

The Junior Vice President's position became vacant and nominations were called. I thought I should stand for this position as the Union has had a very important role in my life and for many years and I thought I have some valuable contributions that would benefit my fellow worker.

I have since been elected, by my peers on the State Committee of Management to the Junior Vice President's position, a position and responsibility which I hold with high esteem and honor and one which I will undertake with great enthusiasm and loyalty.

I am only to happy to help members with any enquiries and look forward to working with the UFUQ State Executive in the effort to maintain our representation of our members rights and be ever so vigilant of WHS issues in our workplaces.


Ron Raverty Junior Vice President

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Newly elected Junior Vice President Ron Raverty on the right with his constant side kick Mark Gale at a recent event.

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Allan Young - Life Member UFUQ

Allan was elected to Brisbane Branch President and held that position on Executive for 7 years. He was elected to the State Committee of Management as a Brisbane region firefighter delegate, holding that position for over 6 years. He has also taken on the role of Acting State Secretary and was briefly in the chair in an interim measure as Acting State President.

When considering a member for life membership of the UFUQ, the rules state the following,

(i) a nomination for life membership being made in writing to the State Committee of Management in respect of the member, provided that such nomination shall not be valid unless made by a financial member of the Union and seconded by not fewer than two other financial members of the Union with evidence demonstrating outstanding effort in furthering the objects of the Union.

As a Brisbane region delegate during the tumultuous years, Allan was of great support to the UFUQ and was extremely influential in bringing Brisbane region back into a harmonious relationship with the UFU State Office.

Allan worked tirelessly to improve Brisbane regions' involvement in supporting the UFU policy and members attendance at Union meetings were at an all- time high during this time on the Brisbane Branch. As the Branch President he rigorously defended the UFU from attacks by its detractors. After years of arguments and attempts to destabilise the Union, Allan and his Branch executive were able to bring Brisbane region back to the UFU fold.

In his last endeavour, Allan has taken on the chair as President of the Retired Firefighters Association-QLD. Allan has been the main conduit for the UFU QLD and the Retired Firefighters Association having the working relationship that it currently has. He has worked tirelessly to ensure that firefighters, even in retirement, can continue their Union membership, organising membership packs to be produced and provided for those retiring and encouraging firies to remain UFU members.

Since retiring, Allan has remained a proud supporter of the UFU and never misses an opportunity to support the cause and give something back to the Union. He is always willing to help out on Labour Day and has been Labour Day Marshall for page 10 UFU - Queensland Journal Queensland Firefighter the UFUQ for many years. You only have to observe Allan, organising the UFU marchers into some sort of rabble on Labour Day and observe the pride on his face when he marches with us as a Union supporter. On Labour Day, his loud rambunctious laugh can be heard around the Union tent and the smile on his face is there for all to see, it's not hard to realise that even in retirement, Allan Young is through and through UFU and proud of it.

I can recall many passionate speeches form Allan during the turbulent years on SCM at the Peel Street office. Whilst I will leave them for another time and place, there is one thing I can relate to members about Allan, when he speaks about the Union, he does so with pride. When talking about the UFU he simply say’s “THE UNION” because to him there is only ever ONE UNION the mighty UFU of Q.

Recently at a formal evening held at Parliament House, I along with the State Secretary had the honour of awarding Allan Young his life membership of the UFUQ, the highest accolade our Union may give its members. The State Committee of Management bestowed this accolade upon Allan Young for his years of dedicated service to the Union, in recognition of his activities as a delegate for this body and also in retirement as a steadfast supporter for the UFU, working tirelessly to promote the Union’s objectives.

My fellow UFUQ members, I present to you, Allan Young - UFUQ Life Member.

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This Ones For Groove

Firefighters display the true meaning of being a mate

This project began as a bit of a dream, after Dave’s wife Renee realised the access issues David would be faced with when he returned home.

So being Firies, we decided that “firefighters are family” and we were going to try and do something about Dave’s situation. It was discussed that something similar to Channel 9’s Backyard/ Domestic Blitz etc, would do the trick.

With that in mind, an official application was hastily prepared for a proposed “Domestic Blitz” on the Galvin’s family home only to find out that filming had finished for the year and all applications would have to wait for the following year. It was during this process, Channel Nine’s A Current Affair (ACA) expressed an interest in possibly being involved in filming the planned project.

After a couple of meetings with colleagues in an effort to try and get things organised, it became apparent that nothing would be happening before David would be returning home on the 9th of August 2010. Then on July 28th 2010 to our elation we were told ACA were “on board” and we should go for it and aim to have it done before Dave arrived home. Well those few words of “Go for It” were what we were waiting for and all the inspiration needed to make it happen.

During the early stages of planning it was mentioned that perhaps the scope of work that was proposed to enable Dave the access he required and the provision of some usable family areas was big to say the least. The Ace we had in our pockets were the brotherhood and the amount of support that was forthcoming from ranks of Firefighters encouraging us to make it happen. Fortunately for us, Firefighters are good at being reactive.

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With little or no time to do anything, QFRS support and approval was sought and granted by the Commissioner, sponsors were approached and volunteers were recruited, “D day” had arrived and we began work at the Galvin family home on the 30th July 2010.

The roles were dished out; Senior Firefighter Luke Tehan took on the role of builder/job supervisor (Operations), I took on the task of job organiser/liaison (Planning), Senior Firefighter Tony O’Neill, along with some help from the boys from Roma Street station, recruited and organised the trade and labour required (Logistics).

Lack of help was never a problem, most days we had a minimum of 30 people per day, with a maximum of 70 people on the working bee Friday, a very hectic day where the UFU kindly supplied BBQ food and refreshments for the hungry hordes. Looking over the project time I realised that we had a core of about 10 people there nearly everyday, a further 20 or so people came 2 or 3 days out of the 11 days of the project, which means we had about 250 people involved over the 11 days.

Given the short time frames to move ahead on the project, we were still being contacted by people who were not aware it was happening and wanting to help out wherever they could right up to the last day.

The "rag tag bag" volunteers who delivered the”impossible” consisted of firefighters from C shift Roma Street station and firefighters from all shifts who new Dave, Firecom Staff, Retired firefighters, Senior Officers and new Recruit firefighters who had never met Dave but just wanted to be part of helping a fellow firefighter out. Neighbours lent a hand, friends and Firefighter’s partners helped Renee to feed the workers and an enormous amount of work was achieved in only 11 days.



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Editors note.

It goes without saying that being a firefighter is a great job, but being part of the firefighting family that knows no bounds when the chips are down, well it just doesn’t get any better. What was achieved by all those who attended and participated, is a very very humbling and emotional experience for all those concerned and one of my proudest moments ever in being a firefighter.

There were a lot of people who took on significant roles and the mountains of volunteers who willingly gave up tremendous amounts of personal time to achieve this magnificent result. You know who you are, and we know who you are. You guys and girls are the true Heroes.

page 14 UFU - Queensland Journal STEVEQueensland KILBURN Firefighter MP STATE MEMBER FOR CHATSWORTHSTEVEN KILBURN MP "Strong Voice Real Action" Unit 1, Millennium Business CentreSTATE MEMBER FOR CHATSWORTH Millennium Boulevard Unit 1, Millennium Business Centre Carindale Qld 4152 Millennium Boulevard Telephone: 3398 4777 Fax: 3398 4680 Carindale Qld 4152 Email: [email protected]: 3398 4777 Web: http://stevekilburn.weebly.com Fax: 3398 4680 Email: [email protected] Follow Steve on Facebook & Twitter @stevekilburn

As the first QLD Firefighter elected to Parliament I am proud to be able to Asrepresent the firstFirefighters QLD in FirefighterGovernment. I thankelected the toUnited Parliament Firefighters IUnion am Qldproud to be able to represent FirefightersBranch for providing in Government. support to me in becomingI thank the first United Queensland Firefighters Firefighter Union Qld Branch for providingelected to Parliament. support I look to forwardme in tobecoming an ongoing therelationship first Queensland with the UFU Firefighter elected to representing the needs of firefighters in Government. Parliament. I look forward to an ongoing relationship with the UFU representing the needs of firefighters in Government. WorldWorld FirefightersFirefighters GamesGames

20122012 SydneySydney AustraliaAustralia – vibrant, cosmopolitan, creative WeWe ask ask Australian Australian Firefighters Firefighters to toget get behind behind the the games games Beach. Events such as tug of war, arm , body Sydneyand naturally – vibrant, beautiful, cosmopolitan, welcomes creative the Beach. Events such as tug of war, arm wrestling, body andand put put together together teams teams to to compete, compete, or or as as an an individuals, individuals, building, and ‘Toughest Firefighter Alive’ are planned and naturally beautiful, welcomes the building, and ‘Toughest Firefighter Alive’ are planned World Firefighters Games 2012 toto compete compete in in many many different different sporting sporting activities. activities. for Darling Harbour. World Firefighters Games 2012 for Darling Harbour. With over 65 events in what is considered one of the TheThe ‘Toughest ‘Toughest Firefighter Firefighter Alive’ Alive’ is isa majora major event event where where Nightly entertainment is also planned, with a Nightly entertainment is also planned, with a Withworlds over most 65 events beautiful in what cities, is Sydneyconsidered will onecome of alivethe in firefightersfirefighters are are tested tested in in a anumber number of of different different disciplines disciplines spectacular opening and closing ceremony. A village spectacular opening and closing ceremony. A village worldsOctober most 2012 beautiful cities, Sydney will come alive in whichwhich is is great great for for spectators spectators and and shows shows just just how how tough tough is planned for Darling Harbour, where the majority is planned for Darling Harbour, where the majority October 2012 thesethese guys guys really really are. are. of competitors will stay to soak up the atmosphere of competitors will stay to soak up the atmosphere Home to one of the world’s most stunning harbours of having around 10,000 firefighters from all over the of having around 10,000 firefighters from all over the Homeand blessed to one byof thea sunny, world’s near-perfect most stunning climate, harbours Sydney’s IndividualIndividual events events like like athletics athletics and and swimming will will be be world congregating in the same area to party on each world congregating in the same area to party on each andsetting blessed alone by is a perfectsunny, fornear-perfect the games. climate, Better Sydney’syet, the heldheld at at Olympic Olympic Park Park with with world world class class facilities facilities whilst whilst night and build relationships that last a lifetime. night and build relationships that last a lifetime. setting2000 Olympics alone is perfect have left for a the legacy games. of worldBetter class yet, thesporting beachbeach volleyball and and beach beach cricket cricket will will be be held held on on Bondi Bondi 2000facilities, Olympics enabling have the left WFG a legacy to access of world Olympic class sportingstandard Sydney has some of the best accommodation in the Sydney has some of the best accommodation in the facilities,facilities enablingfor the very the firstWFG time. to access Olympic standard world with 18,000 rooms in 3, 4, and 5 star hotels. We world with 18,000 rooms in 3, 4, and 5 star hotels. We facilities for the very first time. will have fantastic deals on accommodation and travel will have fantastic deals on accommodation and travel Sydney will also have a magnificent village set up at via our website www.worldfirefightergames.com in via our website SydneyDarling will Harbour also haveright a in magnificent the middle villageof all the set restaurantup at the upcoming months.www.worldfirefightergames.com They will be guaranteed to the upcoming months. They will be guaranteed to in Darlingand bustling Harbour entertainment right in the precinct middle ofon all Sydney the restaurant Harbour be the cheapest available, so what we need is for be the cheapest available, so what we need is for and bustling entertainment precinct on Sydney Harbour Australian Firefighters, full time, part time, aviation, Australian Firefighters, full time, part time, aviation, The 11th World Firefighter Games have just been rural, volunteers and the armed services to get rural, volunteers and the armed services to get completedThe 11th World in , Firefighter Korea. Games There have were just approximately been involved. We need Australia to dominate the games, involved. We need Australia to dominate the games, 7500completed competitors in Daegu, that Korea. enjoyed There over were 60 events approximately over 9 days. win all the medals, and have a fantastic time in win all the medals, and have a fantastic time in 7500 competitors that enjoyed over 60 events over 9 days. Sydney from 19th – 28th October 2012 Whilst in Daegu, the Sydney 2012 WFG were announced Sydney from 19th – 28th October 2012 atWhilst a Host in NightDaegu, which the Sydney had 2000 2012 competitors WFG were vying announced for For more information check out our website at For more information check out our website at informationat a Host Night about which Sydney had and2000 are competitors all keen to vyingcome for www.worldfirefightergames.com Downinformation Under aboutand compete Sydney andin Sydney are all 2012.keen to come www.worldfirefightergames.com Down Under and compete in Sydney 2012.

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A Brief Summary of the Nerang Fire Brigade’s History as overviewed in the Gold Coast Bulletin 24th April 1973

The Nerang Fire Brigade was first based in the horse stables in the Nestles factory, around 1950 and this site later became a soft drink factory. The first “engine” was a hand drawn cart behind a utility. The first station was built around 1952 almost opposite the police station in Price St, and had the Fechner family as neighbours. It is not surprising that the young Fechner brothers are still serving members of the QFRS.

Mr Ron Simmons, one of the early officers recalls, “if the utility did not start first go, the firemen grabbed the cart and ran with it hell for leather. “We had bucket brigades too, to supplement the hoses. In the early days there were only 3 hydrants in the town, so we often filled up from an underground tank near the Queens Hotel. It was a bucket brigade that saved the Queens Hotel from burning to the ground in 1941”. Mr Simmons said that in the first 30 years, Nerang has had many serious fires. The provision store was burnt down, the bank, timber mills, a poultry farm seriously damaged, and too many grass fires close to the town to remember.

Senior Constable Herb Boyd recalled the magnificent work done by the firefighters at the timber mill fires, vehicle fires and the many grass fires which threatened their community.

The brigade had 11 men in it’s hey day, but had diminished to only 3 in 1973. Their 1946 International fire truck had seen many emergencies when their station was forced to close in 1973. Cr Birmingham said that Nerang residents are very civic minded and it was unusual the number had dwindled. However Mr Batten, a long standing firefighter, highlighted that “the auxiliary firefighter was paid $1.25 every two weeks for duty practice which included checking the engine, hydrants, hoses, extinguishers and a range of other equipment.” When they went out to fight a fire they received $1.40 for the first hour, and a downward scale for every hour following.

It was announced that Nerang was to become part of the Southport fire district, and 3 years later in 1976 opened up a large station in western Southport where it stands today.

So as we can see firefighting and all of its current associated emergency interventions, have come a long way from those challenging days of hand drawn page 16 UFU - Queensland Journal Queensland Firefighter carts and buckets brigades. However it is very timely to remember and thank those pioneering firefighters for the valiant efforts in protecting their community.

The unelected Mayor of Nerang, firefighter Dan Fechner proudly celebrates the opening of the new Nerang with local residents.

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page 18 UFU - Queensland Journal Queensland Firefighter UFUQ MERCHANDISE SHOP UFUQ MERCHANDISE

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New Union Mechandise

In the Autumn 2010 UFU journal, an article was written stating that the Union had decided that a revamp of all Union merchandise was in order.

We have had some great ideas from members as to what you are looking for in the merchandise and below is the first test drive for new polo, sport shirts and hats.

At the moment the Union currently has limited stock as these as are only trial designs.

A competition will be arranged through the Union office to encourage members to provide us with feedback for the designs. Any member who contacts the Union with constructive feedback, will go into a draw for a full UFU merchandise pack which will contain the revamped:


We have provided an updated merchandise form. This form is also available on the Union website www.ufuq.asn.au. The name of the winner will be published in the following journal.

Please note we now have MEN & LADIES SIZES.

John Oliver State Secretary

6 page 20 UFU - Queensland Journal Queensland Firefighter

Executive Navy Polo Shirts

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Navy and Red Polo Shirt

page 22 UFU - Queensland Journal Queensland Firefighter

Black and Grey Polo Shirt

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Navy and White Sports Shirt

page 24 UFU - Queensland Journal Queensland Firefighter

Royal Blue Caps

License Plate Surrounds - Black


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Auxiliary Draft Agreement Consultation Alison Howearth This is the most comprehensive visit to Auxiliary stations undertaken by the Union and will be the most extensive review of Auxiliary employment conditions since QFRS took over from the Boards. To-date; I have travelled over 4000 kilometres in both Far Northern and Northern Region to speak about the Draft Agreement. When finalised the Agreement will cover all Auxiliaries. The United Firefighters Union of QLD believed it was important to give an opportunity to all Auxiliaries, not just Union members to contribute to the final draft. Obviously it is not possible to visit all stations but we are offering the following options:

• A visit to your station • A visit to a station within a reasonable travelling distance from your station • A teleconference if your station is too distant to make it viable to visit.

This gives every Auxiliary the opportunity to have a say on the contents of the Agreement and will ensure the final document meets the needs of the majority. As a result of previous meetings, the Draft Agreement has already been changed to reflect feedback received. We, the UFUQ are making every effort to give all auxiliaries the opportunity to have there say, it is up to you to take advantage of it.

With any major change in our industry its normal that there will be concerns raised across all level of employees. The majority of the feedback we have received to date has been positive and only one negative response which indicates to us that we are on the right track . In today’s busy world most of us have little free time and whilst we enjoy contributing to our communities through our Auxiliary work, our commitment when becoming an auxiliary firefighter places inherent risk to our own safety and takes precious time away from our

UFU - Queensland Journal page 27 Queensland Firefighter families. An instrument such as this proposed Draft Agreement, provides our auxiliary members with a level of prescribed safety with PPE and PPC and as a lawful agreement identifies the rates of pay appropriate to our level of skill and compensates us for our time away from our families.

Over the past ten years, Auxiliaries have taken on extra duties e.g. MIR’s and RAAP with no recognition of our changing role. Training has increased with core skills and extra qualifications being delivered yet in most station training hours have not increased in line with this extra commitment. The issue of Uniforms and Personal Protective Clothing as listed in Standing Order SO-Q-BM-3.7 - Auxiliary Employment Conditions is rarely complied with and many wait months for clothing to be issued. Recruitment is now becoming a big issue with the majority of smaller stations having trouble recruiting and retaining staff and many are running with 50% or less of their establishment numbers which impacts on crew safety. Many auxiliaries that I have talked to, feel that the proposed Draft Agreement may also assist in enticing new recruits and staff retention.

Remember this is your opportunity to have a say in what goes in the final draft, so make sure you contribute by either attending a station visit or participating in a teleconference.

It has been good to see those who I have met on previous visits and to also meet new Auxiliaries and I hope to see many more of you in the coming weeks.

Alison Howearth

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Workers Compensation

Recent amendments made to the Workers’ Compensation legislation and Workplace Health & Safety Act came into effect on 1 July 2010.

What does this mean to the injured worker?

Statutory Workers Compensation Claims

• More focus on rehabilitation and return to work.

• At the time a claimant’s weekly benefits cease, if the claimant is not back to work then the Insurer – whether that is WorkCover or a self insurer – MUST refer that claimant to the Q-Comp Return to Work Assist.

• Injured workers can access Q-Comp Return to Work Assist at any time by contacting them on 1300 023 969. You don’t need to wait for the Insurer to refer you.

• Return to Work Assist is a free service that will help you find alternative employment or retrain, if your injury prevents you from returning to your pre-injury employment.

Common Law Damages Claims

• The assessment of general damages (compensation for pain and suffering) now mirrors the Civil Liability Act. From a practical point of view, the general damages component of a Common Law Damages Claim is now capped at $294,500.00 and calculated having reference to an injury scale assessment.

• Future loss of earnings is also capped at three times the Queensland ordinary time earnings, currently at $1,132.10 per week.

• In the event that a matter goes to trial and the injured worker’s claim fails, costs can now be ordered against the injured worker to pay the defendant’s legal costs and outlays.

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Importantly, the Workplace Heath & Safety Act (“WPHS”) has been amended to remove a breach of statutory duty under WPHS as a cause of action. What this means is that to succeed in a common law claim for damages against an employer an injured worker must prove negligence on the part of the employer and/or breach of employment contract, but cannot claim a breach of Workplace Health & Safety under that Act.

To succeed in a Common Law claim for Damages against your employer in negligence the injured worker must prove on the balance of probability that the employer did not take adequate precautions against all reasonably foreseeable risks of injury. A risk of injury that is foreseeable is a risk that is “real” and not “far-fetched or fanciful”.

The three year limitation period to bring a common law claim for damages still applies but a number of steps need to be taken well before that three year period expires.

If you want further information about these amendments or advice about a potential common law claim for damages, contact the UFU for a Union Law Referral.

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The Old South Coast Brigade By Allan Burrows - Part 3

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