Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q1 Which of the following do you think your Neighbourhood Plan should seek to improve? (Please select all that apply)

Answered: 308 Skipped: 1


Facilities for younger people

Facilities for older people

Public toilets

Leisure and recreational...


Road safety measures

Public footpaths

Cycle paths

Access for people with...

Access to public...

Car parking


Other (please specify)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Housing 26.95% 83

Facilities for younger people 46.75% 144

Facilities for older people 37.99% 117

1 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Public toilets 37.66% 116

Leisure and recreational facilities 40.26% 124

Allotments 17.21% 53

Road safety measures 43.83% 135

Public footpaths 47.08% 145

Cycle paths 54.55% 168

Access for people with disabilities 30.84% 95

Access to public transport 29.55% 91

Car parking 36.36% 112

Housing 0.00% 0

Other (please specify) 27.92% 86

Total Respondents: 308

# Other (please specify) Date

1 Prking for Littlehaven Station & Horsham Station 10/28/2016 7:05 PM

2 Police on foot patrols - instead of cars all the time! 10/28/2016 6:44 PM

3 Pavements (especially for those with disabilities) are really in an appalling state and potentially dangerous 10/28/2016 6:36 PM

4 Protection of greenfield land from housing and industrial development 10/28/2016 5:43 PM

5 Reinstate the market back where it was - on the site near the former shelly fountain. The traders transfered to the rear 10/25/2016 9:37 PM of the Pires Place car park have been severely disadvantaged.

6 Farmers market - all in one place, not tucked away in Pires Place 10/25/2016 9:13 PM

7 find another route for large HGV vehicles avoiding the low bridge in Queen Street. They should not come through the 10/22/2016 6:07 PM town. They get behind the station ie Station Rd/oakhill rd, get lost, miss the direction sign go down Clarence Road, can't get down elm Grove turn around and go back. Divert to the bypass. Lorries getting bigger and bigger.

8 Pavements bad in the Bishopric and Denne Road. 10/15/2016 12:35 PM

9 Cxx 10/9/2016 3:21 PM

10 Open spaces 10/8/2016 9:10 PM

11 Cycle paths to be separated and continuous, not squeezed into a space which is too narrow or ending abruptly along a 10/6/2016 8:16 PM road.

12 We need dedicated cycle ways especially as new wheelchair and pedalists are soon to take to the roads, they are 10/3/2016 10:29 AM wider and far more vulnerable also slower to maneuver.

13 The rapid expansion of Horsham and the increasing density of the population, particularly in the centre of town, near 9/30/2016 11:57 PM the station, where I live, is a matter of concern to me. There is no adequate supermarket on the east side of town or in the town centre. This means we have to travel (by car) to the west side of town, where there are four major supermarkets -- Sainsbury's, Waitrose, Morrison's and Tesco's at Broadbridge Heath, which causes more congestion. The answer, in my view, is not to build more car parks. I would propose more hop-on, hop off buses around the town. The (hourly) bus that used to run along Clarence Road, for example, was axed last year without notice, leaving one of my neighbours, for example, totally housebound. The only way she can get to Horsham Hospital or into town is by taxi. The Horsham area also urgently needs a larger hospital. Redhill is simply too far away and too difficult to get to by public transport. And how is it supposed to cope with the ongoing influx of residents to the area?

14 More entertainment. What we have is poor compared to Guildford and even . Such facilities could be 9/30/2016 12:14 AM ice skating. Multiplex cinema or even a decent bawling allay

15 Public realm including landscaping 9/29/2016 4:01 PM

16 Many new homes are being built in and around Horsham. I am concerned about stress on the general infrastructure, 9/29/2016 3:05 PM particularly the availability of doctors, dentists and schools.

2 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

17 Speed restrictions in areas where there are schools e.g. Comptons Lane where there is a 30 mph limit and people do 9/28/2016 7:51 PM not adhere to this.

18 There needs to be a bus direct from Horsham to East Surrey Hospital. 9/28/2016 5:00 PM

19 pedestrian walkways now littered with "A" boards. why can they not be banned outright. 9/28/2016 3:21 PM

20 Nature reserves Cycle networks that don't mix with cars. I don't cycle as it's not safe but would if it was more like 9/28/2016 11:40 AM some towns and cities. Local health and caring services are limited.

21 Retail facilities that the expanding population of Horsham (following a large number of new houses) are going to need. 9/28/2016 11:26 AM Why do we see so many empty shop units in Horsham town centre...greedy landlords (unaffordable rents?) or too tight controls on new retail ventures?

22 Horsham is choking on traffic, especially at peak times. Unless there is a big effort to develop public transport, 9/27/2016 9:18 PM Horsham will suffocate and lose what makes it a pleasant place to live.

23 have a parkour should be provided for in Horsham. as it will be an Olympic sport, consideration should be given to 9/27/2016 9:33 AM promoting a Horsham Team and facisham the centre for a changelities should be constructed to enable training. Make Horsham a centre for a change

24 Horsham needs good connected cycle paths, at the moment the routes are not actually ridable as in various places 9/25/2016 8:26 PM they just stop and force you to get off the bike and walk, this means they are unusable in my view.

25 -I really strongly would like street lamps be kept on later at night in the streets adjacent to Oakhill Road (or alternate 9/25/2016 1:32 PM street lamps kept on) -we need more doctors. Park Surgery seems too stretched, it's extremely difficult to get a non- emergency appointment. -parking in the town centre is now too expensive, please bring back free parking on Sundays

26 -I really strongly would like street lamps be kept on later at night in the streets adjacent to Oakhill Road (or alternate 9/25/2016 1:31 PM street lamps kept on) -we need more doctors. Park Surgery seems too stretched, it's extremely difficult to get a non- emergency appointment. -parking in the town centre is now too expensive, please bring back free parking on Sundays

27 Reduce the amount of development around Horsham and the local area 9/24/2016 11:39 PM

28 When the council consents to new housing plans it should do so with parking in mind. I am appalled at the lack of 9/24/2016 9:43 PM drive & parking spaces being allocated to new properties. Please accept we are living in the 21st century & to enable the majority of us to work, it is imperative we have a vehicle to accommodate that. Not prioritising sufficient parking totally ignores the future frustrations & conflicts that will ensue. I hold the council accountable for this 100%, as it is the council which gives planning permission. I would like to see immediate action with regard to this, as there are a lot of houses being built. I suspect it's maximum build of houses, for maximum profit to all parties. That is not in the spirit of community.

29 Health provision, develop Horsham hospital on Hurst Road sites. 9/24/2016 3:16 PM

30 Green spaces, good schools 9/23/2016 3:33 PM

31 Bridleways and traffic calming on roads that horse riders have no choice but to use. 9/23/2016 1:27 PM

32 We would like a decent cycle park from southwater to town. 9/23/2016 8:29 AM

33 Maintenance of green space and conservation 9/22/2016 7:05 PM

34 I have lived in Redford Ave for 11 years and the traffic has now become extremely busy ,with lorries and cars speeding 9/22/2016 10:43 AM most of the time . Speed cameras and calming would be helpful for this residential road with many elderly living in it .

35 Have less car parking in town 9/21/2016 3:42 PM

36 Better floral displays along West Street. Improved lighting around the new planted area where the Shelleyfountain 9/20/2016 7:58 PM used to be at the bottom end of West Street.

37 maternity unit at the hospital 9/20/2016 5:49 PM

38 Cycling should not be allowed on pavements where roads are safe to cycle on. 9/20/2016 5:44 PM

39 Take measures to stop speeding and other dangerous behaviour by cyclists on shared foot/cycle ways, as is common 9/19/2016 5:09 PM elsewhere.

40 Traffic wardens to deal with parking on double yellow lines in the Bishopric. 9/19/2016 3:53 PM

41 P 9/18/2016 2:48 PM

42 Local shops within new developments 9/18/2016 1:35 PM

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43 Management of development, not resistance but ensuring developments are well designed, appropriate and meet the 9/18/2016 1:00 PM needs of the community not the developer's balance sheet. High quality design is essential and poor design should be rejected.

44 Better policing 9/17/2016 10:47 PM

45 Adult education 9/17/2016 3:26 PM

46 Relocate the water fountains in the forum to the park 9/15/2016 8:35 PM

47 The condition of the roads - road surface & sub standard repairs are apalling. 9/15/2016 11:15 AM

48 The cyclists are a law unto themselves.They ignore cycle lanes on the pavements and just cycle everywhere.This 9/14/2016 8:27 PM would not matter so much if they observed the safety of pedestrians,but they don't dismount where they should. Pedestrians now don't have safety on the pavements,particularly in Tanbridge Park,Worthing Road,Bishopric and West St. Nobody enforces the law about this and it just gets worse as time goes on. This all started when cycle lanes were put on pavements and it's now quite dangerous for the elderly. Pavements used to be a safe place to walk,but now we have to watch all the time for speeding cycles.They don't have bells on their cycles and often we don't hear them coming. Could something be done about this before there is an accident? There are strict rules for driving/cycling on the road,but apparently,none for pavement cyclists.

49 Please keep public toilets cleaner 9/14/2016 8:36 AM

50 1) More healthcare provision in line with the increased demand of population growth. 2) Additional Park and Ride on 9/13/2016 6:26 PM A281 side of town.

51 Albion Way is still hazardous for pedestrians. Dedicated cycle paths separate from traffic would be ideal but how can 9/13/2016 11:37 AM this be done. (I am an ex-cyclist)

52 Dog poo in parks, footpaths and other recreational areas. 9/12/2016 11:11 AM

53 residential street parking - this needs to be all day to prevent people parking in the street outside of the two hour limit. 9/11/2016 6:01 PM

54 Dog fouling. 9/11/2016 12:39 PM

55 Schools 9/10/2016 11:01 PM

56 Having a safe crossing for our children going and coming from school on comptons lane/ St Leonard's road . Or a 9/10/2016 10:24 PM barrier to stop them walking to close to the road by the mini round about to help keep our children safe.

57 Health facilities, A&E, more surgeries to cope with huge increase in housing 9/10/2016 9:35 PM

58 controlling traffic speeds within town centre area 9/10/2016 12:48 PM

59 enlarge Horsham Hospital 9/9/2016 4:43 PM

60 Re housing this isn't an endorsement of HDC council leaders council officers meeting with developers HMG 9/9/2016 11:16 AM departments and forgetting to minute the meeting and then appearing to agree to build nearly 2800 house in north Horsham and then using "dog whistle" brides to get support I.e. a new station, in the past a new hospital. We are I hope not that stupid HDC appear to believe that the American developers are building these house out of the goodness of their hearts on a not for profit basis. This isn't reality they will make millions for their share holders Horsham gets nothing except traffic jams!

61 Spaces for families to sit and spend time together, so for example in the town centre, there is only seating at cafes- 9/9/2016 10:54 AM what about an indoor area in Swan Walk where there is space to bring food from a few different places if you don't all feel like the same thing? Maybe with an information point, free tap water, place to heat baby milk etc, activities during school holidays, plug points to charge your phone/ use your laptop etc. Sometimes if you are studying you don't want the silence of the library but somewhere you can work and have a coffee or sit with your family etc. Also if there are going to be more young families moving to Horsham (like on that new estate toward Broadbridge Heath) then in 10+ years you may also have a lot of teenagers around. It would be good to start planning for that- facilities they could use, things to do etc, that would promote community cohesion/ ease generational tension. Also what about recycling in the town centre? The traditional style bins are nice, but in Swan Walk at least there could be separate bins for paper/plastic/non recyclables etc?

62 Maintaining not increasing housing density. Safeguarding the gaps and open spaces. 9/9/2016 8:06 AM

63 an increase in more well known retailers 9/8/2016 7:28 PM

64 Re-thinking the Albion Way/Bishopric crossing. Even now, people are unsure of crossing Albion Way in one go, and 9/8/2016 1:14 PM cars turning right from the Bishopric are confused by the red "stop" lights which apply to cars going through on Albion Way. Confusion reigns and I have seen several near misses with pedestrians. Perhaps a camera could be set up to record the comings and goings for 24 hours.

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65 A new school, dentist, doctors and shops that were promised when buying my new build! 9/8/2016 11:56 AM

66 Things to engage teenagers 9/7/2016 6:52 PM

67 Horsham DESPERATELY needs a 24 hour A&E and proper hospital. More schools and Doctors surgeries. 9/7/2016 1:30 PM

68 Our open space seating in town and in the park areas are really important to allow people to sit, rest and watch others 9/6/2016 7:53 PM enjoying our great town. CCTV should cover the towns and parks to deter inappropriate behaviour. It would be good to come up with cheap and safe way to share fun and good turns in and around the Horsham area.

69 No comment 9/6/2016 5:27 PM

70 Discourage dog walkers from using sites with important wildlife habitats (i.e. Chesworth Farm) 9/5/2016 8:05 PM

71 Leisure Facilities - alter the pool to 50m. Cannot understand with the land available why such a short-sighted pool 9/5/2016 7:57 PM length was put in Other - Hospital

72 Litter collection - I collect as part of the Adopt a Street initiative and often get asked about it. More publicity of the 9/5/2016 2:04 PM scheme would be a good idea.

73 Just about every other town in (Including Brighton) does NOT charge blue badge holders to park in the 9/5/2016 1:40 PM Council car parks for up to 3 hours. As far as I can see (being a blue badge holder myself) the result of Horsham not adopting this policy means that all blue badge holders park on double and single yellow yellows rather than pay a charge to park in a car park. I find this particularly annoying when parking in the car park at Pavillions in the Park. I can only manage 30 minutes exercise now and just manage to get myself as far as my car in the disabled bay. Paying £1.60 on top of the cost of my swimming ticket does put me off going there.

74 Schools availability Hospital 9/4/2016 9:33 PM

75 Better road infrastructure to match the increase in traffic. 9/3/2016 9:23 PM

76 Access from the town centre to John Lewis/Waitrose. It should be possible to organise a footpath, either flyover type 9/3/2016 3:45 PM or direct through from bus station with a crossing. Elderly people arriving by bus are expected to walk a long way round to get there.

77 It here is a poor pedestrian connection from the Oakhill area to town. Pedestrians either have to divert by rail 9/3/2016 11:56 AM underpass 357 or the narrow high road traffic iron bridge no.358. Could the private pedestrian bridge between the two (at rear of the Capitol) be opened up as a new pedestrian route that is friendly to all.

78 weatherproof seating in the town .out of the wind and rain somewhere you can rest. 9/3/2016 9:25 AM

79 Less housing. More infrastructure for the housing we have 9/2/2016 1:56 PM

80 More GP Surgeries and local clinics for NHS Consultants. 9/2/2016 9:13 AM

81 The look and feel of the town centre including a) having spent a quarter of a million pounds on West Street block 9/2/2016 6:08 AM paving , the first repairs they have done on underground services were just topped with tarmac b) Stamiping down on the youths who late in the shopping day are just shouting out f*** and c*** s c) dangerous cycling on the paths, I don't mean the old guy pottering along, i mean the youth on bmx bikes going at road speeds. Cycle paths is interesting, there are a few e.g. in the town center and Tylden way, but they are parked on at busy times and the parking attendants ignore the parked cars Street lighting should not be turned of at nights -anywhere

82 The current bus station is no longer large enough for the number of buses and people that use it. There is also no 9/1/2016 4:26 PM where suitable for Out-of-Service buses to park. They either block bus station bays or the bus stop in Albion Way.

83 Provision should be made through planning that all walking surfaces are easily repairable and if repaired they can be 9/1/2016 3:22 PM repaired to have the same surfacing. Pavements often have to dug up to lay cables, get access to underground services, etc. Where new pavements are laid, it should be of a surfacing that, whatever has to be done in the future with regard to repair or maintenance, the surfacing still looks as good as when first installed. All walking surfaces should be suitable for everyone, whatever their capabilities and also suitable for cyclists and children's buggies.

84 Match the housing development to the LOCAL job needs ... STOP trying to push a piece of rope ! 9/1/2016 10:58 AM

85 The Saturday market should be moved out of Piries Place and back to it's previous location by what was the Shelley 9/1/2016 10:20 AM fountain. It dying where it is now.

86 Public free wifi across the town centre and Horsham Park 8/30/2016 8:37 PM

5 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q2 Which of the following are important to you ? (you can select more than one)

Answered: 308 Skipped: 1

Right housing available

Good education/sc...

Facilities for leisure and...

Local health and caring...

Pleasant environment

Easy access to unspoilt...

Existing open spaces?

Peaceful and safe...

Local services and shops

Lots of things going on

Good public transport

Right housing available

Local employment...

Having a say in decisions...

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Strongly Agree Neither agree or Disagree Strongly Total Weighted agree disagree disagree Average

Right housing available 37.30% 38.89% 19.44% 1.98% 2.38% 94 98 49 5 6 252 4.20

Good education/schools 62.87% 23.90% 12.13% 0.00% 1.10% 171 65 33 0 3 272 4.52

6 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Facilities for leisure and sport 44.66% 45.80% 8.78% 0.00% 0.76% 117 120 23 0 2 262 4.37

Local health and caring services 73.81% 23.81% 2.04% 0.34% 0.00% 217 70 6 1 0 294 4.72

Pleasant environment 75.35% 21.88% 2.78% 0.00% 0.00% 217 63 8 0 0 288 4.73

Easy access to unspoilt countryside 66.90% 25.98% 6.76% 0.00% 0.36% 188 73 19 0 1 281 4.60

Existing open spaces? 74.73% 21.35% 3.91% 0.00% 0.00% 210 60 11 0 0 281 4.71

Peaceful and safe neighbourhoods 83.11% 15.88% 1.01% 0.00% 0.00% 246 47 3 0 0 296 4.82

Local services and shops 52.69% 43.01% 3.94% 0.36% 0.00% 147 120 11 1 0 279 4.49

Lots of things going on 24.30% 45.42% 25.50% 4.38% 0.40% 61 114 64 11 1 251 3.99

Good public transport 44.73% 42.91% 10.18% 1.45% 0.73% 123 118 28 4 2 275 4.35

Right housing available 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00

Local employment opportunities 39.38% 42.86% 16.60% 1.16% 0.00% 102 111 43 3 0 259 4.23

Having a say in decisions that affect Horsham 67.13% 27.97% 4.20% 0.35% 0.35% town 192 80 12 1 1 286 4.63

7 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q3 What do you like about Horsham?

Answered: 258 Skipped: 51

# Responses Date

1 Market town with plenty of activities Good bus service 10/28/2016 8:38 PM

2 It's individuality 10/28/2016 6:44 PM

3 It has most of the facilities stated on the previous page. I think we're very lucky to live here. Like the band stand and 10/28/2016 6:22 PM market on Saturday

4 A great place to live - near countryside, London, the coast. 10/28/2016 5:59 PM

5 safe environment Well maintained town centre Community events in the Carfax Theatre at capitol 10/28/2016 5:43 PM

6 Special market town 10/28/2016 5:33 PM

7 Location. Central activities, festivals etc. Proximity to countryside. Nature reserve in walking distance 10/27/2016 5:04 PM

8 Friendly provinsial market town 10/25/2016 9:37 PM

9 - most of it - planning open residential areas - clean & well kept - very friendly 10/25/2016 9:13 PM

10 Nice friendly town - good selection of shops & restaurants 10/25/2016 9:05 PM

11 Hostoric "old world charm"; friendly people. Good mix of young & old 10/25/2016 8:46 PM

12 All the old buildings - west street & the causeway 10/25/2016 8:35 PM

13 Its well kept, and most people appreciate it. At the moment it is not too big. 10/25/2016 7:52 PM

14 Not a lot 10/22/2016 6:07 PM

15 Good place to shop - mostly pedestrianised and reasonable range of shops for size of town. Town has lots of charterer 10/15/2016 12:35 PM with plenty of old buildings. Great countryside and places to visit nearby and good train service to London and reasonable bus service to Brighton.

16 It is an attractive-looking town with lots of shops and green spaces. 10/12/2016 12:29 PM

17 The remaining open spaces and golf courses 10/7/2016 3:08 PM

18 The remaining open spaces Converting offices to residential. Some reasonable restaurants, but much more needed as 10/7/2016 11:09 AM existing crowded. New influx of people who are clearly affluent, go out to eat as they have no interest/time to cook.

19 It's not too a big a town at present! open spaces/parks/trees/ etc 10/6/2016 8:26 PM

20 Downs link cycle path Horsham is surrounded by countryside with green gaps between outlying villages Horshams 10/6/2016 8:16 PM forest, Riverside Walk and Broadwalk at Chesworth Farm Warnham nature Reserve Horsham Park Flower Displays Civilised Friendly Town

21 Attractive town, with pedestrianised town centre. 10/1/2016 10:35 PM

22 It is a pleasant, friendly town, in a wonderful situation, with glorious countryside around. It is an attractive town and 9/30/2016 11:57 PM great care is given to planting schemes etc. in the park and green areas, which just boost the overall appearance of the town. I always feel very safe here and like the fact that many things are reachable in a short space of time, and on foot, in many cases. . The proximity to London and to Gatwick is also important to me. In terms of culture, there is a lot going on in Horsham, and The Capitol is an excellent facility. (I was horrified to read only the other day about plans to open a cinema on the previous Waitrose site, as I fear this will affect The Capitol badly. Surely this will not be approved by HDC?).

23 Horsham has character which is continuing to develop because the events and developments over the past few years 9/30/2016 8:50 PM create a 'buzz' and identity which means change is welcomed. It has an attraction for local people but also people in the surrounding countryside which keeps the local economy vibrant. All pockets must be catered for however. It is important that Horsham retains its inclusive nature, avoids the insularity that leads to a slow death for communities. The lovely town centre continues to improve and there are still areas to work on, but I always feel that areas are not neglected for long. Green open spaces, walk ability and cycling access are really important for the future well-being of Horsham citizens and to create a healthy vibe to the town. This is a vital next step, we must encourage and lead by example, allow all ages to feel safe travelling out of the car.

8 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

24 i like the character and charm of the town.The Saturday markets, and theamed weekends.The bands playing in the 9/30/2016 5:03 PM bandstands at weekends.Friendly atmosphere and cafe culture.Horsham park is amazing so much for young children to do and having the sports centre next door is fantastic. love the museum and libarary.

25 The Causeway and old parts of Horsham and the interesting mix of older houses. The Museum and the Parish Church. 9/30/2016 4:33 PM It's location. Chesworth Farm. Horsham Park. The attractive flower arrangements at the front of Horsham Station.

26 I like the fact that Horsham is a market town, it has character and has green spaces. 9/30/2016 2:04 PM

27 Has its own unique character, pleasing to the eye and easy to access and move around 9/30/2016 10:08 AM

28 Has a good atmosphere when in town with pleasant people 9/30/2016 9:02 AM

29 Not a lot!!! I moved to Horsham 13 years ago. Back then it was fantastic a diverse range of shops & more community 9/30/2016 12:14 AM spirit. Over the years it's changed town is rapidly becoming a hub of coffee shops and estate agents. Has already lost its individualality. There's not much on offer to attract non horsham residents and generally I prefer to go to crawley to do my shopping for the following reasons 1.... parking is easier and more of it. 2.... far greater selection of shops and fast food outlets for when a sandwich isn't gonna hit the spot. 3.... there is more going on in Crawley then horsham. 4.... town is bigger and better laid out with a hint of individual shops and not just the large chains. 5.... there are more male cloths shops in Crawley And.... most importantly 6... retail rates are cheaper in Crawley attracting more customers 13 years ago horsham was great.... now it's like a ghost town or getting that way. There is no buzz atmosphere's when you go out in an evening probably cause everyone's gone to crawley where the price of a pint is also less

30 Causeway Green space like chesworth farm, red river walk 9/29/2016 10:47 PM

31 Horsham is very interesting, safe, well located and has plenty to offer all ages. Obviously there could always be more 9/29/2016 7:59 PM on offer, but it is impossible to please everyone.

32 Horsham generally has a very pleasant environment and is a very nice town to live in. 9/29/2016 4:08 PM

33 Market town atmosphere. Events that take place annually in the town. John Lewis. 9/29/2016 4:01 PM

34 The fact it has a centre and good festivals and events 9/29/2016 3:53 PM

35 I like the town centre - the way it is quite compact and easy to get around. I like the Causeway and the large number 9/29/2016 3:04 PM of older buildings e.g the Museum and Park House, and I love the Park. I like the market place and the way the Carfax is used for various events. I like The Capitol for films and shows. I love the easy access to countryside and woods. I think the schools are very good. On the whole I find the people very friendly and helpful.

36 A compact town with a reasonable range of shops and facilities (could always be better though!) in the middle of lots of 9/29/2016 2:41 PM easily accessible countryside.

37 Safe, lovely town centre, restaurants and cafes, park, lovely market town. 9/29/2016 1:33 PM

38 Bustling town centered around the Carfax with a good range of shops, facilities and services, all within easy access of 9/29/2016 10:55 AM London and countryside.

39 Safe; easy to get around; pleasant environment; lots of open spaces; clean (mostly); 9/29/2016 8:19 AM

40 As a new resident I like the vibrance of the town. The many events put on regually. The people are generally happy 9/29/2016 7:55 AM and content. Facilities for all age groups.

41 It is still a good size to be "neighbourly". 9/28/2016 7:55 PM

42 Independent shops, park area, safe environment, lots of places to eat and friendly market town.Good schools and 9/28/2016 7:51 PM colleges.

43 The undeveloped areas. Green fields and countryside. Horsham Park. 9/28/2016 5:00 PM

44 The ability to leave the car at home and walk everywhere. The library - it's wonderful. The amount of green - trees in 9/28/2016 3:50 PM particular, as well as the planting. The care taken on the planting taken around the town centre is great. The number of good independent shops - butcher, deli etc. Pedestrianised town centre - closing East Street to traffic has been brilliant. Good train services. Mixed housing suiting a wide range of ages and incomes. The park. The fact that it feels a pleasant and safe environment to walk through.

45 Pleasant environment that is well looked after; Access to country walks; Good shopping centre. 9/28/2016 3:25 PM

46 Green spaces very near to centre of town. Walking possible in town centre. Rail station. Peaceful neighbourhoods. 9/28/2016 11:40 AM Reasonable sports facilities and activities.

47 Pleasant environment but a town that is willing to embrace change and development 9/28/2016 11:26 AM

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48 Its historical ambience. Its infrastructure. Its transport links. Its social events at weekends in the town. Independent 9/28/2016 4:47 AM businesses. Its amenities. Its green spaces. Its proximity to countryside and non-residential areas.

49 good quality of life 9/27/2016 9:18 PM

50 I like that Horsham is mostly a clean and respected town. 9/27/2016 12:05 PM

51 The fact that it's still a market town nice looking 'old' buildings with character to look at lots of green space to enjoy 9/27/2016 11:48 AM walking lots of events organised through the summer months

52 The relaxed and generally friendly atmosphere. 9/27/2016 9:32 AM

53 I like most of Horsham. Town centre is well balanced, I especially like the old parts and little alleys. It's generally 9/27/2016 7:27 AM peaceful and the people are nice.

54 Pleasant town centre Mixed population, age and ability Variety of shops Several active churches 9/26/2016 9:26 PM

55 Horsham has a good vibe and lots of great events and a great market, these are all amazing! 9/25/2016 8:26 PM

56 We live within walking distance of the town centre shops, banks and other facilities such as the Pavilions, Park and 9/25/2016 5:37 PM Capitol. We can also walk into the countryside without needing to use a car.

57 We have a good mixture of shops. We have recently seen what a devastating effect the collapse of a major high-street 9/25/2016 2:37 PM chain can have on a shopping area. Visitors are attracted to a town, if there are some unique stores to visit, as well as the big brands. The markets in the town are a cornerstone of Horsham.

58 lovely pedestrianised town centre with thriving shops pleasant, relaxed town with a lot going on. 9/25/2016 1:32 PM

59 lovely pedestrianised town centre with thriving shops pleasant, relaxed town with a lot going on. 9/25/2016 1:31 PM

60 Pretty and busy town, great markets and local events e.g Big Nibble, Italian festival etc. Easy access to countryside 9/25/2016 10:46 AM and Downs Link.

61 Location, character, good schools 9/24/2016 11:39 PM

62 The history of the town. The layout of the town. 9/24/2016 9:43 PM

63 A blend of old and new that maintains a certain comfortable character. People who live here tend to stay here so it is 9/24/2016 8:24 PM easy to meet people you know.

64 Unique situation of town centre adjacent to countryside. Good selection of bars and restaurants. Outdoor dining. 9/24/2016 3:16 PM Horsham Park. Rail services. Current size of town. Historic street scenes.

65 Riverside path. Town centre pedestrianisation. Surrounding countryside. Easy access to A24 & A264. Plenty of 9/24/2016 7:46 AM restaurants and pubs in town. Pleasant neighbours.

66 The town centre is clean, attractive and mainly pedestrianised. St Leonard's Forest is accessible & good for walking. 9/24/2016 2:04 AM The local 65 bus service is appreciated.

67 It's relative size and historic centre and the sensible way that enjoyment is provided by, for example, the French 9/23/2016 4:55 PM market and car club events in the Carfax.

68 The park and town centre 9/23/2016 3:33 PM

69 It'a semi rural location, mix of shops and rail access 9/23/2016 1:27 PM

70 Easy accessible, local traders 9/23/2016 1:04 PM

71 We are very lucky to live in Horsham. It's a beautiful town at the moment with access to wonderful countryside 9/23/2016 12:23 PM

72 The Carfax is still the focal point and it has wide open spaces. It has great choices for coffe houses and restaurants. 9/23/2016 11:50 AM Horsham Park is still basically the same as it was 60 years ago. Chesworth Farm and Denne Hill are its back garden.

73 General cleanliness, open areas, services, shops and community feel 9/23/2016 10:42 AM

74 Lovely park Good schools A nice, smallish town- just the right amount of shops. 9/23/2016 8:29 AM

75 Proximity to countryside 9/23/2016 7:09 AM

76 It feels safe. 9/23/2016 6:54 AM

77 Having lived here for over 30 years I have a lot of friends and feel there is a good community spirit in the town. 9/22/2016 8:59 PM

78 Green spaces, surrounding countryside. 9/22/2016 7:05 PM

10 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

79 The market town feel about it and compactness of Horsham's town centre. Ready access to open space, the 9/22/2016 6:13 PM countryside and coast. Good rail communcications. Being able to do most shopping on foot, without using a car. The Capitol, with its live music events and excellent cinema that is able to show full and limited release films. Availability of GP and dental practices. Being able to attend outpatient appointments at Horsham Hospital, rather than travelling on every occasion to East Surrey Hospital. It is good to be able to travel by bus to Brighton, Worthing and Dorking, although those services could be more frequent and run further into the evenings.

80 attractive market town - local heritage - many people come from generations of Horsham-ites! park, shops, Capitol, 9/22/2016 12:09 PM restaurants, schools

81 The size. Feel safe. 9/22/2016 11:45 AM

82 That it was a peaceful historic town . 9/22/2016 10:43 AM

83 Nice pace of life. Always something to do, but feels leisurely. Great place to live for most age groups, although less so 9/22/2016 10:03 AM for my teenage daughter.

84 Pleasant relaxed town, pleasant to live in. 9/22/2016 12:37 AM

85 Friendly people, good selection of shops, nice sized town, lots of things going on, beautiful green spaces/parks, good 9/21/2016 10:32 PM facilities, great having a local hospital.

86 Nice safe place to live 9/21/2016 9:58 PM

87 Lots going on e.g. in the park, carfax, forum 9/21/2016 3:35 PM

88 There are a very good range of things going on. The Market on Thursdays and Saturdays. A goodish range of shops in 9/21/2016 10:38 AM town. The new JL/Waitrose store. It is easy to walk around. The neighbourhood is safe. The local schools are very good and have been so for a number of years.

89 A safe place to live. Clean streets. 9/20/2016 7:58 PM

90 I like Horsham because it is not too large and is very a friendly town, there is almost always something going on 9/20/2016 6:38 PM during the summer such as the Ferrari weekend and of course the band on the bandstand makes for a very pleasant atmosphere.

91 Good services and shops, pleasant town centre with good cafes and restaurants. A country feel with modern 9/20/2016 6:05 PM additions. John Lewis coming to town has been a big bonus.

92 The range of shops and restaurants. The town's appearance. The number of events run by volunteers. Facilities like 9/20/2016 5:49 PM the library and Pavillions.

93 Most of the character of the buildings in the town centre have been preserved especially in the Causeway. Horsham is 9/20/2016 5:44 PM also a friendly place to live and work.

94 Compact town centre with a range of shops Good access to the countryside Easy to access by train Range of 9/20/2016 4:10 PM activities taking place Close to other town centres like Brighton and Guildford. Only 1 hour from London Good quality buildings with strong character and heritage value

95 The Market Town size and feel, not too big, not too small 9/20/2016 3:20 PM

96 good hopping off point - easy access to London (when the rail is working!!) and good road links. Like it at the moment 9/20/2016 3:00 PM because it's still reasonably small and friendly and it's not linked to Crawley AT THE MOMENT!!

97 It used to be a pleasant quiet rural market town 9/20/2016 10:12 AM

98 I can walk or cycle into town. Still have feeling of market town although do not look forward to having a cinema 9/19/2016 8:39 PM complex. Capitol is very good and sufficient. Would not like it to get any bigger.

99 Compact centre, Capitol Theatre. Usually a good train service to London Pleasant environment and the Park The 9/19/2016 8:22 PM Carfax and Causeway area The markets Restaurants

100 Local towncenter - good shops locally - good mega supermarkets 9/19/2016 7:39 PM

101 It's market town feel. Reasonable transport links to London. 9/19/2016 5:53 PM

102 A very pleasant town and without too many visitors 9/19/2016 5:09 PM

103 The compact nature of the town centre; the proximity to the countryside; the range of shops; the people; the range of 9/19/2016 5:03 PM restaurants and cafes

104 It is a friendly town with plenty going on for me and my age group (50+) It is good to have vibrant cinema and theatre. 9/19/2016 3:53 PM The markets on Thursday and Saturday make shopping or just browsing more fun. Plenty of variety of shops

105 most things, way the town fits in with the countryside 9/19/2016 2:20 PM

11 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

106 The parks 9/19/2016 1:33 PM

107 Having moved down from London 20 years ago I was seeking a peaceful environment close to countryside with a 9/19/2016 10:44 AM market town feel. Less traffic was key also. Horsham has fit the bill in every way until now.

108 We enjoy the town centre which has lot of charm, restarurants and events during the weekend to enjoy. The park it´s 9/18/2016 9:20 PM an important feature as it's kept so nicely. The transport links to London by train (when working) are a great feature as well.

109 The access to local countryside and the relative peace of the town 9/18/2016 7:04 PM

110 Low crime rate Good schools 9/18/2016 3:14 PM

111 Very friendly place and punches above its weight for the size of the town. Good range of shops 9/18/2016 2:48 PM

112 Green, welcoming,safe. Arts centre, cafe restaurant culture. Accessibility for London, coast and open countryside 9/18/2016 2:38 PM

113 Nice, quiet and pleasant town, somewhat cheaper than the surrounding 9/18/2016 1:35 PM

114 The atmosphere and community 9/18/2016 1:00 PM

115 Horsham Park & planting around the station & Town. The listed buildings. St Leonards Forest close by. 9/18/2016 7:26 AM

116 Lively, vibrant town centre, plenty of places to eat, cafes etc. Horsham Park. Carfax and East Street are great. 9/17/2016 10:47 PM

117 The potential for green areas in Horsham area to be preserved to ensure there is enough open green space for all who 9/17/2016 7:25 PM currently live there.

118 There is a conversation about Horsham that seems to be progressive 9/17/2016 6:33 PM

119 Friendly people 9/17/2016 3:26 PM

120 It's a lovely place to live - the open spaces are looked after well with beautiful flowers & hanging baskets.... The weekly 9/17/2016 12:49 PM markets bring a buzz to the town

121 I love the Saturday and Thursday evening market, the park, the town centre. I think some of the changes to the town 9/17/2016 10:24 AM have been brilliant - eg the pavement lights, the cafe culture, the development of East Street, the new facilities in the park. Also v pleased to hear about the proposed skating rink - it would be nice if it is also combined with a Christmas market, nice lighting etc

122 The quality of the older buildings giving a charm to the town. The remaining open spaces adding to the charm and of 9/17/2016 9:17 AM course the excellent Museum !

123 The beautiful countryside, shops, restaurants 9/16/2016 9:18 AM

124 Retained it's quaintness. Lots of events going on Seems to support local businesses Lots of amenties like the hospital 9/15/2016 9:12 PM & doctors - easy and quick access

125 It's not like Crawley, quieter with more independent shops/businesses. Lots of events and facilities for families, good 9/15/2016 8:35 PM schools. Surrounded by countryside.

126 It has everything you need which is important for people who can't travel far 9/15/2016 6:16 PM

127 Sense of community and friendliness/kindness, the fact that it is clean and generally well cared for, Horsham park and 9/15/2016 12:16 PM other open spaces, facilities, generally feel safe.

128 It is a good place to bring family up in.Good schools, safe place. It is close enough to London for visits and work It is a 9/15/2016 9:50 AM small town so there is easy access to countryside It is close to sea for visits Good employment opportunities

129 Friendly Shopping Activities available Theatre 9/15/2016 1:23 AM

130 Thriving town centre, great school 9/14/2016 10:53 PM

131 I like the markets in the Carfax and the special events held there,such as the day of dance,the Italian cars. The music 9/14/2016 8:27 PM in the bandstand is lovely. I like the happy atmosphere all this creates. I like the Capitol,the good bus services,the friendly people. Most of all, I like the feeling of safety in the town and the fact that Horsham is a nice place to live.I like Horsham park,the seating,trees and water features in the Bishopric.I like the river walk by Prewett's Mill and The Causeway,plus the Museum.

132 Still feels like a friendly town with open spaces and countryside. 9/14/2016 5:11 PM

133 Generally you can walk around and get to all the shops. The gardens leading to the Railway Station are great this 9/14/2016 4:15 PM year.

134 Pleasant friendly town 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

12 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

135 It has countryside and farms and parks which are not too far away if you walk to them. Green spaces can be found if 9/14/2016 12:40 PM you know where they are and there is lots of wooded area and cycle paths.

136 perfect sized town with facilities and amenities. I wish the town centre had more independent shops. 9/14/2016 9:52 AM

137 The market town feeling and pedestrian areas. Relatively low crime rate. 9/14/2016 8:36 AM

138 Pretty, generally safe town, retaining market town look 9/13/2016 7:44 PM

139 Pedestrian only areas. Horsham Park. 9/13/2016 6:26 PM

140 It's history and community feel. The countryside around. The safety of the community. The way it's heritage is valued. 9/13/2016 6:00 PM That the council do represent the people and will listen to their residents. It's cleanliness and lack of graffiti. The park and that facilities are used as well as maintained

141 i like town centre improvements apart from a few planned changes.It is a pleasant place to live 9/13/2016 4:39 PM

142 Atmosphere of safety and community 9/13/2016 12:14 PM

143 lovely market town which isn't too big and busy. 9/13/2016 11:37 AM

144 I'm not a native of Horsham but have lived here for most of my adult life. I love living in Horsham because the town 9/13/2016 11:37 AM centre is compact and relatively traffic free. Amenities like doctors surgeries, bus station, library etc are grouped together. Horsham park is absolutely delightful and I'm always pleased to see families enjoying it. I appreciate having a lovely theatre and a rail station nearby as well as the leisure centre. Since I first came to Horsham there has been a tremendous explosion in the birth rate and I hope that there are going to be enough school places available for the new generations to come.

145 Seems to be a safe place 9/13/2016 9:40 AM

146 A pleasant market town that provides an excellent balance between work and play. Good shops and restaurants that 9/12/2016 9:01 PM are the envy of neighbouring towns.

147 It's history as a market town,the Causeway,ease of access to the countryside,good transport and local produce shops. 9/12/2016 4:28 PM

148 The Friendly people, independent shops, parks, historic buildings, nice and clean, events. 9/12/2016 4:28 PM

149 Traditional Market Town 9/12/2016 2:02 PM

150 Compact town centre, good range of retail units 9/12/2016 10:16 AM

151 small town atmosphere, pedestrian center. 9/12/2016 9:27 AM

152 Fairly compact 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

153 (1)Excellent rail services (well, normally anyway). (2)Horsham Park. (3) The Capitol. (4) Horsham Churches 9/11/2016 9:23 PM Together(& it's associated charities).(5) The variety of coffee shops/eating places.

154 Horsham is a great place to live and bring up children 9/11/2016 8:34 PM

155 green spaces, independent traders, weekly farmers market, events such as the big nibble, abilty to walk easily, capitol, 9/11/2016 6:01 PM the park, pavillions, good schools.

156 The peaceful safe neighbourhood and environment in which to bring up a child 9/11/2016 1:03 PM

157 I like the fact that we have access to major cities of London & Brighton but that we have a market town feel and focus. 9/11/2016 12:47 PM The town is clean, safe and pleasant, with sports and leisure facilities available and a vibrant town centre.

158 Still has the atmosphere of a country market town. 9/11/2016 12:39 PM

159 Retains its identity. Plenty of things going on in the town. Mixture of old and new buildings. 9/11/2016 12:30 PM

160 Friendly town but needs more for younger generation 9/11/2016 11:20 AM

161 Schools and education outstanding Employment opportunities Would have said train services to London, not anymore 9/11/2016 9:03 AM Variety of restaurants

162 I like the market town feel, and I think it looks smart. 9/10/2016 11:01 PM

163 The small town feel 9/10/2016 10:31 PM

164 It's a family friendly town where I'm happy for my kids to grow up in a safe environment. Locals are friendly and the 9/10/2016 10:20 PM town and surrounding areas are mostly clean.

165 Feels a safe, family friendly town. Council is good at putting on events to attract people to the town 9/10/2016 10:01 PM

13 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

166 horaham is a friendly place to live with great access to other towns and countryside. On general the town is well 9/10/2016 9:44 PM maintained and it has sufficient leisure facilities for the current population (although not for much longer). The schools are all good if not very good. School holiday schemes are good as is the support for parkrun and also clubs such as Horsham youth cycling

167 Family based activities. Vibrant town centre. 9/10/2016 9:35 PM

168 I like the fact that Horsham is a market town, with a beautiful park. 9/10/2016 2:26 PM

169 The convenience of pedestrianised shopping in West Street (and adjacent streets), Swan Walk, and Carfax. The 9/10/2016 12:10 AM variety of shops. The Library The water feature - more, please. The cafes and restaurants So civilized. My London- based daughter and son-in-law are enchanted by it all.

170 It's a town with a lovely park and train station. Lots of public spaces are well looked after and made to look pretty - 9/9/2016 9:04 PM flowers/planting etc.

171 Atmosphere and countryside. 9/9/2016 7:59 PM

172 Local cafes and shops, markets in town centre, access to playparks and green spaces 9/9/2016 7:27 PM

173 Our carfax which is our centre where we meet and hold many good function , from the carfax you have easy reach to 9/9/2016 4:43 PM shops ,park and the country side,

174 Village feel in town 9/9/2016 3:32 PM

175 Horsham is a beautiful town, but is being spoilt by the massive increase in private motor traffic since the new houses 9/9/2016 2:02 PM were built around the town.

176 Friendly town with good facilities 9/9/2016 1:28 PM

177 Safe, good schools, green, great park, not too big, good town centre. 9/9/2016 11:25 AM

178 I really like the town it requires more affordable houses. By this I mean more social housing to rent Affordable housing 9/9/2016 11:16 AM is not flats sold for £188,000. Houses at these prices are beyond the reach of most of the young people in the area The council must enforce rules with regards social housing If a developer claims the development isn't financially viable with social cost it's their problem they have the wrong business model

179 Horsham is a lovely town- it's best asset though is actually it's residents! We have recently moved here, having lived 9/9/2016 10:54 AM in several places throughout the UK due to work/study, Horsham is definitely the friendliest and the most pleasant, the people are just so lovely! The feel of the town is also very nice, the size is nice and compact, the town centre feels very safe. Some streets are very beautiful like the one by the museum near St. Mary's. The council have done such a lovely job with so many things in the town, like Horsham park, the parking which is good because it is ticketless and takes cards, the toilets are immaculate, the streets are very clean.

180 Peaceful, friendly neighbourhoods. The park. Close to open countryside and public green areas like Chesworth farm 9/9/2016 10:49 AM and St. Leonards forest. Good market & shops. Plenty going on (sports, themed market days etc)

181 Historic Market town feel, excellent access to beautiful surrounding countryside, friendly people, lots of going on, good 9/9/2016 8:09 AM mix of young and old, excellent local schools

182 It's former smaller size, compact layout, sense of safety, friendliness and it's varied activities, clubs, goups etc. Whilst 9/9/2016 8:06 AM the latter may increase the rest are diminishing as the town grows.

183 Pleasant environment and feel. Lots of restaurants. 9/9/2016 12:16 AM

184 Its character, its park and open spaces, greenery 9/8/2016 10:39 PM

185 Pleasant market town. Close to countryside, coast and London. Very good schools and college. 9/8/2016 7:43 PM

186 It is friendly well maintained. Well kept open spaces for walks. Relatively safe 9/8/2016 7:28 PM

187 Love the 'small town' feel. 9/8/2016 5:35 PM

188 Safe environment, market town feel, Horsham Park 9/8/2016 5:30 PM

189 Safe place to live with nearby green spaces. Town the right size 9/8/2016 5:08 PM

190 Town, good shopping and restaurant/drinking selection. Public art, flowers and trees 9/8/2016 4:29 PM

191 Town center has a good character for it's size. Infrastructure only just about copes i.e. roads and health care. 9/8/2016 4:27 PM

192 I love that it is a good town to bring up children. I love that there is a good community spirit. 9/8/2016 2:01 PM

193 It is a very pleasant and safe town in which to live, and the shopping area is compact , so that you can go from West 9/8/2016 1:14 PM to East very easily and quickly. The bonus is having open countryside so close at hand.

14 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

194 Pleasant town 9/8/2016 1:12 PM

195 Reasonably safe to live in. Close to countryside. 9/8/2016 1:04 PM

196 It is a lovely place to live and I am very happy that I made the move here 9/8/2016 11:56 AM

197 I find Horsham generally a pleasant and safe place to live, the town and surrounds are well presented and well kept. 9/8/2016 11:14 AM The uses the Carfax is put to are well supported suggesting they satisfy a need. The commercial side of the town seems reasonable to me, a fair supply of goods and services, tho' perhaps in this "on-line" age not as good as in the past, but there isn't room for everything!

198 Historic areas close to countryside.lively town centre 9/8/2016 8:19 AM

199 It is safe; a very pleasant place to live and (particularly) bring up children. 9/7/2016 8:55 PM

200 The Capitol- fantastic to have our own theatre and cinema, something to treasure and protect. 9/7/2016 8:09 PM

201 That it is a vibrant town situated in the middle of the countryside. There is a lot going on from local markets to music 9/7/2016 7:12 PM festivals.

202 The look of the old part of town, the layout with lots of things surrounding the park and the town. The park and the golf 9/7/2016 6:52 PM course are great assets.

203 Most things are with in walking distance 9/7/2016 4:01 PM

204 I like the charm of the Causeway and the lovely local park. 9/7/2016 1:30 PM

205 Friendly atmosphere, green spaces. 9/7/2016 11:53 AM

206 It is relatively compact, surrounded by countryside and retains a town centre. 9/7/2016 10:40 AM

207 It is a saf place for young families 9/7/2016 8:54 AM

208 Great park right next to town with good leisure facilities right there. I love the music in the carfax and the bandstand in 9/6/2016 7:53 PM the park. Horsham events throughout the year are excellent e.g music in the parks sparks etc. The Italian car weekend is great for car fans and kids alike and draws folks from all around. Horsham is a place people come to for a market town experience with good shops coffee and restaurants all over. If you can find a seat it is a great place to sit and watch what is going on.

209 Access to green space (Horsham Park) Wide choice of restaurants and pubs Safe environment (town centre) 9/6/2016 7:17 PM Independent shops and cafes Being able to walk to amenities easily

210 Buzzing interesting place that manages to retain a good sense of community with fantastic leisure opportunities; a 9/6/2016 6:33 PM great park and good schools and doctors.

211 Pleasant environment, lots going on for a family with small children (which I am part of). There are good schools and 9/6/2016 5:27 PM there is good road link to my place of work.

212 Until recently it has maintained the friendly environment of the community knowing one another 9/6/2016 2:49 PM

213 control dog fouling in the park,all dogs should be on leads 9/6/2016 2:08 PM

214 It has everything you need. It's quiet, but you can always find things to do if you want. 9/6/2016 12:37 PM

215 The few 'green lungs' than remain 9/6/2016 12:26 PM

216 Has managed to combine the historic parts of the town with up to date amenities and living 9/6/2016 12:20 PM

217 Good community, with good open spaces 9/6/2016 11:48 AM

218 I like the size, the character of old buildings and facilities and the fact it feels quite safe. I like the fact that it has all the 9/6/2016 10:42 AM facilities I need and has kept it's small market town character to a certain extent - quite different than nearby towns such as Crawley.

219 Good town centre with a wide range of shops. Lots of green spaces and easy access to the open countryside. Good 9/6/2016 7:30 AM transport links to London, airports and the coast. Good range of things to do for all ages.

220 Access to surrounding countryside & nature, market town feel, relatively light traffic, quality of local education, town 9/5/2016 8:05 PM centre events (such as Piazza, Battle of the Bands etc)

221 Safe. Little Crime. Family oriented. Green and countryside close by 9/5/2016 7:57 PM

222 Market Town ethos with heritage and history. Close to the countryside. Train and air links. Relatively quiet and safe. 9/5/2016 3:16 PM

223 The traditional feel of a market town. Good shops and restaurants. 9/5/2016 2:24 PM

15 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

224 Thriving town centre. Lots of events going on which bring people in. Lots of places to eat. Good shopping centre. Lots 9/5/2016 2:04 PM of volunteer groups that take pride in the town and want to make it better. Litter is a problem everywhere but Horsham is much cleaner and tidier than most other towns.

225 Sports facilities for my children particularly 'The Tube' at Broadbridge Heath. They have been members of Martlets and 9/5/2016 1:40 PM then Horsham Blue Stars for 12 years and typically use this facility several times a week. Many of the events put on around town such as 'The Big Nibble'. We really miss the Steam Fair during October Half Term. Good Train connections to London and the Coast.

226 Historic buildings but nothing else. Its character and charm have been eroded since to population has grown and is 9/5/2016 12:41 PM now feels like a soulless commuter town. I can no longer afford to nor enjoy living here and I'm looking to live and work elsewhere in the near future.

227 Family friendly Market town vibe incl open air markets and use of the Carfax 9/4/2016 9:33 PM

228 Still relatively small, don't want to become part of urban sprawl with surrounding towns. Like the riverside walk, 9/4/2016 9:03 AM especially as we are dog walkers. Like Warnham nature reserve but want to see the cafe back! Lots of things going on, but a social centre cafe etc for under 18 year olds would be good.

229 Location. 9/3/2016 9:23 PM

230 The feel of the town (market town), great places to eat, good access to the countryside, good transport links and 9/3/2016 6:39 PM overall a very pleasant place to live.

231 A lovely atmosphere. The right size. 9/3/2016 5:21 PM

232 Accessible, friendly, good feeling walking around 9/3/2016 4:28 PM

233 Almost traffic free centre. Cafe culture. Ease of walking around the centre. Friendly people. Space. Horsham Park. 9/3/2016 3:45 PM Market. Independent retailers and catering outlets.

234 Safe place to live. The accessibility of green spaces for walking and activities. Horsham Park is a really important 9/3/2016 3:28 PM environment that should continue to be well maintained and cared for. The architecture and history of the town. Bus services to support older residents should continue to be maintained as the demographic changes with more young families moving into new housing. Where there is planting colour around the town it enhances the environment. More needed in some of the bland areas of the town e.g. The Forum.

235 nice centre, close to countryside, good shops and restuarants 9/3/2016 3:14 PM

236 It's a very friendly town. There are plenty of good shops& services . 9/3/2016 2:22 PM

237 it;s lay out 9/3/2016 9:25 AM

238 Friendly, small town feeling, relatively quiet, all services nearby. Great for families. 9/2/2016 5:09 PM

239 Having Horsham as a major town surrounded and supported by individual village units, Broadbridge Heath, Southwater 9/2/2016 3:25 PM and Roffey - for instance

240 It's compact size 9/2/2016 1:57 PM

241 Clean safe town 9/2/2016 11:03 AM

242 Ease of reach to London & the south coast by train and road. Good schools, Drs. Open spaces and countryside. 9/2/2016 9:18 AM

243 The environment, good schools, access to London by train, market town feel. 9/2/2016 9:13 AM

244 Waitrose / John Lewis Horsham Park Good access to London Town Centre - even though it is becoming more tatty 9/2/2016 6:08 AM which we need to keep an eye on.

245 Unique Good mix of shops inc coffee and eating. 9/1/2016 10:41 PM

246 Open spaces, Horsham Park, Pavillions in the Park, Access to frequent train service, Proximity of , 9/1/2016 9:20 PM Ease of walking/cycling to town centre, Easy access to beautiful countryside, Location of town.

247 safe, pleasant, decent schools 9/1/2016 5:32 PM

248 t used to be reasonably unspoilt and pedestrian/cycle friendly, also motorized scooters could get around well 9/1/2016 5:28 PM

249 West Street 9/1/2016 4:26 PM

250 Horsham is a very pleasant town, fairly easy to get around on foot and has close proximity to open space and the 9/1/2016 3:22 PM surrounding countryside. It has a strong historical past with many interesting historical buildings and streets. It has several conservation areas and also has a good location for people to commute to work from. Horsham has a good sense of community, the air quality is good. There is a very good range of restaurants and eateries and a fairly good range of recreational facilities.

16 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

251 Comfortable market town 9/1/2016 11:19 AM

252 A nice 'feel' about it, a good balance of the older with the new. More character than many a town, but overall 9/1/2016 10:58 AM somewhere that feels 'safe' (people care, take notice of things, deal with issues etc - and take their town seriously... good things don't just happen by accident !) The park is an excellent feature / facility too (along with all the events & activities put on there - especially for families... even though I am not a user of any of it myself, or a family man etc ... I am not 'speaking' from self-interest here !)

253 Nice size, good travel links access 9/1/2016 10:20 AM

254 Access to Parks and open spaces. 9/1/2016 10:19 AM

255 It's size, access to countryside and to London, sports and leisure 9/1/2016 9:19 AM

256 It's a nice place to live and it still has a market town feel about it. 9/1/2016 9:17 AM

257 It is a unique, market town with good links to London and the coast yet retaining a nod to it's rural beginnings. 8/31/2016 6:59 PM

258 Character. Horsham Park. 8/30/2016 8:37 PM

17 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q4 What do you dislike about Horsham?

Answered: 280 Skipped: 29

# Responses Date

1 It is not a market town now, we are just surrounded by houses. Hospital at Redhill - how do you get there?. No 10/28/2016 8:51 PM transport. Parking sundays -shops -churches affected. Broadbridge Heath leisure centre, new one smaller, Badmington Hall now non-existent, only six courts for all. Had been used in passed for Olympic Training winning medals. Market - only EU food stalls - where has the shoes, hats , purses, cut flowers, butchers gone.

2 No affordable housing for youong people. Developers promise, get planning and then don't build the "affordable" 10/28/2016 7:05 PM housing. West of Horsham development, parsonage rd, broadbridge heath (mythical village of Wickhurst Green with no facilities or affordable housing. Gridlock roads in and out of Horsham in the mornings and evenings. Too many little box type hosing estates with no facilities. too many houses, Horsham, Crawley, Redhill all very nearly joined. Urban sprawl to London

3 Becoming too close to Crawley 10/28/2016 6:44 PM

4 Its growing too big & shop facilities constantly changing 10/28/2016 6:36 PM

5 Don't dislike anything & have the usually nice attitude to different nationalities - but it would be nice if there was 10/28/2016 6:22 PM somewhere for young people to go dancing ( too much "pub culture"!)

6 needs better shops Lack of parking for people ???? 10/28/2016 5:59 PM

7 Lack of facilities for young people 10/28/2016 5:43 PM

8 Expanding town Cinemas large shops changing charecter loss of Beals/ BHS 10/28/2016 5:33 PM

9 Cost of housing, lack of sufficient suitable social housing. Limited facilities and activities for young people (I am told!) 10/27/2016 5:04 PM

10 too many shops closing becaus eof high costs 10/25/2016 9:37 PM

11 Pires Place area 10/25/2016 9:13 PM

12 the way the owners of Swan walk have left the lovely swans without any water- it is the best feature of the town and 10/25/2016 8:53 PM they are destroying it (shame)

13 Areas where new buildings have unsympathetic style & materials. too many unoccupied shops. Proposed development 10/25/2016 8:46 PM beyond nothern bypass. We already have huge developments in the Broadbridge Heath/ A24 Area

14 all the new buildings 10/25/2016 8:35 PM

15 So many houses being built. Not enough flowers and greenery in teh town centrer 10/25/2016 7:52 PM

16 Beginning to look like any other town, All the ...... around the Carfax remove them , its not safe especially for the 10/22/2016 6:07 PM elderly. Not enough seats in West Street. Loosing all the individual seats,

17 Number of independent shops has declined with too many chain stores. Residential parking for residents living 10/15/2016 12:35 PM adjacent to the town centre is a nightmare, especially since introduction of evening and Sunday charges - almost impossible to park near house after Controlled Parking Zone restrictions end at 17.00hrs Mon - Sat. Council waste money on stupid things like repaving West Street whilst at the same time saying they are short of money and so charge for car parking in evening and on Sundays - to the huge detriment of residents as they don't increase CPZ times. Paying for using tip and green garden bin.

18 The predilection for cars as the main means of transport and the consequent woefully inadequate infrastructure 10/12/2016 12:29 PM cyclists and pedestrians, especially at junctions.

19 Too many restuarants 10/8/2016 9:10 PM

20 Far too much building for outsiders (london sprawl) and no provision for the local needs 10/7/2016 3:08 PM

21 Air quality is deteriorating due to traffic. No encouragement for hybrid vehicles: bus' contribute to town centre pollution 10/7/2016 11:09 AM as do taxis idling engines, contrary to the highway code. Insufficient land with new houses being built for the London overflow. Lack of interest by local authority to promote solar panels in open fields. This would preclude development and permit continued grazing beneath.

22 No Macdonalds 10/6/2016 10:07 PM

18 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

23 Lack of decent clothing shops for the older generation. Restaurants and shops are are too noisy Paving is uneven and 10/6/2016 8:26 PM bad for walking/wheel chairs

24 Litter Cat & Dog mess Illegally parked vehicles, especially on pavements & grass verges Derelict house near Cricket 10/6/2016 8:16 PM Lane School run traffic traffic calming measures -bollards, kerbs across one lane which I think is dangerous because spped up to try and squeeze the gap before the oncoming car (ie southwards Roffey) Lack of a good reasonably priced greengrocer (such as jermy's in Henfield)

25 Insufficient cycling paths, now we need separation due to increasing traffic. 10/3/2016 10:29 AM

26 Poor cycling conditions - almost total absence of any kind of network. Walking environment also terrible in many parts 10/1/2016 10:35 PM of the town. Not enough activities for younger people.

27 Over the past ten or more years it has lost some of its appeal for me as a market town. So many independent shops 9/30/2016 11:57 PM have been lost, sadly, and it is a great pity that the Carfax area is dedicated largely to estate agents, banks and money lenders. What kind of signal does that give to visitors? (To me, it just spells greed and profiteering.) If you want to pop into town on a Saturday and buy a house, have your nails done and eat your heart out, it is the place to be. If you want to buy some cheese, vegetables or a bunch of flowers, you won't be quite so successful. Unfortunately, the weekly market, which I used to love, has also gone downhill and now consists for the most part of cooked food stalls, and stands selling jewellery and trinkets. And how many restaurants does a town this size need? Do we need a cinema complex with more restaurants and eateries?

28 The areas that are hard to access by foot or by cycle because of the dominance of the car in some areas - walking to 9/30/2016 8:50 PM Waitrose/ John Lewis is very poorly thought out. Traversing the inner ring road is not consistently dealt with everywhere. Some places are good others are downright dangerous. Pot-holes on the old concrete residential roads where the overlaying Tarmac is not on a stable foundation - for cars is is very bad, for cyclists this is terrible! Affordable housing needs to be addressed or the local economy and public services will find it hard to recruit good local people who live in the area and feel a sense of duty and belonging. The town will not attract entrepreneurs unless starter businesses and affordable housing is supported.

29 Having to pay for Sunday car parking.Cycle Paths are very random,start and finish in odd places.Need another big 9/30/2016 5:03 PM retailer in town now BHS has left. More afordable shops. So much building work and house shooting up in every avaliable space.But don't see any more schools,doctors ,dentist appearing to cope with extra demand.

30 Uneven pavements and road surfaces (the granite setts in Carfax for example). The untidy grass verges. The look of 9/30/2016 4:33 PM West Street and the lack of seating and lovely planting. The lack of seating in the town. Lack of 20mph roads. The lights being turned off during the night especially near Horsham station. No easy access to a 'fully equipped' hospital (that we have to go to East Surrey). The poor Christmas lights - at one time Carfax looked beautiful - I am sure it brought people into the town. The new arrangement for recycling (at the amenity tip) and the new charges. The state of the subway leading from New Street to Horsham Park. The lack of a supermarket to replace Waitrose at this side of the town.

31 I hate all the traffic, it is too much, too fast and too dangerous. I hate the fact that the car is king in Horsham. In new 9/30/2016 2:04 PM developments there is no thought for pedestrians or cyclists. Just try cycling to the new John Lewis!

32 Insufficient green spaces. Also why not have the bins for collection on one side of the road to save the vehicle going 9/30/2016 12:26 PM up one side and down the other, it must be more cost effective and reduce running cost of the vehicle and save time, plus less inconvenience to the road user. Need bungalows too.

33 Nothing 9/30/2016 10:08 AM

34 It may be about to get too large and destroy the current ambience. 9/30/2016 9:02 AM

35 See above 9/30/2016 12:14 AM

36 Car parking charges too excessive also charging until 8pm Not enough variety of clothing retailers, too many betting 9/29/2016 10:47 PM shops, bedding shops, estate agents and phone shops Access to John Lewis via busy dual carriageway, predestination crossing dangerous Was under the impression that there were going to be interesting retail shops around the bishopric and John Lewis not another bedding shop Not enough shops to stop people going to Crawley who have good variety of shops

37 A264 can't cope at moment between 5 ann 7 how will it cope with extra housingll 9/29/2016 8:48 PM

19 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

38 I find the weekend market too large and too much 'in your face' and visibility of and access to the bank or shops in the 9/29/2016 7:59 PM centre could be better. The cycle paths for many years have been inadequate. It is not possible to reach the villages like Slinfold and Barns Green. On the west side of town they also seem to stop at Merryfield Drive. Why is this? The cycle path used to go up East Street while the cars had to go down this one way street. It sums up exactly how badly thought-out they are. Also Springfield Road has a 'pinch-point' with a pedestrian island in the middle of the road. Surely this is much more dangerous for pedestrian and cyclist than if there was no cycle lane, and no island. Driving up Black Horse Way is ridiculous at the crossing due to impossible visibility, and has got worse since large waste bins have been positioned to make a very bad situation even worse. Horsham has two of the worst car parks I've ever driven into, namely Piries and Black Horse way. The sooner the one in Piries is demolished the better. It must have been designed by an idiot. Whoever approved its design should be shot.

39 The explosion in house building and the consequential increase in the population is outgrowing the present town 9/29/2016 4:08 PM infrastructure, the facilities are totally inadequate. The provision of better health facilities is essential and care for the elderly is seriously strained. Horsham and the district should have its own dedicated General Hospital. People should not have to travel many miles to the present hospital options available at East Surrey,Worthing, Haywards Heath, Chichester, etc.

40 Too far away from an A&E department. The council making some ridiculous decisions. The far too rapid growth of the 9/29/2016 4:01 PM town which will soon make it unrecognisable and making the distance from A&E even worse. Growth of town not backed up by growth of infrastructure. Appalling train service.

41 The constant council sponsored expansion, and lack of any notice of the views of residents. The town is great !t.. 9/29/2016 3:53 PM

42 I don't like the large developments being tacked on to the edge of Horsham and am concerned at how the 9/29/2016 3:04 PM infrastructure will cope with the ever increasing population and traffic.

43 Not having a hospital, too much on road parking, could do with more clothes shops. 9/29/2016 2:41 PM

44 Forest and Millais schools being single sex. Totally wrong to segregate this way in 2016 and will force us to move 9/29/2016 1:33 PM house before children reach secondary age. No other aspect of life splits by gender. Why on earth this?!

45 The waste of commercial (office/shop) space that could be used for houses - i.e. build on unused brownfield sites. 9/29/2016 8:19 AM

46 Having to travel between 3 hospitals for various treatments. 9/29/2016 7:55 AM

47 The way we are losing the independent shops and getting more and more national chains in their stead. The desire to 9/28/2016 7:55 PM make money from building new houses seems to overtake any consideration for history or local environment. Very few people, especially the young can afford the houses being built. It is all commercially-led. Much more use should be made of converting offices and other, sometimes long-empty properties and brownfield sites. Once fields are lost, we - or rather future generations - will never get them back.

48 Car park charges, roads cannot cope with increased traffic, too many roadworks.Population increasing too fast and 9/28/2016 7:51 PM not enough thought about school places. Need more traffic calming and cycle paths.

49 Unsafe (surface) pavements and paths. 9/28/2016 5:00 PM

50 Increased charging for carparking in a variety of areas pushing car parking problems onto residential roads and 9/28/2016 3:50 PM discouraging people from visiting the town centre - consider increasing business rates instead (as shops/restaurants would benefit from increased footfall). Growing amounts of housing with very limited corresponding efforts to limit the effect on the landscape - I'd like to see a tree-planting programme. Charging for removal of green garden waste and use of the amenity tip - nonsensical if we want to encourage recycling. The proliferation of charity shops, hairdressers and estate agents. Can't something be done to encourage small independent shops? Empty shops - the old Waitrose, Beales, BHS etc

51 Buses are not very frequent and last buses finish quite early. I use the train in preference to my car whenever possible 9/28/2016 3:25 PM but this usually involves a long walk to and from the station. The Park and Ride is an option but actually means me driving out of Horsham to get the bus back in to the station. Could there be another Park and Ride that serves the West of Horsham and Broadbridge Heath?

52 nightmare negotiating peliforation of "A" frames waste of money spent on pointless projects. i.e. East St. Get to grips 9/28/2016 3:21 PM as to where cyclist are or are not allowed to ride. at the moment they seem to ride anywhere.

53 Too many cars. Not safe for cycling. There's no big hospital nearby. Too many new houses being built so everywhere 9/28/2016 11:40 AM getting busier.

54 Exhorbitant parking charges in the town centre. Hard to see why one should have to pay £2.40 to park in Swan Walk 9/28/2016 11:26 AM car park even if you are there for 30 minutes. Why does the car park not have a graduating scale of you only pay for the time you are there rather than one charge for the first 2 hours? This simply discourages people from coming to town.

20 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

55 The quantity of building of new residential areas. Quantity of Chain shops/cafes/"cheap" shops that don't fit in with 9/28/2016 4:47 AM surroundings.

56 traffic, overdevelopment 9/27/2016 9:18 PM

57 Too many chain restaurants. Not enough local business. 9/27/2016 7:41 PM

58 I dislike that there are not many opportunities or activities for younger people, a lot of people and companies are 9/27/2016 12:05 PM changing Horsham without any input to the residents that live here.

59 the amount of new housing been built / being built and proposed to be built recent changes to parking after 6 pm and 9/27/2016 11:48 AM on sundays lack of cycle paths around the town

60 Insuficent open spaces and no provision for cycling safely 9/27/2016 9:33 AM

61 The new trend for targeting and persecuting young adults and teens socialising in public space in a non intrusive, non 9/27/2016 9:32 AM threatening, non destructive manor, due to scaremongering, and some feeling of superiority.

62 Riff raff, rude fowl mouthed kids. 9/27/2016 7:27 AM

63 Too much traffic in the centre 9/26/2016 9:26 PM

64 The alarming amount of housing being built. 9/26/2016 7:19 PM

65 Obvious drug problems surrounding the YMCA building, smelling drugs as some members of the public walk past in 9/25/2016 8:26 PM the streets. This has to be addressed.

66 Waitrose should have remained where it was. The new location makes it too far to get to easily. 9/25/2016 5:37 PM

67 Parking and paying for it. I can park in central London for free after 18.30. The council encouraged all these chain 9/25/2016 2:37 PM restaurants to open in Horsham, then restricted and started charging for evening parking, even in a Sunday.

68 the street lamps going off in the streets adjacent to Oakhill Road late at night (especially when walking home after the 9/25/2016 1:32 PM last train). It doesn't feel safe walking home. It's dangerous and with brambles sticking out onto the path and the dog poo on the pavements, it's not a good combination! I would to like to suggest that after this time alternative street lamps be kept on to keep some safety and visibility.

69 the street lamps going off in the streets adjacent to Oakhill Road late at night (especially when walking home after the 9/25/2016 1:31 PM last train). It doesn't feel safe walking home. It's dangerous and with brambles sticking out onto the path and the dog poo on the pavements, it's not a good combination! I would to like to suggest that after this time alternative street lamps be kept on to keep some safety and visibility.

70 Train transportation is awful, traffic is getting worse. Constant roadworks in key routes. Empty retail units. Starting to 9/25/2016 10:46 AM become over developed without the infrastructure to support, in danger of losing the market town feel.

71 The office development that went on in the 80s, that now is being turned into flats The current rampant development of 9/24/2016 11:39 PM small, overpriced houses in the town, and local villages. Too expensive properties.

72 The 9/24/2016 9:43 PM

73 Ever increasing number of residents/flats/houses but very little provision for infrastructure to cope with it. The South 9/24/2016 8:24 PM East is poorly served for a choice of essential shopping now that Waitrose has moved. I don't feel the Council puts enough effort into public consultations on issues of planning.

74 Increased traffic especially on residential roads like St Leonard's Road. Poor quality pavements and cycle routes. 9/24/2016 3:16 PM Expansion of town.

75 Cycling up the Worthing Road and Five Oaks Lane - too fast, too narrow, impatient drivers. 9/24/2016 7:46 AM

76 *It is no longer a market town, but becoming a London conurbation with so much inappropriate housing & increasing 9/24/2016 2:04 AM congestion caused by incomers. Yet the issue of affordable homes for locals is not addressed. Build for them before the executive homes. *Being more urbanised it is a less courteous & more insular town now. * Missed opportunities to create dedicated cycle lanes (eg Comptons Lane) into & around town. *Horsham Pond is an eye sore, and not fit for wildlife. *The roads & pavements are not well maintained, & drains/ditches not cleared (eg Hammerpond Lane) causing unnecessary flooding. *Hedging & shrubs allowed to overgrow the public footpath causing an obstruction to walkers. *Driving around the Albion Way with all those un-synchronised traffic lights.

77 The recent tendency for independent shops to be closing and large corporate shopping chains moving in. 9/23/2016 4:55 PM

78 poor cycle paths, cars parking in roads approaching town centre, expensive parking in town centre, green areas not 9/23/2016 3:33 PM looked after as they used to be.

79 The growth that is robbing the surrounding area of green fields. 9/23/2016 1:27 PM

80 Lack of dedicated cycle paths 9/23/2016 1:04 PM

21 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

81 Over development without foresight to provide required infrastructure. ie BBH development just includes more roads to 9/23/2016 12:23 PM funnel more traffic onto already congested arterial routes. This is not infrastructure provision Peacemeal infill developments of garden plots that seem to be given the nod without care for plan. I understand that this very much from central government pressure but a strategy to deal with these would be useful

82 Marks and Spencer is too small. There is no Debenhams. The footpaths along Brighton Road are in drastic need of 9/23/2016 11:50 AM repair. Some homeowners let there shrubbery obstruct footpaths. There is not enough affordable housing for single people.

83 Availability of clean and operable public toilets, frequently encountering cycle riders in walking areas (paths) 9/23/2016 10:42 AM

84 The pavilions - great swimming pool but too cold and too busy. Too many people relative to the facilities: we've lived 9/23/2016 8:29 AM here for years and it's just getting too congested now. We need more facilities or less people. Most councils address this by charging more, I don't think this is fair/ right.

85 Bad rail link due to southern rail. 9/23/2016 7:09 AM

86 Not got good shops anymore. 9/23/2016 6:54 AM

87 It is being slowly spoiled by the ridiculous number of houses being built without any or very little thought to the 9/22/2016 8:59 PM infrastructure. The roads are becoming gridlocked, the schools and doctors surgeries cannot cope and still more houses are being built! Not nearly enough affordable housing being provided, too many properties too close together for the space! So the once lovely market town of Horsham is changed forever and sadly, not for the better but do the council/powers that be listen? They ask the questions but pay lip service to the feedback! Need I say more!

88 Building on greenbelt, increasing housing density, lack of investment in public infrastructure (schools, healthcare). 9/22/2016 7:05 PM

89 When I moved to Horsham in 2001, travelling down here from London felt almost as if one was going on holiday. The 9/22/2016 6:13 PM subsequent pace of change and rapid enlargement of the town is destroying its character. Despite that enlargement shops tend to close or change hands quite frequently. There is a real danger that the town will outgrow its infrastructure, particularly the GP and other NHS facilities at a time when those are coming under ever-increasing pressure. Failure to clear weeds from the streets.

90 shortage of good affordable housing support for elderly and those in need (eg: no location for the Ark) 9/22/2016 12:09 PM

91 Not able to get children into their nearest school to home. Limited choice of shops. Expense of leisure facilities. 9/22/2016 11:45 AM

92 The excessive building projects . 9/22/2016 10:43 AM

93 I have to go elsewhere to work. London, Manchester and Brighton. I would prefer to work closer to home and spend 9/22/2016 10:03 AM less time on trains and in the car. I feel sad that Horsham is potentially becoming a commuter town.

94 Out of control growth into Green Field space, greedy council putting stealth payments into things like car parking, 9/22/2016 12:37 AM waste collection and council tip. A council that doesn't listen to the population about concerns on growth, infrastructure, requirements.

95 Southern rail is the train service provider, newly introduced Sunday parking charges. 9/21/2016 10:32 PM

96 Lack of support for infrastructure to support new housing. Council not doing the best for the people 9/21/2016 9:58 PM

97 Its decline with all the housing being built and the amount of traffic generated causing poor air quality 9/21/2016 3:42 PM

98 The cycle path network is woeful and so easily could be improved with planning. Your plan wants to make Horsham 9/21/2016 10:38 AM more walkable but you must take account of the increasing number of cyclists and also provide cycle routes through Horsham Town. The proposed development at Broadbridge heath Leisure centre has taken little account of users' views and it is shocking how users' views have just been ignored. The local schools are struggling with lack of funding from the Council....why?! An awful lot of new housing is going up in the area...where are our green spaces? Why West Sussex? Why not Surrey?

99 A dreadful train service for such a thriving town. 9/20/2016 7:58 PM

100 When I moved to Horsham 18 years ago one of the things that attracted me to the town was the variety of shops but I 9/20/2016 6:38 PM now feel that diversity is being eroded. We are becoming a town of cafe's and restaurants; although I do enjoy using those facilities I feel it is now at the cost of other retailers. We need another shop similar to that of BHS; and for goodness sake please don not allow the loss of Wilkinsons!

101 Car parking charges wherever you go. Hospitals,cinemas and all town centre shopping. 9/20/2016 6:05 PM

102 The threat of the third runway at Gatwick. Litter. 9/20/2016 5:49 PM

103 Too many flats and houses are being built without th infrastructure to go with it. Horsha, needs more doctors and 9/20/2016 5:44 PM hospital facilities close by.

22 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

104 Some poor routes into the town centre that are heavily trafficked and difficult/unpleasant to walk along Some poor 9/20/2016 4:10 PM quality design (e.g. new housing opposite the Queens Head pub)

105 its become overdeveloped and there are plans for even more. No local A&E hospital Small green spaces are being 9/20/2016 3:20 PM taken for housing development without long term thought

106 It's getting too big - small is better. 9/20/2016 3:00 PM

107 Insufficient bungalows. Older people are willing to downsize and have the grey pound. In the paper the 2 for sale for 9/20/2016 10:12 AM 750k roughly are massively oversubscribed. Arguing it uses more space is stupid as we should not be building on all space. we need green space to provide a healthy environment

108 Lack of shops in town centre River walks now overgrown can't actually see the river on many walks. river at kerves 9/19/2016 9:08 PM lane for instance not managed properly. Loss of local pubs now too many restaurants On street parking blocking up residential streets No decent hospital for size of the town When new housing built not enough parking spaces given New crossing from bishopric to west street confusing could do with an audible signal that it is safe to cross

109 Lack of shops in town centre River walks now overgrown can't actually see the river on many walks. river at kerves 9/19/2016 9:08 PM lane for instance not managed properly. Loss of local pubs now too many restaurants On street parking blocking up residential streets No decent hospital for size of the town When new housing built not enough parking spaces given New crossing from bishopric to west street confusing could do with an audible signal that it is safe to cross

110 Plans for cinema complex. Cycle paths stop and start. Car park charging after 6.00 pm. 9/19/2016 8:39 PM

111 Choice of shops 9/19/2016 8:22 PM

112 You have to park in parking house - and parking isn't free. 9/19/2016 7:39 PM

113 Extremely limited car parking in town center, fees for existing spaces are a rip off. New build houses are shoe horned 9/19/2016 5:53 PM into area not necessarily ideally suited.

114 Entrenched old time attitudes preventing 21C architecture from blending in with our historical past. E.g. Objections to 9/19/2016 5:09 PM Proposed revamp of the Wilco building, perhaps the worst brick built monstrosity in the town.

115 The overwhelming development of the town's "green belt"; the seemingly constant change in our shops, linked to the 9/19/2016 5:03 PM demise of independent traders

116 People parking on double yellow lines, specially in the Bishopric where it means that drivers cannot get into the left 9/19/2016 3:53 PM hand lane until the right hand lane moves on.

117 too much expansion all the dead areas - like piries place council attitude to parking i.e. paying now on sundays 9/19/2016 2:20 PM business and rents driving retail elsewhere expansion without infrastructure development

118 Small minded people. 9/19/2016 1:33 PM

119 The need for housing has encroached upon beautiful countryside, the traffic in and around Horsham is horrendous at 9/19/2016 10:44 AM certain times and the influx of people to the town often means parking is a problem, particularly if you need to visit a doctor or dentist and have to drive there. Building so many thousands of homes means thousands more cars and people. Horsham does not have the road system to take them yet or the services needed. On another point, the new houses being built are mostly, it seems, high priced for the open market. The few which are marked for social housing are often thrown up in the less attractive areas, near main roads and small. I think building company's should offer the same quality if not the same size to the council.

120 Outside of the town centre it's very car focused and it lacks facilties for pedestrians and cyclists. The speed limit in 9/18/2016 9:20 PM residential areas (particularly around the train station) are either too high or not enforced properly and as pedestrians we feel it's dangerous sometimes to walk in the town.

121 The continuing expansion of houses 9/18/2016 7:04 PM

122 Lack of affordable housing Expensive rents Expensive car parking Pavements in poor condition 9/18/2016 3:14 PM

123 1. Town is charging gradually with all the new housing which I think will destroy the character of the town 2. The state 9/18/2016 2:48 PM of some of the roads and also unkempt pavements 3. Too many empty shops or derelict and unloved buildings

124 Its increasing size and propensity to become a dormitory town. Lack of high quality independent shops. Town centre 9/18/2016 2:38 PM not thought through - difficult access to John Lewis, Staples etc.

125 Parking can be difficult due to the lack of spaces, local shops for daily needs tend to be too far away from new 9/18/2016 1:35 PM developments

126 The district councillors who live miles from Horsham yet impose decisions on Horsham against the local community 9/18/2016 1:00 PM view.

23 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

127 All the housing that is being added with no secondary schools or Doctors surgeries. The lack of decent sized 9/18/2016 7:26 AM department stores. Not having a larger hospital with maternity ward & operating theatre. The lack of parking for housing residents in the Victorian parts of town.

128 Too many coffee shops Expensive parking , no 20minute options 9/17/2016 11:23 PM

129 Rip off parking. Need to sort out traffic delays. Roadworks that go on for months. Too much building on countryside. 9/17/2016 10:47 PM Massive increase in housing with no road improvements. Simple things like adding an extra lane at Great Daux roundabout and Rusper Road roundabout could solve much of the congestion but council don't seem to see the obvious. Why no cover over walkway between West Street and The Forum? Needs a roof!

130 The potential for the above to be ignored leading to Horsham becoming a place where people do not want to live. 9/17/2016 7:25 PM

131 The dual carriageway system that carves the town into two and the missed opportunities around the John Lewis 9/17/2016 6:33 PM development, a potential retail anchor that is again cut off from the heart of the town by a 4 lane road.

132 Cars going to fast on residential roads. Child play ground near me and they go to fast. Parking at playing field on a 9/17/2016 5:41 PM Sunday when children's football clubs. Could do with a proper car park for them to park in.

133 One party government by small cabal. (Blame Nick Clegg) 9/17/2016 3:26 PM

134 Too many empty / unoccupied shops in the centre I disagree with plans for cine complex as the Arts Centre / Cinema 9/17/2016 12:49 PM is sufficient for the town & there are more than enough restaurants already... Lack of affordable parking results in overcrowding of residential areas

135 very disappointed to hear we nearly had a music festival and that it was cancelled. I have a teenage son - I think a 9/17/2016 10:24 AM music festival would bring huge benefits to the area

136 Albion way, cutting the town in half and the odors omitted from Bills restaurant in the old town hall 9/17/2016 9:17 AM

137 The amount of traffic and how the roads are ill equipped to deal with them. The increase in housing yet no facilities 9/16/2016 9:18 AM created to accommodate this. No A&E and a very oversubscribed GP surgery.

138 Moe chain shops opening Too many houses being built with no extra services being added Not enough cycle lanes 9/15/2016 9:12 PM

139 Land being sold off to build what looks like a million poorly-built, crammed-in houses. 9/15/2016 8:35 PM

140 Lack of street lights and safety 9/15/2016 6:16 PM

141 Fear that it is being overdeveloped which will dilute the sense of community and create more traffic, pollution and 9/15/2016 12:16 PM noise.

142 No major hospital near by. No direct train to Brighton. Trains could leave Horsham and go to then the 9/15/2016 9:50 AM points could be changed and the train then head down to Brighton. Last trains coming back from London at night are far too early. Should be an hourly service through the night. Trains go through the night to Three Bridges , this could be extended to Horsham. Make road speed in Horsham 20 mph. Dig down in the road under the iron Bridge in the Brighton road so large lorries can go under it and don't have to go down Clarence Road, Oakhill Road and Station Road which are far too narrow and in residential streets.

143 Increased housing with no investment in infrastructure 9/15/2016 1:23 AM

144 Traffic 9/14/2016 10:53 PM

145 I dislike the way Prewetts Mill building and the area surrounding has been neglected for a long time. It's an eyesore. I 9/14/2016 8:27 PM dislike the fact that we don't now have a good department store at all. I dislike the fact that a town this size with it's large surrounding areas,still does not have a decent hospital. No transport directly to Crawley and East Surrey Hospitals either.No A&E at weekends in Horsham,or at night,so a problem,particularly for the elderly.I dislike the way shops are being replaced with food outlets and coffee shops.I dislike the fact that no matter how many surveys you complete,it makes no difference to an outcome. I dislike the smelly toilets in Swan Walk,which are never really clean. I dislike the dual male/female entrance to the public toilets by the bus station. It's very off-putting when you are a woman alone,as it doesn't feel safe.

146 Would not want houses to create a concrete jungle. 9/14/2016 5:11 PM

147 However, now that we have a developing area towards Waitrose/John Lewis I'm not sure what will happen to the 9/14/2016 4:15 PM Piries Place & Carfax area in the long term. (Our present 'eating quarter'.) I'm not sure enough thought is given by either enough Councillors or people with relevant knowledge before decisions are made. West Street is no longer attractive. I'm not against more cinemas if the younger generation wish this but how will the Capitol theatre be preserved!

148 Town growing too fast without the infrastructure to support it 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

149 Not sufficient greenspaces 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

24 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

150 There is absolutely no support for teenagers and young adults. We essentially have one club which is universally 9/14/2016 12:40 PM disliked and there is a youth club for Millais girls and Forest boys within a certain age range. I feel like the only programmes to occupy young people are the after school clubs at secondary schools. I think the Pavillions and Southwater Leisure Centre should partner with a primary and secondary school each or more, and encourage children to attend events like sports taster sessions. Dance clubs should also do the same. I also think there should be a focus on getting more girls engaged with sport because the groups I have attended in the past are largely attended by boys. Also dance classes should focus on getting more boys involved as well. There should also be community projects for other things such as books clubs, film nights, crafting sessions, etc which would appeal to children not as interested in starting a new sport and is also more disability inclusive. For older teenagers and young adults there should be affordable places to drink aimed at that age group and some funding put into opening a few more clubs. Bus services on Sundays and bank holidays should be more frequent - I had an emergency appointment at Horsham hospital on a bank holiday Sunday last year and I was extremely fortunate to get the bus in time , although I had to run to the bus stop in considerable pain. I wouldnt have been able to walk to the hospital. There isn't enough public transport support for people who cannot drive, which includes the young, the elderly, the disabled, parents with young children, and people who cannot or cannot afford to drive. There should be a night bus or a cheap taxi service, as all the quotes I received when I got a bar job were around £10 from the railway station to Roffey, which practically negates the point in having a job. If the bus service went on throughout the night that would be much more useful, or having a specific night bus service. This would benefit anyone who works late hours and can only walk home in the early hours of the morning. Housing prices in Horsham are extortionate and I wouldn't even consider living here after I finish my degree, I will probably stay up North if I can get a job. There is little support for university stuenbts and there should be more seasonal jobs going as well as other jobs generally - this could be improved if the community gets more involved with elsiure centres etc as more staff will be required, and if more small businesses are encouraged to open as then full them part time and Saturday jobs will be available food people with various schedules.the Horsham Library has quite a limited selection of books, particularly in the art section which only has books on the most well known artists and nothing else.

151 it would be good to have health emergency services out of day and weekend hours. 9/14/2016 9:52 AM

152 The condition of Horsham's roads is very poor. Too much housing being built with no visible sign of more 9/14/2016 8:36 AM infrastructure. The provision of cycle paths is very 'hit and miss' leading to cyclists using footpaths which has its own problems. Bring back a proper market with proper stalls and not just food outlets.

153 Boring, lack of social facilities. Traffic increasing making it more time consuming to get around 9/13/2016 7:44 PM

154 The way independent businesses are being driven out of town by the sky high business rates. 9/13/2016 6:26 PM

155 The lack of and expense of car parking and the recent overdevelopment of the area which has caused a disproportiate 9/13/2016 6:00 PM growth in population yet no provision of a hospital in locality or additional doctors surgeries povided The recent fad of cycling and lack of cycling paths means cyclists use road systems and footpaths as personal gyms, often disobeying trafffic lights or pedestrian crossings which makes me nervous both as pedestrian and driver. That people have started to park cars on pavements and grass verges .

156 all the extra housing being built and planned to be built, its only when you travel by train that you are able to see what 9/13/2016 4:39 PM this council has achieved by decimating the surrounding countryside and all those houses are not in financial reach of the majority of young people

157 Speed of population growth >> busyness and change in character 9/13/2016 12:14 PM

158 The growing housing developments in and around the area which are not supported by schooling. new developments 9/13/2016 11:37 AM which create gridlock on already busy roads. wasted town centre space with empty shops i.e. piries place

159 The Forum. On rare occasions it looks welcoming and fun, but in the winter it's a bleak area, exposed to the elements 9/13/2016 11:37 AM and on a hot summer day, it's like crossing the Sahara. Growing up in a city I still miss the abundance of public transport, not only trains, but buses that are modern and not the ancient rattling buses we have in Horsham. Nothing makes a person feel like a second class citizen than poor public transport. Of course, the present dispute with the union and Southern Rail is not within your power to solve, but to hold the innocent public to ransom in this way is immoral and legislation should be introduced to prevent this sort of thing happening in the future. The same applies to the junior doctors dispute with the Government. Any action that hurts the helpless public is immoral.

160 no transport in the evening, night, early morning no coffee shops open after 5pm - there is nowhere to go and relax, 9/13/2016 9:40 AM having coffee unless you go to pub! (life stops in center after 5pm) Places for People Leisure is apparently working in partnership with Council. The hygiene at the Pavilions (especially pool/sauna/dressing rooms) is very poor. I'm surprised council doesn't do anything about it!

161 Traffic in East Street! Let the restaurants exploit their outside seating. The planned north Horsham development. 9/12/2016 9:01 PM Another example of short termism where the developers propose a lot but then fail to deliver as has happened in the recent past. The mess known as the Bishopric where the planned "west end" has failed to appear ! Plus the crossing to John Lewis us quite frankly dangerous. Somebody will get killed the current way it is set up. When busy you cannot see the colour of the sign as people get in the way. I have witnessed many near missis.

25 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

162 Far too many coffee shops and strangely named eating places and the closure of so many old pubs. 9/12/2016 4:28 PM

163 All the events seem to be coming car related, we only seem to have a couple now that don't have cars I think it will be 9/12/2016 4:28 PM a real shame if Horsham just gets labelled as the town with car events when the town offers so much more. ie, sparks, big Nibble, French market etc especially as the town is very food related.

164 Over-crowded due to continued expansion of housing. 9/12/2016 2:02 PM

165 A24 road noise 9/12/2016 10:16 AM

166 1/ Becoming too big with far too much high density development that is not in keeping with the Sussex architectural 9/12/2016 9:27 AM style of housing, with insufficient provision of health, school and recreational facilities. 2/ The erosion of g.reen spaces around the town. 3/ Too much traffic on the roads with no cycle lanes built in to the town planning.

167 Insufficient eateries 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

168 (1) Cyclists who ignore no cycling signs, ride on pavements & don't use cycle lanes (there is no point in providing any 9/11/2016 9:23 PM more). (2) Motorists who rush to pass red lights at pedestrian crossings.(3) The unnecessary demolition of Winterton Court. (3) The lack of a grammar school.

169 Horsham council do not take account of what the people of Horsham actually want they just seem to continuously 9/11/2016 8:34 PM chase and find ways to make money through charging its residents for parking etc and making ridiculous planning agreements for housing and shops in an area with limited resources and no allowance seems to be made for infrastructure. Also safe school crossings particularly near heron way school appears to be way down on the Horsham list of things that are required. Only a matter of time before a child is killed on st Leonard's road!!!

170 extensive building of new housing. it is destroying the reason I moved to Horsham (ie not too busy, lots of open 9/11/2016 6:01 PM spaces). train service - this could be better and with the expansion of building I have watched the trains get busier and busier.

171 The volume on new houses being built with no infrastructure added such as secondary schools, or hospital services 9/11/2016 1:03 PM

172 Horsham is changing, and I embrace change. However, there is a large movement of people into the town and these 9/11/2016 12:47 PM people tend to come from less friendly places. This is changing the dynamics of the town. Where once, neighbours would speak to each other and children would play in the street - now we see the unfriendliness and coldness that makes life that little bit worse. I lived in London for 10 years and the lack of friendliness wasn't present here - it is now creeping in.

173 The spread towards Crawley, especially the North Horsham proposals. We are heading towards CRAWSHAM! 9/11/2016 12:39 PM

174 Albion way dividing town in two. Need to open up the shopping area outside of albion way - getting to John Lewis and 9/11/2016 12:30 PM Bishopric across Albion Way is not pedestrian friendly. Piries place needs livening up. Since Waitrose moved out, this has become very quiet .

175 Not enough housing for older generation that don't want to be in a flat without their own garden 9/11/2016 11:20 AM

176 Train service Amount of new houses Busy roads, not conducive to cyclists (not sport I mean cycling to work/shops) 9/11/2016 9:03 AM Too big/busy now No MacDonalds. My family don't eat it but this used to be a good and affordable meeting place for teenagers. Very sad and no replacement cheap /trendy place for youngsters to meet with their friends. How about an American CHEAP diner?

177 It seems generally accepted that by cycles can share pavements and pedestrian walkways with people on foot. This is 9/11/2016 6:27 AM both antisocial and dangerous and there is no action against it.

178 With all the houses being built I don't feel there is adequate schools, leisure facilities, doctors, hospitals and 9/10/2016 11:01 PM infrastructure. This must be addressed before anymore houses are built, otherwise Horsham will not be the lovely market town that we all like.

179 It's often too snobby and does not cater for us normal folk that live here and might appreciate more high street shops 9/10/2016 10:56 PM than the expensive shops and boutiques that keep opening up.

180 To much building of new houses with NO INFRASTRUCTURE we need schools and some sort of 24hr emergency 9/10/2016 10:31 PM care facility.

181 Not enough shops 9/10/2016 10:01 PM

182 Cost of using the leisure facilities. We are not a low income family so don't get access to a LAC and reduced 9/10/2016 9:44 PM admission, but still can't afford to use the leisure facilities in a regular basis. I'm it's current state there is not sufficient numbers of school places, or healthcare facilities and this will only get worse

183 Too much increased housing development which has massively increased traffic in town. Parking dreadful. 9/10/2016 9:35 PM

26 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

184 Car parking in residential streets. People not being able to park outside their own property even though they have to 9/10/2016 2:26 PM pay for a parking permit. A nightmare for the elderly and those with young children.

185 too many town centre residential apartment developments at too high a price to rent or buy 9/10/2016 12:48 PM

186 Limited safe cycle paths within Horsham and the surrounding countryside. 9/10/2016 8:58 AM

187 Being a recently arrived (retired) resident (Bishopric) I cannot recall seeing so many cars jumping the red traffic light at 9/10/2016 12:10 AM the junction of Bishopric and Albion Way whereat I suggest an installed camera would help to deter such alarming incidents. The proposed Mulltiplex design is monstrous and ill-conceived and would be completely out of character. Horsham has a cinema? then no need for another. Otherwise I love the town.

188 Paying for parking on Sunday's! Crime 9/9/2016 9:04 PM

189 Massive house building. 9/9/2016 7:59 PM

190 Increased and aggressive traffic, unsafe road crossings, poor quality of some pavements 9/9/2016 7:27 PM

191 Building to many new houses 9/9/2016 4:43 PM

192 High cost of parking 9/9/2016 3:32 PM

193 Nothing. 9/9/2016 2:02 PM

194 The ever increasing house building that is swallowing up the countryside and causing a detrimental impact on the 9/9/2016 1:28 PM quality of life Lack of good local employment opportunities means Horsham is increasingly in danger of becoming a dormitory town

195 Planners in the past have destroyed/removed historic (hundreds of years old) buildings - close to the Carfax and put 9/9/2016 11:56 AM huge roads through the centre of the town. You almost certainly are too young to remember/know about the old Horsham stone roofed buildings (similar to those still in the Causeway) about which I speak. The hidstoric background has been destroyed and replaced with fake cobbles for example in the Carfax. Other local towns: Lewes, Chichester have succeeded in retaining the old while incorporating the new. Here we have not, or should I say the Planners have not; most of whom probably are newcomers who know little/nothing of our heritage! Frankly it is now too late; too much harm has already been done. (Born here 73 years ago)

196 Too many new houses and not any new schools/Dr's/facilities etc. Horsham council paying no attention to what 9/9/2016 11:25 AM residents want - why were the new schools/health care facilities which promised not built? Don't think anyone trusts the council. No A & E. Charging for the tennis courts is appalling. Leaves a bad, money grabbing taste in the mouth.

197 Lack truly afford able housing and developers how avoid building it and paying costs for developments HDC members 9/9/2016 11:16 AM and staff allowing developers to do An apparent lack by HDC to being open and honest with residents and hiding information and not embracing openness I.e. Changes to f.o.i process it may be done with go intent but it appears the opposite

198 It's a shame the RSA building is swamping what's left of that old church steeple. Obviously nothing can be done about 9/9/2016 10:54 AM those offices now, but I think the steeple and that small area could be better maintained- could it be a tiny tourist souvenir shop or information point? The library could do with some TLC- lovely staff, and lots of books and work space which is great for study, but there is very little comfy seating for reading for pleasure. Could it have a third floor for a cafe and lounge-type space? Then it could let in air and light, sometimes it gets quite stuffy and warm on the 2nd floor.

199 Traffic on residential roads. Danger of overdevelopment. 9/9/2016 10:49 AM

200 Main concern is dangerous speeding, particularly on the A roads around Horsham and on the western side of 9/9/2016 8:09 AM Horsham from traffic along Farthings Hill and the roundabout over the A24 there. Far too many cars / motorbikes seem to just accelerate from the Tanbridge House school roundabout towards Broadbridge Heath, when it's a 30 limit. Frankly, it's dangerous (and similarly, cars exiting that roundabout in Horsham direction often travel far too fast and there doesn't seem to be any enforcement of speed limits; my 12 year old daughter walks alongside that stretch of road to get to school and the 30 limit should be properly enforced - if anything, the limit should be lowered to 20 as there is restricted visibility at the crossing point at the Tanbridge House school roundabout, and cars fly off the roundabout.

201 Absence of drinking fountains. The way the outskirts are set to get so much bigger disproportionate to the original 9/9/2016 8:06 AM market town centre.

202 Unfriendly neighbours 9/9/2016 12:16 AM

27 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

203 The Bishopric and Queens Street paving and general appearance areas need to be modernised in keeping with the 9/8/2016 10:39 PM new developments in the town. Money has been spent on a large Waitrose, flats (by the look of it) are being built in the Bishopric but HDC has not thought to secure in those deals, the redevelopment of these 2 drab areas? They let Horsham down. Now they plan a cinema and fast food restaurant development in Wilkos. They need to get these areas sorted too, they look cheap and are an eyesore. Piries Square needs regenerating. Or is it suspected as part of the Waitrose deal, no other supermarket is allowed in there? I dislike the sprawling, never ending housing estates and plans for more in the Horsham District and the fact that there is no benefit to the community from these estates (even if they were proposed). I believe that the 'promised' and necessary infrastructure (other than roads, which are always managed funnily enough) - shops, doctors, healthcare centres, pubs, schools etc. should be built by the developers before the housing, that way, ensuring they don't get 'forgotten'. Shelley School in BBHeath being a prime example. Developers seem to get away with blue murder. HDC needs to do its job and stand up for its residents, rather than hoping that no one will realise or mention it ever again. I don't hold any confidence for the new North Horsham build, other than the housing being done straight away, of course. Again, all of the much lauded other 'benefits' to the community, schools, business, sports and recreation etc. (the 'sweeteners' they hope will allow them to build the masses of houses planned) will probably never materialise / come years too late, after the community has already suffered enough (Southwater Lintot Square taking for ever to build plus current housing developments). The community always seems to suffer at the expense of the developers. They want to make vast sums of money in our area, they should do a better job of delivering concrete support to the community they are expanding /ruining. I dislike how busy the traffic has become in Horsham since BBH and Highwood builds. It's only going to get far worse with Southwater and North Horsham added to this. I dislike how some roads are abandoned - Greenway and its 100s of potholes, it is truly dreadful to drive down and has been for years. Probably the worst road in West Sussex. Yet Richmond Road has been completely resurfaced in part. Which road was in worse condition? Which road gets more traffic? Greenway to both, it makes no sense. The community should have more say on such matters, how is this allowed to happen? I have lived in Horsham all my life but I don't think that I will stay once my children are grown up. It is changing into something I don't like. It is losing its identity at the expense of property developers and out pricing its housing for local people in pursuit of Londoners with lots of dosh.

204 A town centre which, though attractive, can appear dead during evenings in the week. Since the move of Waitrose, 9/8/2016 7:43 PM very little food/household shopping available in the town centre itself that can be reached by those walking rather than driving in to town. For an affluent town, there are too few prestige shops and names in the town. Growing number of empty shops. Untidy and run-down looking at the Worthing Road end of West Street. Provision of cycle lanes seems piecemeal

205 Too many cars The idea that a cinema is being built in the town Not enough doctors surgeries 9/8/2016 7:28 PM

206 Hate how many new houses and flats spring up. 9/8/2016 5:35 PM

207 Parking in older parts of town where cars have to park on the pavement. Not enough for the young. 9/8/2016 5:30 PM

208 The amount of traffic nowadays and cars parked everywhere. State of roads and some pavements 9/8/2016 5:08 PM

209 Residential parking. not enough spaces and not enforced enough, when a vehicle without a permit parks on my road 9/8/2016 4:29 PM 99% of the time they get away with it. Also zero enforcement of yellow lines on the bishopric. Friday and Saturday nights cars are double parked on yellow lines and blocking side roads just to go into town or go to KFC. I have never seen a single one of them receive a ticket even though it causes chaos

210 Does not need to be spoilt by over development, it has already had it,s fair share and any further development will 9/8/2016 4:27 PM exceed it's infrastructure (roads, schools,health care) capacity and will be detrimental to it's future.

211 There isn't a great variety of clothes shops for women that are affordable. 9/8/2016 2:01 PM

212 The Bishopric/Albion Way pedestrian crossing!! 9/8/2016 1:14 PM

213 Needs more high end shops - people living in villages who need to drive to shops have nothing to come into Horsham 9/8/2016 1:12 PM for. More buses why send out a leaflet saying 'is Horsham too car-centric' - 'how do we make Horsham more accessible on foot, by bike, and by BUS' during the week that two buses on my hourly route have been discontinued meaning from the west side of town there are only six buses a day, no use to people who work in town.

214 Too many people in a concentrated area. Lack of cycle paths that are not next to roads or footpaths. Small shops 9/8/2016 1:04 PM going bust.

215 Not enough services like schools, dentists (took me 2 years to get one), doctors etc. 9/8/2016 11:56 AM

216 Nothing I particularly dislike about Horsham. 9/8/2016 11:14 AM

217 Too many changes to the town, especially those bringing in cash for the council! A reluctance to incorporate young 9/8/2016 8:55 AM people to our town by providing adequate facilities.

218 Too much new housing development without expansion of schools/hospitals etc.Also destroying the countryside 9/8/2016 8:19 AM

28 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

219 The Pavillions in the Park could be a better facility - I have heard lots of complaints about hygiene and some of the 9/7/2016 8:55 PM areas look tired. There are plenty of things to do with children in the local area but we often have to take them out of town for these. More family-centred activities and resources would be welcomed.

220 Poor cycle route across town. The opening of e-cigarette shops. 9/7/2016 8:09 PM

221 Horsham is a bit of an island, which is fine if you have easy access to a car. Public transport is limited to trains, as a 9/7/2016 7:12 PM quick and efficient method of travel. I work on Manor royal in Crawley and there is no quick direct route, getting the train to Horsham with the buses is extremely expensive. Cycling would be a good option but with unsafe cycle paths and/or limited knowledge of where these are you are really taking your life in your own hands by cycling the roads

222 Would like more arts, music and entertainment events. 9/7/2016 6:52 PM

223 House prices not enough effort able housing 9/7/2016 4:01 PM

224 I think it is a shame that so many old buildings (like the Kings Head) is now altered to be an awful restaurant. A lot of 9/7/2016 1:30 PM it's charm has gone with all the alterations etc. The market is more 'designer' than a proper market that used to have bargains. Also I think there should be a proper outdoor pool as well as the indoor one.

225 Traffic, poor infrastructure, very poor provision for cyclists and pedestrians 9/7/2016 11:53 AM

226 Very little. 9/7/2016 10:40 AM

227 Lack of safe cycling routes 9/7/2016 9:31 AM

228 Dangerous, half hearted cycle paths 9/7/2016 8:54 AM

229 Bishopric end is still shabby, it needs to be united with the rest of the town, John Lewis is out on a limb. The trees 9/6/2016 7:53 PM replacing the old fountain is an improvement, I hope the new development works out. I like the Capitol theatre I hope it will last if the multiplex cinema goes ahead. I fear the multiplex will cement a youth collecting point which is likely to be to exasabated by fast food outlets like we see in other towns.

230 Safety of Horsham Park in evening/night, in partiular poor lighting Rubbish in Horsham Park, particularly in morning 9/6/2016 7:17 PM Road crossing at Bishopric (by Olive Branch)

231 The ever increasing building that seems to be put in place without proper infrastructure (more doctors, schools, roads) 9/6/2016 6:33 PM causing congestion. The emphasis put on healthy living and exercise and then the lack of a proper cycling infrastructure. The way that the town has grown in a mostly northward fashion and yet the majority of services remain focused in the town centre. The stupidly high (higher then Guildford even) price of parking - without adequate alternatives to get into town easily and safely!

232 I think there is great pressure on public services at the moment, particularly the local GPs. I worry about access to 9/6/2016 5:27 PM decent secondary schools when my children go to school. I think that parking in the town centre is too expensive and limited. Likewise shops in town are okay for my purposes but I believe Crawley to be superior in terms of high street retail.

233 It has grown too quickly without the infrastructure for the increased population 9/6/2016 2:49 PM

234 Noisy 9/6/2016 2:08 PM

235 Rapid expansion without space. I took a walk around some of the new developments near Tanbridge school, the 9/6/2016 12:37 PM roads are too narrow for 2 cars to pass each other and in some cases there are not even any pavements. It's up to the council to ensure that each house has 'breathing space' There is a tick box below saying should new housing have 1 parking space. The problem is most families have at least 2 cars and what happens when visitors arrive?

236 Far too much emphasis on housing for outsiders to move into No thought of provision for housing for existing residents 9/6/2016 12:26 PM

237 The amount of building going on cannot be supported with the infrastructure we have 9/6/2016 12:20 PM

238 Lack of affordable housing for over 55/60 Lack of clothes shops for mature men and women 9/6/2016 11:48 AM

239 There are not enough safe cycle routes. I don't like the fact that new estates keep being built without the provision of 9/6/2016 10:42 AM cycle lanes and paths - a missed opportunity. It would be great if Horsham could become a cycle friendly place in the future. I do not cycle into town myself as there are not dedicated lanes and I expect there are a lot more people like me that would rather use a bike than drive a car into town.

240 High cost of living, especially housing and car parking. Too few pedestrian crossing places on busy arterial roads. 9/6/2016 7:30 AM Poor road surfacing which is hazardous for cyclists. Overcrowded train service to London.

241 Continual population expansion and development on green areas bordering town, questionable motives/ethics of 9/5/2016 8:05 PM District Council (Horsham should have its own elected council serving Horsham, not self-serving councillors living in rural parts of Pulborough, Storrington, Steyning etc), increasing traffic and pollution, lack of adequate healthcare provision (no nearby hospital, difficult to get appointments at doctors), poor public transport & taxi services

29 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

242 Too far from hospitals and emergency services. Too many people being added to the town, with ineffective Southern 9/5/2016 7:57 PM Rail infrastructure & knowledge that the safe crime-free environment will disappear Hate the expansion (eg BBH houses, North Horsham houses) It will (of course) change the face of Horsham, and not sure we have enough facilities to cope

243 Large adjacent developments e.g. Broadbridge Heath, which impact on in infrastructure e.g. GP services and traffic 9/5/2016 3:16 PM congestion. Lack of easily accessible A&E and District Hospital services. Relatively slow rail services to London. Barriers to "popping" into town for short visits.

244 The roads are getting busier, especially in rush hour, with associated issues like speeding and tailgating in residential 9/5/2016 2:24 PM areas.

245 Poor access to town centre for cyclists. Too much traffic. Local roads congested with parked cars. Brighton 9/5/2016 2:04 PM Road/Queen Street area needs sorting out (take away that awful false brick pavement. I collect litter but it is stuck down the cracks and can't be moved). Get local businesses in the iron bridge area to clean outside their properties, sweep up cigarette ends. Ask the businesses and offices along there to provide places outside for their staff and visitors to put cigarette ends. Sort out overgrown planters and green areas along there (there are volunteer groups like one I belong to who could do this or canvas local house owners for a Spring Clean). Put a litter warden on patrol and put up reminder notices about fines for littering (including cigarette ends and chewing gum). Sort out litter from Tesco Express and the take aways along the Brighton Road, not sure how? The Tesco car park there is overflowing with litter, ask them to clean it up. Reminders on food cartons to put in the bin? Degradable containers? More bins? Several derelict properties and closed shops along there give a poor impression on that approach to town.

246 Pedestrian safety when crossing the Road at: 1) The Bishopric. Mostly people going to and from Waitrose. As a driver 9/5/2016 1:40 PM I find people are constantly walking out into the road when it is my right of way. 2) The Zebra Crossing outside the Commodore Restaurant. As a driver coming from the Library you are unable to see if anyone is coming out of the acade from West Street. This is made much worse by the scaffolding and rubbish bins. 3) No pathways in the Sainsburys Car Park. There needs to be a pathway around the play area. At the moment people accessing the play area townlibrary from the car park are walking in the road often with their back to traffic. Lack of Disabled Loos particularly in the evening. (Loos in town are locked early evening and it appears that we have lost the one accessed by a Radar key by the Boxing Club in the Park).

247 Car parking charges. In the last few years I only go into town when not practical to do elsewhere and only then on a 9/5/2016 12:41 PM Sunday due to parking costs but have not visited Horsham since Sunday charges introduced. Bus too expensive and impractical. Better value and facilities in other towns so now always go elsewhere. Leisure facilities & adult learning are also too expensive & lack of activities in the town all also effected by evening parking charges. Increase in population & new housing developments already built and plans for future housing and facilities in the town & council attitudes towards all of the above issues. Eg the tone of this survey is not what people want and how to make the town better but touting for development sites and leads on ways to make more money!!!

248 Getting too big Too many faceless housing developments Parking a big issue (we live on Hurst Rd) Too much street 9/4/2016 9:33 PM furniture clutter

249 Increasing traffic, speed on The bypass particularly A24 Robin Hood roundabout is dangerous! 9/4/2016 9:03 AM

250 Bizarre new housing sites impeded road ways i.e. what have they done at Broadbridge heath. 9/3/2016 9:23 PM

251 As a cyclist the routes from the east side to the town centre are not good. There is no dedicated cycle path either over 9/3/2016 6:39 PM or under the railway. If you use the North Street subway you have to get off your bike, this does not encourage cycle use. The road routes for cycling from east to west are dangerous.

252 Too much new housing. Green spaces being lost. Traffic on outskirts (dual carraiageways dangerously fast and badly 9/3/2016 5:21 PM signposted), not enough access to good public services, council does not appear to act in the interests of all residents or take note of their views.

253 Narrow mindedness of some of the people living here - want to stay in the past and not forward looking regarding 9/3/2016 4:28 PM architecture, facilities.

254 Reduced size of the Saturday market. No confidence in the planning decisions on Piries place. In fact, planning 9/3/2016 3:45 PM doesn't seem to be clever or joined up at all.

255 The town has become too car-centric, lots of roads are dangerous with cars parked on the road but also in the front of 9/3/2016 3:28 PM houses with barely enough space for a car. Large cars and 4x4's are often on the pavement for example in Swindon Road. Walking with young children in some areas is hazardous. Lower speeds and traffic calming measures are needed in many residential areas. Speed limits are so often ignored.

256 too many new houses in every conceivable space starting to cause overcrowding of centre and will impact services. 9/3/2016 3:14 PM allowing access for vehicles into east street is disappointing when using restaurants or walking.

257 There is nowhere open after 11pm. Too many restaurants. Appealing rail service from Southern Rail. 9/3/2016 11:56 AM

30 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

258 to much traffic going through the meany traffic lights.not enough cheaper shops like Aldi/Lidi. 9/3/2016 9:25 AM

259 Too much traffic on roads not designed to take it. Poorly joined-up walking and cycling routes, while the car is king. 9/2/2016 5:09 PM Some areas have seen development pass them by. Expansion of housing into greenfield sites. Creeping costs of visiting public recreation areas.

260 the thought that green belt will be developed rather than brown sites in the future and the area may turn into 9/2/2016 3:25 PM Crawsham

261 It's uncontrolled growth 9/2/2016 1:57 PM

262 There is no shopping centre, 9/2/2016 1:56 PM

263 Lack of town council to represent the parishioners and provide community services such as the town centre festival in 9/2/2016 11:03 AM October, lack of Christmas lights, lack of floral displays. It is a missed opportunity.

264 Trying to change it to a young town by adding things like a cinema complex. Building new homes in bulk with no infer 9/2/2016 9:18 AM structure of shops, schools, medical facilities. Building commercial units when others lie empty.

265 Increasing traffic and the inability to get into town. Often the town centre is free flowing but traffic is backed up on all 9/2/2016 9:13 AM the traffic lights and feeder roads. Gridlock when a major road is closed. Too much development so a small town is becoming a large town.

266 High proportion of xenophobic / racist people , I have heard the 'N' word in puns. But that is not the fault of the 9/2/2016 6:08 AM Council of course. The Town is becoming a 'chav' and 'oik' town - not sure why and needs a good mind on how to address it. Increased amount of antisocial driving and souped up hatchbaxks whizzing around dangerously. Operation Crackdown is next to useless in practice.

267 No facilities for teens and early twenties Bins not emptied in town centre regularly enough Rubbish in park not tidied 9/1/2016 10:41 PM regularly enough Various roads need tarmacking as full of pot holes

268 Lack of well thought out cycle path network (Horsham could learn a lot from any Dutch town). Loss of small specialist 9/1/2016 9:20 PM shops.

269 Lack of cycle paths which young people can use by themselves. Too focused on cars rather than improving cycle 9/1/2016 5:32 PM paths and pedestrian areas so that pedestrians take priority. An example of this is the new John Lewis building which is difficult to access by foot from the 'Sainsbury's' end of town and difficult to access by bike with a child. Pavilions is so well used but is dirty; this could be a fantastic facility if it were cleaner!

270 High car parking charges, nowhere to park bikes, cars & vans in Carfax - should be pedestrianised 9/1/2016 5:28 PM

271 Too many restaurants & coffee shops with more threatened to come!! Hate cobble stones in the Carfax. Waste of 9/1/2016 4:26 PM money to keep repairing them and they shake the buses to pieces.

272 Where development of new housing and industrial estates out of the immediate town centre has taken place over the 9/1/2016 3:22 PM preceding decades it hasn't allowed for the appropriate infrastructure to be put in place to access these. Residential roads that weren't built to take vast volumes of traffic (of all types, ie commercial or residential) have now become, by default, main thoroughfares. This has a big impact on road safety and quality of life. There needs to be much more forward planning for any future development. This is with regard to infrastructure and making sure future development doesn't undo or have an adverse impact on what has already been done. It would be good to have better and more diverse entertainment provision in Horsham, making better use of the Capital theatre, for instance and for new entertainment facilities to be set up in suitable locations to not have an adverse affect on surroundings. It would also be good to be able to offer enough incentives in the way of affordable housing, job prospects and entertainment to encourage young people to stay and live in a Horsham and to encourage them to return after being away in further education.

273 All the new development which is altering the feel of Horsham 9/1/2016 11:19 AM

274 The 'we know best' arrogance of its District Council - and their mendacity in trying to PRETEND they listen / consult 9/1/2016 10:58 AM etc, when really they do what they already have in mind / makes the most money etc (from ludicrous housing development to ill-considered parking restriction schemes) ... IF they are just going to do what they want anyway, don't insult our intelligence by making out that things haven't already been decided OR are up for 'consultation' - these are just flat out lies ! ... (people 'in the know' can tell you what roads are going to be built where etc (to facilitate yet more housing) BEFORE the housing development has been anywhere near "approved" - and it stinks

275 Can be insular, doesn't seem to take much account of families - closing macdonalds was a huge issue, especially 9/1/2016 10:20 AM during wet weather. There's no indoor play area for older children, older than 6 at least. The one at the pavilions is v small Moving the market to a place with no passing foot traffic and poor parking also hurt. I have to traipse across the carfax to get fruit and veg and lug the bags back across. I personally find Piries Place car park hard to manage and I've damaged my car in there so I avoid it now.

276 Crowded and over-developed. 9/1/2016 10:19 AM

31 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

277 The increasing destruction of the town through unsustainable encouragement of car usage - eg the increasing space 9/1/2016 9:19 AM allotted to roads and carparks. Most journeys are short and can best we undertaken on foot, by bicycle or public transport- for environment, health, cost and quality of life.

278 Too many houses being built around the edges. This will eventually overcrowd the town and the infrstructure won't be 9/1/2016 9:17 AM able to cope. The market town feel will eventually disappear.

279 It's population is increasingly urban in outlook. 8/31/2016 6:59 PM

280 Parking charges. Amount of flats being created in town centre with loss of office space and jobs. New housing 8/30/2016 8:37 PM developments without sufficient outside space for play and recreation nor with sufficient infrastructure actually being built i.e. schools, railway station, GP surgeries etc.

32 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q5 Should the Neighbourhood Plan allocate sites for housing for sale on the open market?

Answered: 302 Skipped: 7



No opinion / don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 38.41% 116

No 24.83% 75

No opinion / don't know 36.75% 111

Total 302

33 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q6 Should the Neighbourhood Plan allocate sites for affordable housing to meet local needs?

Answered: 302 Skipped: 7



No opinion / don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 74.83% 226

No 10.60% 32

No opinion / don't know 14.57% 44

Total 302

34 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q7 Would you support community-owned housing developments, such as co- operative housing, to meet local housing needs?

Answered: 303 Skipped: 6



No opinion/ don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 69.97% 212

No 11.55% 35

No opinion/ don't know 18.48% 56

Total 303

35 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q8 Should the Neighbourhood Plan site allocation include some for "self-build" homes?

Answered: 304 Skipped: 5



No opinion / don’t know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 51.64% 157

No 14.80% 45

No opinion / don’t know 33.55% 102

Total 304

36 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q9 Should all new domestic properties have at least one allocated parking space?

Answered: 303 Skipped: 6



No opinion/ don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 85.15% 258

No 9.57% 29

No opinion/ don't know 5.28% 16

Total 303

37 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q10 Should affordable housing be (please select all that apply):

Answered: 304 Skipped: 5


Shared ownership

Starter Homes

Community-owned housing

No opinion/don'...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Rented 47.70% 145

Shared ownership 48.03% 146

Starter Homes 59.87% 182

Community-owned housing 48.03% 146

No opinion/don't know 19.74% 60

Total Respondents: 304

38 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q11 What type of affordable housing is needed? (Please select all that apply)

Answered: 263 Skipped: 46

Houses (4 or more bedrooms)

Semi-detached/ terraced hou...

Studio flats /small flats...

Family flats/apartm...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Houses (4 or more bedrooms) 15.21% 40

Semi-detached/ terraced houses (2 or 3 bedrooms) 77.57% 204

Studio flats /small flats (0- 2 bedrooms) 64.64% 170

Family flats/apartments (3 or more bedrooms) with facility for family storage requirements eg bikes, camping gear etc) 45.63% 120

Total Respondents: 263

39 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q12 What type of private housing is needed? (Please select all that apply)

Answered: 249 Skipped: 60

Houses (4 or more bedrooms)

Semi-detached/ terraced hou...

Studio flats /small flats...

Family flats/apartm...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Houses (4 or more bedrooms) 42.57% 106

Semi-detached/ terraced houses (2 or 3 bedrooms) 81.12% 202

Studio flats /small flats (0- 2 bedrooms) 46.99% 117

Family flats/apartments (3 or more bedrooms) with facility for family storage requirements e.g. bikes, camping gear) 42.57% 106

Total Respondents: 249

40 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q13 Should all new housing be built to high environmental standards (e.g. high levels of insulation, solar panels)

Answered: 302 Skipped: 7



No opinion / don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 89.07% 269

No 3.97% 12

No opinion / don't know 6.95% 21

Total 302

41 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q14 Is there anywhere in your local area where housing development would be possible?

Answered: 295 Skipped: 14



No opinion/don'...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 9.15% 27

No 53.56% 158

No opinion/don't know 37.29% 110

Total 295

# If "Yes" please indicate where: Date

1 I live of the Bishopric so already building this 10/28/2016 6:22 PM

2 The "dreams" site - but I would prefer a Lidl or Aldi! 10/27/2016 5:04 PM

3 North Street - to replace old council offices! 10/15/2016 12:35 PM

4 If brownfield sites, large houses knocked down to build flats are available I would say yes but not on existing green 9/30/2016 8:50 PM spaces.

5 If it has to be changed Winterton Court would be a good place to develop for older/retired people. It is ideally located 9/30/2016 4:33 PM and older people generally tend to use their cars less often which would help with the traffic problems in the area.

6 With all that's going on (new builds) we want improved infrastructure. Ie better roads more schools and for horsham 9/30/2016 12:14 AM hospital to be fully opened again with an A&E

7 I live in the Town Centre so it would be easy to say no but housing development is already taking place throughout 9/29/2016 4:01 PM the town centre area. I have a concern that soon the town centre will be more residential than shops/services creating an imbalance.

8 North Street. 9/29/2016 10:55 AM

9 As mentioned above, suggest town centre and existing urban sites that are neglected, empty or require conversion 9/28/2016 7:55 PM from offices or even light industry.

10 The warehouse shared by Pets at Home and Majestic Wine could be replaced by affordable housing. The 'Kwik Fit' 9/25/2016 5:37 PM premises together with the closed Londis shop and derelict house in Brighton Road could all be demolished and replaced with affordable housing.

11 on brownfield sites such as Foundry Lane 9/24/2016 11:39 PM

42 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

12 Garden infill rather than even more agricultural land - we need it to grow food! 9/24/2016 2:04 AM

13 Not more PLEASE 9/23/2016 12:23 PM

14 Both sides of Brighton Road between Kerves Lane and The Hornbrook 9/23/2016 11:50 AM

15 Railway land near Station 9/20/2016 3:20 PM

16 Gap between Horsham and Southwater 9/19/2016 5:09 PM

17 Build underground car park under Horsham Park to serve hospital, station, town centre, Collyers and Capital. This 9/17/2016 10:47 PM need not impact the park at all other than a few fire exit stairs. Then sell off existing car parks for housing development. Bury the rest of Albion Way from Y centre to RSA Bridge and sell land above for 6 storey development. This would recement Horsham Park to the Carfax. They did it for RSA bridge, no reason why the same thing couldn't be done for the rest of it.

18 There are always sites for housing development, it all depends upon creativity in land use planning, and skilful design 9/17/2016 6:33 PM rather than mediocre speculative developer led thinking.

19 our back garden - 63 Longfield Road 9/17/2016 10:24 AM

20 In old derelict house or sites not on green belt land or where fields are 9/15/2016 9:12 PM

21 There seems to be brown field space in Horsham station in what looks like a disused goods yard there are old train 9/15/2016 9:50 AM wagons there and other unused things rusting away.. On the Sun Alliance car off New Street it seems empty lots of the time. The closed down diary in Brighton Road.

22 Chronic shortage of bungalows.. As the population of Horsham increases older people may wish to downsize but to a 9/14/2016 12:44 PM more comfortable, safer property (no stairs - all on one level) this may then make available suitable sized family property.

23 Not housing development but I think there should be another rail crossing between Amberley Close and Lanyan's 9/14/2016 12:40 PM Close in Roffey as only the 98 bus goes up Lambs Farm Road, not the 200 and it means you either have to take the car or walk to Holbrook Surgery. That's takes around 30 minutes at a medium fast pace, but the time could be cut down dramatically with another cut through in Roffey.

24 We need bungalows 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

25 Old Novartis site 9/11/2016 9:03 AM

26 Brown field sites like old Novartis site,horsham football club but not on greenfields towards Crawley nobody in 9/10/2016 10:31 PM horsham wants to be connected to Crawley.

27 Horsham needs to stop building on every green space, we need some nature left! 9/10/2016 9:35 PM

28 I'm sorry I'm not sure where it is, we pass it on the train if going towards Crawley/London way, it's a large derelict- 9/9/2016 10:54 AM looking plot of land, lots of rubble etc, I think there is/was a factory there, that could be useful for housing. But please no more super-expensive 5 bed luxury homes (such as the one near St Mary's in the Chesworth area), one already wealthy family in a massive plot where you could build affordable family apartments and give priority to key workers- such as council/hospital/police/fire workers etc.

29 The site of the former Ciba-Geigy campus. 9/8/2016 7:43 PM

30 It is being developed in Broadbridge Heath 9/8/2016 7:28 PM

31 No more please. 9/8/2016 5:35 PM

32 Novartis site 9/8/2016 4:27 PM

33 There are small plots that could take one or two properties all over area, stop letting all developments be of thousands 9/8/2016 1:12 PM of large properties

34 Small developments in town not in surrounding Green Spaces. 9/5/2016 1:40 PM

35 Nightingale Rd industrial estate 9/4/2016 9:33 PM

36 Old "Dreams" site near station similar to new flats opposite 9/4/2016 9:03 AM

37 Most of the spaces in my area, Trafalgar Road has already been built on. The green spaces, the common, the 9/3/2016 3:28 PM recreation ground, Red River are essential for health and well being.

38 Around 5 oaks roundabout. 9/3/2016 11:56 AM

39 Kwik Fit site on Queen St/Brighton Road 9/2/2016 5:09 PM

43 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

40 Please do not fill up every corner of green space in the Town just because you can, it might be 'brown ' land , but a 9/2/2016 6:08 AM tree would be better. I was not born in Horsham but have been here for 15 years. In the Midlands where I come from, there are thousands of houses boarded up including brand new ones in my home town. Somehow or other there need s to be more national thinking, but realise you cannot solve them Also don not build the front of new houses 4 feet from he road, they are going to end up as rented slums in time ( e.g. current developments on Queen St)

41 I live in the centre of Horsham - it's all been built on I think! 9/1/2016 5:32 PM

44 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q15 Should the height of any proposed new buildings be consistent with the local environment?

Answered: 304 Skipped: 5



No opinion / don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 93.75% 285

No 2.63% 8

No opinion / don't know 3.62% 11

Total 304

45 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q16 Are there areas of your Neighbourhood particularly worth preserving? (e.g. buildings/ street scene, green spaces / views, vistas & skyline)

Answered: 285 Skipped: 24



No opinion/don'...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 75.79% 216

No 4.91% 14

No opinion/don't know 19.30% 55

Total 285

# If "Yes" please specify where: Date

1 Causeway 10/28/2016 8:51 PM

2 The Park The Common (Opp Pondtail & Markham? Rd Junction 10/28/2016 8:38 PM

3 The trees and conservation areas of Richmond Road, allotments back off Collingwood Road, the Red River walk 10/28/2016 7:05 PM opposite Redford Avenue. Every thing else gone

4 Trafalgar Road recreation ground 10/28/2016 6:44 PM

5 Town centre (water feature etc) 10/28/2016 6:36 PM

6 I love the silver birch trees planted where the "Shelly Fountain " used to be. Its very important to keep the charecter of 10/28/2016 6:22 PM this lovely town.

7 Green space should be preserved at all cost 10/28/2016 5:59 PM

8 Bennets Field Muggeridge Field Chesworth Farm Views over Denne Hill 10/28/2016 5:43 PM

9 Lower Tanbridge Park 10/28/2016 5:33 PM

10 the Stirling way ponds and wide verges. 10/27/2016 5:04 PM

11 green spaces, green belt & strategic gap 10/25/2016 9:37 PM

12 Prewits Mill All green spaces, views, skyline 10/25/2016 9:13 PM

13 green spaces 10/25/2016 8:53 PM

46 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

14 All properties before, say WW1 East of railway Station, Lake & Surrounding Ashe Court, Winterton Court (being 10/25/2016 8:46 PM demolished) small public garden in New Street etc

15 Trinity Sports ground, Horsham sports club 10/25/2016 8:35 PM

16 No more encroachment into St Leonard's Forest 10/22/2016 6:07 PM

17 Conservation areas of the town should be fully protected. There should be no significant development in the 'heart' of 10/15/2016 12:35 PM the town - West Street / East Street / Middle Street / Carfax / Denne Road / Hurst Road / North Parade

18 Chesworth farm. The victorian houses, 10/8/2016 9:10 PM

19 See 15. Why not have a massive tower block somewhere in Hurst road like the sky scrapers abroad. This would fulfill 10/7/2016 3:08 PM any housing requirements that the Government want to dish out and reduce the spread on the countryside.

20 Queen Street, Chessworth, Rookly golfing, Horsham park, school playing foelds 10/6/2016 10:07 PM

21 Horsham Park Riverside Walk the open area end of West Street/ Bishopric - seating, greenery etc 10/6/2016 8:26 PM

22 To preserve old & Victorian buildings and the grass areas along the pavements and in front of flats. the views to the 10/6/2016 8:16 PM Chesworth Farm Forest and the hills

23 There should be a maximum height outside of the town area of no more than 3 floors high including the roof 10/3/2016 10:29 AM

24 I am concerned about the density of the new housing projects, in particular around the station. e.g. flats and houses 9/30/2016 11:57 PM built too close to the road and the railway and too close to one another, with little or no green space between them. I foresee huge traffic problems. I am therefore very ambivalent about providing more parking spaces. I think the aim should be to reduce people's reliance on cars. But that can only happen if there is a forward-thinking strategy. Several European cities in Holland, Denmark, France and Spain are making interesting progress in this area.

25 Green spaces, Cootes Green, recreational parks, allotments, riverside walk from Warnham Nature Reserve to 9/30/2016 8:50 PM Tanbridge school. The trees in the Davis estate that were felled because of disease and age need to be replaced in a coordinated plan, the horse chestnuts and ornamental plums and cherry trees added huge amounts of character to the mid 20th century style of this area. It attracted me to Horsham when I moved here from Newcastle 16 years ago.

26 Warnham Nature Reserve.North Horsham bypass where there is propose Housing development. 9/30/2016 5:03 PM

27 Horsham Park. Chesworth Farm and Denne Hill. Winterton Court shoud be re-furbished and the dwellings re-let for 9/30/2016 4:33 PM older people. Older properties in Horsham should now be preserved.

28 Cootes Green and Boldings Brook 9/30/2016 2:04 PM

29 Rookwood, Chessworth, Owl beech, Horsham park, Bens Acre Bennett's 9/30/2016 12:26 PM

30 All older, original parts of / buildings in Horsham; entire Horsham Park; current pedestrianised areas of town 9/30/2016 10:08 AM

31 Green space, nice view of tree lined hills 9/30/2016 9:02 AM

32 Cootes farm community area Merryfield drive 9/29/2016 10:47 PM

33 All green spaces must be preserved and protected. Selling off school playing fields was a very stupid mistake, and 9/29/2016 7:59 PM must never happen in the furure.

34 I believe that it important to maintain good open spaces where people can "breath". The riverside walk and the local 9/29/2016 4:08 PM areas it meanders through are highly valued. Areas such as Rookwood Golf Course, Denne Hill, Cricket Field, Chesworth Farm, the Park are essential and must be preserved, they must not be swallowed up by housing developments otherwise Horsham becomes a massive congested housing estate, this is what makes Horsham a nice place to live in.

35 Causeway. Horsham Park. 9/29/2016 4:01 PM

36 The remains green fields 9/29/2016 3:53 PM

37 The existing vista/skyline of the Carfax. Park House and The Capitol. Horsham Park. The Riverside Walk and green 9/29/2016 3:04 PM space around The Causeway and Chesworth Road area.

38 Most of Horsham and surrounding countryside. 9/29/2016 1:33 PM

39 Horsham Park. 9/29/2016 10:55 AM

40 Chesworth Farm and immediate environment Denne Park and immediate environment 9/29/2016 8:19 AM

41 Green spaces 9/29/2016 7:55 AM

42 All the green spaces we already have. Many traditional streets from the 19/20th century. All the listed buildings of 9/28/2016 7:55 PM course. Prewetts Mill façade. The Capitol.

47 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

43 Chesworth Farm. 9/28/2016 5:00 PM

44 Green spaces 9/28/2016 3:25 PM

45 cootes green/pond red river (flood plain) warnham nature reserve (flood plain) 9/28/2016 3:21 PM

46 Local trees 9/28/2016 11:40 AM

47 Mill pond building in warnham rd. View from littlehaven towards nature reserve. 9/28/2016 4:47 AM

48 Denne Hill and chesworth farm. New street garden. 9/27/2016 7:41 PM

49 Horsham park 9/27/2016 11:48 AM

50 Horsham Park, Rookwood, Bennets Field, Chessworth. Install Owl Boxes in open spaces to assist control of rodents 9/27/2016 9:33 AM

51 Any wooded area, it is important to maintaining the no urban feel of Horsham keeps it looking fresh and pleasant, it is 9/27/2016 9:32 AM also beneficial to the health of the local population as it allows for a please place to walk/ exercise someone to walk pets, and even more importantly somewhere to take children so the can learn to enjoy and love the outdoors. Also old building should be maintained and presrved for no only the historic value but there astetic and artist value

52 Green spaces in New Street Denn Hill Horsham Park 9/26/2016 9:26 PM

53 The green spaces surrounding Horsham, Some land should be used to expand the town but expansion needs to be 9/25/2016 8:26 PM limited to the immediate surrounding area.

54 Horsham Park The green area between Horsham and Crawley 9/25/2016 1:32 PM

55 Horsham Park The green area between Horsham and Crawley 9/25/2016 1:31 PM

56 River walk and The Needles recreation grounds 9/25/2016 10:46 AM

57 Streets with victorian housing etc The Carfax Horsham Park 9/24/2016 11:39 PM

58 Chesworth Farm 9/24/2016 8:24 PM

59 Chesworth Farm and field owned by WSCC, Bennetts Field allotments. Fields between Horsham and St Leonards 9/24/2016 3:16 PM Forest. Generally no buildings higher than existing buildings should be permitted.

60 Hills Farm Lane looks good with all the trees. Riverside path from there to Warnham Nature Reserve is well kept and 9/24/2016 7:46 AM needs to be kept that way.

61 St Leonard's Forest. The fields between Hillers & Ghyll Cres/Dickens Way - a green space between two built up areas. 9/24/2016 2:04 AM Space for wildlife, recreation, CO2 absorption & O2 generation - a small contribution but useful.

62 Riverside Walk which circles the town. 9/23/2016 4:55 PM

63 Trinity church area 9/23/2016 3:33 PM

64 The fields north of Horsham 9/23/2016 1:27 PM

65 All green spaces are important 9/23/2016 12:23 PM

66 The Causeway, The Carfax, Middle Street, The old Town Hall, The fields at the end of Arun Way. Bennetts Road 9/23/2016 11:50 AM Field.

67 Cricket field in Cricketfield Road 9/23/2016 10:42 AM

68 Horsham Trinity cricket ground/ club. Horsham park 9/23/2016 8:29 AM

69 Chesworth farm. This should have LNR status 9/23/2016 7:09 AM

70 Chesworth Farm, Leechpool & Owlbeech woods, green area opposite Grebe Crescent and Bens Acre. 9/22/2016 8:59 PM

71 Green spaces, green belt, areas which portray the character of Horsham 9/22/2016 7:05 PM

72 The YMCA sports ground in Gorings Mead. The Chesworth Farm area. The recreation ground off the A281 south of 9/22/2016 6:13 PM Clarence Road. Fields beyond Athelstan Way.

73 Horsham park, the Causeway, Carfax 9/22/2016 12:09 PM

74 Green/parksl 9/22/2016 11:45 AM

75 Football pitch in our road . This is used regularly by children and teams playing . 9/22/2016 10:43 AM

76 The cricketfield and mill area. Horsham park. 9/22/2016 10:03 AM

48 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

77 The Green Belt between Horsham and Crawley, most of what is proposed as 'North Horsham' which will cause more 9/22/2016 12:37 AM problems than fixes. The strategic gap between Horsham/Broadbridge Heath/ Southwater (already been eroded). ALL parks and 'Recs' in Horsham should be saved from development.

78 Bennet's Field 9/21/2016 10:32 PM

79 The cottage at the rear of Millais School & the ones at the end of New Street. Also block New Street so there is no 9/21/2016 3:42 PM through traffic.

80 Park 9/21/2016 3:35 PM

81 Tanbridge Park green space. 9/20/2016 7:58 PM

82 Horsham Park 9/20/2016 6:05 PM

83 The cricket ground, tennis club, view to Denne Hill 9/20/2016 5:49 PM

84 Bennetts Field as it is well used. 9/20/2016 5:44 PM

85 Area around St. Mary's Church (Causeway) 9/20/2016 4:10 PM

86 Old part of town Forestry areas 9/20/2016 3:20 PM

87 playing fields and all green spaces - forests etc. 9/20/2016 3:00 PM

88 Parks and open spaces, Rookwood & Chessworth 9/20/2016 10:12 AM

89 River walks Recreation areas Green space 9/19/2016 9:08 PM

90 River walks Recreation areas Green space 9/19/2016 9:08 PM

91 Carfax 9/19/2016 8:39 PM

92 Carfax skyline Hills Farm Lane open spaces along Boldings Brook and River Arun 9/19/2016 8:22 PM

93 Denne Hill 9/19/2016 5:09 PM

94 The four main access routes into the town, especially Guildford and Warnham Roads, provide a pleasing and 9/19/2016 5:03 PM attractive welcome to the town. These should be protected and preserved. Similarly, the open spaces such as Horsham Park and the Riverside path should be protected.

95 Bennetts Field, Leechpool Woods,Horsham Park,The Common, Warnham Mill and Pond area. Red River and its 9/19/2016 3:53 PM surrounds, Green spaces at Fairview and on Guildford Road, North Parade,Older houses in The Bishopric and Guildford Road, Springfield Park Road

96 chesworth farm 9/19/2016 2:20 PM

97 Park and trees in the sidewalk. 9/18/2016 9:20 PM

98 Green area - Cootes pond, Rowhook golf course and Riverside walk and adjoing green spaces along Merryfield, 9/18/2016 2:38 PM Redford and Hills Farm Rd. Warnham Nature Reserve.

99 The green area along the Boldings Brook 9/18/2016 1:35 PM

100 St Leonards Forest. Hampers Lane, Chesworth Farm. Denne Hill. The Causeway. 9/18/2016 7:26 AM

101 Ponds between Stirling Way and Ashe Court Drive 9/17/2016 11:23 PM

102 Brighton Road/Queen Street/East Street is slowly being ruined by demolishing attractive old buildings and replacing 9/17/2016 10:47 PM with monstrosities (Baptist Church being the worst). The next to go will be the old bakery and post office on the corner of New Street. These bits of old Horsham should be preserved. All of Denne Hill, Chesworth Farm area.

103 Chesworth Farm/Denne Hill area. 9/17/2016 7:25 PM

104 I live in a conservation area and that is good but it should not inhibit or prohibit great quality urban design and 9/17/2016 6:33 PM development

105 Chesworth Farm 9/17/2016 3:26 PM

106 Green space 9/17/2016 12:49 PM

107 it would be great to renovate and develop the Drill Hall. I teach in there twice a week - it's a brilliant and characterful 9/17/2016 10:24 AM building. I really hope it won't be turned into flats or something like that. It would be great to have a real dance hall in Horsham

108 Bennet's Field, Chesworth farm, Hampers Lane and leechpool woods areas need to be preserved. From a historical 9/17/2016 9:17 AM point of view, the Drill Hall in Denne Road must stay for community use.

49 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

109 St Leonards Forest, Hampers Lane, Chesworth, Roost Hole 9/16/2016 9:18 AM

110 Green belt land & green areas 9/15/2016 9:12 PM

111 Fields the other side of the river on hills farm lane 9/15/2016 8:35 PM

112 Dog and Bacon green, Rookwood Golf course and surrounding area (i.e. no development to link Warnham to 9/15/2016 12:16 PM Horsham)

113 Chesworth Farm and Denne Hill area New Street Gardens New Street Green Horsham Park Bennents Field St 9/15/2016 9:50 AM Leonards Forest Allotment sites in Horsham All other recreation grounds and play areas in Horsham Keep Drill Hall for community activities and make better use of it for communities. Maybe have it bit like Phoenix Art centre in Brighton or create another space for this.

114 Prewetts Mill original building,but not the extension.The green spaces in Tanbridge Park. The river walk from Worthing 9/14/2016 8:27 PM road to the Causeway and church.

115 Dog & Bacon green. Allotments. Warnham nature reserve. Red River area. 9/14/2016 4:15 PM

116 tree lined streets 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

117 Horsham Park, Rookwood and Chesworth 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

118 The parks and the woods, the farms in North Horsham. 9/14/2016 12:40 PM

119 Keep all existing green spaces 9/14/2016 8:36 AM

120 Bennetts Field 9/13/2016 7:44 PM

121 Chesworth Farm 9/13/2016 6:26 PM

122 The green spaces surrounding the entry to Horsham in the Comptons Lane /St Leonards Rd area are a gateway to the 9/13/2016 6:00 PM town and give the impression of a pleasant and cared for town. Equally St Leonards Forest is a natural resource for the townspeople and visitors and should be preserved at all costs.

123 victory rd cricket pitch and recreation area adjoining also red river walkways and the adjoining council golf course 9/13/2016 4:39 PM

124 Trafalgar recreation ground Local allotments 9/13/2016 12:14 PM

125 winterton court development 9/13/2016 11:37 AM

126 Horsham park, the town centre, Capitol theatre. Green spaces up North Heath Lane. 9/13/2016 11:37 AM

127 Cootes Green area including the pond. 9/12/2016 9:01 PM

128 Hurst Road,North Parade,Kings Road. 9/12/2016 4:28 PM

129 The historic buildings and york stone paths. 9/12/2016 4:28 PM

130 Riverside: Hills Farm Lane 9/12/2016 10:16 AM

131 All the green areas between Horsham and and Southwater and Horsham and Crawley. 9/12/2016 9:27 AM

132 Horsham park, chessworth, rookwood, warnham 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

133 Winterton Court. Green spaces in New Street. 9/11/2016 9:23 PM

134 Chesworth woods area, Where possible I think housing should be built on brown field sites/ turning existing properties 9/11/2016 6:01 PM into housing. e.g redeveloping queen street.

135 I live in Arthur Road that has a locally distinctive Victorian look. Houses are being extended all around this area 9/11/2016 12:47 PM (Victorian houses are just not big enough for modern living) but if this can be done whilst keeping the streetscape then it should be.

136 Merryfield Green and Traflagar Rec. Walk away along Red River 9/11/2016 12:30 PM

137 Red River walk The Common 9/11/2016 11:20 AM

138 All the gree space in Horsham that is currently used for the community should be left green. 9/10/2016 11:01 PM

139 Green space round north horsham 9/10/2016 10:20 PM

140 The causeway 9/10/2016 10:01 PM

141 St leonards forest 9/10/2016 9:44 PM

142 St.Leonards forest; Leechpool and Owlbeech woods. 9/10/2016 9:34 PM

50 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

143 Horsham Park, Causeway, Carfax 9/10/2016 12:48 PM

144 All of countryside around Horsham district. North Street always looks somehow special. North Horsham green fields :( 9/9/2016 7:59 PM Rookwood golf course and Warnham nature reserve Chesworth farm

145 Yes but sadly the countryside around us is already being built on 9/9/2016 1:28 PM

146 In the past I have sought to retain the street scene, and ensure buildings and extensions were built in accord with 9/9/2016 11:56 AM existing, but have had no support from Horsham Planning, or that of WSCC. It is a lost cause.

147 But you've already built over it. 9/9/2016 11:25 AM

148 The area around the Chesworth farm area is so beautiful, I'd be very sad to see that change. Also please don't fill 9/9/2016 10:54 AM Horsham with high-rises or big flats like Crawley. If you also limit the people who can buy-to-let it helps community stability, i.e. people with mortgages who will live in the area for some time, and also it means wealthy investors from London don't just come and buy up everything to make even more money, and inflate the market even more. It's nice that you can see the steeple of the church from wherever you are. I think Swan Walk's car park should be the limit of the height of anything new.

149 The park. Allotments. 9/9/2016 10:49 AM

150 The Riverside circular Walk 9/9/2016 8:09 AM

151 Hurst Road - emergency services site 9/9/2016 8:06 AM

152 Green spaces 9/9/2016 12:16 AM

153 West Horsham recreation ground, Horsham Park and all its land, Rookwood Golf Club, Redford Ave Football pitch, 9/8/2016 10:39 PM fields behind Redford Ave, leading over to Rookwood

154 Horsham park 9/8/2016 7:43 PM

155 Walking areas along the Arun 9/8/2016 7:28 PM

156 Green spaces 9/8/2016 5:08 PM

157 all green spaces in the centre should be persevered no matter how small. stop infilling of houses. 9/8/2016 4:29 PM

158 Rookwood golf course as it is a green lung for non golfers. Historic buildings should only be developed sympathetically 9/8/2016 4:27 PM with existing architecture.

159 Bennetts Field. Other than that there is a shortage of community access green space and parks in East Horsham. 9/8/2016 2:01 PM

160 Victorian buildings in Trafalgar district 9/8/2016 1:12 PM

161 All green spaces. 9/8/2016 1:04 PM

162 Trafalgar Recreation ground/cricket field. 9/8/2016 11:14 AM

163 In particular, land off Hampers Lane - increasingly looking neglected - something needs to be done to prevent housing 9/8/2016 8:55 AM in this area. Chesworth Farm must also remain as it is together with Bennet's Field area.

164 The park by Greenway school is lovely, as is the pond by Fairview, and the walk into open countryside behind 9/7/2016 8:55 PM Merryfield Drive.

165 Victory Road Recreation Ground. Riverside Walk. 9/7/2016 8:09 PM

166 Historical buildings or buildings that contribute to that historic feel, parks and recreational areas 9/7/2016 7:12 PM

167 River Walk, Rookwood Golf course, Victory Road Rec, Horsham Park, Warnham Nature Reserve 9/7/2016 6:52 PM

168 Need to keep some more green landand buildings in the town centre should be kept for business not houses 9/7/2016 4:01 PM

169 Horsham park 9/7/2016 1:30 PM

170 Warnham nature reserve, 9/7/2016 10:40 AM

171 Woodland 9/7/2016 9:31 AM

172 Let's keep trees and green spaces between the roads and Pavements it helps keep an open feel and safer for walkers. 9/6/2016 7:53 PM Keep out green spaces like Horsham park and denne hill etc. Our large trees in and about town make the town feel more rural than it is which is great. Let's keep our history the causeway / still Mary's church Horsham museum etc,

173 The view out across Horsham taking in the spire of St Mary's and out to Chesworth farm and Denne Hill. The river walk 9/6/2016 6:33 PM along the back of Merryfield drive and across to the Golf Course; connecting with the Nature Reserve.

174 Horsham Park, the Rec, allotments 9/6/2016 2:49 PM

51 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

175 Horsham Park, 9/6/2016 2:08 PM

176 The common, The river walk. 9/6/2016 12:37 PM

177 Chessworth Farm, Horsham Park Rookwood golfing course 9/6/2016 12:26 PM

178 St Leonarlds forest and surrounding farmland, the gap between Horsham and Crawley 9/6/2016 12:20 PM

179 Horsham park 9/6/2016 7:30 AM

180 All of them. 9/5/2016 8:05 PM

181 Area close to AONB at SE Horsham 9/5/2016 7:57 PM

182 Millais playing fields 9/5/2016 3:16 PM

183 Bennetts field 9/5/2016 2:24 PM

184 All of the above mentioned should be preserved. A particular example : By all meanschange the building in Mill Bay 9/5/2016 1:40 PM Lane into housing but please preserve the historic frontage of the building onto the main road.

185 All current green spaces as they are all the more important now that the real countryside is further away due to 9/5/2016 12:41 PM increased housing developments. Chesworth Farm, Bennetts Field, Owlbeech/Leechpool & Roosthole woods. Trees, hedges, roundabouts and verges wherever they are & density of buildings.

186 Elegant Victorian streets like those behind the station and down Hurst Rd 9/4/2016 9:33 PM

187 St Leonard's Forest and surrounding lanes and minor roads. The forest should be better utilised and managed as a 9/4/2016 10:29 AM leisure resource. Please contact me if you want ideas.

188 Warnham nature reserve 9/4/2016 9:03 AM

189 You should always be able to look down new street and see denne hill changing this would be indicative of high 9/3/2016 9:23 PM treason of ones moral sensibilities.

190 The green border next to the forest adjacent to Grebe Cres and Bens Acre incl Hampers Field. 9/3/2016 6:39 PM

191 All countryside open spaces 9/3/2016 5:21 PM

192 Horsham Park 9/3/2016 4:28 PM

193 Denne Road, Causeway, Denne Park 9/3/2016 3:45 PM

194 The Common, Red River, Redford Avenue football pitch/ green. 9/3/2016 3:28 PM

195 around the town centre and park area 9/3/2016 3:14 PM

196 Bennetts field. 9/3/2016 9:25 AM

197 Green spaces - parkland - Warnham Reserve - water courses 9/2/2016 3:25 PM

198 Bennetts Field recreation ground Green in Bennetts Road Green in Macleod Road 9/2/2016 11:03 AM

199 The field at the end of Athelstan Way, Bennets Field. 9/2/2016 9:18 AM

200 The town centre's historic buildings, green spaces,trees. 9/2/2016 9:13 AM

201 Horsham park should remain the same size or expanded as the opportunity, not hotels / flats / offices which have 9/2/2016 6:08 AM been suggested in the past.

202 Rookwood golf course The multitude of open spaces we have left Riverside walk Horsham park 9/1/2016 10:41 PM

203 Horsham Park Collyers Playing Field 9/1/2016 9:20 PM

204 New Street Gardens and the Trafalgar Rec 9/1/2016 5:32 PM

205 Horsham Park 9/1/2016 5:28 PM

206 I live in Wimblehurst Road, which is part of a Conservation Area. The residential buildings in this area are worth 9/1/2016 3:22 PM preserving as well as the garden space within this residential area. The street scene in this Conservation Area is also worth preserving.

207 All "green" spaces. 9/1/2016 10:19 AM

208 Town centre , green spaces , listed buildings 9/1/2016 9:19 AM

209 Last remaining area of Horsham Common near Dog & Bacon. 8/31/2016 6:59 PM

210 Horsham Park, Park House, Capitol Theatre, West Street, Carfax, East Street, North Street 8/30/2016 8:37 PM

52 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q17 Do you think Horsham Park should be protected from further development?

Answered: 306 Skipped: 3



No opinion/ don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 96.08% 294

No 1.31% 4

No opinion/ don't know 2.61% 8

Total 306

53 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q18 Do you support the preservation of existing open spaces and parks?

Answered: 307 Skipped: 2



No opinion / don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 97.72% 300

No 0.65% 2

No opinion / don't know 1.63% 5

Total 307

54 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q19 Should existing green corridors be preserved for wildlife?

Answered: 302 Skipped: 7



No opinion/don'...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 96.03% 290

No 0.66% 2

No opinion/don't know 3.31% 10

Total 302

55 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q20 Should additional green corridors be created?

Answered: 298 Skipped: 11



No opinion/don'...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 76.85% 229

No 5.37% 16

No opinion/don't know 17.79% 53

Total 298

56 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q21 Should existing allotment sites be retained?

Answered: 301 Skipped: 8



No opinion/don'...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 86.71% 261

No 1.99% 6

No opinion/don't know 11.30% 34

Total 301

57 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q22 Are more allotment sites required in Horsham?

Answered: 298 Skipped: 11



Don't know/ No opinion

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 37.58% 112

No 10.74% 32

Don't know/ No opinion 51.68% 154

Total 298

58 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q23 Should more be done to promote Horsham as a tourist destination?

Answered: 300 Skipped: 9



No opinion / don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 45.67% 137

No 28.00% 84

No opinion / don't know 26.33% 79

Total 300

59 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q24 Are hotel facilities in Horsham adequate?

Answered: 303 Skipped: 6



No opinion / don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 23.43% 71

No 34.98% 106

No opinion / don't know 41.58% 126

Total 303

60 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q25 Does Horsham offer a balanced mix of retail outlets?

Answered: 303 Skipped: 6



No opinion / don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 51.16% 155

No 43.56% 132

No opinion / don't know 5.28% 16

Total 303

61 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q26 What could be done to encourage business development in Horsham?

Answered: 193 Skipped: 116

# Responses Date

1 Parking Charges 10/28/2016 8:51 PM

2 Sort out the train service 10/28/2016 8:38 PM

3 Lower rents in shopping centre Swan Walk, the Forum, lower business rates, better parking and prices for town centre 10/28/2016 7:05 PM workers. NOT JUST COUNCIL EMPLOYEES who seem to have many parking spaces.

4 More independent shops should be encouraged not squeezed out - this appears to be happening on a large scale in 10/28/2016 6:36 PM Horsham.

5 Too many wedding shops - nothing to replace Beales or Cargo. I It would be nice to see Cargo in the empty tile shop, 10/28/2016 6:22 PM Bishoprick & Debenhams in BHS or the old Beales.

6 No enough clothes shops; or shops of general interest. Too many restaurants ???? 10/28/2016 5:59 PM

7 Fair rentals for independent retailers. 10/27/2016 5:04 PM

8 more infrastructure ie road, rail & airports 10/25/2016 9:37 PM

9 Cheaper rates 10/25/2016 9:05 PM

10 lower the rates 10/25/2016 8:53 PM

11 I am not qualified to know 10/25/2016 8:46 PM

12 Lower rents - especially for local independent shops. Smaller units with low rents to encourage start-up business. 10/15/2016 12:35 PM Instead of two new cinemas and restaurants (the one we have got is fine) the empty sites should be turned into small, low rent shop units.

13 Remove cars from inner towns streets as far as possible, giving space for 'living streets' with safe cycling and walking 10/12/2016 12:29 PM for children and the elderly. For the benefits, see here: The impact of public realm improvements on existing business performance: • Case study evidence suggests that well-planned improvements to these public spaces can boost footfall and trading by up to 40%. • Investing in better streets and spaces for walking can provide a competitive return compared to other transport projects; walking and cycling projects can increase retails sales by 30%. 7 • Evaluations of pedestrian improvements in Coventry and Bristol show a 25% increase in footfall on Saturdays and predict £1.4million benefits respectively. • Improved walking routes to and from Wanstead High Street, in east London, increased footfall by 98%. • Many car journeys are short and as the volume of goods purchased is small, these trips could be made on foot.

14 We do not need more business in Horsham. The trend is for Internet and delivery to home. We will need open space 10/7/2016 3:08 PM and more restaurants to eat at as people go out to eat

15 As we progress, the Internet is taking over, so really shops are becoming showrooms for purchasing. 10/7/2016 11:09 AM

16 have macdonalds and starbucks 10/6/2016 10:07 PM

17 I imagine that the rates would have to be lowered in the city centre. I would love to see that happen, as I think it would 9/30/2016 11:57 PM enable smaller businesses and creative outlets to thrive, and the town as a whole would benefit. It is sad that estate agents have squeezed out smaller independent shops and are sucking the life out of the town centre. For younger people and families who would love to live in the area and buy a starter home, it must be galling to be confronted at every turn by hard-selling estate agents.

18 Make Horsham a vibrant place to live with a thriving cultural scene to compliment the restaurants and sports facilities. 9/30/2016 8:50 PM Art gallery, live music, art-house Cinema with pop up food shops, stalls to compliment the more established places of entertainment.

19 offer more affordable shops. Need a big retailer to appear ;like Prime Mark. Cheaper rents 9/30/2016 5:03 PM

20 Keeping rents as low as possible. 9/30/2016 4:33 PM

21 No more needed, we can't keep existing ones as rents (presumable) are too high 9/30/2016 12:26 PM

62 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

22 Encourage wider range of business types, adapting currently vacant building for re-use. 9/30/2016 10:08 AM

23 Lower the cost of a commercial rental unit encouraging small diverse and new business start ups (no more coffee 9/30/2016 12:14 AM shops or estate agents) Invest in the prostectic look of Horsham ie fancy out door led lights (decrative illumination) Re-establish community spirit Create more parking facilities Extend the town to encourage flow Build attractions Need more waterfalls or other attractive features Do I need to say more.

24 Reduce rates 9/29/2016 10:47 PM

25 Better parking at the station. Cheaper 'in town' all day parking like they have (for example) in Crawley. 9/29/2016 7:59 PM

26 To attract business development it must be attractive financially to move to Horsham. The business rates and rents are 9/29/2016 4:08 PM far to high and need reducing. Make sure that the population of the town are suitably educated to attract new employers to a town where there are well qualified people to fill the positions. Improve the town infrastructure with better transport links, roads, car parking, low car parking charges or free park and ride,cycling routes.

27 We need much better transportation links. Existing train services are awful. Better promotion of what we've already 9/29/2016 4:01 PM got. Encourage some out of town retail development but not to the detriment of the town centre.

28 More independent shops and less restaurants i 9/29/2016 3:53 PM

29 Cheaper parking. 9/29/2016 3:04 PM

30 Lower business rates. 9/29/2016 2:41 PM

31 Sort the rail service out. Appalling. 9/29/2016 1:33 PM

32 Greater range of leisure facilities and hotels. Use the Forum for more events such as ice rink in winter or urban beach 9/29/2016 10:55 AM for summer.

33 We don't need business "development" we need existing plots used first - encourage vacant plots, shops and offices 9/29/2016 8:19 AM to be used

34 Lidl or Aldi would be good 9/29/2016 7:55 AM

35 Lower rates and rents. Start up incentives. 9/28/2016 7:55 PM

36 Reasonable rents. Low parking charges. Free evening (after 6pm) and Sunday parking. 9/28/2016 5:00 PM

37 Better use of Horsham's unique areas such as the little square (Piries Place?) outside the entrance to the old 9/28/2016 3:25 PM Waitrose store. This could be enhanced to make a pleasant spot for meeting people for coffee etc with an emphasis on independent shops. At the moment it is not very inviting.

38 easier parking 9/28/2016 3:21 PM

39 I'm not sure...maybe lower rents so that empty shop units are affordable for new retailers, offer better parking facilities 9/28/2016 11:26 AM to encourage new retailers, offer incentives for small retailers?

40 Reduced rates / incentives for independent businesses. 9/28/2016 4:47 AM

41 Encourage local business with lower rent. Pop up restaurants to test waters. 9/27/2016 7:41 PM

42 I believe Horsham needs to start inviting new businesses to the town, instead of us multiplying the same types of 9/27/2016 12:05 PM shops and business.

43 Cheaper rents for small businesses 9/27/2016 9:33 AM

44 Additional industrial estates/ business parks, encourage commercial and more importantly engineering business 9/27/2016 9:32 AM growth, allowing existing company's to expanding into newer larger facilities while remaining in the Horsham area which allows smaller company's to get a. Foot hold in horsham. retail is not a important area so no further growth in shopping facilities is needed

45 Cheaper rent and rates for town centre shops so new small buisiness can at least try. 9/26/2016 7:19 PM

46 Moving the popup shop within Swan Walk to a unit that people will actually walk past. 9/25/2016 8:26 PM

47 We have too many restaurants, charity shops and estate agents. 9/25/2016 2:37 PM

48 cheaper rent for shops in and near the town centre 9/25/2016 1:32 PM

49 cheaper rent for shops in and near the town centre 9/25/2016 1:31 PM

50 Lower business rates, promote park and ride 9/25/2016 10:46 AM

51 Retail - development of the West Street 9/24/2016 11:39 PM

63 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

52 Reduce the rents & reduce the cost of parking encouraging more time in the town to browse, buy & meet friends. The 9/24/2016 9:43 PM town would prosper if more people could afford to park more regularly.

53 Free car parking 9/24/2016 3:16 PM

54 Encourage the start up entrepreneurs. Pop up opportunities in vacant shops. Permanent undercover market for small 9/24/2016 2:04 AM specialist traders of food, crafts & collectables (Old Waitrose?) A place to browse & experience new ideas & help small businesses to get going. Have- a- go workshops to encourage public participation.

55 The key to a dynamic retail and business area is to encourage independent shops by providing sensible running costs - 9/23/2016 4:55 PM North Laine in Brighton is an excellent example. New developments including large corporate shops will destroy the identity of our town.

56 Digital Hub good idea 9/23/2016 1:04 PM

57 Car parking charges and walkable/cycle routes 9/23/2016 12:23 PM

58 Free Parking 9/23/2016 11:50 AM

59 Improved rail service 9/23/2016 10:42 AM

60 Useful shops like hardware etc 9/23/2016 7:09 AM

61 Cheap parking 9/22/2016 7:45 PM

62 Make more all day parking available at lower cost for employees 9/22/2016 7:05 PM

63 facilities for start ups - maybe sites for small businesses to share facilities - 9/22/2016 12:09 PM

64 Cheaper rates. Better to have shops in use at a lower rental than sitting empty. Adequate parking foe employees. 9/22/2016 11:45 AM

65 Not so many coffee shops and reasonable rents for start up businesses . Maybe a starter rent package for a fixed term 9/22/2016 10:43 AM to encourage small businesses . My husband has a small business but rents offices in Crawley due to the high cost of office space in Horsham.

66 CHEAPER rents, re-modernization of the car parks, dropping the charges to an acceptable level on car parking, 9/22/2016 12:37 AM renewal of Piries Place/Blackhorse Way and fixing the terrible Forum experience. Ditch the idea of the 2 new cinemas which are not required.

67 Rentable desk space, support to use existing sites e.g. Pitied Place has a no. of unused units. 9/21/2016 10:32 PM

68 We do not need any more business in Horsham, just reasonable rates so the single independent shops can stay. We 9/21/2016 3:42 PM are going to end up with all banks and estate agents!

69 I worry about recent loss of Beales, BHS and the store which used to be Waitrose which are all empty currently - I 9/21/2016 10:38 AM know there are difficult times for retail currently with the rise of internet shopping but Horsham with the loss of Beales has lost a major fashion outlet and there are nnow few places to look for clothes in Horsham. Perhaps something creative can be done to help this ...something equivalent to the Big Nibble but for fashionistas??

70 Stop gready landlords pricing retailers out of the town such as Beals & also leaving shop units empty for months & 9/20/2016 7:58 PM months due to such high rents.

71 Prevention of business premises in central Horsham from turning into flats instead. 9/20/2016 5:49 PM

72 Rents could be cheaper, especially for independent retailers that are starting out. 9/20/2016 5:44 PM

73 I like the idea of creating a unique economic offer (e.g. digital hub) to differentiate Horhsam. It has good accessibility 9/20/2016 4:10 PM to Gatwick, Brighton and London so geographically it feels well-placed in economic terms

74 cheaper rents perhaps. 9/20/2016 3:00 PM

75 Don't know what goes wrong We seem to lose a lot of well established shops perhaps the rents are too high 9/19/2016 9:08 PM

76 Don't know what goes wrong We seem to lose a lot of well established shops perhaps the rents are too high 9/19/2016 9:08 PM

77 Lower rents. Cheaper car parks. 9/19/2016 8:39 PM

78 Attract coach parties on day trips Car parking offers to shoppers and visitors 9/19/2016 8:22 PM

79 Free car parking. 9/19/2016 5:53 PM

80 Reduce business rates Free parking for say 2 hours Free parking on Sundays 9/19/2016 5:09 PM

81 We could capitalise on our reputation as "Restaurant Town" by looking beyond the purely commercial into education 9/19/2016 5:03 PM and training of the many staff needed for such facilities. Involving the likes of South Lodge, Tristan, Wabi and some of the chain outlets could boost our attractiveness as a preferred destination for staff and owners alike.

64 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

82 Reduce business rates Offer very low start up rates until a business gets going Reduce parking fees for up to three 9/19/2016 3:53 PM hour stays

83 see above 9/19/2016 2:20 PM

84 Look at rates for small business owners. Utilise the wasted space of council owned buildings. 9/19/2016 1:33 PM

85 Easier pedestrian access to town centre and railway station Extended opening hours of shops (as most people 9/18/2016 9:20 PM commute) Improve the transport links

86 More park and ride facilities with free parking and transfer 9/18/2016 7:04 PM

87 Lower business rates Car parking for business employees 9/18/2016 3:14 PM

88 Low rents for business starters 9/18/2016 2:48 PM

89 Lower rents for SMEs. Low interest grants to be repaid as business grows. 9/18/2016 2:38 PM

90 Provide allocated spaces within new and present residential areas 9/18/2016 1:35 PM

91 Landlords rent should not be so high! 9/18/2016 7:26 AM

92 Lower lease rates for first year to encourage new business 9/17/2016 11:23 PM

93 Cheaper parking. Better roads. More small unit shops at cheap rent/rates for start ups. 9/17/2016 10:47 PM

94 The retail mix in the town should be less reliant upon the major high street multiples. This just makes Horsham like 9/17/2016 6:33 PM any other UK town. Encourage diversity of retail and commercial offers so as to differentiate Horsham, to make it a destination because it is different and exciting.

95 Financial incentives to attract new Business - lower rents 9/17/2016 12:49 PM

96 the skating rink will help. a music festival as an annual event would help a larger and more frequent Christmas 9/17/2016 10:24 AM market?

97 Lower rents and short stay free parking. 9/17/2016 9:17 AM

98 Lots of either low end high street like New Look, H&M or high end designers but now that Beales has closed noting for 9/15/2016 9:12 PM in between like Warehouse, Mango, Oasis. Like to see more independent restaurants

99 Lowe rents in Swan Walk to help encourage and retain businesses 9/15/2016 6:16 PM

100 Make more office space available! My employer has been seeking a new town centre office location for 3 years due to 9/15/2016 12:16 PM outgrowing their existing office at 5 North Street (above Guy Leonard Estate Agents, opposite old Waitrose). There is a lack of suitable space available and much of what exists/existed is being converted into flats/housing. My employer is still looking....we employ c100 people in the town centre and if we have to relocate out of Horsham this would affect local shops etc.

101 Have a place bit like Phoenix Art Centre in Brighton which provides studio space for artists, with workshops, courses, 9/15/2016 9:50 AM gallery space for exhibitions, serving the community. Art creates buzzing and vibrant communities and also enriches communities. For the local economy art is attractive. Places that have had a new gallery for example have more visitors and this has knock on effect to local economy. Art acts as a catalyst for more regeneration. Encourage hi tec , scientific and engineering companies to the town so there are good quality high skilled jobs. If an area gets known for a certain type of industry this attracts more of these industries.

102 Provide cheap parking for a start.Keep business rates as low as possible. 9/14/2016 8:27 PM

103 Reduce parking costs 9/14/2016 5:11 PM

104 Until West Sussex County Council improve and maintain road signage, signs and road markings plus litter problem 9/14/2016 12:44 PM addressed, it is not a nice place to advertise for people to come.

105 Encourage local businesses and independent businesses. Small chains should be encouraged as well. We currently 9/14/2016 12:40 PM have too many large chains and they are all similar, eg, the amount of coffeeshops, restarauntrs, estate agents and charity shops we have is drowning out any specific shops. More encouragement and support for smaller businesses and local produce would encourage more of those to be invested in and brought to the town? We should also have more frequent markets since we are advertised as being a market town and yet we have a very limited and small selection of market stalls on Saturdays.

106 longer shopping hours on Saturdays independent shops in Horsham should get together to join forces for promotions 9/14/2016 9:52 AM and marketing

107 Councillors take a pay cut to reduce business rents and parking fees in town 9/13/2016 7:44 PM

65 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

108 Reduce the business rates for small independent retailers to encourage them back to the town centre. I believe we risk 9/13/2016 6:26 PM creating a homogenous retail environment that would threaten Horsham's unique shopping experience.

109 Lately Horsham has lost many of its individual shops and stores, this is regrettable. Perhaps if town centre parking 9/13/2016 6:00 PM was cheaper and businesses could then be assured of footfall.As it is many residents bypass the shops in Horsham going directly to Crawley where a wider range of shops are available.

110 obviously to lower business rates so small companies can survive 9/13/2016 4:39 PM

111 affordable rents 9/13/2016 11:37 AM

112 I don't think Horsham has enough to offer as a tourist attraction. If tourists only visit Durham city for one day, they're 9/13/2016 11:37 AM not going to linger in Horsham. John Lewis's new development seems to attract new visitors to Horsham. People seem to be keen on shopping in Horsham.

113 Incentivised local taxation (business rates) 9/12/2016 9:01 PM

114 Need more hotel space in the town centre. More parking or discount for employers. 9/12/2016 4:28 PM

115 More short tem parking 9/12/2016 10:16 AM

116 Reduce business rates. Ridiculous to have empty shops when the outgoing ones could stay there and pay some 9/11/2016 11:17 PM rent/rates

117 Lower business rates 9/11/2016 9:23 PM

118 Stop charging huge rent fees which is causing the independent shops to leave the town. Why do HDC want Horsham 9/11/2016 8:34 PM to look like every other town with exactly the same shops? They should premote independence not discourage it. Also Horsham is a "market town" where is the promotion of the market?

119 I guess attractive rents in swan walk, improved parking. Waitrose moving out of piries place makes this area of the 9/11/2016 6:01 PM town a ghost area

120 Horsham is home to Creative Assembly, a world renowned games developer. More should be done to promote a 9/11/2016 12:47 PM digital economy in Horsham. Most digital experts work in London.

121 Space for parking commercial vehicles away from residential areas. Too many businesses operate from private 9/11/2016 12:39 PM houses and park their trade vehicles close to home. Provision of some small yards with perhaps an office for these operaations would be welcome.

122 Reduce parking costs for visitors 9/11/2016 12:30 PM

123 Lower rents 9/11/2016 11:20 AM

124 Parking and another park and ride the other side of town 9/11/2016 9:03 AM

125 Cheaper rent to encourage more independent stores, fill the empty stores that Horsham has. 9/10/2016 11:01 PM

126 Allow more companies to relocate to Horsham without too many stipulations. Allow them to fill those empty spaces to 9/10/2016 10:56 PM reduce the number of empty buildings being a blot on the landscape. Let Lidl into the old dreams site!

127 Better infrastructure 9/10/2016 10:31 PM

128 More shops like Primark, Lidl, to add more variety . 9/10/2016 10:24 PM

129 Rate reductions. Look at whether we offer the right sized units. Approach national chains who do not have a presence 9/10/2016 10:01 PM eg Zara, Paperchase, Mango, Primark

130 Lower business rates, financial incentives to enable start up businesses and give them an opportunity to succeed 9/10/2016 9:44 PM

131 Lower rent, pop up shops 9/10/2016 9:35 PM

132 there have been many business premises converted converted to residential suggesting that either the rates are too 9/10/2016 12:48 PM high, to there is no longer a need for so much office space here

133 To my freshly-arrived eyes there seems to be sufficient business development right now. 9/10/2016 12:10 AM

134 Don't charge so much rent then we wouldn't have empty units. For instance, there was pop up shops in the old 9/9/2016 9:04 PM whittards unit but they left which was due to rent wasn't it? Surely better to have units filled than empty even if making less money

135 Reduce business rates 9/9/2016 7:59 PM

136 Lower business rates, incentivising companies back here 9/9/2016 7:27 PM

66 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

137 since RSA & Novatis have cut back / moved jobs elsewhere, there is a lack of jobs within larger organisations in 9/9/2016 1:28 PM Horsham - anything that would encourage the creation of such jobs would be welcome

138 Better and cheaper parking. 9/9/2016 11:25 AM

139 Getting rid of Sunday parking charges it discourages visits to the town=less spend in town 9/9/2016 11:16 AM

140 It's not really on the same topic- but there was a pretty tea shop on the corner in the town centre, now I think it's an 9/9/2016 10:54 AM "e-cig" shop! It looks awful and sends a terrible message. I understand that a business paying rates is preferable to a vacant unit but I just can't understand how that was given permission. It would be better suited to Crawley! Also do you think the council could do something about the Ann Summer's shop window, it's right in the middle of Swan Walk by the coffee shop, the displays are so disrespectful towards women, and we are hoping to have a family in Horsham, it's not something I'd want our children having to walk past just to use the loos. The market days are great- but the feel on a sunny day compared with when it rains is so different- would it work to give a covered area/more permanent place? What about where the Waitrose used to to be- some towns have permanent indoor markets- that could work perhaps?

141 Apparently there is a limited selection of clothes retailers for teenagers, so these should be encouraged 9/9/2016 8:09 AM

142 Lower business rates. Lower car parking charges. 9/9/2016 12:16 AM

143 Reduced starter rates/packages to encourage businesses into empty buildings. Continuation of start up /small 9/8/2016 10:39 PM business rent free in empty shops in Swan Walk. Parking concessions.

144 Review high cost of retail property rents. 9/8/2016 7:43 PM

145 Affordable rent Cheaper car parking 9/8/2016 7:28 PM

146 Lower rates and more car parking. 9/8/2016 5:35 PM

147 modernise swan walk to attract bigger better brands, 9/8/2016 4:29 PM

148 Rents need to be viable for new business. There is no point in landlords sticking out for high rents if their properties 9/8/2016 4:27 PM are to stand empty which appears to be quite common.

149 From my limited knowledge rents seem to be too high and in my opinion the turnover of shops is also too high. We are 9/8/2016 2:01 PM really lacking in good clothing shops for men, women and children (apart from the arrival of H&M now) and if I want to do clothes shopping I have to go to Crawley, Guildford or Brighton. The clothing stores need to cater for all budgets not just the high end expensive stores that we currently have. I would be an advocate for getting a Primark in Horsham and other stores such as Oasis, Warehouse, River Island, Forever 21, Apricot etc. If there were good clothing stores I know we would get more people coming into town and more trade. We do not need anymore estate agents or hairdressers!

150 Low cost housing to attract people to live in town who will want to work locally, will help with parking etc is buses are 9/8/2016 1:12 PM adequate

151 Reduce council tax/business rates. 9/8/2016 1:04 PM

152 marketing, affordable rentals 9/8/2016 11:56 AM

153 Lower the rents and provide affordable car parking! 9/8/2016 8:55 AM

154 Lower rates.lower parking fees.more short term free parking spaces to encourage shopping visits 9/8/2016 8:19 AM

155 Possibly lower costs for start-ups, particularly on business rates and rental on units. 9/7/2016 8:55 PM

156 I think Horsham needs to decide what sort of people they want to attract. The centre is an odd mix of pound shops and 9/7/2016 7:12 PM high end retailers (such as Joules) I would like to see more planning so that high end shops don't want to ruin their image by being next to Wilkinson. Shop areas such as waitrose, sainsburys the little area with staples are all hidden or really out of the way which i should imagine limits foot fall. it would be good to see this opened up to allow more shops and availability. It would probably mean moving the bus station to a less central area.

157 Cheap rents, fibre optic cabling 9/7/2016 6:52 PM

158 Better cycle routes and infrastructure, improved rail links 9/7/2016 11:53 AM

159 Low costs for new local enterprises (reduction in business rates and rent) 9/7/2016 8:54 AM

160 Cheap car parking will attract more visitors as it will not put the off, same of the towns car parks are very tight and can 9/6/2016 7:53 PM be difficult for some to drive around and park.

161 Central repository listing available commercial properties, rates and conditions Portal where people with business 9/6/2016 7:17 PM ideas can connect with potential investors to secure funding

162 Lower retail lets. Rent breaks/tax incentives to encourage small/local business to rent. 9/6/2016 6:33 PM

67 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

163 Lower parking charges. area around Piries place should be developed. Not enough footfall to attract new business. 9/6/2016 5:27 PM More nightlife entertainment options

164 lower business rates 9/6/2016 2:08 PM

165 All the new shops opening are the same as everywhere else, why bother going into Horsham when other nearby 9/6/2016 12:37 PM towns have the same shops. More should be done to encourage independent shops.

166 Unlikely due to Internet. Food places and cafes for meeting people and relaxing in 9/6/2016 12:26 PM

167 More affordable housing to enable young people to stay in Horsham. Affordable commercial rents to encourage 9/6/2016 10:42 AM independent shops and businesses.

168 Reduce car parking charges and high rents. 9/6/2016 7:30 AM

169 Who cares? 9/5/2016 8:05 PM

170 Digital Hub a good idea and space for 'homeworkers' to network 9/5/2016 7:57 PM

171 Sort out and reduce the cost of town centre parking, improve bus services and cycle access 9/5/2016 3:16 PM

172 Pop up shops at low rents. 9/5/2016 2:04 PM

173 It appears to inevitable that we are loosing all the small local businesses such as the pipe shop in Middle Street and 9/5/2016 1:40 PM the Chemist in West Street. I would be supportive of anything we can do to encourage small local independent retailers to stay in Horsham Town Centre.

174 Work out why would a business want to set up in Horsham when it has cheaper better placed Crawley on its 9/5/2016 12:41 PM doorstep?

175 Too many big brand stores. Too many restaurants and estate agents. 9/4/2016 9:33 PM

176 Affordable access to essential business services such as accountancy, mentoring, legal services, web development, 9/4/2016 10:29 AM graphic design, printing, and telemarketing. One central place where these services are available, perhaps for a low fixed monthly fee for businesses in their first three years of trading. This would help to make new businesses more professional from the outset and increase the chances of survival and success.

177 Availability of affordable housing and good public transport links. 9/3/2016 6:39 PM

178 Lower the crippling business rate to allow young/new start up businesses to grow and flourish. Use the empty 9/3/2016 4:28 PM buildings in the town centre to showcase new talents and entrepreneurs - bring their online expertise out into the open to allow their businesses to grow.

179 Rents should be capped to encourage small businesses/independents. I have watched a number of small businesses 9/3/2016 3:45 PM fail not because their product was bad but because their rents and outgoings were too high to sustain the type of product they were selling.

180 More effective promotion of premises when retailers leave. The loss of Waitrose has had a massive effect on the 9/3/2016 3:28 PM footfall in Piries Place. What is happening to the site that was once Payless.

181 Redevelop or rejuvenate Pirie's Place 9/2/2016 5:09 PM

182 The priority is to decide what type of businesses are needed and where they would be located. A generalised question 9/2/2016 1:57 PM of this type serves little useful purpose.

183 Lower the rents. 9/2/2016 1:56 PM

184 Reduce the cost of rents. Unless a large company are looking to relocate to Horsham St Marks Court could soon 9/2/2016 9:18 AM become empty with the deminishing size of RSA employees. Would this be turned into accommodation too!

185 Reduce the rates on offices and shops. More start up advice and grnats 9/2/2016 9:13 AM

186 Cleanliness of town 9/2/2016 6:08 AM

187 Reduced rates Parking options 9/1/2016 10:41 PM

188 Faster - and reliable! - rail link Lower town centre rates - preference given to independent retailers 9/1/2016 5:32 PM

189 No more business is needed. Internet shopping will increase. 9/1/2016 5:28 PM

68 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

190 A large number of business and commercial buildings in a Horsham are owned by out of town companies who lease 9/1/2016 3:22 PM the buildings. Often business rents are increased by these companies without due regard to what, especially a non- multinational company, can afford. As such many smaller business cannot afford to rent business accommodation in Horsham, or if they do, when rent increases take place, they cannot afford the increase and then have to close down. It would be good if out of town companies letting business accommodation in Horsham were made aware of what is a suitable rent to enable more individually owned businesses to stay in business. This would then offer a greater variety of what is on offer for the consumer in Horsham. Shared use of larger buildings for several different companies would also help smaller businesses.

191 More shops less restaurants 9/1/2016 11:19 AM

192 The usual / what is probably already being done. 9/1/2016 10:58 AM

193 Stop offices being turned into apartments. Lower or scrap parking charges. Free public wi fi. Encourage new IT and 8/30/2016 8:37 PM software companies to come to Horsham.

69 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q27 Is there anywhere in your local area suitable for industrial/commercial development?

Answered: 294 Skipped: 15



No opinion/don'...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 12.93% 38

No 46.94% 138

No opinion/don't know 40.14% 118

Total 294

# If "Yes" please indicate where: Date

1 Novartis 10/28/2016 8:38 PM

2 The "tile Shop", Bishopric & has lots of parking at the back. 10/28/2016 6:22 PM

3 Former "Dreams" site 10/27/2016 5:04 PM

4 North Street, Queens Street (Brighton Road), Novartis site. 9/30/2016 10:08 AM

5 Lots of places including the industrial sites 9/30/2016 12:14 AM

6 Not industrial in my local area which is the town centre but there could be commercial development by getting faster 9/29/2016 4:01 PM replacements for empty shop units. There are many national chains that don't have a presence in Horsham and what we do have is unbalanced. Eg., all of a sudden Horsham seems to be the place to buy beds - John Lewis, Dreams, Bensons, Horsham Bed shop but other products are impossible to find. The loss of HMV means there is nowhere to buy CDs or DVDs. There is no decent pen shop.

7 NO - See above - use existing don't develop new areas 9/29/2016 8:19 AM

8 Greylands 9/24/2016 11:39 PM

9 Novartis site. 9/24/2016 3:16 PM

10 Novartis area 9/23/2016 3:33 PM

11 The area opposite The Hornbrook. 9/23/2016 11:50 AM

12 Crawley 9/23/2016 6:53 AM

13 . 9/22/2016 7:05 PM

70 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

14 The areas close to the City Business Centre that are now being developed for housing. A lost opportunity. The location 9/22/2016 6:13 PM of the former Dairy Crest site off Brighton Road.

15 Novatis site 9/22/2016 12:09 PM

16 The commercial areas outside of the main town centre are shabby, poorly kept and litter strewn, better use of the units 9/22/2016 12:37 AM and smartening up the areas would help

17 Pitied Place 9/21/2016 10:32 PM

18 Empty shop at Caterways 9/18/2016 2:38 PM

19 Where the Novartis building has been demolished 9/18/2016 7:26 AM

20 Se above comment to similar question on Housing. Relax rules, get creative, engage great consultants and thinkers. 9/17/2016 6:33 PM Encourage live/work spaces etc.

21 North Horsham 9/17/2016 3:26 PM

22 Any old buildings not being used on industrial states - don't build a lidl build houses 9/15/2016 9:12 PM

23 Novartis site 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

24 Foundry Lane/North Street 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

25 Foundry Lane 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

26 the old railway yard, and surrounding area 9/10/2016 12:48 PM

27 Novartis site 9/9/2016 7:27 PM

28 Keep seatless yard as it is or allow different commercial use not more houses 9/9/2016 11:16 AM

29 I think more could be made of the area if you are walking from the A281 towards Queen St, so not the bit where the 9/9/2016 10:54 AM French shop is etc, but the bit just before, at the moment there is the job centre, a tattoo shop, and fried chicken shop and a wine shop (following the A281 round the corner towards the junction). The whole area could do with some TLC and with some planning, you could extend the whole town-centre field further down that road, which is looking a little tired. There is a nice kitchen shop there, that has a more Horsham-y feel. Piries place could also be better I think, but I think that area is already having plans made for it? Also that area near Bisphoric, there is a KFC and a few charity shops, that whole area could be lovely if invested in. That lovely building in Horsham park, it could be used for something really lovely- if the National Trust had it that would be brilliant- or what about another school? Or something for families? Please protect it!

30 The site of the former Ciba-Geigy campus 9/8/2016 7:43 PM

31 Novartis site 9/8/2016 4:27 PM

32 The land next to where Homebase is in Broadbridge Heath. 9/8/2016 11:56 AM

33 Piries Place/Old Waitrose 9/8/2016 11:14 AM

34 Foundry Lane 9/6/2016 12:26 PM

35 Area beyond Hillier garden centre could be used for small business 9/6/2016 12:20 PM

36 The old Dreams beds site and some other units in that area. 9/4/2016 10:29 AM

37 There was but they go turned into flats with a lovely railway view. 9/3/2016 9:23 PM

38 Around railway station, business area served by an underused rail connection. 9/3/2016 11:56 AM

39 The old Novartis site but this seems to have been knocked down now. There is acres of land around the station which 9/2/2016 9:13 AM is an eye sore and could be better used. The area around Foundry Lane.

71 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q28 How often do you go into the town centre?

Answered: 306 Skipped: 3


More than once a week

More than once a month

Less than once a month

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Daily 20.26% 62

More than once a week 56.54% 173

More than once a month 19.28% 59

Less than once a month 3.92% 12

Total 306

72 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q29 How do you normally travel into the town centre? (you can select more than one)

Answered: 306 Skipped: 3

By car

By motorcycle

By electric bicycle

By bus

By taxi

By community transport

By bicycle

On foot

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

By car 50.65% 155

By motorcycle 0.65% 2

By electric bicycle 2.29% 7

By bus 13.73% 42

By taxi 1.63% 5

By community transport 0.98% 3

By bicycle 18.63% 57

On foot 80.07% 245

Total Respondents: 306

73 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q30 Does the cost of car parking influence how often you travel into Horsham town centre for shopping or recreational purposes?

Answered: 305 Skipped: 4



No opinion/don'...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 54.43% 166

No 38.03% 116

No opinion/don't know 7.54% 23

Total 305

74 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q31 How could walking in the town be improved (e.g. safety, footpaths, crossing points etc)

Answered: 190 Skipped: 119

# Responses Date

1 Ban cyclists from pedestrian only areas! 10/28/2016 6:44 PM

2 Slowing traffic down in busy places. 10/28/2016 6:36 PM

3 I find the new crossings very good 10/28/2016 6:22 PM

4 don@t know 10/28/2016 5:59 PM

5 Timings of lights on some pedestrian crossings. 10/27/2016 5:04 PM

6 its adequate for my needs 10/25/2016 8:46 PM

7 no 10/25/2016 8:27 PM

8 Better traffic lights (safer ones) 10/25/2016 7:52 PM

9 Keep pavements maintained 10/22/2016 6:07 PM

10 Safe junctions, e.g. crossing from Queens Street into East Street across Denne Road. The road should have clear 10/12/2016 12:29 PM markings alerting drivers to the possibility of pedestrians and/or cyclists may cross the road.

11 Have longer to cross at traffic lights and have them operate in favour of the pedestrian holding up traffic should not be 10/7/2016 3:08 PM a concern

12 More cycle paths (dedicated) with 10/7/2016 11:09 AM

13 Make footpaths wider so we can cycle in safety instead fo being brushed by cars and lorries 10/6/2016 10:07 PM

14 Widen the footways, either reduce the road width which would also slow traffic or pinch some verge but make it the 10/3/2016 10:29 AM type you can cycle on but it is still green

15 Better, safer, and more crossings - especially zebra crossings on desire lines. 10/1/2016 10:35 PM

16 Clear designated walking paths with attractive features that add to the pleasure of strolling into town. Easy, safe 9/30/2016 8:50 PM walking across the inner distribution road.

17 better cycle paths. 9/30/2016 5:03 PM

18 If you are walking from Kings Road Harwood Road into town it is very difficult and dangerous to cross the road. 9/30/2016 4:33 PM

19 Need a crossing point on Albion Way near John Lewis entrance, and/or an entrance from the Bishopric 9/30/2016 2:04 PM

20 Imncrease crossing time for pedestrians 9/30/2016 12:26 PM

21 Good as they are at present 9/30/2016 10:08 AM

22 Better crossing points at major junctions 9/30/2016 9:02 AM

23 Sort out uneven paths - slips trips n falls 9/30/2016 12:14 AM

24 Bishopric crossing point 9/29/2016 10:47 PM

25 Walking into town from the west side is fine except for the ludicrious changes to the Bishopric crossing. It must be the 9/29/2016 7:59 PM most dangerous crossing in Horsham.

26 Stop cyclist from using the pavements. The road crossing in my opinion are not clearly indicating when crossing is 9/29/2016 4:08 PM safe, this is particularly important for the young and elderly.The Albion Way crossing at the Bishopric is one of particular concern as I have witnessed a near miss with a speeding car.

27 Ban cycling in the pedestrianised area and if you tell me it is already banned then put much more prominent signs up 9/29/2016 4:01 PM to make sure it is clear. I am fed up of seeing teenagers and older people swerving at speed through the pedestrians.

28 Improve crossings better footpaths that could be shared by cyclists 9/29/2016 3:53 PM

75 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

29 Safe crossing for pedestrians & cyclists on Farthings Hill Roundabout for Broadbridge Heath residents. 9/29/2016 3:05 PM

30 Not sure 9/29/2016 1:33 PM

31 most are good - overpass at Bishopric may be useful 9/29/2016 8:19 AM

32 Improve safety along Albion Way. Do something about the crossing in Black Horse Way. 9/28/2016 7:55 PM

33 Move even paths and pavements. Reduce speed limit to 20mph. 9/28/2016 5:00 PM

34 Getting from the town centre to John Lewis on foot is particularly poor even though the pavement has been made 9/28/2016 3:50 PM wider. More thought needs to be given to how to link the two more easily - eg footbridge.

35 Mostly this seems OK 9/28/2016 3:25 PM

36 bishopric/albion way crossing unsafe, thro' misuse 9/28/2016 3:21 PM

37 Lights should have sound at crossings. The ones over albion way don't. Enough time for people to cross and speed 9/28/2016 11:40 AM limits for cars. Limit cars in carfax.

38 Bridge over littlehaven station from Jackdaw lane. Speed cameras at the bottom (a264 end) or warnham road. 9/28/2016 4:47 AM

39 traffic calming, especially in residential areas 9/27/2016 9:18 PM

40 Roads and paths need to be resurfaced in places 9/27/2016 12:05 PM

41 Pretty obviously the County could not ccare less about anything except motorised transport 9/27/2016 9:33 AM

42 Reduce traffic in and out, allowing for better through travel 9/27/2016 9:32 AM

43 Safety 9/27/2016 7:27 AM

44 The traffic lights dont appear to actually react to pedestrians pressing the button so they take too long. 9/25/2016 8:26 PM

45 Replace the Puffin crossing in Brighton Road with a Zebra crossing, or at least give pedestrians higher priority when 9/25/2016 5:37 PM the button is pressed. Change the Park Way crossing so you don't need to press two sets of buttons.

46 Better lighting especially Cricketfield Road through to the Causeway along the river 9/25/2016 10:46 AM

47 Few more pelican crossings etc 9/24/2016 11:39 PM

48 The new road traffic lights at the T junction of Albion Way/Guildford road has NO AURAL SIGNS TO ENABLE THE 9/24/2016 9:43 PM BLIND TO CROSS. Please remedy this ASAP, it is important for the safety & independence of this group disabled people he

49 The pavements in the South Eastern Area need renewing, they are dire and often overgrown. 9/24/2016 8:24 PM

50 Footpath on St Leonards Road in poor repair. 9/24/2016 3:16 PM

51 I enjoy walking along the riverside path into town. 9/24/2016 7:46 AM

52 Slower urban traffic. Safe crossing islands. Less long wait to cross at traffic lights 9/24/2016 2:04 AM

53 Ensure cyclists use their expensive cycle lanes and cease speeding through pedestrian areas. 9/23/2016 4:55 PM

54 all 9/23/2016 3:33 PM

55 Make the crossing lights pedestrian centric rather than favouring the vehicles 9/23/2016 12:23 PM

56 Brighton Road footpaths are atrocious 9/23/2016 11:50 AM

57 Greater segregation of pedestrians and cyclists 9/23/2016 10:42 AM

58 Wider footpaths around the town centre; make more areas car free. 9/23/2016 8:29 AM

59 Facilities are good 9/22/2016 7:05 PM

60 think it's good 9/22/2016 12:09 PM

61 Fine in my area 9/22/2016 11:45 AM

62 Walking is not an option due to heavy shopping and time constraints . 9/22/2016 10:43 AM

63 Crossing points need to be given greater time to get across, the new traffic lights at The Bishopric are a Death Trap 9/22/2016 12:37 AM waitng to happen for pedestrians, the pedestrian lights crosing Albion Way by Staples is poorly sighted and its amazing there are not more shunts or accidents when approacing from either direction and the game of chicken people are making by the new Waitrose store is worrying especially on Bank Holidays and Weekends

64 The routes I use are fine. 9/21/2016 10:32 PM

76 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

65 Have free parking for electric or hybrid vehicles and get all taxi and buses to have hybrid. Enlarge fottways to allow or 9/21/2016 3:42 PM cycling safety.

66 Dedicated cycle paths all the way into town 9/21/2016 10:38 AM

67 Make the crossing times on pedestrian crossings longer to help older people. 9/20/2016 7:58 PM

68 Ensure footpaths are kept clear of parked vehicles, and for goodness sake improve the crossing indicator lights at the 9/20/2016 6:38 PM Bishopric, I think it is extremely dangerous when crossing there is no indication visible if it is safe to ciontinue to cross.

69 Dangerous pedestrian crossing on Black Horse Way 9/20/2016 5:49 PM

70 More designated cycle paths as there are too many cyclists speeding on pavements in areas where cycling is 9/20/2016 5:44 PM prohibited.

71 better pedestrian environment, slower roads, pedestrian calming, better public realm (shared surfaces, etc.) 9/20/2016 4:10 PM

72 make footways separate from the roads to include cycling and disabled scooters to travel off road 9/20/2016 10:12 AM

73 Pavements widened 9/19/2016 9:08 PM

74 Pavements widened 9/19/2016 9:08 PM

75 Footpaths, cycle paths 9/19/2016 8:39 PM

76 Cut back overgrown vegetation. Clear blocked drains at crossing points. 9/19/2016 8:22 PM

77 Too long distance 9/19/2016 7:39 PM

78 Highlight 20mph limit in Carfax; give pedestrians priority at crossings in Carfax 9/19/2016 5:09 PM

79 Better delineation between pedestrians and cyclists. 9/19/2016 5:03 PM

80 don't know 9/19/2016 3:53 PM

81 stopping cars parking on the pavement! 9/19/2016 2:20 PM

82 More pedestrian crossings, lower speed limits (trafic calming measures) 9/18/2016 9:20 PM

83 Many of the footpaths are in a state of disrepair. Cycling should not be allowed on footpaths. More crossing points 9/18/2016 3:14 PM required

84 More crossing points on Brighton road 9/18/2016 2:48 PM

85 Better cycle paths so bikes don't use the pavements, improved access to Waitrose side of Bishopric 9/18/2016 2:38 PM

86 Adding more indications in small footpaths -it took a while to find the better route to the centre 9/18/2016 1:35 PM

87 Improve access from east Horsham under the railway line. Currently only the subway by the station shared 9/18/2016 1:00 PM cycle/pedestrian.

88 Level footpaths 9/18/2016 7:26 AM

89 Too late but why no pedestrian access from John Lewis/Waitrose to Bishopric? How was that passed by anti car 9/17/2016 10:47 PM council?

90 Wider paths in places for pushchairs etc 9/17/2016 7:25 PM

91 commission some beautiful pedestrian bridges to allow people to move gracefully over the 4 lane highways that carve 9/17/2016 6:33 PM through the town. Dont just rely on the squalid subway. Better still, do something about those roads.

92 Crossing points 9/17/2016 12:49 PM

93 Keeping paths well maintained 9/15/2016 6:16 PM

94 Make road speed in Horsham 20 mph. Dig down in the road under the iron Bridge in the Brighton road so large lorries 9/15/2016 9:50 AM can go under it and don't have to go down Clarence Road, Oakhill Road and Station Road which are far too narrow and in residential streets.

95 Enforce 'No cycling' areas with fines. More 'No Cycling' very visible signs. Try volunteer wardens to do this. 9/14/2016 8:27 PM

96 Re-do the pavement by Wiko's and Lynd Cross which is badly cracked 9/14/2016 5:11 PM

97 Removal of A frame Boards. Levelling West Street. 9/14/2016 4:15 PM

98 Stop charging for parking for hybrid vehicles & improves air quality promote same 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

77 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

99 Pavements are bad quality: the slabs in Pities Place become slippery in the rain, there are uneven pavements which 9/14/2016 12:40 PM could cause accidents and injuries. North Street has two crossings with traffic lights but a few more unregulated crossings. The main roads such as this and Aalbion Street should be made more walker friendly. The area around the Iron Bridge has tiny pavements and feels dangerous. There should be cycle paths in town such as in West Street.

100 clear crossing points 9/14/2016 9:52 AM

101 Put the 'beepers' back onto pedestrian crossings as concerned about elderly people. Concerned about new pedestrian 9/14/2016 8:36 AM crossing in Albion Way/ Bishopric it feels unsafe.

102 Dont know 9/13/2016 7:44 PM

103 By preventing vehicles from parking on and blocking the footpaths. By enforcing access only vehicles in the Carfax.. 9/13/2016 6:26 PM

104 safety issues viz. footpaths have broken pavers,cars mounted on footpaths, cyclists 9/13/2016 6:00 PM

105 improve the crossing at the bishopric albion way interchange to stop the confusion that exists since its inception 9/13/2016 4:39 PM

106 less roadworks. improved pavements. 9/13/2016 11:37 AM

107 As previously mentioned, Albion Way crossings are not pedestrian friendly. 9/13/2016 11:37 AM

108 There are no proper footpaths at the moment, existing ones are by the road - polution! 9/13/2016 9:40 AM

109 Improve the disastrous bishopric crossing. A fatality waiting to happen! 9/12/2016 9:01 PM

110 Make Blackhorse Way one-way eastbound (towards the Causeway) 9/12/2016 2:02 PM

111 I travel by mobility scooter.Very difficult :-poor condition of pavements,vehicles parked on pavements,shortage of 9/12/2016 11:07 AM dropped kerbs and overhanging hedges.

112 Better quality pavement surfaces 9/12/2016 10:16 AM

113 keep the hedges trimmed so that pedestrians are not forced to the road side edge of the pavement 9/12/2016 9:27 AM

114 make roads narrower to provide adequate routes, it would slow down traffic too 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

115 Increase "green man" times at crossings. 9/11/2016 9:23 PM

116 Seems ok as is 9/11/2016 8:34 PM

117 Crossing points need to be pedestrian friendly. The crossing at East Street/Brighton road favours cars, not people. 9/11/2016 12:47 PM

118 Abolishing A boards would be a start. 9/11/2016 12:39 PM

119 Albion Way crossing. Road should be buried and then the Bishopric can be opened up. At the moment the area 9/11/2016 12:30 PM around Lynd Cross is hidden from view. Pedestrians would then be encouraged to explore further

120 It's fine except the dreadful crossing at Albion Way at the tip of Bishopric. Pedestrians can't see the signals 9/11/2016 9:03 AM

121 In my opinion no improvement needed 9/10/2016 11:01 PM

122 Close the whole of the carfax and east street to cars buses and taxis 9/10/2016 10:31 PM

123 Hedges by footpaths kept trimmed ie over the bridge by Horsham station. 9/10/2016 10:20 PM

124 Baiting crossing points are free from obstructions eg hedges etc 9/10/2016 9:44 PM

125 It's fine 9/10/2016 9:35 PM

126 uneven pavement slabs should be made level to avoid falls, and don't allow A-frames on pavements outside shops 9/10/2016 12:48 PM

127 Prohibiting all bicycles in Town Centre shopping streets. Camera at road junction as suggested above. 9/10/2016 12:10 AM

128 A few police about to catch the few crazy drives on the town roads 9/9/2016 7:59 PM

129 Quality of footpaths and dropped pavements for buggies 9/9/2016 7:27 PM

130 better traffic lights 9/9/2016 4:43 PM

131 The newer pedestrian crossings seem dangerous as it is not always easy to see the waist high lights 9/9/2016 1:28 PM

132 Pavements all over are not flat and often protrude by (is it 4mm 1/2 inch or more?) but they are uneven/unsafe. My 9/9/2016 11:56 AM relative visiting from Canada tripped badly (it was fortunate he was not hurt) by the Malt Shovel public house.

133 More cycle paths. 9/9/2016 11:25 AM

134 Improve crossing at Bishopric 9/9/2016 11:16 AM

78 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

135 More crossing points and making the surrounding roads a 20mph limit. People drive extremely fast. 9/9/2016 10:54 AM

136 Enforce parking restrictions across e.g. dropped kerbs to facilitate wheelchair access 9/9/2016 8:09 AM

137 The new crossing over albion way to Bishopric/Waitrose needs improved signalling for pedestrians 9/8/2016 7:43 PM

138 Wider pavements 9/8/2016 7:28 PM

139 New crossing on Albion Way is a little confusing for pedestrians. 9/8/2016 5:35 PM

140 Bishopric crossing to be made safer 9/8/2016 5:08 PM

141 current crossing points are adequate 9/8/2016 4:29 PM

142 remove cobbles in Carfax for safety of pedestrians to help prevent falling. 9/8/2016 4:27 PM

143 I think it is quite safe in town but could be improved on the way into town. 9/8/2016 2:01 PM

144 Bishopric/Albion Way pedestrian crossing. 9/8/2016 1:14 PM

145 Too many people in town. Too congested. Need shops elsewhere. 9/8/2016 1:04 PM

146 Safe footpaths, sign posts how to get there 9/8/2016 11:56 AM

147 Footpath safety in BLunts Way, uneven/damaged paving 9/8/2016 11:14 AM

148 All of the above mentioned 9/8/2016 8:55 AM

149 better signage 9/8/2016 8:19 AM

150 A cycle path runs from BBH, past tanbridge and then stops down the road. This could be extended into the town 9/7/2016 8:55 PM centre so that I can encourage my son to cycle with me into town or to school.

151 I think the work so far is excellent, the only area I would think needs improvement is the walkway from Pret to 9/7/2016 7:12 PM Sainsburys. That road is really small and has buses and cars travelling really fast. I think another traffic route should be considered for buses and cars.

152 Seems easy currently 9/7/2016 6:52 PM

153 Footpaths, cutting hedges back 9/7/2016 4:01 PM

154 More crossing points 9/7/2016 11:53 AM

155 Regular maintenance of footpaths 9/7/2016 10:40 AM

156 The are opposite the station needs urgent redevelopment. Crossing from the beefeater to the bridge is dangerous 9/7/2016 8:54 AM (more so when they have a delivery) the lights for crossing hurst Road are to slow so nobody bothers with them. And the pathway on the corner of hurst Road and North parade is to narrow and uneven

157 I think it is ok, but the crossing between John Lewis and the town could be improved, crossing four lanes is not an 9/6/2016 7:53 PM inviting prospect

158 Improve the safety of the Bishopric (Olive Branch) crossing - rephase lights or redesign junction. 9/6/2016 7:17 PM

159 Better crossing points, separate clearly marked cycle lanes. 9/6/2016 6:33 PM

160 footpath maintenance and stopping cyclists using footpaths 9/6/2016 2:08 PM

161 Lessen car parking spaces to enable encouraging of non car visits 9/6/2016 12:26 PM

162 CCTV cameras at pedestrian crossings, there have been several indcidents when cars and bikes have gone through 9/6/2016 11:48 AM red lights particularly in Worthing Road by Blackbridge Lane crossing

163 No improvement needed for walking - just needed for cycling. 9/6/2016 10:42 AM

164 Pedestrian crossing point on kings road and foundry lane 9/6/2016 7:30 AM

165 The surfaces of some pavements are awful. 9/5/2016 8:05 PM

166 Grafitti walls down Brighton Road approaching town 9/5/2016 7:57 PM

167 Make all the town centre traffic free. 9/5/2016 2:04 PM

168 Worthing Road from Boars Head to Railway Bridge. I am fed up with asking WSCC to cut this back. It is always so 9/5/2016 1:40 PM overgrown at the start of September that my children will not use it to go to and from school.

169 Remove cycle lanes as they cause confusion and make it dangerous for all road/path users. 9/5/2016 12:41 PM

170 Keep the cars out 9/5/2016 11:43 AM

79 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

171 Very good 9/4/2016 9:03 AM

172 Les parking wardens 9/3/2016 9:23 PM

173 Need better crossing to John Lewis to link it more cohesively with the town centre. 9/3/2016 3:45 PM

174 Better control of vegetation that encroaches onto the pavements. 9/3/2016 3:28 PM

175 more pedestrian crossings 9/3/2016 3:14 PM

176 Safe f/paths 9/3/2016 2:22 PM

177 See comments above. 9/3/2016 11:56 AM

178 The pavements are in a bad state of repair most need to be resurfaced 9/3/2016 9:25 AM

179 Link Bishopric to Waitrose. Better footpaths on East St/Queen St. New footpaths on North St railway bridge, or new 9/2/2016 5:09 PM pedestrian bridge - it's a really horrible walk in to town.

180 Better crossing points 9/2/2016 1:57 PM

181 Stop cyclists from riding on the pavement. Cameras on pedestrian lights to catch people who drive through them 9/2/2016 1:56 PM

182 Stopping the flooding down the Brighton Road. 9/2/2016 9:18 AM

183 Soem of the footpaths are in disrepair. 9/2/2016 9:13 AM

184 The pedestrian crossing outside the cinema is often flooded , despite having reported it half a dozen times, cars jump 9/2/2016 6:08 AM red traffic lights frequently, cars go down North Street at fifty miles per hour often

185 Fine from my perspective 9/1/2016 10:41 PM

186 more pedestrian crossings with enough time for older people/toddlers/children by themselves to cross safely. Also not 9/1/2016 5:32 PM having pedestrian crossings which only allow you to cross when there is no traffic! e.g. by the Co-op on Warnham Road. Better foot access to JL and cycling with children. More crossings on roads so older children can walk about by themselves - and traffic calming e.g. New Street and Rushams Road. Ending the assumption that cars should always have priority.

187 Separate cycles from road traffic. Have pedestrian crossings react within 5 seconds, to prioritise pedeastrians, Have a 9/1/2016 5:28 PM longer crossing period with digital readout as in London/Croydon so pedestrians know how long they have

188 Better and more frequent maintenance of the footpath surfaces would help people. Many footpaths have many trip 9/1/2016 3:22 PM hazards. There needs to be more designated, controlled crossing points. This is especially relevant to areas that are part of a route to school and where residential care facilities are set up. All twittens should be maintained and foliage kept back to encourage and enable walkers to be to take short cuts around the town.

189 better footpaths, better signage ( eg distances in minutes on foot) 9/1/2016 9:19 AM

190 ensure hedges/trees that overhang pavements are cut back. Consider lowering speed limit on town roads. 8/31/2016 6:59 PM

80 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q32 Are bus services in your neighbourhood adequate to get into town (and beyond)?

Answered: 301 Skipped: 8



No opinion/ don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 36.54% 110

No 19.60% 59

No opinion/ don't know 43.85% 132

Total 301

# If "No" how could they be improved? Date

1 Last bus 14:29 we had one at 15:20 which was better - but has been taken off. Consequently all appointments (Drs, 10/28/2016 8:51 PM dentists etc have to be AM)

2 BUT there is a real shortage of taxi's. Vanish from the Carfax between 5-5.30pm. If you ring for one, usually a 40min 10/28/2016 6:22 PM wait.

3 More than adequate to get down town - when walking is easy. Long route time consuming route for return journey. So 10/27/2016 5:04 PM I tend to take a car if I have heavy shopping to do.

4 required to run later in the day - after 5pm 10/25/2016 9:37 PM

5 Re-instate the Compass bus route around Clarance Road/ Oakhill Road area to the Station, Hospital and tesco's 10/22/2016 6:07 PM

6 Services run by MetroBus and Arriva not as good as they should be - too infrequent, especially to nearby large towns 10/15/2016 12:35 PM such as Crawley, Haywards Heath and Guildford and finish too early in the day. Metrobus timetables in the morning to Haywards Heath totally unachievable - the few times I have caught it typically half an hour late, so when not driving, catch the train instead, despite having to change. Stagecoach has set a good example with the improvements in the bus service to Brighton - now more frequent, normally runs to time, friendly drivers, sensible prices and good quality buses - so we use this instead of driving when visiting Brighton as it is a better option, especially considering Brighton parking charges. Other bus companies need to raise up to this level.

7 Services are not frequent enough and finish too early in the day. 10/6/2016 8:16 PM

8 Not often enough. Do the buses need to be so big? Use an app to tell the bus company journeys you plan to take that 9/30/2016 8:50 PM day and being able to track buses clearly in real time on a map of Horsham.

9 Need to be more regular as one an hour is not enough. Also need more bus routes near retirement properties as this 9/28/2016 7:51 PM has caused my mother not too move to Horsham.

81 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

10 Buses are not very frequent and some stop quite early. The Park and Ride Service is frequent to the station but 9/28/2016 3:25 PM doesn't help anyone living in the West of Horsham (or Broadbridge Heath) who commutes to work by train.

11 Make it easier to find out about buses into town. The public transport in this area seems fragemented and it's hard to 9/28/2016 11:26 AM find out what buses go where and when.

12 Services are totally inadequate at present. Until buses offer a real viable alternative, people won't stop using their cars 9/27/2016 9:18 PM

13 More buses need to be added to rural areas. 9/27/2016 12:05 PM

14 Local buses don't come up new street 9/26/2016 9:26 PM

15 I live in the new Highwood development within the town and have read the planning application in detail, the idea was 9/25/2016 8:26 PM for residents to get public transport into town but the busses don't appear to run early or late enough to be of any use to get to the town centre or the station. To get to the station by bus takes longer then walking and the walk is very long indeed! Its not actually viable to get to the station by bus.

16 More frequent 9/25/2016 10:46 AM

17 I do not need to use the bus services, because the town centre is easy walking distance for me.. But I can see that 9/22/2016 6:13 PM more frequent normal services or service vehicles adapted for people with limited mobility could be necessary for those living by or around the A281 southwards from its junction with Queensway.

18 Have no idea on Bus Services as do not use or want to use them as they are too expensive and seem irregular. 9/22/2016 12:37 AM

19 not a viable option for me to get to work in Guildford as takes significantly longer than driving 9/21/2016 3:35 PM

20 With only one bus an hour and that stops early evening and does not run on Sunday, one is forced to use a car on a 9/20/2016 6:38 PM number of occasions.

21 A stop midway along on Harwood Drive 9/20/2016 3:20 PM

22 Run 100 bus later in the day. 9/19/2016 8:39 PM

23 Start a continuous mini shuttle bus to connect areas say 20mins walk out of town to Albion Way. 9/19/2016 5:09 PM

24 Later running and more frequent service. 9/18/2016 2:38 PM

25 The only time I tried to use to bus to go to the train station I waited for 30 minutes and it didn't come, so I had to use 9/18/2016 1:35 PM the car. Services should be more frequent and more punctual.

26 Need direct buses to Gatwick Airport, East Surrey hospital and big employment sites like Manor Royal. Currently you 9/17/2016 10:47 PM can't travel anywhere without going miles around housing estates. Buses are not a viable mode of transport except for those with loads of time on their hands.

27 For people who have to pay i.e. not pensioners it is prohibitively expensive 9/16/2016 9:18 AM

28 Better off peak services should be provided early morning late at night and week ends A non stop bus linking Horsham 9/15/2016 9:50 AM going from Horsham statioin to Brighton. The current bus bus to Brighton stops at many places and takes ages. Keep this service but also a non stop bus to Brighton. Have a Horsham to East Suurey Hospital Bus.

29 more frequent and run later 9/15/2016 1:23 AM

30 I use the bus service probably around three to six times a week and I always tend to get the 98. Lambs Farm Road is 9/14/2016 12:40 PM only served by the 98 bus so I don't have much choice when I'm at my mother's house. The buses are regular but at times they can be early or late and I don't feel I can 100% rely on them. There is no night bus service so I walk home from town after late shifts at work. I also get the 98 to south water but it is quite a long journey. I feel like ideally there should be one straight to south water which doesn't go to the town centre as well so there's more choice. I always get off at the train station when I go into town and walk the rest of the way as I feel its ridiculous that I should have to pay almost an additional pound just to get to the town centre when that same amount would pay for a trip to southwater! I think there needs to be a review on pricingso that less able bodied people aren't impacted by the charges.

31 By improving access to timetable and route information. It would be great if a timetable for local services was popped 9/13/2016 6:26 PM through the door. It would make me think twice about jumping in the car if I had heavy shopping to bring home.

32 they need to be more frequent and cheaper. perhaps more smaller buses rather than infrequent large buses. 9/12/2016 9:27 AM

33 More regular busses would be good rather than one an hour. And a bus to handcross area would be good also. 9/11/2016 8:34 PM

34 They stop too early in the evening. 9/10/2016 11:01 PM

35 Too expensive 9/10/2016 10:56 PM

36 we don't need a bus to get into town as we are within easy walking distance 9/10/2016 12:48 PM

82 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

37 More services. 9/9/2016 2:02 PM

38 The maps are hard to understand! There needs to be clearer signage, which stand is which, and which buses are going 9/9/2016 10:54 AM to which destinations. There could be a person in an information booth near the bus stops, it's hard if you are completely new to the town.

39 Buses that cease after 1420 hours (Number 51 The Common) mean you are restricted to only being able to go to 9/8/2016 4:27 PM town in the morning. Likewise there is no way of getting to and from the Hospital for the same reason if you have to use the bus. Buses should at least run until 1700 hours if members of society are to be able to go out and about using buses and not become severely restricted.

40 More buses when people need them ie operators discontinuing route because' bus needed for schools' buses when 9/8/2016 1:12 PM people leave work, As there are no suitable buses why do the taxis dessert town centre when schools finish then don't come back have waited for nearly an hour for a taxi at rank in carfax at 4 pm.

41 There is only 1 bus route that goes into the Wickhurst Green Development and it runs every 30 minutes. There needs 9/8/2016 11:56 AM to be more frequent buses for people to benefit taking the bus.

42 A Bus along North Parade into the town centre. 9/8/2016 11:14 AM

43 More frequent buses would be good to enable older people greater access. I haven't checked out the buses much as 9/7/2016 7:12 PM the route that I would want improving is to Manor Royal or Crawley. I generally walk or drive because public transport is not adequate.

44 More frequent 9/6/2016 5:27 PM

45 Services, even if limited, later in the afternoon. 9/6/2016 2:49 PM

46 Better advertising. I have no idea what services are available or the destinations. My perception is that they all stop in 9/5/2016 8:05 PM the early evening anyway, which is useless to anyone but retired people. I also understand that HDC manage taxi licensing. According to the companies/drivers I've spoken to, they have to charge a standard metered rate set by HDC, which increases at 11pm every night - leading to NO taxis being available to pre-book from 10.30pm-11pm!

47 Far too expensive. Costs the same to drive and park if travelling alone. If travelling as a couple or family price is 9/5/2016 12:41 PM prohibitive.

48 De stigmatize buses so they are not seen as the sole dominion of the ageing, young (pre 17), drunks and unemployed. 9/3/2016 9:23 PM

49 too expensive 9/3/2016 5:21 PM

50 A more frequent service 9/2/2016 1:57 PM

51 Could there be smaller buses that travel more frequently? 9/2/2016 9:18 AM

52 More frequent service which runs longer in the day and at the weekend, Cheaper fares. 9/2/2016 9:13 AM

53 The buses are cheap and nasty and filthy, they are badly maintained and panels rattle loudly. only use if desperate. 9/2/2016 6:08 AM

54 Adequate to get into town, but a bit limited for going any further. 9/1/2016 10:19 AM

83 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q33 Do you (or a family member) regularly cycle around Horsham

Answered: 302 Skipped: 7



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 40.07% 121

No 59.93% 181

Total 302

84 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q34 Are there sufficient cycle parks in the town?

Answered: 303 Skipped: 6



No opinion / don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 22.11% 67

No 27.72% 84

No opinion / don't know 50.17% 152

Total 303

# If "No" please suggest some possible locations Date

1 down the side of Swan Walk (opposite Wetherspoons). 10/28/2016 6:22 PM

2 cccc 10/28/2016 5:59 PM

3 Many existing cycle paths are a joke - only go a few tens of metres long before they terminate, so too slow to use and 10/15/2016 12:35 PM quicker, but more dangerous, to use the road. These pathetic short cycle paths need to go and paths designed to actually help cyclist ride safely and encourage more use built in their place.

4 By major outlets 10/7/2016 3:08 PM

5 Outside most shops - carrying stuff around is a nuisance when it could be left in store on the bike 10/7/2016 11:09 AM

6 by shops 10/6/2016 10:07 PM

7 Supermarkets and by large stores, 10/3/2016 10:29 AM

8 The front of the railway station is a particular problem. Also more parking required in the town centre 10/1/2016 10:35 PM

9 the new double decker bike racks are dangerou.One of them nearly hit me on the head. 9/30/2016 5:03 PM

10 Front entrance to the railway station. Shelley fountain area John Lewis (near the entrance, not tucked away across the 9/30/2016 2:04 PM car park or on a different level!)

11 Strategic entrance points to town and at the ends of shopping roads 9/30/2016 12:26 PM

12 At the bishopric side of the Guildford rd by the new Awfull crossing, the existing railing were removed which cyclists 9/29/2016 3:53 PM used to chain bikes to.

13 What is a cycle park? If it means development then NO. 9/29/2016 8:19 AM

85 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

14 Half way along East Street and anywhere along West Street which is completely devoid of them. It would be really nice 9/28/2016 7:55 PM to be able to park the bike, visit a few shops and walk on. As it is you have to start one end and then retrace your steps - or find somewhere informal to leave the bike. Often somewhere which could impede pedestrians or put a bike at risk of theft due to inadequate fixing places. And remove (and recycle of course!) the relatively new, ugly double-decker metal ones (outside the CAB and Boots for instance) which are completely devoid of aesthetic merit and are difficult to use and leave frames vulnerable apparently - according to cyclists who are more experienced than me. I would use the similar ones if parking at the rail station but as to going to Swan Walk or the Forum for five minutes, forget it!

15 Need more around the town centre and secure. 9/28/2016 7:51 PM

16 Near shops 9/27/2016 9:33 AM

17 There should be a long distance (and wide) cycle path between Horsham and Crawley more clearly defined cycle 9/24/2016 11:39 PM paths around Horsham town centre, incl areas like West Street.

18 Forum. 9/24/2016 3:16 PM

19 Making cycle space more available on major routes 9/23/2016 12:23 PM

20 Maybe we need more at waitrose. 9/23/2016 8:29 AM

21 Park Town 9/23/2016 7:09 AM

22 They never look full when I walk past them. 9/22/2016 11:45 AM

23 At 'entrance points' to Carfax, parks etc. Not stupid racks that no one can use like outside Boots 9/21/2016 3:42 PM

24 the train station, near to the park (bowling alley area) 9/20/2016 4:10 PM

25 Lane through the Park and existing Footpaths convert into dual use 9/20/2016 3:20 PM

26 end of shopways 9/20/2016 10:12 AM

27 Freshwater Parade Near Halifax in The Carfax 9/19/2016 8:22 PM

28 Station or carfax 9/18/2016 2:48 PM

29 At each major destination point, especially in the Lynd Cross area. Needs cctv to reduce theft (having had mine stolen 9/18/2016 1:00 PM recently and the cctv was, allegedly, looking the other way!)

30 Difficult to achieve in an older town - roads too narrow - full of parked cars... 9/15/2016 11:15 AM

31 Outside the Pavilions there need to be more. Cycle lanes should be extended and improved. Horsham leads itself to 9/15/2016 9:50 AM be a cycling town being relatively flat and compact and a real drive should be done to encourage everyday cycling. Make road speed in Horsham 20 mphNot just on residential streets. Dig down in the road under the iron Bridge in the Brighton road so large lorries can go under it and don't have to go down Clarence Road, Oakhill Road and Station Road which are far too narrow and in residential streets.

32 Adjacent to existing roads, make them separate! 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

33 The town would benefit from more cycle parks. 9/14/2016 12:40 PM

34 What's a cycle park? 9/12/2016 11:11 AM

35 We cycle on the lanes and Downs link. The main roads, ie Brighton Road and Worthing Road are far to busy and 9/12/2016 9:27 AM dangerous for cycling on. there is no safe way to cycle into Horsham for families and children. There needs to be a dedicated cycle route from Southwater to Horsham following the route of the Worthing road, with proper seperation of road and cycle traffic. The present route via Copsaleis of no use .

36 West Street 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

37 the two-tier cycle rack to the side of Boots is not properly used or managed 9/10/2016 12:48 PM

38 The reason we don't cycle is because in our flat there are no bicycle stands, if any new development is made the 9/9/2016 10:54 AM council could stipulate a bicycle stand must be built. Also you could think about a "Boris-bike" idea? Piries or Pavillions in the Park might be a good place for this? You could make cycle routes, in the greener areas, and start council run cycle for wellbeing/leisure groups?

39 East Street/Piries place 9/8/2016 2:01 PM

40 Expand the existing locations. 9/8/2016 1:04 PM

41 Maybe around near Wilkinsons and Waitrose 9/7/2016 7:12 PM

42 Piries place 9/7/2016 11:53 AM

86 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

43 Need more cycle parks and paths 9/7/2016 9:31 AM

44 More needs to be done with cycle parking outside Boots and in or around Wilko and the square. Better cycle parking 9/6/2016 6:33 PM down East Street. Cycling parking needs to be easy and safe to access - NOT the double decker cycle racks which are unfriendly for parking both smaller/children's bikes and heavier bikes. Useful to have bike racks that can have more then one bike stacked against them/use a lock for more then one bike.

45 They tend to be on the edge of the town centre, out of the way and don't feel very safe. I wouldn't leave my bike there. 9/6/2016 12:37 PM

46 East Street, West street Carfax (existing one too dangerous for children and older people 9/6/2016 12:26 PM

47 Town centre / public car parks - only needs something to chain cycle to 9/5/2016 3:16 PM

48 Cycle path two and from local schools should be a priority 9/5/2016 1:40 PM

49 Park & Sports Centre area 9/5/2016 11:43 AM

50 What is a cycle park? 9/4/2016 9:33 PM

51 See earlier comment, ie the link between the east and town centre is poor for bikes, either make the north street 9/3/2016 6:39 PM subway a shared space or create a new cycle path.

52 The bike park facilities being installed (e.g. the new shelter very effectively hidden behind Piries Place car park, far 9/2/2016 5:09 PM away from most shops) are very insecure, allowing only locking front or rear wheel, which is totally useless on any bike with quick-release wheels. Many cyclists therefore lock their bikes to the framework of the structure instead or to nearby fences. Good new locations would be the Carfax and the Forum.

53 1) Albion way 2) Stop the parking on the current paths - they effectively are not cycle lanes 9/2/2016 6:08 AM

54 Where the cycle paths disappear when the roads get narrow. The abrupt ending of cycle paths is frustrating and 9/1/2016 9:20 PM dangerous. Hurst Road. Cycle paths would be much more use if they were a) separated from the road by, say, a strip of grass, b) not continuously interrupted.

55 But the double decker cycle parks are really difficult to use for anyone less than 6 foot to use! Not enough cycle 9/1/2016 5:32 PM parking at the station.

56 Each end of East, West and Middle Streets. Outside all supermarkets. More outside front of Horsham STation 9/1/2016 5:28 PM

57 No, it's one of the reasons we don't cycle 9/1/2016 10:20 AM

58 At Horsham bus station. in carfax 9/1/2016 9:19 AM

59 Near the Causeway 8/31/2016 6:59 PM

60 Horsham park next to Park House, North Street. Denne Road car park. 8/30/2016 8:37 PM

87 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q35 Are there sufficient cycle paths in the area?

Answered: 300 Skipped: 9



No opinion/ don't know

If "No" please identify...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 12.67% 38

No 17.67% 53

No opinion/ don't know 33.67% 101

If "No" please identify potential routes 36.00% 108

Total 300

# If "No" please identify potential routes Date

1 Almost impossible with old narrow roads 10/28/2016 7:05 PM

2 xxxx 10/28/2016 6:36 PM

3 Along ALL busy roads 10/28/2016 6:22 PM

4 Cycle lane along Brighton Road 10/28/2016 5:43 PM

5 Good all weather cycle paths connecting Horsham with the sorounding countryside 10/9/2016 3:21 PM

6 Worried that cycle paths will encroach on road users 10/8/2016 9:10 PM

7 St leonards Road, Harwood Road Kings Road in fact we need a circle around the town with many feeder branching 10/7/2016 3:08 PM into it. We will have many more electric scooters as the population ages

8 Harwood Road, RedkilnWay St Leonards Road Comptons Lane 10/7/2016 11:09 AM

9 harwood road st leonards road comptons lane and anywhere there are verges, it would save the cost of cutting so 10/6/2016 10:07 PM much and stop us cyclists being injured and killed

10 As above 10/3/2016 10:29 AM

11 Everywhere! (None exist at present) 10/1/2016 10:35 PM

88 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

12 They need to be successfully separated from traffic to be a safe cycle route too many give way to car traffic and 9/30/2016 8:50 PM disappear just when you think they are interesting. If cycling was quick and with few hold ups for traffic lights and avoiding traffic more people would cycle and be healthier. A good cycle route to Waitrose and the Sainsbury's beyond from the Guildford Road, I feel the opportunity for this has been lost because no access was created through the old Lifestyle Ford site and behind Currys.

13 Horsham to Christ Hospital. 9/30/2016 5:03 PM

14 Need a safe route down Bishopric, into Albion way and onto John Lewis Need a safe route down Bishopric, across 9/30/2016 2:04 PM Albion Way and into the pedestrian area around the Shelley Fountain. This whole area is a highly dangerous barrier to anyone trying to cycle into town. With the all the new developments around there, why can't there be some provision for cycling?

15 Harwood Road, St Leonards Road, Comptons Lane, Kings Road, Wimblehurst Road 9/30/2016 12:26 PM

16 Roads are too narrow often causes cars to a crawl. Cyclists move to pavement and become a danger to pedestrians. 9/30/2016 12:14 AM Horsham is unsafe for cyclists that's why we DON'T cycle

17 See above. More cycle paths needed coming into Horsham on the west side of town. 9/29/2016 7:59 PM

18 Totally inadequate. The cycle route along Guilford Road disappears at Merryfield Drive as you come into the town 9/29/2016 4:08 PM centre. The number of times cyclist ride along the footpaths that are only for pedestrians is an increasing problem and when it is pointed out you get abused. Several near misses I have witnessed especially with elderly people. Cycling in areas where it is not permitted needs to be enforced.

19 Down the Guilford rd, cycling on the road is too dangerous. The existing cycle path needs extending, also there are to 9/29/2016 3:53 PM many disjointed bits of cycle paths. None of the new estates seem to have made provision for people who cycle!

20 Along Albion Way, and Brighton Road 9/29/2016 8:19 AM

21 Make all the cycle paths safer, wider and better signposted and "joined up". North Street version is not bad, St 9/28/2016 7:55 PM Leonards Road/Comptons Lane is too narrow. I cycle from the Sainsbury's roundabout to the Springfield Road turning every morning and that is pretty frightening. People cannot pass a cycle and stay in their lane - and they don't want to wait... so they often get far too close...I don't know what can be done about it - but maybe the pavements there are wide enough for a cycle lane... Publish an easily updated online cycle map, especially of the town centre, so people have less of an excuse to be cycling where they should not. Get someone to make an App of it - though not my thing!

22 Should be along all main road as in Holland and should be part of the condition of all new housing developments. 9/28/2016 7:51 PM

23 Linking routes together would help rather than having small sections that then quickly end up on fast country roads or 9/28/2016 11:40 AM busy town roads.

24 By current pfootways 9/27/2016 9:33 AM

25 The paths do not connect up and are really just painted lines on some short sections of pavements. The sections force 9/25/2016 8:26 PM you to get off the bike far too many times to actually be used.

26 Cyclist don't use the marked paths anyway. They prefer to ride on the pavement. So don't spend any more money on 9/25/2016 2:37 PM these unused facilities.

27 as above, between Horsham & Crawley better cycle links to the surround villages like Billingshurst better route to the 9/24/2016 11:39 PM Suoth Downs Link

28 Brighton Road including footpath south towards Mannings Heath and beyond. 9/24/2016 3:16 PM

29 The only road routes to the lovely roads around Westons Farm Shop, W Chiltington, Shipley, etc. are the busy roads I 9/24/2016 7:46 AM mentioned above. Basically I'm finding it difficult to find a safe route south.

30 Anywhere where there is a wide grass verge (eg Comptons Lane). Connect roads up the fenced side of school playing 9/24/2016 2:04 AM fields. New housing developments should be obliged to design in suitable routes (eg Milton Keynes)

31 All routes 9/23/2016 3:33 PM

32 A good north south route would be useful 9/23/2016 12:23 PM

33 Brighton Road. Too many cycle on the footpaths. 9/23/2016 11:50 AM

34 We use the road. 9/23/2016 8:29 AM

35 To coast 9/23/2016 7:09 AM

36 I've not investigated them but I would be keen to have as many as possible for my family as they get older. 9/21/2016 10:32 PM

37 Harwood Road, St. Leonards Road, Kings Road, All the main roads that feed into town 9/21/2016 3:42 PM

89 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

38 There needs to be cycle path from BBH all the way into Horsham along the Guildford Rd. There also needs to be a 9/21/2016 10:38 AM cycle path along Blackhorse Way so that cyclists don't cycle up West St/East Street

39 Convert existing Footpaths (as they do in France and other countries) 9/20/2016 3:20 PM

40 Make all footways wider, reduce road width and use verges if necessary, but with permeable surface. Disabled 9/20/2016 10:12 AM scooters (on the increase and will increase) can use then too

41 Continue paths. They stop and start. 9/19/2016 8:39 PM

42 No idea of routes but need to be kept off pavements 9/19/2016 8:22 PM

43 Highwood to Warnham and all directions into Horsham town center/park. 9/19/2016 5:53 PM

44 Particularly to and from schools 9/19/2016 3:53 PM

45 from brighton road end 9/19/2016 2:20 PM

46 Hurst road, depot road. The major roads leading to the mainline station. But it needs to be segregated from trafic to 9/18/2016 9:20 PM prevent colision.

47 The existing cycle paths are inadequate and those by the roadside are too narrow and often used by cars parking 9/18/2016 7:04 PM

48 Cycle path along Guildford Road to Bishopric and town centre. Path currently stops at traffic lights near Merryfield 9/18/2016 2:38 PM Drive.

49 North south east and west, cycle lanes and a comprehensive network across the town. Access to west of Horsham to 9/18/2016 1:00 PM and from the new Leisure Centre and a comprehensive network in the north of Horsham development. Subways under the A264.

50 Clarence road area 9/17/2016 12:49 PM

51 Cycle paths rather than lanes on busy roads! 9/17/2016 9:17 AM

52 Could do with them on the main roads 9/15/2016 9:12 PM

53 All major roads in Horsham could have them .Look at places like Oxford there are cycle lanes on many of the roads. 9/15/2016 9:50 AM Ask Oxford council for advise about how to make a town good for cyclists. Have 'Boris' bike system as they have in London.

54 Paths give out just when you need them most eg roundabouts. I gave up cycling up Parsonage Road 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

55 As above 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

56 I don't know about potential routes but I know that to get anywhere you still have to tackle main roads and dangerous 9/14/2016 12:40 PM areas whilst cycling even if you are using cycle paths.

57 They just run out e.g. North Parade and Guildford Road 9/14/2016 8:36 AM

58 Brighton Road and most major routes in and out of town 9/13/2016 7:44 PM

59 I have stopped cycling in on the Brighton Road as I do not feel safe. A cycle path would be great. 9/13/2016 6:26 PM

60 I'm not a cyclist but I do know they ride on pavements and can come round corners at dangerously high speed. They 9/13/2016 6:00 PM also assume the traffic calming line in St Lens Rd is a cycle lane and can get very abusive about it. So I wouldn't know where to put routes, but my experience tells me there are not enough of them!

61 all main school routes, on busy main roads. 9/13/2016 11:37 AM

62 Southwater to Horham. We need cycle routes with proper segregation otherwise the cycle lanes merely become 9/12/2016 9:27 AM parking lanes.

63 Run cycle tracks with pedestrian walkways 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

64 Cyclists don't use the ones that are there. Roads are poor to cycle along, for example Greenway, with too many pot 9/11/2016 12:30 PM holes. North Parade cycle lanes are too narrow

65 Brighton road-Queen Street 9/11/2016 9:54 AM

66 Into town and they don't just suddenly stop 9/11/2016 9:03 AM

67 A white line painted a foot from the gutter is not a cycle path. 9/11/2016 7:11 AM

68 Yes but people on Guildford rd don't always seem to use them 9/10/2016 10:01 PM

69 However cycle lanes are not wide enough especially taking into account the number of potholes on the sides of the 9/10/2016 9:44 PM riads

90 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

70 All major roads into town 9/10/2016 9:34 PM

71 people should not cycle within pedestrian areas 9/10/2016 12:48 PM

72 I feel the cycle paths are there at the easy parts but just disappear at the dangerous bits. Again more police to catch 9/9/2016 7:59 PM cray drivers would make cycling much more pleasant and safer.

73 They appear at times very narrow and poorly maintained There is no east west route across town This results in idiots 9/9/2016 11:16 AM riding down east and west streets on bikes at speed It is only a matter of time before someone gets hurt Please enforce no cycling in this area

74 The A281 is a dangerous road, people regularly exceed the speed limit, I wouldn't like my husband to cycle that road 9/9/2016 10:54 AM in rush hour, also the area near Sainsbury's, that roundabout can be very busy.

75 Retrospectively installing cycle paths is usually very difficult as the most useful and used ones are those completely 9/9/2016 8:06 AM separate from traffic and thus safe for youngsters and less confident cyclists. Cyclists who are not nervous of traffic will just use the roads. If others, and especially parents, are to be convinced that cycling is safe an uninterrupted network of traffic free cycle paths is probably needed. At the very least these should be included in all new development even if it's going to be decades before they can be linked up.

76 Clearer permissible cycle ways around and across the park, carfax, and north-south, east-west in the town centre 9/8/2016 7:43 PM itself.

77 Dedicated cycle tracks should be built when new development takes place. Cyclists do not use cycle tracks where 9/8/2016 4:27 PM they have to share the highway and are a waste of money as shown by North Street. Albion Way should have been built with a dedicated cycle track at the time of construction, there was room for one.

78 Brighton road is terribly unsafe for cycling into town due to parked cars and narrow pavements. 9/8/2016 2:01 PM

79 Dedicated cycle paths need to be created from the outskirts into town. Its a big project, but you should have it in your 9/8/2016 1:04 PM sights. Cycle paths must not "end" abruptly. There must be no conflict between cars and cycles. Putting a cycle path on a pavement shared with pedestrians is a halfway-house and foolish method.

80 In general there needs to be an ongoing programme of introducing cycle paths wherever possible, and proper routes 9/8/2016 11:14 AM not those that are simply gutters enclosed by a white line which can be dangerous to cycles and cyclists. This may mean in some places (e.g. North Parade) taking out some grass verges as cycleways.

81 Look to Hampshire Council for ideas - having spent a week in Gosport area they have got the cycle routes firmly 9/8/2016 8:55 AM sorted and far more people are actually cycling - all good, environmentally, healthy and safer.

82 The existing routes need to be better marked to educate the non cycling community 9/8/2016 8:19 AM

83 See above. There is a cycle route from Broadbridge Heath, past Tanbridge School and half way down Worthing Road, 9/7/2016 8:55 PM but then it stops at Merryfield Drive. If it continued down towards the town then families could cycle safely into town, to school etc.

84 The route along North Parade and on through to Denne Road. 9/7/2016 8:09 PM

85 I have heard there is a cycle path between Horsham and Crawley, which is part of the down's link. I regularly hear 9/7/2016 7:12 PM friends complaining that it is not possible to use it as it is not maintained. This would be great for people working in Crawley and to enable greater access to cycle paths around the area.

86 Need more out of town not only in the town center 9/7/2016 4:01 PM

87 I am a keen cyclists but I would not allow my family to cycle around horsham . The cycle paths are a joke. Narrow 9/7/2016 8:54 AM painted lines with no physical barrier to stop cars straying over

88 Some cycle ways are identified but they are just the edge of the road or gutters where the drains and wholes in the 9/6/2016 7:53 PM roads are. If you want improve cycle ways they need to be no go areas for cars and lorrys.

89 Need a proper route down Guildford road that goes all the way into town and is clearly marked - perhaps shared 9/6/2016 6:33 PM footpath in and around Bishopric (off the road). Need to improve and dedicate lane down Warnham rd merging with Springfield road - currently often parked on going into town and nothing going south. Need to have clear way to connect existing cycle routes with John Lewis/Waitrose development. Need to have a clear 'cycle superhighway' to encourage cycling in from north of town. Need to provide a clear, marked and lighted path through park that is safe to use all year round. Open up underpass under railway so can cycle as well as walk easily across.

90 There are only a few cycle paths in Horsham and they are normally too narrow, badly surfaced or have cars parked on 9/6/2016 12:37 PM them.

91 Make roads less wide and use space for cycle ways on Kings Road, North Street Albion Way Harwood Road Hurst 9/6/2016 12:26 PM Road

91 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

92 From Lower Beeding, Mannings Heath into Horsham and from Crawley, Faygate and Colgate into Horsham. 9/6/2016 10:42 AM

93 A safe passage over the railway bridge leading to kings road. 9/6/2016 7:30 AM

94 Generally extend network to separate cycles from other traffic 9/5/2016 3:16 PM

95 If it would be at all possible to link Horsham Town Centre directly up to the Down Link at Christs Hospital that would be 9/5/2016 1:40 PM great

96 To all schools 9/4/2016 9:33 PM

97 Clearer routes between getting from town centre to country areas 9/4/2016 9:03 AM

98 Good quality dedicated cycle paths linking surrounding towns and villages e.g. , Horsham to south water, and horsham 9/3/2016 9:23 PM to crawley (for inspiration please look at the exemplary cycle/walkway linking dorking and leatherhead).

99 Crossing the A264 to get to Faygate or Rusper is an absolute nightmare both for cyclists and pedestrians. There 9/3/2016 3:45 PM should be a bridge.

100 current cycle part of roads is too narrow 9/3/2016 3:14 PM

101 Between Oakhill and town centre over the private rail crossing space at rear of the Capitol, to connect into existing 9/3/2016 11:56 AM cycle routes.

102 Routes are not properly joined together. Cycle paths end suddenly when approaching road junctions or at signs 9/2/2016 5:09 PM ordering cyclists to dismount, making it very hard to cross from one end of town to the other. Albion Way requires proper cycle lanes in both directions, ideally separated entirely from motor traffic. The roundabout by Park Surgery is particularly unpleasant to negotiate. There needs to be a cycle lane for filtering on to North St towards the station. Brighton Rd/Queen St also needs cycle lanes. Black Horse Way is where cyclists are encouraged/funnelled to ride to reach the other end of West St but it is not a pleasant road to cycle along and is crying out for shared use remodelling. It's really difficult to get out of the town centre and travel north towards the park from the Carfax without coming into conflict with pedestrians or cars. North Parade cycle lane is blocked almost every day by parked cars, while there is no lane northbound at all at first unless you take London Road - which has no cycle lanes anyway. The advance cycle stop boxes on Albion Way are totally useless as they are not connected by any sort of cycle lane, thus causing conflict with motorists if cyclists legally filter in between vehicles to reach the front.

103 All our roads are too narrow so using a bike anywhere is hazardous even with marked cylce lane as they are too 9/2/2016 9:13 AM narrow. Cycle routes are not continuous or accessible in the first place without having to negotiate a busy road.

104 The key issue is that the cycle paths need to be SAFE. Painting a few lines on the road which suddenly stop when the 9/1/2016 5:32 PM road gets narrow means that it is just not safe for children to cycle on the road.

105 Where there is a grass verge, widen footway to accommodate cycles. Shame to lose verge, but will make cycling 9/1/2016 5:28 PM safer.

106 The main problem is that they are not properly separated from motor traffic so cycling is a high risk activity. Not easy to 9/1/2016 10:19 AM solve this, but at the moment it is more important than the actual number of paths.

107 1. cycle lane needed in Worthing Road ( there is currently blocked off space in the middle of the road which could be 9/1/2016 9:19 AM reallocated 2. Through the Carfax -coming down North Street into the Carfax the path hits a dead end ( a bollard)

108 The cycle network is fragmented and needs joining up 8/31/2016 6:59 PM

92 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q36 If you have children at school / college in Horsham, how do they travel there? (Please select all that apply)

Answered: 264 Skipped: 45






Not applicable

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Car 11.74% 31

Bus 1.14% 3

Taxi 0.00% 0

Cycle 10.61% 28

Walk 32.58% 86

Not applicable 61.74% 163

Total Respondents: 264

93 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q37 What could be done to encourage more walking or cycling to school?

Answered: 134 Skipped: 175

# Responses Date

1 Really difficult - working parents haveing sometimes two schools in opposite directions. Time important has Horsham 10/28/2016 7:05 PM Centre/ Station gridlocked in the morning. Have to drive.

2 Have safe cycle paths and get parents to organise "crocodile walks" if not too far. 10/28/2016 6:22 PM

3 More promotion of cycle paths. 10/27/2016 5:04 PM

4 yes 10/25/2016 8:27 PM

5 Good quality segregated cycle paths, clear of both pedestrians and motorised road transport. 10/15/2016 12:35 PM

6 Infrastructure for safety and happy & healthy independence. 10/12/2016 12:29 PM

7 Better facilities 10/9/2016 3:21 PM

8 Stop kids coming from outside Horsham 10/7/2016 3:08 PM

9 Stop cars going close to the school. Encourage children to cycle by giving them a bike (recycled from the dump and 10/7/2016 11:09 AM non claimed that the police get) they could have classes to teach them how to repair and maintain them

10 make it safe 10/6/2016 10:07 PM

11 Explain the problems caused by traffic congestion and pollution to the children to try and discourage parents from 10/6/2016 8:16 PM driving. ensure plenty of properly secure cycle parking is available at school.

12 Ban cars near a school and take children from a close area near the school Alternatively have a massive complex for 10/3/2016 10:29 AM all children to go to on one site and bus them in

13 Safe, attractive routes, free from interactions with motor traffic. 10/1/2016 10:35 PM

14 Clear, safe physically separated paths for cycling and walking. The present white lines which line pavements are in my 9/30/2016 8:50 PM opinion not really worth the effort of creating. Common sense should be used when the rules make a stupid situation of signage and siting of paths. We are a practical nation not a nation of bureaucrats who feel that rules must always be adhered to even when they are clearly stupid.

15 I would like to see the speed limit reduced to 20mph. 9/30/2016 4:33 PM

16 Provide safe cycle lanes. Put more no parking areas around the school entrances and commonly used crossing 9/30/2016 2:04 PM points. Maintain the road surface for cyclists - it is currently impossible to cycle down Greenway outside Greenway Academy school without dropping into the multitude of potholes which extend across the entire surface of the road.

17 Have cycle pathways off the road 9/30/2016 12:26 PM

18 Slower speed limits on roads around schools 9/30/2016 9:02 AM

19 You've already made it impossible to park near the school. I've a mobility issue but walk my 5 year old to school 9/30/2016 12:14 AM regardless which is extremely painful for me. Figure it out

20 Better / more cycle paths. 9/29/2016 7:59 PM

21 Improve the "dedicated" cycle routes for children, keep them off the pedestrian pavements and footpaths. Improve the 9/29/2016 4:08 PM road crossings and the signage. Indication when to cross is not clear enough, they may meet the national standards as they are today but I feel they are inadequate and need to much more bolder. Educate the children more as to how to walk and cycle to school safely. Educate the parents to stop the school run,this drives up the volume of traffic alarmingly before and after school.

22 Better and more direct cycle paths and better secure cycle parking. 9/29/2016 3:53 PM

23 Safer routes, secure storage for bikes. Perhaps schools open a bit earlier (with skeleton staff or volunteer parents as 9/28/2016 7:55 PM back up) so people have time to walk their children there before work.

24 Making it safer for children to cycle with property cycle routes and paths and more crossing patrols near schools. 9/28/2016 7:51 PM

25 Engagement with schools to improve this 9/28/2016 3:25 PM

94 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

26 ban cars from stopping or waiting in school roads at start and end of school day 9/28/2016 3:21 PM

27 Roads where cars are not permitted. Clear and separate cycle routes and pedestrian routes. 9/28/2016 11:40 AM

28 Education of effects of exercise on health and wellbeing to parents 9/28/2016 4:47 AM

29 Preclude all vehicles near schools 9/27/2016 9:33 AM

30 Penalise the hoards of parents dropping there kids of the school causing exesive traffic. 9/27/2016 9:32 AM

31 Not sure. 9/27/2016 7:27 AM

32 Make sure there are safe crossing points and adequate safe paths 9/26/2016 9:26 PM

33 Make it illegal for parents to drive their children to school. 9/25/2016 5:37 PM

34 wider paths slower speed limits in residential streets, and calming measures better facilities for locking up kids bikes 9/24/2016 11:39 PM etc

35 Cycle paths and safety wardens 9/24/2016 3:16 PM

36 More active parents, taking it in turn to walk some kids into school. Dedicated cycle lanes. 9/24/2016 2:04 AM

37 Educate the parents to walk. 9/23/2016 4:55 PM

38 More footpaths and cycle paths 9/23/2016 3:33 PM

39 Dedicated cycle lanes on all roads 9/23/2016 1:04 PM

40 Better routes and controlling parking enforcement round schools 9/23/2016 12:23 PM

41 Reduce the speed limit on school routes to 20mph. "Twenty is plenty" 9/23/2016 11:50 AM

42 Charge for school drop-off by car 9/23/2016 10:42 AM

43 Not sure- the school is quite a distance for us... 9/23/2016 8:29 AM

44 More lollipop staff at crossings 9/23/2016 7:09 AM

45 I think this is difficult as many parents go on to work from dropping children off at school. , 9/22/2016 11:45 AM

46 Safer roads . I would not allow children to cycle Redford Avenue as the traffic is too fast and unpredictable. 9/22/2016 10:43 AM

47 Better Policing of School frontage and moving people on when they pull up to park and preventing clogging of roads in 9/22/2016 12:37 AM the area.

48 Cycle paths, cycle safety lessons in n schools, walking buses for young children to encourage walking from a young 9/21/2016 10:32 PM age.

49 Stop cars parking within a mile of a school, they could have the children dropped off at a central point then bussed or 9/21/2016 3:42 PM walked in

50 More time and not happy to cycle with younger siblings 9/21/2016 3:35 PM

51 Better cycle paths 9/21/2016 10:38 AM

52 More crossings 9/20/2016 5:49 PM

53 better and safer environment (e.g. dedicated cycle routes, etc.) 9/20/2016 4:10 PM

54 Stop cars going close to school What about some sort of parking central and walk/bus children in? 9/20/2016 10:12 AM

55 More paths for them to do so safely. 9/19/2016 3:53 PM

56 Footpaths, crossings, lower speed limits, more and secure cycle paths 9/18/2016 9:20 PM

57 Slower speed limits in town 9/18/2016 7:04 PM

58 Widen the pavements and include cycle paths where main roads are wide enough (e.g. Brighton Road) 9/18/2016 3:14 PM

59 More slow 20 zones particularly round schools 9/18/2016 2:48 PM

60 More and safe routes 9/18/2016 1:00 PM

61 Safer crossing areas. More double yellow lines on junctions & traffic wardens patrolling the area. 9/18/2016 7:26 AM

62 Should an unsafe form of transport like cycling be encouraged at all? If people choose it that's fine but not the 9/17/2016 10:47 PM council's place to encourage it.

95 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

63 Severely limit parking near to schools and enforce it. Its too easy to drive and drop. More walking would mean 9/17/2016 6:33 PM healthier children and parents.

64 cycling to school isn't safe - so i suppose cycle paths would help with this aspect 9/17/2016 10:24 AM

65 Prohibiting car usage around school sites at beginning and end of school day! 9/17/2016 9:17 AM

66 Traffic slowing measures and better cycle paths. 9/16/2016 9:18 AM

67 Lower speed limits safer walkways 9/15/2016 6:16 PM

68 Convince parents it is safe? E.g. more signage to drivers warning them of school cyclists? 9/15/2016 12:16 PM

69 Make road speed in Horsham 20 mph Not just on residential streets.cycle lanes should be extended and improved. 9/15/2016 9:50 AM Horsham leads itself to be a cycling town being relatively flat and compact and a real drive should be done to encourage everyday cycling.

70 A return to the pavements being a safe place to walk. Teach children to stay in the provided cycle lane and to 9/14/2016 8:27 PM consider pedestrians by using a bell on their cycles. Keep the roads nearby,free from parked cars and to employ more traffic wardens,especially near schools.

71 AS above. Ban cars near schools or how about a park and ride so kids get dropped off by parents after all there are 9/14/2016 12:44 PM not that many schools and it would stop pollution and congestion and must improve road safety around schools

72 When I was at college a couple of years ago I would get the bus to the train station to college and walk home 9/14/2016 12:40 PM afterwards. Having safer routes to cycle down instead of busy roads would help encourage more cycling, as well as more bike storage.

73 Proper cycling paths 9/13/2016 7:44 PM

74 more safety crossing areas 9/13/2016 11:37 AM

75 I would not be happy to have a child cycle to school as the roads are too busy. More walking should be encouraged 9/13/2016 11:37 AM and perhaps schools and college could influence children.

76 A crossing on St Leonard's Road (near Brambling Road) for Heron Way school. 9/12/2016 11:11 AM

77 Safe cycle lanes. Reduce and the enforce the speed limits on our town roads. Eg Hop Oast to Horsham should be a 9/12/2016 9:27 AM 30 limit. St leonards Road if reduced to one lane due to parked cars making cycling along it leathal.

78 Park and cycle have cycle 'bus' like the walking 'bus'. Ban cars from around school areas at school times 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

79 Reduce sped limits 9/11/2016 9:23 PM

80 Safer crossings particularly near Heron Way school. St Leonard's road is a child's death eating to happen!! 9/11/2016 8:34 PM

81 Pedestrian crossings on comptons/st leaonards. Enforced speed limits 9/11/2016 1:03 PM

82 Safer cycle paths. Traffic is the biggest danger (both too much of it and inconsiderate driving). 9/11/2016 12:47 PM

83 A ban on parking close to schools at starting and leaving times. 9/11/2016 12:39 PM

84 More pedestrain crossing on the route. 9/11/2016 9:54 AM

85 Cycle routes/less busy roads 9/11/2016 9:03 AM

86 Safer cycle paths 9/11/2016 7:11 AM

87 Safer roads, crossing at rusher road to make it easier for children crossing for Holbrook school and all saints school. 9/10/2016 11:01 PM

88 Better crossing areas on busy roads like Compton lane 9/10/2016 10:31 PM

89 Make the path way safe for the children to walk to school on, at the mini round about at the top of comptons lane/ St 9/10/2016 10:24 PM Leonard's road. And a crossing for the children to cross the road safer.

90 Safer places to cross, stopping cars obstructing pavements 9/10/2016 9:44 PM

91 Schools to promote it, offer prizes and competitions 9/10/2016 9:35 PM

92 Safer crossing areas outside schools. 9/10/2016 9:34 PM

93 Hopeless - people are just so lazy 9/9/2016 7:59 PM

94 Slower road speed limits, safer cycle paths (Harwood Road to Forest and Millais is scary the way cars come up next 9/9/2016 7:27 PM to youngsters in bikes)

96 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

95 Make it safer with cycle paths separate from traffic. Make it cool to cycle or walk and the opposite to come by private 9/9/2016 8:06 AM car!

96 Distinct cycle ways to each school and the college, using either road or pavement. 9/8/2016 7:43 PM

97 Safer roads 9/8/2016 7:28 PM

98 Fixing of roads. 9/8/2016 5:35 PM

99 ALL footpaths need to be more scooter friendly (i.e. flatter) to encourage families with children to walk. The paths on 9/8/2016 2:01 PM the way to our school are narrow, often being blocked with refuse bins, which makes walking with a pushchair really difficult and at the moment there are brambles and stinging nettles encroaching on the path. Hammerpond road is not very safe to cross either.

100 Increase fuel prices. Make more awareness of the importance of being healthy and not obese. - take a look at TV in 9/8/2016 1:04 PM the 60's and 70's - not too many tubs of lard then - more people walked to work and school.

101 Had the school moved to the Wickhurst Green development like it should have then I could of walked every day but I 9/8/2016 11:56 AM have to drive as I go straight to work from the school run.

102 Proper provision of cycle ways/routes. More attention to walking routes provision of and condition. 9/8/2016 11:14 AM

103 Preventing cars from using areas outside schools for dropping of children. 9/8/2016 8:55 AM

104 More cycle paths. 9/7/2016 8:55 PM

105 Safer routes. 9/7/2016 7:12 PM

106 Safer cycle routes (separated from traffic) 9/7/2016 6:52 PM

107 More crossings (currently none on St Leonards Road/comptons lane despite there being 4 schools straddling the 9/7/2016 11:53 AM road). More (well defined) cycle lanes

108 Need a pedestrian crossing on st Leonard's road 9/7/2016 9:31 AM

109 Real cycle paths 9/7/2016 8:54 AM

110 Walking trains from different spots so a adult can walk with a group of younger children to school. These people need 9/6/2016 7:53 PM to be approved in some some way.

111 Create better crossing points and cycle lanes. Currently no safe way of crossing from Rushams Rd into Springfield Rd 9/6/2016 6:33 PM by bike (for both child and adult) - despite the route for three schools! Cycling 'buses' where adults lead a group of children to school on their bikes. Close certain section of roads to cars during school pick up and drop off to encourage cycling. Create drop off zones outside schools so parents aren't forced to park and take children into school (when older).

112 Ban cars from within 500 mtrs of a school. Make it a requirement that within a mile children must walk to school 9/6/2016 12:26 PM

113 More safe cycle lanes and routes. 9/6/2016 10:42 AM

114 Schools need to take the lead in encouraging children to walk / cycle. 9/5/2016 8:05 PM

115 Get the children to provide input on their travel to and from school, and add up points for an incentive. Provide local 9/5/2016 7:57 PM minibus service to stop the dropoff and collection due to parents jobs. Provide incentive to parents to reduce dropping and collecting children (eg market to Horsham Community that the school is 'carbon-reducing')

116 No stopping cars to drop off within designated areas around schools. 9/5/2016 2:04 PM

117 Make Worthing Road safe for pedestrians. Cut back greenery hard more often and get police to enforce the 30 & 40 9/5/2016 1:40 PM MPH limits there.

118 Re-educate parents on such matters. 9/5/2016 12:46 PM

119 Cycle paths on common access routes and more lollipop ladies, or dedicated cycle superhighways 9/4/2016 9:33 PM

120 Car exclusion zones within perhaps 1 mile if schools during drop off and pick up times. Cycling on the road becomes 9/4/2016 10:29 AM safe, rather than bikes having to share pavements with those walking.

121 Create walking patrols, stop parents driving near to the schools, promote the healthy aspect of walking, use it as part 9/3/2016 4:28 PM of school day and exercise/PE routines.

122 Better monitoring and challenging of drivers who flout the law by stopping on doulble yellow lines outside Collyers or 9/3/2016 3:28 PM the zig zags at Trafalgar and Greenway schools. Ideas from Scandinavia where parents undertake a 'walking bus' to their local school could be organised if there was a will, I suspect the car has become too central to lives for this to be undertaken in Horsham!

97 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

123 Crossing guard on Depot Road. There was one and she was told her services were no longer required! When 9/2/2016 5:09 PM Harwood Road is (frequently) congested, motorists rat run down Stirling Way and Depot Road thus making it very hard to get multiple children across the road safely.

124 Non-working mothers 9/2/2016 1:57 PM

125 Lee busy roads or dedicated safe routes 9/2/2016 9:13 AM

126 Stop cars from parking near schools 9/1/2016 10:41 PM

127 Safe, sensible cycle paths. In Holland children aged 5 frequently cycle to school with their parents, and without their 9/1/2016 9:20 PM parents when they are a little older. Horsham could learn a lot from the planning of Dutch towns.

128 please see above comments- cars almost always have the priority in Horsham. I would happily let my ten year old 9/1/2016 5:32 PM walk to school by herself as she is sensible and responsible, but there are too many busy roads to cross, some without any pedestrian crossings. Also the pedestrian crossings themselves have a very short crossing time and the green man often changes to red within a few seconds, so unless you cross immediately, it is difficult to know whether it is safe to cross. Cycling paths need to be SAFE and traffic-free e.g. around Tanbridge School. It is such a shame that there aren't cycle paths on the pavements next to all the new roads in the new developments. If there is money to build roads, there should be money to build a wide pavement incorporating a cycling path and safe pedestrian area. The lack of safety obviously means it is a vicious circle - less children cycle and walk so more cars are on the road and it becomes less safe.

129 Have local children walk or cycle, or skate or roller skate. Prevent parking within a hundred metres of a school. 9/1/2016 5:28 PM

130 See response to no. 35 9/1/2016 3:22 PM

131 NOT the appallingly short-sighted, irresponsible BS 'policy' carried out by Collyers - of just flat out refusing to provide 9/1/2016 10:58 AM sensible parking arrangements for their own students ... on the infantile logic that this will 'encourage' students to walk / use public transport !!! ... oh yeah, and one day I might start to fly ... along with all those pigs ... absolutely selfish, self-serving TRIPE ! ... IF it works: fine ... given that it demonstrably does *not* when is anyone going to deal with their own issues rather than just foist them on the surrounding community instead - merely because the surrounding community is entirely impotent and can do nothing about it whatsoever ... as the Collyers Principle knows full well, and just exploits. Very, very sad.

132 Traffic lights or lollipop person outside school. It's a very busy road, the cars don't always stop and we have to cross it 9/1/2016 10:20 AM to get to school - Lambs Farm Road

133 Tagetting parents to stop using their cars, promoting walkways and cycle tracks to the school. 9/1/2016 9:19 AM

134 See answers above 8/31/2016 6:59 PM

98 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q38 Are the roads where you live adequately maintained?

Answered: 295 Skipped: 14



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 56.27% 166

No 43.73% 129

Total 295

99 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q39 Are the footpaths where you live adequately maintained?

Answered: 296 Skipped: 13



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 53.72% 159

No 46.28% 137

Total 296

100 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q40 Do you have problems parking on your street?

Answered: 296 Skipped: 13



Other (please specify)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 24.66% 73

No 55.74% 165

Other (please specify) 19.59% 58

Total 296

# Other (please specify) Date

1 I have off street parking. but in this area parking is really bad. this is because Collyers pupils park in surrounding 10/28/2016 7:05 PM roads - Ashley Rd, garden Walk (the estate of Ashley Rd)

2 Do not have a car, but car-parking is obviously becoming anightmare! 10/28/2016 6:36 PM

3 No because there are designated parking spots; but cars do drive in and out looking for parking spaces (for the 10/28/2016 6:22 PM takeaways)

4 I live close to the town & station & the road is packed daily. Bin lorry & ambulances have trouble here 10/28/2016 5:59 PM

5 I rent a nearby garage. For those who park overnight very difficult (Barrington Rd/ Burford Rd 10/25/2016 8:46 PM

6 N/A 10/12/2016 12:29 PM

7 No space 10/9/2016 3:21 PM

8 I do not park on the street. 9/30/2016 2:04 PM

9 We have a drive, but the amount of cars parked on the street (many not residents) makes driving along the roads 9/29/2016 2:41 PM difficult.

10 Inconsiderate parking - one car using a whole space where two will fit easily. Solvable by road markings? 9/29/2016 8:19 AM

11 school start and pick up times (also a bus route) 9/28/2016 3:21 PM

12 I don't drive 9/28/2016 11:40 AM

13 I would like to see illegal parking policed/punished more. Where i used to live, near town, people trying to avoid paying 9/28/2016 11:26 AM for parking clog up the streets and park illegally, preventing access to my block of flat. Police and council do nothing to oversee this type of illegal parking.

101 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

14 As it's just outside the permit area for the station it is used as a free carpark for commuters who are to tight to pay for 9/27/2016 9:32 AM the station carpark and to lazy to cycle or walk to the station. Parking permits should be free if introducing why should I have to pay to park by my own property

15 Our visitors do 9/26/2016 9:26 PM

16 quite a lot of dog poo on the pavements in the roads adjacent to Oakhill Road 9/25/2016 1:32 PM

17 quite a lot of dog poo on the pavements in the roads adjacent to Oakhill Road 9/25/2016 1:31 PM

18 I personally do not as I have a drive however others without struggle especially around convenience stores and areas 9/24/2016 8:24 PM where the parking zone has not yet extended to.

19 We have off road parking but our street is used by commuters. Don't have a problem with that as long as they park 9/23/2016 12:23 PM safely

20 Only when visitors arrive 9/23/2016 10:42 AM

21 Large front garden 9/23/2016 6:53 AM

22 Limited space but pleased that recent plans to reduce this further were scrapped. 9/21/2016 3:35 PM

23 There are some parking reaticrtions in Tanbridge Park for which we are grateful as it prevents shoppers parking as we 9/20/2016 7:58 PM are so close to the town centre.

24 We live just outside the Zone - say no more! 9/17/2016 9:17 AM

25 Yes sometimes cannot park near house but then street is over 100 years old and so I don't expect to be able to park 9/15/2016 9:50 AM right outside as houses built before cars invented so parking spaces not considered. If I wanted to park right by house I would live in house that allowed this.I balance it up with the convenience of living close to the town centre so I walk and cycle everywhere locally which I like to do. Howver capacity to park within the parking zone we are allocated seems to be oversold.

26 I don't own a car 9/14/2016 8:27 PM

27 Double yellow lines needed on more corners. (Appreciate the Highway Code says you do not park on corners but no 9/14/2016 4:15 PM one takes any notice.) When you have to go on the other side of the road to get round a corner it is a danger. I don't know how the bus manages. Suggest double lines at the top of Trafalgar Road as you go right or left to the Dog & Bacon. This is round what is left of the old The Common.

28 Lambs Farm Road was incredibly dangerous and filled with pot holes up until a few years ago. I think the council 9/14/2016 12:40 PM needs to focus on improving the quality of roads as it also impacts vehicles by causing damage and can be a danger to pedestrians and cyclists. You can park along the main road but the school (St Robert Southwell) doesn't have adequate parking and it makes it dangerous when we get out of our drive because of the amount of parked cars. We also only have one layby to share between many houses.

29 We are the first road outside of the residents parking area and so we get a lot of commuters parking in our road. 9/13/2016 6:26 PM Sometimes this presents a problem at the end of the working day as residents return home and there is pressure on space.

30 We are able to use our garage and driveway, but alot of our neighbours don't . They then park on the grass verges or 9/13/2016 6:00 PM footpath which causes other problems. They rarely park on the road as this carries alot of traffic and cars are often scratched or knocked. As previously mentioned this road is popular with cyclists who can be unpleasant if cars are parked in what they incorrectly assume is a cycle lane.

31 only because of the ludicrous restrictions that are applied 9/13/2016 4:39 PM

32 Not personally as parking space on property but several cars badly parked across pavements - can present a problem 9/13/2016 12:14 PM for mothers with buggies/disabled people

33 I live in Blunts Way and we've been badly served in that the road has never been completely restored since the 9/13/2016 11:37 AM houses were built. We get the road patched at intervals. The paving slabs were taken up and some tarmacadam was used on most of the pavement, but one section was never repaired, either by relaying the paving slabs or putting down tarmacadam. The drive-ins to property are cracked and worn. The verges are cut infrequently and what was called "desirable" Blunts Way is struggling to keep its image. Blunts Way is no longer a quiet road, there is a lot of traffic mainly for George Pinion Court and drivers take short cuts causing even more wear on our shabby road.

34 I currently can't park in my street anyway. 9/12/2016 4:28 PM

35 No requirement to park on the street. I use my driveway / garage. 9/12/2016 2:02 PM

36 No problem only because I have a parking space by house 9/11/2016 9:23 PM

37 When it is school term, cars park all down Greenway, across junctions, yellow lines etc. This needs to be addressed 9/11/2016 12:30 PM

102 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

38 No, but we have notice more &more cars parking on the road. 9/10/2016 10:24 PM

39 we have off-street parking allocated 9/10/2016 12:48 PM

40 Sometimes can't get parked outside house 9/9/2016 9:04 PM

41 Sometimes 9/9/2016 3:32 PM

42 Parking restrictions make it difficult for visitors as can only park on the street at certain times of the day. 9/8/2016 10:39 PM

43 The Wickhurst Green Development by the Bovis end is horrendous for both parking and the way the street looks. All 9/8/2016 11:56 AM of the JCB and machines have ruined the curbs and roads and it looks horrid! There is also NO parking for visitors and so people block the roads, park on corners, in front of drive ways (so I struggle to get on mine most days)

44 Allocated parking in private development 9/7/2016 10:40 AM

45 The resident / public parking signs are difficult to understand e.g. "parking 10 -12 except permit holders" etc can you 9/6/2016 7:53 PM or can,t you park between 10 & 12?

46 There are problems for other residents, however I park off-street. 9/5/2016 8:05 PM

47 Next door has 5 cars and 2 parking spaces. Its a nightmare, and the planning to get kerb and extra offsite driving is too 9/5/2016 7:57 PM difficult to progress

48 Visitor parking very limited and usually filled by second cars of residents (who do not garage their cars) 9/5/2016 3:16 PM

49 I live in a private road so have no problem but cars do park on the footpath on the sharp 90 degree bend on the Christ 9/5/2016 1:40 PM Hospital Road opposite the entrance to Tower Close. This forces pedestrians into the road and makes the junction very cluttered for drivers as the parked cars obscure the road signs.

50 Not at present, but there may be problems if the promised next phase of parking controls is actually implemented. 9/5/2016 12:46 PM

51 At school drop-off collection times, access and illegal parking is an issue 9/5/2016 11:43 AM

52 It's getting ridiculous around the Pavilions area, especially since the parking charges increased. Every time this 9/4/2016 9:33 PM happens, their customers just clog up residential roads a little bit more.

53 Yes a man in a reflective jacket working for the "council" tries to charge me for the pleasure. 9/3/2016 9:23 PM

54 Potters Croft houses all have driveways but there are increasing numbers of cars being parked during the day by rail 9/2/2016 5:09 PM commuters.

55 Our road is too narrow to park in without causing huge traffic jams and hindering access for other vehicles. Our road 9/1/2016 3:22 PM has become, over the decades, a through access to housing and industrial estates built out of the town centre, although it was never built to accommodate this.

56 Occasionally- due to Collyers college 'parking' policy (err environmental drivel !) 9/1/2016 10:58 AM

57 Rarely use a car in Horsham, it is not nessessary ifor people leaving in the town and should be discouraged 9/1/2016 9:19 AM

58 Owners of flats don't use their garages to house their car, they park on our road instead. Collyer's students park in our 8/31/2016 6:59 PM road rather than having to pay for the college car park. Frustratingly, because of the charge, the roads around the College are often full of students' cars while the car park has plenty of space!

103 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q41 Is traffic and parking a problem around your local school especially at the beginning and end of the school day?

Answered: 285 Skipped: 24



Don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 51.23% 146

No 11.93% 34

Don't know 36.84% 105

Total 285

# If "Yes" which school? Date

1 Greenway 10/28/2016 8:51 PM

2 Collyers is very dangerous - people turning, parking on zig-0zag lines, double ytellow lines. Bus route so difficult for 10/28/2016 7:05 PM through traffic at this time, especially in the morning "school run" time to other schools.

3 Trafalgar Rd 10/28/2016 6:44 PM

4 Greenway 10/28/2016 6:36 PM

5 Southwater academy 10/28/2016 6:22 PM

6 Millais - Depot road and the junction with Stirling Way can become congested and chaotic particularly with buses 10/27/2016 5:04 PM turning into/out of Stirling way.

7 Trafalgar & Greenway 10/25/2016 8:53 PM

8 Trafalgar, Greenway 10/25/2016 8:35 PM

9 Millais 10/22/2016 6:07 PM

10 Greenway 10/15/2016 12:35 PM

11 Kinslea School, Millais School, Forest School Heron Way School Tandridge School 10/7/2016 3:08 PM

12 HeronWay, Millais, Forest 10/7/2016 11:09 AM

13 millais forest kingslea and heron way 10/6/2016 10:07 PM

14 Heron Way, Millais, Forest 10/3/2016 10:29 AM

104 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

15 St Mary's CoE Primary 10/1/2016 10:35 PM

16 Greenway can be very busy when school begins or ends or there is an event. The very poor state of the road surface 9/30/2016 8:50 PM makes this even worse as cars try to dodge the potholes.

17 Trafalgar Infant School and Greenway Academy 9/30/2016 2:04 PM

18 Kings Road, Heron Way, Forest, Millais 9/30/2016 12:26 PM

19 There is no where to park at anytime of the day Arunside 9/30/2016 12:14 AM

20 Greenway 9/29/2016 10:47 PM

21 The school children from Tanbridge are in need of training covering how to cross a road by stopping first, listening for 9/29/2016 7:59 PM traffic within five metres, looking in both directions and then staying stopped if there is a vehicle coming towards them. Whether walking or cycling they have a total inability to cross the road safely.

22 Tanbridge 9/29/2016 4:08 PM

23 Shelley Primary School Tanbridge School 9/29/2016 3:05 PM

24 Forest School 9/29/2016 3:04 PM

25 Millais 9/29/2016 2:41 PM

26 Forest/Millais 9/28/2016 7:51 PM

27 greenway 9/28/2016 3:21 PM

28 Tanbridge Park. Cars line Hills Farm Lane waiting for children and cause a lot of traffic issues. 9/28/2016 11:26 AM

29 Arunside & Tanbridge 9/27/2016 12:05 PM

30 Heron Way Millais Forest Kingslea 9/27/2016 9:33 AM

31 Both millas and forest, there needs to be an effective method for dropping of kids that isn't the fee for all of stopping in 9/27/2016 9:32 AM the middle of the road and sending them out.

32 Kingslea 9/24/2016 11:39 PM

33 Millais and Forest 9/24/2016 3:16 PM

34 Greenway and Trafalgar 9/23/2016 3:33 PM

35 Forest Boys and Millais 9/23/2016 11:50 AM

36 Kingslea 9/23/2016 7:09 AM

37 Heron Way 9/22/2016 8:59 PM

38 Millais - but it's for such a small section of the day that it's acceptable 9/22/2016 12:09 PM

39 Tanbridge / Arunside 9/22/2016 12:37 AM

40 Arunside 9/21/2016 9:58 PM

41 Heron Way, Kingslea nursery, the people park on the verge and do u turns, Millais and Forest 9/21/2016 3:42 PM

42 Heron Way - why is such a large space outside the school reserved forcing drivers to park outside local residents 9/21/2016 3:35 PM properties which they don't like.

43 The parking restrictions in our road need to be extended to the area close to the two schools. 9/20/2016 7:58 PM

44 St Mary's 9/20/2016 5:49 PM

45 Millais 9/20/2016 5:44 PM

46 Millais, due to the one way system many cars use Pollards Drive to escape back onto Comptons Lane. also cars part 9/20/2016 3:20 PM at the top of Pollards Drive on the verge and block the approach to Comptons Lane

47 Forest Community School. Many moons ago it was suggested that a one way system may be tried in Comptons Lane 9/20/2016 3:00 PM outside the school. What happened to the plan? I thought it was an excellent one and worth trying.

48 HeronWay Forest Millais all roads around are horrendous at school times 9/20/2016 10:12 AM

49 Arunside 9/19/2016 9:08 PM

50 Arunside 9/19/2016 9:08 PM

105 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

51 Tanbridge House 9/19/2016 8:22 PM

52 heron way 9/19/2016 2:20 PM

53 Tandridge. 9/19/2016 10:44 AM

54 Greenway 9/18/2016 2:38 PM

55 Heron Way Primary, Forest & Millais 9/18/2016 7:26 AM

56 Heron Way. The traffic on St Leonards Road drives far to fast. We are taking our lives onto our hands every time we 9/16/2016 9:18 AM go to school. there have already been several near missed and it is a matter of time before a child is killed unless a crossing is put in place soon. Due to an increase in intake numbers this problems is only going to get worse.

57 Millais, Forest and Heron way. Roads congested, kids cycling, cars can't wait etc 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

58 St. Robert Southwell 9/14/2016 12:40 PM

59 Trafalgar Road and Greenway. Parking on the road in Blunts Way should never have been permitted as the road is 9/13/2016 11:37 AM too narrow and the facility attracts drivers who park for short periods outside the restricted times, causing yet more damage to an already shabby road.

60 Millais and Kingslea 9/12/2016 11:07 AM

61 Heron Way and Tanbridge. 9/12/2016 9:27 AM

62 Heron Way, Millais, Forest 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

63 Kingslea 9/11/2016 9:23 PM

64 Heron Way, Millais and Forest. My son needs to cross Comptons lane in the morning and afternoon to attend school. 9/11/2016 1:03 PM The road is very busy in the mornings with school (to Millais and Forest) and work traffic. there is no safe place to cross. The lollypop lady does not start work until 8:30 am, which is too late. Cover should be from 8am, to allow children to attend breakfast / before school clubs safely

65 Problems in nearby roads which are treated as racetracks at these times. 9/11/2016 12:39 PM

66 Greenway School. Despite communications from the school to parents, this is still ignored. Cars even park over my 9/11/2016 12:30 PM drive to pick up children. Parents park on junctions and use flashing lights to park on yellow lines

67 Greenway 9/11/2016 11:20 AM

68 Heron Way Primary School. Well signalled pedestrian crossing needed in St. Leonard Rd! 9/11/2016 9:54 AM

69 Heron Way 9/11/2016 6:27 AM

70 All Saints, this is because of little haven station parking 9/10/2016 11:01 PM

71 Littlehaven infant. Constant parking on the zig zag lines by parents running late or purely ignoring them. 9/10/2016 10:20 PM

72 Arunside. The school has expanded so it is becoming more of a problem. I understand St Marys have an agreement 9/10/2016 10:01 PM with local shops yo use their facilities at drop off/pick up. Perhaps Arunside could have an arrangement with co-op and Waitrose

73 Heron Way. Very dangerous for children where Comptons Lane meets St Leonards road. Lolly pop lady does not help 9/10/2016 9:49 PM as dangerous to cross Comptons to get to her.

74 Heron way, traffic along comptons Lane/ leonards road makes crossing the road with children a hazard 9/10/2016 9:44 PM

75 Heron way 9/10/2016 9:35 PM

76 Heron Way School A road crossing in ST.Leonards road would greatly improve the situation so more people would 9/10/2016 9:34 PM walk/cycle.

77 Forest 9/9/2016 7:27 PM

78 Both Southwater schools 9/9/2016 1:28 PM

79 Greenway School - need slip roads inside the school fencing. Mothers mainly make the road almost impenetrable. I 9/9/2016 11:56 AM have to avoid and take a longer route to my home. Notwithstanding the terrible potholes in Greenway

80 Greenway. Pedestrian crossing would be great - dangerous for kids. The road is in an appalling state. 9/9/2016 11:25 AM

81 Greenway & Trafalgar People consistently parking on the yellow hatching and it not being enforced 9/9/2016 11:16 AM

82 Kingslea 9/9/2016 10:49 AM

106 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

83 Collyers 9/9/2016 8:06 AM

84 Trafalgar 9/9/2016 12:16 AM

85 Greenway 9/8/2016 5:08 PM

86 Trafalgar and Greenway 9/8/2016 4:27 PM

87 Heron Way 9/8/2016 2:01 PM

88 Greenway 9/8/2016 1:12 PM

89 Tanbridge - often get queues blocking the roundabout at its entrance. 9/8/2016 1:04 PM

90 Shelley Primary School 9/8/2016 11:56 AM

91 Greenway in particular. 9/8/2016 11:14 AM

92 Millais Affecting Highlands Road, Forest School Affecting Compton's Lane and Heron Way. 9/8/2016 8:55 AM

93 Greenway 9/7/2016 8:09 PM

94 Greenway. I car share with my friend who drops her son off at school. Parents are not allowed to park in the school 9/7/2016 7:12 PM car park which adds a lot of time for working mums walking their children to the breakfast club, also there are large grass verges which get churned up with people constantly wlaking on them making it a bit of a bog in winter.

95 Greenway school 9/7/2016 4:01 PM

96 Heron Way Primary 9/7/2016 11:53 AM

97 Trafelger 9/7/2016 11:43 AM

98 Heron way 9/7/2016 9:31 AM

99 Trafalgar... Rules of the road need to be enforced 9/7/2016 8:54 AM

100 St. John's Catholic Primary School/Arunside. 9/6/2016 6:33 PM

101 St. John's - blackbridge lane 9/6/2016 5:27 PM

102 Greenway and Trafalgar 9/6/2016 2:49 PM

103 Traffic. Forest, Millais Heron Way 9/6/2016 12:26 PM

104 Forest and Millais 9/6/2016 12:20 PM

105 Forest / Millais / Heron Way 9/5/2016 8:05 PM

106 Millais 9/5/2016 3:16 PM

107 Tanbridge School. Parking in Hills Farm Lane is busy. What has made it a lot worse are the number of cars coming in 9/5/2016 1:40 PM and out of the new development at Broadbridge Heath. I thought this access was to be blocked off.

108 Forest 9/5/2016 12:41 PM

109 Forrest/Millais 9/5/2016 11:43 AM

110 North Heath 9/4/2016 9:33 PM

111 Heron Way 9/4/2016 10:29 AM

112 Heron Way 9/3/2016 6:39 PM

113 Heron Way 9/3/2016 5:21 PM

114 Trafalgar Infants and Greenway School 9/3/2016 4:28 PM

115 See 37. 9/3/2016 3:28 PM

116 The yellow zig zags outside the school are widely flouted by drop offs. I would like to see monitoring and enforcement 9/3/2016 11:56 AM of the parking restriction. There needs to be a taxi drop off bay at Heron Way School adjacent to the zig-zags.

117 Forest 9/3/2016 9:25 AM

118 Kingslea Primary School 9/2/2016 5:09 PM

119 Trafalgar and Greenway 9/2/2016 1:57 PM

120 Forest 9/2/2016 11:03 AM

107 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

121 Trafalgar and Greenway 9/1/2016 10:41 PM

122 Collyers 6th Form College 9/1/2016 9:20 PM

123 St, Mary's C of E, Normandy. 9/1/2016 5:32 PM

124 Millais, Forest, Kingslea. 9/1/2016 5:28 PM

125 The College of Richard Collyer. Students park in Ashleigh Road. There are frequent traffic accidents at the junction of 9/1/2016 3:22 PM Wimblehurst, Gordon and Ashleigh Roads. Parked cars in Ashleigh Road cause congestion and the sight lines exiting Ashleigh and Gordon Roads are poor.

126 St Robert southwell 9/1/2016 10:20 AM

127 Collyer's 8/31/2016 6:59 PM

128 Collyers College 8/30/2016 8:37 PM

108 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q42 Within the "Residents Parking Permit Zones" should the cost of parking permits be discounted for low emission (CO2) vehicles?

Answered: 295 Skipped: 14



No opinion/ don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 45.08% 133

No 31.53% 93

No opinion/ don't know 23.39% 69

Total 295

109 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q43 Is there sufficient parking at and Hospital?

Answered: 263 Skipped: 46

Horsham Station

Horsham Hospital

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Yes No

Yes No Total

Horsham Station 29.63% 70.37% 72 171 243

Horsham Hospital 20.00% 80.00% 51 204 255

110 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q44 What could be done to make the existing "Park and Ride" facilities more suitable for town centre workers?

Answered: 110 Skipped: 199

# Responses Date

1 They need park & ride on North, East, west side of town. Why would anyone drive to Southwater through gridlocked 10/28/2016 7:05 PM Horsham to park! They have to wait for a bus that runs infrequently. NORth Horsham Development - there is no "parkway" station, yet people believe thaere will be one, so parking will be more of a proble, Was planning permission given on this promise of a station. I'm not sure on this point!

2 Increase cost for all day parking in town centre & reduce cost for all day parking / bus transfer at park & Ride 10/28/2016 5:43 PM

3 Cap fees. Keep up frequency of buses at key times. Perhaps have initiatives for companies to encourage workers who 10/27/2016 5:04 PM use it.

4 Charge 50p only for single journey 10/22/2016 6:07 PM

5 Better bus services - more frequent and operate later as well as better quality buses. Should be advertised on road 10/15/2016 12:35 PM signs on the approach much, much better - e.g. say something like "there is a bus every ten minutes until late and it will save you ££s compared to town centre parking".

6 Have cycle-hire schemes sponsored by employers at all P&R places (needs more of them, e.g. at the Brighton Road 10/12/2016 12:29 PM entrance to the town). Incentivise bike use.

7 Complimentary would help 10/7/2016 3:08 PM

8 Free travel 10/7/2016 11:09 AM

9 Frequent reliable transport. Do you really need a wacking great bus when an electric minibus would do? 10/3/2016 10:29 AM

10 To have only one Park and Ride facility in a town means that many people wishing to park there have to travel across 9/30/2016 11:57 PM town to get there, which would seem to me to defeat the purpose.

11 need another park and ride on the Crawley side of town/ 9/30/2016 5:03 PM

12 Provide free or low cost bicycles for hire, as in London. 9/30/2016 2:04 PM

13 Make it free and more frequent, say on the quarter 9/30/2016 12:26 PM

14 No opinion 9/30/2016 10:08 AM

15 Provide them for Free. Encourage the use of no cars or cycles 9/30/2016 12:14 AM

16 N/A 9/29/2016 7:59 PM

17 Make them free for people working in Town. 9/29/2016 4:08 PM

18 More frequent shuttle buses. 9/29/2016 4:01 PM

19 Cheaper and more buses, also why are there height barriers that prevent camper van accessing these places?u 9/29/2016 3:53 PM

20 Make it free? 9/29/2016 8:19 AM

21 Constant reminders it is there. Are there concessions if workplaces buy the tickets on behalf of their staff? There is 9/28/2016 7:55 PM only one in Horsham isn't there? More frequent bus shuttle at peak times?

22 Buses need to be more regular. 9/28/2016 7:51 PM

23 This currently only serves part of Horsham and Southwater. It could be extended to serve the West of Horsham and 9/28/2016 3:25 PM Broadbridge Heath. It could encourage more people to travel by train if serving the station as well.

24 Don't know 9/28/2016 11:40 AM

25 More frequent buses and nicer staff. I saw a man being refused entry onto a bus as he had a folding bike with with him. 9/28/2016 11:26 AM Disgraceful.

26 Advertise!! 9/28/2016 4:47 AM

111 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

27 1 sticks (high town centre car parking charges) 2 carrots (attractive P&R charges, savings for longer term use, season 9/27/2016 9:18 PM tickets, free starter tickets to tempt new users etc)

28 Have it free 9/27/2016 9:33 AM

29 Discounts to those who use it to commute 9/27/2016 9:32 AM

30 Not sure no opinion 9/27/2016 7:27 AM

31 What park and ride facilities? 9/25/2016 8:26 PM

32 Promote it more, perhaps give businesses discounted rates if employees use it 9/25/2016 10:46 AM

33 don't know 9/24/2016 11:39 PM

34 You should not be charging for visiting the hospital at the hourly rate you are. It should also be operated as a pay as 9/24/2016 9:43 PM you leave policy. As a user of the hospital, I have on several occasions been at the hospital way longer than I had envisaged & had cash for. This is profiteering from sick & injured people

35 More frequent services. 9/24/2016 3:16 PM

36 I have not used it. The employers could incentivise its use by covering their bus fare 9/24/2016 2:04 AM

37 More frequent and cheaper service 9/23/2016 12:23 PM

38 Covered waiting areas 9/23/2016 10:42 AM

39 Reduce the amount you have to pay if you are in a shop uniform? 9/23/2016 8:29 AM

40 Didn't realise there were any 9/23/2016 7:09 AM

41 Make buses more frequent 9/22/2016 7:05 PM

42 don't know as I don't use them 9/22/2016 12:09 PM

43 Dont use 9/22/2016 10:43 AM

44 Frequency? I don't use them, but I imagine people will be on a timetable. 9/22/2016 10:03 AM

45 Lower prices, concessional prices for workers from out of town, proper season tickets. 9/22/2016 12:37 AM

46 I've never used them. 9/21/2016 10:32 PM

47 Make it free and have one on each point of the town, N,W, E and South 9/21/2016 3:42 PM

48 Reduce the cost for these early users. 9/20/2016 7:58 PM

49 Unknown 9/20/2016 4:10 PM

50 Stop so much town parking 9/20/2016 10:12 AM

51 Are season tickets already offered? 9/19/2016 8:22 PM

52 dedicated buses 9/19/2016 5:09 PM

53 N/A 9/19/2016 5:03 PM

54 Start the sevice earlier and finish later 9/19/2016 3:53 PM

55 You need another park and ride facility for the north of the town 9/18/2016 2:48 PM

56 No comment have never used the facility 9/18/2016 2:38 PM

57 I have never used them since I am working outside Horsham 9/18/2016 1:35 PM

58 N/A 9/17/2016 7:25 PM

59 More, smaller buses with a choice of drop off and pick up points. Offer other 'carrots' to encourage use. 9/17/2016 6:33 PM

60 I do not need to use Park and Ride so do not know. I walk or cycle to Horsham station and Hospital so do not know 9/15/2016 9:50 AM about the parking situation.

61 I am of the opinion that whatever you do to improve'Park and Ride',there will always be those looking for a cheap 9/14/2016 8:27 PM solution,such as parking for free all day in Tanbridge park when shopping in town or going to work. Unless parking is free or very cheap,it won't be used. I think the current 'Park and Ride' is an excellent service,but not used because it's too far out of town for some.

62 Create one! Ideal opportunity at North Horsham, there are the industrial estates too, Novartis iste as well. 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

112 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

63 More frequent bus services. 9/14/2016 12:40 PM

64 Dont know 9/13/2016 7:44 PM

65 more affordable 9/13/2016 11:37 AM

66 Make it free 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

67 Increase town parking charges. 9/11/2016 9:23 PM

68 Should be free if they can prove they work in the town centre. 9/11/2016 12:30 PM

69 Have another one at the Brighton Road and Crawley Road ends of town 9/11/2016 9:03 AM

70 Never used it so not sure. 9/10/2016 11:01 PM

71 Make the buses go from the park and ride and back. Not round the houses for hours 9/10/2016 10:31 PM

72 It needs to be sited on the other side of town as south water is a further distance to travel for employees from the 9/10/2016 10:20 PM Crawley area.

73 Yes - buses could always go into park and rude (an ex colleague got told buses only drop off on the road after a 9/10/2016 10:01 PM certain time)

74 is the parking charge reasonable at Hop Oast? 9/10/2016 12:48 PM

75 Don't know 9/9/2016 7:59 PM

76 Don't know 9/9/2016 7:27 PM

77 I'm not sure if such a scheme is in place, but maybe some kind of system where their employer contributes to the cost 9/9/2016 10:54 AM of the park and ride? Or make it subsidised? Also, if there isn't already- payment should definitely by contactless. Do the buses have wifi? You could also put a Costa at the park and ride, that would be nice for tired commuters!

78 It appears very under-used, presumably because its location is not in the right direction for most incoming traffic. 9/8/2016 7:43 PM

79 Nearer the town 9/8/2016 7:28 PM

80 Don't know as don't use it. 9/8/2016 5:35 PM

81 Ensure buses run to the timetable 9/8/2016 5:30 PM

82 If a Horsham North development is to come about then a "Park and Ride" facility could be included using what bus 9/8/2016 4:27 PM service that one assumes will connect this estate to Horsham.

83 Make it free! 9/8/2016 2:01 PM

84 Put one Crawley side of town, people from east won't drive right around town to park, costs them too much money and 9/8/2016 1:12 PM time

85 I personally think the Park and Ride is really good. However maybe a discount for workers could be applied? 9/8/2016 11:56 AM

86 Probably more routes. 9/8/2016 11:14 AM

87 Make it free to shop workers who would need to show ID. 9/8/2016 8:55 AM

88 Unsure, as I've never had to use it. 9/7/2016 8:55 PM

89 Better advertising. Maybe a slight discount if local businesses are willing to invest in maintaining and improving these 9/7/2016 7:12 PM services

90 Create a park and ride site in Roffey to attract workers entering Horsham from the A264. 9/7/2016 10:40 AM

91 Do know as I can walk most times. 9/6/2016 7:53 PM

92 How about having park & ride for kids? Bus to Millais, Forest, Heron and Kingslea would stop lots of traffic at a stroke 9/6/2016 12:26 PM

93 Not sure. 9/6/2016 10:42 AM

94 No opinion. 9/5/2016 8:05 PM

95 Low cost, frequent service 9/5/2016 3:16 PM

96 Reduce the cost of central parking and that at the station 9/5/2016 12:46 PM

97 Make them cheaper. 9/5/2016 12:41 PM

98 if you have a car why get a bus? perhaps the road infrastructure should be expanded. 9/3/2016 9:23 PM

113 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

99 One on East Side of town 9/3/2016 5:21 PM

100 I have never used this facility so feel unable to comment from personal experience. However improving access to the 9/3/2016 3:28 PM town centre from the park and ride though regular and effective bus services seems essential if the facility is to be used to off set the congestion and parking in the town.

101 Need one on the Crawley side at Faygate. 9/3/2016 11:56 AM

102 Discounts for multiple tickets loaded onto key (carnet type system), and removal of peak time restrictions. 9/2/2016 5:09 PM

103 Increase the number of P & R sites to the town 9/2/2016 3:25 PM

104 Don't know. 9/2/2016 9:13 AM

105 Make it free to use for workers 9/1/2016 10:41 PM

106 For workers, make it free. For businesses that employ workers, have them pay for travel for their employees. 9/1/2016 5:28 PM

107 Larger bus shelter with more protection against wind & rain 9/1/2016 4:26 PM

108 As I don't use Park & Ride so don't know if they charge for the service but if they do it could be free. 9/1/2016 9:17 AM

109 Bus frequency and lower cost 8/31/2016 6:59 PM

110 Free for town centre workers. 8/30/2016 8:37 PM

114 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q45 Should there be other "park and ride" facilities on the perimeter of the town?

Answered: 218 Skipped: 91



0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 59.17% 129

No 40.83% 89

Total 218

# If "Yes" where? (e.g. north side/ east side/west side or specific area) Date

1 They need park & ride on North, East, west side of town. Why would anyone drive to Southwater through gridlocked 10/28/2016 7:05 PM Horsham to park! They have to wait for a bus that runs infrequently.

2 If there is space for another "park & Ride", which isn't needed (I believe HOP Oast is always pretty near empty - 10/28/2016 6:22 PM perhaps that should be the site of the new multiplex cinema/ Swan Walk isn't the place. Council members should visit the Crawley complex which is delightful & has many surrounding resturants with out door seating and FREE PARKING

3 On main raods into horsham 10/25/2016 9:37 PM

4 North Side 10/22/2016 6:07 PM

5 Facilities at all entrances to town - currently only serve those coming in from A24 - no good / not advertised for those 10/15/2016 12:35 PM coming from A23 or A281.

6 North & East & South. 10/12/2016 12:29 PM

7 on the opposite side to existing 10/7/2016 3:08 PM

8 You need to do a survey 10/7/2016 11:09 AM

9 West - at Broadbridge Heath where all the new houses are being built. 10/6/2016 8:16 PM

10 Each cardinal point 10/3/2016 10:29 AM

11 the North side Crawley end 9/30/2016 5:03 PM

12 each; N.W.S.E. points 9/30/2016 12:26 PM

13 As suggested 9/30/2016 12:14 AM

14 N/A 9/29/2016 7:59 PM

15 West side- Broadbridge Heath area. 9/29/2016 4:08 PM

16 There should be one off the A264 on the Crawley side of town. Maybe also one on the east side. The existing one is 9/29/2016 4:01 PM fine for south and west of town.

115 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

17 North side 9/29/2016 3:04 PM

18 West side 9/29/2016 8:19 AM

19 Make a small one at Hilliers Garden Centre for the south side? I consider Hop Oast is too big! I said yes, but I would 9/28/2016 7:55 PM not want too many. Please find industrial sites/brown field sites to place them in. I am not suggesting existing fields to be used at all.

20 North side 9/28/2016 7:51 PM

21 North side 9/28/2016 3:50 PM

22 West Horsham / Broadbridge Heath 9/28/2016 3:25 PM

23 all 9/28/2016 3:21 PM

24 I'm not sure survey/study and introduce appropriately. 9/28/2016 11:26 AM

25 North 9/28/2016 4:47 AM

26 Each cardinal point of the compass 9/27/2016 9:33 AM

27 North side for people arriving from M23 side 9/25/2016 10:46 AM

28 north side 9/24/2016 11:39 PM

29 A park and Ride is needed for the South and East side of the town. This would ease parking and traffic congestion at 9/24/2016 8:24 PM peak times.

30 East on approach from Crawley. Suggest land between A264 and Old Crawley Road. 9/24/2016 3:16 PM

31 on the A281 in the Hillers area 9/24/2016 2:04 AM

32 North side 9/23/2016 3:33 PM

33 North and East 9/23/2016 11:50 AM

34 North 9/23/2016 7:09 AM

35 north side - especially given pending development 9/22/2016 12:09 PM

36 Probably north Horsham with people coming in from Crawley area 9/22/2016 11:45 AM

37 Crawley and Warnham side should both have park and ride, if I was coming to work in town and had to drive all the 9/22/2016 12:37 AM way around to Hop Oast, I would use residential streets as well

38 For traffic coming in on the Brighton Rd route. 9/21/2016 10:32 PM

39 as above 9/21/2016 3:42 PM

40 North & West sides. 9/20/2016 7:58 PM

41 North and east side 9/20/2016 5:44 PM

42 All four corners 9/20/2016 10:12 AM

43 East near Hilliers 9/19/2016 8:22 PM

44 Northern bypass 9/19/2016 5:09 PM

45 east 9/19/2016 2:20 PM

46 North side 9/18/2016 7:04 PM

47 North 9/18/2016 2:48 PM

48 North or NE side of town 9/18/2016 2:38 PM

49 North side for people coming in from Crawley & beyond 9/18/2016 7:26 AM

50 Expand existing facilities 9/17/2016 12:49 PM

51 A281 (south) area ie from Brighton area. 9/17/2016 9:17 AM

52 If it doesn't impact on the environment 9/15/2016 6:16 PM

53 I do not need to use Park and Ride so do not know 9/15/2016 9:50 AM

54 North side 9/15/2016 1:23 AM

116 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

55 north 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

56 as above 9/14/2016 12:44 PM

57 One on the opposite side of Horsham to the Southwater park and ride. 9/14/2016 12:40 PM

58 Possibly Roffey area 9/13/2016 7:44 PM

59 Brighton Road end of town. 9/13/2016 6:26 PM

60 Anywhere would be appropriate. 9/13/2016 6:00 PM

61 north side 9/13/2016 4:39 PM

62 North and West of town - ie nearer new developments 9/13/2016 12:14 PM

63 ?? any where away from my house! 9/13/2016 11:37 AM

64 North Side and West Side 9/12/2016 2:02 PM

65 North Horsham development and all new developments, have it built into the scheme 9/11/2016 11:17 PM

66 Near Faygate station 9/11/2016 9:23 PM

67 North 9/11/2016 6:45 PM

68 no opinion where but anything to stop people using the residential streets after the parking permit restriction times 9/11/2016 6:01 PM cease.

69 North side. A bus route could link a car park near Roffey to Hop Oast. 9/11/2016 12:39 PM

70 As per Q44 9/11/2016 9:03 AM

71 North 9/10/2016 10:20 PM

72 Brighton road end 9/10/2016 10:01 PM

73 North side 9/10/2016 9:44 PM

74 All areas 9/10/2016 9:35 PM

75 East side 9/10/2016 9:34 PM

76 n 9/9/2016 4:43 PM

77 North side. 9/9/2016 2:02 PM

78 What about an area near the Crawley side, or out towards Hilliers garden centre? 9/9/2016 10:54 AM

79 Not sure- should be subject to survey of most used direction. 9/8/2016 7:43 PM

80 West 9/8/2016 7:28 PM

81 See answer number 44 9/8/2016 4:27 PM

82 North Horsham and Broadbridge Heath 9/8/2016 2:01 PM

83 East side 9/8/2016 1:12 PM

84 All routes in and out of town. 9/8/2016 11:14 AM

85 If north Horsham development goes ahead there could be one there 9/7/2016 11:53 AM

86 See above 9/7/2016 10:40 AM

87 North side. 9/6/2016 7:53 PM

88 Park and Ride facilities to North of town as well 9/6/2016 6:33 PM

89 North side 9/6/2016 2:49 PM

90 North Horsham development (to be) 9/6/2016 12:26 PM

91 North and West side 9/6/2016 11:48 AM

92 Lower Beeding or near Hilliers Garden Centre North Horsham 9/6/2016 10:42 AM

93 South east side. School car parks at weekends? Rugby Club? 9/5/2016 2:04 PM

94 The existing one does not appear to be full to capacity 9/5/2016 1:40 PM

117 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

95 If there is building north of the A264 then there should be a park and ride which could be used by Crawley and Surrey 9/4/2016 9:03 AM commuters too. I did not see this in the plan.

96 if you have a car why get a bus 9/3/2016 9:23 PM

97 West 9/3/2016 4:28 PM

98 Coming from Crawley direction and from East of the town. 9/3/2016 3:28 PM

99 north side 9/3/2016 3:14 PM

100 East 9/3/2016 9:25 AM

101 Park and Ride from Tesco Extra 9/2/2016 5:09 PM

102 North West - North East and South East 9/2/2016 3:25 PM

103 North side 9/2/2016 1:57 PM

104 east side 9/2/2016 11:03 AM

105 As no dual carriage way to other perimeters of the town it would only cause more traffic congestion. 9/2/2016 9:18 AM

106 North east corridor from Crawley side 9/1/2016 10:41 PM

107 North and East 9/1/2016 9:20 PM

108 In new North-East development. 9/1/2016 5:32 PM

109 North Horsham development 9/1/2016 5:28 PM

110 Somewhere around Langhurst Wood Road ? 9/1/2016 4:26 PM

111 The one we already have is under used 9/1/2016 10:20 AM

112 Perhaps consider one in new development North Horsham 8/31/2016 6:59 PM

118 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q46 Are there adequate day care facilities for the elderly in the area?

Answered: 300 Skipped: 9



No opinion / don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 5.67% 17

No 16.33% 49

No opinion / don't know 78.00% 234

Total 300

119 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q47 Is there adequate provision of community halls (for hire) in the area?

Answered: 296 Skipped: 13



No opinion/ don't know

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Yes 24.66% 73

No 20.61% 61

No opinion/ don't know 54.73% 162

Total 296

120 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q48 Public toilets in Horsham

Answered: 281 Skipped: 28

Are there sufficient...

Are the public toilets...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Yes No

Yes No Total Respondents

Are there sufficient public toilets in Horsham Town Centre? 39.78% 60.22% 111 168 279

Are the public toilets sufficiently easy to find? 41.11% 59.26% 111 160 270

# Is there any way toilet facilities could be improved (e.g. changing facilities; wide doorways)? Date

1 I don't know what the disabled toilets are like but they should have adult sized changing facilities available. 10/27/2016 5:04 PM

2 Should be better sign-posting to them. 10/15/2016 12:35 PM

3 Have a more accepting attitude from the many cafe owners. If people come today to spend a penny and are met with a 10/12/2016 12:29 PM friendly and tolerant reception they may come back tomorrow to spend a pound or two. Cafe owners should be proud of their beautiful and hygienic facilities. If their own premises are too cramped perhaps they can helpfully re-direct people to more spacious facilities.

4 More shops should have them like other countries 10/7/2016 3:08 PM

5 Get the new stores to have them as part of the planning process 10/7/2016 11:09 AM

6 not for disabled for their beds 10/6/2016 10:07 PM

7 Have properly designed ones and have the special facilities needed for chronically disabled 10/3/2016 10:29 AM

8 They would benefit from being clearly marked and yes having wide doors and being kept nice and clean. 9/30/2016 4:33 PM

9 Have accessible toilets at least 4. Have new opening shops provide toilets In their store 9/30/2016 12:26 PM

10 Better signage to toilets 9/30/2016 9:02 AM

11 The only facility is in swan walk. Not good enough 9/30/2016 12:14 AM

121 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

12 The only public toilets I can think of are in Swan Walk, and they are horrifically bad. They should be closed down and 9/29/2016 7:59 PM sealed up as very soon as possible. The lack of ventilation, and the absolutely disgusting smell that emits from them is so bad I'm shocked that environmental health haven't condemned them as not fit for human use years ago.

13 If I needed a loo whilst in town I would go into Marks and Spencer. I am aware of two public toilets - one in Swan walk 9/29/2016 4:01 PM behind where BHS was and one near where Beales was opposite the library. I have never used either but by all accounts they are disgusting and smelly. If that is indeed true then sounds like they could be drastically improved! If by changing facilities you mean for babies then of course yes, and also wider doorways for disabled people goes without saying.

14 Kept cleaner. 9/29/2016 2:41 PM

15 Yes to both. Keep them cleaner. signpost them better. 9/28/2016 7:55 PM

16 No. 9/28/2016 4:47 AM

17 Acessible toilets should be fitted for the disabled with hoists etc 9/27/2016 9:33 AM

18 Maintain them to at least a basic level, keep them looking and smelling nice, keep them clean. 9/27/2016 9:32 AM

19 not tucked down a corridor next to the lifts in Swan Walk? 9/24/2016 11:39 PM

20 The toilets under what was Beales are a bit creepy. Suggest separate door for the Ladies from the walkway. Not 9/24/2016 2:04 AM enough cubicles in the Swan Walk toilets, so always a queue for the ladies.

21 Yes 9/23/2016 3:33 PM

22 Piries Place, Swan Walk 9/23/2016 10:42 AM

23 More 9/23/2016 7:09 AM

24 Have accessible ones constructed. With all the new development in town, surely another couple of thousand to have 9/21/2016 3:42 PM good changing facilities is not too much to ask for unless we wish to discriminate and say no disable people allowed in the town

25 Cleanliness particularly baby changing 9/21/2016 3:35 PM

26 They just need to be improved to modern standards & provide further facilities. 9/20/2016 7:58 PM

27 The toilets available aren't always very clean especially if changing a baby. 9/20/2016 5:44 PM

28 Have new accessible w.c & changing facilities for those needing them. There is too much development in the town, 9/20/2016 10:12 AM make some of that accessible

29 Better facilities for the disabled I rarely use them but coat/ handbag hooks and doors that you don't have to wriggle 9/19/2016 8:22 PM round are essential.

30 Always good to make it possible for the widest cross section of people to access them. 9/19/2016 3:53 PM

31 I am only aware of Swan walk Toilets. 9/19/2016 10:44 AM

32 Better signage 9/18/2016 9:20 PM

33 Always ask the question of Public Toilets; 'would I be happy to use that or offer it to a visitor to use if it were in my own 9/17/2016 6:33 PM home'.

34 More parent and child and better disabled changing 9/17/2016 5:41 PM

35 Longer opening hours and manned too. 9/17/2016 9:17 AM

36 More ladies toilets! 9/15/2016 12:16 PM

37 I never use the toilets in town but there should be enough to serve children and old people especially. 9/15/2016 9:50 AM

38 They could be cleaner and the 'wash hands' facilities modernised. The floors are generally still not really clean,even 9/14/2016 8:27 PM after the cleaner has been. They seem to get an old mop and swish it around,ignoring door handles and cubicle walls. Most public toilets in Horsham ,leave a lot to be desired. At least from a woman's point of view. I note most of the people who do the cleaning seem to be untrained in basic hygiene.I think most people use the toilets in M&S.

39 Doors should open outwards. If you collapse inside they you can be got out easily. 9/14/2016 4:15 PM

40 When a new development is approved [shops] then public toilets should be part of it, also there should be more 9/14/2016 12:44 PM accessible toilets and also for those severely disabled.

41 More of them and more changing facilities. Also more toilets for disabled people. 9/14/2016 12:40 PM

42 Just cleaner 9/14/2016 8:36 AM

122 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

43 No facilities at night 9/13/2016 7:44 PM

44 There are never enough facilities for females. The female footfall in Swan Walk is much higher than the male. Women 9/13/2016 6:00 PM are more likely to have children to take to the toilet and are more frequently seen pushing wheelchairs and escorting elderly people to the toilet facilities. The queue for the women's toilet in Swan Walk is often in the order of 10 or more especially at weekends.

45 swan walk could be cleaner 9/13/2016 11:37 AM

46 Cleaned more frequently the only public toilets I will visit is swan walk as the others are horrible and dirty. 9/12/2016 4:28 PM

47 Toilets near the library are now permanently shut. Piries Place is right at one end of town. 9/12/2016 2:02 PM

48 When a new store opens, make it compulsory to have access to public toilet, also in major developments have the 9/11/2016 11:17 PM special facilities needed for grossly disabled persons

49 Changing facilities in both male and female toilets More changing facilities for disabled children 9/11/2016 1:03 PM

50 Even the toilets in Swan Walk are hardly adequate at times. 9/11/2016 12:39 PM

51 More toilets would be good. 9/10/2016 11:01 PM

52 Better changing facilities for disabled children, make getting into the toilets with a wheelchair/pushchair easier 9/10/2016 9:44 PM

53 more facilities for access for disabled people and for parents with disabled children 9/10/2016 12:48 PM

54 I can only think of toilets in swan walk...are there more? 9/9/2016 9:04 PM

55 They are all dirty and horrible. 9/9/2016 7:59 PM

56 Changing facilities in Swan Walk normally seem to be locked with redirection to M&S which considering the number of 9/9/2016 7:27 PM Mums in Horsham is not helpful!

57 The Swan toilet smell issue should be resolved 9/9/2016 11:16 AM

58 I've seen mums with prams and babies and toddlers really struggle in the ladies- I've often thought I'll be in the same 9/9/2016 10:54 AM boat when we have small children. What about a couple of "parent and child" loos with space for the pram, a child- height sink and baby change? (apologies if there already is such a toilet but I just see lots of mums using the ladies and getting stuck with the pram etc) Also I was in the ladies in Swan Walk the other day and a mum with a baby and small child was having to change her baby stood up, obviously not ideal. Also I've often wondered where nursing mothers could feed their babies? Could this facility be addressed or discreetly signposted if it exists already? (obviously not suggesting to put breastfeeding facilities in the toilets)

59 Disabled changing facilities - i.e. proper changing benches 9/9/2016 8:09 AM

123 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q49 What is your connection with Horsham? (Please select all that apply)

Answered: 308 Skipped: 1

I live in Horsham town

I work in Horsham town

I study in Horsham town

I own a business in...

I regularly visit Horsham

I live in a parish...

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

I live in Horsham town 94.48% 291

I work in Horsham town 19.81% 61

I study in Horsham town 0.00% 0

I own a business in Horsham town 2.60% 8

I regularly visit Horsham 12.99% 40

I live in a parish adjoining Horsham Town 4.22% 13

Total Respondents: 308

124 / 137 Horsham Blueprint Residents' Survey

Q50 Please enter your age group (needed to show that we've captured the views of residents of all ages)

Answered: 308 Skipped: 1

Under 18








Over 85

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Answer Choices Responses

Under 18 0.32% 1

19-25 1.62% 5

26-35 8.44% 26

36-45 17.53% 54

46-55 22.73% 70

56-65 22.08% 68

66-75 18.51% 57

76-85 6.82% 21

Over 85 1.95% 6

Total 308

125 / 137