1 | Kilnwood Vale Design and Access Statement | July 2010

Kilnwood Vale Design & Access Statement | July 2010 2 | Kilnwood Vale Design and Access Statement | July 2010 Issue Date June 2010 July 2010 July 2010 Job Number 12241 12241 12241 Document Status DAS DAS DAS Revision a 1a 2a Author Various Various Various

Barton Willmore Beansheaf Farmhouse Bourne Close Calcot Reading RG31 7BW

T: 0118 943 0000 F: 0118 943 0001 E: [email protected]

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Copyright The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole of in part without the written consent of Barton Willmore LLP.

All plans are reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Map with the permission of the Controller of HMSO. Crown copyright Reserved. Licence No. AR152684. Kilnwood Vale Design and Access Statement | July 2010 | 3


Vision 5 Introduction 9 Phasing and 1. Site Location and Designation 10 Implementation 189 Introduction 2. Application Site Planning Status 10 Phasing and Implementation 24. Phasing and Implementation 190 3. The Proposed Development 12 4. Scope and Content of the DAS 12 Phase 1 Residential Assessment of Context 15 Development 195 5. Site Context Appraisal 16 25. Scope and Content of Phase 1 Development 196 6. Site Constraints and Opportunities 26 Assessment Phase 1 Residential 26. Context 196 of Context 7. Planning Policy Context 34 Development 27. Opportunities and Constraints 198 8. Character Analysis 38 28. Site Layout 200 9. Density Analysis 66 29. Urban Design Strategy 202 30. Street Typology 204 Involvement 31. Car Parking 206 32. Density / Land Use 208 and Evolution 69 33. Building Massing 210 Involvement 34. External Building Finishes 212 and Evolution 10. Stakeholder Consultation 70 11. Design Evolution 76 35. Architectural Style and Detail 214 36. Phase 1 Landscape 216 37. Public Realm – Streets and Squares 218 38. Access 220 39. Drainage and Services 222 Master Plan and Building for Life

Master Plan and Development Description 85 Development Description Building for Life 225 12. Design Concept 86 40. Building for Life 226 13. Design Principles 88 14. Masterplan 92 15. Use and Amount 94 16. Scale 100 17. Access and Movement 102 18. Landscape and Key Spaces 114 Strategic Strategic Design Code 19. Layout 152 Design Code 20. Appearance 166 See separately bound document 21. Illustrative Tile & Elevations 172 22. Community Safety 184 23. Sustainability & Climate Change 186 4 | Kilnwood Vale Design and Access Statement | July 2010 Kilnwood Vale Design and Access Statement | July 2010 | 5

Vision ‘Kilnwood Vale will embrace the unique opportunity to create a new mixed use, sustainable neighbourhood of the highest design quality west of , with exemplary public transport opportunities and unprecedented integration of open space’

The Vision for the proposed development at Kilnwood Vale is consistent with the vision statement set out in the Joint Area Action Plan (2009). This articulates:

“A sustainably built and located development, based on the neighbourhood principle, where residents can become involved in their community and share the benefits of a high quality of life. A wide range of local services will be accessible to local residents and there will be strong and sustainable links, with Crawley. The neighbourhood will be served by excellent public transport opportunities, which will give access to a wide range of services and facilities, Crawley town centre and employment opportunities. There will be high quality open spaces and informal leisure facilities but there will also be links into the surrounding countryside, the character of which will be respected.” (JAAP. 2