Local History of Ethiopia

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Local History of Ethiopia Local History of Ethiopia Kob - Kwoyera © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) kob (qob) (A) Hebrew-type skull-cap, worn by priests, monks, nuns ?? Kob (Qôb), ../.. [+ x] a town Qôb was mentioned in medieval time HEC35 Kob (Cob) 11/37 [+ WO] HEL33 Kob kebele (Qob ..) 12/38 [Ad] in north-west Bugna wereda; area 8,518 hectares. [CSA 1994] koba (qoba) (A,O,Gurage) ensete plant, Ensete ventricosum; also (A) Agauria salicifolia; koba (O) 1. yellow; koobaa 2. cupping horn, device to draw blood for therapeutic blood-letting, qobaa 3.alone, special GDM43 Koba (Coba) 0928'/3437' 1578 m 09/34 [+ n] HEL87 Koba (K'oba, Qoba) 1233'/3904' 2175 m, 12/39 [Gz q] west of Korem HDM40 Koba & Hajin kebele (Qoba .. ..) 09/39 [Ad] in north-west Angolela & Tera Asagirt wereda at its south-western border, 21-24 km south-west of Debre Birhan; area 661 hectares. [CSA 1994] HCL03 Koba Seddu (Coba Seddu) (area) 2789 m 06/38 [+ WO] koba sorma, rich of ensete? sooroma (O) affluence, wealth HCE93 Koba Sorma (Coba Sorma) (area) 2710 m 06/38 [+ WO] HE... Koba sub-district (centre in 1964 = Mehago) 12/39 [Ad] HCH.? Kobach, in Keja 07/36 [En] In the 1980s centre of Haweta wereda. HBM40 Kobadi 04/39 [WO] kobar (Som) copper JEP92 Kobar (Cobar) (area) 1335'/4050' 13/40 [+ WO Gz] ?? Kobara, ../.. [Mi] a right affluent of the Birbir river in Wellega HER36 Kobas Sazob (Cobas Sazob) (area) 12/37 [+ WO] HEC56c Kobastal (Cobastal) 11/37 [Ch Gu] (waterfall), see under Dib Kan JC... Kobayo, mountain in the Ginir region 07/40 [x] HDM50 Kobba (Cobba) (area) 09/39 [+ WO] HEE79 Kobbe & Alamata awraja (Kobbo? ...) 11/39 [x] (centre in 1959 = Wegel Tena) kobbo, qobboo (O) castor shrub, Ricinus communis; qobbo (Som) kind of oil-bearing plant with wide leaves /also Ricinus communis?/ HBM95 Kobbo (Cobbo, Gobbo) 0427'/3945' 1218 m 04/39 [+ Gz WO] HCS18 Kobbo (Cobbo) (area), cf Kobo 07/38 [+ WO] HDJ49 Kobbo (Cobbo) (area) 0927'/3727' 2235 m, 09/37 [18 Wa WO Gz] (with market) HEM43 Kobbo (K'obo, Qobo, Cobbo, Gobbo, Quabbo) 12/39 [Ro Gz q WO x] MS: 1205'/3945' = HEM33 1455m; Gz: 1209'/3938' = HEM44 1468 m (centre -1956- of Raya & Kobo awraja, in 1964 of Kobo wereda & Kobo sub-district) There is Kobo Zuriya kebele around the settlement, with Bowa kebele adjoining a little to the west. Within a radius of 10 km there are at 4E two Boren kebeles 6E Gatira kebele 3SE Gedemeyo kebele 6SE Abware kebele Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 1 of 56 Local History of Ethiopia Kob - Kwoyera © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) 5S Aradom kebele 8SW Arbet kebele 6W Gedaba kebele 6NW Ayub kebele 10NW Amaya kebele 2N Mendefera kebele 8N Golelsha kebele 8NE Rama kebele JEA45 Kobbo (Cobbo) (high plateau) 927 m 11/40 [+ WO Gu] HCU85 Kobde (K'obde, Qobde) 0759'/3949' 1997 m 07/39 [Gz q] kobe k..: qobbe (Som) chill, cool of the night; kobi, koobi, kobii (O) anthill HEM52 Kobe kebele (Qobä ..) 12/39 [Ad] in north-western Kobo wereda at its northern border, 15-28 km north-west of Kobbo town; area 8,149 hectares. [CSA 1994] GDF95 Kobecha (Cobecia, Cobeca, Cobaccia, Nunu) 09/34 [MS Ad WO Gz] 0901'/3447' 1528 m (sub-district & its centre in 1964) HDG74 Kobecha 0946'/3509' 1521 m, south-east of Mendi 09/35 [Gz] ?? Kobenew (on map of 1814 a place Cobbenou), 11/39? [+ 18] south-east of lake Ashenge GD... Kober Kober (centre in 1964 of Yaa sub-district) 09/34 [Ad] GDM22 Kobere 0919'/3435' 1544 m, near Begi 09/34 [Gz] kobi: kobi, koobi, kobii (O) anthill; kobii (qobi'i) (T) cap, hat HDC04 Kobi 0814'/3703' 1773 m 08/37 [Gz] HDC09 Kobi 0814'/3725' 1627 m, west of Abelti 08/37 [Gz] HDJ85 Kobi 0948'/3703' 2378 m, south of Alibo 09/37 [Gz] HDK99 Kobi 0953'/3821' 2486 m, see under Tulu Milki 09/38 [AA Gz] HDL91 Kobi 0957'/3834' 2080 m, 09/38 [AA Gz] (with church), east of Tulu Milki HCS90 Kobijo (Toulou Kobidjo) 08/08'/3733' 08/37 [x] location south-southwest of Abelti, with two conical mountains HEJ77 Kobla Jenda (K. Janda) (in Gondar awraja), 12/37 [Ad 20] areas known separately in the 1600s as Qobla and Jända kobo (O) castor shrub as above; also Gardenia lutea, a plant with sweet-scented, short-lived yellow flowers HBS36 Kobo (K'obo, Qobo) 0452'/3807' 1797 m, 04/38 [Gz q] near Yabelo HDE.. Kobo (centre in 1964 of Abu sub-district), cf Kobbo 08/38? [Ad] HDE48 Kobo, see under Nazret 08/39 [x] (sub-district & its centre in 1964?) HDJ49? Kobo (Qobo, Cobbo), in southern Gudru 09/37 [+ n WO] HDT83 Kobo (K'obo, Qobo) 1043'/3842' 2371 m 10/38 [Gz q] HEM43 Kobo, see Kobbo JDH38 Kobo (K'obo, Qobo, Cobbo) 0923'/4128' 2205 m, 09/41 [Gz q Ro] (with church Medhane Alem), near Deder HDM65 Kobo kebele (Qobo ..) 09/39 [Ad] in northern Ankober wereda stretching to its eastern border, 9-14 km north-east of Ankobdr town; area 1,078 hectares. [CSA 1994] HDU16 Kobo kebele (Kobo ..) 09/39 [Ad] centrally in northern Kewet wereda, 2-7 km north-west of Shewa Robit; area 1,971 hectares. [CSA 1994] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 2 of 56 Local History of Ethiopia Kob - Kwoyera © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) HD... Kobo sub-district (centre in 1964 = Har Amba) 09/39 [Ad n] (-1964-1997-) HEM43 Kobo wereda (Qobo ..) (-1964-1994-) 12/39 [Ad n] (-1994-) is divided into 45 rural and 5 urban kebeles among which Abware, Afafa, Amaya, Amze, Aradom, Aramo, Arbet, Asmela, Awas, Ayub, Belego, Berha Maryam, Boren (two), Bowa, Gatira, Gedaba, Gedemeyu, Golelsha, Jarota, Jemedo, Kalim, Kobe, Kobo Zuriya, Kulkwal Amba, Legas Weyra, Lema Solela, Licho Beret, Mehago, Mekdela, Mendefera, Mesno Kelewa, Mito, Rama, Sheway Maryam, Tota Amba, Wacho, Wedeyu, Weremegna, Werke, Weyno Dikalo HEM43 Kobo Zuriya kebele (Qobo .. ..), 12/39 [Ad] surrounding Kobbo town in central northern Kobo wereda; area 3,869 hectares. [CSA 1994] GDM06 Kobocha 0903'/3455' 1782 m, near code GDF96 09/34 [Gz] ?? Kobor ../.. [x] kobota, koboota (O) lump of earth; dry dung HDC09 Kobota 0813'/3728' 1592 m, west of Abelti 08/37 [Gz] GD... Kobra (in Asosa awraja) 10/34? [Ad] HEL52 Kobriya (K'obriya, Qobriya) 1213'/3841' 2465 m 12/38 [Gz q] HDE57 Kobul (M.Cobul) (mountain area) 08/39 [+ WO] 2030 m, see under Mojo HEC88 Kobuta, see under Bahir Dar 11/37 [n] kocha, qochaa (O) tortoise HCG87 Kocha (Coccia, Cocia, Coraico, Coriccia) 07/35 [+ WO Gu Gz] 0708'/3525' 958 m /this Kocha or the next one?/ It was at the foot of Kocha, on the left-hand side of Dincha, that the last king of Kefa and his followers were captured. HCG96 Kocha (Coccia, Cocia) 0717'/3520' 1465 m 07/35 [+ WO Gu Gz] JDK36 Kochara (K'och'ara, Qochara) 0921'/4304' 1795 m, 09/43 [Gz q] east of Jijiga koche, qoochee (O) kind of tree with very hard wood; kochee (O) kind of food with minced meat or boiled lamb HCR70 Koche (K'och'e, Qoche) 0754'/3640' 1524 m, 07/36 [Gz q] north-west of Jimma HCT56c Koche, between lake Ziway and Albaso 07/38 [x] HEM35 Kochebi Raja (Cochebi R.) 1208'/3950' 1162 m 12/39 [+ Gz] ?? Kochele (Kechele?) (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po] JDK50 Kocher (Goggiar, Gojjiar, Qocher) 2007/2050 m, 09/42 [LM WO Gu x] (large village) mountain 2526 m, cf Gocher (centre in 1964 of Grikocher sub-district) HC... Kochere wereda (Kochore ..) 06/38 [Ad] at some distance from Yirga Chefe in the Gedeo Zone (-1994) is divided into 40 rural and 3 urban kebeles. kochi, qochii (O) small market; kocho, qochoo (O) 1. Ensete edulis, E. ventricosum; 2.wing; (qoch'o) (A etc) porridge made from the marrow of the ensete plant, staple food for Gurage and others who cultivate ensete; qocho (O) bar used as door fastener HCR42 Kochi (Coci) (small market), see under Jimma 07/36 [+ Gu] HDD28 Kochir (Quochir) 08/38 [+ WO] JCG37 Kochisa (Coccisa) (plain) 06/40 [+ WO Gu] kochisu (O) to mince /meat/ HCG96 Kocho 0713'/3520'c 07/35 [x] Published online by the Nordic Africa Institute library | nai.uu.se/library 3 of 56 Local History of Ethiopia Kob - Kwoyera © Bernhard Lindahl (2008) HC... Kochore wereda, see Kochere .. koda (qoda) (A) raw hide, skin; koda meret (qoda märet) (A) wide but infertile land; koda (O) (qodaa) vessel, tool, implement, furniture; (qooda) divide, take a share; gift HCR16 Koda 0722'/3710' 1559 m 07/37 [Gz] ?? Koda Messa (visiting postman under Jimma) ../.. [Po] JCR77 Kodaa Meydel (Qodaa Meidel) (area) 07/42 [+ WO] kodad: kodadu (plural of kudo) (T) hillocks, small hills HDU64 Kodad kebele (Qodad ..) 10/39 [Ad] in the middle of south Gishe Rabel wereda stretching north/south to its southern border, 21-24 km east-southeast of Were Ilu; area 2,325 hectares. [CSA 1994] kodda (A) leather bottle; (O) part, portion; koddaa (O) water-flask /of metal for soldiers/ HDC00 Kodda (Codda) (mountain) 0811'/3636 2138 m 08/36 [n WO Gz] kode, koode (O) brother, sister, blood relation HCS43 Kode (Code) 07/37 [+ WO] HDM85 Kodebra 0947'/3950' 1599 m, 09/39 [Gz] south-east of Debre Sina JDJ34 Kodele 0920'/4200' 1917 m, west of Harar 09/42 [Gz] HC... Kodesha wereda (centre in 1964 = Botolo Sogna) 06/37? [Ad] HCG55c Kodika 0647'/3515'c 06/35 [x] Village near the Gojeb river, with name given by the local people in the 1910s.
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