
May'19 Dolores Cover Final_Oct 2017 Jean Cover 4/18/2019 11:35 AM Page 1

WITHINGTON AUCTION, Inc. The Dolores Smith Collection

May 9 & 10, 2019

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WITHINGTON AUCTION, Inc. at Auction - May 8-9-10, 2019 The Dolores Smith Collection - 40 Years of Passionate Doll Collecting!

AUCTION SALE Thursday & Friday - May 9 & 10, 2019 2573 & 2574 Holiday Inn Nashua, NH - 603-888-1551 (for reservations) AUCTION STARTS - 10:00 AM May 8 - Wed. Evening: 7 - 9 PREVIEWS May 9 - Thurs. Morning: 8 - 10 & Evening: 7 - 9pm May 10 - Friday Morning: 8 - 10 May 8 - 1 - 6 pm or by Chance....OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! DOLL SHOW 3rd Floor Hotel Rooms - Space is Limited - ROOM SELLING & SALE Call at the Holiday Inn 603-888-1551 for Reservations BUY * SELL * TRADE - Buyer’s & Seller’s Meet ‘n Greet Holiday Inn, 9 Northeastern Blvd. Nashua, NH HOTEL INFO Exit 4 off Everett Turnpike / Route 3 - On the West side of highway Turn right at the light onto Northeastern Blvd. (PETS ARE WELCOME - ASK FOR THE DOLL RATE)

Full Color Catalogue - $15. (View Cat on-line & MORE PHOTOS) WEB-Site www.withingtonauction.com

ABSENTEE BIDDING & TELEPHONE BIDDING ACCEPTED - ABSENTEE BIDDER FORMS ARE AVAILABLE ON OUR WEB-SITE Bidding www.withingtonauction.com For Info: Tel: (603)- 478-3232 / FAX: (603)- 478-3233 TERMS RETURNS: All items MUST be inspected and returned within 10 minutes of purchase - if not as described in catalogue. and be of $ 100.00 valuation or more to qualify for a refund - Due to the sufficient time allowed for inspecting the dolls, The following items are sold AS-IS: All bodies are sold AS-IS; . All Dolls; Artist Dolls; Madame Alexander Dolls and All Box lots. Speckling and wear are normal conditions for Bisque and China dolls, therefore it will be up to the buyer to inspect for these conditions. Items desig- nated AS-IS are FINAL SALES. 18% Buyer’s Premium - Discounted to 15% for Cash or Check Visa & Mastercard accepted - No NH Sales Tax Larry Leizure - Pres. Photographer, Appraiser, Consultant - Doll Specialist in training Marcia Leizure - NH Lic. # 4028, Trucker, Acquisitions, Events, Writer, Graphic Design STAFF Bob Bouchard - Buildings & Grounds / Asstitant Doll Specialist, Quality Control. Barbara Scully - Doll Specialist & Consultant, Auctioneer in training, Dick Withington 1918 - 2008 NH Lic. #1 “The Nation’s Leading Doll Auctioneer” Dolores Smith - June 1940 - Oct. 2018, “The Doll world will never be the same without you!

CONSIGNING Thinking about Selling your dolls? But don’t know how to begin.... Withington’s can answer your questions about the Auction process. Your Collection E-Mail photos or inventory for a free appraisal. 2019 Auctions - August & October

CONTACT WITHINGTON AUCTION, INC. 603-478-3232 17 Atwood Road Hillsborough, NH 03244 E-mail: [email protected] - WEB: www.withingtonauction.com Doll Cat may '19 Day 1 GREETINGS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:33 PM Page 2

***GREETINGS*************** May 2019 FROM THE ______WITHINGTON AUCTION, Inc. Hillsborough, NH Dolores Smith - Antique Doll Addiction - In the beginning... she was Dolores D'Eramo, the youngest of two children. Her brother, an only child for 10 years, was not too thrilled about having a little sister invade his kingdom. But Dolores quietly found her place in the family assuming the role of her mother Rosina's, helper, comrade and best friend. Were there dolls in Do- lores' early life? I'm sure they were. I seem to recall a story of an old compo she loved, that her mother outfitted in simply-made wardrobe. They were hard-working, old school Italians; her father, Dante, was a paver, by trade, and in spite of the long hard days in the summer, he always had a beautiful garden with vine-ripe tomatoes and fresh basil, the key ingredients in Rosina's all-day tomato sauce. Along with the gardens, Pop would order a truck- load of grapes from the produce market, and every fall he would begin the ritual of squeezing grapes for his East Boston "Reserve" red table wine. Dolores remembered it to be kind of "icky" but was good for soothing the struggles of daily living. Dolores was a lot like her mother and developed a passion for cooking, and soon she learned all of her secrets: the sauce, raviolis, and making pasta in every shape imaginable... Pasta was a required element at every meal. Cooking may have been life, but for Dolores, the most significant thing that she learned from her mother, a seamstress by trade, was . Making her own clothes and later the creations for the dolls, was the food for her creative soul. Growing up in old-time Boston you could walk to shops... Little Italy was everywhere: crowded city streets, teeming with the freshest ingredients; Haymarket Square fruits and Vegetables; Italian specialty meats & cheeses; the finest olive oil and breads to die for! Dolores, young and plucky, was al- ways ready for a new adventure. Cooking, collecting, and a keeper of traditions - her mother's Pasta board remains, one of her most treasured family heirlooms. As life improved the family moved to a new home in Billerica, Mass. Dolores attended high school in the suburbs and got a summer job as a teller at the local Savings Bank and worked there part time during the school year. She was a business student in high school and it seemed logical that she should pursue a career in banking when she graduated. Though not her dream job... she didn't HATE it! In many ways, working at the bank for so many years, it became the fertile ground on which to nurture her life long love of crafts and collecting. Working 9 to 5, it wasn't the type of job you take home with you.... and when you balanced out your drawer at the end of the day, your mind and body were your own. She would hurry home to her crafts, her dolls, her bears. With her nimble hands, Dolores could wield a needle and thread, cut an intricate pattern and use a glue gun with trigger- like accuracy. Soon her creations of bears and dolls' clothes were noticed by an adoring public and she began making things on special order. Back in the 60's, the craft fairs became a popular past time for many... those seek- ing that special something to buy, and they were very lucrative for those with an entrepreneurial spirit. Dolores thrived in this community. At the Sunday doll and bear shows, buyers and sellers had the opportunity to interact with like-minded people and those friendships have endured. Though often gentle and unobtrusive, the impact of her presence was both profound and lasting. In that early period, one tiny treasure Dolores became known for, was the piggy-back purse... so tiny, so tedious, she could cut, stitch and stuff those diminutive satchels flawlessly. Even today, her signature purses, are occa- sionally seen on Ruby Lane or at doll shows - often mistaken for antique. They could be considered the seed of the Dolores Smith doll collection - with few mate- rials, a good idea and a bit of ingenuity, she could create a tiny gem that would fetch a good profit. Accordingly, with a small investment and Dolores' ability to transform something forlorn and make it special, many common dolls in need of make-overs became treasures to an adoring public. You know what they say about a sow's ear... in the doll world, there are so many silk purses just waiting to be Miniature Piggy-Back Purse revealed. So the exciting evolution of Dolores Smith’s Doll collection began. by Dolores Smith 2 Doll Cat may '19 Day 1 GREETINGS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:33 PM Page 3

There were always a couple of shows every month and Dolores, often commented..."I don't know how I found the time to make all those dresses... with a full-time job!" Of course, her husband Lon, would repair and restring the dolls, when necessary, but in reality, there were so many steps to take to put together a collection for a show: Acquire the dolls and fabrics; Make dozens of dresses to sell; Redress or make outfits for the better dolls; finish the bears. The dolls were often used as mannequins for Dolores' designer doll clothes, made with antique fabrics and laces, but they were often sold together with the ensembles... including her and shoes. Dolores once said, (she never liked to brag), that at a good show, several thousand dollars in sales were typical. There was constant pressure to find fresh merchandise to fix up and sell and Dolores would attend the Withington Doll auc- tions whenever possible. Where would the beginners be without those box lots!! In the early days of doll col- lecting, almost anything would sell... there was a buyer for every kind of doll... and with four hundred years of dolls represented, the choices seemed endless. In addition to the shows, E-bay became the conduit by which anyone could become an international en- trepreneur! So it was with Dolores, and that became another means to further expand her doll passion, the fire burned inside her and nothing was more stimulating than the doll connection and together, the success of the doll shows and E-Bay, confirmed Dolores' strong feeling that the dolls were her destiny. With her husband Lon's sup- port and encouragement she climbed the ladder to greatness. Many people fear change and stay on the safe side avoiding the unknown. But change is often the spark that destroys ones inhibitions, leaving a clean slate for what is possible in our lives. In the past, the banking in- dustry was safe and constant, but since the 90's banks have been in a state of flux... when those age-old estab- lishments merging and changing names so often that you're never sure who's got your money! With longer commutes and the unsettled future, after 40 years, Dolores grew to HATE her "real" job and decided to quit to con- centrate on the dolls. No longer would she have to feign illness to attend a Thursday Withington Auction - this was the life she was meant to live. During this time period, Dolores became friendly with Mrs. Flora Horn, a long- time doll collector and a regular at Withington Auctions, sitting in the front row she was Bidder #1. The aging Mrs. Horn, was Dolores' mentor, sharing her knowledge and helping to refine her naturally gifted eye. and they became familiar faces around the doll circuit. Completing the partnership with her youth and enthusiasm Dolores had one thing Mrs. Horn lacked - the ability to Drive!! By the time Mrs. Horn passed on, Dolores had paid her dues, completing her apprenticeship, learning all that she could. I often wonder what Mrs. Horn would think of the great success that Dolores achieved during her life with the dollies. If inclined to braggadocio, Dolores' col- lection would be the buzz of the doll world. But that was not Dolores, she was a woman of few words, soft-spo- ken and comfortable in her skin. She freely shared her knowledge with anyone when asked, but shared her private collection with a chosen few. She may have had it...but never flaunted it! In the late 1990's, Withington Auction was in a period of staffing changes, the 36 year auction manager was leaving.... and several other seasoned employees decided to retire... including the doll specialist. Oddly enough, the doll auctions were an area of the business that Dick didn't get involved in, as long as the catalog was completed by auction time. As a result, there was no one to take over the doll activities in the event of an emergency, who could replace a doll specialist? For that matter, what does a doll specialist do?? As it was with the first doll auc- tion held in 1959, when Withington sold Mrs. Alexander Smith's Doll museum, Dick knew nothing about dolls, but was pleasantly surprised at the ease and success of the 3-day sale. Dick had the uncanny ability to recognize a good thing when he saw one, seized the opportunity, and has been holding auctions of exclusively dolls for the past sixty years. If Withington was to continue selling dolls.... he needed a really "special" someone to be Doll Specialist. In the search for a replacement, evidently, the doll customer pool, was pared down to a small list of candidates and with Dick’s "uncanny ability" he chose Dolores Smith for the job. She was quiet, unpretentious, after decades as a customer and years under the guidancd of the highly respected Mrs. Horn's, she seemed like the best choice for the job... and all we had to do was to convince her! In the usual Dolores , she balked at the job proposal presented to her at the spring doll auction. She unworthy, under-qualified, but after much coax- ing, she accepted the job... a temporary position, (lasting 20 years), as the doll lady... a more qualified person was never found. Without any format to follow, the first auction, was a bit choppy. But together with Sis Richter, her old friend and new assistant, Dolores soon discovered she knew a lot more than first thought! In reality, the rare or obscure "mystery" dolls come to the Dollhouse infrequently. One soon discovers with the dolls.... "The More you learn about dolls... the Less you really know!" Dolores found her confidence every day in baby steps and the handful of questions, were answered with a little research and a few phone calls to other doll friends. Infor- mation was willingly shared and her profound understanding developed every day, until her passing. 3 Doll Cat may '19 Day 1 GREETINGS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:33 PM Page 4

For Dolores, the dolls were her family, her friends, the subject of her dreams, her children, her 401K, her crossword puzzles and more. For 20 years at Withington she brought an excitement and enthusiasm, the auctions have seen before. As she buzzed around the auction preview, chatting with her adoring public, she would catch a glimpse of her personal favorites. She was always working on a list of the possible additions to her doll family, and did that at every auction. After three grueling days, the doll auctions ended on Friday and Dolores was both exhausted and elated, as she gathered up her latest foster children, loading the car to take them home to Candia. Often, the car was so full there was barely room for people. This was the real in Dolores' touch... she would sit in the front row at every auction, the large binder on her lap, and do the absentee bids for those unable to at- tend. At the same time she would bid on the dolls she hoped to own and as disciplined as she was she would often win the bid - for she was willing to pay the top dollar for an especially desirable example. And in the end, she would tenderly wrap and joyfully her dolls to their new home. She had gained the expertise widely recognized by the doll public, slowly and steadfastly, the collection grew. She became a super seller on EBay and later she created her virtual doll shop on Ruby Lane - Antique Doll Addiction .. and with a more personal identity under the auspices of her own shop, not only sold dolls for years, but made life long friends along the way. How many customers happily received the dolls only to find a personal note and a little something as a gift in the box. Her "hit picks" were the German Characters... she loved the impish bisque boys, with Pouty expressions, she became entranced with the French dolls and was willing to push the envelope to add a few Bebe's to the family.

Her first French doll was a #16 Her first French doll was a #16 - over the years she acquired a Jumeau collection of fabulous children's hats for her special doll... with an enor- mous head! Originally, the doll had been a "joint venture" with one of her doll friends. Dolores was asked to go along on a house call, a local woman had a large Jumeau to sell. Skeptical of its authenticity, through the window, they saw the fabulous doll standing in the hallway of the home. She was far better that expected and her friend quickly wrote out her check for the ask- ing price. As they carried the treasure to the car, she whispered to Dolores, "I hope you have some money... I don't have enough in my account to cover the check!" So they decided to own her together, and she would spend six months with each co-owner. Eventually, Dolores bought out the half inter- est and she resided in Candia since then. She will be available along with all of her hats at the auction on May 9 & 10. We always say that the older the collection, the smaller the dolls: at the auction will be the #1- #2- #3 and a "0", too. There will be Bebes and Poupes and her favorite- the Long-faced Jumeau, too. So many fine dolls of all shapes and sizes. One sweet little All bisque, she was especially proud of was a 9" 886 S5H for which she won the Presidents Choice Award at the 2011 UFDC Region 15 convention. Do- lores decided to enter her into the competitive exhibits... Without Clothes. With such a beautiful body, she didn't want to cover it up, so she proudly wore only her antique straw . Receiving only a second prize in her category, (probably would have done better in a dress), Dolores, however, won the President's Choice for best in show! The significance of the small doll was appreciated by an educated few. I imagine a few collectors will be looking for that sweet doll at the auction. Dolores loved a good project doll: it could be rare, needing a bit of fixing or a dirty EJ in a box, unstrung, no wig or dress. I think she liked the make-over process much better than buying one already fixed. Often, she would bring her babies to work, to show us the progress in the restoration. As we see those dolls, today in their cases, one can hardly recognize them for their transformation is amazing. 4 Dolores was a true artist. Doll Cat may '19 Day 1 GREETINGS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:33 PM Page 5

On rare occasions, Dolores would buy a doll in perfect condition and let it be. The legendary Ella.... a pristine example of an Izannah Walker doll, all origi- The legendary Ella.... a pristine nal, with several outfits and provenance. Originally, the doll was given to Eliz- example of an Izannah Walker ... abeth Pope, when she was born in 1857. Her maternal grandparents were from Rhode Island and lived near Central Falls, RI., where Izannah Walker had her doll shop. The little girl, died of scarlet fever at age 2 years, confirming the date the doll was made. Of the six children, only a son lived to adulthood and he was a doctor who traveled West to Minnesota. Ella, was handed down through the family, but never played with - kept as a shrine to the little lost girl. Purchased from the two remaining descendants of the family by a local dealer, the doll was shipped to Withington's Dollhouse to be sold at auction after 150 years in the family. Ella lived with us in the doll house for a couple of months, displayed prominently, on a table we passed by a dozen times a day. She was often a sub- ject of conversation, we received so many inquiries about her, she was loved by us all. One day, for a little joke, I scribbled a note and placed it in Ella's hands stating, "I want to live in Candia" . Dolores of course, laughed at the impossibil- ity. In October of 2008, I remember, standing at the podium, selling Ella, the bids coming from the house, the phones and the book of left bids. I was a nervous wreck... it's not often you sell such an exceptional cloth doll. Starting at $20,000., by the mid thirties, the bidding slowed down and then there were two.... a bidder on the phone and Dolores' bidder... $40,000... $41,000...once - twice - three... SOLD! $41,000 to what I believed to be an absen- tee bid. We were pleased and happy at the results of the sale. The after auction banter was all about Ella.... who bought her? Almost amazing as the sale itself was the rest of the story... and how the collector was able to acquire this wonder- ful Izannah Walker for her collection, with a bit of horse-trading, selling a bunch of pretty good dolls, a few good months on E-bay. At the time I had no idea who was bidding and her new owner has remained a doll mystery all these years. Per- haps I missed her slight smile and the twinkle in her eye, but Dolores never let down her poker face... as she continued to bid..... You see, Ella did get her wish..."I Want to Live In Candia!" and so did Dolores!

Note: Ella was sold to a private collector in 2016. In 2018, Doll artist Paula Walton made an exact replica of Ella for Dolores, which will be sold with the collection. The Dolores Smith Collection will be sold by Withington Auction, on May 8-9-10, 2019, at the Holiday Inn, 9 Northeastern Blvd. Nashua, NH - for reservations call: 603-888-1551 ask for Laurie. Visit our Website: www.withingtonauction.com or call The Dollhouse: 603-478-3232

Sincerely, Marcia & Larry Leizure

May 9 & 10, 2019 WITHINGTON AUCTION, Inc. Hillsborough, NH

Marcia Leizure - NH Lic. # 4028 * 603-478-3232 * Larry Leizure, President [email protected] www.withingtonauction.com

5 Doll Cat may '19 Day 1 GREETINGS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:33 PM Page 6

May 9, 2019 - Day 1 - Picture Dolls

001 18” BISQUE SIMON HALBIG 1248,, brown flirty eyes, OM, BJCB, antique clothes and shoes

002 17” BISQUE K+H BROWN GLASS EYES, O/C Mouth, BJC Toddler body, antique clothes and shoes

003 11” BISQUE K*R S&H 121, sleep blue eyes, OM, BJC toddler body, antique clothes

004 13.5” BISQUE S&H 939, blue glass eyes, OM with 2 square upper and one lower, PE, BJCB, antique dress

005 12” PAPIER MACHE FORTUNE TELLER, Shoulder head, black pupil less eyes, blonde molded hair, cloth body with limbs, many, many fortunes under skirt

006 10” KESTNER 174,, sleep blue eyes, OM, original pate glued down, BJCB, original wig, chemise, shoes and socks

007 16” BISQUE INCISED F..0..G.. blue glass eyes, c/m, French 8 ball body, antique clothes and shoes

008 17” BISQUE 203,, blue glass eyes, C/M, PE, BJCB, original dress, original shoes

009 22” BISQUE,, JUMEAU,, B10L,, blue glass eyes, C/M, PE nicked, made for Louve Dept Store, French jointed body, wear, hands repainted, touch up on body, antique clothes, hairline on forehead, one earring

010 17” KESTNER 180,, painted blue eyes, o/c mouth with molded teeth, original pate glued down, BJCB, antique clothes and shoes

011 16” BISQUE 201,, brown glass eyes, O/M, 2 square upper teeth and one square lower tooth, PE, BJCB, antique clothes and shoes

012 13” BISQUE,, FG IN A SCROLL, deep blue glass eyes, C/M, PE, compo shoulder plate, C/M, PE, compo shoulder plate, Gesland body with compo limbs, possible repaint, original spring and antique clothes

013 11” BISQUE BOY INCISED 28?, blue intaglio eyes, O/C mouth, molded white with tufts of blonde hair, BJCB, antique clothes (missing one shoe)

014 ANTIQUE RED WOOL DRESS, shirring in front and back bodice, lace trim in sleeve, 10” from shoulder to hem, lace covered hat w/deep red bows, beaded pocketbook and necklace

015 TWO PIECE FRENCH STYLE CREAM CORD OUTFIT with matching , 8” from shoulder to hem, antique sheep, necklace and gold shoes with heel

016 CRANBERRY ANTIQUE WOOL SAILOR style cape, 9” from waist to hem of shirt, cran- berry sailor hat, black shoes and red beaded pocketbook

Wiitthiinggtton Auccttiion,, Incc.. Dollorreess Smiitth Colllleeccttiion -- May 9 & 110,, 20119 6 Theerree wiillll bee no iinsspeeccttiionss off Dollllss // Lottss afftteerr tthee auccttiion beeggiinss 001 002 003 004

005 006 007 008

009 010 011 012

013 014 015 016 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 7 } Lots after the auction begins 017 018 019 020

021 022 023 024

025 026 027 028

029 030 031 032 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 8 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 9

017 18” BISQUE INCISED 1296 FS & C, Flirty brown eyes, O/M teeth, BJC toddler body, pink wool suit and leather shoes

018 19” BISQUE,, INCISED JULLIEN 7, brown paperweight eyes, French Compo Body, tiny red line on cheek, antique wig, clothes and shoes

019 16” BISQUE INCISED S7H 905,, dome head, brown eyes, c/m, BJCB, PE, an- tique dress, bonnet and shoes, replaced mohair wig, hairline under eye, right side

020 14” BISQUE,, DEPOSE E5J, bright blue paperweight eyes, c/m, PE, Jumeau stamped body, Jumeau marked shoes, dressed in pink silk (see before and after pictures)

021 14” BISQUE,, DEPOSE E5J, bright blue paperweight eyes, c/m, PE, Jumeau stamped body, French shoes, dressed in blue silk (see before and after pictures)

022 18” BISQUE,, INCISED 25 AND 207,, intaglio eyes, closed mouth, character, BJCB, wonderfully dressed, antique shoes

023 18” BISQUE,, INCISED SFBJ 238 PARIS 4,brown set eyes, BJC lady body, ap- pears to be original dress, replaced hair wig

024 19” BISQUE ,, INCISED 8..F..,, C/M,, blue paperweight eyes, French BJCB, an- tique dress, shoes, socks, replaced human hair wig

025 17” BISQUE,, INCISED DEP, PE, Blue paperweight eyes, French BJCB, mold flaw behind left ear, antique clothes, shoes, and wig

026 20” BISQUE,, JULLIEN 7, French BJCB, blue paperweight eyes, O/M, antique dress and shoes, human hair wig, hairline forehead, finger broken

027 15” BISQUE,, TETE JUMEAU 6, brown paperweight eyes, c/m, PE, French Jumeau, BJCB, Antique clothes and shoes, two hairlines on forehead

028 24” BISQUE,, FRENCH INCISED 10,, blue paperweight eyes, c/m, BJC lady body with wonderful Paris red label 202 Rue de Rivoli Paris, antique wig and pate, lovely silk antique dress and shoes, hairline forehead

029 11..5” BISQUE,, GERMAN INCISED JDK 211, blue sleep eyes, closed mouth, original wig, original plaster pate, BJC toddler body, antique clothes and shoes

030 9” BISQUE,, GERMAN 165,, Googly, blue sleep eyes, watermelon mouth, toddler BJCB, antique dress, antique wig

031 12” BISQUE,, GERMAN INCISED 221 JDK Googly, blue set eyes, BJC toddler body, antique clothes, shoes and wig

032 11..5” BISQUE,, SFBJ 247,, blue sleep eyes, rare painted shoe BJC toddler body, antique clothes , antique wig, mold flaw over right eye

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 9 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 10

033 13” BISQUE,, BRU JNE R 4,, blue paperweight eyes, labeled Bebe Bru BTE SGDG body BJCB, possibly original dress, cork pate and wig, French shoes, PE, C/M, nose rub, small cheek rub, red straw line on forehead

034 14..5” BISQUE,, AM 701 FLAPPER in blue linen suit with trousseau and trunk, including wedding gown, coat, hat, suit and extra dress and shoes, blue sleep eyes, c/m, original bobbed human hair wig glued down, flapper BJCB

035 18..5” BISQUE,, DEP,, blue paperweight eyes, PE chips, mold line behind ears, French BJCB, Antique dress, cork pate antique wig, small black dot between eyebrows

036 7” BISQUE,, WIG GLUED DOWN, EARLY GERMAN C/M,, blue paperweight eyes, PE, BJCB, beautiful antique dress.

037 22” BISQUE,, LONG FACE TRISTE JUMEAU, incised 10, blue paperweight eyes, C/M, PE, applied ears, Bee marked size 10 Jumeau shoes, blue marked Jumeau body, gor- geous antique dress, bonnet and wig! Article from Lucy’s Dollhouse $39,000! Small speck on forehead.

038 16” ANTIQUE STEIFF BEAR, no , replaced and mended nose, mended pads, settled stuffing, shoe button eyes, as found condition

039 14” ANTIQUE WHITE HUMPED BACK STEIFF, blank button, very nice condition, original pads, claws, original nose, shoe button eyes

040 14” ANTIQUE BROWN HUMPED BACK STEIFF, blank button, very nice condition, original pads, claws, original nose, shoe button eyes

041 13” WELL LOVED EARLY BEAR, original pads with felt loss, with TR pin and small Shuco friend in basket, mohair loss and repair, safari hat

042 10” WHITE STEIFF BEAR, blank button, glass eyes, original nose and pads

043 13” ANTIQUE WHITE HUMPED BACK STEIFF, blank button, very nice condition, original pads some damage, some mohair loss, claws, original nose, shoe button eyes, an- tique hot dog hat

044 MARKLIN CARRIAGE 9”X6”X3” with all bisque 6” character baby, bunny and teddy

045 9.5” POODLE CANDY CONTAINER, glass eyes, mohair

046 27” PARIS BEBE,, SIZE 12, marked Jumeau body, C/M, PE, blue paperweight eyes, dramatic look, red wool , antique shoes, cork pate, lovely antique wig and hat

047 LOT – WICKER CARRIAGE with 3 googlies, 6” AM 320 painted eyes, 5 piece body painted shoes, 6.5” EH 262 smirking mouth, 5 piece body, painted socks and shoes, 5.5” AM googly baby body

048 LOT OF TWO BISQUE HEAD HEUBACH character babies – 9” incised 8894, painted intaglio eyes, pouty mouth, antique dress and shoes, 5.75” Heubach square mark, pouty intaglio eyes fully jointed compo body no clothes Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 10 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 033 034 035 036

037 038 039 040

041 042 043 044

045 046 047 048 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 11 } Lots after the auction begins 049 050 051 052

053 054 055 056

057 058 059 060

061 062 063 064 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 12 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 13

049 LOT – 5” INCH ALL BISQUE, blue sleep eyed baby incised 886 with tin bath set, chipping original paint

050 LOT – 12” BISQUE,, HEUBACH 8191, molded hair, side glance eyes, laughing mouth, BJCB, Antique 4 poster bed and bedding, Dengle puppy, rug and book

051 8” BISQUE K*R 126 blue sleep eyes, toddler 5 piece body with starfish hands, o/m 2 teeth, mohair bob wig

052 PONFA FRENCH CARRIAGE blue and white, rare large size 13.5”x11.5”x7”

053 8” BISQUE S&H 1078,, all original, 5 piece flapper body, painted socks and shoes, original bobbed wig, sleep blue eyes, o/m with teeth, &

054 AUTOMATON KEY WIND ROCK-A-BYE DOLL 9: bisque incised 192, brown glass eyes, OM, 5 piece compo body with painted socks and shoes, rocks wood cradle with all bisque baby, in working condition mounted on wood base 11” x 8”

055 LOT OF 3 DOLLS AND SOFT METAL CARRIAGE, two all bisque babies in origi- nal clothes

056 LOT OF 2 CHILDREN’S DRESSES one with a cute cat print and the second with corded cotton and pink satin bow with large lace collar

057 15” F5G,, KID BODY,, blue paperweight eyes, c/m, PE, bisque hands, antique dress and shoes, mohair wig, antique hat, hairline on forehead

058 18”BISQUE INCISED 8 OVER EJ, blue paperweight eyes, early 8 ball marked Jumeau body, marked Jumeau shoes, antique wig and cork pate, beautifully dressed, ap- plied pierced ears

059 16” BISQUE INCISED BRU JNER 7,, Blue Bru stamp, BJCB, blue paperweight eyes, O/M with 2 rows of teeth, PE, antique mohair wig and cork pate, possibly original dress and hat, antique shoes and socks

060 15” BISQUE KESTNER BRU, brown sleep eyes, open closed mouth with painted teeth, early Kestner BJCB, antique mohair wig, PE, beautifully dress and hat, wonderful shoes with 3 straps

061 18”BISQUE INCISED 6 OVER EJ, blue paperweight eyes, early 8 ball marked Jumeau body, antique shoes, antique skin wig glued down, beautifully dressed, applied pierced ears with one earring

062 17” BISQUE E8J DEPOSE, blue paperweight eyes, marked Jumeau body, an- tique shoes, antique wig , beautifully dress and hat, applied pierced ears, cork pate, red mold line, red leather gloves, black purse

063 18” BISQUE FG FRENCH FASHION SWIVEL HEAD with shoulder plate with rare Gesland body with jointed knees and bisque lower legs, and bisque hands, antique dress and shoes, beautiful fashion mohair wig.

064 13” BISQUE INCISED S & C , blue eyes, open mouth with teeth, PE, BJCB, mohair wig, probably original dress and shoes

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 13 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 14

065 15” BISQUE FRENCH FASHION, blue paperweight eyes, c/m, kid body with bisque lower arms, kid over wood jointed at shoulder and elbows, cup and saucer neck, stress line on back of shoulder plate, pink silk dress with black trim, antique French boots

066 15..5” GERMAN FASHION, kid body, bisque arms, blue glass eyes, c/m, PE, solid dome , antique velvet and taffeta two piece walking suit, hat and mohair wig

067 11” BISQUE BEBE,, BLUE EYES, unusual body with pegged neck and flat cut that fits over, BJCB, mohair wig, c/m, P/E

068 14” BISQUE JUMEAU FRENCH FASHION, early almond cut blue eyes, c/m, PE, mohair wig with original ribbon, glued down , antique dress and French shoes

069 10” BISQUE S&H 1279,, blue eyes, O/M with 2 teeth, BJCB with straight arms, mohair wig

070 7.5” BISQUE POUTY KESTNER, brown sleep eyes, BJCB, dressed beautifully with tiny antique shoes, silk dress and straw hat

071 8” BISQUE BRU FACED BELTON, blue eyes, c/m, BJCB, wonderfully dressed, mohair wig, crack back of head

072 14” BISQUE FRENCH FASHION, painted eyes, shoulder head with kid body, mo- hair wig, antique dress and shoes

073 8” BISQUE STEINER FRE A1,, blue paperweight eyes, BJCB marked with Steiner paper label, white painted fingernails, beautifully dressed, antique shoes & hat

074 8” CHINA,, ALICE with cup and saucer swivel neck, bisque hips, china arms and legs. Head is perfect, shoulder plate is repaired/repainted

075 7.5” BISQUE STEINER,, LE PARISIEN, Incised AO PARIS, blue glass eyes, beauti- ful antique French dress and bonnet, antique shoes, mohair wig, BJCB with straight legs

076 ASSORTED LOT OF SMALL doll clothes

077 ASSORTED LOT OF SMALL DOLL clothes & 2 dolls

078 LOT OF 9 PAIR of antique shoes

079 LOT OF 12 PAIR of antique shoes

080 LOT OF 28 PAIR of small antique doll shoes

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 14 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 065 066 067 068

069 070 071 072

073 074 075 076

077 078 079 080 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 15 } Lots after the auction begins 081 082 083 084

085 086 087 088

089 090 091 092

093 094 095 096 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 16 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 17

081 LOT OF 6 PAIR OF LARGE antique doll shoes

082 LOT OF 9 PAIR of antique doll shoes

083 LOT OF 12 PAIR of antique doll shoes

084 LOT OF 9 PAIR of antique doll shoes

085 LOT OF 17 PAIR small antique doll

086 LOT OF 12 PAIR of antique doll shoes

087 LOT OF 25 PAIR of small antique doll shoes

088 LOT OF ANTIQUE DOLL DRESSES, hat, jackets, cape

089 LOT OF TWO ANTIQUE DOLL outfits & hats

090 LOT OF EARLY ANTIQUE doll outfits

091 LOT OF EARLY ANTIQUE doll outfits

092 LOT OF EARLY ANTIQUE doll outfits

093 LOT OF 5 FRENCH COMPOSITION BODIES, 3 - Jumeau bodies, 1 – Steiner (needs stringing), 1 – labeled Jouets et Jeux

094 LOT OF FOUR TINY DOLLS – All-Bisque Bye-lo S/H, 4” ptd features c/m, (leg off), All-bisque, 3”, incised 36-8 Germany, ptd. features, c/m, ptd socks & shoes; 4” Bisque head, blu. Gl eyes, c/m, ptd. features, old mohair wig, compo body, 8-pc arms jointed at shoulders, elbows, & wrists; and 3 ½” bisque S/H mk 294, ptd. Features, cloth body, bisque. Limbs (as-is)

095 LOT OF 4 ALL-BISQUE DOLLS with presentation boxes: 4 ¼” S/H brown glass eyes, c/m, mohair wig w/ long braids, ptd. shoes & socks; 5” 6-pc. Body blue sleep eyes, ptd. shoes & socks, mohair; 5 ½” #231, all-bisque, c/m mohair, 5-pc body, ptd. shoes & socks on silk ribbon; all-bisque boy, molded hair, ptd. features, sweater & trousers

096 9” BISQUE HEAD INC.. 749, attributed to S&H, sleep brown eyes, o/m, BJCB, old mohair no pate, socks & shoes, some old clothes, unders

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 17 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 18

097 LOT OF 8 ALL-BISQUE TINY DOLLS, 2 ½”–6”, three with 5-pc. jointed bodies, ptd. eyes & features, shoes & socks, one baby & 3 w/ swivel heads, glass eyes, mohair wigs & 2 w/ 5-pc bodies

098 LOT OF THREE 7” DOLLS: 2 w/ molded bonnet heats & bisque head inc. K*R Halbig 19, brown sleep eyes, o/m, BJCB, (dress, but no shoes or wig)

099 BOX LOT OF EARLY DOLLS CLOTHES & accessories: Corsets, chemises, bustles, skirt hoops, dresses, tiny dolls , mini work …

100 MARKLIN CARRIAGE 8 ¾” LONG, white & gold paint decoration (with loss), wire wheels, ormolu decoration at the front & rear, with 3 all bisque babies 4 ½” & 2 - 3”

101 8” ALL BISQUE WRESTLER, incised 102, brown eyes, O/M, painted socks & shoes, mohair wig

102 6” FRENCH ALL LEATHER BOY, painted features, molded body , molded hair, with 1st place ribbons

103 9” ALL BISQUE UNDRESSED, incised 886 S5H, blue glass eyes, O/M, 5 pc body, painted strap shoes, mohair wig, great hat

104 6” BISQUE SHOULDER HEAD ON WIRE ARMATURE riding a wool swan, under a glass dome, (glue mark on forehead)

105 PAPER BROWN MACHE RABBIT CANDY CONTAINER with leather harness, basket seat with egg, 8” tall

106 10” BLACK BISQUE HEAD INCISED PARIS BEBE TETE DEP, brown glass eyes, C/M PE (chips), black compo body, black wig, red silk dress (Made by Dolores), (face rubs, glue around wig base)

107 9” ALL BISQUE INCISED 10, 5 piece body, O/M, PE, painted strap shoes & socks, mohair wig, original hat & dress

108 9” BISQUE HEAD INCISED 200 A 50 M GERMANY DRGM,, Googly, compo body, red dress, (long hairline back of head)

109 9 ½” BISQUE HEAD CHARACTER INCISED MADE IN GERMANY A 1 M,, painted features, C/M, BJCB, mohair wig, (dark mold line from left ear)

110 6” FRENCH ALL LEATHER GIRL, painted features, molded body , molded hair, with 2nd place ribbon

111 7 ½” ALL BISQUE INCISED 886 S&H,, brown glass eyes, O/M, 5 strap painted boots, mohair wig, undressed,

112 LOT OF 3 ALL BISQUE DOLLS,, 6 ½” painted features dressed as rabbit, 2 – 5 ½” painted features with top hats, open singing mouths Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 18 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 097 098 099 100

101 102 103 104

105 106 107 108

109 110 111 112 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 19 } Lots after the auction begins 113 114 115 116

117 118 119 120

121 122 123 124

125 126 127 128 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 20 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 21

113 7 ½” ALL BISQUE SHIRLEY ANTOON 1994 wrestler, blue glass eyes, O/M, painted shoes, HH wig, 2nd place ribbon

114 6 ½” PAIR OF ALL BISQUE BROTHER & SISTER, brown glass eyes, C/M, 5 piece all bisque body, painted shoes/socks, original red & white silk outfits, hats

115 11” BISQUE HEAD INCISED 2,, brown glass eyes, PE, O/CM, BJCB, silk dress, mohair wig, (right thumb crack)

116 LOT OF 4 FUR DOGS,, 7” Irish Wolfhound, 8” white Husky type, 3” Dalmatian (broken front left paw), & 6” ??

117 AUTOMATON/MUSIC BOX,, 5 ¾” base, 2 – 4” bisque head dancing dolls, (damage to 1 foot), working condition, music plays as lady’s dance, key wind with French label on base

118 12” BISQUE HEAD INCISED 4, blue glass eyes (tiny fleck left corner), C/M, PE, mohair wig, straight wrist compo body, red knit outfit, 2 ribbons

119 7 ½” ALL BISQUE WRESTLER TYPE, brown glass sleep eyes, C/M, painted shoes, mohair wig, hat, no clothes

120 19” AUTOMATON TEA SERVER, bisque head, partial shoulder plate, hands, blue glass eyes, O/CM, mohair wig, pate glued down, by Leopold Lambert with LB key, in working condition, melting outfit, base velvet not attached, bottom base label.

121 LOT OF 12 PAIR of early doll shoes

122 LOT OF 16 PAIR of early doll shoes

123 SHAKER LOT,, 11 ½” BISQUE HEAD DRESSED in Shaker outfit, sleep eyes, O/M , 2 extra capes, hat, & 2 Shaker chairs

124 10 ½” TALL MINIATURE ENGLISH SEWING STAND on footed base, 8 sided top with , 8 felt lined sewing compartments on interior

125 13” BISQUE HEAD CHARACTER CHILD INCISED K*R SIMON HALBIG 122, blue glass sleep eyes, O/M w/tongue, mohair wig , BJCB

126 10” BISQUE HEAD DEP 749 SH,, blue glass sleep eyes, O/M, PE, mohair wig, BJCB with label Gesland Bte S.G.D.G. Paris (mismatched legs), in AU Nain Bleu pres- entation box with extra outfits

127 9” SIMON HALBIG SWIVEL NECK PARIAN, painted eyes, molded hair with rib- bon, bisque limbs (crack at left ankle)

128 13” DOLL TRUNK WITH DOLL CLOTHES & accessories

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 21 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 22

129 20 ½” BISQUE HEAD RED LABEL DEPOSE TETE JUMEAU BTE S.G.D.G. 8, brown glass eyes, (right eye left corner in making fleck) C/M, PE, mohair wig w/hat, compo lady body, no dress

130 16” BISQUE HEAD INCISED MADE IN GERMANY 171,, blue glass eyes, O/M, BJCB, mohair wig, no clothes

131 20” BISQUE SHOULDER HEAD INCISED F 5 G,, blue glass eyes, C/M, PE, skin wig, kid body, great outfit by Dolores

132 18” BISQUE HEAD LADY DOLL INCISED 1159 Germany Simon Halbig, blue glass eyes, mohair wig, (wig pulls & glue), O/M, PE, lady compo body,

133 12” PRINCESS ELIZABETH JUMEAU INCISED UNIS FRANCE 306 JUMEAU 1938 Paris, blue glass eyes, C/M, mohair wig, BJCB, no dress

134 13 ½” WOOD TUCK COMB, painted features, PE, pegged wooden body, (legs replaced by Ralph Brindemeyer) (nose rub), extra outfit

135 16” PARIAN MOLDED BLONDE/BROWN HAIR WITH BLACK LUSTER BAND with pink flower (chip), blue glass eyes (left eye lid chip), C/M, PE (chipped), bisque limbs, cloth body, (major repairs to shoulder plate), (not original body)

136 16 ½” BISQUE SHOULDER/DOME TOP HEAD, brown glass eyes, mohair wig, C/M, PE, kid arms, blue silk walking suit, with small dog

137 13” BISQUE SOLID DOME CHARACTER BOY, inc, Heubach 8668P St., flocked hair, blue glass sleep eyes, C/M, BJCB, (possible thin line the making to left of 1st 8)

138 10 ½” BISQUE HEAD INCISED S & H 1009 D,, blue glass eyes, O/M with teeth, mohair wig, PE, BJCB, (spot on right eye glass)

139 10 ½” BISQUE SOLID DOME, INCISED 1498,, blue glass sleep eyes, O/CM, painted blonde hair, compo toddler body, (rare size for this #)

140 18” BISQUE SOLID DOME SHOULDER INC.. 9,, blue glass eyes, C/M, PE, skin wig, cloth body w/ kid arms, antique outfit, red shoes, (mold dot on nose & right ear)

141 16” BISQUE HEAD INCISED MADE IN GERMANY 160 8 ½ DEP, (Kestner), brown glass sleep eyes, O/M with teeth, mohair wig (plaster pate)

142 14” BISQUE SOLID MOLD HEAD CHARACTER BOY inc, 227, blue glass eyes, painted blonde hair, O/M, BJCB, sailor outfit, (tiny dark fleck above right upper lip)

143 17” BISQUE SWIVEL NECK INCISED 4, lady bisque shoulder plate, blue glass eyes, C/M, PE, kid body with bisque arms, mohair wig, green silk outfit (melting), French shoes

144 13” SOLID BISQUE HEAD INCISED 6984 Germany, flocked hair, intaglio eyes, C/M, BJCB, blue soldier outfit Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 22 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 129 130 131 132

133 134 135 136

137 138 139 140

141 142 143 144 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 23 } Lots after the auction begins 145 146 147 148

149 150 151 152

153 154 155 156

157 158 159 160 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 24 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 25

145 24” FRENCH DRESS MANNEQUIN, black silk, Edwardian style

146 17 ½” PARIAN SHOULDER HEAD, molded blonde hair, black luster band, painted blue eyes, C/M, molded earrings, painted necklace, kid body with bisque arms, provenance on back of shoulder plate, doll purchase in 1871 for $4.00

147 24 ½” FRENCH MANNEQUIN DRESS FORM, with label & original dress

148 22” BISQUE HEAD GRETCHEN INCISED K*R 114, painted eyes, C/M, mohair wig, BJCB

149 12 ¾” OVAL DOME WITH HORSE SCENE, 8” bisque head doll dressed in black as a rider, black skin horse, metal dog, metal flowers, (crack in back of dome)

150 5 ½” ALL BISQUE STRAIGHT LEG FLAPPER, blue glass eyes, O/M, painted shoes & socks under small dome (cracked)

151 2 PCS OF DOLL ,, 3 DRAWER BIEDERMEIER STYLE TURNED LEG CHEST with false graining 6 ½” tall, & blonde boudoir bed with high back 8” tall

152 3 – FRAMED ITEMS, 6” portrait of boy with his hair curled, 10” shadow box with tin type & flowers, 7” theorem painting

153 24” FRENCH WAX MANNEQUIN, blue glass eyes, brown hair in bun, label on arm socket “347 Crouillois a Paris” original dress, (no arms)

154 FRAMED 17” X 24” OIL ON CANVAS OF YOUNG GIRL IN RED DRESS standing with a large & small doll, originally from a long time doll collector in the Berkshires. In gold frame

155 13” X 13 ½” FRAMED SAMPLER OF CAT, “Here sits poor puss 1840 / Sarah Ann Greenawak 1840” believed to be a Pennsylvania family

156 13” RECTANGULAR DOME WITH BEDROOM DRESSING SCENE created & sewn by Dolores, , dresses, wardrobe, chair, etc.

157 11” HEUBACH “SPINACH BOY”, kid body, bisque hands, with high- chair and Dianne Dengel dog, plate and spoon

158 14..5” HEUBACH CHARACTER 7744,, Fully jointed compo toddler body, sailor suit, lovely example

159 8.5” FRENCH MARKED 4 M,, blue glass eyes (Mascotte), French BJCB, CM, mohair wig, white chemise and leather shoes

160 14” BEAUTIFUL EARLY GERMAN MYSTERY DOLL, skin wig, blue paper- weight eyes, marked CM French shoes, beautifully dressed Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 25 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 26

161 18” JUMEAU PORTRAIT FASHION, spiral blue paperweight eyes, swivel neck, tiny lower lid fleck, antique clothes, chatelaine, antique French shoes marked 2 missing heels, antique straw hat, antique blonde mohair wig and cork pate, kid and cloth body

162 25” JUMEAU PORTRAIT FASHION, blue spiral eyes, antique wig and pate, beauti- ful antique clothes some fraying and hat, kid body

163 16” PINK TINT SOPHIA SMITH CHINA, amazing red dress, kid and cloth body

164 15” LYDIA ? CHINA EXPOSED EARS with wonderful curls, red antique dress, kid and cloth body, minor cheek rub with trunk & outfits

165 LOT,, TWO ANTIQUE SMALL CHAIRS, braided rug, 9 small doll size books and lovely small table

166 9” LONG,, 5” HIGH FRENCH-TYPE FUR DOG for large fashion

167 14” NURSING BRU MARKED BRU JNE 4,, French BJCB, inner balloon and workings still in head, firing/mold flaw back of head, antique clothes, shoes and bonnet

168 12” TO TOP OF EAR,, FRENCH SITTING CAT with paperweight eyes and pull string, pull string opens mouth and cries

169 10” MUSICAL SQUEEZE MOHAIR CAT, plays beautifully, glass googly eyes

170 SEWING PRESENTATION BASKET WITH 4” jointed all bisque doll and clothing

171 11..5” MUSICAL SINGING BIRD IN CAGE, turn key, works great, sings and beak and tail move

172 10” SIZE 1 JUMEAU,, blue paperweight eyes, French BJCB, marked size 1 Jumeau shoes, lovely red silk dress

173 10” SIZE 1 BLOCK FG,, brown paperweight eyes, French BJCB, skin wig glued down, lovely silk dress and bonnet, antique French shoes, PE

174 10” SIZE 1 INCISED JUMEAU, spider hairline on forehead (light), blue paper- weight eyes, silk dress and bonnet, antique French shoes, PE (left chip)

175 LOT OF TWO HEUBACH CHARACTERS 18.5” by Shirley Antoon 1997, antique body, shoes and outfit, 12.5” artist made 8566 mark Newer toddler body, antique outfit and shoes

176 12” SFBJ 245 MINT IN BOX, sailor suit, sleep googly eyes, appeared in French doll book, page included

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165 166 167 168

169 170 171 172

173 174 175 176 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 27 } Lots after the auction begins 177 178 179 180

181 182 183 184

185 186 187 188

189 190 191 192 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 28 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 29

177 LOT OF 5 ARTIST ANIMALS, 1Bradbury, 2 Dengle, 2 Clarke

178 19” ANTIQUE SANTA, paper mache, faded red felt, fur beard, holding a feather tree, (moth holes), with small feather tree & presents

179 10” SHUCO YES/ NO FOX with glasses, glasses need repair

180 10” STEIFF EARLY BEAR, no button, some pad holes, shoe button eyes

181 13” STEIFF EARLY BEAR WITH STEIFF BUTTON, some pad holes, shoe button eyes

182 LOT OF ASSORTED SMALLS, hats, drum, muff, birdcage, writing set, etc.

183 13” FRENCH FASHION, swivel neck, kid body with beautiful bisque arms, kid

body, blue paperweight eyes, antique dress and shoes, antique mohair wig and cork pate

184 13” FG FASHION,, swivel neck, blue paperweight eyes, kid body, hairline fore-

head, silk dress, velvet bonnet, mohair wig

185 LOT OF 12 PAIR OF ANTIQUE DOLL SHOES in various sizes

186 FRENCH STYLE PRESENTATION BOX 9.5” x 6”with wash set – lovely example

187 13” BELTON TYPE DOLL,, BJCB, blue eyes, mohair wig, PE

188 MAHOGANY MARBLE TOP VANITY with mirror, single drawer 15”x6” originally

from the magic closet

189 LOT OF 7 SMALL BISQUE & BISQUE HEAD DOLLS 3” – 5”, & pull with cart

& goat

190 FRENCH TABLE 14”x9.5 ornate embellishments, inlaid

191 14” BRU JNE BY SHIRLEY ANTOON, beautifully dressed in antique material

192 13” LONG FACE JUMEAU by Shirley Antoon

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 29 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 30

193 13” BRU JNE BY SHIRLEY ANTOON on antique kid body

194 20” SHIRLEY ANTOON AT BEAUTIFULLY dressed in antique silk with silk lined straw bonnet and antique shoes

195 21” BEAUTIFUL KESTNER GIBSON GIRL dressed as a bride, kid body, bisque hands, blue sleep eyes, mohair wig glued down, (tiny in-making line right eye corner)

196 17” SHIRLEY ANTOON KESTNER AT beautifully dressed, antique wig

197 16” SHOENHUT DOLL WITH CARVED HAIR and blue bow, antique clothes and origi- nal Shoenhut shoes with, rubs

198 12” BEAUTIFUL GK GERMAN FASHION, domed head, beautifully dressed by Ann Higgins, (tiny firing line right cheek )

199 15” BLACK STEINER MARKED PARIS FRE 7, French brown BJCB, OM teeth, an- tique style dress, antique shoes, original pate and wig, PE

200 13..5” K*R 116 BJCB TODDLER BODY, blue sleep eyes, O/CM, antique wig, beau- tifully dressed with shoes and bonnet

201 10” EDEN BEBE PARIS SIZE 1, original dress and wig, OM with teeth, French BJCB, and original mohair wig, PE

202 10..5” MARKED ED 3,, French BJCB, CM, brown paperweight eyes

203 8” SIMON HALBIG 989,, CM BJCB,, antique shoes, missing part of right hand, brown sleep eyes

204 11” WAX BABY CANDY CONTAINER, lovely original condition

205 LOT – 5 BONNETS,, 1 PAIR RED LEATHER GLOVES, 1 parasol, 1 small dress stand with pink silk dress

206 WHITE FRENCH FUR BED DOG with glass eyes 19” long

207 BLACK FRENCH FUR BED DOG with glass eyes 22” long

208 11” BP BJC TODDLER, blue sleep eyes, mohair wig, OM, (rim glue)

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 30 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 193 194 195 196

197 198 199 200

201 202 203 204

205 206 207 208 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 31 } Lots after the auction begins 209 210 211 212

213 214 215 216

217 218 219 220

221 222 223 224 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 32 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 33

209 15” K*R 121,, BJC TODDLER BODY, antique sailor suit and shoes, brown sleep eyes, OM 210 10” LOVELY BELTON TYPE, 5 piece body, painted shoes and socks, mohair wig, antique dress and muff, brown paperweight eyes, (tiny dark spot left side of nose)

211 10” KESTNER 118,, BJCB,, brown painted eyes, closed mouth character, dressed in antique clothes and shoes

212 11” KESTNER 185 CHARACTER, brown sleep eyes, closed mouth, clothes and shoes

213 9” MOLDED BOW BISQUE HEAD CHARACTER with compo 5 piece body and suitcase full of clothes

214 ANTIQUE STEIFF BEAR, no button, recovered pads, shoe button eyes, antique leather collar, floss nose, mouth wear

215 SMALL DOLL TRUNK with clothes & hats

216 LOT OF 2 ANTIQUE BEARS, One 11” yes/no bear with hat and one 9” jointed bear (wear to pads & 1 arm)

217 LOT OF 2 ANTIQUE BEARS, one 10” fully jointed and one 13” fully jointed (wear to pads)

218 LOT OF 2 ANTIQUE BEARS, one 16” yes/no needs some repair, one 18” googly eye bear

219 ANTIQUE BEAR PULL TOY ON wheels 8” tall

220 ANTIQUE FRENCH WIND UP BEAR, works well 8” tall

221 CHRISTMAS PRESENTATION BOX, red hat, stole and muff

222 PRESENTATION BASKET WITH HANDLES, 4” jointed bisque baby with clothes

223 PRESENTATION GUITAR CASE BOX with 5.5” bisque jointed doll, swivel head with glass eyes, original clothes

224 BOXED WASH SET – pitcher and bowl, and all accessories Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 33 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 34

225 CHRISTMAS PRESENTATION BOX BY DOLORES, 8.5” all bisque with glass eyes with accessories/clothes



228 BEAUTIFUL PRESENTATION BOX BY SUE JOHNSON, antique French 8” doll with 5 piece body and glass eyes

229 ANTIQUE TEDDY BEAR MUFF, glass eyes, great condition

230 LOT OF 2,, BRADBURY ARTIST BEAR and artist made marked TM bear

231 LOT OF 4 EARLY dresses

232 LOT OF 3 CORSETS, bustle, skirt hoop, garter

233 19” BISQUE HEAD PATSY, brown sleep eyes, beautifully dressed, compo body, with trunk and assorted clothes & accessories

234 15” BISQUE HEAD SKIPPY DOLL, brown sleep eyes, cloth and compo body, red glasses

235 LARGE DOME TOP TRUNK 22 ½”L,, with assorted doll clothes

236 BEAUTIFUL PRESENTATION BOX WITH FRENCH 10” DEP,, brown sleep eyes, French BJCB, carriage, baby doll and accessories, Jumeau label may be added, PE

237 23” SIMON HALBIG 1159 WITH RARE FRENCH BODY marked E.D.B. Paris, Ed- mond Daspres, w/ Trunk & Wardrobe: beautiful antique clothes including corset, antique shoes, brown sleep eyes, trunk with 12 outfits

238 COBALT BLUE PRESENTATION BOX WITH FRENCH FASHION tan silk outfit, two tone straw hat, marked antique shoes embossed D, and socks

239 13” LOT OF 2 SIMON HALBIG 1159 FLAPPER STYLE DOLL TWINS, both with original under clothes, stockings and shoes, sleep eyes

240 19” AT KESTNER,, BLUE SLEEP EYES,, BJCB,, original plaster pate and wig, lovely antique clothes and shoes

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 34 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 225 226 227 228

229 230 231 232

233 234 235 236

237 238 239 240 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 35 } Lots after the auction begins 241 242 243 244

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249 250 251 252

253 254 255 256 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 36 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 37

241 23” SIMON HALBIG 929,, brown paperweight eyes, closed mouth, applied ears, mohair wig, silk dress, antique German shoes, 242 16” FRENCH PG (PINTEL & GODCHAUX), French BJCB, mohair wig, blue paperweight eyes, antique shoes lovely dress and hat, ( 2 repaired fingers left hand), voice box 243 23” SIMON HALBIG MARKED 905,, blue paperweight eyes, closed mouth, blue dress and bonnet, antique shoes, beautiful antique mohair wig with tails, BJCB, missing one finger each hand, top of head has a carved circle in the bisque when it was made, PE, great eyes 244 23” BRU JNE NUMBER 9,, large beautiful example, Bru Jne body with bisque hands (one finger missing) and compo lower legs, brown paperweight eyes, one nicked earing hole, Bru marked shoes, red and white leather gloves, red coat and beautiful white dress, Mohair blonde wig with tails and ribbon bonnet, PE. 245 PRESENTATION BOX WITH 8” FRENCH DOLL with jointed compo body and pa- perweight eyes. Pink and white dresses on top and blue and cream dresses on the bottom layer. 246 OVAL PRESENTATION BOX WITH 8” DOLL MARKED 325,, metal carriage, baby doll and accessories 247 LOT OF 2 ALL BISQUE DOLLS, both have sleep eyes, jointed bodies. 7” & one 6” 248 7” ALL BISQUE GLADDIE WITH SLEEP EYES and painted pink shoes with white socks, open mouth with teeth, swivel head with jointed bisque body. 249 LOT OF 2,, 8” ALL BISQUE WITH SWIVEL HEAD and sleep eyes, black shoes with white stockings and a 7” stiff neck all bisque with sleep eyes and jointed body. 250 LOT OF 2 ALL BISQUE PAINTED EYE GOOGLIES one is 5” and one is 6”, painted hair, stiff necks and jointed bodies 251 LOT OF 2 STIFF NECK all bisque pouties, sleep eyes, crocheted outfits, mohair wigs and painted boots and socks. 6.5” and 6” 252 LOT OF 3 ALL BISQUES WITH TWO 7” STIFF NECKS with sleep eyes and one 5” with painted eyes and swivel neck (undressed)

253 6” BONNIE BABE ALL BISQUE, jointed body, sleep eyes, pink painted shoes and white socks. 254 LOT OF 2, 8” ALL BISQUE WITH SWIVEL NECK, blue sleep eyes, mohair wig and a 6” all bisque with stiff neck and sleep eyes with lovely dress and bonnet 255 9” ALL BISQUE WITH SWIVEL HEAD and sleep blue eyes, mohair wig, painted shoes and white socks, blue silk dress. 256 11” EARLY GERMAN DOLL MARKED 136,, original dress bonnet and marked shoes, PE

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 37 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 38

257 ANTIQUE DOLL TRUNK full of doll clothes 258 LOT OF 2 ANTIQUE DRESSES, red wool scroll work mid 1800’s and a pink dress with a lot of lace 259 LOT OF 2 CHILD DRESSES, burgundy velvet with blue silk trim and a pink flowered silk with lace 260 9” ALL BISQUE HORSEMAN TYNIE BABY blue sleep eyes, pink knit outfit bald head 261 9” ALL BISQUE HORSEMAN TYNIE BABY blue sleep eyes, blue knit outfit, mohair wig 262 LOT OF 3 ANTIQUE DOGS suitable for French 263 ACCESSORY LOT 4 PARASOLS, 2 hats, 1 rug, stereo viewer, rattle, rug and brush 264 2 LARGE GERMAN SHEEP 265 17” ARTIST 1388 SIMON HALBIG marked Sally 266 EXTRA LARGE ANTIQUE BORZOI DOG, 14” tall with leash and collar, open mouth with teeth 267 12” SCHMITT WITH BLUE PAPERWEIGHT EYES and Schmitt BJCB, beautiful dress with bonnet, antique shoes and lovely antique mohair wig 268 31” FG FASHION ON GESLAND BODY, blue paperweight eyes, black line in corner of her right eye, amazing antique dress with antique shoes, repairs to left hand, manufacture flaw line on ear, finger chips 269 FRENCH FASHION 2 PIECE DRESS for an approximately 30” doll with with match- ing hat, dress form made by Dolores Smith 270 LOT OF 3 PCS.. OF 19TH C. CHILDREN’S CLOTHING, boys 2-pc suit red wool with black cording, braid & button jacket & knickers; a white a-line dress w. button back, white cording on dress & sleeves, & eyelet lace, sz. 2-3; A red wool double-breasted jacket, scal- loped, cape collar, 5 rows of white cording trim around collar ad cuffs, box pleat back 271 LOT OF 2 CHILD’S 19TH C. DRESSES, RED WOOL, pleated bodice & skirt, all hand sewn, red cording on neck, waist & sleeves (some moth holes); & red wool A- line dress, hand-stitched, w/ black cording floral designs, jet w/ matching cape-style jacket (moth holes), sz. 2-4 272 LOT OF 2-PCS.. 19TH C CHILDREN’S GARMENTS: Fancy white wool coat w/ cut work embroidery, metallic tassels, silk-lined (some melting), a row of pink roses & lace around the edges, had a label “Christianson – Minneapolis”; & a white wool open neck dress w/ cape sleeves, trimmed in blue silk & ribbons, on neck sleeves and hem, w/ provenance.. ”Aunt Lil Dean…. ” sz. 2-4

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 38 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 257 258 259 260

261 262 263 264

265 266 267 268

269 270 271 272 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 39 } Lots after the auction begins 273 274 275 276

277 278 279 280

281 282 283 284

285 286 287 288 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 40 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 41

273 18” BISQUE SWIVEL HEAD ROHMER POUPEE, blue glass eyes, CM, skin wig, kid body with Rohmer label with bisque arms & legs, pink & black stripe silk dress, fancy trunk with assorted clothes 274 LEATHER TRUNK 11”W X 5 ½”D,, with shoes, gloves, assorted miniature items.

275 PAISLEY COVERED BOX WITH MANY EARLY CLOTHES that were with the Rohmer 276 LARGE LOT OF ASSORTED EARLY CLOTHES that were with the Rohmer 277 LOT OF ASSORTED EARLY CLOTHES, capes, etc. 278 LOT OF ASSORTED EARLY HATS & HAT BOXES from the Rohmer 279 BRIDE & GROOM WITH 9 ASSORTED OUTFITS, 15 ½” bisque Simon & Halbig 1469, brown glass sleep eyes, CM, PE, compo body, mohair wig, & 15 ½” French paper mache man, molded hair, painted features, dressed as Bride & Groom 280 MAHOGANY/OAK 22 ¾”T X 9 ½”D X 17”W ARMOIRE, double mirrored upper doors over 2/4 false front bottom drawer, intricate moldings 281 LOT OF ASSORTED EARLY DOLL SHOES, 14 pair, with small doll trunk 282 SERPENTINE FRONT 3 DRAWER WALNUT/PINE BUREAU, American, (2 missing knobs), original surface 283 10/3/4” SHADOW BOX/JEWELRY BOX with miniatures, made by Dolores Smith 284 10” BISQUE HEAD MARKED LA PARISIEN S..G..D..G., blue glass eyes, CM, mohair wig, straight leg compo body, with four outfits & accessories, marked body by Steiner 285 10” BISQUE HEAD INCISED A3,, blue glass eyes, PE, CM, straight leg compo body marked Bebe Parisien, mohair wig, (mold flaw back of head by #3, & tiny dark fleck left eye corner, with four outfits & accessories 286 LARGE LOT OF ASSORTED MINIATURES, furniture & accessories (set up as din- ing room) 287 FRENCH 3 LEG VITRENE, beveled glass top (crack), ormolu/brass legs & trim, ornate skirt, Magic Closet provenance 288 LARGE LOT OF ASSORTED MINIATURES, rugs, furniture, smalls, etc.

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 41 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 42

289 LARGE LOT OF ASSORTED MINIATURES (set up as bedroom), bed, bureau, chairs, accessories

290 LARGE LOT OF ASSORTED MINIATURES ( set up as living room), furniture, Christ- mas tree, accessories

291 LARGE LOT OF ASSORTED MINIATURES (set up as formal living room), furniture, and assorted smalls

292 12 ½” BLONDE HAIR CHINA, painted features, cloth body with trunk & 15 outfits

293 BISQUE HEAD SIMON HALBIG 1300 AUTOMATON of woman seated in bamboo chair

294 9 ½” BISQUE HEAD INCISED S&H 1269 DEP GERMANY, brown glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, PE, mohair wig, BJCB (faint line top of forehead)

295 10 ½” BISQUE HEAD INCISED 7925,, lady doll, blue glass eyes, OM with teeth, jointed compo body with molded boots, painted socks, (faint line left side of nose), mohair wig, dressed as nurse

296 LOT OF 9 BLONDE wigs

297 LOT OF 3 – 8” BISQUE HEAD INCISED SFBJ 247 Paris, blue glass eyes, CM, mo- hair wig, compo body, 5” all bisque Googly, & 3” all bisque baby

298 LARGE LOT OF MINIATURES (Kitchen), furniture, & assorted smalls

299 LOT OF HATS & accessories

300 2 ITEMS – SMALL BISQUE HEAD BOY seated in 2 wheel cart pulled by rabbit candy container 10” long, & 6 ½” bisque head brown glass eyes, OM, mohair wig, compo body with fur coat

301 13” HARD LADY SHOULDER HEAD, glass eyes, 7 outfits & trunk


303 LOT OF ASSORTED MINIATURES & small bisque dolls


Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 42 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 289 290 291 292

293 294 295 296

297 298 299 300

301 302 303 304 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 43 } Lots after the auction begins 305 306 307 308

309 310 311 312

313 314 315 316

317 318 319 320 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 44 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 45

305 12 ½” BISQUE HEAD INCISED DEPOSE E4J, brown glass eyes, CM, PE (nicks), mohair wig, straight wrist compo body (marked Jumeau ), with dome top trunk, with 10 outfits, & accessories, Marigold on trunk, believed to be costumed by Ann Higgins 306 12” BISQUE HEAD INCISED L SIMON HALBIG K*R Germany W (on forehead), blue glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, mohair wig, BJCB, with trunk & 4 outfits 307 13” SWIVEL HEAD CHINA ROHMER, painted features, skin wig, skin body with wood shoulder & leg joints, china arms, French shoes with outfit, dome top trunk with assorted outfits, gloves, & accessories 308 LOT OF 10 OUTFITS FOR THE Rohmer 309 LOT OF MINIATURE BOXES, doll shoes, hats, muff, parasols, & accessories 310 11” BISQUE HEAD INCISED W..D.. 9 Withiem Dehler, brown glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, BJCB, 5 extra outfits, best of show plaque & ribbons 311 LOT OF 10 OUTFITS,, HATS, & wardrobe for the W.D. doll 312 PAIR OF 10” BISQUE HEAD FRENCH FASHION TWINS, blue glass eyes, CM, PE, kid body, mohair wigs, blue silk outfits with extra outfit & hats, & trunk 313 LOT OF 6 ALL BISQUE DOLLS,, 6” – 7 ½”,, blue glass eyes, 4 – CM 1- OM, 4 with painted shoes & socks, mohair wigs, 1 – extra outfit 314 LOT OF 6 ALL BISQUE DOLLS, 3 ½” – 7”, 5 – blue glass eyes, 1 – brown glass eye, 4 - CM, 2 – OM, mohair wigs, 5 – painted shoes & socks 315 5 DRAWER TALL CHEST OF DRAWERS on cabriole legs, probably French, flat top on plain skirt, burl veneer on drawers, 11 ½”T x 8”W x 6”D 2/3 drawer 316 2 ITEMS,, SMALL FRENCH LIFT TOP SEWING STAND, 5 ¾”T x 5 ¾”W, French Provincial legs with shelf brace, (Ex Magic Closet), & small French turned arm armchair, rosewood, with tufts 317 LOT OF 8 ASSORTED DOLL HOUSE DOLLS, 2 ½” – 5”, 7 ladies, 1 man 318 LOT OF 6 ASSORTED DOLL HOUSE DOLLS, 4 ¾” – 6”, 5 ladies, 1 man 319 LOT OF 2 – ORMOLU CRANK CYLINDER PLAYER 2 ½” L, & Biedermeier fall front desk/bureau with four drawers, 9”T x 6 3/8” W provenance hand written on back, (missing 1 pull) circa 1840 -1850 320 43” BISQUE HEAD INCISED F G IN SCROLL MANNEQUIN, blue glass eyes, OM, child’s dress & boys conductor outfit, 2 – mohair wigs, trunk, (replaced hands), removable legs, mounted on stand The End of Day 1 - Picture Dolls Time for the Treasures from Dolores’ Studio.... 180 Special “Accessory Lots” *********** Don’t forget the Evening Preview for the May 10th Doll Auction will be in the Ballroom tonight from 7:00 - 9:00 Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 45 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#1-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:28 PM Page 46

*** NOTES ***

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May 9, 2019 - Day 1 - Accessories A01 Box lot of assorted doll clothes

A02 Box lot of assorted clothes

A03 Box lot of assorted clothes

A04 Box lot of lace & trim

A05 Box lot of assorted beads, trim, etc

A06 Box lot of assorted Christmas items

A07 Box lot of early squares

A08 Box lot of assorted trims

A09 Large box lot of buttons, etc.

A10 Box lot of assorted wigs

A11 Box lot of assorted silk fabrics

A12 Box lot of assorted trims

A13 Box lot of assorted trims, lace, etc.

A14 Box lot of silk fabric

A15 Box lot of assorted wigs

A16 Box lot of black lace & trim

A17 Box lot of assorted wigs

A18 Box lot of assorted small wigs

A19 Box lot of assorted wigs

A20 Box lot of Christmas items, etc.

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 47 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#2-ACCESSORIES_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:26 PM Page 48

A21 Box lot of assorted fabrics

A22 Box lot of assorted trim, lace & ribbons

A23 Box lot of assorted fabric, trims, etc.

A24 Box lot trim, lace, etc.

A25 Box lot of early quilted fabric, etc.

A26 Box lot of lace, trim, etc.

A27 Box lot of fabric, trims, etc.

A28 Large box lot of assorted trims

A29 Lot of gold metallic lace, trims, etc.

A30 Picnic box of assorted gloves

A31 Large lot of early 19th century doll clothes

A32 Box lot of assorted sewing items

A33 Large lot of assorted feathers

A34 2 – Boxes of threads

A35 Box lot of fabric

A36 3 - Boxes of assorted lace, ribbon, trim, etc.

A37 2 – Boxes of ribbon, trim, etc.

A38 Box lot of assorted fabrics, trim, etc

A39 2 – Boxes of assorted trims

A40 4 – Small boxes of assorted trim

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A41 2 – Boxes of assorted trims, lace, etc.

A42 2 – Boxes of assorted trims

A43 Box lot of assorted hats

A44 2 – Boxes of assorted fabrics

A45 3 – Small boxes of assorted trims & ribbons, etc., sorted by colors

A46 Box lot of assorted trim, ribbons, lace, etc.

A47 Box lot of assorted trim, ribbons, lace, etc.

A48 2 – Boxes of assorted trim, lace, etc.

A49 2 – Boxes of assorted trim, lace, etc.

A50 Box lot of assorted ribbons

A51 2 – Boxes of trim, lace, yarns, etc.

A52 Assorted antique boy doll clothes

A53 Box lot of assorted doll clothes & baby whites

A54 Box lot of velvet & mohair supplies

A55 Lot of 2 skin covered horses

A56 Box lot of assorted silk remnants

A57 Box lot of beading supplies

A58 Box lot of men’s doll hats

A59 Box lot of assorted fabric

A60 Box lot of assorted white doll clothing

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 49 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#2-ACCESSORIES_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:26 PM Page 50

A61 Box lot of early doll clothing & hat

A62 Box lot of early doll clothing

A63 Box lot of early hats

A64 Box lot of assorted hats

A65 Box lot of early hats

A66 Box lot of assorted hats

A67 Box lot of early striped fabric doll clothing

A68 2 – Boxes of vintage white doll clothing

A69 Box lot of early doll outfits

A70 Box lot of doll clothing

A71 Box lot of fancy boxes & presentation boxes

A72 Lot of 6 French composition bodies

A73 Lot of 5 French composition bodies

A74 Lot of 6 French composition bodies

A75 Lot of 5 French composition bodies

A76 Box lot of small antique doll clothes

A77 Box lot of assorted fabric

A78 Box lot of assorted antique doll clothes

A79 Box lot of assorted trim & lace

A80 2 – Box lots of assorted silks, fabrics, etc.

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A81 2 – Box lots of assorted vintage fabrics

A82 Box lot of antique clothing

A83 Box lot of antique clothing

A84 2 – Boxes of assorted kid bodies

A85 Large box lot of vintage sewing items, ribbons, trim, etc.

A86 Box lot of assorted vintage baby & doll whites

A87 Box lot of doll wigs & mohair pieces

A88 Box lot of assorted small dolls & doll parts

A89 Box lot of assorted doll parts

A90 Large lot of blown German glass eyes in original boxes

A91 Lot of china head dolls & parts

A92 Box lot of hats, mostly felt

A93 Box lot of assorted doll parts

A94 Box lot of vintage clothing & undies

A95 Lot of 5 antique quilts

A96 Large box lot of sewing supplies

A97 Lot of 2 sewing cases with supplies

A98 Box lot of assorted composition bodies

A99 Two lots of china doll tea sets, worn gold & floral pattern

A100 Lot of 10 wicker & fabric suitcases for dolls

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 51 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#2-ACCESSORIES_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:26 PM Page 52

A101 Box lot of assorted doll hats

A102 Lot of 6 quilt squares & 4 parasols

A103 Box lot of assorted miniature accessories

A104 Box lot of 8 assorted toy dogs

A105 Small trunk filled with doll clothes

A106 Lot of small hat boxes, & miniatures

A107 Box lot of assorted dolls & parts, as is

A108 Lot of 2 French compo bodies

A109 Box lot of doll parts & bodies

A110 Presentation box kit with 2 – 5” all bisque dolls

A111 Large box lot of assorted hats

A112 Box lot of doll parts & head

A113 Lot of 2 – small Steiff cats & 2 – white miniature dogs

A114 Lot of gold miniature tea set,, early boots, & assorted miniatures

A115 Lot of 3 early child’s dresses, 1 with provenance 1890’s

A116 Lot of early hats & clothes

A117 Large lot of doll accessories & miniatures

A118 Lot of miniature parlor furniture

A119 Lot of miniature china & accessories, & small doll heads

A120 Box lot of assorted dolls, parts, bodies

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A121 Box lot of dolls, doll parts, etc. A122 Pair of 7 ½” Staffordshire luster dogs marked Staffordshire Ware England, (repair to one leg) A123 Large lot of early doll shoes etc. (many singles) A124 10” hand to mannequin with taxidermy duck A125 Lot of reclining cat 14” & 2 mice (1 R John Wright) A126 Lot of 3 – KPM 3 ½” framed picture of a young girl, Staffordshire figure of a girl w/ basket 4 ½”, & sm. Staffordshire dog 3” tall A127 Lot of 3 figurines, 8 ½” girl & boy (boy holding a doll) (rim chip on hat of girl), & 5” seated child with bottle A128 Lot of 5 miniature dogs, 3 fur covered, 2 paper mache (damage to rear leg of one), 2 ½” – 7” tall A129 Lot of 5 prints & advertising, 6” mug with doll advertising (hairline), children in shoe advertising card, small framed print of children with doll, 2 early cdv cards A130 Lot of 3 porcelain swinging figurines approx. 7” tall, 2 – with 2 women and 1 with a boy A131 Box lot of assorted miniature items, gloves, shoes, animals, dress, carriage, etc. A132 Box lot of assorted miniature items, baskets, dolls, trunk, etc. A133 Box lot of assorted miniatures, china, glass, etc. A134 Lot of 4 newer fur animals suitable for fashion dolls A135 Lot of 3 antique cats, 1 Steiff tabby with tag, 1 possibly Merrythought, and one with squeeze box for mouth non-working A136 17” long antique doll size fainting couch with needle point rug 12.5”x8.5” (1 replaced leg) A137 16” Artist made marked Janie 2/14, fully jointed including waist, French fashion, lovely dress and mohair wig A138 Lot of 3 - Large 6” Molly dog by Steiff, no button, - Antique? Or artist made teddy bear muff, glass eyes, & Antique (Steiff Molly?) sitting dog, 7” tall no button A139 19” Bradbury crying baby, bisque A140 23 ½” Wood mannequin, painted features, (rough right thumb), with clothes

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 53 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#2-ACCESSORIES_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:26 PM Page 54

A141 Box lot of assorted china head dolls & parts A142 Box lot of assorted small doll parts & accessories A143 Wood 3 drawer spool cabinet with sewing supplies 17 ½”L x 11” W x 7 ¾”T A1449 Drawer jewelry cabinet, 15”L x 10 ½”T x 11 ¾”D A145 Box lot of Misc. jewelry & accessories

A146 Large lot of doll white clothes A147 Small wood trunk with doll parts & accessories A148 White wedding dress A149 Merry Christmas advertising box w/ asst. doll shoes & miniatures A150 Lot of 2 – Box of 4 Japanese bisque dolls & dog in original box, & early box with all bisque doll A151 Box lot of miniature furniture & accessories A152 Lot of assorted doll clothes A153 French bisque head automaton lot (as found) A154 Large lot of early assorted clothes & fabric

A155 Large lot of early fabric A156 Lot of 6 artist dolls, 3” – 8” A157 Lot of assorted hats & hat boxes A158 Lot of miniature furniture A159 Lot of miniature furniture A160 Lot of 9 doll suitcases various sizes

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 54 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#2-ACCESSORIES_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:26 PM Page 55

A161 Lot of 18 small animals A162 Lot of small teddy bears, dogs, ducks, etc. A163 Lot of early small boxes, & suitcases A164 Lot of miniature suitcases, boxes, etc. A165 Lot of pull toys & small animals A166 Lot of 6 small artist dolls 5” – 7” A167 Lot of 16 small artist dolls 1 ¾” – 7” A168 Lot of assorted books, advertising, etc. A169 Lot of 5 pieces of doll house furniture A170 Lot of assorted smalls & miniatures A171 Lot of assorted boxes & smalls A172 Vinyl baby doll in basket A173 Lot of assorted smalls & knitted socks A174 Lot of 4 artist dolls A175 3 – Large early hats, clothing, & parasol A176 Lot of 5 miniature carriages A177 Large lot of assorted gloves & socks A178 Lot of 9 small carriages & figures A179 Lot of assorted smalls & small boxes A180 Box lot of early doll clothing

The End of Day 1 Doll Auction - Thank you for attending today’s Auction... Thursday evening - Preview Party for the Doll auction Tomorrow - 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Friday Morning Preview 8:00 - 10:00am - Doll Auction Friday @ 10:00pm.

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 55 Doll Cat May '19 Day 1TEXT#2-ACCESSORIES_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:26 PM Page 56

May 10th, 2019 - Day 2 - Picture Dolls

321 LARGE DOME TOP TRUNK with early doll clothing

322 LOT OF HATS and accessories

323 LOT OF DOLL SHOES, socks, hankies, & accessories

324 LOT OF EARLY DOLL clothes

325 LOT OF 2 – 7” BISQUE HEAD INCISED UNIS FRANCE 60,, blue glass sleep eyes, OM, mohair wig, BJCB, & 6 ½” Bisque head incised 89, brown glass sleep eyes, OM, mohair wig, BJCB, painted shoes & socks, undressed

326 LOT OF 2 – 10” ALL BISQUE INCISED JDK 211, blue glass eyes, OM, mohair wig, (chips on back where head meets neck), no clothing, (glue remnants on body) & 8” Bisque head child inc. 192, brown glass sleep eyes, OM, mohair wig, compo child body

327 SMALL DOME TOP DOLL TRUNK 12”L with label “Nouveaute”, assorted small dresses & shoes

328 SMALL RED DOME TOP TRUNK WITH 2 DOLLS & accessories, 8” bisque head K*R, blue glass eyes, OM, mohair wig, BJCB, & 9” bisque head incised S&H 1079, blue glass sleep eyes, OM, PE, BJCB, doll clothes, hats, etc.

329 7 – DOLL PARASOLS in Christmas box

330 14” BISQUE HEAD INCISED AM 401 “FLAPPER”, blue glass eyes, CM, compo lady body, mohair wig, 5 outfits, wardrobe with accessories, & wicker & cane divider, (tiny fleck left eye corner, left hand chip)

331 FRAMED OF BIRDS, cherries, basket, & flowers, 13” x 16” Fine

332 13” BISQUE HEAD INCISED DEPOSE E5J, brown glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, French compo body, early red outfit & shoes, ( Severely cracked head) Provenance – This doll belonged to Dick Withington’s mother Edyth Withington, inherited by Dick, & sold to Dolores

333 17” BISQUE SHOULDER HEAD FRENCH FASHION, blue glass eyes, PE, CM, mo- hair wig, kid body, leather hands, (possible professional restoration spot to right forehead)

334 13” BISQUE BRU FACED BELTON, blue glass eyes, PE, O/CM, mohair wig, straight wrist compo body

335 10” BISQUE BELTON,, BROWN GLASS EYES, PE, CM, mohair wig, straight wrist compo body, red dress & cape

336 16” GUTTA PERCHA BRU, BLUE GLASS EYES, CM. mohair wig, early outfit, marked Jumeau shoes, French compo body, (hairline on forehead), Magic Closet Provenance Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 56 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 321 322 323 324

325 326 327 328

329 330 331 332

333 334 335 336 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 57 } Lots after the auction begins 337 338 339 340

341 342 343 344

345 346 347 348

349 350 351 352 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 58 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 59

337 12” BISQUE SHOULDER HEAD FRENCH FASHION, blue glass eyes, CM, mohair wig, silk dress (melting)

338 WITH 8 large early hats

339 OVAL FRAMED OIL ON CANVAS OF CHILD STANDING holding a bouquet of flowers, circa 1850, 27” oval

340 3 – PIECES OF DOLL FURNITURE, custom made doll’s flat top knee hole desk with 7 drawers, bird’s eye maple & walnut 14 ¼” L x 6 ½”T x 7”D (check line in top), ladder-back side chair with woven seat, & 9 ½”T x 6 ½” W 4- dr. bureau w/ marble top & shaped base

341 11” BISQUE HEAD INCISED S&H 1049, brown glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, PE, BJCB, red silk outfit, (hairline left forehead)

342 12” FRENCH FASHION, swivel neck, blue glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, kid body, blue dress with fan

343 14” SHOENHUT ALL WOOD, painted features, mohair wig, in original box (nose rub), patent January 17, 1911

344 16” GLAZED S/H, head Fr. Fashion (glue & dirt on head), molded features, C/M, painted eyes, flat ears, Gusseted kid body, hands, feet, (no mark), has mohair skin wig, cork pate, (attributed to Huret), antique wool dress, (melting), Fashion boots

345 LOT OF 2 – 7” HALF DOLL WITH BISQUE LEGS IN CHAIR, & 10” Bisque head incised 9, blue glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, PE, BJCB, mohair wig

346 LOT OF 7 DOLL corsets

347 18” BISQUE HEAD INCISED 11, plaster dome, early mohair wig (glued down), putty face (nose rub), O/CM, blue glass sleep eyes, BJCB, antique boots & under, dress by Dolores Smith

348 LARGE LOT OF ASSORTED miniature items

349 BOX LOT OF ASSORTED miniatures

350 BOX LOT OF ASSORTED miniatures

351 LOT OF 20 SMALL FUR COVERED SHEEP (some ear damage) & 10 larger fur covered sheep & goats

352 LOT OF ASSORTED SMALLS IN BOXES, including a small 14K gold ring

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353 22 ½” FRENCH FASHION BRIDE, bisque swivel neck, blue glass eyes, CM, PE (nicked), kid body, antique wedding dress with blue boots

354 25” FRENCH FASHION GROOM INCISED 8, bisque swivel neck, blue glass eyes, CM, PE, kid body, dressed as a groom with applied moustache & goatee

355 8 ½” BELTON TYPE INCISED 3921?,, blue glass eyes, CM, straight wrist compo body, painted arms & lower legs (wear)

356 11” FRENCH FASHION bisque shoulder head, brown glass eyes, CM, mohair wig, kid body with bisque arms, pink dress & shoes, (chip at base of shoulder plate in the back)

357 26” WOOD CAGE DOLL,, clay shoulder head with molded hair, brown glass eyes, CM, (as found condition, many cracks, chips)

358 18” AUTOMATON WITH BISQUE HEAD LADY playing harp, blue glass eyes, CM, PE, bisque arms, mohair wig, (does not work), on raised platform, (break at harp base)

359 34” DEPOSE JUMEAU 16,, blue glass eyes, CM, straight wrist Jumeau marked body, with 6 hats, (damage to fingers) (glue around rim), Dolores’s first French doll, a joint venture with one of her doll friends

360 LOT OF 2 – 11”T BAMBOO TURNED ARM CHAIR with tufted seat (as is), & 10” mahogany artist made 1770 copy of wash stand with fret frieze apron on pad feet, with hand painted pitcher/basin & accessories

361 LOT OF 5 EARLY LARGE HATS from the 16 Jumeau

362 LOT OF 5 EARLY LARGE DOLL HATS from the 16 Jumeau

363 18” BRU SMILER INCISED G,, blue glass eyes, CM, PE, Bru kid body, 3 outfits, & accessories

364 2 – 15” PORCELAIN FIGURINES, boy with dog & girl with cat (small chip at rear base), probably German

365 2 – 15” PORCELAIN FIGURINES, BOY & GIRL in bathing suits leaning on a fence base marked Germany Rudolstadt

366 FRAMED SAMPLER 8” X 12”,, Marcy Bennetts aged 9 born September 28, 1791, alphabet, numbers and flower border

367 LOT OF 4 FRAMED SAMPLERS, Sarah Nash 1849 7 ¾” x 10 ½”, LB 10” x 14 ½” (2 holes), Alphabet pieces, & small alphabet & designs 3” x 9 ½”

368 17” FRENCH FASHION SWIVEL HEAD INCISED 4, blue glass eyes, CM, PE (nicked), mohair wig, kid body, early red & white dress & shoes Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 60 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 353 354 355 356

357 358 359 360

361 362 363 364

365 366 367 368 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 61 } Lots after the auction begins 369 370 371 372

373 374 375 376

377 378 379 380

381 382 383 384 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 62 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 63

369 12 ½” FRENCH FASHION, blue glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, (crack in shoulder plate), cloth & kid body (left arm repair)

370 18” TRUNK WITH 10 early outfits

371 BOX LOT OF 8 DOLL outfits

372 BOX LOT OF 7 DOLL outfits

373 LARGE DOME TOP DOLL TRUNK with dresses & shoes

374 LOT OF 3 PAIRS OF EARLY BOOTS ( 1 great high lace pair), 2 – pairs of leather spats, & straw hat

375 25 ½” FRENCH FASHION LADY, blue glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, wood body, wedding dress (melting) with 5 blue 1st place ribbons, (right arm loose in socket)

376 LOT OF 7 early dresses

377 19 ½” EARLY WOOD GESSO PAINTED DOLL, cloth arms to wood hands, painted features, (peeling & chipping), early outfit (melting), crude wood cylinder body form, (broken finger)


379 LOT OF 4 ANIMALS,, skin covered horse 11”T (missing 1 ear), Papier mache dog 5” dog, fur covered dog 8”T, & 8 ½”T early muzzle teddy bear

380 10” BISQUE HEAD SHIRLEY ANTOON JUMEAU, brown glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, on antique Jumeau body

381 LOT OF 17 PAIR of doll shoes

382 13” BRU,, ORIGINAL SKIN PATE GLUED DOWN. Original dress and hat, blue paperweight eyes, PE, lovely bisque hands, Bru shoes one buckle, swivel head and bisque plate, kid body with partial Brevete label

383 16 ..5” STEINER B WITH RARE OPEN CLOSE MOUTH, (hairline probably factory made at cut out for lever), mohair wig, PE, brown eyes, dressed in antique sailor suit, French BJB with finger repair, pink French shoes missing one rosette

384 16” ED, BROWN EYES,, closed mouth, French BJCB, mohair wig, antique shoes, PE, (glue around rim)

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385 16.5 KAMMER AND REINHARDT 112 ELSA, Beautiful antique clothes and shoes, mohair wig, BJCB, painted features, blue ribbon winner (slight left cheek rub) 386 12.5” MARKED G&H 550,, antique character boy, beautifully dressed, antique shoes, painted features, 4 upper teeth 387 17” PARIAN WITH BLACK HEADBAND and blue glass eyes , swivel head, kid body bisque arms, one broken thumb, exposed ears with earrings, antique clothes and shoes, black dot under right eye & nose 388 16” STEINER MARKED FRE C9,, lever blue eyes, closed mouth, PE, French BJCB, white spot rt. cheek, lovely antique mohair wig, antique clothes & straw bonnet. 389 15..5” K*R 101X,, MINT IN BOX, rare flocked hair, army , painted fea- tures, BJCB, USA buttons 390 11” TETE JUMEAU,, SCRUB MARK, size 2, Blue paperweight eyes, PE, Jumeau straight wrist body, antique clothes, bonnet, shoes, wonderful antique mohair wig, Ger- man shoes

391 14” HERTEL SCWAB 165 GOOGLY, blue side glancing sleep eyes, watermelon mouth, BJ Toddler body, cute antique clothes and sailor hat, mold lines on both sides

392 17” PORTRAIT JUMEAU FRENCH FASHION, swivel head, blue glass eyes, PE, glued down HH wig, antique clothes and shoes.

393 17.5 SIMON HALBIG 1358 MULATTO BISQUE head with brown sleep eyes, PE, BJCB, black mohair wig, O/M, w/ teeth, antique dress and shoes (left lower leg crazing)

394 22” FRENCH R2D W/ RARE BJC LADY BODY, blue paperweight eyes, PE, CM, lace antique dress, (two fingers cracked left hand) (rough spot corner of left eye)

395 21”EARLY PORTRAIT JUMEAU, with early Jumeau BJB with extra balls, light blue paperweight eyes, PE, closed mouth, antique dress and bonnet, antique early French shoes marked J, lovely blonde mohair wig, (rough hands)

396 18..5” GRACE CORY ROCKWELL 1392 doll, blue sleep eyes, CM, compo and cloth body, mohair wig, antique clothes and shoes

397 18..5” TETE JUMEAU 8,, CLOSED MOUTH,, FRENCH STRAIGHT WRIST BJB, brown paperweight eyes, PE, mohair wig, lovely dress made by Dolores Smith with elab- orate straw & silk bonnet, antique shoes, tiny black dot in right lower lashes, rough hands

398 6” ALL BISQUE FRENCH STYLE MIGNONETTE, sleep blue eyes, pegged jointing, straight legs and arms, mohair wig, antique clothes and shoes (tiny fleck corner right eye)

399 10” FRENCH DOLL MARKED HD (HENRI DELCROIX), blue paperweight eyes, CM, antique mohair wig, French BJCB, beautifully dressed, antique shoes and bonnet.

400 12..5” BRU JNE TETEUR 4 DRESSED AS A BOY, antique clothes, marked Bru shoes, mohair wig, blue paperweight eyes, French BJCB, little antique dog

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 64 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 385 386 387 388

389 390 391 392

393 394 395 396

397 398 399 400 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 65 } Lots after the auction begins 401 402 403 404

405 406 407 408

409 410 411 412

413 414 415 416 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 66 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 67

401 9” RARE BONNET HEAD CHINA, painted features, long curls, china arms and legs, antique clothes, blue ribbon winner

402 10..5” RARE GERMAN CHARACTER MARKED 177,, antique clothes and shoes, painted features, molded blonde hair, BJCB, blue ribbon winner, (rough hands)

403 7” POUTY KESTNER,, BLUE SLEEP EYES, original melting dress and bonnet, tiny original shoes BJCB,, closed mouth

404 11..5” FRENCH DOLL MARKED PARIS,, French BJCB, blue paperweight eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, beautifully dressed with bonnet and antique shoes, ( tiny mold hairline inside of head either side, small dimple above left ear)

405 7” K*R ELISE MARKED 109,, painted features, mohair wig, BJCB, antique clothes and shoes

406 7” ALL BISQUE,, SWIVEL HEAD, blue sleep eyes, closed mouth, original dress and mohair wig, two chipped fingers left hand

407 SIX PAIR OF ANTIQUE small shoes

408 SEVEN PAIR ANTIQUE SHOES, 2 very tiny, lovely red w/ buckle, great for tiny dolls

409 ACCESSORY LOT,, ORIGINAL JUMEAU ARM BAND, French shoes marked EC with Au Nain Bleu label, 2 pair small socks, pin and purse

410 SIX PAIR OF SMALL ANTIQUE SHOES, one marked B, another marked 0

411 8” KESTNER POUTY MARKED 169,, closed mouth, brown sleep eyes, BJCB, an- tique clothes and shoes

412 8” CHARACTER BOY,, HEUBACH 8818 PAINTED FEATURES,, BJCB,, lovely clothes and shoes, mohair wig and straw bonnet, hairline back of head

413 7.5” SIMON HALBIG 1478,, repaired bridge of nose and cheek, mohair wig, sleep blue eyes, BJCB, antique shoes (left eye corner touchup)

414 13” UNMARKED POUTY,, BJCB,, set sleep eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, an- tique dress, bonnet and shoes

415 16” MARKED WD 8 ½,, BLUE SET EYES, MOHAIR WIG, PE, Jumeau marked French compo body, lovely dress and bonnet, antique shoes (right eye corner fleck)

416 11” KAMMER & REINHARDT 127 TODDLER, 5 piece body, set blue eyes, open mouth with 2 teeth, painted molded hair, lovely antique clothes, (two broken fingers left hand) Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 67 Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 68

417 12” RARE SFBJ POUTY MARKED 248,, blue glass eyes French BJCB, possibly original clothes, antique shoes, sliver of white at top of rim typical of SFBJ dolls

418 10.5” MARKED 938 ON RIM, set blue eyes, closed pouty mouth, mohair wig, antique dress and bonnet

419 8” KAMMER & REINHARDT MARKED 101, appears to be original mohair wig, painted features, BJCB, lovely dress and antique shoes

420 6.5” KAMMER & REINHARDT MARKED 114,, appears to be original mohair wig, painted features, 5 piece compo body, lovely antique dress, painted shoes

421 9..5” CLOSED MOUTH,, CLOSED DOME, Bru faced belton type, brown paper- weight eyes, mohair wig, PE, BJCB, beautifully dressed by Dolores Smith, antique shoes

422 11” RARE GERMAN BISQUE CHARACTER MARKED 125,, by Wizlizenus, painted eyes, smiling mouth, BJCB, mohair wig, antique clothes and shoes, 1 broken finger left hand

423 13” FRENCH BEBE MARKED PARIS,, blue paperweight eyes, PE, French BJCB, shoes marked CM, antique dress

424 10” SIZE 1 JUMEAU,, hairline back of head, blue paperweight eyes, PE, Antique clothes and shoes, mohair wig French BJCB, missing 2 fingers

425 11” BELTON TYPE,, blue paperweight eyes, closed mouth, PE, marked 141, BJCB, antique clothes and shoes, mohair wig, (small in making imperfection left corner eye)

426 13” GERMAN FASHION, dome head, brown set eyes, mohair wig, bisque lower arms, antique costume (tiny scratch nose bridge)

427 10..5” SFBJ 236 CHARACTER, brown set eyes BJCB, lovely sailor suit with red/pink antique shoes

428 13” BLACK JUMEAU MARKED 1907,, BJCB, OM, brown paperweight eyes, an- tique dress, bonnet and shoes, scratch on top of forehead not a hairline

429 16” SONNENBERG MARKED 174,, brown set eyes, PE, antique clothes and shoes, closed mouth, BJCB, mohair wig, small chip at neck hole, hairline above left ear at top of head, left arm loose

430 15..5 “ SIMON HALBIG 908,, square cut teeth, blue paperweight eyes, PE, BJCB, blonde mohair wig, antique clothes and shoes

431 16” FRENCH PD DOLL LARGE CRACKS IN HEAD, brown paperweight eyes, PE, BJCB, beautifully dressed, antique shoes, missing 1 finger

432 14” KAMMER & REINHARDT 115A, BJCB toddler, brown sleep eyes, closed mouth, wonderful velvet boys suit and hat

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 68 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 417 418 419 420

421 422 423 424

425 426 427 428

429 430 431 432 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 69 } Lots after the auction begins 433 434 435 436

437 438 439 440

441 442 443 444

445 446 447 448 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 70 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 71

433 16” FANY A4M,, BJCB,, blue sleep eyes, molded hair, closed mouth, antique sailor suit and antique shoes

434 18” SFBJ 237 FLOCKED HAIR OPEN MOUTH with teeth, blue paperweight eyes, amazing antique suit with long coat and shoes

435 14” GERMAN CHARACTER MARKED 410 with rare retractable lower teeth, BJCB blue sleep eyes, mohair wig, antique clothes and shoes

436 11” FREDDIE 1428 SIMON HALBIG on BJCB toddler, mohair wig, closed mouth, sleep blue eyes

437 11” UNCLE SAM BY COD, wig pulls, dressed as Uncle Sam BJCB, mohair wig and beard

438 20” CLOSED MOUTH 192, brown sleep eyes, PE, mohair wig, BJCB, antique clothes and shoes, scratch in chin by dimple

439 16” COMPO/PLASTER CHARACTER DOLL, Googly painted brown eyes, water- melon mouth, BJCB, nicely dressed with antique shoes and straw hat

440 16” KESTNER LADY 162,, brown sleep eyes, mohair wig, lady BJCB, open mouth, basket with little dog, green antique dress and antique shoes

441 13..5” AT KESTNER,, SET BROWN EYES, closed mouth, hairline over left eye into cheek, mohair wig, antique clothes and shoes

442 11” BRU FACED BELTON, brown set eyes, BJCB, pulled through earring hole, antique dress, bonnet and shoes, human hair wig

443 17” CLOSED MOUTH SONNENBERG 174,, hairline forehead, antique dress and shoes, and wig

444 14” BEBE LOUVRE B5L, blue paperweight eyes, closed mouth, mohair wig, PE, lovely dress with bonnet and antique French shoes marked with a Jumeau bee

445 LOT OF 2 A 5” SFBJ ALL ORIGINAL & a ballerina in dome that plays music and spins

446 LOT OF SMALL ANTIQUE DOG, antique bear and 2 other bears

447 SMALL STEIFF CAT,, STEIFF DOG, small bear missing ear, small lamb

448 LOT OF 2 SMALL DOGS for French fashion dolls antique

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449 SMALL TRUNK WITH MANY HATS, parts of a parasol, dress and slip for a 6-7” doll

450 SMALL DRESS AND HAT FOR A FRENCH BEBE for a 9-10” doll, made by Do- lores Smith

451 SMALL DOLL SIZE BLACK FRENCH STYLE PRAM, antique 16” tall with hand painted stenciling

452 LOT OF 2 SMALL DOLL SIZE FRENCH STYLE PRAMS, one blue with baby doll NK and one maroon, age unknown

453 LOT OF 3,, SMALL WICKER DOLL HIGHCHAIR, tin carriage and wood carriage with small baby

454 STORK STORE DISPLAY WITH BISQUE head baby with sterling rattle

455 LOT OF 9” BEBE INCASSABLE WITH PREMIERE FACE , blue eyes, closed smil- ing mouth, hairline on forehead, PE, BJCB, wearing an antique dress, bonnet and shoes with trunk with 9 outfits made by Dolores Smith

456 14” GERMAN 204 WITH SQUARE CUT TEETH, blue set eyes, PE, blonde wig, dress with antique material with kitties, antique shoes, BJCB

457 11..5” MOON FACED KESTNER, closed mouth, brown set eyes, BJCB, mohair wig, beautifully dressed with bonnet and antique shoes holding a small bisque baby

458 11..5” KESTNER 128,, closed mouth, original pate and wig not removed, brown sleep eyes, BJCB missing thumb & left small finger, beautifully dressed with antique shoes

459 16” SIMON HALBIG 908,, closed mouth, dome head, blue set eyes, PE, BJCB, mohair wig, antique dress and shoes, holding a kitty

460 16..5” BABY PEGGY MARKED 972, brown sleep eyes, closed mouth, bobbed wig, antique dress and shoes

461 19” WENDY BY BRUNO SCHMIDT, marked 2033/537, blue sleep eyes, mohair wig, PE, repaired in neck socket, antique dress and shoes

462 11” HEUBACH 6969,, POUTY, painted features, BJCB, antique dress and shoes, antique wig

463 11..5” FRENCH FASHION,, BLUE EYES, closed mouth, antique dress and bonnet, kid body, swivel head, antique pink boots

464 16” BEAUTIFUL FRENCH FASHION with unusual face, kid body, blue set eye, skin wig and antique dress and shoes

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 72 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 449 450 451 452

453 454 455 456

457 458 459 460

461 462 463 464 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 73 } Lots after the auction begins 465 466 467 468

469 470 471 472

473 474 475 476

477 478 479 480 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 74 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 75

465 22” FG SCROLL,, BLUE PAPERWEIGHT EYES, PE, hairline on forehead, BJCB, beautifully dressed, HH wig, antique shoes

466 LOT OF TRUNK WITH 3 OUTFITS and accessories and a 9” 1907 size 1 Jumeau with hairline back of head towards neck, blue eyes, BJCB, antique dress and hat

467 LOT OF TRUNK AND 9” HEUBACH BOY DOLL, painted features, closed mouth, BJCB with many outfits and boy accessories

468 LOT OF 2 KESTNER GIBSON GIRLS,10”, sleep blue eyes, cloth bodies, mohair wigs, antique clothes, bisque arms and legs

469 8” BELTON TYPE,, BROWN SET EYES, closed mouth, BJCB, crocheted outfit, no shoes, mohair wig

470 LOT OF 2 BISQUE HEAD DOLLS,, 10” DEP with set eyes, OM, BJCB and a 8” char- acter marked 482, sleep brown eyes, BJCB

471 LOT OF 2 DOLLS WITH 2 SMALL TRUNKS WITH CLOTHES, 5” All bisque with sleep eyes and mohair wig, 7.5” bisque head marked 155 with blue eyes and open mouth, 5 piece compo body with 3 crocheted outfits

472 LOT 11” K*R 101 WITH BJCB and painted features, mohair wig with 8 dresses/coats, hats, shoes all in trunk

473 LOT OF CLOTHES FOR 11-12” DOLL, 4 dresses, cape, hat and accessories

474 LOT OF CLOTHES FOR 11-12” DOLL, 3 dresses, bathing suit with hat, shoes, books,

475 12” SFBJ TETEUR BABY,, flocked hair, baby body, nursing mouth, brown eyes, with bottle, left eye lid repair

476 11..5” KESTNER HILDA 237,, jointed baby body, blue eyes and 2 teeth, lovely dress

477 LOT OF 6 PAIRS OF ANTIQUE SHOES, one marked Paris, one blue large pair

478 LOT OF 2 BABIES,, 9” MARKED 137 with brown sleep eyes, mohair wig baby body and 11” baby marked 126 compo baby body and blue sleep eyes

479 LOT OF 2 BABIES, 11” all bisque baby JDK 211, blue sleep eyes and mohair wig, 8” baby marked 801, blue sleep eyes

480 10” HEUBACH 1684 SCREAMING BABY, painted features and compo baby body

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 75 Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 76

481 LOT OF 2 BABIES,, 9” BYELO BROWN SLEEP EYES, and 8” JDK 257 with compo baby body and brown sleep eyes

482 15” SPBH BABY on compo baby body, blue sleep eyes, possible original dress and bonnet

483 16” IZANNAH WALKER, painted brown eyes, painted hair with wisps over ears, applied ears, (very worn, cracks, nose rub), cloth body with painted boots, (very worn, missing left foot, both arms are split & taped, well loved, dressed by Dolores Smith including the boots

484 18” REPRODUCTION IZANNAH WALKER BY PAULA WALTON a copy of the beautiful Ella doll sold by Withington’s in 2008 which Dolores owned

485 13” E5J JUMEAU, brown paperweight eyes, PE, French BJCB, antique blonde wig, beautifully dressed with antique shoes

486 16” EARLY KATHE KRUSE BABY, painted features, dressed in knit outfit and hat, some paint loss to hair areas

487 10” STEINER,, WIG GLUED DOWN, brown paperweight eyes, PE, skin wig, Steiner body, original dress and antique shoes

488 10” COMPLETELY ORIGINAL E2J with dome, wig glued down, brown pa- perweight eyes, PE, with dome and parasol 489 22” S&H 939,, closed mouth, brown set eyes, PE, BJCB with straight wrist, an- tique mohair wig, antique dress, no shoes

490 12” TETE JUMEAU 4,, blue paperweight eyes, PE, antique mohair wig, French BJCB, antique dress, bonnet and shoes, hairline from left eye to rim

491 13” PARIS BEBE 5 BY JUMEAU, blue paperweight eyes, PE (nicks), antique mohair wig, French BJCB, beautifully dressed by Dolores Smith with antique shoes

492 13” PORTRAIT JUMEAU,, blue paperweight eyes, PE, antique mohair wig, French BJCB, antique shoes, beautifully dressed by Dolores Smith (tiny white area left check)

493 14” PORTRAIT JUMEAU,, brown paperweight eyes, PE, antique mohair wig, French BJCB,, antique shoes, beautifully dressed by Dolores Smith, (excessive wig glue at rim)

494 17” FRENCH BEBE MARKED PARIS,, French BJCB, blue paperweight eyes, PE, antique mohair wig and antique dress, bonnet and antique shoes missing soles

495 16” BLOCK FG MARKED F7G brown paperweight eyes, PE, antique mohair wig, French BJCB, antique shoes, beautifully dressed by Dolores Smith, hairline of forehead

496 18” FRENCH BEBE INCISED MASCOTTE, blue paperweight eyes, mohair wig, French BJCB, dressed in a sailor suit with antique shoes

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 76 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 481 482 483 484

485 486 487 488

489 490 491 492

493 494 495 496 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 77 } Lots after the auction begins 497 498 499 500

501 502 503 504

505 506 507 508

509 510 511 512 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 78 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 79

497 11 ½” FRENCH FASHION WITH BLUE PAPERWEIGHT EYES, PE, original wig and dress, no shoes, kid body, bisque arms, swivel neck 498 15” FRENCH FASHION WITH BLUE PAPERWEIGHT EYES, antique wig and dress, antique boots with heels, kid body, bisque arms, stationary neck, small firing flaw left neck

499 11” FRENCH FASHION with blue paperweight eyes, PE, original wig and dress (melting), antique shoes, kid labeled body, swivel neck with valise

500 18..5” FRENCH FASHION WITH BLUE PAPERWEIGHT EYES, PE, original wig and dress, antique boots, kid body, swivel neck

501 18” LARGE FULLY JOINTED WOOD BODY FASHION BY BRU MARKED H, Bru tri- color eyes, PE, lovely antique dress, straw bonnet and shoes, wearing a watch

502 17” NURSING BRU,, SWIVEL HEAD blue paperweight eyes, PE, white spot on right eyebrow, Bru kid body with replaced arms missing right thumb, antique dress and bonnet, comes with highchair, rattle, multiple bottles

503 17” FRENCH FASHION,, SWIVEL HEAD, KID OVER WOOD JOINTED BODY with bisque arms, lower legs (as is), blue glass eyes, PE, antique dress, replaced mohair wig, no shoes

504 16” GERMAN BEBE MARKED 911,, closed mouth, blue paperweight eyes, PE, very early fully jointed body missing one thumb, antique mohair wig, dress and bonnet made with antique velvet, antique shoes

505 21” TETE JUMEAU 7 ON FULLY JOINTED FRENCH LADY BODY, Brown paper- weight eyes, PE, mohair wig, antique dress, bonnet and purse

506 19..5” TETE JUMEAU 9,, brown paperweight eyes, PE, French BJCB with straight wrists, mohair wig, lovely antique dress and bonnet, cream marked Jumeau shoes

507 17”GERMAN SONNENBERG TYPE WITH BROWN PAPERWEIGHT EYES, PE, OM, BJCB. Dressed by Dolores Smith hat and dress, antique shoes

508 15” FRENCH FASHION WITH BLUE PAPERWEIGHT EYES, PE, mohair wig dressed by Dolores Smith, antique shoes, kid body, swivel neck

509 15” SIMON HALBIG 940 WITH CLOSED DOME, closed mouth, PE, BJCB, brown paperweight eyes, antique dress and shoes

510 20” SONNENBERG MARKED 168 with closed mouth and blue paperweight eyes, PE, antique mohair wig, beautifully dressed by Dolores Smith dress and bonnet, blue shoes

511 18” BLACK INCISED JUMEAU NUMBER 8, brown paperweight eyes, (tiny fleck left eye corner) PE, closed mouth, BJCB, human hair wig, antique CM shoes, beautifully dressed bonnet and dress by Dolores Smith

512 18” FRENCH BEBE MARKED M, blue paperweight eyes, PE, French BJCB, mohair wig, antique shoes and dress, closed mouth, back of neck slight discoloration, hands touched up

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 79 Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 80

513 17” SIMON HALBIG 1199 appears all original with shredding outfit, elabo- rate wig, open mouth with teeth, PE, slanted brows, brown sleep eyes, no shoes

514 11” VERY EARLY JUMEAU BEBE INCISED 1, French, BJCB, brown paper- weight eyes, PE, skin wig, comes with a complete wardrobe with dresses, hats, an- tique shoes, underwear made by Dolores Smith (some antique pieces also)

515 14” RARE 2-FACE BRU FASHION, smiling face with blue paperweight eyes and sleeping face, kid body antique dress and bonnet, mohair wig, article pinned to slip

516 20” L VINTAGE MOHAIR & PAPER MACHE “HORO” DOG NODDER with wire lever to open & close mouth, with HORO label

517 LOT OF 6 PAIRS of early doll shoes

518 SMALL ROOM BOX 12”L with miniature blonde furniture

519 LOT OF 4 CHINA ITEMS, 3 – small vases & 1 trinket box of child bathing doll

520 BOX LOT OF ASSORTED EARLY small doll clothes



523 LOT OF 6 SMALL DOLLS, 3 ½” – 5”, 5 – all bisque, & 1 – china head


525 SMALL MIRRORED PRESENTATION BOX with 4 small all bisque dolls

526 21 ½” BISQUE HEAD SIMON HALBIG 1159,, blue glass eyes, OM with teeth, PE, BJCB, antique outfit, firing flaw in seam by left ear, mohair wig

527 25” BISQUE HEAD SIMON HALBIG 1159 BOY, blue glass eyes, OM with teeth, mohair wig, antique brown wool suit with hat, gloves, shoes, & pipe, tiny lid bubble right eye corner

528 16” BISQUE HEAD BABY JDK 211,, blue glass eyes, OM with teeth, mo- hair wig, compo baby body Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 80 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 513 514 515 516

517 518 519 520

521 522 523 524

525 526 527 528 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 81 } Lots after the auction begins 529 530 531 532

533 534 535 536

537 538 539 540

541 542 543 544 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 82 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 83

529 16” BISQUE HEAD CHARACTER S&H 969 DEP,, brown glass eyes, OM with teeth, mohair wig, PE, BJCB, green outfit, partial thumb right hand & little finger

530 18” BISQUE HEAD 136?,, BLUE GLASS EYES,, CM,, PE, mohair wig, BJCB, early blue dress (melting) & shoes

531 14 ½” BISQUE K*R 109 CHARACTER, painted features, mohair wig, BJCB, blue stripped dress, with purse & 2 - 1st place ribbon

532 19” BISQUE HEAD S&H 919,, blue glass eyes, CM, mohair wig, PE, wig pulls back of head

533 17” BISQUE HEAD HALBIG 1159, blue glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, PE, mohair wig, BJCB, missing 2 fingers right hand, 1 finger left hand dressed as nurse

534 16” BISQUE HEAD TWO FACED , painted features, happy & sad, intaglio eyes, mo- hair wig, sailor suit

535 11” BISQUE HEAD MULATTO INCISED 120 BRU TYPE, brown glass eyes, O/CM, 2 wigs, PE, BJCB, red dress

536 12” BISQUE S&H 719,, blue glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, PE, mohair wig, BJCB, white dress with muff

537 11 ½” BRU FRENCH FASHION INCISED G,, blue glass eyes, PE (nicked), mohair wig, kid body, green silk dress, with valise

538 14” BISQUE HEAD JUMEAU INCISED 6,, blue glass eyes, CM, PE, original skin pate, French Jumeau straight wrist compo body, pink dress

539 14 ½” BISQUE CHARACTER INCISED 189,, blue glass eyes, CM, puffy checks, PE, mohair wig , deep maroon outfit, straight wrist compo body, missing thumb

540 16 ½” GLAZED SHOULDER HEAD HURET?,, blue glass eyes, kid body, china arms, mohair wig, pink antique dress (melting), early shoes (as is), with parasol

541 18 ½” BISQUE J..G..J.. JOANNY OR JULLIEN, French Bebe, blue glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, compo body, blue & white dress, tiny fleck right eye

542 15” BISQUE INCISED 3,, blue glass eyes, O/CM, straight wrist compo body, PE, mo- hair wig, antique floral dress

543 13” BISQUE INCISED 5,, (hairline from forehead to the right eye), early Jumeau (Pre- mier), has original skin pate (as-is, old glue marks visible), replaced mohair wig, o/c mouth, brown almond cut glass eyes (tiny fleck on right bottom lid), pressed bisque pierced ears (split), French compo body w/ straight wrists, wearing an antique maroon silk dress, & hat, antique shoes

544 13” BISQUE E4J JUMEAU,, brown glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, straight wrist compo body, red outfit by Dolores

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 83 Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 84

545 11” BISQUE INCISED J2D PARIS, blue glass eyes, CM, mohair wig (glued down), straight arm compo body, antique outfit, chip in rear of rim

546 14 ½” BISQUE COD LADY, blue glass sleep eyes, CM, mohair wig, flapper style, swim suit, straight leg/wrist compo body

547 19” BISQUE INCISED M8, brown glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, straight wrist compo body, red dress & shoes

548 23 ½” FRENCH MANNEQUINS with corset, (salesman’s sample?)

549 18” KAMKINS,, MOLDED & PAINTED CLOTH BODY, painted features (rubs),

550 15” BISQUE K*R 127,, blue glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, molded & painted hair, BJCB, blue sailors suit, missing one finger right hand

551 15 ½” BISQUE INCISED 162,, brown glass eyes, OM with teeth, mohair wig, lady compo body, with trunk & many outfits & accessories

552 15” BISQUE,, NO MARKS, BLUE GLASS EYES, O/CM, PE, no wig, straight wrist compo body, red dress, tiny fleck right eye

553 14 ½” FRENCH FASHION INCISED D, blue glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, kid body, brown silk suit, no shoes

554 17” BISQUE DOME HEAD FASHION, brown glass eyes, O/CM, PE, cloth body, kid arms, antique dress with chatelaine

555 14” COMPO SHOULDER PLATE, brown glass eyes, CM, cloth body, compo arms & legs, green wool suit, face rubs

556 16” BISQUE INCISED 134/5,, blue glass sleep eyes, CM, repair to hairline in forehead & back of head, BJCB, mohair wig

557 LOT OF DOLL CLOTHING & accessories

558 18 ½” BISQUE CHARACTER, brown glass eyes, CM, mohair wig, antique clothes, long face, compo body, 2 hairlines in forehead

559 14” SHOENHUT BOY,, painted features, HH wig, wood body, nose & face rubs, blue swim suit

560 20”L ROOM BOX WITH 12 PIECES of early blonde miniature furniture Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 84 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 545 546 547 548

549 550 551 552

553 554 555 556

557 558 559 560 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 85 } Lots after the auction begins 561 562 563 564

565 566 567 568

569 570 571 572

573 574 575 576 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 86 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 87

561 1 ½” SQUARE CAMEO NECKLACE, lovebirds in 14K gold mount

562 2 ½” OVAL CAMEO MOTHER & CHILD angel with necklace

563 1 7/8” OVAL CAMEO BROACH of sleeping child angel

564 2 ¼” OVAL CAMEO BROACH OF WOMAN & MAN in fancy silver mount

565 2 ½” OVAL CAMEO BROACH OF WOMAN & 2 CHILDREN in fancy silver mount

566 3 – CAMEO RINGS,, 2 – IN STERLING SILVER MOUNTS, 1 – gold mount

567 17” BISQUE CHARACTER INCISED 134,, blue glass eyes, mohair wig, BJCB, hair- line in forehead

568 18” BISQUE INCISED RR,, blue glass eyes, OM with teeth, mohair wig, PE, straight leg compo body, pink stripe dress

569 19” BISQUE BRIDE & GROOM,, BRIDE KESTNER 171, blue glass eyes, OM with teeth, mohair wig, BJCB, Groom incised 129. blue glass eyes, OM with teeth, blonde mo- hair wig, , BJCB

570 9 ½” AUTOPERIPATETIKOS KEY WIND, paper mache head, patent July 15th 1862, in original box bottom

571 11” BISQUE INCISED K*R 126,, blue glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, mohair wig, BJCB,

572 8 ½” SIMON HALBIG 1009,, blue glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, mohair wig, BJCB, in original box

573 2 – 6” ALL BISQUE 217 GOOGLIES, 1 with blue sleep eyes, watermelon mouths, painted socks & shoes, mohair wigs

574 LOT OF 5 - 4 ½” – 5 ½” ALL BISQUE MIGNONETTES, French type

575 LOT OF 6 – 4” – 5 ½” all bisque dolls

576 8” JUST ME,, BISQUE HEAD, blue glass eyes, CM, mohair wig, compo body, extra outfit, leg crack, toe damage

Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 87 Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 88

577 33” BISQUE ABG 1362 SWEET NELL, Blue glass eyes, OM with teeth, PE, BJCB, rim chip, scratch to back of head

578 7” PAPER MACHE SHOULDER HEAD, glass eyes, CM, kid body, ribbons & dome 579 10” BISQUE INCISED S&H CMB, blue glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, PE, mohair wig, BJCB

580 6” ALL BISQUE KESTNER INCISED 1, brown sleep eyes, CM, swivel neck, 5-Pc. w/ bare feet, one bent arm, chip on right leg, ex-Velma Driscoll Collection

581 LOT OF 3 BISQUE HEAD DOLLS, 7” – 8 ½”, blue glass eyes, CM, mohair wigs, feet broken on one doll

582 FLOWER GIRL & BEST MAN DOLLS, 11” Girl incised 5, brown glass sleep eyes, CM, mohair wig, BJCB, & 14 ½” Best man, clover leaf & crown mark, blue glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, mohair wig, BJCB

583 8” BISQUE INCISED D,, brown glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, antique red & white outfit, compo body, tiny rim chip, left pinky repair

584 11” BISQUE ORIENTAL,, brown glass eyes, CM, PE, mohair wig, BJCB

585 11” BISQUE ORIENTAL INCISED 198, brown glass eyes, CM, PE, BJCB, painted shoes & socks

586 LOT OF 2 BLACK DOLLS,, 7” All Bisque, brown glass eyes, OM with teeth, mohair wig, 7 ½” bisque head, brown glass eyes, OM with teeth, mohair wig, BJCB

587 BLEUTTE,, 10 5/8”,, INCISED S..F..B..J.. 60 PARIS, 8/0, blue glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, jointed compo body, mohair wig, green outfit

588 BLEUTTE,, 10 5/8”,, INCISED S..F..B..J.. 60 PARIS, 8/0, brown glass eyes, OM with teeth, jointed compo body, mohair wig, white outfit, broken little finger, dark specs on face

589 BLUETTE 11 3/8” COMPO HEAD UNIS MARK, blue glass sleep eyes, jointed compo body, dressed in sailor suit, many extra outfits

590 LOT OF SMALL DOLL SHOES, corsets, etc.


592 11 ½” BISQUE INC.. BRU JNE R 2,, full closed lips, glass eyes, P.E. known as “Kissing Bru”, all original clothes, pate & wig, silk dress (melting), w/ lace hat, 6-pc. orig. compo body, right arm connects to pull-string mechanism, blowing kisses w/ oval glass dome, 5”x 9”x 12” on base Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 88 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 577 578 579 580

581 582 583 584

585 586 587 588

589 590 591 592 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 89 } Lots after the auction begins 593 594 595 596

597 598 599 600

601 602 603 604

605 606 607 608 Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 90 } Lots after the auction begins Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 91

593 10 ½” BISQUE SWIVEL NECK, dome head (roughness at base of neck), CM, blue glass eyes, mohair wig (glued down), P.E., twill-over-wood body w/ bisque arms & legs, old dress & hat 594 8 ½” BISQUE INC.. GLOBE BABY,, DEP GERMANY, C 3 H,, glue on head hole, blue sleep eyes, o/m, mohair wig, Dolores Smith original hat & dress 595 10 ½” ASIAN BISQUE BELTON, tinted yellow(wig glued), brown almond glass eyes, CM, compo body w/ strait wrists, molded healed shoes in appropriate dress 596 LOT OF TWO: 9 ½” BISQUE INC.. HEUBACH KOPPELSDORF 320..15/0, sleep blue eyes, o/m w2 teeth, 5-pc toddler body (as-is), bobbed mohair wig and 9 ½” artist made Bru signed Marianne DeNunez, skin wig, g/e, c/m, kid body, bisque arms 597 LOT OF TWO: HEUBACH BOYS INC.. 8733 Square mark, intaglio eyes, c/m, molded ptd. hair, compo bodies, one 8-pc, one 5-pc 598 12” BISQUE HEAD BELTON, blue glass eyes, CM, orig. skin wig (pt glued down), 5-pc compo body painted blue socks & strappy boots, probably original plaid dress 599 LOT OF 4 SM.. GOOGLIES: 9 ½” Heubach 0, blue ptd. eyes, pouty mouth, ptd. top knot, 5-pc compo body; 8” girl, inc. R 50A, molded hair w/ pink bows, intaglio eyes, surprise mouth, 5-pc. Compo body; 7” bisque head boy, inc. A 10/0 M, Germany DRGM intaglio eyes, watermelon mouth, 5-pc compo; & 7 ½” all bisque girl, inc.401-18, 5-pc body, sleep blue glass eyes, mohair wig, watermelon mouth, ptd shoes & socks 600 LOT OF TWO S & H: 10 ½” bisque inc.1158-2, Blue gl. Eyes, o/m w/ teeth p/e, mohair wig, BJCB, sweater dress, old shoes and bisque inc. 1079 Germany, Halbig, 2 ½, mohair bobbed wig, brown sleep eyes, o/m, p/e, BJCB 601 LOT OF TWO SM.. DOLLS: 8 ½ ” all bisque, 5-pc body inc. 83-200-22, sleep gl eyes, o/m, 4 teeth, painted shoes & socks, red mohair wig, clips on head hole and 9” bisque Kestner inc. made in Germany, 13, sleep blue eyes, o/m w/ molded teeth, blonde HH wig, compo body Dolores Smith snow suit w/ bear muff 602 LOT OF THREE SM.. ARTIST DOLLS: 8” Jane Bradbury baby w/ cloth body; 8” All bisque K*R character by Berdine 1975 & 7 ½” black child by Susan Fosnot 603 LOT OF FIVE BISQUE DOLLS: 8 ½” bisque mother, w/ glass eyes, c/m mohair wig, and four kida: 3” jointed arms w/ wog, 3 ½” twins & 4” glass eyes, c/m, mohair, all hacw ptd. shoes 604 LOT OF THREE DOLLS: 10”Black Bisque, inc. AM Germany 351, brown sleep eyes, o/m 2 bottom teeth, compo body, wearing a sweater suit; 8” compo toddler marked Baby Sandy, original clothes wearing Baby Sandy pin, molded features painted eyes (chipped), closed mouth toddler body; and 10” Bisque marked Demalcol 5/0,brown Googlie eyes, c/m, bobbed wig, BJCB, 605 LOT OF THREE SM.. DOLLS: 11” Bisque S/H inc. 4 ½ 154 dep 8 1/2/0, Kid body, bisque hand, mohair, brown sleep eyes, o/m molded teeth, no clothes; 9” Bisque head inc Germany M.H. A.300.M 12/0, c/m, straight-leg compo flapper lady body, painted stock- ings & shoes (left leg repaired); and 9 ½”Bisque inc. 930.x3 on head rim (some glue), blue glass eyes, c/m, BJCB, mohair wig, simple dress & shoes 606 LOT OF 3 - 8” BISQUE HEAD INC.. PARIS CD 1,, mohair wig glued down, blue glass eyes, (brows worn), jointed compo body, Dolores Smith blue silk, Dress & hat, French shoes; 8” Bisque inc. F1G, blue glass eyes, c/m, 5-pc. Compo body (crudely made), mohair wig, straw hat, simple white unders; & 8” Bisque head inc. 89-18?, mo- hair wig glued down, brown glass eyes, pouty c/m, jointed compo body (chipped), painted shoes & socks, whit outfit 607 MAERKLIN CARRIAGE 9” x 8 ½ ” x 4”, white w/ gold fittings, blue interior, silk (badly melting), with all bisque baby inc. 30/4, blue ptd. eyes, c/m ptd shoes & socks, mohair wig in pink crocheted outfit 608 LOT OF THREE TINY ALL-BISQUE DOLLS IN CROCHET OUTFITS: 5 ½ “ boy, black & red, mohair, ptd boots, has DCA blue ribbon; 5” girl 5-pc. Body, ptd. boots, pink crochet & mohair; 5” inc. 94 K.U. 12?, sleep blue eyes, c/m mohair ptd socks & shoes, crochet outfit & straw hat Withington Auction, Inc. - May 9 & 10, 2019 There will be no Inspections of dolls / Lots after the auction begins. 91 Doll Cat May 10, 2019 Day 2 TEXT-PHOTOS_Layout 1 4/15/2019 8:31 PM Page 92

609 LOT OF ASSORTED SMALLS, parasols, hats, small teddy bears, pin cushions, etc

610 LOT OF BLUETTE ACCESSORIES, books, clothes, trunk, etc. from Dolores’s Bluette display

611 LOT OF BLUETTE ACCESSORIES, Scotty dogs, all bisque doll in original out- fit, etc, from Dolores’s Bluette display

612 10 5/8” BLUETTE S..F..B..J.. 60 PARIS 8/0,, dark blue sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed wood/compo body, mohair wig, red & blue dress

613 10 5/8” BLUETTE S..F..B..J.. 60 PARIS 8/0,, dark blue sleep eyes, open mouth with teeth, jointed wood/compo body, mohair wig, white anchor pattern dress


615 LOT OF BLUETTE clothes

616 12 ¾” BISQUE INCISED 301 PARIS, brown glass sleep eyes, OM with teeth, BJCB, mohair wig

617 FRENCH PROVINCIAL 2 DRAWER SWELL FRONT DOLL BUREAU, 11 ¼”L x 8 ½”T x 5 ½”D, brass fittings

618 2 – DOOR PINE DOLL ARMOIRE, 17”T x 10 3/8”W x 5”D, with doll outfits & accessories

619 MINIATURE PINE SLANT FRONT DESK on cabriole legs 13 ½”T x 10”W x 5 ½”D, fitted interior, custom made


*** The End of the Auction ***

All of us at Withingtons’ would like to express our sincere thanks to all of you, for sharing in the celebration of Dolores’ Life with the Dolls. The Doll World will never be the same without her.

We have planned Doll Auction events this year in August and October.... we’ll let you know the dates real soon!

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613 614 615 616

617 618 619 620

Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 93 } Lots after the auction begins Withington Auction, Inc. Dolores Smith Collection - May 9 & 10, 2019 No Inspections of Dolls { 94 } Lots after the auction begins