CHRISTMAS at GLENSHEEN: "Through the Eyes of a Child" by Ann Russell

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CHRISTMAS at GLENSHEEN: CHRISTMAS AT GLENSHEEN: "Through the Eyes of a Child" By Ann Russell "Through the Eyes of a Child" was the theme for the 1984 Christmas season at Glensheen. Visitors and docents alike were treated to all that a child holds dear at this magical season: wonder, excitement, and — toys! Antique toys and dolls appeared under Christmas trees and in almost every room of the man- sion'. Mr. and Mrs. William Gooder, owners of the Gooder Antique Toy and Doll Museum, 1907 E. 5th Street, Duluth, Min- nesota, provided the largest part of the ex- hibit while the rest were taken from Glen- sheen's own collection. During self-guided tours, new and returning visitors had an excellent opportunity to study the toys as well as each room at their own pace. The appeal of toys to all age groups was evident in the increased visitor atten- dance this year. According to Director Michael Lane, "December's overall atten- businessmen, Sweet Adelines, the Birchwood The doll crib displayed in the Master dance figure of more than 5,000 was the se- Elementary choir whose members sang and Bedroom is also from the Glensheen cond highest since Glensheen's opening." danced, Abbey Minstrels, Bethel Baptist collection. Madrigal Singers, and vocal ensembles from Between December 13 and December 23 Denfeld-Morgan Park, Hermantown, East About 40 of the dolls and toys on display docents filled 200 two-hour slots at Glen- and Central High Schools. were loaned to Glensheen through the sheen while visitors toured the mansion on generosity of William and Evelyn Gooder. their own. Besides these self-guided tours, Along with toys loaned by Gooder's Anti- Vera Dunbar and Sam Plourd made the in- Christmas brunches featuring live holiday que Doll and Toy Museum, toys from Glen- itial contact with the Gooders and visited music was a special feature of Christmas at sheen's own collection were able to join in their museum to choose the toys and dolls Glensheen. Approximately 50 guests at each the Christmas festivities. Glensheen's toys to be displayed at Glensheen. This was a of the five public and three docent brunches were found in their accustomed places in the delightful task as Vera pointed out, "The enjoyed wassail and turkey divan. Nine Toy Room and also under the Christmas tree Gooders were very co-operative and we feel local singing and instrumental groups per- in the Living Room. According to Sam indebted to them for so generous a response formed in the Recreation Room where the Plourd, Glensheen's toys probably date from to make a success of Christmas at Glen- brunches were served while 22 other musical the 1920's and 1930's and were most likely sheen." Sam said, "I haven't had that much groups performed in the Main Hall and played with by visiting nieces and nephews fun since I was a kid!" Recreation Room during tours. The Figgy and grandchildren. Glensheen's toys plac- William and Evelyn Gooder, who can only Pudding Carolers even sang for tourists in ed under the Living Room Christmas tree be described as 75 years young, have been the ticket house. Some of the other groups were Indian Clubs, a tennis racquet, two collecting antique dolls and toys for 11 years. included Brothers in Song, a vocal ensem- wooden dumbells, three stuffed animals, a ble made up of local doctors and set of graduated blocks and a doll high chair. (Continued on Back Page) WHAT'S THIS? Did you know that Glensheen had another canopied bed? Here's a picture to prove the fact. Now that the holiday's are over, we all have a chance to relax a little and plan for a whole new year's worth of volunteer activity, and we hope Glensheen is high on your list. As a thank you for your continued donation of time, the Docent Council, with funds earned through Cookbook sales, sponsored part of the cost of docent meals at the Christmas Brunches. These were very well attended by docents and their families and friends. Along with the excellent food, we had the opportunity to enjoy a variety of seasonal entertainment. The Christmas City of the North Parade again included the Canadian Sled from the Congdon collection. It was decorated with lights, presents, a tree, and the children of two of our volunteers, Linda Vukson and JoAnn Luhtala, Also riding, with top hat and coachman's coat, was Paul Anderson, a member of a recent training session and now a dedicated docent. The truth is that this is one room in the Gooder Doll House that was in the library during "Christmas at Glensheen." Last year the Council set up a series of mon- thly programs intended to interest a different segment of our volunteers for each session. DATES SET FOR Due to lack of attendance, we have decided to discontinue the programs. In the future, TRAINING NEW we hope to be able to bring new topics in for presentation but they will not be on any VOLUNTEERS set schedule. If you have any suggestions as to subjects, please put them in the box on The dates and times for new volunteer train- the table in the Docent room. ing are as follows: Summer season is approaching, and you are 1st Session — Tuesday, March 26th our best recruiters. If you enjoy your ex- at 9:00 A.M. perience docenting (is that a word?), bring MUSEUM 2nd Session — Wednesday, March along an interested friend next time and in- 27th at 7:00 P.M. troduce them to our unique area of SHOP NEWS 3rd Session — Thursday, March 28th volunteering. at 2:00 P.M. By Debbie Swenson 4th Session — Saturday, March 30th at 9:00 A.M. The Glensheen Museum Shop thanks you for The sessions follow the same format each VOLUNTEER all your help in making this past year under time. If you have missed any of them when volunteer management a success. We offered previously, we hope you will be able RECOGNITION especially appreciate all of you thinking of to pick them up at this time. us during this past holiday season for gifts for family and friends and hope you continue WEEK The times for UPDATE SESSIONS will be to do so as our available items increase. Just announced in another mailing. Volunteers will be recognized nationwide arrived — our own Glensheen blend from April 22nd through the 29th. Locally, tea! A 4 oz. package in the now familiar a special recognition will be held on Wednes- paper house box. day, April 24th in The Great Hall at The Depot beginning at 11:30. Please plan to at- During the month of February, the Dover PORT CITIES tend this gala affair — complete with local publications will be discounted 20% for LUNCHEON dignitaries, special music, parade of pro- volunteers, staff, and Friends of Glensheen. grams and much more. Your personal in- Several new books have just arrived that vitation will arrive under separate cover. might interest you. March will feature the The Port Cities Luncheon will be held this hand knitted cotton placemats (a technique year on Thursday, May 16th at the Duluth from the collection), and April our train and Curling Club. A planning meeting will be boat pencil sharpeners all at the 20% held on March 13th and a member of our discount. Docent Council has been invited to attend. They also requested nominations for Woman Hours this season are: Weekdays, except of the Year. Tickets for the luncheon will Wednesday, 12:30 - 2:30; Saturday and Sun- be available in the Docent Room at day 12:30 - 3:30. Glensheen. "What do I look for in a volunteer? I'm most Adolphus where she majored in social work. DAYS GONE BY pleased with someone who has an outgoing She spent one quarter at the University of By Betty Ketchum personality," but she admitted she has helped Colorado in Boulder. She worked as an to develop the shy ones. They might begin airline stewardess for two years and was as a second docent and in six to eight weeks married iri 1952 to Roger Severinson. While would be a convert to first. In the height of Roger was in Dental School she did social the season, 37 volunteers a day are needed work in Hennepin County for three years. for tours, evening specials in the house and They had four children, moving to Duluth for the sales shop. "A really invaluable asset in 1959, and she grinned, "I didn't work a to this volunteer coordinator is the Day Cap- day until I came here, having volunteered all tain who confirms all regular docents for a my spare time for just about every organiza- particular day, another who schedules 2nd tion." In 1979, she applied at the Universi- Docents and one who staffs the museum ty, and had worked only 16 hours in Contin- shop. All are members of the Docent Coun- uing Education when her husband died cil." following a shockingly short illness. Geva Lou feels Glensheen continues to draw Geva Lou has since started a Widow's Club Geva Lou Severinson the public because it is a high-quality opera- to help others. A member of Glen Avon tion. "Let's face it, people aren't saying don't Presbyterian Church, she recently was told Blond, blue-eyed, pretty and pint-sized Geva bother to see it — they leave here feeling it's by one of the members that the children of Lou Severinson, coordinator of volunteers a must. There's a personal touch in some- a recent widow wanted to get in touch with at Glensheen, has just the right formula for one taking you through and the tourist or her.
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