History & Heritage Guide Fermanagh County Museum Enniskillen Castle Castle Barracks Enniskillen Co. Fermanagh N. Ireland BT74 7HL Tel: + 44 (0) 28 6632 5000 Fax: +44 (0) 28 6632 7342 Email:
[email protected] Web:www.enniskillencastle.co.uk Page 1 History & Heritage Guide: Lower Lough Erne. Photograph by Shay Nethercott. Copyright of Fermanagh County Museum. New Arrivals About 12,000 years ago the ice, which had covered much of Ireland in the last Ice Age, was in full retreat and a lush meadowland was replacing the frozen, tundra landscape. Trees began to creep into the meadow – first juniper, then willow and birch, occasionally aspen and, on limestone soils, The Claddagh Glen. Photograph by Shay guelder rose – creating Ireland’s first woodlands. The melting ice left behind Nethercott. Copyright of Fermanagh vast, shallow stretches of open water. A compressed compost of decaying County Museum. plants collected at the shores of these loughs. Encouraged by the warm, wet climate, the decaying material consolidated to form bogs, which extended out into the loughs. Early in this new post-glacial period, Ireland remained joined to Britain and it is conceivable that, not only did plants – especially the trees of Ireland’s new woodlands – and animals cross to Ireland over these land bridges, but also the first settlers. As the climate warmed, ice melted and sea levels rose: gradually Ireland became an island. The first people arrived in Ireland over 9,000 years ago. It was around 6,500 years ago – late in the Middle Stone Age – that people first came to A Mesolithic family gets ready to roast a Fermanagh.