Value Crisis Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin, 1I"'!T Unbidden Sponsors
VOLUME VII. NUMBER 9 TISHREI. 5732 I OCTOBER. 1971 THE FIFTY CENTS ' :"T Z::llr ., H ~~~·;;~~r~·~~¥i~~-~~;~~:::.·;,; "''"'" ·~ """" """" ""' "'"""' """ '""""' .~'"'·'"' ,,.""""""'"'"'""'"''·'"""...... ~i!;.'.;;:..;;;.o:';;"~;".J.".~.,.,"';'-.... ~-~"';f·-.;~,,.~-,.::,;:;n;=.,.::~"";...-::, ... ,.....,,......, .. _.,.,._.....,.,,,,.,...,_.,~~.-; ..........., ..... ,~.,,., ..... ,.,.,,, .. ~ ... ,,,.,,, Value Crisis """""'"' '"" """" """' ,, ..'''"' ,,_,,.,, "'' '"'"' .,,,,,, .... "'"'"" ,,., "' "'"' ·'""' """" , .. ""'"'"'"' """" ,,, ,,.,, ~··· "'" """"' ·'"'" '"" "''" '""' "" '" .. ~ """"' "'" ""'" ,,,.,,,.., ........ "" "''"' """,... "'"" ""'"' .•...»•"• ;~i!·;!,~i''j·~~~,~~·;~4.~~§~~ I The Jew: - Who? - lVhat?- Where?-How? Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Levin, 1i"'!T Spokesman for Three Generations Unbidden Sponsors for the Yeshiva Day Schools Birchas Kohanim - in the Mikdosh, - at the Kose~ - £n the Gola THE JEWISH QBSERVER in this issue ... LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ................................................................................. 3 THE JEWISH OBSERVER is published 7 monthly, except July and August, A VALUE CRISIS, /\ isson Wolpin 6 by the Agudath Israel of America, 5 Beekman Street, New York, SEASCAPE, Yisroel Blumenfeld New York 10038. Second class 9 postage paid at New York, N. Y. Subscription: $5.00 per year; Two RABBI YITZCHAK MEIR LEVIN, i1:Ji::i.i, V""Ti 1:JT years, $8.50; Three years, $12.00; outside of the United States, $6.00 SPOKESMAN FOR THREE GENERATIONS, Isaac l .. ewin 11 per year. Single copy, fifty cents. Printed
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