1940-11-01 Pm

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1940-11-01 Pm THE PLYMOUTH M AIL Vol. 53. No. 8 Plymouth, Michigan Friday, November 1, 1940 $1.50 P er Year in Advance America Elects It s National Leaders Petition Seeks BoardAnnouncesMen First Change in Registrations Indicate Drawn in First Draft Zoning Ordinance Record Vote Nov. 5 Planning Commission Bedford Man Sets Public Hearing Of Select Members for Monday, Nov. 4 Republicans to Total 2,397 A petition requesting the first Holds First change in the city zoning ord­ Voters Register lOf Election Board inance since it was effected Nov­ em ber 28. 1939, was presented to Banquet Tonight Number Drawn A list of 31 election officials ‘he city planning commission in Plymouth for the general election Tuesday Monday night bv Allen Tillotson. 36 Men in This was announced bv City Manager The petition requests changing City Officials Advise Clarence H. Elliott this week. ’he southeast quarter of the District Among southeast quarter of section 2G. Study of Proposals Mrs. Maud Bennett .will pre­ nne-quarter mile souare located F irst 200 Drawn side as chairman for precinct No. ’n the extreme southeast comer Before Going to Polls 1; Lester Daly and Robert Zim­ nf the city bounded bv Ann Ar­ There were 36 men whose merman, inspectors; Mrs. Anna bor road and South Mill street, A total of 2397 voters now numbers were drawn among Richards, Mrs. Elizabeth Wills, from class A and B residential registered in Plymouth and Miss Winifred Jolliffe, Miss Ma­ '^nd local business areas to an th e first 2 0 0 from local board bel Spicer, clerks, and Charles eligible to vote in the general No. 61 in this district in the industrial area. election indicates a record vote Burch, gatekeeper. A public hearing on the re- national lottery at Washing­ In precinct No. 2, F rank Ton- '•uested change will be held in here next Tuesday, November ton Tuesday for selective serv­ cray will be chairman: Mrs. ‘he city commission chamber 5. There have been 314 regis­ ice training. There were only Ruth West and Mrs. Mary Stark­ Monday night. November 4, at trations received at the city weather. inspectors; Mrs. Dor­ 7 o’clock. three drawn from this district othy Stimpson. Mrs. Helen Hill, hall since the primary election. America will see Democracy in action November 5 with more then 45.000,000 persons voting for Mr. Tillotson in his petition among the first 20 n u m b ers. and Mrs. Harold Jollifie, clerks, exolained that a local contractor City Manager C. H. Elliott re­ They are Ronald M. Swartz and Marshall Gleason, gate­ state and national officers. Democratic candidates for president and vice president shown (left) above 'vishes to purchase the prooerty ported after the registration of Redford township, whose keeper. are Franklin D. Roosevelt and Henry A, Wallace; Republican candidates shown to the right are for the building of a supoly deadline Saturday. number. 158, was the first Roy Fisher will be chairman Wendell L. Willkie and Charles L. McNary. garage to house trucks and con­ in precinct No. 3; Mrs. Gayle tracting equipment. Adjacent The city manager estimated Donnelly and LeRoy Riemann. property was purchased a vear CLARENCE REID that a total of 2 2 0 0 votes will 1616 Is Coincidence inspectors: Mrs. Ruth Thomas. SAVE THIS COPY ago in this area for the building Senatorial Candidate I be cast in this election. Tlir vnu* There’s one man in Plym- Miss Ada Daggett. Mrs. Beulah iNearly 200 Attend of a button factory. It will be : in the last presidential clociion mouth who won’t have any Flaherty, and Mrs. William Local Supervisors i Because in the years to the duty of the planning commi.s- : four years ago was 1875. and in trouble remembering his ser­ Squires, clerks; and Ernest Hous- come the 1940 peacetim e con­ sion. explains City Manager C. the 1938 election there w ere 172B. ial number. He’s Lcland Ed­ man, gatekeeper. scription will be of more than H. Elliott, to give careful con- • "In view of the heavy vole i \ - w ard T urkett, 600 Pacific ave­ ILuncheonfor The chairman for precinct No. Protest Wayne ordinary interest. The Plym­ sideration to the influence any | I peeled. I urge ever>’one who can. nue. and his serial number is 4 will be Arno B. Thompson: Mrs. outh Mail suggests that you change in the zoning ordinance i I particularly housewives, to vole 1616. His badge num ber a t the Helen Goodman and J. Rusling save this copy of the paper, would bear on any residential ] 1 early so that those who havt :t. Plymouth Felt Products com­ Cutler, inspectors; Miss Verne County Budget | which contains all of the jVan Wagoner property in the area before mak­ , go to the polls later will noi bo pany is 1616. Rowley, Mrs. Leone Chapman. names of the young men in ing any recommendation. delayed by a last-m inute ruj-li." Mrs. Fannie Doerr. and Mrs. Plymouth Members i this locality who registered I Candidate Well Following the recommendation said Mr. Elliott. drawn: William Edw ard Henrietta Dobbs, clerks, and for services in the armed Received by of the planning commission the Plymouth voters will be pro- Holmes of Livonia township, Joseph Simich, gatekeeper. Also Vote Against forces' of the United States. opinion must be presented for 1 sented with five ballots w lien approval or disapproval to the who bears the second number, Salary Increases | i Plymouth Citizens j ihcy go to the polls. The cun- city commission 15 days after 1 stitutional amendment.s and ri f- 192, and William A. Raeburn Prospects for the erection of publication of the matter in The ; erendum ballot. 26x24 indu-s, Twelve Wayne County super- j of Plymouth, whose number, Two-Year-Old ; a building to house the offices Plymoulli Mail. If the planning presents four proposals for the visors, including the members! Conservationists 105, was nineteenth in the :of the state highway department commission and city commission . 1 voters’ consideration including I from Plymouth, presented a pro- I ' located in this city were pictured approve the proposed change, the;! I taxes for school building, civil d raw in g . [test vote against the,adoption of, amendment will not bo effected'' Takes Ride on 1 the Wayne County budget for Hear Deer Talk as exceedingly bright Wednesday 1 service, licensing of transporta- It is estimated that men re­ noon by Stale Highway Commis- , before December. j 1940-41 which paSsed 128-12' I tion. and regulation of diiita! sponding to the first 2 00 n u m ­ I. H. Bartlett of the game div- \ sioner Murray D. "Van Wagoner, According to the city zoning practices. This last proposal orn- ! Tuesday at the final meeting of | and Democratic candidate for j ordinance, a vote of the entire j sisls of 23 .*10011005. 56 sub-.'ce- bers will provide more than Running Board • the board. ision of the Michigan department I • city commission is required to j tions. and m ore than 5,001) word,-: enough manpower to fill the The' final budget' as passed is h of conservation will be ihe prin- j cipal speaker of the cveninB for ' "early 200 Plymou h residents at ; pass the amendment if a written which fill m ore than two wide Carol Ann Ryan i for S20.890.518 which represents i first two drafts, the first of the noxt.mectinE of the Western | ? Mayflower ; protest against such proposed columns of small tvpr. A brirf which will be called in Novem- , ' a substantial • increase over the , i amendment is presented signed reading of this proposal requin-.- Suffers Lacerations last year’s appropriation. ,An , Wayne County Conservation as- 1 DR. EDWARD FISHER bcr. the second in December. sociation, Monday night, Nov-i II was a number of years ago by the owners of 20 percent or a minimum of 10 minutt-.s. and in Fall From Car amendment was made by Mayor ; more of the frontage proposed to Legislative Candidate the conscientious voter who .siuri- The list of men whose numbers Coleman .of Highland Park to the |. ember 4 at the Mayflower hotel. ; when this cit.y first urged that were drawn among the first 200 j bo altered, or by owners of 20 Little Carol Ann Ryan, who effect that all increases of sal­ Mr. Bartlett’s talk will be on .^"’cause of the importance of the percent or more of the frontage Indications arc that there vihil! a from this district is as follows: won’t be two years old until Dec­ aries above $2,000,000 be omitted deer, the condition of Michigan's '“ fi be an attendance ol several hun- j ' herds, where the deer are eon- f ‘>^"‘ '“"ation there should be immediately in the rear thereof, dred at the Republican rally to day m an eleel.c.n Board No. 61 i em ber 10. decided to take a ride for this year,.in view of the fact or by the owners of 20 percent or George Wilbur Carr, 664 Jener, j Saturday afternoon. Dressed in a that salary increases amounting centrated in greatest numbers in this city for more of the frontage dirertly be held this Friday evenins at I ™ Plym outh. blue and white gingham dress to $376,000 w ere m ade last year. this fall and what must be done I opposite the frontage proposed the Mayflower hotel. The ticket! Because of the length of thr.'^c- Stanley John Sloncz. Maybury and a pair of overalls, the little to preserve the herds for future | X,"" ^^Soners hint Wednesday sale has been exceptionally good, proposals and addenda bollfit'.
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