A Survey of the Bat Fauna

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A Survey of the Bat Fauna __________________________________________________________________________________ Monitoring of the microbat fauna of the Ulan Coal Mine lease during 2015. Microbat Monitoring of the Ulan Coal Mine Lease during 2015 A report to Ulan Coal Mines Limited G.A. Hoye & M.M. Hoye Fly By Night Bat Surveys Pty Ltd ABN 48 068 562 005 PO Box 271 BELMONT NSW 2280 Tel 4947 7794 Fax 4947 7537 January 2016 January 2016 Fly By Night Bat Surveys Pty Ltd __________________________________________________________________________________ 1 __________________________________________________________________________________ Monitoring of the microbat fauna of the Ulan Coal Mine lease during 2015. 1 INTRODUCTION This report details the results of microbat monitoring undertaken during 2015 in accordance with the Biodiversity Management Plan (BMP) (ULN SD PLN 0026). The Project Area comprises a total of 13,435 hectares and includes areas referred to in the Environmental Assessment (Umwelt 2009) and the subsequent BMP. This area consists of the Ulan West and No. 3 underground areas, as well as the open cut. They include; Open Cut Extension – the extent of the recently approved open cut operations, being approximately 239 hectares; Previous Open Cut Mining Areas – covers approximately 475 hectares of previously open cut mining areas that have been rehabilitated and final voids that remain to support future mining activities (i.e. water storage, tailings disposal, underground access etc.); Surface Infrastructure Area – the 169 hectare disturbance area required for construction of underground service infrastructure; Residual Project Area – the remainder of the Project Area that is not subject to the current project. This includes large areas that have been previously undermined, agricultural grazing land, irrigation pivots and large areas of remnant native vegetation; Biodiversity Offset and Management Areas – land that has been approved for Biodiversity Offset and Management Areas for the Project, being: 1. Bobadeen Vegetation Offset Area including Bobadeen Corridor (1116 hectares); 2. Bobadeen East Vegetation Offset Area (232 hectares); 3. Brokenback Conservation Area (58 hectares); and 4. Spring Gully Cliff Line Management Area (211 hectares). The BMP was prepared (in part) to document the existing ecological and rehabilitation monitoring commitments for the Project Area, considering current and approved operations. The aims of the ecological and rehabilitation monitoring program are to: demonstrate compliance in regards to the relevant federal and state approvals that apply to the project area; January 2016 Fly By Night Bat Surveys Pty Ltd __________________________________________________________________________________ 2 __________________________________________________________________________________ Monitoring of the microbat fauna of the Ulan Coal Mine lease during 2015. provide the scientific basis for defining rehabilitation objectives and for developing closure criteria and a rehabilitation program that will facilitate lease relinquishment following closure; assess the long-term stability and functioning of re-established ecosystems within post-mining rehabilitation areas, as well as revegetated areas within the Biodiversity Offset and Management. Microbats were surveyed at nineteen general fauna monitoring sites across many of the above areas as well as targeted sites along clifflines for subsidence impact monitoring. Subsidence impact monitoring will focus on the identification of roosting/breeding habitat of threatened bat species and any observable impacts to these species. Bat species at each site were surveyed through captures in harp traps and through recording and subsequent analysis of echolocation calls. In accordance with the Ulan West Subsidence Monitoring Program (ULN SD ANN 0064) pre- mining monitoring for microbats along clifflines was undertaken prior to longwall mining of Ulan West Longwalls 1-3 in September 2013. Sites with potential roosting/breeding habitat or a high level of activity were selected from those found during the pre-mining survey for ongoing annual monitoring until 2 years post mining. Pre-mining survey for Ulan West Longwall 4 was conducted in January 2015 and selected sites were monitored in the annual monitoring conducted in December 2015. In accordance with the Underground No.3. (UG3) Subsidence Monitoring Program (ULN SD PLN 0061) pre-mining monitoring for microbats along clifflines was undertaken prior to longwall mining of Underground No.3. Longwalls West 3 & 4 in December 2014. Sites with potential roosting/breeding habitat or a high level of activity were selected from those found during the pre-mining survey for ongoing annual monitoring until 2 years post mining. January 2016 Fly By Night Bat Surveys Pty Ltd __________________________________________________________________________________ 3 __________________________________________________________________________________ Monitoring of the microbat fauna of the Ulan Coal Mine lease during 2015. 2 SURVEY METHODOLOGY a General Fauna Sites Nineteen sites were sampled for bats through captures using collapsible harp traps (Tidemann & Woodside, 1978) as well as recording and subsequent analysis of echolocation calls via Anabat II detectors. Each site was sampled for three consecutive nights with harp traps and had echolocation call recording undertaken for a minimum of two complete nights. Echolocation calls were recorded for subsequent analysis. Bats captured in harp traps were identified, measured and fitted with an identification band. Survey for bats in forest above existing and planned underground workings was undertaken from 24th April to 4th May and 1st to 9th December 2015. Ten of the sites were sampled during April and May 2015 and the remaining nine sites were sampled during December. The location of the nineteen general fauna monitoring sites are as follows; Bobadeen Corridor 1 (BC1) 761520E 6436115N Durridgere 8833-1-S Bobadeen Offset 1 (BO1) 757171E 6435205N Narragamba 8833-4-S Bobadeen Offset 2 (BO2) 760452E 6435200N Durridgere 8833-1-S Bobadeen Offset 3 (BO3) 757453E 6436742N Narragamba 8833-4-S Bobadeen Offset 4 (BO4) 759186E 6436912N Narragamba 8833-4-S Bobadeen East 1 (BE1) 762922E 6436183N Durridgere 8833-1-S Bobadeen East 2 (BE2) 763374E 6438349N Durridgere 8833-1-S Spring Gully 1 (CR) 760096E 6433625N Durridgere 8833-1-S Infrastructure 1 (INF1) 754636E 6431861N Narragamba 8833-4-S Infrastructure 2 (INF2) 755148E 6437151N Narragamba 8833-4-S Infrastructure 3 (INF3) 755352E 6438919N Narragamba 8833-4-S Infrastructure 4 (INF4) 758717E 6439744N Durridgere 8833-1-S Residual 1 (RES1) 758719E 6432538N Narragamba 8833-4-S Residual 2 (RES2) 756620E 6433058N Narragamba 8833-4-S Residual 3 (RES3) 752509E 6434120N Narragamba 8833-4-S Residual 4 (RES4) 759263E 6439041N Durridgere 8833-1-S Residual 5 (RES5) 755562E 6442346N Narragamba 8833-4-S Open Cut 1 (OC1) 759955E 6426893N Narragamba 8833-4-S Open Cut 3 (OC3) 758345E 6428917N Narragamba 8833-4-S January 2016 Fly By Night Bat Surveys Pty Ltd __________________________________________________________________________________ 4 __________________________________________________________________________________ Monitoring of the microbat fauna of the Ulan Coal Mine lease during 2015. Figure 1 General fauna sites sampled for microbats during 2015. January 2016 Fly By Night Bat Surveys Pty Ltd __________________________________________________________________________________ 5 __________________________________________________________________________________ Monitoring of the microbat fauna of the Ulan Coal Mine lease during 2015. B Targeted Microbat Sites Nineteen sites were sampled for microbats through captures using collapsible harp traps (Tidemann & Woodside, 1978) and/or the recording and subsequent analysis of echolocation calls via Anabat II detectors. Due to unsuitability of the sites or their remoteness no harp trapping was undertaken at sites BD9, UTN1, SG5, UG9, VW3, VW4, UW4 & UW8. Each site had echolocation call recording undertaken for two complete nights. Echolocation calls were recorded onto storage zcaims for subsequent analysis. Bats were captured in harp traps which were left in place for two nights. Bats captured in harp traps were identified, measured and fitted with an identification band. Survey for microbats at the targeted cliffline sites was undertaken from 24th April to 4th May and 1st to 9th December 2015. Eight control targeted microbat cliffline sites which will not be undermined were sampled; BD6 753428E 6436595N Narragamba 8833-4-S H,E BD7 753052E 6436594N Narragamba 8833-4-S H,E BD8 752671E 6436618N Narragamba 8833-4-S H,E BD9 751864E 6436925N Narragamba 8833-4-S E SG5 761877E 6432689N Durridgere 8833-1-S E SG7 761427E 6432729N Durridgere 8833-1-S H,E SG8 761438E 6432916N Durridgere 8833-1-S H,E UG1 756847E 6431191N Durridgere 8833-1-S H,E Site E which is a temporary control site above Ulan West Longwall 7. This site was added to the monitoring program due to the continued presence of the Large–eared Pied Bat at this site over a considerable period E 754050E 6435900N Narragamba 8833-4-S H,E Sites recently or currently located above underground mining; UTN1 UW LW1 756586E 6433823N Narragamba 8833-4-S E VW3 UW LW2 756229E 6434374N Narragamba 8833-4-S E January 2016 Fly By Night Bat Surveys Pty Ltd __________________________________________________________________________________ 6 __________________________________________________________________________________

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