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Complete 62 1&2.Pdf (1.508Mb) EVENTEENTH- ENTURY EWS SPRING - SUMMER 2004 Vol. 62 Nos. 1&2 Including THE NEO-LATIN NEWS Vol. 52, Nos. 1&2 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY NEWS VOLUME 62, Nos. 1&2 SPRING-SUMMER, 2004 SCN, an official organ of the Milton Society of America and of the Milton Section of the Modern Language Association, is published as a double issue two times each year with the support of the English Departments of: University of Akron Oklahoma State University Texas A&M University SUBMISSIONS: Though primarily a review journal, SCN publishes shorter articles and scholarly notes (3000 words). Manuscripts should be submitted in duplicate (with the author’s name and institutional affiliation on the cover page only), accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. As a service to the scholarly community, SCN also publishes news items. SUBSCRIPTIONS, Domestic and International. $15.00 ($20.00) for one year; $28.00 ($37.00) for two years; $40.00 ($52.00) for three years. Checks or money orders are payable to Seventeenth-Century News. A current style sheet, announcements, previous volumes’ Tables of Contents, advertising rates, and other information all may be obtained via our home page on the World Wide Web. Books for review and queries should be sent to: Prof. Donald R. Dickson English Department 4227 Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843-4227 E-Mail: WWW: ISSN 0037-3028 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY NEWS EDITOR DONALD R. DICKSON Texas A&M University EDITOR EMERITUS Harrison T. Meserole Texas A&M University ASSOCIATE EDITORS James Egan, University of Akron Jeffrey Walker, Oklahoma State University Michele Marrapodi, University of Palermo Patricia Garcia Ocañas, Our Lady of the Lake University EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Christopher E. Garrett, Texas A&M University Christopher L. Morrow, Texas A&M University Larry A. Van Meter, Texas A&M University CONTENTS VOLUME 62, NOS. 1&2 SPRING-SUMMER, 2004 REVIEWS D. Loewenstein and J. Mueller, eds., The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature. Review by BOYD M. BERRY .......... 1 Alex Davis, Chivalry and Romance in the English Renaissance. Review by EUGENE D. HILL ......................................................... 9 William W. E. Slights, Managing Readers: Printed Marginalia in English Renaissance Books. Review by JESSE M. LANDER ... 11 J. Anderson and E. Sauer, eds., Books and Readers in Early Modern England: Material Studies. Review by GARY KUCHAR ......... 14 Florike Egmond and Robert Zwijnenberg, eds., Bodily Extremities: Preoccupations with the Human Body in Early Modern European Culture. Review by REBECCA DE HAAS ................................ 18 Michael Davies, Graceful Reading: Theology and Narrative in the Works of John Bunyan. Review by U. MILO KAUFMANN................ 21 Claude J. Summers and Ted-Larry Pebworth, eds., Fault Lines and Controversies in the Study of Seventeenth-Century English Litera- ture. Review by CHRISTOPHER BAKER ................................. 24 Alan J. Fletcher, Drama and the Performing Arts in Pre-Cromwellian Ireland: A Repertory of Sources and Documents from the Earliest Times Until c. 1642. Review by KAY J. BLALOCK ................... 27 A. D. Cousins and Damien Grace, eds., Donne and the Resources of Kind. Review by GRAHAM ROEBUCK .................................... 31 Walter Stephens, Demon Lovers: Witchcraft, Sex, and the Crisis of Belief. Review by THOMAS MOISAN ....................................... 35 Henry S. Turner, ed., The Culture of Capital: Property, Cities, and Knowledge in Early Modern England. Review by NICOLE GREENSPAN .................................................................................. 40 Ira Clark, Comedy, Youth, Manhood in Early Modern England. Re- view by BYRON NELSON ............................................................ 44 George L. Justice and Nathan Tinker, eds., Women’s Writing and the Circulation of Ideas: Manuscript Publication in England, 1550-1800. Review by ADAM SMYTH ........................................................... 47 Mihoko Suzuki, Subordinate Subjects: Gender, the Political Nation, and Literary Form in England. Review by ELISA OH .................... 50 Armando Maggi, Satan’s Rhetoric: A Study of Renaissance Demonol- ogy. Review by EUGENE R. CUNNAR ..................................... 54 Kevin Sharpe and S. N. Zwicker, eds., Reading, Society and Politics in Early Modern England. Review by JEFFREY JOHNSON ..... 57 Stanton J. Linden, ed., The Alchemy Reader: From Hermes Trismegistus to Isaac Newton. Review by EUGENE R. CUNNAR ................ 62 Lois G. Schwoerer, The Ingenious Mr. Henry Care, Restoration Publi- cist. Review by BRYAN N. S. GOOCH ........................................ 64 Frances Harris, Transformations of Love: The Friendship of Evelyn and Godolphin. Review by JOANNE VAN DER WOUDE ....... 68 Raymond Gillespie, ed., Scholar Bishop: The Recollections and Diary of Narcissus Marsh. Review by MAUREEN E. MULVIHILL 71 Michael Khodarkovsky, Russia’s Steppe Frontier. The Making of a Colonial Empire, 1500-1800. Review by JAKUB BASISTA .... 75 Marc Fumaroli, The Poet and the King: Jean de La Fontaine and his Century. Review by E. JOE JOHNSON ....................................... 78 J. Douglas Canfield, The Baroque in English Neoclassical Literature. Review by SUSAN B. IWANISZIW.............................................. 81 H. Rodney Nevitt, Jr., Art and the Culture of Love in Seventeenth- Century Holland. Review by HANNEKE GROOTENBOER ... 84 S. Mutchow Towers, Control of Religious Printing in Early Stuart England. Review by STEVEN MATTHEWS ............................ 87 Robert Thomas Fallon, ed., The Christian Soldier: Religious Tracts Published for Soldiers on Both Sides During and After the English Civil Wars. Review by ELLEN J. JENKINS............................... 91 April Lee Hatfield, Atlantic Virginia: Intercolonial Relations in the Sev- enteenth Century. Review by WILLIAM J. SCHEICK ................. 94 Mordechai Feingold, ed., Jesuit Science and the Republic of Letters. Review by DAVID A. SALOMON ................................................. 96 Kari McBride, ed., Domestic Arrangements in Early Modern England. Review by KAREN L. RABER ...................................................... 98 Anthony Miller, Roman Triumphs and Early Modern English Culture. Review by MICHAEL ULLYOT ................................................. 102 D. R. Woolf, Reading History in Early Modern England. Review by MICHAEL MENDLE .................................................................... 105 Laura Lunger Knoppers, Puritanism and Its Discontents. Review by SUSANNA CALKINS..................................................................... 108 Anna E. C. Simoni, The Ostend Story Early Tales of the Great Siege and the Mediating Role of Henrick van Haestens. Review by EDWARD M. FURGOL ................................................................ 113 Robert Poole, ed., The Lancashire Witches: Histories and Stories. Review by GILLIAN PATON ................................................................... 116 M. Mulvihill, ed. Ephelia. Review by PHILIP MILITO ............ 119 NOTE: Job and the Crocodile in George Wither’s A Collection of Emblemes, Ancient and Moderne GEORGE F. BUTLER .................................................................. 123 NEO-LATIN NEWS ...................................................................... 129 NEWS................................................................................................ 162 REVIEWS 1 David Loewenstein and Janel Mueller, eds. The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni- versity Press, 2003. xi + 1038 pp. $140.00. Review by BOYD M. BERRY, VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY. For this reviewer The Cambridge History of Early Modern English Literature offers riches beyond the wildest dreams of avarice, too many to be counted or told here. Others will find different glimmers of gold. The editors, David Loewenstein and Janel Mueller, follow the aim of the first Cambridge History of English Literature (1907- 17) “to meet the highest demands that can be made . by men of learning and letters, and to enable the many to share in the knowledge acquired by the few”; with the possible exception of their own introduction, which understandably seeks to compact much into little, the essays that follow will enrich “scholarly, graduate and undergraduate readers” (1-2). Their volume departs from its predecessor in that the terms “major” and “minor” do not occur, “background” is not severed from “literature,” the term “renaissance” appears infrequently, there are no essays devoted to a single writer (indeed, as they point out, several appear in multiple chapters, viewed from multiple perspectives). The essays touch on a number of women writers, focusing on “the dynamic interactions between text and institutional contexts” and correct new historical oversights concerning religious developments and conflicts (7, 9). Writing about arguments for making an English bible accessible to all, Janel Mueller speaks of their “zigzag course” (279), and the phrase suggests neatly one fine feature of many of the essays: their manner of presenting non-linear contradictions, revisions, echoes, and repetitions of arguments, language, images, etc. in the verbal textures under examination. 2 SEVENTEENTH-CENTURY NEWS The book opens with six excellent essays on the overall “modes and means of literary production, circulation, and reception”: “Literacy, Society
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