36 Islam - Ummatan Wasatan, An Ummah Juslty Balanced by Ustaz Mohd Haniff Hassan Research Analyst S RAJARATNAM School Of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University 44 Youth Convention 2007 Fighting Terrorism : Preventing The Radicalization Of Youth in a Secular & Globalized World 46 Charter of moderation in Religious Pratice by Ustaz Mohd Haniff Hassan Research Analyst S RAJARATNAM School Of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University 52 The Poverty of Fanaticism By Abdal - Hakim Murad M.A Arabic in Al - Azhar, Trustee & Secretary of The Muslim Academic Trust & Director of the Anglo-Muslim Fellowship for Eastern Europe 62 The Causes of the Radicalization of the Muslim Communities in Southeast Asia By Angel M. Rabasa, RAND Corporation 68 Disaggregating the Islamist Movements By Mustapha Kamel Al-Sayyid Professor of Political Science,Director, Center for the Study of Developing Countries,Cairo University Advisor : Ustaz Haji Ali Haji Mohamed Editorial : Ustaz Mohamed Hj Ali, Mohd Abu Bakar Mohd Sultan,Salim Mohd Nasir, Mohd Feisal Mohd Hassan, Abdul Karim Senin, Mohd Samad Afandie Masjid Khadijah, 583 Geylang Road, Singapore 389522 website : www.khadijahmosque.org email :
[email protected] Masjid Khadijah 3 Our say.... RELIGIOUS EXTREMISM & RADICALISM he drive to prevail over religious extremism and radicalisation must start with a dialogue Ton what set in motion the conflict in the Middle East. Understanding the religious premise The need to understand religious civilisation as a of the extremists and radicals is just as vital as key factor of change in the Middle East is further knowing how their global network and violent evidenced by the failure of international efforts to strategy have managed to break into the borders of effectively engage religious leaders with any their targeted countries.