Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, August 24, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 34-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J.
[email protected] SIXTY CENTS Westfield Planner to Begin In Sept.; Consultant to Exit By Year’s End By JAMES DIDDELL time basis, while working with the throughout New Jersey responded, Specially Written for The Westfield Leader zoning department, having oversight with a ninth person from Vermont. WESTFIELD – The town council on building applications, interfacing Town Administrator Jim Gildea, recently introduced Judith Thornton with the planning board and the board Town Engineer Ken Marsh and As- as the first town planner in Westfield’s of adjustment and updating the town’s sistant Town Engineer, Kris McAloon history. The hiring will result in the master plan. interviewed the first round of appli- departure of the town’s consultant, Mayor Andy Skibitsky said at the cants. Afterwards, the field of candi- Blais Brancheau, at year’s end. August 1 council meeting the town dates was narrowed down to five. Of Town officials first considered hir- chose Ms. Thornton after an “exhaus- those, four agreed to interview for a ing a full-time planner in 1999, but tive” search and interview process. second time, but during that process received limited response. Currently, Westfield advertised in the Star one candidate withdrew and the three Mr. Brancheau functions as a part- Ledger, on the website for the Ameri- remaining completed the process. Ac- time consultant, but the council envi- can Association of Planners and with cording to Mr.