Latin Name: Fockea edulis Common Name: Bergbaroe Family: Geographic Origin: South Africa

Soil: This prefers well-draining soil.

Temperature: Prefers temperatures around 75°-85°F during the day and 65°-75°F during the night.

Light: This plant thrives with partial shade.

Moisture: This plant should receive a thorough watering once a week during the early morning or on a cloudy day to avoid burns. Allow the soil to dry out between each watering.

Fertilization: Fertilize once a year, alternating between fish and seaweed fertilizer every year.

Grooming: Gangly branches can be trimmed for aesthetic reasons. This plant has large amounts of fast-growing roots so it should be repotted every year.

Seasonal Care: Reduce watering and fertilization during winter months.

Propagation: Propagate from seed or stem cuttings.

Pests and diseases: Susceptible to whitefly, mealy bugs and scale.

Angiosperm Latin Name: variegata Common Name: Carrion Family: Apocynaceae Geographic Origin: South Africa

Soil: Create a well-draining, succulent soil mix with one part compost, one part sand, and a small amount of perlite.

Temperature: During the day temperatures should be about 75°F and during the night temperatures should be about 65°F.

Light: This plant should receive full sun to partial shade.

Moisture: This plant should receive a thorough watering once a week during the early morning or on a cloudy day to avoid burns. Allow the soil to dry out between each watering.

Fertilization: Fertilize once a year, alternating between fish and seaweed fertilizer every year.

Grooming: Repot once every year.

Seasonal Care: Watering and fertilizing should be reduced during the winter months.

Propagation: Propagate from stem cuttings or seeds.

Pests and diseases: This plant is susceptible to scale and mealy bugs.

Latin Name: Orbeanthus hardyi Common Name: Orbeanthus

Angiosperm Family: Asclepiadaceae Geographic Origin: South Africa

Soil: Create a well-draining, succulent soil mix with one part compost, one part sand, and a small amount of perlite.

Temperature: During the day temperatures should be about 75°F and during the night temperatures should be about 65°F.

Light: This plant likes to receive full sun to partial shade.

Moisture: This plant should receive a thorough watering once a week during the early morning or on a cloudy day to avoid burns. Allow the soil to dry out between each watering.

Fertilization: Fertilize once a year, alternating between fish and seaweed fertilizer every year.

Grooming: Repot once every year.

Seasonal Care: Reduce watering and fertilizing during winter months.

Propagation: Propagate from stem cuttings or seeds.

Pests and diseases: Susceptible to root rot and mealy bugs.

Latin Name: Pachypodium saundersii

Angiosperm Common Name: Kudu Lily Family: Apocynaceae Geographic Origin: South Africa

Soil: Create a well-draining, succulent soil mix with one part compost, one part sand, and a small amount of perlite.

Temperature: During the day temperatures should be about 75°F and during the night temperatures should be about 65°F.

Light: This plant prefers full sun.

Moisture: This plant should receive a thorough watering once a week during the early morning or on a cloudy day to avoid burns. Allow the soil to dry out between each watering.

Fertilization: Fertilize once a year, alternating between fish and seaweed fertilizer every year.

Grooming: Repot once a year and cut back extending branches when needed.

Seasonal Care: Reduce watering and fertilizing during winter months.

Propagation: Propagate from seed or stem cuttings.

Pests and diseases: This plant is susceptible to mealy bugs, whitefly, and scale.

Latin Name: Schlecterella africana (Schltr.) K. Schum.

Angiosperm Common Name: Tacazzea Family: Apocynaceae Geographic Origin: South Africa

Soil: Create a well-draining, succulent soil mix with one part compost, one part sand, and a small amount of perlite.

Temperature: During the day temperatures should be about 75°F and during the night temperatures should be about 65°F.

Light: This plant prefers full sun to partial shade

Moisture: This plant should receive a thorough watering once a week during the early morning or on a cloudy day to avoid burns. Allow the soil to dry out between each watering.

Fertilization: Fertilize once a year, alternating between fish and seaweed fertilizer every year.

Grooming: This plant can be repotted once a year and the vines and extended branches can be cut back when needed.

Seasonal Care: Reduce watering and fertilizing during winter months.

Propagation: Propagate from stem cuttings or seed.

Pests and diseases: This plant is susceptible to mealy bugs, whitefly, and scale.
