University of Richmond UR Scholarship Repository Master's Theses Student Research 4-1-1960 Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889) Helen Levine Berkowitz Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Berkowitz, Helen Levine, "Gerard Manley Hopkins (1844-1889)" (1960). Master's Theses. Paper 154. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Research at UR Scholarship Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Master's Theses by an authorized administrator of UR Scholarship Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. Preaent@d 1n ~art1al. Fulfilli:cnt ot tho ltequiromenta tor tho Dogree Huter ot .Arta in tho Gr&dua.te School ot tba Un1voro1ty ot Richmond. Tho Un1vors1ty ct Rlohmond LIBRARY UNJVER"s1~ - ' 'Y OF RrcHMOND VI :xG! i'J if\ Apgrowd tor tho Dopartmcnt ot English NW the Graduatt!I Sohool b)' Proteooor of &lgl13h and Direotor ot The41n Table of Contents Chapter Biographioa.l Sketch l Publication 14 Sprung Rhythm 20 lnsoapo and Instress 37 His .Poe try 42 His Influence on Modern Poetry 78 Evaluation 96 Bibliography Vita All things thorct'ore aro ohargeii with lovo11 nre charged w1 th God a..'ld it \"tfJ lawu how to touch thma give oft spo.rks e.nd take ~ire, yield dropo nnd flow. ring o..~d toll or h1o. 1 1Htmphry BoU!Ht, od., The NotB•Book:J end Pn::>or:l of Gotnrd l!anloz llot)idn:; ~London, 1 :;;37 );?. 'j4~. , tieron?ter roforroct 4.:o ae t1o~o-~oo%:3e) Chapter I Biographical.