JOURNAL of SCIENCE Publii;Hed on the First Day of October, January, April and July
IOWA STATE COLLEGE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Publii;hed on the first day of October, January, April and July EDITORIAL BOARD Enrron-m-CHIEF, R. E. Buchanan. AssocaTE Enrr011s: P. E. Brown, Secretary; C. J. Drake, A. H. Fuller, I.E. Melhus, E. A. Benbrook, P. Mabel Nelson, V. E. Nelson. ADVISORY EDrroRs: R. E. Buchanan, Chairman; C. J. Drake, E.W. Lind strom, I. E. Melhus, P. Mabel Nelson, 0. R. Sweeney. All manuscripts submitted for publication should be addressed to R. E. Buchanan, Room 101 Science Building, Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. All remittances should be addressed to Collegiate Press, Inc., Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Single Copies: One.Dollar; ~ual ~ubs~riJ>iism~. Three Dollars; In Can ada, Three .Dtifi~s:®q... .. ~ ~uarte"r;' :&.°Qre~gi:,. .'three .. Dollars and a Half. ' .. .. .. .. .., .. ,.; .. .. .. .. .. ~ . ' . ·. .. " .. : ..· ... ., : . ~ : . ·. .. .: ·· ,. .. .. · . ... .. .. ... .. ··::::·::·:: .'. " . ·. .. .... .~ . ~ .: :.... ' : . : : "' :. .. ' . ..... ... THE PARASITES OF SOME LEPIDOPTEROUS STALK BORERS IN IOWA1 GEORGE C. DECKER' From the Entomology and Economic Zoology Section, Iowa Agricultural Experiment Station Accepted for publication September 18, 1934 In the course of studies on the bionomics of several lepidopterous stalk borers that occur in Iowa, much information concerning their parasites has been obtained. Because of the present widespread interest of entomologists and agriculturists in all phases of the biological control of insect pests, several workers have urged the early publication on the observations of the habits and interrelationships of these parasites. HOST SPECIES During the past six years ten species of noctuid and two species of olethreutid stalk borers have been under observation in the field and in the Insectary at Iowa State College. Some of these have been studied at length, whereas others have received only brief attention, but from each species one or more species of parasites have been reared.
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