Tuckamore A Visitor's Guide BONNE BAY: D. WILSON 1 Contact Information Gros Morne National Park of Canada P.O. Box 130, Table of Contents Rocky Harbour, NL A0K 4N0 2 World Heritage
[email protected] www.pc.gc.ca/grosmorne 4 Unforgettable Adventures (709) 458-2417 6 Aquatic Encounters Campground Welcome 7 Western Brook Pond Reservations www.reservations. to Gros Morne National Park 8 Take a Hike parkscanada.gc.ca 10 Experience Proper 1-877-737-3783 / (TTY 1-866-787-6221) Awesome 12 Scenic Drives Swimming Pool (709) 458-2350 13 Conservation Boat Tours 14 Trail Guide/Map Western Brook Pond 16 Experience Gros Morne (709) 458-2016 / 1-888-458-2016 18 Camping Ferry Information/ 20 Wildlife Reservations I was born and raised in Norris Point, a small community in the middle of in this region (Gros Morne and L’Anse aux Meadows are the other two). 22 History and Heritage Marine Atlantic Gros Morne National Park. I’ve lived in a National Park for most of my life, In addition to the sites operated by Parks Canada Agency, there are many 1-800-341-7981 23 Communities and have spent my entire career working for Parks Canada. I have been very more historic sites, houses and museums managed by communities and Strait of Belle Isle lucky to have worked in places like Banff in Alberta and the Niagara National associations throughout western Newfoundland and Labrador. 24 Cultural Crossroads (St. Barbe) 1-866-535-2567 Historic Sites in Niagara on the Lake, Ontario. After an absence of more than 26 Port Au Choix five years, I am pleased to have had the opportunity to come home, and to On behalf of our passionate Parks Canada staff who you will meet along the 27 L’Anse Aux Meadows Bus and Taxi Services Martin’s Transportation welcome you all here as Superintendent.