Clock Escapement, No
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J, W, EINHAUS, Clock Escapement, No. 22,495, Patented Jan'y 4, 1859, 222 esses. Zzze/2a: . N. PETERS, Photo-Lithographor, washington, D.c. UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. v JOHN W. EINEIAUS, OF NEW YORK, N. -a- a ESCAPETWEN FOR TEKEEPERS. Specification of Letters Patent No. 22,495, dated January 4, 1859. To all althom it may concern. triangular block pallet F. secured to the Be it known that i. JoHN W. EINHAUs, of lower end of a lever G. centered or ad the city, county, and State of New York, justed on an axis H. to the outer end of have invented certain new and useful m ! which is attached the pendulum vibrating provements in Escapements for Clocks. lever I. Watches, and other Purposes; and I do here Letter J. is the pendulum, and K, is a by declare the following to be a full de pulley on the axis of the escapement wheel 50 scription of the same. on which a cord L, and weight is suspended The nature of my invention consists in for the purpose of giving motion to the the mode of constructing an escapement escapement. wheel, by arranging on the surface of the The operation of any escapement is, that, wheel, in two lines of curvature, alternating when the pin D. of the outer row, is against 55 series of escapement pins or teeth, and com the outer inclined plane of the pallet, it bining there with a triangular block lever vibrates the lever, till it slips off the base pallet, so that as the escapement wheel ro of the pallet, but instantly it does so the tates, the outer and inner series of pins are alternating pin E. in the inner row catches alternately brought into contact with the upon the apex of the innel side of the in 60 (pposite inclined planes of the pallet, and clined plane and vibrates the level in an thus by its connection with the pendulum opposite direction, till the pin slips off the or balance wheel a perfect and uniform beat base of the pallet, when the succeeding pin is obtained. But to describe my invention D. in the outer l'ow engages the pallet as be more particularly will refer to the accom fore, and thus a uniforn, simple and cheap 65 panying drawings forming a part of this lever escapement is produced. specification, the same letters of reference Fiaving now described my invention and 2 5 wherever they occur referring to like parts. its operation i will proceed to set forth what Figure 1, is a side view of the escape claim and desire to secure by Letter's Pat ment movement, and pendulum attached ent of the United States. 70 thereto. Fig. 2, is a vertical cut section of What I claim is the same through the line a.a. Fig. 1. show The use of a triangular shaped pallet lever 30 ing in dotted outline also the pendulum &c. for an escapement pallet for clocks, watches Fig. 3, is a detached view of the block pallet &c., with an escapement wheel constructed lever. in the manner hereinbefore set forth-but 75 Letter A, represents the frame of an ordi irrespective of such use of my block pallet nary clock movement, in which is arranged make no claim to the construction of the 3 5 on a suitable axis B, an escapement wheel escapement wheel of itself, as my invention C. In the face or surface of this wheel, are relates exclusively to the use and application secured two rows of pins D, and E, on in of the block pallet, substantially as herein 80 dependent lines of curvature. The number before set forth. of pins in each row are twelve, (though this 40 number may be varied for seconds beats, if JOHN W. EINHAUS. desired) and are in alternating order, so that Witnesses: as the wheel rotates the pins alternately C. L. BARRITT, act upon the opposite inclined planes of a R. ROWLEY. .