Breaking the Radio – Gamma-Ray Connection in Arp 220

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Breaking the Radio – Gamma-Ray Connection in Arp 220 MNRAS 000, 000{000 (0000) Preprint 16 January 2019 Compiled using MNRAS LATEX style file v3.0 Breaking the Radio { Gamma-Ray Connection in Arp 220 Tova M. Yoast-Hull? and Norman Murrayy Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, University of Toronto, ON, M5S 3H8, Canada 16 January 2019 ABSTRACT Recent analyses of the γ-ray spectrum from the ultra-luminous infrared galaxy Arp 220 have revealed a discrepancy in the cosmic ray energy injection rates derived from the γ-rays versus the radio emission. While the observed radio emission is consistent with the star formation rate inferred from infrared observations, a significantly higher cosmic ray population is necessary to accurately model the measured γ-ray flux. To resolve this discrepancy between the radio and γ-ray observations, we find that we must increase the cosmic ray energy injection rate and account for an infrared optical depth greater than unity. Raising the energy injection rate naturally raises the total γ-ray flux but also raises the radio flux unless there is also an increase in the energy loss rate for cosmic ray leptons. A optically thick medium results in an increase in energy losses via inverse Compton for cosmic ray leptons and preserves agreement with submillimeter, millimeter, and infrared wavelength observations. Key words: cosmic rays { galaxies: individual (Arp 220) { galaxies: starburst { gamma rays: galaxies { radiative transfer { radio continuum: galaxies 1 INTRODUCTION collide with the ISM to produce neutral pions that subse- quently decay into γ-rays. Over the past decade, eight star-forming galaxies (mostly gi- In our current understanding, the correlation between ant spirals) have been detected in γ-rays by Fermi, including radio and FIR emission seen in star-forming galaxies requires M31 (NGC 0224), NGC 0253, NGC 1068, NGC 2146, M82 two additional conditions to hold. First, either star-forming (NGC 3034), NGC 4945, Arp 220, and Circinus (Abdo et al. galaxies must be cosmic ray electron calorimeters, meaning 2010b,a; Lenain et al. 2010; Hayashida et al. 2013; Tang that cosmic ray electrons are confined to the galaxy and radi- et al. 2014; Peng et al. 2016; Griffin et al. 2016). Observa- ate the majority of their energy within their injection volume tions of these galaxies show a tentative correlation between (Voelk 1989), or both cosmic ray electrons and ultraviolet their γ-ray and far-infrared (FIR) luminosities (Ackermann radiation escape from star-forming galaxies in proportional et al. 2012; Rojas-Bravo & Araya 2016), indicating a physi- amounts (Lacki et al. 2010). Secondly, in most star forming cal relationship between these two quantities in star-forming galaxies, energy losses via synchrotron must be larger than galaxies as predicted by Thompson et al.(2007). Recent sim- losses via inverse Compton for cosmic ray electrons, implying ulations show further evidence of a link between the FIR that the energy density in magnetic fields must be slightly emission and γ-rays from galaxies via their star formation larger than the energy density in radiation for star-forming rate (SFR; e.g., Martin 2014; Pfrommer et al. 2017). galaxies (U U ; Lisenfeld et al. 1996; Thompson et al. The essential physical processes underlying this corre- B & rad 2006). arXiv:1901.04564v1 [astro-ph.HE] 14 Jan 2019 lation are tied to massive stars, which dominate the dif- While star-forming galaxies are generally believed to fuse emission in star-forming galaxies. Massive stars radi- be electron calorimeters, most normal star-forming galax- ate predominately in the ultraviolet; much of this emission ies are not proton calorimeters (e.g., Pfrommer et al. 2017). is absorbed by the surrounding interstellar medium (ISM) In quiescent systems, the diffusion time-scale for cosmic ray and re-radiated in the infrared. At the ends of their lives, protons is significantly shorter than their energy loss time- massive stars explode as supernovae, and the resulting rem- scale, and thus, cosmic ray protons preferentially escape into nants accelerate electrons and protons to relativistic ener- the halo. Additionally, these are systems in which primary gies (e.g., de Jong et al. 1985; Helou et al. 1985). Cosmic ray cosmic ray electrons are likely dominant over secondary cos- electrons interacting with galactic magnetic fields produce mic ray electrons and positrons produced in interactions of non-thermal synchrotron emission, while cosmic ray protons cosmic ray protons with the ISM. In contrast, intensely star-forming systems (such as Arp ? E-mail: [email protected] 220) are at least partial proton calorimeters (e.g., Lacki et al. y Canadian Research Chair in Astrophysics 2011; Yoast-Hull et al. 2013; Eichmann & Becker Tjus 2016) c 0000 The Authors 2 T. M. Yoast-Hull & N. Murray 9 3.25 Star-Forming 10− Fermi Active Galaxy Veritas Upper Limits ] 3.00 1 − s Circinus 2 − 2.75 m c ) Arp 220 z V H e G 4 G . [ 10 1 2.50 10− L NGC 2146 x \ u NGC 0253 l γ F L ( 2.25 y g NGC 4945 a o l R M82 NGC 1068 a 2.00 m m 51 1 a εCR = 3.2 10 erg yr− G × 51 1 ε = 1.6 10 erg yr− 1.75 M31 CR × 50 1 11 ε = 8.0 10 erg yr− 10− CR × 50 1 εCR = 4.0 10 erg yr− 1.50 × 10 1 100 101 102 103 104 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 − Energy (E ) [GeV] log(Radio Luminosity) [L ] γ ¯ Figure 1. The logarithm of the ratio of γ-ray to radio luminosity, as a function of logarithmic radio luminosity, is shown for nearby East Data star-forming galaxies. The mean ratio is 2.266 with a standard East Model deviation of 0.335, depicted here as solid and dashed lines respec- West Data West Model tively. Local galaxy M31 and the Seyfert galaxy Circinus are clear outliers, while Arp 220 is a marginal outlier. Galaxies with γ-ray detections by Fermi are shown with filled black symbols and γ- 10 1 ray flux upper limits are denoted with open gray symbols. See − AppendixA for details on the data used. Radio Flux [Jy] and secondary cosmic rays dominate over primary cosmic ray electrons (e.g., Lacki & Thompson 2013; Peretti et al. 51 1 ε = 3.2 10 erg yr− CR × 2018). As a result, in these systems, we would expect both 51 1 εCR = 1.6 10 erg yr− 2 × the non-thermal radio and the γ-ray emission to be pro- 50 1 10− ε = 8.0 10 erg yr− CR × 50 1 portional to the population of cosmic ray protons. Thus, for ε = 4.0 10 erg yr− CR × starburst systems in which secondary cosmic rays dominate, 100 101 102 there may be a constant ratio between the γ-ray and radio Frequency (ν) [GHz] fluxes, regardless of whether the galaxy is a complete proton calorimeter. Observations clearly show that strong correlations exist Figure 2. γ-ray and radio spectra are shown for varying cosmic ray energy injection rates. For the γ-rays, energy injection rates between the FIR, radio, and γ-ray emission in star-forming larger than 1051 erg yr−1 are necessary; however, energy injection galaxies (e.g., Ackermann et al. 2012; Sch¨oneberg et al. 2013; rates lower than 1051 erg yr−1, are necessary to fit the radio data. Rojas-Bravo & Araya 2016), see Fig. A1 in AppendixA. Data for the γ-rays are from Peng et al.(2016); Fleischhack & Examining the ratio of γ-ray flux to radio fluxes in star- VERITAS Collaboration(2015), and data for the radio are from forming galaxies detected with Fermi, we find tentative ev- Downes & Solomon(1998); Rodr´ıguez-Ricoet al.(2005); Williams idence for a constant γ-ray to radio flux ratio in starbursts & Bower(2010); Barcos-Mu~nozet al.(2015). galaxies, see Fig.1. The ratio for normal star-forming galax- ies is lower than that for starbursts, as expected due to the dominance of primary cosmic ray electrons and the lack of the inferred energy injection rates depends on assumptions proton calorimetry in quiescent galaxies. In contrast, the ra- about the cosmic ray populations in the nuclei of Arp 220 tio of γ-ray to radio flux for the Seyfert galaxy Circinus is (Yoast-Hull et al. 2017). significantly higher than the starburst ratio, likely due to To examine these assumptions in detail, we begin by the dominance of the central active galactic nucleus (AGN; defining the injection spectrum for cosmic ray protons such Wojaczy´nskiet al. 2015). that −Γp Fig.1 also shows Arp 220, the closest ultra-luminous Γp − 2 η"CR Ep infrared galaxy (ULIRG), as slightly more than a standard qp(Ep) = −Γ × × ; (1) E p V 1 GeV deviation away from the mean γ-ray to radio luminosity ra- min tio for starbursts. In investigating Arp 220 in more detail, where Γp is the cosmic ray (injection) spectral index, "CR modeling of the γ-ray and radio spectra reveal a larger cos- is the cosmic ray energy injection rate, and η = 0:1 is the mic ray energy injection rate is necessary to reproduce the acceleration efficiency of cosmic ray protons. The critical observed γ-ray flux than is necessary for the radio flux, see factor here, besides the energy injection rate (see Fig.3), is Fig.2. Of course, the magnitude of this discrepancy between the cosmic ray proton spectral index: as the spectral index MNRAS 000, 000{000 (0000) Optical Depths in Arp 220 3 Radio Flux Eq. 2 Sy Sy j ν (ν)=∫ dEe N e (E e)×Pν (Ee) Lower Synch Power Eq.
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