© Cambridge University Press Cambridge
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85099-5 - The Atlantic World: Europeans, Africans, Indians and Their Shared History, 1400-1900 Thomas Benjamin Index More information Index Abenakis, 310 Muslims in, 24–25 independence of Brazil, Acadians, 243–245, 494 Niger Delta chiefdoms, 609–612 Acosta, Josede,´ 281, 286 33 inspiration of early Adams, Abigail, 534 plant domestication, 34 revolutions, 518 Adams, John, 435, 525, savanna state development, reasons for anti-slavery 539 25–28 actions in Caribbean, Address to the Congress of slaves, indigenous 587–589 Angostura, 606–607 agricultural, 33 revolutionary republicanism, Africa, 24–35 as infantrymen/archers, 517 agriculture, 24, 25 27 and slavery, 518, 613.See Akan kingdom, as laborers, 27–28 also American animal domestication, 34 slave trade, indigenous, 28, Revolution; arts, 30 33, 35 Enlightenment; French Berbers in, 25 Songhay (See Songhay) Revolution; Haitian Canary Islands chiefdom (See South Africa chiefdom, 34 Revolution; Spanish Canary Islands) Thirstland, 33–34 America revolutions colonization, 662 trade in, 25, 29 agriculture Dyula, 82 tribute systems, 33 expansion in 14th-century early descriptions of, 80–81 underpopulation, in Europe, 38–39 economic/political sub-Saharan, 35 in pre-contact Africa development in Wolof, 81, 82 irrigated, 24 sub-Saharan, 34–35 Yoruba kingdom, 30.Seealso rain-fed, 25 endemic disease, 28–29, 35 Angola, and Portugal; in pre-contact Americas, 19, equatorial Central Africa antislavery, and Africa; 21 state development, 33 gender relations, in chinapa, 17 European disease, 35 Africa; Portuguese plant domestication, 22 famine, 35 imperium, in Africa; slash-and-burn, 21 forest-savanna edge state slavery; slave trade; West Ahuitzotl, 12 development, 28–29 Africa Aimore,´ 156 Ghana empire, 27 African Trade Act, 487 Akan kingdom (Africa), hearth of civilization, 25 Africanus, Leo, 28, 75, 117, Alaska, pre-contact herding in, 25 331 sub-arctic/arctic, 21 hunting/gathering in, 33–34 Age of Reason.
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