IPv4-over-IPv6 Softwire is the first example of a high-volume, data-plane-oriented network function that was virtualized."

Axel Clauberg | Vice President Aggregation, Transport, IP and Fixed Access Deutsche Telekom AG CASE STUDY


Deutsche Telekom • Build a new, elastically scalable model • Increased business agility with virtual for the core central-office data center carrier-grade networking service and INDUSTRY optimized for performance, low pay-as-you-go licensing based on A10 Telecom latency and cost Networks aCloud Services Architecture NETWORK SOLUTION • Deliver IPv4 services to customers in • Differentiated services on a per- a native IPv6 network subscriber basis A10 Thunder CGN • Automatically provision IPv4 and other • Reduced time-to-deploy IPv4 over IPv6 L4-7 services quickly and efficiently Softwire service with highly responsive partners • Architect in compliance with core ETSI NFV documents

• Maintain prime directive of simplicity and openness Deutsche Telekom | CASE STUDY



Deutsche Telekom is piloting TeraStream, an all-IP network Today’s hyper-connected world has not been kind to service that delivers triple-play and other services from the cloud, as providers. The demand for has exploded, as a model for next-generation operator networks. TeraStream customers want always-on connectivity for work and also is a proving ground for software-defined networking play, but don’t want to pay a premium for their growing (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV), as consumption. In fact, fierce competition among Deutsche Telekom looks to automate and orchestrate cloud traditional telcos, cable operators and mobile operators is services to launch new revenue-generating services and driving average revenue per user (ARPU) lower and lower. adapt to customer needs more quickly. Capturing new market growth, such as over-the-top (OTT) video and cloud services, requires innovation and speed. Deutsche Telekom has partnered with A10 Networks® to Yet many service providers are hampered by the complexity develop a carrier-grade, IPv4-over-IPv6 Softwire solution as a of their networks, which drives up lead time and cost, while virtualized network function, enabling Deutsche Telekom to their more nimble competitors and OTT service providers differentiate and scale cloud services. deliver services that are faster, cheaper and better.

A10 Networks’ software-based and API-driven architecture, Traditional service delivery times, which require weeks commitment to open standards like OpenStack, and a or months to configure using conventional networking willingness to create innovative solutions were key to helping technologies, are no longer competitive. Deutsche Telekom develop what is widely regarded as one of the most innovative service provider networks today.

Deutsche Telekom has partnered with A10 Networks® to develop a carrier-grade, IPv4-over-IPv6 Softwire solution as a virtualized network function, enabling Deutsche Telekom to differentiate and scale cloud services.

2 Deutsche Telekom | CASE STUDY

A NEW NETWORK DESIGN FOR “We designed TeraStream as an architecture that breaks INNOVATION AND AGILITY many of the rules on the operator side,” said Axel Clauberg, Vice President of Aggregation, Transport, IP and Fixed Access at Deutsche Telekom AG. “The attitude of ‘things- Deutsche Telekom is on the vanguard of this change. As were-always-done-this-way’ doesn’t exist here. We a leader in next-generation operator networks, Deutsche questioned all layers and all protocols in today’s network, Telekom is piloting TeraStream, an all-IP cloud-enabled and asked ‘how would you run an efficiently managed network, at in . In TeraStream, IP network moving forward?’ We realized that if we truly Deutsche Telekom has re-imagined the network to deliver all wanted to change our cost base, we needed to change services, including voice, IPTV and access, as cloud the model.” services that are provisioned on demand. TeraStream is an open multivendor network, which allows for Deutsche Telekom has taken bold steps to fundamentally greater innovation and avoids vendor lock-in. “It is really key change how it delivers new services faster, at a lower for operators to build a foundation based on an open platform,” cost and with a better user experience. TeraStream is said Clauberg. “We don’t want a dependency on a single an integrated packet-optical network that runs IPv6 in vendor in our critical infrastructure.” the core and is built on an infrastructure cloud model. TeraStream has drastically simplified network architecture TeraStream uses OpenStack for cloud orchestration, and embraces the concepts of software-defined networking allowing it to control the compute, storage and network (SDN) and network functions virtualization (NFV), including resources in its data centers, while empowering customers software appliances, common-off-the-shelf (COTS) to provision resources easily. TeraStream virtualizes hardware, and automated provisioning and network functions so they can be chained together to service orchestration. create customized communications services quickly and as needed.

TeraStream – End-to-end Optimization

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Figure 1: TeraStream is a model for next-generation operator networks – an IPv6 network that’s built on an infrastructure cloud model.

3 Deutsche Telekom | CASE STUDY

VIRTUALIZING NETWORK FUNCTIONS The search for a virtualized Softwire solution led the TeraStream team to A10 Networks. “We were looking for a As an IPv6 network, TeraStream does not have native partner who could develop LW4o6 Softwires and prove that support for IPv4. Yet it must still deliver IPv4 as a service to it works,” said Clauberg. “We felt there was common ground its customers to support legacy applications. with A10 Networks.”

™ “There is an expectation that IPv4 traffic will go down A10 moved quickly to implement LW4o6 in its A10 Thunder significantly by the end of the decade, but we’ll need Series CGN, and TeraStream deployed vThunder as a virtual to deliver that function for some time,” said Clauberg. service. With vThunder, TeraStream has a high-performance, “Producing IPv4 as a service is ideal, because we can react highly transparent and scalable solution for its customers, based on our current load and we don’t need to drastically which is delivering a strong return on investment. overprovision the way you might in a physical appliance The Thunder CGN product line is part of the A10 aCloud scenario.” Service Architecture, which enables cloud operators to The TeraStream team looked for a partner that could drive dynamically provision Layer 4-7 tenant services while a scalable, virtualized Softwire encapsulation service in improving agility and reducing cost. In addition, aCloud its data centers. There are multiple ways to transport IPv4 on-demand licensing helps operators in providing cloud traffic over IPv6, and the team considered Mapping Address services consistent with cloud consumption model. The over Port (MAP) as well as Lightweight 4 over 6 (LW4o6), aCloud Services Architecture integrates with OpenStack, an emerging IETF standard that’s an extension of Dual- SDN network fabrics and cloud orchestration platforms, so Stack Lite (DS-Lite). In DS-Lite, address translation is done operators can dynamically deliver application and security at the operator, while LW4o6 moves this translation to the services and policies per tenant. customer premise equipment. The team decided that the LW4o6 approach would scale more efficiently and allow tenants to be managed individually.

IPv4 as a Service – Lightweight 406 Softwires stuctue lou

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Figure 2: TeraStream is a proving ground for network functions virtualization. It uses Lightweight 4o6 Softwires to elastically scale the delivery of IPv4 traffic to customers.

4 Deutsche Telekom | CASE STUDY

Automation through OpenStack and integration with aCloud ABOUT DEUTSCHE TELEKOM on-demand licensing makes it possible to turn up new services for customers as they are needed, and tear them Deutsche Telekom is one of the world’s leading integrated down once they’re no longer needed. companies with over 142 million A10 tuned vThunder to use LW4o6 and deliver optimal mobile customers, 31 million fixed-network lines and over performance, scalability and automation, which allows 17 million broadband lines (as of December 31, 2013). The TeraStream scale elastically to support more customers Group provides fixed-network, mobile communications, and to deliver a better experience. “When you virtualize a Internet and IPTV products and services for consumers, network function coming from hardware, there is a lot of and ICT solutions for business and corporate customers. potential for optimization and automation,” said Clauberg. Deutsche Telekom is present in around 50 countries and has “A10 was very helpful to optimize the performance so approximately 229,000 employees worldwide. The Group we could serve our customers without burning hardware generated revenue of 60.1 billion in the 2013 financial resources.” year - over half of it outside .

“IPv4-over-IPv6 Softwire is the first example of a high- volume, data-plane-oriented network function that was ABOUT A10 NETWORKS virtualized,” said Clauberg. “When people talk about NFV today, they are focusing on the control plane, not the data A10 Networks (NYSE: ATEN) provides Reliable Security plane. But if we truly want to change our cost basis, we have AlwaysTM through a range of high-performance solutions to look at virtualizing network services also touching the that enable intelligent automation with deep machine data plane.” learning to ensure business critical applications are protected, reliable and always available. Founded in 2004, A BUSINESS MODEL BUILT A10 Networks is based in San Jose, Calif., and serves FOR THE CLOUD customers globally with offices worldwide. For more information, visit: or tweet @A10Networks. TeraStream is taking advantage of A10’s Pay-as-You-Go licensing model so it can offer on-demand cloud services to customers on a subscription basis. With the Pay-as- You Go licensing model, TeraStream can offer and deliver IPv4 and other advanced L4-7 networking tenant services with automated metering, reporting, billing and license management, as is necessary in a cloud environment.

“A10’s pay-as-you-go licensing is key,” said Clauberg. “A flexible licensing scheme is win-win, because it makes the vendor profitable and it makes us profitable.”

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