INSIDE:  Alexander Motyl wins Antonovych Foundation award – page 3  Mark von Hagen, advocate of Ukrainian studies, dies – page 4  Book review: Atlas of Ukrainians in the United States – page 7

THEHEPublished U by theKRAINIANK UkrainianR NationalAIN Association,IAN Inc., celebrating W its 125th anniversaryEEKLYEEKLY Vol. LXXXVII No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 $2.00 U.S. diaspora organizations celebrate NEWS ANALYSIS 125 years with conference, banquet Zelenskyy’s trip to New York employs Ukrainian National Association in the spotlight diplomacy as damage containment

by Matthew Dubas better future for the community and suc- cessive waves of immigration. Mr. Kaczaraj NEW YORK – Ukrainian diaspora organi- underscored: “We did it! Nas ne podolaty!” zations in the United States were recog- (We shall not be divided). “And after over- nized and celebrated for having flourished coming the struggles from 125 years ago for more than 125 years with a conference we are still here, as the diaspora organiza- and banquet at the Princeton Club in New tions prepare for the challenges of the next York on September 21. 125 years,” he said. The event, attended by more than 100 In the first panel discussion, “Found- participants, was sponsored by the Center ation Stones of the Ukrainian American for U.S.-Ukrainian Relations (CUSUR) and the Community,” Roma Lisovich, chief financial Ukrainian Congress Committee of America officer/treasurer of the UNA, underscored (UCCA), as well as the Ukrainian National the UNA’s 125th anniversary and provided Association (UNA), which this year cele- a brief overview of the organization’s histo- brates its 125th anniversary of its founding. ry from its founding in the coal mining Officially titled “Ukrainian Historical town of Shamokin, Pa., and the surrounding Encounters Series Special Event: Celebrating towns with growing Ukrainian immigrant the 125th Anniversary of the Organized populations. Ukrainian American Community,” the confer- She underscored that the UNA and the community at that time were one and the ence comprised six panel discussions that Presidential Office of same. were coordinated by Prof. Walter Zaryckyj, Presidents Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Donald Trump at their joint press briefing on president of CUSUR, covering topics such Ukrainian immigrants to the U.S. under- went an identity affirmation, she noted, from September 25. as the foundation stones of the community, at first identifying as Rusyns, Ruthenians, religious life, cultural life, youth organiza- President Trump had applied on Ukraine to Austro-Hungarians, Polish and others prior by Bohdan Nahaylo tions, academia, and financial institutions support his political aims in a recent tele- to the World War II, and then identifying as and charitable foundations. – President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s phone conversation with President Ukrainians beginning about 1912. Opening remarks were delivered by trip to New York on September 24-26 for Zelenskyy on July 25. Ms. Lisovich noted the lasting impact of UNA President/CEO Stefan Kaczaraj and the 74th session of the United Nations With the launch by the Democrats on Ukrainian immigration that can be seen in Ambassador of Ukraine to the United General Assembly and events surrounding September 24 of impeachment proceed- street names and town names, such as in it witnessed a whirlwind of activity and a ings against President Trump, the latter Nations Volodymyr Yelchenko. North Dakota, where there are towns called barrage of commentary. The question in broke with all previous diplomatic protocol Mr. Kaczaraj noted the UNA’s historical Kief (Kyiv) and Ukraina, among others. Kyiv is how has Mr. Zelenskyy emerged and norms and, in order to defend himself, beginnings and how it paid homage to the The majority of the early waves of immi- from this diplomatic baptism of fire and instructed that a record of the closed tele- new American homeland of Ukrainian gration were working men, who were what it bodes for Ukraine. phone conversation be published. He immigrants, as the founding date of the sponsored or promised work in the It was a very difficult time for the decided to do this notwithstanding the pos- UNA was chosen to coincide with George coalmines or the farming industry. With Ukrainian leader to go to the U.S. and the sible embarrassment it might cause the Washington’s birthday, February 22. this influx of male workers came the neces- Struggles were overcome, he said, and the stakes remain high. Given the intensifica- Ukrainian president even as he was in the organization continued its work to build a (Continued on page 16) tion of the political infighting between the U.S. Democrats and the Republicans in the U.S., That same day President Trump was controversy around the Trump-Zelenskyy among the first to address the U.N. General connection overshadowed everything else. Assembly. He had plenty to say about China, Understandably, perhaps, but there was Iran, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea, but also more to it all than this. did not mention Russia, Vladimir Putin or For Ukraine’s new president, it was a Ukraine. The takeaway for the Ukrainian major test for him personally, for his team delegation was not an encouraging one. and, in a certain sense, for Ukraine itself. Against this background, President Could the novice on the international scene Zelenskyy had to put on a brave face and rise to the occasion and make proper use of move on with business at hand. As it was his appearance on the world’s main stage, too late to engage in damage prevention, and in side meetings with President Trump the working visit became an exercise in and other international leaders, to promote damage control. Ukraine’s interests and sustain, or even On his arrival in New York, the Ukrainian augment, support for his country? president had meetings with representatives Flying into New York, Mr. Zelenskyy was of the Ukrainian diaspora in the U.S., and sev- effectively a proverbial Daniel going into eral foreign leaders, including German the lions’ den. The Democratic Party has Chancellor Angela Merkel and NATO renewed its offensive against the Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, all of Republican president, once again using which were reported to have gone well. Matthew Dubas Trump’s dealings, direct or indirect, with That same evening, Mr. Zelenskyy had Stefan Kaczaraj, CEO/president of the Ukrainian National Association, Roma Lisovich, Ukraine as the basis for their latest assault. two other significant unforeseen meetings chief financial officer/treasurer of the UNA, and Prof. Walter Zarycky, program coor- Previously, it was the notorious Manafort dinator of the conference and director of the Center for U.S.-Ukrainian Relations. case; now it is the alleged pressure that (Continued on page 16) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 No. 39


Putin overplays hand with Normandy summit, Zelenskyy warns about Russia’s war Sentsov: focus on fighting Putin regime Ukrainian President Volodymyr Oleh Sentsov, the Ukrainian film director inadvertently rescues Zelenskyy from the brink Zelenskyy on September 25 kicked off the who was held in Russian prisons for more second day of speeches at this year’s United than five years, has accused Russian PART I Ushakov named several “prerequisites” to holding the summit, the main condition Nations General Assembly by warning authorities of wanting to “enslave” Ukraine, by Vladimir Socor being the Normandy leaders’ acceptance of world leaders that they won’t feel safe as and he called on all Ukrainians to work to Eurasia Daily Monitor the “Steinmeier formula” for the implemen- long as Russia is waging war “in the center end the ongoing war in the eastern part of tation of the Minsk agreements. Mr. of Europe.” In a globalized world “there is the country. Speaking just 16 days after his The Kremlin has derailed the summit of Ushakov demanded a “written codification no such thing as someone else’s war,” Mr. return to Ukraine, Mr. Sentsov also told the Normandy group’s (Russia, Germany, of the Steinmeier formula” at the leaders’ Zelenskyy said in his first address before RFE/RL in an interview that for him the France, Ukraine) leaders, which was sup- summit, as well as finalization of the sum- the world body. “Every leader shares fight was not against Russia or Russians posed to be held on September 16, in Paris. mit’s concluding document ahead of the responsibility for the destiny not only of themselves, but against what he called Apparently, Russian President Vladimir event itself, with implementation guaran- their country but of the whole world.” President Vladimir Putin’s regime. “[When Putin determined at the last moment that teed by an “iron agreement” (Interfax, Moscow continues to back separatists in I say] fight, as I said, it means, in general, to his far-reaching objectives for this summit September 13). eastern Ukraine in a conflict that has killed work and struggle to counteract Putin’s could not be fully achieved at this point. Authored in 2015-2016 by Germany’s more than 13,000 people and displaced regime that wants, in the first place, to The Normandy group had not held a sum- then–minister of foreign affairs, Frank- almost 2 million people since April 2014. enslave Ukraine,” he said in the September mit in the last three years. The derailed Walter Steinmeier (head of state since Russia also took over Ukraine’s Crimean heads-of-state/government gathering is 23 interview. “This means an end to the 2017), the Steinmeier formula enjoys offi- peninsula in March 2014 in a move that has still expected to be held in Paris, but with- war in the , the return of our pris- cial support in Berlin and Paris, as well as been condemned by most countries. Kyiv out a substitute date as yet. oners, the return of Crimea. They are all the eager embrace of Russia. For its part, seeks to “secure peace in a civilized man- Moscow’s move to thwart or delay this things that every Ukrainian is obliged to Ukraine desperately but also creatively ner,” the Ukrainian president said. fight for. It does not mean that someone is summit has confounded Ukrainian resisted it in the Minsk Contact Group’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and it “Recovering all occupied Ukrainian territo- obliged to go somewhere and blow up negotiations during Mr. Poroshenko’s presi- ries are my primary objectives, but not at things. That is not it,” he said. A native of embarrassed French President Emmanuel dency. The Steinmeier formula‘s collective Macron. Both had eagerly sought this sum- the cost of the lives of Ukrainians,” he Crimea, Mr. Sentsov was a vocal opponent acceptance (as Mr. Ushakov suggested) by added. Mr. Zelenskyy on September 24 of Russia’s seizure and annexation of the mit and built high expectations on it. The the Normandy summit would mean, in recently elected Mr. Zelenskyy is hostage to cited the Kremlin’s actions as one of the Ukrainian region in March 2014. The film practice, imposing it on Mr. Zelenskyy’s two main factors that are keeping the coun- director was arrested on May 11, 2014, and his promises that he would bring “peace” by Ukraine. try from realizing its full potential. He told a Russian court convicted him the following agreement with Mr. Putin in the Normandy The Steinmeier formula basically pre- the U.N. Summit on Sustainable August on terrorism charges and sentenced framework by the end of this year. Mr. scribes the following sequence of steps to Development Goals in New York that him to 20 years in prison. Human rights Zelenskyy’s team hopes to achieve a quick implement the Minsk agreements: Ukraine preliminary agreement with Mr. Putin, “Russian aggression against Ukraine” is a activists and Western governments repeat- would enact a special status for the barrier that prevents Ukraine from achiev- based on elements of the Minsk accords Russian-controlled territory of the Donbas edly called on the Russian authorities to ing “sustainable development goals” and favoring Russia, but short of a conclusive in Ukraine’s Constitution; municipal-level release Mr. Sentsov, saying his arrest and that Kyiv can’t overcome it “without inter- Ukrainian capitulation as the Kremlin seeks “elections” would be staged on that territo- trial were politically motivated. On national support.” A tradition of political in the Donbas. For the moment, however, ry, by agreement with the Donetsk and September 7, Mr. Sentsov was released as “resistance” to much-needed reforms was the Kremlin’s preconditions to holding this Luhansk “people’s republics,” and notwith- part of a swap of dozens of prisoners the other obstacle he mentioned. In his summit have forced Mr. Zelenskyy (or his standing the presence of Russian and proxy between Ukraine and Russia. “I am not non-transparent team of advisers) to pull forces; Ukraine would bring that special address to the Leaders Dialogue at the fighting against Russia. I am fighting back from the brink at the last moment. status into effect temporarily on the date of summit, the Ukrainian leader expressed against Putin’s regime. This is not the same. For the host president, Mr. Macron, this those “elections” and on a permanent basis hope that diplomatic channels in tandem These things should not be confused,” Mr. was to be “his” summit; and the likely after those “elections” receive the with “international partners” can help Sentsov told RFE/RL. “You need to under- rescheduled summit would still be his. Mr. Organization for Security and Cooperation Ukraine regain territories it has lost to stand that the problem is not in prisoners. Macron is the only one among these four in Europe’s blessing (i.e., within days). The Russia and achieve peace. “No state can The problem is the fact that prisoners exist leaders who has established close bilateral withdrawal of “foreign” forces and the res- achieve sustainable development without because we have been attacked. That is, relations with each of the other three, co- toration of Ukrainian control on the peace and a sense of security,” Mr. there is a specific issue of prisoners and a opting Mr. Zelenskyy early on (see Eurasia Ukrainian-Russian border in that territory Zelenskyy said. “Sustainable development broader issue of the aggression against us. Daily Monitor, April 17). It is Mr. Macron’s are matters to be negotiated after those is impossible under the sounds of gunshots Without the aggression, there would not ambition to project France as convener and political steps would have been taken. The and explosions, it is impossible where have been any prisoners,” he said. There’s mediator in settling this major European two “people’s republics” and their military aggressive geopolitical strategies applaud- no definite figure for how many Ukrainians crisis, upstaging Germany in the process. organizations would remain in place, unaf- ing the invasion of other states and viola- are being held in Russian prisons, though To French diplomacy, implementing the fected by the municipal-level “elections.” tion of human rights and freedoms prevail.” Minsk accords on Russian-approved terms The Minsk Contact Group has generated an (RFE/RL, with reporting by AP and DPA) (Continued on page 14) is a means toward the larger goal of bring- abundant record of negotiations over the ing Russia back into Europe arm-in-arm Steinmeier formula in the last three years. with France, as Mr. Macron indicated in his The Normandy leaders did not hold any annual speech to French diplomats (Le summit during this three-year period. FOUNDED 1933 Monde, August 27). This goal can be Under the ground rules of this process, the THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY attained at Ukraine’s expense by cajoling top leaders are entitled collectively to hand Mr. Zelenskyy into concessions to Mr. Putin down instructions to the Minsk Contact An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. within the Normandy framework. Group. The Kremlin apparently expects the Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. Meanwhile, co-opting Mr. Zelenskyy is Mr. Normandy summit, when held, to break Macron’s attempt to displace German Ukraine’s resistance in the Minsk Contact Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. (ISSN — 0273-9348) Chancellor Angela Merkel from the first-fid- Group. This would require Mr. Zelenskyy’s dle seat on Ukraine that she held during acquiescence at the Normandy summit. Mr. The Weekly: UNA: Petro Poroshenko’s presidency. For her Zelenskyy’s eagerness for a quick-fix “end Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 part, Ms. Merkel displayed none of Mr. to the war” and a bilateral meeting with Mr. Zelenskyy’s and Mr. Macron’s eagerness to Putin at this Normandy summit encour- Postmaster, send address changes to: precipitate this summit, and her spokes- aged the Kremlin to expect foisting the The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz people had ambiguously suggested that Steinmeier formula on Ukraine’s new presi- 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas more time would be needed to prepare it. dent. Mr. Zelenskyy’s wholesale rejection of P.O. Box 280 Mr. Putin’s top advisor, Yurii Ushakov, the Poroshenko legacy, including on mat- Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] publicized Russia’s far-reaching objectives ters of war and peace with Russia, further for this summit on September 13, three emboldened the Kremlin. The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: days before the event’s scheduled date. Mr. On the other hand, the Steinmeier for- mula remains anathema (on a par with The Ukrainian Weekly, September 29, 2019, No. 39, Vol. LXXXVII “federalization”) in Ukrainian public opin- Copyright © 2019 The Ukrainian Weekly Correction ion. The representatives of Mr. Zelenskyy’s Due to a technical error, the story about team must take this fact into account. For the Ukrainian Independence Day celebra- all their eagerness to have a meeting with ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA tion in Binghamton, N.Y. (September 22), Mr. Putin, so as to “end the war”/“make included one photo and text from 2018. peace” by their self-imposed due date (this Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 The correct version of the report is already year’s end), Ukraine’s leeway for conces- e-mail: [email protected] available online at sions to Russia is limited. Mr. Zelenskyy’s Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 The new text and correct photo will e-mail: [email protected] appear in print in next week’s issue. (Continued on page 17) No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 3

NEWS ANALYSIS Russia-controlled Donbas “republics” remove from schools

by Halya Coynash March 2017, Russia tried to counter persecution that human rights groups are learning about nature in Russia, they study Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Ukraine’s accusation of discrimination aware of, it seems quite likely that objecting the nature of the Donbas. The one hour a Group against ethnic Ukrainians and Crimean to the lack of Ukrainian in schools could week the children have of Ukrainian is Tatars by, among other things, citing the fact easily result in a person being arrested and divided in half between language and read- Although Russia repeatedly claims that that Russian, Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar incarcerated on charges of “collaborating ing literature. Russian speakers were under threat in are all officially state languages. The court with the Ukrainian SBU” or some similar Tatyana notes that there are five hours of Crimea and Donbas, it is the Ukrainian lan- was unconvinced, and ordered Russia to trumped-up charge. There are very likely Russian language, but this, of course, is in guage that has come under attack as soon ensure availability of education in the many people who are unhappy about the addition to all the classes taking place in as Russia took actual or effective control. Ukrainian language. This is just one of the situation, but worried about being Russian. An additional compulsory subject, That is the case also with Ukrainian history orders Russia has flouted to the present day. denounced to the militants’ so-called “min- titled “civic awareness and spirituality of and culture. In the self-proclaimed Donetsk In an important study published on istry of state security” if they speak out. the Donbas” has been introduced. She adds and Luhansk “people’s republics” (DPR and September 2, Dmitry Durnev explains that Tatyana is now a former teacher of junior that “patriotism” is also given a huge LPR), there are no Ukrainian classes any- the self-proclaimed Donbas “republics” have classes who has left Donetsk, but she still amount of attention, with the first lesson of more, with the Ukrainian language taught also stated in their so-called constitutions insisted on total anonymity and voice dis- the school year titled “Five years of DPR – as a subject for one hour a week. This is that Ukrainian is the second “state language” tortion, as she does visit the occupied terri- we grow together with the republic.” very clearly a Russification program, with after Russian. In fact, however, no official tory. She says that pupils were able to finish “We were told that if it’s impossible to the textbooks for schools being brought proceedings are carried out in Ukrainian, the fourth grade still in Ukrainian, however replace some topic about Ukraine by into occupied Donbas by the so-called and all Ukrainian schools and classes are after that, there was no choice, they simply Donetsk or the Donbas, then we should “humanitarian” convoys from Russia. now in the Russian language, after a transi- had to go over to Russian. Older teachers of change it to any other about our own area,” The official line taken in both occupied tional phase from 2014 to 2016. Ukrainian language and literature in senior she explains. Crimea and the Donbas is identical: supply Mr. Durnev spoke with several teachers, classes simply lost their jobs. Other teachers Mr. Durnev says that in both unrecog- has not been terminated, it’s just that the including some who are currently teaching of all subjects were given the option of nized “republics,” a system of education has number of those demanding Ukrainian has in Donbas schools. All agreed to speak with retraining to teach in Russian. In 2015, they been created since 2014 that is based on radically decreased. During the preliminary him only on strict condition that their received textbooks with the syllabus now the Russian grading system and on the hearings into Ukraine’s case against Russia names were concealed, and voices on according to the School of Russia. The only at the U.N.’s International Court of Justice in recordings distorted. Judging by cases of exception is nature studies, where instead of (Continued on page 4)

FOR THE RECORD Alexander Motyl honored with Antonovych Foundation award Pompeo answers news network’s questions about administration’s contacts with Ukraine Transcripts of U.S. Secretary of State selves while Barack Obama allowed one- Michael R. Pompeo’s appearances on Sunday fifth of Ukraine to be stolen by Vladimir morning political affairs programs of Putin. This administration is working to September 22 were provided by the U.S. develop a great relationship with Ukraine. Department of State. Following are excerpts We’ll see President [Volodymyr] Zelensky referring to Ukraine. this week here in New York, I think, and we’re looking forward to that. With Margaret Brennan QUESTION: Will you ask him or have of CBS’s “Face the Nation” you asked him to open an investigation? QUESTION: I want to also ask you about SECRETARY POMPEO: I’ve talked to the Ukraine. The president’s personal attorney, foreign minister now a couple of times. We Rudy Giuliani, is publicly calling for an talk about the important relationship investigation by the Ukrainian government between our two countries and how we into Joe Biden, who is obviously a political can make Ukraine stronger and have great opponent of the president. Is it appropriate economic commerce between our two for the president’s personal attorney to be Yaro Bihun great nations. inserting himself in foreign affairs like this? Ambassador congratulates Alexander Motyl, laureate of the Omelian and Tatiana Antonovych Foundation award for 2019. Standing beside them at the SECRETARY POMPEO: If there was elec- With Martha Raddatz September 13 ceremony at the Embassy of Ukraine in Washington are tion interference that took place by the vice- of ABC’s “This Week” of the Harvard University Ukrainian Research Institute (left), and (on the right) the president, I think the American people QUESTION: And I want to turn to this head of the award advisory jury, Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak, and foundation deserve to know. We know there was inter- whistleblower complaint, Mr. Secretary, the board members Ihor Voyevidka and Roman Slonewsky. ference in the 2016 election, and if it’s the complaint involving the president and a case that there was something going on with ionable to be an expert on Ukraine,” she said. phone call with a foreign leader to the by Yaro Bihun the president or his family that caused a Prof. Motyl is the 73rd award laureate director of national intelligence inspector conflict of interest and Vice-President Biden WASHINGTON – This year’s Omelian since the Antonovych Foundation award general. That’s where the complaint was and Tatiana Antonovych Foundation award presentations began in 1981. The first behaved in a way that was inconsistent with launched by the whistleblower. The Wall was presented on September 13 at the award laureate was the Ukrainian writer the way leaders ought to operate, I think the Street Journal is reporting that President Embassy of Ukraine to Alexander Motyl, Vasyl Barka, and last year’s was another American people deserve to know that. Trump pressed the professor of political science at Rutgers writer, . QUESTION: So you think it’s appropri- eight times to work with Rudy Giuliani to University, who also taught at Columbia, The award is accompanied by a $10,000 ate for Rudy Giuliani to be doing that? Has investigate Joe Biden’s son. What do you Harvard and other universities. grant. the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine been providing know about those conversations? As Dr. Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak, Opening the evening event at the support, the State Department been sup- SECRETARY POMPEO: So you just gave who chairs the Antonovych award nomi- Ukrainian Embassy, Ambassador Valeriy porting what he’s doing? me a report about an IC [Intelligence nation committee that selected him for Chaly thanked the foundation for choosing SECRETARY POMPEO: So I’m not going Community] whistleblower complaint, this year’s award, noted during the cere- to conduct its award presentation event 10 to talk about that, other than to say this: We none of which I’ve seen. I can tell you about mony, Prof. Motyl had focused much of his years ago at the Embassy’s historic build- have consistently worked to support the this administration’s policies with Ukraine. attention over the past few decades on ing. He also shared the news that his four- Ukrainian people. I remember the previous I remember the previous administration Ukraine’s development of its independent year ambassadorial assignment here would was begged, begged by the Ukrainian peo- administration. I was – Margaret, you’ll course after the fall of the . end in two days, September 15. ple, to deliver defensive arms so that they remember I was a member of Congress, “Ukraine now makes and promotes its On behalf of the foundation, Ihor could protect themselves from Vladimir and Barack Obama refused to provide news worldwide, sometimes even on the Voyevidka expressed its gratitude for the Putin and Russia, and they gave them blan- defensive weapon systems to the Ukrainian front pages,” she said, noting that Prof. ambassador’s collaboration and support of kets. This administration took seriously the Motyl “continues to be a sobering voice their work. people. He sent them blankets. responsibility of the Ukrainian people. among the myriad of writers and scholars Accepting his award, Prof. Motyl spoke This president, much to the consterna- We’ve provided now on multiple occasions about contemporary Ukraine, and remains about how his interest in Ukraine back in tion of Vladimir Putin, who – you know resources so that the Ukrainians can interested in the country, not just in what Soviet times developed into a need to there’s this storyline about Russia and defend themselves. We’ve worked on that. makes the big headlines.” engage the world in this subject. we’re weak on Russia. This president sent We are working. We’ll see President “Motyl studied Ukraine, wrote – and even- defensive weapon systems to the tually blogged about it – before it was fash- (Continued on page 4) Ukrainians so they could defend them- (Continued on page 4) 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 No. 39

OBITUARY Mark von Hagen, scholar and tireless promoter of Ukrainian studies, 65

American Association for Ukrainian Studies Multiethnic Societies and Nation-Building” (1997), “Culture, Nation, and Identity: The Ukrainian-Russian Encounter” Mark von Hagen, one of the leading U.S. historians (2003), “Russian Empire: Space, People, Power” (2007) and working on Ukrainian themes, past president of the “Empire and Nationalism at War” (2014). International Association for Ukrainian Studies (2002– His lifelong interest in research on World War I led to 2005), and past president of the American Association for the publication of his monograph “War in a European the Advancement of Slavic Studies (now ASEEES, 2010), Borderland: Occupations and Occupation Plans in Galicia died on September 15. He was 65. and Ukraine, 1914-1918” (2007). With the death of Prof. von Hagen, the academic com- At the time of his death, he was working on a manu- munity, and Ukrainian scholarship in particular, has lost a script on Ukraine during the struggle for independence in distinguished historian, a brilliant intellectual, and a lead- 1917-1921, which will hopefully see its publication soon. ing figure in the furthering of Ukrainian studies in the U.S. In 2003, Prof. von Hagen was commissioned by The and abroad. As director of the Harriman Institute he forged New York Times to study the role of , the the future of Ukrainian studies at Columbia, as president of paper’s Moscow correspondent in the 1930s, in covering the International Association for Ukrainian Studies he con- up the tragedy of the . Duranty’s win of the tributed to international scholarly collaboration, and more Pulitzer Prize for his reporting from the Soviet Union was recently as a dean at the Ukrainian Free University in extremely controversial, and Prof. von Hagen, after careful- Munich, he helped to sustain the future of an important ly examining the evidence, recommended that Duranty’s European educational center, training Ukrainian scholars. prize be revoked. While his advice was not followed, Prof. Throughout his career as educator, he reached out to train von Hagen’s report helped bring worldwide attention to hundreds of young historians, guiding many of the them in Holodomor and its lasting tragic consequences. their research in Ukrainian history. Many members of the American Association for Prof. von Hagen was born in Cincinnati; his father was Prof. Mark von Hagen Ukrainian Studies treasure memories of Prof. von Hagen’s in the military, so the family moved often, eventually set- friendliness and warmth, his hospitality, good humor and tling in Colorado. He received his undergraduate degree now. He continued strong involvement in Ukrainian stud- his legendary accordion playing skills. We are especially from , followed by an M.A. in Slavic ies at State as well. grateful for his tireless work as president of the language and literature from Indiana University and a Prof. von Hagen’s contributions to Ukrainian studies are International Association for Ukrainian Studies aimed at Ph.D. in history from . He taught at numerous. As a scholar, he is perhaps best remembered for reforming and modernizing Ukrainian academic institu- from 1985 to 2009, and then at his article with a provocative title “Does Ukraine Have a tions. His contribution to Ukrainian studies in the U.S. and from 2009 until his retirement History?” published in Slavic Review in 1995, accompanied in the West more broadly over the past three decades is earlier this year, while simultaneously holding the position by a cluster of responses by other leading scholars. It led to hard to overestimate. of a dean at the Ukrainian Free University. a fundamental rethinking of the role and place of Ukraine in At Columbia, Prof. von Hagen served from 1989 to 2001 Western historical scholarship. In the late 1990s to early – Oxana Shevel, AAUS President; Paul D’Anieri, AAUS Vice as the associate director and then director of the Harriman 2000s he was among the scholars who pioneered post- President; Vitaly Chernetsky, AAUS Past President; Alexandra Institute, and played a key role in Columbia’s strong invest- colonial approaches to the study of the Soviet empire. Hrycak, AAUS Past President; Myroslava Tomorug Znayenko, ment in Ukrainian studies both at that time and up until His many co-edited volumes include “After Empire: AAUS Past President.

schools as during Soviet times (six to seven hours a week Russia-controlled... of Russian language and literature). Pompeo answers... Mr. Durnev says that, while there is very little commer- (Continued from page 3) cial advertising in Donetsk, you can find political agitation (Continued from page 3) Russian textbooks that Russia transported to the occupied about the “republic” everywhere. A recent study also found Zelensky this week. We want a good relationship with the Donbas in its “humanitarian convoys.” These convoys are much disinformation about Ukraine in the “republics,” with Ukrainian people. illegal, and there are grounds, including boasts from the most of the favorites for fake news the same as in the militants themselves, for believing that they have often car- Russian state-controlled media. If in 2017, 11 percent of QUESTION: Let me read something that the — ried weapons. Given the acute need for all kinds of basic content constituted disinformation, while in April of this SECRETARY POMPEO: We want them to have freedom items, it is also noteworthy that they should have instead year 21 percent of news about Ukraine was of dubious and independence. But, Martha, if it’s the case that — brought books aimed at strengthening Russia’s grasp and accuracy or outright fakes or disinformation. Such a high level of disinformation is of major concern, QUESTION: You say you know nothing about this, but influence over the Donbas. let me ask you this question. The Ukrainian presidential Students can later travel to Rostov-on-Don (across the given that the vast majority of people in these areas have readout of the conversation said they discussed, quote, uncontrolled border into Russia) and take Russian matricu- no access to Ukrainian media. One of the first things that “investigation of corruption cases which inhibited the lation exams. There are special quotas for students from the happened as soon as the Russian and pro-Russian militants interaction between Ukraine and the USA.” The president Donbas to enter Russian universities. What is significantly seized control of an area in 2014 was that Ukrainian televi- tweeted Saturday, “It was a perfectly fine and respectful harder is for these young Ukrainians to pass the Ukrainian sion channels were taken off the air, with Russian or mili- conversation.” Do you think it’s, quote, “perfectly fine” to school exit exams and compete for a place in Ukrainian uni- tant channels using their frequencies. A large number of versities. There are concessions for young students from Ukrainian Internet sites, especially ones like News of the ask a foreign leader to investigate a political opponent? the Donbas, but they will need to have separately studied Donbas that report honestly on events in the “republics” SECRETARY POMPEO: I think I saw a statement from Ukrainian to an adequate level, getting additional instruc- are blocked. This means that the population in the occu- the Ukrainian foreign minister yesterday that said there was tion in both the Ukrainian language and Ukrainian history. pied Donbas is receiving information from channels that no pressure applied in the course of the conversation. I do Another teacher, one still working in Donetsk, told Mr. are overtly propagandist and anti-Ukrainian, while chil- think – I do think if Vice-President Biden behaved inappro- Durnev that the situation now reminds her of 1984, when dren are growing up using the aggressor state’s textbooks priately, if he was protecting his son and intervened with the she first began teaching. In the Russian-controlled “repub- and learning dangerous fiction about essentially fake Ukrainian leadership in a way that was corrupt, I do think lic,” there is the same amount of Russian in secondary republics. we need to get to the bottom of that, Martha. And I hope that we will. I hope that if Vice-President Biden engaged in behavior that was inappropriate, I hope the American peo- Kyiv-Mohyla Academy’s main library, the renovation of the ple will come to learn that. America can’t have — Alexander Motyl... Vasyl Stefanyk Library and Artists Palace in Lviv, and the building of the Boykivshchyna Museum in Dolyna, in west- QUESTION: We’ve seen no evidence of that yet. But I (Continued from page 3) ern Ukraine, where Omelan Antonovych was born in 1914. want to go back to the question — He noted that “there has been a sea change in the view The foundation also provided $100,000 to help finance SECRETARY POMPEO: America cannot have our elec- of Ukraine” and that today “Ukrainian studies are fully in the building of the Ukrainian Holodomor Memorial in tions interfered with. America cannot have our elections the mainstream,” despite the continuing war with Russia Washington, which was officially dedicated three years ago. interfered with. And if that’s what took place there, if there and other negative happenings. Omelan Antonovych spent his early adult years as a was that kind of activity engaged in by Vice-President For years, Ukraine was criticized for not being like Ukrainian nationalist activist and spent some time as a Biden, we need to know. political prisoner in Polish and Nazi prisons. Later, he Poland and Hungary. But now, as he noted, that isn’t so. QUESTION: There’s no evidence of that yet. But if the received a law degree at the Ukrainian Free University in “Countries zig, and countries zag.” conversation was perfectly fine, as President Trump said, Prague in 1943. After World War II, he married Tatiana And concluding his remarks, Prof. Motyl pointed out why not release the transcript or a portion to the public? that now a “single stream” has formed, uniting Ukraine and Terlecky, a physician who later became a world-renowned its diaspora. kidney specialist. SECRETARY POMPEO: The White House will have to Omelan and Tatiana Antonovych established their foun- After the war, the couple emigrated to the United States, explain the – they’re – you know, Martha, they – we don’t dation in 1980, with the goal of advancing the study of settling in Washington, where Dr. Tatiana Antonovych release transcripts very often. It’s the rare case. Those are Ukrainian culture. Since then, it has donated about $3 mil- worked as a scholar and taught in the capital area medical private conversations between world leaders, and it lion to help finance the development of many academic schools, while Mr. Antonovych focused on ranching and wouldn’t be appropriate to do so except in the most and cultural institutions and monuments in Ukraine, real estate. extreme circumstances. There’s no evidence that that among them, the reconstruction the National University of She passed away in 2001, and he died in 2008. would be appropriate here at this point. No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 5

UNA CELEBRATES 125 YEARS: A snapshot from history, 1983

All these smiling faces seen in the photo above are those of The annual boys’ and girls’ camps at Soyuzivka originated A photo archive of UNA history girls age 7 to 11 and counselors of the Children’s Camp that in the 1950s, soon after the UNA purchased the property in has been launched on the UNA web- took place at Soyuzivka, the UNA’s heritage center in upstate Kerhonkson, N.Y., in 1952. With the beginning of 2015, the site. It is a work in progress that will New York, during the summer of 1983. The camp leader was Ukrainian National Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organi- be expanded and refined. To take a Stephanie (Stefa) Hawryluk, who later became an advisor zation, became the owner of Soyuzivka. The UNF had been look, go to on the Ukrainian National Association’s General Assembly. established as the charitable arm of the UNA in 1992. is-125-years-old/. 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 No. 39

WINDOW ON EURASIA THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY Zelenskyy and Trump Ukrainian economy doing much better For days now, Ukraine has been on the front pages of our newspapers and in the lead stories on our news networks. Normally, that would be good news, but not so than that of Russia, says economist much in this case. Unfortunately, Ukraine has become a political football in the U.S. by Paul Goble over the last four years, European Union as the 2020 presidential election draws nearer. investment has helped open “more than At the center of the news is a July 25 telephone conversation between Donald The spate of bad economic news in 200 industrial enterprises”; exports to the Trump and Volodymyr Zelenskyy in which the U.S. president – directly after hearing Russia has led Moscow to try again what it EU have risen more than 30 percent since from Mr. Zelenskyy that Kyiv is ready to buy more Javelins – appears to be pressur- has done so often in the past: tell Russians 2015; and even the liberalization of the visa ing the Ukrainian president into doing him a “favor.” Mr. Trump says he would like that no matter how bad things are in their regime has helped promote economic Mr. Zelenskyy to find out what happened with CrowdStrike (an Internet security country, the situation in the “non-existent growth. company that looked into the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s servers state” of Ukraine is worse. But now, Also helping Ukraine to grow economi- back in 2016 and determined that two groups connected to the Russian government Moscow has a problem: the situation in cally is that its system is still oligarchic but were responsible), adding that it’s believed Ukraine has one of the servers. Ukraine isn’t worse but better, economist it is competitive. That is, various oligarchic According to the just-released memorandum about the phone call, Mr. Trump also Vladislav Inozemtsev says. groups are represented in the government, asks Mr. Zelenskyy to look into “talk about Biden’s son, that [Joe] Biden stopped the Despite all the problems economic and but they have to compete with each other, prosecution.” The reference is to the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, whose board otherwise Ukraine faces, the Moscow ana- unlike in Russia where competition is usu- included Hunter Biden, and to the sacking of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, lyst says, in the second quarter of this year, ally suppressed, something that “kills the whose firing was demanded not only by then-Vice-President Biden but also by other Ukraine had the highest rate of GDP growth investment climate,” the economist notes. Western leaders because of his failure to fight corruption. It should be noted that in the last three years (4.6 percent), sala- Moreover, and in contrast to Russia, Burisma was not being investigated at the time of Mr. Shokin’s removal. Nonetheless ries rose by 10 percent, capital investment Ukraine has “a quite effective judicial sys- the Biden case has, at the very least, the appearance of impropriety. by 17.8 percent, and construction by 21.2 tem, the rights of investors (especially for- Also key to the controversy over the two presidents’ phone conversation is the percent ( eign ones) are respected, and entrepre- fact that, prior to the call, Mr. Trump held up $391 million in U.S. aid to Ukraine. The 2499311-echo/). neurialism is not, unlike in Russia, a crimi- accusation is that the president did so to have leverage in getting Mr. Zelenskyy to do The Ukrainian government argues that nally punishable phenomenon. Even state his bidding. Observers are calling this a shakedown and saying Mr. Trump was using the main drivers of this acceleration were companies there to a much greater degree U.S. foreign policy for his own political purposes – to affect the presidential cam- expanded agricultural production and than in Russia act like commercial organi- paign by damaging a political rival. Mr. Trump calls all this a “witch hunt” and blames retail trade growth in the first half of the zations and not like government agencies.” it on the “fake news media.” year, Mr. Inozemtsev says. But those devel- “All this lays the foundation for the Thus, it must have been a stressful week for Ukraine’s inexperienced president, opments “have their own causes,” and they maintenance of positive macro-economic who arrived in New York to address the United Nations General Assembly and for a are far from the only things going on that trends,” Mr. Inozemtsev says. meeting with the U.S. leader on the sidelines of U.N. events. It is clear to all that are boosting the Ukrainian economy. Moreover, not only have government Ukraine is deeply dependent on U.S. aid of various forms and that Mr. Zelenskyy could In part, he continues, the large percent- and police raiding of businesses fallen, but find himself in a no-win situation. His words could determine whether Kyiv loses the age increases reflect the low base from there is hope that, with the coming to support of Democrats in Congress or that of the Trump administration. At a press which Ukraine started, given the fall in real power of a new regime, taxes will be briefing with Mr. Trump, Ukraine’s president treaded carefully; he called their phone incomes over the last four years and the reduced and bureaucracy will be cut back. conversation “good” and “normal,” said “nobody pushed me,” and underscored – weakening of the national currency. But in And the new regime may gain statistical most appropriately – “I don’t want to be involved in democratic elections of U.S.A.” the last year, he says, “the trend has growth if it is able to shift more of the The other bad news this week was that, once again, Ukraine was being depicted changed.” Openness to Europe has allowed Ukrainian economy out of the gray zone. in the news media as hopelessly corrupt. (For example, the Associated Press wrote: Ukrainians to work abroad, increasing com- At present, approximately 30 percent of “…Ukraine has long been considered one of Eastern Europe’s most corrupt coun- petition at home and boosting confidence. GDP is in the gray zone. If the government Obviously, the growth in Ukraine’s GDP tries…”) Once again, the image being presented was that of a failed state. This belies can reduce that by several percent, it will from 2015 to 2019, from $90.6 billion (U.S.) the real progress Ukraine has made in recent years in combatting corruption, includ- see reported GDP go up by a similar to $131 billion, is in large measure a recov- ing the fact that Ukraine’s High Anti-Corruption Court is now a reality – a function- amount. While that reflects bookkeeping ing entity as of September 5. ery and won’t be “eternal, but it must not rather than production, it will by itself give The stories about the U.S.-Ukraine phone call and corruption in Ukraine dominat- be underrated” as Russian commentators more people confidence in the economy ed the news and overshadowed anything the neophyte president would say to the often do. And there are several other cir- and thus contribute to real growth. world. In the opening of his speech on September 25, Mr. Zelenskyy asked his fellow cumstances that lay the foundation for “Undoubtedly,” Mr. Inozemtsev con- leaders to recall their first speeches from the U.N. rostrum: “Remember how impor- optimism about the future. cludes, “Ukraine remains in many ways a tant it was to tell the problems and troubles of your country and your people to the “Cooperation with the U.S. has become a country with many problems… but the world back then. How important it was to be heard. I have the same feelings today.” major boon for Ukraine,” he continues. Plus, direction of the development of the He went on to speak about the costs of Russia’s war and how the numbers of those Ukrainian economy toward liberalization, killed, wounded and displaced grow every year, how Ukraine needs the world’s sup- Paul Goble is a long-time specialist on openness to the outside work and the port. “…in today’s world, where we live, there is no longer someone else’s war. None ethnic and religious questions in Eurasia. encouragement of competition leaves no of you can feel safe when there is a war in Ukraine, when there is a war in Europe.” In The article above is reprinted with permis- doubt and therefore, as in 2004, one can his meeting with Mr. Trump later that day, Mr. Zelenskyy stated: “We have two wars. sion from his blog called “Window on say ‘Ukraine isn’t Russia.’ ” The first is against corruption, but I am sure that we will certainly win in this war. Eurasia” (http://windowoneurasia2. “Neither in a political nor in an econom- However, my priority is to stop the war in Donbas and regain our territories – ic sense,” he adds. Crimea, Donbas.” That, dear readers, is what must be the focus for Ukraine. Yes, Ukraine needs U.S. support, but it cannot and should not become involved in the presidential campaign in the U.S. And the U.S. must treat Ukraine as the strategic ally that it is, and not as a CALL TO ACTION tool to be used by politicians for personal gain. Duranty’s infamous Pulitzer Prize Turning the pages back... As we get closer to the annual obser- stations and through electronic social Sept vance of Holodomor in November, the U.S. media. A sample letter appears below. It is Committee for Ukrainian Holodomor- of utmost urgency that we let the world Two years ago, on September 29, 2017, the United States and Genocide Awareness asks for your support know that the time has come to finally 29 Ukraine conducted the first U.S-Ukraine Bilateral Cyber Dialogue in bringing attention to your community remove Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize. in Kyiv. and general public about the infamous * * * 2017 As a demonstration of the U.S. commitment to supporting Pulitzer Prize given to Walter Duranty, cor- The Pulitzer Prize Committee is ignoring cybersecurity in Ukraine, U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch respondent for during the U.S Committee on Ukrainian announced at the dialogue that the U.S. would provide over $5 Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror. Holodomor-Genocide Awareness, further million in new cyber assistance to strengthen Ukraine’s ability to prevent, mitigate and After several attempts by the Ukrainian referred to as the U.S. Holodomor respond to cyberattacks. The dialogue strengthened whole-of-government bilateral coop- community to press The New York Times Committee. On the 85th anniversary of the eration on cybersecurity and cyber policy matters. and the Pulitzer Committee to revoke horrific Ukrainian Famine perpetrated by Recognizing the important nature of cyber threats, participants shared approaches on Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize, as late as last Joseph Stalin in 1932-1933, the committee organizing cybersecurity policy structures and cyber incident response procedures. They November on the Holodomor’s 85th anni- sent a letter requesting to meet with Ms. discussed ways to protect critical infrastructure and military systems, and exchanged views versary, the Pulitzer Committee refuses to Dana Canedy, administrator of the Pulitzer on cyber confidence-building efforts at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in meet and discuss Duranty’s undeserved Prizes, to discuss revoking the prize given Europe. Participants also reviewed ongoing U.S. cyber assistance efforts in Ukraine. prize. The U.S. Committee for Ukrainian to Walter Duranty. The letter was signed by Both sides also affirmed their commitment to an Internet that is open, interoperable, Holodomor-Genocide Awareness is asking 36 distinguished spiritual, political and aca- reliable and secure. They also expressed a shared concern that the most serious malicious for immediate action by contacting editors (Continued on page 14) of newspapers, magazines, television, radio (Continued on page 15) No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 7

BOOK REVIEW Atlas of Ukrainians in the United States “Atlas of Ukrainians in the United States: Sociologists like to look at socioeconomic status and use Demographic and Socio-economic Characteristics,” by it to compare ethnic groups. The atlas’s data allows us to Oleh Wolowyna. New York: Shevchenko Scientific Society, determine the basic standing of Ukrainians in American 2019. 264 pp. ISBN: 978-0-578-47245-4. society by comparing Ukrainians not only to themselves but also to the general population of Americans. by Wsevolod W. Isajiw Particularly, one can look at the basic elements of social Dr. Oleh Wolowyna’s “Atlas of Ukrainians in the United status: occupation, education, income and poverty. States: Demographic and Socio-economic Characteristics” For example, the data establishes that Ukrainians have is perhaps one of the first comprehensive Atlases of an eth- proportionally more highly educated persons than in the nic group in the U.S.A. In 380 maps, 15 figures and three general U.S. population. Also, Ukrainian females with a tables, the atlas provides a thorough picture of the histori- master’s degree or higher slightly outnumber males (34.6 cal and current demographic and socioeconomic status of percent to 34.1 percent, respectively) in 2010, but among the Ukrainian community from the first wave of immigra- persons with doctoral degrees and professionals, the per- tion in 1899 up until very recently in 2010. centage is higher for males (22 percent) than for females The indicators presented in the maps were calculated (19 percent). Furthermore, the great majority of all from the powerful integrated database constructed by the Ukrainians in the U.S. (93.5 percent) have a high school Center for Demographic and Socio-economic Research of diploma or higher. All Ukrainians 25 years of age or older Ukrainians in the United States at the Shevchenko in 78 major metropolitan areas have a much higher per- Scientific Society, which is directed by Dr. Wolowyna. The centage of persons with higher education level (21 per- center makes comprehensive use of official U.S. govern- cent) than the total U.S. population (10 percent). ment statistics, surveys and immigration reports, and uses Both percentages of highly educated persons and pover- this data to analyze the relative place of Ukrainians within ty levels vary in different states. The percent below the American society. poverty level is significantly lower in 2009 for Ukrainians The topics and demographic and socioeconomic charac- (10 percent) than for the total U.S. population (15 percent). teristics covered include historical migration, recent immi- Ukrainians as a whole have significantly higher median gration from Ukraine, internal migration, population distri- household income ($59,200) than the total U.S. population Stamford also has the lowest percentage below the poverty bution by state and in over 55 metropolitan areas, with ($51,100), while immigrants, especially the so-called level (8 percent) for the total U.S. population. Ukrainian percentages of the Fourth Wave and of those speaking fourth wave, have higher percentages of persons below males have a 90 percent or higher labor force participation Ukrainian at home. There are also chapters on age and sex, poverty level. Metropolitan areas with the highest percent- in Kansas City, Mo., and three other major metropolitan place of birth, ancestry, citizenship, ability to speak English, ages of Ukrainians below the poverty level in 2009 are areas, while females have the second-highest percentage of education, labor force, income and poverty status, housing Greenville, S.C. (46 percent) and Asheville, N.C. (42 per- self-employment (23 percent) in Kansas City. Also, Fourth characteristics, and a comparison of Ukrainians with the cent). Asheville has the lowest median household income Wave immigrants seem to be more entrepreneurial than total U.S. population. The Foreword, written by Dr. Myron ($26.7k) among all Ukrainians in 2009, and only 6 percent Ukrainian U.S.-born and other immigrants. Kansas City B. Kuropas, discusses ethnonational identity and stresses, of Ukrainians with a master’s degree or higher. (Missouri-Kansas) has the highest percent self-employed quite rightly, the potential of the atlas’s plethora of data At the other end of the scale, the lowest percentages of for Fourth Wave immigrants (49 percent). about Ukrainian Americans that should be put to use by Ukrainians below the poverty level (1 percent) are in community leaders and others. Stamford, Conn., and Kansas City (Missouri-Kansas). (Continued on page 14)

Exhibition catalogue for “Full Circle: Ukraine’s Struggle for Independence 100 Years Ago, 1917-1921” is released

The Ukrainian Museum tury ago into a compelling narrative in the catalogue, the the Sich Riflemen (Sichovi Striltsi) who lost their lives in perfect complement to the fascinating objects on display in the 1918 uprising against the Hetmanate; the pen used by NEW YORK – The Ukrainian Museum has announced the Museum’s galleries. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson to sign the Ukrainian Day the release of its latest catalogue, “Full Circle: Ukraine’s External forces during the political upheavals of the Proclamation in April 1917; state papers documenting Struggle for Independence 100 Years Ago, 1917-1921,” early 20th century undermined Ukraine’s place in the Ukraine’s bid to join the League of Nations; the state seal of published in conjunction with the exhibition by the same world, as historical records attest. This exhibition and its the Ukrainian Central Rada and the Great Seal of the name. The catalogue for “Full Circle,” one of the most accompanying catalogue provide irrefutable evidence of Ukrainian National Republic; and printing stones for the important exhibitions ever mounted at The Ukrainian Ukraine’s bids for statehood while fighting against insur- production of 1,000 karbovanets banknotes in 1918. Museum in New York, is an essential resource for anyone mountable odds. The exhibition and its eponymous cata- Relying on a large number of contributors (thirty-four, who has toured the show, and even more indispensable for logue are bound to inspire historians to revisit that period to be exact) for catalogue texts, Mr. Savchuk pooled togeth- those who haven’t. in Ukraine’s history. Benefitting from many of the materials er the knowledge of qualified specialists such as historians, The guest curator of the exhibition, Yurii Savchuk, uncovered by the exhibition curator, items that in many curators, librarians, archivists and researchers. Thirty- senior researcher at the Institute of History, National cases were unknown until now, historians can re-examine seven institutions from five countries – Bulgaria, Poland, Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kyiv, expertly weaves that period with a fresh, critical eye and authoritatively Switzerland, Ukraine and the United States – cooperated in the story of Ukraine’s fight for existence more than a cen- challenge the status quo interpretations and false narra- lending objects to the exhibition (an abbreviated version of tives that abound. The average visitor and reader, on the “Full Circle” exhibited in Kyiv in 2018 included items from other hand, will enjoy the introduction of newly found and Poland that were not part of the New York show). intriguing objects that underscore Ukraine’s existence as a An impressive 312-page softcover book, the bilingual bona fide state among its neighboring European nations in catalogue costs $39 and boasts an essay by Mr. Savchuk, the early 20th century. several forewords, and color illustrations with captions Mr. Savchuk, who for the past three years patiently bur- and detailed contextual information of all objects exhibited rowed into the collections and archives of institutions in both in Kyiv and in New York, as well as many historical several countries, ultimately brought together an impres- photographs. The exhibition and catalogue design are by sive array of authentic letters, diplomatic correspondence, Volodymyr Taran. Published by The Ukrainian Museum, war memorabilia, propaganda posters, flags, uniform insig- the exhibition and the accompanying catalogue for “Full nias, currency designs, banking documents, drawings of Circle: Ukraine’s Struggle for Independence 100 Years Ago, national emblems and uniforms, and countless photo- 1917-1921” is supported in part by the Embassy of graphs – all of which attest to Ukraine’s nascent state-build- Ukraine in the U.S., the Fulbright Program in Ukraine ing efforts that matured within a very short period of time. (administered by the Institute of International Education), In the catalogue, the curator skillfully outlines the develop- Self Reliance New York Federal Credit Union, as well as the ment of the Ukrainian idea during those critical years, thus many sponsors of the exhibition. enhancing conventional scholarship on the topic and pro- The exhibition closes shortly – September 29 is the last viding tangible evidence in support of his research. day for visitors to see it. Once disassembled, the objects The majority of the items are on display for the first will be carefully packed up by the museum’s team and time, and the exhibition catalogue remains as a record of returned to the institutional and private lenders. For those these objects for posterity. Among other things, the exhibi- who missed the show, the catalogue offers the opportunity tion showcases rare objects from key historical events such to capture the essence of the exhibition and at the same as the original ratification document of the peace treaty time allows readers to immerse themselves in the histori- signed in Brest-Litovsk on February 9, 1918, between the cal account bolstered by the display objects in illustrations. Ukrainian National Republic and the Central Powers The catalogue “Full Circle: Ukraine’s Struggle for (Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Germany, and Turkey); memo- Independence 100 Years Ago, 1917-1921” ($39, softcover) rabilia of historical figures such as Symon Petliura and is available online at or by Volodymyr Vynnychenko; a silver funeral wreath honoring calling 212-228-0110. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 No. 39 No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 9 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 No. 39

Philadelphia community celebrates Ukraine’s independence by Ulana Baluch Mazurkevich remarks, Ms. Mazurkevich called for a moment of silence for the thousands who JENKINTOWN, Pa. – A concert celebrat- died in protecting Ukraine’s independence. ing the independence of Ukraine was held The attendees then joined in the singing of Saturday, August 24, at the Ukrainian the American national anthem, led by Yulia Educational and Cultural Center in Stupen, and the Ukrainian national anthem, Jenkintown, a suburb of Philadelphia. The led by the bandurists Shabli Kobzariv. celebratory concert was organized by the Ms. Mazurkevich introduced Ukrainian Community Committee of Metropolitan-Archbishop , Philadelphia, which is composed of 27 who was accompanied by Bishop Andriy organizations and is empowered to orga- Rabiy. In a moving prayer and remarks, nize united community events. Metropolitan Borys reflected on the mean- The concert was opened by the head of ing of the independence of Ukraine, asking the committee, Ulana Baluch Mazurkevich. the question “Where were you when Flanked by representatives of Ukrainian Ukraine declared its independence? He youth organizations, she greeted the then recalled where he was and his joyous attendees with the traditional “Slava reaction to Ukraine’s independence. Ukraini” (Glory to Ukraine). After brief Metropolitan Borys also spoke of the Yaroslav Bilohan Actors of the play-montage about the history of Ukraine. responsibilities that this independence Ukraine Will Be” (music by R. Demchyshyn, placed on Ukraine and on all of us, and words by Z. Ruzhyn). cited numerous accomplishments of The Ukrainian community was happy to Ukraine in its 28 years of independence. welcome for the first time to Philadelphia The highlight of the concert was the Archbishop Daniel of the Ukrainian play-montage about the history of Ukraine, Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. In his prayer which was directed and produced by Juriy and remarks the archbishop responded to Nakonechny. In a dramatic fashion and in the query posed by Metropolitan Borys, appropriate costumes, the young actors “Where were you when Ukraine declared depicted five different periods of Ukrainian its independence?” Archbishop Daniel com- history, beginning with the Princely Era and mented that, at that moment, he did not ending with the Revolution of Dignity. know what being a Ukrainian in Ukraine Historical commentary was delivered in meant, having lived all his life in a Soviet Ukrainian by Osyp Roshka and in English Ukraine. by Sophia Pitula. Archbishop Daniel then spoke about the The accomplished choir Accolada, under dreams and hopes of Ukrainians in Ukraine, the baton of Bohdan Henhalo, captivated underscoring the suffering that Ukraine the audience with its versatile repertoire, faces in the undeclared war with Russia. Concert performers and organizers with Ukrainian Catholic and Ukrainian from “The Wide Dnipro Roars,” set to Orthodox hierarchs in attendance. words by Taras Shevchenko, to “Ukraine Is, (Continued on page 17) Fi h Vyshyvanka Run New York is in the books by Tetiana Samokysh NEW YORK – About 160 people who care about Ukrainian culture, community and a healthy lifestyle joined the 2019 Vyshyvanka Run New York. They demonstrated a real Ukrainian spirit to New Yorkers and guests of the city while running in Central Park, the world’s most famous and beloved park. This year, there were not only walking and running groups, but also a 160-meter (1/10 mile) kids’ race for the first time ever. All the children did great and received very

Roman Verhnyak Vyshyvanka Run participants in front of the Ukrainian Institute of America. nice medals for their participation thanks to Aleksandr Institute of America, located in the heart of New York City. Kuzin. It truly felt like one big family celebration. The UIA is a center of the Ukrainian American community It was not only about running and walking. During the and serves as America’s “window to Ukraine.” It hosts event, participants donated a total of $345 to help disabled many events, such as art exhibits, concerts, lectures, chil- athlete Sergiy Amelko buy a racing wheelchair. (Readers dren’s programs and educational gatherings that are open can join in this good cause and donate here: https://www. to the public. The Ukrainian Running Club New York expressed its After the race, participants enjoyed varenyky, sandwich- gratitude to the UIA for being its partner and a co-host of es and sweets brought by the renowned Ukrainian restau- the Vyshyvanka Run for the third year in a row. rant Veselka, which is located in the East Village. Next year the Vyshyvanka Run will take place exactly on Restaurant owner Jason Birchard himself cooked and the Independence Day of Ukraine, August, 24, 2020. This year – for the first time ever – a kids’ race was held served varenyky for all the guests on the spot. Readers are encouraged to save the date, and invite their with 18 young runners (age 2 to 12). And that spot was a very special place – the Ukrainian friends and relatives who love Ukraine. No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 11

Chicago holds three days of Ukrainian independence celebrations

by Marta Farion CHICAGO – Perfect weather in Chicago greeted large crowds on August 23-25 at the three-day celebration of Ukraine’s independence. This year’s events were attended by the largest number of spectators yet. On Friday, August 23, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Illinois Division (UCCA) hosted an official ceremony at Chicago’s Daley Plaza. The dramatic effect of the U.S. and Ukrainian flags reflected in the facades of the glass and steel skyscrapers surrounding the plaza served as the background for the singing of the national anthems by Ukrainian singer Olga Tsvyntarna, who provid- ed a powerful musical interpretation. The posting of colors was conducted by Ukrainian American Veterans Post 32, which assisted with formalities throughout the weekend. Revelers gather in front of the performance stage as the street fills with Ukrainians. As co-sponsor, the Consulate General of Ukraine in ference during elections. utes from the city’s center, within view of Chicago’s sky- Chicago arranged for an impressive outdoor photographic A clear message was sent that 28 years ago, Ukraine’s scrapers. display of Ukrainian landscapes. Because of the active dip- Parliament, representing the voice of the people of Ukraine, This major annual festival organized by the UCCA for 36 lomatic role of Consul General Larysa Gerasko in the declared “no more” to the Soviet Union, and to this day they years brings the entire Ukrainian community together and Chicago Consular Corps, consuls general of many nations affirm “no more” to Russian interference and to the Russian attracts many non-Ukrainians. Ihor Diaczun, president of attended the event in a show of solidarity. Cook County invasion and occupation of Crimea and the Donbas. the UCCA Illinois Division, opened the festival and intro- Treasurer Maria Pappas, representatives of Chicago’s At the end of the official program, a flash mob unfurled a duced Dr. Maria Korkatsch-Groszko, vice-president of the mayor and the Illinois attorney general joined hundreds in huge Ukrainian flag in front of the well-known Picasso local UCCA, to emcee the official functions. the audience who enjoyed the cultural program. sculpture and sang the Ukrainian national anthem. The two-day festival included special appearances and Consul General Gerasko greeted all friends of Ukraine Street festival greetings by city, county, state and federal officials, including with an assurance that Ukraine will continue the defense of Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.); Ms. Pappas; Richard Boykin, for- its territory and its freedom. It was noted that Ukrainians During a weekend of perfect weather, thousands mer commissioner of Cook County and candidate for clerk immigrated to the United States over 125 years ago and jammed Chicago Avenue in the central area of Chicago of the Circuit Court of Cook County; Saulius Kuprys, presi- that, as a well-organized community, they can make a dif- known as Ukrainian Village, a neighborhood located min- dent of Lithuanian American Council and Joint Baltic American National Committee; Henryk Marcyniak, chair- man Road to Peace Foundation; and representatives of the mayor, and other government offices. Dozens of vendors displayed and sold traditional crafts and products, with food and drink vendors barely keeping up with demand. The entertainment this year was a spectac- ular line-up of local and international acts that included the community’s talented children, choirs and dance groups in the first half of each day’s program, followed by star-filled performances in the later part of each day and evening. The special acts reserved for the end of both days included the rock groups Flit and Mad Heads from Ukraine that capti- vated the audience, and singers Olga Tsvyntarna and Iryna Lonchyna. The performance of Ms. Lonchyna surrounded by the two dance groups, Horlytsia and Vyshyvanka, brought the audience to standing ovations. The spectacle of visuals and sound mesmerized the audience of thousands who left the festival late at night with a feeling of hope, convinced of Ukraine’s secured independence and the community’s strong The Vyshyvanka School of Dance future and growth.

Pennsylvania’s Bethlehem and Allentown honor Ukraine by Oksana Koziak highlighted the need to continually support Ukraine in its ongoing reforms and about BETHLEHEM, Pa. – Under cloudy skies the importance of protecting established the Ukrainian flag was raised at Bethlehem’s democratic ideals. Mr. Koziak also City Hall on August 26. Sponsored by Branch expressed thanks to the United States for 91 of the Ukrainian National Women’s providing support to Ukraine. League of America, the program commemo- Father Richard Jendras, pastor of St. rating the 28th anniversary of Ukrainian Mary’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church in independence was opened by mistress of Allentown, Pa., concluded the program with ceremonies Oksana Kipa. a prayer. Father Daniel Troyan of Holy Ghost On August 23 a flag-raising ceremony Ukrainian Catholic Church in Easton, Pa., was held at Allentown City Hall. Jaroslaw provided the opening prayer. To the playing Chorwat led the program and provided the of the American and Ukrainian national main address. Allentown Mayor Ray anthems, the flags of both countries were O’Connell greeted the participants and pro- raised by Viktor Litkewycz and David claimed this day as Ukrainian Kadingo, members of Post 42 of the Independence Day in the city of Allentown. Ukrainian American Veterans. A proclamation was presented from State Alexander Karras, chief of staff for Albert Kipa Rep. Michael Schlossburg. Bethlehem Mayor Robert Donchez, read At the Ukrainian Independence Day commemoration at Bethlehem City Hall. The Ukrainian flag was raised by Mr. the first proclamation and declared this day Litkewycz, a member of UAV Post 42. as Ukrainian Day in the city. Presenting mation was also sent by State Rep. Susan member of UAV Post 42. He spoke of Opening and closing prayers were provided proclamations in recognition of Ukrainian Wild. Ukraine’s years of oppression and its con- by Father John Seniw, pastor of St. John the Independence Day were State Rep. Steven The main address was presented by tinuing fight for sovereignty and freedom, Baptist Ukrainian Catholic Church in Samuelson and Jacob Glessner, legislative Mathew Koziak, past national commander including the ongoing cyberwarfare being Northampton, Pa., and by Father Jendras of aide for State Sen. Lisa Boscola. A procla- of the Ukrainian American Veterans and a waged against the country by Russia. He Allentown. 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 No. 39 No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 13 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 No. 39

central bank will continue cutting interest Kaptur statement on whistleblower complaint to intimidate reformers, past and present, NEWSBRIEFS rates to make it easier for Ukrainians to buy and to paralyze our activities, to silence us. land. Speaking at the same meeting, On September 20, Co-Chair of the …This is a direct and undisguised threat to (Continued from page 2) President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said con- Congressional Ukraine Caucus Rep. Marcy democracy and the reforms that Ukraine’s activists and reporters estimate the num- cerns that “Chinese, Arabs, or aliens from Kaptur (D-Ohio) released a statement after future and the well-being of its people ber to be in the dozens. (Crimea Desk, RFE/ outer space will come and take our land by reports emerged that a whistleblower com- depend on. But it is not just a threat to the RL’s Ukrainian Service) railway wagons is nonsense.” The absence plaint filed by a member of the Intelligence reforms. It is a threat to every citizen, and Community, which is being withheld from of a land market has favored big agribusi- their constitutional rights and freedoms, PM: Land market could open up in 2020 Congress in violation of federal law, is said nesses and hurt small-scale farmers who which the state has committed to protect. to involve Ukraine. “Today, press reports Ukrainian Prime Minister Oleksiy can’t use the land as collateral to borrow Furthermore, it threatens the complete indicate that a U.S. intelligence officer’s Honcharuk says the government could money. They also complain that the prices destruction of the moral values of a demo- whistleblower complaint regarding allow the sale of agricultural land from they get for leasing their land is far below cratic society in favor of terror. We call for President Trump’s possible breach of October 2020, after Parliament votes to lift the market rates in the EU. Ukraine has 43 action. Law enforcement authorities must national security may involve the nation of the 18-year moratorium. “We have consult- million hectares of arable land containing promptly and impartially investigate this Ukraine,” said Rep. Kaptur. “As co-chair of ed with farmers and decided to [open the one-third of the world’s nutrient-rich black series of attacks, as well as offenses against the bipartisan Congressional Ukraine soil or “chornozem.” About 11 million hect- the owners and shareholders of insolvent land market] from October 1 next year,” Mr. Caucus, I fully support the efforts by ares is state-owned. The country already is banks of which the NBU has previously Honcharuk told a group of farmers on Chairman Adam Schiff and the House a top world grain producer and exporter. In informed these authorities. We insist that September 19. Amid concerns that the Permanent Select Committee on a 2017 report, the World Bank estimated the constitutional rights of all the citizens move could lead to a foreign land grab, he Intelligence to seek a detailed accounting of that Ukraine could see gross domestic of Ukraine, for the protection of life and said that Ukrainians, especially small farm- the complaint and transcript of the product grow by 1.5 percentage points health, should be secured not by words – ers, would get preferential treatment. incident(s), and call upon the speaker and “We’re creating an affordable loan program yearly if the land sale ban is lifted. (RFE/RL, but by actions.” (Ukrainian Canadian minority leader to take all courses of action Congress Daily Briefing) that will go into effect starting in 2020,” Mr. based on reporting by AFP and RFE/RL’s for appropriate Congressional oversight to Honcharuk said, expressing hope that the Ukrainian Service) obtain the relevant documents and neces- U.S. lawmakers invite Gontareva sary testimony to establish confirmation of The former governor of the National fact and circumstance.” Rep. Kaptur also Bank of Ukraine (NBU) has been invited to stated: “Following Ukraine’s historic elec- the United States to address lawmakers tions and continued democratic struggles, after she was nearly run over and her home the Ukrainian people deserve our full sup- set ablaze. Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) told TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 port. We must know to what extent the a Washington conference on September 18 or e-mail [email protected] President and his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, are that she was troubled by the attacks using the weight of U.S. foreign policy, against Valeria Gontareva, who fought cor- including holding critical security assis- SERVICES PROFESSIONALS ruption as Ukraine’s top banker. “I am try- tance, to advance their own narrow per- ing to get her here to address us in some sonal interests. The American people manner,” said Rep. Kaptur, who is a co-chair deserve a government free of malign for- of the Congressional Ukraine Caucus in the eign influence. The American people U.S. House of Representatives. “We are fol- deserve to know the full truth.” (Office of lowing those events very closely, and the Rep. Marcy Kaptur) idea that fear and crime and murder and NBU board on terror against reformers destruction are the path of the future is one that we simply don’t accept.” Ms. Gontareva On September 17, the board of the and her family have faced a series of attacks National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) released a over the past month in what she says is statement in which it “publicly declare(d) retaliation for her actions to clean up the the unacceptability of these purposeful, banking sector as chief of the central bank systematic attacks on the ex-governor of from June 2014 to May 2017. Ms. HELP WANTED the central bank, Valeria Gontareva, and, Gontareva told RFE/RL earlier this week through her, all reformers who worked and that she believed that her enemies, includ- work for the benefit of Ukraine.” The state- ing tycoon Ihor Kolomoisky, are going after LOOKING FOR NANNY ment went on to note: “This is no longer a series of incidents, it is terror. Its purpose is (Continued on page 15) We are looking for a new full-time nanny for our 8 months old daugh- ter. We live in the Boston, MA met- sentatives from the departments of State, ro area and are looking for a live-in Turning... Treasury, Defense, Justice, Energy and help. If you are loving and energet- FOR RENT Homeland Security, as well as the Federal (Continued from page 6) ic with children, please reach out. Bureau of Investigation. Recent experience with caring for cyber activities have the potential to under- The Ukrainian delegation was led by young children or recent experi- Renovated apartment for rent by owner in Ridgewood, Queens. New mine peace, prosperity and the stability of Vadym Prystaiko, deputy minister of for- ence raising own children/grandchil- bathroom, new wood oors, sunny the international community. eign affairs, and representatives from the dren is highly desired. We will con- kitchen. Near restaurants, M, L trains, 45 The U.S. delegation was led by Joshua National Bank of Ukraine, Ministry of sider candidates that would like to minutes to Manhattan. No fees, $2,700/ Steinman, special assistant to the president Defense, National Security and Defense move from another state. Start date month. If interested, call: 347-303-6603 and the National Security Council’s senior Council, Security Service of Ukraine, State is in the fi rst half of October, knowl- director for international cybersecurity; Service for Special Communication and edge of English is not obligato- Information Protection and the Ministry of OPPORTUNITIES Robert Strayer, deputy assistant secretary ry. If interested, please reach out at of state for cyber and international commu- Foreign Affairs. 774-777-0035. nications and information policy; and Source: “U.S. Embassy statement U.S.- Earn extra income! Michelle Markoff, deputy coordinator for Ukraine cyber dialogue,”(U.S. Embassy in cyber issues at the Department of State. Kyiv), The Ukrainian Weekly, October 15, The Ukrainian Weekly is looking The U.S. delegation also included repre- 2017. Run your advertisement here, for advertising sales agents. in The Ukrainian Weekly’s For additional information contact CLASSIFIEDS section. Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. the siting of new libraries, special pro- Atlas of Ukrainians... grams or social services. The atlas raises many more interesting questions and (Continued from page 7) invites further research, such as, what is Because the data determine the status the relationship between knowledge of the of the group within the social structure of Ukrainian language or use of the Ukrainian society, the atlas offers invaluable informa- language at home, and education, income tion for practical purposes. For example, if and poverty? Do the educated Ukrainians an organization intends to expand its activ- take good advantage of their education in ities or business base to other states, it terms of their jobs, income, etc.? Although would know which states to go to for a in places the language may at times be a bit larger base of Ukrainians who are either in confusing to read and requires careful the labor force or self-employed. At the attention, Dr. Wolowyna’s “Atlas of same time, looking more closely at poverty Ukrainians in the United States: levels within the Ukrainian community by Demographic and Socio-economic state and by city, it may be incumbent on Characteristics” has set a new benchmark some organizations to act to change the sit- for all future sociological research of the uation in those areas through education or Ukrainian community. No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 15

the media to promote the spurious claim ture and function of the defense agency, paid for in U.S. dollars. (RFE/RL, based on NEWSBRIEFS that Crimea was part of Russia,” it said. The and amend and introduce legislative initia- reporting by Ukrayinska Pravda) move prompted the Ukrainian delegation tives such as the military police law. (Continued from page 14) to leave the hall in protest, while represen- (Ukrinform, as cited by the Ukrainian Former separatist fatally shot in Mariupol her over her decision in 2016 to nationalize tatives of Britain, Canada, France, the Canadian Congress Daily Briefing) A 28-year-old man who fought alongside PrivatBank. Mr. Kolomoisky is now contest- United States and the European Union Facebook removes over 160 fake accounts Russian-backed forces in eastern Ukraine ing that decision in court. Rep. Kaptur also “forcefully” rebutted the “false claim.” U.S. was on September 16 found dead with said she was concerned about reports that Ambassador James Gilmore said, “Crimea is Facebook says it has deleted 168 seven gunshot wounds on a stairwell inside Mr. Kolomoisky had scooped up a lot of an integral part of Ukraine, and the United accounts, 149 pages and 79 groups based a residential building in the Donetsk region assets in the state of Ohio. PrivatBank filed States never will recognize Russia’s pur- in Ukraine for “coordinated inauthentic city of Mariupol. Local police confirmed a lawsuit against Mr. Kolomoisky in ported annexation of it,” adding that U.S. behavior,” its head of cybersecurity policy, Roman Dzhumayev’s death to RFE/RL and Delaware in May, claiming he laundered Crimea-related sanctions against Russia Nathaniel Gleicher, said in a September 16 the UNIAN news agency said homicide money from his own bank to buy real will remain in place “until Moscow returns statement. He emphasized the reason detectives are investigating it as premedi- estate and metal plants in the United States. full control over the peninsula to Ukraine.” behind the removals was “not the content tated murder. When the armed conflict The bank claimed that Mr. Kolomoisky and The U.S. statement said the remarks drew they posted.” Mr. Gleicher said the “people started in Ukraine’s easternmost Luhansk his Ukrainian partner were the largest applause from “legitimate” nongovernmen- behind this activity coordinated with one and Donetsk regions in April 2014, Mr. owners of commercial real estate in the city tal organizations in the hall, and the another and used fake accounts to misrep- Dzhumayev was employed in Kyiv as a pro- of Cleveland. “It is very hard to get informa- Ukrainian delegation returned for the fol- resent themselves, and that was the basis grammer. He joined the Kremlin-backed tion on that. We have been trying to find lowing conference session. The HDIM con- of our action.” Some groups and pages in militants that summer and took part in who represented his interests inside of ference is organized by the OSCE’s Office Ukraine “changed their names over time,” fighting for the Donetsk airport and the Cleveland, Ohio,” Rep. Kaptur told RFE/RL for Democratic Institutions and Human and to increase engagement, they dissemi- battle of Debaltseve in early 2015. on the sidelines of the conference, adding Rights and was scheduled to take place nated content and drove “people to off- Afterwards he moved to Belarus, where he that reports indicated his representatives through September 27. (RFE/RL) platform sites posing as news outlets.” The gave an interview to RFE/RL in March were from Florida. “But everything seems Canada, Ukraine to step up defense cooperation social media platform concluded that the 2016. The reason he went to fight was to have just evaporated, so I have no docu- activity in Ukraine was linked to because “my great-grandfather fought [in mentation at the present time of whether Ukrinform reported on September 23 Pragmatico, a Ukrainian public-relations World War II] and passed through all of those investments are actually current, if that Defense Minister of Ukraine Andriy firm. Two Ukrainian news outlets whose Ukraine… we were always for Russia,” Mr. they ever existed, and to what extent they Zahorodniuk and the Canadian delegation accounts were deleted protested Dzhumayev said. “And now… I took the existed. But am I concerned? Very.” (Todd led by Canada’s Ambassador to Ukraine Facebook’s move. and Politeka Donetsk region’s side because I’m from Prince of RFE/RL) Roman Waschuk discussed cooperation in countered that certain politicians wanted Mariupol.” He moved to Russia before U.S.: Moscow used ‘sham’ NGOs at OSCE forum reforming the Armed Forces of Ukraine and to limit freedom of speech through returning to Ukraine in autumn 2017. the need to involve foreign experts in the Facebook. In a September 17 statement on Authorities arrested him when he crossed The United States has accused Moscow priority areas of the Defense Ministry its website, said that every “mem- into government-controlled territory and of using “sham organizations” to promote reform. “During the meeting, the parties ber of its team can verify their identity, has charged him with terrorism and “partici- its “spurious claim” that Ukraine’s Crimea discussed the current state of cooperation passports, and is a living person, not virtu- pating in illegally armed groups.” In May region is part of Russia during an annual in the reform of the Armed Forces of al.” Similarly, Politeka said its team was 2018, Mr. Dzhumayev was released under human rights conference of the Ukraine, in particular, [they] focused on the composed of “journalists and program- house arrest and had to be home at nights. Organization of Security and Cooperation preparation of military law enforcement mers, search-engine-optimization experts, While living with his mother, he opened a in Europe (OSCE). Russia attempted to personnel, the implementation of and content managers – this is a huge team, small pizzeria and was arrested again in “exploit civil-society registration proce- Operation UNIFIER and the reform of the every one of whom can verify their identi- December 2018 after pepper-spraying the dures” at the OSCE’s Human Dimension Ukrainian Armed Forces management sys- ty.” Facebook also said that 4.2 million face of a police officer. In that case, he was Implementation Meeting (HDIM) in tem in accordance with Alliance standards,” accounts joined at least one of the 79 released under house arrest on August 5. Warsaw by “flooding the zone” with “gov- the press service of the Defense Ministry Ukrainian groups that were deleted and (RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service, with report- ernment-supported ‘nongovernmental reported. The parties also discussed coop- that about $1.6 million was spent on ing by, Ukrayinska Pravda and organizations,’ ” the U.S. mission to the eration in reforming the education and Facebook and Instagram advertisements UNIAN) 57-member organization said in a state- training of the Ukrainian Armed Forces ment on September 18. These organiza- personnel. As noted, the current priorities tions “attempted to use their speaking slots of the Defense Ministry are: to revise stra- at a session on freedom of expression and tegic defense documents, change the struc- MARTHA TURCZYN 1927-2019 von Hagen passed away on September 15] Martha Turczyn was born on Duranty’s... to do an investigative report, to which the August 19, 1927 in Lviv, Ukraine and Pulitzer Committee issued a formal (Continued from page 6) response. The committee stated that there departed from us after a brief illness on April demic world authorities. The U.S. was “no clear and convincing evidence of 27, 2019, at the age of 91, in Buena Park, CA. Holodomor Committee planned to discuss deliberate deception, ” and that “Duranty She was the daughter of Antin Kniazynsky and the uncovered A.W. Kliefoth Memorandum, wrote his articles in good conscience, Mychailyna Modrytska. which clearly established that Walter upholding the high standards of the Martha grew up in Sambir, Ukraine, together Duranty was a “Russian troll” of the era, Pulitzer Prize.” They would not revoke the with her twin sister, Oksana, and Vira, who passed away at age 9. Her writing “Soviet propaganda news” under prize. parents were prominent members of the community. Stalin’s direction. After 16 years and the truth revealed On June 4, 1931, Walter Duranty met thorough the A.W. Kliefoth Memorandum, In her late teens Martha was forced to leave Ukraine with her family with a member of the U.S. Berlin Embassy, the Pulitzer Prize Committee continues to because of the war. They migrated  rst to Vienna, where she completed A.W. Kliefoth. Kliefoth summarized their refuse to review the A.W. Kliefoth pharmacology studies at the University of Vienna, eventually ending meeting, in what is referred to as the A.W. Memorandum and to revisit its mistaken up in Berchtesgaden, Germany to live in a displaced persons camp. Kliefoth Memorandum, which was sent to conclusion. Coincidentally, another journal- She immigrated to Philadelphia in 1951 to be with family members. the U.S. secretary of state. Kliefoth carefully ist, Gareth Jones, witnessed the horrors in quoted Duranty in this document, saying Ukraine and wrote about them, but his On August 21, 1954 Martha married Alexander Turczyn. They had that “in agreement with The New York writings were suppressed, as were others. one son, Orest. She became a US citizen on November 10, 1955. Times and the Soviet authorities his The film “Mr. Jones,” to debut next year, Martha worked approximately 30 years as a biochemist in the research (Duranty’s) official dispatches always brings to light the duplicity of Walter department of the Je erson Medical Hospital in Philadelphia, reflect the official opinion of Stalin and not Duranty, his debauchery and his allegiance his own.” to Joseph Stalin. Gareth Jones should be Martha loved the great outdoors, nature, hiking, and spending Ms. Canedy, in presenting the 2018 awarded the Pulitzer Prize, while Walter summer vacations at the seashore in Wildwood, New Jersey. She was awards in journalism said, that the winners Duranty’s prize should be revoked. involved with the Ukrainian Cultural Center and was a member of of the 2018 journalism prizes “…uphold the The world needs to know that those Plast while living in Philadelphia. She also enjoyed writing, reading highest purpose of a free and independent who control the Pulitzer Prizes are not will- and socializing with family and friends. press, even in the most trying of times. ing to admit to fraud. There have been After her mother, her husband and her son passed away, Martha Their work is real news of the highest order, revocations on lesser grounds. Yet moved to Buena Park, California in early 2000 to be closer to her twin executed nobly, as journalism was always Duranty’s complicity with Stalin, who killed intended, without fear or favor.” Yet, with millions of Ukrainians through this planned sister, Oksana Kozbur, and her family. While living in California she the truth revealed, the Pulitzer Committee genocide, does not seem to convince the was a parishioner at the Ukrainian Catholic Church of the Nativity of does not even have the courtesy to respond Pulitzer Committee. Revoking Duranty’s the Blessed Virgin Mary in Los Angeles. to 36 distinguished spiritual, political and Pulitzer would bring retribution to these Martha was an active member of Soyuz Ukrainok both in academic world authorities. There was no innocent victims and remove a permanent Philadelphia and in Los Angeles. written reply to the formal request. shame on the honorable award. This is the second attempt after the A memorial service will be held on October 12, 2019 at 10:30 am request of 2003. At that time, The New Submitted by Oksana Piaseckyj, subcom- at St. Michael’s The Archangel Ukrainian Catholic Church, 1013 Fox York Times engaged Columbia University’s mittee chairperson, U.S. Committee for Chase Road, Jenkintown, PA 19046. Prof. Mark Von Hagen [Editor’s note: Prof. Ukrainian Holodomor-Genocide Awareness. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 No. 39

Ukrainian immigrants into diaspora organi- U.S. diaspora... zations, which has the potential to add to a significant active voting bloc. This wave of (Continued from page 1) immigration, Dr. Motyl said, annually sends sity for women (as the men sought wives). more money to Ukraine – nearly $12 billion And with the arrival of women came dances, per year – than the U.S. or other foreign or “zabavas,” held in New York, Philadelphia governments. and Passaic, N.J. that were among the main Prior to the banquet, a cocktail reception social events, Ms. Lisovich continued. was held during which the Ukrainian Other centers of community life were the Chorus Dumka of New York enchanted the church and parishes, and as was the case audience with a number of selections for the UNA’s survival, the combination of under the direction of Vasyl Hrechynsky. priests and laypersons was seen in the for- Some of the songs were performed a capel- mation of the St. Nicholas brotherhood – a la, while others included piano accompani- founding fraternal branch of the UNA. ment, or incorporated sopilka and wood The UNA’s founding was based on the block. It was noted that the chorus is cele- urgings of an editorial of Svoboda in 1893 brating its 70th anniversary with a concert that spoke about the need for unity and a on October 6 at The Kaye Playhouse at national community organization that Hunter College in New York. The banquet was expertly emceed by would unite all Ukrainian immigrants that Matthew Dubas led to the UNA’s establishment in 1894. It Yuriy Symczyk, chief operating officer/ remains a source of pride among communi- Prof. Alexander Motyl discusses how the diaspora’s relationship with Ukraine will expand. national secretary of the UNA, who intro- ty activists, uniting all segments of the “hro- ment in Washington in 1964. similar projects have boosted Ukraine’s vis- duced Metropolitan-Archbishop Borys mada” and it is no wonder that the UNA Time constraints limited Ms. Lisovich’s ibility by hosting engaging meetings Gudziak for the invocation, as well as key- was dubbed with the paternal moniker extensive presentation, and she reminded between constituents and representatives note addresses by Ambassador Valeriy “Batko Soyuz.” her audience that there is a wealth of his- on Capitol Hill. Chaly of Ukraine, and Herman Pirchner, Ms. Lisovich mentioned some other his- torical information available for free in the Dr. Motyl underscored that Ukraine mat- president of the American Foreign Policy torical milestones for the community, online archives on the websites of the ters more in Washington when relations Council. A benediction was led by Pastor including that the hymn that would become UNA’s newspapers, Svoboda and The between the U.S. and Russia (or, in the past, Mykhailo Cherenkov of the Ukrainian the Ukrainian national anthem was first Ukrainian Weekly (www.svoboda-news. the Soviet Union) were at a low point, and Evangelical Community, who led the gath- sung in North America at the 1896 UNA com and Ukraine become less significant when rela- ering in reciting the “Lord’s Prayer,” and the convention. The Ukrainian national anthem During the working luncheon, Prof. tions between Russia (or the Soviets) and evening concluded with the singing of was first recorded in the U.S. in 1916 by Alexander Motyl spoke on the topic “Taking the U.S. are good. Despite these fluctua- “Mnohaya Lita” (Many Years) and the Columbia Records, and sung by Mykhailo Measure of the Significance of the Ukrainian tions, the disapora’s efforts in telling the Ukrainian national anthem. Zozulak, a UNA member. American Community to Ukraine.” truth (in the face of Moscow’s denials) and Patrons for the conference included Self In response to the Holodomor of 1932- Dr. Motyl noted the ways that the U.S. exposing the lies spun by the Kremlin have Reliance New York Federal Credit Union, 1933, the Soviet-orchestrated famine-geno- diaspora is important to Ukraine and high- affected Russia’s international image. SUMA Federal Credit Union, the Heritage cide of Ukraine, and the need to inform the lighted the community’s lack of significant More than 1 million Ukrainians in the Foundation of 1st Security Federal Savings English-speaking world about Ukraine and electoral influence in Washington – U.S. have had and continue to have an Bank, the Ukrainian National Foundation, engage the English-speaking Ukrainian although, he said, more policymakers, impact on more than 40 million Ukrainians the Jurkiw Family Fund and the Illinois community, the UNA in 1933 began pub- media and Americans in general have come in Ukraine, he said. Diaspora organizations Division of the Ukrainian Congress lishing The Ukrainian Weekly, a separate to know Ukraine better than in previous have led funding of institutions of higher Committee of America. Media sponsors English-language newspaper. generations, partly thanks to the aggressive learning, such as the National University of were Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly. The UNA, she added, was instrumental actions against Ukraine led by President Kyiv Mohyla Academy and the Ukrainian Individual patrons included Irena and in the formation of the Ukrainian Congress Vladimir Putin. Thanks are also due to the Catholic University in Lviv, and the diaspora Artur Hryhorowych, and Asleigh and Committee of America in 1941 in address- work of diaspora organizations, like the has worked to change internationally held Mykhailo Roscishewsky. ing concerns related to the Communist Red UCCA and its Washington information arm, perceptions about Ukraine. A detailed report about the conference Scare of the time and in promoting the the Ukrainian National Information Service, The community’s future work will and banquet will appear in next week’s erection of the Taras Shevchenko monu- whose Ukrainian Days advocacy events and include incorporating the Fourth Wave of issue of The Ukrainian Weekly.

Ukrainian opera singer Vasyl Slipak who Zelenskyy and Putin and confirmed that a record of the July 25 telephone conversa- Zelenskyy’s trip... was killed by a sniper from the Russian- meeting of the Normandy Four is expected tion that Germany and Europe are not pull- backed forces in the Donbas in June 2016. to take place soon. ing their weight in supporting Ukraine – (Continued from page 1) President Zelenskyy told the General The exception among the international with which Mr. Zelenskyy had appeared to – an informal first encounter with Assembly there could be no security in leaders was Poland’s President Andrzej go along, out of politeness it seems rather President Trump and First Lady Melania Europe when a war was going on in Duda, who came out with a strong state- than conviction – have rankled Berlin. The Trump at a social event, which also provid- Ukraine, and he spoke of the broader impli- ment of support for Ukraine in its enduring German press on September 26 fired back, ed the first photo opportunity, and a chance cations and dangers of this being allowed conflict with Russia. saying that Germany has provided Ukraine preliminary meeting with Russia’s Foreign to happen. Furthermore, he reminded the When Presidents Trump and Zelenskyy with around 1.4 billion euros in support Affairs Minister Sergei Lavrov. The Russian international community that Ukraine, finally met formally, the result appears to since 2014. diplomat reported that he had taken the today a victim of Russian aggression, had in have been satisfactory. At their de facto During the press conference, President initiative to approach the Ukrainian presi- good faith voluntarily given up the massive press conference that followed, the two Zelenskyy was careful to thank the dent to get to know him and that the two nuclear arsenal it inherited from the Soviet seemed relatively pleased and comfortable European countries for their support. “It is had concurred on the need to reach a Union. Given the security guarantees with one another. Mr. Zelenskyy coped well only together with the U.S. and the EU peaceful settlement of the conflict dividing enshrined in the related Budapest Memo­ enough with the few questions directed to [European Union] that we can stop the war Russia and Ukraine. randum of December 1994 that Ukraine him. The published transcript of his tele- in Ukraine,” he stressed. The following day, September 25, Mr. received in return, Mr. Zelenskyy said his phone conversation with President Trump On September 26, the Ukrainian leader Zelenskyy was the first on the agenda to country expects understanding and sup- did not turn out to be particularly damag- met with U.S. business representatives: “My address the General Assembly. An apparent port. ing to him or as troublesome as for his U.S. team’s role is not to promise reforms, but to idealist and newcomer to the diplomatic President Zelenskyy also urged the counterpart. actually implement them,” he told them. scene, Mr. Zelenskyy spoke in Ukrainian international community to face up to the Clearly, this was not the best moment for “We will not talk about the importance of and seemed barely able to keep his emo- realities and the needs of the time, and to Messrs. Zelensky and Trump to be appear- the fight against corruption or the impor- tions under control. His address was down readjust and revamp its institutions so as to ing together. The Ukrainian president tance of deregulation – we are doing this to earth, yet sufficiently philosophical with remove the flaws, obstructionism and com- sought to be tactful and not to upset Mr. today already, although it had to be done deeper components, patriotic yet universal placency hindering work in preventing Trump. He also sought to convey Ukraine’s yesterday,” he added. in scope. wars, resolving conflicts and better serving concerns and priorities, but in light of the He also met on September 25 with rep- The Ukrainian president chose not to go the interests of mankind. spotlight being on the U.S. president, this resentatives of Jewish organizations in the into details about Ukraine’s predicament, Having been ignored by President proved difficult to do. United States and reportedly received their but nevertheless managed to convey the Trump, Ukraine also hardly figured in the “We have two wars,” he said. “The first is expressions of support. essence of the matter, naming Russia as the statements delivered by other international against corruption, but I am sure that we In short, although the U.S. and interna- aggressor, but diplomatically – in view of leaders. In fact, for Chancellor Merkel and will certainly win in this war. However, my tional media have remained preoccupied pending diplomatic negotiations in the French President Emmanuel Macron, both priority is to stop the war in Donbas and with the unfolding crisis facing President Normandy Four format – stopped short of of whom are members of the Normandy regain our territories – Crimea, Donbas.” Trump, Ukraine has become a prominent naming President Putin directly as the cul- Four group with the Ukrainian and Russian President Trump’s statement at the issue again, whether positively, or as part of prit. leaders, Ukraine seemed to be of secondary press briefing – to the effect that he hoped the circumstantial background. For differ- He nevertheless made his points poi- concern. Both were seen to be more active that Presidents Zelenskyy and Putin would ent reasons, and not necessarily because of gnantly on behalf of Ukraine and, through in trying to broker new talks between Iran soon be able to work out their differences – President Zelenskyy himself, Ukraine is its example, humanity at large. He intro- and the U.S. was not particularly helpful as it appeared back on the radar screen, bringing new duced the human touch by citing the exam- Mr. Macron did welcome what he called to distance him from peacemaking efforts. challenges but also opportunities. How all ple of the internationally renowned progress in a dialogue between Presidents The U.S. president’s comments in the this will play out remains to be seen. No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 17

able, neither defeat nor victory in the in the occupied Donbas “should be held if which comprised respected professionals Putin overplays... Steinmeier Formula” (Interfax-Ukraine, we manage by 2020 to evacuate the troops in the Presidential Administration staff, the Dzerkalo Tyzhnia, September 13); and Kyiv and achieve the other [democracy-related] National Security and Defense Council, the (Continued from page 2) considers the possibility of accepting local prerequisites” (Ukrinform, Interfax-Ukraine, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the delegation negotiators therefore attempted to finesse elections in the occupied territory of the September 14). to the Minsk Contact Group, as well as the the summit’s preparations at the level of Donbas as part of Ukraine’s local elections These vacillations reflect the dysfunction- relevant parliamentary committees. They senior aides in the Normandy format as to be held countrywide in 2020 (Ukrinform, al nature of the Zelenskyy team’s Russia pol- coordinated their efforts in the last three well as in bilateral contacts with Russian Interfax-Ukraine, September 13). According icy at this early stage in the new administra- years to forestall dangers (constitutional counterparts. These awkward attempts to corroborating reports, Kyiv officials did tion. Mr. Prystaiko, a well-respected diplo- changes under duress, Donbas “elections,” surfaced in the tense negotiating endgame, consider accepting “elections” in that terri- mat with a distinguished record of service, is special status, Steinmeier formula), enact a which derailed the Normandy summit tory, if Russian and proxy forces are “con- the public face of that policy. However, he is legislative shield against unilateral conces- planned for September 16. fined to barracks” for the duration (i.e., subordinate to and dependent on not only sions (2018 law on Ukraine’s Donbas poli- instead of being withdrawn or dissolved, for the novice president, but also on Mr. cy) and mobilize international support for PART II which there is no prospect whatsoever by Zelenskyy’s close circle, composed of a mix- Ukraine on those issues. The endgame that derailed the summit 2020) (Ukrinform, September 13). ture of political operatives, former business The Poroshenko administration con- of the Normandy group revealed the Moscow evidently took those awkward partners and film producers. They posi- ducted its policies on such issues with a degree of the novice Ukrainian presiden- finessing attempts as prevarication by the tioned their boss as the anti-war, pro-peace fairly high degree of transparency and cy’s readiness for concessions to Russia, as Zelenskyy team, and moreover as prevari- candidate – now president – who is sup- accountability, having understood the value well as Russia’s all-or-nothing approach. cation from weakness. This prompted Mr. posed to deliver on those promises. of public support when Ukraine was faced This resulted in a quasi-ultimatum by the Putin’s warning via Mr. Ushakov: the Within that close circle, lacking all for- with a tripartite Moscow-Berlin-Paris align- Russian president via his adviser Mr. Steinmeier formula and binding Ukrainian eign policy experience, Andriy Yermak – a ment in the Normandy format. Mr. Ushakov, which, in turn, compromised the commitments are Russia’s preconditions to film copyright lawyer and film producer in Zelenskyy’s team, however, has at this early planned Normandy summit in Paris, where discussing a peace settlement at the sum- his own right – currently handles contacts stage shown an inclination for non-trans- Mr. Putin hoped to enshrine the Steinmeier mit. This last-minute intervention confirms with the Kremlin, although there might be parent contacts with the Kremlin, and formula inimical to Ukraine. (as do Mr. Prystaiko’s statements) that Mr. other channels employed as well. Former hopes to launch a bilateral Zelenskyy-Putin On September 12, the Ukrainian presi- Zelenskyy’s team members had discussed President Leonid Kuchma is (again) negotiation process in parallel with the dent confirmed that his negotiators were, as these matters with Moscow and were Ukraine’s chief delegate in the Minsk Normandy process. The latter is, admitted- of that moment, discussing the “Steinmeier wavering. Contact Group. Apart from reinstating Mr. ly, risk-fraught for Ukraine, but less so than formula as a road map, with clear deadlines, By the same token, the Kremlin’s warn- Kuchma in that post, Mr. Zelenskyy’s team a bilateral Kyiv-Kremlin channel would be. for implementing the Minsk accords.” This ing caused the Zelenskyy team to pull back seems determined to jettison his predeces- was to be enshrined at the summit of from the brink. The Kremlin inadvertently sor’s Russia policy, in effect dismantling The article above is reprinted from Normandy leaders scheduled for rescued Mr. Zelenskyy in this sense. Mr. that policy’s institutional apparatus. Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from September 16, in Paris. Moreover, Mr. Prystaiko went public again in the late eve- Mr. Poroshenko’s five-year administra- its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, Zelenskyy called for “follow-up steps to ning of September 13 to announce that the tion had built that institutional apparatus include contact with President Putin” bilat- Normandy summit was off: “Three sides erally, in parallel with the Normandy format were ready to meet in Paris on September (Interfax-Ukraine, Dzerkalo Tyzhnia, 16, but the Russian side could not make it Mazurkevich called Messrs. Nakonechny September 12). in time [sic] to the meeting. We are looking Philadelphia... and Henhalo to the stage and presented In several public statements on to set another date” (Ukrinform, them, on behalf of the community commit- (Continued from page 10) September 13, Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Ukrayinska Pravda, September 13). tee, with bouquets of sunflowers. The audi- Minister Vadym Prystaiko declared: Russia Backtracking statements ensued from The archbishop pulled out of his pocket a ence responded with prolonged applause in currently shows “a certain thaw, a warming- Mr. Prystaiko after the summit’s derailment. prayer written by a young handicapped girl acknowledgement of their wonderful work. up“ toward Ukraine (alluding to the prison- “We are not going to introduce any special living in Ukraine, which was given to him, The evening concluded with everyone er exchange) (Ukrinform, Dzerkalo Tyzhnia, or non-special status into the Constitution,” and read the poignant prayer. joining Accolada in singing the prayer September 13); “There is nothing treason- he declared, adding later that local elections Before the concert ended, Ms. “Bozhe Velykyi.” 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 No. 39 No. 39 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 19

Through Tapestry weaving workshop (kraiky), with instruction October 5 Golf fundraiser, Passaic Branch of the Ukrainian October 12 by Halyna Shepko, The Ukrainian Museum, Lincoln, Park, NJ American Youth Association, The Meadows Golf Club, New York or 212-228-0110 862-881-7583 or [email protected]

Through Embroidery workshop, with instruction by Lubow October 5-6 Annual Fall Weekend, Carpathian Ski Club (KLK), November 9 Wolynetz, The Ukrainian Museum, Kerhonkson, NY Soyuzivka Heritage Center, [email protected] or New York or 212-228-0110 732-991-1095

October 3 Performance, Assia Ahhatt “A Music Extravaganza,” October 5-26 Gerdany workshop, with instruction by Olha Lesko, The Columbus, OH Lincoln Theater, New York Ukrainian Museum, or 212-228-0110 October 4 Holodomor Forum, U.S. Committee for Ukrainian Philadelphia Holodomor-Genocide Awareness, Renaissance October 6 Centennial Concert, Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus, Max M. Philadelphia Airport, Detroit and Marjorie Fisher Music Center,

October 4 European Beer Tour, Ukrainian National Home, October 6 70th anniversary concert, Dumka Ukrainian Chorus, Syracuse, NY New York Kaye Playhouse at Hunter College, 212-457-0997 or October 4 Pyrohy Supper, Holy Trinity Ukrainian Orthodox Church Prince Albert, SK Auditorium, 306-764-2423 October 6 Film screening, “Baba Babee Skazala” by Matej Silecky, Whippany, NJ Carpe Diem Club, Ukrainian American Cultural Center of October 4 Performance, Assia Ahhatt “A Music Extravaganza,” New Jersey, [email protected] Cincinnati, OH Arnoff Center, October 6 Performance, Assia Ahhatt “A Music Extravaganza,” Wayne October 5 Golf outing and Sitch Challenge Cup, Sitch Ukrainian Detroit State Community Arts Auditorium, Somerset, NJ Athletic Educational Association and Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey, Quailbrook Country Club, October 6 Uketoberfest, St. Volodymyr Ukrainian Catholic Church, [email protected] Glen Spey, NY [email protected] October 5 2019 Gala, Ukrainian Institute of America, October 7 Roundtable, “Envisioning Ukrainian Literature, Part II,” New York [email protected] or 212-288-8660 New York with Irene Zabytko, Alexander Motyl, Dzvinia Orlowsky, Olena Jennigs and Mark Andryczyk, Columbia University, October 5 Film screening, “Julia Blue” by Roxy Toporowych, 212-854-4697 or [email protected] Mystic, CT Mystic Film Festival, or Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events October 5 Multi-sensory art exhibit, “Pictures at an Exhibition” by advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions Chicago Jeff Yang, Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors or [email protected] and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

New exhibit opens in Toronto: “Everything Old Is Cool Again” TORONTO – The Ukrainian Museum of Mama’s and Baba’s boxes for a nostalgic Canada, Ontario Branch, is presenting a look back at the 1960s and ’70s, when playful exhibit celebrating a unique part embroidery adorned everything from of Ukrainian Canadian subculture. Not all home décor and handbags to the ubiqui- museum treasures come from the distant tous A-line dress. past. This year, the museum unpacked Museum visitors will be able to learn about Ukrainian Canadian lives in the ’60s and ’70s through a cross-generation- al understanding of life and culture of the Ukrainian Canadian diaspora. “Everything Old Is Cool Again” engages visitors to explore Canada’s Ukrainian heritage by presenting the stories and artifacts of those who lived in the com- munity during this era. This lighthearted exhibit features a recreated Rec Room, clothing, accessories and household items, set to a backdrop of music from vinyl LPs. The exhibit runs from September 20 to February 29, 2020, and is open to the public during regular museum hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Thursdays, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturdays, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. (The museum is closed on Sundays and Mondays.) The Ontario branch of the Ukrainian Museum of Canada was established in 1944, and moved to its current location, 620 Spadina Avenue in Toronto, within St. Vladimir Institute in 1979. The muse- um houses more than 5,000 artifacts – predominantly textiles – that have been collected, researched, documented, pho- tographed and preserved to professional museum standards by its dedicated vol- unteers. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 No. 39


Saturday, October 5 Thursday, October 17 NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific NEW YORK: Please join the Ukrainian Studies Society invites all to a lecture, “Quo Vadis, Program at the Harriman Institute, Columbia Ukraine? Ethnicity and Nationality in University, for a presentation by Oksana Kis Today’s Ukraine,” by Dr. Oleh Kozachuk, an (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine) associate professor at Yuriy Fedkovych titled “Remaining a Ukrainian Woman: Chernivtsi National University in Ukraine Normative Femininity as ‘Armor’ in the Gulag.” and a Fulbright scholar for 2019-2020. One The presentation will examine the personal of the key methodological issues in political memories of Ukrainian female former prison- science in Ukraine is how to define inter- ers of the Gulag in order to reveal women’s gen- ethnic problems in Ukraine and what con- dered behaviors and daily practices that sought ceptual framework might be suggested to to preserve their gender identities and thus put on the table the possible ways to solve counteract the dehumanizing effects of the these problems. Under the “nationality camps. Dr. Kis’s recent book “Ukrainian Women question,” political, economic and cultural in the Gulag: The Victory of Survival” (in contradictions among ethnic groups inhab- Ukrainian) was published in 2017. This event iting the same state are considered. The will take place at noon in the Marshall D. lecture will take place at the society’s Shulman Seminar Room (Room 1219, building, 63 Fourth Ave. (between Ninth International Affairs Building, 420 W. 118th St.). and 10th streets) at 5 p.m. For additional The event is free and open to the public. For information call 212-254-5130. additional information call 212-854-4697.

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of Ukrainian community events open to the public. It is a ser- vice provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. To have an event listed in Preview of Events please send information, in English, written in Preview format, i.e., in a brief paragraph of several sentences that includes the date, place, type of event, sponsor, admission, full names of persons and/or organizations involved, and a phone number and/or e-mail address to be published for readers who may require additional information. Items must be no more than 100 words long. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of pub- lication (i.e., they must be received by 9 am Monday morning). Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address. Information should be sent to [email protected]. When e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments – simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message. Preview items and payments may be mailed to: Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054.