The Crusader Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Children in Australia #335
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The Crusader Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Children in Australia #335 Read inside: May 2019: Month of the - The Little Flower p. 4 Blessed Virgin Mary - Eucharistic devotion p. 6 - The life of the Blessed Virgin Mary p. 8 - English and Welsh Martyrs: Blessed Edward Oldcorne p. 10 - Kindness: the Bloom of Charity p. 12 - My Catholic Faith - The Public life of Jesus Christ p. 14 2 The Crusader May 2019 The Saint Saint John Baptist de La Salle of the Founder month (1651-1719) omplete dedication to what he saw as God's will for him Saint John dominates the life of John Baptist C gave away Baptist de La Salle. Founder of the Brothers of the Christian Schools, or the patri- Christian Brothers, he was monial canonised in 1900. In 1950 Pope wealth he Pius XII named him patron of still schoolteachers. controlled, then took Saint John Baptist was born of the religious nobility of Rheims in 1651, and after vows with his co-workers. His ten- a very pious youth was ordained a der and paternal charity soon sanc- priest at the age of 27, becoming at tified the house and the labours; once a Canon of the Cathedral there. peace reigned, and the members of It was said that to see him at the the new society loved one another altar was sufficient to give an sincerely. The Institute developed unbeliever faith in the Real Presence and spread amid a thousand diffi- of Our Lord. The people would wait culties and persecutions; these, by for him to come from the church to humiliating its members, brought consult him. His life was marked by down graces on them and made the a rule he set for himself, to maintain Providence of the Lord more evi- perfect regularity in all his duties. dent. He became interested in the creation The blessed Founder died in 1719; of gratuitous schools for poor and a religious superior said of him that abandoned children. He himself was his humility was universal; he invited to help in their education; never acted without taking counsel, and after directing the teachers for and the opinion of others always four years, decided to join them. In seemed better to him than his own. this he was opposed by most of the He listened to others in conversa- city, for whom such a life was very tion, and was never heard to say humiliating for a Canon of the any word tending to his own Cathedral. His spiritual director, a advantage... Indeed it is God who virtuous Franciscan Minim priest, elevates those who take the last encouraged him, saying that for place for themselves, to place them teachers, whose vocation is to aid among the first. the poor to walk in the footsteps of Saint John Baptist de La Salle’s feastday Jesus, the only suitable inheritance is on 15th May is the poverty of the Saviour. May 2019 The Crusader 3 FROM THE CHAPLAIN While we all have to combat sin in this life and Dear Crusaders and Friends, have to die one day, we no Alleluia, Alleluia, Alle- longer have to fear them. Jesus luia! You may have noticed is able to pardon any sin we this word repeated over and fall into. Jesus is able to raise over again at the Masses since us from the dead and bring us Easter. It is sung, it is read, it to heaven. Don’t you want to is even included in the Regina say: “Praise the Lord!” Coeli prayer that takes the “Alleluia” place of the Angelus three Don’t wait to go to Mass times a day. or to say the You may Regina Coeli have wondered to say this what in the prayer. During world it means this Easter sea- and why it is son add it to repeated so of- your morning ten. Alleluia and night pray- means “Praise ers; add it to the Lord!”, and your meal it is repeated so prayers; add it often because to your rosar- we have just ies and spiritu- commemorated al commun- a most amazing ions. We Cru- mystery of our Faith. saders of the Our Lord was dead and Eucharist have prayer as our then he wasn’t dead. We all first weapon in the fight to have to die one day, but Our help Jesus save souls. Use this Lord has promised that we too one word prayer frequently to will rise from the dead. We all honour the risen Jesus, Our are subject to the thing that Lord and Saviour. “Praise the causes death, that is sin, but Lord!” Our Lord has paid the price of our sins and has purchased re- Yours in Jesus & Mary, demption for us. Fr. Benjamin Campbell 4 The Crusader May 2019 THE LITTLE FLOWER The story of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus By Mary Fabyan Windeatt WRITING DOWN MY CHILDHOOD MEMORIES irst, however, there must be some endured should serve as his Purgatory. I suffering. Papa’s portion came to an end long to learn if my wish has been granted, F on 29th July 1894, when he was not quite but do not ask that You speak to me. All I seventy-one years old. Céline was the only one want is a sign. You know that one of our of them who could attend the funeral, and natu- community is strongly opposed to Céline’s rally she was lonely afterwards. Of the five entrance into Carmel. If she withdraws her living children of the Martin family, she was opposition, I shall look upon it as an an- the only one remaining in the world. swer from You, and in this way shall know “Don’t worry,” Thérèse said, “soon you will if my father went straight to Heaven.” come to Carmel, too.” As she left the chapel after her thanksgiving, Céline was not sure. She was attracted to the the first person she met was the Sister in ques- religious life, but did she belong to Carmel? tion. There were tears in her eyes, and Thé- Would she be able to follow such a rigorous rèse’s heart almost missed a beat as she drew Rule? Above all, would the nuns look favoura- her aside and told her that now she had bly upon the reception of a fourth member of changed her mind. Henceforth she would do all the same family? she could to speed the day of Céline’s coming. This last objection was not without grounds. Thérèse thanked her as well as she could, but Pauline, as Prioress, all her thoughts were with God. How good He was willing to ac- was to His little child! He had let her know that cept Céline. Even her beloved father went straight to Heaven. Mother Mary Gon- Then He had granted her second request and zaga, the Novice removed the chief obstacle to Céline’s en- Mistress, made no trance. objections. But there Presently she wrote to her sister: was one particular “This is perhaps the last time, my dear little Sister who was sister, that my pen must serve me for a talk much against her reception. That Céline wished with you; the good God has granted my to be a Carmelite was well and good, she said, wish… Our dear father is making us feel but let her apply to some other monastery of his presence in a way that is profoundly the Order. Three members of the Martin family touching. After five long years of deathlike were sufficient for the Carmel in Lisieux. separation, what joy to find him as of old, As the weeks passed fresh obstacles arose, and and even more fatherly. Oh, how well will there seems little likelihood that the Sisters he repay you for all your care of Him! You would agree to receive Céline. Thérèse was have been his angel; he will now be yours. fully resigned to her going to some other Car- See, he has not yet been a month in Heav- mel, but something told her that God wished en, and already by his powerful interces- them to be together. He wished her to learn sion all your projects succeed. It is now more about the Little Way that Thérèse had easy for him to arrange what concerns us, been able to relate on her visits in the parlour. and therefore has he had less trouble for Therefore she began to pray with real earnest- Céline than he had for his poor Little ness for the great favour, and one day after Queen.” receiving Holy Communion she spoke these A few weeks later, on 14th September 1894, words to Our Lord: Céline came to join Carmel. Thérèse embraced “You know, dear Jesus, how earnestly I her eagerly, a privilege which had been denied have desired that the trials my dear father her for over five years. Then she remembered May 2019 The Crusader 5 that it was hardly fitting to show too much in- could her childhood memories have for others? terest in one of her own relatives. Now that four “They would show what wonderful parents we of them were living under the same roof, there had,” protested Marie, “how we learned was the possibility of leading too much of a everything good from them. Oh, Mother Prior- family life. Therefore she was about to with- ess, I’m very sure such a story would be worth- draw when Pauline, using her authority as Pri- while!” oress, set aside her intended sacrifice.