Honduras Local Governance Activity /// Quarterly Performance and Financial Report

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Honduras Local Governance Activity /// Quarterly Performance and Financial Report HONDURAS LOCAL GOVERNANCE ACTIVITY /// QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE AND FINANCIAL REPORT USAID/HONDURAS Honduras Local Governance Activity Quarterly Performance and Financial Report April 1, 2018 – June 30, 2018 Activity Title: Honduras Local Governance Activity Sponsoring USAID Office: Democracy and Governance Office IDIQ Number: AID-OAA-1-14-00061 Task Order Number: AID-522-TO-17-00001 Contractor: DAI Global LLC. Date of Submission: July 30, 2018 This report is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of DAI and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. ii | FY 2018 // QPFR III HONDURAS LOCAL GOVERNANCE ACTIVITY /// QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE AND FINANCIAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive summary 1 Result 1 - Civil Society Influence, Through Evidence Increased 2 Sub-Result 1.1 Citizen participation in service delivery decision-making strengthened 2 Sub Result 1.2 Evidence-based citizen oversight of service delivery increased 3 Result 2 Local Service Provider Performance Improved 4 Sub Result 2.1 Accountability of Service Providers Increased 4 Sub Result 2.2 Service Provider’s Capacity to Manage Service Delivery Improved 6 Sub Result 2.3 Local Government administrative management capacity increased 9 Coordination with USAID IMs, IPs and Other Donors 12 Crosscutting Initiatives 13 Progress Toward Indicators 14 Collaborating, Learning and Adapting (CLA) Agenda 15 Financial Report 19 Annex 1: Technical Assistance Summary by Sector (FY 2018) 21 Annex 2: Transparence Plan MANCURISJ 22 Annex 3: Memorandum sent by Secretariat of Education 28 Annex 4: Coordination with USAID IMs, Implementing Partners (IPs) and Other Donors 29 Annex 5: Progress by Sub-Activity, divided by Sector 31 iii | FY 2018 // QPFR III HONDURAS LOCAL GOVERNANCE ACTIVITY /// QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE AND FINANCIAL REPORT ACRONYMS ACS Alliance for the Dry Corridor AIN -C* Integral Community Attention to Childhood AMHON* Association of Honduran Municipalities ASJ* Asociación para una Sociedad más Justa CAM* law Municipal Administration Career law CEN Nutritional Training Centers CCT* Citizen Commissions on Transparency CLA Collaborating, Learning and Adapting CM Municipal Commissioner COMAS* Municipal Commissions of Water and Sanitation COMIPRONIL* Mixed Co -op of North Intibucá Producers CONEANFO* National Commission for Non -Formal Education in Honduras CSO Civil Society Organization DDE* Educational Departmental Directions DIRRSAC* Direction of Registration and Monitoring of Civil Associations DO2 Development Objective 2 EROC* Espacio Regional de Occidente Honduras ERSAPS* Regulating Entity for Potable Water and Sanitation Services FHIS* Honduran Fund for Soc ial Investment FUNDAUNAH* Foundation of the National Autonomous University of Honduras FY 2018 Fiscal Year 2018 GEMA* Building Resilience into Ecosystem and Livelihoods Activity HR Human Resources IAIP* Institute of Access to Public Information ICF* Forest Conservation Institute ICT Information and Communications Technology IM Implementing Mechanism INAM* National Women’s Institute IP Implementing Partner ISO International Organization for Standardization LGBTI Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex iv | FY 2018 // QPFR III HONDURAS LOCAL GOVERNANCE ACTIVITY /// QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE AND FINANCIAL REPORT M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MOU Memorandum of Understanding OAIP* Officers of Access to Public Information OCAT Organizational Capacity Assessment Tool OMM* Women’s Municipal Office ONADICI* National Office of Integral Development and Internal Control PER* Education Network Plan PNAE* National School Nutrition Program Red ITC Community Technical Institute Network RENTCAM* National Registry of Municipal Administration Career Technicians RFA Request for Applications SAFT* Integrated System for Municipal Financial Tributary Management SAMI* Municipal Administration System SANAA* National Autonomous Aqueduct and Sewage Service SEFIN* Secretariat of Finances SETCAM* Technical Secretariat for the Municipal Administration Career SIARED* Educational Networks Administrative System SIARH* Integrated System of Administration of Human Resources SGJD* Secretariat of Governance, Justice and Decentralization TRC* Regulation and Control Technician TSC* National Audit Institution UDEL* Unit of Local Economic Development UGD* Unit of Decentralized Management USAID U.S. Agency for International Development USCL* Supervision and Local Control Unit USG United States Government UTSAN* Technical Unit for Food and Nutritional Security WMB Water Management Board *Acronyms with an asterisk are in Spanish. The meaning of most Spanish acronyms has been translated for the clarity of this report. v | FY 2018 // QPFR III HONDURAS LOCAL GOVERNANCE ACTIVITY /// QUARTERLY PERFORMANCE AND FINANCIAL REPORT Executive summary This quarterly report covers activities from April 1 to June 30, 2018. During the quarter, the Activity achieved important qualitative and quantitative advances that are described under each of the Results and Sub-results throughout this document. The Activity carried out a series of formative actions with civil society to achieve greater citizen participation and evidence- based oversight of service delivery in nutrition, water and sanitation, and education. In numbers, 1,277 people participated in trainings; 12,066 people participated in service delivery decision-making events; 118 CSOs carried out advocacy actions; 4 public policies were approved with citizen input; 72 external oversight mechanisms were conducted ( 38 of which have resulted in documents with recommendations to service providers and local governments); and 7 grants were signed with CSOs in a collective effort called PARTICIPA-Occidente. While the numbers demonstrate the broad reach of the Activity, the impact of this participation and influence goes beyond numbers. The diverse inclusion of civil society actors -from parents’ associations to water users to vulnerable groups- in the Honduras Local Governance Activity’s programming is working to build a culture of transparency and citizen involvement in western Honduras that will continue to be deepened and strengthened. With mancomunidades and service providers in education, nutrition, water and sanitation, the Activity has worked to strengthen internal processes thereby improving their Service Management Index (IGS). As of June 30, a total of 635 service providers have received training, technical assistance, and customized support in the provision of services; 2,013 service providers’ members/employees have received training; 18 mancomunidades have developed Transparency Plans ( 11 of which are approved); 17 of 19 nutrition service providers have improved skills and are participating in local debates on nutrition; 283 water management boards have received training on their legal framework; 84 municipal water regulation and control technicians have been certified by the central regulating entity, and 2 education management tools have been created to improve implementation of the Code of Conduct and monitoring the Education Network Project (PER) respectively; both tools being approved by the Secretariat of Education . In all sectors, trainings have targeted critical skills for service delivery tailored to the needs of each actor. Processes were streamlined and tools were developed from the bottom-up, with maximum input from stakeholders to facilitate their appropriation. The capacities and tools acquired this past quarter are the basis for improved service provider performance that will be evaluated and supported during the next quarter, and subsequent years of the Activity. As local governments returned to their normal rhythm following the transition of authorities at the start of the year, the Activity worked to provide training and technical assistance related to core functions of municipal governments. This included trainings to 1,389 municipal employees including councilmembers, auditors, and cadaster officials in over 89 municipalities, continued support to the Technical Secretariat of the Municipal Administrative Career Law (SETCAM) to implement the CAM law resulting in 107 municipal employees registered as civil servants; 8 municipalities formally agreeing to strengthen local economic development (LED) efforts; and 14 preliminary infrastructure designs approved to support access to and delivery of key services. These advances will have a sustained impact on local governance and municipal administration as civil servants improve their understanding of their role and responsibilities, and become registered in a database that promotes professionalization and protection of the field. Infrastructure activities and local economic development aim to bring lasting benefits to the citizens in each community. Underlying the activities during the quarter was an emphasis on cross-cutting themes such as gender and inclusion, inter- institutional coordination, and Collaboration, Learning and Adapting (CLA). In gender and inclusion, 8 female mayors have transformed into leading advocates across municipalities for more inclusive municipal agendas following a study tour to Ecuador, and 1,017 people were trained to promote women's empowerment and gender equity. The Activity also coordinated with 15 Honduran institutions and 5 USAID implementers to enhance its impact in western Honduras. Finally, the team worked on a CLA agenda to assesses results
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