MCA Completion Report
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Millennium Challenge Account Ghana Program July 15, 2013 COMPACT COMPLETION REPORT • MAIN REPORT • APPENDICES Ghana Program Millennium Challenge Account COMPACT COMPLETION REPORT Duration: FEBRUARY FEBRUARY 2007 to 2012 July 15, 2013 Millennium Challenge Account Ghana Program COMPACT COMPLETION REPORT MAIN REPORT Millennium Challenge Compact “A Compact is a multi-year agreement between the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and an eligible country to fund specific Programs targeted at reducing poverty and stimulating economic growth.” i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS i ACRONYMS iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS viii PREFACE x EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xii CHAPTER 1: 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1: Ghana Program Design 1 1.1.1: The Ghana Compact and MCC Framework 4 1.1.2: Selection of Priority Areas for Investment 4 1.2: Purpose of the Compact Completion Report 9 1.3: Methodology 9 1.4: Structure of the Report 9 CHAPTER 2: 10 ADMINISTRATION AND PROGRAM MANAGEMENT 10 2.1: The Millennium Development Authority (MiDA) 10 2.2: Management and Administrative Structure 11 2.2.1: The Board of Directors 11 2.2.2: Management 13 2.2.3: Program Implementers 14 2.2.4: Structure of MiDA (MCA Ghana) 17 2.3: Financial Performance of the Program 18 COMPACT COMPLETION REPORT ii CHAPTER 3: 21 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM 21 3.1: Agricultural Productivity and Value-Added Development Project 21 (“Agriculture Project”) 3.1.1: Farmer and Enterprise Training in Commercial Agriculture 25 (“Commercial Training Activity”) 3.1.2: Irrigation Development (“Irrigation Activity”) 34 3.1.3: Land Tenure Facilitation (“Land Activity”) 49 3.1.4: Improvement of Post-Harvest Handling and Value-Chain Services 65 (“Post-Harvest Activity”) 3.1.5: Improvement of Credit Services for On-Farm and Value-Chain Investments 81 (“Credit Activity”) 3.1.6: Rehabilitation of Feeder Roads (“Feeder Roads Activity”) 91 3.2: Transportation Infrastructure Development Project (“Transportation Project”) 116 3.2.1: Upgrades to Sections of N-1 Highway (“N-1 Activity”) 117 3.2.2: Improvement of Trunk Roads (“Trunk Roads Activity”) 132 3.2.3: Improvements of Lake Volta Ferry Service (“Ferry Activity”) 141 3.3: Rural Services Development Project (“Rural Development Project”) 153 3.3.1: Procurement Capacity Activity 155 3.3.2: Community Services Activity 162 3.3.3: Financial Services Activity 183 CHAPTER 4: 190 CROSS-CUTTING FUNCTIONS 190 4.1: Financial Administration 190 4.2: Internal Audit Department 195 4.3: Legal Department 197 4.4: Environmental and Social Impact Directorate 200 4.5: Monitoring and Evaluation 210 4.6: Capacity-Building 229 4.7: Gender 231 4.8: Communications and Public Outreach 232 4.9: Procurement 234 CONCLUSION 242 COMPACT COMPLETION REPORT iii ACRONYMS AADT Annualized Average Daily Traffic ABZ Afram Basin Zone ABCs Agricultural Business Centre ACH Automated Clearing House ACP Agric Credit Programme ACPC Agric Credit Programme Consultant ADB Agricultural Development Bank ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution ADRA Adventist Development and Relief Agency AGRA Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa AMA Accra Metropolitan Assembly BOG Bank of Ghana BOQ Bill of Quantities BPA Blanket Purchase Agreement CAPM Commercialisation of Agriculture Project Manager CCC Cheque Codeline Clearing CCR Compact Completion Report CBC Concord Business College CDFO Commercial Development of Farmer-Based Organizations CDP Community Development Planner CEO Chief Executive Officer CERSGIS Centre for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems CIF Compact Implementation Fund CKP Charles Kendall and Partners CMC Central Management Consultant COO Chief Operating Officer CORS Continuously Operating Reference Station CP Conditions Precedent CPPRS Contractor Past Performance Reporting System CPR Conditions Precedent Report CPS Common Payment System CBRDP Community-Based Rural Development Project CSA Community Services Activity CSOs Civil Society Organisations CSPM Community Services Project Manager CSWA Community Water and Sanitation Agency DAs District Assemblies DAC District Advisory Committee DAI Development Alternatives Incorporated DFID UK Department for International Development DFPs Detailed Financial Plans DFR Department of Feeder Roads DNP Defects Notification Period DUR Department of Urban Roads DVLA Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority EBS Environmental Baseline Survey ECG Electricity Company of Ghana COMPACT COMPLETION REPORT iv EDAIF Export Development and Agricultural Investment Fund EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EIF Entry-Into-Force EMP Environmental Management Plan EOT Extension of Time EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERR Economic Rate of Return ESID Environmental and Social Impact Directorate ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plans ESOC Environment and Social Oversight Consultant EU European Union FA Fiscal Agent FAP Fiscal Accountability Plan FBOs Farmer-Based Organizations FESMP Framework Environmental and Social Management Plan FNGOs Financial Non-Governmental Organizations FSA Financial Services Activity GCAA Ghana Civil Aviation Authority GACL Ghana Airports Company Limited GAPVOD Ghana Association of Private Voluntary Organizations in Development GDP Gross Domestic Product GES Ghana Education Service GHA Ghana Highway Authority GHAMFIN Ghana Microfinance Institutions Network GHIPSS Ghana Interbank Payments and Settlement Systems GIDA Ghana Irrigation Development Authority GIMPA Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration GIS Geographical Information Systems GLSS5+ Ghana Living Standards Survey Round Five Plus GOG Government of Ghana GOEs Government-Owned Enterprises GRBCIP Ghana Rural Banks Computerisation and Interconnectivity Project GPRS Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy GSA Ghana Standards Authority GSS Ghana Statistical Service GWCL Ghana Water Company Limited GWEP Guinea Worm Eradication Project HND Higher National Diploma GTUC Ghana Telecom University College H&SP Health & Safety Plan IDIQ (Contract) Indefinite delivery/indefinite quantity (Contract) ICT Information Communication Technology IE Implementing Entity IEA Implementing Entity Agreement IESC International Executive Services Corps IFDC International Fertilizer Development Centre IRI International Roughness Index ISSER Institute of Statistical, Social and Economic Research ITFC Integrated Tamale Fruits Company ITT Indicator Tracking Table COMPACT COMPLETION REPORT v IPC Interim Payment Certificate IPPC International Plant Protection Convention JS Judicial Service KIA Kotoka International Airport KLBIP Kpong Left Bank Irrigation Project KNUST Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology KPIWS Kpong Piped Irrigation Water Scheme LAN Local Area Network LAP Land Administration Project LTR Land Title Registration MTDP Medium Term Development Plan M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MCA Millennium Challenge Account MCC Millennium Challenge Corporation MDAs Ministries, Departments and Agencies MDPI Management Development and Productivity Institute MiDA Millennium Development Authority MLGRD Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development MLNR Ministry of Land and Natural Resources MM Maintenance Manual MMDAs Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies MoE Ministry of Education MoEn Ministry of Energy MOFA Ministry of Food and Agriculture MOFEP Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning MOT Ministry of Transport MOTI Ministry of Trade and Industry MWRWH Ministry of Water Resources, Works and Housing MYFP Multi-Year Financial Plan NAB National Accreditation Board N-1 Highway National Route 1 Highway NAB National Accreditation Board NAZ Northern Agricultural Zone NED Northern Electrification Department NGOs Non Governmental Organizations NDPC National Development Planning Commission NORC National Opinion Research Centre, University of Chicago NRSC National Road Safety Commission PA Procurement Agent PAP Project Affected Person PAR Portfolio-At-Risk PPMS Project and Procurement Management Services PA Procurement Agent PC Project Coordinator PCA Procurement Capacity Activity PCC Perishable Cargo Centre PCE Passenger Car Equivalents PEF Private Enterprise Foundation PFIs Participating Financial Institutions PIRS Performance Indicator Reference Sheets COMPACT COMPLETION REPORT vi PPH Public Pack House PCP Program Closure Plan PCR Program Completion Report PFIs Participating Financial Institutions PPRs Procurement Performance Reports PIP Procurement Implementation Plan PIRS Performance Indicator Reference Sheets PLTR Pilot Land Title Registration PM&E Performance Monitoring and Evaluation PMSC Project Management Support Consultant PPA Public Procurement Authority PPHs Public Pack Houses PPMS Project and Procurement Management Services PEP Project Evaluation Panel PPP Public Private Partnership PPR Procurement Performance Report MRH Ministry of Roads and Highways MOU Memorandum of Understanding PPRSD Plant Protection Regulatory Services Division PRD Pilot Registration District PSC Public Services Commission PSCs Project Support Consultants PTA Parent Teacher Associations QDR Quarterly Disbursement Request QFR Quarterly Financial Report QPR Quarterly Performance Report RAP Resettlement Action Plan RBs Rural Banks RCBs Rural and Community Banks RFB Road Fund Board RFP Request for Proposals RICs Regional Implementation Consultants RICU Rural Infrastructure Coordinating Unit ROW Right of Way SBDs Standard Bidding Documents SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment SHZ Southern Horticultural Zone SMCs School Management Committees SPEG Sea-freight Pineapple Exporters of Ghana SMEs Small and Medium Scale Enterprises