GIS as appropriate technology to developing Country Enrico Fantacone University "La Sapienza" ITALY Via Asmara 76, 00199, Rome Tel +/39/6/86214481 Fax +/39/6/8555269
[email protected] GIS as appropriate technology to developing Country. The Case Study of Bengo in Angola. Keywords GIS, Appropriate Technology, Developing Countries. Overview Here is reported an example of using GIS as appropriate technology with a methodological application in Angola, where twenty years of war throw into confusion and dangerous status both anthropic and environmental systems The uncertain conditions and limited resources are chronic characters in developing countries. The appropriateness of the GIS is on respecting and thinking these chronic conditions in setting up a methodology aiming to pursue the basic knowledge of territory to support decision making and planning actions on emergency condition as it happens in this case study localized on the District of Bengo in Angola. This case study has been choiced since it is in progress a cooperation programme between the Universities of Rome and of Luanda in Angola. Thus many data, consulting opportunity, and maps availability have been possible due to this cooperation. The presented case study is a part of a research recently developed by the author in a PhD thesis#1 at C.I.R.P.S.#2. I want to thank Professor V.Naso as Coordinator of the PhD, Professor S.Dierna and Dr M.Prezioso as Tutors of the research. Statement of objectives It is intended that technology implies several characters to be appropriate. Actually GIS is usually implemented in industrialized countries and it is known that GIS as a science was born in the north side of the world, mainly UK, Canada and USA.