Uemtxi H»Uoni) "" M«mi>or 89th YEAR — 15th. WEEK Uemtxi H»Uoni -MATAWAN, N. J-.^FHtfRSDAY, OCTOBER" IflTT95r County Prau Single Copy Ten CenU Z ..ElyPresident True Valuation Assessment Ratio Trophy Presented To Cliffaood Marching Unit J. Franklin Dominick Resigns As ' Daniel S. Ely, c 1 ,e r k of Holmdel Township, n* a s chosen yesterday as presi- Threatens Matawan Twp. Tax Jump Matawan Borougli Clerk At Session dent of the N. J. Association Held.Post For 13 Years After Appointment By —of JlnrnsUjiCoromltteemcn, State-Determined Figures Give Borough, Mr. Ely has been a member $66,000 Credit Oh Schools; Appeal Voted Mayor Currie; To. Take Effect At End Of Year of the association 12 years and was servine on Its legis- Notification from the Divi- J Franklin Dumlnlck, Mutn- lative commlU.ce at the time sion '; of Taxation, State De- wun - noroufih Clerk Tor -the lie was elected Us president. partment of the Treasury, that State Says Keep Fire Hazards In mst 13 yiMirs, Tuesday night The organisation has 103 Matawan Township's assess- old the llorough Council ho • townships in the state in its m e n t by "true "Valuation" 'ns reflBivlntr thp post, JI 1 a membership. It was formed would be $31,700.000,for the Schools Open Borough Schools esignation, accepted "wllli re- »t the torn of the century to 1958-59 tax year' os1 against Fire Department urct" by eotliiell," Is scheciuli'tl perform,.. services on..the $16,208,000 for the current tax Absences Increase lo tnki) t>llect tin Dec. 31 of state level to rural munlcl- yi; ar caused the Matawan. In Bayshore Area Makes New Report il» \eur. . • ' . Township Committee to hur- Mr! DBniliilck, w)K) w»s lip. , paUtles. •<• • " •• The- Matawan Fill' 'Depart- Mr. Ely^wasi^. member of riedly move yesterday to make Action to cope .with the pos- iiolnteil an baiouiih clerk In the Holmdel Township Com* an appeal. The appeal must be sibility of an Asian influenza ment, in ft letter to the nor. 1044 by foniirr Mayov Edward inlttte' before he 'was mil- in Trenton by Friday and epidemic Jn the. public schools 3UHh oouncll Moiidny n I g It t W, Currl* .lo. replace- Mrs, nlclpal clerk. He -was also must be formally prepared by has been taken by the S'ate hat'HCd that u rvcrnl lnKpoc- Oe.ei'Rlanim I.. Juhn«o», a Is o secretary and president of the township attorney to'gain Department of ' Education. lon'uy thp l"Irp PrcvriUlon us wnter rent collector the township beprd of edu- consideration. Frederick M. Raublnger, Com- Board hhoweri fire hazards ex- »nd njulstrnr of VIIBJ ulnllstlcs ' cation during his period of Such was the concern of the missioner of Education, wired isted in municipal schools, for the boroiiHh. MrV'poinlnlck, : membership on "the school commltteemen that Collector county and local superinten- Thp'iieixii'tinent, Unmmli 11 s who resides nt IT LnlteaUiB dents' to keep schools open and body; He , is generally ' re- Charles Kelly made a special eurcUry Alfred Adler sent ft Dr. In tho boiouuli snlri-. ha to provide ifor careful dally In- (annul report of the Inauactlon plans to retire, ' »srded as one of the better call to Trenton_to_determine if spection of pupils, . - Informed municipal officials therea had not been a mistake nnil lidvlscd a similar- report Miiyor Spnfford W. eclmnck on state legislation as it af- maije. Should the "true valu- In his telegram, Commis- Inn! been cent to the Mat it wan nnd nivniliers of the council fecte munlclpnlUtes, ation" determined by the state sioner Raublnger comments, Township-Board of Education, Mtdtii. the sprvlcoH of', MV, stand, taxation to support the 'When a communicable dis- The report stated thm the Domlnlek riming his tg>m of Joint school district; now shar- ease Is prevalent In a c o m- board find uirtll today to act more than u demvdo in olflce. ed about equally by the- bor-munity or in a "school, it Is on tliTivltilallons which woro Mayor Buliiuick said Mr, Dom- Ddwnes President ough and township, would be- us follows: "The tlie it l-ft r m Inlek wns .slnanre and tlovotpcl ' lo Ills post wrth the; borough come two-thlrc\s tlie tax cost system Ui.tlie Menrarlnl Sdiool of the township;,.It,would be Commander Frank: Pajllaro of Guadalcanal Post 4745 V.F.W. Mntinvnn-CllffM'ood 1« shown anil had niiiclo. "thlntu a erunt "Of Auto Group equivalent to an estimated presenting a trophy In behalf^pf the lied Bank Junior Chamber of Commerce to tht< Junior Is not lien Into Die borough's i for the council $66,000 tax credit to .tte,;twr- Coach .Barry Rlrza rc- Drum and Bugle Corps of the post.. MIKS Andrea Havel Is accepting the hwarfl for tlitt oorp*. fire nlnrm syntem, but Is only Elected To Post At coimectcd with the system ii) ough which would be an add •po^ltd I li c "flu" situation This prlie was slvcn Sunday, for their outstanding performance at the State Junior Chamber Volk of Commerce convention •'! Asbury Park. . .:••''....' .... inn old arnnuniii' Sclipol bi|llr|- Recent Convention to 4he township school taxes. had sufficiently improved at j BIata,ivBii IUeh Scliool this ing.~"'-;- •""' -"•—;"•: lift n pnliolinni), second-clang More than this, the t p w n- j _peorge Q, Downes,. autama< ship's share of county taxes morning that II «as decided Halloween Parade Ovci' 400 gailbna pr Q O m- with tho police dejiartmcnt In • _blle dealer at 62 Lower Main would go up markedly, forcr to play Hie football tiimo at Roherfsvillc , Developer Hit On buStlblerPRtnt Rnd thinnerri Rio June of this yeftfior "porspn.." 6t.. Matawan, was elected ing a much higher tax rate in PolnC Pleawnt Saturday. Onco UB-.ihi, the vhlldrcn stored'In the fuihlioa room of til I'eusoDs" Tuesday was.' re- Ceorgo D. Soarcli, Key- president or the I^eV Jersey Uie ttiuniclpality after t he of the Borouili of HUaUwan t li o Mcinovlnj 8ohppl, and p to tho nwne post port illKh School priuclr>>l> School Closed will be treated to a Hallo- Street Condition many of tdc cohtalhpis n r o Automotive-Trade Association township has been enjoying a with "Hie adoption of fl" relatively stable tax rate for reported 234 "flu" tinses In Marlboro Board To ween parade, to • lie hold ;II 'offfi eti •by'xmihoiirnjiit..' at' the 39tfi annual convention ome ye that scliaol this morning liait Hnspection oil'burner doors :ttnd liv pnao Everett Wi Otir'I'tanV.' -rr '".' ' • put Ihc KHS ganic wltli Cen- Matawan Borough increase Act On Well Tonight I'ernilshion IVIMN ho en Bridge Estates Made •it ft flaislibnolc \vouUl._ll.e vul- Counoll-ruiecl-UiHl-Pa;- Volk' tral (Bayvlllc) Iteclaiidl in (ranted bjr the-Matawan nerable lo fl«v would b» returned to his Job is only from $17,371,000: total Jeopardy and final decision valuation to $17,725,000. W 11- Marlboro Township Board of Horonirh Council-and plaits nshlp M a.y o r "Janitors', supplies sucli a.8 wlUlout Ions of imy of his prU*- 11am Kinesley, deputy director on to play or not to p 1 a-y Education will hold a special arc underway, to irlnUe this John IJ,..Chnmbcrlnin. warned Uunt mops, toraoiiu,' clciiiilng or «ervlce. with tlie local' do-'. of the Division of Taxation, would be made tomorrow. meetlivg tonight at C e n t r a 1 year's^ ji;ir;ulo tho largest Monday n 1 g h I that u fluid, nnd other equipment nro iiortment. Sine* his reslmm- noted that the new valuations Echog&to decide on what to .and most colorful tlio tovyn roads ave rcpftlrcd In tho'Old sentteved nil ovt>r Hip furnftce tlon In Jnno, l>t), Volk llaa' do Siro u t the Robertsvlllo ever iins witnessed, rrlte^- Brldae Ealnlos section of the -room,. i , -.:"" ' been serving as a upltolnl po< for rrquotl of It. V/\.Bq.:! day. _ ' meat oilcinal in each of 7 Oii this basis the state has. de- 1 Cost would be levied air llbdl"7A "lV" ful dnlly Inspection of each pu- "It became necessary to close ' throe age' aroupH, JUIIKUIR the bo l-l-e/r loom of "Iho termined a ratio of assessed pil and returning to Uie the developer's pcrfoi'mnnco Oiammttr School."__^- - - MiitliBrn.ttlvlalonvof tho -CeiUuV* RobcrtE-vllle SchooJ Monday Hill place In the Mala.." bond. Mayor Chamborlaln told Ira4 Railroad of Now Jotscy, valuation as levied by munic- of suspects frill 4o far more to The flip flepwlirient also ipal assessor, to "true- valua- for lack ot water supply. Us: 11 nn HIBII Bi'lioot auditor!^ memners of the Townshlr counell voted to lower thn lev- limit an' epidemic than ^dos- 40 pupils- are rjpw- being triwfs- urn. Committee he was not plcixned llnlert n number of rnoommcii tion" of 0.01.per cent. L a s t ing the school.". Anttona.' \VU1BU they -uvgail Ww ol of lT-tiTlboro 6 o h;-6''o 1, . . D«nlM J.•' Mariotnt,, goner. w I tn the condlllon of the a'tinciUoli'«f'; VmtlMmd treatlo 1 .,-,,The. commissioner observes The.board has proylclRd'irans- atrcclH durliiii A roocnt'ini board to'fpllov/ in an cltort to be sustained nt Uie ..hearing' tn that It is most,probable In the .ftl chtttxinAtt, hate' *nn«unoprt (iliminftto tlio tililtaros'.'ThA re- Trenton, the township-'s p r o- 'portatlon at, {M.'yor day by nil *>1iat pianr urn. bebiB m»di> tlbn.toui'; • ]j j Dnivh casc'of Influenza lhat,the. vir- extension lo an existing bus port (listed llinj; Uie'fll'fl w 1 portlon' of school and county us has already been widely to have 'enuFi'.ace* group leil That the plan for dummllifr irulsliris verO found |n u o'o'ff TI* inupcoinr reported that'• taxes must skyrocket. It wlli route, This can be continued by a band. iMr. Miiiulnl will disseminated arid closing the for 24. days, without advertising up C8'6 p Bun CfDok-a order nnd HIP fire drills effi iplllng bfiipntli ir shelf on" be primarily the obligation of schoola wilf-scrve lio u s e f u 1 ' announce f u r t Jt> c r parade m c n n « of rcplenlslilnB Mic cleut. The Idller called alien "wliich (ho tiontlp tinnts- li r o the assessor, John G. Kenjier, for bids. Tlie pupils In the kin- plain and comnijttfco "elmlr- purpose,.but he noted that any dergarten class in charge of townshlp"ti underground wnter tlon to tlio Metuchrn 11 In I coueti'Uotcrt luuitt l>?. lunneotfrt to submit evidence and testi- *>ncn at a futnro dale. The sdui ccs pumiC.itcd by.- Robert School flic nnd'urged that lu'vlnsura the tri'utlo'ii safety; • mony to defend Ills assess- decision to close should be Mrs. AUce M. Nellls now at- Mnl.iuvnn Democratic O I u b based upon, administrative tknd school In the afternoon at Baler, township engineer, Is safely precautlonf! be taken In jttailloil, lie fluid llioVfl Hie •' ments and show those of the will kponsor the* i>aratl*v looked on with favor'by- the The 'mayor ftnil iounnll rr ntnu ucht posts whloh tnust bo OEOKGE C. DOWNES state are in error. The town- consideration unless shortage Marlboro wlioie formerly-they of staff due to Illness compels went in the morning. • state Water Policy Coinmls. id. . artotucr -rRPoi't -be- ill? p] H W»il,_HiLiivJtl_iiie-^W--(i - f • Is-— ship attorney, Ezra W7. Kar- slon was reported by Town- would ho rtfnjulntpit in In Atlantic City.-He succeeds such a decision. He. urges nftor Hie conrlltlons have kus, Keyport, will prepare the ship Attorney , Joseph ISdgni been iPinodled. . v ImiitT'iy ofin Tnontli, Gerald S Klelnhans, W o o d- township's case and conduct that when presently recom- Mrs. M. Hammond's f'.'rs t Knife-Wielding grade Is attending Murlboro when he discussed a hearing follow M)« n"n" bury. the township's appeal if the mended priority needs have before thn Public Utilities state allows a hearing. been met and the vaccine Is School on full time In a class- of the iiollon cptninllttie, oo'ilit- The groiuJ/rbted to urge di- available In sufficient quantity, room improvised to meet tt>c In Two Courts , filing piano Democratic Club oll-gTHnte(l-n-tiixrileSiTso~~To rectors ofJlhe National Auto- In other business, the town- teachers and other school em- emergency. The teachers re- of tho MadlMin Water Com Clinrlos H: Kplinii. II|»'raqueiL. Complaint* Filed._.... piuiy lo open up fultliei' wstcc mobile ^sJalcrs Association to, ship committee voted yester- ployees should seek the p ro- ported the complete failure of for » toxl sTiirnl nt Btntlon , water supply at the school supply channels. Attorney EiI- Mitels Recently Pla>m luis been IIKICIIKI Illeil, adopt a "Rflnlte, concise and day tto apply for state aid un- tectlori the vaccine offers. In Keyport, Matawan described It as a "worth (continued on page ten) Gives Information Monday and the-closing was Theft iittl feasible cotopalgn against the ordered. _ ._.._ ._ ,.,-Iiad. b~I o #d botween—two jvlil|e-_JiearlJ)g,-provJhg-Uial -DiscussesParader^^ time, serious prqbram oj bqotlegglng Mr,-Raubingergave the foU ; Matawnn.mcn nnd a Keyporl vvs\er. will. lowing information supplied The board discussed the wa factor In -to-wnahlp dovelop- Clarifies Platform * f- A, Hems'"'ttJorrtRiib,. ~UT the retail auwtrade." . tej " supply" problem at\ the nrlfn-brought all three into the senHnu loij* Trmikln" Il'nguu, 6,976 jPupils Jam by the State /Department of courts-of the municipalities In hicnt." " '.-•.'•.•.•' ,"T'h 1 s continuing "flagrant Health: Asian Influenza Is a RobertsvjUe School at the Oct. Thoinat J.' Fi«ii Madl Mniicini, ICitwuid Francy nnd nnil iiuillilollrn vlituiillv has j. Alex Laurie, Morris Plains, registered Sept, 16, the latest the artesian well. At $25" per ClotcII. under . questioning by Clmrks O'ltaro to RtleiUl '« uiupri'd liifi'i'lloun dlHeuHuii- re-elected treasurer, and Wil-complete figures available. von Acres Watnr Ooimtany,' re day, It would cost the bdord his attorney, Vincent.. DIMnlo, infested content, for the use of club mcqlliig Monday, A re nnil lii'liii'd' buiist MIcCxpfCl- liam L. Mutton, Irvlngton, re Earl B.Oarrlson. county su- Ravages Bayshore over (3000 for Die remanlnlng Matawan, claimed lie was not port was made on tlm aucccsn Bllty In I lie United « t tt I e « elected secretory. streets for mttlim. The retiucftf perintendent' of schools, be- Power Failures Are 140 days of school to transport the aggressor In eltlrer tov/h. was ref.e.rred lo Mi\ Edgar.for ful mooiilliilit dance held by rive yciiiN filnot! World War II, lleve^ that every high school the Robertsvllle School "c h I I- tho club In Augunl. Tliekr RIIIIIN wcrt1 repoiled Reported Widespread Mr. Gotcll's complaint In Conwlderatlon, Family Of Three in the county will be on double dren to Marlboro School, by keyport alleged that the Mata- Upon the recommendation • In keeping with.a prumlnc to Honlrl M!II|

3O DAYS/3O YEARS I bvlM yew f«iry mi fanew W It'i Jo Ann Lamfxrti'i flntjob. She't Tht ajterierict of chief operator Mrt. Ann* IHi learning quickly tin art of handling call* M. Merchant it invaluablt in helping M10- -.. id w|«y MM arountt (fit corner or around lh« itwJA comtn like Jo Ann become ikilltd operator*. •All rlcht ... io the check wf Ml WOBTHLE88 . . (0 MATAWAN was that out iat« (is ' Working log«lri«r 10 bring paople logsthar. Youth and experience, ron laid met" like Jo Am Latnberti and MTB. Anne M. Merchant—work together, to We offer only the best pro- BANK ducts and service .'. . at . bring you tio-ndvantagos of modern phone Bervice. Becauso of them you. REASONABLE PRICES I : can be in touch with almost anyone, anywhere, any time. • MARY CARTER HIW JHII1 H'« a big job. Ona that keeps over 29,000 New Jersey men and women OK , bttty. And each year the team grows. I , Route 34.2 Miles So. of Matawan SALES & SERVICI Phone Mat 1-3884 184 New Brunswick Ave. Frcs Pick-Up * Deliver; Would you like « telephbw fcawert If so-aulyour Chief Operator. M B«mr Wreuker Service 'erth Amboy. NX 1 £fcMAA MMilf ( - '•, i ' j • ' ' •> • ' *' . •> . - , '• ' • ' i '• ' A M ' NKVTJ&I3BY BULL TSLXTMONX COMPACT Predicts Market TVo Promoted By Atco WaiRemainTight "The long term capital mar- ket is likely to remain quite tight in 1958, although there will be sojne shifts In w h a t projects wllj be Ilnanced," Dr. ordon W. McKinley. director onomlc and Investment •px for the Prudential Io- surai/ce Company ol America, g onference of the New Jer- ankers Association at the "It seems clear that we have -the pear of tKe~" cur- —rent interest rate movement, with rates generally moving You are; invited to visit Curtis Furniture^ Keyport's newest sldewlse during'the past month," Dr. McKinley told the 225 bankers attending. and most beautiful furniture store, and receive a FREE GIFT "We s h o u 1 d not conclude from .this, however," he »dd- MICHAEL M. BTRAN.O CHARLES McCORIvnCK without ANY OBLIGATION. ; V ; ed. "that-interest-rates-w-H-J Architectural Tiling Co7lnc7, mouth County"Saf«ty Council; JIOW head downward." He ex- Key.port, recently announced Monmouth County Fire-Police; . pressed the view that the over- the promotion of, Michael . M. American Handling Society all capital.maTket. would keep Strano to Personnel Manager, and the rnariager' of the Atco You will seje advanced 1958 styles in modern and provincial close to Its present tightness and Charles McCormlck to Tile Basketball Team. • "at least through the first He served three years In half of 1958." Methods Director of Automa^ Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room and Dinette* Garpeting, tlon Group. ; the South Western P. a c 1 f ic Dr. McKinley stated that al- theatre of operations during though there would be a less Mr. Strano started.bis em- World War n. He is nmrled Floor Covering, Bedding, Juvenile Furniture, Tables, Lamps and demand from corporations for ployment with Atco in 1936 in to the former Miss Frances outside capital funds because the clay pressing operations. DiOlora. The couple have two of some decline in plant and During his 21 years of service sons, Michael and Nicholas. many other house furnishings. Items are of the highest quality equipment expenditures, this with Atco he has been a', lab Mr. McOormldk started with would' be partly offset by cor-technician, union time study Atco' in ; 1950 in the sorting porato borrowing to restore representative! and ' promoted department produotldri. He and lowest prices. Here are some 6l the values. •> their own ' liquidity,' Further to, foreman of trim _ tile pack- then was promoted to foreman offsets would come from In- ing department and supervisor of raw materials and then to creased state a ad local bor- of time study and methods de- assistant plant superintendent! j rowing, • rising consumer cre- partment, which he held until which he held until his recent dit, and a decline In the cash his promotion. . promotion. . . • surplus'of the federal govern- Mr. Strano graduated from He attended and was gradu-_ 2 Pc. Modern ment. Keyport High School, attended ated from George Washington , Although- the total demand Middlesex County Vocational High Sohool, attended Coliim- i for funds outside the mort- School, and Rutgers Universi- bia University and R u t.«_e r s ty Evening College where he LIVING ROOM SUITE gage market would thus prob- Evening .College. At present, ably be as large in 1958'as in no,w is studying Industrial he":Is treasurer of the Atco " 1957, he thought the supply of management. . ,'•.-• Supervisors Bowling League.. • Full Size Sofa. Uu, $21900 funds will be grooving stead- Among his many activities Mr. McCormlck served with ily. This would make possible are the treasurershlp.of the the U. S. Army Air Force dur- Atco Employee Federal Cr*dlt ing World War n in the Europe • Newest Fabric. an Increased'flow of, funds to L the mortgage market. ; Union; secretary .of the Mon- ean Theatre of Operations, He mquthtOccan County Chapter 1 "The'net flow of funds Into Is married tolter former SUs ^ • E^tra'Chair Available the residential mortgage mar- of the New Jersey Credit Un- an Bellew and the couple haVe ket in 1058 is likely to rise by ion League; president of t h e four children, Robert James, • Choice Of Colors Atco Supervisors Bowling Laura Ellen, Katharine Louise ('nail or about li ,000,000,000 over the : amount supplied In 1957,"- he League: member of the. Min-and.-Cralg-Thomas^" —•••• ~- - • 5 Yr. Guarantee IIud«it said. *..•."•• Electronic banking Is brand new practically; but "it's WalkingHabitHit Of fers Taccine much later than we,think to prepare the .way," -Robert E. Fendrjch^JrEsearch-off lqer- of By Safety Poster ToEmployees^— = the Howard Savings Institu- One child- In four struck Asiatic flu Vaccine"- wM be tion, Newark, told the group. down In traffic stepped into made available, free of charge, 3 PcTModem A widening stfurce" of funds the street from between park- to all employees of The Grand for Investment in the. housing ed cars, Frank J, Quinn, sec- Union Company, ft iyas an- market was seen In the grfrw retary-manager of the AAA nounced by Lansing P. Shield, Ing pension funds, by Charles Automobile. Club-of Central president of the 370-atoi'e Eost- BEDROOM in GRAY • H. Robinson, vice president New Jersey saia In »r7ribunc- ern food chain. Innoculallons and mortgage, officer. County Ingjhat the AAA School Safe- were given, first to store em- Bank & Trust Co., White ty Poster this month is a warn- ployees In the New York city 50 Plains. N/t ing to all children this metropolitan area, beginning • 44" Double Dresser ' Reg. M98 With published statements dangerous practice. Oct. l, becoming the rule for both un- , The poster,-which carries Plans for this free lhnocuTa" • Panel Bed- ion , anjd private funds in the the message "Keep From Be- tlon program,- covering the not. too\.distant futurer Mr. tween Parked Cars," Is being Eastern food chain's nearly • Large Chest Robinson thought that their In. -ilit-t-rII);tr.te d to elemental 14,000 employees, were Initiat- Yestrhcaf pof^ollos -"Bill tafes ry schools In Central New Jer- ed: weeks ago by Mr. Shield • Bookia-iittSd^—i;- mote "similarity with those sey oa a part of the' Motor when ft rapid spread at Asiatic of insurance companies and flu was Indicated, , * i C«h er savings banks". currently the Club's regular monthly, safety education program, "Since pur employees are In Available • ' ,, Budw, heaviest investors In the hous- direct dncT daily contact with ing market. , Mr. Quinn asked parents to the public, the Grand Union Banks serving as invest- discuss the theme of the-safe- CompanyJ)e! _it_has an ment managers for these ty poster with their children, obligation b"o£b7to.-it«_" custom- * OCCASIONAL funds «nd— servicing agents thus giving the "lesson "a er»~anU td~its~employees to-do CONTOUR TYPE L all It can to prevent the 3 Pc. Curved Innerspring lor the. mortgages can tap "doublejmpact." • - Swivel huge sources of funds while spread of Asiatic influenza," He" added- tliftt_lt. Is equally said Mr.'Shield.. CHAIRS tunneling large sums of mon- Important for parents of pre- XHAIR ey Into housing, he thought. school age children' to teach The vaccine Is being offered Fabric Covered "We are talking about tre- the lesson at home. The per- to all employees, both' full- . Full Size Plastic Covered ROCKERS. mendous sums of money and centage of children four-years- time and part-timef pn a vol- Studio Couch about a reservoir of funds that ' Foam Rubber Choice of Colors old and under who are killed untary basis. Choice of Colors Reg. $59.95 ^ is growing so rapidly that Administration of 1 the 'vac-, Reg. $89.95 some day it is going to be one or injured by running between Reg. $44.50 parked cars it even higher cine is being handed by the |eg. $298 to $598 of the biggest factors-in the Personnel Department In each SOJ9S economy of the country." than it Is for those five and over. of the chain's Divisions. The 50 SOC9S The original poster design three largest Divisions, Metro- $M95 politan, Suburban and North- 169"-389 L»3P Helen Rapp To Present was done by, 18-year-old Ron- : ald Ryan, a senior at Mount ern, win use mobile trailers. '"•'•••:.'".i§i3'' "-" "" Fall, Winter Fashions Pleasant High School, Schenec- normally used for ..personnel tady, N. Y. Ronald's poster training, for the administra- The Women's Guild of the tion of the vaccine. A~"trailer Chrome Wool Brass Middletown Reformed Church won a first place prize in the and a doctor will move from will sponsor its second annual senior high school division of one central location to anoth- DINETTE the'National Traffic Safety Imported fashion stow, at the c h u r c h er. . ' . Chrome or Black Scatter parish house. Kings Highway, Poster Contest sponsored by The vaccine will be adminis- Step Stools Magazine Oct. 17- at 8:30 p.m. Fall and the American Automobile As- tered In such a manner that Extension Leaf winter fashions will be pre- sociation. Later, the contest It will not be necessary to RUGS Judges selected the poster over 30x40x48 Reg. $12,95 ,..;. sented by Helen M. Rapp, Key- close any.of Grand U n 1 o n's , $59.95 Value RUGS port. Refreshments w 111 be similar designs done by- ele-370 markets In accom- Reg. $79.95 RACK ' served, and a door price mentary and Junior high plish thev.undertaking. . •—••• ' awarded. - school students for reproduce Serving . on the committee tlon and nation-wide distribu- $1700 tion. 7B1 Rehabilitated $1*9; are Mrs. William Walling. Mrs. George Stratford. Mrs. Gilbert Enjoy one o. America's great In N; J. last Year BaHeaux, Mrs. Robert Skin- freedoms. Attend the church ner and Mrs. George Steele., of your choice this weekend. A total of 781 physically and Hollywood Plastic Top mentally handicapped men Inherspring Bedroom and women were rehabilitated Hollywood last year in New Jersey and VISIT Our are making good in Jobs rang- TABLES ing from professional callings Mattresses Head Boards to unskilled labor, Carl Hold- BED OUTFIT Llmod Oak LAMPS erman; chairman of the New -••• All Sires All Colors r TOYBASEMENT Mahogany, Steps • Reg. $8.95 Jersey Rehabilitation C o m- Rog. $59.95 Single Size Use Our Lay away Plan mlsslon, said yesterday. Cocktail OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS Mr. Holderman added, more than 300 additional handicap- $ 95 ped people are ready for Jobs 34 and waiting for an opportunity 5499 to prove they can make good

Hardware Dept. Store J employees. They have receiv- Full Size .... • • *• - - 28 W. FRONT ST., KEYPORT ed rehabilitation .services. In- t DID r^- cluding training for.a broad DOTTY }f - These Jobs are in such pr

SLOAN PRODUCTS CO. being observed this year Oct. ' y.-..-.,<• Wholesale Dlilribalon Of S-I2. The first full week of this " . WONDEK HORSE PRODUCTS month was get aside by Con- grees in 1B45'. for " yearly ob- Ma 1-4400 , servance by all 5tales.Gov. Meyner has proclaimed these 10 W. Front St., Keyport KEyport 7-3565 56 Freneau Ave. Matawan teven days as NEPH Week In New Jersey. ' --• YOU*'

' ESTABLISHED 1869 Telephone KEyport 7-3030 — J, MABEL UIIOWN, PUBLISHER. WHY TIUS WEAKNESS Published every Thursday at Keyport, Monmouth County. N. J. (Red Banli/^eglster) By BROWN PUBLISHING AND PRINTING COMPANY Storing Garden Produce You home vegetable garden- Laws, when Iwrong, should THE PUBLIC IS invited to attend ceremonies this Sat- J. fklabei Brown, Editor — Geraldliie V; ; ^Associate Editor ers may have been so b u s y lie corrected at^whatever level urday naming the Normandy Road.U. S. Army Nike feuided Subscription Rates Payable In Advance freezing or canning, the fruits they exist. It seems a.bout missile site after a Middletown Township community. To One Year (within stale). 4.50 time for- the state to do anBe known in the future as the "Chapel Hill Site" Lieutenant Sli-MonthX....'.,.,„,_,,. . .*.„-_•.. ta.50 ' One Year (outside..slate).... $5.0 of your toll that you have over over-haul job on statutes cov- Thre^'MbntftsT.Ji — $1.50 • . One Year (outside U. S.)... $7.00 looked another- way of putting Colonel Harold Broudy, 526th AAA Missile Battalion Com- ering the; sale of alcoholic mander, has announced that the^edication ceremony will, Mfltawpn Oournar I._s a newspaper."ol.the ce9ple,.by the people, vegetobles-away-for the win beverages^o minors and hand an_...d[ lor the peuplpet/piee " IU aim Is to Serve the best Interests ol Mala\Valvjjnu ter. Even if you don't grow honor a local^y/l! Medal of Honor recipient Corporal • vicinity,,,,; to ,presen t a I ol the new« o( the week without bias, or prejudice down" tolocariroverSuiK^ljpdie? : iilnl ' aft cleanClCftHr, sane,SanCj conservativCOIU^IVBMVIe. marinerHHIIIIILI., respectinibaifvwM"g^ thMIVe tKuik^i.^waInallenaoive rlgnti your own,, but snap up Instruments of regulation that Horace M. Thorne, who was killed in action during the in- of "our citizens, alia thereby making itself worthy ol-their confidence. .a_fpodJ>arga,ln yo'u.may be in- vasion of Belgium'in December 1944. . Pflptain = ; will enable enforcement au- nesponslblllt: jlcal. errors' ii 'imltea to the" cosi oMTi terested-in a method ol!stdrV ihorltles.-to -really- bear down Robert J. "Simms, Chapel Hill site commander, Mrs. Zelma . . spaed occupied * age .that possibly has escaped upon a worsening situation. Thorne, mother of the young hero, will attend.the ceremonies: „ —Entcred-«s stcond-closs matter at Uie post oHice at Matawan,--N-.,J your notice Until nbw.""~~".fr -Reference here Is made to Following the dedicatioiTceremony which will start promptly - under the act o( March 3. 1879. • The home freezer has -It advice given by William Howe at 2 p.m., the public will be invited to tour the Nike site Page Four THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1957 place, to be sure, but sp has Davis, director of the Division and view motion pictures describing Nike guided missile the garage and,quite often, of Alcoholic Beverage Control operation. Middletown Township's Drum and Bugle Corps the .basement. By^uslng either (ABC) to the borough of At-will present an exhibition during the afternoon Open House. This Dreadful Waste of these you can keep home lantic Highlands Sept. 5. The produce longer or store rather borough, faced' with teenage It's' a common phrase, usually included in news report THERE MUST BE something romantic about the harvest-; 1 large quantities of vegetables' "disturbances, acted Jto set up of a fire. "Undetermined origin," they say ? In the charred in fall when the price is down. rules in an ordinance' adopted moon, because an estimated 300,000 brides, who. this year and gutted shell of what used to be somebody's home it i But you have no time to lose Aug. 27, calling for penalties by-passed a June wedding, have picked .a date in August often, difficult to figure out immediately where the first wisp If you're planning home stor- of a maximum $200 fine and/or or September. In fact statistics show these two months are > of smoke'curled up, Where the first tiny flame licked out. age cautions Charles H. Niss GO days 1 m p, r I s o nm e n t in runners-up in popularity with prospective brides when it But given a'little'time, trained and experienced men ley, extension specialist in veg. cases where juveniles w e' r e comes to setting the date for the "Big Day." But whatever can usually reconstruct the ..situation. A late party, people etable growing. caught with Intoxicating liquor the season, it is a good idea to be prepared. Custom dictates smoking, a cigarette that fell unnoticed among, the sofa cush- A r oo m in the basement In their possession. This p r o- it's the bride's family who foots most of the wedding bills. away from the. heater and one duced the quick advice from So here to help the father~of the bride know what he can . ions and smouldered there. Ari open fire left burning, sparks Mr. Davis that, in such cases, .thai jumped out-6n the rug or a piece of furniture. Over- that can be kept "at- about '30 expect, are some "average" wedding costs. A "small" church . to 40 degrees often answers state law establishing legisla- size fuses in the fuse box, overloaded electric wiring-tha tive policy is set forth In Re- wedding, for example, limited to the immediate family and burst into flame. ..,'-,• .' the purpose for crops such as a home reception, will cost the bride's family about $200. . cabbage, beets, .turnips, kohl- vised Statutes 33:1-81, calling - Whatever happened, it's past remedying. It matters only for a fine of "up to $50 fine Ari "average".church wedding with a reception at the church rabi, winter radish, carrots for about 150 guests comes to about "$750. And the large r - as a guide to the future. But^to a fire victim, what hap- onions and potatoes;—- and no Itftprlsonment." Mr. pens at present is imost important. Everything is gone; . On the other hand, and Mil Davis njade the. point that "it "de luxe", affair, with a reception at a hotel or country club- family heirlooms, cherished mementos, clothing, jewelry may surprise you, pumpkins Is extremely-unlikely that any and virtually anlmlimited number of guests, can cost $3000 part of the answer to the prob- valuable furnishings, important papers, all the things thai squash and. sweet ' potatoe. 1 or more. - " '.''.'. . went to make up one family's daily life.' i keep best nearjthe furnace In lenrof 'minors and liquor lies i a warm cellar' at about SO de- Jn a-municipality's adoption of FRIENDS AND ASSOCIATES of Arthur T. Vanderbilt, ~ This week is Fire Prevention Week. Here in the bay- an ordinance establishing the shore area we have assembled some of the finest volunteer grees. the late, chief justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey harshest possible penalties gathered Thursday night to dedicate" the Arthur T. Vander- —fire fighting units in the state. They take pride in thej Do-It-Yourself Box against the minors." resourcefulness and latest fire-fighting methods. But they An Insulated box is useful li "Luoking Backward bilt Hall of the New York University School of Law. Speak- Sections of the new Atlantic ers at the memorial convocation, were Roscoe Pond, former woiij,d rather not hear the sound of the fire whistles at all. you have no basement or J Highlands ordinance say "it P6 your part. PrevenTftres before they occur. Let's hal gets too warm. Making one is Item* About Folk* And Thlnrt Wo Know In Th« Long Ago shall be unlawful for any per- dean of the Harvard Law School; Charles S. Rhyne, presi-_~ " this dreadful waste. ' . • an Ideal project for a do-it- son to Invite or induce a minor dent of the American Bar Assn.; Thomas E. Dewey,' former" yourself enthusiast. to be served with, consume or governor of New York; William A. Wacherifeld, associate Plans for the box are in a Forty-Five Years Ago has had official sanction from have in his or her possession justice.of the New Jersey Supreme Court; and William J. .Lessons To Learn free circular called "Home (Issue Thursday, Gfct. 10. 1912) the Clerk of Eleotlons to des- any alcoholic beverage," or Brennan Jr., associate justice of the United States Supreme ' Storage of Fresh Fruits and The high school . auditorium ignate a new polling place for The recent introduction of the seventh grade in Saritan WAS comfortably filled Friday "unlawful for a minor to have Court, Dean Russell D.Niles of the NYU School of Law , Vegetables" of which Mr. Nlss- that section of the township^ alcoholic beverage. In his orpresided. Justice VanderbUi served, as dean of the school • Township schools to the judicial processes of law is a note- ley. Is co-author..Circular No. night at the entertainment giv- her possession."' These s e c- wortfiy step. The youngsters witnessed, at first hand, the 460 offers pretty, full treatmen en by the Daughters of the Yesterday and today, t w o tlons, Mr. Dayjs said, "Go from 1943 until 1948 and held the rank-of dean emeritus at ~ lawful prosecution and punishment of those who.break the' of a subject that can save Covenant of the Baptist heavy, frosts settled over the way too far and their.validity his death June 16. During his tenure as dean, he helped' Church. The entertainment Is land, killing much of the gar- establish an. international jaw center at NYU and to raise laws" of the land. ' »» your vegetables and" your mon- an annual event and Is always is. most doubtful." ..„..; One visual example of what . can-and does happen to ey, too. You can get a copy by den and if arm flowers and vegr Mr. Davis - recommended the funds to house it- ...The imivfirsity-horiored: him in. 1951. -.-.,, sending a'card to your county looked forward no by "o~ur by naming the new law center building "Arthur T. Vander- ' those who are lawfully convicted of having broken the rules townspeople with 'great de- e.tables, ... .- that-the ordinance be thrown : of our society is worth a great deal'more than any number agricultural agent or Garden out and substituted with o rf e bilt Hall." '; .7- ' .-';V ..-. :--\ -- of classroom lectures." '".•""". - <•--.•• Reporter, College of Agricul- ~" •'; Ten Years Ago ' . watering down the penalty tC; ture, New Brunswick. The Monmouth Poultry Although most schools participate in a Youth Govern- (Issue Thursday, Oot( 9, 1947) a top $50 and making It-unlaw- EARLY-MORNING-FOG shrouds highways in this .area "Afiswcrlne The Mall Yard's strain of 8. C. B u f f Patsj Sarabucliello, local ful for_minors to "consume or quite frequently during Autumn and motorists should 4 ment program-eachi year, few^appear to take advantage^ of -Si-W.JK :Bed Bank — ^"White Leghorns which. J. -to- have In his or her posses- •visual instruction in courts of law where a powerful aiiH C. Funderford, of"Fr e n e a u, taxi headrcharged-an-attempt Qfl.their_guajd_against,the_nhyi.Qus perils caus-d by lower have my maple trees exuded a sion any alcoholic beverage in visibility. • Pedestrians, should be extremely cautious-when. dignified branch of government is exercised. ". ' • ..-•mis: t of sticky sap from their breedswon ft.grea t victory In at arson, was Involved when any public place".-, .or "In any ' - Our congratulations to the Raritan administrators and branohes nil summer and why the hands of one of bis "cus- he called tn Matawan T o w h- motor vehicle on any h 1 g h- walking along highways obscured by fog, .because their 1 teachers, the pupils themselves and Magistrate Seymour R. Hive so many of the leaves al- tomers at the recent A 1.1 e n> hip police after tlje Sarabu- wayj" avenue, -road or street." presence can be rioted by drivers only under the most ex- own Fair, Pa. Mr. Llndorf, of ceptional circumstances. Those.afoot can see the lights^of _ Kloinberg- whose combined efforts made possible this lesson eady /alien? chello family had put out a The wording of Mr; Davis' or- in- government and law. . Don Lacey tells me that he Flushing, L. I., entered h is dinance "'apparently would approaching cars and should govern their actions accordingly. nd many others have had a buff leghorns hatched from ire that broke out^ in an auto make juvenile drinking a They should realize that the lights are of little value to reat many letters about this Mr. Punderford's eggs and parked In their backyard at 3small offense, Indeed. .motorists in discerning objects on the highway. In fact the Taith Is A Medicine iroblem this year~ Aphids, he won first pen, first and — fifth Atlantic AVe], Monday night'. . A look behind the scene-5 principal, value of lights on vehicles'in time of fog is to emlnds me, excrete a sticky cockerel .and second, pulled |n John DaMont, candidate for brought forth this reasoning: •, The marvelous achievements of American mediclnein hot competition. ' warn of the Vehicles' approach. Fog is One of the worst icombaiting disease and alleviating the His the flesh is.heir substance called "honeydew" souncllman, was the featured If you throw the 'book at a Juv- Wghway dangers.! Those who^o not have tp drive ,shp)lld,.- and some of this falls to the-The Supremo Court last Fri- speaker at Monday night enile for drinking, he or s h e leave their cars in the garage. until the fog blows away. to.are fairly well known. Bufthere'is'another side to mod- ground or to a car parked be- day, In an opinion by Justice Matawan Republican Club will not be willing to co-oper- ern medicine, and ah enormously important side, even thbugh leath the treei Usually, of Mlnturn, handed down a deci- meeting and declared the need ate with the authorities - inThose who.must drive should^play it safe all along the line.> it has, nothing to do with medication oriurgery.. ..' • :ourse, this is a hewly-wash- sion affirming the order of the torjlavlhe Drive sewers. . their efforts to crackdown -!'.••: Writing^in theJournal of the Ainerlcanifledical.Associ- upon persons 6r_places f r oun THIS'N THAT . ...The need for relaxing hobble* is d or polished oar that can State Board, of Public MJttUty. The problem of Water • 'ex.- well Illustrated By the. popularity of amateur, photogr'arihy, ation^Milton Golin says: "Today, medicine and religion are ;et pretty thoroughly honey- Commissioners-requiring iia|l- lanslon on-the-Texas Rd.-Wll- which young people got the liq- drawing together more closely than ever before. No longer, lewcd In a. day of parking. r o a d corporations supplying uor, so little of nothing h a s There are about 6000 camera clubs in the United States, 1 ion Ave. Riea and more de- as occasionally in the past, do the doctor and the clergyman Ants, In their highly organiz- drlnklpg .water on passenger ays.over th-e ih&rdsiiriiaclng of been accomplished. Some lo- with,a total rijembership of about 150,000 . V. Many aspects, find themselves'in competitive roles."'Instead thejnen in ed society, keep aphlds as trains to "suppiy therewith san- Church St. troubled the Mata- cal lawyers appear to share of the life cycle of shrimp have been discovered by a process white and the men in black, aware of a relationship between men keep cows.and use the itary drinking glasses or indi- wan Township-Committee> at this view. However, lacking called • "tagging." Small numbered disks are placed on the sticky secretions for f o o d. vidual drinking cups. ,. fuller explanation and more youpg, which are then released to wander as they will. ;By Jaith and health, are joining forces in mutual concern for he meeting Thursday. thorough evidence, this looks the'whole'1 patient.": ; ' here seems to be some con- Upon its official presentation Matawan Township Commlt- paying fishermen- 50 cents for each "tagged" shrimp when ' ectiqn between aphlds_ a^n d like a weak sister approach to ~t~:;3A" large "ptoportlon of .American hospitals noweither to him QQV, Wgodrow Wilson tee-members were tola Thurs, a serious problem. it is found, the U, S. Fish and Wildlife Service can discover - arly""'leaf fall.' but.premature will approve the project of al-day night It was th'elr "duty" have religious affiliations.or provide in other ways for min- 1 the- relationship Between its final destination • an8 where it eaf fall may be caused by lowing the Atlantic Coast Elec- to apptar at the budget hear- However the ordinance was first set loose to roam 1 . . Until spectacles were intro-. istering Ho. the spiritual needs of patients. And one leading something else' tric Railway ^Company to run ng of the Matawan Township reads and whatever the penal- medical center has gone so far as to institute a program In any case, spraying Isn't duced in the year 1300,, millions of nearsighted people had Its trucks through the S t a t e Board of Education next Jan- ty, the rules are aimed at pre- lived out their lives unable to see mountains, clouds or under which ministerial students from theological schools worthwhile In this case. Camp, Grounds at Sea Girt. . uary and Insist, that the bud- venting young people from be- ~ are'given training, and medical studentsare offered courses The recent cold spell has get contain an appropriation coming fired up by liquor and stars. The inventor of spectacles is not known. Bifocal in religion. •• • had Its effect on the tomatoes for giving every school ohlld In committing offenses that run spectacles were invented by Ben Franklin . . . Underwater ripening and Worthley's c a n- Matawan Township living a from disorder straight through wonders are revealed to tourists in boats powered by elec- Social Security ning factory has not been as mile or more away from a the book to major crime. Al- tricity at Silver Springs, Florida. . The resort's- 24 glass- : I Not For Sale busy as formerly. Mr. Worth- school, bus transportation. ready along the shore there bottomed boats use unique "nickel-iron-alkaline" storage bat- • Questions ley has bought a lot of South The regular meeting of Trin- have been a number of serious teries originally, developed by New Jersey's Thomas A. - A magazine published by one of the farm, equipment Jersey tomatoes and these will ty Guild was .held Monday mt Incidents in which liquor has companies points out that "human safety is not for sale." figured. The strong ordinance Edison. Q—Where is the social se be but up as soon as they ar- the Trinity Church Parish " Years ago, the article continues, the various: companies rive. After the tomato season House when Mrs. Alice Mer- adopted at Atlantic Highlands, ". , , took.the.sTifnd that, if invented or de-curlty office located'that" serv.- and also adopted In other mu- lces .this area? • ""_ •Is over he will can pears, and shon, phalrmnn of. the . r u rru. nicipalities', has Had as its puV- -veloped a safety feature, it should, by every measure of A—The social security office other fruits, thus keeping his moge sale, reported that the pose the policy:, of .convincing ; decency, be available to all. This is why farm equipment that serves residents of this plant going, for several weeks sum of $130 was'Jeallzed, : young people that use of liq- companies do not condone the advertising of safety features area Is located at 313 S t a t e to come,- Matawanlcoks forward con- uor can lead only to serious on equipment. You may read occasionally that a certain St., PerthAmboy. If you live . T h e. Presbyterian Sunday- idently to taking another step trouble for themselves and, device makes the equipment safer. This is in good taste, some distance from your so- school room Is being thorough^ on the way to the Central Jer- through them, their .parents It cial security office, your post- ly renovated. A new carpet Group I grid crown this seems quite obvious that, If simply as a part of safety education, but all reputable farm has been purchased and the equipment personnel accepts 'the gentlemen's code' which master can tell you w h e n ft Saturday when- Point Pleasant the penalty is severe enough, representative will be In your walls are being redecorated. c o m e s to the Mnroo.n and the juveniles will drop that By Margaret A Loavy. holds that safety features are not. to be used for 'selling community. *rhe Presbyterian Parsonage is Steel's gridiron. "smart guy and doll" attitude, ^advantage'." .» ,' , Sky Lambs <•• Q—I applied for my socla also being thoroughly- renovat- Hazlet Fire Co. Is planning get really smart and behave' »In all other respects this industry is an extremely com- ed and redecorated before the themselves. Treat the matter security when I became 65 ana to purchase a new tire truck Daisy Lamb looked up t b e to the ground. "Aha!" he twit- petitive one. Every company attempts to offer machines started recelvlngthsminimum arrival of the new pastor. which will be specially . equip- lightly, and .trouble is bound to Continue. green field. She looked down ted. He bobbed his head at the' which are superior to those of competitive companies and benefit of $30 i a month, sine Twcnly-Flvc Years ABO ped with a SOO-gallon booster the green field. 9he looked all to persuade potential buyers of their advantages. This means hat time I have had to have (Issue Friday, Oct. 14, 1032) tank for fireflghtlng In areas around the green field. Then ground and pulled along that the farmer gets the best equipment at the lowest price my checks stopped because I -The Health Association's an- where there Is no municipal Therefore, the state's" advice she sighed a great, big sigh. worm almost right from under ? here Is regrettable, and it. can possible under today's economic conditions.. But_when it worked and earned over $1200 nual drive is on, under the water supply. The company "There's never anyone to Daisy's hoof. .' 1 per year. I now am going to will retain Its present truck In be hoped only that municipali- comes to safety, ideas and innovations are pooled, and the leadership of George M. Har- ties will not feel themselves play with," she said out loud. He waved one blue wing at stop work altogether. Will the ris. Mr. Harris says "The need service. "I-wish I lived in a g r e e n buyer of each and every brand gets a piece of equipment earnings I have had, since I 1 The outlook for semlpro.bas- bound to limit their own con- Daisy, then flew quickly to- .which is as basically snfe'as the designers and engineers this year Is'greater than It has trol action to weak legislation. field where there were lots of ward the barn.. filed-my claim, enable me toever been before. The nurses ketball this winter In Keyport other little lambs." • can devise. draw higher benefits? are kept on the Jump not be- darkened still further at this The' problem Is too serious • "I guess I'll never fuid any- However? safety features-can't prevent accidents if th( month's meeting of the board for that. Let It also be hoped "I'm here, you aan pi ay one to play wlthr""s"1 g h e d " A—Yes, they most likely cause there Is more sickness that our legislators will find with me," piped.up a tiny Daisy. equipment isn't properly used and the safety rules aren' WHlJ You should call at y o u r but because therefore more of education when the board It time to put teeth Into the voice from the grass, "Come on with me, I'm go- followed. ' The factories can't stop farmers-from making s b o 1 a 1 security office six people than formerly who do voted to raise the rental of the law. ' - meohanical alterations, which create hazards, or from allow- months after the last year In not have the mone^ to pay for high school gym to |50 a night. Daisy looked, all around .to ing for a swim." said D inat the" usual medical needs and see where the voice came Duckling, waddling up. ing'children to run the machines, or from operating them a which you earn over $1200, If from. Then she spied s o m e- night on public roads without adequate lights, or from other the amount of your benefits the necessary things for t h e "Oh, dear, I can't swim,' health of .their children." thlrrg small and green hopping said Daisy. "Can't you'stay In such accident-inviting practices." So, in the final analysis, can be Increased the social se- Bait The Trap through the grass. • safety is up to the user. •' curity people will be glad to According to the report of the green field and play with see that this Is done. "Oh, It's you. Q r e e n e y me?" the finance committee to the Grasshopper!" she said. "I'd Q—Next month I will-be 05 Mayor and Council, Tuesday "Nothing doing," said Dinah •• like to play with you, but "Why. I couldn't possibly miss but not plan to' retire for night, In the Borough Hull, you're much too small. Come Tht Thrill That Comtt Oxia In a Ufettmt ... another, year or two. Should I when the final settlement my daily, swim, I wouldn't be_ hack and see me when you able to sleep at -night!"1 •- apply for my social security growing out of the annexation grow Up." v " as soon as I am 05 or wait un- of n large amount of property Daisy watched, her waddle' Just, as Greeney...Grasshap-.* away-wltb a sad-fajce,/-^No o~e__ til-I-retlre?- '-- from the township--to- the-bor- PCI.Inovcd .away, Daisy heard" / ; RUM DOVJM Tp BILL . A-^In ybtir particular case, ough, the township will be ow- "wants" to "play." she""" saluT~~ AT WSWITCH? 'Wt-L 'tM a yip-ylp.-ylpplng from the far "What shall I do?" ', youshoyld wait until you re- ing the borough money instead side of the field. Then she saw we weep /worrier? FISM- tire to apply tor your social of ithe borough owing the town- rtover. the puppy, racing ' to- The lamb looked down at the security benefits. The law •pro- ship money, ward, her! _...... -:.. green grass"- She looked ai' 1 vides thnt your benefits be Final steps leading to "X h e 1around the green-fleldr-i'hen figured (1) "as of the year opening of the Matawan Bank <:.;"$}$? and "play with me.' she looked up at'nthe blue sky. when- you- beoomo"65 and (2)arc being taken by the stock- called Daisy. Suddenly,she stood still and ns of the year In which you holders when they, will meet "I can't," said Rover, not stared. White, fleecy, cloud?;. .. retire. Then you are paid the at the bank Saturday a 11 e r- even- pausing for breath. "I'm floated across the blue sky. . higher of th^se two amounts. noon. Oct. 25, to approve the1 chasing a rabbit!" "Why. it can't be!" c r le 0 If you stop at your social se- plan of re-organizallon as It He raced by Daisy, without a Daisy. t'They look jast like... . curity office before you quit has been modified from time backward look, and In another Just like lambs! The sky Is work, you win find the people to lime to meet the require- moment was lost trf sight on full of wh 1 te,. woolly lambs. • there glad to discuss your ments of the New Jersey 6t&t* the other side of the fence.. '. for me to play wlthl" case .with you. In, this way you will know what proofs to take Banking Department' and th i D a 1 sy. sighed and looked She saw big lambs, and mid along with you when, you file Reconstruction Finance C o r- about her again. "Oh. hello," dle-slzed lambs, and little your claim and you will have poratlon from which a lotin Is she said to a. bluebird,-' w h o'lambs. She watched one small • n good Idea how much y our being negotiated. Was • perched on n nearby lamb go scudding across.'h e benefits w-lll amount to. These this -yeur. the voters' o fencepost. vVAre you looking sky. Joyfully, she kicked, up answers are provided by t h oMatawan Township, who for- for someone to p 1 a y with her heels and raced down the merly voted in" the Township too?" ' . field after It. social security office located '.Hall on Atlantic Avenue, wll The bluebird shook his tiny "This is wonderful!" crlec OPERATE at 313 Stnte St., Perth Arribby. 'tinst. t h'O 1 r votes In the fire head. "I'm looking for worms. If- you hnvo questions about house at Oak Eliadrs. Since Daisy, as she raced baok an'.: irus ing; promotions were made the Matawan Gramrnar School er at the meeting of (ho Wom- fro&i nursery to kindergarten {or UwlB538S3.' — ary, Paul Hau'sex, Lynn Craw- scholarship. Sho Is -• a ford, Barbara Pike, Michael ed during tlih e year. At the ' stale John C. . H^titlpston, chftirinnn Sutwci Iptioils for ihe (J I u b same time, the parents were o! MaUwnii HI p.h Ingram,' .' Richard Wyckofl, of thf -clvlrs Mid , "I'.'vi'lilliK1". will" l)u :. ". VKi'an Whistoli, Carol Trempoi, Klveu tin opportunity to fnmil- nnd Is the diuifrhter of ":; Robert . Williams, Richard iarlte with-schBol-BUTWUiidlnES'fTli^niid Mrs. .fumes F, noted ihiV'onCtif the m u'J'oT til1. The ways: tind liii'nns com* ' Crane; primary to junior; Da v- and to sceic Information about projects of tlie stutp civics niid mlltco Is plnnntnH u • tl r o a i> the general educational pro- .legislature'.departmcnt^Ui is rlul) with -Mis.-Donnld Robin- ld Smith, Richard Bachman, gram ot the school. .. Samuel Devaney, Richard In t Postf Auxiliary year Is 9 wider stud')' of tl'i* Ran, chiiirninn, nsfji^tod by giam, Brian Bibbs, Patricia Robert Hardlc, principal; work of Iho Hoover Commls- Mrs. Dnvid'M, Drucc. ' summarised Uie program and sibn. (i. group of 13 mm ap- McKeen, Ca>hpe- ry Crawford, Lawrence RIIs- Luther A, Foster, Principal of Malawan Hl«h School, greets Mrs. George Hitter. President man, and Mrs. Anthony Nuo- 8t. mlller. Dorothy GrassoV inter-' of Matawan Township High School P-TA. Standing, (Jeff to rleht): Mrs.- Hnih Boyle, vice cases of large, surpluses In clnl musical pLi'Dnrarn also urlll cio as congress publications various government aitcn mediate to senior, Patricia president; Mr. Fosteri Mrs. Bitter; Lewis Applerate, Director of New Jersey Education As- chairman. . *, Mrs. George Sclincldcr, be presented. ; . Nealis, Susan Smith. Jean He- sociation Public Relation; Mrs. Fred Mauer, Chairman of Membership Committee. Bradley B c a c li, Monmouth nnd also said thai some o! Uie Mrs. William McOraw spake government projects are In Hofrc?hmont.Hfc?mo s we^rwero flerd. Cue, Linda Luhrs, Lily Best, County Amcrtcajt Legion Aux- by the hosiiltallty commltteo,.-,. Nearly 100 parents and tlonal facilities to meet the the slogan for this year's P-TA briefly of tlve forthcoming New competition with private «cn. Nancy Williams, William D. teachers met together In the needstof the young people. He illnry president, and iier staff Mrs. K. story Hallock, clmliw~:i.. activities, The first project in -York University alec Club Installed the following officers lerpiise. "No. one Is l^ryTng (o Wieland, Theodore Rilsmiller. Matawan High School cafetef- also presented several ways in support, of this slogan will be ninu'. usslsli'il. by Mrs. Fred' Tbe program was Introduc- concert on Nov.' 18 In the tor Uie local unit; Mis. Jnmes sell the public on all the rec- at 8 p.m., ', Sept. 26 to which such needed facilities "Matawan's Own C steer Matawan High School auditor- ommendations of the Hoovi'i* . Burlew, Mrs. Rudolph B. ed, by the sons, "Brightly Martin, president; Mrs. Rich Miller, Mra. Clcorde Miller, launch the second year of ac- may. be, financed. Night," to be held in the lilgli ium. Mrs; McGraw urged Commission," Mr, B t c• w n.r t Gleams Our Banner": Miss ard Sturt, first vice president Mrs. Fiunk L, Johnson and ' tivities of the Matawan Town- Mrs. George Rltter, presi- school from 8 p.m. to 10:30 membership support of tji e 'Bald, "but let's keep the econ Carol Ann Schneider deliver- pro tern for Mis. William At»\ John Lnnybect.' ~- •-.-•:•-_ ship H i gh School Fai-ent- dent of. the P-TA, conducted p.m., Oct.. 30, If you do n o-t concert nnd introduced Mrs, omy drdvo alive through .cor- ed the prayer and the Lord's Tetfcher Association. After E the" business "portion 'of the have a., child In th* high school Dannenworth: Mi's. J o h r Prayer; chapel, and. Junior Harold Dolnn us ticket chair- Thaler, second vice president roapondenco with rcprcscntn- social "get acquainted" pe r- meeting^ After the reports by but would like to enjoy -the man and Mrs. Edward Harris tives In itQvrfnment." A 11 « r V\othodist WSCS Hoar \ choirs tendered ".Who Is On iod. Lewis Applegate; Director the chairmen of the commit- benefits of "Career Night," Mrs. Alice WallliiK, tre'asurei' n.c refreshment c h n I r in a n. Mrs. Grace curran, secretary; ' hl.i tnlk, he proBenled tlie The Lord'3'side," foljowed by of Public Relations for the tees, Mr. Poster, principal of call the high school office, Missionary Secretary a film strip, entitled "If You New Jersey Education Associ- Tickets are mow on sale.- Any- M r s. Marsnret McDonald, film, I'Waste Not, Want. Not." Matawan High School, intro- drop a line to Mrs. Rltter; H2 one desiring tickets can call Local cnmlldates, \vlu> R|IO\II> Lived. In Malaya," narrated ation, presented the Him strip Broad §(», Matawan, or Just a ha pi nl.n;.. Mra. n. Oscar The Women's 8 o o I e t y of , duced the members of the fac- Mra. Dolan Mal-O042-J. at ihonieotlnu, were M » y o r Christian Bcrvlco of the First by William D, Wieland. "On- "The Children Are Here." Mr. ulty. .,_, come out that night and regis- Smith, hlstorlnnrlMrs. Robert wurd Christian Soldiers," was Applegate highlighted the im- ter for. the conference yo u Mrs. Gardiner announced the Colot, serKciintati\rma. S|ioffer» presenh t ttti-tlioC Fifth Pit- : r ylllet, and Mr.Jand^Mrs.wEu-- unteejv,rno) DiB_ ten; Mrs. A. D. Curry. .Mrs. his parents. - ~~ - --- Mrs; Johnson Ca'rtan—attended gene Croddick, Wlckatunk,.. at- hoiff^ach day. ^ ..- irlot Fall Conference held at Adams, primary; Mrs. George Tomasello, flUrd vjee- oo m- Uie Reformed Gtmrch, K e y> liai enrolled In tlio otie-y « • r M r s. Jac Cushmtm, Mrs. the federation. Day of ' t h~e tended a housewarmlng SatUr- v Sicks,. Mrs. William Colemnn, Mrs, Qardner and Mrs. Ken- rnandor: Clyde Saiinders, fi- port. . scoreiavlai courao at We Kath- Randolph Harris, Mrs.' Robert daj;_ evening at the newhome nance officer; Raymond Gorm- Alton M. Davis, junior; Mrs. Freehold woman's Club Oct. of Mr. and Mrs. -Martin Bo« neth Smith, vice president, will Uxt, llerborl W. Slier, art arine Q 11> b « Solmol,' N • W Bentley, all of Matawan, -and attend the 67vUi Annual Con- ley, Bervlco officer; • Walter Harry Abrams, intermediate; 2; -.-•" ' ':'•" ''. -.'..•..•. sak, Jr., Mlddletown, •_", ; department o h a I r m a n, an- York, where she started her Mrs, G, J. Sterling.Thompson, vention of Uie New Jersey Bwanson, chaplain; Vincent J, :Dr. KennetfrM. Smith, senior: Middletown, attended the an- - Mrs. Margaret.McOonahy nounced tlint the art group work Sent, 34. Ml»s Andor- W W Wieland, adult men; Mr. and Mrs. J, Raymond OontresB of Parents find tafoslno, historian, and Rui- soii'traduatedfrom Uio NU nual card party sponsored by returned Friday from a visit I Wells, sergcanv-at-'ar'ms. Hj«6tlnu will _te hojd Monday fom . Mrs Albert TV. Davison, adult Ketchel were dinner guests Teachers, Oct. 23, 24 and 26. . afternoon, at tlie homo of Mis UIU Bhl Cls the American.' Association of of two weeks .with hef\ son and Saturday evening ol Mr. and Bohool; Class o( 10W •women'. In Atlantic City. MissUdlttv 1 Douglan Barr, candidate to Road, Weldon nd. The topic and aUended Doutlnss Col- University Women at the daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ralph L. Shearer, Goose Davison's kindergarten classes Boys Stalon f v 0 in the local will be."Art In Nntuv^' and Substitute teachers are Miss Spring Lake Golf and Country H,.Le,e. McConahy; Trenton. Neck Point. won the attendance award. post, w^ss a guest and gave a !'Drlflw6od>-T«tly.'e'Ardi-wD Jane Curry, Mrs. K. H. Thor- dirt) Thursday afternoon. report on liln experiences and sen,, Paniel Bjrewer, M r Mrs. -• JuiRaymond -Ketchel Mir. .and Mrs. J. il&ymond RcfrfiBhmeata were served In bo ntAde at Uie ineellnit, Rend th« Olaisltlnd Ad* Sandr a 'Ann and 'JarrieS Ketchel entertained Mr, and the cafeiorln by the kjndeigav- expressed his nppriiciaUon.lbr " Charles Erojvn. Mrs. Wilbur entertained Thursday at a, the opportunity aflordod h I m. Schneider, Niw V«il<| Rtnt your lormol ottirt Ifof >l>« •"i«« w given at the Colonla Country 11.50 AM. tnm Nnrarfc .»f»PI- football g a m e Saturday, at 1O0AM. him N.w V.rfc •« J«i»y portyi) Our frtiMy tlio^d end ptnud eo Annapolis, Md. • Club. •r. MW In fo.hi.on, l! lilw.!flhl for comrort.W.II Mr. and Mrs. Carmen M, Baked Ham Dinner C»«li.l B Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Feld- jicunFicmr MUIT ti ri/*CHAito y pr«cii!on/it t*»m el o r«oionoW« tat: Our man entertained Friday aff«r DeNardo and son, Philip, 8 A baked ham dinner Nov; M0«I HOPll IIDI 0H000DVIM VtU THMt OH ANY OTHIR XIN> New Brunswick Ave., have re- OII I0MDKM 1«AIH ,' Widdlns odviwry ond •liqujim Umc« li youn noon, at a party to celebrate will bo o feature of the t H, IUII Im hi CMIrflln . the Ihirii birthday of their turned home from a tour of Methodist Church, Motuwun, "•,'-\ (or l ' New York State arid .'Massa- will b» outptt4 on fislm ol daughter,'Deborah.. Gue s t s bazaar, to be held Nov. 1 and foltrood trirm all ilotlofliIk and were Valerie Taylor, Cum chuteltt. They vljited ffejl B, Tickets for the dinner, *pon- Fries. Elaine and Randy Point, the Ba&cball 'Hall of •ored by the Woman's Society (mull fW»l ZlQtnti ti 1lm§ teUtl LOVE LANE TUXEDO SHOP ChorkOD. Ed«;»rd and Wors- Fame at Cooperslown. N. Y. M Chrlutl«n., Bprvlee (I! the 'lot heln ntrlf Colors SERVICE STATION I deli K. Pearton. III. J a m e s aai drove over Taconlc a n d church must be rencrved, as 21 W. Front, St. Bed Bank Grady. Stephen Stack, Nicbo Mohawk Trails. no tickets will be sold at the Jersey Central Unit Main St. and New Brunswick Ave. Its Brady. Anthony and Dan Sh»a?ilde Pau) Bi»h arrived' borne re- door. For refiervsUons, con Matawan 14882 .. 1M CVc-tie, »Bd" MattS«« I*e1 cecllj-frcmAbu«ln.'*ibu#lnMie i % r I j> Uct Mr», Il£>f/«rd JIendeiydla Glenn, Mar- Fire .Protection Association. feeding it.- ..' - • .• zaar will continue through the for the convent end school hari, Mrs.rR«lph ecaxboiougb 'should pay off Ratcllffe. led in tbe devotional garet Krlmmel, Virginia Biz- the, householder is bis own Aperiodic insp«(itlon f r o m evening. On Oct. 30.' a lunch- building fund. •-•"' -• and (Mrs. Bienkowski attended pio.mptly,. zo,. Sussanne Walker, all of period witlh the topic of "Mis- worst enemy. . , basement to attic to remove eon will be served from fl:45 Mrs. Florence .Callahan of the sixth district meeting of A casual b»lr- Madison Township. unnecessary oonnbustibles la a.m. to 1:30 pjn. The bazaar Callahan's Dancing School, Is sions:" Followlngthe scripture In a pamphlet the NPPA ; the VFW AuxUIiu-y/ Jreld In •tTle that sulta an-excellent jaiety.practice; wHl continue through the af> the choreographer, and Mrs. Mlddletown. '•-. T • reading the~group Joined in JisUr the causes of most home dlJ your looks and : L Paints and oily r»gs are oft« Raymond' Headrlcks, pianist, nerspnali(jr_ and ,_ singing ".We've a Story to fires: "'" '"" " ' 8ccompanied"by "Toml MadisonGfiP .Careless smoking and use of en subject to spontaneous Anyone interested, may con- Visitor From Germany -..- - stays in Place Tell to the Nations." heathjg. Further, fires are fre- tact any member of the so- roy-McDanald's ." ' •_ ' matches. ciety for; tickets] for the chlok- Mies Loni Martens, Cl 1 f i- nithout constant attention Is » At'the business session the quently'spread by. these ma- treat time saver. ' - " Draft rtatform "Defective or improperly op-. terials accumulated In closets, en dinner or the luncheon. The Cliffwood Methodist wood Ave.,CUffiwood has beeri group voted to purchase 13 erated heating .equipment. next meeting will be. beld Nov.' Save yourself a great deal of tables to be used In the dining The Madison Township Re- attics and cellars. entertainlng-her obusui', Alex- Defective or Improperly used 5 Tatlier than Nov. 12, Roll Call Tuesday ander Fiedler, Hamburg,- Ger- time and effort with.a new room. An additional B m a 1-1 publican Club meeting Sunday The, nation's fire losses haircut and stylin*. Since thi« t a b 1 e also was purchased. afternoon with Mayor John L. electrical equipment and over- reached the billion dollar mark many. Mr. Fiedler iff In t h I s The Rev. Dr. IraS. Pimm, c6'unfry_dolng research engi- Is an art In Itself, It takes the Plans for a luncheon to be Chamberlain drafted a p 1 a t- loaded circuits. recenfiy. plr e prevention Mrs. LylieT. Holmes skill of a blehlr-tralned oper- form. The club claimed the Defective or Improperly op- He a d Master of Pennington neering, for the Mobile Oil. Co. - held In the basement on Nov. should be a part of .'daily liv- School, Pennington, wjll be the ator to do the work welL-, Call 14 were discussed and Mrs. present administration h 11 erated cooking equipment'. • ing. It will Tprutect your prop- Dies In Nursing Home, and is'consulting inf the labo- evening preacher at the r o 11 ratories in'EaulBboro. He will for an appointment at Creative Myles Rader, president, ap- "established, a a o 11 d record Misuse of flammable liquids erty and-save you from your- Hair Stylists, 24 Main Street,, of accomplishment li nine self." * Mrs. Lylie T. Holmes, 90, call service in the Community return of t h e -merchant ship pointed Mrs. Carl W. Biriger, All could be eliminated by Main St., Holmdel,. died Tues- Methodist Church, Cllffwood, Keyport. Phone KcvDort 7-1464. Mrs. Russell VanPelt, M r s. months/' ~' . ' Havern, Oct. 19, after, a two- exercising caution and a regu- day,>Oct. 8, 1057, in the Mary- on Tuesday. Dr. Pimm is a month stay. adv Harold CQuacktnbuEli and Th e administration w as lar check of heaters and ap- lee Nursing Home, Eatontown. former District Superintendent Mrs. Ralph Howardson to the credited with "bringing order pliances. . She was boraWColts Neck, of the MethodiBt church an d committee to make arrange- Madison Library out of chaos in uncontrolled If filre should strike y o u r the daughtei"6f the late Con- has been minister of churches ments. The annual Christmas speculative building" and with home, be prepared. over T. Taylor and Eleanor in Camden, Palmyra, Mlllviile, dinner party Was discussed laying the groundwork for Adds Five Books .CMorford) Taylor. She was the and final arrangements w 11 A well arranged escape plan Princeton and Long Branch. master plan for the orderly The Madison Township Free widow of Chrlneyonce S.- He became head master of the be"' made at the' November development of the "commun- with an alternate In case of Hblmes. • " • ., » - emergency, is an excellent.! Public! Library is in -receipt of Pennington School for Boy s meeting which, will have Mrs ity; with initiating a recrca a $50 check from the Madison Ernest Thom and Mrs. Joseph tlon program and providing safety device. 6urvlvlng are a son, karold In 1951. Township Committee to be T., HQhndel, and two grand- Bpurgftt as-hostesses. new facilities atDuhernal Train every member of the The Rev. Dean B,. Jean- used for additional shelves In laughters. blane. minister of the C o m- Others present at the meet- Lake-,*Arrange.ments are be- family, as well as the baby slt- the new room -at th,« No. 9 ing made for a complete sur- ti;r to get children out and re- Funeral services will be munlty Methodist Church, has ing:- were .Mrs. Eleanor P e r- School provided for this pur- held Friday at 2:30 p.m. at announced the evening's activi- -•rm£T=Mlss Cora Woolley, Mrs vey this fall of .recreational port a fire accurately. pose' until, larger, permanent requirements. the B e d 1 e Funeral Home, ties as ' including a fellowship H a-n n a h Lambertson, Mrs If rooms are situated so that quarters are available. Matawan, with the Rev. An- 6:30 p.m. and tbe 3 o h n Babrlsky, Mrs. Fred According to. the platform porch roofg or trees can be ,rFlve new. books have been drew .Burkhardt, pastor, of-the roll call service at 8 p.m. JScltel, MnsT Ray Brown, Mrs niJoptcd, the Republicans pro- used In escaping! becoms fa- received by Mrs. David E. Holmdel Federated Church, of- Fred Mara, Mrs. Raymond pose to continue efforts to as- miliar wilth them. Watson, library chairman: ficiating. Interment will be in Enjoy one of Americans great , .Wenzel and^Mrs. Garrett Wool- sure a sound and balanced fu- In any case, train the family "Kathia^he N e \v Teacher," Holmdel Cemetery. freedoms. Attend the church by Rosenheim; "Little Worn f' andsMrs., Ada Patton, turefor., the community, to not lo jump from • dangerous of your choice this weekend. •guest." ' expedite the preparation of a en,",by Alcott; "Jim Thorpe, heights".'- Indian Athlete," by Van Rip- "Help "Vanted" ada in this master plan with state and paper tell you n bout the good "No Hunting" signs for, sale, If a suspected fire Is .behind er; Jr.; "The Real Book of Sci- ? Gweri Harris Honored federal aid, to continue" control a closed door, feel the temper- lobs open. '•-.-• •--•-"-.-,-- at this pfiice'.---,--:--:"---'-i-"-i -of-EPectrltttive~butlding so that ence Experiments;" by Leem At: Birthday Celebration ature of the door before open- Ing; and "The Big Book of school facilities meet educa- ing It. -.• *;.. ,.•'.'• •'•..'.•'.: ReflJ Submarines,"_by McCoy. tional needs, to work to ' ob- Mr. and Mrs;' W. Ed w a r d tain Industrial and commercial Most persons Who;. die In. The librarians, who are Harris, 20.IJeecbwoqdT e r r., :iouse fires 'are not burned to Matawan; entertained''- Satur- ratables to share the tax bur- membefifdf the Woman's Club PROTECT AND BEAUTIFY NOW! den with the householders. ..Smoke and gases follow of Laurence Harbor asslsttnjr day, afternoon atta party hon-^ talrwylnoent Bushman, Satur- - Wi»h Each^Ono Purchaied. trifla Heyer. -Also attending lems; promise to give full sup- KIND" porfto "pressing problems of day, from 2 .f.o 4 p.m. were Linda Teague, Sh e r 1 Neither the match nor- the BUY 1-GET2 • BUY 5-GET 10 Hensler, Linda Stranlero, Deb- particular areas," such us ob- Igarctte Is really to. b 1 ft m e Announcement has b e en taining street, signs and' "mall 'at.terrible fire?., the assocl.a-. the library commit- MARX CARTER PAINT FACTORIES byiduiikle, Jeannette '..Ltissen, i M •» Mile" So; W 'UH«w«n."P»pn» Mat. ,1-MM.. Beth Miller and Ruth "dug-, elivery for Laurence Harbor Ion says. The real blame be- tee" that fines have been can- , .Bout ston. -.»••- and ClIfDwood Beach and pre-' ongs to man hlmseff, his care-, celled,for books borrowed dur- venting air and water pollu- essness. ing the summer session and <• I* -0'* tion In Old Bridge, ui> toOot. 1. Borrowers a i e Drowsiness while smoking in asked to return ^tll oulstand- They pledge continued Im- a chair and smoking in bed provem'crit anil modernization lntr books during; the coming 're' forerunners of many mul- week.' ..... !. "of municipal services, roads lp!e alarm fires. ' ~ and facilities and an "honest, E with match- intelligent, efficient ' admlnls-" r Larger Share Of County V.. M> tratlon of township affairs, as s -could well bring tragedy to economical as Is consistent in entire family." Taxes For Madison Twp. with good government." •• • The heating system should' one of the first check points Madison Township will have or fire safety in the home. to assume a greater share of Federation Sponsors Detective or improperly op- county taxes next'year by as- rated or Installed heating sessment ratio'•tables releas- Annual College Day - equipment is the cause of one ed by the Local Property Tax •Always at your call fire In five. Bureau for Middlesex County College Day will be "h el d Pushing an old heater be- Thursday. Madison's 1958 rat- Saturday, Oct.-19 at Douglass io of assessed to true value ~ iniimt of illness tollege,,o day sponsored an- yond Its capacity may bring nually by the N. J. State Fed- the fjre light Into the-living will. be~18.4J as against 19.SS room. ^ _ this year,"meaning t ha t the I , -••• - :• eratlop 'of Women's Clubs to j...... ' .. : acquaint high school" g'l r 1 s, Care should be exercised hi township will have to assume using portable, heaters a nd Our' skilled pharmacists club members, teachers and 3.8 of county tuxes, levied in friends with the college. stoves burning kerosene. the coming year as against 'are at your service each Always be sure that the ^5 per cent this year. The program for the day OCTOBER 18 19,20 day to compound all pre- heater layoutr~ahd has. cooled The aggregate of true value will Include a tour of the cam- •Bcrlpllons' with unfailing off before'refilling. for the whole county, by the pus starting at 0:15 a.m.. fol- All stoves ' consume oxygen. Bureau's report, will be 'accuracy.-./ • -.-.-.'.-;- .-- -. lowed by an organ recital and Always be surA a fresh supply Jl,870,304,105 In 1058 as against a program designed to aid stu Is.avallab-lc. Failure to do so fliea4.895.176- ..-in the current dents In the transition from mlglit result In suffocation. high school to college. In the ytjar. Madison Township's true ^Raritan Towhskip's afternoon there will be a var- The ^do:lt-yourself' elec- value is placed at $64,246,403 atty football game between trician is a menace to himself hi the coming year as against Rutgers and Lehlgh Universi- o.nd those around him, accord- $69,291,908 in 1957. ty. •-- . . ng to NFPA, I South Amiboy, Sayrevllle, Amateur wiring could start and South River also will Reservations must be made Modern, Up-TG'Date i fire in a partition wh i c h r have to assume a larger in advance* and anyone Inter- ivouldlie well under way be share of the county "costs in ested In Attending these events rore Been, 1058 while Perth Amboy will may contact Mrs. Pete/. A. People arje buying mo r e be called on for slightly less Read, president of the Mata- electrical appliances than ever and New Brunswick will re- wan Woman's Club or Mrs. W. before. Fnllure to convert old c^{ve a considerable benefit. W. Wleland,

Spley. cinnamon apple, rings 27 W. Front St., "Keyport tapped with sliced fresh dates and cottage cheese make an FREE DIAPER SERVICE (Nut In Pioplei Nil'l lUnll) Rollo A Marathan Buses eye-catching salad for a f a 11 Pan Oar Door,, menu. Mix the dates with the Free Gifts — Free Baby Book cottage cheese. For Expectant Mothers At The Stop In and Pick Up Your FREE SURPRISE STORE'S S A Lf GIFTS For AH The Family Saturday, October 12 Babyland 10.00 A.M. • 3:00 P.M.. Our Reputation Will Be Built BKy Fen» ...from $ *-95 Crib Mattreag . .from f 9.95 FulhFashioned •FiiiPSlie. Crlb»~ •.-.. 121.95 Crlb>, Baidnette Foldlni ' Slid from »; 9.95 Carriages ...from 119.95 Upon Serving Yoti "'•, (Vearever Coaobei.. $17.00 sifdiicr» .....;...;.JI».85 VValketi ...... '... S «,87 ? SWEATERS Complefer Line of Juvenile Mattresses, Pads, THE CUSTOMER BanlonReg.*900 siirg *450 Bumpers, Covers—Everything Orion Reg.^800 Sl.lrg.$3" Every Name That Means Anything In ^ Juvenile Furniture Foujid At The t Surprise Store's Famous Fisher's Cities Service KNiniMG MILLS elephbne .: /teramartae Bulldlnr ,' KE 7-9637 On Duty (Bale Ooinx On Iq Tbe Bear Of Bulldlnr Only). 35 Broad Sti, Keyport Budget Terms Highway 35 and Poole Ave., Raritan Township ,',',;-;.'i-;«.l % jiFree,^ ^020 i .. nvji.ti" "•» 'M •! I!' Wed la Grace Methodist Church Charles"W. Rossvear, Th• y wan: one daughter, Miss Girl Walfinir Married Engagements ' wer* foxnier xeslderjta ot Has- Olorla Pag an, Chicago, 111., let and former member* of St. and one brother, Henri Pagan. / Alkins-Marlntlla Ma-ry'a Episcopal CUuroh, Key- Puerto Rico, ~. '•• Bride Mr. «nd Mrs. William Marln- port. .' '• ,-.-..- In Jersey City ella, 813 Second St., Union Funeral services' were held She was born In Capt Bret- ' Miss Margaret AM Nesbftt, Cathleen O'Connor, Beach, announce the engage Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. at the MATAWAN: JOU daughter- of Mr.j&ffy Mrs, Wil- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. on, Nova ScotlB, daughter of Day Funeral Home, Keyport liam E. Nesbitt, 44 Francis Charles O'Connor, Jersey City, the late Felix and Maxgaratte At 0 a.m, a high requiem mass Oot. 10. 1857 Face Seven PI:, Keansbu/g, was . marr became cine bride- ot Paul J, (DeForet) Dontot. was celebrated-ih St. Joseph's Saturday morning, Oct. 5,1957, Walling, son of Mrs. Robert' R". (Mrs. Rosevear la survived Church, Keyport, with the Rev. There are no known to Ffc. Robert Puglisl, son dl 8mlth, 100 Third St., Keyport, by one son, Kenneth W., Jlos- Cornelius J. Kane officiating.' —Mr.-and Mrs. Ralph PugllsIV8 dlhJt WitfeJSJU lyn, L. I. ..-'.. Interment was In St. Joseph's orB. Randolph PI., Keansburg, a -Funeral servloes wer* held Cemetery,- Keyport-—— A requiem mass waa c«l«- Saturday morning, Oot. 5, 1957, v _6t. Ann's Church, Keansburg. In Sacred Church, Jer- Tuesday: at 3 p.m. atrthe John brated Wednesday at "5~ «um7^ The Rev. Stanley J. Leyan sey City. W. Mchlenbeck Funeral Home, Mrs. Bertha V. King in Sti James Church, inter- Hazlet, with the Roy, ' Henry • deskt officiated at the double The Rev. Andrew O'Brien, Mrs. Bertha V, King, 51, of ment was In Mt. Olivet Corn*. j.-'.ring.: ceremony^ and:'celebrated A.^Malei; rectfit ot-Bt-jaary!! O.P., officiated- atthe - double 168"Center- Ave.,—Keansburgy leryTMIddletown Township."—:" the nuptial mass. Mrs. Cftmille Episcopal' Church, officiating, died Suturdar, Oct. 5, 1057, at ring ceremony and celebrated Interment was in •Shoreland Sauta Lucia was soloist and the nuptial mass. . tlie Monmouth County Welfare •" lAri.:,Alarle Xcderhaus, Memorial Qardcns, , .RsrJt.ari Furnished apartment ilgn> Given -in-marriage. by . her House, Freehold, She was .born —:lsrr—•-" \^LZ^~^.:-:•:_ Township. ::::..' In New York and ImaUl for Bale) M UHi-'bttle*."".':;-—-.— ._.- Given to "marriage by her fatherpHherfarlde:.wor,B, a- length" gown of white satin Thomai A. Holmes In Keunsbui'lt for the post sev- ' father, the bride wore a full- en years.~ . Real Estate Listing Cards for length gown designed .with a trimmed. with Venetian .lace Thomas A, Holmes, Kearny, sale at tilts office. ' re-embroidered wit a. seed died Monday, Oct. 7, 1057, at . She Is survived by a sister, - lace bodice, a 6abrtna neck- peaijls. The skirt ended In the home of his son, Thomns Mrs. Emma Jolmnson, Pon- . line, and long sleeves. Match- chapel train.- Her fingertip- A. Holmes, Jr.". Oldiwick,. where tana, Calif., and a stepfather, _Jng3ace appliques, re-embroid- length veil of Illusion fell from he'hod been staying, ' Holger Frlls. Keansburg. BUDGET PAYMENTS ered with pearls and sequins a lace headboard re-embrolder- He was a member p! the The J. S. Ryan Homo for trimmed the tulle skirt -which ed with seed pearls and she Kenrny Flic Department since Funerals, Keansburg, wna In On'Automobile —^UKHrchapeltrain :'Herflnger carried a cascade-bouquet of 1828,-Ho was a menibor-of-the charge of arrangements. : tip-length veil of. illusion fell small white pompons and MISS GLORIA MARINEIXA Holy Name Society, of St. Ce- INSURANCE '•-— from a. crown, of rhinestones Anthony FLoooo stephanotls, • ment of their daughter, Gloria, celia's Church;.Firemen's Mu- • and'pearls and she-carried tual Benefit Association and Anthony Flocco, -71, of 28 - prayer book covered with Mrs. Thomas Jones, E a a t to Julian E. Atkins, 802 Second Malrf St., Mntawan, died Fri- Rutherford, sister of the bride, tile N. J. Stale PMBA, >• spray of gardenias. St., Union Beach, son of Mr. day, Oot, 4, 1097, (it the HIVCM:- Call KEjDorl 7-0U1 was matron of honor. She wore and Mrs. Ashby Atkins, Wood- Also survlvmg are two other • Miss Claire O'Byrne, Union crest N u r s.l n g_Homo, Red a street-length dress of r o a e vllie, Va, sons, Herbert J,, Matawan; Beach, was maid of honor, H«i Bank, where he had been a red chiffon taffeta with a col- Miss Marinella Is a graduate James's'.'! KeRiny: two broth- Arthur W.McFarland blue gown has a lace bodice, ers, Albert nnd John, both . oi patient five .years. Mr. Flocco lar of-scarlet red velvet and a of Keyport High -School) Class 81 Broad St. Rejport, N, J. :.'.. a.sahrlna-jieckllne, and ,a bal Kearny: flyo sjstor»iv M ' *'S was a member of St. James scarlet ,red~headpiece. She of 1067. She Is employed at Church, Rod Bank. X ' lerina-length tulle skirt, She carried a cascade bouquet of Architectural Tile Co., *K e y- Margaret Holmes, .. er attendants' and she carried : n c Given in marriage by her Bori,ea and,".a. cti£safte~f6[, whlto djnff..'. Mrs;. Bthlth - selected a graduated from • Red, Ban k Funeral 'services were hold i : ire,.iasketvqJt^g o.ld. father j^thc- bride. ivo.rjT a'ii* TeVnV rdses.tad"bob"les'-breath. ' navy blue lace dress with a Catholic High School, and a,^T Thursday, Ci-i;inatlon took NewJersey'i r - pire style BOWTI of white Chan- * The bridegroom's mother se- beige.hat and accessories. tended Louisiana State College, place at Rosehlll Citmatory,' Ralph Puglisl wasjils broth- tilly lace over tatfeta with a lected a pink lace dress with a Both wore orchid corsages. Baton Rougo, La. He Is em- Linden. . . . ;' •'•''• Modern Equipped er's bestrnan andusheTS'.we re scalloped v-neckllne, long matching cummerbund/ liat, .*~A~ reception followed at Brii- ployed^at Tom's B&l'bef Shop,' —Willlam-NesbittH)rotfiei'-of-ttie; uointed-sleevesr-and-jt-chapel- -andaocesEorlesr" Her corsage no's. The couple left for a mot- K^ -Mrs,—Antonio V»irc« Pagan '.'..:/.. _ Rug Cleaning Planl " bride, and John Salayl, both of train(•-••. Iridescen• t sequin• s and• was of- whit- e roses. or trip through the western" Mrs. Domlllla Pugan, 46, of :i Keansburg. pearls trimmed the bodice. After reception at states. For traveling, the bride 28 Lower Main St., Matawan, Her fingertip-length veil of Il- the Union Beach Fire House, died SundayT-Oct. 8j HS7, at n Porrher: daughter's wedding, wore a navy blue wool suit Obituaries- Vtti. Nesbitt wore a cham- lusion fell from a crown of the couple left for the Pocoho with a light gray tweed coat her liome following as her t S. Boyes Rug Cleaning Co. pagne: satin sheath dress with pearls and rhinestones nnd she Mountains, Pa. For traveling, and a light rose hat, navy blue Mrs.. Charlei W. Rosevear Illness, Slie was born In Puer- carried a colonial bouquet of the bride wore a gray wool shoes and bag, and a corsage Mrs, Juliette (DontoU Rose- to Rico and cams to tlie Unit- a matching hat and accessor- white-roses, pompons,—and CgJIt 4th and N. Stevens Ave. ies d~^S^h suit— with -a —navy—blue~ and otwKlto. poiHpdhs~Snd Blephaar ear^.a3,_ofJ05J IO_yeaj:ajg«,_8JnL*_ babies'-breath. - white hat, navy blue accessor- tered carnations. OtlB. " Hew York, died Sunday, O'oti' was tlie wife of the lata Anto- Miss Joan' Bishop, U a 1 o n ies and a corsage of white ^SoutH Amboyr .. The bridegroom's mother 1 J, 1057, at ills House of Cal- nio Vasgei Pagan, Beach, was maid of honor. Her roses. "-The brief? • waiH • graduated vary, The Bronx. Mrs. RosB- -Surviving are "bne son, Jo- Free Pickup & Delivery Service chose, a blue satin sheath dres3 from 6t. Aloyslus High School n : waltz-length JOT.H of pink The bride -was graduated ear was tlie wire of the late te'pli Anthony LnRosa, Mala- with a matching hat and ac- and Drake Business S o h o o 1, shrimp crystalette over taffeta from Keyport High School and 1 cessories. Her corsage was of JerBey City, and Is a aecrp- had an empire, waistline, a is employed at Ye Cottage Inn, white roses. tary. _ 6t,..:Hydro-Car.bon"" Re- scalloped v-neckllne, and short Keyport. The bridegroom at- search Corp,, New'York, « Areceptlon followed at scalloped sleeves. She wore a tended": Irvington High School Bachgtadt's Lounge, K e a n s- matching crown trimmed with and is. employed as a carpen- The bridegroom -was gradu- ~ iburg.The couple left for a trip rhinestones and carried a. co- ter by" Oak Tree Construction ated from St. Mary's H I g 1) -to the Pocono Mountains, Pa. lonial bouquet of yellow roses Co.. Metudien. School, South Amboy, and Is and matching streamers. attending Rutgers Unl\ eraity. For-traveling, the bride wore Whea they Tetura-from, their an electric blue jersey sheath Mrs. Sideny Adler, Keyport, He Is employed by the N e, w wedding trip, the couple will York Telephone Co., N • w dress with a matching beret sister.of the bride, and'Mri. reside, at 1«5 Broadway; Key- and a corsage of wblt£ garden- Louis Konrad, Newark, sister- York. He served In Japan -with Port. ' . , .' the V. S, Army,_j las. £••••• •_• •;.--, ;-•"• ry;.;s:;"- ~ 'Mrs. Fugllslwas .graduated The couple will live on Lex- from Red Bank Catholic-High Pollnr ington Ave., Jersey City, School and was employed by Births Mr.' and Mr». Richard Pol- "Military Service, Red Bank. .Falfe'f' •':-' ing, 121. Second St., Keyport, Planning A Fall Wedding?! A daughter was born Satur- ore the parents of a daughter The bridegroom was gradu-. born Friday, Oct. 4, 1957, at Funeral Services _-ated from Mlddletown- Town- day, Oct. G, 1957, la Monmouth Memorial Hospital, to Mr. and Monmouth Memorial Hospital. Charles Kovaci - ship High School and was em- A high, requiem mass was ployed toy Utility Construction Mrs. William Falter, 9 St. Pet- Aolternwn - ^ - -- Visit the office of The Keyporl Weekly and sr's Ave.,-Keansburg. -I — celebrated Friday at 9 a.m. to Co., New York, before enter- Mr. and Mrs, Harry Acker- St. Ann's, Church. Keansburg, tag the U. 8. Army. He w I 11 man, 418 Bayvlew Ave., Un- « ', ... Janelll with the Rev, Edward A. Cor- TEe Matawan Journal, 52 W. Front St., Keyport. leave for an assignment iii the ion Beach, ore the parents of rlgan officiating, for Charles Mr. and Mrs. James Janelll, a son, born Thursday, Oct. I, - Par Kast Nov. 3. ._ Kovacs, 54, of 201 Creek Rd,, Route 30, Keyport, are the par. 1»57, at Riverview_Hospltal; There you will find the finest and latest style The couple wilt reside In enta of' a son, born Sunday, Keansburg, who died Tuesday, Keansburg. Oct. 6,1957, In Rivervlew Hos- Oct. 1, 1957, at'his home. In- .« • CCVMOO terment was In St. Joseph's pital. '. ,,_'_ .Mr. and Mrs. .Louis Cevasco, Wedding Invitations anywhere In the country • . . Cemetery, Keyport. Clark St., Keyport,, are the Miss Virg}nfo$u>ut Trunk parents o( a daughter, born Mr. Kovacs was bo in -In ... also the greatest' selection- to choose from for A daughterjwas born - 6 u n- uraday,-Oct^3;-195Vat Rlv- Hungary. He was a grinder day, Oct.'0, 1957, In 'Rivervlew eryiew Hospital. and polisher with K.; WIsiT k — 'Announcement has be e n Hospital; to - Mr. and M r »; Sons Co.; Newark. He was a your individual choice -made of the recent marriage Join Trunk, 289 J>ort Mo n- Barbarelali • member of the Retail-Whole- -of.-. Miss .Virginia May -.- Stout, mouth Rd., Keansburg, • Mr. and Mrs, John Barbag. sale and Department Store .daughterot Mr. and Mrs.Br- ." Patterson ' .. elati, 3 First St., Matawan Union, Newark. He also was a Vin StouCCT^nnent Rd;, .Mor- member of St, Ann's Church, Mrfa n d MrsT Paul Patter- Township, are the parents of a ganvllle to\ Alexander Eugene and-the Hungarian Club, Hill- son, Everett Rd., Keyport, are son,, b o rn Thursday, Oct. 3, .Kerpen, son of Mr. and Mrs. side. .,'-.,' • • All invitations are papked with double envelopes and tlfiiuai. ' the parents of a son, born 8al- l»57r-at Rivervlew Hospital: AleKander Kerpen, Route 35, Surviving are hls-wlfe, Mrs, Keyport. ' lrday, Oct. 5, 1857. in Rlver- To-be, aocially-corract order respond curds and reception cards In ",~ lew Hospital. Sujrdam Anna (Peter). Kovacs; a daugh- For the ceremony performed Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Buy- ter, Mrs. Helen Slover,, West • your order, I - by Magistrate Eanle Harring- Webber - dam, Texas, Rd., Matawan, Keansburg; threo sisters, Mra. ton at his borne, Route 79, - Mr. and Mrs. Edward Web- are the parents of a daughter, Mary Mesterhazy, Mrs, Julia r/'^^Wrlt* name of person InvltedTimach Inalde envelope, Morganvllle, the bride wore a ber, 422 Lawrence Fky., Laur- born Saturday, Sept, 26, 1957, Horvath and Mrs. Anna Hcrsh gray taffeta dress with white ence Harbor, ale the parents In Monmouth Memorial Hospi- man, all of Hungary. ^old air Invitations inside and place tissue upon printed page, accessories and a white pr-- )f a son, bora Sunday, Oct.. 6, tal. - :.- chld. A reception for the im- 1957, TrTPerth Amboy Hospital. WUIIe MlU«r At a Free Gift Offer you -will recolve with your order • Gold Koep» —mediate families Was held at .' ---Coeti -•• Funeral aervices were held - "'slata. (youfc-lnvitatlon_ made In 'gold—mounted"In an album), also • the home of tne bridegroom's A d a u g h t e r was born Saturday at 1 p.m. at the F. parents.." " • •• - A daughter was b o r n In Wednesday,-Oct. 2, 1957, In ... J>i>pklet J'Hpw. To Mnko.Yotir Wedding Run Smoothly"! and ILyoyordjr^ South Amboy Hospital, to Mr. Leon Harris funeral Home, The bride was graduated Monmouth Memorial Hospital, Is 100 or "more Invitations you will rrcclve 100 Into white Inforhials and^ and Mrs. Robert Guilds, 86 Po- Red Bank, for Willie Mltler, from Morganvllle School and to Mr, and Mrs. John Goetz, ~100 envelope* with your nnme beautifully thormograplied. ' ,_ mina Blvd.. Clltfwood. 15 Beechwood Terr., Matawan. 5, Atlantic St., Cllffwood, who attended Freehold, Regional died Wednesday, Oct. 2, 1057, High School. The bridegroom Dlauvflt Pike In Monmouth Memorial Hospi- is a, graduate of Keyport High Mr. and Mrs. John Blauvelt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pike, tal, Interment was In W h 11 c School. Roberts Rd.., Holmdel, are the 330 Main St., Matawan, are Ridge Cemetery, Eatontown. - The couple will make their parents ot a daughter, b o r n the parents of a daughter, He Is survived by his v/lfe, home, with the bridegroom's Thursday, Oct. 3, 1957, in Mon- born Monday, Oct. 7, 1957, In Mrs. Lucille Milter;- a daugh- Also a fine aHsorlinenl of: • , parents temporarily. mouth Memorial Hospital. / Fltkin Hospital,. ter, Mrs. 'Wllllo Mae Cook, a . Bllarcuk : son, Robert, both of South McCammon Sfiore/crnd Memorial A son was born Thursday, Hill, Va., and a half-sister, _:. • Engagement ^iiiiounccmchls Oct. 3, .1957, in' Monmouth A son was born Tuesday, Mrs. F.»telle BankervlIIe, Cliff- Gardens Cemetery Memorial Hospital, to Mr. and Oct. 8,'1957. In Rivervlew Hos. wood. pltal to Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Aim. Mrs. Andrew Bllarczyk, 204 •. Birth Announcements „ First St., Keyport. McCammon, 14 Mayfalr Rd., KE 7-M30 Hazlel. Baplism Mala H' Kejpori Brlslrlmovich • Book Mulches Mr. and Mrs. Ale^Brlstrl- Carol Lynne HolUUnder Carol Lynne Holtalander, In Bridge, are the • parents of "i • Napkins .-.—..7....r=^7r-^- Sinlo Battaglla son, born In Perth A m b o y Cariton Ilolttiander, 320 Main -Santo Battaglla, Keansburg, Ackerion, Van Buskirki Hospital. St.; Matawan, was christened At who died July 22, 1955, named Sunday, Sept. 20, 1957, at St, '•'*. & Elliott, Inc. Graham his children*,Giovanni/ Dlogo, Joseph's Church, Keyport. A daughter wa s born In Anna Battaglia Albano, Mnria The godparents were •. Mr. and Brown Publishing and Printing Co. Insurance Service Perth,Amboy Hospitil, to Mr, Bttaslia Rosmlnl, Oloicpplna Mrs, Harry Hlgiflns, Union sod Mrs. Edward D. Orahom, Battaglla Meclioliky and Ban- Beach, ~ Agtnoy est»MUh«d over Jr., 218 Second St., Keyport. . to Baltaglia, jr., residuary le- PUWISIIOM Of ; . 10O rein.., gatees, under terms of a will Bolter dated Feb. 19. 1945. ' Ltd; Attendant Jltr. and Mrs. Joseph Bulkey, ,. 11 W. Pirat Streit • Non-Seclarl»D 103Charles St., Laurence Har- Jessie Sallnbury Frai«c Karfwrt bor, are the parents of • Jessie Salisbury Frazee, 30 DAY Funeral THE KEYPORT WEEKLY - THE MATAWAN JOURNAL TaUpbona 7-11M daughter, born in Perth Ara- Brookslde Ave., Keansburjr. t«l Mipla a boy Hospital. , who died Sept. 10,'1057. named ' Tel. KKKJoVl' 7.IMJ — . FRONT ST, KEYPOHT 7-3*030 a daughter. Marjorie 'Frazeel Warlnu and"a son, Elleworth Salisbury Fraiee. residuary Studios legatees, under lerms of a doc; ument dated Apr. 18. ,-J CANDID WEDDINGS A SPECIALTY "Ifelp W»niea" ads In thl» II MAIM ST. TEL EC M»» KCYVOB1 paper teSI you about the good Jobs open. ••..'. J • the problem of glaucoma, oft- Drought-Stunted Corn Eye SymposiunL en known as "hardening of the _/ From Little Acorn* ProsecutorsrMuii Has Salvage Value eyeball^" *"Varied' dptdjjietrlp procedure!) that can be used In Obscene Matter Drought-stunted corn still Planned Oct 20 the detection of this dread dis- has salvage value H It can he ease, which affects an estimat. ; - New Jersey prosecutors now The latest developments in ed two per cent df all persons . harvested for silage while It is have under study the propos- the detection of glaucoma, fre- over 40, will be covered by;. 1'sss Eight Get. 10. 1857 al of a group of magazine dis- still greets. II ft.buUdoier-or quently a blinding eye disease, experts in the field. "• :'.....rl. tributors to police publications tractor scoop ia available, a will be covered In a symposi- against obscene matter. Nath- . "This is a disease whicb,!fan- trejich silo located on a well' um at the Pennsylvania State lead to blindnesis 4f BotTTTo n- aniel W. Mathr/Tcd-cpunsel to Mark Anniversary the group of distributors, pre- drained site on > hillside slope College of Optometry. Phila- trolled in its early stages," - sented the plan to Attorney will be Hie ieast expensive delphia, on Sunday, Oct. 20. Drs. Altschuler and Kushner General qrover - C. Blchman^ jLt-oujig_fi_Aa_lan emergeney The symposium, which is be- explained In the first an- • CathcdraLOf Air ing- co-aponsored byrtbe N e nt nouncement of theaymposlumT^ Jr., and the 21 county prose- measure, advises- Monmouth The American Legion, De- cutors. - - ' ; Jersey Optometrlc Association "An optometrist will detect the County Agent M. A. Clark. A partment of New Je-rsey, will and the'.Pennsylvania Optome- presence of glaucoma and ([Ive ' It calls for establishment "of trench 10 feet average width trlc Association will be direct- advice as to'wbat steps will celebrate the 25th 'anniversary 4 National Distributors' Mag- with six feet of packed silage ed by Drs. Theodore M. Alt- and should be taken by the of the erection' of the cathe- azine Review Board with self- patient." .. ' ; "•' ^ *. will contain about one ton of schuler, Manville, and Ber- dral of the Air, which It built regulation authority to."pro- nard Kushner, Philadelphia, The glaucoma symposium iii mote and secure a standard material for every foot of at the Naval Air Station, Lake- vice presidents: in charge, of part. of. the. .,assp?lajipns';,..cpn- „.;., of law compliance relating to " education for the two optome- tuiuing program tohait ;ilil hursUn-l»32HPfith-epproprlate rial ana eattorlBl-content Iflc groups. preventable "bllndnesST". ceremonies at' the Cathedral, of publications" handled by If there'Is a likelihood that the group. the trench silo will be used The day-long isslon, .whlab mated 600 optometrists from Sunday, Oct. 27, at 2 p.m. Spe- year after year it must have will begm at II a.m..; will Be "flew Jersey, and Pennsylvania o!al Protestant services w 1 \ 1 The board would try to. weed masonry »• treated plank slde- based'on a thorough review w4#re expected to attend; out obscene literature devoted be held at the chapel at 10 walls 8JUT should have a con- to exploitation iot moral per- a rn.. and Catholic services at version, lust and vice as set crete floor. It then- becomes 12 noon. . "':"" down. In, the recent TJ.8. Sup- comparable in cost with a PfcRCE STRING*" 4 STt/LTZ Dr. William W. Edel, pies reme Court decisions on ob- bunk silo of pressure treated \.{UEL NEEKSlfiCC I9C Charles F. Adams, on Nov. ture passed four bills aimed fice, spoke to the group and OIL BURNING touiPMtNT^-stRvi at obscene literature and Gov. 6, 1932. Shortly thereafter, the conducted a questlon-and-an- *k, 7-2IO4 CUEL OILS • K£RO£Et)C • COAL Naval Air Station was placed Robert B. Meyner signed swer session as to procedure on a -limited personnel basis three of them. Fifty-fc-ur dis- in filing papers with the clerk "213 BROADj7'f^ •C.^.,^.. and the Interior of the chapel tributors and magazines have medical service, stated "the In court matters. ., was not completed until been Indicted In Union Coun- short time before World War MMH Fund Drive overcrowding has reached for- Urges Hiring Of ty oh charges ol conspiracy to II, nt which time activities at midable. proportions at Mon- violate obscenity laws.'Among Lakehurst were resumed on a mouth 'Memorial, particularly them Is "Confidential/1 greater scale than ever before. To End Shortly In the children's department. Disabled Veterans Co-operating with the Navy. '.With $808,452 already raised We have an urgent need for The Disabled American Vet- Copg 10-Week Courses the American Legion furnished toward the f 1,000,000 Mou- expanded facilities. If Mon- erans charged today that the chapel and services have rn o u t h - Memorial Hospital mouth Memorial Is to contin- many large companies have To Start Oct. 9 been held continuously s I nc e building fund, volunteer work- ue to render the excellent set up such stringent physical by both the Catholic ood Pro ers- met .recently at, ft dinner medical care the residents of examination requirements as A new policy for the 10-week - testant faiths. Facilities a r e meeting In the Isle de Capri part of their employment polU short courses at the College of Hotel, Long Branch, to launch our area expect and deserve." / also available for services for' that it Is impossiWKfor a Agriculture at Rutgers Is fur- community-wide ^ campaign war-handicapped veteran, no ther evidence of the intent - of those of the Jewish taith,. for the completion ol the fund -.._;, .The oHlcislrpresentation and matter how great his remain-- the administrators at the State within the next few "weeks. All Heads National ing abilities, to qualify for University to ha'v e Rutgers dedication of the. Cathedral of localities In Monmouth Coun- the Air was'held Oct. 26, 1017. position. - : •-.,--.". serve New Jersey people. . y, who look to the hospital as Today's agriculture Is a de- At that timepthe JegJdn turn- their prime source of health Fraternal Group This statement wasTmade by ed over the keys of the chapel Commander Vernon F. May of manding and complicated busi- to the Navi... although main- are, wllinbe* .covered in the Howard M. Lundgren, presi- the Bayshore Chapter No. 76 ess, and, even though farmers tenance"of-the-Btructure had mass solicitation which began dent of the Woodmen of the DAV of Keansburg, following ecognize the value of s o m e World Life Insurance Society, been provided Jby the Navy sfflclally following the meet- the national observance ' .of study and training, many can't _slnce_early }fapL." ng. _;•' :-rsxi- was elected president of t h e afford the time to get t h a t National" Fraternal" Congress, National Employ tile Physical- '•.'"'••• The Ocean County 8 t a m p — Tile four;pp!ht objective Of ly Handicapped Week. The raining. Recognition of this he campaign. Is the construct- at Its 71st annual convention >roblem by_ Rutgers Is"the new Olub has arranged to issue a Commander made this state- on of a new pedintclo wing In Los Angeles. Mr. Lundgren uling permlttmg' students to pachet specially designed f o r ment to those attending the the anniversary and Interested ith-30 additional beds- for served as vice president of ittend as many classes; as tlils organization of 103 frater- Chapter's Berylce Clinic at fhe hey -can even though they collectors will want to a v a 1,1 :hlldren; ' a new four-floor Veterans of Foreign ""W a r*s •,;,themselves of this opportunity. clinic .no! benefit-societies last year, 1 may not be»>ble to go five mllding for' outpatient Hall, Keansburg." James Da- The cachet shows an outline ,nd 54 new adult beds; a re- He, also is a past president of days a weeTSjIriBht through the drawing of-the-building-and-im- jnodeled_auxiliaryJifllufor_th.e_ iheJiatlpnaLFxateinal Invest- vles, Mornlngslde Ave., was ourse, Thl3 does not 1 m pi y _, the conference; " -.." eludes within the design, the ichool of NurBlng, and six ment Association and member ,riat the "standards have beeff :—insignia-oMhe-Christian a n d partment iuti it s as a rcsl- "Once a disabled ow.ered._:The student. still Ti Jewish chaplains ol the arm- [ence for .nursing and technl- given Bechance to prove film- 0 complete all the worlk ill or-» . ea forces, symbols of the ln- :al personnel. ^, self as a good employment ler to get a short course cer- Ulcate, but he can spread the terdentfrntnallonal nature of Presiding at tho meeting Uak, there Is no difficulty."' ' the edifice. It also Includes aid Commander May, "The effort over .jif. longer -period was Mrs. Franklin K. Lilmb,| ,hfln,formerly. . • lbs- emblem of The American Uenhurst, chairman of the real trouble lies before he gets Columbus Day csldentlol division. She as-| the Job, In. employment poli- Seyen courses are « v R 11- II Legion,: :. .' cies whloh reflect an-obsolete' - Anniversary b/ the landingof " \ T^V These- commemorative cach- erted that the six-payment ble, according to Monmouth ilan which will be used in tire and'unrealistic attitude toward ounty Agent M, A, C1 s r k. Christopher Columbus on the ittand " ets are available to all persons hiring those with'physical han- Interested and as many as are iollcitatlon' program will en There" is no tyltlph. for r, e s i- vf San Salvador, October 12,1492. ' tble all residents of the area dicaps." dents of New Jersey and one wanted may be obtained by The- DAV spokesman pointed Columbus Day is celebrated in forwarding self addressed, en- participate In the project toes not need a high school or the relief of serious over- out that often department lploma to g a 1 n admission. r 34 states of the United States and ' - -yelopes with a three cent for- managers or superintendents " warding fee to Cachet Chair- :rowdlng at Monmouth Mem- in Puerto Rico, also in several of the " iriaUHospltal. who are having trouble filling man, Ocean County Stamp a specific ]ob would like very Latin American republics and in -,--; Club, 614 Terrace Ave., Toms Subscriptions to the building much to hire a handicapped _ certain Spanish and Italian cities. • River, In- time to be received und are being made in the veteran with the proper quali- prior to Oct. 27, 'orm of pledges, with, payment fications, but "are prevented ue.ln six Installments during from doing so because-,, of hard BOTTLED three Income tax years, a me •Don't throw away large HOWARD M. LUNDGREN and fast rules set up by t a p empty thread spools. Instead, thod, Mrs. L am b declared, management. whereby "the people of this slip them over the hook and of the Fraternal Congress ex- "in my opinion," he said, 1*3,-.. down the neck of your wire area can get full hosplta! ecutive committee since 1654. protection by subscribing on- "this situation would change clothes hangers. They make Mr. Lundgren, 47, Is the drastically If the top employ- excellent separator's and will ly a few cents a day during youngest man to be elected GAS jie payment peflod." ment policy-makers hi such help keep your clothes from president of Woodmen of the companies would sit down and Jamming together and wrink- Ot the $806,452 raised so far, World ln,lts ,67'year history. re-thlnk the problem as It. ap- You Get Clean, Quick Our offices will be closed on Monday, ^ ling. • . ... $247,125 haB been pledged by He was-national secretary plies to Jhelr own i e q uii e- : October 14. In an emergency, . ' i" members of the medical staff, w hen chosen president, Oct. ments." Heat For Cooking please call the number listed in your-, r' '-»__ it was reported by Frank Alt- 13, 1955, on the retirement of Work histories show_that Prompt, Efficient schul, M. D,' Members of the Farrar Newberry. disabled veterans have a low- telephone booh. - - ~ board of governors, represent- The new Fraternal Congress er rate of absenteeism and do Service Beauty ed by Walter W. Reid, J;., president has been an ardent less Job switching than em- presljfije-nti have subscribed fratqrnalist since Joining the ployees with no physical han- for ygur kom« $101,'274 to date. The corpora- Woodmen of the World head dicaps. tion subscription commute* quarters staff, In11927, follow- KEYPORT GAS CO. LOW COST headed by Michael Ercollno "'Another Important factor," AT ing his graduation with, an said Commander May, "| the president of Telrex Laborator- s Affiliate ol XLB Degree, cum laude fine safety record wliich has ies, reported that 19 corpora- from the University of Omaha, tions had subscribed $05,605 been established by handicap- He began work In the So- ped employees." -. with several more still to be Depart- determined. ciety's Commission "With our country In need ment, later was transferred to of manpower for Increased KEYPORT LUMBER The • memorial subscription the Investment Department as production b.oth of civilian committee announced a total investment analyst. For sever- goods and defense materials, & SUPPLY CO. al years)! prior to his appoint- or $248,229 from 68 subscrib- It' seems foolish to pass over Td. Matawan MS72 ers. Many.of the units In the ment as vice president in 1991, many fine potential' employees new buildings already- have he wns In charge of Invest- without carefully evaluating Cliifwood. N. J. been set aside for dedication ments... ' the policy which rules "them Vou can have handsome, lei- In the names of mcmorla In the pnst two years, dur- oul." - •••• - ture and modern colors for subscribers, The committee ing his tenure as president of the exterior of your home... Headed by Ira Haupt, will con- the Society, Woodmen ol the the durability of Western Red. tinue Its efforts In order, to World has made notable gains Keyporr Elks Initiate Cedar ihokcv and ahingles complete'- Its coverage of al factory-coaled by an exclusive In Insurance In force; fraternal Nine New Members Weycrhaeuier 4-Square proc- assigned prospects. activities and financial ess . , , hish insulation valufl The special gifts committee strength. Insurance In force Nine new members were ..'. low first cost, low main- eportcd 180 pledges totaling has Increased $21,105,231- to initiated Into the Keyport Elks tenance. MB.IBO./The chairman, Edwin $005,036,534. Woodmen for Club Oct. 2., bringing total Bry, stated that there were many yours hns been the membership to 170. Organized NOTICE! many prospects still to be world's financially strongest last spring, the club has rent- seen by members of his com fraternal benefit society, based ed tho second floor of the West mlttee arid that ho was confi- on Its $121.75 of assets for each Furniture Store building, 62 MATAWAN dent that this total would be $100 of liabilities. West Front St., Keyporl, for The Stores In Keyport Increased considerably at the Its headquarters. :omplet!on of the campaign.- MMH Administrator Lawrence J. Bga^i secre- LUMBER CO. Robert B, Lawson, hianager tary, said the Elks will redec- if the laundry department at Made A College Fellow orate mid remodel the site )n Tho Friendly Lumber *aril Hie ,rieiir TClui-c. The group — Will be Op< Uonmouth Memorial Hospital, eportcd that 140 employees of George J. Cartel,' Adminis- meets the first am) third Phone.MA 1-4500-4501 he hospital had. subscribed a trator of Monmouth Memorial Wednesdays df the month .'and i _ btal of $10,070 for an average Hospital was made a Fellow expects to. Initiate 10 addition- Sutphin Ave., Matawan if $09 per employee... In. tho 'American College of al members ' a't the Oct. 16 Dr, Altscliul, d 1 r e o t or of Hospital ^Administrators* at Its meeting. ' nnnual 'meeting .In • Atlantic Officers of the Ladles'Auxil- City recently. To qualify for iary will be Installed Nov. 2. Columbus Day : Fellowship in Ihe professional and a housewaimlng U plan- organization of hospltal'admtn- ned for a still Indefinite, date. Bayshore: Stationers Istratorsr—an- administrator Office Supplies and Equipment must ' hnve - qualified by Butter crisp topping Is delic- achievement In his experience Filing Supplies , Rubber Stamps ious over Ice cream. Mix to- and pass oral and written,ex- gether one-half cup ready-to-eat We Service Or Clean All Makes aminations, • Before being rais- rice cereal crumbs, one-and- ed to Fellowship, the adminis- one-half tablespoons each of SATURDAY. OCT. 12 Of Typewriters And Business Machines trator IJ,first a nominee for a brown sugar and butter and minimum ,of two years and a one-qoarter cup silvered, al- member of the organization NOW OPERATING OUB OWN REPAIR SHOP . monds. Stir In a shallow pan for five years, over medium heat until mix- For Your Shopping Convenience Mr, Bttrtel has been Admin- ture is crisp, suggests M o n- 36 W. Front 81. Keyport 7-3598 istrator of Monmouth ,Mcmor- mo'uth County Home Agent Paid lor by KB A 1*1 Hospital since 'August 1935*. Mrs. Lorn* K." White. Set For Dec 14 Vice Admiral James L,: Hol- NOTES " Joww. Jr-> d>ie' °' Naval Per- sonnel, announced today that About Area Men and Women " the 12th annual national com- . petitlye examinations for the ifl the • Navy's Reserve Officer Train- _Xlng Corps "tfill be given to In- 1 terested high school seniors and graduates on Dec. 14. Ap- Anned^ervices plication forms now are avail- able and must be received be- . fore Nov.-18, he'added. Parlsl Joins Air Force cise the regiment was sche- Carmen A. Paris!, 17, son of Designed to supplement the duled to return to its home Mr. and Mrs. Carmen A. Par- base at Camp Lejeune, N. C. officer output of the Naval lsl, 6 Main St., Matawan, was lagAcademy, the NRQTC .- p r* administered the oath o! en- Take 'Part In' Ceremonies ' 'gram mates it possible for a listment In ffie Urfl.-Atr Force Army Pvt. Meivin-Jr-Ha young, man to earn a commls- son, jr., 20, whose wife toes WHOLE, HALVED slon_wbile studying at the ci at 622 Pinehurst Ave,. c fit f- vilian college of his o h o 1 c e wood, and Specialist Third QUARTERED OR which has an JJHOTC. unit: All Class Larry C. Szellga, 21, son ". tuition; fees afcd hooks a r e of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W, furnished by the Navy, and the Szellga, 5 Fifth St., West CUT-UP student receives an annual re- Keaajburg, participated In, re- tainer of $600 for four years cent organization day '^eremih [ JhtJlhMr, freshest —During th« summers the stu- nies of lhe.25ih infantry Divi- dent goes on training cruiseb sion in Hawaii. "inoney can buy ... rushed direct as a midshipman. After com , pleting the usual, four-year col The 25th, nicknamed t h e from nearby farms right to your Ik :—^4ege.course, he is commission "Tropic Lightning'' division, local Acme Markatl Man, what eat- ed In the Regular Navy or was 1941. ': XJ. S.* Marine Corps and goes Pvt. Harrison, son of M r s. - Ingl And to low, low priced you'll on active duty with, the Navy's Marie Hajrison, Hillside, is a • want a supply for your freezerl •', fleets. For those who apply cook In Company E of the di- md qualify, immediate assign vision's 33rd transportation ba- ^•inerit'to Ilignt training will lallion, He has been overseas J spennew careers In-naval avi- since January. He worked for iANCASTERBRANb- .'U.$. CHOICE" CHUCK V '"• ation. the Standard Drug Co., New- ark, prior to entering the HTgli-school seniors and Army In June 1955'. - graduates between the ages of Specialist Szeliga, a medical 17 and ?l-n>ay-spply for the. aidman in Headquarters and Pot Roast of Beef 39c NROTC aptitude test. Those CABMEN A. PARISI Logistics Company of the divi- who make a qualifying score sion's 35th infantry, arrived given a rigid physical Oct. 9 4n Newark. He left for overseas December. 1958, from Finest corn-fed- young beef, extra juicy and "well-marbled". _; exam early In 1950. From the Lackland Air Force Base, San Fort .Dawes.:. Mass. He enter- , pool ofaualilied young men Antonio. Tex., for basic mill- ed the Army In March 1958 <~remaining In competition, up 'tary training. ••-'•—' and completed ba7?< The NROTC college training ball team. Prior to entering before entering, the_Army. He 'program also la open to enlist- the Air Force he was employ- was graduated from Red Bank WINDERMERE RIADERS U.S. Government graded "U.S. Choice" your official guarantee of superb quq[jtyj'; ed men; on active duty with' ed by Charles Hufft. Plumbing Catholic High School, Class of IIT « IIFFUUT IOSK UCI WEIK KM Vtlai 99c the Navy and Marines. Separ- and Heating, Matawan. 1954. fH B Airman Parlsi was enlisted THIS WEEK-SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON ate quotas. are established for CleaVJleary? AAtt Fort Dlx SAUSAGE MEAT FILLET*« POLLOC• «•K t-o:*«*• "» * applicants frbm within these through the Air'Force Recruit- COMlMO WKIC»-H.«. trinktr, htlnwi CruiM, King Arthur * ing Office, Room 8, Post Of- Henry J. Cleary, 18, of U Hit Knlghh, Oulllv.r'l Travih, Aroblan Nlgkli ond Ttifn MmliilHti services. Application;f o r m s 1 LANCASTER BRAND FISH STICKS•'•**• --••»r*2to fice. Building, Red Bank. Warren St., Keyport, has ar- lait W.tli 'H.ld. Hill ovailobl.. AIM ovolloblt 'Traoiurt blend' are available at all h 1 g h Jlved at Fort Dlx and been as- •«d "30,000 Uagun Undir Th» !«',- • - PURE PORK schools, colleges, Navy Re Strick Participates In signed to K.Company, Second ... ^,|9o YELLOW PIKE FILLET ««^2a« cruitlng Stations or from the NATO Maneuvers ,\ Training Regiment of the tr.8. Sliced Bacon .. CJi i e f of' Navul Personnel, TJ. .6. Marine Pfc. J o h n Army Irifahtry Training rCeh.: • ••••••••••'ig Washington 25, D. C. •'• Strict, Jr., son of Mr: and Mrs ter, for eight weeks of basic John Strick, 6 Hecklemann St., training. Six Injured When ' Union' Beach, took part in the Prior to entering the Army-, SAVE ON TOP-QUALITY GROCERIES AT YOUR CONVENIENT ACME MARKET I North Atlantic Treaty Organ, Pvt. Cleary attended Keyport "Two AutorCollide ization exercise, "De.epwater," High School. __ Six persons, including with the Reinforced Sixth Ma- During his training he • will Newark, .family' of -five, were rine Regiment. « receive Instruction in general riijTTFed Sept Slf^in a two- ^-The—exercise—was,-held-dur- mllltBrjLsubJeotSi'I n-f-a -n-fr-r-y "car accident on Route 35; Mor- ing Sept. 24 to JS^and' includ- weapons and tactlctT, as well "gan, Madison Township police ed ah amphibious assault land- as character guidance pro- reported. Police said a car op" ing _ on-the beaches of the Sa- grams under the post chaplain, -erated by Richard Stack. 30, or ros Bay area off the' Thracian ' After the initial eight weeks, 59 Ingrahm St., Newark, at- Peninsula of Western Turkey. he will be given a two-week tempting to enter the highway One of a series of regular leave and receive eight more was struck broadside by one exercises, ""Deepwater," was weeks of advanced Infantry < | designed to test and train the training, be enrolled Intone of HEINZ CHILI SAUCE 33 operated by Gilbert Dingee. - 44, of 167 Ohio A,ve., East military defensive capabili- the specialist schoolsTconduct- Keansburg. " ties of the land, sea and air Fort Dlx or be transfer- forces of the participating red to another Army post for Mr_ Stack,-his. wife Dorothy. NATO nations. training uv one of the Army's 31, and ihe couple's three On completion of the exer- technical schools. children,' Rlchaid, three TOMATOES I^ii^" ==jnont6s. Dorothy, [our and Sus- • an, two,,'were treated for lac- Oi»e pound of cheddar cheeB* Navy. Movie Available WHOLE KERNEL ' ^ ~7^ / Bi'ations and bruises. Mr, Din- makas about foup pups of grat- WIFE-SAVER 7c Off SAlt gee saffcred head and chest in- ed cheese, says Monmouth For Public Showing juries In Ule accident, police County Home Agent Mrs. Inor- Petty Officer- First C.I ass IDEAL CORN ««niiiim» -4«^ I reported. nate White. -Thomas V. Ward, said today (DEAL _ Camay Toilet Soap Si 4 St, 32« that the U. 6. Navy has pro duced and released for public Moonlight Harvest Time ; 120 Acrci of Wild "Fun" Tlcrlud showing an important docu RED KIDNEY BEANS } ^ Ivory Soap S;6Si51^-4IS5* " • Hay Ride" - mentary film, injolor, deplct- FINEST QUAlirY - SOUD HAND PACKED hig the "Navy's efforts and • Square Dance ' ALL THE FOOD" methods of ~ transforming a 'OXYDOL GIANT PACKACI .»k| "YOU, CAN EAT young man lnto'an-alert, clear- IDEAL TOMATOES IAMD D k - • Weiner Roast thinking man'o-warsman. A O-X Y D O L' ' 'ACKACI - UUCI III! 2 ' »' .Flat ^-:-Community tinting ud ECOMONY SIZE ... - trAIn ride on real narrow stage $2.50 strong, true satlorman-type of Individual, who will, through ALCOA ALUMINUM WRAP 7Sh»tr.u 59« S PI € tV _S PAN ;. «*MT MCKAOI . *,. PER PERSON this training become a battle- Sat. Nite Oct. 19th NABISCO .-•-.. •"•.'•. • . .'. • ,-••-.- •. --•-.: '--- > •• • - - • NO EXTRAS ready mariner. The Navy-De- • JOY K(CUIAR-Iizi 2 un> 71* JUMK5 Illl .in .8:30 P.M. at partment Is anxious that com We HftTO Fan Ilftln or shine munlty groups,' high, schools *A_ll ADVERTI5ED P.RICES INCLUDE 7cTcX>UCTlON . _ Cowboy City__ and Interested organizations I PREMIUM CRACKERS - 25 on Boult 3] — F»rmln{«»l« request the showing of this film which Is available from their local U. S. Navy Recruit- ^ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ing Station. - The dim takes the typical Bakery Special Television Service recruit from the first day through weeks of' intensive Radios & Small Appliance! Repaired training to, the day he gradu- SUPREME - SPEC/AU ates to the (lect, a hardy- i 27 Years in Business type of Individual ready to an- swer his country's call on a RAISIN BREAD ' WESTINGHOUSE DEALER moment'B notice. __ Wedding Announcement* TEN EYCK RONSON, Inc. printed promptly on paneled ICED OR PLAIN JLMM* US UPFEB MAIN ST. HA I-1G00 MATAWAN. N. J. of bridal book snow white 20 vellum af thi.« office "No Hunting" signs for sale VIRGINIA LEI «t this office.

10. (o to % Blueberry Pie English Motors On AIT insnrance «olo • Kir. OUUM UablUtj Kit 4 M - •» Noltd far vitamin • Casimir J, Zlydatzyk large tin v - , u**i - Cttalt urokti Mount English NnUMf Public U< HIM Ford - Lincoln - Mercury II OinJeD PUrt CUirwood Dutch Coffee Kuchen SALES COMPANY DR.LOUISI.PRAGER Frozen Foods NEW AND USED CARS OPTOMETRIST ACME DAIRY FAVORITES * Slonmoulh St., Bed Bank EYES EXAMINED IDEAL BRAND - CUT GOLDEN *_ Shadyside 7-454.5-=-l-AQ00 OFFICE 1101/ItS . Datlr and Saturdajri . - ^ SAVE IN KRAFT'S FAll FOOD PARADE I » A.M. \o 0 P.M. Friday• 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. Closed All Day Wednesday* COR 30 W. Front St., 10 oz. VELVEETA • Keyport NEW YORK STATE KEyport 7-2020 EXTRA SHARP CHEESE GRADE A-RIHDUtt 2 "3d. IDEAL BRAND CREAM CHEESE run.*, BRAND 2 Pkgi. •.«iriii:'33i«" LUGGAGE V£UOW MERIC M lo Crown • PEAS Kraft Deluxe Slices -i* * ^ ?^«-33« American Tourister Kraft Cheez-Whiz tm7o B«ur31s Jeme SLOAN PRODUCTS CO. J. Samspnite Whalenale Distribnton Of KEYPORT JEWELERS Kraft Swiss Cheese Slices H«wii •« ^ 4!• EAISEB FOIL PBODUCTS and OPTICIAKS MA 1-4400 49 W. Front St., 56 Freneau Ave. Matawan , Keyport Shop at Your New Keyport Acme — Routes 35 and 36 Pitnty of Free Parking

.:•<*••• Wllllama eouW have construed Marie Waloney was approv- B u t MrrMlnlcucc! warned _ while/toalktnsrand driving to The township committee 8 e *irig: personal . TOey,, dev Chief-Sproul's "are you run. ed a special officer for school 6^76 Pupils Jam there Is a shortage of trained and from these areas. Oct. 21 as the date for the en- nied he was uslne a penknifo nlnsr this game" to mean "are crossings duty. Building p e r- with which to clean his nails; you In charge of this house?" "mit3 for Septemtler total $35,- (continued from page one) pharmacists to help bring The Democratic candidates tering of a plea and Nov. 7 asthat it was a much more dead- Magistrate Kletoberg &ald he 100. developments which are ex-these drugs to the people. To said they have formulated ihe date lor the' hearing at ly knife. Their failure to, iden- could no* oHow the possibility. Ralph Williams, KeansbUTg, panding rapidly. fill in the ranks, he urged their ^platform _after a thor- Town Hall. V tify the knife .turned^ over by technical advisor to the town- Other schools In this area on science and education leaders ough study of Weal conditions, Keyport police to Matawan ship water matter, gave the police as the one with whifch Face Ten Oct. 10, 1957 Cheesequake Church township committee assurance double session, according to to encourage" career-minded and stated tfcit they will Mr. Garrison's office are: Knife-Wielding they were threatenedled Mr. Plans Cards, Supper the municipality was covered teen-agers to consider the pro- moke "no rash promises to- DJMalo to attack the credibil- for • one year in its contract Keyport, 503 in 18 c 1 a s s e s, fession of pharmacy. day Bjad neglect them after (continued from page one) Holmdel Township, {14'In. four Mr. Gotell claims he struck ity of their story. One of them J Presents^ The Women's Guild of the with the La'yne Co., New election." identified a much larger knife Church of Our Baylor.. ,. Cheese - Ygrk.^for the new water plant classes and Union Beach, 365 one of the men, knocking him to the ground and the other as the one wielded by Mr. Go- quake, Is sponsoring a c a r" —' , the ..government at all levels, Control procedures for d i s-on low areas near East Point "That these modern drugs dates -also acquainted thera^ sale and he urged that to In the evening. ttWMatawan man as taxis. The request was . county, state and national. eases, Including Asian f .1 u and along the bayfront. No are, bargains; hardly can be selves with problems to beavoid publication of their pair appeared at tils home In referred to the police commit- a-mong school-age.children, ac- flooding, wa s reported. In k,, delinquent property SKeyport. Mr* i.Ootell j tilaimei ?e._^_u-.'. :.rr:...... --—__:•_ Mrs. Hunter^pre8ented_:.t.lije doubted,"-they speaker declar- faced when,JiewJidevelopm*!)^: 7 pi ogram for "Operation C o f- cording to thes health depart- Keonsburg by. police who said ed; "Whi|e It Is quite true that are "constructed adjacent to owners absorb their delinquen- a^rid struck,him with a stick, An offer of $300 pills 1957 lee Hour" and distributed ma- ment should include the f o 1- the recently restored beach they "often .may cost .more highways and they will contact cies as soon as possible. .. -also smashing a light switch taxes for two lots on Harding terial to members present. The lowing: Prompt reporting by successfully halted the ad- than the old-fashioned drugs, the State Highway Authority •From the Alcoholic. Bever- and causing damage. Keyport Blvd.-was 'accepted for public - women, in turn, are to luvlte school superintendent to local vance of the wind-driven tidal, the real fact is that today it and make every effort, to re- age-Control Commission came police were, called and thesale Oct. ,22. The offer for the _ health department and county waters. iosts less to be sick than It did duce the hardships. Only .the men took flight, property, was made by Mary friends _and neighbors to their school superintendent of a n y a letter notifying that 11 s homes, .at which time Mr. The gale caused a reported 20 "years ogt». The. old nos-major traffic accidents are re- agents charge the Sunset Tav- Mr.Hayward and Mr, Wat- Alice Hand, Maspeth, h. I. unusual absenteeism due to$75,000 damage to boats and- trums were cheap enough, to ported and published, Mr. The building-inspector re- Stilwell will be present to an Illness, exclusion of pupil, ern management with sales eon had a differing version, swer questions. property at the Atlantis High- be sure,.but they also were Prancy sold, but the Demo- for off premises, consumption claiming that Mr. Gotell con- ported seven permits issued teacher, or Individual employ- lands municipal yacht basin very -expensive, Because _ they cratic candidates! seek' to .elim- on Aug. 18, and asking suspen- tinued tothreatep them with a during September for $1B,84O Mrs. Margaret Ryder attend- ed In school 111 with or s u s- and lesser damage at the High- seldom .worked." .. _ ..-: nate all hazards involved sion or lifting of the license. knife because, of a long-stand- n tie* Improvements; L ..-. ed as a representative of the pected of having Jnfluenza; In- lands Marine Basin. No dam- Monmouth County Republican terchange of Information on age was reported at the Key- : executive committee, and Mrs. health status of school child Josephine Poole as a member port Yacht club although three, betwee1 n schSol, physician or boats were torn loose from _-~of .the executive board of - the school nurse and'chlld'j*per- dink-line moorings. AH w e-r e. Monmqulh County Federation sonal physician. • ' of Republican Women. •:. - washed ashore., .-.•.:• *'. Absences * Higher ' s • Mr. Stilwell stated, that, Absences "are running high- LEGAL NOTICE •-• when elected, he would "do er in all schools In the Bay- CKANCEBY 6-230 ". everything possible to b r 1 n e shore area-due to.,an Illness SHERIFF'S SALE:-By virtue ol a forth" the following platform: writ of- e*ccutlon> to. me' directed. . To formulate a reasonable tax marked by tever and colds. issued out of the Superior Court A comparatively small num- ol Now Jersey, (Chancery* Division WANTED TO RENT Situation Wanted HELP WANTED FOR RENT FOR SALE level. A survey of areas adapt- tncre will be exposed io sale at able for light Industry, requlr- ber of these cases have been public vendue, -on . KKYPOllT • Matawan area, apart* WILL wuao sna it on au iyue»~ul ci KEYPOHT area, spacious setUns IWiTTuWxTO snow' tires and tubes. definitely established as f 1 u Monday, the 21st day of October, rncnt or house,- 5 or 0- rooms, 2 taliu, also atretcb curtains ID mIy AVON CALLING "with trees; attractive 1 room co- Perfect condition. Coll Mr. Wilson , Ing facilities such as railroads 1957 between the hours of 12 o clock adults only, rent to S7S. Write Box own home. Prompt aervtca. Call lonial, master bedroom. 2 bedrooms. Dacus at 12 Columbia Rd., Sayre and none as Asian' fliR , South Ambo? 1^535 w)U Women needed to ~ complete our Hi baths, garage. Year lease Irorn Woods. South Amboy H048-J. and highways. .. • < and- 4:30 o'clock (at 2 o'clock Pay E in care ot this newspaper, wjlo* ^» » . J .*" A* A** i t light Saving Time) in the afternoon Christmas aster force. Exclusive October 1st. 9)130 per month. The holding of night t o w n- Luther A. Poster,. principal ol said day, at tho Court House in CLIFFWOOD BEACH woman will territory. rlKhts. For Interview calj R. Stryker, Resltoi, Holmdel. Wb» ACLiiKUlUNb of Matawarj High School, re-the Borough of Freehold, County pt I1AV1NG sold my home, business wo. care for children In her own home. Shadyaide WJ17 ncy 6-0601. WJ10' <.h.\\ ana used bouBhtsolarented re- shlp meetings. Differentiate be- Monmouih; New Jersey, to satisfy man with three school age children Call Matawan 1-3340-M. wild paired and exchanged N J UUu tween problems that can beported 25 per tent absent a Judgment of said court amounting urgently needs four or" live room FOUR furnished bedrooms, newly sic Centei, 42 Broad St K.voort. TeTl l Tuesday out of an enrollment lartment-in Keyp >rt-- with reason- WOMAN will care for children, (or decorated, suitable lor single -pert KEyporl ^1478 Lesaona 00 a to; solved by the committee and able rent. Write I P in care of working mothers In her own home. son or business couple. Inquire E. .trnmenU . . of 616. The' normal percentage All "Shit tract or of land, this newspaper. ivJIO* Coll Matawan 1-3381-B. • wjio FEMALE OPERATORS. Stfiose that need a broader lev- sUuale. lying and being In the Town- H. W. Holding Co. Inc., 112 Main St., TIKES completely euainnteea. lull el of government. : of absences was estimated at ship of Matawan. In the) County of SINGLE AND DOUBLE NEEDLE Keyport or call Keyport 7-0793. WJIO" caps in stock for immediate mount- between six and eight, . Mr. Monmouth, In the. Slate of Mew.. Jet: WANTED WILL cure for pre-school child In ing. « hour service In rec.pplniryout See greater aid for roads my own home: 9 day, week. ., Call DAY 8 - 4:30 - NIGBT » •'» OFFICE reception roam and 4 room* caslnes. Ba.vshore Tire orCaig, aighh- Foster'sald that a close watch 3 suitable for professional or business from the county and state lev- of all' Illnesses in-the schools BeinJoigs ' known anrt designated USED Atf*ftter"clothes, wonven'a and MatawarT 1-4320-J. . -. i' offices. Can fee converted -into a way 33 Cllllwood Call Malav/an Lot 50, Block Section 2 BB shown children's 1Q good condition. Will store. .Parking lot across the street. i-octas _ .. .. • el. To maintain the -natural was being maintained by Mrs: Map entitled. "Revisedd MaM p take on conslghtnent and *beli for you WILL baby sit Irom 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., BAYSttORE TOGS -resources of Holmdel t o w n- o£. Block 1, and Block 2, or evenings. Call Matawan 1<4SU.M. Inquire Single System Laundry Inc.. Marlon Roman and Mrso'.. 7 farFartt .ot. tjiocrc i, anu- oiutfv . a, in our nearly new shop,. Route 33, Broad Ic First Sts., Keyport or coll Aluminum Windows ship. To eliminate traffic haz- Section 2, River Gardens, dated Aug- next to Burlew's Bestaurant, Laur- '- LOCUST ST. Kryport 7-0757. . - •'• ' "w}10 Eleanor Smith,. the school ust 10, 1052 and filed in the Monmouth ence Harbor. - Call Matawan 1-0295-J ards, and to Improve e t nurses, and Dr. J, P. Cooper, County Clerk's Office on August 10, for Information. . . . ittAPARTMENT, 3 rooms newly decor- KEYPORT Venetian Blinds -^_, 1D32 ai case So. 14-n. ated, stove, heat and hot water-in- APARTMENT. 0 rooms, 2nd floor, 2 ^Free EsUmatea-NEsUmatea o UoneUonevJWWIv L and road designations. schoohll physicianhi . He added Bein; commonly known as Lot 60, cluded. $33 per month. Inquire 114 KEYPORT 7-5866 baths. 2 kitchens, suitable for 2 Karl • A ffrantti KevDoevDorll IMOi To seek a closer relationship lk 1 Sction 2 Ferndale Place SERVICE Beachway, Keansburg or call Keans- ~ ••• wjlt/7 couples. Must share heat and elec- .that one "teacher was absent River Gardens, Citffwood, New Jer- burg 60734. N WJIO tric. Inquire Single System Laundry itAKHAN LanasuopinK suppu lot with the officials of neighbor- due to a cold. aey and also being known and desig- JACK'S upholstery, free estimates, Inc.., Broad * First St., Keyport or soil, manure shrubs, evergreens ing municipalities. Greater clt- nated sa Tax Lot No. 50 In Tax Blocl large selection of fabrics: also boat WANTED call Keyport 7-0757. ' wjlu (hadp-.treesi (ertllliei, lime and ,g«r In the CUffwood Elementary No. 1, Section J, »» .shown on Taxcushions. Call Matawan X-SQ51-J, USED CARS ien tools Complet< IsndscaDlnB ano r lsen participation in municipal Jrtap-Oj niver Csrdens, After 5'p.m. call Matawan 1-0679-M. CEMENT .mixer,-new.-Jli.cubic, foot toi-vlce—I pen 3 30" • m-tO7j J™?J" —government.- — Bchool.T Anthony J, NucoiOtsaid Seized, is tho property ot ItussslI r-r: GAR TOAVN-."TT:: EXPERIENGED - capacity, gasoline powered; as. low dosed Sundaya pm tall.Keypor) there were 147 absent Tues> Ceorge Wannarcllnarcllo and Teresa NaNann* as *3 per- day. • Ideal for cellars, 1.0432 on South Ambov 1-0208 Mlkf Mr. Stilwell also stated that wife, taken In execution RWY 33, UORGAN. SO 1-4499 OPERATORS footings, .driveways, | tlos and walks, Oint HJt ^?" day. Tihe enrollment In the narelTo, hihiss ife taken In execution PAINTING, Inside or outside, rea- ' ... , WJU/2A : wjtf with-"reasonable taxes, care- at thh e isuitt off Thee Brooklyn SgSavlnga sonable prices, clean work, free AND LEARNERS: :all Keyport 7-4878-t Cllffwood School Is 728. Nor- Bank, a bankini g corporation-ortit t tthhe esUmales. small houses painted, one HOATS and motors. Johnson Sea. _:.ful planning, efficlent;aaminls- State of New Vork. and to bo sold by FORD. IBM custom ;deluxe. 6 eyllnd- ONE room ^r gentleman, close, to Horses, Old-Town Lap Strake- Win mal absenteeism runs approx- coat, $133, plus material, Call if. •, 4 door, fully equipped, »1BO: In- bath, "Call Matawan 1-O606-W. w]10 tratlon and greater home-own- IBA E. WOLCOJTT. Sheriff. V/ilkert, Matawan 1-2114-J after- 0 "V Newark Ave;,-unlon-Beaoh. MATA.WAN^__ ner-Fiberglass Qulhoard_m(itoiJS_^— , er Interest In the over-all pro- imately 10 per cent and ab- Dated: Sept. 12, 1057 p.m. - - wJIO* quire 119 pair. Financial easily .arranwd. C sences now represent 2b per Melville J. Dorioiv. AJty. wjio BUNGALOW, 3',^ rooms. Unfurnished. a Galbralth & Son Inc.. HI Wes' , gram, Holmdel Township will cent according to Mr. Nuccio. 41 Unca) 4-4 $27.71 UNDERGARMENT. CO. Available now. Call Matawan Front Street. Keyport. N J; Call 17 ' ' ' • DODCE. Coronet, 1853. good condi- 1-2242-W between 6 and 8 p.m. wJ10* Keyport 71214' Open «verr da! • offer the "brightest future of tion,-heater and white wall tlrea. t JOHNSON »VK.. 'ept Sunday. . . yil' . any municipality oMtsJclnd." Robert Hardie, principal of CHANCERY 0-230' ONE MILLION Best offer. Call Matawan 1-2056. MATAWM4, N.J. COTTAGE, furnished. 1 room' and • An Invitation Is-extendea to tho Matawan Grammar SHERIFF'S SALE:—By virtuo of.a DOLLARS -' 4- . ', kitchen. Inquire Joseph Etenge UNITEBSTATE.-and lorelgn-stamps: r School', reported attendance writ" of exfcutlon to mo directed, nnute'34,' Matawan. 1 ,ipile aouth.pj tingle and blocks, olsta numbers ".aH .residents of Holmdel limed .out of tha Superior Court CHRYSLER/ New- Yorker. JD48, lirst lleht. ivjlO (Jail T , lSTfc JND MORTOAGE LOAN.rf ajjer, poiltlon. entails fairly heavy Inquire 3 Atlan- PIN ._... Monday, th« 14th day- of Octobtr, a* HOUR.SERVICE "?)• lameness. Inquire "Mfrrr Alice G. dictation, godfl-y; typing and somo private entrani chrome formt'i- i_ piece jfftchenjie^.' - Saturday, Oct. IS at 2:39 p.m. and the absenteeism is approx- Beard at • George Doyle residence/ . Good salar tic Ave.t Matawan. WJ10* s 1H57. between th« hours ot 12 o'clock lignway 36, Box B» "XTrKeyport,-be- clerical work. Good* salary i ariar d ex* Louis Cosli-, Pershrnic Place,-.- imately 10 per cent, ihiii M .> l.fefi - _l^l. _1> , m ^4 A ->r ^1__1B t^ _•> rtunity 'tor lh q. wo- / "Abe RacJilln's" Hop Brook anaa 4:300 o'clococlock IImt 3 o'clock Day. TO PROPKRTV OWNERS ^' t^yeegny Qreengrove , . and Poole Avenues.- xellht opppportunito tity 'tor lhlhaturqatutr . wAPARTMENT.'3!o 4 roroomso , furnished, port. Call keyport 7-0531 ,or were 137 pupils absent on ..... > In this - afternoon We will when others wt »i t^yeen Qreengrove. WrllrllB Btoc': AA Jn careca ' of •'this Holmdel. The affnlr ia HHint t SSavlnl rT Time) : r. - li ,(.',',''•..>** w)1)100 center cat town, heaheatt and hot water __ day, at tho Court Houia In Itesldenllal & Commerctal " • suppliedlid , $7fi -perpr- month.m ' Inquire ' sponsored by the Regulai Re- Tuesday. " • of laid Construction Loana made. '' HOLLER skates, slie «. boyjflg Ihr Borougorugn ol Frethold, County of BUICK, Super, t7Sc Call "Key Muriel's t)resS - Shop, 13 West Front .. caso- brand, black, used 10( ume? publicans of Holmdel T o w n- Absences due to Illness-are MonmouthMmth , |Jw JerseJerseyy , to ifttlsfy • port 7-2774-J after S p.m. WJ10 PART tlmo workera.'. Ptpaaant and St., Keyport or cail-Ktiyport WB'js, excellent -condition. ?H. ftlfqulro judgmenJdmt t of ial£ court amountin tig to t •dignified beauty service; no Can- Prinz, Hlllcrcst ,Rond. Hailet. w]I0' shlp,; Inc., supporters of Mh higher than normal In t h • approximately fS.loo.0O. . • . . TAVERN & PACKAGrE vassing, no delivery, earn ?3 per Stilwell, State and county can- Holmdel Township Schools ac- ALL thst Iraot or pares! of land, hcur and more. Evening work. Mar* APARTMENT, -Jli rooms, all util- KEROSENE pot burner; wlll,.heat « didates will be on hand. -: cording to Mra. Helen Acker- •Itimte. lying and being In the Town- STORE FINANCING DID YOU SAY rled women or married women with Hies • supplied. Call Keyport rooms, good condition, $29.. Call shin of Matawan In the County ot VOU'RE IN THE MARKET rOR A children prelerred. Car neccisary. iwoj;1 w)10 Matawan 1-4489. -: WJ1C aon, principal, she said there Monmoutli and In the Slate of New ARRANGED GOOD DEPENDABLE CAR-FOR A Call Middle town 5-1022 or write Paul were,24 pupils out of 123 ab- Consult Larry Buccl, Busfnes* Broker D, Newton Co., IDaniel St., New MATtLBORO apartment, 4 rooms hni SODA fountain, full.-...y, equipped—..-•..,—. BBINCJ known, and designated la .'.. LOW DOWN PAYMENT Monmouth, WJ31 bath; oil heat and hot water sup- show cases an•d 2" NationaNationall cash sent at the Ceatervllle School Lot No. 9 In Block No. 3, aa laid for ippointiTifnt. OHico hourg 9 a.m. registers. Call Keansburj MM: Kan Poker Game, to 0 p.m..- -Saturday 0 a.m.lo-1 p.m. J plied. "Bwa blocks to buses, $65 per Tuesday and the "ratio was ap- lot and block irflsliuvm on a certain ir YOU ABE SUCH A PERSON month. CaU Freehold 1-6109. 110 after 7 p.m. wjlli proximately the same In t h a map entitled: "Section Two, River YOUR SEARCHING DAYS ARE AT GardeGardensm . Motiwtn Township,:. Mon- SAYREWOODS AN END. - MAN, OR WOMAN APARTMENT. 5 rooms, heat and hot G. E.^Deluxe push button range, used other schools. She also said moututh Co_ _. . N. J. April 1IH7, Toad water supplied; - adults only. In- 5 years: excellent condition, -ISO. there ware two teachers ab- & PPhrsnerh , Surveyora., Revised De- REALTY GO, 36 MONTHS TO PAY quire Paul'a Bar & Grill, Route 3434. Pick up. Call Keyport 7-4013-M. wJUV Magistrate Seymour R. cember 13, 10110199 , RevRevisel d AiAprill 282.8 PUT YOURSELF IN THE CLASS With recent sales experience ,to .Che. ?seb.uake• • . J10* sent due to illness. There are 1P50" and filed In the MMonmouih Coun- ar. > AT BOBDENTOWN BD., . or Youn DESIRE .._ Jake , over management of ju- HEAVY" duty bench model drill press Klelnberg, Keyport, last night ty Clerk's Olfici. on July 7, USD In SAYItEVILLE. N. J. 1 ~^0 pupils enrolled. SOUTH AMBOY 1-<«1 venile furniture store, good pay. , WILL care for children u to 2 years with, motor; »85.-'.V ton chain hoist, _. found Joseph Williams, 33, of Case Ho. «-H. -,-,. - - .-- WRITE BOX 127, KEYPORT old In my own home, j day week. $.8, 600 x 10, 670 x IS tire chains. County Rd., Cllffwood, guilty Mrs. Ackerson revealed that ALL aa laid down on" said map. OPEN WEEK DAYS "THE BEST DEAL IN lall Keyport 7-4DM-W. wjio J695. Call Keyport 7-4041-NL.. AV]KI through tho co-operation of the Seized as tht property o( Henry A. B AM. TO • P.M. RELIABLE woman to care' for" 2 of violating a borough ordin- Halm, ot ux, at sis, taken In execu- SAT, & SUH. 8 A.M. TO 1 P.M. : TOWN" children from 3 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., HOUSES FOR SALE dERMAN Shepherd, male puppy. township board of edtfcation tion at the autt of Bushwlck Savings WJ10 5 day. week; references required. AKC registered. Call Keypor ance against gambling. Her. Bank. - a- New - York- banking -corpor- Ua u> move ~ dBllVvrea u> 7-5641-M. •"" " WJII1 ; bert_R. Kothenberg, Keyport, and Dr. Howard Pleper, school ation and lo be sold by. FRANK VAN SYCKLE Call Whitney 6-4308, . r wjlo vour pronartv Cheap AU Improv*- physician,' flu vaccine shots IRA E. WOLCOTT, ShsrlU. manU. No pnot avar ohon*. H'eb l(t It. 105S Thompson Lap-Strake Hull put up. a vigorous defense for Dated Sent, ». 1057 LEGAL NOTICE INC. OIL burner serviceman. Inquire Louis wsj 93. Msnslspsn Hhons Enellsb with 35-hp 1957 Johnson Electric . 'bis.client, but was unable to were offci-e.d to-all*.interested Samuel Sliber, Atty, BT, 95 -s WOODLAND AVB,, Stultz Jr., Broad St., Keyport or call town 7-3321 Ualllni address. Dale; Starting Motor. Fully-equipped and teachers on Thursday and Fri- 138 lines)- --• --4-J- 123.04 MOROAN -.- Keyport -74104. ; -—-wjio Petrlo- Ino B<™ 1BI freehold will in excellent condition, complete wltu —overcome the cumulative tes- Statement rejuirei by lha"*Aei'of Aii- OH CALL US AT brand new TeeNee Trailer, 11350.0' timony of Chief t,eroy Sproul, day. • • — —--• -, - ; gust-14,. 1012. ss smended by thsj GUARD-on Route 34 & Broad St., KEYPORT house, 0 rooms, 1 tile lirm. Matawan 1-3876, evenings, wjln " •• MONMOUTH COUNTY -acts of March 3,. 1033, and July 1 Matawan, to protect school children iths, tile., modern kitchen, oil Captain Joseph Morley a n'd Robert Sena, superintendent (MO (Title- 30, United Stales Code SO 1-4425 at crossing. Contact in person. Sup- steam heat and 2 car garage. Prop- Two Wheel Car trailer, $45, Kero- •;. Patrolman Frank Crlsolllo, of the M a i 1 b or o Township surmoGATE/s COURT Section 233) shoivtn* the Ownership WHO erintendent of. School, High School erty comer Church, -Atlantic & War- sene Weed Burner,. $10, 18" Sear^ t NOTICE TO CHEDITORS TO PRE- management, and circulation of Thi Building, Matawan. J10 ren Sts. Ca.ll Matawan 1-61S6. w]17 Lawn Mower, $15, 2 Army Stvle Fol' Keyport Police, on one point. Schools, reported 185 pupils SENT CLAIMS AGAINST ESTATE Matawan Journal published weekly WANTED TO BUY ins Cots with Cotton Fads, $10 pair* The fine was $60. absent in three of the town- ESTATE OF WED MARZ, deceased at Matawan, New Jersey for Octbb- JUNK cars boughtT*25 and upriarge NIGHT watchman, steady work for BUNGALOW. 8 rooms. 3 bedrooms; Manual Garden Cultivator,- S3, '<•• Pursuant to tho order of EDWARO trucks, $io and up. Free pick up, willing worker; give references; all Improvements. One block to Burner Tabltf Top Kerosene Stove . The gambling was alleged to ship's four schools oh Tues- C. BROEGB, Surrogate ot the Coun- statewide. Call Williams £ Sons. Write Box K In care of this news- bus. $10,500, Van's Agency, Mata- ».'•. Portable 2.Unit Electric Stove. day. The Robertsyille School tv of Monmouih, thla day made, on 1. The names: and addresses of Matawan 1-4330-It. . - wjtf , have been uncovered by a the application of the underalened, publisher, editor, managln« editor* paper. . - JI0 wan. wjio (8 50; also 30.30 Winchester 94 Rifle i raid ot the three officers and was closed because of luck of Marlon E, MerA Sole Bxecutrlx of and business managtrs are: Al. $05, .22 Springfield, 87-A Auto- water. . — the eatatQ of the aald Fred Marz; malic Rifle. A-I. {20. 18 IU Old Tow- Patrolman William Pease, deceaaed. notice la hereby given to PrinUnllhCP ~ Brown Publishing ar Canoe, like new with Carry-Cart, jj Keyport Police, at the home the creditors of aald deceased to pra- $235. Call Matawan 1-3870. evening: Mr. Sena said the total en- aont to the said Sole Executrix their' ^Editor—J. Mabe'l Brown, Matkwan, jio !* N5f Mrs, Roberta James, 104 rollment of t li e township claims under oath within six montha Atlantic 6t. in that borough. from thla date. . Managing editor- Mabel Brown, BABY carriage, Blltrlle, CaU Mata- schools Js 680 and normal ab- Dated: September 20lh, 1D9T Matawsn, N. J. wan 1-3820."- . • wjlo the night ot Sept. 13. iences would be about eight per . ' Marlon E. Marz The three pMicers who testi- cent. Tuesday's absences In Box 83; VVIckatunk, N, J. Mntaw"DB*Hlaja8°r~J' Mabt''Brown, SMMX Walnut dining room V Karkus, Kantoi> & Burns', a. Tho ownor is: (If owned by . HHHHIH«miWIN«HnNimMHMNHHMHmHHIHIH«IMIMII reasonable. Call Matawan 1-0H fied stated they saw a poker the three schools •were' more 41 Broad St., corporation, Its name snd address after 5 p.m. . --r-~- game going on in the .house han 20-per cent. There was Keyporl, N. 3., must be slated and slso Immediately Attorneya . • Television Oil Burners Contractors COLEMAN floor (mat, with therm- as they .-came'onto the porch one teacher absent due to ill- thereunder the nsmes and sddresscs os tv ear i!7 $12.S< - of stockholders owning or holding 1 OIL burner service, stoves and floor CARPENTEn and bulldlnn contractor, I ""i ™ J' « oldr also Florence - of the James home. The win- ness. - •— * por cent or more of lots! amount ot furnaces cleaned, repaired or sold J. G. Metsger, Florence Ave., Key space heater, reasonable. CaU Key- CHANCERY a.2«n TELEVISION SERVICE Cull Keyport 7-2125. . . wjtj port 7-3234-W. • - wjfiio tows had> been opened .by EHEIIIFF'S SALE;—By virtue ot sstock. H nut owned by a corporation port.' New bornes, garages, all alter- those Inside because of the writ of execution la me directed. the names and addresses of the In Call tii for reliable TV aervlce; tele ations and repairs. Easy financing in foot Wolverine. lully equipped with Issued out ol tlio Superior Court of dtvldunl ownors must be given I vision antennas repaired and Install Tips From George arranged. Call Keyport 7-4199, WJU new trailer. Inquire 11 bcnnell; heat of the evening-, according Ntw' Jersev (Chancory Division) there owned by a partnership or other un cd. We also repair radloa and amal St., Union Beach or call Keypor to the officers, and the card- True Valuation will be exposed to sale nt public* ven- Incorporated firm, Hi name ond ad electric appliances, '' ly visible from the outside. der the formula fund for »15,- 157, between the hours of 12 o'clock Mls>. j. Mabel Brown, VILLAGE TELEVISION CONTRACTING on sale this week only (or $500 i Chief Sproul stated when he 345 to repair Lloyd Rd.froin _nd 4:30 o'clock (at 2 o'clock East- Matswan, You must see this one. Leasotu ot, : cm Stnndard Time) |n the afternoon 20 E. FRONT ST. A SERVICE THAT all matrumenta. .Music Spot Nev < knocked on-the door, Mr. WI1- Church St. to Route 34 n ear of said day, ftt the Court House In MIJ: Qeraldlne V. Brown, Keyporl. CO. INC., Music store. 31 K. Front St. Cat' thf.-Doroufili of Freehold, County of N.. J, KEYPORT Keynorr7-5938. wjlo —Hams opened. It. The clile f the Marlboro Township 1 1 n e. Monmouth, New Jersey, to satisfy a PEOPLE WANT? ASPHALT PAVING Mrs. Mildred. B. Hsrrlck, Matawan DRIVEWAYS & PARKING LOTS testified he asked, the man Marlboro Township has Judgmen1tt of said courtt aamounting to KEYPORT 7-3081 ex- approximatel y S11.D39.OO-" . All that LET THEM KNOW ALSO ASPHALT MATERIAL • "Who Is running this game?" pressed willingness to Mrs. Geraldlne B. Conovof, Stam- WJU SOLD AT OUR RUNYON PLANT 1m tract or parcel of land and )romlsc3, ford, Conn. . .. "OTHERS TALK . and that Mr. Williams hail re- prove their end of the r o a d, hereinafter particularly Jescribed, WITH A plied, "I am." Chiefs proul reaching, to Route 19, if Mata- lttItuatee In ththea, Townshipp oof Matawan, Hra. Bernlce W. B. Mount, Washing- MATAWAN M745 BARGAINS wan Township acts on the _u the County ol Monmouth and State . TV SERVICE BUSINESS »t B t e d that Mr. Williams of New Jersey; Mrs. Ely, Holmdal, WE^ELL'EM" "clammed up" after this one Church I9t. to Route 34 sector; BEING! known as Lots Nos. 1, 1N. J. MATAWAN 1-1600 and 3 In Block "J" as shown and TEN EYCK HONSON INC. CLASSIFIED Sale was continued . on 24 William t?L. .Morris, Ensllahtown, HOMES admission and would say noth- lnld out on a certain map entitled, MATAWAN CUSTOM BUILT THE BARGAIN-HOUSE' lots in Woodflolds for which "Map «t Cllffwood Hclehln, sllustca WJU ing; more under questioning. at Cllffwood, Mon"">nth *•'--•- 3. Th« known bondholders, mort- Kitchen cabinets, ^garages, alter- . Capt. Morley and Patrolman an oiler In the sum ot $900 J." filed. In the Office of the Clerk gagees, and olheiv security holders PHONE ations, free estimates, 'Alfred M, . , —WE . '• • Crlsclllo verified they heard was made. Seymour M. Rice, of Monmouih Couiu>', L. owning or holding 1 per c*nt or mora Mlrro, Carpenter & Builder, High described premises are of total amount of bonds, mortaaEfla. RUSSELL TV SERVICE 'By 36. Keyport. ' Can Keyport 7- INSTALL & SERVICE Mr. Williams say "I nm" In Mnplewood, enterpd an offer metes snd 'Bounds as,.follows In or other securities are: Non« .KEYPORT 7-3030 !».- . . ' . wJO/17 .... answ£iv.lo_the-chlefU-quoryv M-«1200.--MrrKarkus~lnfonTved- -cordanca—tvitlt-surv.-"- ' o>._ 4. Paragraphs, i and 3 Include In MATAWAN 1-6070 WARM air heatlna; systems Installed, REPCOPREPAfe rrt Groenberg, Assoclntes, Long casei ivhor« the stockholder or t«- w .-'M l.ia Lester, Mr. Sc'o-H' tho committee they could tab- ; - ANO ASK FOR gas, oil or coal. Furnaces and sheet ,nranch, New Jersey, on curlty holder appcarn- upon the booki Call any Urn* etal work. Our 25 years experience TUBELESS BOILERS Edith and Solly Mne Bethea, ulate tho offer, then continue of tho company aa trustee or in any day or evening*]. enables u> to give you a good Job the North-1 oilier person or -corporation (or whom CLASSIFIED BASEBOARD RADIATION * all of Cllffwood, and Arthur the sale for one wk^to'give I «^ IUCII rltliiclnry relation, the name of Wjtf 41 low cost. Bertolelte. Bolford, N. J. : 'all Keansburg 6-138111. wju Blake and Lavert Lancaster, PCI Sons interested, U chaHC0 tO Westerly from tho liUerscutlon o^ the the trustco Is acting; also tti"e*"at"ate. -- HOT AND COtD WATEH Matawan, had been taken In npuenr to enter n~Tiew, said Northerly lino ot Cnunty noad mcills In the tivo paragraphs show KLUIN 4 Sons, 1403 Union Av«., Un- VVINTEH ANp SUMMER and with tlio Wciicrly line ot FirsFtrnt k -32 minutes 10 seconds west a capacity other than that o[ a bona ItOAD OHAVEL 8 TON LOAD 115 operating the house for gnmb- > •lWTectf fide owner. ITn Matthiws Opportunity Siiop FILL DlilT 8 TON LOAD I 3 yesterday aloji,q, ^Ir;i Rlcti"imtt Antiques, wants to buy all types of Bulldozing ling. The magistrate found the Mr. Knrkus bDcnme embroiled thence (3) nintilnfl North 60 dcgreci 0. The average number of COPICB Cinders, brickbats, washed gravel, GIVE US A CALL AT 2 tnlimtcs SO SCI-HIIOH En,it of each Issue ol his publication sold antiques. Dolls, toys, furnltur*. china. ma ion »and, bank run. blue store, UULLDOZINC. lots cleared, cellars, testimony resolved the case to over the mailer with the nt- . 60 feel: or distributed, through the mails or glassware and old Jewelry. 115 Broad concrete,- sand etc. tanks and septlcs dug; lots, .garages MATAWAN 1-4361 orie of cr-ecJlbllity and he hftd torney,'n'scuslng Mr. Rice of thence- (4) -nimiliiK Soutli .-33.,degrees otherwise, (o-pnld subscribers during ly, Keyporl, call Keyport 7-1445. " Driveways graveled, blue-stoned or and coops filled and graded, drive- 31 inlnulei? 10 R^condri Knst tho 12 months preceding thV date - ' wjlf cindered and graded. nays cindered, graveled and graded. . to take the word of the three • caUUig him untruthful anil Mr. 1(10 fee.; to the said North* nhown above was: (Tills Information Light dozer, shovel work. Ideal-for Blue stone, road gravel, mason, LANZARO BROS crlv line, nf Cnnntv Itoiitl Is required from dally, weekly, semi- excavating septica, fuel tanks, crawl sand, washed gravel, fill dirt and, toa otfleers on the point of the de-' Rice. scorning to feel ho had , 'and place of UKCINNING, Trees •space, drain ditchci, awlmming no>la, anil. Dump trucks for hire. Eckel FENNENT RD.. IIOROANVOXF " weekly, .nnd triweekly ^newspapers mothers. Tennent Road, Morgan- fendont's admission. Mr. Hoth-! been a victim of-., bad faith, Seized ns Die property of Jolm'Unn. only). 2J27 • . ' '. * O'ttEILLY'S Tree Service. Trees wck fill. enberg dontendedthe « t » t c Mr. Rice left the meeting tell- nun, Jr.- and, Llla Man, Hannon, his pruned, cut down, fireplace logs Building filled and graded and many ylllc. Call Matawan I-1M5. uJ12«l/s; wife, ct ul, lokon. in execution at the J. MABEL BnOWN, . ut to size, lots cleared.. Free estl- other jobs. 'Call Martin, day or even* had failed utterjy to tie Mr. | ing 'the committee Ms bid was eult o! Arrow SnvIiiRa k Loan Aasocl- KDITOIt uatcs given. Call Matawan 1-2444M. tip for free estimates. Eckel's Truck* Wallpaper BETTY'S Williams to gambling In h n y terminated as of the ditto of allon, a New Jcrncy Corporation, and Swoin and aubscrilicd belore me wjlf iff. Wooleytown Rd.. Morcanville. to b6 sold tiy ' • • • "' | this 2Jthday of September 1057 Call Matawan 1-O858.n-1. wjlf IK you are in the market for waft- onE * way and that as Mrs. James yestei'day'a mectlnj. He, de- MA E. WOLCOTT, Sheriff.. MergnrMargarect M. Slull_i 'HEES pruned, cut down, fireplace ; . why not stop In Btirlew"s had gone away and left him] clined 4o put It in wrltlnc for Di.tcd Sept. 20, 1057 31, logs cut to size, lots cleared. Free TOP SOIL ' 'ludio, W* have many books to ,e- 8-4 938.43 I alngle roll up; 154 • 1st St., Key. Call Matawan 1-2131. ' ivj)l *>1 J31 1» UA1N ST. _ ... i I .. hi. -Area Students District Ghairmen Map Girl Scout Drive Attend Monmouth Monmouth College, West Long Branch, has announced that the present 1762 student enrollment is a jump over last year of about 300 students. Registrar B u t h E. Nebel re- ports, enrollments up in a 1 study areas, with three - tra- ditional favorites leading the -nay:; Business administration, engineering, and liberal arts. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ...:.Among,stu

^administration"; evening "stiF fund drive whlchvwlU start .Jntlie baysbore area Oct. ». The district Includes »II communi- -••-. .. .. • v _ . ^ dent. William E. Glcrlpko,, busi- ties froth MortanVIHe to Keassbnrr- Shown above, left to right, are Mrs. Michael Rynlewlci, ness administration, and Haz- M organ ville; Mrs.\ Henry Brlel, CUffwood Beach; Mrs. William Till, District t • chairman; \ Mrs. Walter Snydw1, West Keaosbun; Mrs. William Smith, Jr., Matawan and Mn, Henry Herr- Divisioa O£ - .. ^ let Hay students, Nicholas R. mann, West Kcahsburr. Chairmen not present when the picture was taken are Mn. Frances, Oeracii liberal arts: Omar O. Walshe and Mrs. Norman Noe, Key port; Mrs. Walter Kowalskl, Union B«ach;'Mrs. Charles Sickles, pre-engineering: Har- NappJ, North Centervllle and Kcansburg co-chilmien Mra. Jean Faulk and Mrs. Elliot Cameron.' riett Woolley, pre-n u r s i n g; evening students, Russ M. . Lagattula, Raymond M. Splt- Fariello, Ronald F. Johnson, Builders Specialty Wholesalers pre-engineerlng; Herbert G. College Night Set For , sser, both business administra; Mark Birthdays tlon, Eugene 8. Wilson, p re- Carborie, Daniel F. C 1 i f to n, A|bury Park Oct. 17 "1 engineering. Anthony L. DISanU), Donald-W. Spafford, business administra- At Party, Dance In response to the increased Route 36 at Atlantic St., Keyport Also Holmdel day students, tion; Susan Chapman, Irl:o~da concern of parent* •P.iiJLtJfc. rMary E. '-• Flanagan, pre-nurs- . :The Misses El v era- -and dents for : college admission, Johnson, pre-nursing; Sara J. Laura star Burlcw celebrated liie; Guy J. Geoly, pre:engl- Melvin W. Jones, - Keyport,' Eeerlng; John B, Porter, m, P rl char d, prejournallsm; their birthdays at B u r 1 e w's president ol the Shore awld-i= liberal arts; William A. Pur- Frances S.Rounds, Richard C. Restaurant in Laurence H a r- a n c B Conference announced :dey, pre-Journallsm, and even- Wenner, liberal arts; evening bor. that the council has made col- Ing students, George B._ _Aj>- ~j9Bts, James F. Benner, en-, Prises were a-warded f o i lege night an annual event for. gi'nee'ring-drafting; MiTdred £. games and dance; contests, this year. C ol-.. Co m p o 1 y, pre-engineering; Butler, Richard E. Erdmann, •";~^Xt!S&*rT Ruth lege night will be held In -the Ann Morse, Diane Washington, MaryS. Conover, business ad- Bruce Robinson, liberal arts; Asbury Park High 8 o h o o I,. Elvera Burlew and Joseph Oct. 17 at 7:30 p.m. Keyport ministration; Rose Q. Moor- Wiiam J. Clifton, Paul A, French, all of Keyport. man, liberal arts. - • Egan, David . Engebretson, and Mafc&wan, High Schools are Refreshments were served member schools of the conn-' LIGHTING FIXTURES . As!o Keansburg day s t u- L/utitild P. Long, Lloyd.C._ Ma- cents, Donald R. A m b r o s e, and a teen-age dance follow- ell.' ' " . son, Joseph J. Peters, busi- ed. Mrs.- Petrlzzo, Laurence pre-law; George Bundy, John ness administration; Robert R. Each student will bo sche, Harbor;. Mrs. Koch, Clltfwood, duled to meet representatives A. Clark, James 8. Convery, Conover, James H. Lawson, Lightolier — Globe — Moe — Artolier teroy W. Snyder, business ad- and Mrs, William L. Burlew, from -three of the colleges ministration; Robert R. Falls, William R. Qrlott, pre-engl- Keyport. were chaperones. • ending representatives, In neerlng; Mrs. Marie E. Em- Quests were Judy Kurtan- three 40 minutes periods, Rep- -Beth D. Honeyman, liberal lck, JoAnn Jacques, La r r y Many Others , arlsv and evening students, ley, George E. McCormack, resentatives from - 45 Institu- pre-educatlon. Hoban, Ruth Ann Morse, Ruth tions of higher learning will be Frieda M, Asmar, "executive Ann Heyer, Phyllis Salt h, •ecretary;. James C. Barton, on hand to answer questions Also Morganville evening Trudy Schwarck, Oeorglanna about costs,' admissions, schol- William H. Carey, Gary. M. student, -Leona M. LaMura, Guera, Charles, Edward and •Dethlefs.en, Thomas-O. Kelly, arships, entrance require- pre-educatlon; Old Bridge day Josephine Burlew, Keyport; ments, courses of study and John M. Lang, James F. Mer- students, Warren. C. Burnette, Elolsc Christine, Carol and advantages of their respective llgan, pjre-englrieirlng; Alfred Weaton E. Rose.'pre-englneer- Betty Burlew, Carol Arnold, Institutions, . .'A-.-Bevacqua, Charles M. Dug- ing; evening student, Jean A. Jeannette Qjwdner, gan, Robert J.. Hackett, Joyce Gaub. pre-educatlon; and Vn- Also Robert Morse, Joseph, A.Hanvey, business admlnls;. ion_Beach day students, Leon- Mullaney, Joseph French, Vtr- tration; Lyman A. H o p p e tj dCld;R£Fe guila^'Callamaras,—El 1 n-o-r —Irrr^chemistry;—R o bfl ft; ET ens, liberal .arts; evening ErlondEen, Evelyn' Qranato, ITS A FACT Horn,'electronic engineering;- students; James A. F1 yriin, Gloria Hedglln, Dprls Walsh, Elizabeth Kirk, Molly -Kh k,. pre-englneerlng; Timothy J. Betty Bryne, Bpnnfe Lou Whit- .; Richard <3. Pole y, business admlnlstra- ney, Diane Washington, P a u 1 < In-Monmquth County '^iK-^t Smith, electronics. • " • ' • tlll I-Chuderskl. —:-' ~^7Alsb" Key poftfday students, ton, psychology; Walter, A. Edward R. Burke, Charles H. Hutton. C. Robert Mount, lib- Miller, pre-sciehce; Carl W. eral arts; Michael Kaluzlenskl, Fire Losses Decrease Holmes, William. G.. Matthews, electronic engineering; James From 1956 Total Cost i^^^^^Jn — Brouse A^u^d|| Stephen J. Slovene; 11 b-e.r » 1 M/Roberts, pre-solence; Rus- • arts; James V. Jerbasl, Frank sell h. Thomas, pre-education. Fires" and explosions hi New 5,-Miles,"BennIs E. Velcamp, . ^Also West Keansburg • even- Jersey in 1956 took the lives ijolph M- Walters, ' pre-erigl^ ing students, Robert A, Deck- of 153 persons .whjeh was eight . neering; Donald K; MItUick, er, pre-sclence;' • Robert; B. less than recorded'In the.pre- , t(aniel J. Nardoza, David E. Messina, liberal, arts, Jack: E. vious y.earVaccording to, thi| ;OJsenv. John p. Roberts, Rich: Schliiflin, Milton I", Woodruff, New-jJersey State Safety Coiin- ,ft -P- •-'WiiM'torii -Benjamin business BdmlnWration; Mat- tXli Estimated oost of the nres, oon,' .'business ^•.administra- thew ThdhiS()n, pre-ejiglneer- based on reports from S8 com- l'on'U rind no raise claims tion; Henry E. aullivan, pre- ing. . ":' :_ munltles In the state, was ap- In our atatemenis. When we proximately $12,000,000, a . de- education. . . say TOO ret expert bumper !• ..' Also evening students, Paul crease of about $1,000,000 be- Garden State Parkway low estimated losses in 1855. '. bumper service here, you o»n J. Brennan,'Michael V. Cox. believe It. Special Introductory Coupon Offer Walter F. Metzger, Jr., Speh- Has Blooming Railing The council points out that .ceriiulse.Jr., business admin- the state's record of lives The center Kuard.'ralliae on lost and losses In damaged istration; Donald E. Caroli, property and equipment shows 1956 Bulck, Century, 4 d o o r .Marlene A.'Jeckell, Edward C. the Garden State- Pprkway' Is - hard top, radio, heater, blooming today. A flowering the need for carrying on fire- Welifand. liberal arts; Louis prevention programs, not only power steering and brakes, J. DlGlrolamo. biology; John vine planted to cover the wood- white wall tires. ; and-concrete safety structure during Fire Prevention Week, IV Freiburg, Oeorjje W. which started on Sunday but IBSe Bulck. Century, 2 door Hughes, Aloysins A. "* Jeckell. In the center' island of the Parkway has been showing Its for a continuous 52 weeks' card top, radio, heater, Jire-englneerlng; Charles L. drive to educate the public in power steering and brakes, Morris. Jr.; pre-science; Ed- blossoms for the first time. white wall tires. The blooming guard railing is fire dangers and how. to pre- ..^afdLM'. Walters, commercial vent them. 1055 Bulck Century, converti- Illustrating;igjraan A. Wlse.ix- located in,the metropolitan Es- ble, radio, heater, full BEDROOM HALL sex and Passaic County g e c- The following causes were -power. ecutive secretary; Antoinette tlons of the Parkway w here cited by the council: Careless •;j.' Liicarelli, pre-education'. t h e dividing island between smoking .or use of matches; 1959 Bulck, Special, hard top. LIGHT LIGHT . i .Also Laurence Harbor day northbound and -southbound misuse of electrfcity jSrougb - -':radlo. heater,..full, power students, William F. Hoffman, roadways narrows ,^p Its mini- defective wiring and overload- 1955 Chevrolet; Belalr, bard ''pre-science; Richard E. Hulse, mum width.' . '."<" --' Ing of electrical outlets with . top. VS.. r a d I o, beater/, "business 'administration, and appliances and lamps; defec- power glide. evening student, John P. Cole- More than 500,000 vehicles tive "furnaces, flues and chim- 1954 Bulck. 2 door, radio, heat man, pre-eductlon; and Marl- used the new nine-mile section neys! careless use of portable er. dynaflow. boro day students, E 1 m c r E. of the Parkway leading to and oil healing and copklng units; 1954 Mercury, Monterey, hard King, William Stender, p r e- from the New York State use of flammable liquids for top, radio, heater, auto nursing; Francis A. Richettl, Thruway in Its first three cleaning wearing apparel and matlo transmission. • liberal arts; evening students, months of operation. home furnishings, and smok- 1954 Plymouth, station wagon Lulgi N. Dolclrio, William A. In a report today on traffic ing in bed. 8, power mto trnnsmlos-J Johnson, liberal arts; William and earnings during the Initial Ion, . A. Nelson, business adminis- quarter-year of operation, the 1954 Chevrolet. 210. 4 d o o r tration; Phyllis Onorati, exec- New Jersey Highway Author- Armstrong Cork * sedan, 6 cyl. 1953 Ford, Customline, 4 door, . utive secretary^ * ity said both the volume of Polished Brass- travel and the toll receipts for Names Officers radio, heater, automatic Also Matawan day students, transmission. Peter E. Barrett, Richard A. the Parkway's Thruway feed- William T. Wade was elect- ; Pull Down er road have Increased sub- 1953 Bulck, Super.'hard to p ed assistant treasurer of the radio, heater, dynaflow. stantially each month since Armstrong Cork Company at a the July 3 opening. (952 Pontlac. ChlcRon deluxe Renting meeting or the boar^ of direc- bard top. i door. R It H Dining Room Light tors tt the company'! general hydra trans., w-w tires , It you neea printing of »nj offices. * • Problem kind, we are here to serve you 1950 Cadillac, 'I door, hard top Mr. Wade, who Joined the automatic transmission $8.95 Our quick service and. reason Armstrong organization hi fully equipped. , With This Coupon CLASSIFIED able price* will please, rou. 1042, has served the company in a number of accounting and Several Otberi (o Choone From supervisory positions. Joseph II. Plttenger has been named manager of the ABB NO BUY DIRECT AND SAVE Armstrong organization and SHOOTING STARS methods department, it was The••ahooilni1 nod 'falllns also announced. Mr, Plttenger •tan* are not stan at all, bat joined the Armstrong organ- meteorite*, whlcb are compar- Aluminum Products ization in 193S following h I • atively small niiin of rock graduation from Leblgh Uni- or Iron Mjinr about la space. KITCHEN DINETTE : Home Remodeling versity. Their orldn 1m onkoowo. I., 1 Double Tub* "NurceU of Knowledce" - LIGHT v Geo, W. Sllmpjon. • No High Pressure Gimmicks - Allow 25 to .30 minutes to CIRCLiNE boll- «-whole head of cauliflow- ••-.4-,-,j * No Commissions • No Salesman er. If the bead Is broken up, the flowerets will be fork ten- With Thli Coupon der after three to 15 minutes Slhaulr Vttt Tube* - Wllh Ttili Coupon of boiling, says Monmouth County Home Agent Mrs. Lor- Quality Products Plus Quality — na K. White. Cauliflower. it MOTORS^ popular with c heeie sauce, '1**1 HA1*fSHOC* AVfA Workmanship At Low Prices hollandalte sauce or cream sauce. I Aluminum Post- Post Lights - Wrought Iron Post Ihli Orter K»plre»: Omobrt 117 )l)iV^- ((uantitlei tlniilei ' , •' - ; SHOP - COMPARE - SAVE Consolidated Home Planning A Vacation ? Engineering Co. : Steamship Or. I'lane Open Dally »:M A.M. To 8:00'P.M. - I Pro in pi Rt'HcrvylionH Builders Special ' Open S»indaf« 11:00 A.M. To 6:0fl P.M. BROWN TRAVEl BUREAU Telephone keansburg 6-9654 Day C»U«: Vallrj 6-1111 ? Hf>po/( . IU Kmilh Ml. Mlthl C»ll«; ., Route 36 at Altantic Stv Keyport Highway 36 West Keansburg Perlb Amber 1-M1I ., Bruce Mllbourn, a transfer opposed by Larry Simon antf A Little Wet Weather Fails To Deter Matawah-Keygort Golfers KHS3IHS,Invade from Peddle School, and Jphn Harry Lewis in this " event Fahey bold down the ends, but which requires two out of three, these flankers will have to do falls to win. The first bout of Shore Gridirons better against Matawan's roll- outs and sweep' plays than the evening will start promptr JOBBNAi Flu germs allowing; Keyport ly at 9 p.m. . and Matawan willr»i»mi they did against Lakewood. - Pace Twelve Oct. 10, 195 their guest for Shore Confer- The -baefcfieid situation In ence1 "B" honors In football Point Pleasant is not so good. Johnson President Of Saturday, The Keys will face Frank Tunstead, a reserve last the more gruesome assign- year. Is sharing'the T-quarter- Monmouth Tennis Club JVs Victors ment, taking on the team that back chore with" holdover Bruce Turton. Pete Arlauckas, The Monmouth Tennis Club, bulks largest In the "B" pic- Keansburg, h e 1 d a business ture. Central (Bayville) Re- a new boy, has caught strat- Frosh Lose 6-0 ton'e eye at halfback as hav- meeting at the home of' Mr. gional. Matawan hopes to be and Mrs. Stephen N ester, •-.. Keyport High School's Jay uble to get back in action on ing the "desire" the Gull vee football'.team got. the: coach seeks. Mickey Williams, Ocean Ave., Sept. 27, at which Point Pleasant's gridiron. • new oOJcera were, elected tor season away to a successfi Th t*rwin"b« the itrst ": » letterman. ij the- other half- --..start at Toms -River- Monday back. Dick O'Nell and Mark the 1958 season, Larry ^John- game for the Maroon and son. Mlddletown, was elected defeating the Indian secondi Steel. Holmes,, ore battling it out for 1*2; The Red and White fresh- Lniiesldent,—Mrv-Nesterr^-v-i-c-e— :r -the—other—backHeld—assign—] —'-men-were—not—a»—successful —What-makes—Bayv!lle*~Ke ] ment. Gone, 6tratton' laments, president;' Mrs. Donald Ciira-" however, losing to the T o m gional loom BO large" is the one are his 19SS passer and punter, mings, Mlddletown, secretary, River 1981 team 6-0.' •'B" game they-have played Don Fioretti, his broken-field and by an unanimous vote, The Key Jayvees had contro thjs year. They thrashed Eake- runner, Joe Kelly, and full- Mrs. Charles Walters, Keans- of th el r game throughoui wood 33-0. The Plners bad b a e k Gerhardt Greundllng. burg, re-elected treasurer. : They played possession fool, been the summer "line" favor- The Gull tiackfield has a long With the recent completion ball ana penetrated deeply in' ites for "B" honors and Fri- way to go to get up to stand- of the club's new "all, weath- to Indian territory In the firsi day Lakewood showed they ard. • er" court, Keansburg now were a team with wihlch to auarter,. Repulsed then, the .boa5ts.«one-ofT l,hfcje rinpmflplrt n#Hln"Vn t. h Pleasant 18-6.Bayvllle's feat : starf'of-the-"second 'qliarte ted woes, Matawan, well-rest- be la operation year-round. " in mauling them so badly be- ed, with a week's layoff, en -At the close of the meeting, • •/sflth. fciixy.',' Dane "and Ton comes thereby the more. awe- pronounced : Leonard being the running ters the game a refreshments were served by ' lnsplrlngr. KHS won last year's favorite. To further emphasisi e Mrs. Nester. The next meeting - passing combination to set u game 28-0 but it was only the the talents of Coach Barry - the scare.' Charlie (Pumpkin will be held af. the home "of second game played by B a y- JUzzo's players, LambeitvlUe, L a r r y Johnson, Lone Oak, Brown crashed It over. vllle as a new team. the team they defeated 27-0, Middletown, in October. : ...,...• •f': The Dane-^Leonard duo cam Coach Joe Boyd. of Central mauled a likely-looking Flor- _ through with sparkling broke; (Bayvllle) Regional, modestly ence High School. squad, 20-8 * field running In the third Quar acknowledged at the start of Saturday. And last year.Stata- 7 te'r to second up another KH1 the season he, expected the wan defeated a Garnet Gull . score, with Dane going;over Golden Eagles would be able team with Fioretti, Kelly and "•' The'only Toms River counte t» "hold our own" In "B Greundllng in the lineup 19-6. Ohlldrnn Under .12 Free came In the final quarte competition. TJi e Bayvllle —7-wheirDRHS~siij5peaTina je'i o Box Office Opens 8:30 i carted off Central Jer- Free In-Car Hesters . his goal line on a pltchou sey, Group I, honors last Convention Hall iy Toms River players were In o year, the first one in which Wrestling Bouts - -.him lor a safety.' the school had a team in com- FBI. --SAT. -OCT. The KHJS Jayvees lined u petition. The situation Is much Wrestling . Jjouts -at Asbuf y j Ava Gardner with Bruce Steneck and Die akin to-that In Wayne Town- Park Convention Hall Satur- Tyrone Power .Croce.'at ends, Dick Chapma; ship in that, Jt is a new School day wilt*feature.. Antonio Roc- and Leroy Smith at tackles now playing, Its second .year pa and Indian-Chief Big Heart.' "The Sun Also Jim Burke and Warren Carne; In football with players season- In a tag team match.with' the i at guard'and BUI Dickey con ed by a. first year of'competi- combine of Karl y"bn_He§s and j Rises" ter. BUI Wright, Charlie Dun tion. Indeed, at least half "of Skull' Murphy.; This .match-"of ' nlng and Noll Ba.hrcnburg the Regional team were sea: f 1 y i n g tackles and- flying CInemaScope-Color "brake Into action with the KH§ soned by playing a year or forward jvall during the game mares Is for two falls out of — Plus — two for John Dalto'n at Toms three .to win, .Roland; J. Hiries. Coach Bob Zampello had hlg River before their school .was praise for the work of hi opened.. .• . ' [ matchmaker announces. "Oklahoma -. Another m'a t c.h' wrestling i _,Ji^emen !n never allowing th Coach Boyd Is 'sure''of his Woman" Indian secondary » l fans have been looking for will I line wlthDick Pine ar\d Joe be the return of Steve Stagley;] _: '— Eilr» — get a sustained Tunning attack 'Mattnccl -at ends,-tfie-206-lbr under way. Mr ."America's brotfier who -fa Onlf Sil. Only Blttenblnders, Joe and Jerry featurjjd in the. semi-final bout,, Kidaio Ijto and Bill Davis doing tackle C&rLnun Horror " The KH6 Jay-vee baokfleld with Aldo Venturi, the noble show suofr brought .Wally Kennedy, Greg duty; Butch Kleva and Dink Roman. Ferry and Paul Wharton In ac- Smith, at guard; ttnd P li 11 , tlon' along with Brown, Leon- Koch, at center. His worry In a tliird contest, Tony Mar- SUN. - TUES - OCT. IMS ard and Dane. * was over hwSfoackfleld..Mickey tlnelll will take on Ramon Lo- ••:• -The KH8 freshmen lost their, A northeast gale and misty rain beat' In over the course of On the left, Dr. Fleper measures the ball as lie starts his drive. Flori and Frank Copeland, the pez. The opening bout Is also Kim Novak lie Asbnry Park Golf and Country Club Sunday but local golfers a tag team match. The con- Jeff Chandler — game on fumbling. Two mlS'- In pursuit of their sport were oblivion* to it. Only when they In the top center Larry Elseman sets a critical putt In motion. stars he inne*rlted from Toms hindlings of [he ball gave the ot back In the clnbhouse with the' last siore card reckoned In the. bottom center, Fete Ten Eyck does the same while his River, have gono on—t h-e-l-r- testants jue Arnold Skaaland —"Jeanne Eagels-— "—Toms-Rlverfroslrthe ball~d«ep p did diey-sudilcnly become aware they might be a bit damp partner, John Barbagaletta watches. On the right, Joe Guadag- way. But Ed Benson and Lar- and^KoslaTGoulaS who wiirBe" In Red and White territory, >ere and there. Because oF tho weather conditions, all the no edges a putt towards the hole on the eighth green. . - ,- W'Were still-"'' available, — Plus — On one of these chances, the oursomes did not go out on the course and the match will be , In the lower tier of pictures, at the right corner, Bill New- with Charley Selpel, Ray Roe esumed next Sunday, a bit of sunshine permitting. and Paul WUhe.rsp.heid moving home side _playerjs' connected man works his way out of a sand trap He. In the center plo- 1 "Footstep's In The with an end zone pass for the In the upper left hand corner, Mill Gale Is finishing the turc, Harv Waffcnfeld swings into a mldlron shot midway down up to battle it out for the tv% only score ol the ball game. pawing on his drive off the seventh ice as Billy May, BUI Reid the ninth fairway. The vehlole'sccn In the bag Is the electric remaining starting Berths: ' nd Dr. Howard follow the flight of the ball. In the upper "taxlometer" ,for carting the golfers and their bags over the Night" The Red Raider freshmen lehlhand corner, Ed Wllks makes a wood shot from the fair- long fairways. At the lower right, Woolley watches with mixed The Lakewood game was , • sWung into action with D a n ay with Joe Guadagno and Ilap Woollcy looking on. In the sec- fear and hope as his putt" curves down towards-the hole on more of a rout than the figures ' Mogge and Bill Hogan at nd tier of pictures, individual efforts by the golfers are" shown. the tenth green. appeared as Bayvllle had Drive In STARTS WED. - OCT. 16 ends, Phil Redo and Charlie touchdowns called back on pen- Kim NOVAK Doris Day- ..'.—'-"- ^-Sukln at 'tackles, Bill Louche alties and the Plners ^ ould and Johnny Stryker as guards make only ope. flrijt down. Jeff CHANDLER .JohnJttailt.;"" and Ralph Nappl at center. In benefit Stock Hundreds Sign Up Boyd poured reserves Into the • "Pajama Game" -,• tWHftcMleldi Teryy AckecBon LOOKING IT O¥ER fray to keep the score down, vas at quarterback. 3im - Hoc ^ar Race Oct. 20 and, in so doing, he uncover- "^3 -, and Bob Feigenwinter at half-' For Bass Tourney ed, another back-Held; !'llnd"ln | A6NES MOOREHEAD Stock .car racing at O.I d FOUR SCHOpiB were" "con- game with a Shore Confer- !i , back and Dick Zlllnskl at full- ridge Stadium has been ex- Hundreds of fisjilni enthusi- Bud• sunoakeyY-- v-" •". • ••-' , HURT LANCASTER : ^bJCk.lThe Jefthnnded, passing tacted by John Carncctolo, ath- ence "B" rival-be" postponed asts are "already registered for onded for ah additional we letic director of Matawan High In view of this, it can be of Ackerson and the linecrash- on account of the weather or the third annual Striped Bass' safely said that if Keyport can pTenTaltlVleri'' ltig of Zlllnskl were particular- md. Promoter Ed Otto an- School, for a game to replace the flu, It would have to be Derby at Long Beach Island. NOW minced at the conclusion of the Neptune contest at'MHS take the Golden Eagles, Coach TECHNICOLOR ly impressive. Coach Dan Qed- gotten in on Nov. 23. Mata- According to Joseph E. Me Tuffy Baker's'players can feel Charge "26/10. Club" dls was -well pleased with the he last official NASCAR, event field Saturday. The shore, wan could cancel with Nep- Lean, Commissioner of the "HOUSE of memberships to your f the season Friday that there school cancelled at 11 a.m. reasonably assured they have first-game work of these two tune entirely but If the "B" New Jersey Department of the "B" race in hand. Bay- .NUMBERS' Monmouth Countj Easy backs. ould be a special.card, pre- Friday on the groundgonds It had game were> In an "away" Conservation ITUES. Charge account. See your a n d Economic vllle players block and tackle ) kiCINEMASCOFCtUrinf favorite shows now - p*y -Next action for the Keyport lented Oct. 20 for the benefit nine-playerilpyy s s out with Ae fluflu,, contest for MHS, tho" finan- Development, the event with extreme vigor, as d o ei it the South. Old Bridge Vblun- cial status of Maroon and w 111 later. - Jayvees vrtB be at Woodbrldge Coracclolo almost, had Central run to Nov. 30. Keyport, so the carnage should eer Fire Cor It a Sun- (Bayvllle) Regional sold on the Steel •football revenue -would Join the "26/10 dub'r - Monday where they taokle the .Officials of the Long Beacb be rather severe on the Ocean JACK PAtANCE lay afternoon event starting idea of coming to Matawan, suffer again. The new County gridiron next Satur- movie history's big-test sophomore class team of Wood- t 2:30 p.m. •-.'--• despite the lateness of the "home team take all" Key- Inland Board of Trade, spon- bargain. 26-weeks film bridge High. The Woodbrldge day. . Cinemascope & Color hour for making arrange- port-Matawan football agree- sors of the contest, have an- HIM SINATHA- DfBBU RtTKOUS entertainment only 110.00. school la so large that, class D\ie back,will be Pete Fra- ee, Railway ace who clicked ments, Coach Joe Boyd's Gol- ment leads to this undue "de- nounced that a small registra- At Point Pleasant there Is a 156 films available at less - teams art organized rather den Eagles having had their pendence on scheduling oth- tion fee entities contestants to coach, Bill Stratton, who wish- than 40c a carload. than a Jayvee team below the or his 10th 1957.triumph and lodlfled class champion; game with Cape May also can- er teams for "home" games fish any, or all days of the es his players would block and varsity level'to-gWe alfn'ony Derby. The'contest is open to tackle with, vigor. The Garnet Idgefleld Parkls Don Stumpf,. celled on account of the flu. When KH8 or MHS Is the, tooyj as possible a chance to Boyd was willing to change his . Day visitor. curt fishing only, on the 16 dulls mentor put a mark on \ MIMIDGED T RAILROAD play football. tad I u'm sportsman class Be Ehlers Oct. 28 date with MHS to Sat- That and the Thanksgiving miles of ocean beach from his gridders at the start of the Bs Ehlers Guest Coach Geddls' freshmen will :lmmplon and currently lead- urday, but the administrative Day weather hazard Is go- historic Barnegat Lighthouse season by declaring' the thing Guest at any next swing Into action at Point ing for the national crown: hlgher-ups'-at the Ocean Coun- ing to hit one school or the to Beach Haven Point on Long that was truly wrong with at Loew'* Pleasant on Oct. 21,' en Marriott, ex-Maryland Beach Island. them was that they lacked the ty Regional school fussed other hard financially before Any p« aitra'u- Walter Reade ate champion from Baltl- about arranging a game on the term of the agreement Is ^desire" to play football. The pwul JmS lilii lut inch Irm lore and pacing the national over,r Incidentally; C o 4 c li Ten thousand dollars worth' outcome of the Point. Pleasant Sharks To Tackle such short older and It had to of pr 1 z e a, Including a 1957 mitil u'liwindini strip to bpx Theatre lotflfied field; 'Biidd ; Olson Stan (Tu(fy) Baker, of fcey- game, in which a smaller office—3 strip* lor adult. Offir: b« dropped. Coach Billy Den- Any perfotmano. ..forno monayl md Jackie McLaughlln, t h e -port, confirms the Retf and Oldsmpblle four-door sedan as* Lakewood team pushed them iwd onul DM. 30 at dl ton's West N.Y. Alumni ny ottered to have Matawan iutt take lut inch (iom matal un- outh Jersey racing twins and play South River at the Brlck- White Is going to reschedule the grand prize will be award- around the field. gaVe unhap- SliU and Mttopolitin In ed this year. Second grand py warrant. for_ their coach's N.wYwl winding strip lo box office)—1 strip The Jersey Sharks pro foot- many other leading pilots towners gridiron for he had any of its games postponed lor child (under 1ZI...3 atrips for Ball team crushed. an unim- * om half a dozen states, 350 tickets already sold for his for.Nov. 23 now that. Mata- prize in the Striped Bass Der- criticism. by is a 19-foot Keller Kraft •dull. Olfir eood until Dec. 30 pressive Atlantic City Naval Joe Lanzai'o, Morganville. cancelled game with Bomer- wan is playing Neptune that, Point Pleasant has the Air, Station Jets eleven, 34-0, lade his best showing of the vlllei But Matawan wanted a date. It will make all things' cruiser with a 35-horsepower Johnson outboard motor and a horses, if Strattoh can make - Friday night when 950 fans at- iason Friday, whipping h 1 s home game to make up, for competitively equal between them go. Four bulky iettermen -teiided. KHSahd MHS. Holsclaw trailer. , ar through the field to cap- the loss of stack up along the forward Halfback Tony Brltton, bock re the third trial heat. revenue.-Long r Weekly winners 'will receive wall and two veterans' remain Branch was contacted, with an outboard motor. Daily In action.after being Injured Frnzee won the 25-Iap NAB-'j their game with Leonardo out, CROSS COUNTRY will be- for the backfleld. The line has two weeks ago, scored the awards are first, a Montague Mike Krauss and Ken Smith, 'AR stock car racing feature but Coach Army Ippolitto, of come a new sport at Matawan rodiand Ocean City Reel; sec- •J first and last of the Sharks' High' School" this year, Carac- a newcomer, at tackle and a. five touchdowns. one of the closest finishes the Green Wave, was taking ond, a glass 'surf rod, ..and brace more of 2^-pound letter- een here In several years. Jt the day to see his son Mike clolo confirms. The sport will third. 200 yards of squtddlng Brltton got his first In t li e not be gone into extensively men, Jack Ely and-Johri Mill- as Frazee'a 10th win ot the play with Princeton against line. Anglers landing only er, ,.at guard. Bill Lardlerl, first quarter when he ran 1 Columbia. the first year,- more on an ex- • around end for*41 yards with ear but he was hard pressed And' the a r e e n small stripers will be consoled holdover center, puts in his 180 AIR CONDITIONED the runner-up George Tet, Wave plnyers and assistant ] perimental bas|s. But the Ma- by a free dinner for all fish- pounds to make the Gull for- the game only minutes-old! roon and Steel will definitely • The other come in the fourth zone Park, N. Y.'speedster coaches were using the open ermen weighing-ln a fish, no ward wall average, a Western ho time and again appeared date to Bcout the Asbuvy Park- have a. team at. the Shore Con- matter how large or small It Conference college size from quarter when ho bucked off JfJew Brunswick game, as it in- ference cross country meet In tackle from the three yard potentlnl winner. Is, Other merchants on t h e tackle to tackle. Pennuts Waidell, Lakchurat, volved two teams Long Lnkewood next month. T h e Island arc considering addi- line after the Sharks h tid Branch has yet to play. Final- Matnwan athletic director be- marched 51 yards In" 10 plays. d for the first 13 laps, losing tional awards to make the vis- E YPORT STRAN ly Caracclolo approached pow- lieves the school will still keep The J.n.g s-tli e1 it then to Frazeei who came iting fishermen's stay more OPEN ALL YEAR 'ROUND n from' 13th position to stay erhouse East Rutherford, a top Its Group I rating because of ['enjoyable. . " No Mt'tter What th* Waathar Sharks to-.three straight. -The team of the state. And h ci.d the peculiar way the male en- Phone 7-0452 West New York Alumni eleven ut'front the rest of the way. Long Beach Island, famous Outside,' Intlde Your Car You'll 'et started 10th, picked his Neptune allowed caiabpl^lo rollment shapes up, being con- Enjoy Living Room Comfort. Today - Tomorrow - Saturday Oct. 10-11-12 comes under the'Wall Stadium more time, the'renowned elev- centrated In the freshman for ocpan and bay fishing as lights with a host of former ay through traffic and- mode well as other seashore activi- W» Supply Your C»r with am epeiited bids but couldn't en from North Jersey, having class which does not count in KIM NOVAK • JEFF CHANDLEP . Memorial High School stars had a cancellation of their ties, is easily reached from! .tomorrow night. ulte make It. Johnny Z e k e, I Now Jersey State Athletic. As- the key points of New Y o r k | own, would have been willing sociation determinations of evlttown, N. y, ace, made a to make.the trek to Matawan. City and Philadelphia. The te effort thnt brought h 1- m classtfIcatlpn. Carncciolo does Garden state-Parkway is Six-Man Tag-Team But time was too short to not take satisfaction at the ilrd place. The nexti two In make arrangements for a trip favorite route with many trav- ic 25-car finish1 were Itob Bou- school being continued In The first six-man tag-team of such length. elers pn their way to the Is- not, New Brunswlckl and Oroup I as there are a large, land,"slx miles (it sea. F r'6 m match in the history of'TcmpIe 'ardell. '— "> number, of new _hUjh__schqala; Hall in Highland Park will be NOV. 23 1*8 the "rescheduled^ Philadelphftrfrth,e-Island-1S"OB" TODAY thru Saturday ["BlileTIhgTnlo athletic compett- ly 60 miles away, over route3 Plus Selected Short. Bnbjecti seen this coming Monday. The novice vace was won by date tor the Neptune game tlon the first time this year. Kim Novak ..,••* oy Pltner, iakehurst, over at Matawan. This win ex- 70 arid 72 In New Jersey. Jeff Chandler'— in — Special — Kiddle Show — Special ' ; Headlining a card presented They are actually schools with Saturday Afternoon — Starting 1:45 P.MV « by promoter Jim Brady, for- elmnr's Bill Farry, Bunk tremely- .agreeable' to Coach Group III and IV facilities and "Jeanrid Eagels" • mor Keyporter, the Australian oblns,'Trenton, and 18 oth- Marty Flschbeln of Neptune. organizations but because they — Plui — In Technicolor Errol Flynn in''Adventure of Robin Hood" - tag-taam affair will pit the rs. The race was halted three There has to be a strong sus- have no senior or, perhaps, Ranis-Dukes Grid Hurt Lancaster — Also Extra Cartoon Show — : cdmBlnOtioh Of RIckl S t a r r, mes by-accldents. - picion that the new Scarlet junior class full scale enroll- Note—Jeanne Eagels Not Shown at Kiddle Show The all-girl powder puff der- Filer coach did not wish any Game Washed Out *..'.,. "Ten Jail Men" Edward Costello and Jose'Mi- w ments jjs yet, they are_classl-!.i s , Sunday -Monday . Tuesday Oot. 1M4-U _gubL.PcrM, .against-the -ae.r- ?_ as_ a_repenL_vlctory_rJWo. severe gridiron-- tests-before-- TIe3~aji Group if For that rea- »UX. • MOV. -1VKS. >r 21-year-old Sue Bentley of Oot. 19, Uie date when his "R«ln SunSay forced j»st- -.-... Continuous 8unday — Starting 1:45 P.M. - manlo teani-of-Ludwlg Von son, he sees Group I as the ponement of the opening tpwn Jack l'alance X — B)« Attractions — * KrupP. Karl Von Hess and inglewood. o vir -11 others, team stacks UR against As-,, one which will have, the more 'railing, were Matjlon Myron- bury Park in. the "g a mo team football game ot the sea- "House Of Paul Berber,.--r , difficult competitive setup Uur- son between the Key p o r t 1 In • preliminary, S a n d 0 r uk. New Egypt, and Rosaline which can make him or Ing this school year. He cites Numbers" 'aylor, Nixon. break him In his new post. Dukes and the Cllffwood ' KOVBCS takes on Skull Mur- Bayvllle Regional, with its Rams. Manager Dick Owens, — ClaertiKScope — phy,w'P!' *:J??!^' between Lar- The Sept. J2B date vips left powerhouse' football team, as —Plus— in Clntm»Scopp-Cotor IK open on the Neptune sche- of the Dukes, hopes to reSche-' Debbie Reynolds ItWtCEl ry Hamilton arid Steve Stanley mi example. dule the game for a Keyport opening the night at 8:40 p.m. Football Scores dule. Now With the contest Frank Slnalra With a formidable Matawan field next Sunday. "The Tender trap" ITIdnv TROTTING ' HORSE . en- The Dukes are also slated lo Sayrevlllc 31, lied Unnk Catholic 0. team put off to Nov. 23, only tries from stables and larms t LaKEwood IB, Point Pleasant fl. Red^Bank Catholic, suitable piny the_Ncw Brunswick Bob- BBUntl nreok 14, SI. I"olor'« (N.n;) from the Monmoulh Count* cats in Keyport on Oct. 27. - 0. • for warm-up purposes next nrea were not quite as plen- Highland Park 10, Clark Tun. 7. Saturday. Intervenes before Contracts are pending on four Hiturday tiful inJLpe. Freehold Race- ciher games. Owens states. • Keyport ID, Toms Illver 7. the Scarlet Fliers big date iyBy meeting lust closed as Next Week - Wed. thru Sat. ' ' Oct. le to IS Hvd Bank 10. Hum&on O. With the B^uc Bishops. For Asbury Pnrk 13, Nc)v Brunswick 7. Informer years. Norman Enjoy one ol America's gren' — Cary Grant — Frank Slnalra — In — HIT HOME Cnrtcrct 23. Mannsnuan 0. ' ' i I MatawAn, Y h e situation Is ;Bb:jlj\y,, John i Austin and Jo- "ractuclicniirii Duucllcn loj . ' ' hot quite so. good. Should a Frenohlown 7, Manville I). (continued on page thirteen) "The Pritte And The Fpssion" j l!!H?J^. iKiy iSHfllli;: row. Hunters must report all Keyport Defeats Toms River 19-? farewell To Freehold Raceway For Another Year deer kills to the State D : v 1-Looking It Over elon of Fish and .Game, a Game -Warden or a WildUfo continued from page twelve) With Devastating Ground Attack Manager within 48 hours under seph Boccoreprcsented tlw -Keyport H i g h's football penalty "of >100 flne ^_^... Freehold area; Daniel Mur- it materially helped T o rn s w pliy, Normon Stephens u n d MATAWAN Tlrces won their opening game River to get up field. When Now Jersey's popular upland of tne Shore Conference -B" Rose MaltnconlGo the Red the Indians punted, the favor- gntt)e season will be held this Bank section. George M o 1- Oci. 10, 1937 Face Thirteen division race Saturday, defeat- ing wind put the Red and year from Nov. 9 to Deo. 7 In- ing the Toms Blver eleven 19-7 nar, of Clieesequake, with- White in a hole defensively clusive with malo English or drew his Ruth Brewer iv n d Yankee Stadium with an eve without being seriously press- the first time in the game. rlngf' neck pheasant, rabbit, ed at any, time. The Keys D6bby Brook early In theon thai. hnU-mntion dollar The kickout from deep In KHS ruffed grouse, squirrel and meeting and drove for other cute, the unme nlwuj'9 haa to trod over the Indians gridiron territory went only to the Red quail as the target, Hunting ownrvs: Two area slnbles, be riunufnetuved *I'>1<* ^ gK'ntj . lor 19 first downs and the for-Raider 32. The Indians could 1 ursj will be from II a.m. tho Peg-Ann etiiblea, of Mld- thriller. Notre Uuine tenms,' midable total, of 334 - yards Bet nowhere along the ground li.S.T, to one-lialf hour ufU;r dletown, "' and tl\o Holland natlonnl champions, who had rushing for a convincing dem- against the powerful keyport sunset on. th,e opening day and Faniia, of "Marlboro Town- the potential to wipe tip t li o onstratibn of •• their running line, ,bTit_Bloom .hlt.P-e rr y from one-half hour before sun- ship, were not represented field with Army, would .Come power. Toms River had to set- Smith, a scatback, on the 18 with a pass and the-recelver flso to oiio linlf bjmr after s'un- JSJlJLlUdiijy l ilic-fiiiulluju—ftiitl ~0 k tle for five first downs, mostly ?t-oir6mr"dityTiiirinT~t" —stabs-with--tucr~ forward pass was away for a touchdown. the KeiilHl proprietor of Hol wins by one or two t o u c h- Robbins booted the extra point season. land Farms, did put in an ilowns. The npxl day tho New -that camejoo lnfrequefatly and York-sports scribes -W p 11/Id too late to be a serious men- and,Toms River was back in Dnllst bng limits during the active racing, scnsoji w I tJi- the ball game at 13-7. upland game season Include 'Hollnnd horses miikliiu the croak about t)ie tremendous" ate to the Bed and White. "emotional" surgo by which ., The forces of Coach Stan two male pheasants, with a southern circuit or Bosecroft Recollections of the pass de- seasoiKJiinlt of 10; one Jack Kaceway, Washington; lJnl- tli e .downtrodden Anny tonm. (Tuify) Baker,.took command fense debacle att Wayne Town- rabbit or hare: .four rabbits; hnd nftnlnst Notre Dame, . of play following the opening tlTnofo itacowaj;; L a u r e 1; shipship, rorosse In tthh eKKeyportt three grouse; six squirrels and Bvjuidywlne; Ocean Dqwns When Army teams who were • kickoff. Ray LoPresto" accum- camp. It greg w morree serious .?jij_.j .U9 v and Harrington4Del,). Ho 1-; beltiB-drubbed-byHlie-lVles by ulated 196 yards rushing to his wheh n tbejlihiiantbjl s raoyed_jlp_to = s 40 0 und 44-0 scores held Notro T son limits oh grouse, squirrel land did not'withdraw, his ^--owncreditr^durlng the contest Miafiefil alter' aS" excKang- , the Indiana became stubborn .sunrise to one linlf hour after k'eo. Slacllum, No mattor wtio point, LoPresto was stopped In its 106-year history Monday. day might be postponed. get underway during the next wins it will repreapnt one of narently they. h»vo no "inqllna- ' again as their goal lice was but the Keys had a sound 10-7 The Maroon and Steel sunset. During the sensona pos- lion nt this time to got buck The-tr,ack had been granted se,vornl.weeks promise to pro-session of n loaded gun shall tho (ti'cntpst defeats tho Jour- threatened and a mighty cheer lead In the last quarter. the right to run its season to coach declared that nine of vide much excellent aport for nalistic profession ever suffer- Into Iho niulto questionable set- went up from the home parti- his mainline varsity players be considered e' v I d e n c e of HP. Oct. 12 in the expectancy licensed hunters, the Stato Di- hunting. ed, When It wua played in sans in the crowd of 900 as the Following an exchange of were flu victims. Even If vision of Pish and Oiune, De- punts, the Keys appeared on there would be the" expected bull was still one-foot from the" five or six days when rain they are back In school In partment of Conservation arid goal line after a big fourth their way to.a fourth score. Fox hunting will be -legal in would force postponements. time to play, the team will Economic Development, an- Now Jersey frorii Nov -9 to down pile-up around LoPresto. This was halted abruptly and have cone through a w e o k nounced today. f turned in the other direction The continued drought enabled Apr. 30 Inclusive. II vi n 11 n g This time the punt by Mike with virtually no practice. Hunting deer of either sex hours are from 0 a.m. on Nov. Bloom to get the Maroon.out when Smith intercepted a-pass the trotting track to run an un- by Ben Ochlnegro at the In-. interrupted-50-day program to And if the school physi- hy bow and arrow exclusively 0 to one-half liour after mm- of, trouble carried only to the cian lives permission for Will bo allowed from Oct. 18 toset. Other than tho opening —21,-yard-line-of Toms Riverrlt dlan-15 and scooted-back with the early Oct. 7 closing date. It to the KHS 44. Bloom h 11 the team' to play, Mntawan Nov. 8 Inclusive tinder the day., foxhunting will be per- __was, early In the second ,o±uar- -Htm will,be below the physi- : Young with a pass for a first New attendance! and wager- provisions of the 1957 a ante mitted from bnc-lialf hour be- _ter.' down at-the Keyport 33. Smith Ing marks were established cal standard to play winning Code adopted by the State foro Bunrlso to one-half hour LoPresto sent Zaremba to chased across the-field again during the 50-day ' 8 e s s ion football, the coach noted. He Fish and Game Council. Hunt- after sunset, except on • state the outside again' and this lor a 23-yard gain and a first Which opened Aug. 8. A. total felt a contest would not be a Ing hours during ' the season public shooting and fishing linw there was no stopping the down' at-the Keyport 8. Here of 172,148 patrons wagered fair test under those condi- will be one-half hour before grounds where upland hunting play. Zaremba swivel-hipped the Indians killed their own $10,896,935. The previous blghs tions. ' sunrise to one-half hour after hours apply. Under .the 1 a w his way out-of-the grasp of chances by running a. play Of 146,548 and $8,699,307 were Final decision on playing sunset. The bag limit li antfn» may h« 'tritppuri at, a tt v ' two would-be tacklcrs and wlth-12 men on tlurfieianVset reglstered-for_6o:days la-si-Ino-rame-wlll-be-laken—br deeT~of "eltlicr sex' during the time of the year when destroy- —made-for—this—goal-line.'.tof them'Sack to the 13. The final year. Thursday so Point Fleasant season. - - - ing poultry, orops or property Presto plunged for the. point passes of Bloom never hit A new single day's betting -will have > chance to find From Dec. 8 to Dec. li' In- and'the Keys were "ahead 7-0. their mark. Keyport took over high, of $442,699 was establish- another opponent If post- cluslvo hunters may hunt buck •••-• .- '"|l'» nice bfyou la help out, mothir, . " - An oddity ol their scoring on downs arid a 19-yard rush ed on Aug. 31, eradicating the ponement becomes neces- deer with antlers at Jeast three Football,Schedule play was"that Toms River had by Larry Done got them'.,out old standard of $342,102 set sary. Rescheduling tlio game lnclie; In length with both fire- ' ,' until I cpnflnd anolher pin boyl" rtld«rtld«y llruinwlcV Relax Anil Knjoy Allrrnoon Howllns only ten-men on the'field, a into midfield as the. last whis- Sept. 3, 1958. A new single day will be an involved matter arms nnd-bow and arrow. Un- Fhllllpaburf l substitute missing the call to tle sounded. attendance record of 7361-was •as MIIS is slated to play der the Oame Code, n person HPjin.) I,ota Of Room To Le»rn And rrnotiee dar go in as one of their regulars created onj.abor Day, wiping Neptune at, home on Us lone who has legally taken a-deer- p.m.) - Alleyi Open 11 a.m. ' . -. ambled off. Keyport's running a 11 a c k (all _ out last year's top of. 6572 on 23. durlng the special bow and ar- Keyporl at WoyvU.flo- —11B«IOIH1„ ; l.aat CKII.IO Re«l«ler for Father Mnd Son I.«»iue • Toma River was stHJ,.stymk and defense, line play left lit- Labor dayi row season can legally.tulr* an Matawan at Point I'ltaaantI'laant. tle to be desired,,but the Red Hepluno-it-Btdr Danl^-C«f Cd on the attack following the Patrons w e r e' treated to antlered deer with a shotgun lxoiiatdo at Hamilton Twp, ,. Klcjfeoff from...t he. Keyport and White - Btlll showed • room Harbor Woman Wins thlsjseason? if he possesses it - • •• - rlonal at -I,—ten*- 'Bunch, : tor improvement in passing some fine Ta'clng. At least llnl Unnk : Manait touchdown. They had to" de- half dozen horses"'ne/rotlated Point Fishing Contest vaifd firearm license. During Uumion a pentf on CUff Bobbins to punt tfnd • Kicking-.' Their pass de- tho,firearms season dully _, ^,. South PlallifHildi fense,_ howe;V«».Tyas sharpened times frnotions under 2:06 but them out of, danger. The Red Wee Willie Winkla1 set the yflth only a few ,h°ur^ re- huuing hours will begin at 7 A»buty P.W 'at Union. up markedly alnce~the Wayne i.rrfiU.6.T. and end at 5 p.m. Uf'.'.h.A!!!^.,,"* XffMW- , an&White ground Quickly back speediest; "2:05 flat, shortly^ be- maining 'iii'(lie second" knriuVl' at llf.1, lntftsTpmsJaiver territory, The Township game. - 1 both gun and bow and ar- KeyporK t ((191 ) fore Labor Dojr."The track is FlshliiK Derby,at Point. Pleaa- Indians bung on doggedly ' in End«—Blrkhnm, Leonardo Chromy. rated at 2:08.1, l.B^seconds ani, Mrs. Clifford SetVerstrom their own Back.;yffrd tatil the ^acWes—Martin-AJHtjrson, O'Brien slower than Roosevelt Race- Guards—BurktrVaecSrcHa, Scalonc, Lantana Way, Laurence - Har- "' clock saved them from further uaumari, ,~^. - ">~. . way, the fastest in'the'east. J bor hooked a onc pound 11- .opposition, scoring in the half. Center—Bo>«, • <•-!• • • •*••• .. The 8-8, 8-4 tiridX3-"i~ combos ; Backs — Brawn, Dane,,.Fleming, dunce1' weak fish to capture Thwarted at the end of theOchlnegro, Zaremba, LoPreato • were tied with four apiece for first half, the Keys made up Tomj Klvcr (JJ most dally double victories. first place in that division of Ends-Sberfcln.. Bobbins, Young.'" '- Number 8 was on the front, the tourney. -_ . ' •_ for-; It by bolting 70 yards Tackles—Mootnaw. Kuntz, Klnjstlcr. JE-lnlontr.-the— ground, against the Guards—Mayer,- KuntzTKlnitterV" . endof Jhe double most times The'Pbint Ple'asnnt'Chamber Indians" at the start of the ^iBe.Hodaa. with nine; The highest pay-off of ^Commerce, which sponsors Center—Cannon.— ^ was registered on Sept. 25 —third quarterrtiOPresto put on Bnck»—MjUer, Bloom, Swift, Frew- the annual fishing contest, wll a one-man show in this drive. lltz; Smith, P. smith, Lau.- • • • •"When the 8-2 selection of Daz-present Mrs. Setterstrom with He battered out three first • Score by Perlodi zling Wick and Dandy J a c k an award at a dinner Nov. 2 Keyport 0 7 8 S—19yielded $507.40. at Sea Girt Inn. In addition downs In dashes oM3* 10 andT-ims River ; -• • 0 0 7 O^« 7 24 yards, then contributed an Touchdowns—Zaremba (2), LoPrcs* a plaque will , be awarded tn. Smith. • - ' eight-yard plunge In the final Points Alter Touchdown—LoPresto, This week, why don't you Capt. Mel.Hoe, skipper of the _-. first down at the Toms River Robbins. look through your church win Dolly-N, the fishing b o at on Official* HUIard, Chamberlain, which Bhe caught the weak. 4 before plunging into the endEarby.. ddws . . . Prom the 'inside.: zone for the second- KHS touchdown. The Keys sought to fool'the Indians by having Gene Fleming plunge for the point but it did not work. T5h e next Keyport klckoff was caught by a headwind and Mat-Key Sunday Night Mixed League Mat-Key Ladies Wed. Nite League Sept. 29 Oct. 2 Garden State Set Woodlock Inc. (2) •> • 746 667 794 Craig Bros., Buildera (I) 557 551 587 Ulrlchscn'a Boat Works (1) 644 720 650 Natalie's Dress Shop <2> 574. 58>0 576 645 562 DeLuxe Cleaners (0) 695 710 691 Scott Funeral Home (2) , 600 715 Ulrtchsen'a Boat Works' (1) 645 657 566 For Fall Meeting Hendrlck's Dairy_(3> 715 714 Crate's Beverages <2) 027 690 S23 The 25-day fall season of O.K. Sales & Service (2) 621 667 Martini's Diner (1) 545 -563 508 Garden State Park at Camden No. U-U> 639. CCO 665 Cliff's Sea Pood (0) , 636 572 649 •No. 15 (1) ~~^ 682 627 VanPelt It Son (3) 674 69S 580 opened yesterday with many 667 Modern Pharmacy (0) of the country's most powerful, No. "300" Bar <2> 699 669 665 557 547 Cliff's Seafood (0) 620 636 626 Stultz Fuel Oil <3> '• 575 618 ' 558 stables represented and a new 644- Standings high overnight purse schedule Marquet'a Pharmacy (3) 637 671 648 672 681 Tea m W V of $33,515. not Including stakes. No. 16 (1) VanPelt & Son 12 -3~. The total cash distribution Montagna's Amoco (2) 688 657 687 672 Craig Bros,, BnlUlers 11 4 for the m e e 11 n g. including No. D (0) 666 712 Stultz Fuel Oil." ' 8 ' 6 685 745 -$375,000 for nine stakes races^ Flamingo Bar (3) 627 Crate's Beverages . ~~ 0—- 623 666 Vi-- •' 7 Is s 0 he d u l.e-d'at $1,222,875, Waiting's Market (1) ' 653 Modern Pharmacy ""• 8 greatest In the history of rac- Kulns Boat Works (2) I 631 Ulrlchscn's Boat Works 6 9 610 6 9 ' ing in New Jersey for any sim- Martini's Diner • Team W 618 Cliff's Sea Food 5 10 ilar period. The new overnight 8 L Natalie's Dress Shop 10 distribution Is the highest in Cliff's Seafood t Flamingo Bar 8 4 •--> Scott Funeral Home •••* 11 eastern racing. Marquet Pharmacy — 4 Many invaders from the \jkaaIfA ••300" Bar boa {| Midwest and California will Montagna's Amoco y uv ¥ "i • Oct. 21 provide ,lhtersectlonal rivalry, Woodlock Inc. .J r St. John's Methodlat (0) 734 752 bringing together many s e c- Hendrlck's Dairy 654 "783 7952 804 tlonal standouts wbo will meet DeLuxe Cleaners St. Mary's Episcopal (3) No. 9 6 Calvary Methodist (0> .. t rivals from other sectors for t Bayvlew Presbyterian (3) 837 COO 861 _O.K. Sales It Service 6 847 155 824 the Hist time. Western invad- No. 15 Keyport Baptist <2) - ers Include" Calumet Farm, a • Matawan Presbyterian (1) 781 '788 780 W»'r» ecltbratlng the b«>>*i«lllng car Ulrlchsen'B Boat Works 5 707 835 747 kind of I'nul you clioow, you'll Iw yrjiin with H. A. (Jimmy) Jones Kulas Boat Works Keyport Reformed <2> d tho staionl 'Ine nrw kind of'Furil li i'orrl'i Hciilplurnl fttylitig ^Ivri yot training, and the. stables of No. 11 s Matawan Mctiiodlflt (2) 803 732 708 5 •718 851 829 ..topping 'tm Mi In lalri thif yparl Anil'we're a luxury look lltnt'll Itiilt And now It llic tinio Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Kerr, Mr. Walllng's Market .. ... Matawan Baptist <2> 81B 842 760 ttiehniin' with » trlloiil. Now you can nit to buyl . • • andrMre.-Louia -BT-M- H «-» -KO.-W ~L ; r- Trinity Episcopal (1) . •' 1 6fl5JJ#46. 803 Amrricn'i mm wanted cur at llie yrar'i Mr? Midi Mrs. George Lewis OeUisemane IjUUieran, q> Keans. ladies Mon. Night League Hebrew CoHgregaUon (1) 765 l lavlngi) ' ' and Prank'King, all °f whom SUndlnga Have Willie Molter as condi- •— Team •.-•--•- W. You'll b* fltttlna »ht b»i( dioU of the tioner. , Keansburg National Bank (3> 633550 648 Bayvlew PresbyterUa Highlight of the meeting will Mlddletown Pharmacy. (1) 621 814 S8S Matawan Baptist ~m»Se" room for '58 motltli. You can live be the fifth edition on T h e dentBe'8 Market (2> 620 SSI 623 Keyport Baptist hundreds of'cJoll.iri on br.inil-iirw, fully Garden State, tne world's rlch- Pete's Incorporated (1) ' 598682 622 8t. John's Metbodlst ' Kalion WHK"<»I liir 589 630 MaUwan Presbyterian Keyport Cleaners <2) 612 636 614 Keyport Reformed Kairlanri, ronvrriililfil Ami with oiir urday, Oct. 2». The a a r den trade-ln»—yfnir prrKnt ear will ricyrr •49 PER MONTH! State is restricted to two-year- Keansburg News (3) .580 601 6M Matawan Methodist •,, iltw l«'l|« op*n M2 529 Oetheemane Lutheran worth more! ' . mi ailjMf/ KUII) olds and la contested over the Prank Van Syckles (1) „ 644 Trinity Episcopal • championship route of a mile Marquet'g Pharmacy <0) 840 604 57S You'll ba y«at» ohtodt No mattti wWeh 609 Calvary Methodist. and a sixteenth, this event H. Wassennan & Son (J> 946 (OS Hebrew Congregation grossed $319,210 when won by ' -' Standing! "St. Mary's Episcopal Calumet Farm's Barbizon last Team •• - - . . W year. One hundred and ninety- Mlddletown Pharmacr Mon. Co. Woman's Major League two juveniles .currently are in Pete's tocorpprated • ' Btpi. U -•••';•-. ••••.-. HURRVI EVERY eood standing! for Jbe r a e e., —Keansbarg National Bank No. 4 (2) -399 475 449 CAR IN STOCK MUST CO I Larry's Barber Stop ID 603 437 445 MA.fl, with the probability of several Keyport, Cleaners supplementary nominations at Mlddletown Lanes (2) . SOS 629 461 •10,000 each. aentHe's Market No. 8 U> 542 &M 456 • a. Wassernun b Boo i Baron's Coffee Shop <0> 416 404 422- - Babrenburc's. 458 632' 402 George S. Barrett & Son 10 years from today, there'll Bowne's Oil Burner Bervlce S 1 Hyman Jewelers U) 462 404 604 be fewer "cloudy ' days in your . KeasubnrK. News- , 0 • No. r rn , . ,j. . • 4i» to* 4Si life.financially. If you Wrest Frank VtaMfcUt*. tto. 1 ,J?< Jbompjo1n JtfLtftat*. Xiui. U> «1* 448 475 MA 1-3100 MATAWAN NQWtin IT. 8. Savings Bw#». Uafquets^narmacy •;< , *n •Walker * Walker <2> - 4M 504 468 Certified Tomato Seed Mves-thls yekr.'lipwiever, are State Taxpayers Association. Flower Course:To illsAre more adequate!-facilities ; to This" Includes -the 1957 teditioa guide tbe.New .Jersey taxpay: Is Reduced By Drought T of "Financial Statistics of New er jconcerned about affairs of Jersey Local Government,"; Only 1849 acfes of certified government in Washtogton of Be PresehtM ' presentlne vital data on Ke W tomato seed were harvested in -Instead of the cdstomary at home.' • •• •• -; - .: • mum The Garden "Club of New New Jersey this summer, the Jersey's 21 counties, 567' jnf- Jersey will present the 22nd kicks about the size of . t.te .Working through more'than Flower Show School,: Course smallest acreage since J1933. tax bills cejit June, taxpayers 100 local taxpayer associations' nlctpalltles and 565 school dis- Page Fourteen Oct. JO, 1957 William M. Cranstoun, '.chief II, at Its" headquarters build- might well take the' football scattered throughout the stated- tricts. Just piiblishod, as. well ' ing, 309 Park Ave., Orange, of the Bureau of Seed Certlfl-' many people are being assist- as two forthcoming guides to cation, New Jersey Depart-' season as kick-off time for ex-ed in their ciyic efforts by a n Oct. 16, 17 and'18. Oct. 16, ; assist taxpayers in their study ment of Agriculture^ reports. pression of active interest la steady flow of information and ch§ls Elected Mrs. Wall y"•'Levi; Radford, affairs of government. • * ' Va., will lecture on methods of ' The prolonged drought, coup- research data published by the of local goverpment finance. ..BY GIVING- rowing exhibition plants and led with cxcessivelyJiigtt. tem- This.was pointed out by the To Home Bpard TO THE will demonstrate point scoring peratures during much of the New Jersey7Taxpayers Aasocl- : .The—Venerable. BL SISTER of hor^ulturarsflecImen's.^Al; Browing- seasonr-reBulted-'in atlon In observing that Initial pher Nichqfls, Archdeacon of KENNY :o *on Oct. 16, Mrs. Roy Lin-losses in many fields, Consid- processes T>f-trudget»makinB-al- the episcopal Diocese of New :oiri, Amhorst, N, H. will talk erable acreage intended for ready are underwayl'jn fcdeinl .Jersey, hajjktaia FUND in "Duties_ofl—Staging and seed production was unsuitable and £late goverainent. Mean- Schedule Committees, mean for certification. The acreage time, the state's' Division of Ing-.of terms as the^p apply to planted also was smaller, be- Local'- Government-is prepar- schedule making," ing 1958 budget forms for use cause there was a large carry- of New Jersey's counties and On Thursday, Mrs. Edward over oV seed from^the 1956 municipalities, This Is the be- Coffey will speak on our state crop. , . •' .. • •' _. • • . | . ginning of the course which conservation policies. The ele- Dry weather... caused a se-. lends, to submission of n e ~: t ments, principles of design vere-reduction In yields. Nor- year's spending, blueprints for nd color will be presented by mally, one acre of tomatoes approvaVJn Congress, the ielda-~Wyatt- Schulker Brecks- can be' expected to produce State Legislature and local llle, Ohio. . '"• - between 30 to 40 .pounds ' of government bodies.-. Ultimate- Anyone interested in flower seed. Yields th(s year were, Ss ly, of course, it leads to next rrangement, Horticulture or low as eight to 10 pounds per year's tax bills.' : [lower show practice cordially acre. . . •-•-'•' '-. -.'• Normally, this whole budget- invited to attend any or all makihg-appropriatiohs p r o- if the lectures; however, oniy Enjoy one of America s great cess. escapes the work-a-d a y Sp .dally'.d for th« ENzabilh Ktnny F' tudents who. are members, of freedoms. Attend tho church citizen until the day the tax DON'T BE COLOR-BLIND tool Htodquortrn, 2 VO Folium To».f, MlmVopolii 3. Mr*. garden clubs belonging to the ol your choice this weekend. ^ bill .arilves. Serving as lncen- Garden Club ©f,,New Jersey or similar organizations In oth WHEN YOU BUY €OAL r states are eligible to take BOTTLED GAS It can cost you money! It's thrifty-it's saiel Bay II. Christopher Nichols ' he examinations for credit to- 'blue cool'today I Dashboard Unit New Savings Bond •ard, i N » 11 o n » 1 Council Insist on the coal that's col- boaid of directors of the Chil- fudge's. Certlficote^ .-Advance oreiblue. It's your guarantee dren's Home Society; of. New egistratlon is recoramendeo*-. you're getting top-quaiity hard Jersey, Robert A. Smith, so- NotACatcbAll Is Streamlined coaU 'blue coal' burns clean ciety piesldent, announced re- The glove-compartment :in The new United States Sav- Fined On Count and hot with far less waste. ~ Clean/ Safe, Low-Colt Heal cently your car can and should be a [qgs ^ond looks and feels a storage place for useful Items little different, lt'.s just gone James F,_Relnmllicr, Key- He also has been named to instead of a catch-all for1 dis- streamliner) In keeping with JUE>SON S. HOPLA membership of the community 1 lori, was fined 5S nnd $5 costs ', COAL -r COAL SJ'OKEES .'•.'. ' " .... carded things. "It's r-e-atly ;he'electronic brain and other if court when he was arrslgn- development committee of the amazing what many g 1 o v e- dvancements of the. modern 110 Third St.; Keyport " -Keyport 7-$m society, the state's oldest pri- :d In Madison Township Mun- MAT 1-6200 coiiipartments . y I e 1 d," de- era, the now Scries E bond is clpal Court before Magistrate vately financed, non-sectarian, clares William A. Armstrong, going to have more "punch." CLEAN ...SAFE .. .LOW-COST HEAT non-racial child-care and adop- Maxwell H! Mayer on. charges Highway 35 Cliff wood tburliig manager for Keystone n fact, It's full of punches, 13 passing a red light. tion agency. As a member of Automobile Club. "Items found >f "them. They're Just another this board committee A r c h- in a casual survey have been, ign of progress In this day of , deacon Nichols will occupy . a many and varied enough to mechanization, a a d * will save prominent position in the re- t start a,fair-sized notions store, 500,000 tax dollars a year in development of tile •|o.cj^ "'« .'./things as cough..s.y r u pi reduced printing costs. A CITY BLOCK OF CARPETS local service and fund^n^v Worts' programs, melted dan- The Treasury says the only committees throughout—t h e dy.;chlldreB'a toys, and radjo other. Savlng$;Bond JnpwpfJFf- Linoleum and Tile at Mill Outlet Prices .,, tubes.' . „"••• : :: '"..""•.. xi,~"•'.'t h e, cuiteht.' income""- H Archdeacon Nichols, a 'na. "It would be muQh more bond, will continue' to be print- tlve of New York City, ha advisable.. .a n d/useful... of d on paper stock in the old "!"Been~acllyS.".rn many diocesan courser to Iceen in the ."cq size'.' . . ' activities: serving as a • trustee 6 partment, such things as "dls-* The -punch cibd boifd Is tit the_ Dlocesan Foundation 1 posable tissue, a first-aid kit, smaller than Its 'predecessor, and member of the' depart: flashlight, sun-glasses, s o a p ment of missions and depart- •and will be handlefTo" carry. ment of religious education, and towel, a sewing kit andThe new size also will make it He was rector of St. Mark's cleaning fluid, . . . ^ ... easier to stow away bonds In' ''Keystone, maps for Vy o u r a strong box or bank safely Territory and plannco? f .' Christ Church, South Amboy, trips, should be kept In t h e the new E bond.(s 7-3/8 by 3 prior to coming to the Dioces- compartment, 'too, in addition 1/4 inches. The old bond Is 7 an Home In Trenton, Actlveln to credentials, the car-instruc- 3/'4 by 4 1'4-inches. . many civic and social organl tion book and other papers, or About the 13 punches, t h e zntlons through, the years. periodicals jalce— io—h a-v e Treasury offers this explana -Archdeacon Nichols presently arounb""wlien something goes tlon. The first'punch denotes Is chaplain of the New Jersey wrong. the size, of the bond. For ex- Hotel Association and is Hon- "One final word of caution, ample, a $100 bond w o u 1 d orary- Canon.of Trinity, Cathe- never place a camera or film have a punch down in t h e dral.aLTienton. In the glove-compartment at fourth position. The next 10 While "in Preasantvmcr he any UIIIB.. Tlio Jiept from the columns, or, punolies. represent served such organizations as motor will damage both In a the serial number, and the the American Red Cross, very short time. welfth Indicates It is a Series ^.U5o_the_compartment : : : bond, The thirteeneth col __, ^ .jClubandthe-At- Useful thlhgs:\ n«aHhr6w mn li reserved ,l lor SCBClni lsjillb Cbuhty""'-'UUvenHie'-IDqttn. the others.•'-•'' ' ccountlng operations by the • ijuency Committee. At South Veasury when the b o n d Is Amboy, he was a Member of lashed. ' •'• the board of "governors of the Mrs. Merken Elected Other than the smaller size, r South Amboy Memorial Hospi- Keansburg CIA Head • •< , 2 " tal-and chaplain of the Rotary he punches, nnd the flexible lardboard stock on which It Is Club,: •.". ". "..; • .'.V"," ' • Group vLoL the C.I.A." of rlnted, the new bond 1 o o k s First Methodist church. Keans- •evy much like the old one. It _*!|l?ip Wanted" ads In this burg,; met at the 'church with :pntalns about the same word- paper tell you about the'?6opb' Mrs." May Olesler as "hostess,, jobs-open-—.: -•- rig and Illustrations. Eiectlon of officers'was held.' One exception" Is the .word- Mrs, Dorothy Merken w as ing, "elght_year3 and' eleven elected president; Mrs. Mar- TWEEi) CARPET —I- months from the issue date.. garlte- Rleneke, vice presi- 'his change in maturity from This is the best bgy in our history. Save 2.00 on DRUG FACTS dent; Mrs. Jean Adams,'treas- nine years and eight months" urer; Mrs. Anna'Vorhles, sec- reflects the increase in the in- every sq. yd. Smart decorator colors that are retaryjHirtrs. Rleneke, fiower terest rate from three to three-, just right for today's thrifty homermakers! ; committee. Anyone knowing of and-prie-quarter per cent, ef' someone ill Is requested to call fectlve on bonds bough! since Mrs-. Rleneke". Feb. 1, 1057, The new jable of T he-next meeting will bo redemption values also .ap- A held at the home of Mrs. Ma- pears oh the back. The other bel Walling., '' r .."' xccptlqn: Most of the punch IS MDRUGV CHOICSE FOR card bonds carry tho signature THE FAMILY'9 " of the hew Secretary of t h e Square Yard PRESCRIPTION NEED}. Treasury, Robert B. Ander- I KNOW THAI • CAN GAS-TOONSi son, who succeeded George M. DEPEND ONTNEM/ Humphrey oh July 29, By Steve and George At least four miles o[ walk- ing and 25 hours of time are spent during one year In mak lns

FRESH CIDER Y/OODBRIDGE J--~P«re Uiuliluled Apple Juicei: ^ Ht« llow«l« tootUrrr Heating jobmoal , Order Now At Special Reduced Prices , Miicarj 4-11U 'at Its vary beit Daily > "••"• 1 — ta » !>••»•: ; For Autumn Affairs Anr •uillar '• ••"»• . to S P>». • Halloween Parties ' . -Call Middletown 5-1080 HOLLYWOOD 4 PERTH AMB OB XEAVE ORDERS AT ' SERVICE INC. Ml SmIUi St. opp.rooa r»ir- M«ple Place. ..81* t'ornert Illllcteil 2 ««• Keyport - Phone 7-3000 Dully » f \ •:. WILLEY'S FARM MARKET . •'. • '\Free"p'l(iliup: ';;,' ' id 9t° ' MPISOH HftiS Oellveri Herylre SAFETY HEADQUARTERS