liOUUOUTil CO. HISTORICAL A35::., FREEHOLD, »»J« - - X Finest COVERING TOHNSIUI'S OP Advertising HOI.MDUI,, MADISON MAIU.UORO, MATAWAN AMI Medium M ATA WAN nOROJJGU: Uemtxi H»Uoni) "" M«mi>or 89th YEAR — 15th. WEEK Uemtxi H»Uoni -MATAWAN, N. J-.^FHtfRSDAY, OCTOBER" IflTT95r County Prau Single Copy Ten CenU Z ..ElyPresident True Valuation Assessment Ratio Trophy Presented To Cliffaood Marching Unit J. Franklin Dominick Resigns As ' Daniel S. Ely, c 1 ,e r k of Holmdel Township, n* a s chosen yesterday as presi- Threatens Matawan Twp. Tax Jump Matawan Borougli Clerk At Session dent of the N. J. Association Held.Post For 13 Years After Appointment By —of JlnrnsUjiCoromltteemcn, State-Determined Figures Give Borough, Mr. Ely has been a member $66,000 Credit Oh Schools; Appeal Voted Mayor Currie; To. Take Effect At End Of Year of the association 12 years and was servine on Its legis- Notification from the Divi- J Franklin Dumlnlck, Mutn- lative commlU.ce at the time sion '; of Taxation, State De- wun - noroufih Clerk Tor -the lie was elected Us president. partment of the Treasury, that State Says Keep Fire Hazards In mst 13 yiMirs, Tuesday night The organisation has 103 Matawan Township's assess- old the llorough Council ho • townships in the state in its m e n t by "true "Valuation" 'ns reflBivlntr thp post, JI 1 a membership. It was formed would be $31,700.000,for the Schools Open Borough Schools esignation, accepted "wllli re- »t the torn of the century to 1958-59 tax year' os1 against Fire Department urct" by eotliiell," Is scheciuli'tl perform,.. services on..the $16,208,000 for the current tax Absences Increase lo tnki) t>llect tin Dec. 31 of state level to rural munlcl- yi; ar caused the Matawan. In Bayshore Area Makes New Report il» \eur. • ' . Township Committee to hur- Mr! DBniliilck, w)K) w»s lip. , paUtles. •<• • " •• The- Matawan Fill' 'Depart- Mr. Ely^wasi^. member of riedly move yesterday to make Action to cope .with the pos- iiolnteil an baiouiih clerk In the Holmdel Township Com* an appeal. The appeal must be sibility of an Asian influenza ment, in ft letter to the nor. 1044 by foniirr Mayov Edward inlttte' before he 'was mil- in Trenton by Friday and epidemic Jn the. public schools 3UHh oouncll Moiidny n I g It t W, Currl* .lo. replace- Mrs, nlclpal clerk. He -was also must be formally prepared by has been taken by the S'ate hat'HCd that u rvcrnl lnKpoc- Oe.ei'Rlanim I.. Juhn«o», a Is o secretary and president of the township attorney to'gain Department of ' Education. lon'uy thp l"Irp PrcvriUlon us wnter rent collector the township beprd of edu- consideration. Frederick M. Raublnger, Com- Board hhoweri fire hazards ex- »nd njulstrnr of VIIBJ ulnllstlcs ' cation during his period of Such was the concern of the missioner of Education, wired isted in municipal schools, for the boroiiHh. MrV'poinlnlck, : membership on "the school commltteemen that Collector county and local superinten- Thp'iieixii'tinent, Unmmli 11 s who resides nt IT LnlteaUiB dents' to keep schools open and body; He , is generally ' re- Charles Kelly made a special eurcUry Alfred Adler sent ft Dr. In tho boiouuli snlri-. ha to provide ifor careful dally In- (annul report of the Inauactlon plans to retire, ' »srded as one of the better call to Trenton_to_determine if spection of pupils, . - Informed municipal officials therea had not been a mistake nnil lidvlscd a similar- report Miiyor Spnfford W. eclmnck on state legislation as it af- maije. Should the "true valu- In his telegram, Commis- Inn! been cent to the Mat it wan nnd nivniliers of the council fecte munlclpnlUtes, ation" determined by the state sioner Raublnger comments, Township-Board of Education, Mtdtii. the sprvlcoH of', MV, stand, taxation to support the 'When a communicable dis- The report stated thm the Domlnlek riming his tg>m of Joint school district; now shar- ease Is prevalent In a c o m- board find uirtll today to act more than u demvdo in olflce. ed about equally by the- bor-munity or in a "school, it Is on tliTivltilallons which woro Mayor Buliiuick said Mr, Dom- Ddwnes President ough and township, would be- us follows: "The tlie it l-ft r m Inlek wns .slnanre and tlovotpcl ' lo Ills post wrth the; borough come two-thlrc\s tlie tax cost system Ui.tlie Menrarlnl Sdiool of the township;,.It,would be Commander Frank: Pajllaro of Guadalcanal Post 4745 V.F.W. Mntinvnn-CllffM'ood 1« shown anil had niiiclo. "thlntu a erunt "Of Auto Group equivalent to an estimated presenting a trophy In behalf^pf the lied Bank Junior Chamber of Commerce to tht< Junior Is not lien Into Die borough's i for the council $66,000 tax credit to .tte,;twr- Coach .Barry Rlrza rc- Drum and Bugle Corps of the post.. MIKS Andrea Havel Is accepting the hwarfl for tlitt oorp*. fire nlnrm syntem, but Is only Elected To Post At coimectcd with the system ii) ough which would be an add •po^ltd I li c "flu" situation This prlie was slvcn Sunday, for their outstanding performance at the State Junior Chamber Volk of Commerce convention •'! Asbury Park. .:••''....' .... inn old arnnuniii' Sclipol bi|llr|- Recent Convention to 4he township school taxes. had sufficiently improved at j BIata,ivBii IUeh Scliool this ing.~"'-;- •""' -"•—;"•: lift n pnliolinni), second-clang More than this, the t p w n- j _peorge Q, Downes,. autama< ship's share of county taxes morning that II «as decided Halloween Parade Ovci' 400 gailbna pr Q O m- with tho police dejiartmcnt In • _blle dealer at 62 Lower Main would go up markedly, forcr to play Hie football tiimo at Roherfsvillc , Developer Hit On buStlblerPRtnt Rnd thinnerri Rio June of this yeftfior "porspn.." 6t.. Matawan, was elected ing a much higher tax rate in PolnC Pleawnt Saturday. Onco UB-.ihi, the vhlldrcn stored'In the fuihlioa room of til I'eusoDs" Tuesday was.' re- Ceorgo D. Soarcli, Key- president or the I^eV Jersey Uie ttiuniclpality after t he of the Borouili of HUaUwan t li o Mcinovlnj 8ohppl, and p to tho nwne post port illKh School priuclr>>l> School Closed will be treated to a Hallo- Street Condition many of tdc cohtalhpis n r o Automotive-Trade Association township has been enjoying a with "Hie adoption of fl" relatively stable tax rate for reported 234 "flu" tinses In Marlboro Board To ween parade, to • lie hold ;II 'offfi eti •by'xmihoiirnjiit..' at' the 39tfi annual convention ome ye that scliaol this morning liait Hnspection oil'burner doors :ttnd liv pnao Everett Wi Otir'I'tanV.' -rr '".' ' • put Ihc KHS ganic wltli Cen- Matawan Borough increase Act On Well Tonight I'ernilshion IVIMN ho en Bridge Estates Made •it ft flaislibnolc \vouUl._ll.e vul- Counoll-ruiecl-UiHl-Pa;- Volk' tral (Bayvlllc) Iteclaiidl in (ranted bjr the-Matawan nerable lo fl«v would b» returned to his Job is only from $17,371,000: total Jeopardy and final decision valuation to $17,725,000. W 11- Marlboro Township Board of Horonirh Council-and plaits nshlp M a.y o r "Janitors', supplies sucli a.8 wlUlout Ions of imy of his prU*- 11am Kinesley, deputy director on to play or not to p 1 a-y Education will hold a special arc underway, to irlnUe this John IJ,..Chnmbcrlnin. warned Uunt mops, toraoiiu,' clciiiilng or «ervlce. with tlie local' do-'. of the Division of Taxation, would be made tomorrow. meetlivg tonight at C e n t r a 1 year's^ ji;ir;ulo tho largest Monday n 1 g h I that u fluid, nnd other equipment nro iiortment. Sine* his reslmm- noted that the new valuations Echog&to decide on what to .and most colorful tlio tovyn roads ave rcpftlrcd In tho'Old sentteved nil ovt>r Hip furnftce tlon In Jnno, l>t), Volk llaa' do Siro u t the Robertsvlllo ever iins witnessed, rrlte^- Brldae Ealnlos section of the -room,. i , -.:"" ' been serving as a upltolnl po< for <the township were taken usually wise not to close" "the ivlll be awarded far the fun- from Information obtained on oTJl. Keeping the s.c h o o 1 School, Fronk-Dugan. board township, t h e, munfcipaUty . ,- jincklng b o iro s HUB oltltfpv of tho borough, — secretary, announced yester- niest, most beautiful and recent sales in the township. open arid providing for care- would repair |lio*'r<oads and the iliid excelsior wore found In At Wv> rrquotl of It. V/\.Bq.:! day. _ ' meat oilcinal in each of 7 Oii this basis the state has. de- 1 Cost would be levied air llbdl"7A "lV" ful dnlly Inspection of each pu- "It became necessary to close ' throe age' aroupH, JUIIKUIR the bo l-l-e/r loom of "Iho termined a ratio of assessed pil and returning to Uie home the developer's pcrfoi'mnnco Oiammttr School."__^- - - MiitliBrn.ttlvlalonvof tho -CeiUuV* RobcrtE-vllle SchooJ Monday Hill It.kr place In the Mala.." bond. Mayor Chamborlaln told Ira4 Railroad of Now Jotscy, valuation as levied by munic- of suspects frill 4o far more to The flip flepwlirient also ipal assessor, to "true- valua- for lack ot water supply. Us: 11 nn HIBII Bi'lioot auditor!^ memners of the Townshlr counell voted to lower thn lev- limit an' epidemic than ^dos- 40 pupils- are rjpw- being triwfs- urn. Committee he was not plcixned llnlert n number of rnoommcii tion" of 0.01.per cent.
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