ا ا Human Resources for Health ا ا ل ا ارد ا

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ا ا Human Resources for Health ا ا ل ا ارد ا ا اا Chapter Four اارد ا ال ا Human Resources for Health رم ٤ - ١ ال ارا: اوارد ار ل ا Page No. 4 - 1 Chapter Four: Human Resources for Health ا اا Chapter Four اارد ا ل ا Human Resources for Health ات ا ارد ا ھ إى ات ا ا Manpower information is essential for proper planning of the health care ا ا . زع ان ال ا ت وظ delivery system. Staffs working in the health care system are distributed ات وا ا. وااول ھا ا ز ا ال ا .among a number of categories and all complement to provide health care ھه ات ات ا وا ات ا اى اط و Health manpower statistics for these categories according to health Governorate ا زارة ا . (and institutions, both at the country level and for Ministry of Health (MOH are presented in this chapter. اول ١-٤ ر اى ا ا ى اات ا اى Table 4-1 shows the development of manpower over the past years at the اط أاد ا ات ا ض اات ا national level. The table shows numbers of staff by categories followed by a ى ا. و ا م ٢٠١٥ م ١٠٠٠٠ ان ٢١.٤ ط و ٤٦.٣ ,number of manpower indicators. During 2015 for every 10,000 population و اى اط ر د ٩ أطء و ٢٦ وـ م there are 21.4 doctors and 46.3 nurses in the country as compared to 9.0 ١٩٩٠ م. ان ا ط ٢.٢ و اطء ا doctors and 26.0 nurses in 1990. The nurse-doctor ratio is 2.2 and medical ١.٦ م ٢٠١٥ م. اول ٤ –٢ اات ا ى ا officer-specialist ratio is 1.6 in 2015. Table 4-2 shows health manpower ال ا اى اط ز ات ا ــ . و ــ indicators according to health Governorate and table 4-3 gives the distribution اول ٣-٤ ز اارد ا ا ال ا أء ا م of health manpower in the Sultanate for 2015 according to public and private 2015 اع ا واع اص. و ز ا اع ا إ .sectors. The public sector is further sub-divided into MOH and Non-MOH زارة ا و ھ ا وزارة ا ا ط ,The public sectors other than Ministry of Health include Royal Oman Police ن ا و ن و ا ن س وات ا Petroleum Development Oman, Sultan Qaboos University Hospital and ان اط ا . و ت اع اص ت ادات ا Medical Services of Diwan of Royal Court. The private sector data includes وات ا و ١٥ ( و ا و information on private clinics, private pharmacies and 15 private hospitals و اط و اط ح و ا و ر Muscat Hospital, Al–Raffah Hospital, KIMS Hospital, Atlas Hospital in Bosher, Atlas) Hospital in Muttrah,Gulf Hospital and Star Care Hospital and Badr Al-Samaa Hospital- اءوي و ر اء ض و اة او و ا rawi and Badr Al-Samaa Hospital-Khawd and Al Hayat International Hospital in Muscat و ر اء و اة ظر و ر ب Governorate and Badr Al-Samaa Hospital and Life Line Hospital in Dhofar Governorate ا و ا و اة ل اط ). و ا and Sur Hospital in South Ash Sharqiyah Governorate and Al–Raffah Hospital and Life أن اع ا ٧٤.٣ % إ ا إ أن اع اص ٢٢ % ـ Line Hospital in North Batinah Governorate ). While the public sector accounts for اطء و ٦٥.٧ % أطء ان و ٧٠.٧ % اد. اول ٤-٤ of the total health staff, the private sector accounts for 22% of doctors, 65.7% 74.3% ا ى ا ع ا و ا ٦٨ % وزارة ا of dentists and 70.7% of pharmacists. Table 4-4 shows that percentage of Omanization in the health Sector has reached 68% in MOH and 7% in Private Sector. ا ع اص ٧ %. Table 4-5 shows the development of manpower over the past years at the MOH اول ٥-٤ ر اى ا ا ى اات ا ى level. The table shows numbers of staff by categories followed by manpower وزارة ا أاد ا ات ا ض اات indicators. For MOH, there has been an increase in technical staff in ا ى ا و ار أاد ا ا م ٢٠١٥ م ر م ٢٠١٤ م ,2015compared to 2014; doctors have increased by 1.4%, nurses by 0.3% ار ــ أاد اطء ١.٤ % و ا وات ٠.٣ % واد pharmacists by 1.8%, radiographers by 0.65% and laboratory technicians by ١.٨% و ا ٠.٦٥ % و اات ا ٠.٦ %. .0.6% اول ٦-٤ ت ا وزارة ا اات و ار ت Table 4-6 shows the rate of Omanization in MOH throughout the years, it has ا ات ا وا اة. ه طء ن ٩ % م ١٩٩٠ increased in all medical and paramedical categories. The increase among وار إ ٣٥ % م ٢٠١٥ ار ١٢ % م ١٩٩٠ ا ٥٨ % م Doctors was from 9% in 1990 to 35% in 2015 and nurses from 12% in1990 to ٢٠١٥ م. .in 2014 58% st, وــ اول ر ٧-٤ ز ا وزارة ا ا ت اظ ا Data on the total staff working in MOH as on December 31 2015 are shown ھ ٣١ د ٢٠١٥ م و أن ا ـــ ن ٦٨ % إ ا وھ ن in table 4-7 according to broad categories. Omanis are found to be 68% of the ٩٥ % ادار ا و ١٠٠ % ا ا و ٩٩ % ا ادار total staff. They account for 95% of the health administrators, 100% of the اة (اظ وا اھة و اھة). و ــ ا اطء وأطء medical orderlies and 99% of the administrative support staff (white-collar ان واد و ا وات م ٢٠١٥ م ــا ٥٢.٢ % ر ,staff, skilled and unskilled labour). Omanization among doctors, dentists pharmacists and nurses collectively has reached almost 52.2% in 2015 ٥٢.٣ % م ٢٠١٤ م. و ا أاد ا اھ ا وار compared to 52.3% in 2014. Because of the increase in the number of اة ـــ ات أاد ا ا ات اظ رة ظ graduates from the local educational and training institutions, there has been a اام اة . ان ا وات اــ ن ٥٨ % م ٢٠١٥ م substantial increase of Omanis in the recent years in certain categories. Omani ر ٥٩ % م ٢٠١٤ م و ا ٥٧ % ٥٨ % م ٢٠١٤ و ا nurses are 58% in 2015 compared to 59% in 2014 and Radiographers 57% ٥٧ % ـــ ٥٧ % ــم ٢٠١٤ م . compared to 58% in 2014and Laboratory Technicians 57% compared to 57% in 2014. و اون ٨-٤ ٩-٤و اات ا ى ا ال ا و Tables 4-8 and 4-9 show health manpower indicators according to health أ ادھ ز ات ا و ن ا ا Governorate . Although the Royal Hospital is a national referral hospital, its اى اط ، إ أن أ ت وذ اض .data were added to those of Muscat Governorate for calculating indicators ب اات و ا ول ر -٤ ١١ اات ا ا .Separate indicators for Royal Hospital are, however, available in Table 4-11 . و ب أ اد اطء وا وات ١٠٠٠٠ ان Wilayat-wise number of doctors and nurses per 10,000 population at Primary health care level presented in table 4-10. ى ا ا او ات و ا ول -٤ ١٠ . ااول -٤ ١١ إ -٤ ١٥ أاد ا ات وات ا Tables 4-11 to 4-15 gives information on the number of staff employed under وا ا ا ا زارة ا و ات اى ا. و ول individual hospitals, extended health centres and health centres as well as -٤ ١٦ ز اطء ذوى اص ا ا وزارة ا ع some indicators of manpower. Table 4-16 gives the distribution of Medical ا و ا و ول -٤ ١٧ ز اطء ذوى اص ا Specialists in Ministry of Health by their field of speciality and Gender, Table ا وزارة ا ع ا و اط ا. و ول -٤ ١٨ gives the distribution of Medical Specialists in Ministry of Health by 4-17 their field of speciality and health region Finally,Table 4-18 gives the ز اطء ذوى اص ا ا وزارة ا ع ا distribution of Medical Specialists in MoH (Consultant & Specialists) by their (ار وا). field of speciality . رم ٤ - ٢ ال ارا: او ارد ار ل ا Page No. 4 - 2 Chapter Four: Human Resources for Health رم ٤ - ٣ ال ارا: اوارد ار ل ا Page No. 4 - 3 Chapter Four: Human Resources for Health ول ١-٤ اى ا ا ن اات ا @ @ Table 4-1: Health Manpower in The Sultanate of Oman over The Past Years (أ) ات *A. Category 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2005 2000 1995 1990 1985 1980 1975* 1970 اطء Doctors 8,914 8,651 7,673 7,055 6,328 5,862 4,182 3,258 2,477 1,441 958 514 147 13 • ارن Consultants 678 86 90 79 82 75 54 24 20 10 5 n.a n.a n.a • • ان Specialists 3,116 3,553 3,267 2,844 2,522 2,319 1,382 1,065 752 398 214 n.a 52 0 • • أطء ام General Practitioners (GP) 5,120 5,012 4,316 4,132 3,724 3,468 2,746 2,169 1,705 1,033 739 n,a 95 13 • أطء ان Dentists 1,149 1,030 877 805 726 654 448 262 143 84 53 23 6 0 اد Pharmacists 2,131 1,973 1,792 1,657 1,358 1,251 753 495 356 247 193 47 8 n.a ان/ات Nurses 19,331 18,795 16,930 15,627 14,238 12,865 9,277 7,829 6,036 4,147 2,288 1,096 450 na ج ط Physiotherapists 524 488 402 348 299 281 161 150 69 50 44 na na na أ Radiographers 1,070 1,020 924 856 807 758 480 334 232 161 64 na na na Laboratory Technicians 2,345 2,319 2,166 2,026 1,885 1,707 1,169 910 670 408 247 na na na Asst.
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    View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Beiträge zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology (E-Journal) Beitr. Ent. 54 (2004) 1 97 Beitr. Ent. Keltern ISSN 0005 - 805X 54 (2004) 1 S. 97 - 105 2004 Hymenoptera collections from Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman D. B. Baker Summary J. N. B. Brown, I. L. Hamer and C. G. Roche made important collections of Hymenoptera (Sphecoidea and Apoidea) in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman between 1979 and 1993. An annotated list of their collecting stations is provided in order to facilitate future use of their material. Zusammenfassung In den Jahren zwischen 1979 und 1993 haben J. N. B. Brown, I. L. Hamer und C. G. Roche in Katar, den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und in Oman bedeutende Hymenopteren-Kollektionen (Sphecoidea und Apoidea) zusammengetragen. Hier werden Angaben zu den Fundplätzen und dem Sammlungsverbleib kommentiert, um die künftige Auswertung ihres Materials zu erleichtern. Key words Persian Gulf – biodiversity – collectors – deposition of collections Introduction Extensive collections of, chiefl y, aculeate Hymenoptera, were made in Qatar, in the United Arab Emirates and in Oman by the late J. N. B. Brown, by I. L. Hamer and by C. G. Roche while resident in the Gulf. Th ese collections, which comprise some thousands of specimens, constitute an unique and important source of material for work on the regional Sphecoidea and Apoidea. Since they either have been, or it is intended that ultimately they should be, deposited in institutional collections (material held by the present author in the Division of Entomology, University of Kan- sas, Lawrence), it would appear desirable to facilitate their future use by amplifying the labelling of the specimens.
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