GRIZZLY BEAR INVENTORY OF THE PROPHET RIVER AREA, NORTHEASTERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Submitted to: Prophet River Indian Band Dene Tsaa First Nation Box 3250, Fort Nelson, BC V0C 1R0 Canadian Forest Products Ltd. Chetwynd Division P.O. Box 180, Chetwynd, BC V0C 1J0 B.C. Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks Fish and Wildlife Branch, Peace Subregion Rm 400, 10003 110th Street, Fort St. John, BC V1J 6M7 Prepared by: K. G. Poole, G. Mowat, and D. A. Fear Timberland Consultants Ltd. Fish and Wildlife Division P. O. Box 171 (2620 Granite Rd.) Nelson, BC V1L 5P9 Tele.: (250) 354-3880 e-mail:
[email protected] December 1999 Prophet River Wildlife Inventory Report No. 10 Prophet River grizzly bear inventory ii ABSTRACT Current harvest management of grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in British Columbia (B.C.) is based primarily on modeling of habitat capability/suitability. No research has been conducted in the northern half of the province to verify these habitat-based estimates. In reaction to concerns from First Nation peoples, outfitters and government managers about grizzly bear population size in northeastern B.C., a DNA-based mark-recapture inventory was conducted in the Prophet River area. The study area covered 8,527 km2, and stretched from the continental divide of the northern Rocky Mountains in the west to the boreal plains in the east. The area included the Northern Boreal Mountains and Taiga Plains ecoprovinces, and the Alpine Tundra, Spruce- Willow-Birch, and Boreal White and Black Spruce biogeoclimatic zones. Fieldwork was conducted between 25 May and 1 August 1998 using a helicopter and a truck with an all terrain vehicle.