1HE• Publication of the Archaeological Society of Vol. 31 , No. I - 1999 Dionisio Point Excavations ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF &MIDDEN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published four times a year by the Archaeological Society of British Columbia Dedicated to the protection of archaeological resot:Jrces and the spread of archaeological knowledge. Editorial Committee Editor: Heather Myles (274-4294) President Field Editor: Richard Brolly (689-1678) Helmi Braches (462-8942) arcas@istar. ca
[email protected] News Editor: Heather Myles Publications Editor: Robbin Chatan (215-1746) Membership
[email protected] Sean Nugent (685-9592) Assistant Editors: Erin Strutt
[email protected] erins@intergate. be.ca Fred Braches Annual membership includes I year's subscription to
[email protected] The Midden and the ASBC newsletter, SocNotes. Production & Subscriptions: Fred Braches ( 462-8942) Membership Fees I SuBSCRIPTION is included with ASBC membership. Individual: $25 Family: $30 . Seniors/Students: $I 8 Non-members: $14.50 per year ($1 7.00 USA and overseas), Send cheque or money order payable to the ASBC to: payable in Canadian funds to the ASBC. Remit to: ASBC Memberships Midden Subscriptions, ASBC P.O. Box 520, Bentall Station P.O. Box 520, Bentall Station Vancouver BC V6C 2N3 Vancouver BC V6C 2N3 SuBMISSIONs: We welcome contributions on subjects germane ASBC on Internet to BC archaeology. Guidelines are available on request. Sub http://home.istar.ca/-glenchan/asbc/asbc.shtml missions and exchange publications should be directed to the appropriate editor at the ASBC address. Affiliated Chapters Copyright Nanaimo Contact: Rachael Sydenham Internet: http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/5433 Contents of The Midden are copyrighted by the ASBC.