Dionisio Point Excavations

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Dionisio Point Excavations 1HE• Publication of the Archaeological Society of Vol. 31 , No. I - 1999 Dionisio Point Excavations ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF &MIDDEN BRITISH COLUMBIA Published four times a year by the Archaeological Society of British Columbia Dedicated to the protection of archaeological resot:Jrces and the spread of archaeological knowledge. Editorial Committee Editor: Heather Myles (274-4294) President Field Editor: Richard Brolly (689-1678) Helmi Braches (462-8942) arcas@istar. ca braches@netcom.ca News Editor: Heather Myles Publications Editor: Robbin Chatan (215-1746) Membership cairo@direct.ca Sean Nugent (685-9592) Assistant Editors: Erin Strutt snugent@intergate.bc.ca erins@intergate. be.ca Fred Braches Annual membership includes I year's subscription to braches@netcom.ca The Midden and the ASBC newsletter, SocNotes. Production & Subscriptions: Fred Braches ( 462-8942) Membership Fees I SuBSCRIPTION is included with ASBC membership. Individual: $25 Family: $30 . Seniors/Students: $I 8 Non-members: $14.50 per year ($1 7.00 USA and overseas), Send cheque or money order payable to the ASBC to: payable in Canadian funds to the ASBC. Remit to: ASBC Memberships Midden Subscriptions, ASBC P.O. Box 520, Bentall Station P.O. Box 520, Bentall Station Vancouver BC V6C 2N3 Vancouver BC V6C 2N3 SuBMISSIONs: We welcome contributions on subjects germane ASBC on Internet to BC archaeology. Guidelines are available on request. Sub­ http://home.istar.ca/-glenchan/asbc/asbc.shtml missions and exchange publications should be directed to the appropriate editor at the ASBC address. Affiliated Chapters Copyright Nanaimo Contact: Rachael Sydenham Internet: http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/5433 Contents of The Midden are copyrighted by the ASBC. Programme Chair: Lorrie Lee Hayden It is unlawful to reproduce all or any part, by any means what­ Meetings the second Monday of the month at Malaspina Uni­ soever, withoutthe Society's permission, which is usually gladly versity College, Department of Social Science. given. Contributors this issue Victoria Contact: Tom Bown (250-385-2708) Fred Braches, Renee Carriere, Stanley Copp, Colin Grier, Internet: http://www.museumsassn.bc.ca/- bcmalmuseums/asbc Bev Kennedy, Heather Myles and Eldon Yellowhorn Meetings on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30pm at the Royal British Columbia Museum, Victoria. ASBC Diary The Britisb Columbia Heritage Trust has provided M EETINGS featuring illustrated lectures are held on the financial assistance to this project to support conservation second Wednesday of each month (except July and August) at of our heritage resources, gain further knowledge and 8:00pm. Meetings are usually held at the Auditorium of the increase public understanding of the complete history of Vancouver Museum at I I 00 Chestnut Street in Vancouver. British Columbia. New members and visitors are welcome. 14 April - Daryl Fedje (Parks Canada) Shifting Shorelines and Early Holocene Archaeology in Haida Gwaii. 12 May- David Schaepe (St6:lo Nation) Better Late Than Never: Looking Back at the I 973 Excavation of an Ancient House at the Maurer Site. 9 June - Annual General Meeting Speaker t.b.a a THE IDDEN Table of GOOD NEWS FROM VICTORIA Contents Archaeologists, First Nations, and all those others concerned about the protection and research of the Good News from Victoria past in our province may breath a sigh of relief. It Chunta Resources Archaeology seems that what was known as the Culture Library is by Renee Carriere 2 no longer in jeopardy-at least not for now. Last year The MIDDEN reported that the Ministry of ~a:ytem Cataloguing Project Small Business, Tourism and Culture was planning to Bev Kennedy 4 close the Culture Library and to transfer their holdings Household Archeaology at to the BC Archives to become a reference only collec­ Dionisio Point tion. by Colin Grier 5 However, the Heritage Resource Library, as it is called today, did receive funding last fall and The Field Notes 9 MIDDEN was happy to heat from librarian Romy The Petroglyphs on Quadra Is­ Casper that funding will allow the library to provide land the usual services during this fiscal year. Review by Stanley A. Copp 13 The ASBC hopes that plans to close the library No Stone Untrod have now been shelved for good and that funding will Review by Eldon Yellowhom 14 continue to be provided in the coming years. Look For 15 For more information contact Romy Casper at the Heritage Resource Library by phone (250 356-1440), Annual Index to The Midden 1998, Vol30 fax (250 356 7796) or email by Heather Myles and Fred (Rom iCasper@gems6.gov. bc.ca) Braches 16 Permits 18 Conferences Inside back cover Front Page One oftwo incised stone bowls recovered at the Dionisio Point site (DgRv 3) on Parlier Pass at the north end ofGaliano Island. See page 5, "Household Archaeology at Dionisio Point" by Colin Grier. The Midden 31/1 RESOURCES ARCHAEOLOGY REALIZING CHIEF STILLAS'S VISION by Renee Carriere Over the course of the past decade, the games such as !aha/: which extended over a two-year period, Ulkatcho First Nation in Anahim Lake, They played a lot of /aha/, and anything tra­ between 1987 and 1989. This plan inte­ BC has encountered exceptional progress ditional, they tried to do that more than any­ grated Stillas's holistic perspective, by in the direction of self-sufficiency and thing else. Obviously there was sti ll gam­ incorporating traditional land and resource bling and other things, but they had /aha / economic development. However, to com­ management, family and community games until god knows when in the morn­ prehend the manifestation of Chunta Re­ ing. (Duncan, personal communication, health, education, and spirituality, into its sources Limited and its archaeology divi­ 1999). proposal. Chunta Resources, which was sion, we must introduce the visionary that Chief Stillas appreciated and under­ initially set up in 1987, focused on the made it all possible. The late Chief Jimmy stood Ulkatcho'ten history, but more im­ forest sector in its effort to generate em­ Stillas, an entrepreneur from an early age portantly, he enlightened friends and fam­ ployment and promote a long-term com­ with great aspirations for his people, has ily on the significance of preserving the munity econom"ic development strategy left behind a legacy. Furthermore, he is cultural record so future generations could (Vaughan, personal communicati.on, not a regular individual, but rather an icon interpret Ulkatcho heritage through the 1998). Chief Stillas saw the impact of among Ulkatcho people. application of traditional use and archaeo­ detrimental logging practices, and perse­ ChiefStillas was a highly respected ide­ logical studies. Crystal Duncan, was vered against activities such as clearcuts. alist, who maintained a holistic perspec­ among this group of friends and family The same determination also contributed tive on the cultural, social, and economic who personally experienced Chief Stillas 's to the two-month period he spent sepa­ development of the Ulkatcho community. lessons: rated from his family, while actively pro­ It is through endeavours of such visionar­ I learned so much because I was helping, testing this issue. The incentive for these ies that employment opportunities, and the and listening to the stories; there were also actions was his dedication to providing renewal of language and culture, are be­ recorded stories. I was digging and I found sustainable utilization of the natural re­ ing realized within Ulkatcho'ten tradi­ arrowheads, fishhooks, and things like that. sources, in order to prevent desecration tional territory. Even prior to his appoint­ I was only 12 years old at the time, and awe­ of the land, so that Ulkatcho people could ment as Ulkatcho Chief, Jimmy Stillas struck, and he gave me a lot of respect for secure revenue. perceived how various external, societal this but told me that I couldn't keep it. I Since its foundation, almost a decade was mad at first, but he explained to me how factors were contributing to the deterio­ ago, Chunta Resources Limited has pros­ it was part of our heritage, and we had to ration of culture, language, and family pered into the First Nation owned and leave it there for others to find, leave, and unity. According to granddaughter Crys­ preserve. He held the beliefthat it was some­ operated forestry company that we see tal Duncan, Jimmy Stillas persevered to thing to be shared amongst everybody, and today. Through the combination of un­ make a difference because he wanted to that it didn 't matter if you were actually precedented leaders, such as ChiefStillas, improve these socio-econor:nic conditions, from Ulkatcho or somewhere else, if they and exceptional collective striving on be­ and he would do so by adhering to tradi­ wanted to learn, he would teach them." half of Ulkatcho'ten, Chunta is able to tional ways. (Duncan, personal communication, 1999). incorporate a multi-disciplinary approach Throughout his duty as Ulkatcho Chief, Living within the same household as her to the forest industry, ranging from silvi­ Sti llas was a strong advocate for the per­ grandfather, Ms. Duncan was also witness culture to archaeology. petuity of traditional gatherings such as to his strong compassion for the people Chunta Resources -Archaeology those at Gatcho and Tanya Lakes. The and the land. She remembers the empathy Roscoe Wilmeth provided some of the objective of these assemblies was to al­ Chief Stillas experienced through the most comprehensive investigations within low band members to reunite and restore Ulkatcho people's achievements and dis­ Ulkatcho territory, contributing signifi­ their heritage. By engaging in traditional appointments, which may be only one rea­ cantly to the archaeology of Anahim Lake activities, the !lignificance of ancestral son for his heightened awareness of the (e.g. Wilmeth 1980). Since his intensive lifeways was also emphasized.

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