Liviu Andreescu CURRICULUM VITAE My Google Scholar page My ResearchGate page My page PERSONAL INFORMATION Address: Izv. Muresului 9, D9, Apt 28, Bucharest 040902, Romania Mobile: +40 740 592 400 Inst. e-mail:
[email protected] Sex: M Date of birth: 4 Oct. 1974 Nationality: Romanian WORK EXPERIENCE 2014-pres. Professor (current position), Public Administration Faculty of Public Administration and Business University of Bucharest [] 2012-2018 Director, Institutul de Prospectiva [] Responsibilities: Design and conduct research in research and innovation; design and facilitation of online and offline expert consultations; write project applications; sundry management tasks 2001-2014 Associate Professor (last position held), American Studies Faculty of Letters Spiru Haret University, Bucharest [] Head of department 2011-2013 2009-2014 Expert (associate) Executive Agency for Funding Higher Education, Research, Development & Innovation [] Responsibilities: Design and conduct research in the fields of higher education and innovation; desk research; design and facilitate online and face-to-face expert consultations; draft reports; write project applications 2001-2005 Adjunct lecturer Political Science Department National School of Political Studies & Public Administration [] 1999-2001 Teacher Dacia High School, Bucharest Page 2 of 6 Liviu Andreescu CURRICULUM VITAE EDUCATIONAL TRAINING 2001-2007 PhD, Political Science, summa cum laude, National School of Political Studies & Public Administration (SNSPA), Bucharest 2000-2001 MA, American Studies, University of Bucharest (2001) 2000-2001 BA, English & German, University of Bucharest (2000) PERSONAL SKILLS Mother tongue Romanian Other languages UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production English C2 C2 C2 C2 C2 German B2 B2 B2 B1 B1 French B1 B2 A2 A1 A1 SCHOLARSHIPS Fulbright research scholarship (“Academic Freedom in Religiously Affiliated Universities”), J.M.