Post-Secondary Central Data Warehouse Standard Reports May 2018 Data Submission

Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training

May 2018 Data Submission Date: August 1, 2018 Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training Page 1 of 88 Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training (AEST) Post-Secondary Central Data Warehouse Standard Reports May 2018 Submission ______

Contents Page Introduction to the Post-Secondary Central Data WarehouseDataPost-Secondary Central the to Introduction 3 Definition of Program ofAreaDefinition 4

Student Headcount Totals by Institution Headcount2016/172013/14Academicto by Year, 5 Headcount2017Novemberon2014to 1st, 6 Headcount by Fiscal Year, 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to Year, HeadcountFiscal by 7

Student Headcount by Aboriginal Identity Headcount2016/172012/13Academicto by Year, 8 Headcount2017Novemberon2013to 1st, 13

Student Headcount by Age Group Headcount2016/172013/14Academicto by Year, 18 Headcount2017Novemberon2014to 1st, 26 Headcount by Fiscal Year, 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to Year, HeadcountFiscal by 34

Student Headcount by Gender Headcount2016/172013/14Academicto by Year, 42 Headcount2017Novemberon2014to 1st, 47 Headcount by Fiscal Year, 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to Year, HeadcountFiscal by 52

Student Headcount by Program Area (BC CIP Clusters) Headcount2016/172013/14Academicto by Year, 57 Headcount2017Novemberon2014to 1st, 65 Headcount by Fiscal Year, 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to Year, HeadcountFiscal by 73

Credentials Awarded by Credential Type Credentials Awarded,Academic2016/17 Credentials 2013/14Year to 81 Credentials Awarded, Calendar Year 2014 to 2017Awarded,2014toYear Calendar Credentials 85

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 2 of 88 Introduction to the Post-Secondary Central Data Warehouse,DataPost-Secondary Central Maythe 2018 to Introduction ______

The Post-Secondary Central Data Warehouse reflects student-level data submitted by 21 of BC's public post-secondary institutions, including colleges, institutes and sevenand institutes colleges, including post-secondaryinstitutions, public BC's of 21submittedbydata WarehouseData Post-Secondary TheCentral student-level reflects universities. University of , , and University of Northern British Columbia are not included in these reports.these in included not Columbiaare NorthernBritish of University and University SimonFraser Victoria, of University Columbia, British of University universities.

The following 5 institutions were granted university status as of September 1, 2008, and their names changed at that time:namesthat changedtheir at andSeptember2008, of 1, as status wereuniversity granted institutions 5 following The -Capilano College became College - Capilano -Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design becameDesign+ Art of Institute Carr -Emily Designand Art of University Carr Emily -Kwantlen University College became College -KwantlenUniversity UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic -Malaspina University-College became University-College -Malaspina University -University College of the Fraser Valley became Valley Fraser the of College -University Valley Fraser the of University .

Quality Control Quality Since June 2002, a data quality management plan has been in place to measure and improve the overall quality of data in the Central Data Warehouse. This plan wasrevisedWarehouse.Dataplan Central This the in data of quality measureoverall toimprove andthemanagement place quality beenin datahas a 2002,planJune Since in 2013. The ministry acknowledges the effort and co-operation of the public post-secondary institutions for ongoing improvement in the quality of post-secondary of quality ongoingimprovementthe for in post-secondaryinstitutions public the of acknowledgesco-operation effortand ministry Thethe2013. in enrolment and credential data. enrolmentcredential and

TimePeriods The standard reports present information for the following time periods:time following the for informationpresent standardreports The AcademicYear 1: Fiscal Year Fiscal 1 April : Calendar YearCalendar time). this at only reporting Credentials December in to (used131January : November1stNovember year. ofeachas 1st enrolled students all of countA :

A student headcount at Nov. 1 reports the number of students at a single point in time, whereas the other time periods report the number of students over an entire year. entire an overnumberstudents the of report periods timewhereas other the time, in point single a at numberstudentsthe of reports 1 Nov.headcountstudent Aat As a result, institutions that offer more frequent short-term courses (e.g. the Justice Institute of British Columbia) will have a low headcount as at Nov. 1 and muchand1higher Nov. at headcountlowas ahave will Columbia) British of Institute Justice the (e.g. coursesoffermoreshort-term frequent that institutions result, a As numbers over a year.numbersa over

OffshoreStudents Some BC institutions deliver programs in other countries. Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside at offshore campuses or via the Internet are notare Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with countries. other programs in deliver Someinstitutions BC included in headcount or credential reports. credential headcountor in included

UniqueHeadcount In any given year, some students attend more than one institution. Since these students are included in the headcount of each institution they attend, the sum of all sum ofthe attend, they institution eachheadcount ofthe in included are studentsthese Since somemoreinstitution. oneattendthanstudents year, given any In institutions' headcounts will include some students more than once, producing an over-stated total headcount. In the unique headcount, students who are identified asidentifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In headcount. total over-stated anproducingsome more once,students thaninclude headcountswill institutions' attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by the participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating the bynumberserved students the This representsof countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan

Masking Each number or total greater than 0 but less than five has been masked with an *; all other numbers have been rounded to the nearest 5; all values of 0 are representedbyare 0 of values all 5; numbersnearest otherthe beenroundedhave to all beenmasked*; hasfivethanan with less but 0 than greater numberEachtotal or blank cells. The effects of rounding may result in totals in different reports not matching exactly when they would be expected to match.whentoexpected wouldbematching they exactly not reports different in totals in mayrounding result effectsofThe cells. blank

For more information about the standard reports, please contact Dean Klompas, Team Lead, Central Data WarehouseDataDeanKlompas, [email protected] pleaseatLead, standardreports, themoreabout informationFor

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 3 of 88 Definition of Program ofAreaDefinition ______

The Student Headcount by Program Area table groups programs by first coding each program according to the national Classification of Instructional Programs Instructional of Classification national the programeachto StudentHeadcountcodingThe accordinggroupsprograms Programfirst by bytable Area (CIP) taxonomy and then categorizing the 2-digit CIP codes. The Program Area calculation has been modified since the October 2012 submission to re-assignOctober2012submissionbeenmodifiedto thehas since ProgramThe calculation Areacodes. CIP 2-digit the taxonomy categorizing thenand(CIP) the instructional activity of programs reported with a CIP code of 89.9992 or 99.9999 using information on course content. For example, a student with nowithstudent aexample, For content. courseon information 99.9999 using89.9992 or of code CIP programsa with reportedof activity instructional the declared program (CIP 99.9999) taking a business course will be reported under the Business and Management program area. This results in a redistribution of redistribution a ManagementandBusinessin theunder reportedresults be This programwill area. coursebusiness a taking99.9999) program declared (CIP headcount from the Personal Improvement and Leisure (89.9992) and Other (99.9999) program areas to other program areas. This modification relies on modificationrelies This program other areas. program(99.9999)Improvementto Otherand Personalheadcountareas(89.9992) thefrom Leisure and correct CIP coding of courses and is a work in progress for some institutions, so future reports will continue to show a further redistribution.The resulting redistribution.The showfurther ato continue will reports future so someinstitutions, for progress workin a is andcourses of coding CIP correct Program Area Categories (CIP Clusters) include the following fields of study: of fields following the include Clusters) Program(CIP CategoriesArea

Program Area Categories (CIP Clusters) Program(CIP CategoriesArea Arts and Sciences: liberal arts, humanities, and social and physical sciences physical and social andhumanities, arts, liberal Sciences: andArts Business and Management:andBusinesscomputersciences informationandmanagement, include Does notbusiness, officemarketing,related. and administration Education: education, including preschool and aides, and library services programs services library and aides, andpreschool including education, Education: Engineering and Applied Sciences: agriculture, natural resources and conservation, architecture, computing, engineering and science technologies science andcomputing,engineering architecture, conservation, andresources natural agriculture, Sciences: Appliedand Engineering Health: health professions and related clinical sciences as well as residency programsresidency as well as sciences clinical related andprofessions health Health: Human and Social Services: legal professions, family and consumer sciences, parks, recreation and fitness, security services, public administration and socialandadministration public services, security fitness,and recreation parks, consumerand sciences, family professions, legal HumanServices: Social and services Trades: apprenticeship programs and other trades training, also transportation also training, programstrades apprenticeshipother and Trades: Visual and Performing Arts: visual art, music, drama, and other fineartsdrama,otherand music, art, visual PerformingandArts: Visual Personal Improvement and Leisure: primarily leisure and recreational courses, interpersonal and social skills courses, personal awarenesspersonal and courses, skills social and interpersonal courses, recreational and leisure primarily ImprovementPersonal Leisure: and self-improvement courses, and some health-related courses such as First Aid First as suchcourses some andhealth-related self-improvement courses, Developmental programs: Adult Basic Education, Adult Special Education, English as a Second Language training, and other pre-postsecondary level education pre-postsecondarylevel otherand SecondLanguagea training, as English Education, Special Adult Education,Developmental Basic programs:Adult Other programs: not associated with a specific program;sometimesspecific studies a generalwith associated programs:Othernot

StudentProgram Headcount Students enrolled in more than one program area in a given year are counted each time, resulting in higher totals than in the (unduplicated) StudentHeadcount (unduplicated) the in than totals higher in resulting time, countedeachare year given a programmore onein than area in Studentsenrolled by Institution table. For example, if a student took both an ESL program and a Physics program in the same year, this student would be counted once in each ofeach in countedwouldoncestudentbe this same theyear, program programPhysicsESL in ana andboth took student a if example,For table. Institution by the Developmental and Arts and Sciences programDevelopmentalSciencesand areas.the Arts and

Links Program CIP codes have been reported using Statistics Canada's CIP 2011 guide. For more information on the Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), Instructional of Classification the moreoninformation For 2011 guide. Canada'sCIP Statistics using beenreportedhaveProgramcodes CIP please see please

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 4 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Institution by AcademicbyYear Institution StudentHeadcount¹by 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17


CamosunCollege 17,255 17,055 17,730 17,535 1,135 1,495 1,615 1,935 18,390 18,550 19,350 19,470 Coast MountainCoastCollege 5,270 5,135 4,705 4,140 * * 15 25 5,275 5,140 4,720 4,165 College of New ofCaledonia College 9,125 8,105 7,960 7,230 390 460 520 925 9,515 8,565 8,480 8,155 College of the Rockiesthe of College 10,325 9,805 9,485 9,785 380 385 395 435 10,705 10,195 9,880 10,215 DouglasCollege 22,100 21,685 21,310 21,305 1,950 2,175 2,515 3,070 24,050 23,860 23,825 24,375 LangaraCollege 18,325 17,450 18,055 16,865 2,065 2,945 4,065 5,985 20,390 20,395 22,115 22,850 Island North 8,605 8,190 8,020 7,685 230 295 355 370 8,835 8,485 8,370 8,055 NorthernLights 7,395 7,015 5,555 3,375 240 445 505 670 7,635 7,455 6,060 4,045 OkanaganCollege 18,355 18,225 18,525 19,060 855 985 1,130 1,535 19,210 19,205 19,655 20,595 Selkirk 11,185 11,500 11,790 10,380 355 575 820 975 11,545 12,070 12,610 11,355 VancouverCommunity College 19,405 16,120 14,850 13,765 535 595 750 900 19,945 16,715 15,600 14,670 Total 147,355 140,285 137,990 131,120 8,145 10,350 12,680 16,830 155,495 150,635 150,670 147,950


British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British 41,150 41,690 41,975 41,485 2,260 2,590 3,430 4,265 43,405 44,280 45,400 45,750 Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice 28,070 30,645 25,520 25,105 130 435 720 635 28,200 31,080 26,240 25,740 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola 1,505 1,355 1,285 1,220 20 95 * * 1,520 1,450 1,290 1,225 Total 70,720 73,690 68,780 67,815 2,405 3,120 4,155 4,900 73,130 76,810 72,930 72,715

UNIVERSITIES (not including UBC, UVic, SFU, and UNBC)andSFU, UVic, UBC, UNIVERSITIESincluding (not

Capilano University Capilano 12,780 11,200 10,050 8,410 850 995 1,140 1,410 13,630 12,195 11,190 9,820 Emily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily 3,520 3,355 3,535 3,350 405 470 480 540 3,925 3,825 4,015 3,895 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic 17,440 17,210 17,125 16,630 1,965 2,245 2,290 3,185 19,405 19,450 19,410 19,815 Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal 3,300 3,390 3,460 3,620 385 495 585 600 3,685 3,885 4,045 4,220 ThompsonUniversity Rivers 27,165 26,855 27,190 27,975 2,735 2,885 3,210 3,935 29,900 29,735 30,405 31,905 University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 13,715 13,295 13,185 13,190 905 1,055 1,115 1,500 14,620 14,355 14,305 14,690 Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island 14,955 13,940 12,760 12,720 1,885 2,130 2,070 2,070 16,840 16,070 14,825 14,790 Total 92,880 89,240 87,305 85,895 9,130 10,275 10,890 13,240 102,010 99,515 98,195 99,135

UniqueHeadcount³ 297,550 286,935 282,290 274,015 19,200 23,090 26,765 33,400 316,750 310,025 309,055 307,415

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 2. 3. In the unique headcount, students who are identified as attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by thebynumberserved students the This represents of countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan as identifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In 3. participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Headcount Institution Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 5 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Institution on Novemberon 1Institution StudentHeadcount¹ by 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017


CamosunCollege 8,800 8,780 9,305 8,750 1,145 1,245 1,490 1,585 9,945 10,025 10,795 10,335 Coast MountainCoastCollege 1,205 1,165 1,200 1,075 * 10 15 45 1,210 1,170 1,215 1,120 College of New ofCaledonia College 2,970 2,815 2,665 2,470 310 365 510 680 3,280 3,175 3,175 3,150 College of the Rockiesthe of College 2,605 2,540 2,795 3,105 215 280 295 420 2,825 2,820 3,090 3,525 DouglasCollege 12,370 11,925 11,940 11,770 1,545 1,705 1,975 2,655 13,920 13,630 13,915 14,425 LangaraCollege 11,685 11,250 10,990 10,370 1,805 2,025 3,580 4,745 13,490 13,275 14,570 15,115 North Island College Island North 3,335 3,265 3,245 3,215 205 260 265 280 3,540 3,525 3,510 3,495 Northern Lights College NorthernLights 1,130 1,020 1,210 1,210 235 365 430 425 1,365 1,385 1,635 1,635 OkanaganCollege 6,535 6,615 6,770 6,885 495 575 725 930 7,035 7,190 7,495 7,810 Selkirk College Selkirk 3,460 3,675 3,430 3,160 305 500 620 750 3,760 4,175 4,045 3,915 VancouverCommunity College 7,690 6,545 6,390 6,175 325 365 485 650 8,015 6,910 6,875 6,830 Total 61,790 59,590 59,940 58,185 6,595 7,695 10,385 13,165 68,385 67,285 70,325 71,350


British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British 21,150 21,080 21,140 20,595 1,160 1,505 2,440 2,635 22,310 22,580 23,580 23,230 Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice 4,175 4,760 4,250 4,630 10 155 120 80 4,185 4,920 4,370 4,715 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola 525 440 495 505 * 530 440 495 505 Total 25,850 26,280 25,885 25,730 1,170 1,660 2,565 2,720 27,020 27,940 28,445 28,450

UNIVERSITIES (not including UBC, UVic, SFU, and UNBC)andSFU, UVic, UBC, UNIVERSITIESincluding (not

Capilano University Capilano 7,295 6,635 5,770 5,630 790 890 1,045 1,290 8,085 7,525 6,815 6,920 Emily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily 2,055 2,175 2,035 1,960 425 420 465 530 2,480 2,595 2,505 2,490 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic 12,655 12,240 11,970 11,885 1,530 1,460 1,925 2,970 14,185 13,700 13,900 14,860 Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal 2,105 2,115 2,075 2,075 390 445 470 425 2,500 2,560 2,545 2,500 ThompsonUniversity Rivers 13,620 13,785 14,265 14,715 2,040 2,085 2,515 3,075 15,655 15,875 16,780 17,790 University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 8,945 8,895 9,000 8,965 820 900 965 1,135 9,765 9,795 9,965 10,100 Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island 7,750 7,365 7,570 7,680 1,505 1,525 1,550 1,625 9,255 8,890 9,120 9,300 Total 54,425 53,210 52,690 52,915 7,500 7,730 8,935 11,050 61,925 60,940 61,630 63,965

UniqueHeadcount³ 139,920 137,175 136,655 135,015 15,155 16,925 21,535 26,490 155,075 154,105 158,190 161,500

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 2. 3. In the unique headcount, students who are identified as attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by thebynumberserved students the This represents of countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan as identifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In 3. participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Headcount Institution Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 6 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Institution by Fiscal Year Fiscal by Institution StudentHeadcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


CamosunCollege 17,340 17,800 17,870 17,120 1,475 1,665 1,975 2,090 18,815 19,465 19,845 19,205 Coast MountainCoastCollege 5,150 4,610 4,680 3,655 * 15 20 110 5,155 4,625 4,700 3,765 College of New ofCaledonia College 8,455 7,715 7,360 7,180 450 520 785 1,250 8,905 8,235 8,145 8,430 College of the Rockiesthe of College 10,330 9,480 9,655 9,680 395 395 425 565 10,725 9,875 10,085 10,245 DouglasCollege 22,095 21,495 21,675 21,380 2,070 2,450 2,930 3,920 24,165 23,945 24,600 25,300 LangaraCollege 17,985 18,155 17,735 16,370 2,840 3,935 5,775 6,860 20,825 22,090 23,510 23,230 North Island College Island North 8,350 8,180 7,795 7,885 280 330 380 505 8,625 8,510 8,175 8,390 Northern Lights College NorthernLights 7,080 6,370 4,050 3,065 385 465 610 575 7,465 6,835 4,665 3,635 OkanaganCollege 18,535 18,400 18,705 19,090 955 1,050 1,375 1,825 19,490 19,445 20,080 20,910 Selkirk College Selkirk 11,400 11,535 11,040 9,435 475 765 895 1,185 11,875 12,300 11,935 10,620 VancouverCommunity College 17,410 14,925 14,050 13,765 645 745 935 1,200 18,050 15,670 14,980 14,965 Total 144,130 138,665 134,615 128,620 9,970 12,330 16,100 20,080 154,100 150,995 150,715 148,695


British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British 39,515 39,635 39,545 39,545 2,385 3,070 3,915 4,755 41,900 42,710 43,465 44,300 Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice 27,000 23,810 23,665 24,810 155 765 565 535 27,150 24,580 24,230 25,345 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola 1,350 1,365 1,285 1,285 65 45 * 1,415 1,410 1,290 1,285 Total 67,865 64,815 64,500 65,640 2,600 3,885 4,485 5,290 70,465 68,695 68,985 70,930

UNIVERSITIES (not including UBC, UVic, SFU, and UNBC)andSFU, UVic, UBC, UNIVERSITIESincluding (not

Capilano University Capilano 11,585 10,385 9,065 8,295 995 1,135 1,375 1,925 12,580 11,520 10,440 10,225 Emily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily 3,325 3,455 3,395 3,160 470 475 535 600 3,800 3,930 3,930 3,760 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic 17,195 16,885 16,910 16,755 2,140 2,285 2,950 5,230 19,335 19,170 19,860 21,985 Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal 3,070 3,200 3,330 3,330 480 580 620 565 3,550 3,780 3,950 3,890 ThompsonUniversity Rivers 23,185 22,965 23,895 24,030 2,630 2,815 3,390 4,500 25,820 25,785 27,285 28,530 University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 13,350 13,030 13,230 13,050 1,055 1,120 1,315 1,710 14,405 14,145 14,545 14,760 Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island 14,475 13,240 13,060 12,655 2,020 2,160 2,070 2,285 16,490 15,400 15,135 14,940 Total 86,185 83,160 82,895 81,275 9,795 10,575 12,255 16,820 95,980 93,730 95,145 98,095

UniqueHeadcount³ 285,685 276,250 272,075 266,165 21,860 26,125 31,595 40,410 307,545 302,380 303,670 306,580

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 2. 3. In the unique headcount, students who are identified as attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by thebynumberserved students the This represents of countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan as identifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In 3. participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Headcount Institution Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 7 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Aboriginal Identity² by AcademicbyYear Identity² Aboriginal StudentHeadcount¹by 2012/13 to 2016/172012/13to

DomesticStudents 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

UniqueHeadcount ³

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 23,910 24,190 23,160 23,105 22,450 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 277,265 273,365 263,775 259,185 251,565 Total 301,170 297,550 286,935 282,290 274,015

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Aboriginal learners are students with Aboriginal ancestry who self-identified in the BC K-12 education system or who self-identify as Aboriginal at a BC public post-secondaryinstitution. public BCa at Aboriginal as whosystemself-identify educationor K-12BC the in whoancestryself-identified Aboriginal withstudents are learners Aboriginal 2. The Non-Aboriginal category may include Aboriginal learners whoself-identified. nothave learners Aboriginal maycategory include Non-Aboriginal The 3. In the unique headcount, students who are identified as attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by thebynumberserved students the This represents of countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan as identifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In 3. participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Identity Aboriginal Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 8 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Aboriginal Identity² by AcademicbyYear Identity² Aboriginal StudentHeadcount¹by 2012/13 to 2016/172012/13to

DomesticStudents 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 1,415 1,425 1,460 1,515 1,560 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 39,670 39,725 40,230 40,455 39,925 Total 41,085 41,150 41,690 41,975 41,485


Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 1,060 1,195 1,175 1,150 1,235 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 16,540 16,060 15,880 16,580 16,300 Total 17,600 17,255 17,055 17,730 17,535

Capilano University Capilano

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 635 595 575 495 440 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 13,030 12,185 10,625 9,560 7,970 Total 13,665 12,780 11,200 10,050 8,410

Coast MountainCoastCollege

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 2,360 2,415 2,120 1,930 1,835 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 2,970 2,860 3,015 2,775 2,310 Total 5,335 5,270 5,135 4,705 4,140

College of New ofCaledonia College

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 2,260 2,315 2,120 2,075 1,755 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 6,300 6,810 5,985 5,885 5,475 Total 8,555 9,125 8,105 7,960 7,230

College of the Rockiesthe of College

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 800 830 845 805 805 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 9,780 9,495 8,960 8,680 8,980 Total 10,580 10,325 9,805 9,485 9,785

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Identity Aboriginal Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 9 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Aboriginal Identity² by AcademicbyYear Identity² Aboriginal StudentHeadcount¹by 2012/13 to 2016/172012/13to

DomesticStudents 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17


Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 785 800 790 690 670 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 21,145 21,300 20,895 20,620 20,630 Total 21,930 22,100 21,685 21,310 21,305

Em ily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 115 120 120 120 110 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 3,655 3,400 3,235 3,410 3,245 Total 3,770 3,520 3,355 3,535 3,350

Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 1,535 1,700 1,860 1,740 1,835 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 26,200 26,370 28,785 23,780 23,270 Total 27,740 28,070 30,645 25,520 25,105

Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 590 600 600 715 695 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 16,930 16,840 16,610 16,410 15,935 Total 17,525 17,440 17,210 17,125 16,630


Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 400 385 385 435 405 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 18,335 17,945 17,065 17,620 16,460 Total 18,735 18,325 17,450 18,055 16,865

N icola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 1,055 1,015 865 995 920 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 360 490 490 290 300 Total 1,415 1,505 1,355 1,285 1,220

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Identity Aboriginal Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 10 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Aboriginal Identity² by AcademicbyYear Identity² Aboriginal StudentHeadcount¹by 2012/13 to 2016/172012/13to

DomesticStudents 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

N orth Island College Island North

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 1,430 1,205 1,225 1,130 1,205 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 7,495 7,395 6,965 6,885 6,480 Total 8,925 8,605 8,190 8,020 7,685

N orthern Lights College NorthernLights

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 1,310 1,400 1,255 1,060 650 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 6,740 5,995 5,760 4,495 2,725 Total 8,050 7,395 7,015 5,555 3,375


Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 1,610 1,600 1,585 1,725 1,745 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 17,080 16,760 16,635 16,800 17,315 Total 18,695 18,355 18,225 18,525 19,060

Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 165 150 170 185 230 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 3,270 3,150 3,220 3,275 3,385 Total 3,435 3,300 3,390 3,460 3,620

Selkirk College Selkirk

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 590 670 690 765 695 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 9,295 10,515 10,810 11,025 9,685 Total 9,885 11,185 11,500 11,790 10,380

ThompsonUniversity Rivers

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 2,775 2,850 2,785 2,845 3,050 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 23,475 24,315 24,065 24,345 24,925 Total 26,250 27,165 26,855 27,190 27,975

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Identity Aboriginal Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 11 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Aboriginal Identity² by AcademicbyYear Identity² Aboriginal StudentHeadcount¹by 2012/13 to 2016/172012/13to

DomesticStudents 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 1,165 1,105 1,115 1,085 1,000 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 13,480 12,610 12,185 12,100 12,190 Total 14,645 13,715 13,295 13,185 13,190

VancouverCommunity College

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 905 815 740 750 650 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 20,595 18,595 15,380 14,100 13,115 Total 21,500 19,405 16,120 14,850 13,765

Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 2,145 2,130 1,915 1,875 1,960 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 13,585 12,825 12,020 10,880 10,760 Total 15,730 14,955 13,940 12,760 12,720

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Aboriginal learners are students with Aboriginal ancestry who self-identified in the BC K-12 education system or who self-identify as Aboriginal at a BC public post-secondaryinstitution. public BCa at Aboriginal as whosystemself-identify educationor K-12BC the in whoancestryself-identified Aboriginal withstudents are learners Aboriginal 2. The Non-Aboriginal category may include Aboriginal learners whoself-identified. nothave learners Aboriginal maycategory include Non-Aboriginal The

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Identity Aboriginal Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 12 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Aboriginal Identity² on Novemberon 1Identity² Aboriginal StudentHeadcount¹by 2013 to 20172013to

DomesticStudents 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

UniqueHeadcount ³

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 11,145 10,420 10,305 10,440 10,655 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 135,050 129,500 126,875 126,215 124,360 Total 146,190 139,920 137,175 136,655 135,015

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Aboriginal learners are students with Aboriginal ancestry who self-identified in the BC K-12 education system or who self-identify as Aboriginal at a BC public post-secondaryinstitution. public BCa at Aboriginal as whosystemself-identify educationor K-12BC the in whoancestryself-identified Aboriginal withstudents are learners Aboriginal 2. The Non-Aboriginal category may include Aboriginal learners whoself-identified. nothave learners Aboriginal maycategory include Non-Aboriginal The 3. In the unique headcount, students who are identified as attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by thebynumberserved students the This represents of countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan as identifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In 3. participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Identity Aboriginal Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 13 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Aboriginal Identity² on Novemberon 1Identity² Aboriginal StudentHeadcount¹by 2013 to 20172013to

DomesticStudents 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 600 630 655 650 640 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 20,625 20,515 20,425 20,485 19,955 Total 21,225 21,150 21,080 21,140 20,595


Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 740 715 690 755 780 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 8,390 8,090 8,095 8,550 7,970 Total 9,130 8,800 8,780 9,305 8,750

Capilano University Capilano

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 430 430 350 340 310 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 7,785 6,865 6,285 5,430 5,320 Total 8,215 7,295 6,635 5,770 5,630

Coast MountainCoastCollege

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 635 545 535 525 555 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 720 660 630 675 520 Total 1,355 1,205 1,165 1,200 1,075

College of New ofCaledonia College

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 910 880 800 665 610 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 2,235 2,090 2,010 2,000 1,860 Total 3,145 2,970 2,815 2,665 2,470

College of the Rockiesthe of College

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 230 260 270 265 320 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 2,675 2,345 2,275 2,530 2,785 Total 2,900 2,605 2,540 2,795 3,105

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Identity Aboriginal Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 14 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Aboriginal Identity² on Novemberon 1Identity² Aboriginal StudentHeadcount¹by 2013 to 20172013to

DomesticStudents 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017


Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 480 510 470 490 500 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 11,660 11,865 11,455 11,450 11,265 Total 12,140 12,370 11,925 11,940 11,770

Em ily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 95 90 90 90 90 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 2,135 1,965 2,085 1,945 1,870 Total 2,230 2,055 2,175 2,035 1,960

Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 220 235 245 290 370 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 3,975 3,940 4,520 3,960 4,265 Total 4,195 4,175 4,760 4,250 4,630

Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 370 370 410 390 390 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 12,580 12,280 11,830 11,580 11,495 Total 12,955 12,655 12,240 11,970 11,885


Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 265 265 290 285 250 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 11,680 11,420 10,955 10,705 10,120 Total 11,940 11,685 11,250 10,990 10,370

N icola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 550 390 345 380 370 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 165 135 95 115 135 Total 715 525 440 495 505

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Identity Aboriginal Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 15 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Aboriginal Identity² on Novemberon 1Identity² Aboriginal StudentHeadcount¹by 2013 to 20172013to

DomesticStudents 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

N orth Island College Island North

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 555 470 445 470 500 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 2,975 2,865 2,820 2,780 2,715 Total 3,530 3,335 3,265 3,245 3,215

N orthern Lights College NorthernLights

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 330 220 200 245 260 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 1,080 910 820 965 950 Total 1,410 1,130 1,020 1,210 1,210


Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 730 740 715 765 790 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 6,220 5,800 5,900 6,005 6,090 Total 6,950 6,535 6,615 6,770 6,885

Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 110 100 110 135 135 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 2,100 2,005 2,005 1,940 1,940 Total 2,205 2,105 2,115 2,075 2,075

Selkirk College Selkirk

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 225 235 280 235 240 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 3,100 3,225 3,395 3,190 2,920 Total 3,325 3,460 3,675 3,430 3,160

ThompsonUniversity Rivers

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 1,520 1,405 1,380 1,470 1,540 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 12,760 12,215 12,410 12,795 13,175 Total 14,275 13,620 13,785 14,265 14,715

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Identity Aboriginal Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 16 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Aboriginal Identity² on Novemberon 1Identity² Aboriginal StudentHeadcount¹by 2013 to 20172013to

DomesticStudents 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 760 725 685 685 670 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 8,505 8,220 8,210 8,315 8,295 Total 9,265 8,945 8,895 9,000 8,965

VancouverCommunity College

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 350 290 335 335 305 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 8,945 7,400 6,210 6,055 5,875 Total 9,295 7,690 6,545 6,390 6,175

Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island

Aboriginal Students Aboriginal 1,215 1,050 1,125 1,120 1,160 Non-Aboriginal StudentsNon-Aboriginal 6,830 6,700 6,240 6,455 6,520 Total 8,045 7,750 7,365 7,570 7,680

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Aboriginal learners are students with Aboriginal ancestry who self-identified in the BC K-12 education system or who self-identify as Aboriginal at a BC public post-secondaryinstitution. public BCa at Aboriginal as whosystemself-identify educationor K-12BC the in whoancestryself-identified Aboriginal withstudents are learners Aboriginal 2. The Non-Aboriginal category may include Aboriginal learners whoself-identified. nothave learners Aboriginal maycategory include Non-Aboriginal The

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Identity Aboriginal Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 17 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by AcademicAgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17


17 years and underandyears 17 12,415 12,685 12,745 12,110 240 315 375 480 12,655 13,000 13,120 12,590 18 TO2118 63,455 62,370 61,740 60,075 7,920 9,820 12,075 16,340 71,375 72,190 73,815 76,415 22 TO2422 40,265 39,345 38,650 38,165 5,665 6,365 6,710 7,960 45,930 45,705 45,360 46,125 25 TO2925 44,900 43,810 44,025 43,335 3,610 4,425 4,925 5,420 48,515 48,235 48,950 48,755 30 TO3930 55,330 53,515 53,120 52,565 1,315 1,640 2,000 2,420 56,645 55,155 55,115 54,990 40 TO4940 38,430 35,300 34,170 32,700 290 385 510 615 38,720 35,685 34,680 33,320 50 TO6450 32,450 30,170 29,185 27,345 95 110 155 145 32,545 30,280 29,340 27,490 65 TO9965 7,705 7,535 7,430 6,650 10 10 10 10 7,720 7,545 7,440 6,660 Unknown 2,605 2,205 1,230 1,070 45 20 * 5 2,650 2,225 1,235 1,075 Total 297,550 286,935 282,290 274,015 19,200 23,090 26,765 33,400 316,750 310,025 309,055 307,415

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where age information is not available, age is categorized as 'unknown'.as categorized is age available, not Whereis information age2. 3. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 3. 4. In the unique headcount, students who are identified as attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by thebynumberserved students the This represents of countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan as identifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In 4. participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 18 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by AcademicAgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British

17 years and underandyears 17 235 225 220 320 25 15 20 60 260 240 240 380 18 TO2118 6,415 6,725 6,880 6,740 625 730 1,100 1,585 7,040 7,460 7,980 8,325 22 TO2422 6,670 6,830 6,710 6,920 695 715 770 835 7,365 7,545 7,480 7,755 25 TO2925 9,435 9,430 9,590 9,620 615 755 950 1,040 10,050 10,190 10,535 10,660 30 TO3930 10,120 10,315 10,435 10,330 250 305 485 615 10,375 10,620 10,920 10,945 40 TO4940 5,485 5,370 5,295 4,880 40 60 90 115 5,525 5,430 5,385 4,995 50 TO6450 2,700 2,710 2,760 2,590 5 10 20 15 2,705 2,715 2,775 2,600 65 TO9965 80 70 80 75 * * 80 70 80 80 Unknown 15 10 5 10 * * 15 10 5 10 Total 41,150 41,690 41,975 41,485 2,260 2,590 3,430 4,265 43,405 44,280 45,400 45,750


17 years and underandyears 17 670 730 910 1,035 5 10 15 15 675 740 920 1,045 18 TO2118 4,565 4,380 4,440 4,320 680 845 850 1,000 5,245 5,230 5,290 5,320 22 TO2422 2,885 2,775 2,830 2,780 250 360 425 535 3,135 3,135 3,260 3,320 25 TO2925 2,840 2,795 2,895 2,915 125 190 225 250 2,965 2,985 3,120 3,165 30 TO3930 2,900 2,900 3,060 2,990 55 65 80 110 2,955 2,965 3,135 3,100 40 TO4940 1,600 1,585 1,660 1,680 15 20 20 25 1,615 1,605 1,685 1,705 50 TO6450 1,440 1,460 1,555 1,485 5 5 * * 1,445 1,465 1,560 1,490 65 TO9965 240 315 305 260 240 315 305 260 Unknown 120 110 75 65 120 110 75 65 Total 17,255 17,055 17,730 17,535 1,135 1,495 1,615 1,935 18,390 18,550 19,350 19,470

Capilano University Capilano

17 years and underandyears 17 1,125 995 765 400 5 * 5 15 1,130 1,000 775 410 18 TO2118 3,510 3,240 2,910 2,885 285 330 390 595 3,795 3,575 3,300 3,480 22 TO2422 1,885 1,755 1,565 1,470 305 315 325 355 2,190 2,065 1,890 1,825 25 TO2925 1,485 1,405 1,310 1,210 180 245 260 270 1,660 1,650 1,570 1,480 30 TO3930 1,295 1,180 1,080 945 60 80 120 130 1,360 1,260 1,200 1,075 40 TO4940 1,095 855 810 710 15 20 30 35 1,110 870 840 745 50 TO6450 1,245 975 895 585 * * 5 * 1,245 980 900 590 65 TO9965 1,010 750 660 145 * * * * 1,010 750 665 145 Unknown 135 45 50 65 135 45 50 65 Total 12,780 11,200 10,050 8,410 850 995 1,140 1,410 13,630 12,195 11,190 9,820

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 19 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by AcademicAgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Coast MountainCoastCollege

17 years and underandyears 17 635 655 740 625 635 655 740 625 18 TO2118 840 785 710 645 * * 5 10 840 785 720 655 22 TO2422 455 440 365 330 * * 5 455 440 365 335 25 TO2925 565 550 500 490 * * * 5 565 550 505 495 30 TO3930 895 820 695 675 * * 895 820 695 675 40 TO4940 840 775 640 580 840 775 640 580 50 TO6450 805 810 660 580 * 805 810 660 580 65 TO9965 140 125 110 105 * 140 125 110 105 Unknown 100 180 280 110 100 180 280 110 Total 5,270 5,135 4,705 4,140 * * 15 25 5,275 5,140 4,720 4,165

College of New ofCaledonia College

17 years and underandyears 17 695 540 665 480 * 15 10 20 700 560 675 500 18 TO2118 1,855 1,840 1,735 1,625 185 210 250 475 2,040 2,045 1,985 2,095 22 TO2422 945 975 895 880 125 145 155 260 1,070 1,120 1,050 1,140 25 TO2925 1,065 1,020 1,065 945 70 75 85 145 1,135 1,095 1,150 1,095 30 TO3930 1,585 1,440 1,390 1,290 10 15 10 20 1,595 1,455 1,400 1,310 40 TO4940 1,385 1,070 1,095 915 * * * * 1,390 1,070 1,100 915 50 TO6450 1,380 1,085 995 980 1,380 1,085 995 980 65 TO9965 210 135 120 115 210 135 120 115 Unknown * * * * * * Total 9,125 8,105 7,960 7,230 390 460 520 925 9,515 8,565 8,480 8,155

College of the Rockiesthe of College

17 years and underandyears 17 885 835 700 790 5 * 5 5 890 840 710 795 18 TO2118 1,070 1,045 1,030 970 110 150 180 205 1,180 1,195 1,210 1,175 22 TO2422 705 665 655 660 60 70 60 85 760 735 715 745 25 TO2925 1,165 1,140 1,120 1,135 75 65 45 50 1,240 1,205 1,165 1,180 30 TO3930 2,205 2,165 2,160 2,280 90 60 65 60 2,295 2,225 2,230 2,335 40 TO4940 1,535 1,405 1,390 1,485 30 30 25 25 1,565 1,435 1,415 1,510 50 TO6450 1,995 1,885 1,780 1,850 5 5 10 5 2,000 1,890 1,785 1,855 65 TO9965 680 600 590 560 * * 680 600 595 560 Unknown 90 65 60 60 10 * 95 65 60 60 Total 10,325 9,805 9,485 9,785 380 385 395 435 10,705 10,195 9,880 10,215

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 20 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by AcademicAgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17


17 years and underandyears 17 1,330 1,415 1,230 1,465 15 15 25 30 1,340 1,430 1,255 1,495 18 TO2118 6,835 6,820 6,795 6,690 1,010 1,095 1,335 1,635 7,845 7,915 8,130 8,325 22 TO2422 3,270 3,190 3,155 3,295 565 625 645 770 3,835 3,810 3,800 4,065 25 TO2925 3,190 3,210 3,305 3,175 270 335 375 425 3,460 3,545 3,675 3,600 30 TO3930 4,320 4,105 3,915 3,885 80 85 110 160 4,400 4,190 4,025 4,050 40 TO4940 1,915 1,810 1,770 1,675 15 15 25 35 1,930 1,825 1,795 1,715 50 TO6450 1,140 1,030 1,045 1,005 * 5 5 1,145 1,030 1,050 1,010 65 TO9965 85 90 80 90 85 90 80 90 Unknown 15 20 15 20 15 20 15 20 Total 22,100 21,685 21,310 21,305 1,950 2,175 2,515 3,070 24,050 23,860 23,825 24,375

Em ily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily

17 years and underandyears 17 170 180 195 155 20 25 30 40 190 205 225 195 18 TO2118 835 855 870 830 205 230 235 265 1,040 1,085 1,105 1,095 22 TO2422 610 610 590 585 120 145 135 145 730 755 725 730 25 TO2925 525 505 525 510 40 55 60 65 565 555 585 575 30 TO3930 515 470 505 480 15 15 20 25 530 485 525 500 40 TO4940 305 260 300 280 * * * 310 260 300 280 50 TO6450 400 335 390 345 * * * 400 335 390 350 65 TO9965 145 130 150 165 145 130 150 165 Unknown 15 15 10 * 15 15 10 * Total 3,520 3,355 3,535 3,350 405 470 480 540 3,925 3,825 4,015 3,895

Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice

17 years and underandyears 17 170 190 140 150 * * 40 * 170 190 180 155 18 TO2118 1,560 1,920 1,465 1,520 * 90 275 305 1,560 2,010 1,740 1,825 22 TO2422 1,750 2,135 1,705 1,745 10 40 75 50 1,765 2,180 1,780 1,790 25 TO2925 3,495 4,045 3,460 3,485 20 70 55 55 3,515 4,115 3,515 3,540 30 TO3930 6,900 7,630 6,490 6,495 35 125 110 100 6,935 7,755 6,600 6,595 40 TO4940 6,495 6,960 6,120 5,865 15 70 100 75 6,515 7,025 6,220 5,945 50 TO6450 5,465 5,710 5,200 4,930 10 25 55 40 5,475 5,735 5,255 4,970 65 TO9965 585 720 650 605 * * * * 585 720 655 610 Unknown 1,645 1,335 295 310 30 15 * * 1,675 1,355 300 315 Total 28,070 30,645 25,520 25,105 130 435 720 635 28,200 31,080 26,240 25,740

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 21 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by AcademicAgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic

17 years and underandyears 17 265 365 355 340 10 15 10 40 275 380 365 375 18 TO2118 7,780 7,550 7,335 7,280 810 975 1,035 1,835 8,595 8,525 8,370 9,115 22 TO2422 3,995 3,930 3,820 3,695 775 810 760 810 4,765 4,740 4,580 4,505 25 TO2925 2,725 2,685 2,740 2,525 295 360 395 405 3,015 3,045 3,140 2,925 30 TO3930 1,530 1,535 1,645 1,685 65 70 70 75 1,600 1,605 1,715 1,760 40 TO4940 720 705 735 680 * 10 15 15 720 710 750 700 50 TO6450 375 365 400 355 5 * * * 385 370 400 355 65 TO9965 50 55 65 60 * 50 55 65 60 Unknown * 15 25 10 * 15 25 10 Total 17,440 17,210 17,125 16,630 1,965 2,245 2,290 3,185 19,405 19,450 19,410 19,815


17 years and underandyears 17 1,340 1,375 1,380 1,375 25 50 85 115 1,365 1,425 1,465 1,490 18 TO2118 5,740 5,645 5,705 5,355 1,280 1,760 2,600 3,910 7,020 7,410 8,300 9,265 22 TO2422 2,830 2,700 2,830 2,665 460 625 740 1,045 3,290 3,325 3,565 3,710 25 TO2925 2,925 2,635 2,680 2,485 205 345 430 560 3,125 2,980 3,110 3,045 30 TO3930 2,640 2,425 2,525 2,325 70 130 170 275 2,710 2,560 2,695 2,600 40 TO4940 1,540 1,360 1,510 1,355 20 30 35 70 1,560 1,390 1,545 1,425 50 TO6450 1,115 1,115 1,225 1,080 * 5 10 10 1,115 1,125 1,235 1,085 65 TO9965 200 190 195 225 * 200 190 195 225 Unknown * 5 * 5 Total 18,325 17,450 18,055 16,865 2,065 2,945 4,065 5,985 20,390 20,395 22,115 22,850

N icola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola

17 years and underandyears 17 25 30 40 60 25 30 40 60 18 TO2118 205 165 195 165 * * 205 170 195 170 22 TO2422 185 130 135 125 * 40 * 185 170 135 125 25 TO2925 245 245 210 180 10 35 * 255 280 215 180 30 TO3930 360 325 275 240 * 10 * 365 335 275 240 40 TO4940 240 215 185 200 * 5 * 245 220 185 200 50 TO6450 205 210 210 200 * * 205 215 210 200 65 TO9965 30 30 30 45 30 30 30 45 Unknown * * Total 1,505 1,355 1,285 1,220 20 95 * * 1,520 1,450 1,290 1,225

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 22 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by AcademicAgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

N orth Island College Island North

17 years and underandyears 17 330 380 360 420 * 10 10 10 335 385 370 430 18 TO2118 1,485 1,495 1,375 1,330 105 115 145 185 1,585 1,610 1,515 1,515 22 TO2422 770 770 730 690 65 100 100 100 830 870 825 790 25 TO2925 895 880 850 860 30 40 70 60 920 920 915 925 30 TO3930 1,395 1,265 1,165 1,165 25 25 25 10 1,420 1,290 1,190 1,180 40 TO4940 1,145 1,020 900 910 * * 10 * 1,150 1,025 910 910 50 TO6450 1,570 1,335 1,430 1,260 * * * 1,570 1,335 1,430 1,265 65 TO9965 1,000 1,050 1,210 1,045 1,000 1,050 1,210 1,045 Unknown 10 * * * 10 * * * Total 8,605 8,190 8,020 7,685 230 295 355 370 8,835 8,485 8,370 8,055

N orthern Lights College NorthernLights

17 years and underandyears 17 470 450 330 190 5 * * 5 480 455 330 195 18 TO2118 955 830 740 555 100 175 180 295 1,055 1,005 920 855 22 TO2422 665 590 495 265 75 155 175 180 740 745 670 445 25 TO2925 1,040 995 730 465 45 90 110 145 1,085 1,080 840 610 30 TO3930 1,625 1,510 1,270 830 15 20 30 35 1,640 1,530 1,300 870 40 TO4940 1,290 1,250 905 530 * * * 5 1,290 1,255 910 535 50 TO6450 1,220 1,245 980 485 * * 1,220 1,245 985 490 65 TO9965 90 125 90 50 90 125 90 50 Unknown 40 15 15 * 40 15 15 * Total 7,395 7,015 5,555 3,375 240 445 505 670 7,635 7,455 6,060 4,045


17 years and underandyears 17 1,515 1,585 1,575 1,730 35 40 35 40 1,550 1,625 1,610 1,770 18 TO2118 4,210 4,195 4,220 4,075 460 550 655 960 4,670 4,745 4,875 5,030 22 TO2422 2,250 2,185 2,290 2,300 165 180 155 185 2,415 2,370 2,450 2,485 25 TO2925 2,355 2,260 2,405 2,540 110 130 145 175 2,460 2,390 2,550 2,715 30 TO3930 2,705 2,830 2,880 3,040 60 55 90 120 2,765 2,885 2,975 3,160 40 TO4940 2,060 1,965 1,860 1,980 20 20 35 45 2,080 1,980 1,895 2,025 50 TO6450 2,540 2,485 2,525 2,590 5 5 10 10 2,545 2,495 2,535 2,600 65 TO9965 565 600 660 660 * 565 600 660 660 Unknown 155 120 110 145 * 155 120 110 150 Total 18,355 18,225 18,525 19,060 855 985 1,130 1,535 19,210 19,205 19,655 20,595

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 23 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by AcademicAgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal

17 years and underandyears 17 * * * * * * * * * 18 TO2118 65 65 45 50 130 165 170 150 195 230 215 200 22 TO2422 180 180 175 180 75 110 145 190 260 290 320 370 25 TO2925 485 480 480 470 100 115 155 150 585 590 635 615 30 TO3930 1,130 1,165 1,245 1,295 60 80 85 80 1,190 1,245 1,330 1,375 40 TO4940 935 985 980 1,040 15 25 25 25 950 1,010 1,005 1,065 50 TO6450 495 500 520 580 5 * * 5 500 505 525 585 65 TO9965 5 15 15 10 5 15 15 10 Total 3,300 3,390 3,460 3,620 385 495 585 600 3,685 3,885 4,045 4,220

Selkirk College Selkirk

17 years and underandyears 17 835 960 1,410 880 10 25 10 15 840 985 1,420 895 18 TO2118 1,215 1,215 1,210 1,155 160 255 410 440 1,375 1,470 1,615 1,595 22 TO2422 725 695 705 650 75 130 205 315 795 825 910 970 25 TO2925 1,140 1,180 1,210 1,125 60 100 130 150 1,200 1,280 1,340 1,275 30 TO3930 2,425 2,455 2,360 2,240 25 30 45 35 2,455 2,485 2,405 2,275 40 TO4940 1,745 1,745 1,670 1,470 15 20 15 15 1,755 1,765 1,685 1,485 50 TO6450 2,165 2,065 1,985 1,770 10 10 5 * 2,175 2,075 1,990 1,775 65 TO9965 780 945 1,040 935 * * * * 785 950 1,045 935 Unknown 155 235 205 155 * 155 235 205 155 Total 11,185 11,500 11,790 10,380 355 575 820 975 11,545 12,070 12,610 11,355

ThompsonUniversity Rivers

17 years and underandyears 17 465 590 520 475 55 50 50 45 520 640 570 520 18 TO2118 5,785 5,710 5,805 5,955 795 900 1,125 1,545 6,580 6,610 6,930 7,500 22 TO2422 4,990 4,855 4,815 4,835 985 955 1,045 1,270 5,975 5,810 5,860 6,105 25 TO2925 5,265 5,220 5,350 5,525 670 735 750 780 5,940 5,955 6,100 6,300 30 TO3930 5,315 5,330 5,690 5,815 180 210 210 240 5,500 5,535 5,895 6,055 40 TO4940 3,195 3,005 2,960 3,145 30 20 20 35 3,225 3,025 2,980 3,180 50 TO6450 1,875 1,925 1,855 1,940 10 10 15 10 1,880 1,935 1,870 1,950 65 TO9965 210 200 160 215 * * * * 210 200 160 215 Unknown 65 25 40 75 10 * 75 25 40 75 Total 27,165 26,855 27,190 27,975 2,735 2,885 3,210 3,935 29,900 29,735 30,405 31,905

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DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University

17 years and underandyears 17 490 415 455 445 5 10 5 15 495 425 460 465 18 TO2118 5,450 5,240 5,325 5,250 375 505 595 920 5,825 5,750 5,920 6,170 22 TO2422 2,655 2,690 2,770 2,815 350 380 340 375 3,005 3,070 3,110 3,195 25 TO2925 1,780 1,755 1,760 1,740 130 125 145 125 1,910 1,880 1,905 1,865 30 TO3930 1,420 1,390 1,310 1,335 40 30 25 40 1,455 1,420 1,335 1,375 40 TO4940 940 890 860 855 5 * * 15 945 895 865 870 50 TO6450 810 765 600 610 * * * 5 810 765 600 615 65 TO9965 180 150 100 130 180 150 100 130 Unknown * * * * * * Total 13,715 13,295 13,185 13,190 905 1,055 1,115 1,500 14,620 14,355 14,305 14,690

VancouverCommunity College

17 years and underandyears 17 315 260 260 240 * * 5 315 260 260 245 18 TO2118 2,450 2,290 2,180 1,970 140 195 245 300 2,590 2,490 2,425 2,270 22 TO2422 2,045 1,850 1,700 1,550 150 135 180 205 2,195 1,985 1,875 1,755 25 TO2925 2,890 2,515 2,435 2,265 130 150 180 215 3,020 2,665 2,615 2,475 30 TO3930 4,625 3,790 3,520 3,435 70 75 110 130 4,690 3,860 3,630 3,565 40 TO4940 4,040 3,045 2,690 2,495 30 25 30 35 4,070 3,070 2,725 2,530 50 TO6450 2,630 2,040 1,810 1,615 15 10 10 15 2,645 2,050 1,825 1,625 65 TO9965 395 320 220 190 395 320 220 190 Unknown 25 10 30 10 25 10 30 10 Total 19,405 16,120 14,850 13,765 535 595 750 900 19,945 16,715 15,600 14,670

Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island

17 years and underandyears 17 545 620 565 605 10 15 10 5 555 635 575 610 18 TO2118 3,565 3,545 3,530 3,435 625 780 830 755 4,190 4,320 4,355 4,190 22 TO2422 2,225 2,060 1,945 1,855 555 565 510 570 2,780 2,625 2,460 2,425 25 TO2925 1,995 1,835 1,700 1,775 540 560 515 505 2,535 2,395 2,215 2,280 30 TO3930 2,130 1,895 1,730 1,770 130 180 170 190 2,260 2,075 1,900 1,960 40 TO4940 1,520 1,290 1,110 1,050 15 20 30 35 1,535 1,310 1,135 1,085 50 TO6450 1,835 1,590 1,210 1,165 10 10 * 10 1,845 1,600 1,210 1,175 65 TO9965 1,120 1,090 955 1,035 * * * 1,125 1,090 955 1,035 Unknown 20 20 20 25 20 20 20 25 Total 14,955 13,940 12,760 12,720 1,885 2,130 2,070 2,070 16,840 16,070 14,825 14,790

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where age information is not available, age is categorized as 'unknown' categorized is age available, not Whereis information age2.

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 25 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² on NovemberAgeonStudentGroup²Headcount¹by 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017


17 years and underandyears 17 5,005 5,100 4,995 4,515 145 170 230 230 5,150 5,270 5,225 4,745 18 TO2118 45,565 45,275 44,570 44,040 6,690 7,515 10,305 13,255 52,255 52,790 54,875 57,295 22 TO2422 23,890 23,705 23,715 23,605 4,430 4,650 5,500 6,555 28,320 28,355 29,215 30,160 25 TO2925 21,435 21,350 21,615 21,615 2,785 3,195 3,570 4,160 24,220 24,545 25,185 25,775 30 TO3930 20,900 20,555 20,955 21,070 905 1,090 1,515 1,780 21,805 21,645 22,470 22,850 40 TO4940 12,460 11,550 11,405 11,040 150 240 340 435 12,610 11,790 11,745 11,475 50 TO6450 8,025 7,345 7,255 6,755 45 55 70 65 8,070 7,400 7,320 6,820 65 TO9965 2,440 2,170 2,045 2,275 5 5 5 * 2,445 2,175 2,050 2,275 Unknown 200 130 100 105 * * * * 205 135 105 110 Total 139,920 137,175 136,655 135,015 15,155 16,925 21,535 26,490 155,075 154,105 158,190 161,500

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where age information is not available, age is categorized as 'unknown'.as categorized is age available, not Whereis information age2. 3. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 3. 4. In the unique headcount, students who are identified as attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by thebynumberserved students the This represents of countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan as identifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In 4. participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 26 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² on NovemberAgeonStudentGroup²Headcount¹by 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British

17 years and underandyears 17 185 140 155 160 * 5 5 15 185 145 160 175 18 TO2118 4,260 4,370 4,310 4,035 270 360 795 835 4,530 4,730 5,105 4,865 22 TO2422 3,840 3,875 3,945 3,835 360 400 540 580 4,200 4,275 4,485 4,415 25 TO2925 4,815 4,885 4,925 4,920 390 485 645 670 5,205 5,370 5,570 5,590 30 TO3930 4,620 4,585 4,770 4,670 115 210 390 455 4,735 4,790 5,160 5,125 40 TO4940 2,420 2,260 2,115 2,035 20 35 55 75 2,445 2,295 2,170 2,110 50 TO6450 1,000 945 910 905 * 5 5 5 1,000 950 915 915 65 TO9965 10 15 15 30 10 15 15 30 Unknown * * * * * * Total 21,150 21,080 21,140 20,595 1,160 1,505 2,440 2,635 22,310 22,580 23,580 23,230


17 years and underandyears 17 315 375 530 290 10 15 25 15 325 395 555 305 18 TO2118 3,165 3,225 3,185 3,070 695 680 810 810 3,860 3,905 3,995 3,880 22 TO2422 1,685 1,690 1,725 1,695 255 315 395 435 1,935 2,005 2,115 2,130 25 TO2925 1,430 1,370 1,480 1,525 125 170 170 205 1,555 1,535 1,655 1,725 30 TO3930 1,225 1,155 1,240 1,165 40 45 75 90 1,265 1,205 1,315 1,255 40 TO4940 520 510 615 575 15 15 15 25 535 525 630 605 50 TO6450 370 365 445 360 * * * * 375 365 450 365 65 TO9965 70 75 70 55 * 70 75 70 60 Unknown 20 15 15 10 20 15 15 10 Total 8,800 8,780 9,305 8,750 1,145 1,245 1,490 1,585 9,945 10,025 10,795 10,335

Capilano University Capilano

17 years and underandyears 17 385 335 100 105 * * 5 10 390 340 110 115 18 TO2118 2,890 2,585 2,485 2,430 275 330 390 585 3,165 2,915 2,875 3,020 22 TO2422 1,345 1,195 1,105 1,140 255 245 295 315 1,600 1,440 1,400 1,455 25 TO2925 895 845 820 765 175 205 210 215 1,070 1,050 1,035 975 30 TO3930 630 590 520 495 60 85 110 120 690 675 630 610 40 TO4940 440 420 375 360 15 20 30 45 455 440 400 405 50 TO6450 410 370 265 230 * * * 5 410 375 265 235 65 TO9965 295 280 95 105 * * * 295 280 100 105 Unknown * 10 * 10 Total 7,295 6,635 5,770 5,630 790 890 1,045 1,290 8,085 7,525 6,815 6,920

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Coast MountainCoastCollege

17 years and underandyears 17 140 165 150 105 140 165 150 105 18 TO2118 350 360 300 305 * * 10 10 355 365 310 320 22 TO2422 150 145 140 135 * * 15 150 145 140 150 25 TO2925 125 120 155 140 * * 15 125 125 160 155 30 TO3930 150 150 170 170 * * 150 150 170 175 40 TO4940 130 115 125 115 130 115 125 115 50 TO6450 125 85 110 90 125 85 110 90 65 TO9965 35 15 30 20 * 35 15 30 20 Unknown * * 20 * * * 20 * Total 1,205 1,165 1,200 1,075 * 10 15 45 1,210 1,170 1,215 1,120

College of New ofCaledonia College

17 years and underandyears 17 130 95 105 65 5 10 * * 135 100 105 65 18 TO2118 1,140 1,045 1,000 960 160 165 260 360 1,295 1,215 1,260 1,320 22 TO2422 425 415 395 425 85 125 160 170 510 545 560 595 25 TO2925 370 385 375 335 50 50 65 115 425 430 445 450 30 TO3930 440 420 400 400 5 10 15 20 445 430 415 415 40 TO4940 260 265 205 195 * * * 10 260 265 210 205 50 TO6450 190 165 175 85 190 165 175 85 65 TO9965 25 20 10 5 25 20 10 5 Unknown * * Total 2,970 2,815 2,665 2,470 310 365 510 680 3,280 3,175 3,175 3,150

College of the Rockiesthe of College

17 years and underandyears 17 110 120 120 105 5 5 * 5 115 125 125 110 18 TO2118 545 555 515 600 110 140 150 185 655 700 665 785 22 TO2422 240 230 240 305 35 35 45 110 280 265 285 415 25 TO2925 305 355 395 400 25 35 30 70 335 390 425 470 30 TO3930 635 665 740 885 30 45 45 30 660 710 785 915 40 TO4940 300 285 350 415 5 15 20 15 310 300 370 435 50 TO6450 310 270 345 295 * 5 5 * 315 275 350 295 65 TO9965 150 55 80 90 * 150 55 80 90 Unknown 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Total 2,605 2,540 2,795 3,105 215 280 295 420 2,825 2,820 3,090 3,525

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17 years and underandyears 17 430 300 435 400 15 20 20 30 445 320 455 430 18 TO2118 5,415 5,445 5,360 5,230 795 910 1,040 1,350 6,210 6,355 6,400 6,580 22 TO2422 2,195 2,115 2,205 2,330 455 430 515 685 2,655 2,545 2,720 3,015 25 TO2925 1,565 1,615 1,495 1,510 205 260 265 395 1,770 1,875 1,755 1,905 30 TO3930 1,420 1,285 1,265 1,195 65 65 105 150 1,485 1,355 1,370 1,345 40 TO4940 870 720 755 670 10 15 25 35 880 735 780 705 50 TO6450 420 400 370 375 * 5 5 420 400 375 380 65 TO9965 45 35 45 50 45 35 45 50 Unknown 5 10 5 15 5 10 5 15 Total 12,370 11,925 11,940 11,770 1,545 1,705 1,975 2,655 13,920 13,630 13,915 14,425

Em ily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily

17 years and underandyears 17 55 70 65 85 5 * 5 5 65 75 70 90 18 TO2118 775 775 735 760 245 235 260 300 1,025 1,010 990 1,060 22 TO2422 410 435 405 345 120 110 125 135 530 545 530 480 25 TO2925 300 315 290 305 40 55 55 70 345 365 350 375 30 TO3930 215 225 210 215 10 15 20 20 225 235 230 235 40 TO4940 115 135 135 105 * * * * 120 140 140 110 50 TO6450 130 160 135 115 * * * 130 165 140 115 65 TO9965 40 55 55 25 40 55 55 25 Unknown 5 5 * 5 5 * Total 2,055 2,175 2,035 1,960 425 420 465 530 2,480 2,595 2,505 2,490

Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice

17 years and underandyears 17 15 50 60 45 * 15 20 70 60 45 18 TO2118 430 490 515 600 * 60 55 50 430 545 570 650 22 TO2422 440 470 515 490 10 10 5 440 480 525 495 25 TO2925 680 770 750 825 * 15 10 10 685 780 760 835 30 TO3930 925 1,230 1,015 1,115 5 25 20 10 930 1,260 1,030 1,130 40 TO4940 890 955 775 850 20 15 5 890 975 785 855 50 TO6450 590 690 565 610 10 10 * 590 700 580 610 65 TO9965 70 60 40 70 * 70 60 40 70 Unknown 130 50 15 25 * * * 130 50 15 25 Total 4,175 4,760 4,250 4,630 10 155 120 80 4,185 4,920 4,370 4,715

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Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic

17 years and underandyears 17 485 500 485 405 10 10 20 25 495 505 505 430 18 TO2118 6,025 5,880 5,855 5,735 655 595 1,010 1,840 6,680 6,475 6,870 7,580 22 TO2422 2,850 2,750 2,675 2,755 590 545 550 685 3,440 3,295 3,225 3,440 25 TO2925 1,755 1,690 1,595 1,560 215 255 275 330 1,975 1,945 1,875 1,885 30 TO3930 915 855 855 890 50 45 50 70 965 900 905 965 40 TO4940 390 365 315 335 5 5 10 20 395 375 330 355 50 TO6450 200 165 155 165 * * * * 205 170 155 165 65 TO9965 30 35 35 20 30 35 35 20 Unknown * 15 * 15 Total 12,655 12,240 11,970 11,885 1,530 1,460 1,925 2,970 14,185 13,700 13,900 14,860


17 years and underandyears 17 1,435 1,415 1,435 1,470 25 20 75 40 1,465 1,435 1,510 1,510 18 TO2118 4,495 4,510 4,285 4,115 1,130 1,275 2,350 3,090 5,625 5,785 6,640 7,205 22 TO2422 1,800 1,790 1,780 1,605 375 440 620 875 2,175 2,230 2,400 2,480 25 TO2925 1,520 1,420 1,390 1,300 175 215 335 455 1,695 1,635 1,725 1,755 30 TO3930 1,250 1,090 1,060 1,010 70 60 155 220 1,320 1,150 1,215 1,230 40 TO4940 640 525 570 460 20 10 40 60 660 535 605 520 50 TO6450 470 415 395 340 * * 5 5 470 415 400 345 65 TO9965 75 80 75 70 75 80 75 70 Total 11,685 11,250 10,990 10,370 1,805 2,025 3,580 4,745 13,490 13,275 14,570 15,115

N icola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola

17 years and underandyears 17 30 30 45 25 30 30 45 25 18 TO2118 100 95 105 115 100 95 105 115 22 TO2422 70 55 65 60 70 55 65 60 25 TO2925 100 75 75 85 * 100 75 75 85 30 TO3930 115 90 90 115 * 115 90 90 115 40 TO4940 60 45 50 65 60 45 50 65 50 TO6450 45 45 50 40 45 45 50 40 65 TO9965 5 5 10 5 5 5 10 5 Total 525 440 495 505 * 530 440 495 505

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N orth Island College Island North

17 years and underandyears 17 80 70 55 60 10 10 10 * 90 80 65 60 18 TO2118 840 795 785 745 80 105 120 130 915 895 905 875 22 TO2422 355 360 360 335 70 75 80 95 425 435 440 430 25 TO2925 360 330 370 385 30 50 50 40 390 380 420 425 30 TO3930 465 435 445 435 20 20 5 10 485 455 450 445 40 TO4940 330 285 295 285 * * * * 335 285 300 285 50 TO6450 405 415 380 400 * 405 415 380 400 65 TO9965 495 580 550 575 495 580 550 575 Unknown * * Total 3,335 3,265 3,245 3,215 205 260 265 280 3,540 3,525 3,510 3,495

N orthern Lights College NorthernLights

17 years and underandyears 17 95 85 65 110 * * 5 95 85 70 110 18 TO2118 265 230 275 245 90 125 160 200 360 355 435 445 22 TO2422 95 100 110 115 95 130 130 120 185 230 240 235 25 TO2925 160 130 165 135 40 90 105 85 200 215 270 220 30 TO3930 240 240 275 285 10 20 20 15 250 255 300 295 40 TO4940 165 145 170 175 * * * * 165 145 175 180 50 TO6450 105 85 120 115 * 105 85 120 115 65 TO9965 10 10 30 35 10 10 30 35 Unknown * * Total 1,130 1,020 1,210 1,210 235 365 430 425 1,365 1,385 1,635 1,635


17 years and underandyears 17 150 185 155 160 * * 5 10 150 185 160 170 18 TO2118 2,675 2,745 2,645 2,730 245 275 365 515 2,920 3,020 3,010 3,245 22 TO2422 1,085 1,120 1,125 1,200 125 110 125 170 1,215 1,230 1,250 1,375 25 TO2925 880 950 1,020 1,000 80 110 120 115 965 1,060 1,140 1,110 30 TO3930 865 795 915 915 30 55 75 85 895 850 990 1,000 40 TO4940 485 455 495 465 10 15 30 35 490 470 520 500 50 TO6450 350 315 355 330 * * 5 * 350 320 360 335 65 TO9965 45 45 45 70 45 45 45 70 Unknown * 5 15 10 * 5 15 10 Total 6,535 6,615 6,770 6,885 495 575 725 930 7,035 7,190 7,495 7,810

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DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal

17 years and underandyears 17 5 5 * * 5 5 * * 18 TO2118 50 45 45 50 140 170 165 130 190 215 205 185 22 TO2422 115 115 120 100 80 95 130 115 195 210 250 210 25 TO2925 305 285 280 290 90 90 100 95 395 380 380 390 30 TO3930 710 745 740 725 60 60 55 60 775 805 790 785 40 TO4940 605 605 570 605 10 20 15 20 615 625 590 625 50 TO6450 315 315 320 295 * * * 5 320 315 320 300 65 TO9965 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Total 2,105 2,115 2,075 2,075 390 445 470 425 2,500 2,560 2,545 2,500

Selkirk College Selkirk

17 years and underandyears 17 95 150 90 75 * 5 5 * 95 155 100 80 18 TO2118 640 715 660 670 130 220 275 315 770 935 935 985 22 TO2422 305 315 305 305 75 125 200 255 380 440 500 565 25 TO2925 420 435 430 410 65 105 105 140 480 545 530 550 30 TO3930 800 805 810 675 20 25 20 15 820 830 830 690 40 TO4940 435 430 345 280 * 10 10 15 440 440 355 295 50 TO6450 395 360 345 285 5 * * * 400 360 345 285 65 TO9965 355 445 435 450 * * * * 360 450 440 450 Unknown 10 15 10 10 10 15 10 10 Total 3,460 3,675 3,430 3,160 305 500 620 750 3,760 4,175 4,045 3,915

ThompsonUniversity Rivers

17 years and underandyears 17 185 215 195 200 25 20 20 40 205 235 215 240 18 TO2118 3,800 3,730 3,890 3,955 680 725 1,030 1,290 4,480 4,455 4,920 5,245 22 TO2422 2,780 2,775 2,830 2,865 670 720 815 970 3,450 3,500 3,645 3,840 25 TO2925 2,665 2,715 2,795 2,965 515 480 480 575 3,180 3,195 3,275 3,540 30 TO3930 2,325 2,530 2,650 2,825 135 125 145 160 2,460 2,655 2,795 2,985 40 TO4940 1,240 1,220 1,300 1,280 10 10 15 25 1,250 1,235 1,315 1,305 50 TO6450 565 560 565 560 * 5 5 5 570 565 570 570 65 TO9965 55 35 35 60 * * * 55 35 35 60 Unknown * * 10 * * * * 10 5 Total 13,620 13,785 14,265 14,715 2,040 2,085 2,515 3,075 15,655 15,875 16,780 17,790

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 32 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² on NovemberAgeonStudentGroup²Headcount¹by 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 17 years and underandyears 17 275 305 295 305 5 * * 5 285 310 300 310 18 TO2118 4,310 4,260 4,250 4,295 425 480 575 750 4,735 4,740 4,825 5,045 22 TO2422 1,905 1,960 2,000 1,965 280 290 255 280 2,185 2,250 2,255 2,245 25 TO2925 1,040 1,000 1,040 1,060 80 105 95 75 1,120 1,105 1,135 1,140 30 TO3930 715 695 710 720 25 20 25 15 740 715 735 735 40 TO4940 380 400 410 370 * * 5 * 380 400 420 375 50 TO6450 270 235 235 200 * * * 270 235 240 200 65 TO9965 55 40 50 50 55 40 50 50 Unknown * * * * Total 8,945 8,895 9,000 8,965 820 900 965 1,135 9,765 9,795 9,965 10,100

VancouverCommunity College

17 years and underandyears 17 140 150 145 115 * * 140 150 145 120 18 TO2118 1,190 1,135 1,060 1,010 125 125 170 210 1,315 1,255 1,225 1,220 22 TO2422 940 825 830 750 75 95 115 170 1,010 925 940 925 25 TO2925 1,175 1,080 1,065 990 80 85 110 140 1,255 1,160 1,175 1,130 30 TO3930 1,705 1,430 1,445 1,520 35 45 65 90 1,735 1,480 1,510 1,610 40 TO4940 1,435 1,120 1,085 1,050 10 10 20 25 1,445 1,130 1,100 1,075 50 TO6450 905 700 665 630 * 5 5 5 910 705 670 635 65 TO9965 200 110 105 115 200 110 105 115 Unknown * * * * * * Total 7,690 6,545 6,390 6,175 325 365 485 650 8,015 6,910 6,875 6,830

Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island

17 years and underandyears 17 280 355 320 250 10 10 5 10 290 360 325 255 18 TO2118 2,700 2,760 2,785 2,870 475 580 545 560 3,175 3,345 3,330 3,430 22 TO2422 1,370 1,390 1,305 1,310 460 415 460 490 1,830 1,805 1,765 1,805 25 TO2925 1,040 1,020 1,110 1,095 420 375 385 395 1,460 1,395 1,495 1,490 30 TO3930 905 850 925 935 125 130 130 145 1,030 980 1,055 1,080 40 TO4940 540 445 480 475 10 15 25 20 550 465 505 500 50 TO6450 525 360 405 380 5 * * * 530 365 405 380 65 TO9965 385 180 235 360 385 180 235 360 Unknown 5 * 5 * 5 * 5 * Total 7,750 7,365 7,570 7,680 1,505 1,525 1,550 1,625 9,255 8,890 9,120 9,300

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where age information is not available, age is categorized as 'unknown'.as categorized is age available, not Whereis information age2. 3. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 3.

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 33 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by Fiscal Year Fiscal AgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


17 years and underandyears 17 15,245 15,285 15,500 14,055 450 620 845 1,135 15,695 15,905 16,345 15,190 18 TO2118 63,400 62,235 60,725 59,635 9,695 11,960 15,515 20,815 73,095 74,195 76,240 80,450 22 TO2422 37,845 36,900 36,555 36,195 6,010 6,455 7,300 9,065 43,855 43,350 43,855 45,260 25 TO2925 42,010 41,625 41,485 41,345 3,860 4,545 4,990 5,905 45,870 46,170 46,475 47,250 30 TO3930 52,130 50,755 50,795 50,580 1,410 1,865 2,200 2,660 53,540 52,615 52,995 53,235 40 TO4940 35,200 32,805 32,150 31,050 300 515 585 690 35,500 33,320 32,735 31,745 50 TO6450 29,990 28,215 27,040 25,705 90 155 140 125 30,080 28,370 27,180 25,830 65 TO9965 7,330 7,255 6,605 6,610 10 10 10 10 7,340 7,265 6,615 6,620 Unknown 2,530 1,180 1,225 985 40 5 * 10 2,570 1,185 1,225 990 Total 285,685 276,250 272,075 266,165 21,860 26,125 31,595 40,410 307,545 302,380 303,670 306,580

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where age information is not available, age is categorized as 'unknown'.as categorized is age available, not Whereis information age2. 3. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 3. 4. In the unique headcount, students who are identified as attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by thebynumberserved students the This represents of countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan as identifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In 4. participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 34 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by Fiscal Year Fiscal AgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British

17 years and underandyears 17 430 390 415 455 20 25 20 60 445 415 435 510 18 TO2118 6,630 6,760 6,650 6,455 730 910 1,440 1,875 7,360 7,665 8,090 8,330 22 TO2422 6,540 6,420 6,610 6,615 700 755 825 885 7,240 7,175 7,440 7,505 25 TO2925 8,865 8,900 8,970 9,250 650 870 980 1,060 9,515 9,770 9,950 10,310 30 TO3930 9,465 9,625 9,645 9,760 240 415 540 715 9,705 10,040 10,185 10,475 40 TO4940 5,010 4,985 4,705 4,580 40 80 95 135 5,050 5,065 4,800 4,715 50 TO6450 2,505 2,490 2,450 2,340 5 15 15 20 2,510 2,505 2,465 2,360 65 TO9965 60 65 90 85 * * 60 65 90 85 Unknown 10 5 5 5 * 10 5 5 5 Total 39,515 39,635 39,545 39,545 2,385 3,070 3,915 4,755 41,900 42,710 43,465 44,300


17 years and underandyears 17 985 1,080 1,260 955 30 30 50 35 1,015 1,110 1,310 990 18 TO2118 4,475 4,560 4,430 4,200 885 910 1,060 1,100 5,360 5,470 5,495 5,295 22 TO2422 2,715 2,725 2,765 2,680 315 405 490 530 3,030 3,130 3,255 3,210 25 TO2925 2,795 2,815 2,890 2,895 165 215 235 265 2,960 3,030 3,125 3,165 30 TO3930 2,895 3,015 3,020 2,925 55 75 105 115 2,950 3,095 3,125 3,040 40 TO4940 1,595 1,645 1,705 1,675 20 25 30 40 1,615 1,665 1,730 1,715 50 TO6450 1,455 1,565 1,480 1,450 * * * * 1,455 1,565 1,485 1,455 65 TO9965 280 310 255 265 * 280 310 255 265 Unknown 145 90 65 75 145 90 65 75 Total 17,340 17,800 17,870 17,120 1,475 1,665 1,975 2,090 18,815 19,465 19,845 19,205

Capilano University Capilano

17 years and underandyears 17 1,250 1,065 815 545 5 15 35 65 1,255 1,080 850 615 18 TO2118 3,385 3,060 2,980 2,890 370 440 550 925 3,755 3,500 3,530 3,815 22 TO2422 1,665 1,525 1,465 1,435 320 305 360 430 1,985 1,830 1,825 1,865 25 TO2925 1,360 1,235 1,210 1,135 205 245 255 285 1,565 1,480 1,465 1,420 30 TO3930 1,155 1,070 995 880 75 105 130 170 1,235 1,175 1,125 1,050 40 TO4940 860 870 730 700 20 25 35 50 880 895 765 750 50 TO6450 1,000 875 645 520 * * 5 5 1,005 880 650 525 65 TO9965 745 645 180 155 * * * * 745 645 185 160 Unknown 160 35 40 30 160 35 40 30 Total 11,585 10,385 9,065 8,295 995 1,135 1,375 1,925 12,580 11,520 10,440 10,225

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 35 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by Fiscal Year Fiscal AgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Coast MountainCoastCollege

17 years and underandyears 17 470 740 850 390 * * 5 470 740 850 395 18 TO2118 820 765 670 595 * 5 10 45 820 770 680 640 22 TO2422 475 385 355 340 * * 30 475 385 360 370 25 TO2925 565 495 510 460 * * 5 25 570 500 515 480 30 TO3930 875 685 680 630 * * 875 685 680 630 40 TO4940 840 655 615 565 840 655 615 565 50 TO6450 810 670 605 535 * 810 670 605 535 65 TO9965 135 100 110 95 * * 135 100 110 100 Unknown 165 120 285 40 165 120 285 40 Total 5,150 4,610 4,680 3,655 * 15 20 110 5,155 4,625 4,700 3,765

College of New ofCaledonia College

17 years and underandyears 17 640 715 600 605 20 15 25 40 660 735 630 645 18 TO2118 1,880 1,705 1,600 1,545 215 245 400 665 2,095 1,950 2,000 2,210 22 TO2422 965 910 865 860 130 170 225 320 1,095 1,080 1,090 1,180 25 TO2925 1,015 965 970 930 75 70 115 180 1,090 1,035 1,080 1,110 30 TO3930 1,450 1,295 1,290 1,285 10 15 15 25 1,460 1,310 1,305 1,310 40 TO4940 1,170 1,035 920 970 * * * 15 1,170 1,035 920 985 50 TO6450 1,185 955 1,010 880 1,185 955 1,010 880 65 TO9965 150 130 105 110 150 130 105 110 Unknown * 5 * 5 Total 8,455 7,715 7,360 7,180 450 520 785 1,250 8,905 8,235 8,145 8,430

College of the Rockiesthe of College

17 years and underandyears 17 800 800 810 800 10 10 15 15 810 810 825 815 18 TO2118 1,130 1,070 1,025 1,050 150 180 195 245 1,280 1,255 1,225 1,295 22 TO2422 710 670 605 695 65 55 70 140 775 725 675 835 25 TO2925 1,140 1,140 1,130 1,135 65 45 40 95 1,205 1,185 1,170 1,230 30 TO3930 2,270 2,145 2,175 2,240 65 65 65 45 2,335 2,210 2,240 2,285 40 TO4940 1,505 1,325 1,450 1,480 30 25 30 20 1,535 1,355 1,480 1,500 50 TO6450 2,045 1,710 1,850 1,725 5 10 10 * 2,055 1,715 1,860 1,730 65 TO9965 660 545 560 490 * * 660 550 560 490 Unknown 70 65 55 60 * 70 65 55 60 Total 10,330 9,480 9,655 9,680 395 395 425 565 10,725 9,875 10,085 10,245

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 36 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by Fiscal Year Fiscal AgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


17 years and underandyears 17 1,745 1,630 1,650 1,795 30 55 65 95 1,775 1,685 1,715 1,890 18 TO2118 6,975 7,085 6,930 6,825 1,050 1,325 1,550 2,050 8,030 8,415 8,475 8,875 22 TO2422 3,190 3,010 3,145 3,270 605 595 735 965 3,795 3,605 3,875 4,240 25 TO2925 3,100 3,195 3,140 3,075 285 350 390 560 3,385 3,540 3,530 3,635 30 TO3930 4,110 3,860 3,975 3,770 85 95 150 200 4,195 3,955 4,125 3,970 40 TO4940 1,870 1,660 1,740 1,595 15 20 35 45 1,885 1,680 1,775 1,640 50 TO6450 1,015 970 1,000 930 5 5 5 1,015 975 1,005 935 65 TO9965 85 75 85 100 85 75 85 100 Unknown 5 15 10 20 5 15 10 20 Total 22,095 21,495 21,675 21,380 2,070 2,450 2,930 3,920 24,165 23,945 24,600 25,300

Em ily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily

17 years and underandyears 17 175 205 190 240 20 20 30 45 200 225 220 285 18 TO2118 890 895 875 890 260 255 280 320 1,150 1,150 1,155 1,210 22 TO2422 570 575 535 480 130 125 135 135 700 700 675 615 25 TO2925 490 495 490 480 45 60 60 75 535 550 550 555 30 TO3930 445 470 475 450 10 15 25 25 455 485 500 475 40 TO4940 275 285 305 250 * * * * 275 290 305 250 50 TO6450 345 360 355 275 * * * * 345 360 355 275 65 TO9965 130 155 160 95 130 155 160 95 Unknown 10 20 * * 10 20 * * Total 3,325 3,455 3,395 3,160 470 475 535 600 3,800 3,930 3,930 3,760

Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice

17 years and underandyears 17 230 165 170 175 * 50 * * 230 215 170 175 18 TO2118 1,765 1,310 1,365 1,440 10 240 220 260 1,780 1,550 1,585 1,700 22 TO2422 1,810 1,635 1,605 1,625 20 45 65 50 1,825 1,680 1,670 1,675 25 TO2925 3,485 3,195 3,220 3,455 25 85 55 65 3,510 3,280 3,280 3,520 30 TO3930 6,670 6,045 6,160 6,560 40 165 95 85 6,710 6,210 6,255 6,645 40 TO4940 5,985 5,660 5,620 5,640 15 120 80 45 6,000 5,780 5,700 5,685 50 TO6450 4,965 4,750 4,665 4,965 15 55 40 25 4,975 4,805 4,705 4,990 65 TO9965 595 620 565 630 * * * * 595 625 565 630 Unknown 1,495 425 295 320 30 5 * * 1,525 430 300 325 Total 27,000 23,810 23,665 24,810 155 765 565 535 27,150 24,580 24,230 25,345

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 37 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by Fiscal Year Fiscal AgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic

17 years and underandyears 17 900 835 820 755 20 35 100 275 920 870 920 1,030 18 TO2118 7,695 7,355 7,415 7,355 975 1,060 1,640 3,410 8,670 8,415 9,055 10,760 22 TO2422 3,620 3,585 3,575 3,555 770 770 745 970 4,390 4,355 4,325 4,525 25 TO2925 2,470 2,490 2,410 2,380 295 350 380 450 2,760 2,840 2,790 2,830 30 TO3930 1,450 1,510 1,600 1,675 70 55 65 95 1,525 1,570 1,670 1,770 40 TO4940 670 675 685 635 5 10 15 30 675 685 700 665 50 TO6450 335 340 335 315 * * * * 340 345 335 320 65 TO9965 45 60 55 45 * * 45 60 55 50 Unknown 10 30 15 40 10 30 15 40 Total 17,195 16,885 16,910 16,755 2,140 2,285 2,950 5,230 19,335 19,170 19,860 21,985


17 years and underandyears 17 1,715 1,730 1,730 1,775 105 160 265 180 1,820 1,890 1,995 1,955 18 TO2118 5,860 5,900 5,560 5,340 1,720 2,455 3,750 4,385 7,580 8,355 9,310 9,720 22 TO2422 2,635 2,680 2,630 2,425 580 730 905 1,210 3,215 3,410 3,530 3,640 25 TO2925 2,555 2,605 2,520 2,280 295 390 535 685 2,845 2,995 3,055 2,965 30 TO3930 2,505 2,495 2,440 2,145 110 155 245 315 2,615 2,650 2,685 2,460 40 TO4940 1,445 1,395 1,485 1,220 25 35 60 80 1,475 1,430 1,545 1,300 50 TO6450 1,090 1,160 1,155 995 * 5 10 10 1,095 1,165 1,165 1,000 65 TO9965 180 190 220 190 * 180 190 220 190 Unknown 5 * 5 * Total 17,985 18,155 17,735 16,370 2,840 3,935 5,775 6,860 20,825 22,090 23,510 23,230

N icola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola

17 years and underandyears 17 45 40 70 40 45 40 70 40 18 TO2118 160 210 190 200 * * 160 210 195 200 22 TO2422 150 145 135 135 20 20 170 170 135 135 25 TO2925 225 225 190 190 25 20 250 245 190 190 30 TO3930 325 300 260 280 10 * * 335 300 265 280 40 TO4940 210 195 205 210 * * 215 200 205 210 50 TO6450 205 210 195 195 * 205 210 195 195 65 TO9965 30 30 35 35 30 30 35 35 Unknown * * Total 1,350 1,365 1,285 1,285 65 45 * 1,415 1,410 1,290 1,285

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 38 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by Fiscal Year Fiscal AgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

N orth Island College Island North

17 years and underandyears 17 460 425 480 395 10 15 20 30 470 440 500 420 18 TO2118 1,515 1,380 1,380 1,315 110 135 175 250 1,625 1,515 1,555 1,565 22 TO2422 750 755 680 730 95 90 105 135 845 845 785 870 25 TO2925 870 850 850 900 35 55 60 65 905 900 910 965 30 TO3930 1,280 1,235 1,195 1,130 25 25 10 15 1,310 1,260 1,205 1,145 40 TO4940 1,065 905 905 895 * 5 10 5 1,070 910 915 900 50 TO6450 1,375 1,450 1,280 1,340 * * * 1,375 1,450 1,285 1,340 65 TO9965 1,025 1,185 1,020 1,180 1,025 1,185 1,020 1,180 Unknown 5 * * 5 * * Total 8,350 8,180 7,795 7,885 280 330 380 505 8,625 8,510 8,175 8,390

N orthern Lights College NorthernLights

17 years and underandyears 17 455 400 255 250 15 5 15 10 465 405 270 255 18 TO2118 900 810 645 480 150 180 260 265 1,050 990 905 745 22 TO2422 640 545 340 250 130 155 170 165 775 700 510 415 25 TO2925 965 840 530 415 70 100 130 110 1,030 940 655 525 30 TO3930 1,515 1,410 950 725 20 25 35 20 1,530 1,435 985 750 40 TO4940 1,265 1,075 615 485 * * 5 5 1,265 1,080 620 490 50 TO6450 1,210 1,165 635 395 * 1,210 1,165 640 395 65 TO9965 105 110 70 60 105 110 70 60 Unknown 30 10 5 * 30 10 5 * Total 7,080 6,370 4,050 3,065 385 465 610 575 7,465 6,835 4,665 3,635


17 years and underandyears 17 1,650 1,670 1,710 1,885 35 40 55 85 1,685 1,710 1,765 1,970 18 TO2118 4,225 4,225 4,080 4,090 530 600 815 1,145 4,755 4,830 4,895 5,235 22 TO2422 2,160 2,170 2,150 2,245 175 155 170 255 2,335 2,320 2,320 2,500 25 TO2925 2,270 2,255 2,455 2,440 125 135 170 165 2,395 2,390 2,625 2,600 30 TO3930 2,880 2,765 2,985 3,115 65 80 115 125 2,945 2,845 3,100 3,240 40 TO4940 2,065 1,925 1,950 2,000 20 35 40 45 2,090 1,955 1,990 2,045 50 TO6450 2,565 2,605 2,540 2,505 * 10 10 5 2,570 2,615 2,550 2,510 65 TO9965 585 675 700 675 * 585 675 700 675 Unknown 130 105 140 130 * 130 105 140 135 Total 18,535 18,400 18,705 19,090 955 1,050 1,375 1,825 19,490 19,445 20,080 20,910

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 39 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by Fiscal Year Fiscal AgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal

17 years and underandyears 17 10 5 * * 10 5 * * 18 TO2118 75 70 70 60 175 190 195 155 250 260 265 220 22 TO2422 200 200 215 185 100 140 175 185 300 340 390 370 25 TO2925 485 490 480 515 105 145 145 115 590 640 625 635 30 TO3930 1,030 1,110 1,170 1,155 70 70 70 75 1,095 1,180 1,245 1,230 40 TO4940 855 895 905 935 20 25 25 25 870 915 930 960 50 TO6450 420 425 480 465 * * * * 425 430 485 470 65 TO9965 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Unknown * * Total 3,070 3,200 3,330 3,330 480 580 620 565 3,550 3,780 3,950 3,890

Selkirk College Selkirk

17 years and underandyears 17 825 1,135 1,345 770 10 30 15 20 835 1,160 1,360 785 18 TO2118 1,230 1,225 1,095 1,085 225 365 445 575 1,455 1,590 1,540 1,660 22 TO2422 680 680 625 625 105 185 260 365 785 865 885 990 25 TO2925 1,165 1,200 1,160 1,055 80 115 120 170 1,250 1,315 1,280 1,225 30 TO3930 2,540 2,430 2,265 2,075 30 40 30 35 2,570 2,475 2,295 2,115 40 TO4940 1,765 1,665 1,535 1,300 15 20 20 15 1,780 1,685 1,550 1,315 50 TO6450 2,125 2,005 1,870 1,530 10 10 * * 2,130 2,015 1,875 1,535 65 TO9965 850 990 935 855 * * * * 850 995 940 855 Unknown 225 200 205 135 * 225 200 205 135 Total 11,400 11,535 11,040 9,435 475 765 895 1,185 11,875 12,300 11,935 10,620

ThompsonUniversity Rivers

17 years and underandyears 17 705 680 670 680 65 65 70 110 770 745 740 795 18 TO2118 5,160 5,105 5,215 5,385 850 985 1,415 1,895 6,010 6,090 6,630 7,280 22 TO2422 4,095 4,030 4,055 4,085 850 920 1,035 1,375 4,945 4,950 5,090 5,460 25 TO2925 4,270 4,360 4,465 4,515 640 625 630 805 4,910 4,985 5,095 5,320 30 TO3930 4,445 4,605 4,810 4,935 190 180 200 245 4,635 4,785 5,010 5,180 40 TO4940 2,615 2,475 2,665 2,565 20 20 25 50 2,635 2,495 2,685 2,615 50 TO6450 1,680 1,555 1,785 1,560 5 10 10 10 1,685 1,570 1,795 1,570 65 TO9965 185 145 170 210 * * * * 185 145 175 210 Unknown 40 20 65 90 5 * * 45 20 65 95 Total 23,185 22,965 23,895 24,030 2,630 2,815 3,390 4,500 25,820 25,785 27,285 28,530

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 40 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Age Group² by Fiscal Year Fiscal AgebyStudentGroup²Headcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University

17 years and underandyears 17 705 580 675 650 20 20 40 45 725 600 715 695 18 TO2118 5,305 5,350 5,350 5,190 545 615 790 1,165 5,855 5,965 6,140 6,350 22 TO2422 2,465 2,555 2,590 2,575 355 330 320 350 2,825 2,885 2,910 2,930 25 TO2925 1,650 1,640 1,660 1,660 105 120 125 105 1,755 1,765 1,785 1,765 30 TO3930 1,390 1,325 1,345 1,370 25 25 30 30 1,415 1,350 1,370 1,395 40 TO4940 920 835 850 825 * 5 10 15 920 840 860 840 50 TO6450 760 635 635 655 * * 5 760 635 640 665 65 TO9965 150 110 125 125 150 110 125 125 Unknown * * * * * * * * Total 13,350 13,030 13,230 13,050 1,055 1,120 1,315 1,710 14,405 14,145 14,545 14,760

VancouverCommunity College

17 years and underandyears 17 335 280 300 260 * * 10 10 340 280 305 270 18 TO2118 2,495 2,315 2,150 2,040 215 255 315 425 2,710 2,570 2,465 2,465 22 TO2422 1,950 1,680 1,625 1,450 150 170 210 290 2,100 1,855 1,835 1,740 25 TO2925 2,710 2,490 2,350 2,260 165 170 220 250 2,875 2,660 2,570 2,510 30 TO3930 4,005 3,525 3,365 3,480 75 105 130 160 4,080 3,630 3,495 3,640 40 TO4940 3,375 2,650 2,510 2,465 25 30 40 45 3,400 2,680 2,545 2,515 50 TO6450 2,165 1,740 1,550 1,590 10 15 10 15 2,180 1,750 1,560 1,605 65 TO9965 355 215 195 215 355 215 195 215 Unknown 15 30 5 10 15 30 5 10 Total 17,410 14,925 14,050 13,765 645 745 935 1,200 18,050 15,670 14,980 14,965

Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island

17 years and underandyears 17 875 825 805 745 20 20 15 20 895 845 820 765 18 TO2118 3,660 3,605 3,525 3,580 720 905 830 900 4,380 4,510 4,355 4,480 22 TO2422 2,045 1,960 1,825 1,775 590 545 540 630 2,635 2,505 2,365 2,405 25 TO2925 1,850 1,725 1,760 1,680 515 485 485 515 2,360 2,210 2,250 2,195 30 TO3930 1,960 1,740 1,785 1,710 155 170 165 190 2,120 1,915 1,950 1,900 40 TO4940 1,365 1,140 1,095 1,015 15 30 30 30 1,380 1,165 1,130 1,045 50 TO6450 1,630 1,275 1,195 1,095 5 5 10 * 1,640 1,285 1,200 1,100 65 TO9965 1,060 950 1,035 1,040 * * 1,060 950 1,035 1,040 Unknown 20 15 30 10 20 15 30 10 Total 14,475 13,240 13,060 12,655 2,020 2,160 2,070 2,285 16,490 15,400 15,135 14,940

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where age information is not available, age is categorized as 'unknown'.as categorized is age available, not Whereis information age2. 3. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 3.

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry AgeGroup Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 41 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² by AcademicGender²byStudentHeadcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

UniqueHeadcount ⁴

Female 156,660 149,660 146,955 143,245 8,710 10,460 12,540 15,915 165,375 160,120 159,495 159,160 Male 139,930 135,215 133,445 128,925 10,445 12,610 14,205 17,470 150,375 147,825 147,655 146,390 Unknown 960 2,060 1,890 1,845 40 20 20 15 1,005 2,075 1,910 1,860 Total 297,550 286,935 282,290 274,015 19,200 23,090 26,765 33,400 316,750 310,025 309,055 307,415

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where gender information is not available, gender is categorized as 'unknown'.as categorized genderis available, not Where is genderinformation2. 3. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 3. 4. In the unique headcount, students who are identified as attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by thebynumberserved students the This represents of countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan as identifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In 4. participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 42 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² by AcademicGender²byStudentHeadcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British

Female 15,035 15,645 15,980 16,230 880 990 1,405 1,820 15,915 16,635 17,385 18,050 Male 26,115 26,045 25,990 25,255 1,380 1,600 2,025 2,445 27,490 27,645 28,015 27,700 Unknown * * * * Total 41,150 41,690 41,975 41,485 2,260 2,590 3,430 4,265 43,405 44,280 45,400 45,750


Female 9,070 8,845 9,315 9,200 500 640 725 835 9,570 9,485 10,040 10,040 Male 8,055 8,085 8,315 8,225 635 850 890 1,100 8,690 8,935 9,205 9,325 Unknown 130 130 100 110 130 130 100 110 Total 17,255 17,055 17,730 17,535 1,135 1,495 1,615 1,935 18,390 18,550 19,350 19,470

Capilano University Capilano

Female 7,490 6,485 5,920 4,935 435 520 635 805 7,925 7,005 6,555 5,740 Male 5,295 4,715 4,130 3,475 415 475 500 600 5,710 5,190 4,630 4,075 Unknown * * * * Total 12,780 11,200 10,050 8,410 850 995 1,140 1,410 13,630 12,195 11,190 9,820

Coast MountainCoastCollege

Female 2,475 2,160 2,055 1,985 * * 10 15 2,475 2,160 2,060 1,995 Male 2,795 2,935 2,480 2,125 * * 5 10 2,795 2,940 2,490 2,140 Unknown * 40 170 30 * 40 170 30 Total 5,270 5,135 4,705 4,140 * * 15 25 5,275 5,140 4,720 4,165

College of New ofCaledonia College

Female 4,930 4,185 3,910 3,505 160 170 200 400 5,090 4,355 4,110 3,905 Male 4,195 3,920 4,050 3,725 235 290 315 525 4,430 4,210 4,365 4,250 Unknown * * * * * * Total 9,125 8,105 7,960 7,230 390 460 520 925 9,515 8,565 8,480 8,155

College of the Rockiesthe of College

Female 5,325 5,115 4,895 5,140 135 165 235 235 5,465 5,280 5,130 5,375 Male 4,970 4,670 4,590 4,640 245 220 160 200 5,220 4,895 4,750 4,840 Unknown 25 20 25 20 Total 10,325 9,805 9,485 9,785 380 385 395 435 10,705 10,195 9,880 10,215

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 43 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² by AcademicGender²byStudentHeadcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17


Female 14,625 14,445 14,210 13,955 955 1,090 1,240 1,560 15,580 15,535 15,450 15,515 Male 7,455 7,210 7,050 7,295 995 1,085 1,275 1,510 8,450 8,300 8,325 8,805 Unknown 20 25 50 50 * * 20 25 50 50 Total 22,100 21,685 21,310 21,305 1,950 2,175 2,515 3,070 24,050 23,860 23,825 24,375

Em ily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily

Female 2,525 2,400 2,560 2,440 250 310 330 380 2,780 2,705 2,890 2,820 Male 965 910 890 825 150 160 150 160 1,120 1,070 1,045 985 Unknown 25 50 85 90 * 25 50 85 90 Total 3,520 3,355 3,535 3,350 405 470 480 540 3,925 3,825 4,015 3,895

Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice

Female 10,595 11,145 9,330 9,665 40 110 225 185 10,635 11,250 9,555 9,850 Male 17,355 19,255 16,160 15,265 85 320 495 445 17,440 19,575 16,655 15,710 Unknown 120 250 30 180 5 5 * 125 255 30 180 Total 28,070 30,645 25,520 25,105 130 435 720 635 28,200 31,080 26,240 25,740

Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic

Female 9,035 8,960 8,820 8,475 940 1,045 1,060 1,525 9,980 10,010 9,880 10,000 Male 8,400 8,245 8,280 8,135 1,020 1,200 1,230 1,655 9,420 9,440 9,510 9,790 Unknown * * 25 20 5 * * 25 25 Total 17,440 17,210 17,125 16,630 1,965 2,245 2,290 3,185 19,405 19,450 19,410 19,815


Female 10,405 10,005 10,285 9,545 1,025 1,420 1,995 2,920 11,430 11,425 12,280 12,465 Male 7,925 7,445 7,765 7,320 1,040 1,525 2,065 3,065 8,960 8,965 9,830 10,385 Unknown 5 * * * * 5 Total 18,325 17,450 18,055 16,865 2,065 2,945 4,065 5,985 20,390 20,395 22,115 22,850

N icola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola

Female 1,090 970 775 720 10 80 * * 1,100 1,050 775 720 Male 415 385 510 500 5 10 * 420 400 510 505 Total 1,505 1,355 1,285 1,220 20 95 * * 1,520 1,450 1,290 1,225

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 44 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² by AcademicGender²byStudentHeadcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

N orth Island College Island North

Female 5,060 4,820 4,685 4,420 85 120 145 155 5,145 4,940 4,830 4,575 Male 3,540 3,370 3,330 3,265 145 175 210 215 3,685 3,545 3,540 3,480 Unknown * * * * * * * * Total 8,605 8,190 8,020 7,685 230 295 355 370 8,835 8,485 8,370 8,055

N orthern Lights College NorthernLights

Female 2,895 2,615 2,340 1,680 95 195 225 330 2,990 2,810 2,565 2,010 Male 4,495 4,395 3,215 1,695 145 245 280 340 4,640 4,640 3,495 2,035 Unknown 5 * * 5 * * Total 7,395 7,015 5,555 3,375 240 445 505 670 7,635 7,455 6,060 4,045


Female 9,380 8,900 9,250 9,415 380 420 525 735 9,755 9,325 9,775 10,150 Male 8,720 8,130 8,455 8,835 475 555 600 795 9,195 8,685 9,055 9,630 Unknown 255 1,190 820 810 * 5 5 5 260 1,200 825 815 Total 18,355 18,225 18,525 19,060 855 985 1,130 1,535 19,210 19,205 19,655 20,595

Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal

Female 1,985 2,060 2,165 2,290 185 245 315 335 2,170 2,305 2,475 2,620 Male 1,315 1,330 1,295 1,330 200 250 270 270 1,515 1,580 1,565 1,600 Unknown * * Total 3,300 3,390 3,460 3,620 385 495 585 600 3,685 3,885 4,045 4,220

Selkirk College Selkirk

Female 6,315 6,635 6,395 5,795 200 295 425 475 6,515 6,930 6,820 6,270 Male 4,785 4,800 5,255 4,495 155 280 395 500 4,940 5,080 5,645 4,995 Unknown 85 65 145 90 * 85 65 145 90 Total 11,185 11,500 11,790 10,380 355 575 820 975 11,545 12,070 12,610 11,355

ThompsonUniversity Rivers

Female 16,030 15,720 15,915 16,185 1,080 1,165 1,395 1,765 17,110 16,885 17,310 17,950 Male 10,900 10,905 10,965 11,525 1,625 1,715 1,805 2,170 12,525 12,620 12,770 13,690 Unknown 235 230 310 265 35 5 10 * 270 235 320 265 Total 27,165 26,855 27,190 27,975 2,735 2,885 3,210 3,935 29,900 29,735 30,405 31,905

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 45 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² by AcademicGender²byStudentHeadcount¹Yearby 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University

Female 8,020 7,745 7,500 7,545 360 445 475 660 8,380 8,190 7,975 8,205 Male 5,695 5,535 5,660 5,565 545 610 640 840 6,235 6,145 6,300 6,400 Unknown 5 20 25 80 * 5 20 25 80 Total 13,715 13,295 13,185 13,190 905 1,055 1,115 1,500 14,620 14,355 14,305 14,690

VancouverCommunity College

Female 13,045 10,695 9,605 8,915 330 355 425 495 13,380 11,050 10,030 9,410 Male 6,325 5,410 5,190 4,825 205 235 325 410 6,530 5,645 5,515 5,235 Unknown 35 15 55 25 * 35 15 55 25 Total 19,405 16,120 14,850 13,765 535 595 750 900 19,945 16,715 15,600 14,670

Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island

Female 8,850 8,345 7,485 7,310 875 1,000 990 990 9,720 9,345 8,475 8,300 Male 6,100 5,575 5,205 5,305 1,010 1,135 1,080 1,080 7,110 6,705 6,285 6,390 Unknown 10 20 70 100 10 20 70 100 Total 14,955 13,940 12,760 12,720 1,885 2,130 2,070 2,070 16,840 16,070 14,825 14,790

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where gender information is not available, gender is categorized as 'unknown'.as categorized genderis available, not Where is genderinformation2. 3. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 3.

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 46 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² on NovemberGender²onStudentHeadcount¹by 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

UniqueHeadcount ⁴

Female 79,830 77,640 77,340 76,325 6,875 7,940 10,130 12,880 86,705 85,585 87,475 89,210 Male 59,955 59,345 59,065 58,365 8,270 8,970 11,400 13,580 68,225 68,315 70,465 71,945 Unknown 135 195 250 320 10 10 * 25 145 205 250 350 Total 139,920 137,175 136,655 135,015 15,155 16,925 21,535 26,490 155,075 154,105 158,190 161,500

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where gender information is not available, gender is categorized as 'unknown'.as categorized genderis available, not Where is genderinformation2. 3. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 3. 4. In the unique headcount, students who are identified as attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by thebynumberserved students the This represents of countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan as identifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In 4. participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 47 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² on NovemberGender²onStudentHeadcount¹by 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British

Female 8,505 8,755 8,940 8,745 470 670 1,040 1,125 8,975 9,425 9,980 9,870 Male 12,640 12,320 12,195 11,850 690 835 1,405 1,515 13,330 13,155 13,600 13,360 Unknown * * Total 21,150 21,080 21,140 20,595 1,160 1,505 2,440 2,635 22,310 22,580 23,580 23,230


Female 4,985 5,005 5,260 4,860 495 540 650 695 5,475 5,545 5,910 5,555 Male 3,800 3,760 4,025 3,865 650 705 840 885 4,450 4,460 4,870 4,750 Unknown 20 20 20 25 20 20 20 25 Total 8,800 8,780 9,305 8,750 1,145 1,245 1,490 1,585 9,945 10,025 10,795 10,335

Capilano University Capilano

Female 4,400 4,090 3,540 3,460 400 500 600 745 4,800 4,590 4,140 4,205 Male 2,895 2,545 2,230 2,170 390 395 445 545 3,285 2,935 2,675 2,715 Unknown * * Total 7,295 6,635 5,770 5,630 790 890 1,045 1,290 8,085 7,525 6,815 6,920

Coast MountainCoastCollege Female 700 635 715 635 * 5 5 20 705 640 720 655 Male 505 525 485 440 * * 10 25 505 530 495 465 Unknown * * * * Total 1,205 1,165 1,200 1,075 * 10 15 45 1,210 1,170 1,215 1,120

College of New ofCaledonia College

Female 1,950 1,810 1,655 1,570 120 135 215 340 2,070 1,945 1,870 1,905 Male 1,020 1,005 1,010 900 190 225 295 340 1,210 1,230 1,305 1,245 Unknown * * Total 2,970 2,815 2,665 2,470 310 365 510 680 3,280 3,175 3,175 3,150

College of the Rockiesthe of College

Female 1,665 1,605 1,715 1,850 110 165 160 205 1,780 1,770 1,875 2,055 Male 935 935 1,080 1,255 105 115 135 215 1,040 1,055 1,215 1,470 Unknown * * Total 2,605 2,540 2,795 3,105 215 280 295 420 2,825 2,820 3,090 3,525

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 48 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² on NovemberGender²onStudentHeadcount¹by 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017


Female 7,880 7,610 7,505 7,310 760 840 970 1,385 8,640 8,450 8,475 8,695 Male 4,480 4,305 4,410 4,430 785 865 1,005 1,270 5,265 5,170 5,420 5,700 Unknown 10 10 20 30 * 10 10 20 30 Total 12,370 11,925 11,940 11,770 1,545 1,705 1,975 2,655 13,920 13,630 13,915 14,425

Em ily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily

Female 1,460 1,575 1,470 1,420 280 285 325 385 1,740 1,860 1,795 1,805 Male 580 550 520 495 150 135 140 145 730 690 660 640 Unknown 10 45 45 40 10 45 45 40 Total 2,055 2,175 2,035 1,960 425 420 465 530 2,480 2,595 2,505 2,490

Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice

Female 1,295 1,355 1,385 1,550 * 55 30 30 1,300 1,415 1,410 1,580 Male 2,865 3,400 2,855 3,055 5 100 95 50 2,870 3,500 2,950 3,105 Unknown 15 * 10 30 * 15 * 10 30 Total 4,175 4,760 4,250 4,630 10 155 120 80 4,185 4,920 4,370 4,715

Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic

Female 6,915 6,605 6,460 6,510 720 690 915 1,480 7,635 7,295 7,375 7,985 Male 5,740 5,635 5,510 5,370 810 770 1,010 1,485 6,550 6,400 6,520 6,855 Unknown 5 * 10 * 5 5 5 15 Total 12,655 12,240 11,970 11,885 1,530 1,460 1,925 2,970 14,185 13,700 13,900 14,860


Female 6,660 6,400 6,195 5,695 870 975 1,720 2,350 7,530 7,375 7,920 8,045 Male 5,025 4,850 4,795 4,675 930 1,050 1,855 2,395 5,960 5,900 6,650 7,070 Unknown * * * * Total 11,685 11,250 10,990 10,370 1,805 2,025 3,580 4,745 13,490 13,275 14,570 15,115

N icola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola

Female 370 300 330 325 * 370 300 330 325 Male 155 140 165 180 * 155 140 165 180 Total 525 440 495 505 * 530 440 495 505

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 49 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² on NovemberGender²onStudentHeadcount¹by 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

N orth Island College Island North

Female 2,235 2,150 2,125 2,125 80 100 115 140 2,315 2,250 2,245 2,265 Male 1,100 1,115 1,120 1,090 125 160 150 140 1,225 1,275 1,270 1,230 Unknown * * * * Total 3,335 3,265 3,245 3,215 205 260 265 280 3,540 3,525 3,510 3,495

N orthern Lights College NorthernLights

Female 770 695 830 825 95 165 200 210 865 860 1,035 1,035 Male 360 325 375 385 140 200 225 215 500 525 605 600 Total 1,130 1,020 1,210 1,210 235 365 430 425 1,365 1,385 1,635 1,635


Female 3,740 3,720 3,765 3,825 215 270 350 465 3,955 3,990 4,115 4,285 Male 2,765 2,835 2,930 2,995 280 300 375 460 3,045 3,135 3,305 3,455 Unknown 35 65 75 65 * * * * 35 65 75 70 Total 6,535 6,615 6,770 6,885 495 575 725 930 7,035 7,190 7,495 7,810

Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal

Female 1,275 1,340 1,330 1,340 195 225 260 235 1,470 1,565 1,585 1,575 Male 830 770 750 735 195 220 210 190 1,030 990 960 925 Unknown * * Total 2,105 2,115 2,075 2,075 390 445 470 425 2,500 2,560 2,545 2,500

Selkirk College Selkirk

Female 2,340 2,410 2,230 2,040 150 260 290 345 2,490 2,665 2,520 2,385 Male 1,115 1,265 1,185 1,110 155 240 330 405 1,270 1,505 1,515 1,515 Unknown * * 10 15 * * 10 15 Total 3,460 3,675 3,430 3,160 305 500 620 750 3,760 4,175 4,045 3,915

ThompsonUniversity Rivers

Female 8,605 8,655 8,880 9,255 780 840 1,080 1,335 9,385 9,495 9,960 10,590 Male 4,990 5,115 5,365 5,435 1,255 1,240 1,435 1,735 6,245 6,355 6,800 7,175 Unknown 25 20 20 25 5 10 * 30 25 20 25 Total 13,620 13,785 14,265 14,715 2,040 2,085 2,515 3,075 15,655 15,875 16,780 17,790

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 50 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² on NovemberGender²onStudentHeadcount¹by 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University

Female 5,340 5,260 5,360 5,355 330 370 415 480 5,670 5,630 5,775 5,835 Male 3,605 3,635 3,635 3,585 485 530 550 655 4,090 4,165 4,185 4,240 Unknown * * * 25 * * * * 25 Total 8,945 8,895 9,000 8,965 820 900 965 1,135 9,765 9,795 9,965 10,100

VancouverCommunity College

Female 5,320 4,455 4,280 4,220 180 230 260 350 5,500 4,685 4,545 4,570 Male 2,365 2,080 2,100 1,935 145 135 225 295 2,510 2,220 2,320 2,230 Unknown 5 5 10 25 * 10 5 10 10 35 Total 7,690 6,545 6,390 6,175 325 365 485 650 8,015 6,910 6,875 6,830

Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island

Female 4,820 4,465 4,605 4,625 675 700 705 770 5,495 5,160 5,310 5,395 Male 2,920 2,890 2,935 3,020 835 830 845 855 3,755 3,720 3,780 3,875 Unknown 10 10 30 30 10 10 30 30 Total 7,750 7,365 7,570 7,680 1,505 1,525 1,550 1,625 9,255 8,890 9,120 9,300

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where gender information is not available, gender is categorized as 'unknown'.as categorized genderis available, not Where is genderinformation2. 3. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 3.

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 51 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² by Fiscal Year Fiscal Gender²byStudentHeadcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

UniqueHeadcount ⁴

Female 151,285 146,155 143,820 141,140 9,930 12,115 15,040 19,470 161,210 158,270 158,860 160,610 Male 132,760 128,195 126,290 122,735 11,910 13,995 16,540 20,905 144,670 142,190 142,835 143,640 Unknown 1,640 1,900 1,965 2,290 25 20 15 35 1,665 1,920 1,980 2,330 Total 285,685 276,250 272,075 266,165 21,860 26,125 31,595 40,410 307,545 302,380 303,670 306,580

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where gender information is not available, gender is categorized as 'unknown'.as categorized genderis available, not Where is genderinformation2. 3. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 3. 4. In the unique headcount, students who are identified as attending more than one institution are only counted once. This number represents the number of students served by thebynumberserved students the This represents of countedonce. only are moreinstitution oneattendingthan as identifiedwhostudentsheadcount, uniqueare the In 4. participating institutions as a whole.a as institutions participating

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 52 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² by Fiscal Year Fiscal Gender²byStudentHeadcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British

Female 15,105 15,455 15,590 15,995 925 1,230 1,660 2,075 16,035 16,680 17,250 18,065 Male 24,410 24,185 23,960 23,555 1,455 1,845 2,255 2,680 25,865 26,025 26,215 26,235 Unknown * * * * Total 39,515 39,635 39,545 39,545 2,385 3,070 3,915 4,755 41,900 42,710 43,465 44,300


Female 9,155 9,495 9,470 9,010 630 725 850 900 9,785 10,220 10,320 9,910 Male 8,045 8,185 8,310 7,975 845 935 1,125 1,190 8,885 9,125 9,435 9,165 Unknown 145 120 90 135 145 120 90 135 Total 17,340 17,800 17,870 17,120 1,475 1,665 1,975 2,090 18,815 19,465 19,845 19,205

Capilano University Capilano

Female 6,750 6,120 5,230 4,935 520 620 790 1,085 7,270 6,740 6,020 6,025 Male 4,835 4,265 3,835 3,355 480 515 585 840 5,310 4,780 4,420 4,195 Unknown * * * * Total 11,585 10,385 9,065 8,295 995 1,135 1,375 1,925 12,580 11,520 10,440 10,225

Coast MountainCoastCollege

Female 2,305 2,060 2,260 1,765 * 10 10 50 2,305 2,065 2,275 1,815 Male 2,820 2,520 2,240 1,875 * 5 10 60 2,825 2,525 2,250 1,940 Unknown 25 35 175 10 25 35 175 10 Total 5,150 4,610 4,680 3,655 * 15 20 110 5,155 4,625 4,700 3,765

College of New ofCaledonia College

Female 4,335 3,955 3,690 3,665 170 195 325 580 4,505 4,150 4,020 4,250 Male 4,115 3,755 3,670 3,510 280 330 460 670 4,395 4,085 4,125 4,180 Unknown * * * * Total 8,455 7,715 7,360 7,180 450 520 785 1,250 8,905 8,235 8,145 8,430

College of the Rockiesthe of College

Female 5,475 5,020 5,205 5,005 165 230 240 275 5,645 5,245 5,440 5,280 Male 4,835 4,455 4,455 4,675 230 165 185 290 5,065 4,620 4,640 4,965 Unknown 20 5 20 5 Total 10,330 9,480 9,655 9,680 395 395 425 565 10,725 9,875 10,085 10,245

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 53 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² by Fiscal Year Fiscal Gender²byStudentHeadcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Female 14,740 14,425 14,380 13,980 1,005 1,195 1,485 2,050 15,750 15,620 15,865 16,030 Male 7,340 7,040 7,250 7,320 1,060 1,255 1,440 1,870 8,405 8,290 8,690 9,190 Unknown 15 30 45 75 * * * 15 30 45 75 Total 22,095 21,495 21,675 21,380 2,070 2,450 2,930 3,920 24,165 23,945 24,600 25,300

Em ily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily

Female 2,375 2,490 2,455 2,295 310 320 380 435 2,685 2,805 2,830 2,725 Male 915 875 850 770 160 160 155 170 1,080 1,035 1,005 935 Unknown 35 90 90 100 * 35 90 90 100 Total 3,325 3,455 3,395 3,160 470 475 535 600 3,800 3,930 3,930 3,760

Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice

Female 10,125 8,985 8,995 9,905 50 230 150 165 10,175 9,215 9,145 10,070 Male 16,640 14,755 14,545 14,670 100 535 415 370 16,740 15,295 14,960 15,035 Unknown 230 70 130 235 5 * * 235 70 130 240 Total 27,000 23,810 23,665 24,810 155 765 565 535 27,150 24,580 24,230 25,345

Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic

Female 9,190 8,920 8,800 8,820 1,000 1,060 1,380 2,545 10,190 9,985 10,180 11,365 Male 8,005 7,940 8,090 7,835 1,140 1,220 1,565 2,680 9,145 9,160 9,655 10,515 Unknown * 25 25 105 5 5 * 25 30 110 Total 17,195 16,885 16,910 16,755 2,140 2,285 2,950 5,230 19,335 19,170 19,860 21,985


Female 10,310 10,385 10,015 9,180 1,380 1,925 2,820 3,450 11,685 12,310 12,835 12,635 Male 7,680 7,765 7,720 7,185 1,460 2,005 2,955 3,405 9,135 9,775 10,675 10,590 Unknown 5 * * * * 5 5 Total 17,985 18,155 17,735 16,370 2,840 3,935 5,775 6,860 20,825 22,090 23,510 23,230

N icola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola

Female 960 885 740 795 55 40 * 1,015 925 740 795 Male 385 480 545 490 10 5 * 395 485 545 490 Total 1,350 1,365 1,285 1,285 65 45 * 1,415 1,410 1,290 1,285

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 54 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² by Fiscal Year Fiscal Gender²byStudentHeadcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

N orth Island College Island North

Female 4,970 4,775 4,525 4,585 110 135 170 215 5,080 4,910 4,695 4,805 Male 3,375 3,405 3,265 3,295 170 195 210 285 3,545 3,600 3,475 3,580 Unknown * * * * * * * * Total 8,350 8,180 7,795 7,885 280 330 380 505 8,625 8,510 8,175 8,390

N orthern Lights College NorthernLights

Female 2,685 2,515 1,890 1,620 160 210 310 285 2,845 2,725 2,200 1,910 Male 4,390 3,855 2,160 1,440 225 255 305 285 4,620 4,110 2,465 1,730 Unknown * * * * * * Total 7,080 6,370 4,050 3,065 385 465 610 575 7,465 6,835 4,665 3,635


Female 9,355 9,400 9,640 9,540 415 480 665 850 9,770 9,880 10,305 10,390 Male 8,395 7,855 8,310 8,585 540 560 705 965 8,935 8,415 9,020 9,550 Unknown 785 1,145 755 965 * 5 5 5 785 1,150 760 970 Total 18,535 18,400 18,705 19,090 955 1,050 1,375 1,825 19,490 19,445 20,080 20,910

Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal

Female 1,890 2,045 2,135 2,130 240 310 355 320 2,125 2,355 2,490 2,450 Male 1,180 1,155 1,200 1,200 240 270 260 245 1,420 1,425 1,460 1,440 Unknown * * * * Total 3,070 3,200 3,330 3,330 480 580 620 565 3,550 3,780 3,950 3,890

Selkirk College Selkirk

Female 6,630 6,655 6,100 5,325 235 410 445 585 6,865 7,065 6,545 5,910 Male 4,675 4,830 4,780 3,985 240 355 450 600 4,915 5,185 5,230 4,585 Unknown 100 50 160 125 100 50 160 125 Total 11,400 11,535 11,040 9,435 475 765 895 1,185 11,875 12,300 11,935 10,620

ThompsonUniversity Rivers

Female 13,485 13,290 13,745 13,845 1,030 1,165 1,505 1,955 14,515 14,455 15,250 15,800 Male 9,475 9,445 9,850 9,880 1,590 1,640 1,885 2,540 11,065 11,085 11,735 12,425 Unknown 225 235 300 305 15 10 * * 240 245 300 305 Total 23,185 22,965 23,895 24,030 2,630 2,815 3,390 4,500 25,820 25,785 27,285 28,530

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 55 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Gender² by Fiscal Year Fiscal Gender²byStudentHeadcount¹by 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students³ International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University

Female 7,990 7,685 7,725 7,705 435 470 580 715 8,425 8,155 8,305 8,420 Male 5,350 5,330 5,435 5,250 620 650 735 995 5,965 5,980 6,170 6,245 Unknown 15 10 70 95 * * 15 10 75 95 Total 13,350 13,030 13,230 13,050 1,055 1,120 1,315 1,710 14,405 14,145 14,545 14,760

VancouverCommunity College

Female 11,605 9,715 9,115 8,975 395 410 510 635 12,000 10,125 9,620 9,610 Male 5,775 5,170 4,905 4,750 250 335 425 555 6,025 5,505 5,325 5,305 Unknown 25 40 35 40 * 10 25 45 35 50 Total 17,410 14,925 14,050 13,765 645 745 935 1,200 18,050 15,670 14,980 14,965

Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island

Female 8,700 7,795 7,650 7,440 945 1,045 985 1,120 9,645 8,840 8,635 8,560 Male 5,760 5,405 5,315 5,110 1,075 1,115 1,085 1,165 6,830 6,520 6,400 6,280 Unknown 15 35 100 105 15 35 100 105 Total 14,475 13,240 13,060 12,655 2,020 2,160 2,070 2,285 16,490 15,400 15,135 14,940

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. Where gender information is not available, gender is categorized as 'unknown'.as categorized genderis available, not Where is genderinformation2. 3. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 3.

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Gender Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 56 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Academicbyby Area Year 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

All Reporting Institutions Reporting All ³

Arts and SciencesandArts 64,990 63,150 62,315 62,160 4,640 5,420 6,600 8,885 69,630 68,570 68,915 71,040 Business and ManagementandBusiness 46,170 43,460 44,035 43,800 7,630 9,100 10,810 14,025 53,800 52,560 54,845 57,825 Developmental 40,485 34,830 30,945 28,190 5,380 6,160 5,750 6,060 45,870 40,985 36,695 34,250 Education 6,495 6,035 5,660 6,320 105 145 160 225 6,600 6,180 5,820 6,545 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 27,635 27,215 25,995 26,465 1,165 1,785 2,640 3,690 28,805 29,000 28,635 30,155 Health 30,370 30,600 28,725 28,050 230 410 690 985 30,605 31,010 29,410 29,035 HumanServices Social and 37,900 39,070 35,895 35,400 520 720 1,160 1,400 38,420 39,790 37,055 36,800 Other * * Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 30,455 28,705 28,275 25,480 140 180 205 180 30,590 28,885 28,480 25,660 Trades 41,145 42,095 41,955 39,790 700 965 1,060 1,130 41,850 43,055 43,015 40,920 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 10,690 10,350 10,685 9,850 695 825 905 1,005 11,390 11,175 11,590 10,855 Total 336,345 325,500 314,485 305,500 21,210 25,710 29,980 37,580 357,555 351,210 344,460 343,085

UniqueHeadcount 297,550 286,935 282,290 274,015 19,200 23,090 26,765 33,400 316,750 310,025 309,055 307,415

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 2. 3. Students enrolled in more than one program area in a given year are counted each time, resulting in higher totals than in the unduplicated Student Headcount by Institution table. StudentHeadcountunduplicatedInstitution theby in than totals higher in resulting time, countedeachare year given a moreprogram onein than area in Studentsenrolled 3.

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 57 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Academicbyby Area Year 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British

Arts and SciencesandArts 2,500 2,385 2,535 2,550 210 290 550 935 2,710 2,675 3,085 3,480 Business and ManagementandBusiness 8,805 8,905 9,040 8,880 600 750 1,050 1,380 9,405 9,655 10,095 10,265 Developmental 2,340 2,270 1,955 2,320 755 815 835 885 3,100 3,090 2,790 3,205 Education 55 50 60 90 * 55 50 60 90 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 10,585 10,595 10,795 10,775 370 490 690 795 10,955 11,090 11,485 11,575 Health 5,735 6,155 6,290 6,500 30 30 30 40 5,765 6,185 6,320 6,535 HumanServices Social and 635 585 660 520 * * 55 35 640 585 710 555 Trades 11,935 12,090 12,005 11,320 405 400 420 445 12,340 12,485 12,425 11,770 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 790 830 840 885 140 175 205 205 935 1,010 1,050 1,090 Total 43,385 43,865 44,180 43,835 2,515 2,955 3,840 4,725 45,905 46,820 48,020 48,560


Arts and SciencesandArts 3,925 3,840 4,190 4,365 435 545 625 750 4,365 4,385 4,810 5,120 Business and ManagementandBusiness 3,765 3,480 3,820 3,805 250 390 485 675 4,015 3,870 4,300 4,480 Developmental 2,245 2,155 2,045 2,025 515 585 490 540 2,760 2,740 2,535 2,570 Education 135 140 125 125 5 5 5 10 140 145 135 135 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 1,420 1,375 1,450 1,445 55 120 135 135 1,475 1,495 1,585 1,580 Health 1,930 1,810 1,750 1,565 10 25 40 50 1,940 1,835 1,795 1,615 HumanServices Social and 835 860 865 910 15 20 25 35 850 880 885 945 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 940 1,025 1,010 985 15 15 10 10 955 1,040 1,020 995 Trades 3,135 3,325 3,340 3,260 10 25 35 20 3,145 3,350 3,370 3,280 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 435 465 455 415 5 10 15 15 445 475 470 430 Total 18,765 18,475 19,045 18,900 1,320 1,735 1,860 2,245 20,090 20,210 20,905 21,145

Capilano University Capilano

Arts and SciencesandArts 3,235 2,770 2,330 2,125 125 115 145 195 3,360 2,885 2,475 2,320 Business and ManagementandBusiness 2,035 1,855 1,680 1,515 500 590 695 760 2,535 2,445 2,375 2,270 Developmental 1,565 1,170 935 935 180 225 210 320 1,745 1,395 1,145 1,255 Education 135 125 105 105 * * 135 130 105 105 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 235 190 135 135 * * 5 5 240 195 140 145 Health 205 165 165 150 * 5 * * 205 170 165 155 HumanServices Social and 1,655 1,575 1,475 1,380 35 60 80 105 1,695 1,640 1,560 1,490 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 3,630 2,835 2,560 1,400 10 20 35 10 3,635 2,855 2,595 1,410 Trades 65 25 * 65 25 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 1,270 1,125 1,045 1,025 45 45 55 75 1,315 1,165 1,100 1,100 Total 14,030 11,835 10,430 8,775 900 1,065 1,230 1,470 14,930 12,900 11,660 10,245

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 58 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Academicbyby Area Year 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Coast MountainCoastCollege

Arts and SciencesandArts 360 515 630 420 * 5 10 360 520 640 425 Business and ManagementandBusiness 565 380 285 380 * * 5 10 570 385 290 390 Developmental 1,690 1,845 1,470 1,165 * 10 1,690 1,845 1,475 1,175 Education 75 115 75 150 75 115 75 150 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 905 590 345 460 905 590 345 460 Health 325 230 215 160 * 325 230 215 160 HumanServices Social and 515 450 300 255 * * 515 450 300 260 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 1,770 1,295 1,090 1,355 1,770 1,295 1,090 1,355 Trades 1,535 1,465 1,395 1,380 * * * 1,535 1,465 1,395 1,380 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 100 160 190 180 100 160 190 180 Total 7,845 7,055 5,995 5,910 * * 15 30 7,850 7,055 6,010 5,940

College of New ofCaledonia College

Arts and SciencesandArts 1,305 1,190 995 810 200 200 180 210 1,505 1,390 1,180 1,015 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,040 970 1,030 1,015 70 95 145 410 1,110 1,065 1,175 1,430 Developmental 1,185 1,080 610 545 115 105 80 105 1,300 1,185 690 650 Education * * Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 590 745 785 610 40 60 105 180 630 805 885 790 Health 1,300 855 780 640 15 20 25 20 1,315 875 805 660 HumanServices Social and 2,185 2,010 2,215 2,215 * * 5 30 2,185 2,015 2,220 2,245 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 685 550 530 330 685 550 530 330 Trades 2,345 2,255 2,530 2,165 5 10 10 5 2,350 2,265 2,540 2,175 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 20 20 15 15 * * * * 25 25 15 15 Total 10,660 9,675 9,490 8,345 455 495 555 965 11,110 10,170 10,045 9,310

College of the Rockiesthe of College

Arts and SciencesandArts 335 345 270 250 30 75 65 60 370 420 335 310 Business and ManagementandBusiness 700 600 605 590 65 85 100 175 765 680 705 765 Developmental 1,665 1,385 1,480 1,620 130 130 195 135 1,795 1,515 1,675 1,755 Education 125 115 130 135 * * 125 115 135 140 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 3,590 3,525 2,930 3,220 10 5 20 3,590 3,535 2,940 3,235 Health 360 390 425 490 * 5 10 * 365 395 430 495 HumanServices Social and 1,225 1,115 1,245 1,365 160 115 40 70 1,380 1,230 1,285 1,435 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 1,790 1,630 1,945 1,835 * * 1,790 1,630 1,945 1,835 Trades 1,530 1,555 1,470 1,455 * 5 10 10 1,535 1,565 1,480 1,465 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 10 10 5 5 * 10 10 5 5 Total 11,340 10,660 10,510 10,965 395 425 430 475 11,730 11,085 10,935 11,440

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 59 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Academicbyby Area Year 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17


Arts and SciencesandArts 7,670 7,590 7,180 6,905 845 840 880 985 8,515 8,430 8,060 7,890 Business and ManagementandBusiness 2,820 2,475 2,590 2,565 725 820 1,035 1,280 3,550 3,300 3,625 3,845 Developmental 2,725 2,675 2,280 2,425 485 530 480 580 3,210 3,205 2,765 3,010 Education 460 430 420 390 * * * 465 430 420 390 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 185 230 265 315 75 180 340 440 260 410 605 755 Health 3,985 3,930 3,135 2,930 * 5 10 10 3,990 3,935 3,140 2,940 HumanServices Social and 3,180 3,250 3,170 3,515 * * 5 15 3,185 3,255 3,175 3,530 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 1,200 1,205 2,460 2,420 * * * * 1,200 1,205 2,460 2,420 Trades 125 60 65 60 * 125 60 65 60 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 260 290 265 260 10 20 20 20 275 305 280 275 Total 22,620 22,140 21,820 21,790 2,150 2,400 2,780 3,330 24,775 24,540 24,600 25,120

Em ily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily

Arts and SciencesandArts 150 145 140 110 45 50 50 55 190 195 190 165 Developmental 90 * 10 20 * 110 * 15 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 30 15 10 35 * * 30 15 10 35 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 405 255 325 235 * * 405 255 325 235 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 3,000 3,025 3,160 3,055 345 420 430 490 3,345 3,440 3,590 3,545 Total 3,670 3,445 3,645 3,440 410 470 485 540 4,080 3,915 4,130 3,980

Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice

Arts and SciencesandArts 3,410 3,770 2,975 3,110 15 10 15 10 3,425 3,780 2,990 3,120 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,455 1,370 1,165 1,350 * 10 10 5 1,455 1,380 1,175 1,355 Education 470 310 240 305 * 5 470 310 245 310 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 30 35 45 25 * * 30 35 50 25 Health 4,195 4,160 2,975 2,790 35 60 50 40 4,230 4,220 3,025 2,830 HumanServices Social and 18,965 20,800 17,790 17,480 80 235 580 540 19,045 21,035 18,370 18,020 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 30 35 40 * 30 35 40 Trades 1,805 1,700 1,465 1,205 10 140 75 45 1,815 1,840 1,540 1,250 Total 30,325 32,180 26,695 26,305 145 450 735 645 30,470 32,630 27,430 26,950

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 60 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Academicbyby Area Year 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic

Arts and SciencesandArts 7,185 6,890 6,890 7,000 370 460 480 900 7,555 7,350 7,370 7,900 Business and ManagementandBusiness 4,820 4,655 4,890 4,730 1,160 1,270 1,380 2,070 5,980 5,925 6,270 6,805 Developmental 1,325 1,305 1,200 850 380 415 350 155 1,705 1,720 1,550 1,005 Education 155 145 140 135 155 145 140 135 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 1,115 1,240 990 895 135 180 150 140 1,250 1,425 1,140 1,030 Health 1,015 1,140 1,050 1,115 * * * * 1,015 1,145 1,055 1,115 HumanServices Social and 160 125 125 115 * 160 125 125 115 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand * * * * Trades 1,495 1,520 1,735 1,795 * * * * 1,495 1,525 1,740 1,795 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 690 685 540 465 25 40 30 30 715 725 570 495 Total 17,960 17,715 17,575 17,105 2,070 2,370 2,395 3,295 20,030 20,085 19,965 20,400


Arts and SciencesandArts 8,270 7,800 7,360 6,890 735 895 1,095 1,375 9,005 8,695 8,455 8,260 Business and ManagementandBusiness 4,005 3,320 3,290 2,955 460 700 1,175 1,835 4,465 4,020 4,465 4,790 Developmental 525 380 480 400 820 1,065 895 1,055 1,345 1,445 1,370 1,450 Education 345 370 290 320 * 345 370 290 325 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 1,060 1,125 1,245 1,305 105 265 660 1,185 1,165 1,390 1,905 2,490 Health 1,710 1,890 2,230 2,235 55 185 385 685 1,765 2,080 2,615 2,920 HumanServices Social and 1,265 1,290 1,290 1,275 25 40 115 255 1,290 1,325 1,405 1,530 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 80 345 535 325 * * 80 345 535 325 Trades 220 275 375 550 5 220 275 375 555 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 1,825 1,690 1,970 1,525 15 30 40 45 1,835 1,720 2,010 1,570 Total 19,305 18,485 19,060 17,780 2,210 3,180 4,360 6,435 21,520 21,665 23,425 24,215

N icola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola

Arts and SciencesandArts 670 740 440 420 20 95 * * 685 835 445 420 Business and ManagementandBusiness 140 50 65 55 140 50 65 55 Developmental 315 265 365 280 315 265 365 280 Education 15 * * 15 * * Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 30 40 35 50 30 40 35 50 Health 160 125 100 80 160 125 100 80 HumanServices Social and 145 125 100 95 145 125 100 95 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 160 55 210 310 160 55 210 310 Trades 20 35 65 35 20 35 65 35 Total 1,650 1,435 1,380 1,330 20 95 * * 1,670 1,530 1,385 1,335

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 61 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Academicbyby Area Year 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

N orth Island College Island North

Arts and SciencesandArts 1,285 1,255 1,240 1,190 45 60 70 95 1,330 1,315 1,310 1,285 Business and ManagementandBusiness 590 540 555 655 105 155 185 195 695 695 740 845 Developmental 1,545 1,455 1,185 1,080 70 65 90 75 1,615 1,520 1,280 1,155 Education * * Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 455 430 270 375 5 15 5 15 460 445 275 390 Health 360 435 395 370 * 360 435 395 370 HumanServices Social and 225 235 265 305 * * * 225 235 265 310 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 3,170 2,905 2,965 2,810 * * * 3,175 2,910 2,965 2,810 Trades 1,780 1,725 1,810 1,890 * 5 10 * 1,785 1,730 1,820 1,895 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 70 70 50 35 * * * * 75 75 55 40 Total 9,485 9,050 8,740 8,715 235 305 365 390 9,720 9,355 9,105 9,105

N orthern Lights College NorthernLights

Arts and SciencesandArts 230 170 160 175 15 50 55 110 245 220 220 285 Business and ManagementandBusiness 135 125 140 135 95 235 300 390 230 360 440 525 Developmental 1,530 1,280 1,085 910 60 75 50 65 1,590 1,355 1,135 970 Education 205 225 210 245 * 210 225 210 245 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 970 1,040 690 285 * * * 970 1,045 695 285 Health 75 90 65 60 * * * 75 90 65 60 HumanServices Social and 735 650 570 470 60 75 85 95 795 725 655 565 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 2,725 2,410 1,605 290 * * 2,725 2,410 1,605 290 Trades 1,960 2,235 1,710 1,025 15 25 25 25 1,975 2,260 1,735 1,050 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 25 5 25 5 Total 8,585 8,230 6,240 3,595 250 465 520 680 8,835 8,695 6,760 4,280


Arts and SciencesandArts 2,580 2,480 2,545 2,450 100 130 160 235 2,680 2,615 2,705 2,685 Business and ManagementandBusiness 2,730 2,770 3,110 3,425 210 265 355 505 2,940 3,035 3,465 3,935 Developmental 2,490 2,340 2,430 2,315 505 525 555 695 3,000 2,870 2,985 3,010 Education 290 300 250 385 * * 290 300 250 385 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 2,880 2,260 2,135 2,505 35 50 55 100 2,915 2,310 2,190 2,605 Health 1,170 1,155 1,310 1,345 5 * 5 10 1,175 1,160 1,315 1,355 HumanServices Social and 775 755 820 920 10 15 20 25 785 770 840 945 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 2,685 2,840 2,605 2,740 5 * * 2,685 2,845 2,605 2,740 Trades 4,380 4,470 4,700 4,595 15 20 25 20 4,395 4,490 4,725 4,615 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 395 360 435 430 * * 400 360 435 435 Total 20,375 19,730 20,345 21,115 890 1,020 1,180 1,600 21,265 20,750 21,525 22,715

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 62 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Academicbyby Area Year 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal

Arts and SciencesandArts 755 775 795 850 60 90 205 210 815 870 1,000 1,060 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,470 1,540 1,515 1,575 310 390 370 400 1,780 1,925 1,885 1,980 Education 180 230 260 280 * * 5 10 180 235 270 285 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 515 510 565 595 5 5 10 5 520 520 575 600 Health * * * * HumanServices Social and 385 345 335 325 5 5 * * 390 350 335 330 Total 3,305 3,405 3,470 3,630 385 495 595 630 3,695 3,900 4,065 4,255

Selkirk College Selkirk

Arts and SciencesandArts 530 450 485 470 70 125 230 275 600 575 715 745 Business and ManagementandBusiness 520 440 405 330 135 225 290 435 655 665 700 765 Developmental 3,750 3,760 4,695 3,645 140 260 360 320 3,895 4,020 5,055 3,965 Education 30 15 30 35 10 5 5 * 40 25 35 40 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 410 445 315 310 * 5 10 10 410 450 325 315 Health 1,040 1,150 1,020 845 * * 30 25 1,040 1,150 1,050 870 HumanServices Social and 405 235 140 125 10 10 15 20 415 245 155 145 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 5,255 5,615 5,175 5,010 25 35 25 45 5,280 5,650 5,205 5,060 Trades 815 935 895 820 * * 5 * 820 935 900 825 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 120 135 135 120 5 5 5 10 125 140 140 130 Total 12,870 13,175 13,300 11,710 405 680 980 1,145 13,275 13,855 14,280 12,855

ThompsonUniversity Rivers

Arts and SciencesandArts 10,415 10,135 10,340 10,900 815 840 1,115 1,490 11,230 10,975 11,455 12,390 Business and ManagementandBusiness 5,870 5,540 5,515 5,465 1,615 1,640 1,685 1,875 7,490 7,185 7,200 7,340 Developmental 1,210 1,045 825 650 75 130 110 80 1,290 1,170 935 725 Education 575 465 495 580 25 55 75 130 600 520 570 710 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 1,140 1,375 1,500 1,735 155 190 210 320 1,295 1,565 1,705 2,050 Health 2,665 2,760 2,855 2,935 50 55 75 75 2,710 2,815 2,930 3,010 HumanServices Social and 1,965 2,005 2,010 2,040 45 45 45 65 2,010 2,055 2,050 2,105 Other * * Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 2,170 2,070 2,145 2,170 15 20 20 20 2,185 2,090 2,170 2,190 Trades 2,510 2,835 2,700 2,860 20 5 10 15 2,530 2,840 2,715 2,875 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 380 310 325 320 25 25 30 35 410 335 355 350 Total 28,910 28,545 28,710 29,645 2,840 3,010 3,380 4,110 31,750 31,555 32,090 33,755

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 63 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Academicbyby Area Year 2013/14 to 2016/172013/14to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17

University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University Arts and SciencesandArts 5,210 5,070 5,860 6,035 185 220 320 650 5,395 5,290 6,185 6,680 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,865 1,865 1,825 1,900 310 355 330 290 2,180 2,220 2,150 2,190 Developmental 1,210 1,110 850 710 255 375 325 375 1,465 1,485 1,180 1,085 Education 645 650 595 725 20 15 15 * 665 660 610 730 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 700 705 690 700 160 165 210 285 855 875 900 985 Health 1,100 1,060 1,020 950 * 1,100 1,060 1,020 950 HumanServices Social and 1,645 1,620 1,410 950 30 35 30 35 1,675 1,655 1,435 985 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 230 170 165 210 * * 235 170 165 210 Trades 1,390 1,465 1,595 1,555 5 10 5 30 1,395 1,475 1,605 1,590 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 285 235 190 195 15 15 20 25 295 250 210 220 Total 14,275 13,945 14,205 13,935 985 1,185 1,255 1,690 15,260 15,135 15,460 15,620

VancouverCommunity College Arts and SciencesandArts 1,515 1,460 1,470 1,585 30 15 15 25 1,545 1,475 1,485 1,610 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,780 1,580 1,530 1,505 145 155 215 280 1,920 1,735 1,745 1,785 Developmental 8,040 5,385 4,245 3,755 85 30 10 20 8,125 5,415 4,260 3,775 Education 1,815 1,565 1,455 1,450 15 20 10 10 1,830 1,585 1,465 1,460 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 445 355 375 315 10 20 20 20 455 370 395 335 Health 1,800 1,870 1,660 1,700 15 15 10 20 1,815 1,885 1,670 1,715 HumanServices Social and 620 620 720 675 * * * * 620 620 720 680 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 1,400 1,265 1,200 905 60 70 70 55 1,460 1,335 1,270 960 Trades 2,365 2,270 2,250 2,030 170 270 390 460 2,535 2,540 2,640 2,490 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 775 720 805 665 30 25 35 30 805 745 840 695 Total 20,550 17,080 15,710 14,580 565 625 775 920 21,110 17,705 16,485 15,500

Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island Arts and SciencesandArts 3,450 3,365 3,490 3,550 290 310 320 320 3,740 3,675 3,805 3,870 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,055 995 980 960 865 980 1,000 1,045 1,915 1,975 1,980 2,010 Developmental 5,040 3,925 2,790 2,570 780 825 705 640 5,820 4,750 3,495 3,215 Education 780 780 775 860 25 35 35 55 805 815 810 915 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 345 375 415 375 10 20 30 35 355 395 445 410 Health 1,250 1,225 1,295 1,185 * * * * 1,250 1,225 1,300 1,190 HumanServices Social and 375 420 400 450 35 50 55 60 410 470 455 510 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 2,155 2,215 1,705 2,110 * 5 30 35 2,155 2,220 1,735 2,145 Trades 1,745 1,855 1,850 1,785 30 40 40 35 1,775 1,895 1,890 1,820 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 235 215 255 250 20 15 25 25 255 225 275 275 Total 16,425 15,365 13,950 14,105 2,055 2,285 2,235 2,255 18,480 17,650 16,185 16,355

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 2.

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 64 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Novemberbyon Area Year 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

All Reporting Institutions Reporting All ³

Arts and SciencesandArts 40,330 39,395 40,110 39,950 3,300 3,810 4,860 6,410 43,630 43,200 44,975 46,355 Business and ManagementandBusiness 25,690 25,425 25,790 24,170 6,325 7,510 9,285 11,775 32,015 32,930 35,075 35,945 Developmental 14,930 12,235 11,990 12,510 2,920 2,095 2,755 2,750 17,850 14,325 14,745 15,260 Education 3,155 2,980 3,050 3,300 95 115 160 215 3,250 3,095 3,210 3,515 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 12,175 12,275 12,535 12,710 1,165 1,750 2,450 3,055 13,340 14,020 14,985 15,760 Health 14,745 15,040 15,345 15,130 195 360 510 675 14,945 15,400 15,855 15,805 HumanServices Social and 12,850 13,540 12,945 13,270 320 535 710 750 13,170 14,075 13,655 14,020 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 3,410 2,830 2,185 2,125 30 20 10 15 3,440 2,845 2,195 2,140 Trades 10,455 10,605 10,580 9,925 425 380 540 575 10,880 10,985 11,120 10,500 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 6,660 6,595 6,325 6,065 670 725 805 950 7,330 7,320 7,130 7,010 Total 144,400 140,910 140,850 139,145 15,445 17,295 22,095 27,170 159,845 158,200 162,940 166,315

UniqueHeadcount 139,920 137,175 136,655 135,015 15,155 16,925 21,535 26,490 155,075 154,105 158,190 161,500

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 2. 3. Students enrolled in more than one program area in a given year are counted each time, resulting in higher totals than in the unduplicated Student Headcount by Institution table. StudentHeadcountunduplicatedInstitution theby in than totals higher in resulting time, countedeachare year given a moreprogram onein than area in Studentsenrolled 3.

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 65 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Novemberbyon Area Year 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British

Arts and SciencesandArts 1,240 1,270 1,270 1,340 110 160 330 320 1,350 1,430 1,600 1,660 Business and ManagementandBusiness 5,475 5,620 5,770 5,185 405 595 850 990 5,885 6,215 6,625 6,175 Developmental 615 420 475 460 40 30 320 300 655 450 795 760 Education 45 45 50 45 * 45 45 50 45 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 6,275 6,310 6,285 6,375 320 455 585 690 6,595 6,765 6,870 7,065 Health 3,120 3,170 3,240 3,330 10 15 15 15 3,130 3,185 3,255 3,350 HumanServices Social and 270 315 260 235 * * * * 270 320 265 240 Trades 4,000 3,725 3,665 3,465 215 150 250 220 4,215 3,875 3,915 3,690 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 555 545 555 585 100 130 130 170 655 675 680 760 Total 21,595 21,430 21,570 21,030 1,205 1,540 2,485 2,710 22,800 22,970 24,055 23,740


Arts and SciencesandArts 2,520 2,650 2,815 2,490 340 405 490 550 2,860 3,055 3,305 3,040 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,725 1,780 1,945 1,745 250 340 460 545 1,980 2,115 2,405 2,290 Developmental 1,040 840 1,060 1,040 440 340 385 330 1,475 1,180 1,445 1,365 Education 90 85 80 70 5 5 10 5 95 90 90 75 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 730 745 760 810 90 120 115 110 825 860 875 915 Health 1,060 1,040 950 970 15 20 30 30 1,075 1,060 980 1,000 HumanServices Social and 720 770 800 840 20 25 35 35 735 795 835 875 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 65 55 60 60 10 5 5 75 65 65 60 Trades 800 730 840 770 * * * * 805 730 845 775 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 245 250 250 205 10 10 15 15 260 260 265 225 Total 8,990 8,940 9,560 8,995 1,190 1,280 1,550 1,625 10,180 10,220 11,110 10,620

Capilano University Capilano

Arts and SciencesandArts 2,065 1,760 1,605 1,625 90 90 120 185 2,155 1,850 1,725 1,810 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,585 1,390 1,260 1,185 450 510 595 675 2,035 1,900 1,855 1,860 Developmental 710 595 595 545 155 155 140 250 865 755 740 795 Education 80 65 50 75 80 65 50 75 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 90 115 125 135 * 5 5 5 95 120 135 140 Health 140 140 120 135 5 * * 145 145 125 135 HumanServices Social and 1,060 1,070 1,070 1,045 45 75 105 105 1,105 1,145 1,180 1,150 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 690 670 115 85 * 695 670 115 85 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 955 890 880 865 40 50 75 70 995 940 950 935 Total 7,375 6,700 5,825 5,690 790 895 1,045 1,290 8,165 7,595 6,870 6,985

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 66 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Novemberbyon Area Year 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

Coast MountainCoastCollege

Arts and SciencesandArts 195 190 270 175 * 10 10 195 195 275 185 Business and ManagementandBusiness 125 120 140 120 * * * 30 130 120 145 150 Developmental 405 335 340 380 * * * 405 335 340 385 Education 20 20 15 20 20 20 15 20 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 55 20 40 20 55 20 40 20 Health 55 60 55 50 55 60 55 50 HumanServices Social and 45 45 70 65 * 45 50 70 65 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 40 5 25 15 40 5 25 15 Trades 310 370 285 310 * * * 310 370 285 315 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 25 35 45 20 25 35 45 20 Total 1,280 1,205 1,275 1,175 * 10 15 45 1,285 1,215 1,290 1,220

College of New ofCaledonia College

Arts and SciencesandArts 635 645 515 480 110 110 95 120 745 755 610 605 Business and ManagementandBusiness 290 300 360 325 55 70 185 365 345 370 545 690 Developmental 590 330 275 290 70 60 80 40 660 390 355 330 Education * * Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 100 105 140 120 45 90 105 100 145 195 245 225 Health 570 515 495 485 15 25 20 10 590 540 515 495 HumanServices Social and 345 270 355 295 * 5 20 40 350 280 375 335 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 110 130 10 110 130 10 Trades 465 540 560 475 5 * * * 475 545 565 480 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 15 15 10 15 * * * * 20 15 15 20 Total 3,120 2,860 2,720 2,490 310 365 510 680 3,435 3,225 3,230 3,175

College of the Rockiesthe of College

Arts and SciencesandArts 235 175 185 220 40 35 40 60 275 210 225 280 Business and ManagementandBusiness 235 250 240 200 55 85 100 230 285 335 340 435 Developmental 710 845 820 940 75 115 95 80 785 960 915 1,020 Education 95 110 115 115 * * * 95 110 115 115 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 335 190 245 230 * * * 340 190 250 230 Health 235 265 310 295 5 10 * 240 275 315 295 HumanServices Social and 370 410 675 820 35 35 50 45 405 440 725 860 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 145 70 85 85 * 145 75 85 85 Trades 305 290 230 280 * 5 * * 310 295 235 285 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 5 5 * 10 * * 5 5 * 10 Total 2,670 2,610 2,905 3,195 215 285 300 420 2,885 2,895 3,205 3,615

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 67 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Novemberbyon Area Year 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017


Arts and SciencesandArts 5,750 5,355 5,180 5,250 585 550 615 815 6,335 5,910 5,800 6,065 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,690 1,615 1,700 1,555 560 705 835 1,130 2,250 2,320 2,535 2,685 Developmental 1,200 1,015 920 1,085 280 255 230 270 1,480 1,270 1,150 1,355 Education 310 330 300 270 * * 310 330 300 270 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 160 195 225 270 100 200 295 405 260 400 520 675 Health 1,485 1,735 1,820 1,690 * 5 5 10 1,485 1,740 1,830 1,695 HumanServices Social and 1,355 1,300 1,455 1,380 * 5 10 10 1,355 1,305 1,465 1,390 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 165 145 105 70 * 165 150 105 70 Trades 40 30 40 35 40 30 40 35 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 240 230 235 225 20 20 15 15 255 245 250 240 Total 12,395 11,950 11,985 11,825 1,550 1,750 2,010 2,660 13,940 13,695 13,995 14,480

Em ily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily

Arts and SciencesandArts 110 125 110 120 50 50 55 60 160 170 160 180 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 70 75 60 10 70 75 60 10 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 1,885 1,995 1,885 1,830 380 370 415 470 2,265 2,365 2,295 2,300 Total 2,065 2,190 2,050 1,960 430 420 465 530 2,495 2,610 2,515 2,495

Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice

Arts and SciencesandArts 160 90 125 200 * 160 90 125 200 Business and ManagementandBusiness 40 45 55 80 * * 40 50 55 80 Education 15 * * 10 15 * * 10 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Health 680 640 850 770 * 15 10 10 680 655 860 780 HumanServices Social and 3,330 3,985 3,315 3,645 10 140 110 75 3,340 4,125 3,425 3,715 Trades 50 45 10 65 * * * 50 45 10 65 Total 4,275 4,815 4,365 4,770 10 160 125 85 4,290 4,975 4,485 4,855

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 68 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Novemberbyon Area Year 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic

Arts and SciencesandArts 5,445 5,470 5,580 5,440 295 295 455 910 5,735 5,765 6,040 6,355 Business and ManagementandBusiness 3,595 3,725 3,530 3,455 880 955 1,230 1,880 4,475 4,685 4,760 5,330 Developmental 905 590 560 705 200 50 100 30 1,105 640 665 735 Education 140 130 135 145 140 130 135 145 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 920 725 620 580 125 130 110 110 1,045 855 730 690 Health 650 580 540 710 * * * 5 650 580 545 715 HumanServices Social and 120 90 90 85 * * 120 95 90 90 Trades 395 515 540 380 * * * 395 515 540 380 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 575 475 395 435 30 25 25 35 605 500 420 470 Total 12,740 12,300 11,990 11,935 1,535 1,460 1,925 2,970 14,270 13,760 13,920 14,910


Arts and SciencesandArts 5,515 5,195 4,885 4,625 590 705 810 1,025 6,105 5,900 5,695 5,655 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,920 1,735 1,650 1,560 390 705 1,085 1,445 2,310 2,445 2,740 3,005 Developmental 140 70 145 115 585 35 510 590 725 105 660 705 Education 220 190 190 205 * * 220 190 190 210 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 550 585 720 740 120 320 660 920 670 900 1,375 1,665 Health 1,385 1,600 1,590 1,490 80 185 340 495 1,470 1,785 1,925 1,990 HumanServices Social and 965 935 900 835 20 55 140 220 985 990 1,040 1,055 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 105 75 80 40 105 75 80 40 Trades 90 85 110 125 * * 90 85 110 125 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 990 925 890 775 25 30 35 45 1,015 955 930 820 Total 11,890 11,390 11,160 10,515 1,810 2,035 3,585 4,750 13,700 13,425 14,745 15,265

N icola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola

Arts and SciencesandArts 200 155 215 180 * 205 155 215 180 Business and ManagementandBusiness 10 30 35 30 10 30 35 30 Developmental 125 100 110 100 125 100 110 100 Education * * Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 25 20 30 45 25 20 30 45 Health 60 40 20 60 60 40 20 60 HumanServices Social and 95 85 85 80 95 85 85 80 Trades 15 15 10 10 15 15 10 10 Total 530 445 505 505 * 535 445 505 505

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 69 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Novemberbyon Area Year 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

N orth Island College Island North

Arts and SciencesandArts 735 720 735 695 35 40 50 60 770 760 785 755 Business and ManagementandBusiness 350 325 380 370 100 145 140 150 450 470 520 520 Developmental 690 565 520 540 45 65 55 45 735 630 575 585 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 85 95 100 80 15 5 15 20 100 100 110 95 Health 285 275 275 295 * 285 275 275 295 HumanServices Social and 180 170 240 210 * * * * 180 170 245 215 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 730 800 735 760 * 730 800 735 760 Trades 275 290 260 240 5 * * 280 295 260 245 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 45 45 35 35 * * * * 50 50 40 40 Total 3,370 3,290 3,285 3,230 205 265 265 280 3,575 3,550 3,550 3,510

N orthern Lights College NorthernLights

Arts and SciencesandArts 65 75 85 90 20 40 50 70 85 115 135 160 Business and ManagementandBusiness 90 95 95 110 120 220 270 265 210 315 365 375 Developmental 275 235 295 310 30 25 30 20 305 260 325 330 Education 130 120 150 145 130 120 150 145 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 30 35 20 20 30 35 20 20 Health 30 15 35 45 * * * 30 15 35 50 HumanServices Social and 245 225 260 235 55 65 65 55 300 290 325 290 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 75 20 10 75 20 10 Trades 240 215 260 255 5 15 15 10 245 230 275 265 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 5 * 5 * Total 1,180 1,035 1,215 1,215 235 365 430 425 1,415 1,400 1,645 1,640


Arts and SciencesandArts 1,400 1,390 1,360 1,465 75 90 125 210 1,475 1,480 1,485 1,675 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,520 1,545 1,675 1,725 175 245 330 420 1,695 1,795 2,005 2,145 Developmental 1,065 1,070 1,175 1,165 175 155 160 170 1,240 1,225 1,335 1,335 Education 160 150 145 200 * 160 150 145 200 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 645 670 670 670 45 50 80 95 690 715 750 765 Health 510 470 580 545 * * 10 5 510 475 590 550 HumanServices Social and 370 395 390 405 10 15 15 25 380 410 405 430 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 25 30 15 5 25 30 15 5 Trades 875 910 890 865 10 15 15 15 880 925 900 880 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 20 25 50 20 20 25 50 20 Total 6,585 6,655 6,950 7,065 495 575 735 945 7,085 7,235 7,685 8,010

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 70 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Novemberbyon Area Year 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal

Arts and SciencesandArts 470 475 425 500 80 135 150 115 550 610 570 615 Business and ManagementandBusiness 935 925 1,000 910 305 295 310 305 1,240 1,220 1,310 1,215 Education 115 155 135 120 * * * * 120 160 135 125 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 360 385 420 415 * 10 5 * 365 395 425 415 HumanServices Social and 225 175 105 135 * * 230 175 105 135 Total 2,105 2,115 2,075 2,075 395 445 470 430 2,500 2,560 2,545 2,505

Selkirk College Selkirk

Arts and SciencesandArts 320 340 340 305 75 120 155 255 395 460 500 560 Business and ManagementandBusiness 155 175 160 185 125 185 315 350 280 360 470 535 Developmental 1,010 1,205 1,020 1,080 95 150 90 90 1,105 1,355 1,110 1,170 Education 5 5 10 * * * 10 10 10 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 225 250 240 200 5 10 10 10 235 260 250 215 Health 755 695 650 435 * 30 25 20 755 725 670 455 HumanServices Social and 120 95 100 115 10 15 15 15 130 110 115 130 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 500 470 455 455 * * * * 505 470 455 460 Trades 305 375 390 310 * * * * 305 380 390 310 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 100 120 105 110 5 5 10 10 110 125 115 120 Total 3,500 3,735 3,470 3,195 325 525 620 755 3,825 4,260 4,090 3,950

ThompsonUniversity Rivers

Arts and SciencesandArts 5,735 5,750 6,040 6,450 430 530 800 960 6,165 6,280 6,840 7,410 Business and ManagementandBusiness 3,235 3,150 3,230 3,100 1,285 1,225 1,290 1,600 4,520 4,380 4,520 4,700 Developmental 480 425 290 315 75 75 55 35 550 500 345 350 Education 255 235 280 380 40 60 85 95 295 295 365 475 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 760 860 1,010 1,080 145 155 215 305 905 1,020 1,220 1,385 Health 1,620 1,735 1,755 1,845 40 35 50 55 1,655 1,770 1,805 1,905 HumanServices Social and 1,115 1,185 1,170 1,155 30 20 40 50 1,145 1,205 1,210 1,210 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 50 25 40 20 * * 50 25 40 20 Trades 590 610 635 625 * * 5 * 590 615 640 630 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 195 185 190 205 15 20 20 30 210 205 210 230 Total 14,025 14,165 14,645 15,175 2,065 2,125 2,555 3,140 16,090 16,290 17,205 18,315

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 71 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Novemberbyon Area Year 1 2014 to 20172014to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2015 2016 2017

University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University Arts and SciencesandArts 4,010 4,015 4,755 4,715 140 185 250 430 4,150 4,200 5,000 5,140 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,240 1,225 1,160 1,080 265 285 235 250 1,505 1,510 1,395 1,330 Developmental 535 450 370 435 255 225 220 185 790 675 590 615 Education 265 265 250 265 * * 270 265 250 265 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 430 420 400 430 115 160 205 225 545 575 605 655 Health 605 595 565 515 * 605 595 565 515 HumanServices Social and 1,240 1,290 825 920 25 25 35 15 1,260 1,315 855 935 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand * 5 25 20 * 5 25 20 Trades 455 485 525 455 5 5 5 10 460 490 530 465 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 185 170 155 170 15 15 20 25 200 185 175 190 Total 8,970 8,915 9,030 8,995 820 900 965 1,135 9,785 9,815 9,995 10,130

VancouverCommunity College Arts and SciencesandArts 760 735 790 780 10 5 10 10 770 745 800 790 Business and ManagementandBusiness 635 590 575 515 110 155 205 280 740 745 780 795 Developmental 3,265 2,240 2,055 2,080 30 * 10 25 3,290 2,245 2,065 2,105 Education 570 450 490 465 * 5 10 10 570 455 500 480 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 70 155 130 125 5 10 5 15 75 165 140 140 Health 915 865 875 855 5 5 5 5 920 870 880 860 HumanServices Social and 300 340 370 335 * * * 300 340 370 340 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 200 150 130 125 10 5 * 15 205 160 130 140 Trades 645 635 645 630 140 150 215 270 790 785 865 900 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 410 435 400 315 15 25 20 25 420 460 420 340 Total 7,760 6,600 6,460 6,225 325 365 485 665 8,090 6,965 6,945 6,885

Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island Arts and SciencesandArts 2,770 2,815 2,825 2,800 225 255 255 240 2,995 3,065 3,080 3,035 Business and ManagementandBusiness 835 775 820 735 790 780 845 860 1,625 1,555 1,665 1,595 Developmental 1,175 905 955 925 370 345 275 290 1,550 1,255 1,230 1,215 Education 640 615 655 765 35 35 50 95 675 650 705 860 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 320 390 360 360 15 25 35 40 335 420 390 400 Health 600 605 620 610 * * * * 605 610 620 610 HumanServices Social and 380 375 415 430 50 50 55 50 435 430 470 480 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 435 100 235 380 * 440 100 235 380 Trades 610 735 680 630 20 20 20 25 630 755 700 655 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 210 245 240 245 10 20 25 30 220 270 265 275 Total 7,975 7,565 7,800 7,875 1,525 1,540 1,560 1,635 9,500 9,105 9,360 9,510 1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 2.

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 72 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Program Area by Fiscal Year ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Fiscal byby Area 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

All Reporting Institutions Reporting All ³

Arts and SciencesandArts 61,875 61,565 61,570 60,220 5,130 6,095 8,280 11,180 67,005 67,655 69,845 71,395 Business and ManagementandBusiness 43,530 43,060 42,835 41,420 8,775 10,395 13,165 18,085 52,305 53,455 56,000 59,505 Developmental 36,740 30,995 28,580 28,085 6,070 6,015 5,740 6,070 42,810 37,005 34,320 34,155 Education 6,110 5,650 6,045 6,470 140 155 200 300 6,255 5,805 6,240 6,770 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 27,705 25,995 26,125 26,690 1,660 2,560 3,590 4,465 29,365 28,555 29,715 31,155 Health 30,610 29,030 28,720 27,910 395 595 990 1,090 31,005 29,625 29,710 29,000 HumanServices Social and 36,555 34,450 33,940 35,635 560 1,055 1,300 1,410 37,115 35,505 35,240 37,040 Other * * Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 29,040 27,640 27,070 24,395 185 215 145 225 29,225 27,855 27,215 24,620 Trades 39,050 38,290 37,905 35,425 815 1,115 1,130 1,255 39,865 39,405 39,035 36,680 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 10,420 10,650 10,190 9,530 830 905 1,030 1,185 11,250 11,550 11,225 10,710 Total 321,645 307,320 302,980 295,775 24,565 29,100 35,565 45,265 346,205 336,420 338,545 341,040

UniqueHeadcount 285,685 276,250 272,075 266,165 21,860 26,125 31,595 40,410 307,545 302,380 303,670 306,580

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 2. 3. Students enrolled in more than one program area in a given year are counted each time, resulting in higher totals than in the unduplicated Student Headcount by Institution table. StudentHeadcountunduplicatedInstitution theby in than totals higher in resulting time, countedeachare year given a moreprogram onein than area in Studentsenrolled 3.

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 73 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Program Area by Fiscal Year ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Fiscal byby Area 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British

Arts and SciencesandArts 2,480 2,515 2,610 2,705 220 380 800 1,050 2,705 2,895 3,415 3,755 Business and ManagementandBusiness 8,845 8,880 8,540 8,340 680 960 1,275 1,665 9,525 9,840 9,815 10,005 Developmental 2,225 1,960 1,860 2,280 830 900 820 965 3,055 2,865 2,680 3,245 Education 45 50 60 75 * * 45 50 65 75 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 10,445 10,505 10,695 11,085 455 660 800 985 10,900 11,165 11,495 12,070 Health 5,740 6,010 6,300 6,540 20 35 35 50 5,765 6,045 6,330 6,585 HumanServices Social and 625 645 560 610 * 20 40 35 630 665 600 645 Trades 10,495 10,285 10,345 9,730 345 375 410 375 10,840 10,655 10,760 10,105 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 875 860 885 935 180 200 220 245 1,055 1,060 1,100 1,180 Total 41,785 41,710 41,855 42,295 2,735 3,530 4,405 5,370 44,520 45,240 46,260 47,665


Arts and SciencesandArts 3,910 4,280 4,540 4,095 550 610 785 790 4,455 4,890 5,325 4,885 Business and ManagementandBusiness 3,610 3,770 3,760 3,510 355 490 675 790 3,960 4,260 4,435 4,300 Developmental 2,210 2,205 2,005 2,075 605 510 545 470 2,815 2,715 2,550 2,545 Education 150 120 125 115 5 5 10 5 160 125 135 125 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 1,535 1,565 1,580 1,565 120 160 155 140 1,655 1,725 1,735 1,700 Health 2,025 1,880 1,790 1,645 20 30 45 45 2,045 1,905 1,835 1,690 HumanServices Social and 930 940 980 1,080 20 25 35 40 945 965 1,015 1,120 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 920 930 1,075 1,010 15 10 10 * 935 940 1,085 1,010 Trades 3,055 3,030 3,140 2,945 20 30 25 20 3,080 3,060 3,160 2,965 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 470 460 405 425 10 15 15 20 485 470 420 445 Total 18,810 19,175 19,400 18,470 1,720 1,885 2,300 2,315 20,530 21,060 21,700 20,785

Capilano University Capilano

Arts and SciencesandArts 2,845 2,380 2,205 2,115 115 140 200 375 2,960 2,520 2,405 2,490 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,910 1,725 1,540 1,475 605 690 775 990 2,515 2,415 2,320 2,465 Developmental 1,215 1,005 970 960 225 235 265 480 1,440 1,240 1,230 1,440 Education 120 95 60 80 * 120 95 60 80 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 205 160 145 155 * 5 5 5 210 165 150 160 Health 185 170 150 165 5 * * * 190 175 150 170 HumanServices Social and 1,610 1,505 1,430 1,390 55 80 115 130 1,665 1,585 1,545 1,520 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 3,005 2,710 1,910 1,290 35 55 10 10 3,035 2,765 1,915 1,295 Trades 20 5 * 20 5 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 1,140 1,070 1,050 1,025 45 60 80 75 1,185 1,130 1,130 1,100 Total 12,250 10,825 9,460 8,655 1,090 1,265 1,455 2,065 13,340 12,090 10,910 10,720

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 74 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Program Area by Fiscal Year ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Fiscal byby Area 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Coast MountainCoastCollege

Arts and SciencesandArts 305 615 630 290 * * 10 45 305 620 635 340 Business and ManagementandBusiness 495 270 400 295 * 5 5 55 500 275 405 355 Developmental 1,705 1,350 1,325 1,165 * 10 10 1,705 1,355 1,330 1,170 Education 120 25 125 150 120 25 125 150 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 770 380 435 410 770 380 435 410 Health 300 200 270 170 * * 300 200 270 175 HumanServices Social and 515 355 260 295 * * * 515 355 260 295 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 1,405 1,080 1,300 1,015 1,405 1,080 1,300 1,015 Trades 1,480 1,305 1,405 1,245 * * * 1,480 1,305 1,405 1,245 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 185 195 200 70 185 195 200 70 Total 7,280 5,775 6,340 5,110 * 15 25 115 7,280 5,790 6,365 5,225

College of New ofCaledonia College

Arts and SciencesandArts 1,190 1,040 850 850 210 185 205 275 1,400 1,225 1,055 1,125 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,020 965 1,010 960 85 135 325 680 1,100 1,100 1,340 1,640 Developmental 1,085 640 565 615 115 95 105 95 1,200 735 670 710 Education * * * * Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 735 795 670 515 55 105 145 195 790 900 815 710 Health 970 845 760 730 20 25 25 15 985 875 785 745 HumanServices Social and 2,200 2,040 2,085 2,160 * 10 25 70 2,205 2,050 2,115 2,230 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 500 540 415 385 500 540 415 385 Trades 2,320 2,255 2,135 1,830 10 10 5 5 2,330 2,265 2,140 1,840 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 20 15 15 20 * * * * 25 15 15 20 Total 10,035 9,145 8,505 8,060 500 565 845 1,340 10,540 9,710 9,355 9,400

College of the Rockiesthe of College

Arts and SciencesandArts 355 285 270 305 70 80 55 85 425 365 325 390 Business and ManagementandBusiness 635 680 570 555 85 105 150 305 720 785 725 865 Developmental 1,625 1,625 1,615 1,520 145 180 160 125 1,770 1,805 1,775 1,645 Education 150 160 170 175 * * * 150 160 175 175 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 3,820 2,835 3,135 3,190 10 * 25 25 3,830 2,840 3,160 3,215 Health 405 425 475 430 5 10 5 * 410 430 480 430 HumanServices Social and 1,015 1,095 1,285 1,420 130 50 70 65 1,140 1,145 1,355 1,485 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 1,650 1,810 1,905 1,810 * * 1,650 1,815 1,905 1,810 Trades 1,650 1,525 1,440 1,535 5 10 10 30 1,655 1,535 1,450 1,565 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 10 5 5 10 * * 10 5 5 10 Total 11,315 10,445 10,865 10,950 450 440 480 645 11,760 10,885 11,345 11,595

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 75 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Program Area by Fiscal Year ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Fiscal byby Area 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Arts and SciencesandArts 7,835 7,515 7,150 7,145 865 870 985 1,180 8,700 8,390 8,135 8,320 Business and ManagementandBusiness 2,555 2,375 2,570 2,440 800 1,020 1,225 1,705 3,355 3,395 3,795 4,150 Developmental 2,800 2,290 2,185 2,575 465 480 485 590 3,265 2,770 2,670 3,165 Education 505 520 475 445 * * * 505 520 475 445 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 230 260 330 405 165 315 425 670 390 580 755 1,070 Health 3,980 3,695 3,255 2,955 5 10 10 15 3,985 3,705 3,265 2,970 HumanServices Social and 3,235 3,335 3,495 3,490 * 5 15 15 3,240 3,345 3,515 3,505 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 1,140 1,820 2,510 2,190 * * * * 1,145 1,820 2,510 2,190 Trades 65 65 75 65 * 65 65 75 65 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 295 265 255 245 20 20 20 25 315 280 275 270 Total 22,645 22,140 22,295 21,950 2,325 2,725 3,170 4,195 24,970 24,865 25,465 26,145

Em ily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily

Arts and SciencesandArts 150 150 115 125 50 55 55 60 205 205 165 190 Developmental 90 * 10 20 * 110 * 15 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 30 5 30 25 * * 30 5 30 25 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 330 270 285 125 * * 335 270 285 125 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 2,850 3,120 3,070 2,960 405 430 490 545 3,255 3,550 3,560 3,505 Total 3,450 3,550 3,510 3,240 480 485 550 610 3,930 4,035 4,055 3,845

Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice

Arts and SciencesandArts 3,650 2,930 3,145 3,100 10 15 15 10 3,655 2,945 3,155 3,110 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,315 1,125 1,310 1,350 * 15 5 10 1,315 1,140 1,315 1,360 Education 275 275 260 290 * * 5 275 275 260 295 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 35 35 20 20 * * 35 35 20 20 Health 3,955 2,830 2,665 2,565 65 40 40 25 4,020 2,870 2,705 2,590 HumanServices Social and 17,915 16,350 16,025 17,310 85 535 460 450 17,995 16,890 16,485 17,760 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 45 45 55 * 45 45 55 Trades 1,810 1,335 1,330 1,340 5 175 55 45 1,815 1,505 1,385 1,380 Total 28,945 24,920 24,795 26,025 165 780 575 550 29,110 25,705 25,375 26,575

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 76 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Program Area by Fiscal Year ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Fiscal byby Area 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic

Arts and SciencesandArts 7,090 7,095 7,195 6,960 435 450 775 1,730 7,525 7,545 7,970 8,695 Business and ManagementandBusiness 4,705 4,920 4,845 4,775 1,245 1,360 1,910 3,370 5,950 6,280 6,755 8,145 Developmental 960 750 745 780 405 365 205 75 1,370 1,120 950 860 Education 230 230 230 235 230 230 230 235 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 1,285 1,035 895 940 170 155 140 165 1,455 1,190 1,035 1,110 Health 1,235 1,165 1,115 1,455 * * 5 5 1,235 1,165 1,120 1,460 HumanServices Social and 140 115 125 100 * * * 140 115 130 100 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand * * * * * * Trades 1,330 1,390 1,725 1,445 * * * * 1,330 1,390 1,725 1,450 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 680 555 475 485 35 35 30 35 720 585 505 520 Total 17,655 17,255 17,360 17,180 2,300 2,375 3,065 5,390 19,960 19,630 20,425 22,570


Arts and SciencesandArts 8,030 7,625 7,120 6,705 870 1,080 1,350 1,630 8,900 8,705 8,470 8,335 Business and ManagementandBusiness 3,490 3,310 3,065 2,975 680 1,080 1,680 2,110 4,170 4,390 4,745 5,085 Developmental 395 480 385 370 1,070 975 1,040 1,180 1,465 1,455 1,425 1,550 Education 360 320 305 275 * * 360 320 305 280 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 1,110 1,255 1,340 1,320 215 605 1,135 1,270 1,325 1,860 2,475 2,590 Health 1,975 2,230 2,355 2,350 170 330 685 790 2,145 2,555 3,040 3,140 HumanServices Social and 1,320 1,310 1,320 1,235 35 90 225 315 1,350 1,400 1,545 1,545 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 325 435 410 210 * * * 325 435 410 210 Trades 260 315 540 475 * 10 260 315 545 485 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 1,780 1,915 1,780 1,370 30 40 50 75 1,810 1,955 1,835 1,440 Total 19,035 19,200 18,620 17,280 3,070 4,200 6,170 7,385 22,105 23,400 24,785 24,665

N icola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola

Arts and SciencesandArts 635 555 375 370 65 45 * 700 600 380 370 Business and ManagementandBusiness 100 75 55 115 100 75 55 115 Developmental 250 360 400 225 250 360 400 225 Education 10 * * 10 * * Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 40 35 50 70 40 35 50 70 Health 125 120 95 175 125 120 95 175 HumanServices Social and 135 115 110 115 135 115 110 115 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 100 150 260 275 100 150 260 275 Trades 40 55 30 15 40 55 30 15 Total 1,445 1,470 1,380 1,360 65 45 * 1,510 1,515 1,385 1,360

May2018SubmissionData Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 77 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Program Area by Fiscal Year ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Fiscal byby Area 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

N orth Island College Island North

Arts and SciencesandArts 1,290 1,300 1,280 1,300 55 70 95 160 1,350 1,370 1,375 1,460 Business and ManagementandBusiness 580 540 655 600 145 170 185 260 725 710 840 855 Developmental 1,450 1,225 1,150 1,285 80 85 85 65 1,530 1,310 1,240 1,355 Education * * Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 455 300 360 410 15 5 15 20 470 305 380 430 Health 475 415 420 420 * * 475 415 420 420 HumanServices Social and 310 280 380 400 * * 5 5 310 280 385 405 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 2,980 3,100 2,685 2,935 * * * 2,980 3,100 2,690 2,940 Trades 1,680 1,720 1,880 1,895 5 5 5 5 1,685 1,725 1,885 1,905 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 80 60 40 40 * * 5 5 85 65 45 45 Total 9,305 8,950 8,855 9,290 310 340 405 525 9,615 9,290 9,260 9,815

N orthern Lights College NorthernLights

Arts and SciencesandArts 190 165 170 175 50 55 95 100 240 220 270 275 Business and ManagementandBusiness 140 180 155 180 200 270 345 350 340 450 500 530 Developmental 1,345 1,130 970 925 65 50 65 40 1,415 1,175 1,035 965 Education 190 215 230 250 * 195 215 230 250 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 1,035 925 355 225 * * 1,035 930 360 225 Health 90 70 70 65 * * * 90 75 70 65 HumanServices Social and 620 675 505 420 70 75 95 70 695 750 600 490 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 2,725 1,865 845 105 * * 2,730 1,865 845 105 Trades 2,050 2,145 1,235 915 20 30 25 20 2,070 2,170 1,260 935 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 15 * 15 * Total 8,405 7,375 4,540 3,260 415 480 630 580 8,820 7,855 5,175 3,845


Arts and SciencesandArts 2,545 2,720 2,525 2,525 135 155 225 465 2,680 2,875 2,750 2,990 Business and ManagementandBusiness 2,870 3,195 3,365 3,565 255 335 485 675 3,120 3,530 3,850 4,240 Developmental 2,450 2,490 2,525 2,285 510 505 585 575 2,960 2,995 3,115 2,860 Education 380 320 435 600 * * * 385 325 435 600 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 2,490 2,220 2,360 2,380 50 55 100 125 2,540 2,280 2,460 2,505 Health 1,165 1,230 1,335 1,205 * * 15 10 1,165 1,230 1,350 1,215 HumanServices Social and 830 740 905 990 15 15 25 30 850 755 930 1,020 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 2,875 2,625 2,620 2,685 5 * * 2,880 2,625 2,620 2,690 Trades 4,240 4,295 4,200 4,165 20 25 20 25 4,260 4,320 4,220 4,190 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 395 380 470 475 * * 395 380 470 480 Total 20,240 20,215 20,745 20,880 1,000 1,095 1,455 1,905 21,240 21,310 22,200 22,785

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 78 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Program Area by Fiscal Year ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Fiscal byby Area 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal

Arts and SciencesandArts 740 775 835 835 105 215 285 195 840 990 1,115 1,030 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,425 1,455 1,445 1,365 365 350 375 400 1,790 1,805 1,820 1,765 Education 145 190 215 220 * * 10 5 145 190 220 225 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 460 485 535 560 5 10 5 5 470 495 545 565 Health * * HumanServices Social and 310 320 310 365 5 * * * 315 320 315 365 Total 3,080 3,220 3,340 3,340 480 585 675 605 3,560 3,805 4,015 3,950

Selkirk College Selkirk

Arts and SciencesandArts 470 460 490 435 110 205 255 460 585 665 745 895 Business and ManagementandBusiness 505 385 310 280 185 255 390 465 690 640 700 745 Developmental 3,945 4,575 4,030 3,285 210 360 310 270 4,150 4,930 4,335 3,555 Education 35 20 20 25 5 5 * 5 40 30 25 30 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 410 350 285 250 5 10 10 10 415 365 295 265 Health 1,195 1,055 1,005 675 * 30 25 20 1,195 1,085 1,025 695 HumanServices Social and 275 190 160 185 10 20 20 20 285 210 180 205 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 5,310 5,165 5,320 4,710 40 20 25 75 5,355 5,190 5,350 4,785 Trades 785 800 685 585 * 5 * * 785 805 685 585 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 125 160 135 130 10 5 10 10 135 165 145 145 Total 13,050 13,170 12,435 10,560 580 910 1,045 1,345 13,635 14,085 13,480 11,905

ThompsonUniversity Rivers

Arts and SciencesandArts 8,140 8,285 8,580 9,035 655 825 1,185 1,425 8,795 9,110 9,765 10,460 Business and ManagementandBusiness 4,765 4,720 4,735 4,470 1,600 1,575 1,715 2,385 6,370 6,295 6,450 6,855 Developmental 890 690 570 635 100 125 80 60 990 815 650 695 Education 475 450 515 660 50 65 95 145 525 515 610 805 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 1,125 1,280 1,440 1,525 185 200 270 440 1,310 1,480 1,710 1,965 Health 2,410 2,475 2,485 2,625 55 60 75 85 2,460 2,540 2,560 2,710 HumanServices Social and 1,830 1,730 1,745 1,685 45 30 50 80 1,880 1,760 1,795 1,760 Other * * Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 2,150 1,830 2,330 2,040 20 25 15 20 2,170 1,855 2,350 2,060 Trades 2,470 2,460 2,560 2,395 20 10 15 10 2,490 2,470 2,575 2,405 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 265 265 260 265 20 25 30 40 290 290 290 310 Total 24,530 24,185 25,215 25,335 2,750 2,940 3,535 4,685 27,280 27,125 28,750 30,020

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 79 of 88 Student Headcount¹ by Program Area by Fiscal Year ProgramStudentHeadcount¹Fiscal byby Area 2014/15 to 2017/182014/15to

DomesticStudents Students² International StudentHeadcount Total 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University Arts and SciencesandArts 5,130 5,825 6,255 6,020 205 305 540 780 5,335 6,130 6,795 6,800 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,975 1,825 1,915 1,875 360 350 310 320 2,335 2,180 2,225 2,195 Developmental 1,170 905 745 795 390 335 335 350 1,560 1,240 1,080 1,145 Education 635 615 675 690 15 15 10 15 655 630 680 705 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 740 730 740 840 165 205 285 345 905 935 1,020 1,180 Health 1,160 1,180 1,070 940 * * 1,160 1,180 1,070 945 HumanServices Social and 1,655 1,505 1,000 1,075 30 35 35 20 1,685 1,540 1,035 1,095 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 240 155 215 200 * * 240 155 215 200 Trades 1,140 1,160 1,300 1,275 5 10 5 30 1,145 1,165 1,305 1,305 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 245 215 190 205 15 20 25 25 260 235 210 230 Total 14,090 14,110 14,095 13,915 1,190 1,275 1,540 1,885 15,280 15,385 15,640 15,800

VancouverCommunity College Arts and SciencesandArts 1,475 1,485 1,580 1,560 20 15 20 25 1,495 1,500 1,600 1,580 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,510 1,600 1,520 1,375 160 215 280 390 1,670 1,815 1,800 1,765 Developmental 6,445 4,235 3,835 4,020 60 10 20 35 6,505 4,245 3,855 4,055 Education 1,490 1,210 1,240 1,225 20 15 10 20 1,510 1,230 1,250 1,245 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 390 430 350 405 15 25 25 30 405 455 375 430 Health 1,945 1,770 1,730 1,650 20 10 20 20 1,965 1,785 1,750 1,670 HumanServices Social and 625 750 755 755 * * * * 625 750 755 760 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 1,310 1,220 990 1,100 55 70 60 75 1,365 1,290 1,050 1,175 Trades 2,370 2,280 2,130 2,015 305 400 505 625 2,675 2,680 2,630 2,640 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 765 850 705 615 35 35 30 40 800 885 735 655 Total 18,325 15,835 14,835 14,720 685 800 975 1,255 19,010 16,630 15,810 15,975

Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island Arts and SciencesandArts 3,430 3,560 3,650 3,560 320 330 340 345 3,755 3,890 3,990 3,905 Business and ManagementandBusiness 1,080 1,060 1,065 920 980 1,020 1,050 1,155 2,055 2,080 2,110 2,075 Developmental 4,480 3,080 2,685 2,295 765 800 630 680 5,250 3,880 3,310 2,975 Education 800 825 895 960 35 35 60 95 835 860 955 1,060 Engineering and Applied SciencesAppliedand Engineering 365 410 370 400 20 30 35 40 385 440 405 440 Health 1,275 1,265 1,385 1,145 5 * 5 5 1,280 1,270 1,390 1,150 HumanServices Social and 460 445 495 555 55 60 70 60 510 505 570 615 Personal ImprovementPersonal Leisureand 2,070 1,885 1,955 2,255 10 20 15 40 2,080 1,905 1,965 2,295 Trades 1,795 1,870 1,770 1,560 40 40 35 40 1,835 1,910 1,805 1,600 Visual and PerformingandArts Visual 215 255 255 250 15 25 25 35 230 280 280 285 Total 15,970 14,655 14,525 13,905 2,240 2,360 2,265 2,495 18,215 17,015 16,790 16,400

1. Student headcount represents the number of students registered in all reported instructional activity, including skills courses (e.g. communitydevelopmentaland education)activity (e.g. courses skills including activity, instructional reported all in registered numberstudentsStudentheadcountthe represents of 1. (e.g. qualifying/remedial). Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the Internet are not included in these reports.these in included not are Internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with qualifying/remedial). (e.g. 2. International students are those students who pay an international fee for at least one course in the period.the in courseone least at for fee whointernational studentsanthosepay are students International 2.

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Program AreaStandard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 80 of 88 Credentials¹ Awarded Institution byCredentials¹ Academic2013-14Year

GraduateFirstand Bachelors DegreeBachelors Diploma Certificate Developmental GrandTotal Professional


CamosunCollege 10 210 1,170 1,390 430 3,215 Coast MountainCoastCollege 55 265 10 330 College of New ofCaledonia College 240 625 70 935 College of the Rockiesthe of College * 105 410 20 540 DouglasCollege 75 350 1,245 590 135 2,400 LangaraCollege 25 250 750 160 1,185 North Island College Island North 20 20 105 370 15 525 Northern Lights College NorthernLights 5 95 330 20 450 OkanaganCollege 190 555 1,200 85 2,030 Selkirk College Selkirk * 170 370 * 545 VancouverCommunity College 30 115 625 1,970 40 2,780 Total 165 1,140 5,120 7,675 835 14,930


British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British 5 805 2,435 3,505 6,755 Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice 40 5 190 1,170 1,410 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola 30 40 195 25 290 Total 45 840 2,670 4,870 25 8,455


Capilano University Capilano 10 420 820 530 1,785 Emily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily 15 390 410 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic 15 810 910 795 65 2,595 Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal 995 370 5 35 1,400 ThompsonUniversity Rivers 355 935 470 820 150 2,730 University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 35 895 495 765 40 2,225 Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island 270 850 355 960 940 3,380 Total 1,695 4,675 3,050 3,910 1,190 14,525

1. Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the internet are not included in these reports. Credentials in short certificate programsnot are certificate short in Credentials reports. these in included not are internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with 1. included at this time. Credential numbers presented represent an undercount of the total credentials earned since students often must make an application to have their credentials their have to must makeoftenapplication studentsan earnedsince credentials total thenumbers undercountan of presentedCredential represent time. this at included awarded. Credential types listed are defined by the ministry as part of the Central Data Warehouse submission process and may not match the naming used at the individual institutions. WarehouseDataindividual Central the namingmayandmatchthesubmission processatthenotused of part as ministry definedthe areby listed types awarded. Credential Graduate and First Professiona GraduateFirst and Degree. Professional First and Certificate, Post-degreeMastersGraduate GraduateDegree,Diploma,Doctorate,Certificate, includes category l Diploma Diploma.andAdvancedDegree, Associate Diploma, includes category Certificate AdvancedCertificate.and Certificate includes category Developmental certificate). ESLdiploma, developmental awardedschoola program are upon ofcompletion (high credentials

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Credentials Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 81 of 88 Credentials¹ Awarded Institution byCredentials¹ Academic2014-15Year

GraduateFirstand Bachelors DegreeBachelors Diploma Certificate Developmental GrandTotal Professional


CamosunCollege 20 180 1,050 1,445 385 3,080 Coast MountainCoastCollege 30 270 10 310 College of New ofCaledonia College 215 590 85 890 College of the Rockiesthe of College * 90 465 90 645 DouglasCollege 125 380 1,205 555 115 2,380 LangaraCollege 30 235 700 180 1,145 North Island College Island North 25 10 100 440 * 580 Northern Lights College NorthernLights 25 110 290 20 445 OkanaganCollege * 190 545 1,130 40 1,905 Selkirk College Selkirk 5 175 280 * 465 VancouverCommunity College 35 55 620 1,750 45 2,510 Total 265 1,050 4,840 7,395 800 14,355


British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British 30 780 2,425 3,435 6,670 Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice 20 10 170 990 1,185 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola 40 40 145 25 245 Total 50 825 2,635 4,570 25 8,100


Capilano University Capilano 35 460 835 615 1,945 Emily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily 15 380 395 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic 25 905 930 1,050 60 2,970 Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal 945 325 5 20 1,290 ThompsonUniversity Rivers 420 885 460 855 95 2,715 University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 35 870 405 795 30 2,135 Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island 365 790 360 950 870 3,335 Total 1,840 4,615 2,990 4,280 1,060 14,785

1. Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the internet are not included in these reports. Credentials in short certificate programsnot are certificate short in Credentials reports. these in included not are internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with 1. included at this time. Credential numbers presented represent an undercount of the total credentials earned since students often must make an application to have their credentials their have to must makeoftenapplication studentsan earnedsince credentials total thenumbers undercountan of presentedCredential represent time. this at included awarded. Credential types listed are defined by the ministry as part of the Central Data Warehouse submission process and may not match the naming used at the individual institutions. WarehouseDataindividual Central the namingmayandmatchthesubmission processatthenotused of part as ministry definedthe areby listed types awarded. Credential Graduate and First Professiona GraduateFirst and Degree. Professional First and Certificate, Post-degreeMastersGraduate GraduateDegree,Diploma,Doctorate,Certificate, includes category l Diploma Diploma.andAdvancedDegree, Associate Diploma, includes category Certificate AdvancedCertificate.and Certificate includes category Developmental certificate). ESLdiploma, developmental awardedschoola program are upon ofcompletion (high credentials

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Credentials Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 82 of 88 Credentials¹ Awarded Institution byCredentials¹ Academic2015-16Year

GraduateFirstand Bachelors DegreeBachelors Diploma Certificate Developmental GrandTotal Professional


CamosunCollege 20 215 1,120 1,310 380 3,050 Coast MountainCoastCollege 25 165 20 215 College of New ofCaledonia College 195 590 60 845 College of the Rockiesthe of College * 5 125 435 65 630 DouglasCollege 170 465 1,215 535 120 2,505 LangaraCollege 195 340 740 165 45 1,485 North Island College Island North 55 15 110 405 * 580 Northern Lights College NorthernLights 20 155 340 20 535 OkanaganCollege * 185 570 1,140 60 1,960 Selkirk College Selkirk 5 215 215 * 435 VancouverCommunity College 10 55 610 1,860 45 2,580 Total 470 1,290 5,090 7,150 815 14,815


British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British 20 910 2,525 3,640 7,095 Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice 25 35 165 635 855 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola 25 50 155 25 255 Total 45 965 2,740 4,430 25 8,205


Capilano University Capilano 55 450 790 485 1,780 Emily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily 35 375 410 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic 20 1,115 875 1,175 75 3,265 Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal 970 345 15 10 1,345 ThompsonUniversity Rivers 470 940 395 855 75 2,730 University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 60 1,035 515 755 25 2,390 Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island 380 755 405 1,005 795 3,340 Total 1,990 5,015 2,995 4,290 970 15,260

1. Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the internet are not included in these reports. Credentials in short certificate programsnot are certificate short in Credentials reports. these in included not are internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with 1. included at this time. Credential numbers presented represent an undercount of the total credentials earned since students often must make an application to have their credentials their have to must makeoftenapplication studentsan earnedsince credentials total thenumbers undercountan of presentedCredential represent time. this at included awarded. Credential types listed are defined by the ministry as part of the Central Data Warehouse submission process and may not match the naming used at the individual institutions. WarehouseDataindividual Central the namingmayandmatchthesubmission processatthenotused of part as ministry definedthe areby listed types awarded. Credential Graduate and First Professiona GraduateFirst and Degree. Professional First and Certificate, Post-degreeMastersGraduate GraduateDegree,Diploma,Doctorate,Certificate, includes category l Diploma Diploma.andAdvancedDegree, Associate Diploma, includes category Certificate AdvancedCertificate.and Certificate includes category Developmental certificate). ESLdiploma, developmental awardedschoola program are upon ofcompletion (high credentials

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Credentials Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 83 of 88 Credentials¹ Awarded Institution byCredentials¹ Academic2016-17Year

GraduateFirstand Bachelors DegreeBachelors Diploma Certificate Developmental GrandTotal Professional


CamosunCollege 30 210 1,115 1,220 400 2,980 Coast MountainCoastCollege 35 195 20 245 College of New ofCaledonia College 235 520 35 790 College of the Rockiesthe of College * * 145 460 60 670 DouglasCollege 200 400 1,175 490 105 2,375 LangaraCollege 295 295 770 175 85 1,620 North Island College Island North 50 10 105 430 5 595 Northern Lights College NorthernLights 90 165 365 10 635 OkanaganCollege 10 180 630 1,080 85 1,990 Selkirk College Selkirk 5 210 200 420 VancouverCommunity College 10 120 715 1,720 45 2,610 Total 690 1,230 5,305 6,860 850 14,935


British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British 60 830 2,470 3,575 6,935 Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice 15 30 150 755 955 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola 25 30 115 30 200 Total 70 890 2,650 4,445 30 8,090


Capilano University Capilano 100 450 715 495 1,765 Emily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily 20 355 * 375 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic 5 875 680 810 95 2,470 Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal 945 360 10 10 1,320 ThompsonUniversity Rivers 450 880 440 800 60 2,625 University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 35 955 440 700 25 2,155 Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island 335 795 380 990 810 3,310 Total 1,885 4,675 2,665 3,805 990 14,020

1. Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the internet are not included in these reports. Credentials in short certificate programsnot are certificate short in Credentials reports. these in included not are internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with 1. included at this time. Credential numbers presented represent an undercount of the total credentials earned since students often must make an application to have their credentials their have to must makeoftenapplication studentsan earnedsince credentials total thenumbers undercountan of presentedCredential represent time. this at included awarded. Credential types listed are defined by the ministry as part of the Central Data Warehouse submission process and may not match the naming used at the individual institutions. WarehouseDataindividual Central the namingmayandmatchthesubmission processatthenotused of part as ministry definedthe areby listed types awarded. Credential Graduate and First Professiona GraduateFirst and Degree. Professional First and Certificate, Post-degreeMastersGraduate GraduateDegree,Diploma,Doctorate,Certificate, includes category l Diploma Diploma.andAdvancedDegree, Associate Diploma, includes category Certificate AdvancedCertificate.and Certificate includes category Developmental certificate). ESLdiploma, developmental awardedschoola program are upon ofcompletion (high credentials

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Credentials Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 84 of 88 Credentials¹ Awarded Institution byCredentials¹ Calendar Year 2014YearCalendar

GraduateFirstand Bachelors DegreeBachelors Diploma Certificate Developmental GrandTotal Professional


CamosunCollege 10 215 1,130 1,395 435 3,185 Coast MountainCoastCollege 40 290 10 345 College of New ofCaledonia College 250 610 75 935 College of the Rockiesthe of College * 100 415 55 575 DouglasCollege 75 350 1,245 590 135 2,400 LangaraCollege 10 255 740 175 1,180 North Island College Island North 20 20 110 405 15 570 Northern Lights College NorthernLights 10 95 315 20 440 OkanaganCollege 185 550 1,205 85 2,030 Selkirk College Selkirk * 175 365 * 540 VancouverCommunity College 35 70 605 1,890 50 2,645 Total 160 1,100 5,040 7,665 880 14,845


British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British 10 830 2,465 3,555 6,860 Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice 25 15 175 1,290 1,500 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola 30 45 175 25 275 Total 35 875 2,680 5,020 25 8,635


Capilano University Capilano 15 410 820 560 1,805 Emily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily 10 395 400 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic 15 790 895 875 65 2,640 Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal 865 350 5 20 1,240 ThompsonUniversity Rivers 405 945 465 870 135 2,820 University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 45 880 470 790 35 2,225 Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island 320 850 385 1,030 920 3,505 Total 1,670 4,615 3,045 4,150 1,155 14,635

1. Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the internet are not included in these reports. Credentials in short certificate programsnot are certificate short in Credentials reports. these in included not are internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with 1. included at this time. Credential numbers presented represent an undercount of the total credentials earned since students often must make an application to have their credentials their have to must makeoftenapplication studentsan earnedsince credentials total thenumbers undercountan of presentedCredential represent time. this at included awarded. Credential types listed are defined by the ministry as part of the Central Data Warehouse submission process and may not match the naming used at the individual institutions. WarehouseDataindividual Central the namingmayandmatchthesubmission processatthenotused of part as ministry definedthe areby listed types awarded. Credential Graduate and First Professiona GraduateFirst and Degree. Professional First and Certificate, Post-degreeMastersGraduate GraduateDegree,Diploma,Doctorate,Certificate, includes category l Diploma Diploma.andAdvancedDegree, Associate Diploma, includes category Certificate AdvancedCertificate.and Certificate includes category Developmental certificate). ESLdiploma, developmental awardedschoola program are upon ofcompletion (high credentials

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Credentials Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 85 of 88 Credentials¹ Awarded Institution byCredentials¹ Calendar Year 2015YearCalendar

GraduateFirstand Bachelors DegreeBachelors Diploma Certificate Developmental GrandTotal Professional


CamosunCollege 20 170 1,065 1,400 405 3,060 Coast MountainCoastCollege 35 250 10 295 College of New ofCaledonia College 195 595 80 870 College of the Rockiesthe of College 5 90 450 80 625 DouglasCollege 125 380 1,205 550 115 2,380 LangaraCollege 30 265 720 160 1,175 North Island College Island North 35 10 95 425 * 575 Northern Lights College NorthernLights 25 140 315 20 500 OkanaganCollege * 180 500 1,130 40 1,850 Selkirk College Selkirk 5 185 255 445 VancouverCommunity College 30 60 630 1,855 40 2,615 Total 270 1,075 4,860 7,390 795 14,390


British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British 20 795 2,400 3,480 6,695 Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice 40 5 200 710 955 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola 35 40 150 20 250 Total 60 835 2,640 4,345 20 7,900


Capilano University Capilano 35 475 855 605 1,965 Emily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily 25 370 395 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic 25 905 875 945 75 2,825 Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal 930 335 10 15 1,290 ThompsonUniversity Rivers 435 905 435 830 90 2,690 University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 45 920 485 765 35 2,245 Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island 375 795 350 1,065 860 3,450 Total 1,870 4,710 3,010 4,225 1,055 14,870

1. Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the internet are not included in these reports. Credentials in short certificate programsnot are certificate short in Credentials reports. these in included not are internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with 1. included at this time. Credential numbers presented represent an undercount of the total credentials earned since students often must make an application to have their credentials their have to must makeoftenapplication studentsan earnedsince credentials total thenumbers undercountan of presentedCredential represent time. this at included awarded. Credential types listed are defined by the ministry as part of the Central Data Warehouse submission process and may not match the naming used at the individual institutions. WarehouseDataindividual Central the namingmayandmatchthesubmission processatthenotused of part as ministry definedthe areby listed types awarded. Credential Graduate and First Professiona GraduateFirst and Degree. Professional First and Certificate, Post-degreeMastersGraduate GraduateDegree,Diploma,Doctorate,Certificate, includes category l Diploma Diploma.andAdvancedDegree, Associate Diploma, includes category Certificate AdvancedCertificate.and Certificate includes category Developmental certificate). ESLdiploma, developmental awardedschoola program are upon ofcompletion (high credentials

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Credentials Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 86 of 88 Credentials¹ Awarded Institution byCredentials¹ Calendar Year 2016YearCalendar

GraduateFirstand Bachelors DegreeBachelors Diploma Certificate Developmental GrandTotal Professional


CamosunCollege 25 230 1,130 1,310 355 3,050 Coast MountainCoastCollege 25 160 20 205 College of New ofCaledonia College 215 580 50 850 College of the Rockiesthe of College * * 125 425 55 610 DouglasCollege 170 465 1,215 535 120 2,505 LangaraCollege 255 345 755 170 70 1,590 North Island College Island North 55 10 110 415 * 590 Northern Lights College NorthernLights 55 150 355 20 580 OkanaganCollege * 190 605 1,120 85 2,000 Selkirk College Selkirk 5 215 205 * 425 VancouverCommunity College 60 640 1,745 40 2,485 Total 565 1,310 5,185 7,015 820 14,890


British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British 25 890 2,660 3,675 7,250 Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice 15 30 165 670 880 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola 25 45 150 30 250 Total 40 945 2,870 4,490 30 8,375


Capilano University Capilano 60 445 815 460 1,785 Emily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily 35 380 410 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic 20 985 780 1,085 60 2,930 Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal 1,000 350 15 10 1,375 ThompsonUniversity Rivers 440 915 425 880 65 2,725 University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 40 1,005 480 760 20 2,305 Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island 375 765 405 980 790 3,320 Total 1,970 4,850 2,915 4,180 940 14,850

1. Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the internet are not included in these reports. Credentials in short certificate programsnot are certificate short in Credentials reports. these in included not are internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with 1. included at this time. Credential numbers presented represent an undercount of the total credentials earned since students often must make an application to have their credentials their have to must makeoftenapplication studentsan earnedsince credentials total thenumbers undercountan of presentedCredential represent time. this at included awarded. Credential types listed are defined by the ministry as part of the Central Data Warehouse submission process and may not match the naming used at the individual institutions. WarehouseDataindividual Central the namingmayandmatchthesubmission processatthenotused of part as ministry definedthe areby listed types awarded. Credential Graduate and First Professiona GraduateFirst and Degree. Professional First and Certificate, Post-degreeMastersGraduate GraduateDegree,Diploma,Doctorate,Certificate, includes category l Diploma Diploma.andAdvancedDegree, Associate Diploma, includes category Certificate AdvancedCertificate.and Certificate includes category Developmental certificate). ESLdiploma, developmental awardedschoola program are upon ofcompletion (high credentials

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Credentials Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 87 of 88 Credentials¹ Awarded Institution byCredentials¹ Calendar Year 2017YearCalendar

GraduateFirstand Bachelors DegreeBachelors Diploma Certificate Developmental GrandTotal Professional


CamosunCollege 35 210 1,100 1,170 435 2,950 Coast MountainCoastCollege 35 200 25 260 College of New ofCaledonia College 220 500 30 750 College of the Rockiesthe of College * * 150 470 55 680 DouglasCollege 200 400 1,175 490 105 2,375 LangaraCollege 305 275 875 170 85 1,715 North Island College Island North 40 5 100 420 5 570 Northern Lights College NorthernLights 65 165 355 15 600 OkanaganCollege 10 195 670 1,100 70 2,045 Selkirk College Selkirk 5 205 210 420 VancouverCommunity College 10 115 710 1,695 45 2,575 Total 675 1,210 5,405 6,775 865 14,935


British Columbia Institute of Technology of ColumbiaInstitute British 60 840 2,510 3,530 6,940 Justice Institute of British Columbia British of Institute Justice 20 30 170 690 915 Nicola Valley Institute of Technology of Institute Valley Nicola 30 30 120 30 205 Total 85 900 2,710 4,340 30 8,060


Capilano University Capilano 95 465 705 480 1,745 Emily Carr University of Art and Designand Art of University Carr Emily 20 350 * 370 Kwantlen Polytechnic UniversityKwantlen Polytechnic 5 1,030 780 825 100 2,745 Royal RoadsUniversityRoyal 990 360 15 10 1,370 ThompsonUniversity Rivers 445 865 420 765 55 2,550 University of the Fraser Valley Fraser the of University 30 935 355 620 30 1,975 Vancouver Island University Vancouver Island 385 830 370 905 825 3,315 Total 1,970 4,840 2,645 3,605 1,010 14,070 1. Non-Canadians with no visa status studying outside Canada at offshore campuses or via the internet are not included in these reports. Credentials in short certificate programsnot are certificate short in Credentials reports. these in included not are internet theoffshore Canadacampuses atoutside via studying or status Non-Canadiansvisa no with 1. included at this time. Credential numbers presented represent an undercount of the total credentials earned since students often must make an application to have their credentials their have to must makeoftenapplication studentsan earnedsince credentials total thenumbers undercountan of presentedCredential represent time. this at included awarded. Credential types listed are defined by the ministry as part of the Central Data Warehouse submission process and may not match the naming used at the individual institutions. WarehouseDataindividual Central the namingmayandmatchthesubmission processatthenotused of part as ministry definedthe areby listed types awarded. Credential Graduate and First Professiona GraduateFirst and Degree. Professional First and Certificate, Post-degreeMastersGraduate GraduateDegree,Diploma,Doctorate,Certificate, includes category l Diploma Diploma.andAdvancedDegree, Associate Diploma, includes category Certificate AdvancedCertificate.and Certificate includes category Developmental certificate). ESLdiploma, developmental awardedschoola program are upon ofcompletion (high credentials

May2018SubmissionData M inistry of Advanced Education, Skills & Training& AdvancedSkills Education,of Ministry Credentials Standard- Reports Date: August 1, 2018 August1, Date: Page 88 of 88