Copyrighted Material
Index A arms. See torso and arms Arnold, Magda, 164 accommodating nonverbals, 31, 179, artifi cial time constraints, 31, 179, 181 181–182 action units. See AUs ask how, when, why questions, 31, adornment, 17–19. See also clothing 180, 181, 186–187 affi rmation, negation and, 194 ASKINT, 179 airport incidents, 21–22, 171–172 assistance themes, 31, 179, 181, Alperovitch, Dmitri, 204 182–184 altruism, reciprocal, 31, 180, 181 astonishment, mock, 194 Amaral, D. G., 165 AUs (action units), 103–105, “Americans and Text Messaging,” 196 187–190, 205 amygdala, 161–175 authority brain, 163–164 Gardner Museum theft, 47 hijacking, 167–168, 172–174, 185, infl uence, 32 203 Milgram experiments, 40 information processing, 165–166 introduction, 164–165 summary, 174–175 B Anderson, D. I., 6 baby anger laughing, 132 “Beat Them orCOPYRIGHTED Ban Them: The visual MATERIAL cliff experiment, 6–8, 170, Characteristics and Social 171 Functions of Anger and bad social engineering skills, 47–48 Contempt,” 121 Barbu-Roth, M., 6 described, 128–132 Batman (fi ctional character), 199 pursed lips, 148, 149 batons, 63, 191–192 Antwerp diamond heist, 47 “Beat Them or Ban Them: The anxiety, 13, 150, 151, 152, 169 Characteristics and Social applying nonverbal communication, Functions of Anger and 197–211 Contempt,” 121 bindex.indd 01/10/14 Page 213 214 Index Belushi, John, 194 C Ben and Selena examples caller-ID spoofi ng, 39–40, 41 anger, 129, 131 Campos, J. J., 6 comfort-discomfort, 142, 143, 144, carrying box, 45 146, 149, 150, 151, 152, 155, Case Western Reserve University
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