A Abalone, 300, 480 Absolute Salinity, 87 Acanthophora Spicifera, 339
Index A Alboran Sea (Mediterranean Sea), 315, 317 Abalone, 300, 480 Aldelphoparasitism, 210 Absolute salinity, 87 Aleutian Archipelago, 144 Acanthophora spicifera, 339, 346 Aleutian Islands, 162 Acanthurus Algal turfs, 334, 337 A. bahianus, 337 Alginate, 126, 486 A. chirurgus, 350 Allelopathy, 177, 184, 216 A. coeruleus, 337 Alloparasites, 210 Acclimation potential, 51 Altritol, 97 Acetabularia,96 Ammonium, 76 Acrochaete, 207 Ammonium uptake, 73 A. geniculata, 208 Amphi-epiphytes, 205 A. operculata, 124 Amphi-equatorial species, 390 Acrochaetium sp., 179, 205 Amphipod herbivory, 280 Acropora Amphipods, 369 A. cervicornis, 341 Amphiroa, 337 A. millepora, 342 A. fragillisima, 339 A. palmata, 341 Amylopectin, 34 Acrosiphonia, 90, 209, 277 Amylose, 34 A. arcta, 96, 97, 268, 269, 274, 435 Anoxia, 449 A. incurva, 267 Antarctic Circumpolar Current, 267, 293 A. pacifica, 302 Antarctic Peninsula, 268, 275, 281, 383, Activated defenses, 181, 182 393, 395 N-Acyl homoserine lactone (AHL), 179, Antarctic region, 393 183, 215 Antarctic seaweeds, 280 Adaptation through modulation, 50 Antarctic seaweeds, temperature demands, 390 Adaptation to low temperatures, 390 Antibacterial activities, 485 Adenocystis utricularis, 269, 274, 297, 302, Antifouling, 213, 222 307, 412 Antihelmintic properties, 485 Agar, 251, 486 Antioxidant, 57 Agaricia, 341 Antioxidative potential of phlorotannins, 440 Agarophyte, 251, 474 Anti-protozoan actibities, 252 Aglaothamnion,98 Antiviral activities, 485 Ahnfeltiopsis durvillaei, 297 Anvers Island, 275 Alaria esculenta, 12, 273, 276, 277, 436, Appressorium, 213 438, 486 Aquaculture, 78, 394, 471 Alaskan Beaufort Sea, 276, 280 Aquaporins, 94 C. Wiencke and K. Bischof (eds.), Seaweed Biology, Ecological Studies 219, 495 DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-28451-9, # Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 496 Index Aragonite, 408, 412 Bloom formation, 449 Aragonite seas, 412 Bonnemaisonia hamifera, 183, 216 Archaea, 190 Bostrychia, 98, 214 Arctic region, 393 B.
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