Teacher-Police Salary Boost Urged As Budget Is Adopted
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^ -1 Road the Herald For Local News Drive Safely and Keep Summit Safe YMf, Nt. 31 SUMMIT, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1147 » linmpi'rni.ii i I IIIBBBS^—I I3AYIA* 6CINTS City Frees Itself From Crass Drive Worst Snow In Six Yean ForWWKKI Teacher-Police Salary Boost Summit thla week had conquered its worst snow gtorm in d*y«Wif5,4 w«i functioning on an almost normal basis. M dty Wotfnter Frank A. Murray will tell you Opens Saturday Urged as Budget Is Adopted the storm created plenty of work. The city had 10 snow Marshalled behind the skgaB, Common Council unanimously adopted the city's plows workinr continuously from 9:45 p.m. Thundav 'Your Red Cross Must Catty On," 1947 tax and appropriations' budget Tuesday night fol- unti••-•»l midnight FMtajr clearing r """ more than M0 volunteer workers lowing a public hearing during which time" a plea waa tht highways or all. will officiary open Summit's 1MT Red Cross campaign for 140.000 made for giving teacher* and policemen higher salaries Scivengtr cc-ueeuoai were than are provided lor in the action. William Kirk, owner stopped FYlday and the refuse this Saturday, James W. Bancker, drive chairman, announced today. of Woodland Park, an exclusive truck) used in plowinf. Collec- Summits quota also Includes residential section, declared, "1 tions were resumed Saturday on a chapter branch** of New Protf- don't think the budget does Jus- full program, denc* Borough and Township and Summit Banks tic* to teachers and policemen, Ttve city engineer said tbe 20 Pajsaic Township. notwithstanding th« raises men from the street and disposal Bolstered by $9,000 in special Uwm. Firtt CI&M schools, department were augmented by AnnounceEvening gifts already received by Herbert police and streets ar« the three 10 extra helpers, He explained G. Fuchs. advanced gifts chair- function! of local government. that a «a»ll number of streets man, the workers expect to reach Banking Hours Thtr» are a'lot of wdrs* things were not plowed Thurwky night Summit's quota by March 10, al- Tits plans reported last week than railing the t&x rate. I have or Friday because of parked and though the national drive will which the local banks had made brought a lot #f nice people here abandoned automobiles. continue for the entire month. In .anticipation ot tbe signing .of and w« need good schools and Utilizing its own mechanical police to attract them." •' Each volunteer has been sup- the Barton Bill, passed by the loader and flv« or more trucks, plied with material and worker's New Jersey State Legislature, Georg* E. Moore of Bteckbum some of which wtre contract kits and is ready to start out making Saturday a banking hob- place, a research engineer, sup- trucks, tbe city practically com- Saturday morning to canvass the day in New Jersey, will b« put Into ported Mr. Kirk's contention that pleted the undertaking yesterday city's homes, stores and offices effect as of February 2ft. The bill teachers' salaries are "too low." Mr, Mo«r« declared that all tbe' of removing all snow from curb under the direction of the follow- l in question became a law through to curb on the principal jrtretts BEHIND |HB8CENI»:o^ the approaching Red Cross campaign are many volunteer workeri who cltiwni at the Board of School ing chairmen: Mrs. A. Clifford are responsiblefor numerous detailed arrangements necessary for the success of the venture. Pictured the action of Governor Drlseoll on in the business center of town. Bernard, residences; Edmund G. Monday, February 24. Estimate hearing'on the school Holiday Week-End Helps above are a group of women preparing solicitors' kits and material for canvassers. Left to right are budget urged higher salaries for von Dunn, hotels and apartments; Mrs. John R, Palmer, Mrs. John Carpenter, Miss F. Marion Greene, Mrs. Elliott Brockelbank and Mrs. The three banks—Th« Citizens The holiday week-end held Edward C. Holmes, business and Trust Co.; The First National teachers than what was granted. transportation problem* to a John N. May, Jr., chairman of staff assistance and head of the campaign office. Budget Tofci's 1 Ber. RoekweO & Braak industry; Mrs. A. G. Harms, New Bank and Trust Co. and The Sum- minimum as Summit household- Providence Borough; Mrs. P. L. mit Trust Co. will, therefore, be General a,T>r<»' ; tht ers proceeded to tackle their own Procter, New Providence Town- closed on Saturdays beginning adopted budget. , 620.8J snow-removal problems amid ship, and G. B. Keeler, Paasaic Menta! Hygiene March 1. As an off let to this Sat- compared to *l,fc* ' • 1M« biting temperatures. Dr. R. S. Brant Township. Summit Herald urday closing, thes« banks will be as modified by-a\"-'. *, re-' Confronted with little or no op#n on Friday evenings begin* fleeting mi lucre**** ui \..l«,48t prospect of a thaw, transportation Pastor Here forCampaign and Chapter officials Announces Change Society Dinner nlng Friday, February J8 between City officials would not commit and highway officials, including were enthusiastic on the eve of 0 and 9 p. m. themselves as to how this year's also the railroad,' Public Service the opening of the drive and ex- This program h being promi- budget compared to totals of any and Union County Hlgjjway De- 23 Years, Dies pressed confidence that Summit Of Ownership Meeting in March nently featured to an advertise- other year's budget, It wvi ex- partment, had travel conditions would respond as in the past and Rev. David K, Barnwell, D. D. ment appearing elsewbete In this plained that it would take time Rev. Rockwell & Brank, D.D., "go over the top." back to normal here for Monday former minister of the Central J. Edwin Carter, president of has announced that the Summit Issue of the "Herald" and the to fcompsrt thi record*. Required morning's rush hours. On Fri- Presbyterian Church, died sudden- Aledmry Statement the Carter Publishing Co., at a Committee of the Mental Hygient banks are making every effort to tax collections to be raised this day hundreds of workers were ly on Sunday Tilght last at Palm Alfred W. Alesbury, newly elect- recent meeting of the Board of Society of Union County will bold advise their depositors and cus- year ,to support appropriations •ithcr tardy or absent is report- Springs. Cal., from a heart attack ed chairman of the Summit Chap- Directors of the company, has its first public unnual dinner *nd tomers of the Impending change. tot*! H,2«,M>3.O compared to ng- to their Jobs as buses and following an Illness from asthma. ter, in a special statement said: made arrangements to turn over meeting la to In March. Details of last year'i $1,130,382.30, an In- trains were unequal to the task Dr. Bnank was ,71 years old and "I have been privileged to head active management of The Sum- the program and the exact tlms eresje of |ll«,211. However, $1,- mit Herald and a controlling In- and place will be announced at * MS,«1B.M was aetuajly reajlxed, of overcoming the eleBUEnU. Bus was born In St. LouU. ....•„..,,• , toe Summit Chapter, American : terest In the'"'business' to four of later*dafe. but the committee, of telt >e*» in tii c()lic«tioni." And train schedules were consid- Dr. Brank assumed the pas- Red Cross, which includes New bis associates, Ferguson V. Bass, which Arthur , O. Schwars is •raWy Improved Saturday, Bus torate of Central Church on Oc- Providence Township, New Provi- Appropriation* orvicc Saturday because of dence Borough, and Passaic Eve E. Forbes, Edward W, Hot- chairman, has advlwsd that thete Goals in Sight, tober 24, 1917, following the serv- Otto W, Ifcylor of the Civic IUC Washington's Birthday, was Township. Your Chapter has land and Carl S. Hulctt, Jr. will be three recognised rwychla- ice of Rev. Minot C. Morgan, com- search Group questioned the .'owed up by motorists and truck grown enormously in the past few Since the purchase of .the Wil- trlsts present &a invited guests. ing here from Savannah, Ga, amount of surplus revenue cash irlvcr* parking on the clear Jams years. It has met many emergen- mington (Del.) Star by Mr. Car- They will present briefly some MacGregor Says where he had served the Inde- appropriate In tee l»it*get wheth- n Broad street and Morr(i aw- pendent Presbyterian Church. cies with great satisfaction. ter last year, an executive com- general phaj* of m« tal hygiene *W« expact now to achk e coneAtpeA with V«&"A;UI ntfl -if tlj» major obJ*ctf''**v,«J '*h« wholeH amount iys|lablii nuc. Previous to that he had held a "Now we have a quota of $40,000 mlttee consisting of the four'atf Amos Hiatt e;udrenV ^ijkuiJrin tu* IHJ SMiinr.ftf cititens % >uld uoi b« placed therein. Tw» The travel problem here during pastorate in St. Louis, Mo., into raise 'Ova year which we need sociates and Mr, Carter has been and marital or family affairs. area held last December liuSWr'.ffiri twenty-teven thou- ruth hour* was considered acute the ^rajK Memorial Church. to maintain the expansion of our managing the company. Mr. Car- After (be talks; there will be rence J. MacGregor, chaflrnun of sand dollals surplus cash revenue Friday as it was everywhere else named for his father. humanitarian services as well as ter plans to devote more time to Hiaft Re-elected hai been appropriated thU year an active audience participation the Cltliens* Committee fOr a in this area.